Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 38
- 2 years ago
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Foreword: I wrote some of my past stories by request of my fans. In a way, I could also say that this story was written by request. However, it would probably be more accurate to say that this story was provoked than requested.
Part 1 of this story is true. Some militant feminist recently started sending me flame mail accusing me of hating women because I write about submissive women enjoying rough sex. When she sent me a computer virus by munging her email address to make it seem like it came from Microsoft and telling me that it was their latest security patch, I got the idea for this story.
Operators of erotic story web sites, whether free or fee-based, have my permission to post my stories for public reading, provided that credit is given to "Hungry Guy" as the author, and as long as you don't make changes other than fixing typos. Even beware of fixing typos, for I occasionally use local slang and dialects that may be flagged by your spell checker. Thanks.
Chapter 1: Sexist Male ChauvinistThe erotic writer sat at his PC to start a new story. Gazing out the window of his 3rd story flat onto New Jersey suburbia as LINUX booted up, he observed a poor bloke stranded on the I-202/206 motorway with plumes of smoke pouring from under the bonnet of his automobile. His hair whipped as lorries and coaches passed him as he walked to the Esso station past the notorious Somerville roundabout.
X Windows had finally loaded, and the erotic writer returned his attention to his PC. He opened, emacs and began writing his newest story, taking his mind off the poor bloke out on the motorway.
"It was a dark and stormy night," he began writing.
No sooner had he finished typing that first sentence that Zmail beeped, alerting him to new email.
He opened his mail and read it, one by one.
SubLady wrote,
> Your Cum Sponge story got me so wet! i'd love > for a Man to use me like that.Next, CruelDominatrix wrote,
> your toilet slave stories are wonderful. you > definitely know a man's place, under a woman's > ass eating her shit!Then, GorMaster wrote,
> I love the way you brutalize women in your stories! > Keep up the great writing!Next, SlaveDude wrote,
> i love your toilet slave stories, dude! Your > stories make me feel like i'm there being forced > to eat women's shit all day long unable to escape.Then, VanillaGirl wrote,
> I don't care much for the BDSM aspect, but I love > your romance stories! They're so romantic! Please > write more where the people fall in love in the > end!Lastly, HeroWorship wrote,
> I love erotic stories about fictional characters! > Your story about Inque is my favorite! I also loved > that other story where the guy was saved by > International Rescue! And the sequel to Moby Jane > where the two people in the whale were taken to the > future by Captain Kirk and joined Starfleet was > excellent! Please write more!He replied to each of them, thanking them for the praise and telling them that he has plenty of ideas in mind for future stories to please all of them. Unfortunately, he had been sent so many requests and story ideas that it will take a while for him to work everyone's idea and request into a story. Then he went back to writing. Hours passed before he was alerted to new email.
He went back to Zmail and opened the email.
This email wasn't so pleasant. Anonymous wrote,
> Your stories are horrible, awful, and terrible.This was followed by a second email from Anonymous,
> You think women are sex objects! You must hate women!He deleted these two emails and was about to return to his writing when another email arrived. This was from Microsoft Corporation Network Security Center. He expected it to be spam, but curiosity caused him to open it.
> MS Customer > > this is the latest version of security update, the > "March 2003, Cumulative Patch" update which eliminates all > known security vulnerabilities affecting Internet Explorer, > Outlook and Outlook Express as well as five newly discovered > vulnerabilities. Install now to protect your computer from > these vulnerabilities, the most serious of which could allow > an attacker to run executable on your system. This update > includes the functionality of all previously released > patches. > > System requirements: > Win 9x/Me/2000/NT/XP > > This update applies to: > Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 4.01 and later > Microsoft Outlook, version 8.00 and later > Microsoft Outlook Express, version 4.01 and later > > Recommendation: > Customers should install the patch at the earliest > opportunity. > > How to install: > Run attached file. Click Yes on displayed dialog box. > > How to use: > You don't need to do anything after installing this item. > > Microsoft Technical Support is available at > http://support.microsoft.com/ > > For security-related information about Microsoft products, > please visit the Microsoft Security Advisor web site at > http://www.microsoft.com/security > > Contact us at > http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/goregwiz.asp? > target=3D/contactus/=contactus.asp > > > Please do not reply to this message. It was sent from an > unmonitored e-mail address and we are unable to respond to > any replies. > > Thank you for using Microsoft products. > > With friendly greetings, > Microsoft Corporation Network Security Center > ________________________________________ > A92003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. The > names of the actual companies and products mentioned > herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.He clicked on reply-to-sender and wrote back to Mister Bill that he uses LINUX and so to please take him off their mailing list. He added [email protected] to the CC list to add more force to his request.
