Axel rsquo s Penis and Mom And Annika
- 2 years ago
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11:45 a.m., Saturday, March 14th 2009: a Freshman Dorm, Athens, Georgia
"Ronnie?" I stretched as I uttered my girlfriend's name. My eyes were still closed but I could feel her warm body snuggled next to me. On both sides. Huh? Both sides? I stretched again as I opened my right eye.
Ronnie had short blond hair today. Which my still fuzzy brain found strange since she'd always had shoulder length brown hair. So I shut my eye and lay back down against the pillow. Blond hair?
"Aaaaaaahhhh." A contented moan. It came from my left side. Turning my head I slowly peeked through my left eye. The sun was flooding into the room from somewhere beyond the naked body that was nestled against me so I again asked, "Ronnie?" before I realized that this Ronnie had long red hair. What the fuck? I fell back against my pillow and tried to go back to sleep. I liked this dream.
But it was too late, my brain was working too hard to process what my eyes had seen to go back to sleep.
And then I remembered. Veronica had gone to Atlanta to visit her aunt for the weekend. And I, a fourth year business major at the University of Georgia, finding myself alone on a Friday night, had accepted one of my buddies invites to join him at a party that his Frat had been holding.
I slowly opened my eyes again. I looked left, then right. Shit! The first year coeds! Ashley and someone, yes Kimberly's the redhead I remembered as I inspected the girl to my left. You fool I chastised myself even as visions from the night before came back to me.
You're supposed to be in a monogamous relationship ... Christ, you've been thinking about popping the question ... you bastard, you're not supposed to be doing this anymore. As these thoughts flashed through my mind my eyes hungrily raked across the cute red head to my left. Her puffy pink nipples that capped perfectly proportioned pyramids beckoned.
So I leaned over and trapped one of the beauties between my lips. Then moistly tongued it before sucking it hungrily into my mouth. Stop that my mind ordered as my fingers cupped the sleeping girls breast. My cock lazily lifted its head.
A sigh behind me momentarily took my attention away from Kimberly. I turned. Ashley, still asleep, was stretching her lithe young body like a cat. Her breasts, smaller but rounder than the cones of her friend, invited me. So I bent over her. They tasted great. I moved my fingers down across her shaven mound as memories of the night before continued to surface. I remembered how her hot little cunt had squeezed me when I'd pushed inside of her. My cock continued to grow. I slipped a finger down her slit. I could feel the sticky remnants of my last night's ejaculations as I explored her opening.
Then I felt a hand slide across my butt and slip between my legs. Fingers closed around my sack. "Hey," I protested as I looked back over my shoulder at the redhead. Her eyes were open.
"It's my turn, not hers," she insisted as she grabbed my shoulder and pulled me until I was lying on my back.
"No its not," her blond friend answered as she opened her eyes.
Kimberly ignored her as she climbed on top of me.
"I can't ... I'm finished," I protested. The three of us had been going at it half the night.
"He's not," Kimberly answered as she grabbed my penis and then adjusted herself so that my cock was rubbing against her red curls. Then she started to ride me!
"You're better than Tiger Woody," Kim said with a shy grin five minutes later. I was rapidly softening as I slipped out of her.
"Much better," Ashley agreed. "Bigger too."
"Tiger Woods?" I muttered. These babes had been sleeping with Tiger Woods? "The golfer?"
"We don't play golf with him," blond Ashley replied with a grin.
"He does have a big driver though," Kimberly said, and then, as she put her fingers around my semi erect shaft, asked her friend, "Do you really think he's bigger than Tiger?"
"Definitely!" Ashley replied as she moved her hand and cupped my balls.
"Really? I'm not so sure. He's certainly thicker and he's got this nice curve," she said as she started to move her hand up and down my shaft, "but is he longer?"
"I'll prove it," the blond said, then hopped out of the bed and rushed from the room.
"Where's she going?" I asked.
"To get the Tiger," Kim replied.
These girls are fucking nuts I thought but I figured that I might as well humor them as I watched my redheaded coed dip her head and then capture my cockhead between her lips. "Where does she keep him?" I asked. My cock had sprung to attention in her mouth.
Kimberly spat me out for a second, just long enough to say, "In my bedside night table, I was the last one to use him." Then her tongue darted out and started to swirl around my thick bulb.
Drugs I thought. Major drug use has fried this poor young things brain. However her tongue certainly seemed to still know what it was doing.
"We got him just last week, FedEx delivered him," she added between moist licks.
I thought of the FedEx Cup. It had to be them I thought, hell they're the big sponsor of the PGA tour these days. What am I doing with these wacko broads I asked myself. Shit, I was almost engaged. Then I looked up.
Ashley was standing at the side of the bed and was now clad in a pair of tiger skin patterned panties. Or so it seemed. And sticking out from the crotch of said panties was an eight inch or so long, yellow and black striped pole.
"A strap-on? What are you going to do with that?" I gasped.
"An environmentally friendly one," little Ash proclaimed as she climbed up on the bed. And in doing so brought the contraption towards my face.
"Bring it here," Kim ordered her friend. "I wanta measure them side by side."
Tiger Woods is endorsing dildos now? How much money does any golfer guy need? Does Nike put their 'Swoosh' on them? What the fuck is she talking about, 'environmentally friendly'? All these questions and more cascaded through my mind as I watched Ashley move down my body and adjust herself so that 'Tiger Woody' was facing my 'Woody'.
"Don't you dare touch me with that thing," I ordered as I struggled to sit up.
"We're just comparing them, measuring them," Kimberly said while putting her hands around both my penis and 'Tiger'. She then placed them head to head.
"That's disgusting," I grumbled.
"Take it off Ash so I can put them side by side," Kimberly instructed her friend. Seconds later 'Tiger' was released from the strap-on and firmly held by the redhead. Then she placed it side by side with mine.
