Family Vacation
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The missile flew low over the waves, but fortunately not low enough to avoid being tracked. It had been detected when it was launched from a submarine, and once its trajectory had been determined to be Washington DC, an interceptor had been launched. The explosion as the two collided was not as large as it might have been, and resulted in a heavy cloud that drifted in the wind towards shore. A Coast Guard response team was dispatched to recover what they could.
The cloud descended and drifted to obscure a fair-sized sailboat crewed by a family on vacation, and anchored off a sandy barrier island. As the cloud passed on, leaving the boat behind and slowly dispersing and seeming to almost sink into the ocean, it revealed the unconscious family, some scattered on the deck, some belowdeck, all unconscious wherever they were when the cloud had enveloped them.
The response team found the boat there, and observing their condition, sent a medic aboard. The medic also fell unconscious quickly while checking a man for life and vital signs, and a quarantine was called. A team in hazmat bio suits was sent in to move the unconscious people into shade, take blood samples for analyses, and set up IVs to keep them hydrated in the heat. To all appearances, they were all asleep but could not be roused, and all had low-grade fevers.
Twenty-four hours later, the family began to wake up, and a short time later, the medic woke also.
I opened my eyes and felt a major headache, like my brain was under pressure, and throbbing with pain. Some guy in a plastic suit out of a science fiction movie bent over me and asked “How are you feeling?”
“Ugh. Like hell,” I said.
“Are you in pain?”
“Terrible headache,” I said. “Thirsty. Got to piss like a racehorse!”
“Okay, we’ve got a urinal for you to use, do you need a hand standing up?”
I sat up, groaned, and looked around. I was on the deck in the cabin, and there were people in the bunks. My wife was in the bunk on my right and my oldest daughter on my left. My head swam with dizziness from just looking about like that. “Yeah,” I said. “I may fall over otherwise.”
He helped me to stand, and I unzipped my fly. Bracing myself against the upper bunk, which held my sleeping son, I took the urinal held out to me and filled it. I closed the lid and handed it to the guy in the weird suit, who took it and called to a woman clad in the same fashion. As he helped me to move forward to a chair, I thanked him and asked, “What happened?”
“First, what’s your name?”
“John Davidson”
“November 15th, 1962.”
My wife began to stir, and the guy called the woman over to help her. “We’re not sure. You may have been exposed to something hazardous. What do you remember?”
“An explosion on the other side of the island. Something flew overhead and BLAM! and then ... mist or something, I think? It gets fuzzy...”
“Well, a Coast Guard medic was sent in to check you over and he passed out too, so the area’s been quarantined. We’re going to run tests to see what you were exposed to. You said you’ve got a headache?”
“Yeah. Feels like my skull is in a vise!” I replied.
“My name is Jim, and that’s Sheila with your wife. We’ll be looking after you for a while.”
What do you say when... “Who are you with? The CDC or something?” I asked.
“Holy shit. The explosion was a biological weapon?”
“That’s what we’re here to find out,” he said. “Your fever has dropped back to normal, and your pupils are equal and reactive. You’ve got a small bump on the back of your head, probably incurred when you fell down.”
Where did the missile come from?” I asked.
“Unknown,” he said. “I can’t say anything more that that.”
Ah. Whatever answers they had were classified, I guessed. Heck, we were probably classified. Sheila brought my wife, Ann, forward to sit with me, collected the samples, and went up on deck. Ann apparently had a monster headache, too, but hadn’t fallen and hit her head.
“How are you, babe?” I asked.
“What the fuck is going on?” She asked.
“We may have been exposed to something dangerous. We’re under quarantine,” I told her.
“Are they going to lock us up?”
Jim shook his head. “Not at the moment,” he answered. “We’re just being careful and running some tests.”
“What was the explosion?” Ann asked, and I gave her the answers I’d gotten from Jim, who had gone back to check on the others.
“My back and boobs hurt, and they’re hot,” said Ann.
“They’ve always been hot!” I said, trying to lighten her anxiety. “Did you fall?”
“Smartass!” she snapped, but smiled as she did. “No, I never got out of my bunk. I was napping when the explosion happened.”
“Did you tell Sheila about your breasts?”
“No, I was focused on my headache.”
I opened the first aid kit and took out the aspirin and gave her three and took three for myself. I got two waters from the fridge and opened them, and we took our aspirin in silence. I heard my son stirring.
This scene replayed several more times as each of the family woke up. My son, Jack, my mother-in-law, Frieda, my oldest daughter, Pam, then my youngest, Daphne, and my nephew, Kevin. Everyone had terrible headaches, and as time passed, we noticed we were getting backaches, probably from being below deck all of the time -- seating there is limited to mostly bunk space and a small galley.
Jim and Sheila helped each of us as we woke with an urgent need to pee, and took blood and urine samples, as well as cheek swabs and sweat swabs. I was worried about what was going to happen when we had to take a dump.
I was growing aware of a smell, a really wonderfully good smell, but it was mixed with something sour, nauseating almost.
“Hey, Jim, can we get up on deck? It’s getting close in here,” I said. It was. The cabin’s little solar air conditioner wasn’t designed to handle the heat of the day as well as all the bodies crammed in here. It had been okay in the morning, but as the day wore on the heat was turning the cabin into a sweatbox.
“Uh, wait a minute,” said Jim, and spoke with someone who wasn’t there in a low voice. “Yeah, okay. Do you have a tent or tarp or something to set up on the beach?”
“We have both,” I answered.
“You might want to set at least the tarp up to keep the sun off,” he said.
Jim and Sheila were now working in shifts, one of them always present in their biohazard suits.
The medic had awakened, finally, also complaining of a headache. His name was Jerry, he said. He’d arrived on a Coast Guard cutter, and been sent over when they saw Jack and I unconscious on the deck. He said he’d been wearing a surgical mask and gloves, and had been partway through examining me on the deck when he passed out. He had no idea what caused it.
