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I really shouldn't have let Carin go to the restroom alone.

She has a habit of getting distracted by something shiny -- or someone -- and not coming back for hours at a time. Or for what seems like hours, anyway; the advent of the cell phone has made tracking her down much easier. A far cry from the college days when I'd find her sitting on the floor of Suncoast watching the last half of some unidentifiable anime title ... or find her kneeling on the floor of the Service Merchandise dressing room, servicing the merchandise of one of the saleswomen.

Today, however, Carin wasn't answering the cell, so after I'd exhausted all possible opportunities for small talk with the pretty Hawaiian lady running the lollipop stand (who either missed or politely ignored all of my advances) I bade her Adieu. I don't think she was pleased that I failed to buy any of her wares, though I certainly had offered to sample some of them. I know I wasn't too subtle ... I just know it. She couldn't possibly be straight. Could she?

At any rate, the nearest ladies' room was near the Sears, so I headed in that direction, all the while looking for stores and hotties who would catch her eye and prevent her return to me. I checked White House | Black Market (she claims she just loves the clothes, but I've seen the way she looks at the redhead behind the counter) -- no dice. No redhead either.

The same could be said for her other haunts: the aforementioned Suncoast, and Rampage, and The Bikini Store ... I admit I stayed extra long there, surreptitiously eyeing a busty blonde who evidently did not need any help shaving, given the brevitude of her bottoms. I don't think she noticed, but her boyfriend looked suspicious and herded her out fairly quickly. He needn't have bothered; I don't try to seduce straight women, as a rule. Of course, convincing them that they're bi is completely fair play, and I refuse to feel guilty about it, despite the tsk-tsking I get from my male friends (and they only complain because I refuse to let them watch).

No Carin.

I finally got to the rest room and it was under construction, of all things. Looked like it had been for days ... which meant she must have gone to another one in the mall. Which meant she could be anywhere. I tried the cell phone again and was unsurprised when I got her voice mail. I left a message haranguing her about not answering her phone and telling her to get back to me. I tried to keep it light, but I was getting angrier by the minute and I know it probably entered the tone of my voice.

I wandered over to one of the closer restrooms, by Barnes and Noble. It was mostly devoid of life, and completely devoid of Carin. I left and hit redial. No answer...

... yet I heard her phone ringing somewhere nearby. Or one with the same ringtone, anyway. I hung up and tried again. The ringtone stopped a second after I dropped the connection, and started up again when I called back. But where was it coming from?

I followed my ears to a nearby storefront, walled almost completely over with "Pardon Our Construction-- Coming Soon to the West Valley Mall: Candle's Place" signs. I could hear the ringer coming from behind the plywood. I made my way over to the other side of the storefront, where the edge of the wall didn't quite close the seam with the doorframe, and peered inside. It was too dark to make out any details, but I could see bare concrete floors and lots of debris from whatever it was the workers were not working on today.

The ringer had stopped. "Carin?" I called into the crack. There was no response. I dialed the phone again, and this time it went straight to voicemail. Someone had shut the phone off. Panicking, I pried at the edge of the wall, and it came free easier than I thought. Some other customers wandering the mall looked at me suspiciously as I grappled with something clearly meant to not be opened by other than Authorized Personnel, but I ignored them and went inside. Doubtless one of them would tell Security. Hell, it's what I would have done.

Hell, it's what I should be doing was my last thought before the hand placed the cloth over my mouth and nose and everything faded to black.

I came to in an uncomfortable position, and unable to move properly. I was strapped naked to a table which managed to be halfway between medical and scientific equipment; it looked clinical, but there was a stainless steel arch which went from the head of the table to its foot, bristling with instruments and spotlights. My arms were stretched out above my head, and my legs were stretched in the opposite direction, keeping me taut. Neither arms nor legs were capable of much movement, as all were affixed to the steel frame with leather bands, locked in place with screws or something.

I was not in the mall.

An attractive brunette wearing nothing but a skin-tight silvery bodystocking stood in the corner, and apparently had noticed me stir. "Hey," I yelled to her. "What the fuck is going on? Where am I?"

I continued this tirade and she completely ignored me, lifting a phone, dialing a number, and speaking quietly into the receiver. She listened for a moment and then replied, almost zombie-like, "Yes mis-tress."

