Three Hour Tease free porn video

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We had met on-line a couple months ago, after exchanging e-mails at first, then just lately phone numbers and after a few conversations, Gail and I decided it was time to meet. I was extremely nervous, as this would be my first meeting with someone that I had met through an on-line dating service. We met at a bar that I sometimes go to for happy hour, which was also convenient for her. Well, we had a blast. All the correspondence really paid off. Turns out we were both nervous but that quickly changed. We made jokes, flirted and generally devoured each other with our eyes. This woman aroused me like no other that I had met in the last 20 years since my divorce. This was due mainly to the fact she loved to tease. Now I love a woman that likes to bat her eyes, touch your hands and arms moves so she exposes a little more cleavage or thighs and even glimpses of her panties to ensure her way in the seduction game. I am beginning to realize this woman in front of me has made teasing an art form, you know... Then BAM... she was turning and dipping to give me a flash of tit and reinforcing it with a touch of her hand and a big smile. Soon my heart started beating again. A little later...BAM... this time a flash of thigh exposed between her stocking tops and skirt when she crossed her legs before pulling the skirt back into place. Placing her hand on top of mine while locking eyes with me to seemingly say... did you see that...did you like that? I want you to like it.

Now I'd like to do the same in return. But we guys have it a little tougher. We don't have the wardrobe short of shorts (and these days they come down to your knees) to flash. The exception would be a kilt. It might be OK in Great Briton but in America? I don't think so. Well I could flash, but it is difficult to take your hand unzip your pants, pull your meat out, find something to cover the exposed flesh and wait for the moment to flash. And doing all this without arousing any undo's almost impossible. Besides let's face it, we are so damn visual. Women have been doing strip tease since before Moses. What we are left to do is to work our way into their personal space, because ours takes on a more physical form. So our teasing, as you know, is a little touch here, a knee touching there, an arm briefly on the shoulder while we whisper in her ear or any other type of pressing of the body. We are the strokers. And all the time we have to judge their reaction to our advances. Any way back to the story.

It was not long before we ended up in the sack fast and furious due to our being extremely attracted to one another and the teasing was constantly there...foreplay you ask?... Maybe so... I would consider it foreplay after that night. This was not going to be a one-time fling I told myself. It was, just, to incredible. So we started to date. A month later we were seeing each other two to three times a week. We really enjoyed one another. Through this whole period Gail's teasing kept up. Why she chose me when she could have any man I will probably never understand. But she zeroed in on me and was relentless. The plus side for her was she always had my undivided attention. The plus side for me was this marvelous sexy woman. Thus here is the basis for my relating the events of a particular evening. I decided to do my own brand of TEASING to make a special night for her.

One night, six weeks after our first meeting, we were to cook dinner at my place. I had definite plans for Gail this evening. She got to my place at 6:30 after a long day at work. I greeted her at the door and received a deep kiss from this sexy little woman. Breaking the kiss, I stood back to look her over, my hands gripping her shoulders, and said, "I know you will say 'no I don't or something like that', but you look incredible." Her hands that had been resting on my arms started to travel up to reach behind my neck for another kiss. "Why don't you get comfortable while I get us a glass of wine," I said and turned to go to the kitchen. When I returned with the wine she wasn't in the livingroom. Hearing something that sounded like the rustling of clothes, I found her in my bedroom over by the far side of the bed with her back to the door taking off her bra leaving her in her tiny red panties. Hearing me enter, Gail turned around and dropped her matching bra on the bed to let me gaze on her lovely breasts. Taking the wine from me, she started gently swaying her shoulders so her breasts gave my eyes a moving target. Looking up in my eyes she asked grinning as I slowly brought mine up to hers, "could I wear this shirt?" Pointing to the dress shirt I had worn to work today, that was now lying on the bed. "It has your scent. That way it would be like you had your arms around me till later when I let you take it off. Remember you did tell me to get comfortable."

'Well, ' I thought, 'the little tease has been here for less than 5 minutes and she is already starting. I am going to give it back to her tonight in spades. I'm not complaining, mind you, I love the way she pushes my buttons like this. ' I look down in her eyes and she is still swaying her tits at me. "Sure thing darlin'. Anything to please you," I said as I put an arm around her waist and pulled her to me to give her a kiss. When she started to put one of hers around my neck to hold the kiss I stopped, turned and as I left I said, " join me in the kitchen when you are ready." Then I hear a stomp of a foot and a "hhmmmpphh." I just chuckled to myself as I exited the bedroom quickly going to the kitchen. The game begins and it is only 6:35.

