- 2 years ago
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I'd forgotten it was St. Patrick's Day, although the green ties, green dresses and green doughnuts in the food cart in the lobby should have been an obvious clue. Actually, the green doughnuts could have been moldy ones unsold from the previous week.
I escaped any encounters with colleagues, customers and my boss all morning, completing several technical specifications that would be sent out for competitive bids against an in-house development group. My brain was drained, and I was in no mood for conversation. When lunch hour rolled around, the usual eat-together crowd headed off to Hennessey's. No surprise at all when they came back plastered. Before any face- or buttock-copying broke out, we all got early dismissal, to prevent serious mistakes while inebriated. In fairness, they let everyone go home early, including all of us sober blokes. Someone thought it was funny to pin a "Kiss Me, I'm Jewish" button to my jacket. Oh well, nothing else I was wearing was green.
On the couch at home, I harmlessly paged through the local paper, checking out young female athletes in the Sports section. The silence was interrupted by the front door squeaking open. "Hello?"
Annie peeked out around the corner. "Hi, Daddy."
We were supposed to have a family dinner that night. All we needed was my wife to get back from who-knows-where. Annie had her back to me. Odd. "Turn around, sweetie."
Annie stood with a hand over one eye.
"What happened?"
She dropped her hand, exposing a black and blue shiner. "Marty Kelly punched me in the face."
"What?" Some classmate punched my only daughter? I jumped up, letting the paper scatter to the floor. I knew precisely where the student directory was, in the kitchen next to the phone.
"Daddy, don't!" Annie pleaded. She was pulling at my arm. "You'll only make it worse."
I ripped the page of "K"s from the booklet and stormed off to the garage. "Someone needs to teach that kid a lesson."
"Daddy!" Annie stood in the kitchen doorway as I backed out of the garage, beckoning me back. I could feel the blood throbbing in my ears. How dare some bully sock my Annie in the face? What is this world coming to? Annie wouldn't hurt a fly. She might, however, unzip one.
I obeyed all the traffic laws, despite my foot's desire to floor the accelerator after every stop sign. A series of deep breaths lowered my blood pressure but did nothing to curb my mission, to confront the young man who brutalized Annie.
I stopped at the proper address, turned off the engine and yanked at the handbrake. I was up their front steps in two leaps, and leaned heavily on their doorbell.
A young boy, maybe seven, opened the front door. This couldn't be the kid. "Are you Marty?"
"No, that's my sister."
Sister? He must be mistaken.
"Maaaaaa," cried the boy.
A woman walked over, a baby nursing on one breast. I heard crying of another child somewhere in the house. "What can I do for yee?" The baby pulled back, exposing a fat red nipple. "You'll excuse me. She needs feedin'."
"Of course." I was jealous. Her breasts were pale, nice sized, obviously milk-laden. "Your son Marty hit my daughter Annie and gave her a black eye."
She pushed back the screen and gestured me in, past an entry table. "You met my only son. The other three are girls. Marty is spelt with an 'i'." She walked into their living room and motioned to a family portrait on the piano. Her and her husband, a burly brute I'd prefer never to meet, a red haired young lady, the young boy and two babies, dressed in green, not traditional pink.
"Okay, I got the gender wrong. Still, there's the issue of Annie's assault. Can I speak with Marti?" I asked.
"She's working'." The baby in her arms lifted her head towards the nipple, blocking my view. "I'll speak to her when she gets home." The crying in the other room got louder. "She'll be leaving your Annie alone from now on. And you'd be leaving now."
"Where does she work? I'd like to speak with her myself."
"You'd be best letting us apply the discipline. Marti has a temper, for sure. We'll handle her, Sean and me. Thanks for letting me know."
I headed out, deflated from the lack of satisfaction. I wanted the direct confrontation, not delegation to Marti's parents.
"Could you do me a favor?" Mrs. Kelly called from the other room. "Fetch the mail and put it inside?"
"Sure." The mailbox was mounted next to the door on the exterior wall, filled with a newspaper and dozens of envelopes. I flipped through them, looking for a clue. Among the envelopes, I saw a paycheck-style envelope from the Radmont Hotel, downtown, addressed to Marti Kelly. Bingo! Temper, huh? Perhaps she works the hotel bar a bouncer?
