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Toga party.

Sally Findley was not having a particularly good time. She had come to the party because Greg had asked her, and the idea of going with him was slightly preferable to staying home alone. But shortly after getting here, Greg had spotted a blonde with big boobs and a low-cut bodice who had absorbed all his attention since, leaving Sally to wander about on her own. How typical of him, she thought. He insisted she come, and then when she finally did, there she was, dumped on her own. She hardly knew anyone, and really didn’t want to, if truth be told. She thought about raising a scene with Greg, but she really didn’t care that much, and anyway, public scenes were a drag! so she contented herself with repeated helpings of oeuvres and too many glasses of white wine.

She was unaware of the attention being paid to her by the petite brunette across the room. Judy Bolt had spotted Sally shortly after she walked in, and had silently watched her (boyfriend? No, more likely husband - boyfriend would have been more attentive) desert her for the blowsy blonde. Judy fancied herself a connoisseur of female beauty, and was impressed. The girl could be a knockout with a little work. The raw material was there; the facial bones, strong erect carriage, straight, firm, shapely legs from the look of it, hips broad but not fat, largish breasts, plumped out by an uplift bra, but firm and nicely shaped nonetheless. There was no extra fat on her tummy or hips, a point which pleased Judy. In fact, the girl seemed to carry little or no excessive fat. Probably big in sports or works out, Judy thought.

There were just a few things wrong, and those could be corrected. Make-up slightly too heavy. Her choice of dress, straight skirt tight over the hips, then up to a fluffy sort of top, cut a little too high. Probably the husband’s choice. It never hurt to make the best of one’s assets, and covering them up like that wasted them. Tiny shoulder straps. Not much of a dress for a party. Dated looking, like something out of the fifties. Definitely should be cut to show at least a little bosom, in Judy’s professional opinion. Skirt below the knees, too long for today’s fashion. Legs were in, so that skirt certainly wasn’t. If you had to wear something that unflattering, it should at least be slit up the side or something as a distraction so nobody noticed. Cut it up to the hip if you had the guts. Not many girls did though, she thought ruefully.

Judy watched the girl intently. Bored, she decided. She’d be receptive. A little more wine (not too much though, she was swilling it down heavily as it was). Suggest a little fun, another party with something far out going on. She’d probably jump at the idea. It looked like the husband/boyfriend wouldn’t be any trouble; he was too wrapped up to even notice. He’d probably be delighted to have her out of the way so he could continue looking down the front of that dress without feeling guilty. Not a bad one to look down, she speculated, but with a little luck I’ll have something interesting of my own happening.

“Try the crudities’. It’s the only thing worth eating on the whole table.” Sally was slightly startled. She looked down at the tiny brunette.

“I’m sorry. Were you talking to me?”

“Yeah. I was suggesting the celery. What can you do to celery? Besides, you lose weight eating it.”

Sally giggled. “Right.” It wasn’t that the other girl was so funny, but she had been stewing in her own gloom, and it seemed that suddenly all the wine she had been drinking ganged up on her. Her head swam slightly when she moved it and everything looked oddly tilted when she looked at it. She couldn’t remember if she had met the girl before, but it didn’t matter. That’s one of the things parties were for, meeting people. “Not that you need to lose any. But then, celery has other uses. Or the carrots. They work even better.”

“What do you mean?”

Oh oh. Was this girl that slow or what? “Use your imagination.” Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3...

Sally suddenly thought this was wildly amusing. She giggled back, “Oh. Well, If I wanted to lose anything, this sure isn’t the place.”

“That’s for sure. How come you’re here?”

“Greg. He insists. I hate it, ‘cause he never pays me any attention once we get somewhere, but I have to come to support his image.”

“Some guys are impossible, aren’t they. Hi. I’m Judy, by the way.”

“Sally Findley. That’s my name, not Greg’s. And yes, he is getting to be a pain in the you-know-where.”

“Ass, sweetie. Call it as it is. Don’t mince words, gives you indigestion.”

“Yeah, ass. I like the sound of that. Ass. That’s Greg. That’s crude enough to match the way I feel right now.”

“Sorry you’re so unhappy. Nothing’s going on here to make you feel cheery though.”

“Yeah, I know, I’m going nuts. This is a real drag.” Sally agreed with her new-found friend. “But I don’t have anything else to do. I don’t want to just go home.”

It was hard to hear. The music was very loud, in an attempt to generate the some kind of excitement. Most of the guests were looking like they would rather be anywhere else. Rather than try to shout above it, Judy took Sally by the wrist and tugged her toward the rear of the apartment. “Come,” her mouth said, although no sound came out. Sally followed obediently as Judy led her to the bathroom. With the door closed, the cacophony dimmed to a mere background.

“I’m sorry, I can’t stand talking over all that racket,” she explained. Sally nodded her complete agreement. “You want to really have some fun? I mean something totally outrageous?”

“I guess. What do you mean?”

“Well,” the other girl leaned in conspiratorially. “There’s this other party. I mean, it’s really strong.”

Sally was instantly cautious. Or at least, she meant to be. It was hard to keep her head tuned up enough. “What party?”

“It’s really wick! There’s this bunch of guys, and every once in a while they have this party, see, and they invite some girls and everything, and it’s like a costume thing, everybody dresses up. Like it’s really weird sometimes, some of the things they wear.”

Her curiosity piqued, Sally asked, “Like what?”

“Oh it’s a theme, you know, and everybody dresses like the theme. Like one time, it was circus, you know, acrobats and clowns and dancing girls, stuff like that. Another time all the guys were sultans and things, and the girls were supposed to be slaves, see. Everybody had to so what the sultans said or there was this headsman, right?, and he was in charge of punishing them if they were disobedient. Stuff like that. You’d love it. The guys are mmmm!”

Sally wasn’t so sure. “What did they have to do? The harem girls, I mean.”

“Oh, different things. They had to serve drinks and sandwiches and stuff. They made one girl do a belly dance in front of everybody. It was funny, she really didn’t know what she was doing so she just sort of made it up and wiggled to the music and everybody clapped. Finally she was laughing so hard she fell down and had to stop.” Judy licked her lips at the memory. It hadn’t been quite like that, at least for the dancer, but Sally didn’t have to know that.

