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Karen nearly panicked when the young man climbed out of his car and leaned back in to retrieve his gear. If her guess was right, he probably wasn't even old enough to drink yet. Oh no, no, no! Why didn't I ask to talk to who they were sending first! She glanced back over her shoulder at the gymnasium that would soon be filled with children — including her own son.

What had promised to be a triumph that would unseat Betty, the PTA queen of organization, now teetered in the balance, all hinging upon the young man walking toward her. She stopped just short of bringing a lock of her red hair to her lips, a habit she'd broken years ago — or so she thought.

"Hello," she said, and inwardly winced when some of her trepidation came through in her voice.

"You must be Ms. Hutton. Name's Leo. I'm all ready to go," he greeted her while offering his hand. She couldn't help but notice that he had a moderate Italian accent.

"Karen," she offered. "So how long have you been a firefighter?"

Leo laughed. "Yeah, I could see it in your eyes. I joined up volunteer when I turned eighteen. My pops has been on the force all my life, though. I may as well have been born with a helmet on and a hose in my hand. I know what I'm doing."

What he said might have sounded arrogant, except the tone of his voice completely belied any such consideration. His calm, self-assured manner actually served to settle Karen's nerves. "That's good to hear. The kids are really looking forward to seeing you. Hopefully they'll learn a little something about fire safety in the process."

"Sure would make my life a little easier — a little more boring — but easier. You wouldn't believe how many times we get called out 'cause of kids playing with matches, or screwing around — you know?"

"That's what you're here for," Karen said with a wide smile as she led him into the gym. Now that she'd spoken to him for a minute or two, she thought that he fit the mold perfectly, despite his age. All he needed was a nice, thick mustache to fully look the part. "I need to get things started. It'll be about a half hour. I'll come get you in time to put all your things on."

"I'll be right here," Leo said, and pulled up a chair in the equipment closet where she'd led him.

Everything went perfectly. Leo was animated, and certainly did know what he was talking about. He encouraged the children to interact, and they enthusiastically shouted out correct responses to his questions. As she filmed him, Karen even found that she was reconsidering some of her own plans in the event of a fire.

The blank, defeated look on Betty's face was just icing on the cake.

Leo pulled off his helmet when he returned to the equipment room. "So, did I do all right?"

"Perfect. I can't thank you enough for doing this."

"Hey, no problem," Leo said as he pulled off his coat. "You were taping it — right?"

Still holding her camera, Karen held it up and said, "Yes."

"Think you could make me a copy of that? I got this nephew in Minnesota wants to be a fireman, and I think he'd get a kick out of it. We're going out there tomorrow for his birthday."

Karen smiled and said, "That's the least I can do. I can go home and transfer it to the computer to make you a DVD. I just need a few minutes."

Leo smiled and said, "Thanks. I'll go ahead and put my stuff back in my car and wait out there."

"See you in a few minutes, then."

It occurred to Karen as she finished up a few things and talked to the principal that she didn't really have any idea how she was going to give Leo the DVD once she finished it. The solution was simple enough.

"Why don't you just follow me back to the house? That's probably the easiest way to give you your copy, since you need it tomorrow."

"I could have just mailed it to him, but that will work. Be nice to see him watch it."

"I'll be around in a minute, then," Karen said before walking to her car. She beeped her horn and slowed down as she passed him, giving him time to pull out behind her and follow. A few minutes later, he parked in the driveway behind her.

"Nice place," Leo remarked as he climbed out of his car.

Karen smiled and said, "Thank you. It's small, but it's home." She then unlocked the door and gestured for him to follow as she headed directly to the computer.

Once she sat down and plugged in the camera, Karen explained, "It will take a couple of minutes to download from the camera, and then a few more to burn the DVD."

Leo pulled off his jacket. "Glad you know what you're doing, 'cause I got no clue." He laughed and added, "Everybody keeps telling me I need to learn how to work one of those things, but I like to work with my hands. It just doesn't make any sense to me."

Karen glanced back at him and wondered how she'd possibly failed to notice his muscles straining against his t-shirt. In light of that, his comment about working with his hands conjured up an entirely different image in her head. She could feel her cheeks warming, and quickly turned back to the computer. "They get easier to use all the time. I never hurts to learn."

"Yeah, I know," he admitted with a little chuckle.

Still a little nervous about having noticed just how attractive the young fireman was, Karen kept talking, "My son was talking about this for days. You certainly didn't disappoint him."

"Thought it was just the older kids?"

