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Chapter 1

This story is laced with nuance, irony, and sheer cold-sweat fun. I grew up in a small town about an hour north of Phoenix, Arizona. Went to school at a the local highschool and hung out with the locals kids, doing your typical local mischief. Oddly, the day I planted myself into the greatest mischief to-date in my young life, things had started otherwise uneventful. Please note, this is true to the letter, aside from names and of course, some of the dialogue I've made up for lack of memory.

I had been playing basketball up at the old highschool. Now. this is the place where my father and his brothers and sisters went to school, before the school district rebuilt and relocated at the other end of town. So, the buildings are dated, now used mostly by the town to govern from, store stuff, and so forth. It even housed the Sheriff's Office. Surrounding the old school are great basketball courts, and because I lived but two blocks from them, I often rode my bike up to play. Typically, there were other kids who'd show up and we'd play two on, or even sometimes have enough for a full-court game. This particular day being the exception. There wasn't a soul about and so I played alone. Alone, that is except for a girl.

I have to explain me before I can explain her, so humor me. See, in highschool I could be sort of bi-polar, not in the sense of emotion, but rather in action. I was always a little erratic. Kind of shy most of the time, then once in a while I'd surprise myself, and even more so, my friends.

For example, I once came up with the idea of sneaking four of my friends into the spa at this brand spanking new way, way private resort at the edge of town. Not only did I create the idea, but I went so far as to employ it. It started when I walked over to a family who was staying at the resort. I noticed their car license plate. Utah. (I'd been to Park City, UT once for a theater festival at their Junior Highschool) I went up the guy while my friends waited at the street out front, and said, "Hey. You're from Utah?! What part?" The guy replied, Salt Lake. It was a miss, but not by far. Park City's approximately 25 miles from there. It gave me a little to go on.

"Wow," I said. "What are the odds? My family's staying over there," I said, pointing to nowhere in general, "and we're from Park City." I quickly added, "I go to Treasure Mountain Middle School, there." If I remembered correctly, that was the name. Sure enough, it hit home with the guy. He beamed as if I'd just handed him a little slice of random pie. We chatted. He told me he'd brought his family to Arizona to enjoy the spring warmth, while Salt Lake thawed. I commiserated, gave him the whole Boy, we're just the same. Glad we picked this time of year for a vacation. This desert weather is perfect right now! He ate it up. And finally I said: "Oh, by the way, I'm Jason Hargrove." He told me his name. Then I went for the kill. "Say, Mr. Allen, I might bring my mom and dad by. We could all shoot the breeze, or something. Where you guys staying?" To which he replied without hesitation,

"Oh, we're in Ridge Crest Bungalow, 1A, across the 9th green." My grin was genuine then. We shook hands again and parted ways.

Four hours later my friends and myself were turning into prunes in the chlorinated water, when a guy in resort khakis and a cream colored shirt walked over and asked me my name.

"I' m Jason," I said. "Jason Allen. I'm with my mom and dad. I think we're in your registry under Rick Allen. Yeah," I added. "Ridge Crest Bungalow, 1A." Needless, to say we didn't hear back from him. Anyhow, for a guy who considers himself the shy type, I do have my bold moments. They are unfortunately, only moments.

Lucky for me, I was feeling bold that particular day. I started shooting, by myself at first. But then, she seemed to be cute, at least from a distance. Had this sexy strawberry blonde hair. It may have been dyed, but it looked great, regardless. She also had these incredible legs, tanned and... the word that immediately came to mind, I remember it to this day, was sinuous. It had been a vocab word the week before. I hated vocabulary tests immensely. My tricks to memorize words were notorious for working just long enough to take the godforsaken test. After that, forget it. This word stuck though, partly because of its meaning. Now, when I saw those legs for the first time, I knew that word would forever be embedded in my mind, like a dictionary with pictures for reference. (Sinuous: (Refer to picture) -- Oh yeah, those legs).

So I was 18 and graduating in less than two months, I thought, what the hell. I held my ball, my basketball that is, and wandered over to where she was shooting.

"Hey," she said, even before I could initiate.

"Hi," I replied.

"I'm Shirsten." I was immediately struck by how forward she was. And her name. I'd never heard it before, and told her so.

"Yeah, I used to not like it, but it's cool I guess."

"It is, it's nice." Then came one of those pauses that are never good when you first meet someone. Oh yeah, my name.

"I'm uh, Jason by the way." She smiled. What a smile. Her cheeks dimpled impossibly deep.

"So," I said, "How come I've never seen you around, or at school? Are you visiting somebody in town?"

"Oh, no," she said, turning to me and brushing a lock of that strawberry blonde out of her face, "I'm home schooled."

"Ah, OK," I said. Home schoolers were always a strange group to us public schoolers. First of all, they were usually less than sociable. I guess because they didn't get to hang out with that many other kids, and were usually... alone. I looked around us. Granted, I was pretty much alone at the moment, but that was more or less chance. Things were a little awkward for a moment. As a kid, you complicate things in ways that aren't necessary. Learning that she was a home schooler, I suddenly thought, Well, we don't have anything in common. Idiot.

"Are you meeting somebody here?" I asked. A real brainiac question.

"No. My dad's at work, so I just decided to come out here and play a little until he's done." Kids never ask each other what their parents do. It's just not the thing, not important, who knows...

"Oh, OK. Um, well..." I was reaching like a one-armed mountain climber. Luckily, she was nothing like the stereotype I imagined. She grabbed a rebound, then stopped and turned to me.

"Do you wanna go to the arcade, Jason?" Unlike the adult mind, the kid's mind has this innocent knowledge that answering right away is always, always, always, better than pondering.

"OK," I said, without so much as a beat's hesitation. We started walking, then she turned back.

"What about your bike?" I looked back. It was tucked more or less out of sight between the building and the chain link.

"Eh, it'll be OK here." There's nothing quite like the naivety that comes with living in a small town.

So we walked along the sidewalk, and it was nuts. I mean I flat don't know how to explain it. It was just like jazz or something. We walked side-by-side in utter harmony, like we shared a leg. Absolutely ridiculous I know, and yet I couldn't get over it. What's more, she made the same observation, audible.

"Don't take this the wrong way, Jason, but I feel like we've walked down this sidewalk together before." I pretended I didn't know what she meant, even though it was pretty clear. She tried to elaborate.

"Like we've walked together hundreds of times before. It's weird." Yeah, that was it alright.

