Cousin Scouries Tree Hugging Daughter free porn video

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Tuesday, September 5th 2007, 10:49 a.m., San Francisco, California

"You better watch this boss," my secretary Patricia instructed as she walked across my office to the cabinet that held a large screen, flat panel TV.

"What?" I asked as I looked up from the proposal I'd been examining.

"It's also on the Internet ... the news outlets ... youtube ... I think even youporn ... I just got a call from Joyce in our PR department."

"And the subject is?" I asked as I watched the TV screen flicker into life.

"The Scouries families courageous efforts to save the environment," Patty said with a little chuckle and the raising of her eyebrows.

"She is no longer a Scouries," I grumbled, immediately knowing my ex had to be up to another of her hair brained schemes. "I divorced the lunatic eleven years ago."

"Oh I'm not talking about mommy," she answered, then paused before adding, "It's young Miss Scouries who's in the news today."

"Miss Scouries? You mean Melissa?" Patty nodded. "But what could she be doing? She's at school," I said as I watched the scene unfolding on the screen.

"What the fu-" I spat out, my eyes and mouth suddenly open in shock.

"The video was shot down the coast ... past Carmel ... right on the ocean ... on some land abutting the State Park."

"She's nude?" I asked as I watched the screen. Seven people, three girls and four men, were jabbering away up into a boom microphone that was being held in front of them. And although certain parts of their bodies were digitally scrambled to prevent breaking who knows how many FCC rules, it was obvious that all of them were naked. Paddy nodded.

"My daughter's camped out nude in a tree? To protect the forest?"

"Yes sir. That interview was taped earlier. Then they all separated and went to their own tree."

"Their own tree?"

"Your daughter's now up in the SCOURIES TREE sir, or that's what the big sign at its base proclaims anyway," Patty added as I watched the figures on the screen disperse. My secretary was clearly having way too much fun telling me the story. I looked up and scowled at her.

"Didn't we just mail her tuition check this week?" I barked out as the camera trailed after my eighteen year old daughter as she wandered through the woods until she came to a tree. A tree which had a four foot by six foot sign attached to it which announced in big letters, 'THE SCOURIES TREE', and then below that in smaller letters, 'Please Help Us Save the Forest', and below that, 'THE GREEN COALITION'. The lens of the camera followed my innocent little girl as she mounted a rope ladder and started to climb upwards.

"Yes sir. And unfortunately sir many of those same shots are on the Internet and they aren't exactly censored in the same way."

"For something like eighteen thousand bucks?" I asked as I remembered the check I'd signed just the other day. I was starting to get really pissed off. I watched as Samantha disappeared up into the leafy foliage.

"Yes sir."

"To Dartmouth University which just happens to be in state of New Hampshire if I'm not mistaken."

"Uh huh."

"Then what the hell is she doing seventy feet up a goddam tree, bare ass naked in Northern California?"

"Maybe its one of those team building programs all these Colleges seem to be sending all their students on these days," my secretary offered.

"She's alone up the tree isn't she? What kind of goddam team can you build if you're sitting alone on a branch of a tree?" I demanded in my most sarcastic voice.

"Maybe its part of a business course, they could be studying branch management," my secretary suggested with a grin. This change in our typical workday routine was something she was truly enjoying.

"Could you please get my ex on the phone Miss Summers," I ordered.

"I'll do my best boss," she answered with still a trace of a smile on her lips.

"And..." I started but then the import of her previous words about the Internet finally struck me. "You mean those videos are on the Internet uncut?" I asked, remembering the view the camera had of my girl's naked little butt as she climbed the ladder.

"Yes sir."

"Have you seen them?"

"Yes sir ... would you like me to bring it up on your screen?"

"No I do not want you to bring them up on the screen," I said emphatically. But as I waited for Patty to get hold of my ex my fingers danced across the keyboard in front of me, taking just seconds to find a site with the offending video. On this site alone it already had 134,916 registered views, a 5 star rating and more than a 700 comments blogged in.

And unfortunately my daughter happened to be the most photogenic of the group of tree huggers the media had already labeled THE SEQUOIA SEVEN. So of course the camera panned quickly across the fat broad and the scrawny brunette with hardly a pause as it sought out her youthful charms. The four men, led by a bearded guy I thought I recognized, were almost completely ignored.

"Mrs. Scouries is on the phone now sir," Patty announced from the door. My eyes were locked on the screen in front of me.

"That's no longer her name," I growled, then asked my secretary, "When did Melissa grow tits?" I hardly recognized this stunning girl on the screen.

"I think it started maybe five or six years ago boss ... you know ... puberty and all that," she answered as she walked behind me and looked over my shoulder.

"But ... but they seem ... sorta full grown," I stammered as I looked at the full, round, firm breasts that had led my daughter through the forest.

"She's eighteen boss."

"She didn't get a breast job did she?' I asked even as I knew with absolute certainty these were god given, one hundred per cent, natural grown specimens. These guys moved exactly like they were supposed to.

"Of course she hasn't had implants," Patty responded as she gave me a dirty look, but then started to laugh.

"What?" I demanded.

"At least we're lucky she's not one of those modern girls who shave every hair down below."

"But she certainly trims it," I grumbled as my eyes latched onto the triangle of thick, curly pubic hair growing between Melissa's long, sculpted thighs.

"After you finish with Mrs. Scouries I think we better sit down and decide what to do about the media sir. Shall I get Joyce and her boss up her?"

"Why?" I asked even though I knew.

"I'm afraid you're name has already been linked to the SEQUOIA SEVEN sir. Your daughter seems to have captured the bulk of the attention so far and a lot of bloggers are already speculating that this group is sponsored by ScouriesComputersInc. I've had calls from all the local papers, the TV stations ... even CNN."

"Fuck!" You better get Graham and Sue from Marketing too. And some of their team. In the conference room in ten minutes," I ordered as I punched the button on my phone.

"Is this one of your brilliant ideas?" I demanded down the line to my ex.

"Doesn't it make you just so proud?" the excited voice of Celeste Moon, the ex Mrs. Scouries asked me. "To see our little girl fighting for the future of our planet."

"Yes Ms. Moon, it really makes my day to see my innocent little daughter prancing around nude on every TV and computer in the country," I said sarcastically, my voice rising louder with each word.

"We always agreed Brad that she shouldn't be ashamed of her body," my ex, a born again hippie, a girl who'd been raised on a commune, and who, after four years at Harvard and then seven married to me and living in San Francisco, had retired to the commune she'd been raised on with my daughter.

"That doesn't mean she had to become the naked poster girl for wacky eco terrorists," I said softly and clearly, knowing it was pointless to get angry with Celeste. "Was it your idea? She was supposed to be at Dartmouth this week."

"I was as surprised as you. She and David Osborne told me this morning. The whole group was here-"

"David fucking Osborne," I yelled down the line, finally realizing who the bearded leader of the group was. "I knew I recognized that prick..."

"He graduated from Cal Berkley last May ... then he brought a group from school back with him ... they're all environmentalists," my ex told me. "Melissa's been hanging out with them a lot this summer."

"He's a little jerk, always was," I said as I remembered the little brat who used to run wild around the commune fifteen years earlier when I still used to visit it. And then a truly revolting thought hit me. "Is he fucking Melissa?" I demanded as disgusting visions of my virginal daughter being ravaged by this ugly, bearded hippy flooded into my mind. As I talked I clicked through various Internet sites until I found a picture of David from the press conference in the woods.

"I don't think so," my ex said unconvincingly.

"The guy's got a tiny little dick ... god, it almost looks deformed ... why would she want to sleep with him?" I demanded.

"Size isn't everything Brad ... just because you're built like a-"

"If he's put his cock in Mel I'll fucking cut it off and then hang it from his bloody tree," I promised.

"She's just trying to protect our forests Bradley ... to stop your rich friends from cutting down every tree in this state," Celeste said angrily.

"My friends? They are not my fucking friends! And the hell with you too," I hissed back down the line.

"What are you going to do? She's your daughter ... You're not really mad at her are you?"

"Of course I'm mad at her. She doesn't have the bloody courtesy to tell her father what's going on in her life? ... I'm going down there to see her this afternoon ... why the fuck are these idiots letting them cut down the trees anyway? What's Arnold thinking; they're a bloody national treasure."

"That's just what Melissa said," my ex said grimly.

Five minutes later I was sitting in the boardroom with my V.P.'s of Marketing and Public Relations plus seven of their smart young people. The V.P.'s were scowling while their underlings were smiling, talking among each other excitedly as they worked away on their laptops.

I started with my secretary. "I'm going down there as soon as we finish here; call the helipad and make sure they're ready for me."

"Yes sir."

