- 3 years ago
- 26
- 0
It had been a long day, and I was glad it was over. Since seven in the morning, I'd had a studio full of people for a photo shoot. It was for a popular and irreverent men's magazine, and all the models had been scantily clad. I suppose the readership of the magazine liked their women beautiful and dumb, because that's certainly what I'd dealt with all day. Working with fashion models may sound glamorous, but it's usually not. Most of them are either vapid or vacuously chatty.
My assistants Theresa and Steve were shutting down the studio lights and moving props out of the way while I hustled the last of the models and various other people out of the building. I couldn't wait to pour myself a cold drink and relax, although I knew I wouldn't have long before the magazine's art director called. We'd talk about the shoot, when he could see the proofs, and a host of other details.
I had just shut the outer door on the last of the crowd when the office phone rang. With a sigh, I resigned myself to dealing with the call.
"Mike Logan," I said, catching the phone on the fourth ring.
"Mike, old buddy, old pal. How the hell are ya?"
I furrowed my brow in concentration, trying to place the voice. It sure wasn't the men's magazine art director.
"You don't know who this is, do you?" the caller asked when my brain refused to cooperate.
"No," I said, rubbing my weary eyes. "Enlighten me."
"It's Terry."
Terry. I searched my memory, but drew a blank.
"C'mon, buddy."
"I'm sorry, Terry. It's been a long day."
"Terry Duggins, from NYU."
Finally, recognition blossomed in my overworked brain. "Terry! Of course. Sorry, man. It's been one of those days. Besides," I said, shaking my head, "it's been what ... eight years?"
"Yeah, at least."
Terry was my roommate the first year I was at NYU. I was studying photography at the Tisch School of the Arts, and he wanted to be the next Stanley Kubrick. Terry's father was some big-shot financial type and had finally convinced him to transfer to Columbia to "pursue a real career." We'd kept in touch after Terry changed schools, but drifted apart a year or two after graduation.
I sat down in the office chair and swiveled to put my feet on the desk. "How ya been, man?"
We chatted for a few minutes, catching up. He was married and still living in the City. I was surprised to hear that he hadn't joined his father's firm after graduation. My respect for his old man grew when Terry told me his dad wouldn't give him a job until he'd proven himself at another firm. The Duggins name carried enough weight that he had no trouble finding a position. In the eight years since I'd talked to him, he'd swiftly moved up the corporate ladder, and had just accepted a position--based solely on his own accomplishments, he said proudly--with his father's firm.
I told him about my life during the intervening years. I was still single and doing what I enjoyed most, taking pictures of beautiful women. Terry told me he'd even seen my photos in last year's Swimsuit Issue. Yes, the models really were that beautiful. No, I didn't date the models. Yes, I did get to travel a lot. I didn't mention that most of the models were not the type of women I'd consider dating. Nor did I mention the hundreds of pounds of cameras and equipment I usually schlepped around on those "glamorous" trips. He had his little fantasy of what a fashion photographer's life was like, and I didn't want to break the spell with a cold dose of reality.
"Listen, buddy," he said. "Let me cut to the chase. I was having lunch with Dad and one of his clients yesterday, and the subject of this guy's youngest daughter came up. She's getting married in June, and the photographer got deported. I told them I was old college buds with you, and that you shot weddings all the time. So, I told 'em..."
"Terry," I said, interrupting him. "I haven't shot weddings in a long time." I didn't like shooting weddings, and I'd done it early in my career simply to pay the bills.
"It's like riding a bike, though. Right?"
No, I thought to myself, it's not. Working with fashion models may be trying at times, but if I didn't like the lighting or the angle was bad, I simply stopped for a moment and fixed things. Brides walking down the aisle were like silk-clad juggernauts. They didn't care if the lighting was bad or the angle was wrong.
"Terry, I'd love to help, but ... I don't do weddings anymore."
"C'mon, buddy. Help me out here. How much would you charge this guy to shoot his daughter's wedding."
"Terry, I'm telling you, I don't do weddings."
"When I mentioned you, Reuben said he knew your name, and he wanted the best for his little girl. So ... how much?"
I quickly realized I wasn't going to beg off, so I decided to try another tack. Back when I was shooting weddings, I usually charged a thousand dollars for a complete package. But that was when I was new to the business and hadn't established a name for myself. These days, the going rate for a good wedding photographer was probably somewhere between three and five thousand. I added a little to the top-end fee and then doubled it, hoping to put Terry's friend off with the price alone.
"Look, Terry, my time's really booked. But if you've got to tell this guy something, tell him I'll do it for fifteen grand." I expected Terry to sputter, maybe even gasp. I was hoping he'd simply tell me I was crazy and gracefully, or not so gracefully-- I didn't care which--drop the idea.
"Sounds great!"
"Did you hear what I said, Terry?"
"Sure. Fifteen thousand. No problem. I'll tell Reuben."
"Terry, I don't even know when the wedding is. If I'm booked that week, then there's nothing I can do. Like I said, I don't do weddings."
"I dunno when it is, exactly. Sometime in early June. I'll tell ya what, let me give you Reuben's daughter's number. You got a pen?"
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. The last thing I wanted to do was to shoot a wedding. He gave me the number and I reluctantly wrote it on a Post-it note.
"Her name's Lara. Lara Talbot."