Mistress? What the hell had I gotten myself into, here? She approached me with mechanical movements, checked my bonds, then spun on her heel and walked out the nearby door in the same fashion.

She never once met my gaze. Or flinched at the many names I'd called her-- and many of them were doozies. It was as if she couldn't even hear or see me, apart from the parts she'd been told to examine.

I pulled with my shoulder muscles, but apparently the brunette had done her job: the straps were firm and tight, not giving an inch and not providing me with an opportunity to slip out of them. It was not yet time to start panicking, I reassured myself. Not quite yet.

The door opened, then, and in walked a woman in a suit, flanked on the one side by the naked-except-for-lycra girl from earlier and on the other by her fraternal twin. The central figure, possessed of a cool, calm beauty, smiled widely at me, removing a case from an inside pocket of her jacket. There was a biohazard symbol on the case, and she opened it to reveal a small vial filled with a grayish powder.

Now was the time to start panicking.

"Who are you?" I demanded, but I could tell from the amusement in her eyes that she knew it was all bluster-- how could she not? I was virtually immobile, tendons aching with the strain ... what was I going to to? Wiggle at her?

"She's even nicer than the other one," the woman commented to no one in particular. Certainly her companions gave no indication they had comprehended her speech.

I started to yell again, but she shushed me. "Would you like to be gagged as well? There's no one here but myself and my two 'bots, and we're on a substantial amount of acreage. So screaming will buy you nothing. Now, are you going to cooperate? ... I thought so."

"What are you going to do to me?"

"You and your friend, my dear, are going to benefit science."

"What does that mean?"

I could see she was getting a little distracted looking at my naked form. "Hmmm... ?"

"What do you mean we're going to 'benefit science'?"

She laughed, cupping one hand around one breast and slowly laving her tongue around the other. Her other hand roamed lower.

"Unnnngh..." I responded, struggling against the leather bindings, and started lubricating down where her hand was.

"I can give the treatment orally, of course, but as long as it gets into your system ... well, I prefer to give it this way." She circled my clit with her fingers until I was damp, then one finger pressed ... something ... into me. Something fizzy. She pulled out her hand and took off the gloves, discarding them.

She came by and stroked my cheek; her fingers smelled of latex and not my pussy. "I know, my dear, it's scary to feel so helpless. This won't hurt, much. The nanos do their work very quickly. When they're done ... well, by then the cords won't be useful anymore, anyway. See you later."

She turned as she reached the door. "Oh, by the way ... my name is Gina." She blew me a kiss with her too-perfect lips and was gone.

The fizzing began to spread throughout my womb, then down into my legs and up my torso. My hips were still rotating a little in the memory of what Gina had been doing, and the feeling of the "nanos" was definitely a little arousing ... but the restraints kept me from squeezing my thighs together, as delicious as that might have felt.

It wasn't long before I felt something ... else ... begin to happen. A slackness to my limbs; he leather clasps seemed to ease their persistent tug on my body. I thought at first that they were loosening ... but then I realized it was me that was loosening. All over my body, my muscles were warping, changing ... and so were my bones. There was more flex there, I could feel, and when I tried to twist my ankle around the flex of the bones in my calf was almost visible. What the hell did she do to me?

It wasn't long before I could twist myself into all sorts of new shapes ... or ... well, I could have if I wasn't tied down. That gave me an idea ... with the extra leverage and the loosening from whatever had been done to me, I could possibly get my ankle-straps up to my hands, and then I could undo them and get free. There was a self-latching clasp, of course, but even my toes were extra-dextrous now, and I unlatched it. I pushed hard with the muscles of my ass, pulling with my abs, and with a jerk which should have hurt my shoulders a lot worse, my legs freed themselves and shot across the curve of the arch above me.

Um ... overshot, really, unfortunately. Now I was in far worse straits, as my ankles had continued past my wrists. I heard the shing of the foot clasp re-latching itself on the steel arch. The foot straps were now actually lower than the hand straps and I was face to ... well, that was an interesting development. I guess I'd always wondered what it would be like if I could do that, and with my new more-flexible bone structure, I could just reach my tongue past the little tuft of hair there and ... wow. WOW! I'd certainly tasted myself before, on my fingers and on the lips and tongues of girlfriends ... it's a warm, mildly tangy flavor that's arousing in itself, and not just because of what it implies about what your girlfriend's been doing recently.

