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I opened my eyes wider and scanned the crowded Sunday-morning sidewalk. Sunday morning in a neighborhood that's almost all Polish, Italian, Irish and Latino means the sidewalks are Mass confusion, if you get my drift. And I was not all that fully awake anyhow, having finished Saturday night only six hours before.

"David!" The voice was right in front of me now. I looked down. Recognition came slowly. I blinked. "Elly?"

She smiled prettily and hoisted herself up and gave a little jump to plant a light kiss on my beard, catching me by surprise.

I stared at her. "You look unbelievable," I said, with complete sincerity. And her appearance was more than half the reason I hadn't recognized her.

I hadn't seen Elly in a few years. She'd just turned 16 a few weeks before we'd last bumped into each other. She'd been pretty much as she'd been the first time I'd met her, three years before. Elly was very short - 4-foot-7, I learned later - but not petite by about 20 pounds. Elly could have stood to lose that much and maybe a couple of pounds more, because a great deal of baby fat still clung to an otherwise fine-boned frame. She'd had a pretty, round face and Big Hair and seemed determined to dress as unattractively as possible. The last time I'd seen her, she was still just the plump, sweet, smart kid who sometimes needed someone with whom to talk.

Elly had made some serious changes. Make that Changes, with a capital "C."

The change that was unavoidably obvious was her figure. She'd done away with most of the weight; the rest had been redistributed. She'd always been buxom; now she'd melted most of the baby fat, and what was left was just busty. Even dressed to deemphasize it, she had an astonishing bust, the more so for her otherwise-slender frame.

She might have been dressed to deemphasize it, but nothing could hide it. Elly had a figure designed by the feverish imagination of a 14-year-old acne farm. She was very slim-hipped; she had no waist at all, and the way she cinched her fashionably cut loose jeans betrayed that. Her waist couldn't have been more than 18 or 19 inches.

But even the oversized flannel shirt (it was spring, but the Weather Gods had left some nip in the air to remind us that winter wasn't very long gone) and the oversized vest, unbuttoned, couldn't hide the swell of her breasts. Words like "massive," "huge" and "coconuts" came to mind. I probably could have worn the shirt she had on, and I'm a size 42; she still couldn't button the top three buttons over those tits.

But as fabulous as her figure was, as radiant as her newly slimmed and well-made-up face was, it was her vivacity that commanded attention. She was glowing and vibrant and gushing with news. She'd just signed on for a co-op in Flushing, and then she'd lost her job - at Shearson Lehman - but it didn't bother her. She was looking for work as an administrative assistant and was sure she could find it quickly. I agreed. Best of all, she'd done something I'd nagged her about in most of our last conversation - she'd had the doctor do a biopsy of the cyst in her uterus - and it had been removed early enough to insure that she was healthy and free from The Bastard That Kills.

Damn, she looked good! Her jeans clung to slim hips and legs that were just a shade too short even for her diminutive height. She'd had her hair cut differently, a bit longer and less full. Her eyes sparkled, and her lips and nose were perfect for her face. Elly had turned into a little beauty who happened also to be a sex goddess.

But she wasn't happy. She'd been taken with this fella for the past couple of months, an Afghan refugee, and she had the distinct feeling that he wouldn't be devastated if she left him. That, to her, meant he didn't care much.

We talked, and she told me she had a job interview for Tuesday morning, and she was tickled at the idea of meeting me for lunch when she was done. I sensed a tingly tension with her. She'd gone from a pudgy 16-year-old to a devastatingly sexy 20-year-old, and I wanted to explore it more (not being nearly as dumb as I look).

She called at noon, and I had her come to my office, in the Village. I brought my company's job listing with me and took her to a good neighborhood restaurant, China Bowl. Their prices were reasonable, the ambience was unhurried, and a sign in the window proudly proclaimed that they never used MSG.

Our waitress, who went by the name of Alice, was familiar to me. Alice and I had played trade smiles and try-to-catch-the-other-one-looking games for about three months. Alice, who was about Elly's height, came over for our order, took one look at Elly's preposterous bust - not too effectively hidden by a very conservatively cut neck-high collar - and gave me a look that said she was sure she could never compete with THOSE.

Elly and I had a pleasant lunch, and she thought my suggestion was nice - that she stop by my place later in the week and see what I'd done with it.

She rang my bell at 8:03 p.m. on Friday, and I buzzed her in. She was wearing jeans again and a simple, plum blouse under a loose cardigan. The blouse was tucked into her waistband, and when the cardigan came off, it looked like she'd stuffed a pair of cantaloupes into her blouse.

I gave her a glass of white wine (a Riesling) - her choice - and the two-bit tour. She thought my alleged cat was cute. She admired the photo montages of friends and family and the cat.

She enjoyed the stereo - choosing a recording by Kitaro, much to my surprise and pleasure - and ooohed and ahhed at the little study I'd created; it's the place where I write.

In the living room, she admired the nude torso framed on one wall. She asked; I told her: "Yes, that's her. It was taken by one of her former lovers." But what got her was the opposite wall:

"Did you READ all of these?"

I am always surprised when someone is impressed by the Library Wall in the living room. I explained to her that if you read for an hour a day, you read a couple of books a week. In 30 years, that's around 3.000 books. If you save some books - well, you pretty quickly end up with the Library Wall. My living room is only 20 feet long, so a wall of books isn't that big a deal.

But Elly was impressed. We sat, drinking wine and talked. I asked after some of her friends. One was dying of AIDS.

"I'm glad I got out of that crowd," she said. "When they started getting into stuff past a few joints, I got scared. He was doing needles, so I guess that's where he got it."

"There's lots of ways to get it."

She drained her glass. "Don't I know it! When I went to get tested for it - "

"You did?"

She nodded, eyes wide, as I poured more wine for her. Of course she did, she said - as if there were no other reasonable course. She was crazy about her Afghan refugee. "You think I want to take a chance on killing him? No way!"

