Just Another Sex Story free porn video

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Tithy hurried along the alley, knowing that the night was filled with bandits. However, with the slight drizzle, she was hoping that not many would be roaming about, knowing most people did not enjoy getting sick. Besides, she was almost home. She could see the building that she lived in, renting a small apartment from the local tavern owner.

She heard a sound behind her and turned quickly, ready to run. But it was nothing more than a cat that was trying to get out of the rain. Tithy sighed with relief and turned to keep going. She didn't get but a few more feet before she saw a shadow come up next to her, but she didn't have a chance to scream before the hand was placed over her mouth and she was forced up against a wall. She looked up into the shadowy face in terror as a knife came up to her throat. She whimpered, trembling in his grasp.

Then the man pulled back his hood and she caught her breath. Tecar narrowed his eyes. "So, working late, are we?" He took his hand away from her mouth, but grabbed both her thin wrists with his large strong hand. He anchored them above her head, pressing his body against hers. His green eyes had a cruel look in them as he stared into her violet eyes.

Tithy trembled. Duke Tecar vaz Naksol had once approached her while she worked and had, with no doubt to his motives, asked her to join him to his quarters, like he did every night with other female servants. She had refused him outright, unlike her peers, who had overheard her scathing remark. Ever since that day 3 months ago he had been after her, trying to get her alone or into his quarters. Always she had been careful to avoid him. As a servant, she had no one to turn to for help about his harassment.

So Tithy was careful, always staying near a crowded place. She knew few people would come to her rescue, but she also knew that there were those few curious people who would come over to see what was going on, and Tecar did not want to mar his perfect record. He always got what he wanted because he was so well trusted, and if there were any rumors, there was never any evidence. None of the other servant women would talk. Now, though, there was nowhere for her to go. She struggled against him weakly. "Please, sire, let me go."

Tecar brought his face down to hers, his lips only inches away from hers. She breathed hard, terrified, and wondering how he had found out where she lived. His eyes roamed down to her breasts which were plainly visible through the thin wet blouse. Her nipples grew taut under his scrutiny, much to her shame. "Now why would I do something like that? I finally have you alone, you cunning wench." His knife hand came down to fondle a breast. Although he wasn't rough, the touch brought a whimper of fear from Tithy. Her trembling, however, had turned into one of cold more than fear. Her skin was freezing to the touch.

Suddenly, Tecar pulled her away from the wall, pushing the knife into her back. He hissed in her ear, making her shudder from his warm breath. "Do hurry your way home. I wouldn't want you or myself catching our deaths out here."

So he didn't know where she lived! He had only been following her this night because she had been forced to stay very late to finish cleaning the kitchen. In desperation, she started off down another alley, away from her home. She soon came to an area that was laced with many alleyways and she knew every one of them. With all her desperation, she kicked back and caught Tecar on the knee, knowing he could have her killed for that. He cursed and toppled over into a stand of garbage cans.

Tithy wasted no time running down a small alley. When it branched off, she took the one that headed home. She didn't stop or look back. She weaved through the alleys and streets, back and forth amongst the close set houses. Only when she reached the stairs to her apartment did she stop and look back. Panting heavily, she leaned against the stair handles. Her long hair hung in wet ropes around her face.

When she'd gotten some of her breath back, she headed up the stairs and into her place. She locked the door securely and went over to her bed, where she collapsed and nearly immediately went to sleep, but not before she heard a bunch of loud curses in the alley below her window.

Tithy was up in the young prince's private library, sorting through the books and putting them back into place. The prince was still a child and often tore through the library while the nannies chased after him to get him back to his studies. She had to smile. At least this job wasn't as hard as some of the jobs she got down in the kitchen.

Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed her wrists and forced them behind her back. Before she could make a sound, a gag was forced into her mouth and wrapped around her head as her wrists were tied behind her. She knew it was more than one person who had targeted her. She was sure it wasn't Tecar. He'd never share. Besides, she hadn't seen him the whole week after that incident in the alleys.

