- 4 years ago
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Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines. As usual my thanks to Mikothebaby who edited and likes this story. As I mentioned on my twitter page, there is no song this week, it's just a regular story that was a lot of fun to write. SS06
My name is Dennis Williams and I'm in a state of panic. I'm running as fast as I can through the hospital to my wife's room. As I stagger into the room, I notice that her sister is there with her. "Steff," I scream in panic. "They've made some kind of mistake with the baby."
"What did they do, Honey?" she asks. Even in pain, my wife is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. The smile that crosses her lips is partly because she loves me so much and the other part is pure mischief. Her sister is also smiling.
"I'm sure it's just a mix-up," I began, at which point both she and her sister smile even more. Some kind of look passes between them. "But they're obviously confused."
"What are they confused about?" she asks.
"They're trying to give us two of them," I said. "They're claiming that we have twins."
"Oh no," she says. Her face is a mask of horror. Her sister can't hold her face straight and she starts laughing at me.
"Well, super dad," says Steff. "If you hadn't fainted during the delivery, you'd already know that we have twins. The doctors already knew, but since we'd opted not to know the sex or any details about the baby, only you and I didn't know about it."
She gestured for me to come closer to her. "Give me a kiss," she demands. "That delivery took a long time, Dennis. It seems like days since you kissed me."
I kiss her and time just stops like it always does. Nothing else in the world matters when we're together.
"But we're not ready for twins," I tell her. "We had everything ready, whether we had a girl or a boy. Our plans were perfect. But now we're out there in limbo again. We have to figure it all out all over again. What are we going to do?"
She grabbed me by both sides of my face and pulled me to her again. This was a longer kiss. She forced my lips apart and sucked my tongue. Even her sister got turned on from watching us. When she let me go, I was out of breath and I was far less panicky.
"Honey," she said. "When I met you again, a year ago, I had none of this in mind. I only knew that I wanted you badly and that we belonged together. I've been just making it up as we went along. I know that you're an engineer. You like to have plans and blueprints and all of that shit, but I just take each day as it comes. As long as we're together, everything is going to work out. I watched you plan out everything including the nursery, and it seemed like a great plan. But Honey, sometimes shit just doesn't go the way you planned it..."
I love Steff more than I've ever loved anyone in my life. The only person or people who can come close to that are those two tiny little girls in the baby room down the hall. But as she spoke to me, I kind of blanked out over one of the phrases she used. She'd said, "Sometimes shit doesn't go the way you planned it." It was almost eerily ironic that a little under a year ago another woman told me the exact same thing. I remember it as if it was only yesterday.
It was an early Saturday in July, It was ten in the morning and the sun was already high in the sky. The weather man had predicted another sunny day with temperatures in the nineties.
Like most Saturdays, I'd gotten up early to trim the hedges, clean the pool and cut the grass. My wife, Belinda, was cleaning the inside of the house and making it beautiful. Just as I turned the mower off, I heard Belinda scream.
"Get the fuck out of my house!" she screamed. Then I heard the sound of laughter coming from several female voices. I went into the house through the back door and saw my tiny blonde ball of lightning cursing at my friends. I describe her as a ball because, well she's kind of rounded.
Belinda used to be a cheerleader back when we were in college. Now ten years later, she's still as cute as a button and still has the boobs, but the rest of the package has aged a bit. Back in college, she was one of the most popular girls around. We didn't so much fall in love as much as we got pushed together. She was the prettiest cheerleader and I was the quarterback. For us to have dated anyone else would have been some kind of blasphemy.
Belinda was brash and loud, I was shy and contemplative. I guess our personalities, though different, worked for us. Belinda could out scream and out cheer anyone she ran into. She was very sure of herself and very confident that she'd always get what she wanted.
I, on the other hand, didn't talk much and for a quarterback, I had a surprising lack of swagger. I wasn't the gunslinger type. Our coach knew that I was more the thinking type. I was the one who was always going to go for the safer play. After losing three straight games in my freshman season with a quarterback who was more of a gunslinger, he benched him in favor of me and I never gave him any reason to look back. He always knew what to expect from me and I always gave him my best. I wasn't flashy, but I got the job done and we won a lot of games. My teammates respected me and we supported each other. There were a few guys that I just couldn't get along with, but they were very few over my four years.
After college, Belinda and I continued to date. I got a job designing parts for an aftermarket performance parts company. Belinda got a job in marketing. She asked me to marry her, exactly one year after we graduated. At the time, it was a big shock to me. I mean I liked her a lot and I liked having sex with her, but I'd never felt any serious sparks between us.
But all of my friends looked at me like I was stupid. "Dude, Cheerleader, big tits, blond, hot ... why the hell are you still thinking about it?"
A year into the marriage, I was still wondering when the magical thing they talk about in all of the romantic movies was going to hit me. What hit me instead was Belinda sitting down with me in our home office with a stack of bills.
"Dennis," she said. "These are all of our bills. This is the total." She pointed to a number in a cell on the spreadsheet she showed me on our computer.
"This is what you make," she pointed to another cell and another number. I nodded my head as if I understood what she was showing me. The she looked into my eyes. She had on a low cut top so all I could actually see were her boobs.
"Dennis, Honey, I hate my fucking job, so I have a question for you," she said, leaning even further over. "Why the hell am I working?"
She told me all kinds of things then, like how her boss was always staring at her boobs and how all of the women in her office were jealous of her and no one there respected her. So I told her it was okay if she wanted to quit. By the time she got done with me that night, I was sure that my dick would never work again.
Of course, I found out a few weeks later that my loving wife had lied to me. It wasn't just her boss who stared at her boobs. Most of the men there did, because her blouses were all cut so low. Some of the men there were just waiting for her boobs to fall out. The women didn't respect her because her blouses were cut so low, but also because she didn't do any fucking work. And lastly, I found out that the day before Belinda had asked me if she could quit working, she'd already called her boss, "A low rent son of a bitch," and quit her job, because he'd asked her to stop wearing her blouses that way.
