- 4 years ago
- 27
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My wife seemed just a little too happy lately and although we shared an "open" marriage, we still were married nearly 7 years and the valley we were in didn't make ME that happy. This prompted me to "keep an eye" on things a little better.
I decided the best way to do this would be to go to work like normal (I kept my own hours and was an outside salesman) and park down the street from my house.
Sure enough, around 2 in the afternoon, Gary, one of the 17-year-old neighbor "kids", went to the front door, knocked and nervously looked around, and my wife let him in.
It seemed like hours went by but it was only a little over an hour and Gary came out with a too-big-grin and was whistling like crazy as he bounded down the street away from the house a little after 3.
That night, I came home like normal, and didn't say much like normal. I asked how my wife's day was and she ran down a list of a typical day of routine comings and goings...but no mention of Gary or his visit.
The next day, I did the same thing and waited most of the day.
This time Gary showed up with a buddy...James. Again, they went into the house and stayed just a little longer than the previous day.
This time when they came out, they were both jostling each other and laughing as they rounded the block and were acting like a couple of guys who just won a big horse race.
When I got home that night I decided to pry a little further with my wife...
Nancy or Nan is in her early 30's, is rather tall and has kept her very trim figure (since we haven't had kids yet). Although her long, thick hair piled high on her head is what they call "strawberry blond", her pussy hair is neatly trimmed, wispy fine, and orange red and has never failed to arouse me with just the thought of it.
Her tits are high and firm but not excessively's the pink nipples that sets them apart from others. In fact, Nan's pink everything makes her unique to other women. I think it has to do with her fair skin coloring (with some light freckles sprinkled here and there) and reddish body hair.
She offered nothing more than a routine day in our dinnertime discussions but that night, she claimed to be "exhausted" and wasn't in the least bit interested in having sex.
I tried to discreetly get a look at her crotch and it seemed more pink than normal when she peed. I commented that it looked irritated, and she further claimed that she may be coming down with a yeast infection which added more to my inability to "interest" her.
I knew I would have to come up with a plan if I was going to get to the "root" of what was going on and get some sex of my own again.
I decided to rig my video camera IN one of my living room speakers and see if I could catch something on tape. I made a lot of noise with the stereo, swore at it out loud, and claimed it was on the fritz.
The next day I went to work as usual and had to play catch up from all the time I had taken off to spy.
That night, I told my wife that I was working on the stereo and took the speakers (the one with the mounted camera) out to my workroom to see what it may have captured.
There was nothing unusual unless it happened after the tape finished which could have been since it would have ended 6 hours later. I managed to catch her walking back and forth through the living room a few times and the high point was her vacuuming. I realized that it was close to the floor and I had to "pan" it up higher so I aimed it toward the couch.
It was set up again for the next day. This time I set the timer to come on at noon. I could hardly wait to check out my "spy tape".
For the majority of the tape there was, once again, nothing. Just the routine of the day and, at one point, the cable guy came over to switch out our cable box and I laughed to myself as the camera caught the crack of his butt while he was bent over installing a plug and an FM cable.
Just when I thought I had nothing, I fast forwarded and picked up what looked to be Gary with a young girl friend coming in the room and sitting with Nan in conversation.
Most of what I got was just the sound of conversation and Gary seated across from the girls on the couch. I felt lucky to get that.
"So who's your young friend, Gary?" I could hear Nan's voice but not see her.
"Oh...Mrs. M this is Heather. She's been having a lot of problems at home lately with her Mom and she really needed someone to talk to. I knew you could help her."
Most of the conversation was real boring with this "Heather" complaining about her school, her brother Jimmy, her part-time job, her mother ignoring her, her mother's boyfriends, etc.
As I was about to wrap it up, I heard Nan's voice on the tape ask, "What did he do to you?" This question piqued my interest.
Heather was telling my wife about how one of her mother's boyfriends had come into her room and fondled her during the night as she slept in her own bed. Ordinarily I would have offered to have this guy arrested but it was the "way" Heather was telling the story. It was VERY erotic and like she WANTED him. I guess this guy was a lot younger than her mom (who wasn't very old since she got pregnant with Heather when she was 14).
Heather, too, was 17 and complained that her 32 year old mother didn't understand her. I furthered gathered that Heather's Mom wasn't serious about any particular guy, had never married...not even Heather's father and was probably a "player".
My wife was an excellent listener and I could tell, was getting as aroused as I was as she prodded the girl with question after question and wanting to hear more of the details. The "heat" of the conversation was definitely turning up and my wife had her hand on the knob.
"Then what did he do...?"
I had wished I had some sort of Joystick so I could have manipulated the camera to see better but right now the only "joystick" was my hardening cock.
I rewound the tape back to where the two had come into the living room and viewed it frame by frame so I could get a better look at Heather. I couldn't really see her head or face but she was wearing tight short shorts and her blouse failed to hide a set of big knockers like I hadn't seen on any 17 year old! If she was as cute as her voice and body it's no wonder guys were making plays and mom wanted her to go away...
I fast forwarded back to where the camera was panned on a fidgety Gary and picked up Heather's "story". Gary was now getting interested too as I saw him "casually" adjust his cock in his jeans on at least 2 or 3 occasions over the more than 1/2 hour Heather took to describe what "Bill" had done with her.
Heather said she swore she wouldn't tell a soul if Bill would make her cum. As she had told the story: Bill "caught" her in a sound sleep while she was having a very erotic dream. He had reached under her covers and slowly fondled and maniputated her to the point where she was about to cum in her dream. She had said she was dreaming of, get this...a GIRLFRIEND because the touches were so feathery light!