Before she could turn to see her assailants, a blindfold was placed over her eyes. She felt two pairs of hands on her. She heard them start laughing and their rough hands moved over her lithe body.

"We finally got you cornered, now, bitch. I'm gonna have fun with you!"

"Hey, I get her first, remember? We had a deal."

"Well, too bad. Not every thing goes your way."

The other man growled but didn't argue anymore, much to Tithy's disappointment. She struggled with all her might, trying to make as much noise as possible through the gag. They had a bit of trouble holding her wriggling little frame, and she managed to knock one of them off balance, crashing him into a bookshelf with a grunt.

Then she felt the back of a hand across her face, stunning her. "Hold still, bitch. It won't take us long." The man's voice was gruff as he grabbed her hair, forcing her to lean over a table. He reached down and pulled her skirt up, bunching it around her waist. They both chuckled.

"Damn, I knew it! She was hiding a nice ass all this time!"

"And I certainly hope you have no intentions of touching that ass." A deep snarl came from somewhere to Tithy's side.

She was suddenly released, shoved away as the men stood at attention. "Uh, no-no, sire! We ... we..."

"GET OUT!" Tecar roared.

Tithy heard the men scurrying out of the room. Trying to struggle back to her feet, Tecar's strong hand grabbed her by her upper arm and wrenched her up against his powerful body. She slumped against Tecar, knowing he now had her completely at his mercy. No one else would come into the library because the prince's studies were over and it had been only her cleaning up his mess. It was also quite late in the evening.

"You seem to call trouble to yourself, you little wench." Though his voice was a growl, the hand that touched the side of her face that had the red imprints of the man's knuckles was gentle. Tithy whimpered and cringed from his hand. She would give no fight, knowing it would only lead to more punishment she knew must come because of her previous actions.

Tecar hesitated a moment. He pushed her up against the wall, pressing his body against hers. She could feel his breath, hard and labored. His body trembled with some tightly held emotion. She could feel his hand against her breast and she shuddered, whimpering, cringing. She was completely and utterly helpless.

Tecar suddenly pulled away from her. "Damn it," he breathed. He pulled her away from the wall and turned her around. She felt him undo her bounds. As soon as he was done, she whipped around and tore off the blindfold. Tecar was dressed formally, and rather handsomely.

Backing away from him, she undid the gag and threw it on the floor. She didn't understand why he had released her, but she wouldn't take it for granted. He growled as he stalked after her, looking for all the world like a panther with his black hair and dark clothing. He was tall and well built, and most of the noble women fell all over him. Even the servant women talked about him, though he was feared among the lower ranks. She had heard that in his youth he had had a servant woman killed for not pleasing him. Whether the story was true or not, no one actually knew. But Tithy had never had much liking in him, wishing more to just be left alone by everyone. But few people left her alone. She was quiet, small, and thin, giving all the impression of easy prey.

Tithy realized that she had been backed up into a corner. She pressed herself into the corner, trying to look as small as possible. Tecar brought his face up close to hers, his lips but inches from hers, a hand on the wall on either side of her head. "When I have you, I'll have you fighting and clawing and begging for mercy. Then I'll make you arch and moan and beg for more, wench."

He grabbed her hair and forced her head back, kissing her hard and long, his tongue ravishing her mouth. When he released her and stalked off, she was left weak and wondering at the strange sensation between her legs.

Not quite a month had passed by. Tithy kept a lookout over her shoulder at all times these days, not necessarily for Tecar but rather whoever those two men were. She had figured they were probably from the guards who patrolled the castle who had taken an extreme liking to her. She had not seen who they were but Tecar had. And he had been mad. Maybe he had punished them?

Tithy shook her head, banishing that thought. What did it matter to him that some of the castle guards had tried to take her? She was just a servant, after all, just one step up from a slave. It was probably more the fact that the guards had gotten scared by Tecar's outburst. Certainly, that had to be it.

She had to stay late again to clean up the little prince's mess once again. She didn't really mind. That was how she had taught herself to read and write. She'd learned a great deal about the world through those books. But tonight, she was tired and really just wanted to go home after a hard day of preparing food and drink for a banquet the King had held. She did the work as quickly as she could and started to head for the servants entrance back down in the kitchen. No one would be wandering the halls. Everyone was down in the great hall drinking and eating and dancing.

