The Halloween Party
- 3 years ago
- 40
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Looking back at some of the crazy shit we used to do when we were younger, I'm amazed that most of us are still alive and have maintained our sanity, what little we had to begin with anyway. Thirty some years ago, several friends and I threw what turned out to be one crazy Halloween party at which I was bewitched. Although parts of this story are based upon what happened at several different real parties, a large part of this story is completely fictitious and a product of my over active imagination. I am also changing the names of the participants in the true parts to protect the innocent and not so innocent, and to protect me from any potential libel suits as well.
I was in my mid twenties when this happened, in between marriages, and renting a room, with use of the kitchen, bathroom and yard, in a house owned by George, an old high school friend, who was also divorced. Needless to say, with two bachelors sharing a house, our place became known as Party Central. In order to defray the costs for the beer, we kept an empty coffee can with a piece of paper taped to it labeled "Beer Fund" on top of the refrigerator so that people could make donations to pay for the next keg. When we had enough money in the can, we had another party the following weekend.
We were able to maintain peace with our neighbors by simply inviting them to our parties. Although most of them didn't attend, they felt they couldn't really complain to the police because they had been invited after all. We did try to keep things under control as far as noise and other craziness was concerned, although that wasn't always possible. We also tried to help out our neighbors when we could, such as shoveling the snow off of the sidewalks for our elderly neighbors and sending a pitcher or two of beer over to the sweet old Italian couple who lived next door to us.
Halloween was always a fun time at our house, and I wanted to make up a particularly outrageous costume to do it right that year. I went to a thrift store and picked up an old rain coat and some suspenders. I stopped by the mall, where I picked up a pair of extra extra large long johns, a can of three tennis balls, a roll of wide masking tape, and finally found some flesh colored paint in a hobby shop. I think everything together cost me less than $10.00.
After making sure I had everything I would need, I began putting my costume together. First, after we had finished reading it, I took the Sunday newspaper and rolled it together as tightly as I could and taped it so that it wouldn't unravel. I found several straws and taped them onto the appropriate places on the newspaper, then taped the entire length of the newspaper with the wide masking tape. After I had finished taping the entire length of the newspaper, I pushed the center so that one end was slightly concave, almost like a cup. Next, I took one of the tennis balls and placed it in the cup and taped it into place, using the masking tape to build it up enough around where the tennis ball rested on the newspaper so that the shape would be correct for my costume.
When I had finished all of that, I put the first of two coats of the flesh colored paint on it, adding a second coat after the first had completely dried. After the second coat of paint was completely dry, I used a dark felt tip marker to carefully draw lines over where the straws were sticking up under the tape. My next task was to find an empty bread wrapper, into which I placed the remaining two tennis balls. I rolled the open end of the bread wrapper a bit so that the tennis balls would be the correct distance below the convex end of the rolled up newspaper. I securely taped the open end of the bread wrapper to the convex end of the rolled up newspaper, and the major part of my costume was now ready for the party.
Halloween finally arrived and a bunch of friends came over to help us clean the house and help us get everything ready for the party. Once the entire house was clean and ready for the party, everyone left to get cleaned up and changed into their costumes while George and I did the same. I did encounter one minor problem when I was getting changed into my costume. That was easily remedied however by using a pair of scissors to increase the size of the opening of the long johns so that the newspaper would fit through it.
George and I were in our costumes and had just tapped the keg, which was sitting in a barrel of ice on our side porch, by the time our first guests arrived. I put "Disraeli Gears", the classic album by Cream, on the stereo to begin getting the proper mood set for our party. Several people brought food with them which they took to the kitchen and placed the food in the appropriate places, whether that was the stove, in a crock pot, or the refrigerator. While people were busy getting the food ready, someone went to the keg, filled a couple of pitchers with beer, then went around and filled everyone's sixteen ounce plastic cup with the ice cold brew. I had several people ask me about my costume, but I told them I would show it to them in a little while.
Once the food was pretty well together, several of us sat at the kitchen table and had a joint rolling contest, while Fred, another friend, was busily chopping a bunch of mushrooms into real tiny pieces. When he had finished chopping the mushrooms, someone reached into the refrigerator and pulled out a large container of French onion dip. She poured about a third of the dip into a green bowl and the remainder into a larger yellow bowl, which she handed to Fred. He scraped the large pile of chopped mushrooms into the yellow bowl, making sure he had gotten everything into the bowl. He then took a large spoon and thoroughly mixed the mushrooms into the bowlful of dip, transforming normal French onion dip into "Miracle Dip". Someone had taken a small piece of paper and drew a couple of nuclear warning signs on it, then folded it in half and taped it to a straw, which was then placed into the bowl of Miracle Dip as a warning to any who may not have wanted to partake of it.
When Fred was finally satisfied that the mushrooms were sufficiently mixed in with the dip, he tapped the spoon against the side of the bowl, knocking whatever extra dip which had stuck onto the spoon back into the bowl. Then, like a kid licking the beaters after his or her mother had finished making a cake, Fred licked the large spoon he had used to mix the dip until any extra dip was no longer evident on it. After rinsing it off, he placed the spoon into the kitchen sink, then grabbed a couple of potato chips and tested the dip. A large smile appeared on his face as he announced, "I do believe the Miracle Dip is ready."
