Welcome Home Lei
- 4 years ago
- 27
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Friday, February 8th, New Hampshire
"Is this the famous artist Katherine O'Malley?" were the first words I heard when I picked up the phone that cold February day.
"Daddy?" I asked, unable to keep the excitement out of my voice.
"How's the weather over there in sunny New Hampshire these days?" he asked in his deep, unmistakable voice, the smiling, teasing tone clear.
"You're watching the weather channel aren't you?" I accused grumpily as I lifted my eyes to my apartment window and looked through the frost covered windows to the whiteout beyond.
"Gosh I miss shoveling the snow," he chuckled.
"Shut up daddy!" I ordered.
"Here I could be tobogganing down a mountain with my favorite daughter and instead I have to spend my days swimming and snorkeling and surfing in the warm, blue Pacific waters," he said, feigning sadness.
"I'm very busy right now father."
"Are you? Gosh Katy I hope I didn't interrupt you with your latest beau," my father said, his teasing tone now full of curiosity.
"Yeah right! Its two in the afternoon daddy ... it's not like I spend my days in bed with," I started, then quickly stopped, not wanting to discuss any aspect of my sex life, or lack of it, with my father.
"Craig said he thought you were on the verge of running off with some bearded, long haired weirdo who hunts defenseless animals," my father answered.
"Craig?" I sputtered, now not knowing if daddy was teasing me or if my stupid brother had made up some story up about me.
"Yup, I talked to him on Sunday."
"You did?"
"Yes, in fact he called me. I know, I know, it's unusual for children to call their parents but once in a while my son does takes the time to call his lonely old dad," he answered, a small complaint clear in his voice.
"I've called," I protested guiltily, knowing his implied criticism was based in fact. "Besides, Craig told me at Christmas that you have girlfriends passing almost non stop through your house."
"Girlfriends?" he asked. "And what does that have to do with my daughters continuing poor treatment of her old man?"
"It's disgusting," I accused, yet felt guilty the second I said it.
"This is coming from the daughter who hasn't come to visit her father in almost two years."
"Since you left mom, you mean?" I accused, my voice shrill.
"I didn't call to have an argument honey?"
"Please don't daddy," I finally whispered. "God, I just can't take any more ... shit, why do you always try to make me feel bad?" I demanded as I felt my voice getting louder and shriller. Don't, I warned myself.
"Things going badly honey?" dad asked, his soft inquiring tone now full of concern.
"Shit, I can't paint daddy ... not even a bloody vase of flowers ... its fucking snowing here every bloody day ... it's freezing ... I have no money ... or prospects ... I have no sex life ... Christ I haven't got properly laid in months ... do you really want to know if things are going 'baaaadly' daddy?" The words had exploded from my mouth, unbidden, unplanned. Aghast I banged the receiver twice hard against my thigh before bringing it back to my ear. Christ, had I used the word fuck? Had I told my father I hadn't got properly laid? I wanted to just smash the receiver back into its cradle and then run out into the snowstorm as I listened to the silence at the other end.
"Who is this? Where's Katherine O'Malley?" dad finally asked.
I was crying, six months frustration suddenly and unexpectedly released in a torrent of tears.
"Honey, are you okay?" dad asked when I didn't respond.
I hung up! Then I didn't answer the phone when it started to ring thirty seconds later.
I simply sat crying in the corner of my big couch feeling sorry for myself. Wondering why I was so sad. And then I started to berate myself for taking it out on my father. Another fucking wonderful day in the life of Katherine O'Malley I thought as the tears coursed down my cheeks.
I was almost twenty-one, hell it'd be only another five days until I hit the big TWO-ONE ... until I officially became an adult. Except I felt like a little girl, a lost and unhappy little girl. And I couldn't figure out why.
I was smart ... intelligent ... or so everyone had always said. I'd done well in school and had my pick of colleges. And I'd found something I loved ... and that I was good at. Art ... Painting. Except now I couldn't paint a bloody tree let alone the thousands of visions that flitted across my mind, demanding to be put down on paper.
I was athletic and good looking ... And yet I'd left a string of boyfriends lying in my wake the last two years. Somehow I'd been able to find every loser who managed to get within fifty miles of me. Okay fate can deliver the odd bad apple but when it happens again and again it's very hard not to realize that you've got something to do with the problem. It's something really great to learn about yourself, that if you're put in a room with nine perfect men and one loser that invariably you'll pick the loser.
And it had nothing to do with my father ... or did it?
He should never have divorced mom ... and I'd come to accept it as a given that all my problems started when my parents had separated. Even though I had been nineteen at the time and had finished my second year of Art College by then.
And why did I still measure every potential beau against him and my brother if he was so bad? And why did my most intimate thoughts and dreams so often include him? I mean I hadn't even seen him since he'd left for Hawaii some eighteen months earlier.
My brother Craig arrived four hours later, having driven the one hundred miles that separated his campus from my apartment in a driving, winter blizzard.
Angry at dad for sending him I still couldn't conceal the delight I felt when I opened the door and found his snow covered form on my doorstep.
"What are you doing here?" I demanded, my smile telling him my real feelings. "You could have killed yourself you idiot ... are you crazy?"
"So, what's going on? One of these woman's monthly things?" were the first words from my brother's mouth.
"You didn't have to come ... just because I hung up on him..."
"Dad said if I didn't get my ass down here and report to him a.s.a.p. he'd..."
"He'd what?" I demanded. "He can't run our lives any more..."
"He'd never invite me back to Hawaii," Craig answered, then added, "and after that trip at Christmas..."
"What was so good about it," I asked, still angry that he'd been over to visit dad twice in the last fifteen months and I'd been too proud to go. My fault — I'd declined dad's repeated invitations.