Jerry, Jack and I set up the tarp on the sand, and set up the few camping supplies we had on board. As we were doing so, we couldn’t help but notice that Sheila and Jim had come in a submarine, and that there was a decontamination shower set up on the deck, as well as some other cubical arrangements that looked a bit scary. They obviously were not screwing around.
I discovered I’d found the source of the sour stench -- it was Jerry. The funny thing was he seemed to be wrinkling his nose at us, too. I sniffed my son -- sweaty, but no stench. I caught my son sniffing -- he’d noticed, too. I whispered to him, “Do I smell okay?”
“Yeah, it’s him.”
Jerry asked, “Do you all eat anything unusual? What is your usual diet like?”
“We shrugged. “Burgers, fries, ham sandwiches yesterday, you know...”
“You seem to think I have a strange smell yes?” he asked.
“Well, um, yes, kind of like something sour.” Jack replied.
“I’m noticing the same thing from you,” he said. “We should tell the captain.”
As we went back aboard our boat, we found my mother-in-law on the deck. She said, “Kevin smells terrible! I think something’s wrong with him!” As we drew closer, she said, “Oh my God! You stink as well!”
“You aren’t a bouquet of roses yourself, Frieda,” I said. She was more pungent than Jerry.
“She smells good to me, Dad,” said Jack. He seemed to be sniffing her pretty thoroughly.
“Mm, Jack, you smell wonderful!” said Frieda. They were sniffing each other like the other smelled like a wonderful meal, or freshly-baked cookies or something.
Sheila and Ann came on deck, and we told her what we’d discovered, and she said that everyone below thought everyone else smelled okay but that Kevin smelled “amazingly wonderful” to everyone but Ann; for Ann, he smelled like skunk and open sewer, as did Jerry and I. Frieda moved to the opposite side of the boat from us, while Ann held her nose.
I stepped down into the cabin with Ann to be assaulted and enticed by scent. While my wife smelled like Jerry did, the girls smelled ... excitingly good. If Kevin smelled, I couldn’t tell. Something was happening, because the scents were becoming stronger with each passing minute. I climbed out, and called down for everyone to come on deck.
I turned around to see Jerry throwing up over the side. I understood his nausea, because I had gone to kiss my wife, and gotten a noseful of sour milk and rotten eggs. We were going to need the open air very badly.
Sheila had apparently talked to Jim and someone else and reported what was happening, because Jim was there in his suit pretty quickly. They looked at each other with concern.
I told them, “We need to get ashore, or we’ll all be throwing up soon!”
“Okay, go!” said Captain Jim.
We went. He tried to organize us by scent groups, which was interesting. Jerry was in a group of one, but I couldn’t be near him, Frieda or my wife. Frieda couldn’t be near me or Jerry or Kevin. My wife couldn’t be near me, Jerry, or Kevin. The kids could be near everyone but Jerry, although Kevin couldn’t be near my wife or Frieda either. The people we could be near smelled wonderful, and I do mean wonderful.
The scents were different for everyone. The bad scents were described as open sewer, rotten eggs, and really awful sour milk. The good ones were fresh-baked cookies and bread, spices, great perfume, and something indefinable. Like heaven would smell. I said, like my wife’s skin did to me just yesterday.
The women were all complaining that their breasts were hurting and sore. Apparently, they were swollen as well, and bras had had to come off because of it.
Jim asked how Kevin was related, and I told him he was my sister’s son. “So, those with common genetics smell good, non-family, genetically speaking, smell bad?”
“Yeah ... I think so,” I reaponded.
“You have definitely been exposed to some kind of biological agent,” said Jim.
“Someone wanted people in the capital to ... what?”
“The capital?” pounced Captain Jim.
“Something explodes in the air near DC on the day the Presisent is giving a speech out in the open, you guys show up almost immediately looking for biological agents in biohazard suits and slap a quarantine on us first thing instead of transporting us to a hospital. What is the glaringly obvious conclusion?”
“Hmph,” said Jim.
“We don’t seem to be sick, really, but something wierd is happening. What have you found in all the samples you took?” I asked.
“We haven’t found anything that shouldn’t be there yet, but your chemistry is off. For all of you.” Jim admitted.
My wife suddenly grasped her breasts with a cry. The front of her shirt became wet, starting at the nipples.
“Oh, my God!” I cried out, because the stench was suddenly overwhelming. I staggered away upwind, retching. My son, however, turned to her and staggered toward her wrestling with his pants. He dropped his shorts and they fell down his legs and he stepped out of them as he continued. The women all watched him, and as he neared her, Ann dropped to her knees and swallowed his erection.
From twenty yards away, I watched my wife fellate my son. I was stunned. This was just ... insane. My wife, his mother, wouldn’t do that! Ann was not like that! It simply wasn’t in her character! And my son was pulling his mother’s top off! What the fuck was that? Something was leaking out of her nipples, and he was getting it on his hands and licking it off! Neither of them would behave this way! Something was terribly, terribly wrong!
My eighteen year old daughter, Daphne, was storming her way to me, a look of shame and anger on her face. Pam was staggering back, away from the two of them, looking frightened. Frieda ... holy shit, Frieda was squatting on the sand with her hand down her shorts, obviously fingering herself. She had been the closest to Ann, perhaps five yards away. Her shirt looked wet, too.
Jerry, who was downwind, was throwing up everything he had ever eaten. The poor bastard couldn’t even move away from the smell. Jim, after watching all these developments with shock, moved to help him.
Daphne got closer to me, and was growling with anger. “I can’t believe her! She ... she...” Daphne was looking at me oddly, hungrily. “Daddy... ?” I realized I was hard, very hard. My balls felt heavy and strange, and I realized they’d been feeling that way for a while but I’d been ignoring it.