Traffic between the suburbs and downtown was murder, which gave me time to think about what I'd say to Marti. Every scenario ended with me punching her in the face, so she'd look and feel the way Annie did. The idea of doling out physically violence seemed acceptable, and I shivered at the concept. I'm a lover, not a fighter.
I parked in the hotel's lot, expecting that they'd validate, even if I punched out one of their employees. After all, this was personal. I strode through the lobby to the bar. It was full of rowdy drunks singing songs off key and pitchers of green beer, but no redheaded waitresses. Back in the lobby, I scanned for activity. Near the staircase to the second floor, a sign directed folks to the Gillpatrick-McGinnis wedding. Of course! She was waitressing a wedding party. Based on the bride and groom's surnames, these folks picked a perfect day, St. Patrick's Day, to get married.
The party must have ended, since the Ballroom was nearly empty. A few ladies, probably guests in long dresses, lingered around a bar in the far corner of the huge room. Several young men dressed as staff waddled towards a pair of swinging doors, arms laden with soiled tablecloths. Sounds of kitchen cleanup came from behind those doors as I approached.
Busboys had loosened their ties, unbuttoned their collars, and were heading out the back way. Large sinks full of dirty plates and cups were evidence of a sumptuous gathering. My stomach growled at the thought of a nice meal. Damn Marti, for hurting my daughter and making me hungry.
A voice blasted from behind me. "You can't be back here."
I turned around. A redhead stood defiant, hands on her hips, wearing a molded black plastic bustier and a short white miniskirt that ended high on her thighs. It was Marti.
"I'm Anna's father. You know, the one you punched in the face." I closed the distance between us. Could I haul off and hit her?
Marti poked at the button on my jacket. "You shouldn't make fun." She hiked the sagging bustier higher, but it fell back to its original position, leaving her cleavage exposed.
I glanced down at the object of her scorn. Damn, I hadn't removed the "Kiss Me, I'm Jewish" button. Take the offensive. "And you shouldn't be giving other girls black eyes."
"She deserved it, the little tramp. It wasn't me, stepping in to steal her boyfriend, now, was it?"
"Annie wouldn't do that." Would she? I knew Annie was experimenting sexually. Hell, she and I had our share of mutual adventures. Maybe there was more to the story. "What did she do?"
"Nothing, 'cause I stopped her. Her and those slut friends of hers."
I knew those girls, up close and personal. "So she didn't actually steal your boyfriend? And you hit her anyway?"
"She was planning on it, that's for sure. Stopping in the halls, rubbing his shoulder. Any minute, she'd have dragged him away and had her way with him. So I told her hands off."
"And she said?"
"That he wasn't my property, and she could talk to anyone, and not to get my panties in a knot. Great father you are, raising a daughter that way, with no discipline."
"You should talk!" I was getting no respect, which pissed me off even worse.
"Now I know where she gets her attitude. Who are you to me, anyway?" Marti's hand came up to slap me. I grabbed her wrist. She swung her other hand. Ambidextrous? I grabbed that one as well. I was close enough to see a gold "Kiss Me I'm Irish" ornament hanging around her neck, just above the valley between her tits, tucked behind the stiff plastic top.
She must have noticed my stare. "So you're taking a peek, pervert? Next you'll be wanting a kiss?" She leaned forward and planted one on me. Bumping of lips without feeling. Not particularly gratifying. That was the last thing I remembered before her knee slammed into my groin.
The florescent lights were bright, making everything look fuzzy. Straddling my legs, red-haired Marti. Sitting on a stool behind her, a long-dressed young woman, one of the dawdling drinkers from the corner.
It must have been a dream. First, because the woman on the stool looked like a mermaid, with a tail in place of legs. Second, because my pants were unzipped and my penis was waving around at half stiff. Marti's hands tapped the organ back and forth. Quickly, it was gaining length and girth. I propped myself up on my elbows.
"See, he's not dead," said Long Dress. "Hey, Big Guy!" Her slurred speech indicated intoxication.
"The name is Marcus."
"Oh no, you're Big Guy. On campus, off campus, anywhere you point that thing. Big Guy." She hoisted a bottle of what looked like champagne and took a swig. "It's even bigger than Sean's!"
I had no idea who Sean was, and why our comparative sizes were relevant.
"I'm so sorry," Marti said. "It was instinct, you see. I didn't mean you any harm." Leaning over like she was, the formed plastic top drooped away from Marti's body, exposing her breasts, hanging like juicy cones with inflated red nipples. Her white pleated shirt rode high on her thighs, exposing green panties.