"I told you he was bigger," Ashley said triumphantly. Looking down my body I could easily see that I had Mr. Tiger Woody beaten in the length category.
"No wonder Axel felt so good," Kimberly answered, then tossed the dildo to the floor. "And you're going to feel good inside me again," she promised my penis, quickly kissed him, then straddled my body and brought him inside her pussy. A pussy still oozing out the sperm my last ejaculation had filled her with.
"It's my turn," Ashley protested even as Kimberly lowered herself onto me. "And you shouldn't have thrown 'Tiger' down like that. You could have hurt him." Out of the corner of my eye I watched her pick the fake cock up and then reattach him at her groin.
"First come, first served," Kim answered triumphantly. I watched as her red pubic triangle started to move up and down. I thrust upward to meet her. Then I pulled her head down and crushed her lips with mine. Our hips continued to move. Then over Kimberly's shoulder I saw Ashley positioning herself behind her friend. I actually felt it when she pushed 'Tiger Woody' into her friends bum.
I'm too old for freshmen I thought as the three of us quickly got into rhythm. Kimberly was a screamer! Tiger didn't say a word!
"We need a picture, actually lots of pictures," Ashley said sometime later. She was holding a small digital camera and pointing it at my cock.
"Oh no you don't," I ordered as I tried to cover my face and groin with my hands.
"Not your face silly, we just need pics of your penis for the contest," Kimberly informed.
"What contest?" I asked as I peered between my fingers.
"The dildo company is holding a contest. They want girls to send in suggestions for their next generation of penile replacements."
"No one is making a dildo out of this guy," I promised as I lifted my cock from my thigh.
"Hold Tiger Woody next to it," Ashley encouraged her friend. "So they'll see how big he is."
So I let the girls take a few shots. What could it hurt? The chances of my man getting chosen were one in a million. Or so I thought.
"Why is it environmentally friendly?" I asked Kimberly some hours later. I'd forgotten Ashley's earlier claim until I'd tripped over old 'Tiger Woody' on a trip back from the can. Although we'd eaten breakfast in bed and showered together, most of the previous six hours had passed in sexual play. I was finished. My cock was dead! Let Tiger do a little of the work I thought.
"What's environmentally friendly?" Kimberly asked.
"Woody here," I answered, "Ashley said something about it being-"
"It is," Ashley answered as she came into the room carrying three beers. "That's why it's so expensive."
"It's expensive?" I asked as I bent over and picked it up.
"It cost $119.00, shipping and handling included."
"What? How much? Are you two nuts?"
"But that included the strap-on contraption too," Kimberly explained. "And some of the proceeds are donated to charity."
"It's also a 'large', and came with two srcew in attachments."
"But can't you buy one of those plastic florescent purple or pink ones for like twenty bucks? Christ, how much money does Tiger Woods need anyway?" I asked innocently. Besides what did two girls like these two need with dildos anyway I wondered.
"PLASTIC?" Ashley's voice dripped with scorn.
"Do you know what harm plastic dildos are doing to the environment Mr. Business Major?" Kimberly added. She wasn't happy either.
Huh? "Plastic dildos are hurting the environment?" I was totally flummoxed by the idea.
"Do you know how many birds have died trying to swallow plastic penises?"
"Birds? Birds that fly?"
"Penguins too. And fish!" the blond declared angrily.
Were these two kidding? "How do fish come in contact with imitation cocks?" I asked once I decided they were conning me. I smiled at them to let them know I was on to them.
"They think they're lures, haven't you ever fished?" the redhead, clearly someone who'd spent some time angling in her pretty young life, asked.
"What kind of fish are lured by six or eight inch long fluorescent penises?"
"All kinds ... haven't you seen a lure before? Big fish. Dolphins."
I'd had enough. "How do dildos get in the lakes and ocean in the first place?" I asked sarcastically. I figured this would shut them up.
"Do you know how many plastic dildos were sold worldwide in 2007?" Ashley asked. I shook my head no even as I tried to guess a figure. A couple of million?
"According to the United Nations over one hundred and eighty-nine million of them Mr. Smart Guy." I still was trying to figure out how dildos could have got into the ocean when the size of the number hit me. It sounded preposterous. Who was she kidding?
"No way! How do you know that?" I challenged.
"It's reported on their website; they explain everything about the damage plastic pricks are doing to our environment."
"On whose website?" I asked even while wishing I'd never brought the subject up.
"The website of the company that manufactured Tiger Woody. They have a complete line of eco friendly penises," Kimberly explained.
"They're not penises," I protested.
"And their research shows that some one hundred million plastic penises have been thrown away each of the last five years. It's an environmental catastrophe." Ashley this time.
"And where do you think they end up Mr. Businessman?" came at me from Kimberly.
"Why would girls throw them away?" I was now definitely on the defensive.
"They end up polluting our streams and rivers and oceans," Kimberly continued. "And wait til you see the video of the poor manatees."
I love manatees! "Manatees?"
"It's sooo disgusting," Ashley said.
"Why? What's it about?"
"You'll see," she promised.
Manatees? Fish? Birds? Penguins? Killer plastic dildos? I looked over at the dildo lying on the floor. "So what the hell is this made of?" I asked as I nudged 'Woody' with my toe.
"Wood," Kimberly answered smugly.
Wood? What the hell, I thought as I looked over at the two girls. Just fuck them, one side of my brain implored. The side that was connected to my dick! But the other side of my brain couldn't shut up. "How is chopping down trees going to help the environment?" I demanded. My cock, clearly pissed off, settled back down on my thigh. "Haven't you two heard of the Brazilian rainforests and global warming?"
"We should never have brought him home," Ashley said in exasperation to her pal. "Business students just don't get it," she added as she slowly shook her head.