"Surfing ... hot girls ... sex," he said with a big grin.
"You were staying with dad," I protested, pretty sure he couldn't have slept with any girls during his ten day sojourn in the islands. But even as I said it I knew better. It had taken me quite a while to figure out how attractive most girls, heck, not just girls, all women, found Craig O'Malley.
It wasn't that he was the handsomest guy in the world, it's just that he has something. People like him ... he's nice ... and has the cutest smile. At least that's what my high school girlfriends had convinced me of one night when we were having a sleepover our senior year. We'd been discussing our boyfriends, guys in our class, movie stars, and then somehow my sixteen year old brother's name had come up. And there had been immediate and unanimous agreement that Craig was hot.
"My brother?" I'd shrieked, completely mystified.
"I wish I was sixteen again," my best friend Ellie had insisted.
"He's almost as good looking as your dad," another chimed in. And then for the next twenty minutes six high school girls discussed the relative sexual attractiveness of my brother and father.
And Craig's grown out into a man since then. He has that easy casual strength a natural athlete has, a way of entering a room that attracts immediate attention. There is nothing artificial, gym fed about his body, instead he came by his attractiveness naturally — he'd inherited it from dad.
"So what's for dinner anyway?" he asked as he shook the snow from his coat, breaking into my jumbled thoughts.
"Well if there's no major catastrophic event that took place in Miss O'Malley's life today maybe she could take a few minutes and prepare something for her starving brother."
"I wasn't expecting anybody."
"Not even that weirdo you've been dating," he asked, his teasing tone so much like dads.
"It's your fault," I accused. "What did you tell dad anyway?" I demanded, my finger angrily pointing at him.
"I told him that his crazy daughter has buried herself in some godforsaken town in the middle of nowhere and only dates strange, bearded guys who smoke dope and wander around half the day on snowshoes, trapping and killing any little animal with fur they find," he answered grinning.
"I only went out with him once. Did you really tell dad about him?"
"Do they have a pizza parlor in this town?" he asked, ignoring my comment.
"We're in the middle of a bloody blizzard," I squawked.
"You should be living in New York City. Then at least they're be something to do when I came to visit you."
And the thing was he was right! I'd graduated the prior spring, then, after a couple of weeks at home with mom and Craig, had retreated to a small town in northern New Hampshire, having convinced myself that living alone in a raw, natural environment would somehow be cathartic in the development of my artistic vision.
Except it hadn't been. My small apartment at the edge of town, a town of only five hundred people, was a poorly furnished dump. And although I'd had a little money saved I'd soon found myself having to work as a barmaid four nights a week at 'NAKED BEARS', a place that catered to hunters and loggers, was decorated with stuffed animal heads and NRA posters, and which featured at least two donnybrooks every weekend. And had my ass pinched at every second table I served.
"I have some frozen dinners," I admitted as he opened the fridge and then the freezer. "But we better cook them quickly," I added with a grin, unable to be angry with this brother I loved.
"How come?"
"The power could go out anytime ... we lose it every time we get a storm ... like four times already this winter."
He cooked six of them ... my complete stock, claiming he was hungry and that if the power did go out we'd have something for breakfast. So we sat on the living room floor, drinking beers and talking as we ate. And, around eleven, pitiful little ole me realized it was the best evening I'd had since I'd been home at Christmas.
Then the power went out just before midnight! And so the two of us ended up side by side, fully dressed, sleeping on my mattress which we'd taken from my bedroom and tossed on the floor in front of the fire. And the loser and pervert that I was I dreamed of how nice it would be if we were naked! Entwined. With me fully cocked! By my brother ... Sicko...
Saturday, February 9th New Hampshire
We each ate a cold Frozen Turkey Dinner for breakfast, the jellied cranberries and lumpy gravy washed down with orange juice. Yuck! Fortunately the storm had died out during the night and when we finally ventured outside around noon hour we were faced by a thick carpet of virgin snow that seemed to blanket the whole world.
"I don't think you'll be able to get back to school today," I said after we'd battled our way down the walk to the road. Craig's car, on my small driveway, was buried under a mound of snow.
"At least they've plowed," he answered as we surveyed the road. "Anyway, as long as we can get out tomorrow morning we'll be okay."
"Uh huh," he said enigmatically, then, suddenly laughing, turned to me and quickly lifted me into his arms and tossed me into a four foot deep snowdrift which swallowed me completely.
"I'll kill you," I shrieked to his retreating back when I finally managed to pull my face free from the snow. It's not fair I thought to myself as I brushed off, heck, I'm five-nine, athletic and yet my little brother can lift me up and handle me like I'm a little girl.
But at least he had the fire blazing when I stumbled through the door five minutes later.
We took our first tentative steps to treating each other as adults that afternoon. Just casual talking ... but not as older sister and younger brother but as ... oh gosh, it's hard to describe ... but different. Was he going to be someone really important in my future life, a best friend ... or simply the brother (and uncle to my kids) who lived in Cleveland or Philly and who I saw once a year? That afternoon we started down the path to becoming adult friends. It was kinda nice.
"Can I paint you?" I suddenly asked Craig as we sipped our beers later that afternoon.
"Me? A model?" he asked with a small grimace.
"Yes, the handsome, young, college sophomore snowshoeing across the frozen tundra," I answered laughing, as a vision of Craig, clad in a three piece, pinstriped suit with a toque on his head flashed through my mind.
"I'm not going outside," he promised but then asked, "and according to dad you claim you can't even paint a vase of flowers these days."
"Flowers are tougher than dumb brothers," I teased back. And then, for the next couple of hours I was happy again, quickly sketching Craig from a variety of angles, somehow my artistic skill reborn. He talked easily as I worked, letting me have a glimpse inside his life as he described his school courses, his girlfriends, the music he liked, politics (something we'd never discussed), even some of his dreams.