Tithy could have gone after her work, but she had no care for it. The King's parties could get raunchy, so she heard, and she had no desire for such things. Truly, she didn't know what she wanted in a man, but she'd never met one that didn't want to simply take her to his bed for the night. She was no harlot. She could get by with her own touch if she had to. Though she had to admit that the day Tecar had saved her from those guards, she'd fairly run home, falling into her bed and spending a good portion of the night trying to satisfy a desire that just hadn't wanted to go away.

As she moved through the dark hall, lit only by the moonlight filtering in through the giant windows in the walls, she caught a glimpse of a shadow, disrupting her thoughts. Her head snapped up in time to see Tecar step into a beam of silver light. Gasping, Tithy quickly took a step back and turned to run but she wasn't fast enough. Tecar wrapped his arm around her thin waist, his other hand over her mouth, jerking her against his hard body.

"Working late yet again, are we? Well, why don't you stay here tonight? I wouldn't want anything to happen to you out there. You never know what kind of people roam the streets at this time of the night." He chuckled darkly as he dragged her down the hall. She tried desperately to fight him off, but he'd gotten smart to her ways and avoided her kicks expertly. He spoke as he led them toward his wing of the palace. "I'm glad you're still here. I never cared much for His Lordship's parties. I was hoping more for a quiet evening with a certain nymph running through my head, but instead I find her wandering along in the halls."

He finally got to his door and managed to hold her with one arm, his hand still tightly over her mouth, while he opened it. Without hesitation, Tithy used his unguarded moment to dig her elbow into his ribs. He let out a grunt, turning and forcefully shoving her into his personal section of the castle. It was huge, complete with greeting room, bathing room, dining room and a massive bedroom. He slammed the door shut, preventing any escape. Tithy stood up straight and glared at him. He gave her a wry grin.

"Oh, my dear, I only wish to keep you safe from the filthy predators that lurk in the alleys at night." His voice was mocking.

"Like you?" Tithy hissed. If she was going to be raped, she was going to make sure he had to fight for every inch of ground.

Tecar came at her, a dangerous glint in his eyes. Gasping, Tithy backed away but got nowhere. He grabbed her upper arm painfully, and with his far superior strength dragged her into the bedroom so fast she didn't have the chance to fight him. He tossed her toward the bed, then slammed the door shut and shoved the key into the lock and turned it. When he turned back, Tithy charged him, trying to claw at his face. But he was quick and gripped her thin wrists, forcing her arms down to her sides. He then pulled her against his body with a snap, forcing her head up. He took the chance to kiss her, the touch of his lips far gentler than his grip on her.

After a moment, Tithy felt herself go soft in his grip, felt herself submit to his strength. She tensed quickly, hoping he hadn't noticed. He pulled away from her with a grin. "So not even you are immune to that. I was actually hoping for more of a challenge."

Tithy snarled and tried to pull away from him, tried to kick him anywhere she could. However, as soon as she lifted her leg, he pushed her back so that she was off balanced and held her up as he moved her up against a tall bed post. The thick velvet curtain tangled about them. Now Tithy couldn't move away and was held immobile by Tecar's body against hers.

He held both her wrists in one large hand behind her back and used the other to force her face up to his lips. His tongue prodded for entry, but she refused him. So instead he let his hand travel down her slender neck, lingering, caressing about her throat with expertise, causing an involuntary shudder to run down her spine. His lips slowly followed, moving down her neck, causing her to pant and shiver. His hand moved further down, cupping a small, firm breast, his thumb toying with her taut little nipple through the fabric of her blouse.

What was happening to her? Tithy couldn't believe she was giving up so easily. The heat between her legs that she only felt when she touched herself was spreading through her loins now, feeling Tecar's strong thigh pressed against her womanhood. She almost couldn't stop a small jerk, her body wanting to grind against him. Instead, she tried to cover her movement with a strong squirm, struggling.