“Wasn’t she embarrassed? Having to do that, I mean. Why did she do it? How did they make her do that”

“I guess maybe a little, but she was having so much fun she got over it real quick. Nobody made her do it. I mean, like nobody forced her, you know? It’s like the Sultan ordered it, so she obeyed. You know how it is, you get really into something and you do things you ordinarily wouldn’t.”

Sally thought it over. “I guess.” She couldn’t remember ever getting that much outside herself. She wondered who these people were, and exactly what sort of party. They sounded really weird. Did she want anything to do with these - kooks? - she wondered. A thought occurred that gave her pause. “The girl, what was she wearing? I mean, what costume? Where did she get it?

“I’m not sure where she got it. Most of the girls figure out something, but they always have a few costumes extra, you know, in case somebody gets invited at the last minute.”

“But what was it?”

“I don’t remember exactly. Some kind of harem girl thing. You know, wispy pantaloons and a sequined top. It’s a Roman theme tonight.”

“What’s that?”

“You know, everybody dresses up like Romans, in togas and things.”

“What do they do?” Sally had never been to anything like that. It sounded exotic.

“Mostly like any other party. You eat and drink and maybe dance and talk. Sometimes it gets a little wild. They make up games to go with the theme. Why? You wanna go? Oh, I forgot, you can’t.”

“I can’t?”

“Yeah. You have a date. Didn’t you come in with that guy?”

“Greg? Yeah. I did. Greg insists I come with him to all these things, then he goes and finds somebody like...” she waved vaguely toward the other room “her to spend the evening with. I don’t see him again until it’s time to go home.”

“Husbands are a drag.”

“Yeah. Well, he’s not exactly my husband. We’re just living together.”

“Sounds to me like a waste of time. You could do better than that.”

“On my salary, I can’t afford a place of my own. So I put up with him. It’s not all that bad.”

“Is he good in bed at least? Oops. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked that.”

“It’s OK. Not especially. Actually, we don’t much. I don’t mind talking about it. I don’t get to talk to people much anymore about anything, really talk, you know. Anyway, I think I could probably split and he’d never notice. He might even spend the night with that broad he was drooling over and not know I was missing.”

“Does he do that?”

“Yeah, sometimes. He tells me he’s got some big business deal going and would I mind taking a cab. Then he doesn’t show up ‘til the next day.”

“Well, if you think you can get away, we could go. Wanna try?”

“Would they let us in? I mean, who are they? They don’t know me.”

“I’ve never known then to turn away a girl. Especially a cute one. Besides, you’ll be with me.” When I bring them anyway, Judy thought. Those assholes like the girls I bring them. They’ll especially like this one, she’s too dumb to catch on until it’s too late.

“But I don’t have a costume? Wouldn’t I need a toga or something? Could I go like this?”

“They’ll have something you could wear.” Almost wear, she corrected to herself. “You really want do it? It’ll be a ball. Lots more fun that this.”

That wouldn’t be hard, Sally thought. “You really think it’d be OK? Who are they anyway?”

“Just, you know, some guys. They’re musicians. They got a band. You know, like rock singers.”

She did. “They aren’t anybody like, really famous or anything are they?”

“I don’t know. Might be. Mostly it’s backup groups, dancers and stuff, but sometimes the stars come too.” That’s it little Sally, chew on the bait.

“Really?” Sally’s eyes were getting bigger.

Sure, and they all like naive girls like you. Pretty girls who are so bored they’ll do anything they’re told if it sounds exciting, without asking difficult questions. Until it’s too late. Judy felt excited as she set the hook.

“That’s what I hear. Bruce Springstein was there one time, and Adam Ant. They tell me Madonna showed up once. Course you never know.”

“Where is this place?”

“Not too far. In Brooklyn. It’s like a private club they have.”

“Madonna? really?”

“I’ll tell you what. Get your stuff and I’ll meet you in the hall by the front door in five minutes. I think we shouldn’t let people see us leaving together, you know. I’ll drive.”

Sally, lost in the glow of stardom agreed. As she started to leave the bathroom, Judy stopped her. “Oh, I should tell you this, They’re really serious about the costume thing you know. You have to be dressed for it. You can’t wear your street clothes. You’ll spoil the illusion.”

Sally paused. She understood that. Why was Judy so insistent? Just to be sure, she asked, “What do you mean. You’re saying I’d have to get undressed?”

Judy hastened to reassure her. “Oh, not really, just anything that would show under a toga. I don’t mean you have to take your undies off or anything like that.” However, you will look good with your undies off, she mused. I’m looking forward to that. I wonder if those tits look as good in the flesh as they do under that dress. “Don’t worry about it,” she prompted. “costume parties are a ball. I’ll meet you in the hall in five minutes.”

Sally didn’t see the analytical look on Judy’s face, watching her as she left the bathroom, her eyes glued to the swelling hips and bottom concealed under the tight sheath. Uh huh, she thought, the first thing we’ll do is get that dress off of you. I’m sure you’ll look much better without it. After that, well...

She hadn’t mentioned that the women at this party wouldn’t wear togas. They would be dressed only in what they called stolas. They weren’t really roman – they were too short for that - designed to show off the girl underneath to best advantage. Time enough later for dear little Sally to find out about that. Judy’s face curled up in a grin at the thought. Maybe she would even like it. Sometimes it was hard to tell in advance. Not that it mattered.

They were able to park almost in front of the Brooklyn Heights brownstone - something almost unheard of. The were buzzed in and walked to the third floor up a steep winding staircase that squeaked with age. It was almost spooky, Sally thought. At the apartment door, they were examined through a peephole before being allowed in. A Roman centurion opened the door. He obviously knew Judy, but he examined Sally in some detail before letting them in. Sally had the feeling he was looking right through her dress She shuddered under his scrutiny.

“Dressing room’s to the right, slaves,” was his only comment. Sally looked to the left down the short vestibule corridor toward the sounds of partying, but the room was dimly lighted, and she really couldn’t see anything except the end of another room.