I saw the spots bloom on her t-shirt where her hard nipples and breasts were straining against it. Then the smell, the delightful odor of all good and wonderful things reached into me and pulled me to her like in an old cartoon. My body moved to her -- I, the thing I think of as “me”, was ... it was like “I” was tranquilized, not using my willpower, just watching through my eyes. I felt Daphne grab my shorts and pull them down, and I fell backwards on my ass as she began sucking my cock with the most wonderful passion and sensations.
My hands pulled her shirt off and like my son’s had done, grabbed my daughter’s breasts and began rubbing the palms on her leaking nipples, trying to catch the dripping milk and bringing it to my mouth. The taste! Oh, it was the taste of sweet heaven, a wonderf flavor I had never tasted before but made every tastebud scream in ecstasy. My cock got even harder, and my balls began to work overtime.
I came long and hard into my daughter’s throat as she moaned and fingered herself. The orgasm was blindingly intense, and as it faded slowly, I realized I needed to fuck her. And I do mean fuck. It was a deeply animal, instinctual need to fuck, summoned from the deepest core of our species’ history.
I moved and my daughter went down on her back, her legs spread wide and she moaned in need. I tore her shorts off in an instant, they were in the way. I plunged my hardness into her sopping velvet wetness and began thrusting like an animal, a madman. I had to cum in her. She cried out in orgasm and clawed my back and ass, pulling me with surprising strength into her as deep as I could go.
I came again inside her, emptying my balls in ecstatic bliss, thrusting so hard into her, and I felt her pussy fiercely throb and grab at my cock in her own screaming orgasm. It lasted what felt like forever.
We came to ourselves afterwards. I found myself looking into my daughter’s eyes, and felt shame, and I saw that same shame in her eyes. We panted on the sand, and I pulled out of her. She still smelled good, very good, but the urgent drive had eased.
I heard Kevin and Pam going at it a few yards away, and looked to see Frieda riding Jack as my wife wept in shame a few feet away from them. Jerry was screaming and kicking at the sand on the far side, his fists clenched. I longed to go to my wife, to hug her, to hold her, but I knew I simply couldn’t. I could hold my daughter who was feeling terrible; I was, too.
“Baby, we couldn’t help it. This is something that has been done to us. All of us. Don’t think it is your fault because if isn’t!”
“Daddy ... I ... oh, God, Daddy, I liked it!”
“I know, Baby, I did, too. That drive is a part of all of us, and we’re hard-wired to like sex.”
“That’s not what I meant, Daddy, I mean I like it and I want more! I want to do that all the time! I want you in me now and later and always and any time! And oh, Daddy, my titties hurt! They’re too full!”
Milk was beginning to leak from her nipples again, and the scent was in my nose again, and before I knew it, I had leaned over and taken one of her nipples in my mouth, sucking pure sex drive fuel into my mouth and stomach and cock and balls. My cock was still slick from our combined fluids, and Daphne began stroking my cock as I sucked. I wanted more, more of everything! More milk, more sex, more sensation, and I was going to fuck her again any minute, as soon as her breasts were empty.
Again, it was like I was watching but powerless to stop. It was like there was someone immovable inside my body saying, “Me caveman, me fuck woman now!
I was aware, in a corner of my mind, of Ann screaming in orgasm again. Daphne pushed me back, again with surprising strength, and climbed on top of me and slid my cock home. God it was good! She slammed her pussy down on my pelvis like a jackhammer, just a bit slower. I watched her breasts bounce as she did, and it was just fucking right. So good, so right, so like it was supposed to be! Her pussy milked my cock like a farmer milks a cow, gripping and sliding in the oldest rhythm of all, her sweat dripping down on me, her sounds burning themselves into my brain -- yes, sounds of mate, smell of mate, feel of mate, taste of mate, look of mate’s face in passion, movement of mate -- all MATE. She threw her head back and screamed in triumph as she came, and I growled and yelled in answer, my cum summoned from me by her, her, HER!
I gave all to her, into her, I was hers and she was MINE! I was rigid with that giving, and then I fell back on the sand, exhausted, my brain simmering in our smell and feel. The world was Daphne and me, and it slowly revolved around us as we breathed each other in. She was lying atop me, and everywhere she touched me felt electrical, happy, and right. Her hard nipples against my chest, her warm velvet wetness embracing my cock, her warm skin pressed against me, her breath on my neck ... so, so good!
We slowly began to come back to ourselves, with the sun beating down on us, dreadfully hot. It was quiet. Daphne got off of me, and I felt a stabbing sense of loss as we disconnected. I stood and looked around. Jim and Jerry seemed to be missing, while Kevin was atop Pam, who still had her legs wrapped around his back, and Ann and Frieda were atop Jack, Frieda and Ann propping each other up leaning against each other, Ann astride his cock and Frieda over his face. I wrinkled my nose as a stray gust of wind brought a whiff of their stench.
We pulled on our shorts, and Daphne and I moved down to the ocean, and washed off. Daphne’s wonderful scent did diminish a great deal as we did. I began looking for Jim and Jerry, and spotted Jim’s orange plastic-covered head over the top of a dune.
We walked over towards him, and noticed that the others had roused and were making their way to the ocean to do as we had done. As we topped the dune, I saw that Jim was looking down, and as we got closer, I saw he was looking at the body of Jerry.
As I got to Jim’s side, he said, “He went mad. He was literally tearing his hair out, and biting his hands. He charged me, screaming. I had to shoot him. He wouldn’t stop.”
“He didn’t have ... someone to mate with. No family here.”
Jim looked at me. “You seem okay.”
“I ... we had to ... we had to ... mate. Not just fuck, but mate,” I said.
“I saw some of that,” Jim acknowledged. “I got ... sidetracked.”
“Should we bury him?”
“No, they’re bringing a special body bag. He is still contaminated, and probably infectious.”