I'd tasted myself before, but never directly from the source.

The angle was awkward, and impossible for someone who hadn't had her entire system of bones and joints overworked by wayward nanotechnology, but I found myself unable to continue the struggle to break free without taking some time to ... explore the possibilities.

How long did I have? I admit it might have been easier to think clearly had my nose not been able to smell my arousal from centimeters away, and had I not continued to tongue my own clitoris ... a light stroke here, a firm press there...

"Uggghhhh..." I groaned into my crevices. I urged my newly-loosened limbs to stretch further still ... to the limits of their flexibility, and found that I could now get my face good and in there, get my cheeks nice and cummy with juice while I alternated between tonguing deep into my cleft and swirling the moisture around my button. It was delicious (in more than one sense), and only the cramped position of my abdominal muscles prevented me from cumming in under a minute. Oh, God, the feeling, though! Better than mere masturbation, better even than Sara (who was the best) because I knew exactly what I wanted, and exactly when, and how soft and how ... uhhhhhh hard...

My orgasm was painful because my hips wanted to move and there was no way they could; my tummy flexed against itself in ways it was never designed to. But I wouldn't trade that feeling of eating my own pussy for anything. Forget lesbianism, I might just become a narcissist and be done with it!

I blacked out for a while. It's not like my lungs had a lot of room to expand in that position, so I guess I was out of oxygen. When I came to, my cunt-coated face was a mess, and my pussy was looking a little the worse for wear; my proximity (coupled with the knowledge of exactly whose red lipstick that was smeared on my clit) almost made me try for a second round, but my head was a little clearer now and I knew I had wasted enough time on self-pleasure. I needed to work my way out of this apparatus before that crazy bitch Gina came back.

My left ankle now had a bit more play to it ... Hmmm ... perhaps that self-feast hadn't been such an impractical idea after all. In the throes of my excitement I'd apparently ripped the leather thong loose from the nail. My skin was chafed and even bleeding a little, but I could ignore the pain if I had to and pull.

It was coming loose, but it was taking time and I was feeling tired. The bad little angel that sits on my shoulder and whispers naughty things to me when I have a moral decision to make (I call her Michelle) suggested that I just take a deep breath (mmmmm ... yummy... ) and get my ankle the rest of the way loose in the same way I got it into its current state: self-cunnilingus. The good little angel that sits on my other shoulder elbowed Michelle out of the way and merely reminded me that my second (and third, and fourth) orgasms are never as strong as my first, and that I should try another way.

"Thank you, Alei," I told her as she blew me a kiss and disappeared (hand in hand with Michelle; those two were close, despite their differences) and I kept pulling fiercely for a long time. When it felt like my legs would fall off, and the sweat from my exertions had made even my slit seem dry by comparison ... the strap finally came loose with a loud SNAP.

Freedom had never felt so good-- and this was only one leg's worth. I took a minute to stretch my thigh and calf muscles and rotate my ankle ... wow. I could now twist the ankle almost all the way around in both directions. It was bizarre ... but somehow liberating. Doubtless my opinion was biased by the fringe benefits.

By bending my right knee, I stretched myself into range so my freed foot could reach over to the strap which held the other. With both feet, I had the leverage to...

The door opened, and a tinkle of girlish laughter assaulted me. Gina was back, and so were the 'bots.

"Well, dear, I am impressed wth your escape attempt. I must admit, your friend Carin didn't manage to get herself into such a predicament in her feeble attempts. But I dosed her after you, so maybe she's already trying to match you. I suppose you're ready? Steph, Lee: unbind her and bring her to the south bedroom."

Each silver-clad machine-girl took one of my wrists and guided me to the door. My arms and legs tingled in their newfound freedom as proper circulation was restored. I thought I could make a break for it, but my limbs were too floppy to move properly, yet. Plus, I wanted to see where they were taking me ... to Carin?

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“We’ll land in Port Louis shortly,” Graves announces as he enters the cargo area. Samantha and Spencer sit alone, away from the three soldiers that accompanied Graves earlier that morning. The other three are breaking down their weapons and cleaning them. “I think you owe us an explanation,” Spencer says, quickly getting down to business. “You’re absolutely right,” Graves says with a sigh. He takes a seat across from the two agents and begins giving it. “I am part of a secret special force...

