Stowe Inn Lodge free porn video

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Victoria, having grown tired of working for/with Hugh - has accepted the full time position of Front Desk Manager at the Inn where she had worked in a part-time capacity in Stowe, VT.

This is her story

They had met over the internet, inasmuch as one can call that "meeting", and after exchanging emails, and numerous phone calls between them, he had asked if she would like to have a visitor. She accepted his offer, and made the room arrangements, using her position at the Front Desk to her advantage, now he was due to arrive within the hour. She was so lost in her running down the mental list of preparations, that she jumped when the phone rang.

"Stowe Inn Lodge, Victoria here. How may I be of assistance?" The words of greeting rolled off her tongue.

"You sound a bit breathless there, Sweet Lady," came the pleasant, baritone voice she immediately recognized, and a smile lit her features as he continued to speak.

"Did the phone catch you taking a kip?" He laughed.

"No, not really. More of a preoccupation mode," she laughingly replied. "Where are you at present, Sir William?"

"We've only just taxied from the runway and are headed for the gate. How are you? Are you sure I didn't catch you napping?" He liked teasing Victoria, cause sometimes she could become so flustered, that her English accent would come out of hiding and then would take its time about returning to its hiding place.

"I'm fine, thank you Sir William. You say you've only just taxied in to the gate?" While Victoria was speaking she had signalled the bellhop and he was standing before her, on the Lobby side of the Front Desk. She continued, saying, "I'll inform the courtesy driver to start out for you. Barring icy roads, we should see you in about three quarters of an hour, right?"

"Yes, Sweet Lady, you shall. I'm looking forward to this meeting. I hope you are as well. See you soon. Out."

Without waiting for her to close her side of the conversation, he quickly closed off his side as the plane drew even with the gangway. They would start disembarking in a few more minutes.

Victoria hung up the receiver, and then turned her attention to the young college student who stood before her. "Robert," she started, "That was Sir William Smythe. He's going to be staying with us while on his holiday. Will you please find James and send him on out to the airport?" She started writing furiously on a piece of paper while she was speaking.

Handing the paper to him, she continued, "Then take this key, and please make sure the room is in readiness. Make certain that the Dom is on ice, and the strawberries are in a bowl and are also on ice. Now, go! He'll be here in forty minutes."

"Yes, Miss Victoria," he replied courteously and left to find James and fulfill his duties as assigned by Victoria. After he had found James, he snagged the elevator and went up to the tenth floor, and then into Suite 1012 to make certain all was in readiness and to Miss Victoria's explicit orders. He turned on the recessed lighting and then dimmed it.

Looking to the table in front of the picture window, he saw the bucket with the bottle of Dom, but there was no ice and no towel with which to cover the bottle. Propping open the door, he ran down the hall and into the service area. Throwing open the lid of the ice machine, he grabbed two of the styrofoam buckets nearby and upon filling them, stopped to grab two White Linen towels, then sprinted back to the room, and filled the bucket and placed the Dom on top of the ice. He then placed one White Linen towel on top and slightly around the bottle as Miss Victoria had taught him to do.

Then he added fresh ice to the bowl under the berries and placed the other linen towel over them. Grabbing the doorstop and replacing it behind the door, he pulled the door closed, picked up the styrofoam buckets and then whistled his way back to the service area, and then into the elevator.

Upon reaching the lobby, he checked his watch as he headed back to the Front Desk. As he approached, Victoria looked up in his direction.

Robert held up his hand to forestall the woman in mid-sentence, and smiled, saying, "All is in readiness, per your instructions, Miss Victoria. Will there be anything else tonight?" He was the picture of politeness and respect, and Victoria couldn't help but smile.

"Oh, Robert! Thank you! I really do appreciate your going up and taking care of that for me." She glanced at her watch and saw that they had about five minutes to spare, if that, and then turned her head to look out the Lobby door as she saw the approaching headlights and knew she had NO time left.

"Robert? You're a peach and a lifesaver. Only one more thing and then you're off for the night. Would you go meet the car and bring in Sir William's bags and take them up? James is on overtime as it is right now, or I'd have him do it."

"No worries, Miss Victoria. I'll do it gladly!" Grinning at her, he gave her a mock salute and sprinted for the Lobby entrance doors. He didn't glance backward or he'd have seen a normally self-assured young woman, looking suddenly quite pale and flustered.

The time had come; and she was about to meet the man in whose company she had spent so much time, either in conversation on the computer, or on the phone. They had each made the other laugh, oft times stepping on what the other person was saying.