When she awoke to Bill, he smiled in the moonlit darkness and asked if he should stop. She begged him to continue and confessed that she had had fantasies about him. This dated back to when they had gone to the lake and she had seen his big bulge in his Hobie shorts.
When Nan asked where her mother was during this, Heather said that Bill had gotten her mom so wasted that she had passed out. Even from her room, she said they could hear her mom's snores.
The conversation continued to heat up pretty good and I could tell that Gary and my wife were not unused to sharing "intimate" conversation. I wondered what else they had shared.
Gary was now rubbing his cock through his jeans blatantly as Heather went into more detail of how Bill caressed her titties, explored her drenched pussy, and finally how she begged him to show her his dick. The "story" as told by Heather, took over half an hour and Gary and my cock were rock hard and ready to burst when she described finally getting fucked by Bill and all her many thrills and feelings.
From the sound of Nan's questions I knew she was probably wet from the juicy story too.
Gary discreetly unzipped himself and indiscreetly pulled out his rock hard cock right there on my video in my couch and livingroom!
"Sorry Mrs. M...I...I...just can't help it!"
Maybe I didn't have the ability to "zoom" the camera but from its placement low in the speaker, Gary's cock looked like one of the World Trade Towers. It was standing straight out of his jeans as he was leaned back on the couch with legs straight out and his hand furiously pulling on it as Heather continued her little hot saga.
I guess Nan had seen his dick before as I didn't hear her intervene or act shocked in any way.
I was stroking my own hard dick as I was transfixed on the kid's rock hard rod and his stroking the entire length of it. It was big, but it also had a head on it that seemed the size of a large plum and nearly as purple. The veins stood out and when he pulled his balls out from underneath to free them, they were the size of grade AA eggs in a sac!
It didn't take long for the kid (or ME) to start spurting juice. I saw white streams of jism shoot out of the tip of that purple cockhead and heard him "aaaaaaarrrrrrrgggghhhh!!!!" as he came. When I saw this, I managed to spray the front of my workbench with a load of cum that had built up over weeks. I matched Gary stroke for stroke and squirt for squirt!
Gary was given a towel by my wife and I saw her pull him up off the couch and, to my dismay, leave the living room (with Heather I presume). I was shaking from the excitement of the video. It left just enough to the imagination that I knew I had to SEE more...but how?
We have a rather large weight and "rumpus" room with it's own entrance around back. It was in this room while I was working out over the weekend that I came up with my plan.
I noticed that the couch and workout bench both appeared to have whiteish stains which led me to believe this might be where any funny stuff may be occurring. Nan and I hadn't fucked in the weight room in over 2 years. I lowered my head down and sniffed the spot on the couch. Without a doubt, that was the smell of dried sex juices... and they weren't all that old! I would have certainly noticed them during last weekends workout.
As I started my routine I looked around the room with a spy's eyes. I knew that it would be impossible to place the camera discreetly. I was looking in the full-length closet door mirrors at my 30ish, tan, and bulked body semi hard dick as I labored at lifting each barbell in reps.
I noticed behind me the sliding glass doors, the long louvered windows, then the smaller door that originally accessed the garage. We had long removed the dividing wall to make this one huge room complete with Lifestylers, full weight set up, Nordic trac, etc. No...looking through the windows wouldn't do...they would probably close the louvers for privacy and that would be that.
It came to me that the closet was nearly void of anything other than a few stored boxes up above. I could maybe "hide" in there and wait for the action to happen. There were 3 sliding mirrored doors and where they joined, we had strategically placed tall, fake palm trees.
I went inside and peered out through the crack to see if I could see the whole room...especially the couch. I then slipped out the other sliding door to see how it looked from their vantage. PERFECT! I could quietly slide open the door after they arrived and maybe even video tape them!
I made sure I used plenty of the silicone spray we kept around for the weights to well lubricate all the doors. I didn't want any squeaks or noise to give me away.
The next day, Sunday, Nan told me the story of a neighbor girl who had come over to talk with her confidentially. Finally! She told me that the girl wanted to come back over tomorrow and said that she had sounded very distressed when she had called. Nan asked me if I minded if she could have the girl over tomorrow and would I be sure and call before coming home so I wouldn't interrupt (what could be) a tense situation.
Yeah..."tense" alright!
"Well, sure aren't getting yourself in the "middle" of anything are you?"
"I don't think so...I just think she needs someone to confide in and who will listen to her."
I called from work just before lunch to check on Nan and her friend. She said that the girl had called from school and would be leaving soon and be over. She reminded me to call before barging in on them.
I tore out of work and headed for the street one over from mine. I parked and smiled to myself as I remembered having left the video camera with 2 back up batteries in the closet. I even remembered to hide some lubicating jelly for me just in case.
My plan was working fine as I slipped in through the back of the house with no noise and saw Nan at the kitchen sink with no clue of my presence. When I went in the back door to the weight room I noticed that Nan had dressed it up a little with fresh flowers and some room freshener possibly anticipating something. This fit right in with the plan. I had hoped she didn't go into the closet as I quietly slipped inside and slid the door closed!
I pulled out my pen light and quietly "went to work". The camera was set up on a tripod in one end of the closet overlooking the couch while I went to the other end to listen for the door bell. Moments later, I heard the doorbell and Nan inviting Heather in and getting them both something to drink. The hall door was cracked so I could hear them clearly.