Which was, I told her, exactly the way my Significant Other and I felt, and why we'd gotten tested.

The talk moved on to cheerier subjects and later, after more chatting and catching up - and her doing in two-thirds of a bottle of wine - she started examining the titles of the books. She asked if she could look at one on a high shelf. I started to get up from the couch.

"I'll get it. I just wanted to know if it was OK to look at it."

"Sure, help yourself." She got the little folding step-stool from the corner and set it up. It's only a four-step job, so she had to stand on the top. I went to steady her - remember that wine - and as soon as I got there, she turned half-way and started toppling.

I caught her, with my hands at her trim waist. Her cheeks were flushed, and the redness was spreading down her neck and throat and into the vee of pale flesh exposed by the three unfastened buttons.

She put her hands on either side of my face, bent and kissed me. Her breath was sweetly tinged with the wine, and her lips were taut and urgent. They opened immediately, and her tongue danced with mine, teasing - then searching and demanding. Her tongue was rather long, She seemed to have no difficulty running it over the roof of my mouth, and I know it reached farther than any other I'd encountered. It was somehow making me even more aroused.

Without breaking the kiss or moving my hands from her waist, I lifted her off the step-stool. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and I had to bend to maintain the kiss as I stood her on the floor.

I put my arms all the way around her and pressed her up and against me. Her breasts, so huge and full, were crushed against me. She was arching her back deeply to catch my leg between her thighs and rub her denim-clad crotch against my knee. I ran my hands up and down her back, then reached down and covered her ass, one hand to a cheek. Her hips were so narrow and her butt so tight and hard that I was momentarily taken aback; it was almost like squeezing a preteen girl's ass.

But there was nothing kid-like in the heat or experience in her hungry kiss or the way she was writhing against me. And there sure as hell was nothing childlike in the massive pressure of her firm, bounteous breasts against me.

When she finally broke the kiss, she leaned back in my arms, otherwise remaining pressed against me and letting me support most of her weight. Her eyes were closed and there was a small smile on her flushed face.

"I have wanted to do that for four years," she said. "And I've wanted you to do that, too." Her eyes opened. "Did you know that?"

I shook my head.

"And you don't remember the time I told you that one of the things I liked best about you was that you'd never tried to come on to me."

Again, I shook my head.

"And you don't remember telling me that you liked me and thought I was cute, but that I felt bad about myself and that was why I was overweight, and I felt bad about myself because I was overweight."

I was starting to remember something, now...

"And do you remember telling me that if I was a few years older and about 20 percent thinner, then you'd have more of a problem not making a pass at me?"

"Uhhhh --Well - "

Her smile widened. "I'm a few years older and a lot thinner - mostly - and just like you said, you're making a pass at me. And guess what?"


"Pass received." She brought one hand up and quickly unbuttoned her blouse. The bra she wore wasn't meant to be sexy. It was meant to contain and support breasts that belonged on an over-endowed woman a foot taller and 30 pounds heavier. It wasn't containing them, though. Her tits swelled up and around the edges of the cotton, creamy swells of billowy pale flesh that was just tinged with a flush of arousal. And that made it a sexy damn bra.

I swallowed.

Her fingers went to the clasp between the two overflowing cups. Her fingers moved. The clasp released. The bra slid back partly, unable to deal with the pressure of her large breasts.

"Did you ever suspect that sometimes when I called you and asked about relationships and how they could be, I was sitting in my bathrobe?"

"No, I never - "

She was shimmying her shoulders, and the bra was opening wider and wider.

"Or that sometimes, when we were talking, I was getting wet and starting to touch myself, imagining what it would be like to have you making love to me?"

"Not even once."

She shimmied, and the cups fell back from her breasts. They were magnificent. The bra hadn't been able to contain them, and, judging by the firmness of the 20-year-old tits jutting up at me, it hadn't been absolutely necessary for support, either.

"I used to imagine you kissing and licking my breasts - not like the grabby guys my own age or the dirty old pigs that were always copping feels - but just sweetly, lovingly, hungrily devouring my tits... Would you like to do that?"

"Guess what, Elly?"

She frowned. "What?"

"Pass received." I lifted her easily and turned, setting her tiny butt on the arm of the loveseat, then I bent slightly and began kissing and licking her magnificently excessive tits, trying furiously to live up to the lurid imaginings of the pudgy 16-year-old who'd encased this gloriously sexy 20-year-old.

I tried to guess what she'd fantasized, hoping to make it come true - if biologically possible - but abandoned that effort in, oh, five-sixteenths of a second. So I just went with instinct and Me.

I bent and licked her shoulders, then down her arm. I trilled my tongue in the hollow of her elbow and watched the goosebumps rise and felt her shiver. Then I went to work on her breasts.

Twenty years old or not, tits that big are required by Gravity to have some sag to them, and hers weren't lawbreakers - but they were bending the rules pretty good. I licked the underswells of each gorgeously curved mound and then kissed along the outer edge. Then I moved my tongue around and around, slowly, on each breast, working closer to each nipple and never... quite... reaching... it. My saliva had coated the pale flesh of her mountainous boobies and her nipples swelled hugely in response to being left out of the treatment.

Her areoles were no larger than 25-cent pieces, making them oddly tiny in proportion to her tits, but the nozzles themselves were outstanding. They swelled up and out, stretching easily three-quarters of an inch, and they were as thick as pencil erasers.

Her hands had come up to either side of my head, and she was trying to force my mouth onto her nipples. I let her - but my mouth draped over each one, open, and I withheld my tongue, so no matter how much she pressed my face into the firm, fragrant abundance, her nipples were untouched.

She was moaning for me to attend to them, but I had another idea. I figured a girl with such huge, gorgeous breasts probably had her nipples grabbed by every moron who got his digits near them. I also figured that absence makes the frond grow harder. So I stayed completely away from touching her nipples. It made her crazy.