"It was," Karen answered. "My son is in fifth grade."

"Get outta here," Leo incredulously responded.

Karen turned toward him and asked, with laughter in her voice, "What do you mean?"

"Well ... Uh..."

Karen's eyebrows twitched upward. "How old do you think I am?"

Leo held up his hands and waved them in a subtle warding gesture. "Oh no. My pop taught me better than that. Never guess a girl's age," he answered, and then chuckled.

"Now, come on. It sounds to me like I might like the answer," Karen responded, and realized, My god — I'm flirting with him. Behave, Karen.

"Not old enough to have a kid in fifth grade, unless you started pretty early."

Karen blushed from that suggestion, and could tell from Leo's expression that he'd spoken without thinking as well. "I'm thirty-seven," she answered her own question to break the tension and the silence. She then clicked on a folder and opened a picture. "That's David."

"Never would have guessed it. Wouldn't believe it if I wasn't seeing it with my own eyes."

"Thank you," Karen said, tingles running all through her.

"Can't be the first time you've heard it."

Is he flirting with me? He can't be. I'm twice his age. God, he's handsome. Karen had to fight to keep her eyes from popping out of her head when a beep from the computer caused her to look. As she turned her head, her eyes fell on the bulge in his jeans. And packing. Oh my.

"There we are. Now I just need to burn the DVD," Karen said, all the while trying to ignore her nipples stiffening against her bra and the growing tingle between her legs. She put a blank DVD in the drive and started the software. "It will take a couple of minutes. Would you like something to drink?"

"Sure, sounds good."

"Is Coke okay?"

When he nodded, she stood up and walked to the kitchen.

On the way across the living room, she glanced into a decorative mirror on the wall and realized, He's looking at my ass. In that brief look, she saw him bob his head while wearing a quite approving expression.

Safely out of sight in the kitchen, Karen leaned against the refrigerator and shivered. After catching that look, her nipples were stiff, aching points, and the chilly tingle of wetness gathering between her legs was almost maddening.

Get a hold of yourself, Karen. He's just looking. You're fooling yourself. Probably just imagined it.

Coke in hand, Karen returned to the front room and handed it to him. "I could teach you a little bit about how to use the computer while we're waiting."

"Bet you could teach me a lot," Leo responded, wearing a grin that had just a bit of mischief in it.

"Give it a try." Karen pointed to an icon on the screen. "Move the mouse until the arrow is on top of this, and then double-click it."

Leo chuckled and sat down in the chair. He grabbed the mouse and experimented with how to hold it for a minute or two, turning it over in his hand to look at the bottom.

"Put your thumb and pinky on either side, and then your pointer and index fingers on the buttons," Karen explained. "There you go," she said when he followed her instructions and moved the pointer toward the icon.

He didn't quite have the rhythm for a double-click down, so Karen put her hand over his and tapped his finger to show him the speed. Two tries later, the picture opened. "There you go. That's second nature once you've practiced it a bit."

"You've got soft hands," Leo remarked.

Karen's cheeks burned when she realized that her hand was still atop his. It also didn't seem to want to obey her when she ordered it to move.

"You're blushing."

"I ... I'm sorry," Karen said in a small voice, utterly ashamed for letting the daydreams in the back of her head get the better of her.

"Nothing to be sorry for," Leo said, his eyes darting down her body before locking with her eyes again. He leaned back in the chair, the bulge between his slightly parted legs like a magnet to Helen's eyes.

The tray of the DVD drive slid out, indicating that it had finished. Thankful for the distraction, Karen said, "There we are," and walked around the chair to remove it from the drive.

When Karen bent, there was no way she could rationalize away his eyes drinking her in.

"No, you don't look nothing like no thirty-seven," he said, his eyes still on her ass as he adjusted his manhood.

Karen's blush somehow managed to shift to an even deeper shade of red when her eyes snapped to the distinct outline of his cock beneath the denim.

"Bet you could teach me something a lot more interesting than how to work this silly thing."

"What do you ... What do you mean," Karen asked, her eyes trapped in his.

"I'm a fireman. I know that where there's smoke, there's fire," Leo answered while stroking his hand from the back of her knee to her ass.

Karen couldn't stop the stuttering gasp or the powerful shiver that shot through her from his touch. Breathing heavily, she turned toward him, and moaned when he reached up to use his other hand to cup both of her cheeks. Any inhibitions that might have clung to life within her evaporated in that instant. She gathered up his shirt in her fingers and tugged upward.