She looked up as the Lobby doors slid open, allowing a blast of cold, yet crisp air to sweep over and revive her. Just in time too, she thought, cause she needed to open her mouth and speak, as Sir William now stood before her.

Eyes the color of Blue Topaz slid up to meet eyes the color of a rich, warm Cognac. She took in the small mustache on his upper lip, and the glasses with their colored lenses. He was almost 6 feet in height, and his body was long and lean. She guessed his weight to be about 165lbs. He was quite pleasing to the eye; "easy on the eyes" was the expression.

"Good Evening, Sir William. Welcome to Stowe Inn Lodge," she said when she was sure her voice wouldn't squeek like a mouse. She extended her hand and continued, "I'm Victoria Phillips, the Front Desk Manager. I've readied your room and Robert here, will take your bags up; and then I'll send someone up from housekeeping to unpack for you. I do hope you'll find the accomodations to your liking and that you'll be most comfortable."

With a half turn in the bellhop's direction, she said to the young man who stood, waiting patiently, "Robert? Will you take Sir William's bags to Suite 1012?" She handed Robert back the key he'd left with her just mere minutes before when he'd come down from doing the room check.

"Yes, Miss Phillips. Sir William, if you'll follow me please? It's this way. I'll get someone from housekeeping for you, Miss Phillips."

Sir William silently assessed the young lady before him. There was a directness in her blue gaze that showed anyone looking on that she was sure of herself and could pretty much handle any situation that was tossed in her direction. Her hand was soft, and the grip gentle and yet firm. He imagined how her grip would feel whilst holding his cock, and he was finding himself becoming aroused. Getting to know her was going to be quite the adventure.

Her voice was just as pleasing in person as it was over the phone; soft, cultured tones were her strength, and yet he could imagine it with an edge if it became necessary. He made a mental note to be sure that he made every effort to have, and hear, her purr like a kitten, if she could, during his stay.

He realized that he still held her hand and the lapse of time was vastly becoming noted. He gently squeezed it and slowly let it slip from within his grasp.

"Aah, yes. Thank you very much, Miss Phillips. I hope the requests were no bother. There is a view I take it?" He raised his eyebrow ever so slightly as he asked this question, hoping that she would pick up on his lightly veiled undertone. He chuckled softly to himself as he saw the blush rise to her cheeks. She understood what he'd meant.

Unflustered on the outside, she looked him straight in the eye when she answered.

"Yes, Sir William. You have a view of the East Slope and the start of

our small valley at the foothills. I trust that will be to your liking?"

Locking gazes with her, he gave a slight imperceptible nod of his head, and said, "Yes, Sweet Lady; that will be perfect." Then turning to follow Robert, he called out, "Lead on young man. I'm right behind you." With that, the duo walked away from the desk.

Victoria leaned against the desk for support as the stiffening suddenly left her legs. He was quite possibly one of the most handsome men, in a Clark Gable sort of way, that she'd met. She suddenly felt like Scarlett O'Hara must have, in "Gone With The Wind" when she had found herself quite suddenly swept off her feet by Rhett Butler.

She was still leaning on the desk when the Front Desk side of her office door opened, behind and to the left of her, and Kris walked out holding a piece of paper.

"Victoria?" she called out, rushing over to the hunched over woman, "Victoria? Are you all right?" Kris pushed the secretary chair up to her friend and co-worker and helped her sit.

"What in the Sam hill is wrong with you? You're as pale as a ghost!"

"Oh my god, Kris! Sir William just arrived, and like Rhett did to Scarlett, he swept me off my feet. Just by a mere few words and exchanged glances. What's this," she asked as she straightened in the chair, indicating the paper Kris held.

"It's the list you asked me to compile for the incoming arrivals next weeksend. I wanted your approval so final choices could be made and the girls, and their respective duties, were assigned." Kris answered.

Victoria took the list from Kris' outstretched hand as she stood and walked round to the computer desk that stood in a cubby to the left of the Front Desk. Kris rolled the secretary chair round and Victoria sat down as the two ladies perused the compiled list.

"You're sure they're ready and know what's expected of them, Kris?" Victoria asked, not looking up.

"Yes, Victoria. I'm sure." Just as Victoria opened her mouth to speak, the phone rang and she picked it up.

"Front Desk. Phillips here" was how she answered this phone. A burst of male laughter filtered into her ear, and made her smile.