3 years ago
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Moving on With Life

“Please, Maven, what have I been telling you for an entire year?” said a beautiful and long haired girl name Trixie Woodlands to her friend, a brown haired female named Maven, who had been her close acquaintance for some years, at a table in a diner. “I know, I know, but it is so hard to forget him” The glassed female, with formal working suit replied, with a monotonous tone of voice, implying a lack of enthusiasm for the conversation. “Darling, you had broken up with Jonah one year ago and...

2 years ago
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Cait and I was visiting her mom and aunt one weekend. Her mom is doing okay now, but she hasn't started working again yet but she's planning to soon. And she hasn't gotten her own place yet either and she says she's looking but Cait and I both think she's lying about that. When we're there we sleep in the bedroom that's supposed to be her mom's and she always says “I'll just sleep on the floor in Jessica's room, I don't mind at all” but it's really obvious she never uses her room. One time Cait...

1 year ago
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Office Girl Sarah

The office job you wanted turned out to be less than what you'd hoped. The pay was good, and you owned your house and car and could afford a moderately-expensive vacation every so often, but the work was tedious and time-consuming. You've lacked for a relationship for a long while (remember your last fling? Back in COLLEGE?), and you're considering looking up some escort services. Of the thirty people who work on your floor, only seven are women: four of them are happily married, two have...

2 years ago
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MSN conversation between a man and a sexstarved woman

Introduction: real names are not used, so in substitution M is for the man, and A is for the sexstarved woman. this conversation is between two roomates, who are at this point in same room, on two separated computers, hope you enjoy. M says: whats up and yes i know you want me up A says: you want the most blunt answer i likely will ever give you? lol M says: sure thats a big go fuck myself with the coffee yes didnt even offer until now now that its too late yours is already made A says: that...

3 years ago
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Charity Shop part 2

Continued from “Charity Shop”Colin walked back to the shop after a quick lunch, thinking about what he had just witnessed. His mind went over Sara’s body, remembering how lovely her breasts were, and wondered how they felt. Then, Sara’s pussy wide open, devouring the dildo as she masturbated herself.As he entered the back of the shop, he looked over to the office. Sara was there, working at her computer as if nothing had happened.He called out, “I’m back !”, but all he got in response, was Sara...

1 year ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 56

Nikki had no idea how the hell she was going to bug the conversation between Costa and the Captain. That he even knew Angelo Costa well enough to meet with him in a less than official capacity was a bit worrisome. It was well known that Costa played on the wrong side of the law, but he was extremely smart and the Barrow group had very good lawyers, so it wasn't a surprise he wasn't behind bars. Still, she'd asked for, and gotten, today off, so she'd at least be able to tail the Captain....

1 year ago
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One dream come true

To start a few thing about the day, it was a normal weekend day and I came home after doing my running around town and getting stuff done. I drove up to my apartment and parked on the road that I always did, after I parked I got out and started to walk to the door and I saw this person riding a bike down the road, the person past by and then I saw it was a guy and he looked kind of cute from the quick look I gor of him, he was wearing spandex and a lose t-shirt. I took a few steps back to see...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Katie Morgan Morgan Rain MomNight Stand

Katie Morgan is a naughty housewife. She’s been with her new husband for only a week and she’s already cheating on him! But as she shares the bed with a random college student, Morgan Rain, she’s confident that this will not come back to bite her. They both travel in different circles, so once this one-night stand is over, they’ll never see each other again… Or so she thinks! A few days later, Katie is finally introduced to her new step-daughter, who couldn’t...

2 years ago
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My Wifes Doctors Appointment

My Wife's Doctors AppointmentMy wife and I, because of working late hours, we had not seen much of each other or had the time to have sex together in 3 weeks. One day this spring me and her began to clean out are garage. She begins tell me about her doctors appointment she had the day before.She is standing in front of him in her panties as the good doctor begins looking for varicose vains to treat. He stops and say's “Rachel you have a vain right here” he is pointing to her left lage just 2...