With a hungry grunt of anticipation, Leo lifted his arms to let her pull the shirt off. "My god, you're gorgeous," Karen said in a breathless rush, and then went to work on her blouse buttons.

Leo tugged the tail of her blouse from her skirt and popped open buttons with practiced efficiency. He caught up to her before she could manage to open a second button. "Oh yeah," he said as he squeezed her right breast, drawing a gasp from her.

Karen popped open the clasp of her bra, but she only managed to push one strap off of her shoulder before Leo hooked his thumbs beneath the cloth and pushed it upwards to free her breasts. One of his hands slid around her back, and he leaned forward to suck her nipple between his lips.

"Oh god — yes," Karen whimpered as he sucked her nipple and tugged her skirt down at the same time. She threw her head back and gasped when he pressed two fingers against the damp spot on her panties.

Leo released her nipple with a final slurp, only to switch to the other. At the same time, he tugged down her panties. While he continued to send chills shooting up and down her spine with his lips, his fingers glided over the short red curls on her nether lips, and then twirled through the longer hairs on her mound.

A warbling sigh bubbled from Karen's lips as he teased her with his fingertips. Her own fingers glided over his muscular back and sides. "Feels so good," she breathed.

Karen's nipple popped free of Leo's mouth when he gave it a final, hard suck. He immediately sat back and popped open the button of his jeans. He pulled down the zipper, and Karen bent at the same time so that she could grab the waistband of his boxers as soon as his zipper opened.

"Oh my," Karen moaned as she revealed him. She felt a touch of concern upon seeing his cock in all its full, naked glory. She'd been with men who were as long, and perhaps as thick, but never both at the same time. She desperately wanted him inside her, and yet she wondered if she could endure it as well.

Leo pulled his jeans down to his ankles while Karen wrapped her hand around his cock. She stroked it as he kicked the denim free, and saw a drop of pre-cum well up from his mushroom tip. Almost before she could form the thought, Karen was sinking to her knees.

Her tongue snaked out to gather up the clear, tangy droplet, drawing a moan from her that Leo echoed. He throbbed in her hand, the head twitching against her tongue. Leo's hand cupped her cheek, and he guided her chin upward.

Karen looked up into his deep, sexy brown eyes and flicked the tip of her tongue over the head of his cock.

"You're beautiful," Leo said in a husky whisper.

Karen smiled as her tongue continued to dance over him. She circled around his tip a few times, and then opened her mouth wide to take him in.

"Oh yeah, baby," Leo groaned as she sucked the flared tip and a little over an inch of him into her mouth.

Karen's next stroke went deeper, and she could already feel the ache in her jaw from how wide she had to open her mouth to engulf his thick cock. She let out a little yelp of surprise around him when he used his toes to tickle her nether lips. He had remarkable dexterity with the digits, and caused her hips to shiver uncontrollably with his touch.

He was simply too big for her to take him fast, at first. Karen concentrated on not scraping him with her teeth, and seeing how much of him she could possibly take. She grew more confident with each suck, and his grunts encouraged her to new efforts. Her head bobbed ever faster over his lap until she let him slip to the back of her tongue. She choked and had to pull back.

Leo cupped both of her heavy breasts once she caught her breath, and looked deep into her eyes. He lifted with subtle pressure, encouraging her to stand. As she rose up from her knees, he let his hands drop down and squeezed her buttocks, pulling her toward him.

Karen leaned over the chair, supporting her weight on the chair back as he tilted his head back and hungrily kissed her. The kiss alone would have been enough to send her into perfect bliss, but she'd also never had a man let her kiss him after sucking his cock, and his erection was twitching upward with every throb to barely tickle her nether lips.

In no time, the ache between Karen's legs was too much to endure. She reached between their bodies, and guided his tip between her damp folds.

Leo growled as she wiggled her hips and sank down on him. She was so wet that he slipped in easily. Karen let her head loll back and trembled, fuller than anything she'd ever experienced before, or even imagined. Once the spasm passed, she removed her blouse and bra as quickly as possible, tossing the garments aside.

Karen rose up, feeling every inch of him as she slid up his now slippery cock. "Ah! So big," she cried out when she dropped down on him once more.

"Damn, you feel good," Leo said. His hands rested on her hips, sliding along with her motion.

"Oh god — so do you," Karen moaned in response as she bounced a little faster. She reached up to squeeze her breasts and tease her nipples for a few strokes, but soon placed her hands back on his legs for more leverage.