The sight of her, bare on top and vulnerable below, was enough for me to forgive. After all, my dick was still functional, and seemingly her new toy. Instead of hitting her, maybe I could hit on her.
"You were out cold," said Long Dress. "Missy here told me what she did. I suggested check for damage. Looks like you're fully functional." She stood but her ankles wobbled. "So, Missy, you want to get up and let me test Big Guy's equipment?"
"I won't!" Marti's hand grasped my erection, hanging on for dear life. "I'm not finished with it," Marti said to her female companion.
Light shining through glass crystals on a wall ornament cast a multicolored spectrum on my crotch.
"You think you've found the treasure at the end of the rainbow? Come on, get up and let a real woman at him. You haven't the faintest what to do with a prize like that." Long Dress struggled to stay upright. Because the gown was extremely tapered at the ankles, she was forced to shuffle. With one step, she collapsed to the floor like an air mattress with a rip in the side. "Damn this dress anyhow!" With one tug, she split open one side of the dress, then the other. "Much better." Now her gown was one large apron, a halter-top holding it around her neck, hips, thighs and legs flashing on both sides. She wore stockings with a garter belt in place of panty hose. It was one big game of Peek-A-Boo, and I was glad to be a participant.
Long Dress crawled over, body parts exposed with the sway of the hanging cloth. "Wooah, Nelly! Look at that stick!"
Marti tried to cover my erection with both hands. Too little too late, but feeling awfully good.
"Don't let me stop you. If I had my hands around a cock like that, I wouldn't let go," she continued.
Marti looked down at my throbbing prick. Both of her hands caressed the length. She sat silent.
Long Dress tried to kneel down but practically fell instead. "So, possession is ninety tenths of the law. What 'cha gonna' do with it?"
Marti looked at me, then back at Long Dress. "I don't know."
"It must be hot. Why don't ya' give it a little kiss?"
"I sure won't be doing that." Despite her denial, Marti was still hanging on, groping the length.
"Then let me. For lubrication." She moved her head closer, tongue stretched out. I raised my hips to assist.
"No you don't. This is mine." Marti hesitated, but then wrapped her lips around the tip of my penis and gave a loud smack. What a feeling!
"See, it's easier when he's moist." Long Dress snaked hand behind her dress apron. "Damn, I'm wetting myself. So, finish him off, or do you want me to do it?"
"Beg off." Marti increased her tempo, occasionally mouthing the head of my dick like a casual suck of a Tootsie Roll Pop.
With minimal saliva and precum as lubrication, Marti's strokes were taking their toll. My hips bounced. The hungry look of the stranger, plus looking down Marti's top at her rose-tipped breasts was more than enough stimulation. On Marti's next stroke down, a spurtlet of cum erupted, smack on the front of Marti's bodice. She startled, and with a firm pump the next blob hit Long Dress just above the stomach. A few more strokes and Long Dress was splattered with dripping streaks of my juices. Marti laughed as she shot my stuff all over the visitor.
"Well played!" Long Dress laughed, but then her mouth drooped. "Oh oh. I think I drank too much. Where's the Little Girl's Room?" Long Dress was much too tall to be called little. She tried to stand but fell over. Marti helped her to her feet as if she weighted nothing. Long Dress sidestepped into a cabinet. China clinked with the impact.
Marti brushed herself off, but couldn't wipe off the red from her face. She'd been caught fondling a man's penis, and had been provoked to beat him off. "I'd best be getting home now. Mama expected me hours ago."
"I met your mother," I said. "I stopped at your house before I came here." And before I came here. "I told her what you did to Annie. She'll want to have words with you."
Marti's face remained red. "That's okay. We're even. Annie toyed with my guy, and I played with hers."
Annie had merely talked to Marti's male friend, not exactly what I'd call playing. "As long as you won't beat her up again."
"Heavens no! Not that I might not want another chance at that." She pointed at my penis hard. I wanted to just tuck my dick away, to heal from the irritation of a virtually dry hand job. Marti turned and flounced away down a dimly lit staircase.
Long Dress was still wobbling, clinging to the china cabinet.
"I have to hit the head myself," I said. "Let's find it together." I was glad Marti had left, for many reasons. She had been too interested in my cock for her own good, or mine. Who knows, she might want the second round to be a fuck, her strong Irish thighs rapped around my - Shit! Time to clean up.