“What’s that?” asked Daphne, who was avoiding looking at the body before us. I turned to look where she was looking, and walked over to the beach’s edge. Just below the high-tide line was something metallic. We walked over, and I saw the hammer and sickle of the USSR, a symbol I hadn’t seen in a very long time.
Jim cursed, and began urgently reporting to whoever was on the other end of his radio. When he was done, I saw a couple of more people in the biohazard suits making their way towards us, carrying an oblong container. I turned back to the curved metal fragment.
“Russia?” I asked Jim.
“We can’t be certain at this point,” he said. “The USSR covered a lot of territory, and when it collapsed a lot of things got lost or sold on the black market. We were lucky to make sure most of the nukes were recovered or accounted for. This ... will take some research.”
The others had come for the body, and were moving to carefully transfer it into the container. I felt Daphne touch my shoulder. “Daddy?”
“Let’s go back,” I said.
She nodded, and slipped her arm in mine. As we walked, she looked up at me, “Mate, huh?”
“Didn’t you feel it?”
“Yeah,” she said. “I just wanted to hear you say so.”
“Baby ... Daphne ... you are my ... mate. The one. No one else will do, ever again. I don’t know how to explain.”
“I know,” she said, cuddling against my side as we walked. It was pure cheesiness out of a bad, or maybe a really good, romantic movie.
“What the hell am I gonna tell your mother?”
“I don’t think you’ll need to tell her anything. I think she already knows. Jack has become the center of her world. Her problem is that she has to share him with Grandma. Or, maybe that’s not a problem, I don’t know. Jack may be the one with the problem!” she laughed.
I stopped, and gathered her into my arms. “God, you smell wonderful!”
She buried her face in my chest. “So do you.”
We made our way to the tarp, and watched as the team took the box of Jerry back, and returned for the wreckage.
Frieda and Ann stayed on the far side, for which I was grateful and they were wrapping themselves around Jack. Our daughters and Kevin and I stayed on the opposite side, though Daphne and Pam didn’t have any olfactory issues with anyone. The girls, however, glued themselves firmly to their respective “mates”.
It was actually a bit uncomfortable. The change was impossible to ignore, but there was a feeling like we expected the others to judge us for what they themselves were doing. My wife, who this morning I felt was deeply sexy, was not the slightest bit attractive to me now, even if my nose was left completely out of the equation. ‘My brain has been rewired,’ I thought. I conjured up visions and stories and anything that I had ever found erotic before, and there was not the least stirring of interest. It was a frightening realization. Only Daphne was sexy now, and even thinking her name made my cock twitch and my heart skip a beat.
I told the group what had happened to Jerry, and they nodded their understanding. I could see the horror in their eyes as they thought about it.
Then I told them about the other thing, the twisted, curved metal on the beach, a remnant of something from an empire lost to recent history.
“Maybe ... maybe they’ll know of a cure!” Ann said, hope, worry and fear in her voice.
I shrugged. I was feeling sunburned, and the salt on my skin itched. I thought about the first aid kit and the sunburn gel it contained. Daphne needed water, and I was sure I did, too. ‘And the others’ was the afterthought.
I told the others I was going back to the boat to get some supplies, and Daphne moved with me to go with me. I saw two biohazard-suited figures approaching, and stopped to wait.
“Well, Captain Jim, what news?” I asked as they drew near.
“None that is good, I’m afraid,” he said. “It was an old Soviet weapon, but someone had tinkered with what it was carrying, and perhaps not well. They may not have fully understood the virus it contained. We think it had been designed to be used in Afghanistan during the long Soviet invasion there, to cause disruption and rifts between the various tribes and villages, making them unable to work together. Either they didn’t tinker well, or they did it incredibly well. It would have released its payload over Washington DC during the 4th of July Independence Day festivities where most of the crowd would be Conservative Republicans. Can you imagine the chaos when Conservative leadership couldn’t stand to be in the same room together? Or worse, if these same people with a very Conservative base, mostly Christian, began committing incest in the streets of the capital? Or if they took this very contagious virus home? Can you imagine how the very fabric of society would be changed, even destroyed?”
“I’m guessing there’s no cure.”
“No. If the Soviets had one, and the Russians aren’t even admitting that the original existed, not even informally and off the record, whatever was done to it has changed the virus. It is fortunate that it didn’t kill you outright, playing with these things is always incredibly chancy at best. Or, maybe not. We don’t know what other effects it might have over the long-term. The higher-ups are arguing about what to do with you. You cannot be allowed contact with any other humans.”
“Jesus! Are they going to stick us in some cell and forget about us, or kill us outright?”
“My commander is arguing to keep you isolated on a deserted island somewhere, far away from shipping channels and flight paths. There are a few of those that the military controls. He wants to keep you alive for study. Someone did it once, there may be more out there. We are still not sure who did this.”
Daphne gripped my hand. “Uh, Daddy...”
I caught the strengthening scent of her, and looked at her shirt. Tiny spots had appeared at her nipples.
“Jim, things are going to get interesting again,” I said, and had to adjust my shorts, “ ... very soon!” We heard the cries from the tarp, where Ann was tearing her clothes off, and Kevin and Pam were running from the other three.
Jim and Sheila backed away from us carefully and watchfully. Daphne pulled off her shirt and shorts and began tugging at mine. “We need aunscreen with a high SPF, Jim, as soon as possible!” I yelled as my clothes came off over slightly sunburned skin. That would get much worse soon, a part of me thought, a part that was getting more powerless with each passing second. My sex goddess wanted me.
I woke to find a strange woman in some kind of a spacesuit standing over me, a truly vicious headache, and an urgent need to pee. I was aware of these things very rapidly in that order. My boobs felt like someone had punched each one, too.
“What... !” I started to rise, alarmed.
“Careful!” said the woman, “you’ve been unconscious for a while.” I could see she was wearing green scrubs under the plastic.
“Can you please help me up and out to the side? I’ve got to pee very badly!” I told her.
