Mothers and sons sons and mothers
- 2 years ago
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My wife, Annie and I have been married for just twenty years. I am forty-three years old and Annie forty-one. We have two children Shelly who has just turned twenty and Graham who is about to turn eighteen.
Annie is not a MILF nor a model or even a stick insect of a woman. After forty odd years and two kids she has become a wholesome woman some would say chubby but I say buxom. Her figure obviously isn’t the same as when I met her all those years ago, but I still love her and she me. We have brought our kids up as our parents did to us and though not perfect they are well mannered and caring kids. They have worked hard to get an education something more than their parents and we are rather proud of their achievements.
My story starts in the year of my sons eighteen birthday. In fact on the very day.
“Dad,” Shelly called, “Can you bring some more burgers for the BBQ, Uncle Jim has nearly run out?”
I wave to my daughter in acknowledgement and head for the fridge in the kitchen. In the kitchen was Graham’s best friend Gary, he has eyes for my daughter but Shelly thinks he’s a wanker and shows her disgust of him every time he asks her out. But that’s another story for another time.
Gary is a year older than Graham yet seems to get stupider every time he comes over to visit. “Come on Gary help me with the beers, I’ve to get more burgers for the BBQ.”
“Okay Mr Duke.”
“Take the twenty-four pack from the freezer while I get the burgers from the fridge.”
“You put the beers in the freezer Mr Duke, don’t they freeze in there?” Gary asked as he opened the freezer door and lifted out the beers.
“Sure they do Gary, but they won’t last long enough to freeze,” I replied closing the fridge door.
“What y’ mean they won’t last long?” asked Gary standing with a crate of beer in his arms.
“Why do you think Gary?”
He stood looking blank, there certainly wasn’t no one at home in that brain of his. He didn’t answer because he couldn’t, the question was too complex for him.
“Because ... we’re ... going ... to drink ... them ... all Gary,” I spoke slowly, then ten seconds later his face lights up as if someone had flicked a switch.
He smiles, “Oh, you got me there Mr Duke,” and starts laughing.
“Come on you dim bat let’s get out there and enjoy the party,” I said shacking my head in disbelief.
Gary follows me through the house asking, “Is it true you’re going to let Graham go to the pub tonight Mr Duke?”
“Well he’ll be old enough to go so yeah if he wants too.”
The party was a real success. We started it around mid-day and was expecting the relatives to be gone by six. I was hoping this would be the case, Shelly was out with her friends tonight and Graham, as expected, will want to meet up with his mates and continue with the partying leaving the wife and me to party on our own. For once, I was looking forward to having some quality time with her and maybe if she’s in the mood a little nookie as well.
Mid-afternoon saw the arrival of Annie’s sister Aunt Lucy. As she walked out onto the patio every male’s eyes fixed on that woman’s body. Even Granddad had to look twice to take in the sight.
Lucy isn’t her first name. It’s her second name and she has always used it all the time I’ve known her. Although Aunt Lucy has had two kids, both boys, and is three years older than her sister, my wife, she has managed to keep her figure through sheer strength of will. Unlike Annie, and as much as it hurts to say it, Lucy is a doll.
Everything about her oozes sex. With her long black curly hair that cascades over her shoulders, her 38c breasts, thin waist and legs that seemed to go on for ever. The way she stands and holds herself upright, straight of back. Her hips are wide but not too wide, seem to complement her breasts in such a delicate way that you are always looking at various different parts of her anatomy.
“Cor!” Davy gasped quietly as he looked at Graham’s Aunt Lucy, “Will you look at that man.”
Graham turned to look and saw his favourite Aunty talking to his mum. Graham smiled, “That’s my Aunt Lucy.”
“Well Aunt Lucy is one hell of woman,” spoke Davy while drooling, “Man what with y’ mum now I have to put up with y’ Aunt as well.”
“What about my mum?”
Davy looked slightly shocked at what he’d let slip, but he never stopped looking at Aunt Lucy, “Nothing dude, but will you look at her melons, they are fabulous.”
“Spit it out Davy, what about my mum?”
“Well if you insist,” he said shrugging his shoulders, “When I wank off she’s top of the list of fantasy woman.” Davy tried to be as straight as possible but he found himself mildly blushing.
“You wank fantasying about my mum?” Graham was shocked to say the least. He looked at his friend and thought about what he meant.
“You know bending her over and giving her one.”
“Jeez Davy, you must be sick!”
“Don’t be ridicules she’s a buxom woman, and I wouldn’t mind mounting her one day.”
“Well at least it’s a fantasy because there’s no way she’d open her legs for a nerd like you,” Graham smiled.
“You know that, I know that but there’s no law to say I can’t have an imagination.”
“Well just keep your hands to yourself, she’s my mum and if you ever try anything with her I’ll have to hurt you.”
Davy looked into his eyes and saw the look, “Hey dude, it’s a fantasy let’s keep it that way.”
Graham nodded and they both looked back at Aunt Lucy.
I caught up with Graham about an hour later and found him talking with Gary. As I approached I could see Gary was drunk. He was swaying gently while holding his class and trying to listen to Graham who had bent forward to say something in his ear.
“Cool,” he replied to what Graham had said, “Your family are great,” he slurred, “You know Graham you’re one lucky git, you know that don’t you?”
“Why?” Graham asked as he took a gulp of cola from his glass. He was smiling to himself as he looked at the state his friend was.
“Well let’s face it mate you have one hell of a sexy mum. I mean look at her she’s all woman she’s one fine milf that’s for sure.”
“And you’re and expert on milfs are you?”
I stood just off to one side of them and listened in. I was surprised my son didn’t notice I was there. I assumed he was concentrating on watching when Gary was going to fall on his face.