"I want a Winnebago or something up there too ... fully equipped ... a cook," I ordered, then remembering added, "and a guard ... an armed guard. Call Stan in security and arrange something. I want that tree protected 24/7."

I could see the curiosity in everyone's eyes as I spoke. "She's gotta eat ... I mean what the hell can she cook seventy feet up in the air?"

"I think they eat dried fruit and nuts sir, they're usually vegetarians," one bright eyed marketing genius offered. He'd certainly never met my meat eating daughter.

"What's the guard for sir?" a fairly new employee, Ashley, a short haired blond girl who looked like she was sixteen, asked me.

"To make goddam sure no wild grizzly bear gets the idea into its pea sized brain to climb the effing Scouries tree and eat my little daughter."

"I don't think there are any bears around there sir," another whiz kid told me.

"She's not that little sir," another added. I knew whose naked pictures this soon to be unemployed prick had been watching all morning.

"Or one of the fifty thousand registered sexual perverts that roam our wonderful state," I added in a voice that ended any further discussion.

"I'll get right at it sir," Patty promised as she got up to go.

"Wait a sec," I ordered.

"Yes sir?"

"Just how exactly is my daughter keeping herself up in this wonderful Scouries tree? Do they have a platform to sit on or something?"

For seconds no one answered before finally a kid at the other end of the table tentatively raised his hand.

"I don't think I've met you before," I said as I looked over at him.

"Greg. Greg Williams ... in marketing ... I just started three months ago sir. Cornel M.B.A.," he said proudly, then added, "We all think you're daughter is setting a wonderful example sir." All the others at the table smiled and nodded their heads in agreement at this ass kissing comment.

"And do you know happen to know what's holding these seven people up in these trees Greg?" No one missed the impatience in my voice.

"I checked sir. This morning after I heard..." he stammered.

"And," I encouraged.

"Mainly ropes and pulleys sir. They have small platforms but they sleep in harnesses I believe."

"Jesus," I muttered as a vision of my naked daughter swinging at the end of a rope seventy feet above the ground flashed into my brain. "Patty, call Mario Caputo, tell him I want him to go with me on the helicopter ... that I have an urgent job for him. Today! Tell him to drop everything."

"The contractor?"

"Yes," I said dismissing her. Then I turned to the people around the table and asked, "So you're the experts, how's this going to affect ScouriesComputer anyway?"

As it turned out we had a difference of opinion. My V.P.'s were scared shitless and wanted to distance us as far as possible from the story. "What if they have bombs or something?" my senior P.R. man even asked.

"My daughter the mad bomber?" I replied.

However, the seven twenty-something year olds around the table, recent grads from the best schools in America, saw the whole enterprise in a different light. Surprisingly, and unanimously, they agreed with the 'tree huggers' goals, agreed that it was time to stop the despoiling of our natural resources.

"They always want more," Ashley said without specifying who 'they' were. She didn't have to — we all knew. "You know sir, I just wanted to take off my clothes in solidarity when I heard the news this morning ... right at my desk ... I was so proud I worked for a company that cares," she added as her confreres around the table nodded their heads in agreement.

I couldn't help checking her out as she talked ... cutest face imaginable ... great little tits...

"And from a business standpoint it may make sense too sir," Greg from Cornel offered.

"Why?" I challenged while realizing I was secretly happy we had people like this working for the company.

"The comments on just about every site are positive sir, like ten to one for. And not just Americans! People everywhere, England, Australia, India, heck even China ... they're all thanking us."

"We're getting e-mails ... thousands already ... saying the same thing," someone else enthused.

"But what about sales? That's what pays our salaries," I challenged grimly.

"It's too soon to say sir," Greg the numbers guy quickly replied. "But there's already been a measurable uptick ... we'll know more by tomorrow morning."

"Some of those trees have been here five hundred years Mr. Scouries ... five hundred years!" Blond Ashley insisted. I knew she didn't give a shit about sales and yet couldn't summon up any anger towards her.

"There's another thing sir," Greg interrupted. "Guess who's one of the people involved in the project. One of the people who is planning on building a twenty-five thousand square foot mansion right about where the 'Scouries Tree' is now standing?" Looking around the table I could see that none of the others had any idea.

"Who?" I finally asked.

"None other than the owner of our largest competitor — Mr. William Cates," Greg said smugly, stunning every one at the table.

"That cocksucker!" I spat out angrily and then, my decision made, announced, "There is no way that little prick is going to cut down my tree." People started to clap.

"I'm going to fight them ladies and gentlemen. But the company is something else. Jobs are at stake. I can take a leave of absence-"

"It's our forest too sir. All of ours," Ashley announced. "All our employees ... our customers-" Everyone at the table were nodding their heads in agreement.

"You really think we should back them? Openly? Officially?" I finally asked everyone at the table. And although I could see that my V.P.'s were nervous it was equally clear that we all wanted to. Especially since every one of us hated Cates with a passion.

"We'll decide tomorrow," I finally decided. "Once we've seen the overnight sales, the press reaction. After I've made sure they don't have any bombs," I said with a grin as I stood up. "I want you guys working together ... a marketing ... a P.R. plan ready for me tomorrow by ten. Okay?" I asked the room as my eyes moved around the table, stopping momentarily on every person. Everyone knew we were going ahead.

"Sir ... Mr. Scouries," I heard just after I'd turned towards the door.

"Yes Ashely?" I asked as I turned back to the beaming beauty.

"I just want to say I'm so proud to work for you sir ... for ScouriesComputers ... and please tell your daughter that there are thousands of people backing her ... and ... and that my friends and I will be down there this weekend to support her and help protect the Scouries tree."

"Will you be clothed or naked Miss Boone?" I asked with a smile but had to fight the tear forming in the corner of my eye.

"I'll be happy to take off my clothes to save a five hundred year old tree," she answered in total sincerity. This little girl was too perfect for words.

"I'll drive you down Ashley," I heard Greg, my Cornel M.B.A., offer as I left the room. And couldn't help but wonder just what was motivating him, the prospect of Ashley's naked tush or his desire to save the forest.

Ten minutes after the meeting had ended I was strapped into the front seat of the company helicopter that had just landed on the front lawn of the ScouriesComputerInc company campus. Mario Caputo, the contractor who'd build my new house and had worked for me for years, was already in the back seat. I briefed him as we flew south and just forty-two minutes later, just after three p.m. in the afternoon, we set down in a clearing about a half mile from the 'Scouries Tree'. Patty had arranged to have us met by an ATV and within minutes I was deposited seventy feet below my daughter at the base of the now famous tree. Leaving Mario at the bottom I started to climb.

"Who's there?" I heard called down through the leaves above me. My daughter's voice. "Is that you David?"

I didn't answer as I struggled up the rope ladder that looked like it might break at any second. "DAAAAADDY!" my daughter squealed when my head finally popped through the leaves five feet below her. One of her hands flew to her groin and the other to her chest as she tried to cover herself. She was standing on what looked like a three foot by six foot, half inch thick plywood sheet that was precariously placed in a nook of the tree formed by two branches and the tree trunk. She had a rope halter around her waist.

"A little late for modesty my dear Melissa," I said as I pulled myself up onto the sheet. I was gasping from the climb.

"What are you doing here?" my daughter demanded haughtily.

"Well I was planning on flying to Dartmouth next weekend to see how my kind, wonderful, considerate, intelligent, hard working daughter was doing ... the daughter I love and who I've always believed loved me ... but then I heard about the famous Scouries tree and so I figured I'd just come down here and check out the naked girl who was sitting in my tree."

"I didn't-" my daughter started, a little pout on her lips. Then she stopped in mid sentence, a blush blooming on her cheeks. I just waited her out. Second after second. She broke first. "I do love you. I shoulda told you ... I know I should have daddy. But-"

"But what effing what?" I demanded. Then the bloody plywood sheet started to teeter! "Christ!" I yelled as I grabbed my daughters hand to steady myself. Slipping on the sheet of plywood I quickly found myself scrambling to save myself from a seventy foot fall and ended up with my feet on one of the large branches and my butt up against the trunk of the tree with my startled and naked daughter, who was at the extreme limit of her rope harness, in my arms.

"Mario, get up here now," I ordered into the walkie-talkie I quickly grabbed from my belt as I franticly held on to Melissa. "Hurry!"

"Mario?" my daughter asked.

"You are not staying here tonight," I promised as I hugged my daughter even tighter.

"I was fine until you came," Melissa said huffily as we both tried to regain our balance. Then she said, "Mr. Caputo?" when Mario's head popped up through the foliage.

"Afternoon Miss Scouries," he greeted as he shyly tried to avert his eyes.

"But ... I mean ... what are you ... Daddy?" Melissa stammered as her eyes jumped back and forth between us.

