Santa Mrs Claus
- 4 years ago
- 36
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It was starting to get dark but Thomas continued to drive. Where was the main highway? This was the last time he’d listen to his damn friend again when it came to directions. Looking out he saw that they were going to have a bad snow storm soon from the darkening of the sky. Wonderful just wonderful! He was supposed to be home with the family getting nauseous at bad jokes, and pissed off at nosey siblings and cousins. Crap he wished he didn’t have to go home this year for Christmas.
Sighing Thomas decided he’d turn around and head back to the small store he passed an hour back. Well that is as soon as he found a place to turn the car around. Driving a few more miles the trees gave way to a farm house in the middle of huge patches of overgrown fields. Pulling into the somewhat overgrown road Thomas headed toward the main building where he’d seen smoke.
Pulling up to the front of the building Thomas saw another car there in the driveway also. Then his eyes opened wide as he saw the college parking sticker, from the same school he went to! Damn Thomas thought small world. Stepping out of his small car Thomas rose to his full 6 foot and stretched his athletic body. Straightening his short cropped light brown hair Thomas walked to the front door.
Just as he was about to knock the door opened and a rather short woman looked up at him. Looking back into the house she yelled, “Pa we got another one! Come on in young man the weathers ‘bout to turn nasty. Good thing ya found the farm, nothing much round here for miles.” Thomas looked around swearing he could smell apples, god a glass of apple cider would be great right now.
“Yes Ma’am,” Thomas started as the short woman hustled him into the front room. Making him sit she disappeared and reappeared a moment later with a full glass of... ? Thomas sniffed at whatever it was. To his surprise it was apple cider! Damn he thought it was almost as if she read his mind he’d just been thinking about a glass of it.
“If ya wan’ more just let me or pa know we got plenty” The short woman bustled about the room as Thomas watched her thinking of his mother.
Shaking his head Thomas asked, “Ma’am? Do you have a phone? My cell isn’t getting any signal here. Actually not for miles Ma’am?” Thomas was perplexed as the woman seemed to be avoiding him or just plain ignoring him. “Ma’am I asked...” Thomas said as he reached out to touch the woman’s arm.
“I heard ya young man. I just thought not ta waste breath tellin ya we have none as ya can well see. Now then excuse me I hav work ta finish.” Thomas just sat there with his mouth open. Getting up he headed for the door but found he couldn’t seem to open it when he pulled or pushed on it. Then there was that, the door was freezing cold. Putting his shoulder into it he smiled when it started to move, then it flew open and he found his self tumbling out on the porch into the snow!
Thomas shook his head as he shut the door then headed to his car. A small male face appeared at the window and shook its head. Thomas put his key in and turned it, his mouth hung agape when nothing happened! What in the hell was going on? This was an almost brand new car! There shouldn’t be a damn thing wrong with it! Shaking his head he started to laugh, well he got his wish he guessed. He wasn’t going home this year that was for sure!
Trudging back to the house he was about to knock when the same short woman opened the door. “Ay get in here! Ya be catching cold out there in the snow with no coat or boots. Hav ya lost ya mind?” She asked him.
“No Ma’am, I just want to go home ok?” Thomas could only shake his head as he started to shiver crap he was colder than he thought! Doing a double take there was a roaring fire in the fire place. What was going on? There hadn’t been time for them to build that! Thomas knew also that the fireplace had been empty when he went out.
The old short woman left and an even older looking, short man appeared. “Ah! Hello son. Might as well make yaself at home. Trixie is of a mindset fer ya to keep us company ‘til the storms blows over. Sides I know the boss won’t mind at t’all as he likes young folks around the house.”
“Yes sir, not to be impolite but I really have to get home. My family will have half the state out looking for me when I don’t show up.” Thomas said as he looked closer at the man. Strange but Thomas could swear the man reminded him of the old pictures he’d seen of Santa’s Elves. Shaking his head Thomas thought, ‘Get ahold of yourself! They are just the indoor staff of the owner. Probably live in maid and housekeeper.’
The old man’s eyes opened wide and he smirked but did nothing else. “Now then young man, ya need some rest afore the boss gets home since no one can stay fer free he’ll talk to ya about payment. Now up ta bed wit ya! Git! We’ll see ya in the morn. It’s the first door on the right. Night!” With that he’d already pushed Thomas up the stairs and in front of the door.