"I know what you mean." And it was just like that. They say you never really know what triggers a friendship, how they start, just that it happens and before you can trace your footsteps into one, they've blown away in the wind. OK, nobody has ever said that, in fact, that was probably the complete babble of an over-active mind. But! I do often wonder how the good friendships "happen". If you really think about it, it doesn't follow any set path. They, the good ones anyway, usually develop rather... (Refer to picture -- Oh yeah, those legs) sinuously.

Shirsten and I met again almost everyday after school. Yeah, I pretty much disappeared on my friends; left them angry and abandoned, but I couldn't help it. I liked the shit out of this girl. And getting girlfriends and ditching your friends is what kids do, damnit! Who were we to fight it? She was uncanny cool, too. Knew all sorts of things, had read four maybe five million more books than me, and then of course, well... she looked irresistibly good in the clothes she wore.

Now this was the spray paint on the Mona Lisa; The tiny cock on the enormous sculpture; the big ass weed in the otherwise weedless rose garden. You following me? She was like a walking contradiction in her upbringing and her well, ways. For instance, look at how she dressed. She wore low-low cut jeans, this at a time when low cut jeans were still waiting patiently to make a comeback. She also wore these uniform short sleeve button-down blouses, all prim and proper, right? Not quite. She kept them unbuttoned well into the realm of Cleavage Country, USA. Which, might I add, was ample thanks to her nicely shaped breasts and those miraculous bras. They kept her tits set up like dirty-filthy royalty. And what's more, the bras were always a contrasting color to the shirt. One afternoon when Shirsten and I were sitting out front of the ice cream shop, my mom drove by and honked. I waved. When I got home that night I got the biggest damn lecture! My mom saw Shirsten's outfit, and the red bra glaring through her light blouse. Well, damn, I couldn't fathom it when she suggested Shirsten's fashion choice of contrasting colors was in no way an accident. Who knew? Ha!

Shirsten also had this wild streak. Now, like me she was sort of shy. Sort of came across reserved. Mostly. But when it came to huevos, balls, nuts, whatever you fancy calling the moxie, mine were bb's in comparison. This was a girl who talked about going to an IVY League school, being a lawyer, and the like. Then suddenly she'd transform into Punk Rock Rebellious, and you want to talk about mischief?! She shoplifted like a fiend. Stupid stuff, like locker padlocks and packages of marbles. Even more bizarre, once she got outside the store, she'd set the loot down, right by the door.

One night she phoned in an order for six pizzas and had them sent to this nasty little motel in the middle of town. I had to hand it to her; the girl was brilliant. She picked the room that happened to be at the very edge of the building, right next to a huge orchard. The guy who does the local deliveries carries the pizza on his motorcycle. Anyway, the guy gets off his bike and can only carry three pizzas to go knock on the door. When he's at the door, Shirsten and I slip out and grab the other three pizzas. The guy never even turned around.

Now me, I could never do something like that. I'd feel too guilty, my conscience working overtime worrying about what the delivery guy would have to tell his boss, and so on and so forth. But Shirsten, the seemingly sweet, demure, home school kid, did it without conscience. The weird thing was, she never really enjoyed the spoils of her conquests. Just like the things she stole and set by the door so the store clerks would find them, she didn't even have a slice of the pizza. I remember eating one, but was too nervous to stomach another, so we left the three extra large pies minus a slice, sitting in the middle of the orchard.

By this time in our relationship, things were moving toward girlfriend-boyfriend. She was the initiator as always. I think my problem was being raised by a mother who always beat it into my head not to be pushy with the ladies. I could use other dysfunctional adjectives for the way my mother worked. Drilled it into my head, bored it into my, pounded... but, you get the idea. So frankly, I was a little nervous to try and take our relationship to an intimate level. For one, I really liked Shirsten. I was crazy about her. I absolutely did not want to fuck that up. Secondly, I wasn't too experienced. Yeah, I'd fooled around with girls since I was thirteen. Small towns can get boring, so the local kids experiment. I hadn't gone far. A hand job, received a couple blow jobs. Even doled out an oral favor or two, myself. But that was about it, and none with somebody as incredibly attractive and lightning quick-minded as Shirsten. Yet, lucky for me, I didn't need to initiate squat.

Our first kiss, which quickly became a mack fest happened when I was waiting with her for her father. Call me a fool, call me a... well, don't call me anything, just listen. See, I didn't know what her father did per se. I knew he worked somewhere in the local government. That's why Shirsten was always hanging around the old highschool, waiting for her father to get off work. I had never actually waited with her, until that day. We were leaning against a patrol car in the gravel parking lot.

"Are you ever going to kiss me?" It's a sad state of affairs when your girlfriend has to ask you that. And maybe the stars were all in alignment, because I was actually swinging around the I can do anything pole, of my bi-polar self. I didn't so much as answer her. I stopped leaning on the car and put my arms around her and kissed her. God, those full lips, pink and sun chapped, had been so difficult to resist, and did not fail to show me why. Shirsten released a growl from low in her throat that came up and seemed to wade into my own mouth, vibrating my tongue. In no time, she was sucking on my bottom lip, nibbling my top lip, our tongues trespassing, dancing their awkward dance to that hormonal orchestra. She then pulled herself up onto the trunk of the patrol car, and I shit you not, grabbed my face and buried it between her breasts. I was certainly surprised but I hope I didn't show it. I starting nuzzling her tits as I wrapped my arms around her waist and ran my hands in under her shirt. I kissed and licked as if it were a pie-eating contest. Then she made her announcement. I have spent a good deal of time thinking back on this. I have tracked and traced, and pinpointed. I attribute that precise moment to being the opening of one big fucking can of worms.

"Let's see if the car is unlocked. I want to get in the back," she said sliding against me and off the back of the patrol car. (Come again? -- Don't mind if I do.)

"Shirsten." My hormones quickly jumped back behind their own battle lines. I could hear the orders being given to ready the heavy artillery. Somewhere a trumpet sounded. I think I heard the hormone general issuing an inspirational speech.

"I don't think that's a good idea," I said, tying to sound as firm as I could. The hormone chaplain was reading from a book of Psalms. Shirsten's face did something I had not seen before. A tactic of irresistible means. Slowly, her bottom lip puffed out. Her eyes fell, her lashes seemed to shade them like gorgeous parasols. A distant flag raised and the hormone general brought his hand up to his brow. My cock stood right up and saluted.

"Are you sure?" Shirsten cooed. Just then, I heard someone far away yell, CHHAARRRGGGE! and I heard myself say meekly,

"OK." Of course, the back door was unlocked. This was after all a small town. Who steals a cop car? Shags in the backseat, maybe. But steal, no. Definitely not.