I said nothing as I watched Mario take in Melissa's new home. "Jesus," he finally muttered as he slowly shook his head. "Are you trying to kill yourself Miss?"

"It's perfectly safe," she insisted but I could see a concern growing in her eyes as hers followed his.

"You're going to live up here twenty-four hours a day for how long?" Mario asked as he slowly shook his head. "Heck, you know better than that Miss S," he scolded.

"All of us are in the same boat," my daughter responded. "It's to save these trees for future generations, don't you understand? We didn't have much time ... we had to rush."

"I understand miss. I also understand there won't be any future Scouries generations if you fall out of this tree ... or if you freeze to death," he added as he let his eyes roam over Mel's naked body.

"I have a blanket," Melissa started to explain before I cut her off.

"If she's going to stay up here Mario," I said, knowing my daughter could be as stubborn as my ex, "we better build a platform, eight by ten, maybe even ten by twelve ... with walls ... maybe aluminum floor plate over an aluminum structural base. Put a rug on it ... get a better ladder ... a satellite dish for communications ... maybe some kind of awning she can unroll if it starts to rain." I didn't tell either of them but I'd already decided I'd be camping up out here too and wanted to make sure I had some creature comforts. "I'll want a futon or something up here too," I ordered.

"Are you crazy daddy? We're trying to save the trees, not fill them with furniture, not kill them."

"Won't hurt it miss," Mario explained as he pulled a digital, laser measuring tape out of his pocket and started to get measurements, clearly interested by the challenge. Within two minutes the three of us were sitting on a wide branch with our feet dangling out into open air as Mario entered the measurements into the Building Design program he had on his laptop.

Melissa, who was hoping to become an architect some day, was as fascinated as I, an Engineer by education, was. We both peppered him with questions and suggestions as he worked.

"But it'll take too long to build ... it'll be impossible to get it up here," were Melissa's final objections as we looked at the final 3-D plan of the proposed platform.

"Just small beams and decking miss, aluminum ... hardly weighs anything ... we lift it up in four or five parts ... piece of cake. I built tree houses more complicated when I was a boy."

"But it'll take days-"

"All this stuff 's in stock miss ... some sawing ... mechanical joining when its up in the tree ... heck, I'll download this to the shop as soon as I get back to the helicopter ... it'll be finished by midnight," he mused aloud as his brain worked through the problems.

"Could you fly it up tonight ... say before it got light next morning?" I asked, trying to forestall any more objections from my daughter. "We could install it at first light, before anyone was the wiser."

"Miss Scouries can't stay up here tonight though," he insisted as he looked from Mel to me.

"But I can't leave the tree, I promised the others," she objected, "not until the bastards agree to our manifesto."

"We won't tell anyone you've left," I argued. "Mario, you better get going ... get them to drive you back to the helicopter ... call me when you're back in your plant. I'll take care of Miss Scouries. She definitely won't be spending the night up here."

"Yes sir," he said, then slipped off the branch and swung onto the ladder and then almost immediately disappeared down into the foliage.

"You're staying?" my daughter asked.

"You don't think I'm leaving the Scouries tree all alone do you?"

"It's the Melissa Scouries tree, it's not yours," my daughter insisted with a grin. "Where are you going to stay anyway? Are you going to sleep on the ground or something?"

"No my darling daughter I'm not. In fact your father, and you too by the way, are going to sleep in the forty foot deluxe, Winnebago motor home that just happens to be parked just over there," I answered as I pointed downward through the leaves. "And while we eat a meal prepared by a chef that the estimable Miss Summers has arranged for us, an armed ScouriesComputerInc Guard will patrol the environs and protect my tree."

"It's my tree," Mel laughed.

"Our tree," I agreed, "now let's get out of here."

"I don't want anybody to see me leave," Melissa delayed.

"I'll go first ... call you when the coast is clear," I promised as I swung onto the ladder and slowly started down. I was standing at the foot of the ladder, holding it steady, when, minutes later, I saw my daughter appear about twenty-five feet above me. Well, I saw her legs first, round runners calf's that led up to long, well developed hamstrings which disappeared into two firm but perfectly rounded cheeks ... And with each rope step she descended her inner thighs split for a second and exposed her vaginal lips and a hint of the pinkness between them.

"Don't you have any clothes?" I hissed when her feet were about five feet above my head. My eyes hadn't left her slowly descending crotch for one second. My cock was boiling under my denim jeans. For my bloody daughter for crying out loud.

"It's a nude protest daddy," Mel answered back, but then, as she turned to look down, her foot slipped and she was suddenly hurtling outwards and down, shrieking out a, "Caaaaatch me daddy."

Well I sorta caught her. I ended up flat on my back on the ground with my naked daughter atop me, her pink tipped breasts in my face, seemingly trying to smother me.

"Are you all right," I dimly heard through the soft flesh covering me.

Opening my mouth to speak I somehow swallowed half of a perfectly shaped breast. Unconsciously my tongue wetly snaked out and found and then stroked the pebbly nub at its tip. Tasted it before my lips hungrily closed and sucked. My cock was throbbing against her thigh.

"Oh Daaaaaddy," a muffled groan sounded in my ear but Melissa didn't move for seconds, even seemed to push her body even harder against mine. Finally she urgently pulled back and sat up. "Oh Daddy, I'm so sorry ... are you alright? Did I hurt you?" she asked as she sat astride my chest, her pink slit a bright inviting gash easily visible through her dark pubic triangle just inches from my face. But there was something else besides concern in her soft brown eyes. Desire? Huh? My eyes quickly tracked back to her pink insides. My tongue hungrily slipped out from between my lips.

"Mr. Scouries ... sir ... are you hurt?" The voice came from the guard I'd brought from town. He was rushing across the clearing towards me, gun drawn.

"Yeah, don't shoot Joe. No problem, this naked girl just for a second thought she was Tarzan ... in fact she's my daughter," I finished as I sat up, having been freed by Melissa who'd jumped to her feet. One of her hands modestly covered her groin.

"I know sir," he said as he glanced at his boss's naked child. Whose nipples, incredibly long nipples as it turned out, were standing erect.

"It's cold," she answered to the unasked question in both Joe's and my eyes as she covered her chest with her free hand.

"Melissa, this is Joe Morgan, he's with our company security unit. Joe, this is Melissa."

"Hi Joe," my daughter said, then after hesitating, offered him her hand. The one that had been covering her little triangle of dark pubic hair. He actually started to redden.

"It's unsafe up there Joe, Melissa's going to sleep in the Winnebago tonight. The only one allowed anywhere near the tree is Mario and his crew ... they should be here sometime around dawn. Do not tell anyone Miss Scouries has decamped for the night."

"Yes sir."

"And you do understand your instructions Joe?"

"Yes sir. No one goes up this tree without yours or Miss Scouries approval."

"Exactly. Do you have someone to spell you," I asked as I took Mel's arm and prepared to lead her off.

Tuesday, September 5th 2007, 10:49 a.m., San Francisco, California

"You better watch this boss," my secretary Patricia instructed as she walked across my office to the cabinet that held a large screen, flat panel TV.

"What?" I asked as I looked up from the proposal I'd been examining.

"It's also on the Internet ... the news outlets ... youtube ... I think even youporn ... I just got a call from Joyce in our PR department."

"And the subject is?" I asked as I watched the TV screen flicker into life.

"The Scouries families courageous efforts to save the environment," Patty said with a little chuckle and the raising of her eyebrows.

"She is no longer a Scouries," I grumbled, immediately knowing my ex had to be up to another of her hair brained schemes. "I divorced the lunatic eleven years ago."

"Oh I'm not talking about mommy," she answered, then paused before adding, "It's young Miss Scouries who's in the news today."

"Miss Scouries? You mean Melissa?" Patty nodded. "But what could she be doing? She's at school," I said as I watched the scene unfolding on the screen.

"What the fu-" I spat out, my eyes and mouth suddenly open in shock.

"The video was shot down the coast ... past Carmel ... right on the ocean ... on some land abutting the State Park."

"She's nude?" I asked as I watched the screen. Seven people, three girls and four men, were jabbering away up into a boom microphone that was being held in front of them. And although certain parts of their bodies were digitally scrambled to prevent breaking who knows how many FCC rules, it was obvious that all of them were naked. Paddy nodded.

"My daughter's camped out nude in a tree? To protect the forest?"

"Yes sir. That interview was taped earlier. Then they all separated and went to their own tree."

"Their own tree?"

"Your daughter's now up in the SCOURIES TREE sir, or that's what the big sign at its base proclaims anyway," Patty added as I watched the figures on the screen disperse. My secretary was clearly having way too much fun telling me the story. I looked up and scowled at her.