Anyway, on that particular Saturday, two of my friends were in the house sitting down when Belinda had come in with a couple of her friends. It wasn't unusual for us to have lots of people in the house because we still hung out with a lot of the same people we'd know from college.
Belinda had seen Danny Tillman and Ray Foster sitting at our kitchen table drinking a beer and had gone ballistic. She looked up at me as I ran inside.
"Dennis, I just cleaned up the house," she screamed. "I don't need your dirty, smelly, fucking friends messing up the house before my guests get here."
"Well Honey, don't worry about it," I said. "We're just planning to hang out around the pool. We might work on my car a bit. I want to swap out the stock plugs for some of those Iridium plugs I got from American Muscle and then re-tune the engine and..."
"Oh no," she snapped. ""Sometimes shit doesn't go the way you planned it. None of that is going to happen today. I'm having a few friends over that I haven't seen since we left college. We have to go over our final plans for the ten year reunion later this summer and I don't need a bunch of smelly, beer swilling Neanderthals under foot. I don't care where you go or what you do, but do it somewhere other than here."
"Let's go to Hooters," said Ray. "They have..."
"No," said Belinda. "No strip clubs."
"But Hooters isn't a strip..." began Ray. He stopped talking as she glared at him.
"Let's go bowling," said Danny. "We all suck at golf and..."
"Golf sounds good," said Belinda. "You guys go play golf. Ride around in one of those little carts and hit stuff."
So I took a shower and changed into appropriate golf wear and we were off.
An hour later, the three of us were at the golf club. We were doing great as usual. We made up our own rules. We just rode all over the course hitting balls. Most of the time our balls never went anywhere near the holes, but we didn't care. If you lost sight of your ball, or just didn't feel like getting it, you just got another one out and started from wherever you felt like. I'd already gone through eight balls that day and we were only on the third hole. We called our game, "I don't give a fuck about," golf.
We came up behind a foursome of players, two of whom were women. We only saw them from the back at first. It looked like some kind of double date. One of the men was teeing off and Danny immediately starting laughing at his clothes, how tight his pants were and the exaggerated motions he took when he swung at his ball.
As the man hit his ball and it rocketed away from the tee, Danny spoke loudly. "Wow, did you see that," he said. "I told you he hits just like Arnold."
The man turned around and smiled at us as we lounged on our golf cart waiting for them to get out of our way.
He was smiling and talking to his friends.
"You fucked up now," said Ray. "That guy probably wants to date you."
"Why?" asked Danny.
"Well you said his swing was like Arnold Palmer," said Ray.
"No, I didn't," said Danny. "His swing is all fucked up. I was talking about Arnold Ziffeld, the pig from Green acres." We all started laughing and then stopped when the foursome looked at us. I felt a chill go through me as they looked back at us.
One of the women got up to swing next. As she addressed the ball, she bent forward and all of the blood in my system dropped to my dick. Her pants were so tight that they showed every curve of her ass and it was magnificent. I almost lost it when she turned and looked over her shoulder at me. She flicked her head and a long curtain of red curls parted and revealed the brightest greenest eyes I've ever seen.
"Wow!" said both Danny and Ray simultaneously.
The killer was when she winked and mouthed, "Hi Dennis." They stared at me and slapped me on the back.
The other guy from the foursome, immediately gave me the evil eye. He got up and came over to us.
"Do you guys want to play through," he asked. "We don't want to hold you up."
"Nah," said Ray. "We're fine. We'll just sit here and enjoy the view. As a matter of fact, we might have to adjust our speed so we can stay behind you."
"Well, I don't appreciate a bunch of guys spending the whole afternoon staring at my wife," said the guy. Just as he said it the redhead came over to us.
"Is your wife here Clark?" she asked. "I didn't even know you were married." She walked right past him and right over to me. "Hi Dennis," she beamed.
Several different reactions all occurred at the same time. Danny and Ray were sitting back on the golf cart watching the proceedings as if it was some episode of a reality TV show. Clark was getting angrier by the second and I felt like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming train.
She kept coming and I couldn't move. She stepped up to me and put her arms around me and kissed me. I was lost in her touch and her smell. The little voice in the back of my head that called for reason and reminded me that I was married was drowned out totally.
The fact that I was in a full on lip-lock on a public golf course also didn't seem to register. As I came up for air, she smiled at me and nothings else mattered.
"You don't have clue about who I am, do you?" she asked. I shook my head.
"Stephanie Calhoun," said Danny behind me. "Remember our last year of college, she was a freshman. You started tutoring her in math. Everyone thought it was cute. She had a big crush on you until Belinda made you break it off. Belinda didn't think it was cute."
I remembered then. She'd still had the flaming red hair then, only it had been shorter. And she'd had thick giant glasses and braces. She'd also filled out in the ensuing years. But I remembered her. I'd been attracted to her even then. I think Belinda had sensed that. It hadn't been Stephanie's looks that had attracted me, it had been her gentle, kind personality and the fact that I just felt like she liked me as much as I'd begun to like her.
"I remember her," said Stephanie. "Belinda was your evil assed bitch of a girlfriend back then wasn't she?" I nodded woodenly.
"She wasn't very nice. Whatever happened to her?" she asked.
"Oh, she's changed a lot," laughed Ray.
"Yeah," said Danny. "It's a total transformation. They got married and now she's his evil assed bitch of a wife."
"Oh," said Stephanie. She put her arms back around my neck and started kissing me again.
"Stephanie, what the hell are you doing?" screamed Clark. "We're..."
Stephanie turned towards him and glared at him. "We're what?" she asked coldly. "We're work colleagues, Clark. That's all we are. I'm here to do business with your company. I invited you to come out and play golf with Ted, Julie and me. You accepted. I came out to play golf, nothing more. You and I, are not an item and although you've tried to treat it like one, this was never a date between us."