"I can do it myself." Long Dress took a step away from the cabinet and stumbled into my arms.
"Let me help." I held Long Dress's waist as we limped towards the bathrooms. Her skin was soft and warm. I considered letting my hand slide up and cop a feel of her breast. Nah, a cheap move. Low class. "I'm Harvey, by the way."
"Aggie, sister of the bride. Sister? Bah!"
"So why are you still here? Where's the rest of your family?"
"The party's over." She began to sing. "It's time to call it a day."
Her voice was nothing to tape record for posterity. We reached the bathrooms. I pulled my hand from her waist, and she didn't fall over. Then again, she was holding the wall.
"Nice to meat you." I headed for the Men's john.
"Whoa, Nellie. I need some assistance here, Big Guy."
Reluctantly, I guided her into the vacant woman's bathroom and chose a stall. She lifted up the rear flap and plopped down on the toilet seat. No panties? "Don't go just yet."
The sound of her urine stream went on for minutes. Her bladder must have been over-extended. She pulled a handful of paper from the handy roll, lifted the front flap of her torn dress and spread her legs. God, what legs! And what a pussy! Too bad she didn't need help wiping herself. She leaned on the toilet paper holder to stand up. I guided her to the front of the stall, where she could grip the door.
"My turn." I unzipped and aimed for the same toilet.
Aggie peeked around the corner. "You've got a nice chunk of meat there, Big Guy."
"Thanks." I shook the last drops, tucked in and zipped up. "How are you going to get home?" I asked.
"My car's in the lot. If I can find my purse."
I couldn't let someone in her condition out on the road. "You're not driving anywhere. I'll take you home."
Aggie leaned heavily on my shoulder. "You're a good guy, Big Guy. Not like that bastard Sean."
We made our way to the exit, back through the kitchen area. "Who's Sean anyway?"
Her expression turned from gentle to vicious. "My boyfriend, and my sister's husband."
I've been in some funky situations, but this one was wild. Aggie's boyfriend married her sister? "How does that happen?"
"She stole him, he stole her. What's the difference? They're at some hotel, fucking their brains out. Shit! Why can't I pick the good ones?
We'd made it back to the scene of my recent hand job.
"Wait a sec." Aggie opened the massive door of the industrial fridge. Sure enough, bottles of champagne, unopened. She took one in each hand. "Okay, one for you and one for me."
]Erin and Jesse[/s] were both laughing at the bare bottomed boy they had just spanked. They loved to hear a k** screaming and begging them to stop while they continued to belt and paddle the k**’s ass. The process was always similar. Pick a smaller k** follow him or her for a few days until they found the k** alone then grab the k**, strip them, fondle them, tease them. Finally bend the k** over and redden their asses until they cried and begged. It was easy to find k**s alone in this small...
The last thing that Erin wanted to do was to go to the gym for the third time that week.Sure, her English husband Steve had purchased her a three month personal training package with one of his part-time co-workers, Eve, but that was two months and three weeks earlier. Now she’d shed five kilos and was looking tauter and was feeling better than she had ever felt since she met Steve when she was 22, seven long years ago.Erin stared at the message on the screen with a tired sense of despondency...
August in south Texas is not a pleasant time of year. The heat and humidity is stifling driving everyone indoors. When we were offered the use of a small house in Aspen for a week, my wife Erin and I jumped at the opportunity. It took some shuffling of things at work but we were both able to clear our calendars. To save money and to make it something of an adventure, we decided to drive instead of fly. It was going to be a long drive but I hadn't been on a road trip in years and Erin had never...
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In the old days, a pharmacy usually was a one or two-person operation. You had your pharmacist and MAYBE an assistant at a small corner location; and all they sold was… well… drugs. But the pharmacist knew everyone, and you always received personalized service. Nowadays, you have huge ‘drug marts’ that sell everything from food and clothes to movies and, sometimes, furniture items. And no one knows you at all. Luckily, at a couple of those big drug marts near where I live, two pretty teen...
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She was walking home from her swimming club; wearing jeans and a plain green t-shirt with her sports bag slung over her shoulder. She was feeling very relaxed in the warm July air and opened the gate at the bottom of her drive. She gasped as she saw the door wide open with a huge dent shaped like a foot in the centre. She hurried into the house, dumped her sports bag in the hall and called "dad?" There was no reply. "Dad?!" She called again panicking. As she made her way...