"Didn't we just mail her tuition check this week?" I barked out as the camera trailed after my eighteen year old daughter as she wandered through the woods until she came to a tree. A tree which had a four foot by six foot sign attached to it which announced in big letters, 'THE SCOURIES TREE', and then below that in smaller letters, 'Please Help Us Save the Forest', and below that, 'THE GREEN COALITION'. The lens of the camera followed my innocent little girl as she mounted a rope ladder and started to climb upwards.

"Yes sir. And unfortunately sir many of those same shots are on the Internet and they aren't exactly censored in the same way."

"For something like eighteen thousand bucks?" I asked as I remembered the check I'd signed just the other day. I was starting to get really pissed off. I watched as Samantha disappeared up into the leafy foliage.

"Yes sir."

"To Dartmouth University which just happens to be in state of New Hampshire if I'm not mistaken."

"Uh huh."

"Then what the hell is she doing seventy feet up a goddam tree, bare ass naked in Northern California?"

"Maybe its one of those team building programs all these Colleges seem to be sending all their students on these days," my secretary offered.

"She's alone up the tree isn't she? What kind of goddam team can you build if you're sitting alone on a branch of a tree?" I demanded in my most sarcastic voice.

"Maybe its part of a business course, they could be studying branch management," my secretary suggested with a grin. This change in our typical workday routine was something she was truly enjoying.

"Could you please get my ex on the phone Miss Summers," I ordered.

"I'll do my best boss," she answered with still a trace of a smile on her lips.

"And..." I started but then the import of her previous words about the Internet finally struck me. "You mean those videos are on the Internet uncut?" I asked, remembering the view the camera had of my girl's naked little butt as she climbed the ladder.

"Yes sir."

"Have you seen them?"

"Yes sir ... would you like me to bring it up on your screen?"

"No I do not want you to bring them up on the screen," I said emphatically. But as I waited for Patty to get hold of my ex my fingers danced across the keyboard in front of me, taking just seconds to find a site with the offending video. On this site alone it already had 134,916 registered views, a 5 star rating and more than a 700 comments blogged in.

And unfortunately my daughter happened to be the most photogenic of the group of tree huggers the media had already labeled THE SEQUOIA SEVEN. So of course the camera panned quickly across the fat broad and the scrawny brunette with hardly a pause as it sought out her youthful charms. The four men, led by a bearded guy I thought I recognized, were almost completely ignored.

"Mrs. Scouries is on the phone now sir," Patty announced from the door. My eyes were locked on the screen in front of me.

"That's no longer her name," I growled, then asked my secretary, "When did Melissa grow tits?" I hardly recognized this stunning girl on the screen.

"I think it started maybe five or six years ago boss ... you know ... puberty and all that," she answered as she walked behind me and looked over my shoulder.

"But ... but they seem ... sorta full grown," I stammered as I looked at the full, round, firm breasts that had led my daughter through the forest.

"She's eighteen boss."

"She didn't get a breast job did she?' I asked even as I knew with absolute certainty these were god given, one hundred per cent, natural grown specimens. These guys moved exactly like they were supposed to.

"Of course she hasn't had implants," Patty responded as she gave me a dirty look, but then started to laugh.

"What?" I demanded.

"At least we're lucky she's not one of those modern girls who shave every hair down below."

"But she certainly trims it," I grumbled as my eyes latched onto the triangle of thick, curly pubic hair growing between Melissa's long, sculpted thighs.

"After you finish with Mrs. Scouries I think we better sit down and decide what to do about the media sir. Shall I get Joyce and her boss up her?"

"Why?" I asked even though I knew.

"I'm afraid you're name has already been linked to the SEQUOIA SEVEN sir. Your daughter seems to have captured the bulk of the attention so far and a lot of bloggers are already speculating that this group is sponsored by ScouriesComputersInc. I've had calls from all the local papers, the TV stations ... even CNN."

"Fuck!" You better get Graham and Sue from Marketing too. And some of their team. In the conference room in ten minutes," I ordered as I punched the button on my phone.

"Is this one of your brilliant ideas?" I demanded down the line to my ex.

"Doesn't it make you just so proud?" the excited voice of Celeste Moon, the ex Mrs. Scouries asked me. "To see our little girl fighting for the future of our planet."

"Yes Ms. Moon, it really makes my day to see my innocent little daughter prancing around nude on every TV and computer in the country," I said sarcastically, my voice rising louder with each word.

"We always agreed Brad that she shouldn't be ashamed of her body," my ex, a born again hippie, a girl who'd been raised on a commune, and who, after four years at Harvard and then seven married to me and living in San Francisco, had retired to the commune she'd been raised on with my daughter.

"That doesn't mean she had to become the naked poster girl for wacky eco terrorists," I said softly and clearly, knowing it was pointless to get angry with Celeste. "Was it your idea? She was supposed to be at Dartmouth this week."

"I was as surprised as you. She and David Osborne told me this morning. The whole group was here-"

"David fucking Osborne," I yelled down the line, finally realizing who the bearded leader of the group was. "I knew I recognized that prick..."

"He graduated from Cal Berkley last May ... then he brought a group from school back with him ... they're all environmentalists," my ex told me. "Melissa's been hanging out with them a lot this summer."

"He's a little jerk, always was," I said as I remembered the little brat who used to run wild around the commune fifteen years earlier when I still used to visit it. And then a truly revolting thought hit me. "Is he fucking Melissa?" I demanded as disgusting visions of my virginal daughter being ravaged by this ugly, bearded hippy flooded into my mind. As I talked I clicked through various Internet sites until I found a picture of David from the press conference in the woods.

"I don't think so," my ex said unconvincingly.

"The guy's got a tiny little dick ... god, it almost looks deformed ... why would she want to sleep with him?" I demanded.

"Size isn't everything Brad ... just because you're built like a-"

"If he's put his cock in Mel I'll fucking cut it off and then hang it from his bloody tree," I promised.

"She's just trying to protect our forests Bradley ... to stop your rich friends from cutting down every tree in this state," Celeste said angrily.

"My friends? They are not my fucking friends! And the hell with you too," I hissed back down the line.

"What are you going to do? She's your daughter ... You're not really mad at her are you?"

"Of course I'm mad at her. She doesn't have the bloody courtesy to tell her father what's going on in her life? ... I'm going down there to see her this afternoon ... why the fuck are these idiots letting them cut down the trees anyway? What's Arnold thinking; they're a bloody national treasure."

"That's just what Melissa said," my ex said grimly.

Five minutes later I was sitting in the boardroom with my V.P.'s of Marketing and Public Relations plus seven of their smart young people. The V.P.'s were scowling while their underlings were smiling, talking among each other excitedly as they worked away on their laptops.

I started with my secretary. "I'm going down there as soon as we finish here; call the helipad and make sure they're ready for me."

"Yes sir."

"I want a Winnebago or something up there too ... fully equipped ... a cook," I ordered, then remembering added, "and a guard ... an armed guard. Call Stan in security and arrange something. I want that tree protected 24/7."

I could see the curiosity in everyone's eyes as I spoke. "She's gotta eat ... I mean what the hell can she cook seventy feet up in the air?"

"I think they eat dried fruit and nuts sir, they're usually vegetarians," one bright eyed marketing genius offered. He'd certainly never met my meat eating daughter.

"What's the guard for sir?" a fairly new employee, Ashley, a short haired blond girl who looked like she was sixteen, asked me.

"To make goddam sure no wild grizzly bear gets the idea into its pea sized brain to climb the effing Scouries tree and eat my little daughter."

"I don't think there are any bears around there sir," another whiz kid told me.

"She's not that little sir," another added. I knew whose naked pictures this soon to be unemployed prick had been watching all morning.

"Or one of the fifty thousand registered sexual perverts that roam our wonderful state," I added in a voice that ended any further discussion.

"I'll get right at it sir," Patty promised as she got up to go.

"Wait a sec," I ordered.

"Yes sir?"

"Just how exactly is my daughter keeping herself up in this wonderful Scouries tree? Do they have a platform to sit on or something?"

For seconds no one answered before finally a kid at the other end of the table tentatively raised his hand.

"I don't think I've met you before," I said as I looked over at him.

"Greg. Greg Williams ... in marketing ... I just started three months ago sir. Cornel M.B.A.," he said proudly, then added, "We all think you're daughter is setting a wonderful example sir." All the others at the table smiled and nodded their heads in agreement at this ass kissing comment.

"And do you know happen to know what's holding these seven people up in these trees Greg?" No one missed the impatience in my voice.

"I checked sir. This morning after I heard..." he stammered.

"And," I encouraged.

"Mainly ropes and pulleys sir. They have small platforms but they sleep in harnesses I believe."