"But didn't you hear what they said? The guy is married," he whined.
"S-F-W," she said, shrugging her tiny shoulders.
"Wh ... what does that mean?" asked Clark angrily.
"So Fucking What," snapped Stephanie. "I lost him once and I've regretted it for the past ten years. It ain't happening again."
"Julie, talk some sense into her," whined Clark.
"Clark, I've known her for three years. When she makes her mind up about something, she's not going to change it. This is the guy who ruined her marriage, you idiot. You're just upset because you think that he's going to get what you wanted; maybe right here on the golf course from the look of things."
I was floored. Stephanie was holding my hand. "I think you five should go ahead and play golf," said Stephanie. "Dennis and I should go to the clubhouse and eat and talk and stuff."
Danny, the voice of reason spoke up. "Oh hell no," he said. "I am not leaving him alone with you."
"Me neither," said Ray.
"Okay, fine, you two can come with us," said Stephanie. "Julie, I'll see you Monday at your job. I'll deal with you from now on. Clark is obviously too pissed to handle my business."
"But," began Julie. "How... ?"
"Don't worry, Dennis will make sure I get back to my hotel," she said. "I'll call you tonight, if he has to go home early and we can catch a show or something."
We walked over to the golf cart and the four of us drove off towards the clubhouse. Danny and Ray looked like someone had stuck cattle prods up their asses, but I felt really good.
We sat at a table and ordered lunch. Once we started talking it was as if Danny and Ray weren't there anymore.
"Steff, what did your friend mean when she said that I ruined your marriage?" I asked. "I haven't seen you since..."
"I know it was over ten years ago," she said. "Anyway, you guys were a bit ahead of me in school. Your senior year was my freshman year. After the mean, evil, bitch that you married made you stop tutoring me and stop seeing me altogether; I finished school and moved to Florida. I never stopped thinking about you though. I dated a few guys and I always compared them to you. I made a mistake though. I married one of them. He was a good guy, he was a lot like you and that was the problem."
"Why was being like me a problem?" I asked.
"Dennis, remember when you tutored me and you were obsessed with Mustangs? Remember how I didn't really know the differences between cars and I cut out a bunch of pictures of cars to decorate your locker for you?" she asked.
I laughed and nodded my head.
"Are you still Mustang nutty?" she asked. I nodded again and smiled at her.
"Well, imagine that you were broke and you needed a car. Someone just gave you a Camaro or a Challenger. You'd drive it and you'd be glad to have it, but deep down inside you wouldn't be happy. And that's what happened. Phil was a really nice guy. He tried his God damndest to make me happy. But in the end, it just didn't work out. I think I was happier than he was when he told me that he'd met someone. Our divorce was uncontested and we're still the best of friends today. I've met his new wife and I even babysit for them sometimes."
"Sorry," I said, sadly.
"Why are you sorry?" she smiled. "I'm the happiest woman on the planet right now. I never thought I'd see you again. And now I've not only seen you, but I got to hold your hand and to even kiss you and..."
"Hold it there Steff," said Ray. "Dennis is married and..."
"My name is Stephanie," she hissed. "And that's what you should FUCKING call me, nothing else."
She turned back at me with the sweetest look on her face. "Besides, I don't care about unimportant things like that. I owe her one anyway. If she hadn't pushed us apart, who knows how things might have ended."
After we ate and had talked and held hands for a while, Danny and Ray decided to head home. I volunteered to take Steff back to her hotel. She kept trying to convince me that we should go out and do something. My phone rang to end that part of the conversation.
After a couple of yeps and some head nodding I hung up.
"Let me guess," said Steff. "That was Bitchie-poo, right?"
"Yes ma'am," I said. "I'll see you two later," I said to Ray and Danny.
"Uhm, we could take her back to her hotel," volunteered Ray. "We're allowed to stay out past 4 pm. We're grown-ups."
"Fuck you, Ray," I laughed.
"Don't do anything, I wouldn't do," said Danny.
"You probably meant don't do anything YOU couldn't do," spat Steff.
"Oh Baby, trust me, I can," said Danny.
"Not with me," she said. "I'm a one man woman." She grabbed my hand and we headed right to the parking lot.
"Are you going to be in a lot of trouble?" she asked.
"Who cares?" I said. "It's worth it." She smiled again and squeezed my hand.
"So do you think Eric will show up at the reunion," asked Penny Chapel.
"Wait Pen," I told her. I walked across the room and leaned over and spoke to my mom who was talking to a few of my other friends.
"Mom, as soon as Dennis gets back here he'll take you home," I said.
"Why the hell isn't he here now?" she asked. "I don't have all day to wait for him to bring himself home."
"Uhm Mom, he isn't here because I told him to go out and do something," I said. "I didn't want him hanging around getting in the way. And I didn't want his friends trying to eat all of the refreshments and interrupt the planning."
"He'd better get here soon," she said. "You need to take a firmer hand with him." I noticed a couple of my friends looking at my mom as if she was crazy.
My best friend, Della, choked on her drink and coughed loudly. She got up and followed me as I went back to Penny.
"Belinda, your mom is crazy," she said.
"I second that emotion," chirped in Penny. "So, are you going to answer me?"
"Shit, I hope not," I said. "Screwing Eric was the biggest mistake I ever made. I came pretty close to losing Dennis over it. He had the divorce papers ready. If the two of you hadn't lied and convinced him that I'd been drunk out of my mind when it happened, I'd have lost him for sure."
"That might not have been the end of the world," said Della. "That might've actually been good."
"How the hell would it have been good?" I asked.
"Well, if he'd divorced you," said Della. "You could have gotten Eric permanently and after a suitable waiting period of say a month or so..."
I suddenly noticed the relish in my best friend's eyes. I felt uncomfortable.
"After a suitable waiting period, your ass would be too late," said Penny. "I'd already have him."
