Drunken Harry free porn video

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Tonight when I get off work I am going to go home, fix dinner, open a bottle of wine and after dinner is over I am going to tell Harry that I am divorcing him. It will be a shock since he is totally unaware that our marriage has been in trouble.

I love him. I love him to death, but he is a good man and he deserves much better than me. He has been a good husband and for the most part our marriage has been great. He is affectionate and he is damned good in bed so he is not going to understand it at all. The one thing he won't know because I won't tell him is that he is the one mostly to blame for it happening. Then again maybe I will tell Harry why he is to blame. It might help him with his next wife.

Harry is a stupid drunk!

He is not an alcoholic and he doesn't get drunk with any great degree of regularity. He is just a stupid drunk and by that I mean when he gets drunk he gets stupid. He doesn't get mean or sick, he just gets stupid. I've known it since I met him at a fraternity kegger, but it didn't seem all that big of a deal at the time.

I was at the kegger with the guy who was my boyfriend at the time. Jared was a cute and well built jock and we had been keeping company for about four months, but he wasn't going to be 'the one' I was going to live my life with and we both knew it. I wasn't supposed to know it, but he was already sounding out a few other girls looking for my replacement. He didn't mind the hand jobs and blow jobs, but he wasn't happy that I wouldn't let him go all the way.

Anyway, we were at the kegger and I noticed a bunch of guys near the keg in a 'chugging' contest. The gut who won raised his arms in victory and shouted out "woohoo" and before the shout had faded two guys stepped up and said they could beat him. They didn't and he did his victory shout again. He beat several different challengers, but in the process got blind, stinking drunk. Then somebody said something to him and he laughed and took off all of his clothes — all of his clothes — and then stumbled around the room naked and with a beer in his hands and socialized.

I couldn't help but notice that he was nicely put together. Nice, tight buns and a better than averaged sized cock and I did know a nice cock when I saw one. I was still a virgin, but my hands and mouth were not strangers to man meat. Not that I was indiscriminate. I had to like the guy a lot to do it and it never happened until after I had dated the guy for a while. We could start making out around the third date. He could get his hands under my bra about the sixth, his fingers in my honey pot on the ninth and I would have him in my hand on the tenth. In four years of high school and three years of college less than ten guys had made it past the fifth date.

It was three weeks before I saw Mr. Chug-a Lug again. I had just come through the serving line at the school cafeteria and I was looking around for a place to sit. The place was packed, but I didn't see anyone that I knew that I could join and then I spotted him sitting at a table alone. I walked over to the table and asked him if I could join him and he said yes. I sat down and said:

"My name is Jana and should I call you "cute buns" or do you have a name?"

"Cute buns?"

"I was at the Delt kegger when you stripped and then walked around socializing. I noticed that you had cute buns."

"Oh. I guess I got pretty stupid that night. My name is Harry."

"I think I like cute buns better."

"If you are going to call me that I think you should get to know me better and I think that the best way to do that is to go out with me."

"I can do that. When?"

"Tonight would work for me."

"It would for me also."

That was the start of a relationship that led to me saying, "I Jana take thee Harry to be my lawful wedded husband" four months after we graduated. Almost from the start I knew that Harry was "The One" and Harry beat all of the time line items. With Harry it was make out on the second date, hands in the bra on the third, fingers in the honey pot on the fifth and I was deep throating him on the sixth. On the tenth, when most of my previous dates were just getting their first hand job, Harry popped my cherry and from that point on we made love four or five times a week and usually twice each time.

We were your typical college couple and we hit the frat parties and other parties on the weekend and at maybe one out of every five Harry would get drunk and get stupid. I didn't think much of it because it was what college kids did right? Harry's thing might have been getting stupid when he got drunk, but mine was that I got a little flirty when I'd been drinking. Some guys would take my flirting as a come on and try to hustle me and I always shut them down, but I did flirt enough that some guys came to think of it as just being a matter of time before they would score with me. No one ever did, but a lot thought that someday they might — just might — break through. My big mistake — although it would be a couple of years before it bit me on the ass — was in not making absolutely sure that they knew that it was never going to happen and that flirting is all that it ever was and ever would be.

