Reynes' Syndrome free porn video

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My name is Charlie. The following short story is based on a sci-fi story I read a few years ago. I don’t remember the name or the author. The author supposed a world where female children stopped aging at 10, effectively ending the human race in a single generation. The cause was a lab-created bacterium released throughout the world via aerosol sprayed from aircraft. The bad guys turned out to be idealistic fanatics. This was back in the 40’s, I think, before anyone ever heard of Islamic terrorists.

The idea always intrigued me: what if a virus stopped sexual development of infected girls in its tracks at age 10 or 11. They continued to develop physically, but without changes wrought by puberty. They could never have children, would never develop breasts, have pubic or underarm hair, and would have only a stunted sexual awareness or interest in sex. Or so doctors assumed.

Suppose you were one of the infected girls at age 15? Suppose you had a brother that loved you enough to let you explore your stunted sexual awareness through, and with him. Suppose the act of exploration triggered what everyone assumed you couldn’t experience: sexual arousal?

Admittedly, this story pushes SOL’s guidelines on age. However, Rebecca is physicality 15 years old, and thinks like a 15-year-old, wanting what all 15-year-old’s want: acceptance. Her body is sexually undeveloped, but not her mind. She wants what she wants, and turns to her 17 year old brother to get it.

The story is set in the near future and seesaws between Wednesday, September 4, 2024, and, Wednesday, September 18, 2024, when the story begins.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 3:44 pm

Rebecca was in bed with her older brother, Robbie. “I thought it would hurt more,” she whispered. Robbie was in her, all the way, but remained completely still.

“I can’t believe I got in you, at all. You sure it doesn’t hurt?”

Rebecca grinned wryly. It had hurt like hell, she wouldn’t tell him how badly.

A 10th-grader, Rebecca attended Lucy V. Dale High School with her brother. Robbie was 2 years older and 41 pounds heavier than she. Their fledgling sexual relationship was 2 weeks old now. It began September 4th, the 2nd day of school for both. This was her first time in bed with her brother, having sex. She was rightly scared to death.

“Mom won’t find out, right?” she fretted.

Robbie smirked. “Not unless you write everything in your stupid diary, again.”

Rebecca flushed. It’s how mom discovered she’d smoked marijuana with Rachael and Emily in July; it earned her a month’s grounding. Mom would turn her bare bottom into raw hamburger for doing this, she thought. Probably in front of Robbie.

“You are so tight. I can’t believe how tight you are. This must really hurt, Becca.”

Rebecca flinched as he shifted atop her. Robbie was 5’9” and weighed 141 pounds. She stood 5’4” tall, and weighed 41 pounds less. This all evolved from playing Strip-Crazy-Eights two weeks ago after school. Insanely, the initial suggestion they play was hers; she wanted Robbie to see her naked.

“Are you all the way in me?” she asked tremulously.

“It feels like it. How’s it feel, Bec?”

She squirmed beneath him, wiggling her hips, adjusting her legs to insure his deepest penetration. She hadn’t known for certain they’d do this until this afternoon after school. Remembering how he’d taken her hand just inside the front door, pulled her upstairs to her bedroom and undressed her, she pecked him on the lips. He kissed her back. Then he kissed her again, for real, the way a boy kissed his girlfriend. She moaned, writhing beneath him, now. He laughed softly as she shuddered convulsively.

“I’m not sure any 5th-grader should know how to orgasm, Rebecca.”

Embarrassed, she colored. Like all Reynes’ Syndrome girls, she had no breasts, no pubic or underarm hair, the unfeminine shape of an 11-year-old, if not her stature. She hadn’t developed sexually in 4 years. Unless a cure was found, she and the other Reynes’ victims never would.

The virus causing Reynes’ Syndrome first appeared in Truro, Cornwall in 2009; the year Rebecca was born. She contracted the virus through a mosquito bite in 2015 while on vacation in Exeter. No one knew or suspected the devastating developmental issues awaiting infected girls until 2020, when the first cases of Reyne’s Syndrome appeared. Until then, the illness was thought to be relatively harmless: a slight fever accompanied by swelling of the joints and a rash emanating at the bite location. Symptoms typically abated in 7-10 days.