He was about to delete the message then, but his old Windows 95 PC collecting dust in the corner of the room caught his eye. He detached the patch to a floppy disk and booted up his old PC that he hadn't used in years. He slid the disk into the slot and clicked on the Q306323.EXE file containing the patch. To his surprise, the Norton Anti Virus opened a window informing him that the file contained the W32.Gibe.B@mm virus and refused to let it run. At that, he turned off the old PC and went back to his LINUX box, composed another reply to Microsoft informing them that their security patch contained a virus, deleted the email with the infected patch, then returned to his writing.
The following day, as he continued to work on his story, he received a reply from Microsoft. The software giant stated that they did not send the email containing the patch, and further, they never send software updates through email.
He deleted the email and forgot about the incident. However, several days later, the miscreant tried again -- only with a different virus.
> Klez.E is the most common world-wide spreading > worm. It's very dangerous by corrupting your files. > Because of its very smart stealth and anti-anti-virus > technic, most common AV software can't detect or > clean it. > We developed this free immunity tool to defeat the > malicious virus. > You only need to run this tool once, and then Klez > will never come into your PC. > NOTE: Because this tool acts as a fake Klez to fool > the real worm, some AV monitor maybe cry when you run > it. > If so, Ignore the warning, and select 'continue'. > If you have any question, please mail to me.He played dumb and replied to the sender this time, telling him or her that he isn't computer savvy and that he couldn't get the anti-virus tool to run.
In answer, he received the exact same email the following day. He sighed at the utterly lame attempt to trick him to infect his LINUX PC with a Windows virus, and so opened the window to view the headers.
> Return-Path: > Delivered-To: [email protected] > X-CustomSvr: 1.0 > Received: by c2mail13.mailcentro.net (NPlex 5.5.042) > id 3E88A1560001B336 for [email protected]; > Mon, 31 Mar 2003 21:34:28 -0800 > Received: from oe-mp1.bizmailsrvcs.net > ( by C2MDS08.mailcentro.net (NPlex > 6.0.045) > id 3E81D8210046ADE2 for [email protected]; > Mon, 31 Mar 2003 21:36:44 -0800 > Received: from Wcuvq ([]) by oe- > mp1.bizmailsrvcs.net > (InterMail vM. 201-253-122-126-127- > 20021220) with SMTP > id mp1.bizmailsrvcs.net@Wcuvq> > for ; Mon, 31 Mar 2003 > 23:35:45 -0600 > From: ann_douglas > To: [email protected] > Subject: Worm Klez.E immunity > MIME-Version: 1.0 > Content-Type: multipart/alternative; > boundary=Dqv6lmC61f7r5gd > Message-Id: mp1.bizmailsrvcs.net@Wcuvq> > Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 23:36:11 -0600 > > --Dqv6lmC61f7r5gd > Content-Type: text/html; > Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printableBeing a Delphi/Pascal programmer in his day job, the erotic writer knew a thing or three about tracing Internet packets, and easily identified the return path of the virus from the IP address in the headers. From there, it was a simple matter to query the servers, one by one and using the time-stamps in the headers, through the proper IP and port addresses, to obtain the full trace detail logs back to the sender's origin. Using spamcop.com and whois.com to translate IP addresses to domain names and vice versa were also instrumental in aiding his investigation. Then, by assembling bits and pieces of the user's publicly available information from those same servers, he was able to obtain the miscreant's real email address. From there, it was a simple matter to query additional services the miscreant was likely to have registered on, such as Literotica, ASSTR, Microsoft, ZZN, AOL, Earthlink, Comcast, and a few others. Finally, the bitch's real name, address, and other highly personal information were at hand.