I felt even more uncomfortable then. "Sex with Eric was awful," I said. "And it wasn't just the guilt I felt about cheating on Dennis. Eric ... Okay let's be adults about this. He can't fuck. He's also terrible at eating pussy. He acts like it's supposed to be a privilege to suck his dick. And I got so fucking tired of him bragging about himself that I didn't know what to do. It was the biggest fucking mistake of my life and if Dennis ever finds out that I was with Eric more than once my marriage would be over."
"Why the hell did you do it?" asked Della. "Dennis is in better shape than Eric and he's better looking. He's got a great job and he really cares about you. Your BMW had to cost at least twice what his Mustang did and Belinda, that man loves you. He puts up with all of the shit you give him. I heard him out there this morning cutting the grass and trimming the hedges and then you sent him off somewhere, that was pretty fucking cold. You treat him more like your fucking butler than your husband."
"Why are you telling me this, Dell?" I asked. "I've already told you I made a mistake. Maybe I'm not the nicest woman on the planet but I do appreciate what I have. And in my own way I do love Dennis. There won't be any more Erics."
I started thinking then as I walked around to some of the other tables to check on other guests. Before that moment, I really hadn't given the matter any thought since it had been resolved. The scary thing was finding out that except for me, no one else considered the matter over. Scarier still was the fact that my two best friends seemed eager to rush in and claim my husband if things went badly. Della I could understand. She was divorced and her first husband had been a monster.
The man was a pure asshole. He'd hit her several times and couldn't keep a job to save his ass. If he wasn't taking her money to buy more liquor, he was cheating on her with some fucking twenty year old bar maid with a hundred fucking tacky tattoos.
But Penny, she was still married. How could a woman who was already married be interested in Dennis? It made no sense, unless she was planning on divorcing her husband too? I knew Penny and she was the kind of woman who was always looking to upgrade whatever she had. Both of them had to know that if they went after Dennis even after I divorced him, that it would mean the end of our friendships.
Apparently, they didn't care about that. I thought about it and tried to put myself in their shoes. I imagined myself married to Eric, the guy I'd cheated on Dennis with. If Penny had been married to Dennis and divorced him, I'd probably have gone after him too. I think it would be more definite than probable; especially, if I was tired of Eric. So it made sense; except for the fact that my marriage to Dennis wasn't in trouble. I might not have treated him as well as I could have, but I love him and he loves me.
Maybe I don't always show it, but that's because I've always been kind of spoiled. I started life out as daddy's little princess. Then I was a cheerleader from middle school all the way through college. That meant that I always got whatever I wanted. After college, there was Dennis. He picked up where my daddy had left off. My stupid fling with Eric really had been the biggest mistake of my life. The only thing that had saved me was the fact that Dennis loved me so fucking much. Della and Penny had lied their asses off to save me. And once they put the belief in Dennis' mind that it had been nothing more than a drunken mistake, Dennis didn't divorce me. He'd still wanted to beat the fuck out of Eric and I begged him not to. I didn't do it to save Eric. I don't give a rat's left nut about Eric. I did it because if Eric and Dennis ever got together and Dennis found out that I'd been with Eric more than once, he'd realize that he'd been lied to and divorce my ass all over again.
But the feeling that I was getting from my two best friends seemed to be that one of them, or possibly even both of them, might actually confess in order to get my husband. I'd kill either one of or both of those bitches if I had to.
I checked my watch again. There was no way that it took forty five minutes to drive home from the fucking golf course. Dennis was probably pissed that I'd interrupted his game to come and drive my mother home. Dennis and my mom didn't get along. He tried really hard to please her, but my mom kind of thought she was the queen of some undisclosed country that only she lived in. She tended to treat everyone as if they were a servant.
Finally, Dennis came in. He smiled at and politely spoke to most of the ladies as he crossed the room. I'm a pretty sensitive person and I noticed that there was something different about my husband. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something was off.
Even as he came over to me, his walk was off. As he looked into my eyes, I realized for the first time since I'd cheated on him that I really could lose him. And it didn't have to be because I cheated on him again. It had taken Dennis over three hours that morning to clean the pool, trim the hedges, cut the grass and generally clean up the yard and the garden and the pool area. After he'd done it, I dismissed him like he was a fucking servant, when he was the one who'd bought the house and paid all of the bills.
The look in his eyes was telling me that not only was he pissed at me, but that I was vulnerable. Maybe that's what Penny and Dell had sensed as well. Shit, maybe I couldn't fit into my old cheerleader's outfit anymore, but who could?
Dennis could, that was who. He could still fit into his football uniform. He'd worn it as his Halloween costume last year. I realized then that I needed to step up my game.
"Honey, can you drive my mom home?" I said. He didn't say a word. He just nodded his head and went over to her.
A few moments later, he'd gathered her belongings and was herding her out to his car. I wondered then how he handled the frustration. He just wanted to get in the car and drive her home and come back. Mom was acting as if she was Queen Elizabeth. She had to work the room one last time and say goodbye to each and every one of her faithful servants who'd attended the party. My mom was out of her fucking mind.
A little while after Mom and Dennis left, I started picking up the dishes and generally cleaning up as the stragglers started to go home. The party had been a big success and we'd made a lot of plans for the reunion. I needed to make sure that Eric didn't get an invitation to the reunion. All I'd need would be for him and Dennis to get together.
On one of my trips to the kitchen, my phone rang. It was my mother and she was talking in a really low voice and she was pissed.
The trip to my mother in law's house had barely begun when she started in on me. As usual, she was giving me a bunch of bullshit about how lucky I was to have Belinda. Also how Belinda was the most beautiful girl in school all the way through school and now she was a beautiful woman. According to her mother, Belinda could have married the fucking Pope and no one would have been surprised.
"You'd better step up your game, buddy," she said. "Or one day, Belinda may divorce your ass and kick you out of her house."
"Actually, it's my house," I said.