In 2021, the truth became known: Truro stopped sexual development of 10 to 11 year old girls in its tracks. Now 15, Rebecca and her fellow victims numbered more than 1,700,000, with some 27,000 young girls residing in the US. All had the sexual development on an 11-year-old.

“Please don’t call me a 5th-grader,” she crabbed. “You know I hate that!”

Though sexually stunted, Rebecca, like other Reynes’ victims, kept pace mentally and physically with her peers, so emotionally, she was a mess.

“I want to cum in you,” he whispered.

“I want you to cum in me too,” she whispered back. She loved her brother’s cock inside her. She loved her brother. That made her orgasm possible, she guessed. What passed for orgasm in a prepubescent body, anyway.

“I won’t get you pregnant,” he teased.

That made her color again. “We have to be careful. If something goes wrong, Mom will know exactly what we did. I can’t even think about Mom knowing we did this, Robbie.”

Robbie kissed the tip of her nose. He kissed her eyelids, her cheeks, and then her earlobes, both sides of her neck, and her collarbones. His kisses made her tremble uncontrollably and feel weak. It felt like his cock grew inside her like a balloon. Was that possible?

“This is probably not a good time to bring this up,” he said, “but 11-year-old’s can get pregnant.”

“What?” she gasped.

“I looked online. You don’t have to worry, if you haven’t started having periods yet.”

You fucker, she thought. You did this just to torment me.

“You know I haven’t started yet, Robbie! I don’t have boobs—I don’t have anything to start with!”

He laughed. “You have a cock in your pussy. That’s a good start.”

She fumed: “Don’t call it that! You know I hate that word.”

“Your cunt then? Can a pussy like yours be called a cunt?” Laughing, he stifled her protest with a hand over her mouth. She glared up at him. He laughed again. “Jesus, I love you, squirt.”

Pushing onto his elbows, he eyed her slender chest. She could be a boy. Her nipples were oddly inverted, which she’d inherited from mom. She evinced no indication of breast development, no perceptible hint of tumescence surrounding her nipples. Her embarrassment at being flat as preteen amused him.

“I could cum in you, just looking at your bare chest.”

Rebecca squirmed fitfully. She hated how she looked naked. She couldn’t wait for a cure and finally hit puberty and grow boobs.

“Two weeks ago, I’d never imagine laying in bed with you, my cock in your virgin, perfectly bald pussy.”

“Stop it!” she hissed, whacking his shoulder with her fist. “It’s vagina! Not pussy, and not cunt! Vagina, Robbie, vagina!”

He laughed. “Whatever, Rebecca.”

He kissed her again, still on his elbows, stretching down to reach her lips. Her thighs lay alongside him, her calves folded back in classic Missionary position. She bore his weight with her groin, centered psychologically if not physically within her delicate vagina. Not many 15-year-old’s fucked a 17 year old brother after school today, she imagined. She loved his tongue in her mouth.

“You lost to me on purpose that first day, didn’t you, Rebecca?”

She scowled. “I did not! I’m just terrible at Strip-Crazy-Eights, that’s all.” She glowered at his knowing look. Of course she lost on purpose. The whole point was to be nude.

He teasingly bit her nose, then both ears, and then contorted to kiss and lick her delicate left nipple. She shuddered beneath him again, and squirmed to left him lick and kiss her right nipple, also. She moaned as he sucked it into his mouth and nibbled on it gently, and sucked. It was the first time he’d done more than tease them with his fingertip.

“I wish we had a whole night to do this,” she moaned, shivering. “I didn’t know it would feel so good.”

He gazed at her consideringly. “We haven’t even begun to fuck. You know that, right?”

Embarrassed, she placed her hands against his chest and nodded. “Thank you for being gentle with me. I didn’t think you would.” She bit her lower lip. “I thought you’d lose it like that guy in the video last night.”