On the way through the living room I stop and put my favorite 6-pack in the CD player and hit random play (Gail has told me she loves this particular grouping). Entering the kitchen I step outside to turn on the grill for the chicken. Then I am back at the kitchen sink washing the lettuce for a salad. I hear some humming to the music; a wineglass is set on the counter just to the left of the sink and a pair of arms circle my waist. "Craig," Gail says, "you still owe me some more from that last kiss."

"More? I didn't know that kisses had defined limits on them."

"Well that one was supposed to have more to it than it did," Gail said with a little pout.

"Darlin' let me just put this lettuce in some ice water and I will rectify that." That done, I turn around. With one of her arms still wrapped around my waist, I looked down into her upturned face and Gail leans back shoving her mound into my thigh, showing me that the shirt is unbuttoned nearly to her belly button. And again she starts her swaying so her breasts will move freely under this shirt of mine she has on. The swaying exposing first one nipple then the other. "You little minx look at you, your practically rubbing my nose in your tits."

"Yea, yea, yea and you just love it," she giggled as we both took another sip of wine. "So are you going to finish that kiss?"

"I'm thinking about it," I said. 'I do love it, ' I thought as I watched her swaying.

"Thinking about it! Well think about this." With that she wraps both arms around my neck and pulls herself up so she can bite my earlobe and whisper, "you are going to finish it! But since you stopped earlier now that we both have shirts on and you won't feel my titties against you as well."

"I know how to correct that," I say.

"No clothes off until after dinner," she counters with a twinkle in her eye and a sly smile that seemed to say I wouldn't stop you if you try.

"Not until after dinner huh? Well we will see about that." I spun her around with her back to me, grabbed both arms, placed her palms together behind my neck, held them there with one hand to stem her playful resistance while I leaned down to kiss and nibble on her neck and ears. I moved my other hand to fondle her titties. Now, Gail is super sensitive around her ears and on her neck. Her resistance quickly faded, as her wiggling slowed she started to sigh and moan. Whispering in her ear while I was still teasing her nipples I said, "these are going to be real hard when I finish that kiss since you made your 'no clothes off till after dinner' rule." I took my hand that was holding hers behind my neck and I reached behind me and fished a couple cubes of ice out of the water as I then took an ice cube in each hand and proceeded to stimulate each nipple.

As Gail shivered and squirmed from the unexpected frigid assault on her nipples, I kept on nibbling on her neck and ears until she said, "You sneaky bastard. They are standing out as far as they are going to."

With that I tossed the ice back into the sink, turned her to face me, and lifted her easily by the waist (Gail is a trim 5'1" at 105lbs, I am a fit 6'2" and 225lbs.). As she came up her arms went around my neck, her legs around my waist, her hard nipples digging into my chest, and our mouths crushed together in a hot, tongue thrashing, moaning kiss. All the while she churned her sweet pussy against my hardon.

After what had to be the longest kiss of my life she leaned back, looked me in the eyes and said, "I think you got a better feel of my titties against your chest this way than when I was topless a little while ago."

"Yep, where there's a will there's a way, they say." Damn was I hard. "Let's finish getting dinner on the table. OK?" I slowly let her down.

As Gail stepped back to look at my woody in my shorts, she started giggling at the wet spot that seemed to run the full length of my erection. "Having a little leaking problem there big guy," she quipped, still eyeing my erection.

"I don't think its me." Quickly reaching under her/my shirt to feel her panties and play for a few seconds, exploring. "I would say you are the culprit, " withdrawing my hand which has two very moist fingers. "You're soaking." Bringing them to my nose, I inhale her musky scent looking in her eyes, I put my index finger in my mouth to savor the taste till it's clean. "Mmmmm you taste so good. Here have the other," giving her my middle to enjoy. Keeping her eyes locked on mine she holds my hand with both of hers and takes my finger in her mouth. Gail licks and sucks it clean, then bobs her head on it simulating one of her magnificent blowjobs, the little tease. It's 7:00 and the game continues.