But while my lips and tongue were busy with her abundant upper attractions, my hands had been steadily caressing and stroking her curvy, slim legs. My right hand was gently moving up and down over the denim-clad chub of her mons. I could feel the heat through the fabric of her jeans and whatever else she was or wasn't wearing beneath them.

I unsnapped the waistband of her jeans and lowered the zipper. I could almost feel the humidity rising in waves from the v-opening. I began kissing below her breasts, working my way down over her abdomen. That's what you call that part of the torso on a woman in her condition: "abdomen." "Belly" is too soft a word. From the definition of the muscles crisscrossing her tummy, it was obvious that she'd been burning calories with serious exercise. I could easily find the ridges of hard muscle beneath the smooth, minimal layer of normal, healthy human fat by tracing and exploring with my tongue.

That's just what I did: explore with my tongue. I traced and delineated every smooth ripple of firm abdominal muscle, always working lower, and as my tongue finally found and reached the limits of her opened zipper, her hands came down to either side of my head, pushing me lower, always lower.

As deep as the V went, it didn't reach deep enough. I couldn't even touch her pubic hair with my tongue. I had no choice but finally to halt and stand.

"Put your arms around my neck," I whispered - mostly because my voice wasn't working quite right at that moment - and she complied willingly. My plan was to stand with her hanging on me and push the jeans down off her narrow hips. Would've worked, too. But she also put her legs around me, just above my hips, hooking her ankles behind my back.

"Bed?" she breathed and pulled her mouth close to my ear. Her tongue, wet and serpentine, wriggled into my ear. "Bed?" Her breath was fire on me.

"Buh," was all I could say. I cupped her tight little jeans-clad ass in my hands, one paw under and covering each cheek, and walked through my home office, down the hall and into the bedroom. She was kissing my beard and ears all the way.

I bent at the foot of the bed and braced myself with my hands. She released her leglock on my waist and brought her hands down over the front of my shirt, undoing buttons as she went. When I straightened, she rolled lithely to her knees and pushed my shirt back. Her blouse and bra were in complete disarray, her lush breasts exposed and quivering. Her nipples... I can't stop thinking about how her nipples looked with those nubbly aureoles and the immensely swollen nozzles turning almost purple.

Her hands were busy, unsnapping the waist of my slacks and dragging down the zipper. She pushed the jeans down, and then my briefs, and my dick popped free, standing straight out and pointing at her face like some turret gun tracking its target.

She grabbed my penis, and for the first time, after knowing her for something like four years, I realized how small her hands were. My dick is about an inch and a half in diameter - right within the standard variation, and no one has ever swooned at the sight - and her fingers barely reached around it.

She rolled onto her side at the foot of the bed, putting my dick almost exactly on the same level as her face - as her mouth, to be precise. She ducked her head forward and began moving her tongue around my glans, slowly swirling. That's something you may have heard of, but let me tell you: I've been with a few women, and the awkwardness of the movement usually restricts it to something that's really pleasant but not accurately described as "swirling."

She swirled. Her tongue was agile, experienced, limber and long enough to do the job. Not to mention, tireless. She moved it around and around my fat dick head, all the time moving her lips closer and closer to my glans. Her slim little fingers were gripping the base of my cock, her tongue was swirling, her lips were nearing, and from time to time she'd glance up at me, and her eyes would sparkle.

Her other hand? She was playing with her breasts, caressing them briefly and spending a lot of time pinching and twisting her nipples a lot more vigorously than I would have. Even laying crossways on the bed, she could almost have straightened her lithe legs. I reached down and caressed her face. She closed her eyes dreamily and pushed her head forward a little more and fastened her lips around the head of my dick. She let go of the base of my cock and reached up to rest her delicate hand on my hip. She guided me toward her a little bit, then back. As I pressed forward, she took about half my cock into her mouth.

Her tongue did wonderful things to the underside of my shaft, and her cheeks were drawn inward with the force of her sucking. I caressed her face again, and she shivered slightly. I traced my finger around the side of her mouth, up her jaw to her ear, then back down to where my dick was outlined through her concaved cheeks.

Her flush had spread to her fabulous breasts. My hand went farther. I caressed the beautiful swells, using just my fingertips to glide over the silken, full flesh of the undercurves - or what would have been the undercurves. They were already firm; aroused and laying on her back, the stood up like pale hills.

Still, when I touched her like that, she sucked even harder and her tongue did amazing and mysterious things. I brushed my fingertips across her hard little belly, then began pushing her jeans down over her hips. She wriggled, sinuous and smooth as an eel, and then she wore only pale blue - sodden - panties, cut high across her thighs. I pushed them down, too, and then she was naked before me on my bed. In the dim glow that filtered through the blinds, I saw that her pussy was topped with a small tuft of fine sparse curls, but the border was too uneven for it to have been trimmed.

I knelt astride her head and slid my hands under her butt. I couldn't believe how tight her asscheeks were! It was exactly like holding two little mounds of hard foam rubber... but considerably more pleasant. I began kissing and licking just above her knees. When I slid my hands to the back of her knees and pulled her legs open, her sucking hesitated. When I pressed my lips to the taut flesh on the inside of one shapely thigh, I felt her groaning around my turgid dong. The vibrations were excruciating on my swollen, over-sensitized cock flesh. My balls were starting to tighten ominously.

I licked higher on her thighs, forced by the disparity in our heights to slide back until my dick was threatening to pop out of her mouth - which was the idea at the moment: I didn't want to cum so quickly.

But Elly had other ideas. She arched back and up, maintaining her lip-grip on my glans as long as possible. And she was clamping her thighs back together as my tongue approached her barely furred cunt.