1 year ago
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How I find my luck in Orient

Meet on NetI think everyone knows that. You're surfing the net looking for this and that and you're already plugged into a drawer and the next time you're on the PC, one window at a time pops up and brings you more suggestions "what might interest you",Just like when I was looking for a particular chair that could not be found in any furniture store. Even weeks later, my PC was stuffed with suggestions about chairs.On that day, I used the time and searched for "pictures of Turkish men, naked"....

4 years ago
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My First Fucking Sex

By : Sahil Soni Mera naam Sahil Soni hai mai Delhi me rehta hu mujhe bachpan se hi sex karne ka bahot shok hai mai jab 1st year me aaya to mujhe dekh kar ek ladki aakarshit hui to mujhse bhi nahi raha gaya is se pehle mene kisi ke sath friendship nahi ki thi to mujhe alag sa lag raha tha mujhse raha nahi gaya or mene us ladki ko friendship ka offer maar diya kuch din baad humari dosti aur achchhi ho gayi hum dono college se bus me travel kar ke ghar jate the to mai uske sath bus me ek din back...

3 years ago
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Ill Fall in Love AgainChapter 4

Mr. Bowen stood and walked to the door, embracing Marlene and kissing her on the lips. Now I was totally confused. I thought that he was married to Ms. Flammel at XYZ. The look of confusion on my face must have told the entire story. “I’ll explain at lunch. Let’s go.” He hugged Marlene again and they walked out of the office in a totally professional manner. Penny and I followed them out and as we got to the elevator, I felt a hand take hold of mine. I looked down to see Penny’s hand...

2 years ago
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The Shopping Trip

Laura was sound asleep when I woke on Saturday morning. I got up, made us both a coffee, and brought it back to bed. She stirred as I pulled back the bedroom curtains, letting in the sunlight.“Morning babe. I made you a coffee.”“Thank you. What time is it?” She asked, blinking the sleep from her eyes and propping herself up on her pillow.“It’s seven o’clock. It’s a nice day outside.”We drank our coffee, then made our way downstairs. I made some toast, while Laura sat thumbing through the colour...

3 years ago
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He Belongs to Me Now

When I dream, I go places and do things, without all the humbug of daily life and without my physical limitations. The setting can be anything from a hot-tub, an igloo in Alaska, or a bungalow in Tahiti. I can have with me as many people as I want; however, it is usually me, a boyfriend, plus another person, man or woman. What I like best about it is the fact it offers me the kind of privacy I don’t have in reality. I can fuck, make love, act out my kinkiest fantasies, or try some new things....

Love Stories
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Its not cheating since its still me

I'm very much a novice writer. This is the first thing I've ever put online. I've recently discovered that I have a sort of clone / selfcest harem fetish. I've had a bunch of fantasies and putting them to words has been very rewarding for me. Sharing them is an entirely new experience. Constructive feedback is welcome. Feel Free to join in and add to the stories however you would like, with the following exceptions please: 1) No rape. 2) No underage. 3) No hardcore BDSM. Please comment on a...

Group Sex
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Mat Sullivan2Chapter 16

New Mexico Territory, January, 1896 I headed east out of Goshen with no particular destination in mind, just my usual routine of stopping at every saloon I could find looking for useful information. As expected, things were kind of slow this time of year. I didn't find anything until my fifth or sixth town. One of the leading merchants in town was involved in a feud with a local, big wheel rancher. The merchant wanted a bodyguard and was willing to pay my usual fee, so I hired on. The...

3 years ago
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The CompetitionChapter 3 Assembling the Audience

As she walked to St. Dunstan's Junior High the next bright, warm morning, Rebecca York reflected on the previous day's swim training. Despite being unanticipated (at least by her fellow students), it hadn't gone badly at all. Sure the first five minutes were awkward, and everyone was sort-of self-conscious for the next ten, by the time the two hours had flown by, everyone was much more relaxed about being nude around each other — even with their teachers present, and even their teachers...

1 year ago
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Big titted aunt rides nephew

100% fiction! Auntie paid visits to the house a lot. She lives houses away but, this time her nephew was home alone. She walked in and he was sitting in his room watching porn,his 9 inch cock fully erect when she walked in the room. He tried to hide his massive member but,failed miserably. She shut the door and asked,"is anyone else home?" He shook his head no as she moved his way. Her huge tits,thick build and sexy face kept him erect. She asked,"instead of that video,you can put that big cock...