Still, the erotic writer wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. After all, it was remotely possible that her PC was infected with all these viruses and that the viruses were, themselves, responsible for the emails. He replied once again informing her that her PC was infected with a virus, that she should have it cleaned, and asking her to give him the courtesy of a reply.
Her reply never came.
The erotic writer was about to send all his collected evidence to abuse centers of the ISP's through which her message was routed, as well as Spamcop and other abuse sites. He knew that distributing a virus with malicious intent was both a US Federal and NJ State offense with severe penalties. He would get the last laugh.
Then he reconsidered -- there was something else that he would much rather have than a laugh.
Chapter 2: TurnaboutThe erotic writer let a few weeks go by after identifying the militant feminist who had repeatedly sent him flame emails and computer viruses because of his stories about submissive women enjoying rough sex. Then he made a few arrangements in her town not too far from her home and composed the following message.
> FEMINIST RALLY > > Due to your unyielding support of equal rights for > women and support for women's free choice, you have been > sent this special invitation to participate in our rally > planned for the 23rd as a special guest. > > The following serial number has been reserved for > you alone to: > > 165-281 > > This code will grant you private access to the rally > headquarters on the morning of the rally. > > If you care about women's rights, as we know you do, > please don't pass up this special invitation. The > rally will start at 10:00 AM, but we ask our VIP > attendees, such as yourself, to arrive by 9:00 for > the preparations. > > Ecologically friendly snacks and beverages > will be served in the morning to all our honored VIP > guests. Healthy lunches will be served to our honored > guests free of charge. > > You may, of course, invite friends, family and other > pro-equality attendees, but please inform them that the > rally will start at 10:00. We send privileged > invitations only to those deserving of the honor, > such as yourself.Then he sent the message and made further preparations.
On the morning of the "rally," he set up his tables in a small inexpensive banquet hall that he had reserved, and then waited.
A little after 9:00, a lone woman entered the banquet hall. The erotic writer was sitting at one of the tables with assorted pamphlets and brochures scattered across the table.
"Hi," she said, handing him a copy of the email that he had sent to her. "I'm here for the rally."
He was pleased that she took his bait. He would have a lot of fun with her if she accepted his offer.
"Please have a seat," he said.
She sat and glanced at the literature on the table.
"Huh?" she said, picking up a brochure for the CATO Institute.
She rooted through the other brochures from International Society for Individual Liberty, the Independent Institute, the Institute for Justice, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Reason Magazine, Fully Informed Juries Association, and others.
"What the hell is this?" she demanded. "This is all Libertarian crap! There's supposed to be a feminist rally here today!"
"There is no feminist rally, my dear. I brought you here to make you an offer."
"What kind of bullshit is this?" she demanded. "You Libertarians are against women's rights, equal opportunity, the environment, health care for poor people, and everything else that people ought to care about."
"As they say, that's technically true, but it's not accurate. The Libertarian creed can be summed up simply as this: 'It is wrong to initiate force or violence against other people without provocation, ' nothing more and nothing less. Everything we believe, from equal rights to the environment, is derived from that simple creed. Or to put it in legalese, we believe that only malum in se are the only real crimes. Therefore, it follows that malum prohibitum are not crimes at all, but efforts by the politicians and their political supporters to extort property from the public and enslave the public for his or her own material gain and power-lust."
"Really? You you'd let the environment go to ruin, and let homeless people starve?"
"No, we wouldn't. People like you would be free to set up trusts and charities to buy up tracts of land for wildlife refuges, rainforests, homeless shelters, soup kitchens, and so on. What we oppose is that you've given yourselves the legal right to point a gun at my head and reach into my pocket to give charity to those of your choosing, all in the name of 'social good'."
"But social programs are good. Without social programs, people would starve, the environment would be polluted, women and minorities would be discriminated against, and, well, the world would be a horrible place."