"Let's go in our back room where it's cooler Heather..." Nan offered. As they were coming down the hall I doubled-checked everything. PERFECT! I could hear Heather going on again about her mother and brother, etc.
I wasn't prepared for the sight I would see as they entered the room and sat on the couch across from me. Heather was absolutely exquisite! She was dressed in a tight, short skirt and top that clung to her young melons. The video camera had failed to pick up her stunning beauty before and I turned it on to make sure it had a second opportunity. Heather was noticing herself in the mirrored closet doors which freaked me out. I thought she was looking directly at me hidden inside!
"She just doesn't see me as a woman Mrs. M..." she rambled on.
"Call me Nancy." Nan looked back at her incredulously no doubt as stunned as me by her looks.
"Okay then...ah, Nancy...I don't understand why she thinks that she can sleep with whoever she wants but I can't. I mean isn't this the body of a woman?" She struck a pose and again looked my way at the mirrors. Now both of them were looking directly my way and I thought I was busted for sure.
No answer was necessary. The question was moot. The image in the mirror was definitely a woman already and I'm certain from Nan's expression, she was well aware of that fact too.
I watched them as they curled up on the couch with chips, salsa, and beers. I was surprised to see my wife in the "spirit" of things so early in the day but seeing Heather, I could understand. My wife had had a few bi-sexual experiences and was knowledgeable when Heather told her of her recurring girl/girl dreams. Nan was sitting with her knee up and was wearing this terrycloth pullover thingamajig. I really don't know what the ladies call it but it's held up by the breasts and that's about it. She liked to wear it after a shower. Nan had it rucked up around her thighs and when she raised her right knee up, I'm sure Heather could get an eyeful of whatever Nan had on underneath. When she adjusted her sitting position as she was listening to Heather and again faced me, I saw that Nan had nothing on underneath! I should have known as her nipples were poking against the material on top and she generally liked to wear this when she was feeling very casual, a little sassy, and very sexy.
"So have you ever been with another female Mrs. M...I mean Nancy?"
"That depends on what you mean?"
"Well...ah, you know?...have you ever...ah...?"
Now it was Nan's turn to share her experience with Heather. I watched as Nan started relating her college experiences and a noticeable change took place with Heather. She hung on Nan's every word, played with her own hair...and squirmed around restlessly on the couch.
As she reached for her 3rd beer she moved in closer as did Nan. I was starting to get hard in my dark space in the closet. I had to be careful to be quiet or I could really blow everything. Still, I couldn't help but reach in my zipper and stroke my hardening cock as Nan got particulary hushed and detailed about a girlfriend who had seduced her in their dorm room one drunken night. I don't know how she suddenly remembered all these tiny details when she told me she was too plastered to remember hardly any of it!
"...and she was built kind of like you Heather. I was totally turned on by her body."
"Oh...!" I don't think Heather expected this.
"She had long blond hair like you..." Nan reached out and ran her fingers through Heather's tresses and ended up caressing the girl's face lightly.
"And she certainly wasn't as pretty as you..."
"And her breasts weren't quite as large as yours I don't think... more like the size of mine." Nan cupped one of her own breasts as if to demonstrate the size.
"Have you wondered about being with another female?" Nan asked rather innocently as her hand lingered on her own breast and squeezed it slightly.
"Oh yes...I have even wondered what...what you look like...". Nan lowered her top to reveal her perky perfect cones to the girl and said, "wonder no more, Heather, but I don't think I am as big as you."
"These big ol' things, Heather looked down at her own. "Sometimes they get me in more trouble!" "But yours, you have such pink nipples for"
"Older lady?" Nan finished for her. "I'm not that Old!"
Heather was in the process of staring at my wife's tits...she was almost transfixed with them. "And I've never seen breasts...stand up like that."
"Are they hard?"
In answer Nan took Heather's hand and placed it on her breast. I could tell that both women nearly swooned with the contact. I had put some lube gel on my hand and was quietly pumping my Johnson.
"They're so SOFT!" Nan had dropped her hand to Heather's leg but continued to move in towards Heather so she wouldn't let go of the breast she held.
"MMmmm... your fingers are very feminine Heather...they feel nice on me." Nan started to rub gentle circles on Heather's bare and tanned thigh. Heather's knees were facing the mirror and I could swear I could make out her white pantied pussy.
Both women stared at one another and then moved in tentatively for a first kiss. As Nan did so, she moved her hand up farther on Heather's thigh. Heather responded by slightly opening her legs revealing more to the mirrored doors and me. I thought my dick would explode and I moved over to adjust the camera to make sure it was getting everything.
"That was different..." Heather responded in a more husky voice than before the kiss.
"MMmmm" her head went back as Nan had apparently made slight contact with the girls panty clad clit. Heather reached up with one hand to Nan's other breast and with her right hand began to move between my wife's thighs. Nan responded by kissing Heather on her neck and behind her ear eliciting another deep moan from the girl.
"Please...I want to see you...ALL of you..." Nan was suddenly lifting the girl off the couch and helping her undress.
When Heather's short, black, skirt dropped to the floor I could feel the cum boiling in my balls and raring to shoot out. Nan dropped her own dress and then lifted the blouse off Heather leaving her in high cut white panties and matching bra. The bra was much bigger than the panties!
As Heather turned to allow Nan access to her bra clasps, I could see the wet spot on the front of the girls panties. When her bra dropped to floor, I shot a load across the floor of the closet and came with a force I hadn't felt in a long, long time. It was all I could do to keep from falling down or banging against the closet door as Heather's canteloupe-sized breasts were bared to Nan and me. They were globes! Firm and round.