Thomas’s mouth hung open how in the hell had he gotten here? Grasping the door handle he noticed another door not two feet away from almost next to his. Suddenly realizing he was far more tired than he thought he was Thomas went in. Looking at the bed he climbed in far too tired to notice much of anything. Laying back his eyes closed as soon as his head hit the pillow.
It was a few hours later, when half asleep Thomas thought he felt the bed move. It was more like a person getting up and leaving the bed. Maybe twenty minutes later Thomas was almost asleep again when he felt the bed move again. God he thought this was a nice dream as he felt a soft body snuggle up to his back. Ummm he thought again she feels so nice.
Falling back to sleep Thomas started to have several ideas invade his mind. He didn’t have a girlfriend, hadn’t for most of this school year. Most of his friends had thought he’d gone gay on them. Many would hardly talk to him ‘til several of them found out he was staying in his room every night studying. After several attempts to drag him out, they finally left him alone. Thomas sighed it wasn’t that he didn’t like women hell far from it. It was just that after the extra special break up that Bitney had done to him and in public, one could say he was afraid.
Afraid he snorted in his sleep, more like terrified of them all! Used to, he’d look at a woman and see a soft, loving tender hearted female. Now all he could see was a hateful, vindictive, greed driven creature that loved to torture. No thank you sir, he thought! He’d much rather be alone than have his heart mashed, stomped on, and then shredded.
Thomas was so out of it he didn’t even hear the door open as an older man with a white beard and old fashioned spectacles looked in. Moving his huge stomach gingerly the older man whispered saying, “You’re sure neither of them is aware of the other?”
“No sir, we took all precautions to ensure that they didn’t have a premature meeting just as you ordered sir.” The older short man said then smiled. “I had Trixie remove all of his outer apparel. As she did to the other one. Sir, I don’t mean to question you, but do you think this is wise; I mean they both are bare. I have found that almost all humans are repelled at this with strangers.”
“I know Chincey I have thought of that also. When they do realize, where are they going to go? There are no other rooms here and the front room and kitchen are horribly cold. Neither of the vehicles will start, plus the storm nature has whipped up, should keep them inside form a while. No I think it might take a few days but I know this will work. As I have seen, this may be the last chance for either one of them.”
The old short man nodded as they shut the door, sighing he said, “We will continue as we have though Santa sir, I really hate to lower my intelligence for this.” Then the door was closed cutting off the rest of the conversation.
Again it was several hours later as the sun or rather what of it there was rose. As it got higher it brought a little light and even less warmth into the room. Thomas’s hand was resting on something so soft; god it felt good reminded him of when he and Bitney were naked... ? Springing upright the covers were pulled from the naked female body beside him. She was petite with light brown hair. His hand was square on her at least, 34 - b breast. Shaking a bit he slowly withdrew his hand as her brown eyes snapped open!
What followed in the next few minutes was confusion and pandemonium. Far be it that he had his hand on her breast, or her hand was around his morning ‘wood’. They both looked up and down each other’s body, and then the woman started to scream! Thomas tried to back away after she slapped his hand away from her and wrenched her hand from his sex. Thomas fell out of the bed as the woman went to the other side with the blanket hiding under it.
A moment later Trixie walked in stark naked herself, “Ah! Ya are awake! Come now the boss is waiting.”
“You put a rapist in here with me! He had his hands on me! How dare you!” The woman was still screaming.
“I am not a...” Thomas started.
“SHUT up this doesn’t concern you!” The woman was screaming pointing a finger at Thomas.
“WHAT!? Wait a damn minute if you didn’t notice I am naked too without clothes!” Thomas yelled back at the woman. “Beside I saw you looking at me! I felt your hand locked around me!” Thomas suddenly shouted out.
“Yeah I was making sure you weren’t trying to take advantage of me!” She shouted back.
“Ha!” Thomas said. “As fucking if!”
“Yeah I know you’d like to wouldn’t you? You pervert!” She started again.
Thomas sneered at her, “I could say the same about you! Where are my clothes? You took them and got into bed with me to trap me didn’t you?”
“You!? Really? You sound damn sure full of yourself!” The woman yelled back.
There was a sound of heavy footsteps and suddenly an older man with a white beard was standing at the door. “Oh, now ya done it! That’s the boss, made him come up here ya did!” Trixie said.