I slid back a little farther, and my dick popped out of her mouth. I licked around the edges of her pubic hair and then pressed my tongue down between her tightly clamped thighs to brush as much of her labia as I could. Her musk was almost dizzying in its fresh sweetness.

She gasped and her hands came down to push my head away.

"Stop!" she hissed. "You're starting to lick me... down there."

"I know," I said. "I'm trying to."

This seemed to stun her. "You mean - you want to lick me down there?"

"You betcha. Or don't you like it?"

"Well, sure, but - you really want to?"

I knelt upright and looked down - past my throbbing cock - at her. "Been craving it."

"But then I can't suck you! I'm too short to - "

"I know, but if you keep doing those lovely things, I'm going to cum in your mouth."

"Ooooo... I hope so!"

Her hands were back on my hips, anchoring her so she could pull herself up and get my dick back in her mouth from underneath. "I want you to cum in my mouth," she breathed hotly onto my glans, her tongue flickering onto the underside of my shaft for unnecessary emphasis. She used her hands to urge me to lay back. She rolled to her hands and knees on the bed. "I want you to lay back and let me suck you and - "

Who was I to refuse a lady? Especially since as she talked about it and as her tongue touched my cock, her hips began to move as if she were being soundly fucked. She was, I realized with the proverbial dull thud, one of those women who gets off on sucking cock. Heh.

I sprawled crossways on the bed, with my legs hanging off at the knees. She scrambled over me, brushing me with her luscious tits in the process, and arranged herself perpendicular to me. Her face was at my groin.

She took my cock into her hot mouth again, and this time she moaned as she sucked it slowly into her face. My dick hit the back of her throat and she groaned, backed off, then shifted her angle a bit. She took it slowly back in and kept gulping until she had her lips into the coppery hair around the base of my cock and her nose was pressed flat against my abdomen.

This time I was the one who groaned. She sucked powerfully on me. She began to back my dick out of her throat. When only the head remained between her lips, she slowly pushed her face down again. I reached down with one hand and caressed her hair and her shoulders, then slid my hand over her torso and squeezed her cute little butt. I brought my hand under and around to cup one big tit.

She quickened her pace slowly, inexorably. As she came down, my hand was pressed between her breast and my abdomen, her swollen nipple grinding hot and pebble-hard into my palm. I rubbed a little bit, and she groaned. Her groan vibrated my dick, eliciting an answering groan from me - which seemed to excite her still more. Her hips were hunching slowly, almost grinding at the empty air. She was sucking harder and bobbing a little faster.

I felt the tingling buzz through me and whispered, "I'm cumming now, Elly."

She moaned loudly, and her hips pumped rapidly, demandingly. She sucked hard, and her hand came up between my shaking thighs. Her fingertips grazed my balls, and I could hear and feel her gasp as my ass lurched and she got my cream in her mouth.

I came like a newly released convict. The stuff erupted out of me, and when the first spurt splashed into the back of her throat, she started shaking all over. She sucked harder, almost frantically, and a second geyser flooded her mouth. She swallowed and dived her head down and back up halfway, working her throat and lips and tongue over my pulsing shaft, milking my dick and balls. I had the presence of mind - barely - to pinch her nipple sharply and her hips jerked sharply, rapidly, as she drank my cum and had an orgasm.

When she got the last of my cum, she slowly relinquished my limpening dick by pulling her still-sucking mouth backward, her tongue all the time working wildly on my shaft and finally on my glans. When my shriveled dick finally popped out of her mouth, she used her tiny fingers to raise it. She lapped at my cock like a kitten getting the last of the milk from a saucer. When her tongue rasped over my glans, I almost screamed from the sensation; my dick was much too sensitive at that point.

She flopped on her side with her cheek on my abdomen and her face toward me. Her hips still moved, but now languorously. I rested my hand on the side of her face and caressed her.


She frowned. "Why?"

I pulled her up to me and forced her to sprawl across me. Her breasts were crushed - but not nearly flattened - against my chest. I moved to kiss her, but she jerked her head away.

"I've still got some of your stuff in my mouth!"

I took her head in my hands and turned her face toward mine. I kissed her as sweetly and gently as I could, on the eyes and nose and finally on the lips. She kept her mouth tightly closed for a moment.

I pulled back. "I want to kiss you, Elly."

She looked bewildered, but she relented. Our tongues danced for a few moments. She was telling the truth; she still had some of my semen in her mouth. It didn't bother me in the least, but she seemed to get uncomfortable, and I was beginning to have a suspicion of why.

I let her back away from the kiss. She looked at me strangely for a moment, then: "Can I ask you a really personal question?"

I grinned like a damn fool. "Gee, I'm not sure we know each other that well, Elly. A personal question? Gosh, I dunno. I mean, it's not like we've ever shared any intimate moments."

"Is that your sarcastic way of saying I can ask?"


"Are you bisexual?"

I stared at her. She had honestly stunned me with that one. I just shook my head, numbly. Finally, I managed to ask: "Why?"

"Well, you just came in my mouth and wanted to kiss me and it's like you don't mind the taste of, uh - "

"Semen. The word is 'semen.' Or 'cum.' 'Jism' works. So does 'splooge'."


"It's not my favorite taste, but I don't mind it - at least, not my own. I don't think I'd be so tolerant of another guy's semen." I ran my hands down her back and pulled her closer. "But, Elly, you don't seem to mind the taste; why should I?"

"That's different." She said it as if it was something that was self-evident. "I'm a girl."

"A woman."


"There's a difference."

"I had big tits when I was 13, and I'd already started to have my period."

"And you were still a girl, then. Did you always like the taste of semen?"

"Well, sure, it's OK. I guess."

"Do you like it?" I put the emphasis on "like."

"Not particularly," she said, "but I really don't mind it."

"But you had an orgasm when I came in your mouth."

