Private Party
- 4 years ago
- 30
- 0
I looked around the living room and sighed. Gossiping and laughing as thy had done since 10 that morning, my aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews enjoyed themselves. Not that it had been a bad day and it was a rare thing to get so many of the family in one place, but I was the only 15 year old there. The 'do' was to celebrate my aunt Zelda's 40th birthday, not that she looked over thirty, but the only person near my age was my cousin Ray who was almost three years older than me. I'd enjoyed the barbecue and enjoyed being allowed to drink some beers, but overall I was bored out of my skull.
At about four someone put some music on, it was fast stuff and I looked like a demented stork if I tried dancing to that type of music. Huddling down in an armchair I sipped some beer while boredly watching the older folk kicking up their heels. Letting my eyes drift I came upon aunt Zelda bouncing around in more than one sense. For a moment I let my teenage fantasies of fucking my aunt drift through my mind while my eyes followed the bounce of her large tits as she danced. Then a couple of bodies obscured my view, my eyes refocused on the nearer couple and I found myself watching my mother and Ray dancing to the fast beat of the music. My mother saw me watching her and grinned across at me, I smiled back then her attention went back to her partner. Sighing I watched my other fantasy woman as she and my cousin moved to the music.
I don't know if it's normal or not, but I fancied both my aunt and my mother something rotten, both filled my teenaged wet dreams at night and my waking wanking fantasies. Yet the two women were so different; Zelda was dark haired and dark skinned, my aunt was short, certainly not slim and had a pair of tits that had to be at least forty inches if they were an inch, her face was round and just a little chubby, but was very pleasant to look at. In contrast my mother was fair skinned and blonde haired, tall and slender in a very shapely way, though nowhere near as large in the boob department as my aunt she had a very shapely pair of thirty-fours that I had longed to look at for ages; her face was slim and her deep blue eyes always seemed to sparkle. The topping on my mothers cake was her lips, they seemed to pout and beg to be kissed, though I never expected to do so in anything but a sonly peck. Sighing, which I seemed to be doing a lot of lately, I let my eyes drift away from my mother.
Time passed, as it has a habit of doing, and a few of my relatives, those who lived furthest away, began to drift away. At about eight someone changed the tempo of the music, I had been waiting almost four hours for this and was eager to get to my aunt Zelda before someone else asked her to dance. She saw me approaching her and smiled to me, her husband leant over and said something and I saw her nod as I got up to her.
"Aunt Zelda," I said in a rush, "would you dance with me."
"I would love to Dave," she smiled seemingly sadly, "but I have to go, we've a three hour drive ahead of us. Maybe next time."
Crestfallen I nodded and plastered a sickly smile on my face to hide my disappointment. Zelda's husband muttered 'ready?' and she gave me a peck on the cheek before going over to say goodbye to my mother. Following her progress across the room I saw her stop at my mother who was dancing closely with my cousin Ray, I watched her hug my aunt then follow her and her husband out to the hall. My eyes drifted around the room to see if any of my other aunts that were still there might like to dance, but none of them were 'lookers' and I felt a certain un-enthusiasm to even ask. A few minutes later I saw my mother once again in my cousin's arms, they certainly seemed to be enjoying the close dancing and I felt a little pang of jealousy at my cousin's luck, especially when my mother rested her head on his shoulder and seemed to snuggle closer to him. It was with a certain satisfaction I saw my mother and cousin separate as another of my relatives went over to say their goodbyes. After that the party definitely appeared to be breaking up and pretty soon it was just my mother, my cousin and myself left, I wished that it was just mum and me, but Ray was staying over for a few days while his folks were abroad with my father on some business deal they'd been working on together.
"Well," my mothers voice cut across my thoughts, "I think I'll leave the tidying up until tomorrow. Why don't you boys chat or something while I fix myself a coffee to counter all that drink."
"Why not just have another drink Ruth," Ray grinned in response "much more fun than coffee."
It annoyed me slightly that my cousin would use my mother's name rather than call her 'aunt', but he always seemed to get away with murder with the rest of the family and I just sighed to myself.
"I'm tiddly enough already," my mother laughed, "any more and I'll be doing silly things."
"Like what?" Ray asked cheekily.
"Never you mind." Mum laughed as she headed towards the kitchen.
Ray came over to where I was standing, which quite by coincidence happened to be by the bar. Grabbing himself another beer my cousin raised the bottle to me then took a deep pull at it, lowering the bottle he gave a belch then grinned at me.
"Why the long face?" he asked.
I just shrugged.
"Let me guess," Ray grinned, took another swig from his bottle then continued, "Zelda left before you could get a smoochy dance with her."
"Yeah, well..." I blushed, "I had hoped to do some dancing, but the party broke up too quick."
"Why the hell didn't you dance earlier," he asked, then laughed, "oh yeah, of course, you think you look a dork trying to dance to fast stuff. That's bull Dave, we all look like dorks to the fast stuff, but it doesn't stop us."
"Yeah, I guess." I muttered "Anyway, you seemed to be doing okay with mum."
"She's some mover," Ray laughed, "and that's a fact. Pity things ended so soon though."
He took another pull at his beer, looked towards the kitchen door then looked at me with a huge grin on his face, the grin I knew to mean he had some scheme hatching in his peanut sized brain. Finishing his beer he grabbed another bottle for himself and one for me.
"Not that they need to end quite yet." My cousin said with a wink "You don't have any objections to dancing with your mum do you?"
"Huh?" I answered brightly "Of course not, but why?"
"Well I'm thinking it's still damned early, we've got food, booze and music so why end the party." Ray grinned. "Besides I for sure want to do some more dancing and stuff and I doubt you'd object to a bit of dancing and since your mum's the only dance partner around I thought I might interest her in the idea."