“What is with all this yelling? You are guests in this house I suggest you remember that.” When neither of the youths said a word the man nodded. “Now then let’s start over. My name is Nick, I am the owner of this farm.” With that Nick looked at the woman.
“I’m... ,” she swallowed hard as she was staring at the older man who was naked also! That plus he had a club almost as long as the guy she woke up next to. I’m... ,” shaking her head she felt a tingling between her legs damn it! Her body was betraying her again. “Violet, I am violet!” She almost shouted. “I am a third year student at the university upstate.”
Nick nodded good she was starting to open a little obviously the fight had awakened something in both of them. Looking over at Thomas, Nick nodded. “Oh yeah, right. I am Thomas I am also a third year student at the university upstate. I don’t mean to be a downer but I really need to get home for Christmas. My family is expecting me.” This last was said almost with a venom like quality in his voice.
“I take it you don’t like being at home? Nick asked.
“No, I mean yes, well no not a lot of the time. They are always on me to find a woman, as if. They are all cold hearted, vindictive bitches. I am a hell of a lot happier being alone!” Thomas spit at the older man.
“Hmmm ok, I see, and you Miss Violet? Do you also want to leave to go home?” Nick asked a smile lighting up his face and the room.
Violet had clamped her mouth shut but the old man’s smile did something to her. “No, not really. Why would I want to go home to a drunk of a mother? I was glad to get the hell out of there. It was a cess pool and I was drowning in all the shit there. So no Mr. Nick, I am not in a hurry to go home though I have to, She may be a drunken whore but she is still my mother, such as she is.”
Nick nodded to both of them, hmm this was going to be slightly harder than he thought but it could be done. “Alright here are the rules. As guests, at present living in this house, rule one, no clothes at any time. Number two; there will be no copulating in the main room, the kitchen, or any room other than this one for you two.”
“Copulating? You mean sex? Ha! You have to be kidding old man, with that skinny broomstick? Please give me a little more credit that that!” Thomas laughed.
Violet was staring at Thomas with a murderous look while she was mumbling, “Yeah right as if you could ever have sex with that club you freak of nature!”
This time it was Thomas who was staring at Violet with a murderous look. “Freak! You bitch! What can’t get a boyfriend?”
“A hell of a lot easier than you can get a girlfriend, freak!” Violet yelled back.
“Ah! Youth so wasted!” Nick said suddenly making them both quiet. “Those are the main rules, there are a few others but they are of no concern as none of us can leave the house for a bit.” This last comment brought several groans from both of them. “As I said this is your room, and that is the only bed, so I suggest you both learn to share. You do know what sharing is, don’t you? To freely give something of one’s self to another without expecting anything back. In fact doing so brings you joy. Now then you are free to move about the house, help if you like, don’t if you don’t feel like it.”
With that, Nick left to let them both to think about what he’d just said. Good he thought, at least they are thinking about it and not trying to figure a way out of it.
An hour later Thomas made his way down the stairs. He had to get away from Violet, her cowering was really starting to annoy him. Though he’d put on a big front, Violet’s comments had cut him deeply. He thought back to Bitney the day they broke up, she’d called him a meat pole and a freak. Almost every foul thing she could think of. There were so many times over the last year that he’d almost given up. Alienated from almost all his friends he was almost completely alone now. Sighing he started to look for the one called Chincey. Maybe there was something he could do to help and get his mind off all this crap.
As if by magic the man appeared, “I take it ya wish ta help?” When Thomas only nodded the short man took his arm and led him into the back of the house. Damn Thomas thought, the house hadn’t look that large when he came in.
Violet watched as Thomas walked out of the door. Finally she thought! Getting up she ran to the bathroom with no door. Sitting, she released all of the pee she’d been holding with a long deep groan. God she thought he’d never leave. He might not be modest peeing in front of her this morning, though she had to admit, it had been interesting to watch, she was. Shaking her head she started to wipe and almost had an orgasm! What was going on with her body? She didn’t find him attractive at all! Uh ... did she? Getting up she thought ‘I ought to find Trixie and see if she needs help.’
“Oh! Hello young one, did ya wanna help today? I’ve plenty ta do if ya care ta hep.” Trixie said as soon as she walked in the door.
Violet could only stare at the short woman with her mouth hanging open but she’d just thought, and then Trixie and ... and... “Yes ma’am I’d like to help.”