"Gail, darlin' I'm gonna put the chicken on, it'll take about 45 minutes. Will you pour us some more wine. Then I would love your company outside."

Just as I was sitting down after getting the chicken on the grill, Gail steps out with our wine. Coming over to me she plops down in my lap. We talk about this and that for a while. After fifteen minutes I get up and go inside to turn on the stove to steam the veggies and drain the water from the lettuce. When I come back out we settle in just as we were before. Then she starts moving around more while we talk. Then it hits me the little wench is doing it again. She's flashing me her panties and moving so the shirt she is wearing will gape open so I can see her breasts. She started squirming her little butt around on me when she felt me starting to get hard again. "Oh, working on trying to keep me smothered in your juices tonight, huh?" I asked.

"Now that's a thought," she replied with a giggle.

"Maybe I should just go ahead and take my shorts and boxers off so you can just pre-lube me for when I finally take your/my shirt of your hot little body tonight."

"Just what do you think you're going to do to my hot little body tonight?"

"Well first I am going to work your titties again but I will use only my mouth and fingers, and then I'll fuck them just the way you like me to. I am going to spend so much time on them they will be tingling all night long. Just imagine my hands on your breasts. Better yet, here, let me show you baby," and I pull them free of your/my shirt. "Feel my hands covering them, squeezing them, rolling them around and around. Then milking them one by one first the left then the right over and over. "

"Oh yes," you say. "Just like that."

"And I am not just talking about it for just a few minutes I will work them for a long time. Just like this. Notice that I haven't even touched your nipples yet."

"Oh I know. Touch my nipples, pinch my nipples, god it feels so good baby. Keep it up...lick 'em... pull 'em... bite 'em... Pleeeezzzz work my nipples, Craig please. It feels sssooooo gooood."

"Do you like that baby?"

"Oh yeaaah ! ! !" as I keep playing with them. Sometimes both nipples are tended to at the same time and some times I alternate from one to the other, but there is always a mouth or hand on a breast. Her moans and sighs are music to my ears.

Then the timer went off. "Gail we have to stop now the chicken is almost done. And I have to finish making the salad." I had been playing with her breasts for over twenty minutes.

"No, no, no, no don't stop it feels to good," disappointment in her voice.

"C'mon dinner will be ready in five minutes and I am starved since I didn't have lunch," I say.

"OK," unable to mask the needs of her body but realizing that I need food if I'm to keep up with her later. Time is now 7:45 and the game hasn't even reached half time.

Inside I pat the lettuce dry and toss us up a salad, Gail comes in as I finish the salad and pulls the veggies out of the steamer. She says, "grab a clean plate and go get the chicken. I will put everything else on the table." When I come back in Gail has everything on the table. She has lit a couple candles, turned down the lights and is topping off our wine. We sit to eat.

We discuss how each of our days went, but through it all Gail seems a little fidgety. 'Good, ' I think 'she is really on edge.' She has been constantly bouncing her knees together. I noticed she had dropped her napkin. So I reached down to get it for her and as I got there she swiveled in her seat to face me and spread her legs to let me view her pussy. My eyes got as big as saucers. "Oh god!!! I love it!!! It looks great!!! When did you shave it?" I asked. "And when did you take your panties off? You little cheat."

"I did it for you this morning," She said, "and I took my panties off outside when you left me to make the salad. I just figured I wouldn't need them while we ate."

I had been asking her to shave it for over week and even volunteered my services. Gail has a really sweet pussy and now she was bare except for a little at the top to prove she is a natural red head, well auburn actually. As I was still looking at it she had been inching it towards the edge of her chair and spreading her legs even wider to give me an even better view. Coming out of my seat I just had to go in for a taste and to run my tongue over her smooth lips. She gasped as I ran my tongue from the seat of her chair all the way up to her little tuft, back down and back up to the top. Making sure her protruding clit received a good swipe from my tongue at each pass. Multitudes of thoughts are running through my head. 'Man alive she is wet. I wonder if she has been sitting in a pool of her own juices? Do I continue this game? Or do I just jump her bones right here and now? After all she has no idea that I have a single-minded purpose to tease her unmercifully tonight. Do I give her a rain check that I alone know about? How much longer can I hold out? Decisions have got to be made.'