"William Smythe here. Thank you for the Dom and strawberries, Sweet Lady. You do know how to appeal to the senses; but didn't you forget one important ingredient?" He laughed as he asked his question.

Victoria's forehead furrowed as she thought, what on earth did I forget? Then it dawned on her. The Fondue Pot and White chocolate!

"DAMN!" she muttered under her breath.

"You're quite right, Sir William. I'll be right up with it." With that said, she rang off and turned to Kris.

"As you heard, that was Sir William Smythe; Suite 1012. I need to go up and see to a few things that were forgotten. Would you mind taking over early for me? I really don't want to keep him waiting. I know I owe you as is, so can we just chalk this one up to the total?"

"That's why I'm here, Victoria. Go! I know how you are about whom to keep waiting and whom not to. Sir William is definitely not one to be kept waiting. I clocked in before I even came to your office to start work on this list. And yes, I'll file it away in the proper place; and we can talk about it tomorrow when you come down. Now, Go!"

Victoria was up and out of the chair in no time. She opened her office door and grabbed her purse from the coat rack just inside, then closed the door and left the desk. She was officially off duty now, or was once she removed the name badge from her Navy Blue Blazer and undid her square knotted tie.

She stepped into the elevator and pressed "10", and was then whisked upward. She stepped onto the tenth floor and turned right to go to the service area, pulling out her keys as she went into the area and found the cabinet she needed. Inserting the key and turning the lock, she reached in and removed the stainless steel fondue pot and two sterno pots. She had the white chocolate in her bag. She then stood, closed and relocked the cabinet and turning left, headed back into the hall for Suite 1012, her low heeled pumps making little noise on the carpet runner.

The soft strains of "Fur Elise" drifted down the hall as Victoria neared Sir Williams' suite. Once there, she knocked on the door and it opened inward on quiet hinges. She stared into the same warm cognac colored eyes that had faced her over her desk just scant minutes before.

"Aaah, you found the errant items. Do come in Sweet Lady." Sir William stepped back from the door and ushering Victoria into the room, closed the door behind him.

Victoria first pulled an oblong material trivet from her bag, then the chocolate and placed these items on the table. She then placed the fondue set on the trivet, opened a sterno can, and placed it in the bottom of the fondue stand. Then she crumbled up the chocolate into the pot and added the milk that Robert had so thoughtfully placed in the ice, along with the bowl of lush, ripe berries.

She felt Sir William's presense behind her even before she turned around. She then placed her bag under the floor length tablecloth and turned around to face Sir William.

He barely caught her, as she turned around, so close was he behind her. She smelled like warm vanilla, and it tickled his senses. She was totally unaware of just how sexy she was. She emitted a small amount of what the 'old boys' called "animal magnetism" She felt good, soft; as he held her against his chest.

He brought his head down and quickly captured her exposed right earlobe between his teeth and brought his tongue to trace the outer edge of it. He felt her shiver as electricity shot through her, and he held her earlobe tighter when she tried to pull it out of his mouth.

"No, Sweet Lady," he said in a low rumble, his mouth against her ear. "Relax, and be still."

Victoria's shivers were renewed with every word he spoke against her earlobe. Neither one moved, as he stood there, patiently waiting for her shivers to subside. Then, as he felt her relax, he recaptured the lobe, and slowly started to trace his tongue from front to back and from back to front along the edge of her ear. Then slowly he let the lobe slide from his mouth, and nibbled his way up the back of her ear.

She'd told him once that the inside of her ear was very sensitive when her lover would dart his tongue or swirl within it. He was about to test that theory for himself.

As he drew his mouth slowly toward the center of her ear, he heard her shakily in-drawn breath, and he quickly thrust his tongue into and near the center of her ear. Victoria let her head immediately fall back and Sir William felt her then tilt to the right as she tried, albeit in a very unsuccessful effort, to shake him loose from his plan.

She grasped the firm upperarms beneath her fingers as she felt his tongue fill her ear and stab at the center of it. A shakey sound was ripped from her as she felt her control shatter at her feet.

Victoria expelled a shakey groan on a whisper of breath as Sir William continued the onslaught of her ear. She stood against him, his shoulder acting as her rock, as she felt her knees begin to weaken as the stabbing sensations created by Sir William's tongue continued to rocket through her. She closed her eyes on the need this was awakening within her belly and shooting downward and outward from there.

She let her head fall back again, this time exposing her neck and the slightly distended vein along the side, and under her right ear. She stood, completely pliant within his arms.