“No,” he slurred, “But I do know a sexy woman when I see one.” Graham gulped some beer and tried to balance himself before continuing, “You, you a while ago I thought I was seeing double when I saw your mum and another sexy lady. I could, you couldn’t ... I mean I didn’t realise there were two sexy woman at this party until you’re lovely sister told me the other lady was your Aunt Lucy.” He again gulped small more beer. He closed his eyes for a second and Graham positioned himself to catch him. But Gary had other ideas and regained his composure, “You have two beautiful woman in your family and I envy you. All I’ve got is brothers and a mum who doesn’t listen to me. But you, my mate has two and one of them has the biggest melons I’ve seen in a long time.”
I smiled to myself at the state Gary had got himself in knowing that tomorrow his head will thump so hard he’d wished he’d never been born. I also had my doubts that he’ll be joining Graham at the pub tonight.
Walking over to them I grabbed my son around the shoulders, “Hey birthday boy, you got a moment for your old dad?”
Graham looked up at me, “Sure Dad, what’s up?”
I saw the look of relief on his face as I took him away from his friend. We’d only gone four paces and we both heard the thump as Gary hit the ground, “Oh sod it!” Graham cursed.
“Looks like we’d better get this young man inside, he’ll sleep it off by tomorrow.”
“You’ve got to be kidding Dad, give him an hour and he’ll be up and about as if he’d never had a drink.”
“What do you mean?” I asked surprised with his outburst.
“It’s always the same with Gary. He drinks himself silly, passes out for an hour or so and when he wakes up he appears to be okay, not even a hangover and if the party is still going he starts all over again.”
“You’re kidding me, yeah?”
“Nope, you just wait and see,” Graham said truthfully, “I’ll be expecting him to be awake ready to go down the pub later.”
We carried Gary into the lounge and lay him on the couch to sleep it off. I was waiting to see if my son was right and Gary will be sober enough to go to the pub in the next hour or so.
Around five, the guests started to leave for home and the party began to wind down. By five thirty most of our guest had gone and I’d started to clean away the debris around the BBQ. Shelly and her mum were collecting the classes and taking them to the kitchen whilst party boy was readying himself for the trip down to the pub. Aunt Lucy was in the kitchen helping with the washing up. After wheeling the BBQ away from the patio I removed the grill and picked up the utensils and walked back towards the house. It was then I spotted Gary getting up of the couch. He stretched and saw me enter.
“Hi Mr Duke, I’m really sorry about me crashing out like that.”
I stood amazed at the young lad, he didn’t even slur his words and looked as though he’d just got up from a normal night’s sleep. “That’s okay Gary, but tell me how do you do that?”
“Do what Mr Duke?”
“Come on Gary, you were passed out drunk and hour and half ago. Now you look as though you’ve never even had a drink?”
“I don’t know Mr Duke,” he replied, “It just happens.”
I walked off into the kitchen shacking my head. Thirty minutes later I met my son in the hallway. He was all dressed up as if he were going to meet a woman.
“Who’s the lucky babe whose going to be holding onto you tonight son?” I asked smiling.
“There’s no woman dad, just thought I’d put the boat out a little.”
“A little, Christ son if that’s a little then what’s a lot?”
“Do you think I’ve over done it then?”
“Nah, just kidding son.”
“On the other hand,” Graham said, “You never know y’ luck.”
“Y’ sure don’t son and if y’ get lucky, be careful, you know what I mean.”
Graham smiled, “I know dad, I’m always prepared just in case.”
“Good on y’ son,” I looked at him. Our son now eighteen who’d believe it, soon he’ll make himself a man with some young girl and then start his own family, not too soon though, I hope.
“You have a good time son and remember don’t overdo it. Keep the booze under control and you’ll be fine.”
“Sure dad don’t wait up.”
“I’ll not be starting that caper that’s for sure.”
Graham winked at me and then opened the front door. Gary and Davy followed him out.
“Great party Mr Duke, thanks a lot for having me,” said Davy as he passed.
“Yeah, cool Mr Duke great food.” Gary closed the door after him and then there was silence.
Shit, there goes my son into the big wide world. I wonder what happens next!
For a good portion of the evening we continued to clean up the house until about eight we finally sat down with a glass of wine each.
Annie fell into her seat looking exhausted, Aunt Lucy fell in beside her, what a treat I had, when she fell so her skirt flew up and flashed her knickers. It only lasted three seconds but hey, what a delight that was seeing her white knickers taught over her mound. I think she suddenly realised that she may have flashed me as she looked at me to try and confirm it. I sat there looking innocent and tried my best not to reveal what I’d seen and she at the same time sat and crossed her legs. God Would I love to mount her!
It was Lucy who broke the silence that had descended over the lounge, “Looks like the party was a success?” she said to both of us.
Annie sat up saying, “I thought so too, the only comment I got was from Aunt Jessie who had a moan about the state of Gary, ‘the boys drunk Annie, ‘ Annie mimicked, ‘you should send him home to his parents, ‘ when I turned to her and said he doesn’t have any parents her face dropped. That’s the first time I saw your Aunt lost for words.”
“At least she speaks to you, she’s never acknowledged me in all these years, I don’t even get a Christmas card,” said Lucy.
“Yes I’m sorry about Aunt Jessica, she’s certainly the snob of my side of the family,” I said apologetically.
“Hey,” Lucy said, “Don’t apologise you can’t choose your relatives you know, what you’ve got you’re stuck with.”
We all laughed and I refilled our glasses. Our idle chatter went onto the night and before long it was about ten thirty when Annie, slouched back in her seat said, “Well I’m pooped, I don’t know about you guys but I’m going on up to bed.”
I looked over at Annie and could see she could hardly keep her eyes open. “Alright sweetheart I’ll finish my drink and follow you up.”
“You know where the guest room is Lucy so I’ll see you in the morning.” Annie started to climb out of her seat.
“I’ll say one think though guys, you two have great kids, both of them are going to break a few hearts in years to come. Your Graham is certainly turning into a handsome hunk.”
I smiled at her saying, “Well thanks Lucy, we’re very proud of both of them.”