"We'll just have to explain it to him slowly, it's our duty as environmentalists," Kimberly answered. There was a sexy grin on her lips as she said it.
So they did! Slowly. For the next twenty-four hours. Southern girls!
Wood is biodegradable. Plastic isn't. And on and on. Sounded nuts to me but I went along with it. My cock ordered me to. That sad excuse for a piece of flesh had already forgotten the beautiful Veronica. Something about two birds in the hand was better than one off in Atlanta...
"You have a girlfriend don't you?" Ashley asked. I nodded. I'd just showered and was getting dressed. We'd spent something like thirty-six hours together. Naked the whole time. I was a wreck!
"Serious?" she probed.
"She's lucky," Kimberly said, then leaned into me and reached up and gave me a quick kiss.
"I'm not so sure she'd agree with that," I answered as I hugged her back.
"You're okay," the blond said wistfully.
"For a business major," her friend agreed.
We hugged. Kissed gently. I promised that I'd call. Then I turned to go.
"Hey!" I heard called when I was ten feet down the hall.
I turned back. Ashley was standing in the doorway.
"It's w w w dot succorious."
"That's the website for the environment friendly dildos. I don't think we ever told you the address. If you want to see the manatee video..."
"Succorious? How do you spell it?" It can't be I thought.
"Their head office is in Miami," she added. What the fuck!
I didn't get to check out the website that Sunday night. I wanted to, wanted to badly. But unfortunately Veronica was just arriving back from her weekend away in Atlanta when I got back to my apartment. And although she was eager to immediately hop into the sack I insisted we go out and have dinner. There was no way my penis was ready for my girlfriend, especially a horny one who'd spent the weekend alone.
I wasn't very happy as we ate our pizzas and drank our beers. Or later when we were entwined in bed. Nor very proud of myself. But I went through the motions even though I knew I wasn't going to ever marry her. Or even live with her when we graduated. The past weekend had convinced me of that. But I saved telling her the bad news for another day. I had too many other things on my mind.
"w w w dot succorious dot com?" I asked. It was two seventeen in the morning.
"What?" I knew I'd woken Annika up. It was late Monday night.
"w w w dot succorious dot com," I repeated. I'd just spent an hour examining the site.
"Who is this?" My sister knew who it was. "It's late you idiot," she finally added after seconds of silence.
"Have you by any chance ever heard of w w w dot succorious dot com before?" I asked quietly.
"You've started your own web site? Couldn't this wonderful news have waited til morning?" She didn't hide the pout in her voice but she wasn't fooling me.
"I'm going to be home on Friday," I threatened.
"Of course you are Axel, its Spring Break," she answered.
"If, if any of my suspicions are-"
"Are you bringing that weird girl home?" my sister interrupted.
I knew she was referring to Veronica. The two hadn't exactly hit it off the one time they'd met. "She's not a weird girl," I said firmly.
"So you're bringing her?"
"She can't come this time," I answered, not willing to let my sister know that Veronica was history.
"Good," Annie answered.
"I want to talk about this succorious site," I insisted.
"You know I'm not a computer person. Talk to Bridget, she's the geek freak."
"Bridget? If you've involved Bridget in one of your schemes I'll-"
"You'll what?" Annie demanded. She didn't try to hide the challenge in her voice. Typical Annie.
"I'll, I'll-"
"I'll pick you up at the airport Friday," she said, not letting me finish my thought.
"You will?" I was suspicious.
"Then I'll tell you all about it," she promised.
"You will?"
"I love you big brother," my sister, nineteen years old and three years younger than me, said before cutting the connection.
And the rest of the night I tossed and turned, visions of my beautiful, virginal sister juxtaposed with armies of dancing dildos.
How could she possibly be selling dildos? She was a freshman at the U for crying out loud. Innocently went to Coral Gables every day to study. Or so I'd believed.
But I knew Annika definitely wasn't innocent! What the hell was mom letting her get away with I wondered as I struggled to fall asleep.
10:45 p.m., Friday, March 20th, Spring Break, Miami Beach, Florida
"Hey you," she said after we'd broken our hug. My flight from Atlanta had just landed at Miami International. As promised my sister Annika had met me. Everyone called her Annie.
"You realize I'm the only one of us whose name is still Succorious don't you?" I asked my sister once she had the car underway.
"We've decided not to discuss it tonight ... not on your first night home," sis answered sweetly. "Besides, no one knows that's your name."
"We've? Who does we've refer to?" I asked.
"All of us," she agreed.
Who else is involved I wondered as we drove towards the beach and home. Okay, she was certainly capable of talking her younger sister into something but where was mom when all this was going on. Was mom somehow involved?
"It's still the name on my passport," I protested lamely as we drove. My sister, who was capable of irritating anyone, simply ignored me.
My mother had me when she was sixteen. Rosa Bellini. A high school teen from New Jersey, the beloved daughter of an Italian/American family, a girl who'd fallen for a college exchange student from Sweden named Mats Succorious. A tall, blond guy who was studying for a masters degree in chemical engineering.
And against all odds they'd got married after mom got pregnant! Both families helped. Dad got scholarships. Mom graduated high school then started at the university. Three years later Annika was born followed a year later by the cerebral Bridget. Dad finally got his Doctorate the year mom graduated with a B.A. I was six years old. Axel Roderick Succorious.
So what happened? Why didn't we all live happily ever after?
Well, Sweden happened. Snow and cold happened. Dad's family happened. Father, with his doctorate in hand, had job offers galore. California beckoned. It beckoned mother anyway. Instead he accepted a job in Stockholm. Working for Erikson. One brutally cold winter was all it took to drive Mother back to America. And we returned with her. A trial separation was how they described it at the time.