By this time, most of our guests had arrived and the party was beginning to get interesting. Quite a few of us sampled the Miracle Dip, although a number of people did not. Music was being played on the high quality stereo we had there, people were eating the food that had been brought, the keg of beer was flowing quite nicely, and doobers were being passed around as people began to rewind their minds and rethread their heads.
After I finished eating, I picked up my cup of beer, got up from the table and mingled with the people who had arrived. I had several people ask me what my costume was, so I put my beer down, unbuttoned my rain coat, reached inside of it to take hold of the suspenders I was wearing under the rain coat, and opened the coat while releasing the top of the rolled up newspaper which had been held in place by the suspenders. The newspaper flopped down in front of me, sticking out about fifteen inches in front of me as I said, "I'm a flasher!"
Everyone cracked up laughing and most people went on their way to talk with other people, although I did notice that I seemed to be getting a bit more attention from the women there than I normally would. I was particularly surprised by how many women came up to me to stroke and fondle my rolled up newspaper, and by some of the comments they made. Florence, whose nickname was Flo, was dressed in a Catholic schoolgirl's uniform and gave me the hottest, most sultry smile as she fondled me, licked her lips and said, "This is just my size!"
Her remark was met by a number of comments from the other women, including, "Something that size would tear my little pussy apart!", "That's just a little too big for me!" and "Flo, you always were a size queen!"
After most of the women had moved on, Flo took my arm, pressing it against her firm, well rounded breasts and whispered into my ear, "Your costume has me so damn hot and wet that I'm living up to my name and flowing like a river!"
I chuckled at her remark and replied, "Looks like Ted's going to get lucky tonight, eh?"
Very softly she said, "You could be the one who's getting lucky."
I looked at her very nicely put together body and said, "As hot and sexy as I have always thought you were, and as much as I am tempted to take advantage of your offer, I couldn't do that to a friend, especially one who is as nice a guy as Ted. Why don't you go find him and show him how much you care for him?"
Flo gave me a look of disappointment, but then smiled at me and said, "Jack, you always were a good and loyal friend." She gave me a kiss on my cheek, then went off in search of her boyfriend.
I looked around and saw two very attractive women who were dressed as witches and who obviously were not wearing bras. I walked over toward Anne and Debbie, who had grown up next door to one another and who had been best friends since they were toddlers. Both women were somewhat slender but well built, so there was no doubt they were women. Anne was fairly tall, about five feet eight inches tall (about 173 cm.) with long dark brown, almost black hair which extended more than half way down her back, and the most incredible brown eyes which seemed to be able to gaze into my soul. Debbie on the other hand was about six inches shorter as five feet two inches (about 158 cm.) with strawberry blond hair which reached just past her shoulders and sapphire blue eyes which always seemed to sparkle.
I had met Debbie and Anne at a party thrown by a mutual friend earlier this past spring and the three of us hit it off right from the start. Since then the three of us had become quite close to one another. They had become regular attendees at our parties and had stopped over to see me a number of times since we had met. I had visited them at their apartment, which was only a few blocks from the house, quite a few times as well. I was obviously checking them out as I approached them, and was greeted by bright smiles from each of them.
"Happy Halloween!" I greeted them. "You two are definitely the hottest and sexiest witches I have ever seen!"
"Why thank you kind sir," replied Anne, who was the closer of the two to me, as she greeted me with a really nice hug and a steaming kiss, which included a visit from her tongue between my lips for a moment to greet mine. After a moment or two, she loosened her grip on the upper part of my body while continuing to press her hips against mine, smiled and commented, "I've never had anything this massive pressing against me like that before and I must say that I like it. I think we'll just have to check it out more closely a little later."
Anne released me and Debbie greeted me much like her friend had, kissing me with even more passion than Anne had, if that was possible. Debbie continued to grind against me, smiled and said, "I couldn't agree more! We will definitely have to check this out much closer a little later!"
"That sounds good to me!" I replied. "I'm ready when you are."
Anne and Debbie started giggling as Debbie released me. Anne pulled out a joint as Debbie said, "How about if we wait until after the Miracle Dip starts kicking in?"
I whipped out my lighter and fired up the doober that Anne had placed to her lips and replied, "Whenever you ladies are ready, just let me know."
We moved into the corner as Anne passed the joint to Debbie, who took a big hit before she passed it to me. I inhaled deeply and passed the joint to Anne as Debbie very quietly said, "We'd like to ask a big favor of you."
I held the smoke in my lungs for a moment before I exhaled and answered, "Sure. What can I do for you?"
Anne released the smoke that had been in her lungs, and while Debbie took a hit, Anne quietly asked, "You know that we are real witches, right?"
Debbie passed the joint to me and before I took another hit, I replied, "Yes. You had told me that before."
I gave Anne the joint, and she took another hit before she passed it to Debbie. Anne exhaled and said, "We would like your help casting a spell later tonight."
"What kind of spell?" I asked as Debbie gave me what was left of the joint. I put it on a roach clip, took another hit and passed it to Anne.
Debbie explained to me, "Anne and I can feel that you have some sort of power, but we don't know what kind or how strong it might be. We are hopeful that this spell will help answer those questions. There are several side effects of this spell as well. Among them are that our libidos, endurance and stamina will all be improved and strengthened." She blushed as she continued, "The spell is cast sky clad, or without any of us wearing any clothing, and an important part of the spell is for the three of us to be joined together sexually and to try as hard as we can to climax simultaneously."
