Todd, Mel And Me free porn video

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Todd and I went back decades as friends. He was closer to me than a brother, a fact I knew because I have brothers. If Todd and one of my brothers were drowning and I could only save one of them it would be Todd. We were that close. We were so close that Melinda didn’t even bother covering up when he’d arrived.

Melinda loved Todd nearly as much as she loved me. When Tommy was so sick and I was stuck off buying supplies, Todd stayed with Mel and Annie while Mel nursed Tommy through the fever. When I got home and got caught up with the news we all sat down to the best dinner we’d had in months.

Todd told me that night how he felt. “Derrick I have a confession. I’m in love with your wife.”

I looked at him as I passed him the pipe. The smoke flowed out with my words. “Yeah, a lot of people love her, man,” I smiled at him but I already knew what he meant. He was shaking his head and not smiling. I shook myself mentally, realizing this had become a serious conversation.

“No, Der’, I’m IN love with her ... like you are.”

“Ah ... I ... see.” I said and watched the river ripple past and listened to the forest around us. My best friend was in love with my wife. I looked back at Todd. He reloaded the pipe from his stash and handed it to me, waiting with a match. I put the pipe to my lips and Todd struck the match.

I filled my lungs and passed the pipe. “So ... what do you want to do about it?”

“I don’t know, man. I’ve been going crazy waiting for you to come home. I mean, I’ve always loved her, but now something feels different. It’s more serious to me.

“Staying here helping Mel -- without you here -- was different. I really feel like I got to know her more and ... I like what I learned. It’s deep inside me, man.”

Mel was back by the cabin, relaxing and reading to Tommy in the hammock. Annie was tormenting the chickens. Nobody could hear us. “Yeah, I can see that. It would be easy to feel pretty domestic. So answer my question, Bud. What do you want to do?”

“Nothing! I mean, it’s not like I want to take her away from you. I just had to tell you because I felt guilty about it.”

That idea made me wonder. Could Mel be taken from me? “Have you told her?”

“NO! Jesus Derrick! Why would I do that? I’m not trying to spoil your life. Like I said, I just knew I had to tell you.”

Just then Melinda called over and asked us if we had checked the fish traps. We didn’t talk as we trudged through the brush along the river bank. There were three traps and two of them were empty. The third held four nice trout. We pulled them out, cleaned them and carried the string back to the cabin.

After the kids were asleep the three of us shared a couple of pipes and I watched them interact. Todd chose the tree house for the night and I cuddled with Mel under the quilt she had sewn last winter in the house.

“Honey? Are you still awake?” Mel’s whisper brought me out of my doze.

“Mm ... yeah. What’s wrong?”

“Wrong? Nothing, but don’t you think Todd is acting weird?”


“But he acts like a stranger, kind of, didn’t you notice?”

“Well, he’s just being a friend. You’ve just made another conquest, my love.”

She sat up and looked down at me. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Can’t you tell? I know it’s been a few years since you were ‘on the market’, but think about it. Imagine you are single and Todd was acting the way he did.” I let that sink in a second before adding, “He is trying to keep his feelings in check. I guess he thinks he should keep a distance between him and you. Things will even out in a day or so.”

Melinda returned to her position spooned up against me. I reached over to fondle her offside breast. “I love Todd. You know that, but...” Her words drifted to silence. I could almost hear the wheels turning as I drifted off into dreamland.

The next morning before Todd and I went out to check the traps again Melinda poured us a second cup of coffee. I noticed she had put on her light robe when she rose. Normally she went nude like Todd and I do (except for my belt and bandolier when I go hunting or gathering) unless the weather is inclement. Todd seemed out of sorts. I delayed leaving because I had made the situation worse by telling her. I hoped to fix it but I didn’t know how.

Todd got up and gathered his weapons and gear. I did the same and Melinda hugged Todd out the door before kissing and hugging me. Telling us to be careful, she closed the door behind us.

We worked our way along the river again. The traps were empty so I suggested we do a little hunting. After a sip from the canteen we started away from the water and moved deeper into the forest. The ‘Purge’ left one good thing behind: no bugs! The trade-off seemed to be that it mutated most of the species it hadn’t killed. With no stinging insects now going nude held no danger except from weather and the occasional thorn.

Rounding a large boulder, Todd suddenly stopped. Following, I came to a halt as well. He motioned for me to go around the other side of the rock. So I started away. When I reached the other side I could see what had drawn Todd’s attention. A low copse of brush lay about a stone’s throw away. Something was agitating the bushes and then stilling a while before repeating it.

I nodded at Todd and he crept forward. I readied an arrow. After what seemed like forever, the brush suddenly stopped dead. Todd had been sensed or seen. I drew my bow. Todd was by then nearly to the copse. He turned his head slightly and I altered my aim. His hand lanced forward and I saw his biceps tighten. He’d hit something!

He jumped to his feet and levered the spear around. I recognized the rust colored pelt on the mutant pig. As Todd held the spear down, I moved forward. Standing over it, I used my knife to cut its throat. The pig ceased writhing and we set to skinning and gutting it.

A small fire sizzled up a few slices of pork for our lunch. With the flatbread Mel had packed for us we made greasy sandwiches and sipped my homebrewed beer. I looked at Todd and decided to shatter his silence.

“So did you decide what you want to do about your feelings for Mel yet?” He looked at me and I thought he was going to cry.

“Fuck, man! I told you I don’t want to do anything. I just had to tell you.”

“I know what you said. I appreciate your honesty. A lot of guys would have just hit on her for better or worse. She would have sent them packing, in case you were wondering.”

Todd barked a short laugh. “Yeah, I bet they would! She’s so...” He stopped himself with a sudden flush of embarrassment. I smiled.

“Yes she is,” I agreed. “I charged up a pipe and lit it.

Passing it across, I let the smoke drift from my mouth with my words. “You got it bad, my friend. I recognize the symptoms. Been precisely there, done that too, you know?”

He just shook his head and looked away. “Maybe I should leave,” he mumbled.