“I’ve got a urinal here for you to use,” she said.
“Good thing, ‘cause I don’t know if I can make it that far!” I said in a low voice. She gave me an oddly shaped plastic thing that fitted over the necessary spot and helped me to squat. I was amazed at how much I filled the little jug -- it looked like it could hold a half gallon.
“Can you tell me your name?” she asked.
“Ann Davidson”
“Your birthdate?”
“January 3rd, 1971.”
“71?” she asked.
“Yes, 1971.” I confirmed, irritated.
“You look young for ‘71,” she said.
“Oh. Thank you. Vitamin E.”
She nodded, and we went through the usual proof-you’re-not-crazy questions: the year, the name of the president, and so on. “How are you feeling?”
“Like I’ve been hit by a bus,” I said, “and damp.” I added, feeling my shirt. My boobs were hot, and ached, and were sweating up a storm.
“You just broke a fever,” she said. “My name is Sheila, by the way, and that’s Jim. Nice to meet you Ann! Sorry for the circumstances...”
“How long were we out?” I asked, my nose picking up the faint scent that something had been left out and gone bad in the galley or something, or maybe someone hadn’t made it to the head in time. Ugh! The boat wasn’t equipped with a washing machine or anything! I hoped no one had soiled the sheets!
“Who is with you?” Sheila asked.
I ran down the list for her, looking toward each bunk as I did. John was forward and talking to Jim, the other spacesuited person. “Who is that?” I asked, discovering someone I didn’t know.
“He was here unconscious when we got here,” Sheila said. “He’s a Coast Guard medic. He’s the reason we’re wearing the suits. He passed out checking your husband out.”
“Oh,” I said, beginning to get even more worried.
“Look, I’ve got to get these samples over to be analyzed. Let me help you forward to your husband.”
She did. John asked me how I was doing, and I asked him what was happening. He told me we were under quarantine. I had a vision of a small quarantine cell I’d seen in a movie. “Are they going to lock us up?” I asked, and the man, Jim, answered me reassuringly, then moved back to check on Jack, my son.
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My wife Stacey and I were in desperate need of a relaxing, romantic vacation together. We both have very stressful jobs on Wall Street and haven't had a vacation away for a long time.Stacey left the decision making all up to me as far as location, venue, flights and hotels. I guess she just doesn't like taking the time to do the research, she says it's too much trouble and not worth the aggravation. She also loves to be surprised by my choices and is always pleased with any destination I...
We were finally winging our way to our tropical get away. Since, from our northern location, its nearly a five and a half hour flight we had splurged and used airline miles to upgrade to first class. But let me go back and start at the beginning. Lisa and I both work pretty hard and our major payback to ourselves is a vacation at a tropical resort each year. After alternating between the Caribbean and Hawaii for years, we decided to try the Mexican Riviera this time. If you have been...
Chapter 1“Could you take my case downstairs to the hall please, hon? It's a bit heavy!” asked Brandi.“How can it possibly be heavy?” I asked, with a grin on my face. “All your outfits are so skimpy, they don'tweigh any more than a few feathers!”“Oh, very droll, darling! I've got 3 pairs of kinky thigh boots in there, as well as those pvc chaps that you likeso much!”Brandi had started packing for our vacation almost a week ago and I knew that she would be taking someseriously slutty outfits. She...
It was our first proper vacation in years. I breathed a sigh of relief as I gazed out our suite window towards the calm ocean waters of the gulf. After seven years of marriage and a limited amount of time off it felt the****utic to finally have a week away all to ourselves. We had selected Naples because it was quiet, and peaceful, and a drastic change of scenery from the drab winter we had just suffered through in Ohio. I turned and looked towards the bed, where my wife rested in slumber....
Introduction: Husband and wife go on a Florida vacation leasing a beach house for the entire Month. Their twelve year old daughter is to join them for the last two weeks. This totally fictional story is written by a complete novice from his infertile mind! I make up stories for my own entertainment! If I were a professional writer, Id have a lot more money in the bank! Stan-Husband Debra-Wife Cassie-Daughter, Seventeen yrs. Todd-White stranger David-Black stranger This story is told from the...
After 3 years without a vacation for ourselves, my wife and I were finally able to book a cruise in the Caribbean for an entire week. It was to be a much needed break from a stressful job and the full time 24/7 commitment of being parents. I was also hoping that it would be an opportunity to spice things up a bit. Our sex life wasn't bad, but the commitments of work and family rarely left us with the time and energy to play. Even then, we had gotten into a rut of doing pretty much the same...
After 3 years without a vacation for ourselves, my wife and I were finally able to book a cruise in the Caribbean for an entire week. It was to be a much needed break from a stressful job and the full time 24/7 commitment of being parents. I was also hoping that it would be an opportunity to spice things up a bit. Our sex life wasn't bad, but the commitments of work and family rarely left us with the time and energy to play. Even then, we had gotten into a rut of doing pretty much the same...
Here we are, the middle of Summer. The peak of blazing hot weather. The sun cooking people who dared to step outside into Mother Nature's oven. People walking the streets with uneven tans, some wearing sunglasses too big for their faces, people splashing around in pools in their backyards, unattractive men jogging in short shorts hidden behind their huge hairy bellies. It was a perfect summer day, and also the day before the vacation of a lifetime.It was a Friday night and I was packing my bags...
SupernaturalStan-Husband Debra-Wife Cassie-Daughter, Seventeen yrs. Todd-White stranger David-Black stranger This story is told from the view of the wife, Debra. Once In A Lifetime Vacation My husband, Stan and I were on the Florida coast for a long rest and well deserved vacation. We both have been working hard and in a welcome turn of fate, we both had slack time at work and could get vacation at the same time so we could take off together for the first time in years. We took a month’s...