"Right," I said, writing her name under the number. Something about the girl's name tickled the back of my brain, but I couldn't figure out what it was. I drew two lines under her last name and then it hit me. "What did you say her father's name was?"
"Reuben. Why?"
"Reuben Talbot?!" I asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"The Reuben Talbot? The guy who owns more of Manhattan than Donald Trump?"
"Well," Terry said. "The Donald doesn't own that much anymore."
"Yeah, he's that Reuben Talbot."
"Christ, Terry! Why didn't you tell me it was Reuben Talbot's daughter?!"
"Would it have made a difference?"
"Hell yes, it would have."
"Why?" he asked.
I couldn't begin to explain to him the problems involved. Weddings are bad enough--if you screw up even the smallest thing, families get really bent out of shape. You usually only get one chance to get a shot, maybe two or three for the posed shots of the wedding party. But during my thankfully short career as a wedding photographer, I'd learned that rich weddings were the worst. Demanding parents, haughty participants, and spoiled children could quickly turn things into a fiasco.
"Trust me, Terry," I said. "It would've made a difference."
"Oh, well," he said, sounding indifferent. "I know you'll enjoy it. And it'll certainly be good for your business."
"I'm not in the business of shooting weddings, Terry."
"You'll have a blast, buddy. I think you'll like Lara. She's a real firecracker. Hey, buddy, I gotta go." I could hear another phone ringing in the background. "I'll tell Reuben to tell Lara to expect your call. It was great catching up with you. I'll see ya at the wedding."
Without even waiting for me to say goodbye, he hung up.
Super, I thought. Even fifteen thousand dollars couldn't make me enjoy the hell I was going to endure to shoot Lara Talbot's wedding. Of that, I was positive.
For three days, I debated whether or not to call her. Unfortunately, I'd told Terry I would, and my professional ethics wouldn't let me avoid it. Finally, I sat down in my office and dialed her number. After the fourth ring, the answering machine picked up. I listened to the greeting--she actually had a pleasant voice--and was preparing to leave a noncommittal message when I heard a click.
"Hello? I'm here! Don't hang up."
I heard a beep as she turned off the machine. "I'd like to speak to Lara Talbot, please."
"This is Lara," she said, panting slightly.
"Ms. Talbot, this is Mike Logan. I'm a..."
"Oh, yeah," she said. "The photographer. Daddy said you'd call. I thought it was pretty cool when he told me he'd hired you. I mean, I didn't know you did weddings."
"I don't," I said simply. "And I don't even know if I can do yours. I've got a shoot scheduled in St. Maarten for the last week in June."
"Oh, that's no problem. The wedding's the 8th of June."
My heart sank. I still had one chance to get out of it. "Well, you see, I haven't shot a wedding in a long time. I only agreed, tentatively, as a favor for a friend." Some friend, I thought ruefully. "I'm a fashion photographer. Wouldn't a professional wedding photographer be more suited to your needs?" I fervently hoped she'd see the wisdom of getting someone else, and let me off the hook.
"This close to the wedding, all the best wedding photographers are already booked," she said.
Reluctantly, I had to agree with her.
"Besides," she said cheerfully, "My friend Ginny is a photography nut. She says you'd be perfect, that your composition and framing, whatever that means, are fantastic." Warming up to her flattery, she continued. "And she said your lighting and texture are exquisite."
"You'll have to thank your friend for me," I said, feeling my stomach knot up as I realized I wasn't going to get out of shooting the wedding.
"So, where do I send the check?"
"Hold on a second," I said. "We need to meet first and get some details ironed out. And you need to sign a contract."
"Sure. No problem. When?"
With a sigh, I flipped open my PDA and brought up my schedule.
Theresa and Steve were on a local shoot, doing some background work for a layout, and I had the studio to myself. When we were doing a shoot, the place was always bustling with people and activity. On days when things were quiet, they were really quiet. My studio was one big converted warehouse, with ceilings high enough to hang lights and backdrops from, and enough space for three separate galleries. It wasn't as posh as some of the big studios in Midtown, but it was mine and mine alone.
Lara Talbot and her wedding planner were supposed to be in my office at three o'clock, and I was dreading the appointment.
Since I last talked to her, I'd had a chance to call one of my college classmates--one I kept up with better than Terry and I had--and asked her for some advice. She shot weddings professionally, and I wanted to ask her about the language for my contract, package and album prices, and a laundry list of other things.
Grace laughed richly when I told her about my predicament, but quickly sobered when she found out it was the Talbot-Rosenbaum wedding. She was both amazed and amused when she learned how much I was getting paid. It seems I might have overdone it a bit when I tried to shock Terry with the cost. She e-mailed me a copy of her contract, which I quickly modified to suit my own needs. She also sent me her current price list, but suggested I include a hefty number of things for free, since I was getting paid so handsomely.
When I asked Grace if she'd like to simply do the wedding in my stead, and pocket the entire fee, she told me she was booked that entire weekend with two weddings. She actually managed to sound sad about it. She did offer to do the albums for me at her wholesale cost, which would be a lifesaver. I took her out for dinner and drinks a few days later to show my appreciation. After meeting with her, I went home armed with a good overview of the current wedding photography business.