Nan ran her hands over them in admiration and Heather shivered from the touch of my wife's fingers as they grazed over each of her hardening nipples. She was stroking them in a way that coaxed the nipples to full erection whether Heather wanted them hard or not. Another full on the mouth kiss from Nan sealed Heather's fate as I saw her knees start to buckle from the excitement of it all. (My own knees were shaking uncontrollably between the aftermath of the climax and the seduction that was taking place before me.) Nan finished the kiss and began to work her way down the girl's long frame.
She stopped at her neck then on down to each full breast to lave and tongue them. She listened as the girl moaned loudly and nibbled here and there all over those firm globes and nipples.
Now Nan moved lower to Heather's hard, flat belly stopping to insert her tongue into her belly button as a prelude of what was to come... when she would move lower.
Heather squirmed and began a slight thrusting motion as Nan rotated her head and tongue around and inside the girl's belly button. She then moved lower and I could tell she was breathing in the aroma and scent of the girl's moistened pussy on the fabric of her panties. I was wishing they would turn sideways so I could get a better look of what my wife was actually doing but from Heather's expressions, it was getting the job done.
Heather was running her hands through my wife's hair and trying to guide her to her hot box but Nan was in control. She spun the girl around and rubbed her back and backside with her hands, lips, and face. She was truly enjoying the smell of youth and I was envying her every move. My cock never really went down and I began to stroke it again to full erection. They were only a few feet from me and they both stole glances at themselves in the mirrored doors which was like a personal show for me.
Nan reached up to the sides of Heather's hips and with one fluid motion tugged her panties down. The girl's ass was high and round like her tits. Globes of firmness with Nan burying her face once more in appreciation. Heather reached behind her and was, once again, trying to move Nan's head in place around front.
This time she only turned half way around and I could see Heather's full pubis from the side as it protruded out lewdly from the base of her flat stomach. She had a fine line of moistened blond hairs that were more like fur than curly pussy hair. It was so light that had she not been turned sideways, it would have looked like she barely had any hair at all.
Nan's hand ran up the girl's flat tummy as she licked and kissed her thighs moving around her. All Heather could do was try to manipulate Nan's mouth to her wet pussy and moan in frustration. Nan lifted the girl's foot and placed it up on the bench press bench so she could "examine" the girls pink pussy up close. As much as Heather needed relief, Nan wasn't going to give it to her just yet. She wanted to see this sweetie's goodies and savor them.
I took the moment to go to the camera and operate the zoom lens. The placement was a stroke of genius as Heather's pink pussy lips covered with wispy, fine, blond hairs clearly filled up the entire frame. Nan was lightly placing her fingers on the girls mound and tantalized her pussy lips with little tickles, pokes, and prods all around her femininity. Heather saw Nan smell, then lick her coated fingers like she was sucking a small cock. Heather moaned again and this time Nan matched her moaning with a sigh of her own from the taste of her pussy's honey.
It was more than either of them could take. Nan buried her tongue in the girls pussy and licked her furrow like it was a Ben & Jerry's cone about to melt.
Heather and I shuddered out in climax in unison as the camera caught my wife sucking and stroking on Heather's clit resembling a small penis. I truly thought the floor had fallen out from all of us and this time, I HAD to sit down in the closet or fall down while my dick squirted more spunk against the back of the other closet door!
As Heather shook violently from her massive climax, she pressed Nan's head into her like Nan was going to leave her hanging. She screamed out in joy as another wave passed over her causing her to fall back on the couch and pulling Nan with her.
The third and final wave struck her moments later and caused her to pull away from Nan's sucking mouth like she had received a jolt of electricity. I think both Nan and I had the same thought: the girl shook violently then seemed to pass out from sheer joy!
Her heaving huge breasts and sighs gave way to voice, "My GAWD...I have NEVER CUM LIKE THAT!" I couldn't see Nan's cum-smeared face but I'm sure she had a huge grin of satisfaction on it from giving this girl her first multiple releases.
Nan fell back on the other side of the couch in the opposite direction of Heather and the two girls lay back panting in ecstacy and exhaustion. Nan had insinuated her own fingers in the crevice of her pussy and was trying to quell some her own tingling sensations going on down there.
Heather watched in fascination through slitted eyes and then couldn't resist. She got up and layed her huge tits on each knee of Nan and proceeded to partake of her first taste of my wife's red pussy. Nan sighed loudly with Heather licking in like she had previous pussy licking experience. There was no hesitation from Heather and I could tell she was thoroughly enjoying the scent and taste of my wife's pussy (as I had many, many times).
This was too much for me and I finally had to try to be a cameraman rather than touch my now aching, too-sensitive cock that felt on fire from stroking and shooting.
Heather settled into a rhythm that Nan approved of by her steady breathing and sighing. This "assisted" Heather in knowing what to do since Nan additionally egged her on by saying..." that...oh, gawd...oh...there...just like that...ngnngh..."
Nan's build up was short. She shuddered out a climax and wrapped her long legs around Heather's head to hold her at her pulsing mound. I never recalled her cumming that quickly for me while I ate her!
Heather took an earlier cue from Nan and slowed way down but did not let up urging Nan to cum again. She usually made me stop from being too sensitive but here she was, minutes later, pulling this girl's mouth into her and literally fucking her face.
"Ugnh...ungh...ungh!...ungh!..." She raised up her pussy with Heather clinging on to her butt for handles and yelled out an "OOOOHHH!" as she endured her second and more powerful climax.