"Not in a divorce," she smirked. "The woman always gets the house and the kids."
"That's only in the case of a community property state and a marriage where there are kids," I said.
"And why won't you let me have any grandkids, you selfish bastard?" she snapped. I flicked on my iPhone and turned on the voice recorder app. I didn't respond to the question. But it didn't do me any good. She just repeated it and louder the second time around.
"You heard me Dennis Williams," she spat. "You selfish bastard, I asked you why you won't let me have any God damned grandkids?"
"Actually, it's Belinda who wants to wait a little while longer before having children," I said as politely as I could.
I lived in part of the house, the rest being occupied by father, my 37 year old Step mother and her sixteen year old daughter. My Grandparents had died 5 years ago and left over 5 million in trust for me when I reached 25 years old. My father who is 60 years old has power over my trust fund and as long as I ‘Keep out of trouble’ as he puts it for the next two years I’m set for life. I told my father I was taking a year or so out from University to experience ‘life’ and would return to finish my...
I lived in part of the house, the rest being occupied by father, my 37 year old Step mother and her sixteen year old daughter. My Grandparents had died 5 years ago and left over 5 million in trust for me when I reached 25 years old. My father who is 60 years old has power over my trust fund and as long as I 'Keep out of trouble' as he puts it for the next two years I'm set for life. I told my father I was taking a year or so out from University to experience 'life' and would return to finish my...
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Alex 2035 "My people will never be held ransom by its neighbours," said Tabitha as she sprawled beside Alex on his roomy double bed. Alex glanced towards the television that was burbling on in the background as it had been for the whole time that he and his fellow senior executive director were enjoying the pleasures of one another's luxuriant flesh and stomach bulges that was the inevitable penalty of too many business lunches. The news story was about the stand-off in the Korean...
Do you want to know what is really happening in college toilets, girls are going crazy, caressing and rubbing each others’ pussies, read and get really hot and wet!Diana likes the taste and smell of an excited woman. Maybe it sounds dirty but that’s the truth. Why lie to yourself?.. We all get aroused from such things.Diana is exceptionally skillful in sex. Tender lips, a hot mouth and a teasing tongue. As no one else in the world she knows how responsive the scarlet nub between girl’s thighs...
If you find shitting pissing and farting a turn on, or even somehow mildly amusing, then please read on and enjoy, but if you totally dislike the thought of anybody ingesting excrement for sexual pleasure, please go elsewhere. Kathy and Ivan. (A seriously filthy scat story.) Kathy finished her shift at the hospital at 10pm and was in the changing room when she checked her phone. She had a message from Ivan, explaining that he and his wife were not on speaking terms and he was staying...
I dressed in my warm clothes even though I was riding the bike and would be warm enough very quickly. It was simply because the slow steady exertion of the bike ride seemed to heat my body better than even the running had done. Running had warmed me up, but it also wore me out. The bike tending to warm me, and give a work out, but leave me with some reserve energy in place. I didn't feel that I was completely tapped out when I returned home. After the ride I came home and fixed a bowl of...
The drive home was pretty quiet. I noticed the plow had missed some of the side roads, and about 3 blocks for my neighborhood I noticed a small car that had bottomed out turning on to one of those side streets. I was feeling generous so I pulled over slowly and rolled down my window. And offered up a “howdy, need help getting unstuck?” I know there must have been such a shocked expression on my face but when the stranded woman looked up my way I immediately recognized her as the sexy older...
With the party wrapped up, Chance and Rory collect the still unconscious Jill and take her home. The babysitter already has Emily in bed. They put Jill in bed and then head back downstairs for a drink. “Well, tonight was a success,” Rory says, taking a sip from her glass. “That it was,” Chance agrees. “A wonderful Christmas present if you ask me.” Rory sets down her glass and throws her arms around his neck. Her fingers sink into his hair as her lips finds his. Her tongue darts over his...
Blue nightgownI was always ….well a little fucking pervert. I lusted after my sisters…their friends….their friends sisters….uh…I think you get it. Well, anyway….I had a couple of close comes….uh..Calls of sex of the old world order. You know..Caligula…..earlier Greece…hillbillies, I wanted to fuck my sisters. This is the story of the first time……is it real….you tell me. Long ago in a land far, far away….New York…..I was thirteen and had my own room for the first time. “The Penthouse” I...
So today Cadence Lux walked into my office for a quick therapy session. Her problem is that she constantly keeps having these dreams of big black cocks. Every night her dreams of huge monster black dicks keep returning to the point that she just didn’t know what to do anymore. This is where my expertise comes into play, I told her the only thing to stop the dreams is to fulfill those fantasies. That’s why I prescribed her some Black motherfucking cock. She dropped on her knees and swallowed my...
xmoviesforyouThere is not much more to be said that hasn’t already been said about the incredible, world class, busty, beautiful and down right devious Angela White. This incredible woman is the embodiment of the term PORNSTAR. After her first visit to MrLuckyPOV.com she is back for more…and ready to do more. Angela opens up her tight asshole and is ready to have a hot and horny night of anal sex. She cums over and over as both her fantastic holes are penetrated in this night that will never be forgotten....
xmoviesforyouI am James Monroe and the leader and General of the Freedom Force I-II. The I-II in our name stands for the First and Second Amendments of the original Constitution of the United States of America. The organization was created prior to the repeal of III amendment rights so the original name stuck. We do not support nor are we subjected to the laws of the corrupted New America government and fight to bring back the Constitution of our forefathers and that of the United States of...
I was really bored one weekend so i called around to see what my buddies were doing before i had work that day. Everyone was busy so i just headed into work. I am new at the place and it mostly k**s my age working there. I was talking to one of the k**s i had just met and we talked about how we had nothing to do. So after work we decided we were gonna go over his house and get high.Work ended and we lit up. We were both high as fuck in no time. Now, im not gay or even bi but this just sort of...