I'd even done some digging on Reuben Talbot, hoping to find out more about him, and anything about his daughter. Because of who he was, a quick search of the periodicals archive at the public library yielded a slew of information, most of it financial or business-related. I also managed to find photos of his first two daughters' weddings. They were published in, of course, The Post. They were mostly what I expected, lavish affairs attended by the City's upper crust. Not for the first time, I wondered what I'd gotten myself into.
Theresa and Steve had both snickered at all of my due diligence, but once again, my professional ethics wouldn't let me do a half- assed job. I might not want to shoot the wedding, but I was going to do a good job.
My reverie was interrupted when the door buzzer sounded. Ms. Talbot and her planner were right on time, and I went to admit them. When I opened the door, I was confronted by a completely unexpected sight: a popinjay. That's the only word that described the man standing in my studio doorway. He couldn't have been an inch taller than five and a half feet, with a dark complexion, bleached hair with orange tips, and a million-dollar smile. I don't shoot men's fashion, but I recognized one of this year's Jean-Paul Gaultier pret a porter outfits. The problem I have with Gaultier as a designer is that he doesn't just break the rules, he smashes them to pieces and then grinds them underfoot until they're powder. I haven't met anyone who looks good in a Gaultier outfit, and I work with a lot of good-looking people.
I quickly recovered my wits and stepped aside, motioning for the popinjay to enter. He was followed by a slightly pudgy young woman whom I assumed to be Lara Talbot. The resemblance to her father was clear, if unflattering. I was just shutting the heavy security door when the two of them ... squeaked ... and the door stopped moving.
"Hey! Back that thing up."
The voice came from around the door. I jerked it open and a figure darted around it. At first, I thought it was some street person and started to tell them to get out. When she pulled off her hat and sunglasses, then stared at me defiantly, I had to suppress the urge to laugh.
"Were you trying to kill me with that thing?" she asked petulantly. "It must weigh a ton!" She put her hands on her hips and scowled at me. She looked like a little girl trying to convince me she was angry.
"Can I help you?" I asked, working to regain my composure.
"We have an appointment," said the popinjay.
I turned to look at him, and then regarded the Talbot woman. "I know you two do." Still smirking, I gazed coolly at the new girl. "But who are you?"
Her eyes widened and her nostrils flared.
"She's Ms. Talbot," the popinjay said, sounding scandalized.
I turned to regard the pudgy woman, confusion slowly replacing my amusement. "Then who are you?"
"My sister," the slim brunette said acerbically.
Finally, my self-control failed and I laughed out loud.
"What's so funny?" she demanded.
"You're Lara Talbot?" I asked, still chuckling.
She huffed and nodded.
"I thought she," I said, pointing to the other woman, "was you. And I thought you were a street person."
"A street person?!"
"We're here to see Mr. Logan, the photographer," the popinjay said, trying to salvage the situation.
"Right this way," I said, leading them toward my office and trying to rein in my chuckling. Unfortunately, I was having too much fun and decided to throw decorum to the wind. What could they do, fire me? "You should have made your appointment for noon. Mr. Logan's hardly ever drunk by noon." I snickered silently at their scandalized whispers. "But you're in luck."
"And why is that?" the popinjay asked sardonically.
"Because he actually took a bath two..." I ticked off numbers on my fingers. "No, three days ago."
I was still laughing when I led them into my office.
The popinjay, as it turned out, was the very flustered Silvio DePasquale, professional wedding planner. Aside from being badly but expensively dressed, he was gay. And I mean over-the-top gay. I work with a lot of gay guys, and they've never bothered me. I was sure Silvio was harmless as well, but I was having fun tweaking him.
The other woman was only a little overweight, but probably headed for another twenty pounds in the next few years. She was Mrs. Cohen, nee Judy Talbot, and she strongly resembled her father, including his dour expression.
The grouchy brunette was, of course, Lara Talbot. She was an attractive young woman with long brunette hair and a slim, athletic build. It took an effort of will to keep my eyes away from her high, firm breasts. But her most striking features were captivating ice-blue eyes, and she speared me with a penetrating gaze.
I tore my eyes away from her, and when I seated them in my office, they seemed to calm down a little.
"Can I get you something to drink?" I asked, trying to smooth some of the ruffled feathers. "We have bottled water, still or sparkling, and soft drinks. Or, if you prefer, I can get you something with a bit more kick."
They all asked for water. When I returned, they were whispering among themselves. I passed around the bottles and took a seat behind my desk.
"We're here to see Mike Logan," Silvio said.
I'd fully intended to become serious at this point, but at his effete arrogance, something inside me snapped. "You don't wanna see him," I said. "He's a drunk."
"He's a very talented photographer," Judy Cohen said testily.
I shook my head. "He's overrated. Most days, he can't tell one end of the camera from the other."
"Please tell your boss we're here to see him," Silvio demanded.
"You guys would be better off just dealing with me. I'm the only one around here who knows what's going on." I leaned back and put my feet on the desk.
Lara Talbot regarded me shrewdly and the beginning of a grin flashed across her face. She quickly suppressed it.
"Where is Mr. Logan?" Silvio asked forcefully.
"I really have no idea." I shrugged indifferently. "He likes to hang out at a massage parlor a couple of blocks from here. You should just deal with me." I held Lara's gaze and her expression softened a little as she realized how flustered I'd made Silvio and her sister.