"There is something else which you should be aware of before you agree to do this," added Anne.
"What is that?" I asked.
"In rare instances, maybe two or three percent of the time," replied Anne, "the spell can be somewhat of a binding spell, although it's not really meant for that."
I chuckled as I replied, "Now that sounds very interesting! What do you mean that it is somewhat of a binding spell but not really that?"
Anne handed me the roach clip with the tiny bit of the joint that was left on it. I ate the tiny roach, washing it down with a beer, and put the clip in my shirt pocket. "Ever since we met you, I have felt a connection with you unlike any I have ever felt before, except for my connection with Debbie. She and I have talked about this quite a bit and she feels the same way about you."
I looked at Debbie and returned her smile as she said, "She's right. I too feel a special connection and we think that the three of us should explore it further."
I put my beer on the table next to us and placed an arm around the two of them, holding them close to me, feeling their hard nipples pressing into my side, as I said, "I too have felt a special connection with the two of you. I didn't want to hurt either of you by choosing one over the other, nor did I want to cause any problems with your friendship, especially since I know how close the two of you are to one another." I felt each of them place an arm around me and as we cuddled together, I asked, "So what is this binding spell which isn't really a binding spell?"
Debbie replied, "As Anne said, it's rare that it happens, but we wanted to be completely up front with you about what could happen so that you don't feel trapped on the off chance it does." She paused for a moment to gather her thoughts before continuing. "There have been a few cases where the people involved in casting this spell end up being bound together mentally, emotionally, and in a figurative sense, physically as well. This binding together is stronger than the bonds of most married couples, even those who are deeply in love with one another."
"If this were to happen," added Anne, "we will be able to feel each others' emotions and their presence, sometimes even their thoughts. We would be completely open to one another and there would be no secrets between us. There have been a few cases where the people involved can read each others' thoughts and can communicate telepathically."
"Anne and I performed this spell together several years ago and we were among that rare two or three percent that were bound together as a result of the spell. Although it was a little scarey at first, and it did take some time to get used to it, we couldn't be happier that it did. Until we met you, neither of us ever had a thought of being with anyone else, male or female. As we got to know you, those feelings have only strengthened for us until we are at the point where we now are."
"Knowing what you now know, would you be willing to participate in this spell with us?" asked Anne.
I stood there and thought about it for a few minutes. I still had one arm around Anne and the other around Debbie, and could feel their hands as they gently caressed my back. I could feel the love they had for one another, but could also feel the love they had for me. I considered how I felt about them and realized that if I wasn't in love with them, I wasn't too far from feeling that way.
I moved my hands to gently move them so that they were both facing me, even though we still had our arms around one another. I smiled at them and said, "I'll do it. I realized how strong my feelings were for both of you, and if the binding should happen, I would be happy. If it doesn't, I am still interested in finding out about whether I may have this power which you mentioned, and if so, what kind of power this may be."
They both let loose with quiet squeals of joy as first Debbie, then Anne kissed me lightly on my lips. Anne then said, "We have these bags with the things we'll need to cast the spell. Could we put these in your room so they'll be safe and out of the way until we need them?"
"Sure." Anne handed me a bag, asking me to make sure that I held it from the bottom so that the half gallon glass bottle would not break and so its contents wouldn't spill. Anne and Debbie each picked up a couple of lighter bags which we carried up the stairs and into my bedroom. They placed their bags onto my bed and asked me to put mine into my closet so it would be out of sight of anyone else who might come into my room during the party. They emptied several of their bags while leaving the others full. They pulled out several small metal trays which they placed on the various pieces of furniture throughout the room, upon which they put the candlestick holders and scented candles which they had brought with them.
After everything was set up to their satisfaction, Debbie handed me a piece of paper with writing on it, asking me to put it someplace safe as it had the words of the spell on it. As Debbie handed me the paper, a full body rush came over me, causing my entire body to shudder from my head all the way to my toes. I smiled at the two beautiful ladies with me and said, "Ah, the Miracle Dip is beginning to kick in."
I put the paper inside my desk and found myself standing between the two sexy witches, who cuddled up to me. I put my arms around them and held them as I felt tremors traveling through their bodies as they too felt the beginning effects of the mushrooms that we had ingested. I slid my hands up and down along their sides from under their armpits to their hips, feeling the sides of their breasts as my hands slid higher along their sides. On my hands' next journey upwards, the two of them turned so that I could feel more of their breasts in my hands. I kept my hands there and gently fondled and caressed their breasts as I leaned in to kiss first Anne, then Debbie while my fingertips neared their rapidly hardening nipples, hearing low moans escaping from their mouths as I did so.
Debbie looked at the clock on the table beside my bed and saw that it was a little before 9:00. "As much as I would enjoy staying here with you two the rest of the night, we should get back down to the party. We should start the spell around midnight, so we should come back up here about quarter of to begin the preparations."
We exchanged one more passionate, tongue twirling kiss then closed and locked my bedroom door behind us before we went back downstairs to rejoin the party. We went into the kitchen and refilled our beers, emptying the pitcher. I went out to the back porch and refilled the pitcher, then the three of us went around and topped off everyone's glass who wanted more beer, talking with them as we went.
As we went around visiting the various people at the party, it became evident that the Miracle Dip was kicking in for more and more people. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, with many people laughing, some hysterically so. Joints and bowls of hash were passed to us. We each took a hit and passed it along to the next person to enjoy.