I looked at my cousin with a frown, I knew he was up to something and wondered just what he meant by 'and stuff', but then again, it was a chance for me to salvage something from the day. Despite the age difference Ray and I were fairly close and his 'schemes' had got me in trouble more than once, but they were always fun and I found myself grinning at him as I replied.
"Yeah, why not." I said "Only how are you going to get her interested in the idea."
"No problem," he laughed "just follow my lead for the rest of the night."
"Huh?" I frowned again "What's that supposed to mean."
I was surprised to see him blush slightly, he glanced towards the kitchen door before answering.
"Dave," he said in a low voice, "I wanna see if I can have some fun with your mum, if you know what I mean. If our luck's in maybe we can both have some fun."
"Fun?" I frowned, then the penny dropped "You mean try it on?!? With mum?!? Are you nuts?"
"Maybe I am nuts," Ray grinned, "but what do you think? You up for it?"
I looked at my cousin as though he'd grown two heads, but then as the idea sort of settled I found myself grinning at him. I distinctly remember thinking 'hell it is MY fantasy after all' before responding.
"Why not," I grinned, "after all it's not as though we are going to get anywhere."
"You never know," Ray laughed "but just follow my lead and we'll see where things go. I bet your mother won't object too much by the time we get round to the 'stuff' part of the night."
"Okay, you're on." I laughed just as my mother walked back into the room.
"What are you two plotting?" she laughed as she came over to join us by the bar.
"Nothing much," Ray grinned as she sipped at her coffee "just trying to cheer Dave up a bit."
"Dave?" my mother frowned "What's wrong hon?"
"He's just feeling a bit left out," Ray jumped in before I could even open my mouth to answer, "you know what he's like with fast dancing and things broke up before he could get a slow dance."
"Dave?" Mum said to me.
"Yeah, well," I said taking my hint from Ray, "I've been bored most of the day and, well, like Ray said, just when I thought I'd get to enjoy myself everyone went home."
"You mean Zelda left." My mother laughed.
"Anyway," Ray jumped on in, "I was just trying to cheer him up a little."
"Well you seemed to have done that," my mother smiled, "but how did you do it? One of your little schemes I'll bet."
"Sort of," Ray laughed, "I just sort of suggested we might persuade you to party on for a while so he can at least get a couple of dances."
My mother raised an eyebrow at both of us, but the smile grew broader on her face as she thought about what my cousin had said.
"And you liked the idea Dave?" my mother asked looking at straight me.
"Uh, yes." I answered.
"I'll think about it." She chuckled as she went to sip at her coffee again.
Over her shoulder I saw Ray grin and do a thumbs up sign which I thought was a little premature, but it seemed he knew my mother better than I did in this area.
"Okay," mum laughed as soon as she finished her coffee, "I'll go along with the idea, we'll have our own private little party. And since we are partying, how about someone pouring this old bird a drink."
"You are certainly not old." Ray laughed as he grabbed a bottle of vodka and a glass from the bar.
"Flattery will get you everywhere." My mother laughed as Ray poured a generous amount of booze into the glass and handed it to her. "Thanks. Now, how about some music to dance to?"
Ray was moving even before she'd got the words out and my mother laughed as she took a swallow from her glass. A moment later fast music filled the room and I frowned at Ray's choice of music, but when I looked across at him he gave me a wink that seemed to say 'trust me, I have a plan'. Ray rejoined us and took a long pull at his beer before asking my mother to dance with him, mum grinned, nodded and finished her drink in one gulp then headed for the centre of the room. Before he joined her Ray leant over to me.
"Keep her glass topped up," he said in low voice, "we'll do a few fast dances then I'll change the tempo."
I nodded as he moved over to join my mother and as they started to bounce about I re-filled her glass then finished my beer. After a while the track came to an end and they both came back to where I was standing, I held out the full glass to my mother and she took it with a smile. Another track started and Ray took my mother's hand and tugged her towards the centre of the room, laughing she gulped down her drink and went with him while I filled her glass yet again then watched them dancing. After this happening a few more time I began to wonder if Ray's plans really did include me, but then I saw him lean towards my mother and say something, she looked my way then nodded a reply to him. As my mother came over, took the full glass I held out to her and gulped down half it's contents I saw Ray moving to the hi-fi.
Soft, slow music filled the room and I smiled at the thought that I was finally going to get to join in this party, only it seemed I was going to have to wait a little longer because Ray came over, took a sip at his beer then led my mother back to the centre of the room leaving me holding her empty glass. Re-filling the glass I watched Ray and my mother shuffling around to the music, their bodies close but not quite touching, though as I watched the tiny gap between them seemed to vanish. By the time the track was about half over my mother had her head leant on Ray's shoulder and you couldn't have got a got a sheet of paper between them. At one point Ray grinned at me over my mother's shoulder and I gave him a half smile in return while wondering when I was going to get in on the act. When the track finally came to an end the pair of them came over to join me, my mother took her glass and almost emptied it in one go.
"I need the loo." She said draining her glass "Back in a mo boys."
With that she was gone, I watched her leave then looked at my cousin.
"So when do I get to join in?" I asked with a little more force than I'd intended.
"Hey, cool it Dave." Ray said softly. "You get the dance after this one, after that we'll take turns."
"How come I don't get the next dance?" I asked feeling only slightly mollified.
"Because I'm trying to set it up so you get to dance with her the same way I am cous'," he answered "of course if you want to do the 'proper distance' thing then fine, take the next dance."
"Uh, no, I guess I'll wait." I grinned as I refilled my mother's glass "But there's no way she's going to lean against me the way she's been doing with you."
"Trust me," Ray laughed, "she'll 'lean'."