Her eyes got suddenly heavy-lidded. "Oh, yeah, well, I really like feeling that in my mouth, all that stuff spurting so hot and thick, and feeling you moving and hearing you groan and knowing that I'm doing that to you, making you feel like that while you give me the cum right out of you, like you're feeding me and - "

She shivered, and I could feel her nipples hardening against my chest. Her legs had parted; her thighs were opened to either side of my left leg, and she was slowly rubbing her mons up and down against my leg. Thinking and talking about sucking me off was turning her on. I had the brains to realize it wasn't me, in particular, but the mere idea.

Now, let me set the record straight here on something. It may sound like she was some not-too-bright young Polack bimbo with big boobs and a bottomless throat. Yes, she was Polish, young, had big breasts and a bottomless throat. But she wasn't and isn't some bimbo. She was a bright kid, and she was a smart young woman. She'd always been - at least, for the four years I'd known her - smart and sensitive and sometimes startlingly perceptive and introspective. She'd graduated high school with her peers after being left back twice in grade school (parochial, of course) for something called "defiant and insubordinate behavior" and dropping out of high school for a year. Yet she was bright enough to catch up on the earlier stuff and return to high school and graduate on schedule.

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Kelly Miller wife for 21yrs mother for 18yrs a son 18 now away at school and a daughter 16yrs tall and just as sexy as her mother, unlike her mother she has many friends Kelly has worked most of her married life and was far to busy for friends but, now she is a housewife only and bored. Sam her daughter told her that her friends mom had two tickets to a designer dress show and wanted them to go Kelly never meet the woman and never wears dresses much but said ok anyhow. The woman Jan and...

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Bob and I used to work together, so I had socialized with he and his wife Ellie on a few occasions. One hot, humid, foggy summer evening, while I was watching TV, the door bell rang. I wasn’t expecting anyone. It was Ellie, dressed in very short cut-off jeans and a halter top with no bra. I could see her hard nipples through the halter material and her tits were almost hanging out. Ellie had short, light brown hair, was cute and had a nice, slim body, she had to be in her early thirties. I...

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Kelly By Callie Messenger The flash that I saw and the shock that I felt when Carmela placed her ring on my finger were the end of our marriage. I asked her what it was immediately after the wedding and she finally admitted that she had allowed her mother to cast a spell to ensure my faithfulness to her daughter. Carmela could not reconcile the action with the implicit trust required to make a marriage work. I walked straight back into the church and asked the priest for an...

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Kelly and I work together at one of those punk/rock clothing stores. We seemed to hit it off right from the start which was a bit of a surprise at first. Although I did pretty well at work I wasn’t exactly the type of person that wore the clothes we sold. I did my best to dress the part but always felt like a bit of a nerd faking it. Kelly on the other hand looked the part. I guess you could say she’s a bit of an emo. Slight build, tight little body, jet black hair that always seemed to fall in...

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Kelly and I work together at one of those punk/rock clothing stores. We seemed to hit it off right from the start which was a bit of a surprise at first. Although I did pretty well at work I wasn’t exactly the type of person that wore the clothes we sold. I did my best to dress the part but always felt like a bit of a nerd faking it. Kelly on the other hand looked the part. I guess you could say she’s a bit of an emo. Slight build, tight little body, jet black hair that always seemed to fall in...

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Kelly and I work together at one of those punk/rock clothing stores. We seemed to hit it off right from the start which was a bit of a surprise at first. Although I did pretty well at work I wasn’t exactly the type of person that wore the clothes we sold. I did my best to dress the part but always felt like a bit of a nerd faking it. Kelly on the other hand looked the part. I guess you could say she’s a bit of an emo. Slight build, tight little body, jet black hair that always seemed to...

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Ellie and I became lovers when we were freshmen in college. She was this small, slight little goth girl, with waist-length straight black hair and flowing black dresses. Her smile was a Mona Lisa thing, fuzzy at the edges and hinting as something naughty. She rarely spoke but often stared, and it was this staring that originally caught my attention. We had an English class together, and because she couldn’t keep her eyes off of me, I couldn’t keep mine off of her.Our affair was brief but...

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Thursday night is guest star night at the North Dallas Swap Club, Any pornstar passing through DFW was invited, along with any wannabe star, stud, bull, or bi- female who could get past the screeners. I was in my usual spot: a former den in a former home turned swap club. The first round was in progress, I made myself scarce. Exhibition fucking has even less appeal for me than wife swapping. I'm here simply because Kelly comes here. I braid her long blonde hair so the guys who take her from...

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I was a good girl. Before I turned eighteen I had never been kissed, never had sex. I was a virgin. Not long after my seventeenth birthday, I met a guy. His name was Ellis. He worked as a mechanic. He was amazing, he was tall, broad shouldered and had a great toned body. He had light brown hair and gorgeous big blue eyes. The two things that I liked most about him were his smile and his voice. Whenever he smiled, it sent chills down my spine and when he spoke to me, I melted. After six months...

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I have always wondered what it would be like to have sex with a girl who doesn’t shave in the same places as most woman. I guess you can say it has been a fetish of mine for ten years or more. At twenty four I was beginning to think I would never find out. Where is a guy to find a girl with hairy underarms and a nice crop of hair on her legs? My friend, Gary laughed at me when I told him about my fetish. He thought I was nuts and told me I would never be able to find that kind of girl. After he...

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Sexiest Familys Awesome Foursome 8211 Part 2

Hello, my male friends and female sisters and mothers! Welcome back to ISS. Without wasting time lets continue to the story. In the night around at 9’o clock, my sister came to my room to take me for dinner. I was totally nude at that time. I was still angry at her and without talking to her I went to the dining table. We all had our dinner and I tried to take my mom with me to the bedroom. Mom – Where are you taking me? Me – In our bedroom. Mom – I have some household works to do. I will...