Sir William felt the change within the woman he held against him, and he knew he wanted to enjoy her, and not rush the night and its shared enjoyments. He slowly withdrew his tongue from her ear, and was quite content to just hold her until rigidity could return to her legs and she could stand on her own. He heard her breathing return to normal, and soon felt her heart stop its racing.

He raised his head until he could look down upon her face with its small and delicate features. Then, bending forward, he lightly kissed the lips that were upturned in his direction.

"Victoria? Could I interest you in some champaigne and berries? They're both just the right temperature, and were, by the way, iced and wrapped, as is appropriate."

As he had been speaking, he'd gently let go of her waist and had walked around to the table that stood behind them. As he walked around her, he had trailed his right hand along her right hip and lightly grazed, with an open palm, the right cheek of Victoria's rear. He picked up the other fluted champaign glass and poured the chilled, amber fluid into both glasses, then turned and handed her one of them.

"Here, Sweet Lady, let's toast to us and a night of unrivaled pleasures." Their gazes locked and held, as they clinked the thin glasses together and then drank deeply of the throat chilling liquid.

"Did you find everything to your liking, upon entering the room, Sir William? Save for the forgotten fondue set and chocolate, I mean. I trust it was to your satisfaction and specifications? If nothing else, I do pride myself on making certain every last possible detail has been addressed when making the rooms ready."

Sir William stepped closer to the small woman who had bent to dip a luscious, red strawberry into the now melted white chocolate and was in the process of taking a bite. He again caressed her rear as it fit into his hand so nicely, and he liked the feel of it beneath his hand. He was getting aroused again just thinking of later that night, while, with his cock buried in her cunt, he'd slip a well-lubed finger into the tightness he was sure he'd find in her rear.

He leaned forward just a bit, and after placing his glass on the table, he placed his hands, one on each side of Victoria, thus imprisoning her between his arms, his body, and the table. Then he inched ever closer to her rear, until his now erect cock could press itself against her through the material of her Navy Blue Wool Surge skirt when he leaned against her.

"You feel that against you?" He asked. At her nodded assent, he stepped closer and ground it against the crack of her rear. "Think of it as your own special lollipop. I'd like you to lick it later. And in answer to your questions, yes, I found everything to be to my liking and specifications. You did yourself quite proud, I must say. I was very pleased."

Before turning around, she picked up another strawberry, dipped it in the warm white chocolate, turned to face him and placed the berry into his open mouth. He bit into the slightly hardening chocolate, with a light cruch, and was rewarded when the berry broke into succulant bits within his mouth, and the juice squirted on his tongue.

Victoria raised her thumb and forefinger to her mouth and sucked the juice from the tips of them. Sir William groaned at the suggestiveness of her movement and removing his hands from the table top, he raised them up and started to undo the blue and white pinstripe blouse of her uniform.

Undoing the last button, he slowly let his hands steal inside the now open blouse. He urged her to step forward just a bit, and reached around and unhooked her white lacy strapless bra, setting her breasts free of their prison with its underwire bars. He then took the bra from off her torso, and flung it in the direction of the armchair by the desk.

His hands then slid upward on her semi-warm skin until they were able to cradle the white orbs before him. His fingers, as if with a mind of their own, splayed outward and took a nipple between thumb and forefinger of each hand. He pulled on first one, and then the other; slowly turning them.

Lowering his head, he brought his mouth, still cold from the last swallow of champaigne down to the right one. He slightly opened his mouth and grazed his teeth against the small bud before him. He felt it immediately start to stiffen, and he flicked his tongue over it, delighting in the slight rough feel of it against his tongue.

Then, lifting his head and gazing into the now Sapphire hued eyes of the woman before him, his left hand reached into the champaigne bucket and withdrew a piece of ice.

He grazed it across the now erect right nipple, watching it pucker and harden against the abrupt change in temperature. He immediately brought his mouth back down to recapture that nipple, while he moved the ice over to the left one and repeated the procedure. This time, once the nipple was between his teeth, he lightly bit on it and flicked it with his tongue.

He felt the woman shudder within his grasp and heard her sharp intake of breath, and then she expelled it on a small groan.

"You like that, do you?" he asked her, his own voice thick with rising passion.

"Yes-s-s-s," came the hissed reply. Victoria struggled to lift her head into an upright position. She had let it loll backward against her neck as the totally unexpected bullets of pleasure shot through her when the ice cube grazed her overly sensitive nipples as Sir William continued with his ministrations.