And normally shy me tried to reciprocate, and ended up telling my little brother things I'd never told anyone.
"So where do you think we're going tomorrow," I asked when I finally remembered his comment from earlier about me accompanying him when he left the next morning.
"Boston. Hell, I better shovel the car out and make sure it starts before it gets too late," he said as he stood up.
"Boston? What's in Boston?" I asked even as my eyes roved across his stretched t-shirt, a t-shirt that did little more than highlight his muscled chest and flat stomach. Quickly flicking my eyes even lower I took in the bulge of maleness that seemed far too large for the blue jeans that held them. I quickly looked back up.
"Logan International Airport," he answered, his face all of a sudden sporting a smug grin.
"Are you going somewhere? Do you need a ride?" I asked, now completely at sea, my mind still contemplating, estimating his size.
"Why do you think dad called you yesterday? What do you think he didn't have time to tell you before you so rudely hung up on him?"
"I wasn't rude ... what didn't he say?"
"That being the wonderful father that he is, he has bought his daughter, the most important person in his life"
"Hah," I grumbled, interrupting him.
"Well after me ... and I guess after a couple of those sweet little Hawaiian girls he's been hanging out with lately," Craig added with a smirk and a wink. "Anyway, this kind father has bought his favorite daughter a plane ticket that will whisk her away to Maui, Hawaii where she will spend her twenty-first birthday, the day she finally becomes a woman, surfing with her loving father."
"I can't go," I spat out. "I won't," I insisted as my suddenly silent brother looked on bemusedly. "I have my art ... my job ... stop smiling like that," I ordered as he continued to say nothing. "You're not funny!"
"Here, I printed out your ticket and boarding pass before I left school," he answered as he pulled a folded envelope out of his back pocked. "And dad expects you to bring a very nice present for him."
"I didn't get him anything," I answered, then quickly reddened in embarrassment when he gave me a disapproving look. It had always been the biggest week of the year in our family- my birthday the 13th, Valentines Day the 14th, then dad's birthday the 15th. Three days of family celebration that had provided all of us with our warmest memories, a panorama of love that stretched back twenty years.
"You can give him the picture you just painted of me," Craig said smiling, interrupting my thoughts of happier family days.
"Why would he want a picture of you?" I muttered.
For five minutes he let me ramble on with reasons why I couldn't possibly go and it was only when I finally stopped talking, that he said quietly, "Listen sis, I am going to get you to Gate 27 at Logan by noon hour tomorrow and that's that. If you don't want to get on the plane that's your decision. Break your father's heart if you have to."
"You can't make me go," I said even as I knew with one hundred percent certainty that Craig was going to deliver me to the airport no matter what I said or did. "Why are you doing what he says? Why are you always on daddy's side?"
"We're both worried about you," he answered simply.
"You are? Why?"
"Because we both love you."
"I don't know why ... you're a real pain in the rear end most of the time ... But this is crap," he added as his hands indicated the room in general but also in a way that made me understand he was talking about the way I was living my life.
"I am not a pain," I insisted as I slipped into his embrace and let my tears of both joy and sadness be soaked up by his t-shirt.
He gave me my birthday present after dinner that night, and then insisted I open it then and there. "You'll need it in Hawaii," he said as I contemplated the gift wrapped package.
"It's not a very big gift," I mock complained as I suspiciously shook the small package.
"That's for sure," he agreed with a grinning smirk as I started to open the package.
"No way ... NO ... NO ... WAAAAY little brother," I promised as I held up the two pieces, the top in my left hand, the bottoms in my right. Craig laughed, insisted I try it on, told me if I wanted anyone to notice me I'd better get with it, that Hawaii was the swimming suit big leagues.
I was finally convinced to at least try it on. Here we were in the middle of February in snow covered New Hampshire and I'm dressing myself in two little pieces of cloth that didn't have a total of one square foot of material. It wasn't a thong exactly, the panties were more a Brazilian boy short, cut so high that half of my cheeks were spilling out. In front the thin, yellow cloth barely covered my pubic triangle. The bra, two triangles just managed to barely cover my full, round breasts.
After minutes of watching myself in the mirror, trying to see what I looked like from every angle, I finally heard Craig's order to get back out there and let him see if it was okay.
I didn't want to and yet of course wanted to. I was nervous ... and excited. It's just your brother, can't hurt, I tried to convince myself when I finally opened the bedroom door.
His eyes as they opened in surprise combined with the gasped out, "Whaaat the" told me all I had to know about what he thought.
"It's not me ... it's too ... too," I stammered, loving the effect I was producing even while pretending the opposite.
"Look out Hawaii," he finally blurted, "shit Kate, I hope dad has a gun, he'll going to need it to fight off all the surfer dudes who'll be chasing after you."
"You think its okay?"
"If you weren't my sister," he threatened with a wolfish leer. Joking yes, but I couldn't help but notice that I'd given my little brother a hard-on. Except, at least according to any I'd ever seen before, it seemed way too big. What the hell did he have in there I wondered.
With the power back on that night I slept in my bedroom — alone. While Craig slept on my sofa. I'm not sure what might have happened if we'd have slept together that night. But looking back I'm pretty sure I never would have got on the plane to Hawaii.
But we didn't sleep together and therefore at six a.m. on Sunday morning, Febuary 10th 2008, I followed my brother, who was carrying the bag I'd taken two hours to pack the night before, out my front door and down to his car, my first step towards the most beautiful place on Earth and my waiting father.
Which worked out just fine after all!