“Ah! So polite ya had good parents did ya not?” Trixie said.
“No ma’am.” Violet said as a few tears fell from her brown eyes. “I didn’t have good ones. I just think it is better to be this way is all.”
“Oh my dear I’m sorry. Didn’t me ta bring up bad thoughts,” the short woman said.
“It’s ok, I’m not fragile like everyone thinks,” Violet replied.
“Good then come with me we have much ta do!” Trixie said as she started to drag Violet out of the door.
That night both of them dragged their selves up the stairs, neither of them had ever worked that hard. Violet was so tired she didn’t even care if Thomas looked at her. As if he could he was fighting to keep his eyes open. They’d hardly been able to bathe or eat, as it was Thomas fell asleep in his food twice.
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Kinky Kay is a fine female friend, who was away for a while. As she told us recently: "Abroad in Asia" ... 'A broad in Asia', seeking sexual satisfaction in seducing some sexy sweet students, tiny titted as she.Kinky Kay finally found time for an intimate interview, mostly about her new erotic experiences in Asia."I love their looks, how pretty, sweet and sexy they are. How wet they get and moan, when I turn them on."Initially, I assumed Kay went to one of the countries, which often have...
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Hey all, KINKY MONSTER here but not really kinky from now on.This is my best incident that ever happened in my life. Story is bit lengthy but worth reading. Dont skip paras as few of you mentioned in the mail. Read fully or dont read at all is my suggestion. This event happened during one of the weekdays. And I had to visit NCT for a meeting and also had to stay in a pvt restaurant due to unavailability of accommodation. The most superb thing was that the room service was a young lady and she...
Hey all, Kinky Monster here. This is the third part of Kinky Adventures of my life series.After successfully getting the tamarind girl in my bed. Let me quickly go to how I got my cook to satisfy my sexual appetite. When I first moved to the quarters allotted to me I asked to arrange for a cook cum maid to the Campus Manager with certain conditions. A mid-aged widow without children would be perfect, but may have a girl child if couldnt find one. I added that this was because I didnt want an...
Disclaimer: This story is not for the faint hearted. This is an incest heavy kinky story. The story contains bro-sis, mom-son, mom-daughter, father-daughter incest. And loads of Kinky stuff covering farting, shit, piss, lactation, spit apart from others. In case you are not into any of these you please close this story. For others you may continue reading this and post your comments to me at Part of the story is true and part is fiction, but the story between mom-son-daughter-mother in law is...
IncestI am back with another story with all the kinky stuff. You can check out my other stories on ISS page. This is a story from a train journey, which became more of an erotic journey for me. It involved some very steamy teasing and ended in a very kinky erotic venture. I was going from Mumbai to my native place for some paperwork. It was an overnight journey. I boarded the train in the morning. I climbed in my coach and headed towards my seat. I was a bit sad because my wife had to stay back. I...
That night was burned into my brain. I had broken up with my boyfriend, my dom, but I couldn’t get him out of my mind. His pleasuring skills still tormenting me day and night. It had been only a week and here I was rethinking going back to him. One of these days I was remembering one kinky night we had where we did it and it was so memorable. I had orgasmed so hard and he had seemed so proud to give that to me. That night I had gone to his apartment hoping to get pleasured by him. He tied me up...
BDSMHey all, This is my first let out of my writing my encounters.I am 24,M, a govt officer.I cant give anymore details about me for privacy reasons.All my life i have been a kinky nut right from my adolescents. This Part1 will be full of small nasty activities of my life without much elaboration later in Part 2 i will give greatest possible details of my taking down my cook and office attendants. And later about colleagues. And whats ahead is a complete truth which i always wanted to share. I been...
By: DamonX ([email protected]) Kayla laid her arm across my chest and pressed her warm, sweaty body against mine, nuzzling her face into my neck. "That was great baby," she said, kissing me on the cheek. "Thanks." "No need to thank me," I returned, wrapping my arm around her. "I think you did all the work this time." Kayla let out a giggle as she snuggled closer. "Yeah, I think you're right. I even worked up a bit of a sweat." "I'll say!" I exclaimed,...