"Jesus," I muttered as a vision of my naked daughter swinging at the end of a rope seventy feet above the ground flashed into my brain. "Patty, call Mario Caputo, tell him I want him to go with me on the helicopter ... that I have an urgent job for him. Today! Tell him to drop everything."

"The contractor?"

"Yes," I said dismissing her. Then I turned to the people around the table and asked, "So you're the experts, how's this going to affect ScouriesComputer anyway?"

As it turned out we had a difference of opinion. My V.P.'s were scared shitless and wanted to distance us as far as possible from the story. "What if they have bombs or something?" my senior P.R. man even asked.

"My daughter the mad bomber?" I replied.

However, the seven twenty-something year olds around the table, recent grads from the best schools in America, saw the whole enterprise in a different light. Surprisingly, and unanimously, they agreed with the 'tree huggers' goals, agreed that it was time to stop the despoiling of our natural resources.

"They always want more," Ashley said without specifying who 'they' were. She didn't have to — we all knew. "You know sir, I just wanted to take off my clothes in solidarity when I heard the news this morning ... right at my desk ... I was so proud I worked for a company that cares," she added as her confreres around the table nodded their heads in agreement.

I couldn't help checking her out as she talked ... cutest face imaginable ... great little tits...

"And from a business standpoint it may make sense too sir," Greg from Cornel offered.

"Why?" I challenged while realizing I was secretly happy we had people like this working for the company.

"The comments on just about every site are positive sir, like ten to one for. And not just Americans! People everywhere, England, Australia, India, heck even China ... they're all thanking us."

"We're getting e-mails ... thousands already ... saying the same thing," someone else enthused.

"But what about sales? That's what pays our salaries," I challenged grimly.

"It's too soon to say sir," Greg the numbers guy quickly replied. "But there's already been a measurable uptick ... we'll know more by tomorrow morning."

"Some of those trees have been here five hundred years Mr. Scouries ... five hundred years!" Blond Ashley insisted. I knew she didn't give a shit about sales and yet couldn't summon up any anger towards her.

"There's another thing sir," Greg interrupted. "Guess who's one of the people involved in the project. One of the people who is planning on building a twenty-five thousand square foot mansion right about where the 'Scouries Tree' is now standing?" Looking around the table I could see that none of the others had any idea.

"Who?" I finally asked.

"None other than the owner of our largest competitor — Mr. William Cates," Greg said smugly, stunning every one at the table.

"That cocksucker!" I spat out angrily and then, my decision made, announced, "There is no way that little prick is going to cut down my tree." People started to clap.

"I'm going to fight them ladies and gentlemen. But the company is something else. Jobs are at stake. I can take a leave of absence-"

"It's our forest too sir. All of ours," Ashley announced. "All our employees ... our customers-" Everyone at the table were nodding their heads in agreement.

"You really think we should back them? Openly? Officially?" I finally asked everyone at the table. And although I could see that my V.P.'s were nervous it was equally clear that we all wanted to. Especially since every one of us hated Cates with a passion.

"We'll decide tomorrow," I finally decided. "Once we've seen the overnight sales, the press reaction. After I've made sure they don't have any bombs," I said with a grin as I stood up. "I want you guys working together ... a marketing ... a P.R. plan ready for me tomorrow by ten. Okay?" I asked the room as my eyes moved around the table, stopping momentarily on every person. Everyone knew we were going ahead.

"Sir ... Mr. Scouries," I heard just after I'd turned towards the door.

"Yes Ashely?" I asked as I turned back to the beaming beauty.

"I just want to say I'm so proud to work for you sir ... for ScouriesComputers ... and please tell your daughter that there are thousands of people backing her ... and ... and that my friends and I will be down there this weekend to support her and help protect the Scouries tree."

"Will you be clothed or naked Miss Boone?" I asked with a smile but had to fight the tear forming in the corner of my eye.

"I'll be happy to take off my clothes to save a five hundred year old tree," she answered in total sincerity. This little girl was too perfect for words.

"I'll drive you down Ashley," I heard Greg, my Cornel M.B.A., offer as I left the room. And couldn't help but wonder just what was motivating him, the prospect of Ashley's naked tush or his desire to save the forest.

Ten minutes after the meeting had ended I was strapped into the front seat of the company helicopter that had just landed on the front lawn of the ScouriesComputerInc company campus. Mario Caputo, the contractor who'd build my new house and had worked for me for years, was already in the back seat. I briefed him as we flew south and just forty-two minutes later, just after three p.m. in the afternoon, we set down in a clearing about a half mile from the 'Scouries Tree'. Patty had arranged to have us met by an ATV and within minutes I was deposited seventy feet below my daughter at the base of the now famous tree. Leaving Mario at the bottom I started to climb.

"Who's there?" I heard called down through the leaves above me. My daughter's voice. "Is that you David?"

I didn't answer as I struggled up the rope ladder that looked like it might break at any second. "DAAAAADDY!" my daughter squealed when my head finally popped through the leaves five feet below her. One of her hands flew to her groin and the other to her chest as she tried to cover herself. She was standing on what looked like a three foot by six foot, half inch thick plywood sheet that was precariously placed in a nook of the tree formed by two branches and the tree trunk. She had a rope halter around her waist.

"A little late for modesty my dear Melissa," I said as I pulled myself up onto the sheet. I was gasping from the climb.

"What are you doing here?" my daughter demanded haughtily.

"Well I was planning on flying to Dartmouth next weekend to see how my kind, wonderful, considerate, intelligent, hard working daughter was doing ... the daughter I love and who I've always believed loved me ... but then I heard about the famous Scouries tree and so I figured I'd just come down here and check out the naked girl who was sitting in my tree."

"I didn't-" my daughter started, a little pout on her lips. Then she stopped in mid sentence, a blush blooming on her cheeks. I just waited her out. Second after second. She broke first. "I do love you. I shoulda told you ... I know I should have daddy. But-"

"But what effing what?" I demanded. Then the bloody plywood sheet started to teeter! "Christ!" I yelled as I grabbed my daughters hand to steady myself. Slipping on the sheet of plywood I quickly found myself scrambling to save myself from a seventy foot fall and ended up with my feet on one of the large branches and my butt up against the trunk of the tree with my startled and naked daughter, who was at the extreme limit of her rope harness, in my arms.

"Mario, get up here now," I ordered into the walkie-talkie I quickly grabbed from my belt as I franticly held on to Melissa. "Hurry!"

"Mario?" my daughter asked.

"You are not staying here tonight," I promised as I hugged my daughter even tighter.

"I was fine until you came," Melissa said huffily as we both tried to regain our balance. Then she said, "Mr. Caputo?" when Mario's head popped up through the foliage.

"Afternoon Miss Scouries," he greeted as he shyly tried to avert his eyes.

"But ... I mean ... what are you ... Daddy?" Melissa stammered as her eyes jumped back and forth between us.

I said nothing as I watched Mario take in Melissa's new home. "Jesus," he finally muttered as he slowly shook his head. "Are you trying to kill yourself Miss?"

"It's perfectly safe," she insisted but I could see a concern growing in her eyes as hers followed his.

"You're going to live up here twenty-four hours a day for how long?" Mario asked as he slowly shook his head. "Heck, you know better than that Miss S," he scolded.

"All of us are in the same boat," my daughter responded. "It's to save these trees for future generations, don't you understand? We didn't have much time ... we had to rush."

"I understand miss. I also understand there won't be any future Scouries generations if you fall out of this tree ... or if you freeze to death," he added as he let his eyes roam over Mel's naked body.

"I have a blanket," Melissa started to explain before I cut her off.

"If she's going to stay up here Mario," I said, knowing my daughter could be as stubborn as my ex, "we better build a platform, eight by ten, maybe even ten by twelve ... with walls ... maybe aluminum floor plate over an aluminum structural base. Put a rug on it ... get a better ladder ... a satellite dish for communications ... maybe some kind of awning she can unroll if it starts to rain." I didn't tell either of them but I'd already decided I'd be camping up out here too and wanted to make sure I had some creature comforts. "I'll want a futon or something up here too," I ordered.

"Are you crazy daddy? We're trying to save the trees, not fill them with furniture, not kill them."

"Won't hurt it miss," Mario explained as he pulled a digital, laser measuring tape out of his pocket and started to get measurements, clearly interested by the challenge. Within two minutes the three of us were sitting on a wide branch with our feet dangling out into open air as Mario entered the measurements into the Building Design program he had on his laptop.

Melissa, who was hoping to become an architect some day, was as fascinated as I, an Engineer by education, was. We both peppered him with questions and suggestions as he worked.