“No, you shouldn’t ‘just leave’!” I told him.

“Well, for a while then. I can’t stand it this way.”

“Hey, just let it simmer a while, Todd. But it might help you to get away for a while. Maybe you could go and see how high the river is upstream for us. The rains are coming soon and it wouldn’t take much for it to flood us out. That’ll be an overnight trip for you anyway; or take as long as you need. You’ll go nuts unless you can really own the fact that you love Melinda. You told me and I accept it and still want you as a friend. More than a friend, too, you know that.” Todd blushed and glanced at me but ducked away quickly. It seemed as if he was suddenly shy about something. “We can talk more in a couple of days. Just think about this and realize I’m aware of it too: Like I said, a lot of guys would have just hit on her. You are too good a friend. You love her – and me – enough to control your impulses and you waited to tell me. I just want you to know we love you too. Both of us love you, man.” We stood up and hugged before heading back. I was surprised to notice Todd’s dick twitched when we embraced. It twitched against my own cock.

My mind blanked for a second. Then I shook off the feeling.

Suddenly, Todd acted like taking off a couple of days was the best idea he’d heard in months. In fact, since the pig we’d killed was small, he took a haunch of that and the rest of the food and gear we’d brought hunting. He left right then! I took the rest of the animal home and explained to Melinda.

“Shit! Why did this have to happen?” she huffed. I had no explanation she didn’t already understand. She heaved a sigh and went about everything she had to do before bed. I watched her. Standing at the sink she splashed the dishwater around, her gaze fixed on the forest outside the window.

After she was finished at the sink she came to sit with me on the porch. My arm went automatically over her shoulder and she found her favorite snuggle spot under it. I sipped warm beer and she had her home made wine. She didn’t reply when I said, “You know, this doesn’t have to be a bad thing, Mel.” My mind had taken a new path but I had needed to explore it before sharing it.

I thought about the way it was before the ‘Purge’. I was only fifteen when people started dying from the poor air. There were already battles being fought over ‘natural’ water (as if there’s any difference between it and recycled or desalinated water). By the time I graduated from high school the air quality report was an accepted part of daily life. Not a lot of difference between ‘bad’ and ‘worse’.

It didn’t take long to switch from paper masks to full face-covering masks with filters. Some days we were told to stay inside with the scrubbers on until there was an ‘all clear’ signal. By the time I turned twenty four the world had changed utterly. Cities were wastelands. Communications were spotty everywhere. But the air was clearing up because the factories, mines and other industries had died along with most of the animals.

All the powerful machinery mankind had developed ground to a crawl and mostly to a complete halt. The infrastructure couldn’t support the population and even more people died. Millions of people died. Cities emptied as food ran out. For some reason when everything started to fall apart was when people started forgetting to dress when they woke up.

The cops tried to keep things under control at first, but ‘indecent exposure’ soon became one of many minor infractions that were ignored in light of more serious crimes. People even mostly stopped complaining about naked people once the novelty wore off. Where once pajamas and an unbelted robe raised eyebrows, and drew complaints, total nudity was virtually ignored.

Oh, there were still the ultra-conservatives, mostly religious folk still flogging the Bible and End of Days crap.

Outside the cities people split into smaller groups or went alone. There were battles between clans and more people died. Melinda and I grabbed the kids and got ready to take off. We had a good cabin on some land that was pretty inaccessible.

It had been in my family for generations, not that land deeds were recognized any more, but we knew the place. It was the best opportunity I knew where maybe we could keep ourselves secure. Survival for real. I had rigged up some solar panels there so we had some power. We had to take turns using anything electric, but it was power. I had some other ideas that I wanted to try too. I knew, too, that the air would be breathable up there.

“What about Todd?” I suddenly asked. Melinda looked at me.

“Go get him,” she said simply.

Of course telling Todd was at the top of my ‘to-do’ list, I just hadn’t done it yet. I hurried to his cold squatter’s apartment and told him what we were doing and invited him to join us. “We’re headed up to the cabin. You’re my best bud, Todd. I don’t want to leave you behind. I’d like you to come along. You’d be a big help too,” I added.

He gathered whatever he couldn’t stand to leave behind and stuffed it all into a leather pack. We went back to my house together. Another hour was spent loading up the wagons and truck. The truck was solar and it wouldn’t be able to manage the more difficult trails later, but we needed it to begin with. The wagons are solar as well, but they have a narrow enough wheel base to track where we’re going. The wagons are four detachable discrete units of articulation. The programming works so that each trailing unit tracks exactly behind the one ahead. The lead unit had a remote and the others could be set to follow the leader. In the AI mode, the entire train can be sent from one ‘known’ place -- a place it had logged in its memory -- to another by itself and will return if instructed to do so.

We still have some of the wonders of our collapsed civilization. But, hell, maybe it’s like some people were saying. Maybe it’s just our country. Maybe it’s just our state, or our county, or city that has collapsed. We really don’t know what’s going on around the world.

But we know better. That would be too much to hope for. No, we watched it all fade. Then we couldn’t watch any more because TV was over. The internet worked for a time until the servers went down. Batteries stopped charging or simply died. Most technology was effectively dead.

After about an hour, we took off our breathing masks. I’d been right about the air. When the going got so bad we had to leave the truck, we cached the things packed in the back of it in the woods. I would bring two wagons back the next day to get the rest of it. The next months were spent settling in. Todd and I got away exploring our little kingdom right away. We set alarms and snares for any human intruders. We set snares and traps for game and fish.

Melinda wove the fish traps from the tough river reeds and we set them in the stream. The kids usually stayed with her but they sometimes went with us. Those days were days off for everybody really.

The kids couldn’t keep up with us if we were traveling our normal speed. So we spent a lot of time near the river meadow, fishing and practicing the bow and spear. Tommy and Annie each had junior sizes of both weapons. The lack of clothing didn’t bother either of them. They’d basically been born to it. Tommy was seven by then and his sister was four.