2 years ago
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Sisters By The Pool Part 8

I knew it was only a matter of time. After skirting the issue numerous times and dancing around confronting things, it was time to meet it head on. That’s right, it was time to meet Danielle and Hailey’s parents. (You really didn’t think I was giving up Hailey that easily, did you?) Their family had a trip planned to a city with a nice beach area, and they have convinced their parents to let me come along for the long drive. I was described as a close friend to the two of them, who...

2 years ago
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A beginning 2

I was insatiable. My first deliriously erotic experience opened new doors in my mind. I was now sprinting down previously unseen corridors, chasing this incredible feeling to wherever it took me. I spent many ecstatic nights with Tom in his apartment. Trying as many different things as possible. He was just as happy to take me on this erotic journey as I was to follow him. My desire was like a burning fire, spreading and getting more intense as time went by.   One particular evening that...

4 years ago
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Aunty Aurmumma Meri Jaan Two

Hi friends main viraj 1 baar fr apke saamne apni story “Aunty aur mumma meri jaan” ka 2nd part leke aaya hun…. Mjhe bohat e-mail aaye ki story aage bhi btaye toh mai apko btana chaunga ki us raat k baad mere saath kya hua ….. Mummy k bare m toh apko pta hai fr bhi bta deta hu mummy ka naam reema hai age 38 & 35,23,35 ka figure badi badi chuchiyan football jesi, moti gand … Or aunty ka naam sonia mumma k jesa figure but chuchi or gaand mumma s moti moti…. Haa toh friends mene apko btaya ki us...

2 years ago
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Lisas New Lover

Lisa and I had been living in our new condo about six months when we met the guy who had moved into the unit next to ours, his name is Dave and he seemed like a pretty decent guy. One of the fantasies Lisa and I had talked about was moving into a new place, making good friends and having sex with a neighbor. It seemed Dave was a perfect choice, he worked as a construction contractor and being recently divorced had just bought the condo next to ours. Lisa and I would pillow talk about him...

Wife Lovers
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Sex with cousin

This is not exaggeration; this is based on my story of 1993. I feel Ashamed, cause she my cousin sister. I shouldn’t have done this to Her. I am from south tamil nadu. It was in my semester vacation of my first year, and she was studying Ninth std. It all started from this point, in the night before my Sister’s marriage, she looked as if an angel. She is a medium Complexion, but…but really beautiful mean it. She was wearing silk Blow and the bottom (pattu pavadai). I was instructed to look...

1 year ago
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Manish Gets Into Clothed Female Nude Male Medical Situation

*Guys, I’m a fantasy CFNM sex story writer, and I’m looking for inspiration to write more stories. If you have any CFNM ideas or experiences, please share below on comments and maybe I can write about it. Thanks, enjoy!* Dear Readers, I’m Manish Khanna, 27 y/o lawyer from Chandigarh practicing in Delhi. I also used to be a state-level swimmer during school and college, so I keep myself in a pretty good shape. For the past two years, I’ve been trying to bulk up my body and now I feel like I’m in...

1 year ago
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A Close Call Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 11

Doug really wished for a large draft animal, but the only one available, besides humans, was the dog. A few dogs were living in various villages before the plague struck, but he didn't know where to find any at this time. He asked all of the hunters to be on the look out for any dogs that they could find. Doug had a little trouble getting through to the hunters that he wanted the dogs alive and not ready for the stew pot. Most of them couldn't figure out what good a live dog was, but were...

2 years ago
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My Wifes Promiscuous Past Part Two

Anyway, the apartments she lived in had a private gate. In order to get in, you would have to call the apartment number and when the person answered, they could buzz you in. So at about one a.m., her phone rang. She had a good idea who it was but wasn't able to pick up because she was right in the middle of fucking a guy that she had been seeing for a short time. He was an older guy with a long pencil dick that never really got hard. He would cum almost as soon as she put it in. She didn't like...

Straight Sex
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Sometimes I wonder how he could even be my son. Stu, god I hate that name and although I’m happy to be rid of his mother who insisted on naming him, every day I am reminded of the silly cow and the years of frustration and water treading I wasted with her. I am alone now, happily single and thriving, thank you very much. I own my own business, nothing large, mind you, but I employ several workers and sales people, to get my little invention onto the store shelves of hardware stores nationwide....

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