He laughed. They’d watched a guy basically rape a girl on Rebecca’s iPad. The guy had assaulted the girl’s mouth, her vagina, and especially, her poor asshole. Rebecca had cringed and whimpered the entire way through, retreating into her pillows in horror. It was a miracle they weren’t caught, the way she squealed and carried on like an 11-year-old watching the video.

“What if I can’t change, Robbie ... not ever?”

“Don’t say that,” he chastised. Rebecca was one of only 2 girls in the county school system with Reynes’ Syndrome. Amelia attended Holy Redeemer High School in Bethune; she suffered the same humiliation as Rebecca: half the students pitied her, the others teased and made fun of her stunted growth. She and Rebecca had met only once, but were best friends. They shared everything online. They shared the same pediatrician, too, now that Amelia’s doctor had changed practice’s.

Both girls regularly traveled to NIH and Johns-Hopkins in Maryland for tests and experimental treatments. Doctor’s had no clue how Truro strangled hormonal development the way it did. They had no idea why a Reyne’s victim continued to mature mentally and physically with no underlying sexual development. Conspiracy theorists blamed the US, Russia, China, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, and various terrorist organizations for the outbreak, claiming the virus was created in a lab. They also suspected The Roman Catholic Church, The Southern Baptist Convention, and The Church of England. Rebecca thought it a curse from God.

“I heard that Congress is cutting off funding for research,” she complained.

“That’s bullshit!” he scoffed, though Robbie had no idea one way or the other if that was true.

“My trig teacher, Mr. Garrity, says only daughters from liberal families get infected, Robbie.”

Robbie barked laughter. Mom and dad were anything but tree-huggers. Both had voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020, and presumably Pence in 2024. Both were active Republican Party members, much to the consternation and embarrassment of their kids, who supported climate-change initiatives and adhered to Democratic philosophy. Rebecca hoped to vote in the 2028 election. The push was on to lower the voting age back to 18 again.

“Your trig teacher is full of crap, Rebecca. Can we not dwell on negatives, please?”

Rebecca nodded fretfully. She wouldn’t be such a stick in the mud if she had breasts and pubic hair like a normal 10th-grader, she thought.

Wednesday after school 2 weeks ago, she broached the idea on her way home. He’d bought a new car in August, a 2019 Honda Accord, which as a senior; he was allowed to park at school. He insisted Rebecca go with him; he refused to let her ride the bus by herself and be ridiculed.

“I hate being 15,” she sulked.

Distracted by a text he shouldn’t be reading behind the wheel, he answered, “What?”

She slapped his hand and tried to grab the phone. “You’re gonna kill us, Robbie—stop it!”

He laughed, batting away her hands. “Behave! What do you mean, you hate being 15?”

She glared at him. “Would you want to be 15 with no boobs?”

He laughed at her fierce expression. “I’d look cute with boobs, you know?” He winced, realizing that was exactly the wrong thing to say. “How about we not worry about boobs, and play Strip-Poker when we get home. I haven’t seen you naked, since what... 2012?”

She scowled as he grinned. He always gave her a hard time about changing her diapers when he was 3 years old. Like he really remembered doing that. If he ever actually did it, which she doubted.

“You saw me naked plenty of times. Probably until I was 8 or 9.”

He snorted. “Seeing an 8 or 9 year old really turned me on, Rebecca.”

“Would it turn you on now? Knowing I’m 15?”

He blinked, surprised. “What?”

“I look 11, but I’m really 15, Robbie. Would that make a difference to you ... mentally?”

He gazed at her, obviously baffled by her question. “You don’t look 11. You look every bit as old other girls in 10th grade. Skinnier, maybe...” He unconsciously glanced at her chest. “But just as old.”

Like every girl her age, Rebecca wore makeup and dressed as fashionably as possible. In truth, she was nearly indistinguishable from other girls her age in clothes. Out of them, was a different matter. Though excused from gym with a doctor’s note, she nonetheless chose to attend, playing girls basketball, volleyball, and soccer. She wore a sports bra to protect her bare chest in loose gym tops like all girls did. She just had no breasts to conceal.