Erin woke with a start as the wind billowed the heavy drape curtains through the open bedroom window, catching the curtains on the chair and leaving sunlight to spill directly on her face and torso. A rattle came from downstairs as the postman delivered the mail, startling her, and she grabbed her blackberry from the side table where it lay, face down. Hitting the central button with her thumb, she woke it up and looked at the time, then dropped the phone back on the table, and lay back,...
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Erin , the 18 year old student of Mike her Tutor, was only slightly happy with the spanking he had given her when she had been dressed in her NetBall kit, he had brought her off with his hands and Erin felt she had got off too lightly!She sent Mike a message by E-mail to the effect that she did not feel she had been punished severely enough for her spelling, Mike read this with interest and thought for a day as to how to sort her out, also Erin had said that whatever happened she would like to...
Copyright© 1999, All Rights Reserved It couldn't have been much better if I'd dreamed it or written a script. Erin was blonde, built, cute and 17 years old. She was short -- at just a little over five feet tall nearly a foot shorter than I -- with high, firm tits and a slim teenage body. Okay, she wasn't knockdown gorgeous, just very pretty. But, other than that, it would be hard to think up something to cavil over. It was the '70s. I was a reporter for a small suburban newspaper outside...
Erin, a 42 year old highly sexual woman who teaches at a suburban high school. There she simply blends in and is hardly noticed, but in her "leisure" time she enjoys all types of sexual fun. Of late she has been having fantasies about other , in particular, Jill, a fellow teacher and now her new neighbor, Nadia. It is now only a couple of days before school is out for the summer and Erin is certainly ready. She hasn't decided where to go on a trip, but but she has a few ideas, all she knows it...
LesbianDays after I’d fucked Erin I was really struggling to get her out of my mind, those incredible breasts were all I could think about. I masterbated everyday with the thought of her pussy being wrapped around my cock, I didn’t know what to do apart from contact Erin and see if she wanted to fuck again. Me and Chloe had some previous issues together but we worked them out and as a result we were much more open to the pleasures of life, I’d seen her and heard her get fucked before and she had with...
Mike had promised to take Erin out before her intendid trip to the desert, he called for her at her parent's house in a borrowed old Willys Jeep from WW11, it was in olive green with a white American star on each side.Erin greeted Mike, she was wearing a thin white cotton blouse tied under her breasts, light blue tight shorts and a straw hat! Her feet were in leather soled slip on sandals, into the Jeep she jumped.Mike drove off and told Erin of a small deserted lake he had found a few days...
“Okay, so I’m, like, here and stuff,” said Erin. I raised my head in response to hearing her voice. I knew she was on her way, I had summoned her, she had no choice to but come to me, but I hadn’t counted on her arriving so quickly. I turned around to face her and found her dressed exactly as I had wished it – hair back in a bun, horn-rimmed glasses, man’s white dress shirt with thin, vertical light blue stripes unbuttoned two buttons, snug (but not skin-tight) blue jeans and black boots. No...
Erin was excited. For the first time since she had been working at the agency she had been chosen by her boss to go on one of the company's regular conferences. It meant she was being taken seriously, and this stage was seen at the firm as an important rite of passage. But there was another reason for her excitement. She was strongly attracted to her boss, Jack, an alpha male in his mid 40s. Jack was married with here children and had never seemed to show the slightest interest in his younger...
First TimeAfter the break up, Erin had a hard time dealing with the situation. She couldn’t understand how it could simply end like that, after all they’d done together. The two continued to text and occasionally skype each other and from Josh’s side, things seemed really good. He was going after a new girl that he’d really liked since before he started dating Erin. However, from Erin’s side, things still weren’t right. She didn’t want to let go of Josh, so she thought of ways to try to turn...
Erin, a lovely young girl full of life and excitement, well over 18 and in her final year at school or college whatever you call it over there! Erin was due to see her Tutor, Mike, a bit older than Erin but in a way a little adventurous in his private life, slim, smart looking ...he liked a challenge! Anyway, Erin met Mike and informed him they could not meet that daytime to improve her spelling and syntax, she had NetBall to do! Mike asked her which days were free, and none were!Erin said, "...
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Erin and JennyPart 1When I heard Jenny coming up to your bedroom after we had been fucking I was horrified, I though oh shit the game is up and my head was spinning but when she opened the door and walked in I was astonished. Jenny is slightly taller than you at about 5’8’’ and she certainly looked older than sixteen she has gorgeous short blonde hair and striking blue eyes with a full bust that pushed out filling her shirt. Her legs were long and the denims she had on were so tight they...