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Georgia goes to University Part 002

by Vanessa Evans Part 02 – Still Settling In. The next morning I woke alone on my back on my bed, my right hand on my wet pussy. “I really must get a motion activated camera and stick it between my legs when I go to bed.” I thought as I lay there for a few minutes trying to decide if my head hurt or not. It didn’t and I got up and went to the bathroom. Twenty minutes later I walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed and ready for the day. I put some coffee on and started making a mental...

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After School JobChapter 6

It is quite possible that time stopped, there for a little while, when my sister first started sucking my cock. My recall is a bit spotty for the first bit of time. Words escape me, at this point. Wait. That should be words escaped me at that point. Because that's exactly what happened. I gurgled quite a bit, as I recall, but spoke not a single coherent word. And while I was trying to think of one or two to grace her with, she pulled off and skinned my foreskin back and then sucked the knob...

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Phantom Hands

Chapter One Joyce never failed to make his heart jump whenever he saw her and he made it a point to see her as often as he could. They worked in the same building and on the same floor and nothing made his day more complete than when he could have coffee with her. She wasn’t aware of his feelings for her but she liked him and saw him as a good friend. She was seeing Larry Fister on a pretty regular basis and it hurt Aaron when he saw them talking. He knew he couldn’t have her but that didn’t...

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toilet threesome

My names Ollie, I have short light brown hair, deep blue eyes, I'm 5'10" and have a fairly average - slightly muscular- build. I have a cock that i'm very proud of, it's 6 1/2" which i don't think is too bad for my age. I play soccer for Ware Youth FC. I'm at a British school in my fourth year and am studying 11 GCSE subjects including sports studies. Now enough about myself. One of my friends at school is called Rob, he is smaller than me - maybe 5'5"-he has...

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Wife for a Night

I’d never really seen myself as a full time escort even though my friend and regular customer Marcia had often asked me if I’d like to join her agency. I know that I wouldn’t have any qualms about the sexual aspect of the job but I much prefer to have sex on my terms rather than as part of a contractual arrangement. I always thought it might be something that I’d try on a casual basis, but it was a bit like the time I took part in a couple of adult movies. I really enjoyed the experience but I...

Straight Sex
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Not Passing Go Ch 03

Pain in Spain They say Solitary Sal was anybody’s for half a crown, but that was when half a crown was worth sumthink. Now old Sal’s nobody’s. Except when her son’s conscience allows her to spend a week with him in sunny Spain. Motormouth Mikey was never a friend of mine but he had his uses. Last time was just over five long painful years ago. I had a bank deposit vault that I had my eye on, where I was minded to max out the credit by making multiple withdrawals. Now, in the right hands an...

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BlacksOnBlondes Angel Smalls 08232016

After they get married, Angel Smalls and her fiance are going to inherit her father’s business. He retires soon. So while Dad and future-hubby are on vacation discussing the details on how to hand over the business, Angel’s running the place. And she’s got problems. We all know the old saying: when the cat’s away, the mice will play. And play they do! Her mechanics are an unruly group of men, and they about to turn their bad behavior on the future owner’s...

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A Slaves Tale 2

"I abhor unjustified cruelty but a crime cannot go unpunished as I am sure you will agree. When you were thrashed did your last Mistress use your bottom?""No Miss. I rebelled before she got that far Miss.""Good, then we will make use of that. You understand what this punishment is for and why it is necessary?""Yes Miss.""I think 24 strokes will suffice this time."I picked up my riding crop from the table and slowly stood up."Stand up slut."She did so with amazing speed."Turn around and then...

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Unexpected Delivery

You wake up to the early morning sun shining through your Venetian blinds, directly into your eyes. You throw off your blankets, open your closet door, and dig through the clothes on the floor. Searching until you find your least pair of dirty pants. You get dressed not bothering to change your boxers and head into the kitchen through the eerie silence of the strangely quiet apartment. “I guess everyone else is out.” you think. You grab a cereal box from on top of the refrigerator. Place it...

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A New Day A New Us part 9

“Mmmmm, I promised them no,” Matty tells me groggily. “Who did you promise no,” I ask putting my full body against hers. “Your parents, I said I wanted to sleep here tonight and they said I could but no sex. Your Mom was very specific and made me swear or I can’t come over here for a month,” Matty tells me starting to wake up a little. No sex, my parents knew I’d try to and Mom of all people shot me down. I lay there thinking about ways around it but knowing Mom she will take...

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Cobra 3

In the last chapter, after being changed into a twenty two feet cobra hybrid, Sandra went to a doctor and find out that she really is a Cape Cobra and that venom is powerful. She starts to sell her venom and was surprised when she was informed that it's quality was improving. Sandra also start to change more and goes to the doctor again. She find out that her vaginal fluids have a lot of viruses. They meet Mandy, their contact at the pharmaceutical company that was buying her venom....

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Found Chapter Two

‘No turning back,’ I whisper as the front of the bus comes into view. I wrap my arms around my waist cautiously as I approach, a frown forming on my lips as I see red and blue lights glisten on the side of the bus. ‘They didn’t,’ I say in disbelief. But sure enough, two police cars are positioned behind the bus with three different officers surrounding the bus. ‘There she is!’ I hear from inside the bus and I hang my head in guilt. I let out a sigh as I walk closer to the bus, my feet dragging...

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She Wouldnt Give Up

In the last story I told you about my first time and how this girl named Leah was pissed. I fell in love that weekend, Tyrone was the perfect combination of sweet, intelligent, funny, sexy, and hung everything a girl needs. What I didn't know was Leah was also in love with Tyrone. When we got back to school on Monday I was sore and on cloud 9, everyone could see it on our faces we were no longer virgins. Leah cornered me in the locker room after gym, the look in her eyes was terrifying. I...