Cali Carter. A master of “dirty talk”…and a Black Cock Slut. Today’s scene opens with Cali talking directly to you, seducing you into her world before her Bull appears. And what a Bull! He’s pure muscle with a huge piece of uncut meat that’s going to test Cali’s sweet cunt. How far can The Bull stretch Cali’s sopping wet pussy wide-open before she’s forced to “tap out”? Or, can Cali take it all? Cali’s blonde beauty and her...
xmoviesforyou“Dr. Carlson, you must do something for me!” The Social Sciences professor stared coldly at the girl seated across his desk. He shook his head. “Miss Taylor, I’ve been trying to do something for you all semester long, but you haven’t been responding. You’ve cut classes and when you have shown up you’ve been inattentive. When I’ve called on you to participate you’ve looked – well – annoyed that I bothered you. Your homework has been shoddy. From what I hear, the only activity you seem to have...
So this is my true story about when I first sucked a mans dick, this took place early in 2020.So I had been curious for a long time, I would go on many websites for years talking to men about meeting up and giving them a BJ, but nothing ever came out of it, either they were too far or it just didn't happen for what ever reason. But one day I had seen a post from a guy that wanted to have a bit of fun on one of the websites I would frequently visit, I messaged him and it turned out that he lived...
Again I did not write this. Sadly this is the last one, the person who wrote this didn't do any more sadly. I hope you enjoyed them and you enjoy this last one :)Day 6 – MondayWarren woke up to his alarm going off. His eyes jerked open, but he laid there for a few moments just staring at the ceiling. Then he shook his head and smiled, imagining the day before him. After spending several moments planning out his day, Warren finally reached over, slapped his alarm clock off and headed straight...
Das perfekte Leben - Teil 1 von susi zee "Schon wieder diese verdammten Zigaretten. Kannst du dich nicht daran halten, in der Wohnung nicht zu rauchen?" "Wenn's so einfach w?re, h?tte ich l?ngst aufgeh?rt!" "Da m?ssen wir uns was einfallen lassen. Ich glaube ich habe da eine Idee." Ich hatte schon vor einiger Zeit davon gelesen, mit Hilfe von Hypnose vom Rauchen loszukommen. Da ich schon lange nicht mehr rauchte, war es nun auch an der Zeit, dass meine Freundin Jessica endlich auch d...
I had spent the last few evenings in a perpetual state of arousal after spying on Victoria masturbating first in the bath and then again in her bedroom, I still had a slight feeling of guilt, I knew I shouldn't have watched, but I just couldn't help myself.I wanted to thank Vic for the pleasure she had given me, I had spent the last few days trying to think of a way. It was while I was imagining her watching the porn film of a woman masturbating that I finally came up with my idea.I dressed as...
MasturbationWe had to go through town to get to the main road. The General Store owner had sent for an Army map of the Indian territories, although I thought I remembered the trail I had taken. The trail was about three hundred miles according to the map, so the trip would take a little less than two weeks to get there. I would have to stay away from heavily populated areas once we were across the Mississippi to keep from being conscripted. I had a plan and would have Tia help me with it. I figured on...
And as you would expect, Robert shared my bed with me the rest of the summer. We had fallen into aroutine of sorts. Every day, before Icame home from work, I would insert my diaphragm, even afterthe pill was supposed to be adequate protection.I believe we made love virtually every night, often more than once. Even when I was menstruating,Robert still wanted me and had me. Robert found a sturdy, two step plastic blue step-stool that heplaced in the shower when I was menstruating, and he would...
I wake up on Kyle’s chest, his fingers lightly tracing my back. “I was hoping I’d get to say goodbye before I left. Now I think I’m running late,’ he says but makes no effort to move. “You should have woke me up sooner, I would have showered with you,” I reply getting to a sitting position. We’re both still naked, and I pull the sheet across my chest. “Fuck. Maybe next time.” He winks at me and I watch him climb out of bed and get dressed. He’s looking really good. Better than I’d realized...
I have always wondered what it would be like to have sex with a girl who doesn’t shave in the same places as most woman. I guess you can say it has been a fetish of mine for ten years or more. At twenty four I was beginning to think I would never find out. Where is a guy to find a girl with hairy underarms and a nice crop of hair on her legs? My friend, Gary laughed at me when I told him about my fetish. He thought I was nuts and told me I would never be able to find that kind of girl. After he...
FetishGID'S REUNION Gideon??Reinicke and his sister Kate had quite a reunion It was a yearly thing at this point, but they always both looked forward to it.! He'd picked her up at the airport, and taken her to lunch, and they'd discussed old times, and Kate's art gallery, and of course Gideon's practice as?the most prominent?allergist in Buttermilk Falls. ? Kate had asked Gid over lunch whether there were any romantic prospects in his life. "You know, I know you must be lonely, Gideon, are you...
I walked out of the doctor's office, still trying to absorb all the new information. I had gone in for some examinations over the last couple of weeks, and all the tests came back today. Okay, let me get this straight: 1. My sperm are 100% fertile, and my count is off the charts. 2. My testicle resides in the place of one of my ovaries. 3. My other ovary is 'shut down' because the hormones from the testicle block the female stuff from releasing an egg or starting my period. 4. The...
Hai readers I santosh is writing a true story of my friend who has narrated to me. His name is gopal. He is from north india. He has farm over there which is looked by his servant. Now I start the story as narrated by gopal. My parents died in the accident after that my servant had looked after me and my farm. They had no kids so they loved me very much. My servant age was 60 yrs and his wife age was 45 yrs. I used to call them uncle and aunty. Compare to my uncle aunty was very beautiful and...
IncestChapter four When I got home from school I heard Mom on the telephone. She was laughing and her mood had changed from the night before. I walked into the kitchen as she hung up the phone. "Hi honey, oh my God, what happened to you?" Oops, I had forgotten to clean my face before I saw my mother. I had cut my lip from fighting with another school bully, this time, one from the eighth grade. "Umm, I kind of got in a fight." "Why would you get in a fight? You know I don't like it...