A guy named Al was sitting in a chair with a look of total wonder on his face. His gaze turned toward the three of us and he exclaimed, "Oh wow! The three of you are surrounded in all sorts of bright colors! It's like you each have an aura around you!" He stopped his rant for a moment and smiled before he quietly said, "I can see what looks like a solid gold rope connecting the three of you together. It goes from you to each of the women and the two women are connected too." The look of wonder reappeared on his face and seemed to overwhelm his entire person. In an awe inspired voice he said, "I can feel the love passing between the three of you!"
I pulled my ladies beside me and put an arm around the two of them, holding them close to me. There was a loveseat near Al's chair, so I sat down and pulled Debbie and Anne onto my lap. Anne reached into the pocket of her cape and pulled out a small case from which she pulled a joint and handed it to Al. I released Anne and reached into my shirt pocket and pulled out a lighter, which I flicked and held to the end of the joint in Al's hand. He took a good hit off of it and passed it to Anne while I put my lighter back in my pocket. After Anne took a hit, she passed it to me, and I passed it to Debbie after I had filled my lungs with the aromatic smoke. I put my arm back around Anne and held the two women close to me as we snuggled together.
Debbie reached into the pocket on her cape and pulled out a roach clip which she handed to Anne when the joint returned to her. Anne put the roach onto the clip, took a hit and held the clip for me as my hands were busy holding and caressing two hot and sexy witches. When the joint was done, Debbie put the clip away and asked Al, "Can you usually see auras, or is this the first time?"
Al replied, "I've only seen them twice before, once when I was straight and once after a couple of friends and I had smoked some really good hash. The colors weren't nearly as bright and sharp as they were tonight, and I've never seen anything like the golden rope or whatever it is that seems to be linking the three of you together."
"Do you see auras around anyone else here?" asked Anne.
Al looked around the room before he said, "No, just around you three."
"Could you let us know if you see anymore auras tonight?" asked Debbie. "I know of a couple of people who say they can see auras, and maybe you might be interested in meeting some of the at some point."
"Cool. I'd like that and would like to know more about it," replied Al.
I noticed that my beer glass was empty, so I asked if anyone else was in need of another beer. Al said he was fine, so the three of us got up to refill our beers. Just after we finished topping them off, someone stuck their head into the kitchen to let us know that Jeff was going to set off some bottle rockets he had brought with him for the party. We all gathered our beers and followed everyone else out to the front yard where Jeff was setting up six empty beer bottles in groups of two with the stems of the small rockets inside of the bottles with the fuses outside the lips of the bottles and ready to be lit.
When everyone was in position to watch the bottle rockets being set off, Jeff lit the fuses of the first pair. Although the bottle rockets were fairly small, everyone there, especially those who had partaken of the Miracle Dip, appreciated the colorful display as the rockets exploded overhead.
Altogether, Jeff had a dozen rockets to set off and everything was going smoothly until he got to the last pair. He lit the eleventh rocket and quickly moved to light the last one. As he fired off the last rocket, he didn't realize that he had bumped the bottle of the one previous to that and that it had fallen over onto its side. He looked over and saw what had happened and exclaimed, "Oh shit!" as the bottle rocket shot at ground level into a bush in the front of the yard rather than into the air like it was supposed to do.
Luckily, the bush stopped the forward progress of the rocket, preventing it from going into the street or into one of the neighbor's yards. Unfortunately though, neither my roommate George nor I had had the chance to rake the fallen leaves, and a bunch of them had accumulated at the base of the bush. Needless to say, when the rocket had used up its propellant and exploded as it was designed to do, the dried leaves which were caught at the bottom of the bush caught fire.
The bush catching fire the way it did caused a number of different reactions among the people there. Some people just stood there and watched, getting off on the colors manifested from the fire. Several others ran inside to grab empty pitchers and other containers and filled them with water so they could put out the fire. Josh, a tall, well built guy who was dressed in a toga, decided that he was going to play the part of Moses and began talking to the burning bush. Three other guys decided to forgo a trip to the bathroom to rid themselves of excess beer and to put their accumulated urine to a useful purpose. They walked to the burning bush and whipped out their peckers and began pissing onto the fire, putting it out fairly rapidly.
Ted and several others exclaimed, "You pissed on God!" and other things to that effect.
By the time the three guys had finished relieving themselves, the people who had run inside to fill some of the empty pitchers with water had arrived back at the scene and dumped their pitchers of water on the steaming smokey remnants of the fire to make sure that it had been completely extinguished. Once the excitement was over, everyone went back inside and the party resumed, with the fire being the main topic of conversation among the various groups.
As I mingled with the people at the party, I noticed that I had Debbie or Anne or both of them accompanying me almost the entire time since we had taken the things to my room, especially if I was talking with another woman. They were not obviously obnoxious about it, and were in fact quite subtle, but by watching their body language and those with whom we interacted, I soon realized that these two sweet sexy ladies were sending a message to the other women. Neither Anne nor Debbie was acting possessive or jealous in any way, but they were somehow able to get their message across to other women that they had staked their claim to me and planned to work that claim at least until they found out what it might yield.
I was standing around with a couple of my buddies, all of us lifetime Phillies fans, discussing whether our favorite team would repeat as World Series Champions after winning their first ever championship earlier that month. While Bill was expounding his opinions, I looked around for Anne and Debbie, as I felt that although they were close by, I could feel that something or someone had come between us.