"But it'll take too long to build ... it'll be impossible to get it up here," were Melissa's final objections as we looked at the final 3-D plan of the proposed platform.

"Just small beams and decking miss, aluminum ... hardly weighs anything ... we lift it up in four or five parts ... piece of cake. I built tree houses more complicated when I was a boy."

"But it'll take days-"

"All this stuff 's in stock miss ... some sawing ... mechanical joining when its up in the tree ... heck, I'll download this to the shop as soon as I get back to the helicopter ... it'll be finished by midnight," he mused aloud as his brain worked through the problems.

"Could you fly it up tonight ... say before it got light next morning?" I asked, trying to forestall any more objections from my daughter. "We could install it at first light, before anyone was the wiser."

"Miss Scouries can't stay up here tonight though," he insisted as he looked from Mel to me.

"But I can't leave the tree, I promised the others," she objected, "not until the bastards agree to our manifesto."

"We won't tell anyone you've left," I argued. "Mario, you better get going ... get them to drive you back to the helicopter ... call me when you're back in your plant. I'll take care of Miss Scouries. She definitely won't be spending the night up here."

"Yes sir," he said, then slipped off the branch and swung onto the ladder and then almost immediately disappeared down into the foliage.

"You're staying?" my daughter asked.

"You don't think I'm leaving the Scouries tree all alone do you?"

"It's the Melissa Scouries tree, it's not yours," my daughter insisted with a grin. "Where are you going to stay anyway? Are you going to sleep on the ground or something?"

"No my darling daughter I'm not. In fact your father, and you too by the way, are going to sleep in the forty foot deluxe, Winnebago motor home that just happens to be parked just over there," I answered as I pointed downward through the leaves. "And while we eat a meal prepared by a chef that the estimable Miss Summers has arranged for us, an armed ScouriesComputerInc Guard will patrol the environs and protect my tree."

"It's my tree," Mel laughed.

"Our tree," I agreed, "now let's get out of here."

"I don't want anybody to see me leave," Melissa delayed.

"I'll go first ... call you when the coast is clear," I promised as I swung onto the ladder and slowly started down. I was standing at the foot of the ladder, holding it steady, when, minutes later, I saw my daughter appear about twenty-five feet above me. Well, I saw her legs first, round runners calf's that led up to long, well developed hamstrings which disappeared into two firm but perfectly rounded cheeks ... And with each rope step she descended her inner thighs split for a second and exposed her vaginal lips and a hint of the pinkness between them.

"Don't you have any clothes?" I hissed when her feet were about five feet above my head. My eyes hadn't left her slowly descending crotch for one second. My cock was boiling under my denim jeans. For my bloody daughter for crying out loud.

"It's a nude protest daddy," Mel answered back, but then, as she turned to look down, her foot slipped and she was suddenly hurtling outwards and down, shrieking out a, "Caaaaatch me daddy."

Well I sorta caught her. I ended up flat on my back on the ground with my naked daughter atop me, her pink tipped breasts in my face, seemingly trying to smother me.

"Are you all right," I dimly heard through the soft flesh covering me.

Opening my mouth to speak I somehow swallowed half of a perfectly shaped breast. Unconsciously my tongue wetly snaked out and found and then stroked the pebbly nub at its tip. Tasted it before my lips hungrily closed and sucked. My cock was throbbing against her thigh.

"Oh Daaaaaddy," a muffled groan sounded in my ear but Melissa didn't move for seconds, even seemed to push her body even harder against mine. Finally she urgently pulled back and sat up. "Oh Daddy, I'm so sorry ... are you alright? Did I hurt you?" she asked as she sat astride my chest, her pink slit a bright inviting gash easily visible through her dark pubic triangle just inches from my face. But there was something else besides concern in her soft brown eyes. Desire? Huh? My eyes quickly tracked back to her pink insides. My tongue hungrily slipped out from between my lips.

"Mr. Scouries ... sir ... are you hurt?" The voice came from the guard I'd brought from town. He was rushing across the clearing towards me, gun drawn.

"Yeah, don't shoot Joe. No problem, this naked girl just for a second thought she was Tarzan ... in fact she's my daughter," I finished as I sat up, having been freed by Melissa who'd jumped to her feet. One of her hands modestly covered her groin.

"I know sir," he said as he glanced at his boss's naked child. Whose nipples, incredibly long nipples as it turned out, were standing erect.

"It's cold," she answered to the unasked question in both Joe's and my eyes as she covered her chest with her free hand.

"Melissa, this is Joe Morgan, he's with our company security unit. Joe, this is Melissa."

"Hi Joe," my daughter said, then after hesitating, offered him her hand. The one that had been covering her little triangle of dark pubic hair. He actually started to redden.

"It's unsafe up there Joe, Melissa's going to sleep in the Winnebago tonight. The only one allowed anywhere near the tree is Mario and his crew ... they should be here sometime around dawn. Do not tell anyone Miss Scouries has decamped for the night."

"Yes sir."

"And you do understand your instructions Joe?"

"Yes sir. No one goes up this tree without yours or Miss Scouries approval."

"Exactly. Do you have someone to spell you," I asked as I took Mel's arm and prepared to lead her off.


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Cousin Britney

As far as how I looked, I was 5'11 weighed about 170, and had a decent tan. We lived on a farm and that kept me busy and in great shape. I have dark brown hair and green eyes. I was one of those "popular" kids. I had a lot of friends, and yes a lot of them were girls. Cheer leaders and all. A lot of them couldn't keep their hands off of me, and I loved it! I had been getting quite a few blow jobs, and I was able to eat a lot of pussy as well. I loved eating pussy, so much so that I made a...

2 years ago
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Cousin Mila Part One

Family picnics and parties were agonizing for me when I was growing up. They weren't made for kids. I wasn't included in the adult conversations and the only kids around my age were two cousins, girls. There was Uncle Harry, my dad's brother, Harry's wife, Amelia, and his step-daughter, Mila. The rest of the family included my mom's sister, Bee Bee, her husband, Garth, and their adopted daughter, Cicely.So each November, we assembled for Thanksgiving dinner at one of our homes for turkey and...

Straight Sex
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Cousin Ki Wife Ke Sath Sex

Hi my name is Amit Kapoor me iss 2-3 years se pade raha hue. Kafe time se souch raha tha ke me bhe apna experience share karu but time nahe mil pa raha tha. So pehle me apne bare me bata due me Delhi me rehta hue or ek MNC se me job karta hue. Mene apna pahla sex on the age of 18yrs me kya tha. Now I am come to the storie. I dint tel u my dick size or other thing ye sabe bakwase bate hae but I am punjabi munda and love sex now come to the storie. Mera ek mama ka ladka hae jiske shadi ek sale...

2 years ago
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Cousin Nari gets USED and PLUnged with CrYstaLs SP

i know most of the below is gonna look or read weird with sentences not finishing and being too long, never ending, or just crazy bad grammatical errors... but it was in the heat of the fantasy and i nonstop wrote it without at all thinking twice about it... stream of conciousness cousin fucking my little teenage cousin Nari, she is only 18... just turned 18.... just graduated freshman ... and she is fucking gonna get hazed by her 29 yo nasty pervert cousin fucking fantasy...

4 years ago
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Cousin sisters Lucisious Butt

This is Tron, just a bit of info on myself. Iam male 23 from Mississauga, ON having 5'8 ft height with handsome personality so if any unsatisfied wife's, gals and/ or aunt wanted to satisfy their sexual urge then contact me on [email protected] this is my real experience hope u like it. Now I’m going to share my experience with you which happened when I was in my home country around 2 years back. First let me tell you about my cousin sister. Her name is Masrat (name changed) and we...

2 years ago
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Cousin Bhai Ke Saath Chudayi

Hello friends mera naam Priti hai. Ye meri pehli story hai. Mujhe ISS ki story bahut acchi lagti hai. Isliye main bhi sochi ki main bhi aapko meri sex story batati hu. Aap sabse request hai agar koi bhi galti mujhse story likhne me ho jayegi to mujhe maaf kar dena. Main pahli baar kahani likh rahi hu. Waise main koshish karungi ki aap sabke liye acchi si kahani likh saku jo meri life ki real kahani hai. Main aap ko jyada bor na karte huwe aap sabko apni kahani batati hu. Mera bhi sabke tarah ek...

3 years ago
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Cousin Ke Saath Sex

Hi everyone on indian sex stories dot net , I am sam from gujarat and happily married.This is my first story on iss, before starting my story , I will tell about my self I’m 38 years old my hight is 5’7″ & weight is 68 kgs & my dick size 7″Lamba 2.5″ mota hai. And I have good athletic build, now I tell my story that’s happen between me & my cousin sister, her name is harshda (name changed),now she is married before 9 years. Now she has figure with 36d 32 38 with the hight 4’6″, with currly hair...