THE MAN, my inspiration in all things! I stand in front of my bathroom mirror admiring my curvy body. Starting up at my breasts, my eyes trace the outline down my sides and over my hips. I have dark brown hair that just barley touches the nipples of my breasts, my skin glows with a light tan on my fair skin and my mound is shaved perfectly smooth. I am not into myself, but I enjoy appreciating the beauty of my own body, because I feel I am beautiful. I am 28, 5’4, about 125 pounds and as I see...
I was reading a story in the national newspaper, 'Girl forced to have 1800 lover, before she was 18', and my first instinct was, tinged with jealousy.As a woman you should be horrified, by the thought of such an ordeal, but in truth and reality, girls as young as ten are performing multiple sex acts on men old enough to be their grandfathers, and I am talking about the widespread, it's more normal than people care to accept.The urge for sex is greater in girls long before boys, in the same age...
Life Renewed II: Love Renewed By StefB Many thanks to LorasPa6 for everything you do. This story would not be what it is if you were not around to bounce ideas off of. Also thanks to you Kris. A third set of eyes is greatly appreciated and your input was perfect. Chapter One Once I was properly situated in my private room of the hospital, having been stabbed by my ex boyfriend Razor, Mom and Dad were the first to enter. "Darling, are you ok? I was so afraid we'd lost you...
So my wife has found a boy toy she likes to fuck. We have chatted about this before and she said she would never want to fuck without me. Over the weekend after some amazing sex between us she had mentioned her boy toy wanted to fuck with us on Monday afternoon. I had to work all day and could not be there so I said if you want to get fucked then go fuck him. She was excited and nervous I could tell. She kept asking me if I was ok with it. Well Monday morning rolled around and when I kissed her...
The sun was up when Lori jumped on the bed and threw off the covers. "Time to get up, big brother, I'm making pancakes for breakfast. Get up. Oh, and let's get my 'big buddy' up too", as she bent down and gave my hardening cock as few nice pulls. "More of that later," and she runs back downstairs naked as the day she was born. What have I ever done to deserve such a sister. A real sex machine and cute about it, too. As I come into the kitchen, she says, "Please take a seat, I'm...
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Anyone wishing to archive this story is free to do so. Anyone not wishing to archive this story, is also free to do so. So there. ----------- ONCE UPON A WISH By Gunslinger The computer hummed as it came to life, the screen blooming into phosphorous glow. Steve rolled his shoulders, relaxing himself, as he lowered himself to his chair. With quick use of mouse and keys, he was soon connected to the 'net, doing his usual routine. One of which, of...
Upgrade By Paul G. Jutras The day ended with Bert coming home to his roommate Sam. Sam had his hair up in curlers, cotton balls between his toes while his nails dried and only wore a bathrobe. Bert just tossed his laptop on the table, ripped off his tie and glared at him. "Can you do something about your appearance?' Bert asked. "I have to livehere too." "As long as I pay half the rent, I'll wear what I want, when I want," Sam said while channel surfing. "Just keep the sound...
Home Alone 6 By Susan Brown I fell asleep thinking about all the things that had happened to me. I must have still been suffering from the effects of the bang on my head, because when I woke up my head was hurting and for a few minutes I didn't know who or where I was. Then it all came back with a rush. My adventures in the shopping center. Janet and Dawn in the school shop. The mugging. My encounter with the kind nurse and the fact that I had nearly been caught out. I wearily...
A young couple, late at night, on a sofa learn about love and sex Your fingers feel so delicate on the nape of my neck as they send a shiver down my spine. Tightly embraced in a kiss that has lasted several bizarre minutes I find it harder to breath. The extended piece of flesh in my pants is twisted, caught in the tight elastic of my underwear causing minor discomfort to it, but it is well worth the pain knowing full well you’re the cause of it. A new variation of your kiss takes place...
Coming to the story, I stay in an independent home with my mom and dad. My aunt(mom’s sister) stays in an apartment about 5km from our home so I used to visit her often. There was this lady who was my aunt’s neighbour and used to come to chitchat with my aunt. So due to regular basis and visits by me we both became friends. Her name was shalini(name changed), she had a damn curvy figure which would look so hot when she wears a saree. Especially her ass which was too curvy and large.Her husband...
Chapter Eleven: Futa's Incestuous Fashion Show By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! We were caught by Adele, the salesgirl at Girls, Inc. She stared at my mother and I wrapped up in a passionate, incestuous embrace. My futa-cock pumped the last spurt of cum into my mom's writhing pussy, the pleasure rippling through my mind turning into fear. We were busted. “What the fuck!” Adele hissed. “You can't do that here! And I thought she was...
Master's Sissy slave by llatex39 The beginning "Welcome to you new life" Stirring slowly I opened my eyes to see my Doctor Marcus standing over me. I was at a loss... where was I? what had happened last night? I could remember having a couple of drinks after going to Marcus's house and then nothing. Everything felt off, my skin felt weird - feeling trapped and constrained, I tired to sit up but had no power left in my limbs. "Don't worry Jessica," Marcus said, "you'll get the...
Hi everyone this is your playboyjo again with a continuation of my story “fucked 2 girl readers of my story and had threesome part-2” new readers can read all my stories from the below link……. https://www.indiansexstories2.net/author/playboyjo143/ I jo from chennai young boy with hard cock. Love to satisfy all unsatisfied girls and aunties to the fullest. No matter what age you for any kind of sex pleasure like sex chat, phone sex, and real sex you can contact me at “”.. I assure it will be...
© 2002 Couture "Will you be a dear and clean the kitchen tonight?" I asked my husband, who was sitting in his recliner watching television. "Come on honey, I'm watching something right now." Bryan said, pointing the remote around me and at the TV as if he could somehow zap me and make me move as easily as he could change the channel. I looked back and saw that hateful little planet at the edge of the T.V. screen. Just great, the fucking sci-fi channel. He would be sitting in his...