It was an amicable divorce. Mom wanted to live in America and dad Sweden. It was as simple as that. He continued to help support us. After six months back in the States mom moved us lock, stock and barrel to South Florida. Her year in Sweden had convinced her she never wanted to live in the cold weather again.
We kids all took moms maiden name as our surname when we moved to Florida and registered for school. Annika and Bridget had their names legally changed to Bellini a couple of years later but I'd never wanted to. I was Axel Succorious — In fact I was the only Succorious in America. Except for w w w dot succorious. Which sold wooden penises. Ones that were apparently good for the environment.
The next morning, Saturday, March 21st, Miami Beach, Florida
"We held a meeting yesterday, before you got home," my sister announced over breakfast the next morning.
"We?" I asked between spoonfuls of Rice Krispies.
"The Board of Directors of Succorious Inc.," she added. I simply raised my eyes as I waited for more.
"We've decided to take a chance and offer you the job."
"The job?"
"It was unanimous."
"Even though you don't have any experience Axel," my younger sister Bridget added.
"And do you happen to be on the board dear sister?" I asked sarcastically.
"Yes, and I'm the Vice President of IT too," she answered proudly.
"At fifteen?"
"Ha ... ha ... ha! Well maybe you haven't noticed Mr. University Student but I'm going to turn eighteen in less than two months. She pulled her shoulders back as she spoke.
But I actually had noticed the night before and again this morning. Little Bridget, the computer nerd/hacker, the tomboy who'd sported hoodies and always eschewed any makeup or attempts to pretty herself up, had, since the last time I'd seen her, suddenly developed some womanly properties.
Like breasts. Two of which were clearly pushing through the tight tank top she was wearing. And I was pretty sure she was braless underneath.
"Eighteen? You?" I scoffed as I surreptitiously checked her out.
"Mother is Vice President of Marketing," Annika announced.
"You are? You can't be," I implored as I looked over at my mother. "You can't be involved in one of Annika's crazy schemes? You didn't quit your job did you?"
"I'm the President and C.E.O.," my sister went on to add. That didn't surprise me.
"We need a C.F.O. You!" She pointed at my chest as she announced my title.
"Yeah right, I'm going to go to work for my little sister's dildo company."
Two hours later the four of us were sitting around a conference table in an office in an old cement block industrial building in Hialeah. Impossible for me to ignore was the glass fronted display case on the wall opposite which displayed, under lights, the current line of products of Succorious Inc.
Annika had just spent the previous fifteen minutes giving me a rundown on each member of the line. Size, sales figures, profit margins, type of wood used, manufacturing costs associated with each one, etc., etc.
And this from a girl who'd never shown any interest in where money came from or how you earned it in her whole life.
So what the hell was I doing there? Why was I still listening to their story? The truth was I was curious as hell to find out what was going on. And once Annie had started talking over breakfast I'd been hooked.
"We started up a year ago last September," she'd started.
"But you were still in High School," I immediately protested.
"Do you want to hear the story or not?" Annika demanded. I did. So I tried to shut up.
"It came to me when I read the story about the lesbians and the manatees," she explained as she started again.
"Lesbians?" I hadn't been able to stop the word from escaping from my mouth.
"Don't you remember? When the lesbian party boat capsized in Biscayne Bay?" I didn't know what she was talking about and my face showed it.
"I think he was visiting Dad that summer," Bridget advised her sister.
"Oh. Well Axel, what do you imagine went into the sea along with the two hundred drunk lesbians?"
"Plastic penises?" I ventured a guess. Annika nodded yes.
"At least a thousand of them. Made of plastic. And most with batteries. And who do you think ended up eating them?" Bridget asked.
When I didn't answer immediately my mother supplied the answer. "Manatees. A whole family of them." There was a look of distaste on all their faces.
"The video's on our site, I'll show you," Bridget said as she turned her ever present laptop towards me. So I had to sit through a five minute video that showed the autopsies of the three Manatees who'd succumbed. It was disgusting.
"I had to do something, you know how much I worry about the environment Axel." No I didn't!
"I learned plastic penises are a scourge on our beautiful Earth. Floating islands of them are washing up in Antarctica, decimating the Emperor Penguins."
"It's true," Bridget said, nodding, agreeing with her sister.
So the idea was born. Environmentally friendly penile replacers as they called them. And Bridget, our family computer genius, destined for MIT or CalTech, was quickly drawn into the plot by her persuasive sister. A professional website was designed. Mother was somehow lassoed into joining them. I'm still not sure how.
So after hearing their story I'd let them lead me to the company headquarters in Hialeah. Found out that the company had been incorporated in August two thousand and seven. When I was in Sweden visiting my dad. And that twenty-five percent of the company shares had been put in my name.
"But they only vest to you after you've worked for the company five years Axel," Bridget had cautioned.
They'd sold a few thousand dildos online during the ensuing Christmas season. Crude imitations of their present line up. Every dildo sold carried the environmental message. The word quickly spread across the Internet. Facebook, My Space, YouTube, and hundreds of other smaller sites were soon spreading the message. Lesbians were mobilized. College dorms were atwitter with the news. Bridget's computer savvy ensured that blogs from Tokyo to Timbuktu were full of news of the 'succorious'.
"We plant one tree for every dildo sold," Mom said proudly.
"And ten percent of our profits go to help save the Penguins and Manatees," Bridget gushed.
The whole thing sounded pretty crazy to me but when the ladies got to the actual numbers I couldn't help but be impressed. Sales had grown exponentially during two thousand and eight and final sales results for the year, including an outstanding Xmas season, had been two hundred and ninety thousand units. At an average of about eighty-three dollars per sale.
"You sold over twenty million bucks last year?" I was flabbergasted. "And you didn't tell me?"
"I gave you a nice present at Christmas," young Bridget answered.