I spotted them talking with a small group of women, and as I was about to turn my head back to pay attention to our discussion on the future of the Phillies, they both looked up and smiled at me. I smiled and winked at them as they turned their attention back to the women with whom they were having a discussion. I almost lost it though when I heard one of the women ask, "Which of you is going out with Jack? I've been picking up all sorts of 'Do not touch' signals from both of you about him, but didn't know that either of you were even interested in him. So, which of you are going out with Jack now?"
I heard Anne reply, "As of this moment, neither of us is going out with Jack."
Then Debbie added, "But we're hopeful that by the end of this evening, that both of us will be going out with him."
A couple of the guys in my group heard the loud gasp that escaped from several of the women and turned to see if they could find out what was happening. Someone was changing the album on the stereo, putting on the Edgar Winter Group's album, "They Only Come Out at Night" which contains the classic songs, Free Ride and the perfect song for Halloween, Frankenstein, so the room was relatively quiet. One of the women apparently hadn't noticed as she blurted out, "But I thought you two weren't interested in men!" Her face turned crimson when she realized how many people had heard her outburst.
Anne and Debbie both broke up laughing hysterically. Debbie was able to regain control first and replied, "Until we met Jack, we hadn't been interested in men as none that we had met before had appealed to either of us. After we met him, we both realized that we were attracted to him"
Anne had now regained control of herself as she added, "We each realized right away that we were both interested in the same man and that we had to be very careful in what we did and how we handled the whole situation as it could be very messy. Debbie and I have been best friends since we were in diapers. Our mothers are best friends and have lived next door to each other since before we were born. The last thing that either of us wanted was to do something that might harm our friendship."
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After Klintuck and I visited mom, we went back to our place, Klintuck’s ship, and mostly just relaxed for a few days. It was getting close to Halloween so most of my attention and energy was drawn to figuring out what to do for one of my favorite holidays. I wanted to have another Halloween party, like I had gone to with mom so many years ago, but now I wanted to host my own. I wasn’t sure as to where I was going to have it quite yet, but I figured with it being close to Halloween, I would...
TransI am a fairly successful businessman and own my own company. At six foot three, 225 pounds I am in good shape thanks to a relentless personal trainer at our local gym. With a healthy six figure salary, in addition to perks and bonuses, we live comfortably. My wife Diane is a typical 24 year old young woman in every way, except for the fact that she has grown more and more sensual as she gets older. She is beautiful, five foot six inches, 107 pounds carrying a 36C chest with shoulder length...
ExhibitionismMy name is Jason, and my wife, Katie, and I are in our mid-thirties now, still living a cuckold lifestyle, that began with us agreeing to try swinging with our close friends, when I was twenty-seven years old, Katie was twenty-four. Our daughter was only five months old then, and Katie was breastfeeding her.Katie and I live in Memphis, where we moved when we got married, right after graduating from UT; me with a law degree, and Katie with an accounting degree. I was recruited by a law firm in...
CuckoldGina Matthews was a pretty ordinary girl with a pretty ordinary life. She was eighteen years old, a freshmen at Westhaven University, and a server at a fast food restaurant that wasn't well known or very successful. However, her ordinary life would completely change when she was invited to a party by a cute guy named Josh Kelman. Gina was walking through a campus hallway one evening when Josh approached her. He held out a black and orange card to her. "Hey, Gina, I'm having a Halloween Party...
College SexGina Matthews was a pretty ordinary girl with a pretty ordinary life. She was eighteen years old, a freshmen at Westhaven University, and a server at a fast food restaurant that wasn't well known or very successful.However, her ordinary life would completely change when she was invited to a party by a cute guy named Josh Kelman.Gina was walking through a campus hallway one evening when Josh approached her. He held out a black and orange card to her."Hey, Gina, I'm having a Halloween Party this...
At the time of this story, I was the sales director for a specialty-chemical manufacturing company located in Houston, Texas. That is a customer-focused business, and we were competing with six other companies that provided similar products and services. So, we often sponsored parties for our current and prospective customers. It was approaching the end of October, and my boss, Max Jensen, had planned a large Halloween costume party that would be held at his country club on Halloween night.Max...
Mind ControlAfter our little trip up north I could see Anna was getting deeper and deeper into the whole swinging idea. She preferred to meet people for sex rather than go to a club or hotel and pick someone up. I agreed with her and we quickly became frequent visitors of swinging websites. We got chatting to few other couples from various parts of the country and were planning some arrangements to meet up.During this time we were also receiving e-mails from Susan and John about future events at their...
Roger set the mood for the afternoon. I was sitting in my apartment, trying to type out a mid-term paper on Risk Management for Dr. Jacob’s Finance 452 class, only to have the strong voice of Roger and The Who captivate my wandering thoughts. Not only was I listening to Roger and letting the lyrics of You Better You Bet lead me to a daydream of pleasant visions, I was also watching Roger sing. He was just across the room on my television. It was October 1981, and a couple months previously, a...
College SexA Halloween Party by Sissie Maid Cuckold "Hi, my name is Rebecca and this is my boyfriend Tyrell and we are giving a big Halloween party. My husband Timmy here has volunteered to be our server at the party and we were looking for the perfect uniform for him". "Ah hi I'm Lisa. Did you say your...boyfriend and your husband or did I hear you wrong?" "Yes that's exactly what I said, this is my boyfriend Tyrell and this is my husband Timmy." "Ah Ok I thought I miss heard you. Ah...