Lucy went on, “If I wasn’t family I’d sure come on to him, he can get in my panties any day.”
“Lucy,” Annie scolded, “He’s your nephew!”
“I know, I know,” she replied looking at both parents, a wicked smile formed on her face as she continued, “You can’t blame me, he is a handsome young man and there’s no getting away from it. He’s going to have the girls eating out of his hands before he gets to settle down.”
“Yes, well, my boy isn’t like that,” Annie said in defence, “He’ll learn to show respect to all woman, and have good honest relationships with his girlfriends and when he finds the right one he’ll marry her and give us some grandchildren.”
I sat there listening to the two woman. Annie was going overboard with the mush and fairy-tale endings. She had this dream that her two kids were going to marry princes and they will love each other for ever more. Now I don’t condone dreams or anything like that but let’s face it dreams don’t come true. The reality of it all is that he’ll have to work hard, hopefully find the woman of his dreams get married, probably divorce lose his home, car and kids recover and get on with life. Harsh, yes but true. This is today’s society, the norm as they say. If you manage to stay outside the norm then you’re lucky.
“Hey Lucy, am I not handsome enough for you?” I asked trying to make it light hearted.
“Oh John, you’re the most handsome man I know,” she said seriously, “But you’re spoken for and therefore untouchable. However, your son isn’t spoken for and neither am I so he gets first try.”
“Damn you know how to really get a guy thinking don’t you?”
“Being married three times helps, you get to know men.”
“What you’re saying then is if I wasn’t hitched to your sister then I’d have a good chance of getting you into bed?”
“Hey big sister, he’s my man not yours so keep your little mitts off him,” Annie scolded her sister.
“Wow you’re not jealous of little old me are you little sister?”
“No I’m not jealous of you, but that don’t mean you can bed my man either, he’s mine and always will be.”
“Of course dear, I wouldn’t do anything to change your life and certainly wouldn’t bed your man,” she said sincerely, “I do have some morals you know.”
Annie yawn despite the excitement of our conversation got up from the couch, “I can’t keep my eyes open anymore so I’ll say goodnight. See you in the morning Lucy.”
“Goodnight sister mine.”
“Yeah I think I’ll hit the sack as well now. Turn the lights out when you go but leave the back door open for Graham when he decides to return home.”
“Of course, goodnight.”
I went to the bathroom, washed my face and cleaned my teeth. After taking a leak I entered the bathroom. As I undressed Annie asked, “You do think Graham will be okay?” Her voice was full of concern.
“What do you mean okay?” I asked as I removed my jeans taking my boxers with them.
“Well, it is his first time going to the pub, you don’t think he’ll go too far do you, not on his first time?”
“Annie what is it with you. He’s a young man we have to accept it like it or not.”
“I know but he’s still a boy.”
“To you maybe,” I replied getting into bed and cuddling up her, “He’ll learn one way or the other.”
“You don’t think he’ll get drunk do you?”
“I expect so, not intentionally but because he’s not used to it. We all went through it didn’t we?”
“Yes, I suppose your right.”
“I know I am, stop worrying,” I said, “I was the same. When I first went to the pub I was sixteen and got myself thoroughly smashed. My dad just laughed at me and my mum scolded me but I learnt even though it was the hard way.”
Annie fell silent. Our bodies grew warm and cosy. I moved my leg over hers and took a tit in my hand and gently caressed it.
“Don’t worry he’ll be alright. He hasn’t let us down yet has he, not like other boys we know?”
“No you’re right,” she agreed quietly, “Maybe I’m being overprotective.”
“Just a little,” I said as I moved my hand from her tit and ran my fingers through her dense pubic hair. I found her slit and gently pushed a finger between her minge flaps feeling for her clit. The little nub was soon under my finger and I gently stroked it up and down.
Annie groaned saying, “You feeling amorous sweetie?”
“Sure am I’m as hard as a rock.”
“I’m sorry darling but I’m exhausted can we do it in the morning?” she whispered.
I was immediately disappointed and with the erection I had frustrated.
“I’ll do it if you want sweetheart but I’m not going to be at my best because I’m so tired.”
It was then I realised that I was pushing my luck so I replied, “Okay, let’s see how you feel in the morning.”
“You’re a darling,” she continued to whisper, “I do love you John.” She then turned over onto her side away from me. I cuddled up behind her, spooning her body, and we promptly fell asleep.
Actually I didn’t know what hit me. As soon as I was only partially comfortable I was asleep.
How long I slept I don’t know but I woke just after two pm. I was lying on my back and I thought I’d heard a noise. The sound was something like a car door slamming shut and then the car drove off. I then realised that Tom was coming in. The back door slammed shut and I knew that he was safely home. I wondered what kind of state he was in but before I knew it I’d drifted back off to sleep.
Again I wasn’t sure of how long I’d slept but I heard a voice in the bedroom. Thinking I was dreaming I rolled onto my side away from Annie and started to drift off again when I heard Tom’s voice.
“Mum, I don’t feel very well,” he whispered obviously not wanting to wake me up.
Annie moved and groaned saying, “What is it?” By the way she was speaking I knew she hadn’t properly woken and was talking while still practically asleep.
“I don’t feel good mum, my head is spinning.” I could hear the slur in his voice and knew he’d probably had a belly fall and was drunk.
Annie groaned again. It was a groan of annoyance and she slowly rolled over facing me. Her arm went around me as she up close. I could feel her breast against my back. I wasn’t sure what she was doing as she never replied to Tom. But then she whispered, “Get in behind me and keep quiet, don’t wake y’ father.”
The bed then moved as Tom got into our bed behind his mother. I was a bit miffed at this as the kids haven’t been in our bed for years. Why on earth did Annie allow him to climb into bed with us? There were no answers for the time being but I was certainly prepared to discuss it with Annie in the morning. From then on I slept fitfully unable to have a proper sleep. I was waking up every twenty or so minutes according to the bedside clock while Annie snored like her life depended on it. For me though, sleep eluded me and whatever was on my mind I never discovered it.