Introduction: An evening of lust in the dusk Kinky Evening in the park Bondage, kinky, wife, secret threesome For almost a year now, Sally and I had been experimenting with a little innocent bondage. She had enjoyed me tying her to the bedposts with silk scarfs. We tried it with me too but I felt too uncomfortable with it, even though she was wonderful in her efforts to please me. It just seemed to me that men are concentrated on their penises, and women are total sexiness in every part of...
John and Andy moved quietly through the gate and into Andy's yard. Moving up on the deck behind the chairs they knelt down."Ohh ohhh Andy....damn your mom is so fucking hot!" John moaned looking through her bedroom window seeing Reba come into her bedroom naked. Her firm tits bouncing with her movements, her large dark brown nipples were hard and erect. He pulled his hard cock from his shorts looking over to see Andy's hard cock sticking out already. " I would love to fuck your mom and have her...
Hello sexy ladies, this is Ash, an avid traveler who often travel for business or personal reasons. This story is one of my favourite casual encounters of an banged in Bangalore while on a business trip. I was staying in a five-star property at MG road and I had a busy day at the conference. I was coming out of the hotel room after getting ready for the evening to look for food and drinks. In front of the elevator, I noticed a slim and sexy lady with one piece short black dress. She looked...
Hey all, kinky monster again, In this part I’ll quickly describe how I took down on my office Secretary. Let Me Clearly give The CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER of the various incidents of All the three parts First – the cook cum Maids story. Although i described it in PART 3 ONLY. Second – After maid, I hired the tamarind girl as assistant. This current Office Secretary story was happening in parallel to the taking down of tamarind girl. Only after taking down Tamarind girl I went for Office...
Hey all, Kinky monster here. This is the continuation of Kinky Adventures of my life Part1. After assuming my position in Office, I was so convinced of the way my life went. For the first time, things going so well and i becoming a lucky guy.I don’t really know why, but i wanted to go for the tamarind girl. She completed her 12th and was just staying at home and was doing some odd jobs at the house where her family was staying in servant room. I was posted in a nearby district and i came home...
My Girlfriend and I get into some pretty kinky things, but a threesome with one of her friends taught us both what kinky really meant. I was in my dorm room talking to my roommate when the phone rang. "Hello?" "Jack?" It was Brenda, my girlfriend. "Hi babe. Where you at? Been looking for you for a while." "I'm at Jill's house. Her parents are out of town for a few weeks and she wants us to keep her company this evening." "Okay. That's cool with me. I'll be over in a few." "Bye." I hung up the...
My Girlfriend and I get into some pretty kinky things, but a threesome with one of her friends taught us both what kinky really meant. I was in my dorm room talking to my roommate when the phone rang. "Hello?" "Jack?" It was Brenda, my girlfriend. "Hi babe. Where you at? Been looking for you for a while." "I'm at Jill's house. Her parents are out of town for a few weeks and she wants us to keep her company this evening." "Okay. That's cool with me. I'll be over in a few." "Bye." I hung up the...
Story: Kinky Kat (F/M femdom)It was obvious to him from the start that Kat was dominant. She was very attractive, with the athletic appearance of the kind you see in photos of women's track and field events. When Kat first saw Rick at the bookstore she decided that he was the kind of guy she wanted. She noticed him frequently looking at her, and after a while she came over to him with a friendly smile and asked if he would take a look at her laptop computer to determine why it was not...
Hey guys. HarDick69 is back after not at all following the ‘No nut November.’ You guys must have read . I went inside girls’ washroom and masturbated onto a door after writing kinky stuff about my Mallu Milf Queen Beena. This incident which I am about to tell you happened a few days after that. I was walking down the verandah of the college to my classroom in the morning. The nerdy girl, Riya from my class, joined me. Riya wasn’t sexually attractive like her friends. It was as if you could see...
My life was a bit of a nightmare. I had to grow up real fast. My mother was a single mother. She didn’t have any college education, so she had to do shit jobs. She mostly worked in a bar as a cocktail waitress. Although, I do think she might have done other work on the side. She had the neighbor next door watching my young siblings. I was old enough to take care of things in the house. She expected me to do the cleaning and all of the cooking. I was basically her slave. She’d always bring men...
His eyes were following her every move. Katya was serving the drink in the billionaire’s party, moving graciously, heads down, shying away from anyone who made a pass at her. His gaze had so much intensity that even I could feel them from a distance, the strength of kinky sex and roughness. I had no idea what he has in mind but I was about to find it out soon. I, Anaita, am 24 years old, just the same as Katya. We have been friends for quite some time now and we even work for the same catering...