"We're here to see Mr. Logan," Judy said.
I grinned at Lara and she finally smiled in reply.
"You're looking at him, Judy," Lara said calmly. "Isn't that right, Mr. Logan."
"Call me Mike," I said.
While Silvio and Judy grumbled about my little ruse, Lara's grin actually widened.
One of the reasons I've always been a good photographer is that I set people at ease and make them feel comfortable. It's a talent I inherited from my grandfather, who never met a stranger.
I turned on the charm once everyone seemed to accept that I was indeed Mike Logan. Lara took no convincing at all. She quickly warmed to me, in spite of the misunderstanding at the door. I think she was enjoying watching me pique Silvio and her sister.
Eventually, Silvio became very friendly as well--once he finally decided I was who I said I was, that is. I could tell he was attracted to me, and I knew he must have been wondering if I were gay. A lot of guys in my line of work are gay. Not all of them, to be sure, but enough to make him wonder about me. I guess I'm an attractive guy, in my own way, to both men and women.
Judy Cohen was as dour as ever. Nothing I said or did seemed to satisfy her. I didn't worry about it much, since Lara seemed to be calling the shots.
I had put together a portfolio that included the best of the pictures from my early wedding photographer days, as well as some of the more artistic fashion photos I'd taken. I'd also typed up a basic "package" for the wedding, which included a number of albums and additional prints.
I showed them my portfolio, and while Lara and Judy looked through it, Silvio read over the contract. Grace had explained to me that it was fairly standard, but Silvio read through it with an attention to detail that made me rethink his level of experience. He was all business as he asked a few pointed questions, but seemed satisfied with my answers.
When Silvio wasn't asking me questions, I studied Lara Talbot. Unlike her sister, I couldn't see a trace of her father in her features. She looked like an everyday twenty-something from a wealthy family: very pretty, tanned, stylish make-up and hair, and a well-toned body.
During my early days in the fashion industry, I'd done "glamour" shots of a lot of young women like her. Not quite attractive enough, tall enough, thin enough, or whatever enough to be models, but they wanted to feel like one for the day. At the time, I hadn't enjoyed it all that much, but it paid the bills. And it got me out of shooting weddings full-time.
Finally, a fashion director at a major women's magazine saw my work and hired me to do a shoot for a Vivienne Tam layout. Both the director and the designer were happy with the results and I started getting regular jobs with the magazine. As my reputation grew, design houses and other magazines wanted me to shoot layouts for them as well, so I stopped doing weddings and glamour shoots altogether.
Unlike the women I'd done glamour shots for, Lara Talbot was attractive enough to be a model. Unfortunately, at 5'6", she wasn't tall enough. With her striking eyes she could have easily done head shots or cosmetic work. And her body ... well, her body was superb.
As I was gazing at her, she looked up suddenly and made eye contact with me. With a smile, I tried to downplay the fact that I was staring at her. But she was a smart girl and realized I'd been admiring her. She surprised me by sitting up a bit straighter, taking a deep breath, and then holding it. Doing so pushed her shapely breasts up and out. I arched an inquisitive eyebrow at her, but she merely smiled and returned her eyes to my portfolio.
Silvio looked up a few moments later and we made eye contact. I smiled in what I hoped was a friendly but non-inviting manner. He gave me an interested look, but I shook my head minutely. With his expression, he asked, "Are you sure?" I nodded firmly and he sighed theatrically, then rolled his eyes and grinned at me. I merely tilted my head to the side and shrugged by way of apologizing.
After they looked at the portfolio and Silvio pronounced the contract satisfactory, we started talking about schedules. From her purse, Lara withdrew a PDA and Silvio produced one from somewhere within the Gaultier travesty he wore. I took out the stylus for my own PDA, and we discussed the details for dates, times, and locations: formal bride's photos (at my studio), informal couple photos (outdoors, at the Talbot's lake house in Cold Spring Harbor), wedding party photos (at the wedding site, Huntington Country Club), the reception (also at the Country Club), and then dates for viewing the proofs. It took us more than thirty minutes just to work everything out, but by the time we'd finished, we were all satisfied. Except for Judy Cohen, that is, and I don't think anything was going to satisfy her.
All we had left was for them to sign the contract and write me a check for the deposit. My friend Grace had suggested I ask for five thousand up front and bill them for the rest once they'd viewed the proofs. I was just about to have Lara sign the contract when she suggested I give them a tour of the studio. I could hardly say no, so we stood and walked out of my office.
I gave them the nickel tour, showing them all three galleries, both darkrooms, the dressing rooms, the whole nine yards. Finally, I showed them the "I love me" room, which had blow-ups of cover shots I'd done, photographs of me with famous designers and models, and some of the best examples of my work. I also had a big light table in there, as well as a couple of comfortable couches. I'd found it was a good place to highlight my work for prospective clients.
As soon as we walked into the room, I could tell they were impressed, even Judy. They all looked at the photos of me with famous people and I stepped forward to point out my favorites. I was standing between Silvio and Lara, just a little behind them, pointing to a photo of me and Stefano Gabbana, when I felt a hand on my crotch. The hand cupped my dick and squeezed gently. Silvio turned to me and smiled, and I diplomatically took a step back.