"We wanted you to finish school first, graduate," mom explained.
"You still have to pass your final exams if you want to work for us," Annie said. Was she teasing?
Their financial books were a mess. Which I found out after spending about five minutes with their accountant that afternoon. I chided my sister.
"Why do you think we're hiring you?" she asked. I had no answer to that.
So, by the end of that day, I'd agreed to become CFO of Succorious Inc. as of Monday, May 11th, 2009, four days after my final exam. I was so excited by the prospect that I didn't even spend any time negotiating salary and perks. What the hell, I owned a quarter of the company.
1:00 p.m. Sunday, March 22nd 2009, Miami Beach, Florida
"You're supposed to be on holiday." I looked up from the papers strewn across my desk to see Annika standing in the doorway. Mom was behind her.
"There are a million things to do," I answered. I'd been in the office since dawn going over the company's financial books.
"Not today," she insisted, "we're going to the beach."
"We are?"
"Everything's in the car," mom announced from the doorway.
"I don't have my bathing suit," I said, stalling. I'd been engrossed in the work I'd been doing. This was why I'd been studying for four years I'd realized that morning. I was happy.
"I brought it," my sister lied as she and my mother escorted me out of the office. But not before I'd stuffed a pile of paperwork into my briefcase.
"Where are we going?" I asked ten minutes later when I looked up and saw we weren't taking the most direct route to South Beach. In fact we seemed to be going in the opposite direction.
"We thought we'd kill two birds with one stone today," my mother answered nonchalantly.
What the fuck? "Huh?" I grunted as we drove north through Bar Harbour.
"Research ... for the company," Annika said with a grin as we crossed over Haulover Cut.
Haulover Cut? "Oh no we're not," I exclaimed as Annika turned the car into the Haulover Beach parking lot.
"I'm not getting out of the car," I announced as the car came to a stop.
"Alright, we'll see you in a couple of hours then," my mother announced.
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Oral SexIt had been some time since I was attacked by Daniel, Charlie and Bruce. I Must admit that I sort of missed being sort after by the three of them and wondered what it would be like if I Could find one of them alone. Would I be able to entice one of them to have sex with me, with out him knowing I Wanted him to do so? I fantasied about what would become of an encounter with any one of them, Bruce was the best looking one, Charlie was well hung, but vicious and Daniel was hung like a horse and...
Intended for the person who believes and knows for a fact he has a small penis. You are not ALONE.......................................................................I’ve been married for more than 2 years now. I consider myself to be really lucky to have a loving and supportive wife. She backs me up on everything whether it may be a crucial decision for my career to as simple as picking the right toaster at Walmart. She is more than what I deserve as I am not the perfect husband, I have my...
This is not a fiction it is a true story and this is Kanika from Bangalore and my native is Chennai and I’m working as a module leader in a MNC send your feedback to During the last year we went for a Campus interview in a College and we recruit 40 candidates. I was managing that recruitment process and I know that from these 40 candidates, 2 of them are going to join under me as a trainee. I selected two very best candidate to work under me, one guy name is Santhosh and other gal’s name is...
I have a nice sex session with my younger sister Nina.she have lost her virginty to me & looking for more.Her love for penis is mounting & i have fulfilled her desires. Hello ! My younger sister NINA have just passed 10+2 exam.she is waiting for academic session to begin & she is intrested in pursuing medical afternoon at lunch break , she came to my college & at canteen we have some conversation with snacks as well as coffee. I introduced Nina with my best friend JOHN.He is a smart...
GroupMy name is Mela. After marriage, I moved to Scotland with my husband AJIT as he got an IT job here from India. I am about 5ft with a normal figure 34C breast and slightly plump. AJIT always likes my plump figure as he said too thin is not his liking. AJIT is about 5ft2. In Scotland, we look small with so many big white people. After we moved here and settled we started to spice up our sex life by watching porn or making a video of ourselves and watching. AJIT has cock about 5 inches which I had...
By : Smallpenis Aakash was 19 years old and he knew that he had a small penis 3.2 inches erect and 1 inch wide to be precise. He knew that he was small and wouldn’t be able to satisfy a girl her age. He was into older women from the very beginning of his sexual journey; he always loved to watch the imperfect yet attractive figures of older women. One day his aunty visited his house, she had come from a small village but very sexy and open minded, she was chubby, not too fair and always smiled...
IncestPlaying with your Penis Much as we all like to fuck there are times when for one reason or another we have no current sex partner. At these times masturbation in all its many different forms can be a great relief to any man. The slow stroking of ones semi erect penis until it rises up fully erect in your hand is a wonderful feeling. As the head of your cock pushes back your foreskin back, and the light covering of pre-cum glistens on your erect penis, you know that you are going to pump some...
MasturbationmikeknollAfter you drink my cum from my throbbing cock, take my penis and kiss the end of the head-just enough to see how sensitive I really get... And you Im REALLY sensitive.. take my penis into your mouth, softly and gently applying small motions with your toungue to not over-sensitize you and at the same time keep the blood flow where it should be.I lay down on the bed with a pillow under my ass to prop my cock up in the air so you can access it better and kneel down to blow soft air onto...
That was all it took, Sean and I had both begun to droop a little but just the sight of Trish Matheson in all her naked glory was enough to have our cocks standing to full attention. "Well come on then," she grinned, "get those arses into gear. My husband already has the couch out into a bed, and he's already on his back with young Cindy riding him for dear life, Vikki's on her back, legs spread just waiting for you, Sean." Then she turned to me as we approached the doorway. "And as...
This story is hard to tell, but it is about what I did with my daddy one night and neither of us knew it was right but we did it anyway! I am now ashamed about it as I am sure he is, and we never ever talked about it since. We both pretend it didn't happen, but it did..for REAL and even today at family reunions and birthday parties, we both know what we had done!! Now, thanks to my girl friends whom I confided in, I'm telling it, so please don't judge me or daddy, for what we did that one...