Just after four I finally fell into a relaxing sleep and when I did wake the room was awash with sunlight and clock said ten after eight. I was lying on my side facing away from Annie and I could feel she was lying on her back, at least the snoring had stopped.
I tried rolling over onto my back and found Annie closer to me than I thought. We have a king size bed and she still hogs all the room. To compensate I rolled over onto my side facing Annie and it suddenly all came back to me. It seems I was just as tired as Annie and with that last session of sleep was deep but refreshing. As I cleared the sleep from my eyes I was suddenly greeted with a scene that completely shocked me.
There was my son sleeping off the booze he’d drunk last night, lying naked half on half off his mother while his right hand cup her left breast. His lower body lying on her thigh. During the night the bedcovers had slipped down the bed revealing most of their bodies. I could clearly see her left nipple trapped half way down between his first two fingers. Chuckling to myself I lay there amused at what I saw wondering what Annie would make of it if she knew. She was still sleeping, a gentle snore escaped her lips as her chest rose in time with her breathing. Still amused by it I suddenly saw Tom’s fingers clench around her tit. At first I thought it was Tom just moving in his sleep when he did it again. Then his hand move and he gently twisted her nipple with his finger and thumb.
Suddenly I realised Tom must be awake and was touching up his mum. I swallowed hard and as the implications of this crashed through my mind I suddenly felt my cock rise to this new development. I’ve had fantasies about Annie and other men but I had never approached Annie about these imaginations and never even pursued it in the bedroom, just kept it to myself. Now I am watching another man caress my wife’s breast here in my own marital bed and the man is my son!
My cock as I thought about disturbing him. However I was intrigued to see how far he would get so I lay still and watched.
Slowly I saw him move his body downward and as he did so the bedcovers went with him and gradually revealed his mother’s lower belly and just the whiff of black pubic hair. At first I didn’t quite catch on to what he was attempting to do. But as he moved so his erected cock came into view or part of it. His knob end stuck out between their bodies and I very quickly realised that he was positioning himself so that he could get his cock closer to his mother’s minge. Her legs were open, whether it was enough I don’t know but it looked as though he was intent on trying.
Annie moved in her sleep and Tom stopped and lay quiet. Annie sort of half turned towards me but only her upper body moved, while still a sleep she push her son off her lower body and turn completely on her side. The look of frustration on her face brought on another chuckle to myself as I realised Tom’s fortunes had been dashed.
Closing my eyes and thinking that it was all over I felt the bed gently move as Tom repositioned himself behind his mother. Upon opening my eyes I was staring at my wife’s right tit covered with her son’s hand.
Ten out of ten for persistence, I thought. My cock returned to full throbbing rigidity. With my mind now full of salacious thoughts of my son Tom doing things to my wife, his mother, and these things took on a whole new meaning. I was open minded enough to know that if I let this continue not only is it against the law of the land, morally wrong and forbidden, the prospect of watching another man screw my wife suddenly appealed to me and with this thought I felt my cock throb under the covers. But a nagging voice in my mind kept telling me our son shouldn’t do it. If it were to happen then it should be someone other than my son.
The whole scenario was so sensational I found not only my cock throbbing but my heart also. The pain in my chest from the powerful beat of my heart just thinking about another man take my wife was just so out of this world. I became eager, wanting to see more of what he could achieve. Then I thought, how much he could achieve if he had a helping hand.
No, I couldn’t could I?
I shouldn’t, it’s not right but maybe just a little. I really didn’t know what to do. The obvious was to wake Annie and it would end there. Instead I watch Tom take his hand away for it to disappear behind her. I immediately grabbed her left breast and started to twig her nipple.
I’m not sure what Tom was doing behind his mother I started to caress her body. I went for the other nipple knowing that it wouldn’t take much to wake if I kept this up. Changing tactics I moved my hand down to her pussy and ran my fingers through her course thick black pubic hair. It didn’t take long to finger her clit and that was when I started to get a reaction from her.
As I gently rubbed her clit so Annie opened her eyes. She smiled at me she had lust in her eyes as she whispered, “We can’t do it now Tom is in the bed with us.”
At first I just smiled back and continued to rub her clit. “Stop it John,” her voice still a whisper but she said it with meaning.
“Shush,” I replied and speeded up my caress.
Annie groaned as my finger worked on her love button and at the same time toyed with her nipple. Her eyes closed for a moment then they snapped open while her mouth opened in surprise. “Stop it, I think Tom knows what’s happening, he has a hard on!”
“It’s probably a morning woody,” I said putting pressure on her clit and moving my finger faster.
“John, you have to stop it, we can’t!” Her voice erratic as her body responded to my caress. “Please John, you have to stop now. His thingy is poking my bottom,” she still whispered.
I ignored her quiet pleas and again quicken the movement of my finger, “Oh shit, John please stop you’re going to make me come.”
Annie’s breathing got shorter as her pleasure grew. Her face blushed with her excitement and her eyes closed. It was then I saw Tom ease his head up to look over her shoulder.
Our eyes met.
Fear filled those eyes and I could see he was thinking he was in one hell of a situation. What I did next was something I will ponder on for the rest of my life but I made the decision and our lives changed forever after that morning. Why I made it I’ll never know for sure, but I did. I looked at my son and mouthed the words, “Go for it.” At the same time nodded my head towards his mother.
Tom’s eyes grew wide with surprise. For a few seconds I thought he was going to get up and walk out of the bedroom. I suppose in reality that was what I was expecting him to do. Any descent loving son would, knowing that their parents were ‘at it’, they would have the decency to respect their privacy. But Tom’s mind wasn’t functioning in a normal manor. He had a hard on that wasn’t going away soon. He had a woman, naked, in front of him, a woman on the verge of orgasm an orgasm produce by her husband.