“In here,” Judy urged her guest to the right toward a bedroom. “This is where we get into our outfits before we go in.” She closed the bedroom door behind them and went to the closet, pulling out two white garments. “This is mine. I think this one will fit you.”

Sally looked dubiously at the bit of cloth offered her. “I thought we were going to wear togas.”

“The men wear togas. We wear these. They’re called stolas. The Roman slave women wore them”.

“Oh.” Sally felt embarrassed at her gaffe. “I was just surprised. I thought stolas were, like floor length.”

“Well, yeah. Real stolas were long. These aren’t. Formal ones were. These are informals.” She got very girl-to-girl confidential. “You know how guys are. They like to see legs, so we have to wear things that show us off. Come on, you aren’t trying to tell me you never wore a mini are you? There’s nothing wrong with your legs, is there?”

“Oh no, nothing like that. I guess it’s OK. I had just pictured something different. What did he mean when he called us ‘slaves’?”

“Oh nothing. He was just playing. You’re new, so he was playing big shot.” Judy was busily unfastening hooks and zippers. She pulled her party dress off over her head and carefully hung it up. She stood in nothing but black frilly panties and a lace bra, checking Sally’s reaction. Sally was still contemplating the bit of cloth on the bed. “Well come on, you can’t wear that under your costume.” She dug out a hanger. “Here, hang your dress on this.” Seeing Sally still hesitating, Judy decided to press.

“Let me help with that.” She moved behind Sally and unhooked the top of her dress and ran the zipper. The dress peeled open, exposing bare back. She noted that Sally’s strapless bra hooked from behind, then urged the thin dress straps down off the other girl’s shoulders.

Sally caught the top of her dress, then, apparently deciding that she was being foolish, let it fall, pushed it off her hips and stepped out of it. She covered her uncertainty by making a fuss arranging it on the hangar.

Judy stepped back to admire. “Wow! I’ll say you don’t have anything wrong.”

Sally reddened, and unconsciously brought her hands up in a cover up gesture. The strapless, push-up bra forced her already substantial breasts into prominence. They overflowed the top of the bra in two great swelling curves, their slight separation emphasizing the deep crevice plunging between them.

Judy just grinned at her, a knowing grin that brought even more color to the other girl’s face. Sally turned away to cover her embarrassment so she didn’t see the hungry look on Judy’s face as she stared at the smooth curve of Sally’s buttocks, nicely outlined under wispy pantyhose and a pair of thin bikini panties. Her eyes followed the crease between the swelling cheeks, outlined by the tight blue nylon, to where it plunged between Sally’s legs.

Judy pulled herself together, picked up the stola and carried it to Sally. “Here, put this on. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I meant that to be a compliment.”

As she turned back, Sally realized what a fool she must have looked like. Making such a fuss over an innocent comment like that! Thinking about it, she knew she looked good. She knew a lot of girls felt they had inadequate development, and she should be happy that she was so well endowed. Actually, when she let herself think about it, she was pleased. They were prominent without being grotesque. Just a couple of nice, generous ... handfuls? Was that wishful thinking, she wondered.

She took the white garment and pulled it on over her head. The thing draped firmly, but not too tightly over her body. Starting with a single loop over her right shoulder, it swooped down under her right arm. A separate gather pulled in the waist, from where it fell in a short skirtlet to just below her hips. She tugged at the hem self-consciously. “It’s awfully short.”

Judy smiled agreement. “I know. Like a skating skirt. But everybody else is wearing them too, so it’s not like you’ll stand out. Well,” she admitted, “maybe a little. You’ve got more of what they like to look at than most. A bunch of the girls are dancers. They’re used to working in leotards, so this is like nothing to them.”

“I guess. I’m just not used to it. Don’t worry”, she hastened to say, seeing the look in Judy’s face, “I’ll be OK. I’ll get used to it.”

There was a full-length mirror in the room. Sally looked herself over as she adjusted the dress. The stola hung rather low on her right side under her arm, but she found that by pulling the shoulder strap off her left shoulder, it would tighten up enough to just cover the side of her bra. That made the top lower and rather unstable, and exposed a little more than she was comfortable with, but what the hell, it was a party, wasn’t it? You were supposed to go a little further at a party than you usually would. “How did Roman women manage these, I wonder?” she thought. She was startled when Judy answered. She hadn’t realized she had spoken. “I don’t think they wore bras back then. At least not push-ups.”

“Oh.” It would look better without the bra, she supposed, but she certainly wasn’t going to do that! She tried to picture herself; boobs swinging freely under the loose top, threatening to pop out at any moment. An impish thought passed through her head; why not? In a hundred years, what difference would it make? It might be fun to let a bunch of guys all go nuts over her tits. She felt a little tingle at the thought. Her hand actually went for the back of the stola, where the clasp was, but she couldn’t make the next move and open it, and she turned the gesture into a back scratch. Maybe someday she would have the courage to try something like that. Not tonight.

“Let me look at you.” She turned for Judy’s inspection. “You look really scrumptious. Take off the pumps, we wear sandals.” She produced a pair. Sally took them and stared at them.

“How can I wear these? They have to go on bare feet.”

“Of course. Oh, I see. Yeah, you do have a problem. You can’t wear those pumps though. You better take off the pantyhose.”

“You are kidding? I mean ... Aren’t you ... no, you’re not wearing any, are you? But really!” Looking at Judy, she became aware that the other girl hadn’t dressed yet, and was still standing in her skimpy underwear. She really looked at the other girl for the first time. Judy was shorter, with narrower shoulders and smaller breasts, which her bra contrived to make the most of anyway. And those panties! Sally felt herself wonder if she could ever wear anything like that. They were french-cut, practically nothing but an elastic band at the top over the sides of the legs, with a little band of cloth as a sort of cache-sexe which molded itself to her prominent mound. She suddenly realized she had been rudely staring. “Shouldn’t you get dressed? What if somebody came in?”