At that point my mother returned, she took the glass from me, drained it almost in one go and laughed as Ray dragged her back to the centre of the room. As the pair of them moved together it dawned on me that my mother was more than a little 'tiddly', grinning I filled the glass again and wondered how long it would be before she became falling down drunk. While they danced I saw Ray turn his head to my mother's ear, his lips moved and I wondered what line he was spinning to my mother. Her head came up off his shoulder, she looked at his face then, after glancing my way, said something to which Ray nodded, she glanced my way again said something to which Ray grinned and gave a reply. My mother laughed and her head went back to rest on Ray's shoulder, Ray looked my way, grinned and winked, grinning back I wondered just what had been said between them.
The track they were dancing to finally came to an end and the pair of them came over to join me, my mother took her drink, drained it then gave the glass to Ray as another track came to an end.
"Your turn." My mother laughed as she took hold of my hand and headed for the centre of the room.
As the music started playing my mother came close to me, put her arms around my neck and we sort of began drifting to the music with my hands on her hips. There was space between us to start with, but I was content to have my mother in my arms. Looking into her eyes I saw a mischievous gleam in their depths, she smiled at me and naturally I smiled back.
"Ray seems to think you'd enjoy yourself more if I danced with you the same way I've been dancing with him." She said softly. "Think you could bear to have your old mum pressed up to you like that?"
"Ray's right." I grinned back without hesitation, then added, "Anyway, you aren't old."
She laughed then moved closer against me, her body pressing to mine in a way that sent tingles all over me.
"Of course," she almost whispered as she leant her head on my shoulder, "you'll need to hold me the same way as Ray does for this to be comfortable."
I gulped as I let my hands slide from her hips to the small of her back just above the swell of her bottom, as my hands came to rest my mother snuggled even tighter to me and I could have sworn I heard her mutter 'that's nice'. Dancing with a beautiful woman pressed tight to you, her breath soft against your neck and her perfume drifting to your nostrils is so exciting, even if that woman is your own mother; within a few moments I felt my cock starting to stir in the confines of my pants. The minutes drifted past unnoticed as I savoured the feel of my mother pressing against me and the play of her muscles under my hands as she moved while my cock started it's rise to erection. All too soon the track ended and we parted, squirming a little to get my semi-erect cock more comfortable I followed my mother back to where Ray was standing by the bar. My cousin gave my mother another glass of vodka and held out a bottle of beer to me which I took gratefully and half finished in one swallow. Trying to calm my excitement I watched them move onto the floor, drift together and start to sway to the music, but knowing that I would soon be in Ray's place did nothing to help me calm down. Almost in a dream I re-filled the empty glass my mother had handed me and eagerly awaited my turn to dance with my mother.
By the time I'd had three dances with my mother my cock was almost rigid and I was wondering how long it would be before she noticed this and ended the fun. I looked over to where she and Ray were dancing and hoped it would be a while before my excited condition came to her notice, but that also seemed to be a forlorn hope since my cock was not small in any sense of the word.
"I'm glad I let you two talk me into this." My mother laughed as she and Ray rejoined me at the bar. "I'm really enjoying myself."
I noticed that there was a slight slur to her words and as she drained yet another glass of booze I wondered how drunk she was. Handing Ray the empty glass my mother excused herself and as soon as she left the room Ray gave a chuckle.
"We're in." he grinned at me. "Time to heat things up a bit more I think."
"You reckon?" I asked as I filled the glass in my hand.
"Dave," Ray laughed. "I've had my hard cock pressed into her for the last two dances and all she does is press back at it. She's feeling mellow and no pain, so yeah, I reckon we can move things along a bit. Just do what I do and you'll be fine."
He clammed up as my mother walked back through the door, grinning she took the glass from me, drained it then held out the glass to Ray. My cousin took the glass, passed it to me and swept my mother away which made me feel a bit put out since it was supposedly my 'turn' to dance with my mother. Filling the glass I turned my attention back to the pair of them just in time to see Ray slide his hands from the small of my mother's back onto the upper swell of her bottom. I expected to see my mother at least lean up and say something to him, but, to my surprise, she just seemed to snuggle in tighter to him. Ray grinned and let his hands slowly slide further down until he was holding her bottom fully in his hands, looking at me he winked and I saw him give my mothers bottom a squeeze. I think my mouth must have fallen open when my mother responded to his movement by wriggling against his lower body, a look of triumph came to Ray's face as he slowly kneaded my mother's buttocks as they danced. When the track ended they came over to me, I could not believe that my mother had let Ray touch her up as he had, even more so when she made no comment about it while she drained her glass.
Then it was my turn to dance with my mother again, as the music started and she pressed tight against me I revelled in the fact that the track that was playing was one of the longest ones we had. My attention became totally focussed on my mother as we drifted around to the music, even more so when I felt her groin sort of doing a slow grind against my hard cock. Looking over her shoulder at Ray I saw him giving a thumbs up and signing that I should let my hands 'drift' as he had. For a moment I hesitated then slowly slid my hands downwards until they rested on the full globes of her bottom, looking at Ray again I saw him nodding and miming a squeezing motion. Gently I let my fingers press into the pliant flesh under my hands, the material of her dress sort of wrinkled as I squeezed her buttocks while expecting a protest from my mother. Only she didn't protest, instead she ground her body against mine making me gulp with the excitement of her body pushing against my cock, nor was there any way she could have missed my erection. Closing my eyes I let the sensations set up by my mother's body rubbing on mine fill me, at the same time my squeezing of her backside grew firmer which made her press even more against me. When the record eventually ended I could have screamed, but I laughed with my mother as she went back to the bar, downed the drink Ray handed her and took him out to the centre of the room.