Harry and I graduated, were married and started our life together. We decided that we didn't want children, at least not until we were a little older and more established, and I didn't care for the feel of condoms so I was on the pill and had a diaphragm for back up just to make doubly sure.

We found jobs in our chosen fields and began working our way up the corporate ladder. We did well, saved our money and eventually bought a home in a nice neighborhood. We accumulated friends and neighbors and there were parties and social events to go to. Frat parties and keggers were a thing of the past, but there was drinking at parties, barbecues and other social events.

It didn't happen often, maybe once every four or five months, but Harry did occasionally get drunk and get stupid. Most of what he did got people laughing like the time he got drunk and because of something someone said he stripped to his underwear and took some ones motorcycle (this was in mid-January and it was three below outside) and rode it twice around the block. I of course drank at the same parties and I flirted. I got kissed and felt up a lot, but I laughed it off as 'adult fun' and didn't think anything about it.

And then Harry got drunk and got stupid and changed our (or at least my) life.

It was our fifth wedding anniversary and our next door neighbors threw us a party. Only having twenty feet to walk to go home and not having to worry about driving I over did it a little on my alcohol intake. I was my usual flirty self and I did get kissed several times and felt up more than a little. When I have more to drink than I should I usually just get tired so about three ours into the party I went home and lay down on the bed.

I don't know how long it was that I laid there, fading in and out of sleep, when I heard Harry. It sounded like he was drunk, but still coherent enough to be giving some of the neighbors a tour of the house. I heard him tell about tearing out the carpet on the stairs and replacing it with wood. He mumbled some other things — either mumbled or I faded out for a bit — and I heard "replaced the tub with a tub with water jets and tore out..." and I faded out again. The bedroom door opened and I heard " ... master bedroom fully equipped with the best cocksucker and piece of ass in the state. Moving on we co..." and he (or I) faded out again.

I came partially awake when Harry came to bed. I felt his hands on my hips and I lifted them so he could pull my panties off and then I spread my legs. I felt his breath just before his tongue went to work on me. I moaned and pulled my knees back to open myself up more for him.

"Oh yes" I moaned, "Like that baby, just like that. I love it."

He started licking and sucking my clit and I cried out and pushed my pussy at his face. I was hot and I was ready and I cried out:

"Now, I need you in me now. Fuck me honey, fuck me."

He moved up and buried himself in me and I locked my legs around him and moaned:

"Fuck me, fuck me hard and make me come."

Harry slammed into me and my orgasm hit and I cried out and dug my nails in his back and pulled him to me. He kept slamming into me and then he grunted and I felt the hot wetness of his discharge. He pulled away from me and I tried to pull him back. I felt him get off the bed and I cried out "Don't go, please don't go." He got back on the bed and pushed into me. He started driving into me and after several minutes I felt another climax building.

"Stay with me baby, stay with me, I'm almost there, get me there baby, get me there."

Harry started pounding hard and I felt him shoot just as my climax washed over me and I was moaning "Oh god, oh god, so good, so good" as he pulled out and got off the bed. Almost immediately he was back and pushing his hard cock into me. Because of the strength of the orgasms, the overwhelming feelings and my inebriated state it never occurred to me that what was happening was not natural. It did not register that Harry had somehow come twice and had almost immediately come back with a hard cock. As he drove into me for the third time I again locked my legs around him and pushed back at his driving cock. I was fast approaching another orgasm when hands grabbed my head and a cock was pushed into my mouth. Even then it didn't register on me that something was wrong. I had a cock in my mouth and one in my pussy and I didn't think anything of it. I went after the cock in my mouth like a starving woman after a hot dog and it was then that I got my rude awakening. A voice that was not Harry's said:

"He didn't lie. She is a damned good cocksucker."

Another voice — again not Harry's — said, "That ain't all he didn't lie about. I don't know if she's the best piece of ass in the state or not, but she damned sure is the best I've ever had."

The realization that I wasn't being fucked by Harry but by two other men was pushed out of my mind as another huge climax hit me. The man in my mouth and the man in my pussy came at the same time. I instinctively swallowed what was shot into my mouth and before the orgasm faded I had a fresh cock in both holes. I started struggling trying to break free of the two men fucking me, but my strength of purpose was washed away by another large climax.