4 years ago
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Cousin Hailey gets her cousins big surprise pt 2

As I was looking over my assignments there were various appointments that were all within driving distance from my uncle’s home. I became so excited that I called my uncle to let him know about the good news. Hailey met me at the airport by herself, which gave us some time to get ourselves acquainted again. It took about an hour to get back to her house. By the time we got there we were already making out in the car. After several hours of catching up and dinner I finally turned in. I was...

5 years ago
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Cousin Jenna

Cousin Jenna By Carol C-note "Yes, mom, everything is just fine. My trip was easy and I'm looking forward to my week here with Aunt Jane. Here, she wants to talk with you." Tom handed the telephone to Aunt Jane and then sat down at the kitchen table with his cousin Jenna. After Jane finished the call, she sat with Tom and Jenna. "Well, Tommy, how would you like to spend the rest of your first day here?" asked Jane, as she sipped her iced tea. Tom replied, "I think I like to...

4 years ago
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Cousin Kristin

Part 1 Somebody bumped my arm and half of my wine spilled from the cheap plastic cup out onto the linoleum floor. "Sorry," someone I didn't recognize said. "Not a problem," I responded. I wondered who the old coot was. I would have been devastated, spilling wine, except that this was no great loss. It was Ohio wine, one step down from Boones Farm, which tastes like Welch's Grape Juice with alcohol added. The only thing to be said is that it was better than the beer. I noticed that a...

2 years ago
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Cousin Enjoying Sex

Hello, everyone, this sex story is about me, my cousin and my friend. This is a real-life incident happened with some added masala to it to make it spicy for you all, enjoy. It’s going to be a long sex story filled with emotion, feeling and also sex. It is my first sex story, please leave your comments and suggestion on Let me first tell you all about my cousin, we were very close to each other from childhood, she is gorgeous, walking with her was difficult because everyone will be staring at...

3 years ago
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Cousin Josh

Introduction: Young love … theres a glorious, fleeting beauty about it, one a heart does not understand until years pass … … This story takes a while to build up, and the sexual scenes are very detailed, which might not be everyones cup of coffee. Enjoy! Sexual characters are eighteen, of course. ********** I lay on a towel in the scorching sunshine. It was hot enough to be almost uncomfortable. The tip of my left bare boob itched, and I rubbed it absently. I hated tan lines. Luckily the...

2 years ago
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Cousin Josh6

********** I lay on a towel in the scorching sunshine. It was hot enough to be almost uncomfortable. The tip of my left bare boob itched, and I rubbed it absently. I hated tan lines. Luckily the thick cypress fence around our single-family home allowed sunbathing in the nude. When it came to my own appearance I might've been a perfectionist, but show me a girl who wasn't. It was a nuisance plucking and shaving all the hairs, using dozens of products for the skin and working out at the...

2 years ago
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Cousin Fill Part 1

I always had this physical attraction toward my older cousin Fill. I know that it's wrong and that it's weird, but it is what it is, I can't make myself NOT be attracted to her. Cousin Fill was about four years older than me, and I was in my young teenage years. She is about 5' 4" and a very petite 110lbs, long black hair and olive dark skin. She was home for summer vacation, she went to a private school the rest of the year.One summer day cousin Fill showed up at the house, she asked "hey...

4 years ago
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A Cousin [email protected] ???? When I was sixteen a cousin Alena came to visit us. She was a beautiful girl of seventeen who had a slim figure just made for fucking, only she didn't know it, but anyone who glanced at her had only one thought about getting in her hot pants. The most striking thing about her was her huge firm boobs for her young age. They protruded so much under her dress that all men that passed her couldn't help staring at them. She had a gorgeous tight ass, always covered...

3 years ago
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Cousins blackmailed by gardener

Cousin's blackmailed by gardenerThis incident happened long back when we had been to our grandparents place for our summer vacation. I was u******ed so I can’t tell my age. My mom’s younger sister too had come with her husband and her daughter Nisha who was 3 years younger than me, they had arrived a week before us. I was happy that I got company to play with the toys.One day, after breakfast, Nisha and myself were playing in the courtyard and suddenly Nisha with a mischievous smile on her face...

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Cousin Crush

I remember going into the bathroom with a Sharpie marker, taking my shirt off, and drawing some silly design to further my ridicule of whatever the issue at hand had been. I wish I knew what led to that decision, but it really doesn't matter that much. What matters is I was playfully attempting a somewhat absurd exhibit of writing on my chest to argue for my point or against theirs. It didn't work out as I anticipated, though. I walked out of the bathroom, grinning stupidly as I approached...

2 years ago
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Cousin Hot for HorsesChapter 6

"C'mon, Taffy," Barbi urged as she pulled on her young cousin's hand. "Let's go in the stable. I wanna show you the horses." Taffy allowed her cousin to lead her into the stable. She looked around as Barbi closed the stable door. "I don't know how to horseback ride," Taffy said. "You'll learn quickly," Barbi giggled. "Trust me." She leered at her young cousin, her mouth watering for her body. Mona had awakened her desires and she wanted to share them all with...

3 years ago
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Cousin RemovedChapter 1

I could hear my cellphone ringing as I fumbled with the keys. My hands were still wet, and I’d gotten sand on them from brushing off my paddleboard. For some reason, that was making it even more difficult. I finally fumbled the key into the lock and got the door open, just as the ringing stopped. I didn’t recognize the tone, which meant that whoever it was, they hadn’t called in a while. I dripped my way across the tile floor to the kitchen counter and looked at the caller ID. Amanda. I...

3 years ago
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Cousin And Her Friend 8211 Part 1

Cousin and her sexy Friend Hello, I am Steve(name changed) and this is the story about how I fucked my sexy cousin. I also fucked her best friend with a little of her help but that’s for some other time. I am an pretty average guy with more than average looks but they say I am cute, very very cute, which bugs me a bit because guys need to be handsome.. But either way, I can’t change how I look. So, I was pretty popular among my relatives as I was very good in studies and played guitar and was a...

3 years ago
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Cousin FuckBuddy

After the hot-rape session I chose not to go back into the Gang-bang Bar but loitered near the beer-garden socializing one Saturday night. I had become a popular chick over-night or rather, over the table! So my new found status as slut of the week was a fame I bathed in, enjoying the attention and chat. Donna wasn't here this night as she was working on the cotext share-value she claimed. Market-share and all that? Well that was ok, as I knew people; and Charlie my cousin was there and...

2 years ago
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Cousin with benefits part 2

I had let my wife know via text that Karen was in town and going to the wedding. She was a little like, umm, really? She knew that it was a pretty big what to do, with the guest list and all... she simply replied, 'hope she can still get in, your aunt is a real asshole about that stuff'.I hadn't thought about it, but she was. My aunt was the type of hard ass that would not let her attend the wedding, even if she she had travelled 800 miles to attend. All because she didn't respond in time. My...

3 years ago
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Cousin Love

The constant ringing of the phone woke me up. I got up and looked at my table clock it was 8 am and I picked up the phone. Hi cousin!! Anju here and how is my favourite cousin and I immediately recognized the voice of my cousin Anju, Hi Anju! How are you? Where are you? I asked now completely awake and I am in Delhi getting ready for my marriage. We had still some shopping left so mother said that we can go to Lucknow for shopping and we can meet you guys also she replied. My cock just sprang...

2 years ago
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Cousin in Cargo Shorts

“I’m going on vacation with my family,” Tyler was bragging the loudest. His wealthy family allotted him the most extravagant of their summer ventures. He was always telling his friends about the foreign countries he had visited. “My family likes to go camping for a week toward the middle of summer but I’ll be around for the rest of the time,” Percy seemed less enthused about his plans than Tyler. “I’ll be visiting relatives in another state during the July holiday,” Russell informed the...

4 years ago
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Cousin Alex

I didn’t really feel like going to the family reunion. They had always been fun when I was younger, but since I’d been in high school, spending a weekend with a bunch of aunts and uncles and cousins and extended relations wasn’t all that fun anymore. Now that I’d graduated and turned 18, I was looking forward to a summer of goofing off before heading off to college in the fall. This meant I had even less reason to want to spend a valuable weekend with family that I hadn’t seen in years. I’d...

3 years ago
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Cousin Again

It had been a few months since I had seen my cousin. I was going to go spend part of a week at his house and I was really looking forward to it. I had some adventures at home with my girlfriend and with another friend, but I was really horny for what may happen with my cousin. My aunt picked me up and when I got to their house I started to put my stuff in the guest bedroom. She told me no, that I was going to be in my cousins room. I felt my y0ung cock twitch when she said that. He had a...