Once we'd looked at most of the pictures, I steered the three of them back to my office. Silvio hung back with me. I discreetly leaned down and politely but firmly told him I was straight. He looked confused for a moment.
"I got the message in your office," he said, sotto voce.
"Just making sure," I said quietly.
After that, Lara signed the contract and wrote me a check. We went over our list of dates and locations one final time, and they left. I still wasn't looking forward to shooting the wedding, but at least Silvio and Lara had their act together.
With a few exceptions, wedding photography uses the same cameras that fashion photography does. I'm mostly a traditionalist, and use a variety of medium-format cameras. They're all manual focus, so they're mostly for posed shots. In addition to them, I use several professional 35mm auto-focus cameras for "quick work."
I had been looking at a new Canon SLR digital camera, and decided that now was the time to buy. Since it was an 11-megapixel professional-grade camera, it cost considerably more than I'd gotten from Lara Talbot for her deposit, but it was something I needed to buy anyway. I picked up several extra CompactFlash cards for the Canon, and ordered all the film I'd need for the wedding.
The first photo session with Lara was in two weeks, and then the countdown to the wedding began. Theresa and Steve teased me for being so serious about the wedding shoot, but it was my professional reputation on the line, so I treated it like I'd treat any other shoot. You don't get to be a sought-after photographer by doing sloppy work, I reminded them.
I was going over the final details for Lara Talbot's bridal gown shoot when the door buzzer sounded. Since I'd only be dealing with one "model," I let Steve have the day off. Theresa finished setting the light diffusers while I went to answer the door.
When I opened the security door, Silvio fairly rushed through, holding a cup carrier full of coffee and leading two other people. Without pausing, he handed me a cup--it smelled like cappuccino-- and stood aside to allow the others inside. I showed the make-up artist and hair stylist to the larger of the two dressing rooms.
"Thanks for the coffee," I said to Silvio as we watched the two women open their cases and set up.
"No problem, sweetie," he said. He looked at his watch and then took the lid off his coffee. "The dress should be here in about fifteen minutes." He took a sip and licked the foam from his upper lip. "And Lara is coming from the hair salon in about half an hour."
The dress arrived a little late, but close enough to Silvio's prediction that I was impressed by his organizational skills. Not surprisingly, the gown was a Vera Wang. I was a little surprised that not one, but three assistants came with it. When I saw the dress itself, I understood why. When you buy a one-of-a- kind $80,000 handmade Vera Wang wedding dress, they send a small army of people to make sure it fits perfectly.
Silvio explained that today's shoot was essentially a dry run for the actual wedding day. The florist was even sending over a duplicate of the bridal bouquet. If anything was unsatisfactory-- hair, make-up, dress, or flowers--Silvio would have two weeks to remedy the problem.
Lara herself arrived a few minutes earlier than predicted, carrying a small overnight bag. I was duly impressed by her hair. It was done up in an elegant style that accentuated her face and graceful neck.
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Rita bhauja ku dekhile sabu bele mana hua karibaku. Tanka ghara ama ghara ku lagiki. Bhai praye bahare ruhanti. Rita bhauja masta kari tukanka sahit dina rati re time paile huanti. Mu dekhiki karibaku icha hua hele sujog mileni. Dine Rita bhauja pakhare bhidi ki basi katha heuthili. Bhauja durei durei gala belaku my bhidi jauthili. Bhauja kahile kire aji bhidi bhidi hauchu. Nai semiti kichi nanhi. Bajigala. Bajigala. Pura garam kari pacharu lageidauchu. Kahila bajigala. Tike durei basili. Mane...
One day I woke up on social media and got two invitations to weddings. One was Amber's. I thought about her and winced as I thought about our last sexual encounter. I still wasn't totally over her.The second one was Ashley's. I was not expecting that one. Now, I'm cool with the both of them. However, it would seem awkward to show up at Ashley's wedding with me fucking her in college not too long ago, and vice versa with Amber. I needed some advice from a female perspective."You...
ThreesomesIt’s been a long, I were busy in my hectic work schedule. And thanks for your kind support and request which inspire me for writing stories. This is a whole new story,I am Ravi 47 year old banker, who had mange to be single for nearly some 7-8 years . I were in a good married life before being divorce, I have 2 son, both of them were in school know. My Ex wife is also a banker, After the divorce both of my son stay with her, though I pay there school fee and extra money regularly on monthly...
“I don’t need anything; I’m eating out tonight.”“Oh? The first I’ve heard of that.”“It’s been planned for a few days now.”“You didn’t say anything. Where are you going? Who with?”“Honey, I’ve got a meeting with Mitch.”++++++My name is Peter, a director for a medium-sized business, in charge of the facilities for a dozen sites across the country. At forty-eight, I have been married for twenty-four years. Lisa, my wife, is three years younger than me and mother to our three children, the youngest...
Wife LoversDu bist fertig mit der Schule für heute und gehst nach Hause. Auf dem Weg triffst du ein Mädchen. Wen triffst du?
BDSMChapter Three - Our First Weekend Together When I awoke the next morning, the sun was shining brightly into Grace's bedroom. She sat on the edge of her bed, gently stroking my face, sipping a cup of coffee as she smiled sweetly. "Good morning Sleepy Head," she said. "Did you sleep well?" I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. "Mmmm. Yeah. I think I did. What time is it?" I asked. She smiled. "Almost noon. I didn't think you'd ever wake up. Too much to drink last night?" she...