Once again I was a spectator and I watched with eager excitement as Ray started squeezing my mother's bum almost from the word go without one hint of an objection from my mother. Once again my jaw dropped when I saw my cousin slowly slide one of his hands off her bum, up her side and onto the outer side of her boob. Expecting my mother to break things up at any second I watched my cousin's hand work its way onto the front of her tit, I think I actually gave a low gasp when my mother moved her upper body slightly to give his hand easier access! Then Ray was gently squeezing her tit with one hand while doing the same to her bum with the other, he looked over at me with a grin that almost split his face in two. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, but I found myself grinning back at my cousin as I watched him continue to touch up my mother without a single word or motion of protest from her. Suddenly I found my thoughts filled with how much we may actually be able to get away with, Ray had been confident that we would get to have 'fun' with my mother and for the first time I began to believe he may be right.
Then the track ended and the pair of them came over to where I stood, my mother took the glass I held out to her with a laugh.
"If I didn't know better," she commented with her words seeming a little slurred, "I'd swear you were trying to get me drunk."
"Want us to stop filling your glass Ruth?" Ray asked with a grin.
"Hell no," she laughed in reply, "keep them coming boys. Now whose turn is it next? Ah yes, come on David."
She thrust the empty glass at Ray who barely managed to grab it in time, grabbed my hand and almost pulled me over to the centre of the room. The music was into its first bars when she pressed tight to me and began to sway deliciously against my body, nor were my hands any slower in getting onto her buttocks. Without hesitation I began to knead her soft arse and was delighted by the increased pressure of her lower body against mine. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ray miming a tit squeezing action and wondered if I could get away with it. Feeling a little nervous I let one of my hands slid up to her chest, to my utter amazement my mother leant her upper body back just enough for me to squeeze a hand between us and onto one of her tits. The feel of her soft tit under my hand was fantastic, even through her dress and bra I could feel the hardness of her nipple, when I moved my palm in a circular motion over her nipple I heard my mother give a low sigh. It was stunning to realize that my mother was getting turned on by our touching her, but I didn't let that slow me down, revelling in the feel of her bum and boob in my hands I drifted around to the music until the track ended and I had to pass her over to Ray.
I watched as they moved together, Ray lost no time at all in putting his hand on her buttocks and tit, in fact his hands were in place even before they had fully drifted together and my mother didn't seem to mind one bit. This time as they drifted around I saw Ray moving his lower hand in an up and down motion, stroking my mothers bum and at the same time catching the material to pull it up gradually. At the same time his other hand was pressing, rubbing and squeezing at one of her tits and the only reaction my mother seemed to be giving was to press tighter to him as she moved her body against his. By the time the track had finished Ray had managed to ruck the back of my mother's dress almost up to the top of her thighs, the view I had of her stockinged legs and the fair flesh that showed above her stocking tops was so exciting. As they headed back to where I was standing I noticed that my mother's face looked a little flushed and she certainly seemed to be breathing heavier than usual. Hiding a grin at these signs of my mothers arousal I held out her full glass to her and waited for her to drain it.
"Next." My mother laughed as she gave the glass to Ray.
Eagerly I went with her, took her in my arms, put a hand on her bottom and the other straight on her tit as the music flowed around us. My mother's only reaction was a deep sigh, to press her lower body tighter to me and grind her groin against mine and to push her tit tighter to my hand. Following Ray's example I started to slowly work her dress up under my hand as it squeezed at her bum while at the same time playing with the tit under my other hand for all I was worth. I nearly jumped when I felt my mother gently kissing at my neck and earlobe, I hadn't noticed her doing this with my cousin, but, then again, my eyes hadn't got above boob level. Either the track was longer than the one before or I had been teasing up more material than Ray had been because I suddenly found myself with the hem of her dress leant against my wrist while my hand stroked her panties clad bottom. And not just her panties, the feel of bare flesh under my hand thrilled me as I stroked her soft globes, one moment I would feel the soft lace of her panties the next the soft warmth of her skin. I savoured these sensations to the full all the while expecting my mother to make some objection or do something to make things a little less intimate. Only she didn't do or say a thing other than to start kissing at my neck more firmly and grind against me with more force. When the record ended I reluctantly let my mother go and watched her lead the way back to the bar.
I certainly needed the beer Ray had held out to me as I'd approached and my mother had downed her vodka in one go before leading Ray out to dance. Filling the glass I watched them move together, Ray was really giving one of her boobs the treatment, squeezing it, stroking it and rubbing it while his other hand stroked her bum. Once again Ray was working the material of her dress upwards, but this time not in small bits, he would take about three inches of material in his hand and blatantly pull it upwards before grabbing another few inches. Before the track was a third of the way through his hand was resting on her panties, the material of her dress hanging around his wrist and swaying both to his hand movements and my mother's movements. Shortly before the track ended Ray moved his hand from her tit down to her bum, I saw him fumble with the material of her dress then bit back a gasp when I saw him tuck the material into the waistband of her panties. Both his hands ran over her almost bare bottom as the final notes began to play, a wide swathe of her dress held out of the way by her own panties, for all intents her bum was bare apart from her rather flimsy lacy panties. I ogled my mother's long, shapely stocking clad legs and her gorgeous bottom for as long as I could knowing that as soon as they stopped dancing my mother would un-tuck her dress and let it fall to hide all that I was now seeing. But that night was one of surprises, instead of pulling her dress straight my mother acted as though she was totally unaware of her disarrayed clothing. Even more surprising to me was that as they walked back to join me Ray continued to stroke my mother's bum without any sign of objection from her. Nor did she make any protest when Ray continued to touch her up as she drained her glass prior to dancing with me.