Sunday, February 10th, 3:30 p.m., Maui, Hawaii
I almost didn't recognize him standing in the terminal, a huge welcoming smile on his face. His hair was longer, lighter from the sun and salt than I remembered, and he sported a new (at least for me who hadn't seen him in eighteen months) bushy mustache that hung Fu Manchu like from his upper lip. His skin which had always tanned easily in the summer (unlike my whiter skin) was now a glistening, rich golden color. He was wearing one of those outlandish Hawaiian shirts over a pair of white surfing shorts and a pair of rope sandals. He looked ridiculous. He was my father. I'd always loved him!
Which I guess is why I dropped my bags, raced over the ten yards that separated us and then hurtled myself at him. And was immediately enveloped in his strong arms and then lifted effortlessly in the air, he easily twirling me around as his lips kissed my cheek and lips. I had tears in my eyes when he finally set me back on my feet. Any trepidation either of us had at our reunion instantly gone.
"So I guess we missed each other a little bit," he offered shyly, a tentative grin on his face.
"Maybe," I admitted, then added as I touched the hairy growth on his lip, "and hey, where'd you get these ... these ... clothes?"
"Picking on your old man already are you kiddo?" he grumbled, but in a teasing, loving tone that I recognized so well and which sent a shiver down my spine. Stepping back he quickly ran his eyes up and down my body appraisingly, then asked, "Craig did tell you Hawaii and not Alaska didn't he?"
"Ha, ha daddy," I answered as I slipped my arms from the ski jacket that was good in temperatures down to minus 30 degrees and then handed it to him, then pulled my blue, vee necked cashmere sweater over my head and then shook out my hair. Then was suddenly shy.
Bra less, I could feel my breasts dancing under the light blue cotton tank top that was my only remaining covering. I saw approval in his eyes as he watched this sudden unplanned show and then couldn't stop the hardening of my nipples as he watched. I shoulda worn a bra I chastened myself even as I delighted in the attention.
"I don't usually wear a bra that often ... not when I'm around the house ... painting ... it's more comfortable ... I mean I ... I sorta didn't think," I blurted as I reddened, suddenly afraid what he'd think.
"That's nice," he answered maddeningly, still the man it was almost impossible to faze (and I'd pulled some pretty wild pranks during my teenage years), as he bent down and grabbed the bag he'd been carrying when I'd first seen him. And then he slowly put one, then a second, then a third string of beautiful flowers around my neck. Which fortunately hid the evidence of my nippled excitement from his eyes. Or was it fortunate?
"Now I don't want you telling everyone when you get home that you weren't 'Properly Lei'ed' when you came to Hawaii," he admonished with a grin as he adjusted the leis around my neck.
"You're so funny dad," I answered laughing, knowing I was going to pay for my inadvertent remark on the phone about my love life. Smiling he took one of my hands in his as he grabbed my bag with his other one, then led me out towards paradise.
It's a different world. Okay, yes, it is just another state, just one of fifty. But it only takes you maybe five minutes over here to realize that every minute of your life you've spent somewhere else was a pale imitation of what life should be. For an artist it was almost too much, the dazzling colors and tropical smells simply blasted into my brain, threatening a complete sensual overload. I was actually gasping as dad directed his topless jeep away from the airport.
I'd decided well before we pulled up in front of his house, a house that seemed only seconds away from being swallowed by the jungle like foliage that surrounded it, that Hawaii was my new home, that I'd never live anywhere else.
A northeasterner, a mainlander like me, has no vocabulary to adequately describe a house in Hawaii or the grounds that surround it. You're faced with asking a thousand questions, 'what do you call that tree?', or bird, or flower or fish. Within days you know what a 'lanai' is, what a hundred different new words are, but at first you simply follow open mouthed as your father leads you through his house and grounds.
And you end up at the back of his house, beyond the lush garden that surrounds the pool and the 'lanai', and you find yourself looking down upon a view that simply takes your breath away, a view you know you could paint for the next fifty years and still not get bored. You watch the lowering sun as it dances across the white tipped waves and want to cry. You've found your home!
Hawaii, Monday, February 11th
Just before nine that first night I'd abruptly hid a wall, the time change and the emotional excitement of having seen daddy again after so long suddenly knocking me out. I was in bed by nine - we'd been talking almost nonstop since the second I'd deplaned. The anger I'd secretly harbored against him since the divorce had completely dissipated.
So, my body still on New Hampshire time, I was up early the next morning, popping out of bed before five a.m. fully refreshed after eight hours sleep. And then, with a glass of orange juice in one hand and my painting supplies (easel, sketchbook and paints) precariously held in my other, I wandered out across the lanai and back down to the edge of dad's property and the view that had so mesmerized me the night before.
The little crescent of what I learned later was called Molokini was below and across the water, the more ominous shadow of Kahoolawe farther beyond. The beaches of Wailea, small sandy arcs at the edge of the foaming sea, were below and to my right while the western Maui Mountains loomed across the ocean. And at my back Haleakala, a now quiet volcano that held dad's house on its lower slopes.
Engrossed in my work, I only just heard the sound of a glass door sliding open at just after seven. Looking up and peering between the plants I saw dad as he emerged through the doors that led directly from his bedroom to the pool deck. He wore just a towel around his waist. Curious, I swallowed the friendly 'good morning' that was on the tip of my tongue and watched silently.
I saw him look up quickly at the house (checking for any life from me?), then stunned, I gasped softly when he let the towel drop and walked over to the outdoor shower that stood at the edge of the lanai. Embarrassed, but spellbound, I simply watched, watched as he ran a bar of soap over his chest, then down across his stomach and down between his legs.
I found myself with goose bumps when seconds later he stepped out from the cascade of water and then headed directly towards me. Panicky, unsure what I could possibly say, I only breathed again when he turned and jumped into the pool. He swam for twenty minutes, back and forth, lap after lap, and my eyes never left his tanned butt as he glided through the water. But it was what I'd seen swinging between his legs as he'd walked toward the pool that had burned itself deep into my brain. Heck, no wonder Craig had looked so big under his jeans I thought, he inherited something else from dad.