I get back in my chair, hand her, her napkin, take a sip of wine, look in her eyes and see it all there. Her lust, her joy at pleasing me with her shaved pussy and a smugness, that says she has me now, little does she know, my decision instantly made. I move to give her a kiss and she smiles as she meets me half way. "I have had enough of what's on the table how about you?" I asked.

"Ready for dessert," her reply more a statement than a question. Her neck and chest were flushed, displaying her heat.

"Hours of it," I reply, my own arousal starting to consume me

Scooting back in my chair I open my arms to her and she's on me in a flash. We're kissing, caressing each other, and pulling clothes off in a rush to feel our skin next to the other's. Her/my shirt is one of the first casualties, followed by my T-shirt. My shorts and boxers end up around my ankles. With my mouth on one breast, one hand on the other breast, my other hand on her silky smooth pussy near her clit I can feel, hear and taste her heat. Gail's one hand periodically pulls my head up to kiss her or for her to tongue my ear and her other hand is rubbing my cock on her pussy lips drenching it with her juices.

"Baby this is the hottest I've seen you yet."

Looking into my eyes, "I know I am just burning up and I've been this way all day since I shaved my pussy. It just feels so naughty. I was really hoping to get you in bed when I walked in the door. That's why I was almost naked when you brought me my wine. Then you just kissed me, turned around and left before I had a chance to act. You jerk.

"Then you got me all hot and bothered again with that little ice cube trick. To top it off when you lifted me up for the rest of my kiss that I wanted, I had my hot little center right there against your hard cock. I was thinking that now I'm going to get some, that you'd take me right here in the kitchen. But, no, you set me down to go put the chicken on the grill, which didn't do me any favors. You asshole." Normally she doesn't swear or cuss, but once aroused or naked watch out for her vocabulary has no bounds.

Looking down, "See how wet your cock is?" She said still manipulating it all around the smooth lips of her pussy. "I want it in me bad... and when you played with my titties outside, god, that made me even hotter and I almost came out there and then that damn timer went off and you were up and gone again. You son-of-a-bitch.

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The Tease

We had met on-line a couple months ago, after exchanging e-mails at first, then just lately phone numbers and after a few conversations, Gail and I decided it was time to meet. I was extremely nervous, as this would be my first meeting with someone that I had met through an on-line dating service. We met at a bar that I sometimes go to for happy hour, which was also convenient for her. Well, we had a blast. All the correspondence really paid off. Turns out we were both nervous but that...

3 years ago
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A Double Tease

A Double TeaseChris just got up and turned the TV off. He just finished watching another episode of The Dukes of Hazard and boy was he horny. He was in total lust with Daisy Duke the way she would wear those tight little cut off shorts and those sexyhigh heel strap on pumps.ÊChris loved seeing her in those pumps but he wished he could see her bare feet sometimes. Chris was just aching to jerk off at the moment but he decided to go downstairs before he jerked. He saw the mailman coming so he...

2 years ago
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A Genny Story The Tease

Hello Everyone. Again I want to thank all the kind women that havewritten me and said that they liked or have gotten something out of mystories. I can't begin to tell you how happy it makes me to get a letterfrom you.A Genny Story.... The TeaseI am Genny11 years after graduation Melly decided to go back to school to get hermasters degree. I am 100% behind her in this and I have to admit that Iam very much enjoying being the "Bread Winner" of the family for rightnow. In our sex life we may enjoy...

2 years ago
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Virgin Tease

The Virgin Tease Ch. 01 (F/M, F/F, tease, denial)First Clinician Jenny called Rob from the waiting room and ledhim to a treatment room. As he followed her, his eyes focused onthe slender beauty with light brown hair and a crisp uniformdress that settled a few inches above her knees. Her bare legsand white sneakers, as well as her walk, had an innocent teasingquality. Her smile conveyed a sensual depth that almostcontradicted her age of 19."Please take off all your clothes," Jenny instructed....

1 year ago
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Stripper Tease

I have no idea how long I've been lying on the bed, naked and waiting. I stare at the dull yellow rings from the lamps on the ceiling. My cock stands at attention from the steady hum of the vibrating cock ring. The leather belt buckled around my ankles and the handcuffs locking my wrists keep me secure in the center of the bed. My arm and leg muscles twitch from being stretched and still for so long. Thoughts of Valerie kept popping in my head. I remember where I met her, and why I enjoy her...