Reddit Erin Ashford, aka r/ErinAshford! Erin Ashford is not a pornstar from a bygone age, nor is she a famous modern-day pornstar. She’s also not a semi-famous Twitch streamer gone nude, not an Instagram model that promotes flat tummy tea, and definitely not a XXX cam model. So who is she exactly, and why should you care about her? Truth be told, she isn’t really known outside of Reddit - she made her XXX debut on /r/GoneWild after posting a large selection of XXX pictures (and some videos) on...
Reddit NSFW ListErin finds herself back, tied up spread eagled at the back of the old truck of Pete. He creeps over her and whispers: "High time to teach you a lesson, Erin.A lesson you will never forget. A terrible lesson. And you know you deserve it".Pete erects and looks all over her body. He takes his time. Enjoys what he sees.The mix of Erin's embarrasment, fear and hot looks. He knows what will be up.Erin does not. She shivers. Even Pete does not even touch her. Yet.Without any warning, Erin feels her...
DISCLAIMER ALL PERSONS AND EVENTS ARE ENTIRELY FICTIONAL. THIS STORY IS INTENDED FOR ADULTS ONLY AND IS NOT TO BE VIEWED BY MINORS. CAN ONLY BE POSTED OR USED ON FREE WEBSITES This kind of a sequel to "What Girls Really Want" in which young Erin falls for the beautiful and wicked Misty May who believes in black superiority and indoctrinates Erin in her way of how things should be for white boys. The characters are the same but it is really a gay story as opposed to the first one, which...
Erin woke with a start as the wind billowed the heavy drape curtains through the open bedroom window, catching the curtains on the chair and leaving sunlight to spill directly on her face and torso. A rattle came from downstairs as the postman delivered the mail, startling her, and she grabbed her blackberry from the side table where it lay, face down. Hitting the central button with her thumb, she woke it up and looked at the time, then dropped the phone back on the table, and lay back,...
It was saturday evening, and Erin Kayleigh Keifer was annoyed to be stuck at home alone. Her parents and younger brother were unexpectedly away for the night, so she went right online to check in with her friends. Unfortunately they all had other plans or didn't have a car ride available (living in a wealthy suburb far from town meant walking or transit weren't options either). So Erin went online and posted a status update on her social media account "ErinKK" out of frustration: "I cant...
InterracialErin is a 24 year old beautiful single woman. She is 5’9” tall, medium length silky blonde hair, blue eyes, and a smile that lights up a room. Her athletic build includes a tight ass that she maintains by routine workouts. Her laugh is contagious, but unfortunately, she has no close family members since her mom passed a couple of years back. Her career allows her to take time off during the year for a month or sometimes more - which she uses to enjoy recreational travel and adventures with...
Erin gets fucked PART 1After a few weeks of mutual masturbation that ranged from quickies to full blown all afternoon shows between us it was fantastic when we went that little bit further and you made it clear that you wanted my big fat cock end to be the first one you held in your little young hand, entered into your lovely innocent mouth and let me push into your ever so young and innocent fresh cunt.You did play the innocent for a while but couldn’t help wandering into what turned out to...
Erin is a 42 year old high school teacher. She is not married although she has been close a time or two. During the school year she is a proper, professional teacher who expects discipline in her classroom and from herself. She appears to be rather plain looking, not wearing much makup or trendy clothes. She pretty much goes unnoticed during the school year and thats the way she prefers it. There is 2 weeks to go before summer vacation and Erin is starting to think about all the fun she is...
EroticI knelt in front of Lord James and stared at His incredible cock. Nothing else mattered at that moment. No past. No future. Only me and Him. And his Godcock. "You might be the one. We will find out" came the voice from above, as if from the sky. That voice commanded my attention completely. Anything that voice wanted it would get from me. My mind and body were completely hooked to this gorgeous black man, Lord James. It was right for me to be on my knees hoping His cock would want me...
I needed more. For the past few months something was missing in my life. Yeah, my boyfriend cared about me and we had some fun times. I needed my world to be rocked. At 24 years old, my body was turning heads and I was starting to realize that I could have just about any man. At 5 foot 7 with light blue eyes in a face that people called "mega cute" and long auburn hair I was hard to miss. Three times a week in the gym earned a flat tummy and a butt that was killer in anything I wore. I...