And when I looked down at my sketchpad I found I'd somehow drawn an incredibly detailed picture of my father's penis. Okay, okay, it's just a penis I tried to convince myself as I walked across he lawn back towards the house. Yeah sure!
Unfortunately dad, now dressed, was sitting at the kitchen table when I slipped inside the kitchen five minutes later. I could see the surprise, the question in his eyes before he finally welcomed me, "Hey, you're up ... I thought you were still sleeping. What can I make you for breakfast?" he added, his curiosity never leaving his eyes.
"I woke early ... still on New Hampshire time I guess ... I saw the sunrise ... I was trying to draw," I stammered.
"Can I see?" he asked as he moved towards me with open hand.
"No ... I mean they're just sketches ... they're not finished," I started, but then looked at dad and admitted, "I was at the end of the yard ... I saw you..."
"Naked," I said with a look that was part grimace and part embarrassment.
"I shouldn't have ... I thought you were still," he started to explain.
"I shoulda said something ... but then you dropped your towel," I said before tailing off.
"I'm sorry, I won't do it again," dad promised.
"Do you always swim nude?" I asked as I remembered his tanned butt, the lack of tan lines anywhere.
"Well, my morning swim, or when I'm alone," he explained, clearly a little embarrassed himself.
"Or when those Hawaiian girls Craig was talking about come over?" I asked grinning.
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Introduction: Message me on forums and tell me whether you like my story or not. Thanks. I wrote this story in an hour, let me know what you think about it. Have a happy Valentines Day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discreet Couple Lookn For Valentines Day Fun – mw4t (DownTown T.O) Wife and I want to fuck a lovely female tranny on Valentines Day. Must be bisexual, message me. ________________________________________ Hello, I hope...
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Man leaves cheating wife on Valentines Day.February 14th 2008, Valentines DayI watched her through hooded eyes as she slipped into the bedroom, and then tried to control the grin I felt growing on my lips when I saw what she was wearing.Fuck, she's still capable of giving me a hard-on I thought as I watched her full, round breasts moving under the diaphanous, ivory colored, silk babydoll she was wearing. To her husband of f******n years her already hard, dark pink, half dollar sized nipples...
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Valentines Day or A New Beginning. by The Rebel I opened the door to the condo and there stood Betty. At 5'10" with big breasts, a generous butt and midnight black hair, she was lovely. Her clear blue eyes gleamed at me and as I let her in she said. "Where's Claire, Jim?" " Claire just went down to the store, she should be back in 45 minutes or so: she wanted some of that nice Chianti that you've always liked to help us celebrate tonight." "Betty your such a Betty, he grinned...
It's Valentines Day February 14th 2010...It's 6:00 A.M. and I wake up after a restless night of sleep. I really don't get into Valentines day because I don't have anyone in my life. I always find it hard around the Christmas Holidays and Valentines day because of being alone with no one to celebrate it with. But I get through them every year. I get out of bed and make some breakfast and the phone rings. A good friend is on the other side. He always calls on Valentines Day to talk and he always...
I forcefully slam my hand down upon the blaring alarm clock as the noise pierces my eardrums like a sharp knife through soft butter. I reluctantly rise, wipe the sleep from my eyes and then stagger into the bathroom to take a nice hot shower. I get dressed and think of all the fun things I would be doing during the week I will be visiting Hawaii for a well-deserved vacation. I had mentioned to my friends that I pleasantly associate with in a chat room I frequently visit that I will not be...
Looking down I spy a mosquito. It is, by far and away, a good dozen times larger than any other of its kind I’ve ever seen. More like the size of a House Sparrow than the normal size for such an insect. With wings a-hum it lands and stick its probe into my ink, sucking up the blood. Fascinated that anything could seek sustenance in something as vile as a putrid fluid of mine, I watch it drink its fill. When it flies away, I feel suddenly the echoing emptiness of this place. Never much one...
I have been racking my brain for weeks trying to think of the perfect Valentines Day gift for my husband Rich. He already has just about every toy for just about every hobby you can think of. It’s been a tough year and our relationship has suffered a little. I often think about the closeness we once shared and want so much to feel that once again with him. Rich is a wonderful man and I want to give him the perfect gift, if any man deserved it, it is Rich. Last night was girls...
Hi all: If you have read any of my post you would know that I have been keeping a diary since I was eight years old and I go back and read them often. It is fitting that I came across this entry yesterday seeing it was valentines day (and yes I did have a date yesterday mater of fact 2 of them one for lunch and one for dinner, How much candy can a GURL eat LOL )Anyway. In 9th grade one of the boys who I serviced often passed me a note asking if he could take me out for Valentines day. My...
Valentines day was around the corner and all of my friends would be spending it with their girlfriends. I was going to spend it at home alone again. They decided to set me up on a blind date. I knew that resistance to this idea was futile so I agreed to go on this date. They and their girlfriends knew someone in my exact position and felt she needed a date also. I told them to have her meet me at Bertinelli's at seven. I also told them that I'd be wearing a black tuxedo. I got to the restaurant...
Valentines day was around the corner and all of my friends would be spending it with their girlfriends. I was going to spend it at home alone again. They decided to set me up on a blind date. I knew that resistance to this idea was futile so I agreed to go on this date. They and their girlfriends knew someone in my exact position and felt she needed a date also. I told them to have her meet me at Bertinelli's at seven. I also told them that I'd be wearing a black tuxedo. I got to the restaurant...