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Threeway Calling

Introduction: my first story… enjoy! THREEWAY CALLING Amy King had just started college and a new job. She had led a very sheltered life before college, since her high school was girls-only and she didnt have much of a social life. Her father was a contractor and had done some building repairs for a group that prepared fossils and artifacts and built exhibits for museums and was able to get her an interview. Wanting to study anthropology, Amy was thrilled to have the opportunity, but was...

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Threeway on the Freeway

I was on Interstate 80, maybe fifteen miles East of Fairfield, CA heading towards Sacramento. Up in the high, flat country with the golden grass in the summer. It was hot, very hot, but I had my windows open enjoying my new state. At 70 half the traffic seemed to be passing me. I was heading to my sister’s house for the weekend, and in no particular rush since I was three hours early. I was dying for something to drink, maybe a Snapple, when I saw the van on the shoulder up ahead. ...

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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 20 Alarms

On Thule, the party to welcome the 123rd and the crew of their accompanying vessels home from Hesperus was well underway. The men of the 123rd and their concubines were enjoying an afternoon's concert on this first Saturday of December, put on by concubines and dependants from across Thule. Up on stage, an all-female troupe of taiko drummers were about to take their turn entertaining the Marines and sailors. All the drummers, including two girls about eight years old, were dressed in...

1 year ago
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Threes Definitely Not A Crowd

It was a Friday night and we’d arranged to meet friends at the local pub for a few hard earned drinks after work. When we arrived we were surprised to see how busy it was. The landlord had organised another of his Open mike nights and the ‘stars’ of the local area had arrived to show their skill. The night didn’t get off to a great start when the friends we’d arranged to meet cancelled on us. The talent on display at the mike wasn’t exactly music to our ears either. I toyed with the idea of...

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threes company

grew up in new jersey ,i'm john....friend in neighborhood,had this really cute ,pretty,petite,brunette gf,later they married,we still hung out once in awhile. they were pretty open,go to the nude beach all the onetime i over there place were partying..lookin at porn on hamster of course,and he says john wannaee my wife give me a blowjob,,sure of course,,she gets under the desk and starts to give him a blow job, i said is it alright if i jerk off sure go ahead. than he says john come...

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Threes Company

"Hi babe, I won't be home 'til a bit later, relax and I'll see you soon". Deciding to skip dinner you run a hot bath and open a bottle of wine, stripping slowly you look at yourself in the bathroom mirror dark blue, almost black eyes look back at you, running your gaze down your body you see a trim figure, nice firm breasts, not large but still noticeable... a light tan darkening as it reaches your long nipples. As your gaze drifts down you can just see a few wisps of pale hair...

4 years ago
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Threes Company Teaching is Everything

Vanna and I are what you might call sexual predators. We visit bars and clubs in search of women to seduce. We are pretty successful at this and sometimes we hit the jackpot. This is a story about such a night. We arrived at the nightclub around 9:00. It was an average place, with a bar area and tables set back and dimly lit. It was famous for being a hookup bar, just what we were looking for. Vanna and I took seats at the bar and immediately began scanning the place for possibilities. There...

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Threes Company

We spotted her sitting alone at the end of the bar. It was a moderately-sized place with a small dance floor and a DJ spinning light tunes. It was the kind of place where a couple could feel alone, yet had enough room for larger parties. We had been there just under one hour when she arrived. She was drinking a martini and just sitting there. No checks of her cell phone, no interaction with the other patrons, nothing. We wondered when would be the right time to break the ice. She appeared to be...

1 year ago
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Threeway Love

I had known both Jake and Marksince I was little. We had grown up together and shared most important memories. We had been inseparable all through school. None of our other friendships lasted, even going through puberty and the awkwardness of feelings never changed our friendship. Having been through everything with them it was no surprise when I found myself falling for them both. Jake was tall and skinny with blonde hair and reminded me of a skater punk even though he was friendly and...

4 years ago
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Threeway bliss

It took you a while but you finally got around to asking Sammy to prom. You didn’t expect her to say yes, but to your surprise she agreed right away. She didn’t even have to think about it. You thought fro sure she would have had a lot of offers as she had no boyfriend and she was one of the cutest girls in school.Sammy is a petit dirty blonde with a tooth filled smile and deep smoky eyes highlighted by black rimmed glasses that are both flirty and soulful. She was very nerd hot, looking like a...