While we were away with the kids, Melinda told me she spent a lot of time in the warm water of the springs, just relaxing. No kids, no cleaning, no cooking or sewing. After maximum hydration, she might take a nap or take her own ‘nature walk’, usually returning with berries or some other treat for us all.

Once in a while Todd would take off for a few days or a week, bringing back new ‘treasures’ or a new kind of surviving creature we hadn’t yet seen before. That was the way we lived for more than a year. Now Todd has fallen in love with my wife. After thinking about that a while I realized I should have expected it.

That evening as we sat together on the porch, Mel sipped her wine and looked up at me. “What’s got you so deep in thought tonight?”

“Oh, I’m just thinking about Todd.”

“What about him?”

“I’m pondering his feelings for you. How do you feel about it? You had some time to think about it without me around.” Mel sipped again. Then she asked me to load a pipe. I did and we smoked it.

“I’m not sure. I mean, like I said, I love him like you do. I’m flattered he thinks so much of me that...” She sighed. “Then I think about what you said about imagining if I was single. God, I guess if I didn’t have you and the kids, I’d give Todd a serious tumble. He’s a nice guy, he’s smart, he’s clean and he’s pretty hot, if you want to know the truth.” I had to smile. She was clearly embarrassed. Or, maybe it was something other than embarrassment. She hesitated and added in a lower voice, “His cock looks nice too.”

“Hmm... ‘methinks the Lady hath hot panties for our friend’,” I joked. Melinda elbowed me – hard. “Hey! I’m kidding!”

“Yeah, well...” she replied. “Besides, I haven’t seen a pair of panties for at least six months.”

“Okay. That’s enough. Sorry I made light of it. The way things are now, this could be a potentially serious situation,” I said. I tipped my beer up and left the residue in the jar. I used Mason jars for my beer and was careful when I ‘bottled’ it. “And, like I said, it doesn’t have to be a bad thing.” I offered more wine as I went to get another jar. She accepted.

When I got back she had loaded the pipe again and we lit it off. Five minutes later it was out. We smoked another pipe.

Neither of us spoke for all that time. I decided to give things a little push. “It’s serious because – quite honestly – we need Todd. At least we need somebody to help me do a lot of things. I don’t know anybody else I would trust to fill that role. But more importantly, he’s a friend! He’s even really family now! All we have for sure are the five of us. We have to exist out here. We might meet other people sometime, but for now it’s just us.”

“I know, but where are you going with this?”

“Todd is talking about taking off for good. I don’t want that! It would make everything harder. And, hell, I’d miss him, too.”

She agreed sincerely and then she shut up again for a little while. After a couple of minutes she stood up and said she needed to check the fish traps. I would have offered to help but I needed to watch the kids. She also obviously wanted to go alone anyway. I made sure she took a good knife and a spear with her.

The kids snored peacefully. I watched them a while and thought more about what I wanted in all this. I didn’t have much objection to the need to hunt and fish for our food and husbanding our primitive (compared to our former house) shelter. Yes, it’s a lot of work, but that’s just the way it is now. I dream about reaching a place where we can live quietly, raise some more kinds of crops and some kind of animals (though I don’t recognize some of the wildlife I’ve seen).

I want to live there and love my wife and family. And, as I told Melinda, Todd is a part of that family now. As long as we’re here, we can hope another woman wanders along, but, like I said, this place is safe because it isn’t near any common trails or what’s left of the roads. So a herd of nomadic females dropping by was about as likely as waking up to find out the whole Apocalypse was a bad dream.

In a few years Annie will hit puberty and she’ll need a man. Todd could be that man, but that wouldn’t be for at least eleven years or more, and he’s more than twenty years older than her too.

As near as I could tell it was early October then, despite the heat and the lushness of the forests. The climate is definitely fucked up. If we were to leave here I would want to wait until spring. My reason is that I would like go north, up into Canada, or what’s left of it. The air is supposed to be better and the game larger and more plentiful. And perhaps in our travels we would encounter a stray woman or two for Todd.

But until then, we were the three musketeers. And I hated seeing Todd in such need for love to be returned to him. Not to mention horniness. Oops! I just mentioned it.

It wasn’t only Todd who was horny either. I knew I was and Mel told me she was, “ ... leaving snail trails...” in her wake. With the kids it had become difficult even at home. Here, in our primitive state, we could still discreetly manage, but then there’s Todd. He slept many nights in my old tree house a football field away through the trees. Otherwise he slept in the hammock right outside.

So, no extra women around and Todd in dire need ... What to do? I faced the fact that the bottom line I was approaching was whether I could share Melinda with Todd. Bluntly, if Melinda agrees, will Todd make love to her or just fuck her? But if Todd is in love with her he will make love to her. Will he be better than I am? Can Todd make her come harder than I do? His dick is a little bigger than mine, at least when it’s soft; I haven’t seen it erect since we were kids.

Does any of that matter if people love each other? I got hard thinking about watching the two of them together. I thought briefly of my hug with Todd but chalked it up to his general horniness.

I let the kids sleep and took my erection out to the porch. My imagination was free-wheeling by then and my horniness increased. I watched Melinda as she gracefully worked her way back to the house, my heart full of hope (and my hand wrapped around a stiff dick!).

Her hair was damp and she was wet and chilled from the river. “I slipped! I gotta get dry!” She handed me a stringer of six trout and a crawdad. I cheered quietly. She rejoined me after she got warmer. I was salting thein fish. The crawfish was still healthy and she had placed it in a nice ‘jail jar’ without a lid. I’ll take him back to the river and anchor him. He’d keep until we find more or until we decide to split him as an appetizer. Or until Annie adopts him.

I wrapped Mel in my arms and she sighed again. Her head turned so she could look into my eyes. “If you want me to do it I’ll fuck Todd once in a while,” she said.

I frowned at her. “Wait a second honey,” I said. “First of all, it isn’t about me at all really. This is something you and Todd need to deal with first. I’m tangential in the situation. Todd confessed his feelings to me and I accept and understand them. After all, I know how easy you are to fall in love with.” I kissed her. “I told you because it wasn’t fair that you didn’t know. If you were ignorant of his feelings you might do something – flirting or (since we’re all usually naked) accidentally tempting him with your body. I didn’t want to see him hurt or you to feel guilty later when you did find out how he felt.” I got more beer and she followed me in for her wine.