“What are you talking about, anyway, Rebecca? You think I wouldn’t want to see your naked body? Think again, babe.”

He unwisely held her gaze, light traffic on Waverly Street, or not.

“Watch where you’re driving! I don’t want die the 2nd day of school, jerk-off!” She looked away in a huff, arms crossed over her chest. Robbie laughed.

“Fuck you, Robbie.”

“I wouldn’t do that. You’re my sister, for Christ sakes, Rebecca.”

She fumed with her arms crossed, and lower lip stuck out. “Let’s play Strip-Crazy-Eights, then. Maybe you can get your wish and see me naked again.”

Robbie just stared at her.

“Keep your eyes on the road! And I wouldn’t fuck you either; you’re my brother, for Christ sakes.”

Neither let the other see their grins.

Beneath him, Rebecca ran her hands over Robbie’s chest. His cock in her pussy made her so happy. It felt good, feeling like a real girl for a change.

“I did lose to you on purpose,” she admitted ruefully. “I wanted you to see me naked.”

“I know,” he said simply.

Shifting awkwardly, she levered her thighs outward and crossed her ankles in the small of his back to increase intimacy. She wore multicolored anklets; Robbie liked her in anklets. She’d stripped down to her anklets every day after school for two weeks now. She’d spent a lot of time with her brother since the 2nd day of school.

“I’m ready, I think.”

Robbie shook his head. “I don’t want to hurt you, Rebecca.”

Rebecca sighed. “I do like just lying here, having you inside me like this. I’m so fucking tight,” she teased, laughing.

Grinning, he wiggled experimentally atop her. She gasped, and he stopped. Both knew having sex was doubly taboo for Rebecca. Still, he very gently eased out of her halfway, and eased back in.

“Thank God for KY,” she sighed. It was the only reason he’d been able to penetrate her taut vagina. He literally used half a bottle, getting her ready for sex. She’d need to change her sheets, later. They were a fucking mess.

“Can we 69?” she asked. “Not right now,” she said hurriedly, coloring. “Maybe after school tomorrow?”

Robbie grinned. He wanted nothing more than to eat Rebecca’s bare pussy and have her suck his cock. He’d not dared bring it up himself. Everything in the last two weeks was at Rebecca’s suggestion, and at her cautious pace. The exception was this afternoon at the front door, when he’d taken her hand and led her upstairs to do this.

“I would love to 69 with you. I’ve wanted to eat you ever since you turned—”

She silenced him with a finger to the lips and a shake of the head. Some things were best left unspoken.

“I’ve wanted to give you head for a long time, too,” she acknowledged. She grinned. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m glad you don’t have a monster cock like that guy in the video last night.”

Robbie’s 5-7/8” long erection filled her taut vagina nearly to bursting. He’d never been grateful to be normally sized before today. Rebecca couldn’t take a cock much larger than his without injury. She barely took him now.

At home two weeks ago, Robbie unlocked the front door and ushered her in. Most siblings their ages had little or nothing to do with one another. That set Rebecca and Robbie apart right there. Since her diagnosis with Reynes’ 4 years ago, she had grown steadily closer to Robbie. Rebecca shared secrets with him that no sister would normally share. What girl wanted her brother to see her naked, either?

“I hope we got cards,” he quipped. “Or did you throw them all out, part of your nefarious plot to fuck my mind?”

He jumped as Rebecca yanked up the front of her top on one side. Beneath it she wore a cami bra, not much different than the training bras she wore at 11. Before the diagnosis, when she had expectations of wearing a real bra some day. She grinned wryly.

“I’m serious about Strip-Crazy-Eights, Robbie. Are you afraid it might go the wrong way?” She laughed as Robbie yanked up the front of his shirt in return. She lowered hers. It was the first time she’d done anything overtly sexual with him; until now, it had all been innuendo, and tease.