Tom did something, I couldn’t see, but Annie’s eyes again snapped open, “Shit,” she quietly said, “John, his cock is sticking in me, it’s close to my arsehole,” her shock was evident in her voice and showed clearly on her face.
“Just let it happen sweetie,” I whispered my reply smiling, still working her clit and nipple.
“What y’ mean?” she asked still shocked but at the same time the pleasure from her clit was also bringing her to a climax.
“I mean let it happen, you know...”
“John, I don’t know what you mean,” she said her voice rising an octave, “God why won’t you stop. You’re going to bring me off here in front of Tom!”
Tom again did something and Annie gasped. “Jesus, John he’s close to fucking me. His cock is right at my entrance.” Her eyes suddenly fixed on me as I really started to frig her clit.
“Gone on Annie let him have you,” I said with my heart in my mouth. My heart was pumping ten to the dozen and my breathing was hard to keep under control. I stopped frigging her and pushed my finger further in, following the line of her slit and then touched Toms Knob end.
“Are you mad,” she gasped, “He’s our son!”
“Go on,” I urged her as my gut turned with lust, “Let him have a bit.” I had never been so excited in my life. Not even on the day I first had my first woman.
Moving my fingers back to her clit I started rubbing it again but gently this time. As I did I could feel my sons cock trying to make its way into his mother’s cunt. I could feel her slit was his cock pushed inwards.
“John please stop, let me up,” Annie gasped, “We can’t let this happen.” Annie tried to move out of the way by trying to sit up. As she did I moved in and kissed her. She kissed me back and gave a groan as she lay back. I followed keeping my lips glued to hers but my finger slipped away from her clit. She laid back deliberately lying on top of her son, breaking sexual contact with him. I could sense her relief when Tom’s cock slipped from her minge flaps. I still had my hand on her mound and started rubbing her clit again. Again she groaned as we continued to kiss.
My 19th birthday fell on a Friday. It was 2 years ago when I was 17 that I noticed this weird attraction I had. I knew it wasn't right immediately, but I liked the thoughts I was having. I always liked welcoming different things into my life, especially if I didn't know what the outcome would be. That was the thrill of it.My mom had me when she was a teenager. I think she might have been 18, which was the age I was about to leave behind. My dad ended up not sticking around back then and I've...
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Sighing I listened to the racket of my sons thundering around upstairs, it was hard to believe that two boys could make so much racket, but they were managing. Wondering what the hell they were up to I pushed myself out of my chair and headed upstairs, as I got closer to their room I could hear the pair of them arguing. Wishing that Sam, my husband, was not stuck out in Saudi Arabia I listened to the boys for a moment. "Mine is bigger than yours," Josh my eldest was shouting "I'm older so...
Mothers and Sons DISCLAIMER: These stories are all of an erotic nature, and are graphic.They contain descriptions of i****t and some pedophilia. If thisbothers you, don’t read them or download them.If you are u******e for your community, or if by doing so you would becommitting any kind of crime, please do not read or download thesefiles.You have been warned!Alison paused outside her son’s bedroom, her beautiful face spreadinginto an amused smile as she listened to the soft moans and...
Fathers and SonsMy sister was getting married in Vegas and had invited my father even though Mom was dead set against it. Their divorce had not been amicable and it was years before my sister and I knew the reason for the divorce in the first place. Dad was gay.I am sure Mom still took that as an insult to her womanhood and even though she knew it was not a choice he had made she still would not let it go. My sister and I argued with her and pointed out he had always been a great father but...
Several of my closest girlfriends had confessed to me over the years that they were having sex with their sons. I never judged them for that or thought less of them as friends. They told me that Roger and I were going to become lovers too when he got a little older, but I didn't believe them at the time. When it did happen, I decided to start this journal. My girlfriends thought that writing about the love affairs between mothers and sons was a great idea and asked me if I would include their...
Incest"Why are you smiling, London?" Sandra asked, coming towards me. "You're cheesing, and I know you didn't screw Josh, but you look like you had sex," she pointed out before she grabbed my hand. "What's going on, woman?"I peeked at the side of her and saw our husbands coming towards us."So, what's for dinner, babe?" Will pondered, coming up behind her.She sighed and leaned back. "Burgers, hun, I made sure to make enough for everyone," she replied before she turned around and kissed...
MILFI sat on the toilet for several minutes trying to gain control of my body and mindHow could I be thinking of allowing my sons young friend to fuck me with his BBC while my loving husband was stood only feet away entertaining his friends.I jumped out of my daze as my son banged on the door shouting for me to get out as he needed to pee.I looked in the mirror to make sure everything was hidden away, then opened the door and let my son in.I walked slowly down the stairs like a big cat hunting its...
Introduction: A slut going wild Moms Stockings: My Sons Cum Bucket I have wanted to fuck my son for a while, ever since he graduated high school this year and really buffed up over the summer working construction. It was then, one random day, while he was in swimming trunks to go for a dip in the pool that I noticed that my son had turned into a man. In fact, my son had grown into a very handsome man, a virtual replica of his deceased father (who died serving his country two years ago). I...
Time passed, winter arrived. It was cold and windy outside, but in our house there was allways warmth and love. Tim and John was doing good at school, and they had really looked forward to their Christmas Vacation. I was very happy myself. Whenever my son's weren't at home and I didn't have any chores, I would go into town and meet with some old friends in a cafe. I felt like I was again alive, after so many years, thanks to my lovly sons. Of course, word got by that I was pregnant. But I...
DONNA'S THREE SONS(by Eros) Chapter 1. On a hot June day in Los Angeles, Donna Mason looked out her living room window and watched the gardener mowing the front lawn of her house. He was naked to the waist, and he had a broad, hair-matted chest. The sight was turning Donna on like crazy. The guy was in his fifties, and he didn't even speak English. Donna knew she had to be pretty hard-up to get turned on by the gardener. He'd never attracted her before. But she'd been almost three months...