By: Rahul_5665 Hello readers my name is Rahul from Hyderabad, basically from Hyderabad please send your comments reagarding my true experince with my aunty Kavitha to my mail id: Ya Story which your’e going to read is a true one happened 10 Months back. First of all I’m fond of mature women I used to watch their navel from the side and their butt who makes me horny. There is an aunty named Kavitha she is mother of two girls. She was with fair complexion and round boobs. She is living in a...
By Joy J. I'm a sixty-year old widow who did something she probably should be ashamed of. The truth is, I'm not ashamed at all. In fact, I feel quite good about it. Not only did I enjoy doing it, it made me feel like a woman again. I've read that having sex with a younger man will do that.My name is Joy and his name was Eric. He worked for the lawn mowing service that maintains the grounds at the senior complex where I live. I'd been watching him all summer, admiring his muscular body as...
The Cuckold Experience: Ok. I want all you small penis men out there to really seriously think about something. Imagine that this is the kind of man that your wife or girlfriend used to be with before you, and that this is the kind of cock and the kind of hard nasty fucking she’s used to. Is it at all realistic to think that she’s ever going to be satisfied with your little four inch penis? I mean, she might appear to be at first. Maybe because your penis is such a cute little novelty for...
Friday evening Andrea informed me she was having her woman's group over Saturday for some sunning and drinks. Her woman's group is made up of women that fuck outside of their marriages and they get together to brag about their lastest accomplishments. Andrea told me I would be serving them as a waiter and that I would be naked from the waist down. She told me to shower and shave everything perfectly smooth then meet her in our room. After a nice long hot shower I shaved every hair from both my...
This incident happened years ago when I was 22. I am from Kerala and studied there in a local college and completed my degree. I have three sisters, two elder and one younger. Though I have many experiences, this pertains to be an incident with my mother.By the time I completed Degree, my sisters had got married and gone away. I was living with my father and mother only in our big ancestral house, with a servant girl to help. Like any boy of 22, I too was horny always and I had relationship...
Hi, I am Juhi, 36 years and a Salaried professional. Over all these years I’ve had 100’s of cocks in all my holes. I’ve experimented with Indian cocks, American, British, Negros, Japanese, Chinese, etc. Currently, my stats are 36dd 34 36, and I know exactly how to use my assets to my advantage. Since I remember, I’ve always had an extremely high sex drive and I’ve had sex with so many people in so many places that I can literally write an encyclopedia on it. I discovered my craving for sex when...
This incident happened years ago when I was 22. I am from Kerala and studied there in a local college and completed my degree. I have three sisters, two elder and one younger. Though I have many experiences, this pertains to be an incident with my mother. By the time I completed Degree, my sisters had got married and gone away. I was living with my father and mother only in our big ancestral house, with a servant girl to help. Like any boy of 22, I too was horny always and I had relationship...
IncestJames stood before a group of girls blushing. He was wearing a tiny pink thong panty and black lace thigh-high stockings. He had a large pink bow in his hair and black pumps on his feet. He looked so very effeminate as The group of girls included Garima, Nuzla, Racine, Hannah, and Carly. Each girl had a personal investment into wanting to see James be as embarrassed as humanly possible. They had, of course, embarrassed him thousands of times. But the girls strongly desired to keep James...
Gay Male((( NOTE: I don't own any harry potter, also this story was on Choose your own change, but was removed in 2009, so i thought to post it here, also i will be adding more that what was posted before**, All characters in this story are at least 18 years old)** Harry's nose twitched as the first hint of the smell hit him. Ron smelt it next, "Oh my God", he explained, "What is that stink? It smells like there is a very horny goat in here." "I think it's me", said Harry. "It's coming from...from my...
FantasyWhen I was in seventh grade, a family moved in next door. Their son was one grade ahead of me. We lived in a rural place where there were not a lot of people around. I didn't have any brothers or sisters, and he didn't either, so we became best friends.One summer day, Tommy called me because he was home alone. His parents had to take a trip to a place 100 miles away. It was for grown-up business and he would have been bored so he did not go. He asked me to come over. So I did.We talked for...
Elisha wasn't used to doing this. She knew that a lot of guys, most guys, found her beautiful. And flirted with her. More than anything it annoyed her. Sure, Elisha had an ego, but she didn't really give a damn how she compared to other people, she knew that she was different. Thankfully, Elisha had met a guy who loved her for being her. Elisha had always imagined herself as being like other women, with a vagina. With a boyfriend who was masculine. But, at the end of the day, Elisha had a...
TransWhen Jack woke up that Monday morning he was not expecting to feel so horny. Not only had Jack woken up with the proverbial boner but he also just felt so aroused and energized in a very sexual sort of way. Jack could only assume that his heightened state of arousal was down to several factors. Firstly ... this had been the first time he had ever slept right through the night totally in the nude. Secondly ... Jack knew he was looking forward to making love to Susan again that night when they...
It has been a long time for me to be without the feel of a man’s penis. I often sit and think about how a penis would feel between my thighs or even in my mouth right now. Oh if only I can find one as I wander lost in the local park. I keep thinking of hard cocks and hoping I will at least get a sighting of a man’s penis but me being me I never do. Saturday is a sunny afternoon. I sit in the trees away from everyone. I take out my blanket and throw it down on to the grass. I sit down pulling my...
Hello, I just want to introduce myself. I'm John's penis and I want to share our adventures with you. A little about John, he's 6'1” and pretty fit. He keeps his dark hair neatly trimmed and stays clean shaven. He does well with the ladies, so I assume he's a good talker. Me? I'm a circumcised grower who ends up being a solid 8” long with good girth. When I'm really excited I am hard as a steel rod, and honestly I am pretty easy to excite. I spend most of my days in the dark either sleeping or...