Author’s note: This story is completely fiction and is bases on a story line supplied by a reader. I took the basic story line and embellished it. This story will contain vaginal, oral, anal, group and bi-sexual sex. All characters are at least 18 years of age. The story got a little long so I will submit it in chapters. In this chapter Benji and Chris become closer. Millie meets Carol and joins her and Jill for an afternoon of fun. Andy’s mother comes to the academy for a visit and she has...
I discovered glory holes when I was 19 years old when I was a student at a Midwestern university. That summer, I stayed near campus to take a couple of extra classes and work. Stereotypically, I was "young, dumb and full of cum."After getting out of work late one night, I was too horned up to sleep and I was bored with the handful of porn magazines and videotapes I had (this was the 80's). There was an adult bookstore off the highway about a half an hour away. I had never been in one before,...
(BATH) I look out clean knickers/ bra/ socks/ t-shirt and jeans/ take them through to the bathroom/ fold them neatly on the chair and turn the radiator to three. There is a spider crawling slowly across the bottom of the bath. I turn on the hot tap. As the water hits it it curls up into a tiny ball. *Sorry* I say as I watch it disappear down the plug-hole. Unrolling the white rubber mat I stick it to the bottom of the bath and put the plug in so the tub begins to fill with hot water. Into...
It was inevitable when a new interstate highway went it. The city followed it, intruding on and, eventually, choking out whatever had taken up the rural space beyond the original confines of the city. Thus it was when a new express highway went in between Oklahoma City and Dallas. I worked for a get-bigger-and-richer pharmaceutical company headquartered in Oklahoma City, and when I moved there I opted for a bigger, fancier house in a development that had followed the new highway into what had...
Steve woke well-rested, lying on his back with his sleeping partners, Antonia and Susan, draped face-down across him. Each woman had an arm across the other's back, with Steve's arms arranged below theirs. The women seemed to be cuddling each other as much as they were cuddling Steve. He didn't need to go anywhere urgently, so he lay there quietly and enjoyed the feeling of their breasts pressing against him. All good things come to an end, it's said, and Steve's quiet time was no...
Venus Afrodita sizzles in the middle of Maximo Garcia and David Perry in this Hands On Hardcore extreme fetish scene. The gorgeous curvy ass’d Latina has gone from maid to slave when the boys put her on extra dick duties and she goes above and beyond to satisfy their kinky cravings. Dressed to thrill in bondage apparel, this gorgeous glamour model honors their every need. See her ass fucked and spanked in this raunchy MMF threesome feature where the sexy slut is manhandled just like she...
xmoviesforyouOswald's Funeral Home sent the good hearse. Daddy requested them ... he was their attorney of record and the viewing rooms were just south of the Catholic Church. If Linden Blvd were more than a block long, their driveway would be South Linden. It's not. When were were in the seventh, we went to school with Mike Oswald. We still speak ... you have to with neighbors but Mike was one of the guys who resented our being smart ... he also resented the fact that we were successful in suing the...
As Linda drove slowly toward her home her mind was flooded with images of what she had seen earlier. All those people doing all those marvelous things. She could still feel Brother Bob's hands on her bare ass. She seemed to "remember" his hands on her bare breasts, in her cunt, but that was dream-like. Now as she thought about it she wanted his hands on every part of her. Wanted his cock in her... every way possible. For a brief second then she was shocked with herself, felt strange,...
"Chelsea, table five wants a cunt steak, medium well, no cut!" Andrea called from the counter. "On it!" Chelsea answered. Being a Grade-A meatgirl, she knew she could get "The Call" at anytime, so she was only wearing a bathrobe. Some places had their meatgirls walk around naked at all times, but Anderson's had a strict policy against that - they didn't want the other workers distracted. On her way back, Chelsea passed a preparation room. Her best friend, Rebecca, was currently being stuffed....
I was recently on a Stag weekend where I finally had anotherguy on guy experience. Thought I’d share this with you. It’s not a quickie, but it is pretty much what happened. I’ll call him Jack. Years ago, I was at a party hosted by the groom where there included a group of three girls, one of which was called Jo. She was with her then boyfriend and to some extent she become part of our circle of friends. Jo has always had that really cute, if not stunningly beautiful, look, and frankly I’ve...
Chapter 1 October 30 - Approximately 11:30 p.m. Jenny stumbled outside, weaving a little as she walked. Her date, Tim, walked behind her. Jenny laughed drunkenly as she tried to walk through the parking lot. She laughed at some of the costumes she had seen her friends wearing earlier tonight. They were so ridiculous. She would be able to get in some good insults at school tomorrow. She thought her own vampire costume was excellent. She had gone all out on making it. She wore a wig with...
Magic Crayons by Maggie O'Malley This story is dedicated to my Auntie Sara the Art Angel. Her beautiful creations both art and literary bring joy and love to all they touch. Yet as wonderful as they are, they are not the greatest gift she possesses. The greatest gift of all is the beautiful young woman herself. Auntie Sara you are a kind, generous, and gentle soul with so much love to give, and so many who want to give love back to you. You bring a smile to my face every time...