(Allen) After watching Ashlyn's plane take off I walked back to my car to return home. I couldn't help but to have a few tears streaming down my cheek as I walked with my head down. As I walked I asked myself "what have I done"? "How did I let this happen"? "Did I ruin my daughter's life"? As I sat down in my car I just held the wheel thinking about the hot sex we just had before she left back to college. I had to admit to myself that my own daughter was the best fuck of my life. But I knew one...
You know I'm going to say what every single person out there is thinking but lack the testicular fortitude to say. I fucking hate Valentines Day. I'm not even sure if I hate it worse when I'm single or when I'm in a relationship. I mean sure when I'm in single I have to look around at all the happy couples, I have to watch girls go crazy as they get flowers delivered to the office. I have to watch guys nervously make last second arrangements and of course I have to face the fact that everybody...
Introduction: A present for a special Valentine GIFT FOR VALENTINES DAY It all started a few months ago when we went to the doctors office and my wife met Dr Miller. One look at Dr Miller and you knew she preferred women. She had very short and neatly trimmed blonde hair. She stood about 55 and 110 pounds. She carried herself like a man but had just enough feminism to know she was a woman. The cute Dr made my wife stop and notice, as I soon found out why. My wife asked me when we left if I...
this is a story for my sister emily who is a nasty whore that likes rough,hardcore, dirty sex. sometimes emily and I write stories together but I wrote this on just for her. emily is a nasty fuck toy whore that likes the kind of sex described in this story My sister/sexslave Emily Yesterday afternoon I went to my sister Emilys house to keep her company since her husband is out of town on business for the week. We decided to have dinner around eight o"clock. After dinner Emily said she...
449 [Cb36] Stacey....your valentines story! My mate who I`ve known on here for a while , he tells me he has a wife with a lovely nature and a nice enough figure, me I have never met her, but I`ve offered to write this story for him as a valentines gift. Only for them, I and they know who they really are, though now we thousands can share it! All I really know of the lady is she`s a 5ft 9 inch, brunette, and that they have been married 30 years, and she met him (or he her dependent on your...
hey Emily this is your little brother. I wrote this story for you to let you know how much I want to shove my cock down your throat and up your asshole. I heard you talking to your bestfriend telling her about the rough sex you've been having so here is a fantasy for you.this is a story for my sister emily who is a nasty whore that likes rough,hardcore, dirty sex. sometimes emily and I write stories together but I wrote this on just for her. emily is a nasty fuck toy whore that likes the kind...
“If you like them so much you wear them,” Sara quipped, flinging the red silk panties across the bed.I should explain that in my hurry to buy her some Valentines lingerie, I had overlooked her size requirements. Sara was always fussy about her underwear, everything had to match and fit perfectly. Not only that, but she valued comfort over style. In an attempt to appeal to her more slutty side, I had been seduced by the usual man-made red silk set, complete with suspenders and stockings.“You...
CrossdressingYou watched the oven intently as the chocolate hardened in the metal shells and you waited for them to be ready for the sweet caramel filling you had prepared. Once that was done they were to be topped with white chocolate. As always the smell was mouth-watering as I waited for your sweet Valentines Kisses to be ready. I looked at you and noticed the stains of sugar and chocolate on your apron. As you eased the heavy tray into the cold room and stood up I came up behind you and circled your...
It has been a tough time since He was laid off the day after thanksgiving. We were fighting like cats and dogs lately, and I was beginning to wonder if we would make it to Valentines day. It seemed every piece of mail or phone call caused Him to want to run away from the world, and Me to end up in tears. At night we dreamed of an island paradise where it stayed a balmy 70 degrees, surrounded by water, like a Jimmy Buffet song. I knew something had to be done soon. Valentines day was fast...
Hi, I am Rohit working in Pune, 25 years of age. I am 6ft tall with athletic built, fair looking and handsome that’s what girls say. This is my personal experience on Valentines Day this year with my gf her name is Pie(Name changed) Let me tell you about her she is 5’3″ tall and very beautiful having a curvacious body with a figure of 32 28 32. She is damn sexy with curves at right places fair in complexion. Her best feature is her lips she has a very kissbale lips , whenever I see her I want...
I wanted to get my beautiful wife something special for Valentines Day. She certainly deserved it. Not only is my Claire drop-dead gorgeous (in a girl next door sort of way): 5'-2"; soft, long honey-coloured hair; blazing blue eyes; and killer smile, but she is also a terrific lover. Even at 37, Claire has worked hard to keep the same firm figure she had when she was in 6th Form.She puts up with a lot. I'm very career oriented right now with my own startup business. Even though I travel all the...
Valentines Day By [email protected] have been dating a woman named Judy for several months. I really like her and we seem to have a lot in common. We haven't gotten really physical yet. At the end of dates we have kissed and fooled around a lot, but haven't actually made love yet. I send her special email and email cards on holidays, and even on her birthday.Lately, Judy has gotten on my case because I haven't gotten her any gifts. Well, my work keeps me very busy. I work all day and a...
SpankingTuesday, February 10th 2009, Chicago, Illinois 1 Chez Paris Lingerie Emporium 2:30 pm "Can I help you?" There's a friendly, almost sweet, teenage lilt in the voice that wafts over my shoulder. "I'm browsing," I answer as turning, I look up from the frilly panties in my hands into the eyes of one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. An almost overpowering erotic innocence seems to be emanating from her. "Brrrr ... ooow ... zing," I stutter as my eyes finally break contact with...
I have been racking my brain for weeks trying to think of the perfect Valentines Day gift for my husband Rich. He already has just about every toy for just about every hobby you can think of. It’s been a tough year and our relationship has suffered a little. I often think about the closeness we once shared and want so much to feel that once again with him. Rich is a wonderful man and I want to give him the perfect gift, if any man deserved it, it is Rich. Last night was girls night out and I...