She wanted him to stop, grinding her teeth, her svelte body straining against Tecar. She did not have the strength to even budge his body. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She knew he felt it, his lips kissing the throbbing vein in her throat.

"I never go back on my word," he said heavily, gripping her hair tightly and jerking her head back, staring into her scared eyes, though her jaw was set in defiance. It made his eyes narrow with lust. "I told you I would have you someday."

"Not easily," she sneered at him. It made him throw his head back and laugh.

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Justine Verfolgte Unschuld

Als Justine halb ohnmächtig in den Knien einknickt, nimmt der finstere Piratenkapitän sie auf die Arme und trägt seine Beute unter dem Johlen der versammelten Mannschaft in seine Kabine. Dort legt er sie auf sein Bett. Wahnsinnig vor Verlangen sieht Justine zu, wie er sich auszieht. Dann beugt er sich über sie. Sein Schwanz ist dunkel, wie von der ewigen Sonne gebeizt. Unnatürlich dick und lang schiebt sich das mächtige, steife Ding gegen ihren Mund, zwängt ihr die Lippen auseinander. Willig...

2 years ago
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My 2nd time with a transexual Escort

It had been a year since Isabella had ripped my anal virginity from me (see my rough treatment story) and life had gone on as usual. I was still in a relationship with the same girl and had continued my usual routine of of work and weekend benders with my noisy mates. I may have outwardly appeared butch and masculine to my peers but my session with isabella had changed me and i found myself masturbating regularly over the memory of my domination at the hands of my transexual tormentor. I wasn't...

3 years ago
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Essex Girl

by Vanessa Evans Part 01 Okay, so I’m an Essex girl. I may be blonde and reasonable looking but I like to think that I’m not your stereo-type Essex girl. I’m slim, and have small breasts and I have a degree in Forensic Accounting. My name is Millie and after I left university I was lucky enough to get a good job with a big bank. It was in my home town, Loughton, as well; but after living in a hall of residence, then a shared house, I decided that I wasn’t going to move back in with my...

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Group sex in Essex with my friends husband

'I baptize thee Virginia', and my best friend was adopted into the church, but as we grew-up, we became 'Hell's Angels', not the biker kind, the sexy kind.'Did you know my name Virginia, means Virgin', and she laughed, we both did, that meaning flew out the door on a nudist beach down south, with the sand, hot Sun, and dirty voyeuristic old men put paid to that theory, mind you, I suppose thirteen years is not bad.'Mum told me once, he used to get an erection, every time my name was mentioned',...

3 years ago
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Travesti Hidrocalida Sexo en Aguascalientes Mexico

Lo que les voy a relatar es 100% real y me ocurrio hace algunos años. Lo conocí en el Messenger de MSN, ya que él me agregó a sus contactos por un anuncio que puse aquí mismo, en Club Erótico. Fue el miércoles 11 de abril cuando coincidimos en línea y el lunes anterior, me había escrito por correo electrónico para ver a qué hora podíamos conectarnos para conocernos. Total que el miércoles coincidimos como a eso de la 9 p. m. y empezamos a platicar sobre nuestros gustos en la intimidad, así que...

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The world is full of history and great stories. From a very young age I sat and listened to them and let my mind show me. As I grew older and my magic made itself known I wrote the stories down. It did not matter what else I had to learn or do, the stories still took me away. I was eighteen when I had enough of other people telling me what to do and when. I thought long and then created a wagon like the travelers. I made a second wagon that carried a tent and lots of cushions and a huge rug....

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Sarita8217s Sexescapades With Her Bisexual Hubby And Brother

Hi friends, I am Abhishek and i am back with another bisexual story after my story- My Bisexual Orgy.I am 29 & from Gurgaon often travel Lucknow . So any couples from these NCR & Lucknow who have a bisexual dream can ping me for real encounters.Single teen girls,aunties and bhabhis are most welcome.Kindly you guys can leave your comments on This story is shared by my reader Sarita and she has asked me to share the story as it is.I met her through ISS. She is an avid reader of sex stories on...