POV London."Oh, someone is knocking on the door, boys, is that your secret girlfriends?" I asked, getting up off the couch."No, Mom," Joe objected, grabbing my arm. "I wouldn't cheat on you; I love you.""I know, Joe, I was joking. I know how much I mean to you; now I'm gonna answer the door, because whoever is there, is still knocking," I made clear before walking to the door.As I made it there, I opened the door. 'Holy shit, there are two stunning ladies at our sons' door now,' I...
IncestChapter 1 "Oh mom, your titties are so big and i always wanted to fuck them to my heart content. please mom lemme fuck them and i wanna cum all over your titties". said Paul, my elder son. As i said i have two sons and a daughter, i have become a slave to them and they treat me like they treat a slut. "Oh mommy, i crave for your big boobies and i too wanna play with them and fuck them with my big cock. Paul, let's fuck mommy's big boobies today to our heart content. Mommy, you son...
POV Sandra"So, tell me what you think? You'd love to be a grandma, wouldn't you?" she asked, as we walked down the hallway. "Yes, London, but are we ready for that now?" "Maybe, maybe not, but we just have to get them on board, with getting with another woman first, remember? They didn't even want to ask out Keisha and Gia, even though we encouraged them to do it," she mentioned it before we made it to the door, and she took my hands in hers. "Let's hang out with our sons, fuck the...
IncestAnna was born into slavery and was married at age 13 by the age of 15 she had two healthy boys. As Anna cleaned her sparse living quarters in her mind she kept hearing the words of the landlord Cyrus. She twisted and wrung her hands fitfully. How she wished for her husbands return from the battle of the Moors.A longing filled her heart as tears filled her eyes. For she knew not if he was dead or alive.As she made her two son’s beds her mind drifted to thoughts of her and her husband. How she...
Chapter 1 =-On a hot June day in Los Angeles, Donna Mason looked out her living room window and watched the gardener mowing the front lawn of her house. He was naked to the waist, and he had a broad, hair-matted chest. The sight was turning Donna on like crazy.The guy was in his fifties, and he didn't even speak English. Donna knew she had to be pretty hard-up to get turned on by the gardener. He'd never attracted her before. But she'd been almost three months without a man, and it was...
"Oh mommy, your titties are so big and I always wanted to fuck them to my heart content. please mom lemme fuck them and I wanna cum all over your titties," said Paul, my elder son. As I said I have two sons and a daughter, I have become a slave to them and they treat me like they treat a slut. "Oh mommy, I crave for your big boobies and I too wanna play with them and fuck them with my big cock. Paul , let's fuck mommy's big boobies today to our heart content. Mommy , you son fucking whore ,fuck...
"Oh mommy, your titties are so big and I always wanted to fuck them to my heart content. please mom lemme fuck them and I wanna cum all over your titties," said Paul, my elder son. As I said I have two sons and a daughter, I have become a slave to them and they treat me like they treat a slut. "Oh mommy, I crave for your big boobies and I too wanna play with them and fuck them with my big cock. Paul , let's fuck mommy's big boobies today to our heart content. Mommy , you son fucking whore...
POV Keisha"I guess we'll see you later then, bye Pete and Joe, and nice to meet you two, London and Sandra. Maybe we'll see each other again considering you two love to frequent here," I said before we walked away."I hope so because you two are lovely ladies," London added before we waved to Pete, Joe, Sandra, and her, as we left.I waited for the door to close before I spoke. "Gia, is it just me, or do you think it just might be possible that Joe and Pete are, you know?" I muttered,...
IncestHe was having trouble suppressing his pent up lust for his mother, and knew the repercussions that making a move on his mom would have. It could cause permanent damage to their relationship, and despite how he appears, he still deeply cares for his mother on a personal level as well. Despite all of this, he was reaching a point where he couldn’t stop himself any longer. On the other hand, his mother had no idea what was causing this behavior. David has never been a child to cuddle up to his...
POV: Will, then Keisha, Will again. "Holy shit, I can't believe we both just had sex with our daughters-in-law, Josh." "Yes, but we did it, man. I mean, we fucking did it, regardless of what the reasons were. No matter how we developed crushes on them, we got into their panties and had our ways with them too, Will." "Dude, this is bad," I said, shaking my head. "How the hell can we expect this to stay locked up forever? What if just one of them lets it slip? Then the other one will...
Incest"So, you really had sex with Pete in the library?""Yes," I answered as we both sat down on the couch. "I fully realize that it's not as classy as the shower, but we did it.""Weren't you worried about getting caught?""Well, don't tell Pete I told you, but it actually started with him jacking off under the table. I couldn't help, but to please myself to him. Even with me on his mind, it took him a few minutes to pop, but he did. Then he praised me with one line, and I had to say...
IncestPOV: Josh"Seriously, man, what the hell was going on last night? Granted, we were both a little buzzed still, we both know what we saw and what they were doing too," I said, coming to his desk. "Can it really be that cut and dried?""Fuck if I know, man, but how do we bring it up to them though?""Maybe start by asking what they did last night because we just happened to go back to your place. Could they want to be new moms again so badly that they both hooked up with their sons' best...
Office SexAfter a few minutes I headed into the en suite to shower. I soaped my lovely boobs and gave both nipples a few playing nips before having a play and a wash down below. Thankfully I had kept the enema attachment for the shower and gave myself a good clean out. Before snuggling into bed I used a nicely lubricated butt plug to be ready for any anal action my boys might care to offer when they awoke. I fell asleep straight away and have memories of dreaming about sex, more sex and even more...
Okay I know this is a little twisted. Some may even call me a pervert or cradle robber but I could care less. Young pussy is so sweet. There was no forcing them, they consented, I am single and have no one to answer to. So what would the problem be other than the fact they were my son’s girlfriends. The ladies found out that I am the real man of the family.I have two sons I am in my mid forties take care of myself and look about five years younger than I am. I love young sexy women but thought...