Heather "rode" with her all the way and made sure she completed her cumming. Now Nan was too sensitive and let Heather know how terrific she was by hugging her closely to her in appreciation and gratitude. "OH, YOU WERE WONDERFUL!"
"No...YOU Were wonderful!" They both had the time of their lives and although I was envious of not being able to add to the scene and badly wanted to fuck the teenager, I was content that I had captured it all on video for "future reference".
Soon thereafter, the girls chatted a little about the experience and then Nan, noticing the clock, said I was due home soon and she had to get supper going. If only she had known I was already home and hadn't missed a thing.
"Oh Nancy...I just don't know how I can thank you for being such a good friend and one I can talk to". "I wish you could talk to Jimmy, my 15 yr. old brother and help him. He really needs someone to talk to. He's acting out and everything."
"I don't see why not but call me and we'll see what we can do okay?"
The time! It was almost time for me to get off work! Fortunately for me Nan hurried Heather out of the house but chatted on the front porch long enough for me to "organize" things in the closet. I was able to slip out the side door and call home from the office. There was no indication from Nan that she had just had a hot, sexual tryst.
Her "act" was of more concern for this "troubled" teenager who also had a brother who had problems too. She told me at dinner that Heather was so happy with her "counseling" that she was going to have Nan "counsel" Jimmy.
"Oh, and thanks for being such a dear and not barging in on us... things got pretty heated at times and Heather is real emotional right now..."
Jimmy didn't know why his sister Heather seemed to be in much better spirits lately but whatever it was, he wanted some!
He even wondered if she started doing drugs or something. So when his 17 year-old "big" sister told him that it was her talk with "Mrs. M" that made everything great, he was more than a little open to the idea of meeting this mystery person.
Except for one thing: Mrs. M was an adult and as a 15 year old, Jimmy didn't know what he was going to be in for with this woman.
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For once, I awoke before my four-legged alarm clocks. A distinct 'itch' of horniness was already tingling between thighs, thighs that were strangely sticky for such an early hour of a morning. I mean, 'morning clitty' is pretty common with me, but it doesn't normally shake me from my slumbers at five o'clock in the morning!I let the pooches out, poured the first morning coffee and padded to the computer, wearing nothing but a simple white, fluffy towelling robe hurriedly thrown on before...
MasturbationI even discovered that our maid Simone was part of the debauchery going on at our mansion. One afternoon while I was bored, I was feeling horny. However, my mom had gone out to lunch with friends so I couldn’t turn to her. I saw no other opportunity than getting my old collection of porn magazines out from under my bed and wank over these like I used to. I discarded my clothes, lay on my back on my bed and started jacking off while looking at some of my favourite pictures. I was just getting...
Kristen provides the details of the office encounter.I admired myself in the mirror. I had on sheer black stockings with a garter belt, red thong, and matching bra. I felt sexy and thought about Zak. I put on a black tight skirt which gave my ass more accent. Next was a low- cut white blouse which gave a view of the top of my breast if you were standing over me. I had to hurry to get to work to set my plan for Susan and Mary using pictures of Louis and Zak.We were working on a joint project and...
Lesbianold friend of family comes to town. Opens up to older woman, Has sex eventually“Well, well, well” she said smiling brilliantly at the old friend.She looked up as she gazed at the young man. He’d grown up next door to her and now 26 years old, he was all filled out, and of course all grown up as well. He wore a closely shaved beard but still his eyes identified him almost immediately. She knew the eyes quite well. Having adored him all her life, she was thrilled to see him again.“How are you?”...
Thursday evening my sexy little daughter in law sent me a text message. She said that a male friend of hers has invited her up to spend the day with him. He wasn't going to work Friday and since he knew her husband would be at work he wanted to spend the day making love to her tight little tattooed body. A few weeks ago Gail had confided in me that she wanted to open her and my son's marriage. She told me that they had discussed it and she was going to go ahead and start looking for a suitable...
I wouldn’t call myself a BBW, more of a BW. I’m a big woman but I would never call myself beautiful. I’ve never had a problem accepting my weight; I just got on with it, but it seemed a little more difficult for other people to deal with. At school I was always the ‘fat one’ and even as I got older when all of my friends were meeting boys I was always left out. Nobody was ever interested in the big girl. People weren’t interested in looking past my size. Nobody cared that I was funny or...
Love Stories[Arnold's manuscript] We sat on the bed with a bottle of water each and a packet of crackers to share. Maria said, "Arnoldo, it's been since the Day that I wore a skirt or dress. It's all been slacks, jeans, or shorts. I cannot remember a time before the Day when eating while wearing anything other than a dress or a skirt and blouse could have happened even when I was in college in America. My life was circumscribed by my class. I attended college in America for two years before...
As we sat drinking our beers, it occurred to me that I didn’t know what John did for a living, so I asked. I’m an inspector for the local gas utility. I do inspections all around the city, most of the time indoors. But a couple times a month I have to go to one of our facilities up north of town and do some inspections outside. Of course, today was one of those days and one of the asshole supervisors was there making my job hell. I had to rush home so I could take a shower before I came over...
1 1. It all started out so simply. Standing in front of the bedroom mirror, pursing her red lips together, Catherine said, "Matt says he has a new girlfriend." Lying on their bed, glancing through the new copy of InTheater, Jeff said, "Oh yeah?" "He's bringing her to dinner." "That's good." Catherine sighed. "I hope this one isn't a bimbo." "Matt's the one who has to date her." "Yeah," Catherine replied, "but we're the ones who are going to have to talk to her." The fact that his...