“The question is – and I want you to be completely honest – do YOU want to, not ‘fuck’, but ‘make love’ with Todd; take him as a lover? Remember, he doesn’t just want to jump your bones, he’s IN LOVE with you. He isn’t after a one night stand with you. It would be more like him becoming a second husband.”

She continued to hold my eyes but her face turned as red as an apple. She just sat there breathing and looking at me. I finished my beer and she tipped up her jar. When I returned with two more beers and sat again she looked at me. Looking away she said, “Yes, I think making love with Todd would be ... well, a lot of things: fun, hot, naughty (even if you do know about it), and every other way to say it. I understand what he means to us, to the kids and especially to you. I think he loves you more than he could love me.”

“Well, no, but, yeah, I said I love Todd. He’s even told me loves me. It’s just that. That’s all. We’re brothers.” I admit I had begun to wonder about that too. I knew there was something there, but I couldn’t look at it yet.

She was quiet and got that thoughtful tilt to her head for a second and then she took my hand, slipping it between her legs with a grin. Her honey was leaking profusely. She kissed me and said, “I don’t want to do it unless you’re there too. I don’t think I could anyway.”

“You want a threesome?”

“Yup. Them’s my rules and it’s my pussy so I get to make ‘em!” She pulled me to my feet and led me to the old couch out in the yard by the hammock where the kids wouldn’t hear us. We fucked ... Hard! Then we made slow love with a lot of kissing and whispered teasing about threesomes.

My lips were around her nipple when she murmured in my ear, “I can’t wait to watch you suck his cock after he comes in me. It’ll be all gooey with his come and mine...”

“WHAT? What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Hey, Buster! If you can share me then I want to share you too. You and Todd love each other! I think you need to explore that.”

“Well, I’m all for sharing, but it would be appropriate for you to share me with another woman, not with the guy I’m sharing you with!”

“You mean, ‘the guy with whom I’m sharing you’.”

“Yeah, okay, my grammar goes to shit when I’m shocked.”

“Derrick, calm down. Come here again.” For some reason I was hard again. She mounted me and had no trouble sticking me back inside herself. She sat up and gave me a crisp kiss, without tongue. “You were going soft but now you’re hard as ever.” She winked at me and started moving on me. She didn’t go up and down as much as back and forth and side to side. “Look, haven’t you ever been curious about what it would be like? To suck a cock, I mean?”

I had to be honest. “Of course I’ve wondered about it, and before you ask, I’ve wondered if, instead of one of your dildos sliding into my ass, it was a warm, hard cock attached to a hot guy, since you claim it’s a lot better. But that’s as far as it went, I wondered. It’s just not me.”

She grinned. “Would it have to be a ‘hot guy’ for you to let him fuck your ass? What about a guy you love and who loves you?” I grabbed her ribs and shoved my erection up into her as far as it would go. She gulped but she laughed and with a few gyrations of her hips she had me unloading into her yet again. I knew she’d keep it warm for me to lick out of her later or in the morning. She ‘dismounted’ and sat back beside me on a towel.

“Hell, yeah, he’d have to be hot!” I joked. “He couldn’t have a dick much bigger than mine, though or it would hurt too much.”

“Have you ever seen Todd with a hard on?”

“Yeah, but it was a long time ago. I’m bigger now, so he probably is too.”

“How come you saw?” I grimaced at her.

“Well ... we were measuring, okay?” I shouldn’t have felt embarrassed admitting that to Mel, but I did. My cheeks burned.

“Did you measure each other?”

“No. Todd measured himself and then when I got as hard as I could get, he measured me.”

“How did you get ‘as hard as you could be’? Did you like him touching you?”

“STOP! That’s enough! It was years ago! That’s all I remember. I got myself hard, okay?” I had to calm down. I didn’t understand my anger ... then.

I got up and went inside. The kids needed to be checked anyway. They had wriggled around as usual but they were still breathing and dreaming. I remember how it felt when Todd held me against the ruler. We were twelve years old. It was the first time I knew of that somebody besides me touched it. Of course it felt good, but I was nervous about admitting it out loud.

When I got back to the kitchen Mel had come inside to the table. I passed her to see what we had for a snack. “I’m sorry for prying. It’s none of my business,” she said.

“It’s barely even my business. I haven’t thought about that for years,” I replied. I sat down and scooted close to her.

“It’s one of those memories I don’t waste storage space on. If it disappears entirely it won’t matter. By the way, I honestly can’t remember how big either of us was.” I smiled at her and kissed her.

She took my head in her hands and stared straight into my eyes. “Der’, I seriously want you to think about having a physical relationship with Todd. If I’m going to have one, and you and I have one, you and he should have one too.” Her voice was low because she didn’t want to wake the kids. But its tone was kind of husky and mesmerizing too.

“With three people naked in bed together it will be inevitable that we’ll all be touching each other anyway. A relationship that has me with either you or Todd on a given night seems unbalanced; it’s like a two sided triangle. It needs that third side to be complete.” She made the shape with her hands and lowered it to surround my cock inside it. She scissored her hands together and stroked my length.

I was shaking my head, but she let go of my dick and took hold of my arm and squeezed. “Please, love, open your heart completely. Why should you not be IN love with Todd too?” Then she stood there as my soggy brain understood that she really meant what she was saying. We had never spoken of things like this before. My expression must have changed because she smiled happily and nodded. She continued in the same hypnotic tone of voice.

“I was going to just repress anything I felt for him the way I did with you at first. With you, once I was convinced you were one of the good guys, I let those feelings blossom fully. Now I know enough about Todd to know he also is one of you good guys. And you tell me he is in love with me and then you give me the freedom and even encourage me to examine my heart too. You want me to express my love for him physically; take him inside me intimately. When he comes back ... well, you just wait and see. Just go with the flow, okay? You promise?”