Shirsten was sprawled out on the backseat, her pants already coming off, when I shot a hesitant glance over my shoulder before sliding in and shutting the door. As if there were any doubt that Shirsten's legs got better as the view progressed, I quickly learned that yes, yes they did. She had shucked her pants and was wearing an impossibly thin thong. In less than a glance and a nano-second, my eyes relayed a message to my brain that asked: Did anyone else notice the crease where her vagina was trying to swallow that thong? How about a show of hands?

I was undoing my belt, not fast enough apparently.

"Let me help you," Shirsten said, leaning forward and taking over. I was pulling my shirt over my head, when I felt my cock spring free and take a gulp of open air. I heard Shirsten utter a Hmmm, and I literally gasped as her mouth enveloped my cock.

"Oh shit," I breathed. She pulled her mouth off momentarily to laugh. Then she sank on it again, her tongue flicking over the sides and base. She slurped as she pulled her face off me a second time, and I had to wait until her hair was out of the way to see she had actually coated me with her spit. She leaned back and pushed herself away from the window until her head was lying on the seat. Her ass was against my thigh, her left leg she shoved behind me, her right propped up.

"OK," she said simply, grinning sheepishly at me. I turned myself and sat cross-legged between her legs. I reached up and pulled her thong over those hips and down her legs which she lifted giving me a view beyond those gaping lips. Meanwhile, I was grinning like a kid in a candy store. Well, in essence that was where I was. I pushed her leg a bit wider then ducked my head into her cunt. She was trimmed and had left only the faintest notion of a red-blonde pubic patch. I was pleased to cause my own gasp of surprise when my lips met those of her vagina. She was like fire on my mouth. I dipped my tongue straight into her and she arched her back and moaned. I tried to remember the other girl's I'd gone down on, and for the life of me I could swear none of them had such an intense heat rising from their body. In, their body. My tongue immediately felt that heat as I dipped it in and then pushed my mouth down harder to increase my depth. I left my face buried hard and flicked my tongue up and down her slit in the shallow depths of her steaming snatch. All the while, Shirsten moaned and gyrated her hips. She was running her right hand through my hair occasionally pushing my head harder against her mons when my tongue met a particularly sensitive area.

"Oh God, there," she said, and I concentrated my tongue flicks with greater fervor. When my tongue tired I sucked her labia and began plumbing her with one and then two fingers. I gently fucked her with my index and middle and smashed the flat of my tongue against her clit, rubbing the tiny nub back and forth over my tastebuds. Shirsten was near jitters at this point and had her bra pushed down under her tits and was twisting her nipples. On a particularly good note, she would bend at the waist and arch her mid-back well off the seat. I found this especially sexy, looking up from her pussy to watch her hips and stomach rise and her tits thrust upward. Those nipples were so hard they seemed capable of cutting holes in the car's ceiling, each time she arched her back and propelled them upward.

"Hurry, I want to fuck you," she said suddenly. I was beyond the point of asking myself who this girl was. I decided I didn't want to know. She looked a lot like Shirsten and that was all that mattered. Except for a wee problem.

"I don't have a--" She cut me off.

"I'm on the pill."

"Uh-" I started.

"It helps when I'm having my period. It regulates my flow." OK then. I'd never heard anything like that before, but I was willing to trust blindly. I pulled myself up the seat and over her body. She reached down between us and grabbed my cock and jerked it twice. I could have shot a load down her cunt lips at that moment. She massaged the tip, greasing her hand before slicking my entire shaft. Then she actually leaned up and bit my lip as she spoke.

"Do me," she commanded lustily, suckling on my lip. I was literally on the fucking verge of complying, when a pair of headlights lit up the inside of the car. I recoiled and fell onto the floor, and grabbed what I thought were my pants, but actually hers, and had them pinned over my crotch. We both lay there in a still panic as a car door opened. I can hear those fucking feet on the gravel parking lot to this day, then the door closing.

"Shirsten!" a voice called. "Honey, you about?" I looked at Shirsten, my eyes wide. Shirsten, in-fucking-credibly, took my hand and placed it on her mound. She directed my middle finger into her canal. I stared at her wide-eyed as she mouthed My Dad. I was on the point of becoming religious when the footsteps started fading. Shirsten whispered.

"He's got to change and sign the deputy's reports." I sighed.

"Change? Sign what?" I looked a bit bewildered, precisely because I was.

"Yeah, well he is the sheriff." My life was going to end.

"We're getting dressed and I'm getting the fuck--" I pulled my finger from her cunt. She cut me off, grabbing my hand and stinking that finger into her mouth.

"Or we can finish what we started." If you look in a woman's purse sometime, I'm convinced you'll find it. Way down at the bottom. They sit neatly in a silver tamper-resistant case. Inside are three to five faces. These incredible faces that could, by no means, possibly belong to that woman sitting before you, but which she miraculously sports at times most unexpected. Shirsten was wearing Lust Face. Never in my life, have I ever seen a face so impossibly unrecognizable, yet so fucking irresistible. Shirsten? Now she wore it like it was going out of style.

"We have to finish. We'll be real fast. You'll like that won't you." Fast? Well, sure it had a certain ring to it. She took my finger up to the knuckle, her tongue wrapping it.

"Look Shirsten, I don't know why it didn't occur to me until just now that your dad's the sheriff of the fucking town, but I'm not about to have him find me ON... IN, his daughter, IN a patrol car!" I was still whispering, but I hoped I was making an impression on her, besides the one on her tongue. But, no. She leaned over, popped my finger from her mouth and stuck her tongue in my mouth! Can you imagine the gall? She kept her face close, her breath hot and sweet on my lips and said,

"When will we have this chance again? All you have to do is get on top of me. Put it in, fuck me, and then come. It's pretty simple, right?" Fuck and Come. Those two words, the way she said them, the way I can still hear them... Why don't women run the world? Oh wait...

I threw her pants against the other side of the car, and literally leapt up from the floor and between her legs to a shower of giggling kisses. I grabbed my cock, rubbed it up her slit twice, and slide it home. We both lay there a minute as I sunk deeper and deeper into her snatch, her body swallowing me hungrily. Our mouths were touching and we breathed hard, but all concentrations were on the feeling below. My mind slammed into action and I began pounding her quickly slickening vagina. Each time I slammed against her, I hated her and loved her at the same time. Hated her for having put us, ME at such risk. Loved her because I wanted to fuck her now and always. Hated her for being the sheriff's daughter. Loved her for being so fucking hot. Her cunt milked me and I pounded harder. The thought that her dad could walk out the door at any minute was a death-defying thrill. I saw him walking up to the car and gazing down through the fogging windows, wondering whose white ass was jack hammering the hole between his daughter's legs. Shirsten would no doubt, look up and wave. I felt like more like I'd kidnaped the king's daughter Robin Hood style, vowing to return her deflowered and gapped.