Pete was pretty wasted with two teens on him and coming twice into Erin.Erin and Erica were fresh from their shower and decided to elegantly quit Pete.Re-living in his dreams what just had happened to him, Pete sported a hard-on.The teens giggled and with an eye-wink decided to wake up Pete by small Pete.The teens giggled louder when Pete gasped. And woke up with pets on his prick.The teens whispered unisono in his ears: "Wake up big Pete and small Pete.It´s time to freshen up and shower. We´ll...
What to do nextHi Erin, the next thing you need to learn is how to masturbate your fanny with a vibrator and this is after you have had a few more tries at pushing your fingers up into your pussy whilst playing with your clit. If you can’t get a vibrator Daddy can always give you a carrot or Banana to use but its best to use a vibrator or a dildo which is a nice soft cock shaped toy that you can use to get your fanny used to having a great big real cock up inside you for when Daddy let’s you...
100 for a face fuck at stone court by monsieurmaster-erinThis girl is taking too long to email back. It's already been an hour and I'm contemplating another look through the online ads. You see, I'm emailing this girl for sex. I know what you're thinking; pathetic. And you know what? You're right. It is pathetic for me to have to pay for sex. But I don't give a shit about your opinion. To me, the idea of having to go out, try and track down a female and convince her I'm suitable enough for...
NOTE: This is a work of fiction. All characters appearing herein are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All persons appearing in this story are eighteen years of age or older.My Danish girlfriend, Anneke, has the sweetest pale puffy nipples I've ever tasted. It so happened that I was licking them this particular Saturday night, while both our parents were out at a show. I'm Erin. Anneke moved to the US with her at the beginning of my last...
Erin was excited. For the first time since she had been working at the agency she had been chosen by her boss to go on one of the company’s regular conferences. It meant she was being taken seriously, and this stage was seen at the firm as an important rite of passage. But there was another reason for her excitement. She was strongly attracted to her boss, Jack, an alpha male in his mid 40s. Jack was married with here children and had never seemed to show the slightest interest in his younger...
My name is Erin. My two favorite high school girlfriends are Anna and Erica. They are really cute blondie girls. All of us are 18 years old. We're horny and looking to do new things. Last night, we went for our first visit to a strip club. Not to strip or do anything crazy. We just wanted to see what goes on in those places. We took separate cars so each of us could leave early if we wanted to.We purposely dressed down because we didn't want to cause any distractions or hustle any business away...
My name is Erin. Last month i turned 18 years old. Now that i am "legal", my head is spinning with all these sex fantasies that might really happen for me. Up to now, i've only been with high school boys. They are o.k., but they aren't very imaginative. Or maybe they are just scared to be that way. Older guys were afraid of me because they might go to jail. But, like i say, now i am "legal" and a whole new world is open to me.I luv to masturbate and think about all my dirty fantasies. I take...
My name is Charlie. This is my second Reynes’ Syndrome story. Depending on how well this one does, I might write more. The first one did well. I hope this one does, also, because I like the premise, and the joy of writing them. The stories are based on a sci-fi story I read some years ago. I don’t remember the name or the author, or even where I read it. The story supposed a world where female children stopped aging at 10, ending the human race in a single generation. (For more info, read...
Erin’s New Toy “Are you ready yet?” Erin asked me. She was waiting by the door with her car keys. Erin was my roommate during college. “Yep, I hope it’s not too hot,” I answered her. Erin and I were going for a run to try and stay in shape. We were both being pretty lazy that summer. Our apathy was understandable considering our last semester would be in a couple of weeks. I for one was looking forward to graduating. I knew that this would probably be the last summer I spent with Erin. ...
I run a small sex shop specialised in spanking and erotic equipment for submissive lesbian ladiesI run my small shop sometimes with my dear granddod pretty Petra and some awesome sexy assistentsI have on the first floor my private quarters also a studio full of see-through full size mirrorsI have on stand-by a few cameras behind each of those mirrors, for recording seek some assistanceI will direct with the help of hot Princess Petra the debute for Alessandra in her first 3-someI will direct...