"Ooh daddy," I moaned as I looked up into my fathers eyes, feeling him slowly stroking him self in and out of my tight wet pussy. I was fixing to cum, his hard cock never changing pace as I started to shiver, cumming around his hard cock, him closing his eyes as he felt my pussy spasm around him...Then I woke up, breathing hard with the feeling of my fingers on my clit. "Damn..." I said softly to my self. This was the third dream this week about my father, when will my mind give up? I slowly...
IncestYou know those nights when you have been trying to fall asleep for what feels like hours and you reach that moment where you're still wide awake even though to anyone else you look dead to the world?It was then that I felt the covers move, the bed buckle under the extra weight of him climbing in. This was something new as I'm always fast asleep before he comes to join me, keeping different schedules always means going to bed at different times so feeling him next to me, his bare leg pressed...
Alexis Tae knows her marriage is on the rocks, but she’s trying to make it work. She spends some time getting ready for her hubby to take her on a date. She’s just toweling herself off when her husband lets her know that he won’t be able to make it. That’s the final straw. Alexis decides something needs to give. She gets her chance to make a change shortly after when her client, Nathan Bronson, comes over to sign some paperwork. Knowing that she’s decked out in a...
xmoviesforyouIt was a beautiful day in Virginia. The year was 1997. Gas prices that year were about $1.22 a gallon. There were the first signs of a dreaded disease called Bird Flu. Over a million chickens were killed in Hong Kong which was handed back to China that year. Princess Diana called for an end to the use of land mines. The poor lady died later that year in a horrible car crash in Paris. It was a momentous year in many ways.It was early spring. Eighteen-year-old Leanne was excited about seeing her...
Gay MaleJames looked up at the knock at the door and yelled out “enter”. The door opened and his mother looked in, still standing in the hall. “James, can I come in?” “Sure...” “Listen, I’m sorry about what happened at dinner.” He shrugged and sat back, “They were right. I have not been a good brother to them and they are hurt.” “True, and every time your father and I have talked to you, we received the same disdain. You just never cared about anyone, including yourself.” “Oh, I realize that...
I placed an advert on Craigslist as I fancied something new. I'd been crossdressing for a while and had met a few people for fun but wanted to try something a bit more exciting. My advert was looking for someone to meet in public for sex with me dressed in lingerie. A few replies came but the one that caught my eye wanted to meet in an adult cinema in London near city road. I heard of this place and fancied trying it out. We agreed to meet at 11am in a coffee shop nearby and go to the cinema...
Kylie was reclined on the bed, her aqua eyes half closed, in a dreamlike state. She was in the unusual state of being both relaxed and aroused at the same time, but it felt sooo good to run the tiny vibrator over her horny clit and pinch her nipples at the same time while thinking of Keylani doing that to her — and more! She talked to her unique lover practically every day, the long-distance bills were a bit much, but David made good money. Sometimes Keylani would give her instructions what to...
she was a beutiful brunette with glasses about 5ft3 and a small but busting B cup with the most beutiful body i have ever seen i got a phone call about 4pm on a saturday "hey chris come to waterloo and hang out with me" i felt myself growing in my pants already i replyed "ill be there as soon as possible". I got on the train and rushed my way to see her she was standing there with a very lonly look on her face "hey darling" i said to her in the most suductive way i could "hey my...
hi i am new to indian sex stories please write in if you like my story and if you are looking for a healthy chat just mail me at The train stopped atSholavandan my mother’s village early in the morning. I visiting this place almost two decades later to say goodbye to my uncle (mama) before leaving for the gulf. Ambi as he was called was an old resident of the village and he lived in our ancestral house. I hired an auto to the main street predominantly occupied by Brahmins and reached my...
IncestSelena had stayed with Joe more than an hour past normal visiting hours Wednesday night. It was a great time for them just communicating and solidifying their bond. She spoke about all of the things she and Dr. Payne talked about, except the TeeFix. The doctor thought it was the most likely scenario, but didn't want Joe to bank on it and then be disappointed. They went over how they would handle his recovery, no matter which way the surgery went so that it would not interfere with her school...
Mia sat in the Resident Adviser’s office with her laptop open. Since Jesse was working all weekend they couldn’t exactly make plans to go on a second date, so she decided to keep him company on one of the evening shifts. She stared at the screen trying to find some inspiration for her assignment that was due on Monday, but reading her news feed on Facebook wasn’t exactly the source of information she needed. Jesse was on the phone taking calls. It wasn’t a busy night for him, but like Mia...
It's a normal Friday night over at Rachael's house along with some the guys just hanging out chatting, watching tv, and trying out a few beers and such. At one point in the night Rachael asks if I can stay at her house tomorrow to watch her dogs while shes at work all day as well as her dad. Sure enough being a good friend I say yeah no problem. So the night goes on and we all have a good time and later that night we all go upstairs to sleep in her room.It's Saturday morning around 10am and I...
[When I shook Brock’s hand it suddenly became clear. This was Sherman Leeman’s brother! Butch and Benjamin’s uncle.] I knew I had to tread cautiously, even though it didn’t appear that Brock’s powers were very strong at all. Instead of trying to hang onto his hand, I let go politely. I took a chance and flashed Mary asking her to stay in my head. It wasn’t necessary. She’d already picked up that vibe. I did keep my eyes locked on Brock, however. During my two second communication with...