Group SexHawaiian StyleI was in the service, stationed at Schofield Barracks on Oahu, Hawaii. I was a young single 27 year old at a base tour that many wanted and I had.One evening, all my comrades had other plans and my lady friends were unavailable so I went to a Hawaiian aloha festival that night by myself for some evening entertainment. This lovely Hawaiian lady who I hadn’t scene before when I attended was my servant. She was in her mid 40’s with jet-black hair containing slight traces of gray. ...
Maria loved teaching school and she loved her children. She had not given birth to them, but she was given the privilege of helping to raising them just the same. Maria’s students were all excited about the coming Valentine’s Day holiday. Unlike the other holidays throughout the calendar year, Valentine’s Day was special. It held no religious overtones for them. Any previous religious connotations or possible ancient beliefs were long lost in the passage of time. What remained was a short,...
I took another look at the instant message from Mark. ‘Bastard!’ I muttered to myself under my breath. The queue for the wine bar shuffled forward as a middle aged couple were shown to a table. At this rate it would be half an hour before I could get a drink. Not that I particularly wanted to start drinking at two o’clock in the afternoon. But the choices in Terminal C were limited, McDonalds, Starbucks or the Wine Bar. I had already consumed two espressos. The wine bar was the only acceptable...
I took another look at the instant message from Mark. "Bastard!" I muttered to myself under my breath. The queue for the wine bar shuffled forward as a middle aged couple were shown to a table. At this rate it would be half an hour before I could get a drink. Not that I particularly wanted to start drinking at two o'clock in the afternoon. But the choices in Terminal C were limited; McDonalds, Starbucks or the Wine Bar. I had already consumed two espressos. The wine bar was the only acceptable...
AnalFebruary 14th 2008, Valentines Day I watched her through hooded eyes as she slipped into the bedroom, and then tried to control the grin I felt growing on my lips when I saw what she was wearing. Fuck, she's still capable of giving me a hard-on I thought as I watched her full, round breasts moving under the diaphanous, ivory colored, silk babydoll she was wearing. To her husband of fourteen years her already hard, dark pink, half dollar sized nipples indicated her excitement, the wetness I...
It all started a few months ago when we went to the doctor’s office and my wife met Dr Miller. One look at Dr Miller and you knew she preferred women. She had very short and neatly trimmed blonde hair. She stood about 5’5” and 110 pounds. She carried herself like a man but had just enough feminism to know she was a woman. The cute Dr made my wife stop and notice, as I soon found out why. My wife asked me when we left if I thought Dr Miller was cute? I told her yes and she replied, “ I thought...
LesbianJoan rolled over and once again looked at the bedside clock, 12:07, exactly two minutes later than it had been the last time she had looked. Sweet Jesus, here she was on her dream vacation in Maui and she couldn't fall asleep. She glanced across the bed at her husband of 13years, David, and listened to him softly snoring, asleep after their love making session, well at least it was David's' perception of making love. Joan damn well knew it wasn't her idea of making love but then again it...
It’s coming up to valentines day and I don’t have a clue what gift to buy for my fiancé this year, I want it to be something extra special. A shopping trip is definitely in order. As I wonder around the high street looking at teddy bears and balloons I realise none of this stuff is good enough. After spending the whole afternoon looking all I have bought is a big card, but no present. In a last attempt I decide to trawl through the net looking for saucy ideas. For a giggle I decided to look...
A few years for valentines day my hubby bought me a vibrator, it was a standard one about 8inches long. That evening I was home from work early, i shower and slowly got dressed waiting for my husband to pick me up so we could go out for our valentines day dinner. In the days building up, I'd gone to the shops and bought a bright red lingerie set, which I wore that night to suprise him. But of course when he got home I had put a sexy black dress on to cover the lingerie while out at dinner.We...
Valentines By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction and a follow up of my Eve stories. Please read them before this as it will make for a better story. I have resurrected and old character that I loved, Thelma Vitner from "A Christmas Story," which I thoroughly enjoyed. It may be downloaded for personal pleasure all other use prohibited unless approved by the author. If you do not enjoy forced feminization and humiliation, do not read. Again, this story is not for the squeamish and...
When Marie arrived at ten the next morning, I had poached eggs, toast and coffee ready for her. When she let herself in, she found me in the kitchen, still wearing my new, dark blue nightie, the one that looked like a man's pajama top. "Well, look at you, looking so cute and acting so domesticated." She teased as she took off her coat. I smiled and placed two plates on my kitchen table, one for each of us. Each had two poached eggs, two pieces of oatmeal bread toasted and buttered with...
I had found a new girlfriend called Nancy, and now we had gone out on many dates. I have grown to really enjoy her company and being with her, and we have many of the same likes and dislikes. I like her so much that I don’t mind her wanting to spank me and having me wear this cock and ball harness. The harness tends to keep me in an erect state and is somewhat embarrassing at times, but since I have grown to really love Nancy, I put up with it. Also, now Nancy and I have exchanged house...
SpankingHer Valentines Gift By Brenda Her long flowing chestnut brown hair mixed with my long brown hair as we passionately embraced on the king-size four poster bed. I would catch a glimpse or two as I peered up between kisses. Mostly I saw her bright red lips as they neared my pink painted lips. She nibbled gently on my soft lips before driving her tongue into my mouth. Kissing me deeply as the temperature in me rose. She caressed my face with her beautifully manicured hand as she...
Then, to completely make my brain explode, a tall, slim person in a white tuxedo took hold of my arm and ran it through hers. "Are you all set?" She asked with the hint of an Austrian accent. I turned and I couldn't blink... I couldn't speak... I couldn't even breath for a few seconds. I shook my head in the hopes of clearing out the impossibilities of the situation. Finally I muttered, "Hilda!? Hilda? What are you doing here?" "I'm giving away the bride." She smiled and my knees...