“I promise to let you be as free as you need to be. If you want me to, I will be there to watch you with your new lover. We can call it our second wedding night.”

“No, I don’t just want you watching. You made me look into my heart. When I did, anything I thought about always included you too. Nothing else seemed right. I want you there sharing -- truly sharing in all ways – with both of us. Maybe not the first time; though if you call it our wedding night you absolutely have to join in!

“I told you I’ve imagined it but now I really WANT to see you and Todd make love. You’ve called us the Three Musketeers. That means it’s one for all and all for one, doesn’t it?”

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Todd and Danny part 3

This story is true by all accounts the names have been changed but the facts haven't. This story is based on my time in the military during the don't ask don't tell era. After lying in Todd's arms i was in love and would do anything for Todd. In the days after the fuck session with Todd things started to change no matter what i did for Todd it was never enough or good enough. I was considering just moving on but Todd said if i left he would see to it that every one on post would know that i was...

2 years ago
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Todd and Danny part 4

Just a quick recap of parts 1 through 3 I was in the military during the don't ask don't tell era. I had fallen in love with Todd and revealed my feminine side. Now Todd had changed and not for the better i was hoping to leave Todd but had to be very careful in how i went about doing it. Marvin was the man of my dreams all i thought about was the way Marvin gave me that blow job i knew that after the thirty day deployment i would have less than 2 weeks left in Uncle Sam's Army by all accounts...

2 years ago
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Mels cabin break part 3

Mel’s Cabin Break…..Part 3.Mel made her way back to the cabin and headed straight for the shower. It wasn’t quite lunch time yet her stomach was grumbling with hunger, after all, she had just worked up one heck of an appetite. She’d already cleaned the dildos and returned them to their hiding place before heading to her room for a fresh set of clothes. It was another glorious day and as she lifted a pair of tight denim shorts from the drawer, she immediately thought that they would be way too...

3 years ago
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Mel Part 1

Mel is a bit more than twenty-six now, very blonde and attractive. About five foot six, slender, with narrow shoulders and full hips, with a tight, round ass just made for spanking and fucking, even though I’ve really tried not to notice. Too much, even when she deliberately wiggled it at me. Her breasts are still small and firm, for those who keep track, probably a nice B-cup size, having not yet filled out to match her ass, although she rarely dresses to accent them, which could make a...

4 years ago
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Todd Knowles Camp Counselor IV

Monique had on a pair of Vera Wang nighties, it was a pair of black rayon shorts with a white lacy trimming that stopped a half inch below her crotch and while silk sleeveless shirt with grey tropical fish on it. She had brought it from Khols one day while shopping with her friends. She only wore it on nights that she knew she would be doing some serious pussy play. The fact that Todd wanted to see her was an added bonus. 'Whats up? Where you want me to go with you?' Monique inquired. 'I cant...

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Little Mel

I was twenty-eight or so when I met Melanie Brown. I had been visiting a family member on the north side of Phoenix, Arizona when I spotted her and her little brother watching me. I was driving a small, open air, tiller steered car that was used in local parades. Though it was a modern piece, the car resembled an antique from the late nineteeth century. I had made some repairs to the car and was test-driving it before returning it to its owner. At first I saw a small boy and what I thought was...

Love Stories
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Jon and Mel and Jody and Mike Reposted

* * * * * * * * * * It was Jon's first day at his new college. He had been upset about transferring here for his junior year, but with his father's new job, there had been no choice but for the family to move. Money was a little tight, so he decided to transfer to a college near his new home and to commute. Jon missed his old house, his old friends, and his old school, but he loved his family and knew that he should be a good son and support them with the move. His father had lost his...

2 years ago
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A Strippers Tale Mels Story

A Stripper’s Story ,Mel’s Journey Part 1Mel was now the respected wife of Dr. Joe Turner. She was 45 and on most days she could pass for 35. She was a beautiful woman that had gone to great length to maintain her looks. The gym, diet, yoga, and determination had a positive result.She lived in a large home, drove a Cadillac, and wore expensive clothes. This was the current Mel, not the young girl who grew up in middle Mississippi. The daughter to a middle class working family, she and her...

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Todd Knowles Camp Counselor

When i was younger during the summer i had to go to summer camp. Not the kind when you stay away from home but the kind that you go to during the day as your parents are at work. I enjoyed it, of course, but the boys acted kinda strange towards me. I didnt understand why, these were the same boys that i went to school with and discussed wrestling with. Many girls never understood how a girl could be so obsessed with wrestling, but that was their problem, not mine.One Tuesday i came to camp...

2 years ago
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Todd Johnson My White MILF Experience

My name is Todd Johnson. My story begins when my mom married a guy from another part of the state and we were lifted from our low income housing and settled in my white step-father's home in another town. They met through an online dating service and 'Bazinga' two years later I'm sitting in this nice house in a very white neighborhood. I was pissed that we moved. I was going to be the starting quarterback on the high school varsity team my sophomore year. Now I would have to start all over at a...

3 years ago
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Little Mel

I was 28 or so when I met Melanie Brown. I had been visiting a family member on the north side of Phoenix, Arizona when I spotted her and her little brother watching me. I was driving a small, open air, tiller steered, car that was used in local parades. Though it was a modern piece, the car resembled an antique from the late 19th century. I had made some repairs to the car, and was test-driving it before returning it to its owner. At first I saw a small boy and what I thought was his teenaged...

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Sheila And Her Daughters Friend Mel

Sheila lives with her daughter and the day had started like most other days. Up in the morning, potter about the house, then a little while sitting on the sofa in the living room with her laptop chatting with guys and girls on xhamster.Todays chat online had Sheila more than a little turned on and she was just thinking about going upstairs to get her Rabbit when the doorbell went. Expecting a door to door salesman, Sheila answered the door and was pleasantly surprised when she opened it to find...