This story is laced with nuance, irony, and sheer cold-sweat fun. I grew up in a small town about an hour north of Phoenix, Arizona. Went to school at a the local highschool and hung out with the locals kids, doing your typical local mischief. Oddly, the day I planted myself into the greatest mischief to-date in my young life, things had started otherwise uneventful. Please note, this is true to the letter, aside from names and of course, some of the dialogue I've made up for lack of memory.

I had been playing basketball up at the old highschool. Now. this is the place where my father and his brothers and sisters went to school, before the school district rebuilt and relocated at the other end of town. So, the buildings are dated, now used mostly by the town to govern from, store stuff, and so forth. It even housed the Sheriff's Office. Surrounding the old school are great basketball courts, and because I lived but two blocks from them, I often rode my bike up to play. Typically, there were other kids who'd show up and we'd play two on, or even sometimes have enough for a full-court game. This particular day being the exception. There wasn't a soul about and so I played alone. Alone, that is except for a girl.

I have to explain me before I can explain her, so humor me. See, in highschool I could be sort of bi-polar, not in the sense of emotion, but rather in action. I was always a little erratic. Kind of shy most of the time, then once in a while I'd surprise myself, and even more so, my friends.

For example, I once came up with the idea of sneaking four of my friends into the spa at this brand spanking new way, way private resort at the edge of town. Not only did I create the idea, but I went so far as to employ it. It started when I walked over to a family who was staying at the resort. I noticed their car license plate. Utah. (I'd been to Park City, UT once for a theater festival at their Junior Highschool) I went up the guy while my friends waited at the street out front, and said, "Hey. You're from Utah?! What part?" The guy replied, Salt Lake. It was a miss, but not by far. Park City's approximately 25 miles from there. It gave me a little to go on.

"Wow," I said. "What are the odds? My family's staying over there," I said, pointing to nowhere in general, "and we're from Park City." I quickly added, "I go to Treasure Mountain Middle School, there." If I remembered correctly, that was the name. Sure enough, it hit home with the guy. He beamed as if I'd just handed him a little slice of random pie. We chatted. He told me he'd brought his family to Arizona to enjoy the spring warmth, while Salt Lake thawed. I commiserated, gave him the whole Boy, we're just the same. Glad we picked this time of year for a vacation. This desert weather is perfect right now! He ate it up. And finally I said: "Oh, by the way, I'm Jason Hargrove." He told me his name. Then I went for the kill. "Say, Mr. Allen, I might bring my mom and dad by. We could all shoot the breeze, or something. Where you guys staying?" To which he replied without hesitation,

"Oh, we're in Ridge Crest Bungalow, 1A, across the 9th green." My grin was genuine then. We shook hands again and parted ways.

Four hours later my friends and myself were turning into prunes in the chlorinated water, when a guy in resort khakis and a cream colored shirt walked over and asked me my name.

"I' m Jason," I said. "Jason Allen. I'm with my mom and dad. I think we're in your registry under Rick Allen. Yeah," I added. "Ridge Crest Bungalow, 1A." Needless, to say we didn't hear back from him. Anyhow, for a guy who considers himself the shy type, I do have my bold moments. They are unfortunately, only moments.

Lucky for me, I was feeling bold that particular day. I started shooting, by myself at first. But then, she seemed to be cute, at least from a distance. Had this sexy strawberry blonde hair. It may have been dyed, but it looked great, regardless. She also had these incredible legs, tanned and... the word that immediately came to mind, I remember it to this day, was sinuous. It had been a vocab word the week before. I hated vocabulary tests immensely. My tricks to memorize words were notorious for working just long enough to take the godforsaken test. After that, forget it. This word stuck though, partly because of its meaning. Now, when I saw those legs for the first time, I knew that word would forever be embedded in my mind, like a dictionary with pictures for reference. (Sinuous: (Refer to picture) -- Oh yeah, those legs).

So I was 18 and graduating in less than two months, I thought, what the hell. I held my ball, my basketball that is, and wandered over to where she was shooting.

"Hey," she said, even before I could initiate.

"Hi," I replied.

"I'm Shirsten." I was immediately struck by how forward she was. And her name. I'd never heard it before, and told her so.

"Yeah, I used to not like it, but it's cool I guess."

"It is, it's nice." Then came one of those pauses that are never good when you first meet someone. Oh yeah, my name.

"I'm uh, Jason by the way." She smiled. What a smile. Her cheeks dimpled impossibly deep.

"So," I said, "How come I've never seen you around, or at school? Are you visiting somebody in town?"

"Oh, no," she said, turning to me and brushing a lock of that strawberry blonde out of her face, "I'm home schooled."

"Ah, OK," I said. Home schoolers were always a strange group to us public schoolers. First of all, they were usually less than sociable. I guess because they didn't get to hang out with that many other kids, and were usually... alone. I looked around us. Granted, I was pretty much alone at the moment, but that was more or less chance. Things were a little awkward for a moment. As a kid, you complicate things in ways that aren't necessary. Learning that she was a home schooler, I suddenly thought, Well, we don't have anything in common. Idiot.

"Are you meeting somebody here?" I asked. A real brainiac question.

"No. My dad's at work, so I just decided to come out here and play a little until he's done." Kids never ask each other what their parents do. It's just not the thing, not important, who knows...

"Oh, OK. Um, well..." I was reaching like a one-armed mountain climber. Luckily, she was nothing like the stereotype I imagined. She grabbed a rebound, then stopped and turned to me.

"Do you wanna go to the arcade, Jason?" Unlike the adult mind, the kid's mind has this innocent knowledge that answering right away is always, always, always, better than pondering.

"OK," I said, without so much as a beat's hesitation. We started walking, then she turned back.

"What about your bike?" I looked back. It was tucked more or less out of sight between the building and the chain link.

"Eh, it'll be OK here." There's nothing quite like the naivety that comes with living in a small town.

So we walked along the sidewalk, and it was nuts. I mean I flat don't know how to explain it. It was just like jazz or something. We walked side-by-side in utter harmony, like we shared a leg. Absolutely ridiculous I know, and yet I couldn't get over it. What's more, she made the same observation, audible.

"Don't take this the wrong way, Jason, but I feel like we've walked down this sidewalk together before." I pretended I didn't know what she meant, even though it was pretty clear. She tried to elaborate.

"Like we've walked together hundreds of times before. It's weird." Yeah, that was it alright.