My beautiful wife is five foot four and weighs one hundred pounds, she has shoulder length bleached blonde hair and blue eyes. Her perky tits are thirty four B cups and her legs are absolutely perfect. She married me even though she holds all the cards. I'm six foot one , weigh two twenty and my cock when rock hard only measures three and a half inches and is only a inch and a half wide. My lack of a impressive manhood used to bother me but my lovely wife was absolutely fine with it. Well that...
I met Gina at a club she was by herself at the bar and when I looked at her I was smitten I knows that sounds cliche but it was like that for me! I sat down a few seats down and ordered a drink a whiskey sour I believe it was took a few pulls to get up my courage then I offered to buy her a drink and she looked over at me with these incredible sea green eyes and actually smiled at me "Ok " she said and ordered white wine which she sipped so sexily I asked her if I could sit beside her and she...
THE PRINCESS AND THE PENIS The last three weeks have been a sexual roller-coaster, a maelstrom, a blur of guilt and lust and regrets. Kyleigh, you are at the center of this drama – my daughter, my lover, my evil succubus. I keep asking myself, what have I done? And what am I going to do now? I can’t turn back the clock and undo the things we have done. Your mother, Maureen, and I divorced eight years ago. I still loved her, but she wanted more than just being married to a handsome minister;...
IncestThe lounge room in Jared’s house was filled with lots of talking, laughing, eating and drinking as Jared and Gloria Reznik got to know these lovely new friends of Vanessa’s from Blanke Schande College. They had all turned up here after accidentally bumping into Vanessa just as she was finishing off her two hour shift at Hungry Jack’s Pancake House. Vanessa had then kindly invited them all back to her home to meet her mother and step-father. They all readily accepted this offer and were all...
I am not sure what happened but at the ripe old age of thirty my penis quit working. One day fucking my wife and the next nothing. Would not get hard to save my life.My wife and I tried everything. I could not figure out what was wrong. I had probably fucked a hundred and fifty women before I met my wife and never had a problem. "You should go to the doctor" my wife said but I did not want to. But after about two months I decided to go. I went to our family doctor, I had been going to this...
Some guys are not well endowed, or are, because of genetics. Not so with me. I have hypogonadism, basically my body doesn't produce testosterone in amounts higher than females (and yes, females have it too, just less). It results in a small penis, large breasts and receding testicles. Everything works just fine, but those are the physical effects of the condition in extremely abbreviated terms.It does grow disproportionately large because of the relative smallness to begin with, but gets to be...
A hello to all my horny erotic lovers this story is true you can trust me. I m doing my bmm course last all of you I was too waiting to get a chance to fuck someone its like childhood dream…all feedbacks are welcome my id is Coming to the story I was staying in a rented apartment which was a old building very few girls were there in my society.Me and my friend use to roam in the evening searching for cunts of our area .one day my friend salman told me about the queen of the story...
I knew the boy was interested in me. He'd been hanging around on the sidewalk off and on almost constantly since the day we moved into our new home. The trouble was that he seemed real shy so I guessed I'd have to make the first move. The boy was cute with dark blond curly hair; potential boy friend material. He was a little shorter than my five feet nine inches and about my same age. I'm seventeen years old. "Hi," I called and smiled for him. "Uh, hi," he replied. "I'm Andrew...
Dumą i troską każdego faceta jest jego penis. Męskość: wszyscy o tym rozmawiają, wszyscy faceci zastanawiają się czy wielkość ma znaczenie. Czy ich penis nie jest zbyt mały, zbyt krótki, itd... Kobiety, choć większość oficjalnie zaprzecza również zwracają uwagę na wielkość - choć podobno tylko obwód jest ważny. Ja tego nie wiem - moja żona nie narzeka.Przedstawiam Wam poniżej mojego członka [Ze szczególną dedykacją dla Kasi]:fotki mojego penisaAle, choć moje Kochanie dba o niego mocno, zarówno...
The noise didn't fit! Arriving home I entered our house and stopped to listen. The sound of the woman was familiar yet wrong. What I mean is, the orgasm sounds was that of my wife,but it was accompanied by sobs yet not distressing sobs. - "You fucking shit,your cums right up inside me you idiot!" Now that was my wife in orgasm,but the sob bit was out of place! - Do I charge in and destroy the cock that was in her? - Who is in her? I am inclined to always ascertain what's going on before -...
Within seconds of that loud scream and long moan dissipating the whole campus burst into one massive round of applause and cheering that seemed to go on for ages. People were standing at doorways and hanging out of windows all over the place as word had spread about this young girl’s performance going on up there on the Matterhorn. It was as if the whole college had come to a momentary standstill to applaud and congratulate Vanessa’s achievement. Even the president of BSC herself was standing...
Reddit TOMP, aka r/TipOfMyPenis! I must admit, I was slightly nervous about reviewing this site. I, for one, don't wanna be looking at dicks, even if you do! I got it completely wrong though and took things far too literally. Tip of my penis is actually for things you wouldn't want your mother to see. Fair enough, let's get into the content!Reddit is a sharing social media site that's perfect for porn. I'm not sure if it was intended for that use, but it does a pretty good job of it! It's free...
Reddit NSFW ListPeter has a little penis, and he’s about to get exposed and humiliated. Peter’s character is based on me, but fictional My name is Peter. I have two sisters older (Sam, 25) and younger (Ellie, 20). I’m 23 years old. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I’m not built like Hugh Jackman but not completely unfit either. Just an average body. My penis has never been extraordinary. An inch soft and 3 inches hard on a good day. I’ve managed to keep it a secret for the most part, but… now that’s going to...