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE NOTE! All characters depicted in the following story are over the age of 18 years. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING: The following FICTIONAL account is a story of unbridled, uncensored i****t. Read at your own risk, while considering the strength of your own sensibilities. All characters are over the age of 18 years. day, one moment captured in time, of an i****tuous situation. Donna resembled Natale Wood in many know? ...From "Sex and the Single Girl?" Her young...
This happened when I was eighteen and my mother was around forty. From childhood, I never called my mother ‘mom’ or ‘maa’ or ‘mummy’. I always used to call her by her name Neetu (her name is Neeta). That was because she was youngest in the family at her generation and I was used to listening to everyone calling her ‘Neetu’. Now, coming to the actual story. As my eighteenth birthday was approaching, I could observe a distinct change in the behaviour of mom, especially with me. These days, she...
Incest"Well, here we are again," I said, coming next to her. "Back at your house, as you're cooking dinner for us, our sons, and our husbands.""I noticed, but I guess this time you have a different young man to eye-fuck," London added, flipping the chicken breasts. "Then to actually fuck when no one else is looking.""Well, you have the same game to play here. At least this time, you already know you want to play, you don't have to be pushed into it this time.""I pushed myself, Sandra,"...
IncestPOV: London We all quickly got dressed as we heard footsteps approach."We're back," Will announced."Hey babe," Josh greeted me before pecking my cheek. "We never heard from you two, so we're hoping this wine is alright," he said as they put it on the counter."And we got some more beer too," Will added before he opened the fridge and they both filled it up.I couldn't resist, but to come to Joe, grab his hands, and kiss him. "Holy shit, that was close, what a rush, son. Can you feel...
IncestMy mind was spinning.I had just been fucked by my sons friends BBC whilst being forced to suck my sons cock, whilst he licked my pussy, then watched him suck the BBC that had just been fucking his mother.What on earth was happening to me this weekend.I heard my son say please don't do anymore you win the bet, you can fuck me, just please don't do anymore to my family.I turned to ask what was going on, and I was told to follow my sons friend and he would show me, there in the family was my...
POV: London"It is good to have you and your son over, Sandra," I mentioned, stirring the pot."We're practically best friends now, and don't forget my hubby, who is currently locked in your bedroom with your husband," she whined, strolling towards me with her arms crossed. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say they were having sex.""Sandra," I said a tone while grinning. "Keep your voice down; Joe and Pete are in just in the living room.""So what, London?" she complained, walking...
MILFPOV: London "It is good to have you and your son over, Sandra," I mentioned, stirring the pot. "We're practically best friends now, and don't forget my hubby, who is currently locked in your bedroom with your husband," she whined, strolling towards me with her arms crossed. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say they were having sex." "Sandra," I said a tone while grinning. "Keep your voice down; Joe and Pete are in just in the living room." "So what, London?" she complained, walking away...
MILFIntroduction: A trip to visit my son changes our relationship forever My name is Jamie, and this is the story about how I went from a loving mother, to my sons whore. It all started when I decided to fly into Buffalo to visit my son. It had been several years since I had seen him last, mostly because of monetary reasons. He had attended college in Buffalo and was lucky enough to acquire a job right out of the gate due to his interning. He bought a place about an hour outside of Buffalo and had...
Susan soaked in the tub; her mind spinning with what had happened to her in the garage. After she was released from her bondage, she had stood before her young sons without trying to conceal her totally naked body. She felt as if they had degraded her, come juice running down her thigh, her cunt quivering and feeling as if those fingers were still in her. She went straight to the bathroom and ran a tub of very hot water, hoping it would wash away her shame. Her fourteen-years-old son...
POV: London "I love you, Joe," I told him, taking his hands in mine. "And I love you, Pete," Sandra told him as well. "We've been having sex with our sons and their wives, and I know we both love you two, along with your wives and grandkids, more than life itself. We can't thank you enough for allowing your wives to do some dirty work, but you two aren't upset with us now, are you?" "No, Mom," Pete made clear, before kissing her. "Even if we weren't having sex, we'd love you two...
IncestPOV Sandra "Hey, Sandra," she said, coming towards me. "I think we should talk," she muttered, sitting next to me. "What's up, London?" She stayed silent and couldn't make eye contact. I wasn't sure what she had on her mind, but I waited her out and even placed a hand on her leg. "I love Keisha and Gia, I think at worst, they love our sons. Best case scenario, they're in fact ready to take the next step. It’s been a year now, and we've been sharing our sons with them. I know...
IncestPart 1 On a hot June day, Donna Mason watched from her living room window as a gardener trimmed the lawn in front of her Los Angeles home. He was stripped to the waist and had his chest covered with matted hair. This sight drove Donna crazy. The guy was in his fifties and didn't even speak English. Donna knew that it must be difficult for her to be excited by the sight of her gardener. He had never attracted her before. But she had been without a man for almost three months, and this was...
Lieutenant Salim Al Khoury leaned back in his chair and looked at the Sergeant standing at attention in front of his desk. The Lieutenant's uniform was crisply starched and creased. His short, black hair was neatly trimmed. The only thing about his appearance that didn't scream military efficiency was his luxuriant, flowing black mustache. He stroked it thoughtfully as he considered the Sergeant. "At ease, Sergeant Mahdi," Salim said quietly. The Sergeant's right foot snapped out...
Introduction: Ex husband finds his ex wife nursing more than just her new baby. It had been a long day at work a long week, really and I was happy it was Friday. I had no plans, the kids would be my ex wifes, and I was going to spend the night sitting home and watching baseball. Being divorced for almost 5 years, with no current girlfriend, I was free of any responsibilities. Life was good. I pulled into the driveway just after 8pm, having spent the last 2 hours driving from a supplier visit....
It was on parent’s teachers meeting that I first saw Ajay’s mom. She was so radiant and energetic that she instantly made friendship with me. Her charisma was so overpowering that I invited her to our home. And there started the beginning of a long relationship that changed our life.Let me introduce myself first. I am Sandhya, 35 year old, single mom to my only son Shyam. I am a widower and live alone with my son. I am left to fend myself as I invoked the wrath of my relatives by marrying a...