"I know what you mean." And it was just like that. They say you never really know what triggers a friendship, how they start, just that it happens and before you can trace your footsteps into one, they've blown away in the wind. OK, nobody has ever said that, in fact, that was probably the complete babble of an over-active mind. But! I do often wonder how the good friendships "happen". If you really think about it, it doesn't follow any set path. They, the good ones anyway, usually develop rather... (Refer to picture -- Oh yeah, those legs) sinuously.

Shirsten and I met again almost everyday after school. Yeah, I pretty much disappeared on my friends; left them angry and abandoned, but I couldn't help it. I liked the shit out of this girl. And getting girlfriends and ditching your friends is what kids do, damnit! Who were we to fight it? She was uncanny cool, too. Knew all sorts of things, had read four maybe five million more books than me, and then of course, well... she looked irresistibly good in the clothes she wore.

Now this was the spray paint on the Mona Lisa; The tiny cock on the enormous sculpture; the big ass weed in the otherwise weedless rose garden. You following me? She was like a walking contradiction in her upbringing and her well, ways. For instance, look at how she dressed. She wore low-low cut jeans, this at a time when low cut jeans were still waiting patiently to make a comeback. She also wore these uniform short sleeve button-down blouses, all prim and proper, right? Not quite. She kept them unbuttoned well into the realm of Cleavage Country, USA. Which, might I add, was ample thanks to her nicely shaped breasts and those miraculous bras. They kept her tits set up like dirty-filthy royalty. And what's more, the bras were always a contrasting color to the shirt. One afternoon when Shirsten and I were sitting out front of the ice cream shop, my mom drove by and honked. I waved. When I got home that night I got the biggest damn lecture! My mom saw Shirsten's outfit, and the red bra glaring through her light blouse. Well, damn, I couldn't fathom it when she suggested Shirsten's fashion choice of contrasting colors was in no way an accident. Who knew? Ha!

Shirsten also had this wild streak. Now, like me she was sort of shy. Sort of came across reserved. Mostly. But when it came to huevos, balls, nuts, whatever you fancy calling the moxie, mine were bb's in comparison. This was a girl who talked about going to an IVY League school, being a lawyer, and the like. Then suddenly she'd transform into Punk Rock Rebellious, and you want to talk about mischief?! She shoplifted like a fiend. Stupid stuff, like locker padlocks and packages of marbles. Even more bizarre, once she got outside the store, she'd set the loot down, right by the door.

One night she phoned in an order for six pizzas and had them sent to this nasty little motel in the middle of town. I had to hand it to her; the girl was brilliant. She picked the room that happened to be at the very edge of the building, right next to a huge orchard. The guy who does the local deliveries carries the pizza on his motorcycle. Anyway, the guy gets off his bike and can only carry three pizzas to go knock on the door. When he's at the door, Shirsten and I slip out and grab the other three pizzas. The guy never even turned around.

Now me, I could never do something like that. I'd feel too guilty, my conscience working overtime worrying about what the delivery guy would have to tell his boss, and so on and so forth. But Shirsten, the seemingly sweet, demure, home school kid, did it without conscience. The weird thing was, she never really enjoyed the spoils of her conquests. Just like the things she stole and set by the door so the store clerks would find them, she didn't even have a slice of the pizza. I remember eating one, but was too nervous to stomach another, so we left the three extra large pies minus a slice, sitting in the middle of the orchard.

By this time in our relationship, things were moving toward girlfriend-boyfriend. She was the initiator as always. I think my problem was being raised by a mother who always beat it into my head not to be pushy with the ladies. I could use other dysfunctional adjectives for the way my mother worked. Drilled it into my head, bored it into my, pounded... but, you get the idea. So frankly, I was a little nervous to try and take our relationship to an intimate level. For one, I really liked Shirsten. I was crazy about her. I absolutely did not want to fuck that up. Secondly, I wasn't too experienced. Yeah, I'd fooled around with girls since I was thirteen. Small towns can get boring, so the local kids experiment. I hadn't gone far. A hand job, received a couple blow jobs. Even doled out an oral favor or two, myself. But that was about it, and none with somebody as incredibly attractive and lightning quick-minded as Shirsten. Yet, lucky for me, I didn't need to initiate squat.

Our first kiss, which quickly became a mack fest happened when I was waiting with her for her father. Call me a fool, call me a... well, don't call me anything, just listen. See, I didn't know what her father did per se. I knew he worked somewhere in the local government. That's why Shirsten was always hanging around the old highschool, waiting for her father to get off work. I had never actually waited with her, until that day. We were leaning against a patrol car in the gravel parking lot.

"Are you ever going to kiss me?" It's a sad state of affairs when your girlfriend has to ask you that. And maybe the stars were all in alignment, because I was actually swinging around the I can do anything pole, of my bi-polar self. I didn't so much as answer her. I stopped leaning on the car and put my arms around her and kissed her. God, those full lips, pink and sun chapped, had been so difficult to resist, and did not fail to show me why. Shirsten released a growl from low in her throat that came up and seemed to wade into my own mouth, vibrating my tongue. In no time, she was sucking on my bottom lip, nibbling my top lip, our tongues trespassing, dancing their awkward dance to that hormonal orchestra. She then pulled herself up onto the trunk of the patrol car, and I shit you not, grabbed my face and buried it between her breasts. I was certainly surprised but I hope I didn't show it. I starting nuzzling her tits as I wrapped my arms around her waist and ran my hands in under her shirt. I kissed and licked as if it were a pie-eating contest. Then she made her announcement. I have spent a good deal of time thinking back on this. I have tracked and traced, and pinpointed. I attribute that precise moment to being the opening of one big fucking can of worms.

"Let's see if the car is unlocked. I want to get in the back," she said sliding against me and off the back of the patrol car. (Come again? -- Don't mind if I do.)

"Shirsten." My hormones quickly jumped back behind their own battle lines. I could hear the orders being given to ready the heavy artillery. Somewhere a trumpet sounded. I think I heard the hormone general issuing an inspirational speech.

"I don't think that's a good idea," I said, tying to sound as firm as I could. The hormone chaplain was reading from a book of Psalms. Shirsten's face did something I had not seen before. A tactic of irresistible means. Slowly, her bottom lip puffed out. Her eyes fell, her lashes seemed to shade them like gorgeous parasols. A distant flag raised and the hormone general brought his hand up to his brow. My cock stood right up and saluted.

"Are you sure?" Shirsten cooed. Just then, I heard someone far away yell, CHHAARRRGGGE! and I heard myself say meekly,

"OK." Of course, the back door was unlocked. This was after all a small town. Who steals a cop car? Shags in the backseat, maybe. But steal, no. Definitely not.