Dropping her backpack, she pulled the top up and over her head. “This you get free,” she said, breathless despite her resolve to take off her clothes this afternoon. “The rest you have to work for, Robbie.”

Dropping back a step, Robbie stared at her askance. The bra effectively concealed her upper chest, but he could see the outline of her nipples through the thin material. It amazed and bothered him how sexy she looked with no breasts.

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They made it back to the theater Monday morning ready to go. Her mother was already there and they began to rehearse almost immediately. Then the police arrived. Hal's body had been found. He had been murdered. The entire theater was turned upside down. No one knew why. It appeared they hadn't found what they were looking for so the theater was given back to them late in the afternoon. It was a bit somber but someone decided to hold some type of 'Irish' funeral. Somehow Cornelia was able...

1 year ago
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Don’t you just love it when babes actually take the time to dress up for the naughty business? I mean, you basically get wrapped up candy, ready to be eaten, and that is what women are all about. If you are confused as fuck what the heck I am talking about, you should probably check out r/LingerieGW/. Here you have the hottest babes wearing kinky lingerie in all kinds of scenarios.To be fair, if you do not really care about what the sluts are wearing, you should check out any of the NSFW...

Reddit NSFW List
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512 swappsies gerrys story

512 swappsies gerry`s storyHe needn`t have worried, she had been sitting on the bench waiting for the rest of the passenger to evaporate, expecting, like natural selection that ‘her stud of the week’ would be the last remnant, the last, very lost looking soul. She advanced towards him a rare beauty dripping sex from every pore a tall blonde, with an hourglass figure all legs and tits, with a smile like a dream! Gerald could not belive his eyes, she was a stunner, and knowing his mate Ernest as...

2 years ago
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The Nanny

After his wife, Laney, passed away giving birth to their fourth child, Austin needed help. His sister-in-law assisted him in a search for a live-in nanny, and posted an ad on The obstacle was finding someone willing to live with a single dad, most people found that a little unnerving due to the fact that there are so many creeps out there, and a single dad could take advantage.After about a week, only one good candidate had applied, Megan. Austin and his sister-in-law, Ruby, set the...

Straight Sex
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craigslist hook up

I had been looking at men seeking men ads on craigslist for a while.I think it started with my wife funny enough.She had started fingering my ass while sucking me off,and I liked it a lot.Then every time she wanked me off,I ended up pushing her hand to my ass while I wanked myself off.That escalated to me secretly using her dildo on my ass,and I could get it all the way in.I had started wondering what a cock would feel like in my ass.I even started fantasising about men while fucking her or...

1 year ago
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It Is Good to Be the DemonChapter 39

It was 30 minutes before the time would be up, yet the door opened and my girls walked in. Laura walked in behind them and barked, "On your knees, sluts. Now!" Lucille, Amy, and Adrian dropped instantly. Their heads were bowed. Laura said, "I brought them back early so that they would still be under my control, while I spoke to you, Sir." "Is there a problem? Did they do something wrong?" "On the contrary, Sir. I assure you that your house and your "Family" was represented quite...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends HOT MILF MOM

Ok, I know lots of stories on here may be bull shit but this one is for real! Everybody has friends that you grew up with that had really hot mom's and at one point or another, you would have fucked them if you could! My time DID come one day and I got to do what every boy's dream is!I was in high school and my buddy Steve Bussey, had a mom, Mrs. Bussey, that was absolutely AWESOME! She had a perfect body, big tits that stuck straight out, long legs, blonde hair, blue eyes and an ass to die...

1 year ago
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My ex couldnt get enough from sucking my cock

This is a true story from a few years ago. I am not proud to have cheated on my girlfriend at the time, but this experience was something I will never forget. At the time I was a 24 year old graduate student with an athletic build from playing soccer and working out oftenFocused on my thesis, I rarely had time to socialize like I used to and my girlfriend at the time would routinely complain she didn't see me enough. When we did see each other, we would spend the night making dinner, watching...