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Mel meets the motel owners

Chapter 3 Mel meets the motel owners Mel had been working the truck stop for about a month and a half. During that time she had accumulated tens of thousand dollars from working the truckers, twenty dollars at a time. At the end of each day, she would put most of the cash into an envelope and mail it to herself at a PO box that she had set up on the far side of town, using the PO box as a safe deposit box for her earnings. She would keep just enough cash on hand each day for food, drink,...

4 years ago
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Todd Knowles Camp Counselor II

Mo followed Mr. Knowles to a dimly lit room. 'Whats going on' she asked. 'Dont worry Mo, i told you i got you. Now what i want you to do is sit right down here.' Mr. Knowles said reassuringly. 'Sit where, Todd?' 'For now Monique, It's Mr. Knowles. And i want you to sit here.' Todd said pointing at his lap as he sat in the brown leather recliner. 'Oh? You want me to sit here on your lap?' Mo said teasingly. 'Yeah bring that fat ass over here and get comfy.' Todd requested. Mo seductively walked...

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Todd and Wendy

Todd and Wendyby AbeOrlando, in summer, is a humid hell, so Todd andWendy were happy to accept when some friendssuggested they meet for a night out at CocoaBeach, where the Atlantic Ocean moderates theweather and provides good views, too.  It was a funnight, drinking and dancing at a couple of placesalong old route 1.  About midnight, they left theirfriends and headed for home, choosing to drivealong route 528, avoiding 407.  Unfortunately, therewas a jack-knifed semi, and police waved them...

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Mel to Melissa Part 9

Virtual Reality to My New Reality Part 9 By Melissa Huntington The author welcomes feedback at [email protected] Not a word passed between us until Mike pressed his penis into my ass and my hand held his arm tight against my chest. He whispered a good night and I sighed my acknowledgement. Soon I felt his steady warm breath against my neck as he slipped off to sleep. I wanted to join him in slumber but my mind raced with thoughts about what had transpired, from the jarring...

2 years ago
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little mel

It had been several weeks since Melanie (Little Mel), along with her young son Bobby, had left her abusive husband. They had sought refuge with me in my home. I, of course, agreed to let them stay in my spare room.It was so depressing to see such a cute little doll like Mel hurting both physically and mentally. In addition to her face, Mel’s husband, Rob, had badly damaged her self-esteem. She told me Rob had repeatedly insulted her by pointing out her lack of breast meat. “No other man would...

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Chapter 5 Mel and Marcus get to know each other

After washing each off other in the shower, Mel and Marcus dried each other off and took the opportunity to examine each other in detail for the first time. They were a study in contrasts. Mel was barely 5 ft 6", pale white skin. She was lean, too muscular to be considered anorexic, but no fat whatsoever at all on her body. Her face looked younger than her 18 years would suggest, except for her eyes, which had a depth of experience much older. Her tits were barely A cups, weightless, with...

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Chapter 4 Mel finds a parter in crime

The warm sun shining on her face brought Mel slowly awake. The last thing she remembered was being lifted out of the bathtub and dried off, before being carried to the bed. As she slowly became aware of her surroundings, she realized that the warm body next to hers was the bodyguard who had helped her kill the owners of the motel. Was it just last night, or a lifetime ago? She realized that she had no sense of how long she had been asleep. Opening her eyes, she saw that her face was buried...

3 years ago
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Mel begins her new life

Mel, short for Melissa, was a completely normal girl growing up. By the time she reached 18 though, she knew that she wasn't normal. She couldn't remember ever being sick, and she could read people. That is to say, she could look at someone on the street and know what was going on behind their eyes, know the dark thoughts and urges that they keep hidden from the world. She could also tell what was going on in their body, whether they were healthy, or whether they were harboring some unseen...

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Todd Brings a Friend to Play

Todd and Tim You all remember Todd, my sneaky nephews' friend. After our first night, he surprised me the next night with more fun and experimentation. That night I asked him about some of his gay friends from school. Well about 3 weeks after our initial fun, Todd called and said he had a friend I needed to meet and wanted to come over. I actually had the next day off, so I was up for some company. I figured worse case I would get to hang with a couple of hot teens and jack off after they...

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Mels Cabin Break

In her early teenage years Mel had enjoyed her annual two week holiday abroad with her mother and stepfather but as she grew she blossomed into a beautiful young woman. Her stepdad Dan, watched over the years as this young girl morphed into a more beautiful, younger version of his now wife. Mel’s mother had her when she was only nineteen and when Dan looked at photo’s of her at the time, he saw the beauty of a woman that no man could resist. Unfortunately, she would be the first to admit that...

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Chapter 2 Mel gets to work

Chapter two Walking across the parking lot of the truckstop towards the motel, Mel could faintly smell her cunt over the aroma of oil and diesel fumes. Her miniskirt was so short, the night breeze blew across the lips of her freshly shaved cunt, giving her a slight thrill. Opening the lobby door, Mel walked into the lobby. It smelled of years stale cigarette smoke, stale fast food, stale beer, and stale dreams. Even though she had never seen him before, Mel immediately recognized the man...

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Mel and me in rochester

The musical orchestra Mel and i are in had a performance in Rochester ,New York and i needed someone to share a room with at hotel. Mel was the first person who came to mind,and since blowing him last time i thought i would ask him. Mel told me his wife wouldn"t be going and he would love to share a room with me!! Friday morning we had to meet bus in Burlington,Ontario early so when i got up i showered and gave myself an enema so i would be so clean for Mel.My toes were painted bright red and i...

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Todd and Cindy

As my feelings of frustration and longing for sexual activity that involved something more than my hand increased, Cindy came around the corner. It was as if I couldn’t look hard and long enough to drink in her beauty. Long and hard, I thought, I would love to be long and hard with Cindy for a few hours or maybe a few days! Although Cindy was not strikingly beautiful in the classic sense of the word, she had what can only be described as sex appeal. She wasn’t overt; in fact she never...