As my mother pressed herself to me and leant her head on my shoulder I let both of my hands come to rest on her buttocks. While we danced around I kneaded and stroked her bum more and more vigorously, in response she ground against me with greater pressure kissing my neck and earlobe with ever more fervour. In the confines of my clothing my cock twitched to each rub of my mother's body against mine, for a moment I believed myself to be dreaming, but none of my dreams had come close to the sensations I was feeling now. Daringly I let my hands slide down onto her upper thighs then let them slide back up via the inner part of her thigh, my fingers brushing against the swell of her pussy lips as I drew them back up over her buttocks which drew a sort of low moan from my mother. Not daring to break the spell I satisfied myself with stroking and squeezing my mothers bum until the track ended. Following Ray's example I carried on playing with her bum as we walked back to the bar to join him and carried on while she drank her vodka.
I remember thinking that things couldn't get much wilder as I watched Ray and my mother move together, her body pressed to his, her head on his shoulder, her lips kissing his neck as his hands roved over her buttocks. Then Ray moved his hands as I had done, sliding them down onto the backs of her upper thighs, then drawing them back up via her inner leg so that his finger grazed at her pussy lips through her scant panties. My mother seemed to tremble as his hands brushed past her pussy. Unlike me Ray was not content to let things stop there, once again his hands slid down, this time to cup her bottom then slide under her and I saw my mother's body stiffen for a moment as his fingers traced the outer lips of her cunt. Ray's hands did not slide back upwards this time, instead I saw him pressing his hands together and moving them outwards and realised that he was teasing her cunt lips between his two hands. At first my mother stiffened, then her head came up and she looked at Ray as though about to say something, but before she could speak Ray leant forward and planted his lips on hers in a hungry kiss that seemed to make my mother melt in his arms. With ever increasing excitement I watched Ray's hands as they boldly began to move over her pussy mound, sliding and pressing at the material of her panties while he kissed her. After the first brief moment my mother was kissing him back just as hungrily and her lower body started to press down against his hands as they rubbed over her cunt with increasing pressure. When the track ended my mother seemed to be in a dream state as she walked over to where I stood, took the glass from my hand and drained it, all the while Ray continued to stroke at her cunt.
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I let Mari use the bathroom first. I walked over to the laundry return mounted in the bedroom wall, pulled out my clothes, folded and put them away. Mari exited a little later, telling me 'Your turn' before walking out and checking to make sure the hotel room was buttoned up. I went into the bathroom, stripped my clothes off before putting just my shorts back on, and did my nightly stuff. I exited the bathroom, tossed my slightly used clothes into the wardrobe, dimmed the lights, and...
This is how it worked.We were to book into a hotel and wait in our room. The house phone would be used to give us instructions. So when it did ring I answered and took the detail. My wife had to go to a prescribed room on a different floor, and then they moved her on to another to prevent me from knowing exactly where she was. She was to wear just black hold ups and black hi heels (we had been told the clothes selection that would be needed) and the towelling robe from the bathroom. She was to...
I had talked to the captain of the freighter, reminding her to have witness reports of the incident from herself and the bridge crew ready and making sure her report of the pirate incident that started in Denarrus was written. The women were back on the freighter by the time security arrived. We had parted with hugs, kisses, and promises to keep in touch while they were in system. Even Mari gave me a hug, pulling my face into her chest and kissed the top of my head. When she let up a little,...
The four of us met in the main room a little later. It was obvious even to me from the satisfied looks on Katherine's and Mari's faces that they, too, had enjoyed themselves. I asked Sam how she was doing and she gave me big grin. "I'm good. Don't you worry about me." She had listened in on my conversation with Anna through my implant and was happy with the way it went. We talked for a while and decided to go to dinner when people's stomachs started to grumble. I made sure the...
I woke up late the next day feeling groggy and achy and knowing my sleep cycle was fucked. I don't think I had moved at all in the night and I was stiff. Something else was amiss and it took my fuzzy brain a moment to process the situation. Lying half on top of my left side was a nekkid young woman. Not the first time I've woken up with a woman but it is the first time with a nekkid woman. Yes, you can assume I am not sexually experienced. I've been in training from the age of 13 to 17...
Sam was pointing me to the replicator when I stumbled out of the master bedroom in search of life giving elixir. She had somehow, I do not know how but I will be eternally thankful to her, gotten hold of a decent coffee profile. I was the first up surprisingly and when the time that the women had been forcing me out of bed came and went I decided to check on them. Anna was doing her cat routine and was curled around a pillow and snuggled under the sheets. Mari was spooned behind her with...
It was a couple of weeks later that I was summoned to Privateer Corps HQ. Quinn Taylor asked me to bring the ladies as Councilor Estebahn would be present. This was fortunate for me since I still hated the drive through the city and they would keep me calm. We hopped into a vehicle and were driven to HQ. There, in a large set of offices in a high rise near the Senate Building, we were led to a briefing room. There, Taylor and Councilor Estebahn were waiting and watching a newscast on a...
Annalynn Estebahn was staring at me. "You really think the captain was involved with the pirates?" "It fits," I told her. "Maybe not perfectly but reasonably. If the pirates had boarded the freighter, they could have grabbed you and been gone before system security could get here." "What about the Mari, Katherine, and the other passengers and crew?" "The captain has little regard for the crew and was more concerned with the state of the engines. I'm guessing he's trying to...
I grabbed Sam's portable carrier and transferred her unit into it. AIAs reside in a sealed unit about the size of my fist (remember I have big fists) that looks like a silver/black cube with only a single data port in the bottom. The units are damn near indestructible seeing as they are used as data recorders. Ships have been blown to pieces and AIA units have survived to tell what happened. The only thing more likely to survive is something we refer to as the hardened vault, a massive...