“It would just be another girl. They’ve all seen me like this. Anyway, They didn’t have pantyhose in Rome back then, you know.” Judy had not missed the direction of the other girl’s stare.

“Of course I know that. But this isn’t ancient Rome.”

“Sally! Are you going to be a pain?” Her voice sounded annoyed. “You said you wanted to do this. I thought were into having some fun. I guess I was wrong. I guess I can take you back to Caldwell’s party. I’m sure there’s still somebody there. Maybe your friend and his blonde...”

“Please. Come on, You know I don’t want to do that. Neither of us wants to go back to that!”

“Well, I wasn’t planning to. But you could.”

“Maybe I’ll just go home.”

“All right, if that’s what you want. You can call a cab.” Judy started for the closet to retrieve Sally’s dress.

“No, I don’t really want to do that. Come on, be reasonable. How can I be in a party with a bunch of guys without ... well, you know!”

Judy said nothing, but stood holding out the dress. She watched the inner turmoil with an impassive face.

“Oh all right! If it means that much. I still think its a horrid thing to do to someone. Turn around please. I don’t want an audience.”

Judy was grinning as she went back to the closet. Not all that hard to talk you out of your pantyhose, is it girl? When she turned again, Sally stood holding out the wispy bit of stretch nylon. Now, if I could just get you to take off your bra, she thought. Maybe later, after certain - influences - had a chance to work. The auction would take care of her panties. After that, well, life was interesting. Especially with a wide-eyed innocent like this one. Some girls got jaded after a while, and the sport went out of it. It was far more fun with a new one like this who would protest and be humiliated and maybe even fight back.

Judy was good at this and she knew it. Under her guidance, any number of innocents had learned how to play rough after discovering some of the pleasures their bodies were capable of.

“Hey, Relax,” she told her obviously ill-at-ease student. “You look so up tight. It’s just pretend after all.

“I guess I’m just being silly. I never did anything like this before.”

“Costume party?”

“No, I mean ... where you have to ... show so much ... be so undressed. In public.” Her eyes got bigger was she watched Judy shrug herself out of her bra. Her nipples were bigger than Sally expected, for such a tiny girl. Judy picked up her stola and started to get into it, then paused, tossed it back on the bed and walked over to Sally. She put her hands on the other girl’s shoulders. Sally didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t back up; she was already back against the dresser. She didn’t know where to look; the bare breasts in front of her irresistibly attracted her eyes, but is seemed so ... what? gauche? to stare at them. She settled for staring over the smaller girl’s shoulder.

Judy was amused at Sally’s discomfort. (That’s why she did it, after all). What’s the matter girl? Never seen a pair of boobs before? “Let me fill you in on a few things. First of all, it isn’t public, it’s private.”

“Oh I know, but...”

“Hush. Secondly, you’re showing less than you do on the beach. Thirdly, what’s the very worst thing that could possibly happen?”

“I don’t know?”

“Certainly you do. Don’t be dumb. You attract some guy’s attention and he moves on you, right?”


“You’re not a virgin, right?”

“No, but...”

“So you can take care of yourself. Who knows, you might come across something you like. You can tell me that little black item you were wearing wasn’t a hunting outfit, but I know better. Right?”

“Well no, not really...”

“Bullshit! You were bored stiff and hoping some guy would decide you needed cheering up. Or ... something.” The “or something” left no doubt as to what she meant.

Sally found herself staring at Judy’s breasts again, despite her best intentions. She wondered why the nipples were erect. It wasn’t cold in here. She tried to tear her eyes away. Judy pulled her closer and tipped her head up, solving the problem. She found herself now staring into a pair of bottomless brown eyes.

“Listen to mama, girl. You wanted some adventure. Well maybe something will happen to you here tonight. Maybe you’re fated to get laid tonight. If so, then it’s going to happen. You don’t have anything to say about it, the Gods will take care of it. So stop being such a prune and start acting like a woman.” With that, Judy turned on her heel and went about getting dressed.

Sally stood in confusion. She wished it was all as simple as her new friend seemed to think. She was still mulling it over when Judy grabbed her arm and led her toward the door.

The room had almost no furniture in it. There were cushions on the floor, and a few low tables made of plywood and bricks held various liquids and snacks. A platform rather like a stage about a foot high and perhaps six feet square, dominated one end of the room. Seven other girls, not counting herself and Judy, she counted. About twenty guys, she estimated. The room was dimly lit by several candles, which cast grotesque shadows on the walls. Low music played from somewhere, a driving thumping beat which insisted on action, almost irresistibly compelling the hips to move with a primitive pulse. In fact, several bodies gyrated on the floor in tempo. With a start, Sally realized there was an eighth girl in the room. She hadn’t seen her at first, because she was in a corner, almost hidden under the toga-clad body which was slowing moving on top of her. Sally felt a cold chill shake her. My God, they look like ... are they really fucking? A sudden premonition swept through her. She looked around, looking for an exit. A small vestibule behind her led to the entrance to the apartment. A typical Brooklyn entryway with a steel door, a snap lock and a deadbolt. The bolt was not standard. It was one of those things that took a key to open it from either side of the door. Those were common where there was glass in the door, to keep somebody from breaking the window and reaching through to unlock the door. But there was no window in that door. The windows across the room had burglar bars across them. She was suddenly sure they were locked tightly as well.

Judy had left Sally to fix drinks. From a small bottle in the rear of a kitchen cabinet she took a capsule. A downer of sorts. Hypnotic. Didn’t make you sleepy, just reduced your inhibitions, made you not care. About anything. She opened the capsule and poured the contents into one of the glasses of red wine she had. There wasn’t much taste to it, and what there was would be covered and disguised by the heady body of the wine. She watched it dissolve as she stirred. Oh yes, Sally dear. You are going to like this wine.

She quickly found her guest again and pressed the glass on her. “Try this,” she said. “I know you prefer white, but the Romans, you know...”

Sally didn’t know what to do. The feeling of panic had passed, and been replaced a gnawing concern. What kind of people are these, she wondered. If I suddenly wanted to leave, would I be able to? “Why is the door locked on the inside?” she blurted.