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i get to have Mel and Rina

another joint story between me and Mel:TP: I was working away from home for the week and was stuck in a hotel on my own. While everything was available in terms of food, drink and amenities, it was boring being on my own. on the second evening i was sitting in a corner of the bar making my drink last along as i cold when i spotted 2 blondes at the bar. One of them looked familiar but i wasn't able to get a good look at her face. I got up and went to the gents and got to see their faces as i...

2 years ago
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Kieran and Mel Try Something New

We walked quietly back to the guest house in Mel’s cousin’s backyard. I opened the door and asked Mel to open a bottle of wine while I made a pit stop. I went to the bathroom and started to run a hot bath in the huge whirlpool tub, pouring in some scented bath oil. I went back out to the kitchen while the bath was running where Mel had poured us each a glass of wine and was standing at the end of the counter. I took the offered wineglass and thanked her as we clinked glasses. After a sip I put...

Love Stories
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I Visit Mel and Have New Experiences

Introduction: My second introduction to the wonderful world of sex. I Visit Mel and Have New Experiences Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were weird. If I wasnt overwhelmed with work I was like reliving the two days I spent with Mel. I know my hands found my breasts and a couple times even wandered around under my skirt. One of my co-workers even made a comment about me being off on another planet part of the time. Thursday mornings meeting went well, my part came off without a hitch as usual but...

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Mel and Mark

When she finished, Mark pushed Mel to the bed and returned the favour by opening her tight wet dripping pussy and putting his head between her legs. No words passed each other as she held the back of his head where she wanted him to stay "Such me Bitch" she commanded and he did as she ordered. Sucking and licking her tight loving pussy, his tongue lapping up all her hot cunt juice as it trickled out of her steaming hot horny pussy. Marks tongue flowing left to right and right to left,...

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A Strippers Tale Mels Story part 2

A Stripper’s Tale - Mel’s Story part 2The girls went home to celebrate. It was more a term than a reality as they still did not have much extra money. As they turned to park at their apartment the noticed the landlord sitting outside. “Nice of you ladies to come home while I have some extra time. There is that small matter of the rent that we need to take care of.”Star turned to Mel and said “I’ll take care of it. Take the car and get some dinner for us. I’ll only need about 45 minutes”Mel was...

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Mels after party

We were out in a pub getting her drunk enough to go to our favourite spot where she would let me screw her in the car while people watched from outside. It was several weeks since she had met one of her "colleagues" for sex and she'd got bored with our usual sexual routine so I knew she was up for a little variety. I noticed her eying up a bunch of black guys who'd sat down at the other end of the bar and as I turned to look at them it was obvious they were looking her over too. When I went to...

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Mels Cabin Break Part 2

Mel’s Cabin Break Continued…….Mel lay in bed that night thinking about Dan’s words after her threesome earlier that day. She couldn’t believe he’d witnessed everything. What was he going to do? Her imagination started spinning out of control and through sheer exhaustion she fell asleep. Her mind continued the torment in her dreams and she seemed glad when the sun through the window woke her next morning. Almost immediately the thoughts of yesterday came back and as she placed a foot on the...

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FateChapter 21 Mel and James

Carol and I were at it all night. I had loved and enjoyed Peggy all these years, thinking she was the best at everything. But now I had found that Peggy had birthed her equal, if not her superior. We did it all, Carol and I... no subtle nuance of the sexual, the sensual, was left unexplored. No subject left untouched that could bear on our relationship. We talked and made love, talked and fucked, talked and sucked. My daughter, our daughter, was now my mate. She was my soul mate, my sex...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 23 Kimi Mel

Five people fit into their shower easily. Alice and I practically gave each other orgasms while washing. Kimi and Fran together washed Mel and each other. Mel found an interesting (and very sexy) way to kiss Kimi. Instead of bending over, he picked her up. Mel was so stiff I was afraid he would cum in the shower. As we were drying, Mel asked Alice to get that little step stool we use to reach high items. Mel put Kimi on it. The increased height allowed Mel to kiss Kimi more easily. Mel told...

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Mel gets a good seeing to

This is dedicated to my friend Melissa (db-11) from Sydney – Hope you enjoy it Mel--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My friend Ian and I were down in Sydney for the Ashes test. Before we went the anticipation was high as England had already turned them over in England in the summer and were now looking at retaining the trophy down under.However by the time the fifth test in Sydney had come round...

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Me and Mel and our friend explore further into my

So, here's the visual. Me and Mel are dressed to the T's. The whoreiest out fits both of us own. Full pornstar makeup (fake eyelashes, about twenty pounds of makeup, both of us have two pigtails) Thigh highs and six-inch hooker shoes.I'm bent over getting just railed by Mel. My face is shoved into my friends (well our friend now) crouch. And I'm fucking her as well as I can with Mr. Marcus. Then I pick up the other end of Mr. Marcus and start sucking it. When my friend sees this, she kinda goes...

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Mel the Human Cow Pt 1

Mel the Human Cow pt 1. "What's a human cow program, Daddy?" Melissa asked not understanding the implications of her exam results. Walt looked at his sweet eighteen year old daughter, "Well you know how the top twenty per cent of kids go to the Universities, and the middle sixty per cent go to tech school," he explained. "And the next ten per cent work in McDonals," her mom added stupidly. "Well see the bottom ten per cent," he paused, "Well if they are that stupid...

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Mel enjoys 4 cocks

this a joint story by me and Mel:ThemeparksIt had been a long week at work and me and some of the other blokes went to a local bar for a few drinks. After about an hour there were 4 of is left as blokes do we were studying the women there and rating them.A bit later on I spotted a blonde at the bar who seemed to be on her own and had an amazing ass that filled her jeans to perfection. I pointed her out to the rest of the lads and they all agreed. Despite us not taking our eyes of her she didn’t...