She reached up and held Sir William's head against her breast and nipple as she enjoyed the feel of his mouth suckling at her. Again he raised the ice cube to her nipple and was rewarded with its stiffening. Then he closed his now hot mouth over it again, flicking it with his tongue, and now he added a few squeezes to her breast, just above the nipple. He looked up at her when he felt a small amount of sticky substance on his tongue.

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I wrapped up breakfast at the dining room table, entranced by my wife’s jiggling booty. She was clearing the sink of dirty dishes wearing an old shirt of mine that fell some inches above her knees; leaving me salivating at those thick, beige-toned legs. A deep breath, sigh, and throat clearing later, I sprang to my toes and shuffled over to her carrying my just used wares. I reached around in an embrace and placed my utensils into the sink, attempting to steal a nibble at her neck. A mission...

3 years ago
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Snow King Lodge

As I pulled into Kim’s driveway in my new Porsche to pick her up for a romantic getaway that I had booked at a mountain resort in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, I was hoping this weekend would turn a corner in our relationship. We had been dating for a few months and, aside from some heavy petting, nothing else was happening. I watched her exit her house and couldn’t help but inhale sharply. She was a hot Italian thing, five foot ten, with short black hair, big brown eyes and a body that was perfect in...

Straight Sex
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The Black Stallion Inn Part 3 of 3

 After his wet onyx shaft slid out of her in a gush of cum, I couldn't wait to slide mine into the warm pool of cream that remained in her stretched and open pussy. He was right there still, beneath her, his semi-flaccid monster and huge balls in close proximity to where I so desperately wanted to be; it was a little weird sliding into her with him still there, in the position in which they'd just finished enjoying each other, but I was too aroused to care and forged ahead. My aching cock...

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Honeymoon Inn

[©2010 BY CLINTON09, ALL CHARACTERS OVER THE AGE OF 18, NO EVENTS DESCRIBED ARE TRUE] C and C (Carl and Candy, née Candace) were at their traditional seats in the pew, front and center. The church service went well, no one had nodded off to sleep and most everyone was there in spite of the important NFL playoff game set for one hour later. It appears the church wives prevailed upon their men to forego the pre-game show for a little churching up. In the parking lot, C and C’s friends were...

2 years ago
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The Inn Watch Where You Sit

The Inn: Watch Where You Sit By Mr. Pec A weary traveler entered the Inn and ploped himself down on a barstool. He ordered a beer and started to give the lovely barmaid an eyeful. "Best you watch who you stare at in here, Mister," said the bartender. "Oh yea, says who?" snapped the traveler, never taking his eyes off the wench's healthy cleavage. "The name is Keep, and you best take my words to heart." Finally the man looked back at the bartender. "Why, you going to do...

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The Inn Kisa and Randall

The Inn: Kisa and Randall By Mr. Pec A young, armored, weary female entered the empty Inn and was instantly recognized by the owner. "Hello Kisa! how've you been?" he bellowed. "G'day, Keep. I'm well, and you?" she responded as she stepped up to the bar. "As good as could be expected. Business has been slow with the war in Tyrin, but we make due on the weekends. What brings you back to the Capital?" "Business. I'm following a lead on a band of bandits in...

3 years ago
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The Immortal Witch Inn Part 1 On the Run

The Immortal Witch Inn Part 1: On the Run By M W Lord Jim was a forty year old man on the run from the mob. He had been on the run from them for the past two months after stealing ten million dollars of the mob money. At the time it seemed like a good idea. But now with a hit man after him he didn't think so. Just two days ago the hit man just missed him. He was able to get away by hopping on a train. When he got off the train he saw a sign that said: New in town? Try The Immortal...

2 years ago
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The Sugar Hill Inn

The Sugar Hill Inn Chapter I Jay could feel his heart beating and the knots begin to form in the pit of his stomach as he drove north, through the rolling hills of New England. The fall foliage was at its' peak as he crossed the boarder into New Hampshire and he realized that he was less then 30 minutes away from experiencing his destiny. Jay turned 40 in January and he made himself a promise. After years of hiding his true self, in the proverbial closet and the relative safety of...

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Honeymoon Inn

Honeymoon Inn By Kyrie Hobson As the sheets of rain swept off the roof, they were split by the various gables and finials into translucent curtains. The light, but growing sleet added a glisten to the otherwise grey view. The scene would have been romantic, had I been here with a girl. But I wasn't. "This is just fantastic," Soren said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "what a great fucking idea. Why do we even listen to you, Kevin?" It actually had been a good idea. The...