After The Halloween Party My wife and I were invited to my boss’ Halloween party. We were to dress in costume and be prepared to have a great time. There was a lot of drinking and my wife must have gone to the bathroom a dozen times. She became the best of friends with a woman that I work with. Actually Pamela was the only woman that I worked with. I found her very attractive too. Eventually my wife told me that she had drank too much and needed to go home. I could not believe it...
I have had sex with a few guys since my last story but there nothing much worth writing about so I thought I would “go retro” and tell you about a hot experience I had in my senior year of high school. At that time I kept my crossdressing pretty much private and only a handful of people knew about my slutty side as Lisa. Even most of my best friends had no clue. (At least that’s what I thought at the time.) One of my best friends was a good looking guy named Ray. Ray lived...
CrossdressingRenae slammed the bedroom door and kicked her stilettos toward the closet. She ripped at the black lace garter and stockings, tearing them off in frustration and throwing them into the trash. The little black mini dress got balled up and thrown on the floor. She stomped into the bathroom and started the shower. As the steam filled up the master bath, she sat down on the toilet seat and let the tears come. The love of her life, her soul mate and partner simply did not want her, no matter how...
Saturday, October 31st, 1998“So, is it possible to put this stuff on without opening your mouth?” Mitch asked as he delicately attempted to apply mascara to his eyelashes for the first time.“No, it’s not,” Heather answered simply from the bathroom doorway. “Are you about ready?” she questioned. “We’ve been ready for thirty minutes.”“I’ve never done anything like this before. I’m worried I’m going to look totally stupid,” Mitch responded.“Turn around, let me take a look,” Tracy encouraged as...
TrueThis is a story about a gorgeous 36-year-old single mom named Cheryl Waskow who has a little too much fun at her 18-year-old son’s Halloween party. Hello my name is Cheryl Waskow I’m 36 years old, 5″8 130 lbs with shoulder length brown hair. My friends tell me I look like Jennifer Aniston but I don’t see it. My husband left me a year ago, leaving me with our 18-year-old son Jake. Being a single mom I don’t have much time to get out and date or socialize, so to...
The Halloween Party (A Really Scary Event) by debra darling It was supposed to be just a simple costume party. It was scheduled for a Saturday evening, the weekend before All Hallows Eve. Jack and Jean were invited. The invitation had arrived in the mail two week's earlier. The envelope was of very fancy linen and all black and orange with a very decorative border. It was clearly an expensive invitation and implied a very upscale party....
I had enjoyed my week of sex with Thomas and Lemar but in the end it left me sore and used but not like I was complaining. It was now getting close to Halloween and mom and I were making plans to go to a Halloween party a few city blocks away from us. Yeah, sounds kind of boring I know but it was no ordinary party with costumes and drinking alone. It was an orgy for bisexual people. It was only a few days away and Mom and I decided to go costume shopping both online and in the local stores to...
CrossdressingAfter two weeks of begging my step-mom, she had finally allowed me to go to a Halloween party. She was very protective of me and was worried about me getting exposed to drugs and alcohol. An important fact she didn’t know was that it wasn’t a normal Halloween party. At sixteen years old, losing my virginity was all I was trying to do. Everyone would be wearing costumes with masks and it was sure to result in lots of sex.The party would take place in a house with about a dozen rooms and the only...
TabooMy name is Rose, but if you have read Dane and I, Our First Time, then you know who I am. If you have not read about that night then here is a little about Dane and I both. I am 5’9” with wavy red hair that falls nearly to my knees and eyes the color of really good sapphires. I have a lean, lightly muscled body with firm C-cup breasts and a shaved pussy. Dane is 6’ with black hair that falls strait to the middle of his back. He has the body of a Greek God with a beautiful 8-8 ½” cut cock. We...
My name is Rose, but if you have read Dane and I, Our First Time, then you know who I am. If you have not read about that night then here is a little about Dane and I both. I am 5’9” with wavy red hair that falls nearly to my knees and eyes the color of really good sapphires. I have a lean, lightly muscled body with firm C-cup breasts and a shaved pussy. Dane is 6’ with black hair that falls strait to the middle of his back. He has the body of a Greek God with a beautiful...
Straight SexIntroduction: we go to a Halloween party at DeRondas. I also find out why John has been acting like he has. Hi, I last left everyone with John and me getting ready to go to a Halloween Party at DeRondas house. If you do not know who she is, I suggest you read my other stories if you need to catch up. John was dressed as a football player and I was in a cheerleaders outfit. We jumped into the car and off we went. I have to stop and get some gas, John said as he whipped his car into the gas...
I love Halloween. My family have always had fun with Halloween since I was a k**.I have recently returned home to my parents after being away at college the last four years. My parents have lived without k**s for the last two years so it has been a transition for them to have me back in the house. My parents have had a great Halloween party for years. People go all out and dress up in costumes. There are so many people that dress up in total disguise so you don't know who is in that costume.So...
My wife Sue has a very high sex drive which I was made aware of when we were dating. Though I satisfy her sexually, she needs more. In other words, she is a nymphomaniac. I was reluctant at first, but over time I understood her need to seek out other partners. She would always come home and give me the details of her encounters, which always lead to long nights of love making. Its Halloween eve, my wife Sue is 5’6′ tall with long black hair reaching down to her shoulders. She is dressed as a...