Shirsten was sprawled out on the backseat, her pants already coming off, when I shot a hesitant glance over my shoulder before sliding in and shutting the door. As if there were any doubt that Shirsten's legs got better as the view progressed, I quickly learned that yes, yes they did. She had shucked her pants and was wearing an impossibly thin thong. In less than a glance and a nano-second, my eyes relayed a message to my brain that asked: Did anyone else notice the crease where her vagina was trying to swallow that thong? How about a show of hands?

I was undoing my belt, not fast enough apparently.

"Let me help you," Shirsten said, leaning forward and taking over. I was pulling my shirt over my head, when I felt my cock spring free and take a gulp of open air. I heard Shirsten utter a Hmmm, and I literally gasped as her mouth enveloped my cock.

"Oh shit," I breathed. She pulled her mouth off momentarily to laugh. Then she sank on it again, her tongue flicking over the sides and base. She slurped as she pulled her face off me a second time, and I had to wait until her hair was out of the way to see she had actually coated me with her spit. She leaned back and pushed herself away from the window until her head was lying on the seat. Her ass was against my thigh, her left leg she shoved behind me, her right propped up.

"OK," she said simply, grinning sheepishly at me. I turned myself and sat cross-legged between her legs. I reached up and pulled her thong over those hips and down her legs which she lifted giving me a view beyond those gaping lips. Meanwhile, I was grinning like a kid in a candy store. Well, in essence that was where I was. I pushed her leg a bit wider then ducked my head into her cunt. She was trimmed and had left only the faintest notion of a red-blonde pubic patch. I was pleased to cause my own gasp of surprise when my lips met those of her vagina. She was like fire on my mouth. I dipped my tongue straight into her and she arched her back and moaned. I tried to remember the other girl's I'd gone down on, and for the life of me I could swear none of them had such an intense heat rising from their body. In, their body. My tongue immediately felt that heat as I dipped it in and then pushed my mouth down harder to increase my depth. I left my face buried hard and flicked my tongue up and down her slit in the shallow depths of her steaming snatch. All the while, Shirsten moaned and gyrated her hips. She was running her right hand through my hair occasionally pushing my head harder against her mons when my tongue met a particularly sensitive area.

"Oh God, there," she said, and I concentrated my tongue flicks with greater fervor. When my tongue tired I sucked her labia and began plumbing her with one and then two fingers. I gently fucked her with my index and middle and smashed the flat of my tongue against her clit, rubbing the tiny nub back and forth over my tastebuds. Shirsten was near jitters at this point and had her bra pushed down under her tits and was twisting her nipples. On a particularly good note, she would bend at the waist and arch her mid-back well off the seat. I found this especially sexy, looking up from her pussy to watch her hips and stomach rise and her tits thrust upward. Those nipples were so hard they seemed capable of cutting holes in the car's ceiling, each time she arched her back and propelled them upward.

"Hurry, I want to fuck you," she said suddenly. I was beyond the point of asking myself who this girl was. I decided I didn't want to know. She looked a lot like Shirsten and that was all that mattered. Except for a wee problem.

"I don't have a--" She cut me off.

"I'm on the pill."

"Uh-" I started.

"It helps when I'm having my period. It regulates my flow." OK then. I'd never heard anything like that before, but I was willing to trust blindly. I pulled myself up the seat and over her body. She reached down between us and grabbed my cock and jerked it twice. I could have shot a load down her cunt lips at that moment. She massaged the tip, greasing her hand before slicking my entire shaft. Then she actually leaned up and bit my lip as she spoke.

"Do me," she commanded lustily, suckling on my lip. I was literally on the fucking verge of complying, when a pair of headlights lit up the inside of the car. I recoiled and fell onto the floor, and grabbed what I thought were my pants, but actually hers, and had them pinned over my crotch. We both lay there in a still panic as a car door opened. I can hear those fucking feet on the gravel parking lot to this day, then the door closing.

"Shirsten!" a voice called. "Honey, you about?" I looked at Shirsten, my eyes wide. Shirsten, in-fucking-credibly, took my hand and placed it on her mound. She directed my middle finger into her canal. I stared at her wide-eyed as she mouthed My Dad. I was on the point of becoming religious when the footsteps started fading. Shirsten whispered.

"He's got to change and sign the deputy's reports." I sighed.

"Change? Sign what?" I looked a bit bewildered, precisely because I was.

"Yeah, well he is the sheriff." My life was going to end.

"We're getting dressed and I'm getting the fuck--" I pulled my finger from her cunt. She cut me off, grabbing my hand and stinking that finger into her mouth.

"Or we can finish what we started." If you look in a woman's purse sometime, I'm convinced you'll find it. Way down at the bottom. They sit neatly in a silver tamper-resistant case. Inside are three to five faces. These incredible faces that could, by no means, possibly belong to that woman sitting before you, but which she miraculously sports at times most unexpected. Shirsten was wearing Lust Face. Never in my life, have I ever seen a face so impossibly unrecognizable, yet so fucking irresistible. Shirsten? Now she wore it like it was going out of style.

"We have to finish. We'll be real fast. You'll like that won't you." Fast? Well, sure it had a certain ring to it. She took my finger up to the knuckle, her tongue wrapping it.

"Look Shirsten, I don't know why it didn't occur to me until just now that your dad's the sheriff of the fucking town, but I'm not about to have him find me ON... IN, his daughter, IN a patrol car!" I was still whispering, but I hoped I was making an impression on her, besides the one on her tongue. But, no. She leaned over, popped my finger from her mouth and stuck her tongue in my mouth! Can you imagine the gall? She kept her face close, her breath hot and sweet on my lips and said,

"When will we have this chance again? All you have to do is get on top of me. Put it in, fuck me, and then come. It's pretty simple, right?" Fuck and Come. Those two words, the way she said them, the way I can still hear them... Why don't women run the world? Oh wait...

I threw her pants against the other side of the car, and literally leapt up from the floor and between her legs to a shower of giggling kisses. I grabbed my cock, rubbed it up her slit twice, and slide it home. We both lay there a minute as I sunk deeper and deeper into her snatch, her body swallowing me hungrily. Our mouths were touching and we breathed hard, but all concentrations were on the feeling below. My mind slammed into action and I began pounding her quickly slickening vagina. Each time I slammed against her, I hated her and loved her at the same time. Hated her for having put us, ME at such risk. Loved her because I wanted to fuck her now and always. Hated her for being the sheriff's daughter. Loved her for being so fucking hot. Her cunt milked me and I pounded harder. The thought that her dad could walk out the door at any minute was a death-defying thrill. I saw him walking up to the car and gazing down through the fogging windows, wondering whose white ass was jack hammering the hole between his daughter's legs. Shirsten would no doubt, look up and wave. I felt like more like I'd kidnaped the king's daughter Robin Hood style, vowing to return her deflowered and gapped.