1 year ago
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Brazilian Transsexuals

This morning, somebody sent me a link and told me it was a good place to find Brazilian transsexuals. I guess my head was still a little bit fuzzy from last night’s binge on Viagra and hookers, so I immediately wanted to know, “How many is a Brazilian?” I understood my mistake as soon as I loaded up the front page of the aptly named Brazilian-Transsexuals. Oh, right! A Brazilian!So, how many is a Brazilian? Well, the digits at the top of the landing page at Brazilian-Transsexuals.com puts the...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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First time experimenting with anothery hand jobs and blow jobs at age 12

If you’ve read another of my true stores, you will already know a tad about me. If not, Hi! My name’s Josh, I’m an actor and I live in the south of England. You will probably also know that I like to detail my stories very much, so it may seem very long but if you want the full benefit of it I do suggest you read all of it (if you can last!) I was 12 at the time of this story, and so was my best friend, Cameron, who this story involves. I didn’t think I was gay. Neither did he. In fact I...

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Sexy Aunty K Saath Sex Or Sexchat

Hi I am Ronit Ahuja from udaipur. I am 28 years old. I look handsome & fair. I m too expert in sex. I like real as well as virtual sex. So you can all add me on my fb id-Ronit Sexchat search krna mil jayega…Salman ki profile pic lagi h. Id me naam Rahul Saxena h jo ki fake h. Lets come to story now. Ye ek real story h jo mere or meri ek reader k bich ki h. Unka naam Sunita(changed name) h. Wo ek housewife h jinki age around 35 hogi. Figure around 36-32-38 hoga. Wo bhot hi khubsurat h or sex k...

3 years ago
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Justins Story

By Chris "Nasty" Hicks Part 1 (Love at 1st Gigabyte) My name is Justin Polton, but I go by J.P. I'm 31 now, but the story I'm about to tell you started when I was only 23. I'm a half white, half black, handsome Motherfucker. I'm about 6 foot tall, clean shaven, with short brown hair, and a fucked up attitude. But, can you blame me? I'm fucking rich. Well, anyway! here's the story of the last 8 years of my life. And I warn you in advance, it's some real graphic shit in...

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Sexing It Up

Sexing It Up By Cal Y. Pygia What catches your eye when you're viewing sample pornographic video clips on the Internet? When it comes to sex, my own tastes are eclectic, although I find myself watching videos involving anal sex, bisexual threesomes, cum shots, gay males, lesbians, oral sex, public nudity, shemales, and spanking the most, with occasional forays into vaginal intercourse, tit fucking, and interracial sex. With rare exceptions, I rule out films in which the actors...

1 year ago
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Essex Hot Lovin

It had been quite a few months since Michelle Dean had returned back to Essex, England from Ibiza. Everything looked the same way she left it back in June 24th, 2005, eight years ago. Michelle returned to live with her Mum in Essex who 'd found a new lodger, a strikingly good looking doorman down at the club called David Watts. One dull Thursday morning Michelle came down the stairs in just a slinky pink nightie and went through to the kitchen to make some breakfast. The front door opened and...

Straight Sex
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Le Cirque du Sexe

Le Cirque du Sexe Max and Martine left the hotel in the Bastille and headed for the Metro. Max clutched the copy of Pariscope they had bought earlier to check out some things to do. Coming across a page devoted to real live sex acts Max had asked Martine if she were interested. “Yeah, why not,” she had said. "Something different.” Neither of them had been to a show like that before and they were tired of the cultural trail, Notre Dame, the Louvre, Montmartre and Sacre Coeur, les Bateaux...

Straight Sex
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My Sister My Lover Part 4 Transexual Fun

We sat on the sofa as we talked about the day. Liz told us about the troublesome customers she had at the store. Linds told us about events around the house. Then I told them about the training and the events after. I described Crystal and our sexual activities in the motel. By the time I finished both Liz and Linds were obviously excited. They had their hands on me as I kissed each of them in turn. Liz rubbed my nipples through my shirt as Linds opened my pants and fished out my...