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The Mist River Inn

I never went to college. I started my one-man company while I was still in high school, and it grew over the next ten years to the point where I had several hundred employees and we were grossing in 9 figures. And I was working 70-80 hours a week and still living at home with my mother and stepfather. My only luxury was the BMW Series 7 and the only place I drove it was to work and back. So when my mother died (I hadn't even realized she was sick) my world came crashing down. I would find...

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Anything Goes Inn

Feedback greatly appreciated The Milano’s Jeff - Me - 54 Meg - wife - 55 Liam - Son - 16 Mila - daughter - 18 Jen (Jennifer) - Anything Goes Inn Night clerk Michael owner of sex toy shop Jess RV Park attendant Neighbors - Jack and Pat Bar - Hangin’ Out Here Price List Blowjobs $10 Pussy Fucking $20 Ass Fucking (male or female) $30 We had decided to take a slow, cross-country trip in our RV. We had no particular destination, and told friends and family that we’d be gone 6...

3 years ago
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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 9 The Anchor Inn at Burbage

A week had passed since my company had moved to take post at Burbage, a small village alongside the Kennet and Avon canal. The long Indian summer had finally come to an end, with a vengeance, as it had been continuous heavy rain since the day we had arrived. It was now the back end of November and it was difficult to believe that I had been cavorting naked with Susannah, in the warmth of summer, not much more than a month ago. The rain was now sheeting down, the temperature had dropped like...

3 years ago
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A Holiday at the Inn

A word of caution to the readers who love the hard core stuff. This may not be the best read for you. I tend to have a little more setup and character development than some people want. Enjoy, 1txwriter A Holiday at the Inn Jake returns to the small county inn to see a new guest checking in with the inn keeper. The guest’s attention is on the hostess as they discuss details. While Jake quietly hangs his coat up he sees a young lady standing across the room by the stairs. She has...

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Inn and Out

A Young Boy's Fantasy Brought To A Darker Light When I was a young boy around the age of seven, I worked with my father run a small Inn just outside of the city. My father had inherited the old building from his father who built it along with his own father when he was a boy. Naturally, one day I would be taking over. The place was always busy. Businessmen and vactioners would always be coming and going. I usually helped the maids clean up the rooms and sometimes my father would let me sit...

4 years ago
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Black Bear Inn

true storyBlack BearIt was towards the end of May. The days were getting warmer, the nights were still a little cool, and Keri and I were ready for a night away from the k**s. Our friends Tim and Gwen suggested we join them for a night at the Black Bear Inn in Bolton. The carriage house was available, with its own private four person hot tub. There was one king size bed and a pull out couch… not ideal, but serviceable. We had been in the hot tub naked with them before, but had never gone...

3 years ago
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The Inn Brothers

The Inn: Brothers Written By Mr. Pec "G'day, Keep!" The innkeeper turned and saw a young woman entering his establishment, her face smiling and a hand waving. "A fine morning to you M'lady! What brings you into town this early?" She made her way to the bar and plopped down on a stool. Keep instantly poured a glass of milk and set it before her as she got comfortable. "I had some business to take care of with the land magistrate." She took the milk and drank...

2 years ago
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Thursday Nights Rendezvous at the Jade Inn

Thursday Night's Rendezvous at the Jade Inn Thursday morning came, and Anne was up early. Stepping out of the shower, smelling clean and fresh, she called to her husband, Michael, "Honey, are you ready? You know we're supposed to meet Garrett and Su Lin for breakfast at the Scrimshaw Café." Michael laughed. "I'm ready. I'm just waiting for you." Several minutes later, after a short walk, Anne and Michael arrived at the Scrimshaw Café. There they found Garrett and Su Lin waiting for...

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OStikkit Inn Motel

My wife likes men. I've always known that about her. When we first started going out, she was still seeing several other guys, but they just sort of fell away and we ended up together. We dated for many months, then finally got married. We've been hitched for 6 years, and to the best of my knowledge she's been faithful to me, and me to her. Well, I did have a couple of visits to a massage parlor, and there was that one business trip in Orlando, and, oh, yeah the time with the bikini...