At just before 0900 station time, we arrived at the docks and made our way to the 'Shivari'. I was carrying Sam and leading the way through dock workers and maintenance people. Midshift had started an hour before and work was in full swing with people gathering materials and tools for repair work. I was in my work clothes and the women were in their coveralls. We'd gotten some looks as we'd left the hotel. I was trying to be better company in the morning and not so grumpy. Earlier we'd...
The next morning I woke up and couldn't move. Mari was half on top of one side while Anna was on the other with Katherine spooning her. Sam was at the foot of the bed silently laughing at my predicament. "Ugh," was my response as I dropped my head back onto my pillow. That seemed to be enough to wake Mari up. She rolled onto her back and stretched, then moved into a propped up position, blinked sleepily and smiled at Sam. She looked at me, smiled, leaned over and kissed my cheek. She...
I was on the verge of burnout. I had been an instructor in the Army, teaching helicopter mechanics for almost four years. It was always the same thing over and over again. Every few weeks I would get a new class of Privates, teach them what they needed to know and send them on to the next section. From time to time, there would be a female student, but every instructor knew better than to fraternize with them. Occasionally we would hear about someone getting busted for doing just that. I had... has the kind of one-word domain that has got to be Internet gold. I wonder how many random visitors they get who are just trying to find a way to keep their secrets safe from Google, Facebook and their wives. Considering at least half of those secrets are an insatiable desire to bang sexy women in face, mouth and butthole, those rando websurfers end up in the right place anyway. Isn’t it funny how life works out?Private calls itself “Europe’s most visited multi-lingual porn site,” a...
Top Premium Porn Sites"Amethyst Station, 'Shivari' is ready for departure," I said. "Roger, 'Shivari'. Retracting transit shaft ... Retracted." "Confirm transit shaft retracted. You can release docking clamps." A few seconds later, "Docking clamps released. You are clear to maneuver to port side." I tapped in the commands and our starboard thrusters gave a quick burst to slowly move us away from the dock. Once we were clear of the station with about 500m of separation I started turning us away. I...
The year was 1943. German troops were in Paris, Warsaw, Rome and were advancing toward Kursk in the Soviet Union. American troops were fighting the Nazi's in Europe as well as the Japanese on Guadalcanal. WWII was raging with no end in sight.At home, everyone did their best to keep their spirits up. Rosie the Riveter was on the assembly line welding and riveting munitions for victory. Glenn Miller, Frank Sinatra, and Judy Garland were making hit records. Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Oklahoma" was...
Love StoriesI bet everyone has their own Private Classics when they’re jacking off. You know the ones I’m talking about: those perfect pornos you may have found 5, 10, 20 years ago that still make you hard as a fucking rock every single time. It’s no wonder some of the long-running Internet porn sites have cashed in on the fad, offering up some of their vintage hits, oldies and goldies that put them on the map in the first place. I mean, shit, just because it’s old doesn’t mean you’re going to get bored of...
Premium Vintage Porn SitesWith a name like PrivateBlack, you already know they aren’t selling the usual low-grade interracial smut you find on the free tubes and tenth-tier paysites out there. The title itself implies some high-end shit, reserved for only a select group of perverts. This is a private reserve of black-on-white smut, brought you to by the folks at Private. I’ve reviewed Private here at ThePornDude and liked what I saw, which made me even more eager to see what they were doing with their BBC...
Premium Interracial Porn SitesPrivate Matters by Gingerfred Man Chapter One ? Recruited Adults are often puzzled why teenagers are so surly and miserable. Fathers in particular look at their sons and say, "You?re so lucky to be young." What they?re thinking is, "You?re so lucky to be slim, have a hard cock with a quick reload, and be around all that pretty young pussy for you to boff." My dad was right about the slimness and hard cock, but the pussy didn?t seem to be yearning for my boffing. My name is...
Private Nature TourCome with me on an exclusive orally guided tour of this Park’s beautiful backcountry. This one on one adventure will expose you to the raw and naked beauty of nature’s wild side. I will blow you away as we explore lush valley bottoms and domineering peak tops. I guarantee you an explosive and climatic experience that will have you coming back for more. Tour departs from River Park Gazebo on Saturday’s at 9:00 a.m. Please tear a ticket off the bottom of this posting to...
Private Nature TourCome with me on an exclusive orally guided tour of this Park’s beautiful backcountry. This one on one adventure will expose you to the raw and naked beauty of nature’s wild side. I will blow you away as we explore lush valley bottoms and domineering peak tops. I guarantee you an explosive and climatic experience that will have you coming back for more. Tour departs from River Park Gazebo on Saturday’s at 9:00 a.m. Please tear a ticket off the bottom of this posting to...
Gay MaleThe private strip-show I’d done for Dick had left me with a sore arse but a full purse. That same weekend, I’d agreed to do an extra Sunday afternoon show in the Farringdon Arms to help out one of the other girls and I was a bit worried that my bum might still be bit sore after the bashing it had received on Friday. But I rubbed plenty of cream around it on Saturday, and by the next day, I found I could sit down without wincing too obviously.There was quite a good crowd of locals in for the...
Strap-On SexJason!" shouted his mother from the foot of the stairs. "What?" he shouted from his bedroom. "I need to go into town to get some things for Cindy's Birthday party on Saturday." "OK, see you later," he shouted back. A moment later his mum shouted, "Come on, I haven't got all day." "Why can't I stay here?" he asked. "No, you have to help me choose a nice birthday present for her." "Mom," he moaned, "I'm busy!" "Busy playing that play station thing," his mum retorted, "now...
DEDICATION This small story is at once a dedication to, and an indictment of, the bachelor party that my youngest son roped me into organizing and funding. I honestly think young men expect their fathers to provide a wild last hurrah, complete with babes and free flowing booze. As a responsible parent, I did help to make it quite a memorable night, but alas, not as wild as he might have envisioned. The Bachelor Party By Ashley ...