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Le Cirque du Sexe

Le Cirque du Sexe Max and Martine left the hotel in the Bastille and headed for the Metro. Max clutched the copy of Pariscope they had bought earlier to check out some things to do. Coming across a page devoted to real live sex acts Max had asked Martine if she were interested. “Yeah, why not,” she had said. ‘Something different.” Neither of them had been to a show like that before and they were tired of the cultural trail, Notre Dame, the Louvre, Montmartre and Sacre Coeur, les Bateaux...

4 years ago
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Transsexual Sex with Vinnie and Jam

Gayle and I were relaxing naked on her bed. She was having a drink and smoking a cigarette while I was just enjoying the buzz that I had from having consumed nearly two full glasses of Jack after having had anal sex for the first time. The next thing that I know, the doorbell rang and Gayle scurried off the bed putting on her nightgown. In walks Vinnie with this good looking broad. Normally, I would have been embarrassed that I was naked in front of a woman, especially a good looking woman...

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Sexe avec mon coquine bellemegravere

OK je avais 19 ans et je voudrais donc à peu près ne importe quoi et baiser tout ce qui femelle avec une impulsion.Ma famille ne était pas à court d'argent, mais le compromis est que je ai perdu mon père, la plupart du temps par des engagements de travail. Et quand maman en avait assez de lui je lui ai perdu trop. Elle a fait ses valises et est parti.Je ne me plains pas, beaucoup d'argent a elle bénéficie, mais ils ne remplacent pas une famille et on devient égoïste. Je suppose que son singe...

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My Sexperience With MrSex

Hi people. My name is Akshara, my age is 35, living in Bangalore and working in an MNC and also married. I am a huge fan of Indian sex stories and I wanted to share my story for all those women like me, she are shy outside but wild inside. I am married to a guy since 8 years, but my sex life was very dull. After having a child, my husband also lost the interest in sex life. But, my urge to have sex was increasing day by day. Hence, at one stage I taught of crossing the line because I did not...

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sexting my son

I gave birth to my son Daniel when I was 16, I know what that makes you think of me, it’s not true, at all. I was a horribly shy girl, still am. My son has been a bright light in my life but that is getting ahead of myself. This just explains how I ended up sexting with my son.I was an extremely shy introverted girl in school, my parents were very strict and overly religious. They did not make me shy, but they didn’t help much either. My looks didn’t help me much either. My hair is snow white...

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Sexting With A Foreigner

My stories are going to be different. Its going to be based on my different fantasies and experiences I had so far. Its only sexting no real sex. I am a 22 year old guy from Kolkata, just like any other but am filled with the constant desire of sex. I had my desires one being sexting. I tried sexting with an Indian girl but she did not know much about sex either. Well I got the idea of introducing her to the world of sex. She was innocent and straight forward enough to answers all my questions...

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Back To Sexting My Mother 8211 Part 5

Hello, my dear readers. Nothing compares to the love you people give! Never thought, even in my wildest dreams, this series will bring me so much appreciation. I have found some really wonderful friends among my lovely readers, and I feel honored. Let me just get straight into the story. This is a pretty loud episode – one that has the potential to question the very existence of the entire plot. In the beginning, I did say that I would be taken certain liberties with this series, and I have...

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Sanjana Kuthiyai Sexyaaga Nakinaal

Naanum en thozhiyum ondraaga padithu varigirom enathu peyar Kamali, naangal senjiyil padithu varugirom. En thozhiyin peyar Sanjana, avaluku ennai vida oru vayathu athgam 20 aagiyathu, enaku vayathu 19 aagi irunthathu. Naangal iruvarum pegal kalluriyil padithu vanthom, engal veetil aangaludan padika vaithaal naangal oothu viduvom endru bayanthu ippadi seithu vitargal. Enaku aangal meethu kola aasai, avargalin sunniyai paarthu konde irupen. En thozhiyidam aangalin sunni valainthu irukum, alathu...