"Oh come off it! Just do a little research, and you'll find out who's really benefiting from all these environmental and equal rights laws. You'd find that these laws do more to line the pockets of political supporters than to help your causes. And furthermore, all these laws compel people to act through force of mandate -- all these laws and government threats against the American people for breaking them are the biggest cause of our violent society."
"What? You're one of those anti-government kooks too?"
"I'm not against government, just when government abuses its power. When government initiates force against peaceful people to enforce its myriad of petty regulations, it teaches people that using violence against others is an acceptable way to achieve their own goals."
"So you're against all laws? Is that what you're saying?"
"Not at all," he replied. "Government has three basic jobs to perform. One, to enforce laws against physical abuses such as assault, rape, murders, kidnapping, and so forth. Two, to enforce property rights against theft, trespass, and vandalism. And three, to enforce formal contracts between consenting individuals. No more and no less. But when government takes it upon itself to meddle in people's private lives and businesses in other ways, it becomes no different from an organized crime ring using its status to extort property from the public and enforce the ruling elite's personal morality on the masses."
"Damn it! What gives you the right to decide what laws are fair or not?"
"You have that backward, baby. Nothing gives me such a right -- just the opposite, nothing gives you the right to meddle in people's private affairs, even if you think it's for a good cause."
"Okay, maybe, but so what? What's that got to do with me, anyway? Did you bring me here just to argue politics with me?"
"Like I said a while ago, I brought you here to make you an offer."
"I'm sure you have nothing to offer me that I want." She stood and started to walk away.
"Unless you want to spend a good portion of your life in prison, you had better listen to my offer," he called out to her.
She spun around, faced him again, and said, "What? Prison? What kind of joke is this?"
"It's no joke. You probably know me as 'Hungry Guy'."
She gasped and stuttered, "How? How did you find me? This is an invasion of my privacy!"
He just grinned and answered, "It's ridiculously easy to find someone's real identity on the Internet if you know how and have the patience to do some digging."
"What do you want? What is all this about?"
"You may not be aware of it, but distributing a computer virus with malicious intent is a Federal crime."
He handed her a fistful of other papers out of his briefcase. "Here's a copy of the pages from the Federal Register with the pertinent legislation."
Handing her more papers, he continued, "These are court rulings and transcripts."
Handing her still more papers, he said, "And these are newspaper articles describing the prison sentences and fines that people have typically received for sending out viruses. If I report you, you're looking at decades of prison time and the loss of your home to hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of fines and penalties."
"But you're not going to report me?" she asked with suspicion in her voice.
"That's up to you. I brought you here to make you an offer -- to give you an alternative."
"What offer is that?"
"You agree to become my slave."
"What? That's sick! Your stories are sick! And you're sick!"
"Maybe I am, but that's my offer. Either way, you're about to lose your freedom and net worth for a good long time. You choose the particulars -- my slave or Uncle Sam's slave. My home is probably a tad more comfortable than his, though."
"This is crazy!" she yelled. "You brought me here under false pretenses! That's unethical!"
"Oh? It's perfectly ethical for you to email a computer virus to me?"
"Sending you that virus -- that's free speech!"
"I see, it's free speech for you to send me an email virus disguised as if it's from Mister Bill, but it's not free speech for me to invite you to a fake feminist rally? That means you believe in free speech only as long as you agree with that speech?"
"Absolutely! I'm on the side of good. You're on the side of evil!"
"Really? What makes you the arbiter of good and evil?"
"Well..." she stammered.
"And furthermore," he continued, "you believe that allowing people, men and women, to engage in consensual sex in ways that feminists feel is demeaning to women is evil?"
"Of course!"
"So you're saying that you, and feminists in general, don't really believe that women should have a choice of the kind of sexual fulfillment that they prefer."
"Well, er -- wait a minute! You're twisting my words around!"
"Your words are very plain to me, my dear. You say that you believe in a woman's right to choose, but let a woman choose a lifestyle that you disapprove of, then she's being 'exploited' and she should be denied her choice."
"But you're stories are demeaning to women, treating women like sex objects."
"That's because women are sex objects."