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Acts of Infidelity Mel Chris Part 2

The following morning I woke with a guilt-hangover to add to my alcohol hangover and sleepless-night-exhaustion. Katie showed no sign of stirring so, although I was probably still over the limit, I drove to a twenty-four hour clinic in a distant part of the city where I stood for half an hour alongside care-worn prostitutes and crying teenage girls before finally obtaining the morning-after pills I desperately needed.When I returned home, Katie was still asleep. I lay on my bed, bewildered.*The...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 22 Mel Alice

We finalized our rules at 19:00. Just then Mel left his study to discover his naked wife with three younger naked ladies. He went back returning nude 30 seconds later. Dinner had just been delivered into a dual side cabinet. One side of the cabinet was in the hallway outside their apartment, the other side in their kitchen. Alice put dinner on their glass top table and we ate. While we ate Mel spoke to the young naked ladies at his table. “Fran, although we have never met in person I feel...

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FateChapter 22 Mel and James Part 2

The next morning I carefully extricated myself from the tangle of limbs of the four of us. Unfortunately I had to go to work for a short while. Fortunately I didn't wake anyone else up as I eased out of the pile. I managed to shower as I thought back over the previous unbelievably fun events. The activities in the theater when Carol took charge and had kissed Mel so passionately and played with her bare breasts as both fathers watched. Then she had asked Mel "Swap seats with me please, so...

2 years ago
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Mel to Melissa Part 8

The author welcomes feedback at [email protected] I sat at my desk at Walters Travel, typing. It was 11:30 in the morning and I wanted to compose and send my memo to the sales staff before it would be time to deliver the morning shift spiff. Attention Sales Staff: Failure to shower before coming to work will henceforth be a firing offense. Spiff winners should enter the Closer's Lounge and wait for their bonus. All vending machines will be stocked with pineapple juice...

3 years ago
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Todd and Ashley Part 2

Ashley and Beth went into Ashley’s room and shut the door. “Your brother is fucking hot Beth," whispered to Ashley. “You should see him naked,” Ashley replied. Beth’s face turned bright red. “Oh my god! Are you serious?” “I have a picture if you want to see.” Beth’s heart began to beat really fast and her face was now burning from blush at the thought of Ashley keeping a naked picture of her brother. Ashley reached for the picture under her pillow. Beth was curiously aroused wandering why she...

4 years ago
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Me Mom and Mel 2

My mobile vibrated. I stopped pedalling and pulled off the road. Reached in to the pouch on the back of my cycling shirt and opened the message form mom. A small pic came on the screen I clicked on it and it showed a woman's butthole being fucked by a dildo. Underneath a message " Unfortunately nothing beats the real thing! Where are you?" It was Mel. I replied " On Hobsonville Road by the lights home in twenty minutes". Instantly came reply "Meet me at Hobsonville Point walkway Please" I...

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Mel stands for Melissa

'Mel stands for Melissa' I could tell this plump, chubby cutie was just starved for attention - sitting there at the bar in a tight fitting skirt - edge of her pink thong clearly visible - black thigh-high nylons with her legs crossed. She had glanced over at us a few times, smiling and looking away - tending her drink, which looked like a tequilla sunrise. The bar was mostly empty that time of night around closing time - and my two buddies and I only shared a few...

3 years ago
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Mel to Melissa Part 7

Our lovemaking had been hot and passionate, and my soft curves melted against Mike's side, my big tits pressed into him, my head rested on his chest. I reached down and gently cupped his balls, my thumb touching the root of his cock. A year ago I never would have imagined that I would lay here in the afterglow, having just fucked the same cock I used to surreptitiously ogle in the men's locker room, let alone that I would have soft, full tits, a curvaceous ass, or a hungry pussy between...

3 years ago
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Acts of Infidelity Mel and Chris Part 1

Melanie contacted me three months ago and asked whether I would be prepared to something that might help save her marriage. Describing herself as a housewife in her forties, she has been married for twenty-five years and has two children, both currently at University.A year before she wrote to me, Melanie had an affair with the husband of one of her closest friends. It lasted only a few months and as you will see, did not end well.She and her husband Chris had spent the previous nine months...

5 years ago
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Bonnie and Mel

I pulled my cock out of her cunt and slapped her ass cheek, barely noticing my cum sliding out of her used hole to join the pool between her knees. I motioned with my chin to one of the guys waiting and he knelt behind her where I had been. I grabbed a towel and cast a passing glance at his cock as he slipped inside her, forcing out the rest of my load with his fat cock. I heard her groan around the guy fucking her mouth and snorted a laugh as I wiped myself off. Her moan was cut off by a...

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Aunt Mel8217s Dirty Secret

Last summer was one of the most exciting yet unusual summers I’ve ever had. Between getting our new dog and my niece staying with us, my life was never the same. I was an 18 year old girl who was a virgin. I’ve had boyfriends in the past but it never went anywhere. In order to get out my sexual frustrations I would masturbate frequently. Sometimes to my own imagination but mostly to porn and I like ALL types of porn. One night while I was masturbating I was trying to find something...

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Mel Gibsons Love Child

Note: The following story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. for Lorrin Murray First of all, it wasn't my idea to take the bottom bunk. My mom and I got to the dorm room early, and she just made up the bed for me. "Oh, good, Erin," she'd said, "you get the bottom. Here, help me with the corners." Then she rearranged the clothes I'd hung in my closet, tidied up my desk to be more...

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Mel My New Girlfreind

Last month I was sitting in a bar when I saw this beautiful sexy woman. She was a nice tall brunette about 125 pounds and had beautiful C – cups. As my waiter walked up to me I said “Get that lovely lady a drink on me.” When he brought her the drink I stood up and walked to her table and sat. I look up at her and say “hi I’m Bobby.” “I’m Shawna” She says. “Well Shawna you’re very pretty.”I said “you don’t look bad yourself,” she teases. We get to talking and at 1:15 she invited me...

2 years ago
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Mel to Melissa Part 6

I let the fifth salesman walk inside the conference room ahead of me, then told everybody I'd join them in a minute and that they should get ready for their reward. Long before my transformation, years before I even met Susan, my greatest sexual fantasy was to be the central focus of a blow-bang. Of course, I had masturbated many times to one-on-one BJ videos, regularly renting or purchasing the latest volumes of "Shut up & Blow Me" or "Cock Smokers". But nothing turned me on as...

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