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UnForgetable Sexperience With Black Cat

Hi all, I am raj from bengaluru,im self empolyed and im a normal looking guy who dress decently in mid forty and naughty ;) .Though I am bit reserved from childhood as I grew up I developed good rapo with girl/women I met in my life.To be frank I am lucky as far as romancing is concerned coz I happened to have fun with pretty few nos of partners from past 25 years.I love ,like and respect women that is y I am blessed with a beautiful wife and 2 lovely daughters .   Well coming to this...

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Sexperience with sweety

Hi dear readers, here your madan, after a little gap….i want to share with you my recent sexperience with a mail- friend, which you can enjoy an send your feelings and views…..ok?………on that day i was usually checking my mails and i found a mail from a girl sweety, that she read one of my story and she was impressed. I sent reply as usual with thanx and asking her how she felt. Sweety has replied that while she read she was so hot that her panty was wet and sweet enjoyment she had. ….later in...

3 years ago
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Sexperience in train

Hi my name is jaiprakash 25 yrs from hyderabad.This is my first story in iss,im regular reader of iss,my school friend told me to write my 1st sexperience bcoz privacy is maintained here.when i was in 10 th class after my exams i wanted to go pune to my aunt’s place,bcoz my mom was busy she could not accompany me so my dad asked my cousin brother and his wife to accompany me,as they were going to bombay for some work i dint knew that one of my cousin sister(my uncle’s daughter) is also coming...

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My sexperience with a guy in bus

Hai my dear ISS readers here ur madan with another episode of my sexperience with a stranger in a bus leads to fuck his wife on that night. One day I was on a journey to Karimnagar on duty. I was sitting on window side of deluxe bus, after a while a person ,a gntlman came and sat besides me. In the bus TV was playing, in a sex scene of the running film the exposure of the dancer made me hot and my dick in my pant arousen and its shape was clearly visible I pressed my shaft , this was seen by my...

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The story is in the Dutch language. Several times is asked the stories to translate in English. But I am sorry, not alone no time, but also is my English not good enough for translating. But perhaps is there anywhere a dutch speaking person with a good translating feeling who will translated my stories. It is possible under the name of Louis, but can also under your own name. Zoals al mijn verhalen is ook dit verhaal weer van A tot Z verzonnen. De personen die worden genoemd bestaan...

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My first ever sex with another man A true story

Subtitle: How I discovered my bisexual side.It was 1980 and I was a student in Manchester. I was married. My wife was away for three months in the summer because she was studying German and had to spend some time over there. My married sex life was a disaster. We were married at 18 years old and both virgins. We had sex on our wedding night and that was it. It seemed my cock was too thick and she just couldn't take it. Her vagina would go into spasm, something called vaginismus. At least I'd...

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Justin and Phyllis

Justin and Phyllis Shemale, Trans, Hardcore sex, Oral, Double Anal, Flashing, Cum, Cream pie eating. Phyllis sat thinking of Justin. He had moved into a 1 bedroom apartment a few doors away while working and attending trade school. A nice young who schooled by day, worked at night and mostly slept in between. They were neighbor friends who slowly grew closer. That closeness brought them together on holidays and personal celebrations. Justin being only 21 had been kept at a distance as Phyllis...

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justin cant pay the rent

'andy i'm really sorry but i can't afford to pay my rent this week since i lost my job and i'm finding it hard to get another i'm sorry mate' justin says'well justin when i agreed to let you stay i told you that you have to pay rent at the start of every month or you have to leave i'm sorry but you did agree to it''yeh but look mate i am good for it just give me a chance to find another job i don't have anywhere else to stay please''no i won't back down on this you agreed to pay at the start of...

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Justin Bieber Gets Raped

Introduction: While leaving a concert in LA Justin Bieber gets kindnapped and raped pleases rate and subcribe Thanks !!! The story starts off in a parking lot where justin bieber walks. He is leaving his concert and is now getting ready to go home. Justin yawns wow what a concert. Suddenly there bes a noise. Hello? says Justin. Justin continues to walk to his car and all of a sudden he gets hit in the head.Justin passes out cold. When he comes to he relizes he is tied up on a chair naked. Where...

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