"What? I can't believe you can really say that to my face!"
"But it's true. Women are many things; and so are men. We're all different things at different times. Sometimes, we're executives, and doctors, and musicians, and writers, and truck drivers, and mail carriers, and fire fighters, and burger flippers. Other times we're shoppers, moviegoers, vacationers, homemakers, lovers, and even sex objects -- men and women alike. And there ain't nothing wrong with that!"
"Still," she went on, "what you're doing is wrong! It's immoral! And unethical!"
"No, there's nothing immoral or unethical about making an offer to someone that they can freely accept or decline."
"Of course it is!"
"If you don't like my offer, you're free to walk away and nothing will have changed in your circumstances -- nothing unethical about that, whatsoever. Or if you accept my offer, it will be by our mutual consent -- nothing unethical about that either. But walk away, and the FBI will surely be in touch with you soon -- give my regards to Susan Smith."
The erotic writer gathered up all his literature, slid it into his briefcase, and he started to walk away.
"Wait!" she yelled out. "I don't want to go to prison!"
"That's what I'm betting on."
"But this is so unfair! You have no right to take my freedom and make me your slave!"
"You threw your freedom away the moment you sent me that virus. Don't blame me for offering you an alternative -- an alternative that you may freely accept or decline."
"C'mon now, Hungry. You wouldn't really turn me in and make me go to prison for a silly little prank, would you?" she pleaded.
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Vanessa Benson was totally shocked at the suggestion of an eleven year old girl doing a BSC type Presentation - but do it the girl did. Vanessa herself would have advised against such a sexually provocative act in her grade school class. Doing a Presenting was one thing when done at Blanke Schande College by young adults but doing it here in a public school amongst her ten and eleven year old students was another thing completely. She would have even gone so far as to say it was wrong! But...
So, you have stuck with my imaginative ramblings for 400 chapters. I want to thank you all for reading what I wrote as a way to escape into a fantasy world for a little while. I hope that you have enjoyed it. Dead Writer Now to see if these two can handle the nudist lifestyle. I found that Cici’s brother was also named John, but he wasn’t John Junior. I took the two kids to my old bedroom, pointed at the toilets, and turned on the shower. If either needs to let off any steam, that is the...
The stream of pre cum, translucent and shiny glistened in the sunshine as it hung from the tip of my very erect cock. Every now and then my over stimulated penis would jerk and a strand of pre cum would fling off falling to the ground. I was standing naked outside in the early morning sunshine in our secluded garden. I gently touched my cock again fearful of ejaculating and spoiling the moment. Another blob of pre cum gushed from my cock tip adding to the string of pearls already dangling...
Cheating WifesI was drunk, I knew it and I really didn't care, I'd wanted this ever since his father died, no, correction, I'd needed it! It had affected him quite badly for some time afterwards, he became very touchy feely and clung to me whenever he came home from school. He wet the bed too and my excitement was hard to contain when I allowed him to share my bed, I told him, "So what? It's no big deal, they're only sheets and they'll wash" He loved me to sleep facing him with my arms around him...
As I stepped out of the shower on this Saturday morning, running the towel over my body, drying myself off, I realized the towel felt softer than normal, or maybe it was just me as I was feeling my nipples harden. I stared at them in the mirror, seeing them in their hardened state, realizing I was becoming aroused, and just sighed aloud, making a slight "pout" form on my lips. Roger, my husband of 13 years had been away for only 4 months now, but for some unknown reason, I had been hornier...
IncestThirty-eight year old Desiree Harmon stood in her kitchen as the pot pie she'd made for dinner was readying come out of the oven. She'd made the pot pie for her husband, Rashaan and her son, Marcus. Desiree turned lowered the temperature of the oven just to keep the dish warm and all she needed now was for the two most important men in her life to come home.Well, only one of them was truly important to her and it wasn't her husband. That cheating ass nigga could kiss her round ass for sleeping...