It was a short walk from the parking lot to the entrance of the garden center, but far enough for Rose to have already started sweating. True, it was an uncomfortably hot morning, and the sun grew more merciless as the minutes passed, but the reason had as much to do with Rose as with the heat. She had dressed lightly for the day-- a thin polyester dress with a floral pattern, sandals, a broad-brimmed hat-- but at 44 she was not a petite woman, and it didn't take much exertion for a film of...
He had spent all day getting everything ready for the night ahead. There were candles everywhere, on the mantle, in the fireplace, on the window sills, and even on the floor. A small table was set in the middle of the room covered in a pale pink table cloth and covered with deep red rose petals. Next to the table was a bucket of chilled champagne to go with the dinner that he had prepared. There were also several vases full of roses of all colors on the other tables around the room. As the time...
I had bought some suction cup toys online along with a black self bra with red roses stitched in it & matching pantie set for my girlfriend & as I work away i had them in the car when I got back from site to show her. She was wearing a tank-top & a skirt with a bikini on underneath in case we decided to go swimming instead. For Valentines day we decided to go to the only drive in movies in the state, we went to see the new triple x 3 movie in my BMW coupe. Part way through I got her to take...
“I’m home,” Alex yelled as she closed the door. “In the bedroom,” Kevin called distantly. Alex put her briefcase down on the fourier table, then headed to join her future husband. She thumbed her engagement ring, loving the novelty of it. Alex found Kevin toweling off his head leaving the rest of his lean muscular body wet. “Mm, dripping man. Just what I need,” she said, hugging his moist body from behind. “Careful, you’ll ruin your suit,” Kevin cautioned. “Casual Friday at work today,...
my girlfriend is let’s say a little racist she says ew when she sees a black guys cock In porn so I thought I would give her a little treat this year on the holiday of romance. thanks to the help of a kind black gentleman I met online, a 35 year old african man with an 11 inche throbbing monster and I asked if he would help me out He was happy to help. 7:30pm valentines day night I walk my princess to his car she has a blindfold on and has no idea whats gonna happen I keep her from...
I had bought some suction cup toys online along with a self bra & matching pantie set for my girlfriend & as I work away i had them in the car when I got back from site to show her. She was wearing a tank-top & a skirt with a bikini on underneath in case we decided to go swimming instead. For Valentines day we decided to go to the only drive in movies in the state, we went to see the new triple x 3 movie in my BMW coupe. Part way through I got her to take off her bikini top &...
my girlfriend is let's say a little racist she says ew when she sees a black guys cockIn porn so I thought I would give her a little treat this year on the holiday of romance.thanks to the help of a kind black gentleman I met online, a 35 year old african man withan 11 inche throbbing monster and I asked if he would help me out He was happy to help.7:30pm valentines day night I walk my princess to his car she has a blindfold on and has no ideawhats gonna happen I keep her from peeking on the...
Its Valentines Day and I miss him so much. I chatted with him today and I could sense he was missing his favorite juicy booty. I wanted to do something special for him even though he was so far away. We made plans to skype later on that night. Misty and I also had plans to meet for dinner and drinks because our men were away for the holiday. We went to dinner and had a few drinks and flirted with a few men and danced a bit. We were just being flirty good girls and then we decided to head home...
It was during a break at school, I think it was around valentines day, it was on a Wednesday afternoon. My last class was over and I was headed back to my dorm room, not many of my fellow classmates wanted to be seen with me during daylight. I had entered my room when there was a slight knock at my door, not concerned, I swung the door open and stood there in shock as three of the new freshman class pushed pass me and closed the door. I asked '...what the fu-- are you doing...' the last guy, a...
Samantha was a slut, not just your average slut, but a whore like no other, known around town as "the bus" because anyone could get on and take a ride, this was a special kind of slut. Jake liked that about her, in fact, it was what he liked best about her. When Jake and Sam started to see each other they made a deal, she could fuck other people, and lots of them, but only when Jake told her to, she was his, his slave and his fuck whore.Jake would make her pick up girls in clubs, take her to...
It was valentines day and we had nothing but $20 to our name,but I was determined to make this the best one yet! You see we've been together for about 8 years and the past ones weren't exactly the best.I head over to the computer and print out addresses and directions I wanted to take him tonight. I don't have a DL,so he would be doing all of the driving. First stop is the movie Tavern. I order chicken tenders,and he orders chilli cheese fries. We went to see Safe House with Denzel,but of...
She’d lost track of the amount of couples holding single red roses as she waited for her boyfriend, Elijah, to come pick her up for their big ‘Valentines Day Date’. Tessa had been watching people cross The Promenade for over an hour counting the couples that were supposed to be her and Elijah. “God damn it! Where the hell are you, Elijah!? You were supposed to be here over an hour ago!” Tessa yelled at nothing in particular. She was in her, and his, favorite dress, a silk black slinky thing...
EroticFor Valentines day my lover asked me what I wanted and I had told her just to surprise me with anything as I don't really consider Valentines day a day for guys to get gifts. I figured I would get a blowjob like years past and I was happy with that. The gift I received was more than I could image though. It didn't include another woman or a 3-some that most guys dream about. Rather I found myself tied to the bed that night with a blindfold over my eyes. I felt my fiance reaching into my pants...
EroticShe put her hand on my thigh, real close to my dick and said "What about your wife?" I looked at her and told her she is my wife but your friend as well and it is best we keep her out of it. The next few seconds passed by like years and she finally leaned over and said lets keep her out of this and asked me to meet her in the car park when my wife was back. Fuck! It's Valentines day, again ! Having been with my wife for over 5 years I know what she wants and how to get it arranged for her. Same...