Oral Sex
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Stranded in the Woods

After a busy month, Lilly needed to get away, clear her head and take some time for herself. She had been hoping to escape to the mountains and clear her head in nature. This weekend, she finally had the chance. Early Saturday morning, she arrived at a trailhead on the Appalachian Trail. She planned to hike Saturday and Sunday, camping out both nights, and return Monday morning.It was a beautiful, crisp morning, in the mid-50s. It would rise to the mid-70s during the day and cool back down to...

4 years ago
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Zos Induction

By Gail Holmes Brenda looked across the table toward Andy, in a way she felt sorry for him, they’d been married now for a little over 40 years remembering the times well. At the start he was obsessed with sex, at it like a jack rabbit on heat, the times she’d complained, a headache, or to tired; always something to stem his zest. Now the tide had turned, it was she now with the craving need, a raving nymphomaniac, making demands on her husband at least four times a week. Oh, it never...

2 years ago
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I Need to Move

Why I let my friend fuck my new wife I will never understand. My name is Ryan and I had just married a girl I had dated for over two years. Her name was Barbie and the name fit her perfect. She was small and skinny weighing only 98 pounds when we married. She stood five foot four inches on her best day. She had small pert breasts with the most sensitive nipples I had ever seen on a woman. They also stood out when erect at least 3/8th to ½ an inch. If you pulled them and sucked them right she...

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Investing On A Rag Picker

Dear readers, this is my second story. As I described earlier in ‘daring housewife story’ how much hair fetish I am. To get long hair women ready to spend money, time everything. One and only criteria for a woman to me is her hair. Age, complexion, figure, look everything immaterial for me. I am a bachelor and not going to marry at least within 10 years. Because marriage will spoil my obsession, my dream. My office is about 20 km away from my home. Usually I work till 8pm, but that day I left...

1 year ago
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Aunt Rebeccas Remarkably Torrid Lesbian Incest Epic Part 2 The Seduction

Jaden and I shared some very hot looks and I think she also was secretly happy that her father wouldn’t be around anymore. In the weeks that followed I often relived my kiss with Jaden and the lust filled moment I had spent with her mother. I felt there was a good chance that I could get back into Angie’s bed but Jaden would be my first conquest. In going over our brief kiss I felt that Jaden would be ready and willing to go further, and might have if we hadn’t been interrupted....

4 years ago
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Aint No Fun If My Homie Cant Get Some

"I'm just saying, he's too old for my baby," Cecile stated, staring at her best friend, Angela. "Anastacia is not a baby. She's 21, for Christ's sake. And so what if he's a few years older than her. A mature man can help her..." "Can take advantage of her.... All my baby knows is sports and her school work. She's not into men like that. He's going to hurt my baby...""You don't even know the man..." "I know men!" Cecile stated firmly. "All of them are just alike. They all think with their dicks...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Your new life in Terra2

You looked at the imposing building before you. There was a new drive for colonization of Terra-2, a utopian Earth-like world under the control of the company, and the spaces had become very limited. You knew there was a certain risk, and that by signing the legally binding document you gave the company authorization for mental and body modifications as they saw fit to assure you were ready for your new position on Terra-2's society, but with how Earth was doing, it wasn't much of a question as...

3 years ago
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Unplanned Fun Time With Maid

Unplanned Fun Time With Maid Hi, I am in the management of a leading MNC married happily with kids. My work demands that I am out to office as early as 7 AM and don’t return before personal sex life is great as my wife is a socialite and we enjoy ourselves to the core. I hardly know the house helps as I don’t get to see them due to so happened that one day, after a customer call, I found time to return home around 1500h. I called my wife in advance, who told me that she is...

2 years ago
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You are my Master

You are my master !I was to be punished again.You were  fucking me hard and I let my cum spread all over your cock.Again,  displeased with me. I wasn't meant to cum until you had.With a whoosh of the cane, I understood, sobbed, begged you  not to cane me again. The cane falls on the exact same place. My arse on fireYou put me on a no sex ban! It's saturday, I'm horny, you my master have reliquished a little."bend over my slut"I bend over, you pull my legs apart, spreading my arse wide.Pushing a...