David was lying in his bed, deep in thought. A sense of hate and revenge burning through him. He thought of Lara. He felt a deep need to destroy her. Destroy her completely. Her arrogance, selfishness and pride made him so furious. He couldn't stand it one bit. He thought of something. He smiled. Lara came home around 7. Her boyfriend's party was tonight and she decided on a stunning Red dress, stiletto's and the necklace Eric (her boyfriend) gave her a month ago. She thought of wearing pearls,...
FetishI awoke the next day an hour or so before noon, with a great deal of confusion and a small but bothersome headache. I was in a bed and felt a great weight on my arm. Opening my eyes, I found myself back in my room, in my own bed, and the weight on my arm proved to be James’ hand clasping mine. He was sitting in an armchair, still dressed from the previous night but without his coat or hat or ascot and with his shirt mostly undone, and amazingly, was unshaven! I attempted to retrieve my hand...
Mike's deep voice smothered everyone else's hurried questions. "What is it Bridget?" "Vampires feed from blood. But Thorfinn has been taking an enormous amount, more than he needs, more actually than he can drink. He's accumulating the blood, and the power it gives him, for a sacrifice. For a summoning." "Summoning what?" Sue inquired. "I don't know for sure, but you can bet its not going to anything we are going to like." I thought about it for a moment. "Probably one of the...
February 7, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “Tiger, do you remember a conversation we had with Doctor Green about two years ago?” “We had so many!” I said with a laugh. “Which one?” “About what might happen if Michelle left.” “That we’d need to find a new equilibrium?” “Yes, and do you remember what Kara said?” “Yes, in response to Doctor Green’s question about whose equilibrium, she said it was mine, and that I was the focus of the relationships, and that if I was well-balanced and happy, the...
Another day was me and my wife in a bar, was going on a party among friends, she found at a certain time I was half drunk, so she announced she was going to the bathroom, I just making me distracted, but I had realized she exchanged glances with a guy.She took to come back, so I went to check the bathroom and was a surprise, she did not see me, but I could see she was in a corner in the darkened leaving the boy stick his cock in her pussy. She had her hands flat on the wall next to a tree, with...
Their first encounter had been well planned. Since Kim and her master had already corresponded via email for some time and even chatted on the phone, they knew they were ready for the real thing at last.Master Jim had booked the hotel room, stocked it with liquor, then went to the spacious lobby. He sat down and nonchalantly set the room key on the adjoining table. He waited for what seemed like an eternity.Just a couple of minutes late, she walked in. And my, did she look fine, every bit as...
"Jeez, this whole thing has gotten boring..." Mandy commented as she sat down in an empty seat near the back of the reception hall. The reception had been going on for only a half hour, and already she was ready to go home. The 5'10" brunette shuffled in her seat, and her breasts heaved a sigh against the constraining confines of the pink taffeta dress she wore. The wedding ceremony itself had been the usual, customary boring length, with the exchanging of vows and the sermon from the pastor....
Es war ein schrecklicher Unfall. Das ältere Ehepaar war auf der Stelle tot gewesen. Ihre erst achtzehnjährige Tochter war aus dem Wagen geschleudert worden und wie durch ein Wunder lediglich mit ein paar blauen Flecken und einer Amnesie davongekommen. Man hatte das Mädchen in ein Krankenhaus gebracht und komplett durchuntersucht. Körperlich fehlte ihr nichts, sie konnte sich lediglich an nichts mehr erinnern, nicht einmal mehr an ihren Namen. Dann aber stellte sich heraus, dass das verunglückte...
Sonntag 16.08.2017, 22:55 Uhr. Das Fitnessstudio „Fit and Fun“ in einem Vorort von Frankfurt ist fast menschenleer. Kein Wunder, es ist ein lauer Sommerabend und um 23 Uhr macht das Studio wie üblich dicht. Hinter der Theke ist die 23-jährige Bianca dabei die Tageseinnahmen zu zählen. Viel ist es nicht, aber 322,50 € sind für einen Sonntag gar nicht mal so übel. Sie kann es gar nicht erwarten endlich nach Hause zu kommen. Die lange Steherei hinter der Theke hat sie müde gemacht. Ihr...