He stood in the window and watched the young girl walk down the street. She was so much like her mother at this young age. She had an adult body but she was a c***d. He watched her ass as she walked and her tits as they pushed against her tight t-shirt. His cock got hard as he thought about undressing her like he had her mother. He remembered seeing her mom's huge tits the first time he stripped her naked. Her huge globes filled his huge hands as he rubbed them and played with her nipples. He...
Breelyn and Ethan were your typical mid 20's upper class couple. Both came from high profile upper class families and didn't really have to work for much in life. It seemed as though they had it all and were going to get more. Like most people with everything, the couple had to step outside their conventional boundaries and expand their sexual horizons. It wasn't hard for such a couple in their position and looks. Breelyn was a twenty two year old black/white mix; her father an ex pro football...
InterracialContinued story.....Ehile i started to lick her pussy lips Ankita was trying her best to push my face away and cover her legs......i knew she was never licked coz of her surprised looks...then i did something which i had always watched in videos but never tried..I parted her legs making enough sace for my entire face to be buried inside the thighs so that she cant close them and i let my arms go around her thighs and grabbed both of her hands and getting them on her her palms were...
“I’m sure glad this is all over,” I said to Anna, four days later, as we were leaving our bedroom to get JJ and go downstairs to breakfast. For three of those days, Anna and I babysat the Greenburgs until lunch when we were replaced by Tom and Yolanda. That left my afternoons free to visit the various parts of the Estancia, usually with the older kids, as well as get in some shooting practice. The other day was spent in the Estancia meeting, where we reviewed the progress we’d made against...
Codey Steele has been living with houseguest Maya Woulfe and his stepmom Jessica Ryan for long enough that he’s worn out his welcome. He has been masturbating like crazy and leaving his cum covered discards everywhere. Maya finds a bunch of wadded tissue paper while she’s using the bathroom, while Jessica finds some crusty socks. They hatch a plan to catch Codey in the act to see if they can straighten him out. The girls sneak up behind Codey, but he’s not jerking off at the...
xmoviesforyouHi friends and this is Safik from Trichy about me, 19 years old guy studying in an Eng college. I look like a kid, but have a cock opposite to my appearance. My cock is nearly 7.5 inches in length. I had many gay mates in my hostel because my cock was the favourite to everyone and even to my seniors also. I was even paid by one of my senior for just letting him suck my cock. My cock is really big, pinkish white in colour, cut. I think every one can imagine how a Muslim guys sexy cock looks. My...
IncestPeaks was your usual midwestern industrial town, although a bit larger than most. The summers of my youth were always the best times, accompanied by my small tribe of friends. Cicadas would call indefinitely, the trees whispering as we romped around those places in your hometown that one might overlook entirely, unless they were yours, and you had to find entertainment in them. We didn’t have a movie theater in town, and none of my buddies had a car for us to venture over to neighboring White...
Gay MaleBrent had made contact with Tom Blanton, and they had arranged to meet when he was next on the coast. It would be two weeks before Stampede. He hoped that Blanton Construction would be interested in his product line and recommend it to their customers. A little research by phone had confirmed that Blanton was the right choice for a leading builder endorsement. By all accounts, they were the front-runners in the renovation and luxury construction market in the very exclusive North Shore...
Prelude My name is Marcus. I am a mercenary commander, a leader of a band of misfits, outsiders, and those who do not belong to what the majority say a normal world. From a rugged untried professionals, my regiment became the most feared, and effective mercenary units in the world. It is not the size of the organization that matters. It was the equipment, quality of men, training, experience, discipline, and sheer will power that have allowed my mercenary regiment to rise up in its current...
20Jas0004, The Labors of Jasper Episode 04; 5722 words Yara woke up feeling sore but refreshed. She blinked for a moment. Looked around. What was different this morning? Something felt different. If it was important, it would manifest. She waited in line for the toilet, considered for a while, and then walked outside to use the outdoor privy. Maybe it was her nails. They were growing in again. Thick. Almost like claws. Still not used to these teeth. When she wasn't...
Jacob. I sat watching as the old woman went digging through her things, she would grab something look at it and toss it aside, eventually she found what she was looking for, She walked to me handing me two scrolls, one was an ancient map, the other was some kind of binary code, I tried to make sense of it but I couldn't, I went back to looking at the map, if I was reading it right it led no where near the signal, I frowned at that, I only had so much time, I couldn't waste it on fools...
Introduction: me and mom Over the next few days, things were as usual at school. I would hang out with Tyler a bit, flirting with Mr. Lopez when I had a chance, and swinging my ass for Mr. Anderson for no good reason. I didnt even like Mr. Anderson, but it was a turn on having his attention. It felt so dirty for this guy to look at me the way he did, he looked so perverted. It was obvious he wanted to fuck me, I couldnt hear the end of it from my friends. Somehow, it was a bit of a turn on...
The Prison Planet Morales wanted to try grinding some wheat, but he had vowed to make every effort to put a log on his wall daily, so first he set about stripping the bark and preparing to put another log up. When he was finally done, he stood back to check out what he had accomplished. “Not much, yet, and I wish I could have used bigger logs, but without help, I just can’t drag bigger ones to the cave, let alone get them up on the wall,” he told the wolf. “But it is beginning to look like...
The not so subtle pressure on Rob and Brad worked. They called on Tuesday evening, only it was a week after the cookout, to see if they could arrange a date with us on Friday night after work. We’d do dinner, go to a lounge they knew that had a nice jazz trio playing, and then they’d bring us home. We eagerly agreed. Paul and Mike had been sitting on my sofa getting blowjobs from Sheila and me when the pair had called. I didn’t need to explain the date as they heard my side of the...