2 years ago
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African Pirates Journey into Sex Slavery 2

Jen awoke about 45 minutes later, peering outside one of the windows in the captain’s quarters. She saw the young, attractive American tourists, both male and female, lined up naked along the deck. General Khari’s men were barking orders and putting the girls into one line, the guys in another. Soon General Khari himself strode out onto the deck, bellowing for quiet. “Listen carefully, my beautiful young sex slaves. Now, you may be wondering what is next for all of you. Dinner will soon be...

3 years ago
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Assassin No MoreChapter 12 Dragon Minor

After the sidhe left everything returned to normal. The guards and other guests seemed to delight in watching Flower as she began to sing more. The few times Song joined her the tavern was always full with people standing around the walls just to listen. Flower even taught me a song and they seemed to listen to me as well. Of course they delighted in watching Song hand her daughter to me to get her to calm down. It was a few months after the sidhe left that other news began. It started with...

2 years ago
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The GovernorChapter 16

The city folk were coming up with innovative solutions to the lack of time in building a proper finished stone wall. Now, after the euphoria, was a renewed understanding of why they needed defensive walls. The following weeks would increase the work; ideas would be floated, discarded. People talked over their breaks. The final design to replace the broken walls was a wooden palisade with an earth rampart inside that. But there would be a gap left between the two, as the clay and mud was...

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My Paper Babe

My body clock is out of whack and I keep odd hours, going to bed before the chickens go to roost and getting up around 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning. This means that I’m up and about when my newspaper is delivered around 4 o’clock. For around ten years, it has been delivered by a lady named Mary, whom I call my “Paper Babe”. Mary is just a good old country girl in her forties. If I saw the headlights of her vehicle coming toward my house, I’d go outside to meet her, get my paper, and perhaps...

2 years ago
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Food for Thought

‘Well, she sounds great. I can’t wait to meet her.’ Beth Cooper absentmindedly stirred the soup on the stove while holding the phone to her ear, genuinely happy for her friend. ‘Don’t get me wrong here,’ Mark protested. ‘Emily’s not my girlfriend.’ ‘Oh, of course not,’ Beth teased, drawing out each word in mock innocence. ‘You regularly spend whole conversations describing every detail of all of your friends to me.’ ‘Hey, I’m not saying that should the opportunity present itself, that I...

1 year ago
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FirstClassPOV Khloe Kapri Horny Teen With Braces Khloe Kapri Spreads Out Her Tight Pussy

Petite blonde with braces, Khloe Kapri, is a wild and naughty minx who loves having a big sausage rammed down her throat and buried deep inside her shaved pussy. The beautiful babe with small tits can’t hide her excitement as she shows off her enticing body in white lingerie, stockings, and high heels. She teases Alex Jett to come and have a taste of her stunning body. Khloe gives Alex a sloppy blowjob, using her soft lips and warm tongue to tickle every inch of the hard shaft. Not able...

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A Cuckold Wedding Ceremony

Jayne held Steve’s hand as they stood on the hotel steps looking up at the airport coach preparing to leave. On board were close family and friends that had flown out with them to the Dominican Republic ten days earlier for their wedding. They both waved at their two boys and then Jayne turned to their parents. Her mum was still laughing from her parting remark. “Remember, we want a granddaughter this time.”“Mum!” Jayne had responded.Her mum laughed. “Well, your father and I are expecting a...

2 years ago
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Quantum Computing Size Play

After a long day at work, you finally make it home. Working at the IT department at the University of California Sacrimento (UCS), where you also go to school, is fairly convenient. It's barely 3pm on a Friday and you've already made it home... Michelle shouldn't be home till her usual 6 or 7pm. As you open the apartment door, your surprised to see Michelle furiously typing and taking notes on a notepad on a very odd looking laptop. The next thing you notice, is Michelle is wearing only a...