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Innocent BIL And Husband 8211 Part 11

A wonderful story with a proper plot, characters, situations, conversations makes a story that long lasts in the reader’s mind. It is better than boring streaming porn content. This is one such authentic story that has all key ingredients that one will look in a heart touching sex story. You will never forget this story. Please start from the first episode to join this wonderful journey. The next part is continued in Pooja’s words. He came forward and gently inserted his hands on my side....

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The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix Part 04 Chapter 7

A man is feminized by his wife and his business partner and framed for embezzlement. Can he survive the humiliations his wife intends to subject him to and start a new life? This time: Rob deals with more humiliation from his wife as he descends further into his feminine persona. Chapter 7 Rob found his way back to the house with little trouble. He was in no hurry because he was spending as much time thinking as he was driving. Why did it feel so good while he had been...

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Adventures In Rubber Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Jason squirmed, and felt Flora squirming against him, as their feet touched something soft, slimy, and at first, cold. It quickly warmed to their body temperature though, as it slipped up their legs to their thighs. Whatever it was, it pressed firmly against their oiled bodies, squeezing them together. Jason assumed that this was the well that he had glimpsed in the center of the room. As it enveloped them further, passing their thighs and hips, Jason imagined the two of them...

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First Do No Harm Winter JenningsChapter 8 Kansas

Sistine called me herself, bypassing Carmen. “Just heard back from G and G — they’re pretty exercised about something in those Rowley pages you sent to Carmen.” “Want me to go back in?” “Of course not — wouldn’t that be ... um, bending the law?” “Right, stupid thought.” Translation: okay, Winter, get your butt in gear and don your B & E threads. This time, photograph every work-related page you can uncover. Later for you, Nowak. I had a Dr. Samantha Rowley problem. The first time...

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I Wish Ch 1

I can only think what has happened to me, is due to a bump on the head. I had been at work as usual that Thursday afternoon, nothing was out of the ordinary, it was just a regular day. I do remember that my pen fell off my desk and rolled underneath the drawers. I bent down to pick it up but it was right at the back so I got on my knees and crawled under to retrieve the pen. Once I had it in my hand I reversed out of the desk recess and went to stand up. Ouch, fucking hell! I managed to...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 264 Ghostly Visitors

Why do they want to come inside? Isn’t that against all sorts of Halloween rules? “Can we go up to your room please David,” one of the teenaged boys asked. “We need to talk about something with you.” Ok. It is a bit odd, but these kids can’t exactly hurt me, and there is no way they will get close to Nelly or the babies. In my room, they stripped. The girls all got on the floor to spread their legs and hot pockets. Each boy was sporting a boner. One of the boys got between the...

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Red Ribbons in Her HairChapter 2

He watched her. Before work, he would follow her to hers, watching as she would walk in to the restaurant. If she were alone, he could see her glancing around, checking cars, searching faces. She was looking for him. The idea sent a little thrill through his system. His prey knew she was hunted, she just didn't know by whom. He went there for lunch when she worked the mid shift, never sitting in her section. He'd sit close enough to the kitchen, though, to be able to see her. He loved to...

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Sarahs New Roommate

Sarah's New Roommate By Bill Hart "You're very beautiful." Mike pulled the young girl he'd just met in the bar to him again and kissed her. "But I'll bet you already knew that," he smiled, even as Sarah blushed. "How could you not know how beautiful you are, Sarah Jennings?" Sarah continued blushing. No one other than her grandfather had ever called her beautiful before. She wasn't entirely certain why she'd gone to the bar; she wasn't altogether sure why she'd brought Mike home...

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Off on a TechnicalityChapter 3

The next day, the news was full of the drug warehouse fire. It was pretty obvious that this was a big setback for the Carnoli family, but it would hardly be something that would drive them out of business. The Carnolis biggest income was from one form or another of the protection racket. That was going to be a lot harder than drugs to beat. With drugs, a destruction of tangible property would do the job, but with protection, it was necessary to break the will of hardened thugs. This could...

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Episode 9 8211 Passions Inflamed

In our previous episode we have seen how finally Borah got rid of his virginity, and had a fulfilling experience with Mrs. Nair. And Mrs. Nair too experienced the pleasure of being fucked by someone after a long time. Borah was not all that experienced as she would have liked at the first place, but she didn’t mind at all to train him to suit her need. While Mrs. Nair was busy enjoying with the naïve Borah, her daughter Sowmya was busy in chasing her ambitions. She always dreamt of becoming a...

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Our Short Break In London

My wife Jay and I planned a short break in London to take in a show not so long back. It ended up with Jay putting on a little bit of a show herself. She loves to show off and I love to watch her doing so. This is something we discovered whilst on holiday after being interrupted by a hotel maid who ended up joining us on our bed. We booked into our hotel and when we got to our room on the fourth floor we noticed that it overlooked a quayside on the River Thames. We also noticed that they were...

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You Learn the Damnedest Things at School

It’s just another business trip with one exception: if the far away city is found to be the perfect spot to live, my family and I will be moving away from everything and everyone we’ve ever known. The wife’s work, since it’s all done online, has given her the latitude to live wherever she pleases. And, at least when it comes to location, she really doesn’t have a strong opinion. This is probably the only thing she doesn’t have an opinion about. Since she’s not a people person and isn’t...

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MylfBoss Lexi Luna Pleasuring Her Employees

Professional MILF Lexi Luna is a hard bargainer, but when she gives her favorite employee too meager of a raise, he is pissed. She finds out that he is unhappy, so she invites him over to her place to set things right. The stud shows up, and Lexi demonstrates how valuable he is by spreading her long legs and exposing her lacy red panties. She rides his dick, fucking him like she is the head bitch in charge. Then, she sucks his dong voraciously, running her tongue along the length of his boner...

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Hole in One

This is my second attempt at writing a story. It is a true account of one of my golf trips. If you like older/younger stories and some spanking, you might like this story. I don’t think it is as wild as my first story, but I still have fond memories of the experience. Again, if you are not eighteen years or older, do not read this story as it contains explicit sexual content.  It was several years ago. Every year I would travel to Myrtle Beach with a bunch of friends, most were my cop buddies....