1 year ago
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Introduction: THE STORY OF A HOT WIFE WHO LOVED TO TEASE MEN AND GOT WHAT SHE DESEREVED MY WIFE LOVES TO TEASE Hi my names Tom and my wifes name is Amanda we have been married for 6 years, We both decided on not having any children as we both have very good jobs plus my wife always said that she never wanted to ruin her figure by having kids, So we decided that we would have the very best things in life together nice cars a big house and plenty of holidays, My wife has always been a tease...

3 years ago
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Road Trip Tease

The drive to our little cabin in the middle of nowhere always seemed to take so long, but for some reason it feels exceptionally long this time. We've been driving for three hours, and have about two hours to go. My boyfriend and I have been coming to the cabin twice a summer for years. Our number one rule was, he drove us up, and I drove us back.  Today I can’t seem to get the thought of what we always did whenever we got to the cabin out of my mind. We had passionate sex the moment the door...

4 years ago
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Hard Lesson to learn you tease

About a year ago she started hanging out at the house next door where about 14 old people live. It’s a home just for older people who can take care of themselves. So Josey hangs out there playing games and talking with the old folks to keep herself busy most of the time. The old men, about 12 of them are always having her sit on there laps. One day while walking upstairs through the house she saw Dan. Dan’s always been real nice to her and so she stopped at his door and...

3 years ago
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The Tease

The club was packed with the heat of compressed bodies, gyrating, pumping and swaying, the lights seeming to intermittently pick out random body parts for the inspection of those standing on the edges. Watching, assessing, selecting.He was watching as well. Waiting to have revealed to him, like a divinely illuminated revelation, the one who would be his tonight.As the multicoloured beams of light swept over the heaving crowd, his eye caught a patch of calm in the maelstrom of movement, a small...

3 years ago
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Dont tease a tease

I knock at your door. The bitter winter wind swirls around me, flowing up between my stocking clad legs. I shiver. Locks of carefully curled hair are tossed in the breeze. The thin red coat I have on to hide my evening attire is doing nothing to keep me warm. My nipples push against silk; the corset restraining them only creates further friction, making me shift my weight trying to ease the tingle between my thighs. You finally open the door looking a little flustered. Apologies roll quick and...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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My Quest for 72 Houri Angles3 Zarina

In continuation of my previous stories "I fucked khala - my virgin Aunt- Part-1-5" (Noori Khala) next day my marriage was held with My cousin Sarah for the purpose of halala and I took her virginty..(Halala of My Virgin Cousin -part1 & 2) You had read how I fucked Noori Khala before my cousin Sarah After that I was married to Sarah Apa, a nikah-e-halala virgin, and how I spanked her in Kashmir on our wedding night. That night I , fucked Sarah Apa or Sarah Begum or Sarah Houri, whatever you...

3 years ago
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The Power Hour1

It was three in the afternoon and there I was standing in his backyard completely naked, except for a collar that my Master made me wear that had - BITCH - written across it in rhinestones. The party was all set up. Lots of food and bottles of beer with my Master setting up the BBQ. I knew his friends would be arriving soon and I still didn’t know what was coming. My Master had said he’d enjoy watching me perform my first power hour. I asked what that was and he said that it’s a surprise for...

1 year ago
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Stranger On The Rush GHour Commute

Let me try to paint a picture of the scene…. The previous train was cancelled and this one is already running ten minutes late. When it arrives, several dozen people try to get on compressing the mass of people already standing at the carriage doors until finally pleading and cajoling, I and no more than six others manage to squeeze ourselves on. It’s so tigh,t my briefcase is jammed so hard, I simply cannot move my right arm. My body is pressed against the woman who got on in front of me, the...

1 year ago
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After Hours0

He quietly slipped out of the office and down the hall, checking around as he walked. He didn't necessarily think anything would go too far but nonetheless, he wasn't trying to get rejected in front of an audience. He knew he wasn't quite her type standing 5'11, light skinned built with light brown eyes and big lips...but he figured, hey...he wasn't ugly, and the worst that could happen is a "no." He stood in the door way of the lab and gazed in at her. She sat about 6 feet away,...