It was a culture shock moving to Boise, Idaho to attend Boise State University, after being born and raised in a small town in Nebraska, but that’s where I wanted to go to pursue my education for a career in the high-tech industry. I was in the top of my class in high school and studied hard to handle my double majors in electrical engineering and computer engineering.My name is Matt, and I became good friends with Ken and Dave, two boys from small towns in Idaho, since we began college at the...
CuckoldChapter 1 Day One I AM ON VACATION I AM ON VACATION I AM ON VACATION!!! This one thought cycles through my head as I pack my overnight bag with only the essentials for the next ten days. Toiletries, brush, makeup, minimal clothing - didn't need much on the beach. No man to impress. No kids to tell me how dorky I look. Only four hours to go. Drive an hour to the airport from my podunk little town in this frigid northern climate then board a plane for sunny Florida. I even got a direct...
There are eight of us. There is my wife Lauren and three of her sorority sisters and me (I’m Al) and three of my fraternity brothers. We all graduated within a year of each other and we all got married within a couple of years after college. We have been fast friends ever since. Every winter we all go on vacation together. We have been to exotic islands, rented houses large enough for all of us on some of the best beaches we can find but this year we had decided to do a winter vacation in a...
“James and Susan Hullett. That’s H.u.l.l.e.t.t” I said to the pretty red head behind the ticket counter. “Here you are sir. Here is your boarding pass and seat assignment,” she said as she passed me my tickets and smiled. She looked to be about 22 or 23 and I couldn’t help noticing she had either very perky breast or a great push up bra. They were standing hard and proud. She noticed I was looking and her hand instinctively went to her cleavage and...
Chapter 1. While in the car on the way to the mountains for our family vacation my thoughts drifted to what I would be missing for the next week, namely my girlfriend or in other words doing without sex for the next 9 days. When your in your teens you know how it is having to cope with the urges so you masturbate a lot and when you do finally have sex all you think about is the next time. Here is the problem: My parents rented a couple of small camping cabins, they stay in one and I will be...
Did I ever tell you that I and my wife have a unique relationship. ? In fact that was what brought us together. We met as working adults and became friends and soon there was no subject we did not discuss or argue about. She was an air hostess and keen to pursue her career, see the world. She also said that her job meant being away from home, having temptations like a normal human being but said that she had never met a man who would accept that. She said that while a man never thought twice...
This story draws on a conversation 'driving home from the Cartwrights' I sketched several years ago, forgot, partly used in "Coupled," then forgot again. I'm embarrassed to see I used some of it here too. With a different POV and leading elsewhere, but still, if a few lines of dialogue early in this story seem a little familiar, that's why. That's not why, as some observe, my other stories also somewhat resemble each other. The reason for that is, I like them that way. ...
MY FLORIDA VACATION What a bore. This job sucks. For a long time, it has made me depressed and frustrated. Sales were down all over and cutbacks in travel to meet old customers and generate new ones were limited. I was bored and angry, aware that there was no possible improvement in sight... My commissions were almost non-existent. I'd like to open up an artery or something. Business is soooo bad, but even when business is good, the job and the boss suck. I brought a lot of this job...
You and your dad are finishing to pack up the luggage of your family in the small plane your father has rented. Eric, your father, is the CEO of an important telecommunication company and, exceptionally, has decided to take vacations to celebrate his 42nd birthday. At 1 p.m. your family is ready to go. Your father takes place in the front row of the plane beside your mother, Rachelle. Rachelle is a 37 years old "MILF" who looks more like a 30 years old. She has long brown hair that stop in the...
IncestGirls Getaway Vacation Friday. I climbed out of the shower and toweled off. "See any stray hairs I might have missed?" I asked. Geena looked over my naked body and then ran her fingers down my chest to my waist. "Looks god to me. Aren't you glad we had you shave all that hair off?" "Absolutely," I agreed. I looked her over, she was putting on makeup standing there in just a bra and panties. "I also like that you are wearing sexier underwear." I traced along the lace front of...
Disclaimer* The following story is a work of fiction. It has strong sexual content and some of the material may be offensive to some. I hope those that do read it and enjoy it will comment or contact me if you would like to offer any feedback. All the photos except the first two shown at the end are not ours, and are only offered as visual aids to add to the story’s experience. I hope you enjoy! JAMAICAN PLEASURE - My wife and I have always loved to travel. We like to explore...
Chapter 1: First Day My wife really wasn't a prude, I would call her extremely conservative. She was a beautiful woman when we married and she has not lost her beauty. Our marriage of fifteen years has been a good one; I have no complaints, other than Mary being conservative. When I say conservative I mean it and every sense possible, grocery shopping, automobile purchases, necessities for the house and our clothing. Its true, our savings account is much fatter under her guidance where it...
I hadn't looked forward to a vacation like this in a long time. Yes, I'd gone on vacations with my wife and kids. Yes, I'd had a pretty good time. Yes, I'd been lucky enough to go different places around the country. But this was different.I was excited because I was going to a vacation spot I'd been to a number of times, staying in a cabin in the mountains. Being outside in the beautiful weather in Tennesse. And most importantly, being in the mountains. It was one of my favorite places in the...
Teen“You’re such a whore, Shelby! But that’s still fucking hot…” Chelsie said as I briefly mentioned one particular aspect of my vacation to the Cayman Islands. “How were they? Big? Muscular? Come on, Shelby, details!” “Geez, let’s not be too demanding here. It was just sex on the beach with three incredibly hot guys! After all, I was on vacation…” I just stared at Chelsie, hoping she wouldn’t judge me for spilling the contents of my wild and dirty vacation. “Oh, please do tell! And you couldn’t...
Group SexLet me just say that I had never really had a threesome before all this happened. I also can't say that I thought about my wife, or my girlfriends before that with other men either. After what happened to us last year though, I don't really know...I had what you would call a totally normal relationship with my wife Jennifer. Boring name, I know, but not a boring girl. We had gotten married soon after I turned 24, and I was working on Wall Street. I was doing really well, and my wife was totally...