Wife of the Party by captv8tdChapter 1The man and woman stood side by side, motionless other than for the slow rising and falling of their chests as they breathed. Another woman slowly circled the pair, running her eyes up and down their bodies and taking in every detail.“You performed well last night, Steve,” commented Monique as she reached down and cradled his erect cock in her palm. The naked man blushed slightly. Even though he had been owned for over two years, it was still...
The Fuckerware Party ? Chapter 01by Tappy McWidestanceEven now I can't believe I'm in the situation I willingly, no compellingly, put myself into. How long as it been? 15 minutes? 30 minutes? An hour? How much longer will I have to wait before I can cum? Will she show up to help me or was she just teasing me? Who is she? What does she want from me? Why is my body so out of control?My name is Tina. I am 26 years old. I have been married for three years to Jim, also 26 a salesman at the same...
Tess's Transformations: Life of the Party By Julie O. Edited by Amelia R. Chapter 1 "So, do you have your costume picked out yet for the boss's costume party, Jack?" asked Chris Washington, a tall muscular man with short black hair. He was thirty-two and was the department head for thirty employees at Chambers Industries. "It's still a week away," replied Jack Easton as he turned around in his chair to look at his supervisor who had just entered his cubicle. Jack was...
The Halloween Party By Vivian Bird Robin and Erica Green had been married for three years. Erica is a practicing Gynecologist and Robin is a technical writer and primarily works from home. Both of them had been satisfied with their marriage and careers, but Erica was starting to feel dullness creeping into things, especially their sexual relations and she wanted to do something to liven it up a bit. "Robin," said Erica, "You know that Halloween is...
Chapter 1:Christine couldn’t believe her luck. She was now on her way to the private club, in a limo no less.It had only been Tuesday that she had gone out to a movie with Cassandra. That in itself seemed rather strange, but they had both gotten along well while working on a school project together. Working together wasn’t exactly correct either, as Christine did most of the work. Christine knew that was just the way it worked with rich girls like Cassandra, they always got their way. They...
100% fiction! Part 1 - The Party "Mum, mum..come look what I did" said soon to be 18 year old Claire Bishop excitedly, as she proudly marveled at the solid brown log resting on the kitchen bench. "Wow honey that’s a nice one, that will go perfectly in the casserole I’m making for dinner," "Yum!!!" said Claire, "your the best mum ever." What came out of the back passage was something to be celebrated and enjoyed in the Bishop household, which consisted of Claire's mum Carol and her 18 year old...
IncestJean If one were just to look at me. They would see me only from my outer shell; the pretty little red-head with the green eyes and killer smile. If I were to walk out in public, you wouldn’t notice anything about me that was different. I stand at about five-five, five. No real identifying marks. I’m twenty-eight now, a far cry from when I first knew the Professor, meeting him at eleven, after all the trauma with Anne dying in my arms. I’m living in the boat-house with my...
A quick note to everybody: This is the next Game On story. I have decided to not go nuts on more than 1 maybe 2 types of games per story. I am also going to declare this as a new 'universe', so anyone that wants to write stories for Game On can do so as long as it some how revolves around a magical and/or sci-fi game. Once again, please feel free to e-mail me ([email protected]), or send me an instant message through ICQ (247193981) I will be happy to receive your comments and...
Hi! My name is Mollie and I'd like to tell you all about the Halloween party at my brother Jake's house.Wait...Let me back up a step or two.Picture a gorgeous 19 year old with huge 36D melons and a perfect bubbly ass and gorgeous green eyes and the whitest blonde hair that naturally curls all the way down to the top of my butt.At least, that was what I was going for. The original costume. Before I lost the blonde wig that would have covered by straight brown hair that comes about half way down...
My Name is Derek and my wife is Kristy. We have been married for eight years and are both in our early thirties. We had just opened a Party Store where we sell party supplies and put on parties for various groups of people. We have catered parties for local dignitaries, weddings, fundraisers and even the occasional bachelor or bachelorette parties.The business had been very successful so far. We were trying to build a solid reputation as a place you can count on for a great party. We are...
My whole life has been somewhat of a planned activity. Everyday I had the same routine; go to school, stay after for soccer, go home, clean up and do homework, hang out with friends, and sleep. I didn't have time much for anything else, let alone a girlfriend, hell I was too shy to even approach a girl I wasn't already friends with. Don't get me wrong I watch porn and masturbate a lot, so I have some visual experience, unfortunately I have noone to use it on. This little tidbit of...
Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 13 - My Coming Out Party) This work is copyrighted to the author ©2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....
Jenny was busy sucking her boyfriend Jimmy's cock in the den of her parent's home. Her hair was being held to the side as Jimmy watched her lips slide up and down his hard cock, her spit oozing out to coat her hand that was cupping his balls. Jenny looked up at her boyfriend, his eyes slightly rolled back in his head as he luxuriated in the feel of her practiced mouth. With a quick glance Jenny checked the clock and realized she only had about 10 minutes before her mother would be home from...
By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 As the rest of the week wore on, Mom went into high gear prepping for our FBI party on Saturday. She had both Bobby and Sammy sitting down multiple times with her going over the food list, making changes each time she sat with them. At some point, I just told them privately that it’s her first west coast party and she wants it to be a big success. The chefs were both cool about the whole thing saying that they completely understood. Anita showed up...
(episode 18) This follows College SexscapadesI believe it was a Monday morning while sitting in class next to Brittany that she asked what I was doing for Halloween the next night. I told her that I was planning to go over to my fraternity house for the Halloween party there. Brittany then asked, “What costume have you come up with for Halloween?” I responded, “I haven't come up with anything yet, but I will be at the party.”Brittany then informed me, “Jennifer, Renee and I are going to a huge...