It had started off as just another ordinary day at BSC for Stephen Bartell. Not that any day at Blanke Schande is ever ‘just’ ordinary. What can ever be ‘ordinary’ about hundreds of good looking nude females, the girls of BSC, wandering past a man’s eyes every tick of the clock? However, in the Blanke Schande meaning of the word, it was, for Stephen Bartell, just another ordinary day. It had started out that way at least but this male erection Presentation he had just been part of had made...
The noise didn’t fit! Arriving home I entered our house and stopped to listen. The sound of the woman was familiar yet wrong. What I mean is, the orgasm sounds was that of my wife,but it was accompanied by sobs yet not distressing sobs. – ‘You fucking shit,your cums right up inside me you idiot!’ Now that was my wife in orgasm,but the sob bit was out of place! – Do I charge in and destroy the cock that was in her? – Who is in her? I am inclined to always ascertain what’s going on before –...
This is a true story of an experience I had when I was twenty one and in the Army. I can not remember how I got here, but here I am sitting in my car in the parking lot of an adult video store and arcade. I am debating whether or not I am going to go inside and see what is going on. I watch various people go in and out of the store when a white car pulls up next to mine. He rolls down his window and licks his lips while raising his eyebrows at me. To tell you the truth I have no idea what...
(All characters in this story are at least 18 years old) Hermione, Ginny and Luna where in the school's potion lab, the room was for students to make potions for extra credit, Hermione and her two friends where working on a new potion, this potion was going to be for woman who want to look younger as well as sexy'er then what they are now. "Are you sure this is the right color" asked Ginny who was stirring the potion, the potion was a light red. "yes, now stir it clockwise two more times, and i...
This is a true story of an experience I had when I was twenty one and in the Army.I can not remember how I got here, but here I am sitting in my car in the parking lot of an adult video store and arcade. I am debating whether or not I am going to go inside and see what is going on. I watch various people go in and out of the store when a white car pulls up next to mine. He rolls down his window and licks his lips while raising his eyebrows at me. To tell you the truth I have no idea what these...
Gay MaleI was in my early 20s when I first put one in my mouth. My teens were spent watching straight porn, and I loved it, but I always fantasized about cock. Big cocks, small cocks, hairy, smooth, cut and uncut cocks--I found them all fascinating and sexy and I wanted one in my mouth. It was after a long relationship with a woman who was homophobic that I started exploring my sexuality. I became more open-minded with porn and started watching videos with transwomen, crossdressers, and eventually an...
Last couple months I am learning to play tennis in order to be in better shape for summer. Recently, I asked my tennis coach to teach me extra hours and he proposed to me that we have it at his house on his private court, I immediately accepted since I knew it will be good chance to enjoy in watching and teasing him.After I came into his house, I went in dressing room to prepare for lessons. In that moment he got phone call and asked me to meet tim on tennis court. 10 minutes later I was on...
"May I please have your attention class," said Mrs. Mitchell. She stood in the front of the auditorium that was full of the fifth-years."As your training has progressed satisfactorily, today we must deal with an important topic. I'm not sure you understand the criticality of this lesson, it deals with 'Precision' and it's the single most important lesson for a young witch to learn."There were several snickers around the room which made Mrs. Mitchell drop her voice to a never-before-heard...
SupernaturalMy wife and I have been married for two years now, she is an African American woman with a med Brown complection, smooth skin with nice long shoulder length auburn hair, always keeps herself looking very nice with the softest most refreshing scent. I often take long wiffs of her hair and body because she always smells so good. I really like how nice she keeps her nails, always a fresh manicure and pedicure with her hair always fixed to perfection. She stands 5’3, a nice 120, very curvy in all...
I have known Allison ever since we were very young and we're close; more like sisters than best friends. Allison's older sister was not going on the family summer holiday last year because she had plans with some friends for a skiing trip to the Alps. Therefore, Allison's mum asked if I would like to accompany them on holiday to Spain. Before we went, Allison helped me choose a new bikini, a black and white mini Shorty that went up in my bum just a little. Allison said it looked sexy so I...
MasturbationHello readers, this is Rahul (name changed for secrecy), I am a software engineer in a giant MNC and working in Pune. Basically I’m from Mumbai. You must have read my previous Story “Virgin chat friend fucked” in Virgin Category of ISS. Hope you all must have liked it. Now I am narrating my true sex experience with a BPO trainer gal from Delhi. So I come to story, her name is Nidhi (name changed for secrecy); stats are 34-28-36 ht, 5’6″. Once I was chatting in Delhi Yahoo Room along with my...
Sue Ryan, nineteen years old, was engaged to be married. Not with her parents' complete approval, for the match was slightly suspect. Ben Jackson, her fianc, was considerably older than Sue - thirty-three. While some people considered him an interesting and entertaining man, others considered him a drunk and a weakling. Both sides had grounds for their opinions. Ben was a professor of literature at the college Sue attended. To her, he was fabulously romantic. His romanticism included those...
An Asian guy on here obviously read my blog and contacted me to suggest a private play with him and a "few friends at some house in "Sparkhill" Birmingham instead of that "seedy cinema" so we went on last Saturday (11th Feb) and my lovely wife was once again the center of attention but this and the first time brown "Brown Cocks"She enjoyed seeing this other young beautiful lady being gangbanged by Asian men in my favorites list in within my profile ...
My name is Robert (Rob) my wife is Jennifer (Jen); we have been married 22 years, raised two ch***ren in a Midwestern town, and sent them off to college last year. One went to Ohio State, the other Michigan. Yes, there have been some interesting Thanksgiving dinners. Loll. The rivals match between chi***ren. Jen retired from a company after 20 years as a Human Resources director in order to spend the last high school years with the twins. I own my own small business as a manufacturing rep of 5...