It was on parent’s teachers meeting that I first saw Ajay’s mom. She was so radiant and energetic that she instantly made friendship with me. Her charisma was so overpowering that I invited her to our home. And there started the beginning of a long relationship that changed our life.Let me introduce myself first. I am Sandhya, 35 year old, single mom to my only son Shyam. I am a widower and live alone with my son. I am left to fend myself as I invoked the wrath of my relatives by marrying a...
Hi, this is writing this story. This is an incest fictional story between mother and son. The characters in this story are fictional and any resemblance to anyone is just coincidental. The situations mentioned are not real life and should not be aped.Your comments and feedbacks are welcome.F It was on parent’s teachers meeting that I first saw Ajay’s mom. She was so radiant and energetic that she instantly made friendship with me. Her charisma was so overpowering that I invited her to our...
IncestI got a phone call while I was visiting my mom from my younger son "Mom, do you care if I come visit you for a while on spring break" he asked."Sure honey." I replied. "But just out of curiosity do I need to come get you or is your dad bringing you over.""Dad's bringing me over if I want to go since he's going to be passing by on his way to Uncle Stephen's house for a three day fishing trip or something like that." my son replied."Ok, I will be home on Tuesday." I answered."Wait, if your not...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Introduction: A wife does something she never imagined she would, and it only gets worse from there. I was just taking the brownies out of the oven that I had made for my son, Kyle, when I heard a knock at the door. This caught me by surprise, since we get so few visitors to the house. This is due to the fact that the entire neighborhood is terrified by my husband. He is a city cop, and an intimidating one at that. We fell in love in college, when he was the star linebacker of our small, local...
So enjoy the story. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I always considered myself to be lucky to grow up in a vacation wonderland in New Hampshire, and even luckier to be able to live there as an adult. My father established a lucrative real estate agency in Laconia, and we lived in a beautiful home on Lake Winnipesaukee. My name is Ellen, and when I was five years old and just going into the first grade, an Indian family bought the home...
Betty is tired of anonymous sex, so one night after she’s all ready to go out, she gets drunk instead. Her four sons come home and find her skirt up to her hips, and extremely drunk. They help her to bed, making sure to undress her nice clothes and lingerie before doing so. As I do maybe a couple times a year when my boys are out for the evening, I dressed in sexy clothes and prepared to go out, pick up a man, and get laid. Sometimes I just get so horny that I need to have a cock inside...
I was still lying on the floor looking at my body when Paul my sons black friend walked in with his BBC swinging from side to side.He stood over me and said I need you to come with me.I was a little worried by his expression, but the thought of being taken by his cock again made me follow him.I walked into my sons room and he was now tied to his bed with my stockings, his ass was on display for me too see.Paul said you have two choices here, you can stand and watch me fuck your sons sweet ass,...
My name is Lauren. I am 39, about 5'6", shoulder length red hair, and have managed to keep my body in very good condition. I am a little plump, but my curves are womanly as a woman should be. It isn't easy, but I have managed to keep my figure to 36C-26-38 (yes, my butt is still a little big, I know)with exercise and dieting. Since being left a widow 10 years ago, my time has been devoted to providing a home for my two sons, Kevin, 18 and Patrick, 16. They were just boys when their dad was...
IncestI lay between the boys on my tummy. I looked at them and giggled and shook my head. Moments before I had told them of the landlord Cyrus’s demand of me. They both had threatened to go slay him. Now I was laughing at my two little hot heads. Look you two we really have no choice. Brutus’s face was dark with anger. Listen Brutus this was and is no easy thing for me.I know mom Janus spoke up. Good I said. This could be worse really, although you’re my sons, what if he would have demanded I have...
Hello friends, this is Vikky from Jamshedpur. Let’s go to my new sex story right away. It had been 5 years since her divorce. Her body was screaming for a man’s love. It was a hot Sunday of summer. She was done with the daily chores and decided to have an afternoon nap. But her body was out of control. Finally, she ended up sliding her hand inside her pants. A few minutes later, she was playing with her boobs and her pants were down till her knees. She had 2 fingers inside her pussy and was...
IncestPOV: PeteJoe and I suddenly bit down on our bottom lips and made eye contact just for a few seconds. Needless to say, my hard-on deflated just a tad. No one said a word for over a minute, but we both surely knew they wanted to see the sight, judging by the looks on their faces.Then both of them came to us, but they went to each other's sons, so I had London press the front of her body onto mine. "We fucked each other for you two, solely to please you," she admitted, wrapping her arms around...
IncestChapter 1 "Damn Kyle, how do you live in the same house with those two without sporting a hardon all day" Jeremy asks as he watches Kyle's sister Tera and his Mom walk to the edge of the beach in their Bikini's? "That's my mom and sister dumbass, it ain't like I'd ever think of them that way", Kyle replied. Kyle was lying because he did think of them that way every day but he wasn't going to broadcast it to the world. He keeps his gaze from the two of them because he knows...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
Well, so here we all were, more or less, at the same time, all 3 of us Black loving whores, banged up to the hilt with our Nigga sons, bellies bulging and ready to drop them! This was my 2nd,., pregnancy to my 2nd BBC stud, so I knew what to expect! Putting the brat in there was the fun part, having my cunt stretched and feeling that hot jizz explode at 1,000mph, blasting my womb, spilling over my fertile eggs, making me cum silly. Making feel like a proper bitch. Blacky Africa, invading this...
I have been wanting to fuck these two woman ever since I could remember. My spank bank has been shooting hot cum for years picturing my cock buried deep inside them both. My imagination never fails to get my cock hard, but tonight my dick is hard because in less then an hour, I will have both of them to do as I please with for as long as I want. But first a little history of who we are and what is going to happen in this story. My name is Joe I am 35 sitting next to me is my nephew Rick and he...