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Bottle Blonde

Bottle Blonde, A college student makes a hasty wish while at a beach party. By Sara James "I fucking hate him." Nick's face and neck had turned a deep crimson. The veins in his neck were clearly visible. If you looked at them carefully, you could see them pulse in time to his heartbeat. While he was only slightly overweight, the effect was still alarming. Bill, by comparison, was almost asleep. "No you don't. You want to be him, just like every other guy in the dorm."...

2 years ago
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Spying On The Hot Blonde

It is very odd the things you do when you have lots of time on your hands.  John Wall had an unusual hobby.  He liked to watch people through his telescope. John worked from home, so it was easy to spy on people. However, his new neighbor was very watchable.  She seemed to be a nudist and often was outside doing gardening and swimming. In addition, she often would go on her trampoline and work out in the nude.She lived with a much older man, and when he was there, he would order her to do...

4 years ago
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AF The Concret Blonde

AF: The Concrete Blonde By Olivia Evans The properties of the Medallion of Zulo are well known. This story addresses one of the lesser explored quirks. What happens when the magic is stopped halfway? Life is good, I decided as I admired for the hundredth time the magnificent view of the river fifty feet below the wooden deck of our mountain summer retreat. Besides owning the cabin, we had a large 4 bedroom home complete with a beautiful, (and well used) lap pool in...

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Bird and the Blonde

Women interested in learning more about submission please see my ad here: ------------------ Bird and the Blonde Bird was hungry and his feet hurt. His feet always hurt on Saturdays and Sundays, when he worked the register at the local big-box store. He hated the job, hated that he never had time to just hang out all weekend like his friends at college, hated that he needed even the pitiful income that he made there just to stay in school. But he especially hated standing all day on his...

4 years ago
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Bird and the Blonde

Bird was hungry and his feet hurt.  His feet always hurt on Saturdays and Sundays, when he worked the register at Walmart.  He hated the job, hated that he never had time to just hang out all weekend like his friends at college, hated that he needed even the pitiful income that he made there just to stay in school.  But he especially hated standing all day on his size-thirteen feet (which, along with his pathetically skinny legs and somewhat beaky nose, had earned him his nickname).At least it...

2 years ago
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Beach Blonde

Beach Blonde Synopsis: A beautiful but troubled blonde seductress meets a young man on the lookout for some fun. Too late, he realizes that "fun is in the eyes of the beholder." I was meandering along the boardwalk one summer eveningwatching the interaction among various groupings of people. Teenagecouples stopped to lean against the aluminum rails and press bodiesagainst each other and neck. Married people were pushing toddlersin strollers. Older people, some in...

4 years ago
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Dirty Blonde

I’ll start this story by telling you something I’m sure many of you can relate to: I always want what I can’t have, and as a man I always want the women who would be totally wrong for me and turn my world upside down. Women seem to crave bad boys in much the same manner. I won’t spend much time describing myself because, let’s face it, the beauty of the picture I’m painting, what you all want to ‘see,’ isn’t me. Besides, nobody likes a self-gratifying rant where the writer strokes his own ego...

3 years ago
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The Most Beautiful Blondes

My new neighbor is absolutely gorgeous! I’ll die if I can’t have her!I was just leaving my condo and heading for the elevator when I saw this beautiful blonde exiting the elevator. She had three of those plastic grocery bags in each hand and was struggling to not drop them.So, being the gentleman that I am, I offered to help. It also allowed me to meet her.“Hi, there! You’ve got quite a load there. Why don’t you let me help?”“Oh, thank you! I didn’t want to make another trip down to the car.”“I...

2 years ago
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The Dumb Blonde

by Vanessa Evans I thought I’d try something slightly different this time. This story is written from a male perspective. All characters involved in any sexual activities in this story were over the legal age of consent when the events took place. Part 01 ===== Hi, my name’s Pete and I am an accountant. Yeah I know, accountants are boring and what could they possibly have to write a story about? Well up until a few months ago I would probably have agreed with you, but my life has changed....

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The Empty Headed Beach Blonde

My Dad left home when I went to University, a few months later he visited me on campus to see how things were going. We met at a local café around from my student flat. "Hi son. " I turned to see Dad in his business suit with a very attractive blonde in a matching jacket and skirt following a long behind. She was older than me but a lot younger than him. They sat down her skirt rode up her long legs showing the suspenders and tops of her stockings. "Hi Dad? " I replied not happy that his...

3 years ago
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Celebrating Womenrsquos Day with a Blonde

Roaming around a popular tourist area has its own benefits for the time being or for the whole life. I was born in Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal and lives near to the Thamel area - Lazimpat, the tourist hot spot. E-mail me ([email protected]/ [email protected] / Kik: isstarun/ Facebook: “Kamaboy Matured”) your comments/feedbacks when you read my story, I have thought to deliver a gift to the best feedback as well.My parents as they were both serving for government offices had...

3 years ago
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Hungry Blonde

Hungry Blonde It was a regular pitch-black Saturday night in Ohio during the middle of February. There was snow on the ground, and freezing cold air all around. I was on my way to a party not far from the nearby college, and I was walking rather quickly because it was so cold out. I was wearing my white North Face coat, as well as black Michael Kors boots, and my long strawberry-blonde hair was capped neatly with a soft pink and black hat which protected my rather tiny ears. I kept my...

1 year ago
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Gentemen prefer blondes

Chapter 1 It was a Friday night when I went to Ann's home party. We'd know each other for about ten years already, but were never really that close. We had been going to the same school, same parties for years then and shared lots of friends. Jessica was her best friend that I also knew very well. She went also to the same school as we did. Among lots of other people, there were also Ann's sisters Cindy and Kathy at the party. All four of them were just incredibly hot. And natural blondes,...

3 years ago
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My Chinese not a Virgin anymore Girl and my Blonde

Ginny finished her summer school, and after a few more sex sessions she departed for home. She was happy and I was happy, we promised to keep in touch and we did.We Skyped a lot and masturbated for each other, she loved to see my cum face. I persuaded her to do things that she didn't really want to do, but I realised that she was becoming more and more submissive to me, I had to plan a trip to China. Ginny then told me that she had met a boy and she quite liked him. I was delighted for her and...