1 year ago
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Friendly Travelers Inn Room 212Chapter 8

'This' was the Fitness Center, where a somewhat different training session was going on... Marcus "Mac" or sometimes "Big Mac" Goff had been cycling through the weight machine stations when Mike and Lois had first clicked past. Marcus was a fitness coach -- and he looked the part, heavily muscled, slightly Teutonic of facial feature and gracefully catlike in his movements. He was a lifter -- a gym rat -- all of his friends were lifters, and all of his girlfriends were lifters. He was...

4 years ago
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Beginnings A Winnisimmet Tales story

This story was made possible with the help of Josette Du Pres, Ib12us, Nuuan, Sammi, Portia Bennett, Erin G, and Dawnfyre. All of you helped out in multiple ways with personal stories and recollections and pointed me in the right direction. It was a dreary day in mid-June as John Finn and his two elder sisters, Leslie Sylvester and Karen Smith, stood over an old, weathered grave marked only with a number in Forest Hills Cemetery in Roslindale, Massachusetts. They were alongside...

4 years ago
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Saritha and her uncle in lodge

Hi all. This is new story from me. This is a story told by Saritha, servant to my grandma. She is 23 now. She is very cute with very blessed figure.(I saw once while she was bathing ).When I came to visit my grandma at Thrissur, we became friends. During our little chats, she told me this incident. Saritha belongs to a poor but joint family in Kottayam in kerala. Her father died when Saritha was 11.After that, her uncle (father’s brother) Sukumaran looks after her family matters. Saritha is a...

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Castle Lodge

Your shift is almost over and you are staring at the clock. It’s been over an hour since you received the dozen yellow and red roses and the note that said for you to come to the Castle Lodge near the lake and to ask for your key at the front desk. It further says for you to not go anywhere else and that everything you need would be provided for you. You race to your car and drive to the lodge, your head swimming anxiously. You park and enter the lobby and ask for your key, the clerk gives you...

3 years ago
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Little Montana Lodge

I was working as a manager at this beautiful lodge. I took care of bookings, house holding and meals to guests that had breakfast and dinner.  After a couple of days there, I knew every guest at the lodge and what they needed and where. Those who had meals were all made by me and not the kitchen staff. All and all, I enjoyed my work. Each morning around six am the first thing I did, was take a few laps in the pool. It wasn’t a big pool, but fifteen minutes of work out every day did me good....

2 years ago
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Started In Bus Ended At Lodge

Hello readers, am new to this site. Am here to submit a story of mine.Hope you all like this. I am satheesh, 20yrs, white male,little girlish type and I have some gay experiences before this incident happen and I will share that with you later. This story happens when am traveling to goa by volvo bus. The bus was nearly empty. My seat was around the middle area. When am placing my bag over my seat, a guy came behind me. I moved back as he was walking towards back of the bus to his seat. He...

Gay Male
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Model Sex SlaveChapter 15 The Lodge

Diana endured her third punishment session, early in the morning, the second one having been at midnight. She had climaxed twice each time and had brought her correctors to the same dizzying high's, once each session. She genuinely relished role-playing, getting herself completely wrapped up in the act. Sometimes almost forgetting that is wasn't real. She thanked them both, for their generous effort to correct her offending behavior. She added that, with a few more weeks of guidance, they...

1 year ago
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A Simple Japanese Inn

Chapter 1 My name is Peter Edwardes and this is the story of an amazing weekend I had in Tokyo. I had been working in Tokyo then for about five years. I had come over to see an Exhibition and just stayed on, originally working as a language teacher but in the last couple of years I had set up a small business, mainly in the name of a local colleague named Showie. Well actually Shoichi Hadazo but Showie is what everyone calls him. I had started the part-time importing of foodstuffs for...

2 years ago
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Cum on Inn Chapter 2

Steve and Isabel started the day with a mix of excitement and apprehension. Their first guests would be arriving at Cum On Inn. It was just a few months ago that they had decided to turn their traditional bed and breakfast into a sex-themed inn. Isabel would be part of the package offering the wife of the couple her first bi-sexual experience as well as her first anal experience. Isabel dressed with great thought. She wanted to be sexy and appealing to their guests, but at the same time put...

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Bred Fed at a Premier Inn ndash May 2019

My husband had made contact with a guy, I am never quite sure how he finds some of them, this male is apparently almost local to us, and at my age, it tends to make me a little jumpy that my neighbours or indeed family members might just find out how much of a slut I am. So, I don’t really like to source and fuck local cocks, but my husband has assured me this person will be okay, he just wants to fuck a mature woman, and as you will read, I do love to fuck and suck. My brothers would be very...