College SexSaturday, September 24, 2005 All too soon - because it was nearly the end of the summer vacation - the time came to send out the invites for my house-warming party. I'd intended the invites to be nothing more than casual phone calls; Julia wanted to send out real invitations. Guess which approach we took? [On the topic of alternative approaches, I'd also been thinking of a nice, casual pool party. Julia had considerably more upmarket plans. Guess which approach we took for that too? I'll...
In this sex story, JessiKa and Serana offer me a chance to join the Red Garter Strip Club Private Party Crew and attend the private parties the Red Garter can host. JessiKa and Serana Part V: My First Private Party I've recently had just finished being trained by JessiKa and Serana on how to pole dance and how to lap dance. I was ready to be a stripper. JessiKa, Serana and I showed up to work on time. We pole danced our sexy asses off. We made it rain money, and we have gotten amazing...
Hi everyone, my name is Brian and my wife is Jenny and we'd like to tell our experiences of our first swingers party from this past August. my wife says I can do a better job of putting the events into words so here goes.first, I'd like to give a little background as to how we got to this point. I've had fantasies about becoming a swinger for some time and finally decided to talk to my wife about it. she wasn't very receptive of the idea at first but she didn't say "no" so I considered that a...
Private Internment DAY ONE Making a decision I slid the vehicle over into the automatic lane and tried to relax. In theback seat Martha and Linda were sitting quietly, looking out the side windows.Some color had returned to their faces and their expressions were ones of bothconcern and relief. Concern over their future and relief from the fact thatthe last two weeks were finally over and they were out of the legal system.They are both former coworkers that I had known for a number of...
God and I sat back in the observation room as Rachel changed into a hospital gown. We were both wearing white doctor’s coats, a stethoscope, and scrubs. The theatrics weren’t necessary, but the monotony of immortality could wear on a woman, so spicing things up with a little role-play was always fun. “I need you to lie on your back,” I said to Rachel through the microphone, “and hold your breath when the light goes on.” In the middle of the room Rachel was in, was a CT-scanner I’d...
Sixth form in England meant there were regular party invites, but out of control teenagers drinking themselves into oblivion was simply not the type of scene that interested me. My wild teenage side showed itself sexually; enjoying sex with both male and female friends, whenever possible allowing others to see.It was December, following my seventeenth birthday, when Jacqui Hill invited me to a party at her house on Friday of that week. I’d fancied Jacqui for years but she had a long-term...
ExhibitionismMy whole life has been somewhat of a planned activity. Everyday I had the same routine; go to school, stay after for soccer, go home, clean up and do homework, hang out with friends, and sleep. I didn't have time much for anything else, let alone a girlfriend, hell I was too shy to even approach a girl I wasn't already friends with. Don't get me wrong I watch porn and masturbate a lot, so I have some visual experience, unfortunately I have noone to use it on. This little tidbit of information...
IncestJill’s PerspectiveHalloween has always been one of my favorite times of the year. And even now, at the age of twenty-five, married, and with a five-month old daughter, I still look forward to fall and the chance to dress in costume. My name is Jillian, but most people call me Jill, and I am married to John, who most people call Jack. I know it sounds kind of corny having our nicknames be Jack and Jill, but we have a lot of fun with it.We started our lives together in a nice suburb outside of...
InterracialRoger set the mood for the afternoon. I was sitting in my apartment, trying to type out a mid-term paper on Risk Management for Dr. Jacob’s Finance 452 class, only to have the strong voice of Roger and The Who captivate my wandering thoughts. Not only was I listening to Roger and letting the lyrics of You Better You Bet lead me to a daydream of pleasant visions, I was also watching Roger sing. He was just across the room on my television. It was October 1981, and a couple months previously, a...
College SexI'm Matthew, a 25 year old popular math teacher at St Edwards high school in England. This high school differs itself from other schools: it's a girl only school, meaning all the students are girls. Let me tell you a bit more about myself. I'm standing at 6'1, meaning that I'm quite tall. I've got short dark blond hair which is folded backwards with gel and my hair is even shorter at the sides. I don't possess any kind of tattoos, neither piercings. I'm somewhat tanned, but not a lot,...
Private school (ch. 1-10)ArrivalThe buildings looked stayed and full of tradition. Anne liked them and the park surrounding them at first sight and was even happier she had taken this job at the small 6th form boarding school rather than the one at the state school she had been offered, too. She followed the driveway round the building until she found the staff parking lot. Although it was the last day before the start of the new term there were only half a dozen other cars and she found space...
A young woman dressed in snug military attire stood before me. Her posture was ram-rod straight, with breasts thrust outward, trim stomach pulled in, and eyes focused above my head. She was at full attention, and deadly serious in her demeanor. But despite all that, I couldn't help but notice how strikingly beautiful she was. Her uniform clung to her figure deliciously, accenting every curve of her womanly figure in snug camouflage. On her head, was a green cap tilted just slightly off-center....
What a party by Janet L. Stickney When the Halloween party was announced, I'll admit I was a bit baffled. After all, this is high school, and most of us had long ago given the heave ho to the bag. Our Principal however decided that is exactly the reason to have the party. Then she scheduled Friday as a come to school in costume day, with the actual party on Saturday night. All of the guys I talked to were going to dress up as some favorite character of theirs. Since I'm not...
A Christmas Sex Party My wife of ten years is the sales rep for a plastic whole sale company. She sells recycled raw product to factories and manufacturing companies in a fairly large region including the east coast and into the mid-east states. Using email and a phone she is able to do a lot of her work from an office in our home. This allows her to be at home most days to spend quality time with our two kids, Mat 6 and Jessie 4. To maintain personal contact with most of her...