I was so bored. It seemed nothing was happening where I lived. During the summer it hadn’t been so bad with lots of boat activity on the lake. But, after that, nothing. It’s a dull life. I was restless and knew I had to do something or I would scream and go mad. A light came on. I decided to take a vacation. I had no idea where I would go but I knew I had to get away from this dead zone. So I packed a suitcase and, the next morning, I told my room-mate I was going on a vacation. She asked...
Straight Sexbyjealouscuck©The first full night there, the men had the opportunity to fuck their wives. As with Dan, the guys had no idea that unless something out of the ordinary happened, they would not be fucking them for the duration of the vacation. Dan was definitely turned on watching Valerie dancing so closely with her dance partner. Obviously, she was equally aroused and ready to fuck. The other guests were there and watched the interaction of the white wives with the black men. Several of the...
We always had a great sex life. We liked all kinds of sex. Toys, role playing, anal sex, the works.We even liked to fantasize of having sex with the same sex. My wife told me maybe this year on vacation we would be able to fulfill a fantasy or two. Boy I sure hoped so.We left late and drove late into the night. It was about midnight when we stopped at a rest area. No one was there when we stopped. We got out and used the restrooms. When we got back to the car Sue, my wife, reached over and...
The Vacation**I and Nadiya and her husband have been talking for a little over a year. As well as exchanging emails and photos. We decided to go on vacation together and for them to come to the United States. We agreed to meet and rent a beach house just north of Bangor, Maine. They were so excited about their first trip to the states.**** When they arrived they went to retrieve the rental car. We met at one of the stores I researched and found so she can buy her some sexy clothes. I called...
Straight out of high school, I went to work as a rodman for the state. The time? Set it as 1980. I had been working as an assistant surveyor for 24 years with never a day off for sick time or vacation. The legislature decided in their wisdom that accumulations of more than 4 months combined sick and vacation would be forfeit if the employee didn't start using the time before the beginning of the fiscal year 1981. Several of my peers had retired with 26 years and used their accumulated time to...
We always had a great sex life. We liked all kinds of sex. Toys, role playing, anal sex, the works.We even liked to fantasize of having sex with the same sex. My wife told me maybe this year on vacation we would be able to fulfill a fantasy or two. Boy I sure hoped so. We left late and drove late into the night. It was about midnight when we stopped at a rest area. No one was there when we stopped. We got out and used the restrooms. When we got back to the car Sue, my wife, reached over and...
BisexualWhen Hailey Davidson was a 20-year-old college sophomore, her biggest worries were getting to class on time, knowing where the next party was, making sure she did her homework, styling her long, blonde hair, finding the right eye shadow for her blue eyes, and making time for her boyfriend, Alan Bryant. Alan was taller than the curvy and petite, 5’3” Hailey; standing 5’11”, with brown hair, brown eyes, muscular build. They had been dating a few months. Alan very much wanted to move forward in...
aThe internet opened up whole new worlds for people, myself included.My first pc was put together from spare parts collecting dust in a friend's garage, he brought it over to the house showed me how to put it together and loaded and aol trial disk. That's all it took. The worldwide web was now opened to me, including porn, of course. The biggest thrill was when I figured out how to get in gay/bi chat rooms and use instant messenger.Dating sites had my attention also. I loved being able to...
If your read my last story, "Our First Night In The Cuckold Lifestyle", you were introduced to three characters. My wife, Liz, her bull, Darren, and myself. You can read up on all the details about us in that story. If you're still reading to this point I assume you're all caught up and ready for this story.This takes place last summer. "But honey you promised you were going to be able to get off work for our beach vacation next week?", my wife, Liz, asked me. I felt terrible--honestly I never...
Colorado VacationI grew up in a small town in Texas on the gulf coast and worked hard for everything I had to my name. Mom was widowed when I was s*******n and I stayed at home with her to help pay bills and take care of the forty acre property we lived on. I dated girls my age, but they were never what I wanted as I would go out to the over forty Country Western club and dance there. I was now twenty two years only, six foot tall and well muscled from hard work. I had saved up for several...
My husband and I are swingers. We've been married for the last twenty years. We weren’t always swingers, but after our children left to go to college, we became empty- nesters. We were looking for other ideas, and when we went on vacation, we met two very interesting people, who were living the swinging lifestyle.We really enjoy meeting people and having sex all together. It's very erotic to watch each other have sex, with somebody else. We both get very excited, when we're hooking up with...
SwingersIt all started a few hours ago. Violet and I had just got off the plane and had walked into the terminal when the realization that we were on vacation sunk in. After reaching baggage claim and waiting what seemed like an hour or two for both of our bags, we walked out onto the sidewalk. Then another hour or two seemed to pass as we flagged down a cabbie and made it up to our rented flat for the next month or so. As we walked through the door on the top of the stairs, I finally sat down on the...
Group SexI don't know how many of you have read about the skiing vacation I took lastlast winter. It was a rather boring until my boyfriend Dave and his friend Jimdecided to do some very kinky things to Jim's girlfriend Cathy and me, ofcourse. None of the individual activities were new to me, but the combinationof things did get me very excited. Cathy on the other hand was quite innocentof these kinky entertainments. The vacation turned out to include her firstassfuck, her first time naked in front of...
IntroThis story is about a lustful encounter in one of the most peaceful countries in the world, Costa Rica. Known for its amazing tropical forests, gorgeous beaches, and beautiful women. A fantasy about your average male tourist and a beautiful young local lady. An unforgettable connection and the most amazing sexual adventure to experience... Enjoy!Summer is near, and the exhaustion from work and life is taking a beat out of me. Its early June of 2015 and I decided that I needed a vacation!...
I don't know how many of you have read about the skiing vacation I took last last winter. It was a rather boring until my boyfriend Dave and his friend Jim decided to do some very kinky things to Jim's girlfriend Cathy and me, of course. None of the individual activities were new to me, but the combination of things did get me very excited. Cathy on the other hand was quite innocent of these kinky entertainments. The vacation turned out to include her first assfuck, her first time naked in...