Name: Alessandra Ortiz Ethnicity: Puerto Rican Age: 24 Height: 5'8" Breasts: 36DD Waist: 24 Hips: 41 Weight: 140lbs Hair: Espresso Brown Eyes: Pistachio Green Skin: Peanut Brown Personality: Extroverted, Shallow, Sweet Inspiration/Muse: Priscilla Huggins Chapter 1 - The Mistake Alessandra was on top of the world. Her recent shoots with popular men's magazines got her noticed in a way that a girl from San Juan simply couldn't have anticipated. Her shockingly stunning face,...
It probably started when you spend those long summer days on the beach with your girl friends, you were all about 18 and very frisky, always talking about boys and how you loved it that your bodies had developed and you all had lovely firm tits, some bigger than others but all with nice nipples. You all had caught glimpses of each other’s cute pussies as you got changed after swimming; some had quite a lot of hairs and others not as much but generally all were nice and neat, no bits hanging...! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....
Free Porn Tube SitesFather Francis X. Williams watched the fat man walk into the gift shop alcove in the back corner of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and slowly, quietly, pursued him. Francis, though he preferred Frank, didn’t know why he followed the man. There was nothing particularly interesting about him. It was hard to tell what ethnicity he was, since his face was covered in half green and half white makeup, and his hair was dyed an obscene orange—which is what one expected to see on St. Patrick’s Day. The rest...
There is an end to everything, to good things as well. (Chaucer 1374) Smart cookie that fellow. As it was with me and Amber. I spent several fabulous weeks with her, she showed me how to submit and how to value myself even when willingly placing myself beneath below another.But as with so many things real life gets in the way. I got a new job and needed to move, so we spent one last evening together. A wonderful meal followed by an even better night together.So here I am in lovely Georgia and...
Masturbation“Remove your clothes.” The words were not said unkindly, but there was no doubt it was an order. Eyes filled with lust and trepidation, I looked at the woman whom I had just met this night and nodded biting my lip.We had met in a bar not long ago. I had been out with friends when she approached me while I was taking a break from dancing. As I sipped my drink, she walked up to the table. “Hello there pretty girl,” she said, making me turn my head as the woman looked at me. I felt like I was...
LesbianIt had been over 6 months since mum and I moved to Bristol, her promotion to sales and marketing manager was everything she had wanted, we had settled down in our new home and our love life was all so good and exciting, we have explored each other’s bodies to the maximum, leaving nothing we could not do in the sexual department apart from a few ideas, but overall mum made love to me as a love not a boy turned girl, I had even got a job working in the same department as her as an accounting...
We had only been moved in next door to you for a couple of months before I noticed you, I was cutting the lawn and it was sticky hot so I only had shorts and boots on and my shades. I saw you over the garden fence, you were walking about in a tiny pair of shorts and a little string bikini bra top with your long blonde hair pulled back in a pony tail, it swung about in the breeze as you trotted about in your flip flops. It was difficult to judge your age as you were quite tall, had a lovely pert...
Damn Katherine and her classy fashion sense... Once again my Mother-in-law had a new skirt suit which would work for brunch, mother-of-the-bride or some other fancy occasion, it was simply lovely. Tonight was one of those other occasions. The suit was perfect for the work awards dinner that my wife Veronica has dragged me too. Katherine, on the other hand, who was looking just so, was all too happy to attend. Katherine's suit is simply irresistible to me. The color, the style,...
The next day I was in full Katherine mode from the moment I unlocked her door. I greeted Sunshine just like Katherine did, using the same tone of voice and gestures. Of course Sunshine reacted just she would with her female owner. As soon as I took her for a short walk and fed her, I went straight to my bedroom, well after the prior day I felt so much more comfortable there, I wanted it to be my bedroom. I took a shower and shaved everything again. I didn't know how I was going to...
The front door opened and again Frank came in, a little less dramatically than the day before but no less intimidating to me as I felt timid and weak dressed in my mother-in-laws things. Frank was half expecting me to be dressed as my normal slouchy male self, ready to put a stop to all this, but he was happy when he saw I didn't have the fortitude to do that. He actually smiled at me, "There's my little wife. That dress looks nice on you." I smiled back not knowing what to do, it...
The King felt the soft flesh of this beautiful creature, his thoughts turning to lush as he felt the dampness of her body. He felt privileged to be the first to introduce Erin to her fist taste of bondage and sadism, even now as they sat here in the splendour of his home, perpetration were now been made in his secret chamber. He felt himself tighten and bulge at the thoughts running through his mind, the thoughts of paddles, whips and crosses. He glanced down the long table to his own wife, it...