Judy looked at her oddly. “I don’t know that it is. And why does it matter?”

Sally suddenly felt very foolish. She hadn’t actually tried the door to see if it was really locked. If she was wrong, it was a dumb thing to say. She took the glass from Judy and took a long sip. She wrinkled her nose. Peasant wine. Rough. Palatable, but just barely. “I don’t know. I just wondered if I had to see somebody when I wanted to go home. You know, to let me out.” It sounded lame, even to her.

“You just got here.”

“I know. Forget it. What is this stuff?”

“The bottle says Chianti. You guess is as good as mine. What does it taste like to you?”

Sally took another taste, a longer one this time. “I’d like to say vinegar. But that’s unkind to our host. Or hostess. Who is that, by the way?”

“It’s Buddy’s apartment.” She glanced at the couple bouncing in the corner. “I think we’ll meet him later. Hi, this is Jill. Jill, this is Sally.” Jill was a tall, willowy blonde whose legs seemed to start at her armpits. The short skirt accentuated that impression. She’s not wearing a bra either, Sally noted. She probably should be. There’s altogether too much hanging out free to be civilized. And there was no doubt where her nipples were.

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I am a healthy and happily divorced twenty-eight year old woman. I never intended to be divorced at 28, but it happened. I am self-sustaining,except when it comes to fixing things around my house. I cannot fix a garage door or a broken garbage disposal or a leaking shower head. I can do a lot of things, but those items I cannot do. Fortunately for me, I have a rather robust, fairly good looking and very muscular next door neighbor, named Alex, who can do all these things and so much more. Yes,...

2 years ago
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The Sissy Strand

Father I don't know how or why it happened but I suddenly became gay, I consider myself quite the ladies' man but now I'm a raging homo I can't think of anything else but cock. It all started when I was rushing home after work, I finished my report and I wanted to have some time with my son. Ever since my wife left us ten years ago, it was just him and me. I felt I need to have a lot of bonding time with him. He's almost seventeen now but I like the time we spend together and I would...

1 year ago
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A New Toy

You walk in with a girl. She's very pretty and my opposite. Her boobs are a B-cup, whereas mine are a DD. She's also shorter than I am. "Baby, here's your new play toy," you say. "Thank you sir." I'm already naked, but together you and I strip her down. You help her out of her skirt and panties and I take off her shirt and bra, kissing her as I do so. She and I begin making out. You're surprised to see that I take the lead with her. Maybe I've learned something from you. I moan into her...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Katalina Kyle Dirty Private Date POV

Busty porn model Katalina Kyle looks incredible in a fishnet outfit that exposes her tits and ass. On a private date with top pornographer Mick Blue, the young blonde shows off her charms, to Mick’s great approval. His POV camera captures her bodacious body. Katalina licks and flicks her pierced nipple and masturbates. Mick pours oil over her chunky rump to preface a hard fuck. Mick can’t help eating her sweet cunt, and Katalina returns the oral favor with a slobbering blowjob. She...

3 years ago
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Brief sex 03 Sex on the circuit

Brief sex 03 - Sex on the circuit3 brief sexQuick fuck on the circuitI love cars, speed and motorsport. When I was younger I would run a few rallies, but mostly hill climbs and then came the great era of fol'car races on dirt, not the stock not matter competitors to type .. it goes f *** e sometimes but never direct attack .. is of the race .. speed.As in other disciplines .. a lot of women come to see .. I know they like the atmosphere that are the guys to battle it's amazing but true .. and a...

3 years ago
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Hot Neighbor Fucked Hard

Hey readers, a pleasure to write another story. Thanks all for such a lovely response to my previous stories. Your comments really give the motivation to write more. I am working in Bangalore, 32 years of age. So coming to the story. I recently shifted to an apartment in BTM layout. One fine evening I was talking to my friend over the phone while walking in the parking area. It was around 7 pm and was already dark. I saw a woman driving her car and entering the parking. When she stepped out of...

2 years ago
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Last Guy Left at School

I had a mild pain in my crotch for days, and lacking any better ideas I decided to visit the school nurse before homeroom. I entered her office and found that there were already perhaps half a dozen girls waiting, so I sat down to wait my turn. It took me a few seconds before I noticed. Whereas ordinarily you might expect a gathering of a half dozen girls to be chattering away, talking about their weekends, or boys, or homework, or anything at all, the girls sitting here with me were silent,...

1 year ago
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TeenCurves Mandy Muse Booty Meat Sandwich

Sometimes when you are hungry, you need a big old sandwich to soothe the soul. But sometimes, you need a different kind of meat, booty meat. And Mandy Muse has the cure. Just watch that ass jiggle as she walks around this sandwich shop looking like a whole snack. She sits down and starts eye fucking our stud before reaching down to pull her skirt up and show off her cheetah print panties. She is so hot that our stud does a spit take! She makes him forget all about his sandwich as she walks over...

4 years ago
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Miranda and Mullins

This is my first posting of a Story I created. Hope you enjoyStress at work can kill productively. Everyone knows that. We live and work, have a balance between the two; take vacation time; fake sick days; quit jobs even. All to find that optimal work/life balance. But none of that happens at Mullins and Collins. One of the most prestigious corporate litigation firms on the West Coast. It’s all work. Forever. Deadline after deadline. Case after Case. Disaster after disaster. And all...

2 years ago
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The Start of Something

The first thing Mr. Hardy did after he bought me out was close down my parlor for the "re-branding" process. For three months. I told him I'd lose my clients. I told him I'd lose everything. Three months? Suddenly, the seventeen thousand didn't seem so valuable.After about a week, Maxwell called me at my home number."How did you get this number?" I asked him. I was curled up in my recliner by the TV, wearing my fuzziest bathrobe and drinking my wine."I need to see you." Maxwell's voice was...

2 years ago
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The 1st time I fucked my friends wife

So I have been friends with this couple for a number of years before I ever did anything with his wife.They have always had an open/cuckold type relationship and everyone knew about it. Over the years the wife we can call Shelly, would flirt and be nasty when she started to party. I loved her big curvy body, her huge tits and round ass…..When we would party Id start to get turned on when she would start getting slutty….It gave me a chance to grab her ass, rub her pussy from outside her pants,...