Hi ISS readers, this is Pk4sex and this is my first story here. There was this girl in our class, her name was Isha. She was slightly dark but had a perfect figure. She was a sportsperson too and hence her physique always remained in perfect shape. We two used to be close friends right from the day 1. As days passed by our friendship grew stronger. She used to daily come to my room for projects and studies. We used to watch movies regularly in my room.She used to share everything with me. There...
Then, one day, one of my fantasies came true. Her bra split while she was at school. Apparently, it just burst. Exploded! If only I could have been there to see it for myself. I had to rely on my imagination, and on Tanya's description of what happened. I came home at the usual time. Tanya's bus was always ten minutes later than mine, as she went to a different school. This time, though, when I got in, she was already in the kitchen, talking to Mum. She was showing her a bra, her pink one....
Chet stroked Lisa's breast delicately as she sat on his lap. Lisa was naked."Aw Chet, you do that so well," Lisa wriggled sensuously on his lap and she could feel his cock stirring under her though the coarse material of his jeans."You got real pretty jugs Lisa, its a real pleasure to stroke them honey. I bet that jerk you're shacked up with don't treat 'em right." Chet whispered in her ear.Lisa almost purred with pleasure. The jerk she lived with was certainly proving a total loser and it was...
This story is completely fictional. It was Monday morning and my kids would be home from their fathers’ house soon. I knew my son’s, Ryan and Hunter would be horny and want to fuck me but since their sister would be with them I knew they couldn’t; it would drive them wild. I was sitting in my little home office when the kids’ car pulled into the driveway. My son’s rushed in through the front door, they called out for me so I responded, “I’m in here boy’s.” Hunter and Ryan came into my office; I...
IncestAs a spy, I guess inept would be the best word for me. My lieutenant sent me into the city with a wagon load of corn and a few shillings, to see what I could find out about British plans for the spring. I was told to stay away from Mrs. Von R- for some reason. I did not have any trouble getting a good price for the corn or the wagon and mule, but I sure did have trouble finding out what Howe was up to. In fact, what I did find out made me think that Howe really did not care much for the...
Augustina and Jerome Black and Maria and Arthur Cooper invite you to join them in the celebrating the union of Lily Black and Paul Cooper on Sunday, June First at 10:00 St. Grover Cathedral On the first day of her vacation from her job at the post office, Kara Walker woke up with a smile on her face and stretched luxuriously, her long tanned limbs glowing in the sunlight streaming through her bedroom window. She slid carefully out from the satin sheets and considered the body of the sleeping...
Introduction: So Brooks plan finally goes into action while Will has a little experience with Lynn, Amy gets a big surprise, Rachel gives Brook the photos, Will and Brook do the nasty and its probably my longest story so far… but dont be discouraged, theres lots of erotic stuff in it, and you will be happy, very happy indeed! Long, yes I know, you dont like long stories. But dont worry, youll like it, just try it! Come on? Come on? Now lets get back to the story… The night had been dramatic...
Like the first chapter, this story is entirely made up, no part of it ever happened but that doesn’t stop my twisted old brain from imagining it. In this chapter Larry (that's me) ends up cross dressed by Molly, the green eyed shemale. Hope you enjoy.My head was filled with what I had just done. For the first time in my life I had a cock in my mouth and I had brought that cock to full hardness and orgasm. The most remarkable part was that it was a cock attached to a woman. Yes, in my mind,...
She hated herself. In truth, she hated that her body was so big and round all her life. She was constantly standing in front of her mirror turning left, right, and even when she was at her friends talking about how “fat” she was she’d find they’d all stand in front of one while the other part of what they considered was big, round, and way too big was being reflected in another the other mirror behind them. She never liked that at all. Never. Her ass was way, way to big and round, or so she...
Coming to the story I am staying in Bangalore I work in a it company and making new friends. I love to make friends. As I was busy in life in foreign for company work, I did not check my mails one fine day I was seeing mails and in that all where asking me the contact number or any mail id of your aunty like that. And one mail was, lovely story man for that I replied thanks and ended and after two days I got a mail again from that mail id and I replied how old are you all I asked. Coming to...