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Threeway in Reno

(Sorry dear reader. This is not a gay story like I usually write)I was 19 and in college. For spring break I went to Reno NV with the intent of going to a brothel and getting laid by a pro. It was early evening when I made my way to one of the brothels. The girls were busy so I was waiting at the bar in the lounge drinking a soda. Also in the lounge was a man who looked to be in his late 50’s with mostly red-ish brown hair on his head. He was talking with the madam of the place. He...

2 years ago
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Threeway Love

I had known both Jake and Marksince I was little. We had grown up together and shared most important memories. We had been inseparable all through school. None of our other friendships lasted, even going through puberty and the awkwardness of feelings never changed our friendship. Having been through everything with them it was no surprise when I found myself falling for them both. Jake was tall and skinny with blonde hair and reminded me of a skater punk even though he was friendly and...

4 years ago
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Threeway Split

Wow! So where to begin? Well, I guess I should say that prior to this event I was really shy. There, with that said it's safe to continue! My boyfriend seems to really enjoy me posting my experiences for others to enjoy. One of my most private fantasies is to have a threesome with my deliciously virile boyfriend and my best friend Grace. They both have an appetite for kinky sex and that would overshadow any hesitation that I might have. But, like I said this is just a fantasy. "Being best...

3 years ago
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Threesome With My Girlfriend And Her Sister 8211 Part 4

And After Our Shower Sex, Nothing was new that day. But next day was a great surprise, It was our 4th day, and it was my Birthday. I was thinking about my Gf, Sex, Goa, Work, And i really was not aware it was my Birthday. At 12am, they both woke me up, We had some blueberry cake(Not my Fav :P) And after cake, some vodka. We had a chit-chat. But the cake was not good, We had almost 3/4th left. And Sanjuna started playing with my face with that cake, and the battle became real. We 3 fought like...

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Threesome Crime Blow

This Monsieur had this palatable threesome delicacy his eyes fixed upon the boob clock like a ticking time bomb.In his pocket with a watch, Her name was Charlotte she felt a crimson Chanel blush partying all over him like his whore she been trouble from the first day I met her. How she traveled all over the swingers continent Dispute her misgivings but she loved to put out like a Christmas he could smell her poinsettias wildflower all over her vagina. A voice comes out “Get over it baby” You...

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Threesome, by Vickie Tern. M/f, F/m, F/F, femdom, etc. The sex scenes in this story are raw, cooked, scrambled, and coddled. No violence or force, but that doesn't necessarily mean the characters are nice to each other. This is a fiction. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead is purely coincidental. It may not remain that was of course -- life sometimes imitates art. If you aren't old enough to read this lawfully, wait. If it's worth reading it'll still be around. ...

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Threesome With My Beautiful Shruthi Along With Kiran

Hello ISS community, I’m your Nani back with another story. This is the story about how me and my best friend fucked our best friend. Her name is Shruthi of age 21 years with stats 36/28/36 and his name is Kiran of same age. We are the best friends like 3 idiots always hang out together, movies, outings, etc. The incident has happened when we are in our final year of Although we three are the best friends, me and my friend had a great lust on her. She used to be very close to us and she...

2 years ago
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Threesomes are Delicious

At one point my lover said “what do you think about threesomes? Does that tickle your fancy?”I had to think for a moment and to be honest, I had thought of it before but not for a long time. I tried it once but was in my early 20’s and I was far from that age at this point. But still………………how would it feel Bringing another person into the bedroom just for fun. I thought to myself……………..”as long as it isn’t every night maybe it would be titillating”The next weekend I scheduled our friend Tom to...

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Threesomes and Other Poems

PROPHESY Green mountains-- Power and desire: The planet's failure Is an opportunity For empowerment Through slavery; We are sheep, Fenced about by lust And guarded by dogs Rabid with greed And salivating death. This is our future, Our destiny, The tragedy Of our times And of our children's Children's lives. STRAPPED-ON MASCULINITY She looks so cute, Sitting there With her cock out, Weighing her balls In one hand While she pets and plays With her penis With...

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Threesome at the Hot Tubs

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story. The names and places are not real and in no way are meant to resemble anybody or anyplace in the real world. The story is, however, based on a not-so-far-fetched situation I may, or may not, have been involved with. Enjoy.There are great Mineral Spring hot tubs near where we live. We usually try go to there at least every other month to rent a private tub where we basically fuck for an hour with some breaks for drinks and dessert. We turn our music on and...

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Threesome at the Hot Tube

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story. The names and places are not real and in no way are meant to resemble anybody or anyplace in the real world. The story is, however, based on a not-so-far-fetched situation I may, or may not, have been involved with. Enjoy.There are great Mineral Spring hot tubs near where we live. We usually try go to there at least every other month to rent a private tub where we basically fuck for an hour with some breaks for drinks and dessert. We turn our music on and...