2 years ago
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Taboo confessions 4 tales from the chat room

Ok so I have been pretending to be another person as I chatted with my swinging father and mother in laws xhampster website...My profile is bland like every faker out there with bearly place on earth and enough info so I can't be traced easily and I'm acting like a covert undercover horny soninlaw. It took a few weeks of casual conversation to get to know alot more... For some reason people will really spill there life to a total strange on this website. Mother in law chatted but was very slow...

2 years ago
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The Adult Cinema

I had never been in this city before, my girlfriend was off shopping so I decided to visit some local adult bookstores. One looked very upmarket so I decided to enter & have a look around. It was very clean, well lit & very couple friendly, lots of neon lights, flouro colours & plenty of novelty toys as well as a great range of hardcore magazines & dvd's. Towards the back of the store were coin operated video booths & a door to an adult cinema. I had at least a hour to kill...

1 year ago
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Incestuous Family Involving New DaughterInLaw

This is real story happened. We are a family of four – mom, dad me and my sister. My mother is Priya aged 45 worked as a software engineer and now relaxing at home. My father’s name is Raghu aged 47 working as a railway engineer in Mumbai. My parents had love marriage. I was born before their marriage. Then they moved from my native place Hyderabad to Mumbai and lived happily. I had a sister of age21 named Soumya just completed B.Tech and residing at home. My name is Krishna aged 25 and working...

1 year ago
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A Princes Choice

Chapter 1 The knight rode quickly his horse huffing and puffing as he carried the child. He was tired and wounded. But he could not rest. This wasn’t supposed to happen. The roads were meant to be safe. They had brought a small party just because of that. But bandits, at least a hundred of them had come from nowhere. They were better armed then any bandits he’d ever seen before. And the twenty knights or so were so quickly overwhelmed. His horse buckled for a moment, “No time for rest,” he said...

2 years ago
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Having Fun With My Husband and Greg

We had an old medical school friend visiting for the weekend.   He was in town to play with my husband in a golf Member – Guest tournament.   He was alone as they have young children and his wife needed to remain with them.   They have been long time friends and he is very cute.    David and I have been married for 20 some years and lead what one would call an average life. Our circle of friends is rather small and from time to time we hold a party at one or the other’s homes.   One such...

2 years ago
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Death of a Drone

Doris was really bored. In fact, everything was so routine on this run that she had put most of her systems on standby to save on fuel consumption. The shadows were getting a little long behind the mountains but she was able to sort out the shadings with very little difficulty. She was getting ready to make one last sweep along the northern edge of her area of responsibility when she saw the non-conforming intruder moving slowly from right to left but not fast enough to keep pace with the...

3 years ago
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Fucking A Virgin Girl In Haridwar

By : Sexyboy1989 Hi all ISS readers this is sexy boy here. I am a regular reader of ISS this is my first story on ISS my mail id is let me tell you about myself. I am 5ft. 9 inch long good looking guy with perfect face cuts girls told me about that now come on the story ye baat tab ki hai jab main chuttiyon main apne mama ke paas haridwar gaya tha mere mama ka haridwar main ek restaurant hai jo ki unka beta sambhalata hai wo bhi meri hi umar ka hai mere mama restaurant main neeche to...

4 years ago
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Caught by Daughter dressed in womans clothes

I do get to dress when I'm up there and go on cam. So that night at around midnight, I got dressed in my white lingerie with a blouse, skirt, and heels oh and, of course, my wig. The room I'm in is just off the rec room. I was on cam with someone, and he was asking questions. The same dumb questions guys always ask. Usually, at some point, I have to say, you know I'm a guy in woman's clothes. That either sends them running, or they say. Yes, I know. Tonight I got a lot of runners. How...

1 year ago
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CumSwappingSis Leana Lovings Violet Gems Stepsis And Her Friend Decide To Play Nice

Leana Lovings is staying over with her friend Violet Gems. They chat about how Violet’s stepbrother, Johnny, will take the girls to dance class tomorrow. It turns out that Johnny has an instant crush on Leana when he sees her. He has a thing for girls with glasses, so Leana is very much his type. Leana admits to Violet that she really likes watching guys jerk off, which creates an awkward moment between the friends. For his part, Johnny goes right to the bathroom and begins to beat the...

3 years ago
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The Butterfly and the FalconChapter 9

In late September 1938, high in the Sierra de Montserrat above the town of Tarragona, Gustav Hoss lead his mixed German and Spanish unit along the razor ridge overlooking the Republican outpost. They had trained for weeks for this operation under instructors provided by the Wehrmacht's Alpine Korps. Their mission was to capture the passes through the Montserrat to break the deadlock on the Ebro. The batalion trudged through the snow among the high pine trees dressed in white onepiece suits...

3 years ago
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Training Alex Part One

We met on Lush, her and I, both sharing an interest in our stories and our love of the BDSM lifestyle. She was a ‘sub’, a submissive, one who enjoys serving and submitting to another. I was a Master, a Dominant, and the one whom the submissive served. However, I was not her Master. That honor belonged to another. She called herself kitty, the name her Master gave her, but I was to find out later her real name was Alex. We both enjoyed writing and reading erotica, especially the kind that...

2 years ago
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Me and Mathews first time

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It all happend when i was 14 years old. My name is Allen and when i was 14 i was a fairly small kid for my age. About 5,6 110 pounds. I was an extremely horny kid so every chance i got to masturbate, i did. One of my best friends at the time was a kid i met playing soccer, his name was Mathew. Me and mat would always hang out at each others houses and our parents...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Gia Vendetti Banging Hot Beauty

Smoking hot babe Gia Vendetti is loving how you check out her sexy body in her bright red bra and panties. It really pops on that beautiful dark skin but we all know how badly we want to see her naked and showing off that shaved pussy! She strips slow making sure to give you a show of that ass when she bends over and stares you down as she sucks that hard cock! There is nothing Gia loves more than pleasing you and really wants that cum of yours all over her! She grinds down on Brads cock in...