I don't know how many more times I was fucked and had cum pushed into from both ends because it seemed like I was in one long continuous orgasm and when they finally left me I was so drained that I passed out.

When I woke up in the morning I thought at first that it had all been an erotic dream until I started to get out of bed. My pussy was sore and I had a foul taste in my mouth. I looked down and saw dried cum on my thighs and my pussy hair was matted and crusty with dried cum. I waddled (I couldn't walk) to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I had dried cum on my breasts, on my face and in my hair. I sat down on the toilet and peed and globs of white stuff came out with the urine.

I had to accept the truth. Several unknown men had come into my bedroom and had gang fucked me. I thanked God that I had put my diaphragm in expecting that Harry and I would make love when we got home from the party.

I remembered snatches of Harry giving a tour of the house and I remembered what he had said when he had opened the bedroom door. The men who used me would have been in the bunch that Harry gave the tour to, but how could I explain to Harry why I wanted to know who was in the tour group? And what would I do with the information if I had it? Go to the men and say "Shame, shame on you?" They would probably just smile and say nothing. I couldn't accuse anyone of rape because I had no idea of who or how many. A dozen? Or just three or four over and over until they just couldn't get it up any more?

I got in the shower and started to clean myself up, but as the hot water warmed my body I thought about how I'd felt having all of those orgasms one after another and so close that they felt almost continuous. It might have been wrong, but I had never felt so sexually satisfied in my life.

I finished my shower and dressed and then I went downstairs to find Harry snoring on the couch. I looked down at him and said to myself, "Congratulations Harry. You got drunk and then got stupid and got your wife thoroughly fucked."

As I walked into the kitchen I wondered how I was going to be able to face the neighbors. Every time I saw a wife I would think "Was your husband one of them?" and when I saw the men I would be wondering, "Did you fuck me? Did you have your cock in my pussy? Did you push a load down my throat?" Would I ever be able to look any of the men in the neighborhood in the eye? Would I blush whenever one of them smiled at me and think, "Oh god, were you one of them?" Or would I just have to go out of my way to avoid my male neighbors. The answer to that came before the end of the day.

Harry woke up, took a shower and then I fixed us some breakfast. Over coffee he apologized for not being able to make love to me on our anniversary and I just smiled at him and told him that it was okay, that I'd had too much to drink to enjoy it anyway. After he ate he said that he had to run to Home Depot for some things.

He hadn't been gone three minutes when the doorbell rang and I answered it to find Ken, our next door to the south standing there. Before I could say a word he walked right into the house and said:

"I have something to show you."

He flipped open his cell phone, pushed a couple of buttons and then showed me the screen. There I was on my back with man between my legs, my legs up on his shoulders and my nails digging into his butt cheeks. Ken pushed a button and there I was with a man in my pussy and another man standing next to the bed with his cock pointing at my face. Another button push and I saw me with a man in my pussy, another one in my mouth and my hand wrapped around the cock of a man standing next to the bed.

"This one is my favorite" he said as he pushed another button. I didn't remember being taken doggie the night before, but there I was on hands and knees with a cock being pushed into me from behind while under me with my hand gripping his cock was another man. In that picture it looked like my head was inches from the cock and it was obvious that I was getting ready to take it in my mouth or had just taken my mouth off of it. I was looking right into the camera and the look on my face said it all. I was into it. I was loving it. Ken said:

"I have seventeen more, but we can look at them later. Right now we have more important things to do."

"More important things?"

"Yeah. I just saw Harry leave. How long is he going to be gone?"

"I don't know. Maybe an hour. Why?"

"Just need to know if we have time to cement our new relationship."

"Our new relationship?"

"That's right baby. Starting right now you are my slut; my new personal fuck toy."

"Get out of here! Get your worthless fucking ass out of my house!"

"You sure you don't want to take a minute or two to think about that? Think about the look on Harry's face when he sees the pictures?"

"I'll handle Harry. When I get done telling him about this he will come looking for you and probably with his deer rifle."

"Can you handle your mother too? Imagine the look on her face when she sees pictures of her baby girl with a dick in each end of her."