My story began when I was at Junior Secondary and my g/f at the time didn't just have large labia, hers were absolutely MASSIVE.I discovered this when I told her to take her knickers off on our first date together and from that moment on I stopped her from ever putting her knickers on again and I also banned her from wearing ANY UNDERWEAR, ANY WHERE at ANY TIME and to ensure that she complied with my ban I told her to pack ALL her undies in a bag and bring them to school next day so that we...
Pattie and John continued their affair. She had a desire to include Eric in their experimentation, but didn't know how to initiate it. One day all three youngsters went for a swim. The water was cold, but the air was warm and when they came out of the water they spread a blanket on the grass and lay down to dry in the warmth of the sun. Somehow Pattie became sandwiched between the two boys and after a short time she opened her eyes, aware of some strange intrigue in the air. She turned to...
Back in the De Carrouges chambers the night before the duel. “You have done nothing, my child, save try to live in this crazy world of ours,” he said as he stroked her hair, holding her for comfort. “Jean has chosen this course of action, not you. He has forced you to be here now. But, all is not yet lost.” He stood and kissed her forehead. “I will be back in just a few moments.” “Please, father,” she cried, “Don’t leave me! I’m terrified! I don’t want to die!” “I will be right back,” he...
I can't remember why we decided to go to the Peppermint Club that night. When Lois and I travel we like to try something different. Anyway, Lois wanted to have a good time that evening and so did I.There were lots of clubs in Las Vegas. The Peppermint was one of the nicest, with comfortable booths sporting leather seats, a dance floor and live music. We got there just before 9pm and ordered drinks. Lois had dressed to go out. She looked great in a tight black skirt, pinkish top that showed off...
When Zoe woke up the next morning she was keen to leave Alison's house as quickly as possible. She remained worried about her friend but that was outweighed by the creepy feeling Zoe felt about Alison's dad. She grabbed her bag and used the bathroom to freshen up, washing her face and brushing her teeth. She opened her bag, removed her mobile phone and phoned her mother, asking her to come pick her up. Returning to Alison's room she quickly dressed and hugged her friend, whispering that...
We as youngsters always fantasies to have sex with a married women. So friends this is my true encounter of sexual relation with a married women of 36. My name is Ajay , I am 23 years old and the women name is Shalini. Shalini is 36 years old working women. She has 2 kids of age 11 and 8. Her husband is mostly out of station due to work. In a month her husband is out for almost 20 days minimum. The absence of her husband and sex led Shalini to get intimate with me. She looks good and has stats...
IncestWhen living in Savannah, I used to attend my girlfriend Shelley’s lingerie party meetings.We had become a very nice group of bitches. Sometimes a new girl could be invited; but she could be considered part of the group after passing an initiation… When Shelley invited me for the next meeting, she warned me that Carla would be there for her very first time. Carla was a nice young babe in her early twenties; she was Shelley coworker and the girl was hot. She had been addressed some lines about...
Bobbi is David’s wife. Bobbi and David are best friends, and have been since childhood. They have a wonderful relationship, the envy of their many friends. They can make each other laugh, they have more common interests than just about any couple they know, they do almost everything together, and they have a great time doing it. Almost everything. They don’t have sex together. Ever. In the five years they’ve been married, they have never fucked, sucked or even fondled each other. Not one single...
Session Girls! My fans know that I will jerk off to anything. I even spank the monkey to the incest porn that I abhor more than animal fucking. If you mute the volume on incest porn, it immediately becomes regular porn. It’s not like those motherfuckers are actually related. They just call each other brother and sister every five seconds to maintain the illusion.I haven’t ever beat my meat to animal fucking, but I’ve squeezed off a nut or two watching furry porn. It’s basically the same thing....
Premium Fetish Porn SitesNicole Arbour. Lesbian madam. 40 years old, 5’ 10” tall, leggy, athletic, strong. And stacked. Like a brick house. 50E-24-38. Shoulder-length thick blonde hair. Bright red lipstick, toenails, and fingernails. Golden tan from sunbathing in the nude. Neatly trimmed pussy. A real, live Amazon queen. Nicole had been supplying beautiful American blondes to Kayleigh McEnany’s escort service. A very lucrative partnership. Kayleigh had double-crossed Donald Jr and Eric. Embezzling from the Trump was...
Hi, I’m Kathy, last year my husband Phil and I bought the business of our dreams, a lakefront resort and bar in Southern Wisconsin. My husband used to be a wrestler in college and he still had a body builder’s physique that any women would die for. But frankly, I was becoming bored with him, he just had no class. I had been a bodybuilder also and am still a large, but very muscular woman in her forties. I still love sex with my husband, but often I think back to my college years when I had...
Hi this is Pabby. If any female wanna contact me please mail me She was getting bored sitting at home when the phone rang. It was a pleasant Surprise for her to hear Pooja’s voice after such a long time. She was her childhood friend who had gone to the States after getting married to Pabby. She had come to India for a few days. She had decided to surprise me by not telling me about it beforehand. They decided to meet in the afternoon. Now, Pooja and Seema had shared a lot; right from secrets...