2 years ago
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Just one hour2 with my wifes best friend

Stacey rather sheepishly welcomed the large man into her house. She couldnt explain why shed been so compliant, maybe it was something about his mature powerful frame that unnerved her. Hed been polite asking if her husband was in, saying he was expected. She had looked quizzical at him. Her husband didnt know any black guys, in fact both of them didnt really like his type. But that would be how Stacey would word it, other might say they were just down right racist. The Boss eased past her,...

2 years ago
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Clay Leather Afterhours with Sir coach and Me

Sir Mark, Jeff and I made our way out of the party to their car which was a big US made pick up. I started to ask a few questions now that the thump of the dance floor was behind us, and I could really see how hot both Sir Mark and his boy are. Sir Mark stopped, pulled my mouth to his and whispered “Shhh boy. No talking until I say!” And I nodded.I got in the middle of the front seat while Sir Mark made his way through North Hollywood to a private club associated with a Nasty Kinky Pig play...

3 years ago
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Neighour Hot Aunty Hyderabad

Hi one and all, I am Pradeep age 25 basically from Hyderabad. I’m a 6feet athletic shaped boy. Currently, I’m working in an MNC. I’m a big fan of  sex stories irrespective of the categories. As far as I sense Some are true and some are fake or just imagination. Aunties and girls in and around Hyderabad contact me at if interested only for sex and fun. I’m not interested in a relationship.   I have been reading these sex stories after completion of my 12 th standard.   Getting into the story,...

3 years ago
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My Neighbhour Bhabhi Seduced Me

Hi this is shyam age 24 from bengaluru and I would like to share one of my experiences that had happened in my life talking about me I am fair and average built body girls will say cute and have a tool which can a satisfy any unsatisfied women and coming to the story it happened when I was in the college days at that time I used to stay along with my friends in a flat and there was a neighbour aunty who was damn beautiful and sexy who was in age between 28-30. I guess but her parts are pretty...

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pushpa and her neibhour

hi friends this is a real incident which happened to be enjoyed by me very well.ok i will come to the description of my story. pushpa is my friends sister, she is married, and about our sex i have already narrated in couple edition SHE WAS WILD and she thought me all kind of sex and this happened during that period only. PREETI was her name,and was studying in 1st PUC,well shaped good boobs and ass, she lived opp to pushpas house,she had seen me going in pushpas house n lock the door n return...

2 years ago
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My Quest for 72 Houri Angles4 Zarina

In continuation of my previous stories "I fucked khala - my virgin Aunt- Part-1-5" (Noori Khala) next day my marriage was held with My cousin Sarah for the purpose of halala and I took her virginty..(Halala of My Virgin Cousin -part1 & 2) You had read how I fucked Noori Khala before my cousin Sarah After that I was married to Sarah Apa, a nikah-e-halala virgin, and how I spanked her in Kashmir on our wedding night. That night I , fucked Sarah Apa or Sarah Begum or Sarah Houri, whatever you...

1 year ago
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My Quest for 72 Houri Angles5 Zarina

In continuation of my previous stories "I fucked khala - my virgin Aunt- Part-1-5" (Noori Khala) next day my marriage was held with My cousin Sarah for the purpose of halala and I took her virginty..(Halala of My Virgin Cousin -part1 & 2) You had read how I fucked Noori Khala before my cousin Sarah After that I was married to Sarah Apa, a nikah-e-halala virgin, and how I spanked her in Kashmir on our wedding night. That night I , fucked Sarah Apa or Sarah Begum or Sarah Houri, whatever you...

2 years ago
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My Quest for 72 Houri Angles6 Zarina and Sarah

In continuation of my previous stories "I fucked khala - my virgin Aunt- Part-1-5" (Noori Khala) next day my marriage was held with My cousin Sarah for the purpose of halala and I took her virginty..(Halala of My Virgin Cousin -part1 & 2) You had read how I fucked Noori Khala before my cousin Sarah After that I was married to Sarah Apa, a nikah-e-halala virgin, and how I spanked her in Kashmir on our wedding night. That night I , fucked Sarah Apa or Sarah Begum or Sarah Houri, whatever you...