BDSM"329, 331, 333..."I muttered to myself, reading the numbers off the doors as I made my way down the narrow hotel hallway. I could almost hear the sound of my own nervous heartbeat over the quiet buzzing of a nearby ice machine as I pushed my hand into my pocket to pull out a folded, crumpled piece of paper. Cursing myself for the inability to calm my shaking nerves, I unfolded the small parchment and read the number scrawled upon it. "335." My eyes moved from the paper up to the door before me....
Introduction:A short, vague beginning to a long seriesA word of warning: I am a very wordy writer and my stories are almost more about the stories and characters than the sex. If this isn't your cup of tea and you're looking for raunchy stories that get right into it, this story and others by me are not for you. This chapter is the prologue and is thus intentionally vague to begin with and somewhat heavy with exposition. I predict this series will go on for many, many chapters but I know it...
“My Seduction of Carla.” Or was it hers of me?For the rest of the weekend, I kept picturing that lewdly exciting scene I witnessed in the parking garage. It quickly dawned on me that I was becoming increasingly obsessed with Carla. I was anxious to go to the office, then to figure out a way to connect with her.I knew that Carla was a smoker, because I often saw her sitting on the courtyard benches where smoking is allowed. As with most smoking areas, it was pushed off to the downwind side,...
Hello Readers, I live in Pune and now regular in terms of writing stories on ISS. This is in continuation of my previous story ‘Kinky Group Sex – Part 1’. If you haven’t gone through it please read it to have the complete background. After the wonderful session between all four of us, we all were tired and hungry as well. So we decided to have our lunch. We decided to have it naked. But as it would be served by the caretaker someone has to wear the clothes. I wore the T-shirt and jeans and...
Hey everybody! This is Raman & I wanted to share this experience with you kinky readers. I was working as a personal trainer in a gym, so I had a few personal clients whom I used to train one-on-one. One of them was Naveen, in his mid-thirties who started treating me like a friend. He started telling me everything about his life. Things like where he works, what he does, about his wife & k**s and pretty much everything. He was a nice guy who had everything but only one problem. He was...
Hie everybody, I would like to share my experience with my aunty. She stays next to my house. About myself: I am sunny.5’8.Athlete body. I am 20 yrs old.Fair and good looking boy. Am passionate about making love. I have a 7.5 inch meat which is hard all day. About aunty: she is 36 years old. Her name is sonia.Cute and mature lady. With sexy figure. Big and firm boobs with big ass. I will describe them in detail further. She is a typical indian housewife who looks after her home. Now let’s...
Hey guys KINKEY MONSTER here, regarding my writings.. I must not be doing this Being a Civil servant, but I do not propagate anti social activities. It is just tactical usage of tricks combined with exhibition of love and lust to take down women. However I should also not be abetting crimes done when my suggestion was interpreted mischievously or used for other anti social activities. Hence I have not replied to many of the mails sent to me by readers asking for tips and suggestions. As I...
IncestHey everybody! This is Raman & I wanted to share this experience with you kinky readers. I was working as a personal trainer in a gym, so I had a few personal clients whom I used to train one-on-one. One of them was Naveen, in his mid-thirties who started treating me like a friend. He started telling me everything about his life. Things like where he works, what he does, about his wife & kids and pretty much everything. He was a nice guy who had everything but only one problem. He was unhappy...
KINKY CLUB ASSIGNMENT by Throne It all seemed so innocent at the start. My boss, Mr. Jameson, at Reveal, the popular tabloid newspaper, gave me an assignment. I was to infiltrate a kinky nightspot and capture some incriminating images with a miniature camera I would conceal on myself. I was thrilled when he picked me for the job. My impression up until then had been that he didn't like me. When I made slyly nasty remarks about one of the gay employees, he let it upset him. And...
Kinky Vacation with my Mistress Chapter 1 - Arrival at our Nest of Kink by sissy kristie for Ms. SEVEN The trip was planned carefully and long in advance and both my Mistress as well as Her sub, me, were looking forward to this adventure for almost an eternity.? As soon as the opportunity for the real life adventurous encounter was known, my Mistress decided where we should spend the week in a luxurious and remote house in Avignon, France. It did not take very long until the right place was...