Kennedy walked back into the office after talking to Mr. Glastonbury. "Now, off with you three," Lauren told Charlotte. "Get settled in your cabin, and get ready to have an enjoyable two weeks." Charlotte walked with them a few feet, and then waved at their suitcases, sitting lonely now, in the road. "You two get your things. I'm past due at the cabin." She pointed it out to them and hurried off. Kennedy got hers and joined Harriet and they too started up the hill. But Harriet was...
Since then there had been a steady trickle of patients, all in need of his special treatments and along with them had came their parents and guardians, eager to learn the many techniques and treatments with which to keep the children clean and full of vitality. Samuel had been judicious in the use of the income that his clients had provided him. He had needed staff, but he'd recruited them with care, offering them low wages in return for opportunities that were seldom afforded by other...
This is a memoir of my first time meeting a man. I’d been crossdressing for many years. I had many fun nights dressing up and playing with my toys but I wanted something more. I liked to get on the phone with guys and play around. I had my favorite toys to use, especially my eight inch dildo and my butt plug. I really got into my phone sessions, but I felt like I wanted to go further. There was a nice guy who I had been talking to for a while, and I got to know a little better than the...
"OUCH!!!"The cry escaped his lips despite his efforts at silence. The ring was biting into his flesh, bruising it into a red circle of pain. His attempts to slide it off had shot a fresh jolt of pain, making him cry out."Dan? Are you alright?" Shit! Aunt Heather was at his bedroom door. Before he could move away, the door swung open and she rushed in with a concerned look."OH My God! What have you done?" Her voice was low, almost a whisper, as she took in the incredulous scene of her nephew...
Maria was beside her on the bed in Ronja's room. Being this close to her made Ronja'a body tingle with anticipation, but it was clear snuggling together on the bed would not keep ugly thoughts away forever. They were both tense and trying to deal with what had just happened. Maybe it was still her imagination, but Ronja could not shake the feeling that she was still smelling John's cum. Even though her stepbrother had left the room, his presence still seemed to remain. Frustrated she used...
The next day, the three of them ate breakfast together that Liz made. Liz was wearing cutoff jean shorts that made her long, smooth legs completely exposed. He tried not to stare, for his girlfriend was watching him, having no idea that he was fucking the shit out of her friend just hours earlier. Having no idea that her friend was walking around with Danny's cum swimming around in her at that very moment.He still got semi hard, with what glimpses he caught of this goddess. Just how her ass...
Hello, friends myself hardik from Pune. I am a student as well as a hardcore and sensual fucker. My age is 22. Weight- 70kg ,height -5’10, dick size -7 inches and also thick Now without wasting your time let me get u straight to the story part. I leave in rented flat in Pune and had recent breakup 6months ago and urge of having sex was increased like hell and wanted to fuck someone badly because my testosterone levels were on a peak that time. I started using tinder app and had a match with a...
"So, do you like that stuff bro?" I asked. He hadnt heard me come in and he jumped and quickly tried to hide it. "Which do you like? The guy or the girl better?" "Ummm, I like the guys cocks' better." He replied. "Well, your in for a treat today, bro." I saw his eyes glance at my croch where my dick was waitng for action. He looked back up at me, and saw me nodding my head. He came over to me on his knees as I slowly undid my belt and unzipped my pants. "You wanna...
I’ve always had a way with words, or so people thought. In high school, I was the strange girl with hair in a messy bun, wearing oversized sweaters and large glasses, scribbling poems into tattered notebooks. Everyone told me I couldn’t live off poems, that I needed a real job. After a couple of boring jobs in administration, I found a job offer at a publishing house. They were looking for someone to write texts for coffee table books. I was already married at that point, with my husband making...
BDSMAt the end of the break Kelli clung to the though that now she would be released for this torture but instead the teacher named another six boys to take the chairs. As the teacher called out the names, Kelli heard one name that sounded familiar, her regular baby-sitting job was for a family with the same name, and she knew there was a son but she had never met him or even knew his full name. She hoped it was just a coincidence. The group settled into the chairs around her she realized the...