This is fantasy which is very sexy and wishing to come true. I am explaining the story from my husband’s point of view. My wife & I like social services to offer. I’m 30 yrs and she is 28 yrs housewife we decided to do some social service on one night it was winter night 8 pm. we were near railway station we saw one beggar lying on footpath. He was feeling bit cold as he was not having proper clothing. he was wearing only torn pant and some old blanket over body and nothing inside he must be in...
There are only a few things that I truly love in this world. I love sex, whiskey, and good music. However, when sex is not an option for one reason or another, or if I’m feeling a little too lazy to actually go out and get some, high-quality amateur porn is up there on my list as well. I need to emphasize “high-quality,” though, because there seems to be a shit load of really bad amateur porn on the web as well.Places like Porn Hub or xHamster are notorious for user-uploaded porn (alongside the...
Amateur Porn SitesChapter 7: Golden Ticket ‘We should totally do that again.’ Jane said finally. ‘Allow me to agree with you. That was the best sexual intercourse that I’ve had in a long while.’ continued Lucy. ‘Shit, that’s some the best sex I’ve ever had. Maybe the best since the first time.’ added Charlie. ‘Oh, really? What did happen with number one, Charlie?’ asked Lucy. He laughed. ‘That’s a long story, I don’t want you to get bored…’ ‘Why don’t you tell us then? It’s not like we have anything else...
Hey Guys this is Shankar and this is my second story in ISS. After the first story I received many comments and one such feedback was from a girl named Chithra. Talking about her,she was a normal Tamil girl with dusky skin tone and well shaped ass and boobs. She had replied to an author for the first time and she wanted to lose her virginity to me. I was very much excited and we started talking regularly. First she feared to share things with me but later as we talked she got along with me...
It was a cold day but bright and clear. A lovely day to marry a lovely girl JD thought as he tried in vain to straighten his tie. Behind him, Charles and Edward chatted quietly as they dressed. They men folk had been banished to a tent to dress and prepare for the day. The wedding started in another two hours. Until then, they had time to kill in the cold - the heat lamps helped, but did not stop the winter air from creeping in through every crack. JD looked in the mirror at the reflection of...
Hi! This is Roly. I’m a regular reader of ISS, but unfortunately it seems to me that most of the stories are fake and they are written from imagination. However, I like those stories. But, today I ‘m going to put one story which is 100 % real and no imagination is being taken. As I am a Bengali, i’ve written this story in Bengali and I ‘m sure that Bengali readers will love to read it, although I am not a communal one .I will try to write this story in Hindi or English later on. Now I am...
Kaitlyn had worked on the other side of their very successful & profitable office for about 4 years now. She had spent the very large part of it saving to one day ‘repay’ her dad. Kaitlyn had grown up living only just above edge of poverty. They had enough to make it, but only just. 6 years back, her dad had sold the only possession they had worth much of anything, a rare watch that he had bought when he got out of the navy. It had paid more than a year of schooling for her two year...
Captain Sir Anthony Carter K.B., in acting command of HMS Agamemnon, 64, stood on his quarterdeck and watched the huge fleet coming into sight. He knew that Lord Nelson had every line-of-battle ship under his command that could be spared for what the Admiralty hoped would be a decisive battle. Still, the two columns of ships, each with 13 sail of the line, were impressive. At the head of the weather column stood Victory with her three rows of gun ports, followed by Temereire, another huge...
M/FThis was with my, at the time, long time girl friend, Frankie.We were staying with her parents in a beach house for two weeks over the summer. To separate Frankie and me, they had us sleep on different floors, with her room across from her parents.One particularly breezy summer night. I was awoken in the middle of the night. The lap turned on. It was Frankie, in a robe. She leaned over and kissed me. She sat on the bed and let her robe flow open, she was completely naked. She slid over and...
Father's Day falls on the third Sunday of June and this year it happened to fall on Samantha's 13th birthday. What made this an extra-special occasion was that her older brother had just returned from oversees and was discharged from the service. With the joyous atmosphere, it didn't seem strange that the new teen was allowed to drink wine at the outdoor family barbeque. Later in the day, after his son had decided to go visit some friends, Stan started to get ideas. After first noticing...
This is my first story in this category have been thinking to write this for quite some time my real life experience, anyhow did not have the time and the thought to write this. Now that finally I have decided to write and tell the world what happened and how did it happen. Hope you would enjoy this adventure. Well I am working as a senior manager Distribution and Purchase in a reputed company with the increasing of work load. I had been asking for an additional staff who could handle different...
Octopus man was a freak or nature. A very strange freak of nature. When he was born he was normal. Two arms, legs and a normal body. As he became older he discovered a strange and scary power he possessed. When he became aroused he turned into a horny eight tentacle octopus monster. The mere thought of fucking a girl could cause him to grow eight tentacle arms. The arms could grow to whatever length he wanted. They were strong. Each one capable of lifting a woman by her leg or arm...
Croatian cutie Freye Dee had a nasty fall on her scooter and luckily Joss Lescaf was there to rescue her. After assisting the slim and sexy teen into his house and while massaging her injury, the little temptress finds herself totally turned on by her savior and chocolate knight in shining honor. The brunette must repay him for his good deeds, but how? Well, she’s got a naughty idea that she acts on, reaching for his big black cock with very dirty ideas of where she wants to shove it. The...