"You wouldn't."

"Of course I would. I'll send them to your parents, your grandparents and every one else you know. I'll send them to where you work and I'll post them on web sites that feature pictures of slut wives. I'll turn you into the neighborhood porn star. You won't be able to go to the grocery store without being stared at. You won't be able to walk through the mall without some guy coming up to you and asking for a piece."

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Drunken wife is used by security guards

My wife Beth at 45 was still a very attractive woman but at that age and having had two kids, her mid section was a bit heavier than she would have liked. Our anniversary was due and I asked her what she would like as a present. I was startled by her reply. She wanted a tummy tuck and some liposuction. I assured her she was lovely just as she was, in fact I liked her extra meatiness. But she was adamant; she said it would make her feel better about herself. What could I say to that! Within a...

2 years ago
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drunken dinner party

Me and the wife (but was my serious girlfriend when this tale occurred) had our good friends over for dinner (we didn't have k**s then and they left theirs at home). We had been friends for about 5 years at that point (we all met at work) and liked going out expensive bars and restaurants over London getting drunk and having a good time, typical early thirties city workers). The other couples wife (lets call her Tanya) used to work for me. We got along but as mates and there was never any...

3 years ago
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drunken and Fuckin another Mike adventure

The night was still young but we were ready to go. Mike and I had attended a small get together over a friends. The BBQ was a blast and we both were getting a little tanked. He was more tanked than I was, and I noticed our neighbor hanging on him once in a while. I am not the jealous type,so I just laughed it off. It was time to leave the party and she asked if she could catch a ride back home. Mike answered yes before I could even get out the answer. They both stumbled to the SUV as I went to...

2 years ago
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Drunken Delight

Drunken Delight Getting drunk can often land you in trouble and sometimes, when someone else gets drunk, it can lead to something magical. And that's what happened to me. My name is Ron and I had been married for three years now and my wife was the girl of my dreams. Lucky me, eh? A slim girl with short wavy hair, she was a marketing professional like me. To say she was pretty was an understatement. Sonya had large eyes, beautiful luscious lips and a small pointed nose. She always...

4 years ago
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Drunken DelightII

Drunken Delight-II Hi folks [On popular demand, I am adding a second part to 'Drunken Delight' Thanks for the support] [First a quick recap. Ron is married to Sonya but thinks she's quite vanilla. Then, on one magical night when their hot neighbour Debbie comes over, the trio get drunk and the two girls dress up Ron and make him their slavegirl for the night after a dare. The story ended with Sonya saying goodnight to Debbie with Ron in tow in a dress with his wrists tied...

1 year ago
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drunken Flirt Wife

My wife Beth at 45 was still a very attractive woman but at that age and having had two k**s, her mid section was a bit heavier than she would have liked. Our anniversary was due and I asked her what she would like as a present. I was startled by her reply. She wanted a tummy tuck and some liposuction. I assured her she was lovely just as she was, in fact I liked her extra meatiness. But she was adamant; she said it would make her feel better about herself. What could I say to that! Within a...

3 years ago
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Drunken encounter

I’m married with two kids, 36 years old, every month my wife friends have a girl’s night in where they lay on some food and bring dinks, latergettings their husbands to pick them up later if they are further than walking distance home. On this occasion they all came to my house .shanthi is my wife’s name . Five friends of my wife enjoyed their evening .it was around 10.30 pm i went down to the lawn to see them . They all were in high spirits. Four of her friends went away with their respective...

1 year ago
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Drunken confessions

I woke up on a cold Sunday afternoon in my apartment completely naked with dried blood that ran all the way from my nose, down my torso to where my waistline would be if I was wearing anything. It was raining outside and for some reason the window was open. I don’t really remember much from last night, I remember getting to the club with two of my mates and drinking like there was no tomorrow. I have no idea what happened after being in the club for a little while or how I even got home. As I...

2 years ago
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Drunken Quickie

Omega lounged at the bar, though his eyes roamed, checking out the ladies there. It was a bustling night but, as long as he was seated, the tall wolf could fly under the radar, though it was difficult for him to do in pure black fur at ten feet tall otherwise. To say that he was a big lad would have been an understatement, yet he would have preferred to attract attention for the right reasons, the red streak over one eye catching more curious eyes. Those were the kind of questions that he liked...