4 years ago
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Cousin loves

My name is JJ. I have cerebral palsy and confined to a wheel chair. Although my body is constrained, my mind is not, it is rather active especially when it concerns sex. I was 30 and a virgin, at the time of this story. I didn’t get out much, so my chances of meeting women were very slim. The major women in my life is my mother and my cousin Jesse. Jesse is a nurse and takes care of my needs three times a week, she was 27. Well, not all my needs as I said I was still a virgin, but I had a plan....

3 years ago
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Cousin Joe Pimps Cousin Emma

“Hi Joe! I am coming to Detroit for an internship interview, can I crash at your place?” I said on the phone. “Definitely!” replied Joe, “When are you coming?”, “I will fly there this Friday afternoon”, “Sure, send me your flight info and I will pick you up”. After I landed, I grabbed my carry-on and headed out, cousin Joe was waiting by his white BMW. “Emmaaa, welcome to Detroit!” said Joe, and gave me a big hug. He stepped back and looked at me head to toe, “Wow, you look like a Barbie...

3 years ago
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Cousin Billy and Theresa

It was February or March in Connecticut, and colder than anything I could ever remember before that. All the kids were home from school, maybe it was Easter vacation or something, and we were running around outside, trying to keep ourselves warm. In our neighborhood, almost all of the parent's worked, the moms and the dads. It was kind of a housing project where we lived, the rent was cheap, and there was a long waiting list for families to get in. My Uncle Bill and Aunt Margaret lived right...

4 years ago
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Cousin8217s Cousin Gave A Total Pleasure

Sometimes it happens when there is a function going on around and all of the family guests crowd the house. Actually that is the perfect timing for you guys. Make it count like I did.It was the time when I was in my 12th and there was a marriage ceremony of my cousin at his house. Our house is also close to him. A lots of guests were arriving, it was then when I met Neha. She is not actually my cousin, but the cousin of my cousin. A long relation. She is really hot. As soon as I saw her the...

4 years ago
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Cousin Cici Part Two

The Vegas trip had made me more valuable to my boss and the firm. After another promotion as a Wall Street stock analyst, I was home for Thanksgiving. I asked about Cicely, not mentioning that I had met Mila. Mom wasn't likely to understand that her niece was a stripper, a sometimes porn star, and maybe more.Tracking down Cicely turned out to be easier than I thought. My mom said Cici was, in fact, living on the East Coast. Apparently, Cici had taken a job in Washington, DC after graduating...

3 years ago
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Cousin sleeps over

Hey ISS readers, I’m here to write about a story about… well, you’ll find out soon enough! Let me start off by describing my mom to you guys. About 5’5, 46 years old, with a fair skin tone. Medium-longish length black hair, with a sharp, somewhat long nose. Juicy full lips to go along with it. She is fairly chubby, but you don’t notice it unless she is naked. Fat, big breasts with prefect sized nipples, a round, fat ass and a hairy pussy with a nice round navel basically describes her body....

3 years ago
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Cousin Helps Brother To Fuck Her SisterInLaw

Hi, Ram again with another incident! This happened a few months ago. I was in Bangalore attending a meeting and my phone rang. It was Buddi; my aunt’s married step-daughter whom I had fucked (). I ignored it. Later, when my meeting got over, I checked my phone. My cousin sister had left a message saying, “Can we talk?” I rang her phone and she disconnected the call. So I left a message saying, “Sorry! Was in a meeting. What is this about?” It was 2 pm and I received a call from my cousin...

4 years ago
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Cousin taboo relatives stay for visit

A long time ago ,my relatives from out of town came to visit ,for a week. My uncle and aunt and my two cousins one boy one girl . we were all young ages 12 to14 .we had alot fun playing with each other , just like normal k**s .one night the grownups went out , leaving us k**s at home alome , we were old enough to look after ourselfs.that night we fun playing games and stuff.later on the girls went to their room together to do something , me and my cousin were in our room just talking .then the...

2 years ago
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Cousin Sister Blackmailed

Hello friends, My name is prince and I live in Canada. I love reading ISS stories and I am a regular reader. This is my first sex story ever. Please read the story and comment me on . Also any ladies (any age) need a good time talking or physical please feel free to contact me for my number on my email. Now about my cousin, she is a beauty. Her height is 5’6” and is a bit younger than me (btw I am 24 years old). Her breasts are fabulous. Also the fact that she is virgin, you might know how...

3 years ago
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Cousin Lindsays Panties

I love women's underwear. Not wearing it, but looking at it (especially when it's being worn by some hottie), touching it, and yes, occasionally sniffing it. Luckily for me, Lissy loves buying new stuff and modeling it for me. Even so, sometimes I need a little more, not that I ever get tired of looking at my beautiful wife, but sometimes you just need to spice things up a bit. As a result, shortly after we bought our new house, I made a promise to myself. I pledged that I would attempt to get...

3 years ago
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cousine bhabi ko patake choda

Hi iss reader,i m rehan shaikh frm ahmedabad.i m regular reader of iss.its my 1st story so me apna intro dedu. me ahmedBad me rehta hu 6″height slim body wheates skin.look avg. my mail id any girl or aunty who r want to enjoy can mail me.everything will be confidental. ab me story pe aata hu. ye incidet 2month pehle hi hua he.i m 25yrs bahot hi shy hu aur sab mujhe abtak sidha ladka hi samajhte hamare relatives me bahot kam aata jata hu bcoz mujhe jaldi kisise bat karne me achha...

2 years ago
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Cousins Apartment

My cousin's apartment is on the fifth floor. So carrying up my desk is no easy task per say. See, I am going to be staying with her for a couple weeks before I go to the college that I am transferring too. I'm 22, went to community college for a couple years but am now going to a university. Though I can't move into my place there for about sixteen more days and where I was living, the lease is up and I needed somewhere to go. No way would I go back to living with either my mom or my dad at...

2 years ago
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Cousin Ke Sath Maza

Thandi ka mausam tha. December 2018 ka mahina. Location tha Bikaner. Cousin bhai ki shaadi mein sab log aaye the. Bahut badi family hai meri. Shaadi ke function bhi 4-5 din tak chalte hai. Wedding ke 1 raat pehle ki baat hai. Sab cousins (6-7) ek hi room mein baithe baaatein kar rahe the. Thand ke wajah se 2 bada blanket center mein tha. Aur sab ne apne legs and front body usse cover kar rakha tha. Mere right mein Ankita baithi thi, mere masi ki ladki. Woh 20 saal ki hai. Dikhne mein bahut...

2 years ago
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Cousin RemovedChapter 2

The next morning, both ladies were ready for war, dressed in yoga pants and t-shirts with their hair up. After our liquid breakfast, we walked back to the gym, Kayla telling us she wanted to work legs. After squats, deadlifts and a killer calf routine, I introduced them to some of the basic concepts of jujitsu. I explained takedown techniques from both jujitsu and judo. I asked if they remembered how often the fighter performing successful takedowns ended up in the better position. They...

4 years ago
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Cousin Brandy

Introduction: Kevins cousin Brandy stays with him and discovers his fetishes for smoking and latex. She has always been interested in him so she indulges in his interests. Brandy had always had a strong attraction to her cousin Kevin. They grew up together and grew accustomed to being around each other constantly. It got to the point where both were comfortable enough to change in front of each other. In her mind, she had always hoped it would lead to something happening. Brandy knew incest was...

5 years ago
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Cousin loves

My name is JJ. I have cerebral palsy and confined to a wheel chair. Although my body is constrained, my mind is not, it is rather active especially when it concerns sex. I was 30 and a virgin, at the time of this story. I didn’t get out much, so my chances of meeting women were very slim. The major women in my life is my mother and my cousin Jesse. Jesse is a nurse and takes care of my needs three times a week, she was 27. Well, not all my needs as I said I was still a virgin, but I had a...

2 years ago
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Cousin Gina

It all started when I was in 8th grade. Girls were drawing my attention more and more every day it seemed. I was becoming distracted by them during class and pretty much everywhere I went.Then one day it hit me like a freight train. I was sitting at lunch with some friends when I glanced up at the counter. There was a blonde, with some shapely hips and long legs. She was shifting her weight from side to side in a very provocative way. Her blonde pony tail tossed back and forth with her...

4 years ago
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The Loving Tree

The weathered cracks of an old man’s crumpled face ran up to the sky, reaching gnarled branches and green leaves which blew with the gentle wind. Seated at the base of its trunk were two friends, a boy and a girl, twenty and twenty-one, respectively. They were students at a nearby college. The two had been mingling for six months, and this had become their favorite spot. When they sat at the base of the tree together like this, they would talk for hours. They both adored nature, and to them...

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