2 years ago
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HouseChapter 5 Storyhour

Evidently, I didn't miss storyhour. Jason was just finishing his breakfast in the hotel dining room. I took a vacant seat at the far end of the counter, by the restaurant front door. One of the "J's" dropped a cup in front of me and filled it. She added a spoon, a small stainless pitcher of real cream and a glass pour jar of sugar, rubbed my head and hurried away. I wonder which one that was? For a town totally isolated by tropical storm flooding, there were sure a lot of people having...

3 years ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 70 The Houris of the Oasis

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Mumal Oasis, The Halani Desert I groaned as the female entity in the water of the oasis engulfed my cock. She suckled at me with a passion. A hunger that...

1 year ago
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The Tease

The Tease By Cal Y. Pygia To Jamie, nothing on earth could compare to the beauty of a thick, hard cock standing upright against a young man's firm, flat belly--well, a circumcised cock, at any rate; she didn't like the look of an uncut penis, especially when it was flaccid. But a cut cock! There was nothing prettier! She loved the way the balls rose inside the contracted pouch of the silken scrotum, to hug the base, or root, of a man's organ; she loved the tight tangle of pubic curls...

2 years ago
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The Tease

I would call you several times through out the day knowing that your phone is set to vibrate and you can’t answer your phone while at work. The constant vibration from your phone is building up in your body sexually stirring the juices. I called so many times you have lost count and with each call you begin to roll your eyes with a slight pleasure from all the vibrations from your phone. When you finally get your break for lunch you noticed how many missed calls you had. You saw that I had...

3 years ago
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Sofia A Youthful Vision And Tease

I mindlessly glanced out my car window while waiting for the stoplight and I saw her. She was walking with purpose, a bounce in her step and more noticeably a bounce in her chest. She was braless and that got my attention. She had a look about her, something about a young woman with nice toned legs, short frayed-edge denim shorts and an off-white sleeveless blouse with bouncing tits that can get one thinking hot sexy thoughts. Her hidden breasts looked just the perfect size for her slim frame,...

2 years ago
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‘Cocktease,’ he had called her, out of earshot of her husband and his wife.  In retrospect, perhaps she had overdone it a bit from time to time. A flash of lace now and again, a breast resting snugly against his arm as she poured him another glass of wine, a little parting of the lips and quick swish of the tongue as they said goodnight following visits. Truth be told, these had been more for herself than to titillate David. That he may have been frustrated by these events had not really...

2 years ago
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The Big Tease

I love the time right after great sex when you are basking in the caress and contact of another. As we lay there in the after glow of great sex cuddling and lightly caressing each others sweaty, sensitive skin, it dawned on me that she was still waiting on my call. I was in my own blissful world when you spoke."Nickel for your thoughts... you know inflation," I looked to you and smiled, what else could I do. I lost myself in your gorgeous brown eyes until you kissed the tip of my nose bringing...

Group Sex
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Birthday Tease

The doorbell rang. "Can you get that, honey?" my wife asked as she busily prepared appetizers. Our good friend Kim was coming over for her birthday dinner. Recently divorced and gorgeous, she'd been our close friend for years. My wife was well aware of the sexual attraction between Kim and me, but since it was just a harmless flirtation she did nothing to discourage it. In fact, she seemed to enjoy it. I opened the door and invited Kim inside. "Happy birthday!" I said as we met in a warm hug....

1 year ago
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The Big Tease

I can't believe this day has finally arrived; the nerves are building in the pit of my stomach. We have been planning this date for a while now. Online, I have had the confidence to be as seductive as I want to be, but real life? This is a different matter. I'm naturally a shy girl, but I am determined to overcome this.To help me achieve this, I choose my most seductive outfit. I want to look my best for our first meeting. Our plan is to meet at a busy Irish bar in town. I have previously...

Straight Sex
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MY WIFE LOVES TO TEASEHi my names Tom and my wife’s name is Amanda we have been married for 6 year’s,We both decided on not having any c***dren as we both have very good jobs plus my wife always said that she never wanted to ruin her figure by having k**s,So we decided that we would have the very best things in life together nice car’s a big house and plenty of holidays,My wife has always been a tease when around other men she has to work and socialize with them so it’s inevitable that she will...

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