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Threesome With My Girlfriend And Her Sister 8211 Part 5

Hello all, Well, In this part of this story, It’s all our first Male Male Female(MMF) Threesome experience. So, if you’re not interested in MMF action, you can read some other stories or my other parts. It was after our goa trip, Me Sanjuna and Hema was very close those days. Me, Sanju and Hema, Suriya(Her Bf) used to go on lots and lots of double dates. Me after that goa trip, i changed completely, I loved Sanjuna more, I never had an argument with her, Was seeing her everyday, we were...

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Threesome With My Girlfriend And Her Sister

This is my first story in ISS. I’m Mahesh (Name Changed), 21yrs old, living in Coimbatore with my family. I’m doing my B.E final year. I’m a fair, handsome guy, with a 6inch cock, lean guy. My gf name is Sanjuna (Name Changed), 21yrs old, living in same city with her mother. Her father passed away when she was 6, her mother is working so we had a good amount of time alone in her home. Her sister’s name is Hema (name Changed), she is lean, 18yrs old, very pretty. My gf has a nice structure, and...

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Threesome With Pooja And Her Maid

Hello, guys, this is Rocky here back with my second story. I have good a good response to my first story . This story is related to the first one so please do read the first one also if you have not read it. Guys, it’s a long story so hold your mood. Let’s jump to the story. So as you all know that I had sex with Mona before her marriage for the whole week. Now after her marriage it had been almost 8 months we had not seen each other or spoken to each other. One day suddenly I had got a text...

2 years ago
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Threesome With Strangers From Online

Contact me on for any requests, queries and advice. Most are eager to try a threesome or group sex, but lack the means to. I don’t blame them, it’s such a difficult task to convince your partner for this. I have been in multiple relationships, and have jokingly brought up the idea of a threesome to my girlfriends, they have shot it down ridiculously without any show of emotion. So unadventurous of them. I have fantasized as to how I would fulfill this fantasy. Few months ago I ventured into...

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Threesome Sex Trap With Cousin Sister Ashu 8211 Pt 2

Hello everyone, this is Diganth and I am 24 years old. Readers, this is a continuation of the previous story. Those who have missed the earlier part please read it. I am 5 feet 10 inches. I finished my engineering and currently, I am working in one of the reputed companies. About my structure, I am a medium built guy with a 6″ sized dick. So, here is the continuation. After two minutes, my cousin Manu came inside the room and asked about our decision. He said that he has another plan to...

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Threesome Sex Trap With Cousin Sister Ashu 8211 Pt 5

Hello everyone, This is Diganth, and I am 24 years old, 5ft 10 inches. I finished my engineering and currently working in one of the reputed companies. And about my structure currently, a medium-built guy with a 6″ size dick. I am here to tell you about how we explored threesome sex with cousin Ashu. I’ll also narrate how we trapped our distant relative Nayana for threesome sex. She was also 24 years old. Her stats were (34b-30-34). Her body structure could drive any man crazy and masturbate...

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Threesome Sex With Girlfriend And Her Friend

Hi, this is Sriahad (age 22) doing my post graduation in a college. I have a muscular body and my cock size is 6 inches. I and my girlfriend are in a relationship for five years. In the first two years, we had no physical relationship. But after that, we experienced it accidentally. This is a real incident in my life having an unexpected threesome with my girlfriend and her friend which happened last month. Coming to my girlfriend, her name is Arshiya. She is of the same age as mine. She is...

3 years ago
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Threesome With My Besties

I am rajiv and today am going to share my first experience in this website. I am working in a reputed it company and love adenture. Telling about myself I am a tall guy 6’3 with average looks. I am sharing my first threesome experience with my colleagues in ooty. Me swathi & priya(name changed) are a group of 3 friends in office. We were together from our training days and we always stuck together. I was often teased by my male friends if I had any awesome threesome experience with them. Even...

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Threesome Cake With Mom And Friends

Hi people, writing story in ISS is always a pleasure. This story is the third part of my stories, “Horny mom seduced and fucked son” and “Threesome with mom and friend”. In this story my mom seduced and fucked two of my closest friends as they were leaving town. Unfortunately, I am not there this time. I was busy watching them from the other room because my mom didn’t want my friends to feel awkward. Coming to the story… My mom and I used to have sex on a regular basis as you would know....

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