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What’s better than watching porn in the highest resolution currently available? Well, that’s a tough standard. Perhaps getting your dick ridden by one of the beauties starring in the content on 4KPorn could come close. But beyond that, it’s hard to imagine better things than watching immersive porn in crystal clear resolution.But is that precisely what 4KPorn delivers? In most cases, yes (more on that later). Their videos make you feel like you are right there in the scene watching the...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Arlene and JeffChapter 307

Jeff and his women had just parked at the furniture store and were getting out of their vehicle when Van, Jeremy and their wives arrived. There were few other customers at the high quality store when they entered. The manager knew Diana and had supplied the giant beds that could be expanded as needed. With what the Matthews had already spent in his store, and with Diana's announced visit, he was ready with several people to assist. Jeff had quickly become bored and was strolling around by...

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the making of white sissy girl for moms black love

When he replied to my ad online, Steven said he was an attractive, 30-something, successful white man who was willing to explore the wild side. When we met in person, I was more than a little bit disappointed. Attractive was a stretch of the imagination and I told him so right off the bat. He acted as if I’d said something to offend him and responded by saying, “Well, no one’s ever told me that I was unattractive.” When I suggested that was because no one had had the occasion to be brutally...

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Bob Sue and Anitas holiday romance 1

Bob sat on a stool by a shallow table window cill, high up, to one side of the `L’ shaped inside bar. He was tucked just around the corner of the short side of the `L’, looking through a hatch like window, which was dropped away and would be raised again after closing time. Bob had chosen this cheap beach side pop up bar as it gave a great view across the beach and this stool position gave him a clear view across to the groups of millennials partying on the veranda below, so whilst out of the...

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Hope and BetrayalChapter 6

Anna Claiborne had been Lea Scott’s best friend for a thousand years; well, since high school anyway. She was there for her now. Oh my, yes she was. “Honey, you need to calm down. He did what he had to do. That evil man, those evil men, were going to use you and then throw you away. Andrew knew that and he made sure that they would never be able to anything like that to you again. He’s our hero. Yes, he killed them, and he is going to be punished for that, unjustly as far as I’m concerned....

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Lost FoundChapter 79

My cell phone rang a minute after I hung up with Max Solomon. "May I invite Marshon Wilkins to come over to your room, Kyle?" Max asked. "I need to give you my PR 201 lecture, and it would be easier for me if Trevor and Marshon got the lecture at the same time." "That would be fine, Max," I agreed. Marshon arrived a couple minutes before Max. "Malo and I were watching Sport Center," Marshon said as I welcomed him to my room. "You stepped into some shit tonight, didn't you,...

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St Searles Academy Graduation part 3 of 3

For decades male criminals in the Federal Witness Protection Program had been secretly placed in St. Searle's, an all-girl private school where they were transformed into one of the girls. But St. Searle's was gone, so what happened now? ST. SEARLE'S ACADEMY: GRADUATION - part 3 of 3 by BobH (c) 2017 (Note: This is the concluding part of the story that began in ST. SEARLE'S ACADEMY: THE NEW CLASS and contains spoilers for that tale.) - Interlude...

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The world turned upside down

The world turned upside down byA.E Applebaum                                Inspired by an April 2006 newspaper article. "Hi," he said, unhitching his backpack and swinging it on to the table.  The boy sat, unfastened a pocket of the olive green pack, took out a sheet of paper and spread it flat on the table."Here, have a look at this."  He pushed the newspaper clipping toward her.  She didn't move, but sat looking at him, her eyes narrowed.  "You need to see this story in the paper before...

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I had gone to work for this consulting firm that Mandy owned. Almost all the consultants were woman. I was hired because I am a computer person and they needed someone to update there systems and write programs. I worked very closely with Mandy because she would define what was required and always tested the programs before I introduced them. Many days we would work late into the night. After only working there a short time Mandy asked me out for a drink. She was very much in charge...

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To Have and to Hold Chapters 23

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD By Trisha PREFACE Here are the final two chapters of the story. I originally thought it would take more time to complete them, but then I guess i got inspired. I not only finished them quickly, but I am pretty happy with the result. As always, thanks for any comments. CHAPTER TWO So Celia and "Natasha" came over that evening, just as it got dark outside. Lauren had by then come home and changed into an attractive black dress. For my part, I...

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Chapter 85 Gay

When the man had given himself to Mel's face, emptying himself over her, the three of us had collapsed in exhaustion where we had finished. She slept between us, her head resting on his curiously muscular chest and her rear against my hips still covered in my semen. There we rested until I heard the door creak open and watched as Mel's figure darted out of it. Now it was just me and him. In the dark, I could see the defined outlines of his chest and stomach as well as the long rise of his cock...

Gay Male
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The ImamChapter 5

THE VEIL 16th of Jumaada al-awal 1417 (September 29, 1996) Khozem glanced about the naked room of the university hall. It seemed stripped of any aesthetic quality. A desk sat menacingly in the corner. A picture of his father stared at him from the wall. A long table with chairs lay towards the front of the room. To Khozem the desk by his father’s picture seemed out of place. No one really came here to get any work done. Rather, people sat in judgment of each other in this warm, muggy room,...

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Timmy Becomes a Sex SlaveChapter 6

Weeks later They woke Timmy as usual and made him get hard and soft, as usual. Chained by his nose ring, they took him to the bathroom and then to breakfast. He was enjoying the Tai Chi and the exercise. His body was changing. He moved smoothly now and he was lean and getting sculpted from the weight lifting. He ran five miles everyday. The soreness from the vasectomy was long gone. He knew he should be outraged that it was done without his consent, but obedience had been caned into him and...

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