3 years ago
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Daughter Loves HorsesChapter 12

She recognized all three stallions, and they remembered her, Buck Morgan had a couple dozen stallions around his ranch, and Cindy had gotten to know most of them intimately. As she approached these three, they stood watching her expectantly, their eyes on her wobbling tits, on her sexy tanned skin, on her pretty feet. She watched their horse-cocks slide out of their sheaths and erect. "Hi, boys!" she said, admiring their three waiting pricks. "Wanna have fun?" The stallions snorted and...

1 year ago
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Pandemic Boredom Ch1

Pausing gingerly on the foot of my bed, I stared emptily at my 35mm digital camera on its tripod pointing at me from a few feet away. The timer was set on a fifteen-second pause before the flash. For some, it might have seemed stupid, but for me, it was just a fun way to fill my boredom during this dreadful pandemic.It seemed like the entire world shut down all in one day. With the restaurants, movie theatres, bars, and virtually every business that provided entertainment closed, there was not...

3 years ago
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Holiday with Friends

Your longtime friends Emilia and Jack Brewster have access to a holiday home in Rivanna,France. The house is a nice traditional home for the region that is sparsely populated now due to the number of people buying the local properties as holiday homes, it is up a steep driveway on the hillside overlooking a scenic valley, a road spirals up the hill overlooking the house all the way to the top of the hill. Your friends have already invited some of your other friends to join them Scarlett and...

1 year ago
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Hawaiian Retreat 11

When we got home and into bed, I sat next to Mitch, still rubbing moisturizer into my arms while he sat up, watching the news. Without turning to me, Mitch said, "I think she likes you." I smiled. "She is an amazing kid. The more I see her, the more I love her." Mitch looked at me and smiled. "I could tell. You know... I don't think I ever thought about becoming a father. I mean... I considered it as an abstract, but in real life... I wasn't really ready for this. Now that's it's...

2 years ago
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The nastiest cumshit drinking college slut at the

Cumbag slept uneasily. Several times her head would fall to the side and she wasawakened by gulping down more of the piss and cum mixture that the slut hadmissed before. But soon she had drunk the toilet dry of the wonderful cocktail.Dreams invaded her sleep. Dreams of cocks, cum, and abuse that caused thatinsatiable itching in her swollen, dripping cunt. Itching that she had to sufferthrough. Bound as she was, it was impossible to calm the raging lust thatengulfed her wet cunt and every inch...

1 year ago
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Jeff and ChelseaChapter 2

Jeff and Chelsea walked from the union holding hands. “I like that episode,” he said. “I like Tom Baker. He made the best of the Doctors.” “Mmm ... I agree. I like his sense of anarchy.” “I saw an interview with him. He said that the BBC is rather good at period costume dramas. Less so at giant man-eating rats.” “I guess that’s true,” she replied. “I think some of the cheesy special effects are part of the charm.” “Have you ever seen Logan’s Run?” “No.” “It was considered the ultimate...

2 years ago
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Nisha aunty ki mari chut aur gand

Hi I’m Arjun 25yrs fit male in bombay, I have come to mumbai from UK I lived in the UK for 6yrs, all this began when I came to mumbai to study and spend time in India. I will use hindi from now since its one long that all readers can understand. May jab bobmay tha tab ek room rent pay rakhatha, it was in a society aur samne ek family rehti thi (husband and wife) tab say maine Nisha say batein karna shuru kiya, (thats her name, she’s 36yrs with excellent fig and fair skin) Nisha ko dekhke hi...

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Kathy white trash whore part 1

Kathy opened the front door and walked in taking off her coat and hanging it on the hall stand. She was surprised to see the light on in the living room and even more surprised to see her husband sitting at the computer. “Thought you’d be in bed by now Jeff” “Hiya sweetie, didn’t realise it was this late…. how’s your day been?” One thing Kathy really didn’t like was when he called her sweetie, but she kicked off her shoes, walked over to him putting her hands on his shoulders before...

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