I recently ended a relationship with my boyfriend. I have been feeling down and booked a vacation to cheer myself up. I am going to St. Lucia to an all inclusive resort. I cannot wait to go. The door bell is ringing, and transportation is here to take me to the airport. The driver puts my luggage in the trunk, and I sit in the backseat. I close my eyes, and take a nap on the way to the airport. When we arrive at the airport, I get checked in, and go through the necessary security checks. There...
Group SexThe Surprise Vacation by an unknown author and Tristmegistus 1. Chapter - Innocent Beginnings "Did you take your vitamin, dear?" Ellen called from the bathroom. I rubbed sleep from my eyes and picked up the pill bottle, rolling a bigtablet into my palm. "My horse pill? I'm doing it now." "Have you noticed any difference yet?" "Nah. Vitamins are pretty much all alike." She'd gone on a minor healthkick a month before, insisting that I needed to lose a little weight andtake better...
There's a picture out there posted by the username : smithmp12 in his gallery titled Mom sexy pics, photo # 4 (or all of them for that matter). In fact that reminds me of a vacation I took once with my aunt Rita. That looks so much like her that I'm tempted to say it IS her, but I really know it is not. Go take a look b.o.y.s and g.i.r.l.s it is worth the detour.Rita is my dad's sister and when my mom died in a car crash she almost took over the mom duties - except for taking car of my dad, I...
WHAT I DID ON MY SUMMER VACATION. BY JANICE My name is Ross, I am sixteen years old, and due to a bout with Scarlet Fever when I was young, I stand four feet eleven and a half inches tall and weigh in at just less than one hundred pounds. To add to my problems, my mother has a few brain cells missing and for some reason known only to her she has been dressing me as a little girl since I can remember. I liked wearing...
Hi friends, I am Bikash again to tell you another story. I have been writing for ISS for quite some time and thanks to your hundreds of mails and I am getting inspired to write more and more stories. If you find this story nice do please mail me at This happened a few days back on a vacation when I went on to visit the beach capital of India, Goa with my family. We were not alone as we were going there with a big group of known and unknown people, which included Lina. She was newly married and...
IncestMy two-week vacation had just begun alone in The Dominican Republic without my husband Carter. While I was happy to be on vacation, I couldn't really believe I was here without him.Our fight started when Carter came to me two days before we were to arrive in The Dominican. He nervously told me we would have to move our vacation because he needed to go on a business trip the same day we were to leave. The fight ended with me angrily telling him I was going without him.Here I was in my hotel...
Welcome to the next multi-chapter story! Like Mistaken Identity, you will find chapters alternating between two protagonists: Stanley and Delphina. Unlike MI, I won't do chapter 1A and 1B, instead I will simply tell Stanley's chapters in the odd numbered ones, and Delphina in the even numbered ones. Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually...
Vacation! God how long has it been? This will be wonderful ... going to a romantic place with the man you love and - for a whole week - you don't have to cut up anyone else's meat ... no bedtime stories (unless you count the Penthouse Letters.) No hurt knees or feelings to soothe. Only you and Michael and your fantasies. You got lucky; the plane isn't crowded. You settle in - Michael by the window, you by the aisle and no one in between. The plane takes off and Michael lifts the armrests...
“Master?” asked an uneasy teen. “Yes?” “Rachel. I’m not sure I understand why she was included in my torment.” “It seems Rachel is similar to you in some aspects of behavior. Her grandmother wanted to send a message that got out of hand with Moria’s inclusion. “Rachel was really worried about her job.” “You can tell her that she has nothing to worry about. Moria never mixes business with pleasure. She will treat her as she always had. But will take note if something unexpected happens...
Being alone is all right. Sometimes, it's preferable to being with people who bore you or annoy you. Sometimes you just want to be alone. That's okay. Everyone needs a little space now and then. But I had been alone for a year. My solitude had progressed into abject loneliness, and it sucked. I decided to treat myself to a summer vacation. I was going alone, but, hopefully, a change of scenery would help. When the initial anger of my breakup with Karen faded, being alone was...
Well after the Sybian Night at the strip club success, the owner begged us to do another due to demands from customers, so we did another but featuring Diamond as the center of attention, and we pulled nearly $40,000 profit for ourselves that night, a couple weeks after the first one. We also came up with plans to have a monthly 'party' that guaranteed me a nice monthly bonus, so i was looking forward to hosting that. The girls and I ended up booking a 3 week vacation at a big resort in...
Master PC: David Takes a Vacation At the urging of my assistant, Julia, I decided to take a vacation. I own points in a resort system, and it seemed likely that a couple of weeks in Florida’s sunshine would do me no harm. ‘Who knows, boss,’ Julia said, laughing, ‘maybe you’ll get laid.’ So, that was how I had come to be strolling through the gate to the ‘quiet pool’ at the Tuscany Village in Orlando. I had a copy of the third volume of ‘The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant’ in one hand...
Here we are, the middle of Summer. The peak of blazing hot weather. The sun cooking people who dared to step outside into Mother Nature’s oven. People walking the streets with uneven tans, some wearing sunglasses too big for their faces, people splashing around in pools in their backyards, unattractive men jogging in short shorts hidden behind their huge hairy bellies. It was a perfect summer day, and also the day before the vacation of a lifetime. It was a Friday night and I was packing my...
While watching interracial porn, where white ladies on vacation in Jamaica were long dicked by natives, my girlfriend Cindy admitted to me that she had been fucked by a black guy while in high school. After watching the porn, she related the following story to me.She told me a black guy would catch her alone and repeatedly tell her he was going to fuck her. The rumor around school was that he was on a quest to fuck as many white girls as possible. Rumor also had it that he had been very...