I had just moved to Phoenix to Take Care of my mother....and also because I needed to escape Vegas. In Vegas, there was a girl I was dating. She was a slender latina with nice tits, and nice eyes. However, after 2 years of on and off dating, I hadn't so much as fingered her. So, I figured helping my mom out would give me a great opportunity to not only leave my shitty love life but also meet some new ladies. When I got to Phoenix, I was eager to start work at my "new" job. I worked at...
My wife had been feeling quite horny recently and she couldn’t seem to get enough sex. Even though we sometime had a hot fuck session twice a night, I could tell that there was still something missing. We always had good sex and she claimed she was getting enough but I could tell something was on her mind. We discussed it, and she said that she would like to try something different, but never told me what. Our marriage is a very open marriage, she stepped outside a few times and it...
"Alex, darling, where have you been hiding yourself?" Amanda gushed, flinging herself into his arms and trying to kiss him. Alex turned his head, avoiding her lips and worked to disentangling himself from her incoming hug as much as he could. She smelled of cigarette smoke and bad perfume, which he deplored. It always made him wonder how bad her sense of smell had become. He disliked her on several levels. He did not smoke and could not stand to be around those who did for extended periods...
I'm Tom. I am a hard working senior in college with a minimum wage job and a loving family. I have a younger sister that means the world to me, a mother and a father that have helped me get through all kind of tough times and help me out every step of the way. I also have four of the best friends in the world, or so I thought until I rooted through my sister's diary. I wasn't just snooping around, I was worried. It went like this: I noticed that my sister was dressing in skimpier and skimpier...
"I'm on a week-long scouting mission for deuterium," says Tom Paris, sipping a cocktail in the Mess Hall, "and YOU show up. Just my luck, I suppose..." You nod, appreciating the irony. The ship's resident 20th century scholar was, you found out later, disappointingly absent from your arrival on the ship. You, certifiably born in the 20th century, made your rather...unique entrance onto Voyager just hours after he left. "So, you gotta tell me," he says. "I mean, I've been briefed, but I want to...
Author’s Note: These stories are hard to categorize… voyeurism, exhibitionism, masturbation, quasie-threesome with bi overtones and a hot wife. lol. Send me an email at if you would like to see the illustrated versions of the stories. —————– ‘For God’s sake, tell me you got to fuck that girl.’ Words I never dreamed I’d hear coming out from my wife. Now it was my turn to play coy. ‘I guess you’ll just have to wait and find out.’ Reliving my time with Jeff and Allie had us both horny as hell....
Well who would have thought that a quick walk through the forest would have led to this? Here I am sitting on my lounge watching my wife take on three men as a German tourist sucks my cock and her two friends lick cum out of their hard fucked cunts. What a strange yet wonderful world. I'd had a bastard of a day and had decided to take the two dogs for a trot down to the river. The sun was belting down and it wasn't long before I had a sweat up. In my shitty state before I left home I...
'Well aside from feeling incredibly naked, by not wearing any panties and losing the natural protection of my hair down there, whatever it was that Monique did, really has helped keep me from getting horny so far today.' Laura thought. However, as her third class ended, she slipped up, and began again to notice other girl's panty lines. Then too, there was the dreaded thought of having to sit in Dr Adams office, naked, with her bare sex spread wide open drying before that damn fan....
Ana in the back of the van I came very tired from office, but my sweet Ana was waiting for me at home with a very nice dinner.Later on, while I was sipping a perfect glass of scotch, she came by me and told me she was real horny and she needed a good hard dick inside her. Ana also told me she knew I was very tired to fuck her that night; so, she wanted my permission to find out a man who could calm her down…My sweet Ana added she wanted me nearby to watch…She wanted me watching at her spreading...
I’d left Summer’s place full of hope, thinking that I’d formed some kind of special bond with her, but within a matter of days I thought that I’d blown it with her. After spending what had been the best day of my life with Summer, I was a little too eager to see her again. Could you blame me?After our time at her parent’s place, we made rough plans to go out sometime. I called her later that same night, but she didn’t answer. I called her again the next day and when she didn’t answer the...
CuckoldPart seven It was still storming when he reached the apartment, once inside he let out a growl and punched a wall. Bits and pieces of sheet rock and plaster would explode under his power as said, "Damn it." with his hand still against the wall he rested his forehead on it and attempted to stabilize his rage. He could feel his body shaking and he took a deep breath to steady himself, he had killed Ethan. His rage had bested him, what the hell could he do though he had been willing to kill...
In Private Gold, Lingerie Model Agency, Venera Maxima has just become the top model and she’s looking to celebrate with Angelo Godshack in style! A blowjob in her lingerie is the perfect way to get the party started as she puts her tongue to work, but when the boss Alexis Crystal and her driver Luca Ferraro walk in, the real fun begins! Watch these horny stars in action on www.private.com as they put their bodies to the test in a stunning orgy that includes endless sucking and fucking, anal and...
xmoviesforyouBoyfriend-Girlfriend "Oh, my, where do I start?" I looked at the naked girl sitting on my bed. She was sitting there holding a wad of colorful silk, satin and lace panties that she had pulled from my drawer while I was in the kitchen looking for more wine to drink. I was surprised she was one of the nosy ones, at least so quickly, but I wasn't upset. I didn't hide my stash of things at all. Hell, if she had opened the closet door she would have seen a line of dresses, skirt and...
I was having a bit of fun in the live webcam room here at XHamster when I noticed I had a PM.“Hi there sexy I’ll be there about 9:15” Less than 10 minutes time. “Shit” I said to myself, I was wearing the same thing as I had on our first time together. Black suspender cami top matching stockings and black Knicks.There was no time to change. Ah well this will have to do. I stood at the kitchen window breathing a bit heavy in anticipation for what was about to happen next. I live in the top...