1 year ago
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"Welcome to Chamber's Inn, ma'am," the waitress's voice said. 'My breasts are both large and firm, ' her face said, 'not droopy like yours.' "The last table was just taken, it will be a few minutes wait for the next one," her voice said. 'My face is this smooth when I wash it; even your creams and powders can't hide your wrinkles, ' her smile said. "Would you like to wait in the bar?" her voice asked. 'I'm sexy, and pretty, and young, ' her eyes said. 'You're old.' "I...

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F45130 The High Desert Inn

"The High Desert Inn, Air-conditioned" proclaimed the neon sign. The motel was in the old style that was new in the 50's and 60's, but now looked like a relic of a past age. An L shaped row of one story motel rooms is flanked by an office on one end of the L by the street. Inside the L was a parking lot and a fenced area with a swimming pool and a slide. A smaller sign below the big one said "Rooms from $35, HBO, ESPN". Luckily the motel was clean and well kept. Amy's family didn't have...

1 year ago
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So everything was going so well with my training till I hit a wall! Simon wanted me to become a human commode for him but I was having trouble with the number one for some reason it was turning my stomach and I would throw up not very sexy right then I would have to clean a flood of yellow from the floor and by that time the mood was broken number two I had no trouble with though you'd think I would have I would just open wide and just let it slide down my throat sometimes I had to suck it out...

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The Android Lodge

There’s a gentle rain downtown. In the faint glow of the artificial light of gigantic billboards above the streets we reimagine the ladies of the Lodge of Sorceresses as beautiful futanari operatives in Night City. Some operatives have have gotten many enhancements to make their bodies take any cock or punishment while other perfer to give it. Their increased virility, and their nearly unnatural strength and stamina makes them superior to males in many circumstances. Notes: * not all characters...

4 years ago
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Our date had gone well I had a wonderful time with Simon he wined me and dined me told the most wonderfully entertaining stories he had me laughing all evening so why was he now brutally ass fucking me? After our date he brought me to the door and kissed me oh yes I had wanted him to kiss me very much plus I was kind of horny from the wine and it felt so nice that I grabbed his cock through his pants then his tongue got busy in my mouth and all thoughts of no sex on the first date vanished I...

3 years ago
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Swargam Chupinchina Pinni

Hi everyone this is madhu I’m big fan of iss this is my first story about myself age 23 years height 5.8 good looking with perfect body & m frm tirupati. If any comments please mail to Let’s come to story Heroine of the story is my pinni(moms cousin)fair ga vuntundi height 5.6 shapes 38 34 40 ee story nenu engineering lo vunapudu jarigindhi. Naku ma pinni pina elanti bad feelings levu aroju varaku nenu inter lo vunapudu babai pinni vala one year daughter(baggie) tesukoni ma home ki vacharu...

3 years ago
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Ma Pinni Natho Chala Kasi Ga Denginchukundi

Hi na peru , Nenu ma pinni ni denganu. Ipudu e visayam share chesukundam ani anukuntunna. Ma pinni chudadaniki chala andam ga untundi, manchi shape lu slim ga untadi, kallu chala sexy ga untayi, mamuluga chusina korikatho chusinattu anipistu untundi, naku 12th class complete ayina tharvatha nundi sex korikalu chala perigipoyayi, aunty lu evaraina chuste valla sallu, nadumu vaipe chusevadini. Na 12th class ayipoina tharvatha summer lo ma babi ki pelli ayindi, apude kothaga ma family lo cherindi...

4 years ago
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Sex With My Mom Pinni And An Escort

This is my real sex story. For the next three days as my babai was in the home, we didn’t have any chance to fuck. After three days, he again went to Maharashtra. I went to drop my babai at the railway station. When I came back, I was surprised to see a busty woman of my aunt’s age is sitting next to her on the sofa. Her name is Shweta. She is good looking, very busty, same height as of my aunt, but her sizes are 38d 32 40. She asked me about my studies and then asked “how was your session with...

3 years ago
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Ma Pinni Tho

Hi guys I’m back with new story ,ma pinni tho Naa stories Finally with my aunt suma Mom and me enjoying in pub Homely mom in the park After my last stories I got a very good response from readers, hope you give good remarks for this story, this happened between me and my pinni Koncham long story I stay in hyd, aunties or girls can get in touch with me in hangouts or you can feel free to mail me @ Na peeru kumar naaku ma pinni ante chaala istam , naaku thanaki 9years differnce untaadi ,...

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