2 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 45A

Thursday morning when Selena's alarm went off they both woke, having had a good nights sleep, despite the exhaustive tryst they had. They hit the bed around 9 o'clock and were asleep by 10. "Want me to make you some breakfast babycakes?" Joe asked as she began to get up and put on her robe to head to the shower. "Oh, honey! I didn't realize you were even awake." She answered and rolled back into the bed. "We were naughty last night when we were supposed to be making love. You make...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing Jane Part 3

She climbed in bed with me and asked if I had fucked by girlfriend Bonnie yet. I told her no. I told her that I had taken her advice and it gotten me as far as kissing her tits. Then Jane told me "Maybe you should try to fuck her mom. I was talking with her and she was complaining that Buford is not fucking her enough. She even mentioned your name--said your dad was the first guy to fuck her, maybe she ought to fuck you before you got Bonnie's cherry." "You're kidding" I...

2 years ago
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Shannon gets Stuck

“Fuck,” she thought to herself, trying the door anyway and finding it definitely secure. Whomever had left after her must have locked the bolt and she probably locked the knob. “Damn,” she fumed and struggled back to the car, setting her bags down in the back frustrated, fishing out her phone to call up a family member was her first thought. This would have been a great option had anyone answered. She left voice and text messages. “Shit,” she swore, frustrated, standing there in her...

1 year ago
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ShesNew Kendra Lynn Qualities Of A Skeet Queen

Kendra Lynn thinks she has the top four most desired qualities of a Team Skeet girl. What do we think skeeters? First quality is that shes gorgeous. We might agree, she does get us hard just at a glance. Second, she says she has the most amazing bush. We were not expecting it, but wow that grass was abundant and nicely trimmed! Next quality was she said she was a cock sucking master, and by the looks of that deep throat we have to agree! And finally, her amazingly perky titties. They were...

3 years ago
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School was so exhausting. The hours passed excruciatingly slowly, you had designs for later, plans which wouldn't leave your head for a moment, the excitement was torment, driving you to madness throughout the day. You watched the clock tick with bated breath, the seconds burned off the final class, each second turning your lip upwards into a berserk smile. Your hair stood on end as the final second ticked away, precipitating the bell ring, causing you to scoop up your bag and fly home.

4 years ago
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Where I Was Made To Suck And Fuck A Gay

Hi all, like others I am also a great fan of this site. Now let me not take away much of your time & proceed to the story so guys hold on your dicks & girls finger your pussy while going through the story. My aunty whose name I don’t wanna specify is very very close to me in fact who raised me right from bathing to cleaning me. One fine day she calls me & tells I am interested in doing a job she’s 41 years of age she’s traditional from outside & modern from inside which has always told me ....

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A few days later, I guess I was horny or something, I found her number in the book; women used to list their numbers in the book, and she even listed her first name, not just initials. I got the impression she wanted people to be able to find her. We struck a conversation on the phone and I invited her over for a little wine. After some wine and some conversation, we started kissing, heavy kissing, french kissing; and oh yeah, I forgot to mention something: Mandy had a set of tits. She...

3 years ago
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The window cleaners take Dee by surprise

Dee and I had taken a day off work. We fancied a day in bed together. I had suggested a bit of bondage and Dee was very keen on the idea.I could hardly sleep the night before, it was very hot, so with the window wide open and traffic rushing by was also quite noisy, but eventually slept and awoke early. I crept downstairs and opened a bottle of bubbly, poured two glasses and went back upstairs. I woke Dee with her surprise and we toasted the morning ahead. Dee then went off for a shower. I...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 17 A Symbol Is Mightier Than a Sword

After we got dressed and I had my coin back in my pocket, we were taken downstairs and led into another part of the building. An unfamiliar Gamma Alpha Eta brother wearing only black bikini briefs met us, and we were handed over to him just like that. Surprisingly he led us outside and across an open lot, through a gap of a chain link fence, and then approached another building which appeared to be a warehouse. The leader didn't seem to mind the cold December air, but Joey's and my teeth...

3 years ago
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Training Session With The Staff

Dear ISS readers…..Let me introduce myself as KK as everyone calls me. I am 29, with a average athletic built, 6 ft tall. I am from Chennai and will definitely enjoy my experience. I am a professional and was working in India and got a chance to work abroad, and I would like to narrate the same which I had with an India sexy chick there. I was sent to an island which is one of the third world nations and myself being the expatriates, was given a flat inside the office premises. It was a newly...

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Hot Bunking

Derrick pulled his shrinking male organ out of the wet, sloppy cunt he’d just shot a lot of stored-up cum into and rolled off to get some sleep. After a nap he usually jumped on again. It usually took two or three rides on the hairy horse to clip his horns completely. It always felt good to let it loose though, no matter that his partner had taken a creamy load from another man in her only a short time before. When you work a job where you are in a remote location for two weeks straight, then...

1 year ago
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A New BeginingChapter 3

"Do not attempt to flee. Even if you succeed in doing so we can find you easily whenever we wish," Zira told the girl, who struggled for a moment more and then relaxed in defeat. "Your destiny lies with us and soon you, your sister, and your teacher must leave this planet with us. It is not possible for you to remain here any longer," Mev said to the girl. "But my mother is so sick, we can't leave here now," the girl protested. "We have knowledge of your mother. When we see her...

2 years ago
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Ultimate Camping

Our plan has worked... both of us are on camping trips with our spouses to the same campground at the same time, at sites right next to each other. As you and your wife drive up, I'm excited and nervous... wondering if this was a mistake.. what if one of our spouses notices something or realizes we actually know each other.. maybe you'll be disappointed, maybe we'll find each other annoying, maybe we'll be discovered, maybe I won't have a chance to even speak to you, let alone anything...