1 year ago
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Drunken Stepdaughter

100% fiction! I don’t know if this counts as incest or just great fun for a lucky mutha fucker. As few years ago one of my stepdaughters came live with us for a while. She was not a very hot chick but was sexy. I used to lie awake at night fantasizing about going into her room and fucking her and often imaged her face while fucking her mum and this got me off big time. One day she was out drinking with her hot friends and her mum was at work , when I decided to sneak into her room and smell her...

3 years ago
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drunken Times

It was way past midnight, and Nika had just left a big party at her friend's house. She lived nearby and drunkenly reasoned that she didn't need to be escorted home, so she kindly refused any offers made to her by the horny, and equally drunk boys at the party. Nika wasn't a wild girl, on the contrary, she was 18 and change, and still a virgin. Her looks weren't the problem - she had silky smooth blonde hair that rolled lazily past her shoulders, and brilliant green eyes. Her delicate skin was...

1 year ago
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Drunken Stepfather is a blog site featuring hundreds of posts and ‘step links’ for naked celebrities and all kinds of funny videos. It’s all about celebs and babes, and almost every post has some nipples, butts or just sexy underwear of girls you know (or may not know). You will find SFW cam girl clips, nip slips, pussy slips, celebs caught in compromising situations and much more. If you are the kind of sick individual that likes peeping under girls’ skirts, wardrobe malfunctions featuring...

The Fappening
3 years ago
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When Young Sally Met Old Harry

I am a nudist and frequently visit our nudist beach alone or with my friends, both male and female. Depending upon my work commitments, I often go alone during the week when it is very quiet and very few people are there. They are mostly older retired types who enjoy just lazing about or walking the beach nude. The weekends are always busy with nature lovers of all ages. In recent weeks I have noticed an older guy there whenever I am there mid-week. We were often the only two on the beach. He...

4 years ago
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Drunken Mom and her four sons

Betty is tired of anonymous sex, so one night after she’s all ready to go out, she gets drunk instead. Her four sons come home and find her skirt up to her hips, and extremely drunk. They help her to bed, making sure to undress her nice clothes and lingerie before doing so. As I do maybe a couple times a year when my boys are out for the evening, I dressed in sexy clothes and prepared to go out, pick up a man, and get laid. Sometimes I just get so horny that I need to have a cock inside...

2 years ago
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Drunken wife gets felt up whilst standing at the bar And is then gang banged

It was our first anniversary and we had planned to go to the quiet little restaurant where we had gone on our very first date. Beth asked me to select what she should wear for the evening from her wardrobe. Hoping I was in for a sexy evening, well this was our anniversary; I selected a black blouse that crisscrossed over her lovely small but firm young breasts. It had ties that went around her waist and tied and the back. I also selected a black wraparound skirt and suggested that she...

2 years ago
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Drunken mom and her sons

This story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life! Amanda was looking forward to a peaceful evening, especially as her thirteen year old son Mark was going to be out at a party half the night, it was a chance to relax and not have to worry about anything but what she wanted for a change. She sighed at the thought of some free time for herself, at the same time wondering just when her son and his two friends, Tom and Bob, would be leaving for this party of theirs....

4 years ago
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Drunken Good Times

Nadia and I have been friends for like three years now and we always hung out together.  She would sleep over my house and visa versa if any one of us was too drunk to go home when we would go out.  I considered her my best friend.  We were very open when it came to talking about sex and she knew that I had a boyfriend.  She also knew that I was not being sexually satisfied by him and that I was quite frustrated.   She was very open about being bisexual and she would tell me about her...

1 year ago
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Drunken Curiousness

This was going to be another one of those boring nights. Home alone with nothing to do and no one available to hang out. All you had left to do is sit at home and watch tv, play video games, and masturbate. The last one is something that you'd rather not put out there, but it undeniably happens every time. As a straight man, you'll generally find some hot female nudes or porn to jack off too, by sometimes you'll get turned on by other things. It's always easier to find other horny guys online...