4 years ago
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Another Blonde

My neighbor's wife, Carrie, is simply gorgeous! I just had to get into her pants!From the moment they moved next door, Carrie, Greg’s wife, was my target. She was a beautiful blue-eyed natural blonde, had an ever-present smile, and was very friendly. I became friends with them by helping Greg move furniture, etc. Of course, Carrie was always there for me to admire and fantasize about.She looked so good sometimes that I was tempted to grab her from behind, put my hand over her mouth, bend her...

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Girlfriend with Testing Device Part 20 Dumb Blondes

Hello! Let's keep this train rolling, shall we? We're fast approaching the finish! Remember, if you'd like to see what happens next, I have up to chapter 22 currently on my Deviant Art with chapter 23 now available on my Patreon! You can also let you voice be heard in regards to what you'd like to see me write next by checking out my poll at ! For more details - as well as the aforementioned other chapters - you can go check out and ...

4 years ago
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The Old Man and the Blonde

Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on herePart I I would love to be your slaveAs I walked away from my Black Jack table, a beautiful tall blond walked up to me and said, “we have a proposition for you,” “do you want to hear about it?” How could I refuse, I said, “let’s go find a table in the bar and talk.” We got into the elevator and went down to the 1st floor. I could not help but...

2 years ago
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A Black on a Blonde

I came rushing down the stairs to see my brother and Antwan in the doorway bringing in bags. Instead of showing my immaturity and running out to greet him i stayed by the staicase cutley posed waiting for him to see me. I saw him carrying a large and heavy bag but to him it looked like no problem. I noticed his large strong stallion biceps bulging with strength as he carried that bag in his muscle t shirt. I loved his thug style, like the baggy pants, du rags and throwbacks and diamond...

2 years ago
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Hot Blonde

HOT Blonde Part 2 It is 11:30 pm on Wednesday night and I am out on another stake out. I am still on the trail of this fucking dirt bag, Darrin Black. I am beginning to wonder if my cover has been blown. I am sitting in my company car having a cup of coffee. My car is a thing of beauty. It is a Cadillac CTS-V series, which means it has 500 horsepower a 6 speed manual transmission. Top speed is 185 mph, it is a fucking jet. It is jet black and double tented windows and is a great under cover...

4 years ago
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Dumb Blonde

So there is this girl around town name Sally. She's 19 but still in high school because he failed a grade. She was the typical blonde bimbo: make up, pigtails, perky tits, and an ass that can stop traffic. Oh, and as dumb as a rock. She made a few passes at me, then last week i decided i needed a treat. She came over for advice on a project when i led her upstairs.My closet has a normal railing and then a lower railing about at stomach level. She was still in her cheer-leading outfit and...

3 years ago
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Two Redheads and a Blonde

The following is a true story that happened to me in College. Names and locations have been changed but not the details. This story is about a three way i had with a redhead i am stilll in love with today and currently engaged to.I have just broken up with my girlfriend before the summers end. After one year of dating she caught me flirting with another woman again, and that was the final straw. My ex Paige was a very sweet girl to me, but she never wanted to do anything. We would sit around...

2 years ago
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A Suicide Blonde

Suicide Blonde ---------------- Darkside March 2001 Comments to [email protected] "Put the gun down Maam," I demanded. "No officer I won't I can't bear it anymore," the attractive blonde pressed the revolver against her temple. "Nothing can be so bad it's worth taking your life," I said in my most sincere tone. This woman had everything to live for. "This is what's so bad!" the woman gestured to her slender body. "Huh?" "I can't take it anymore. My wife...

3 years ago
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Stella Maris my sexy ballet blonde

To my youngest daughter - let´s call her Amelia, also a student of ballet - I wrote a few messages about my most beautiful steady love ever, Stella Maris. Three of them added up to this story - my first true account here! ;-)PAmelia, I´ll tell about my second steady girlfriend. A ballet dancer like you.When I met and seduced her she was in her first year in university.I met her at her first day there. I lead her freshman first-week dozen newbies.She was my most pretty girl ever. Also her name...

3 years ago
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A Rave and a Blonde

Main kaafi time se iss se updated nai hu kareeb 2 saal pehle maine ek storp post ki thi about how i became an callboy.. For new users hii i am archie from Mumbai and yea i am a callboy or you can call me and real life hunter-rokko ;-) Now i am 20 years old all this was started when i was 18. I am a cute guy, as my clients and girlfriends say. It was about 6 months ago in Goa. I was there for New Year. And i was there with my friends and one of my customers cum friend invited me for a rave...

3 years ago
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Hot Blonde

Hot Blonde Part 3I have been in Clearwater now for two months staying on the trail of my fugitive. I finally proposed a plan to my new friend Paige. I told her that the fugitive that I was chasing has a 100 thousand dollar bounty on his head and if she helped me capture him, I would split the reward with her down the middle. She was more than happy to help. She said she felt like she was in a James Bond movie. It took us about a week working together to find and take him into custody. I told...

3 years ago
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Hot Blonde

HOT Blonde Part 2 It is 11:30 pm on Wednesday night and I am out on another stake out. I am still on the trail of this fucking dirt bag, Darrin Black. I am beginning to wonder if my cover has been blown. I am sitting in my company car having a cup of coffee. My car is a thing of beauty. It is a Cadillac CTS-V series, which means it has 500 horsepower a 6 speed manual transmission. Top speed is 185 mph, it is a fucking jet. It is jet black and double tented windows and is a great under cover...

4 years ago
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Hot Blonde

Hot BlondePart 1My name is Mike Johnson, my friends and co-workers call me Max. This is a nickname that was given to me when I was younger because I look like Mel Gibson from the Mad Max movies. I have been married for 28 years have two great sons and I am a federal agent with the U.S. Marshal Service. My main job is to apprehend fugitives that are on the FBI’s, 10 Most Wanted list. I am currently on the trail of a suspect by the name of Darrin Black who is number 8 on the list. I tracked him...

1 year ago
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Captured By a Blonde

I unwillingly opened my laptop and started watching lesbian porn. I was captured by a lesbian, and she made me do this day and night. When on a camera site, a girl rang me. Another horrible masturbation order. I answered, then said, "Please don't hurt me. Just make me be naked and cum, then leave. I hate this, so don't make it hard on me." "What's wrong baby?" The girl asked. "I was captured and forced to watch these sites." "One second." She said, then logged off. I was sad. Another...

4 years ago
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Gavin and the Three Blondes

17 year old Gavin Ambrose struggled to keep quiet as he tightened his grip around his erect cock. The High School bathroom had become a recurring stage for his quick masturbatory sessions. Every Monday before 2nd period, every Wednesday before 4th period, and every Friday before last period. These were the best times to relieve his tension, because these were the times before English class- before he'd see Ms. Reed. Gavin found concentration nearly impossible in this blonde goddess'...

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