4 years ago
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The First Encounter

Hello readers. This is Aryan Malhotra. I am a 23 years old regular guy from Mumbai with some extra ordinary experiences from life. The story is about my ex-girlfriend named Priya. I am a total novice to the site, so please bear if the story seems uninteresting. Please post your comments to Coming to the story, this happened 2 years ago. Priya and me was studying in the same college. i had proposed her at the beautiful Marine drive and she had accepted the proposal the very next day. She was...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Meeting

When I dressed that morning, I thought carefully about what I would wear; I wanted to be prepared for whatever may lay ahead. I slipped on the silky black thong and bra I had bought especially. As soon as I pulled the stockings up I felt the wetness between my legs. There is something about dressing for a man that turns me on and I knew this would be a treat for him. I put my tightest skirt on that I knew showed off my arse but was still respectable office wear. A blouse and heels completed the...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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It Was the Most Beautiful Spot

It was the most beautiful spot in all of Virginia. The sun rose above the tree line spreading golden light over the little lake hidden on top of a mountain. I had found this amazing spot quite by accident. I have been hiking the various trails through the Blue Ridge Mountains near my home for years, but had never come across anything this beautiful. I came huffing over a huge ridge, sweat glistening in the early afternoon sun. Finally, the sun had burst through the overcast clouds hanging...

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CV19 Chapter 14 The Bridesmaids

Chapter 14 Bridesmaids With my renewed confidence. I also regained my desire to re-start planning our wedding, no easy task in a pandemic. In the country, more and more people were becoming vaccinated, yet the mood was still grim, not helped by the fact that it was the wettest May on record. It was going to be only a small wedding, only 30 people were allowed under the current Government guidelines which suited Christian and me. I had found the most idyllic location for the service...

3 years ago
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This is another "Be careful of what you wish for" story. It is a story of how a lot of love can be as damaging as a little hate. It is a story about two people and how they managed to screw up their marriage. Kathy and I had been married almost ten years. We met as the result of an accident. I accidentally backed into her car in a parking lot. The damage looked minor, but you can never can tell about things like that. There was no one around so I wrote a note and put it under her...

2 years ago
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The sexual tension in the kitchen was at a bomb exploding height, for Patti and I alike, and no doubt by how Toro stood there where he was sniffing from one direction to the other, our female scent had to be outright filling it. Both she and I alike had to have our mixed drinks, to dull our minds from hiding our desires, and open the gates for things to happen. Patti again got up and took our now empty glasses and refilled them with the courage water we both needed and had to have in us for...

3 years ago
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Newlywed Horny Housewife On A Rainy Day 8211 Part 2

Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a story of a newlywed housewife. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...

1 year ago
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Accidental Incest Not so accidental anymore

I woke up from a soft nudge. I could feel the cold wind blowing against my body. I opened my eyes to see mum with hand on my shoulder with the car door open. “Annie? hey there, sweetheart. We’re at the hotel, so you head on in and the boys can get the suitcases” I stood up still a little drowsy; I got out the car and examined my surroundings. A reasonable sized hotel and it didn’t look too bad either. I looked to the car and saw dad and Dylan unpacking the boot. I caught Dylan’s eyes but...

4 years ago
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Phone Call

"Hello there and how are you doing? I’m Jason it’s a pleasure to meet you. Thanks for giving me the chance chatting with you in this instant message. I know this can be a bother for you depending who’s on the other end but I assure you I’m not here to make your evening bad. So where from Ericka?" She tells me California and I reply, "Oh that’s awesome I have visited a few times I myself. I’m from Georgia." "Well I’m 5’ 9’’, medium build, a little muscular, small, dark brown eyes." As she...

2 years ago
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Most Beautiful Girl In The World

To me, she is the most beautiful woman in the world. She was asleep next to me. I had been watching her for some time. Her blonde hair was spread across her pillow and her face tilted slightly towards me. I had pulled then blanket and sheet down just below her breasts. She has always slept naked so I could watch her breasts gently rise and fall with her breathing. Her breasts are not large so the lay fairly flatly against her chest and yet there is just enough body to them that they rise...

4 years ago
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Kat and CaroleChapter 2

Naomi and Rebecca departed for the train to return to University, insisting that Kat and Harry not accompany them to the station. Instead, Flame-headed Kat, with Aibhilin, who was equally flame-headed, if perhaps a shade lighter, set off for the park. Harry, a little reluctantly, settled down to some work. Kat collected a bag of duck-food from the cafe – bread, especially processed white bread is not good for ducks – and they were soon surrounded by squabbling water-fowl. The ducks were so...

1 year ago
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Katie the New Girl in Town chapter 2

Katie Chapter 2 I decided it would be best if I told Mom about what was going on. I was a little worried about the apartment manager talking to her. If anybody was going to tell her I was sitting around a t-shirt and pink panties, it probably should be me. I was concerned about talking to her, but as it turned out, she was very understanding. The only thing she was really angry about was my shoplifting the panties. She said we'd have to go back and pay for them. I about freaked...

4 years ago
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Horny Maid

Laxmi was our house maid. She was just a plain south-indian rustic character with a sultry body. I had never thought that I would one day fuck her. It so happened that my office was off for some reason and I was alone at home. Laxmi arrived ata nine in the morning when I was watching a double x movie. I opened the door and found my dick saluting her. I tried to cover it..She headed for the kitchen to do the dishes. I went to the lounge and started watching the movie. She came from behind and...

3 years ago
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Fucking Most Beautiful Girl Of My Life

First let me introduce myself here. Myself is Avinash from Bangalore working in one reputed MNC as IT professional. Physically I’m 5.10 feet with good build and personality. And off-course would like to mention my tool size is of 6 inch, Reach me on my mail () for any comments. Now let me come to the main story. Girl name is Neha and she do have average built but good looking girl. All concerned assets are on place with perfect shape and size. till my knowledge it was 34-28-34. I guess this...

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Sleven CYOA

So I guess I should tell a little bit about my self. Like I said I’m 17, I do fencing, the thing where you get to play around with swords and stab people, but I don’t do it competitively. I’m somewhat short for my age, 5’7” and weigh in at a lean a toned 170 but I’ve got quite the set of abs going on. I’ve got light skin, sky blue eyes and very bleach blonde hair just like my Mom, both my parents are 1st generation Germans and both sets of grandparents are full German. I’m packing a bit of...

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