My wife Sue has a very high sex drive which I was made aware of when we were dating. Though I satisfy her sexually, she needs more. In other words, she is a nymphomaniac. I was reluctant at first, but over time I understood her need to seek out other partners. She would always come home and give me the details of her encounters, which always lead to long nights of love making.Its Halloween eve, my wife Sue is 5'6" tall with long black hair reaching down to her shoulders. She is dressed as a...
Cuckold(episode 18) This follows College Sexscapades I believe it was a Monday morning while sitting in class next to Brittany that she asked what I was doing for Halloween the next night. I told her that I was planning to go over to my fraternity house for the Halloween party there. Brittany then asked, “What costume have you come up with for Halloween?” I responded, “I haven’t come up with anything yet, but I will be at the party.” Brittany then informed me, “Jennifer, Renee and I are going to a...
Halloween Four, 24/10/2016: Abergale’s PartyPulling up into her driveway Abergale got out of her car and noticing that something had been left for her in the mail box. Opening it she took out a single unstamped envelope addressed to her and shoved the envelope unread into her jean pocket. Walking into her kitchen she threw her bag in the corner and opened the envelope she was dumbfounded to find a party invitation that Rosa had promised her when they met in the car park the day before. ...
I had always loved dressing up for Halloween as a child and wearing fancy and colorful costumes and pretending to be someone else, even if only for a few hours. I truly looked forward to it all year, and getting to go to school dressed up and show off our costumes. The class parties where the teachers would bring in usually homemade treats, or the male teachers would bring in treats their wives had made and a few of the students mom’s would as well for the class. There was always lots of...
I had always loved dressing up for Halloween as a child and wearing fancy and colorful costumes and pretending to be someone else, even if only for a few hours. I truly looked forward to it all year, and getting to go to school dressed up and show off our costumes. The class parties where the teachers would bring in usually homemade treats, or the male teachers would bring in treats their wives had made and a few of the students mom's would as well for the class. There was always lots of...
MatureSometimes, you just have to suck it up and try and make the best of a situation. Things are what you make of them. I kept telling myself that I needed to make this into a fun evening, even if I didn’t want to go. The ink was still wet on my divorce decree and I really wasn’t up to a search for new romance. I was only going because Mel and Megan had almost demanded it of me. Mel was more than just my boss, he was also my friend and had stuck with me through the emotional turmoil of the ugly...
It was my first college Halloween party, and I was beyond stoked. The party was being held at a local frat off campus, and although I hadn't pledged to any frat I was still known in their circles. I never moved out of my parents house, and while it saved me a bunch of money, it definitely put a damper on my social life. I had procrastinated on my costume, so I found myself scrambling at the last minute to come up with something. Out of ideas, I finally settled on the cheap idea of going as...
“You should go as a sexy nurse,” one of my co-workers told me.“Yeah, and get fired,” I replied.We were chatting about our company Halloween-themed costume party. I had worked at Moore Construction for about a year- a small company of about 100 employees; mostly hormone-driven guys who wanted nothing more than to take a company secretary home.Sammy was my co-heart in crime and she always had my back. We both worked in the accounting department, so we knew just about everyone in the company, from...
OccupationsChapter 1 October 30 - Approximately 11:30 p.m. Jenny stumbled outside, weaving a little as she walked. Her date, Tim, walked behind her. Jenny laughed drunkenly as she tried to walk through the parking lot. She laughed at some of the costumes she had seen her friends wearing earlier tonight. They were so ridiculous. She would be able to get in some good insults at school tomorrow. She thought her own vampire costume was excellent. She had gone all out on making it. She wore a wig with...
It was October 31. Halloween again. I had to decide on what my costume would be for the annual office party. I didn't want to dress up and go this year, but it was mandatory. My boss Brent Rose was an ass. He ruled the office with an iron fist or so it would seem. I knew if I didn't show up I would most likely get a lecture about setting an example to the other employees. I stopped procrastinating and walked the two short blocks to the local costume shop. I hoped they had something I could...
Straight SexOur company has a Halloween Party every year and for the most part, I have simply ignored attending, or attended and simply left after a short visit. This year, I decided that I’d go and dress up in a full regalia as a pirate. I even decided to go so far as to have a professional make-up artist do my make-up, so one would know who I was, just for the fun of it.Everyone who attended the Party dressed up and for the most part, folks were quick to figure out who was who behind the masks and...
HistoricalThroughout the week preceding the holiday, I had dropped by Miss Laura’s home to help decorate it for her upcoming party. Halloween hit on a Tuesday last year, so her party, something she did every year for select clients and friends, would be held on Saturday. She had told me little about what to expect, but she assured me it would be fun and that my attendance was mandatory. I received a text from her Wednesday morning as I was getting ready for work, telling me that I was to avoid contact...
FemdomHalloween Pool Party, part 8, The Party by Brenda Friday morning cam and I was awakened with an electric shock that ran from my tits to my clit. My eyes flew open to see Miss Maddy and her girlfriend each with one of my nipples in there mouth. Pulling at the rings with there tongue, my high pitched squeal announced I was awake. My clitty tried to get hard but had no place to go. I reached to touch it and could not feel anything through my girdle, well padded with a thick maxi pad. I...