3 years ago
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drunken night with my best mates sister

Heavily debated whether or not to share this story, but to be honest, its too good not to! I won't use real names, for obvious reasons. So we'll call my best mate "Jack"I've known Jack since I was about 8, went through little school, secondary & college together. I've known his family nearly as long, always treated them as my own & they've always looked after me. There's times I'd pop round to see Jack & end up having a drink with his old man or chatting to his mum or his sister....

2 years ago
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drunken neighbor

I’ll admit it, I’m a horn dog. If she wears a skirt and over 18 years old, I’m interested in separating her from her underwear. My personal likes will take a back seat if it means getting fucked. But like all of us there are things that I like better than others.The first time I saw my neighbor was from the window of my bedroom. I lived in an upper apartment and she was moving into the one across the hall from me. All I could see was that she had short curly hair and sounded like a bitch!...

4 years ago
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Drunken Sex On The Rooftop

Being drunk has landed me in trouble and that night was no different. Do I regret the things that happened? No. This incident happened around 8 years ago when I had recently moved into the corporate world and was new to the big city and the city life. I was invited for a weekend house party by a senior colleague and hence felt obliged to attend it considering I did not want to offend anyone by not showing up. When I reached the venue in I was pleasantly surprised by the crowd there from the...

3 years ago
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drunken susan at the porn cinema

It was a friday night and i had told susan that we were going to london for the weekend, supposably to watch a show, at least that is what i told susan.we were staying in a hotel not far off the euston road. the evening started with a very nice meal in the hotel restaurant. needless to say i made sure thar susan had plenty of wine.Susan was wearing a very nice dress and i must admit she did look very sexy.but once i had got her drunk i took her back to our hotel room and made her put on the...

2 years ago
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drunken aunty

So you know now that we had been told it was bad to do our work, and it frightened us into no doing it, we must have waited two wks or more, not only was we turned on all the time, but our balls were starting to ach.Also found out why he was staying there a lot, she liked a drink, and every Thursday evening she had a few bottles of wine, but as I was staying he never did the things, but this time was different.He said had to test the water so to speak to see how drunk she was, he told her his...

3 years ago
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Drunken Good Times

Nadia and I have been friends for like three years now and we always hung out together.  She would sleep over my house and visa versa if any one of us was too drunk to go home when we would go out.  I considered her my best friend.  We were very open when it came to talking about sex and she knew that I had a boyfriend.  She also knew that I was not being sexually satisfied by him and that I was quite frustrated.   She was very open about being bisexual and she would tell me about her...

3 years ago
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Drunken fuck

Hi readers…i dont want to waste my time describing about this site as others do…am a regular reader of this site and a great fan of it…i would like to narrate the real life incident happened in my life… I used to drink wit my friends and enjoy…and of course v used to drink regularly thrice a week or something. On that day as usual v were drinking and enjoying…after drink v got to our homes in our bikes…as usual i was returning home in my bike…unusually i tried a way which is a shortcut to my...

1 year ago
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Drunken orgy

It began as a note that arrived on Monday. Steve was coming for a few days. He was accepting the open invitation my husband offered him last time we saw him. My husband, David, and I liked Steve but he tended to drink a bit much for our liking. David and I are involved regularly in Church and are our faith played a major role in our lives. I met David when I was 18 and he was 20. After a year courtship we were married. I lost my virginity to David on my wedding night and he is the only man I...

3 years ago
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Drunken Gang Bang

Well it happened again… I’d been away for a business trip and once I got back, my slut wife Ellen whispered in my ear, “I’ve been naughty” and I was instantly hard!! She gave me her best “Little Miss Naughty” look then jammed her hand down my pants and started her story… Ellen had been out with some girlfriends to a Mexican Restaurant that just happened to be having a Tequila promotion. They got stuck into the “lick-sip-suck” routine...

2 years ago
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Drunken wife gang banged

It was our first anniversary and we had planned to go to the quiet little restaurant where we had gone on our very first date. Beth asked me to select what she should wear for the evening from her wardrobe. Hoping I was in for a sexy evening, well this was our anniversary; I selected a black blouse that crisscrossed over her lovely small but firm young breasts. It had ties that went around her waist and tied and the back. I also selected a black wraparound skirt and suggested that she...

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