The evening of my first and only orgy ended about two a.m., more from the fact that Doug and I ran completely out of steam than that any of the women wanted to stop, although most of the women had pretty well exhausted all the sapphic combinations they could think of while the lowly males were recovering. Deb and Doug pushed the beds together in the guest room, filled in the ‘crack’ between them with a blanket, and Marcia and the two of them went to sleep. I ended with Ashley, Christy, and...
Erica had it all. Except children, of course. But now that Derek had been promoted to Regional Vice-President, she could quit work, as they had always planned. After seven years of marriage, the attractive thirty-four year old would finally have the opportunity to ruin her figure. She was ready for it. But that’s not the way her friends saw it. “You’re crazy,” Janice said. “Derek will be making so much money and he’ll have more time too. You’ll be able to go to Hawaii and Europe.” “Ya,”...
At the time of this story, I was the sales director for a specialty-chemical manufacturing company located in Houston, Texas. This is a customer-focused business, and we were competing with six other companies that provided similar products and services, so we often sponsored parties for our current and prospective customers. It was approaching the end of October, and my boss, Max Jensen, had planned a large Halloween costume party that would be held at his country club on Halloween night. Max...
I've always loved Halloween. It's the one day out of the year where I am confident to go out fully dressed as a CD. If anyone objects, I just say I'm going to a costume party dressed as a woman. I've seen lots of straight guys do it. . .or, maybe they're not so straight after all. Anyway, I was getting dressed up to go to a party at Doug and Jeannie's house on the waterfront in Mercer Island. The perfect venue for a Halloween party - both Doug and Jeannie were bisexual and very open about...
I swear, Halloween is the best time of year for horny guys like me. Girls seem to love dressing up as sexy pirates, sexy devils, or sexy anything, really. The following story took place that night… but it’s not scary at all. My friends Michelle and Cassie and I decided to do a group costume this year for some frat Halloween party. The girls dressed as two schoolgirls and I made myself up like a strict teacher—shirt and tie and ruler. Michelle, Leigh and I have been friends since Freshman...
I swear, Halloween is the best time of year for horny guys like me. Girls seem to love dressing up as sexy pirates, sexy devils, or sexy anything, really. The following story took place that night… but it’s not scary at all. My friends Michelle and Cassie and I decided to do a group costume this year for some frat Halloween party. The girls dressed as two schoolgirls and I made myself up like a strict teacher—shirt and tie and ruler. Michelle, Leigh and I have been friends since Freshman...
Straight SexI was looking for an anonymous piece of ass and I was hoping that this was the right place for it. It was a Halloween party. Virtually everyone was in costume. There weren’t a lot of people wearing masks but there were enough to make my own mask unremarkable. I wanted to be as anonymous as my next fuck. The reason is easy to explain. I was going to rape the lady of my choice. I don’t get frequent urges to rape. At least, not yet. I do have a normal side of life. I’m 19 years...
On the bed I laid, looking around the room. Halloween outfits all over the floor. Any cumstains, and we're not getting out deposits back, that's for sure. I looked at Jess, who still had some of my goo in her hair. She looked beautiful no matter what, and gave me the best night of my life. Okay, let me back up. I attended a friend's Halloween party. I went dressed as Vinnie Vega from Pulp Fiction. My friend, who hosted the party, was dressed as a suicide bomber. The less said about that the...
Surprise at the Halloween Party Anita and I had been invited to a Halloween party that an old friend of mine was having at his place. The only requirement the invitation said was that full masks were to be worn. I tried to get an original one, but finally I decided to use a long black sheet and the mask from the movie Scream. By her side, Anita decided on a costume and a mask of Snow White.The party was in full swing by the time we got there and it was fun trying to guess who was who amongst...
As I have wrote about before in college I had a fuck buddy named Carla. By our senior year we had moved into a house in town. We had progressed and actually shared a king sized bed. No longer secret fuck buddies, but we were more of a typical couple. There were 4 other people in the house with us, Laney who I wrote about in my last story and there were two other girls Teresa and Jen. There was also a guy who's name was Bill, he was flagrantly gay, but a decent guy. The house was not typically...
My name's Shelly. I'm a senior in high school and I live at home with my Mom, my Dad, and my older brother Mark, who is in community college. Mom is a beautiful woman, stunning and stacked. A real hourglass figure to contrast my sportier, less buxom body. She made a big mistake marrying Dad, though. Daddy is all business, all work and no play. He acts as if he doesn't think much of my mom, and that's just wrong, she is the strong beautiful woman who raised us; Dad hardly even knows us. Dad is...
IncestI had enjoyed my week of sex with Thomas and Lemar but in the end it left me sore and used but not like I was complaining. It was now getting close to Halloween and mom and I were making plans to go to a Halloween party a few city blocks away from us. Yeah, sounds kind of boring I know but it was no ordinary party with costumes and drinking alone. It was an orgy for bisexual people. It was only a few days away and Mom and I decided to go costume shopping both online and in the local stores to...
I was at a Halloween party, wearing my baby blue Japanese school girl outfit. I had thigh high socks, and my hair was in pig tails. The Halloween party was at a huge mansion, everyone was dressed as sexy versions of everything. I went with a few of my girls and when we got there we took a couple of shots. Afterwards we proceeded to the dance floor and grinded on each other. After some time, we went and grabbed a few more rounds of shots and came back to the dance floor to see that some guys...