Alina Lopez delivers some mail to her stepbrother Tony. After reading it, he goes to confide in Alina that he has a terminal illness. She offers to be there for him, and he confesses that he likes her a lot and that he wants to be with her. Alina thinks about it and decides to give him his dying wish. She starts by letting Tony enjoy the feel of her all natural breasts and big hard nipples. Rising to her feet, Alina peels off her shorts and sheer panties so her stepbrother can experience her...
xmoviesforyou"A little higher and a touch to the right, Son." I was helping Mother hang Josh's framed paintings. The task was time-consuming, but we were almost finished. Over one hundred fifty magnificent paintings graced the walls of the studio, and more were hanging in the various guest rooms, and common areas of the compound. I was amazed at Josh's output, especially after Sandy told me Josh had destroyed what he called his mediocre work, which numbered around an additional hundred watercolor...
When Jennifer woke up the following morning, a dull headache and a jumble of disconnected memories reminded her of a night out of her control. She had neither a watch nor her phone. The latter was in her bag. She had left it somewhere last night, in her rush to get fucked by bloody Steve.And afterwards, there was George. As Jennifer stood under the almost cold shower, she recalled his calm, resonant voice, and her body remembered the touch of his strong, caring hands. He did not know her....
BDSMMelanie Hicks boyfriend is a sweet guy who wants to do the best by her. But when her hot ass stepmom starts seducing him behind her back, there is little he can do to resist. She sends him sexy selfies all day long and then has him put sunscreen on her body. Finally, he fucks her silly by the pool. Later, Melanie finds out about the little affair, and cannot believe her ears. To solve the problem, Alex tells Melanie she will teach her some moves to keep her boyfriend focused on her. Soon, the...
xmoviesforyouHello guys! Mera naam lucifer he aur me 20 saal ka hu..mera height 6 ft he aur lund he 7″ ka..me humesha se hi Badi aunty me interested rehta hu..aur pataa nahi unko saree me yaa tight kapdo me dekh humeshaa se hi horny hojaata hu. Toh ek baar aisa huaa ki mere parivaar waale(meri behen meri maa aur mere dad) mere uncle ke family saath gao jaane ka plan banaye…me nahi jaa paa raha tha kyu ki mujhe project submit karnaa tha college me! Toh mene ghar waalo ko bolaa ki aaplog hi jao.. Maa ko bohat...
It started like any other Saturday evening visit with my baseball coach Coach H (He's 58 and I am 18). He gave me a beer to drink while we watched a video of the coach having sex with his ex-wife. When I was sufficiently relaxed and horny Coach H asked if I would like to make video with him. Seeing how erotic the videos of him and his ex-wire were I said "Why not". Coach H lead me to another bedroom. In the center was the bed with several video cameras on tripods pointed at the center of the...
Prague!! Finally, I am here. It's been so long since they promised this trip to us at work, as a reward for our great results. Just my luck though, i had to come alone, because my friend and colleague, Ana, the other winner, got sick just yesterday, and she couldn't join me... damn, we've made sooo many plans, and now? Well, there's got to be something to entertain me alone. This is the fun capitol of Europe, right? A girl can pull an all-nighter here without too much of a bother. The clubs are...
I had watched Lucida every now and then when she would hang up clothes when I wasn’t out working but never had the balls to say more than hello if we passed. That all changed one Friday night when I stopped by one of the local bars on my way home late. There she was sitting at the bar having a drink, she was wearing a bright multi colored peasant skirt, a white cheese cloth shirt and brown boots. The guy next to her seemed to be giving her a hard time so I moved a little closer without her...
The next morning we got up and went to take a shower. A big tent was equipped with showers and everyone was using the same tent. I looked around and saw that there were many black guys, which was something that really turns me on. I really wanted to get one of the black guys big cocks, but that has to wait. We went over in the big tent to get some breakfast. The leader went up on a stage and said good morning and then announced that The Whore Of The Week would be in action to night. I was...
Hi guys I am ovel (name changed) from bangalore. I am a fair guy, 5’8” with a good athletic physique. The story I am going to narrate is about one of our maids. This is a true incident which goes back about 3 years when I was newly joined for degree. Just after a few months from my joining date, my parents had to go to my native place to be with my grand parents. There was some function and I was not interested to go for that function in my native place. Everybody had to go to the function so I...
Ellie felt so good about her success in the escort business that she decided to call home. Her mother answered on the second ring. "Hello?" "Mom?" "Ellie ... is that you?" "Yes." "My god, Ellie, is it really you? I thought..." "I'm fine, Mom, really, I'm fine." "Where are you?" "At the moment I'm in Atlanta, but I'm headed to the airport." "Where ... where are you going? Are you coming home?" "No, Mom, I'm not ready to come home ... yet." "Oh..." "Mom,...
Grindylow were starting to crawl up the Kestrel’s sides, cresting the railings toward the midship, flanking the defenders. At the helm, Captain Vex cursed. They were running out of time. “Danica, Coleman, get us free!”“Aye, captain!” came the answering calls. Coleman and Danica North led their gaff hook wielding swabs toward the prow, but the fighting was too thick. There wasn’t going to be any safe way to employ their hooks and shove them free of the black ship. For every Grindylow the crew...
Fantasy & Sci-FiHello thank you for your comments I am narrating the story here again People who did not read the first part pleas do read so that you will know better So as I said I was enjoying the lovely view of my aunts legs and the leg is so beautiful to me. I was so happy to see them the disciplined women who never wished to show her skin anyone till now, and I was very sure I am second man to get this chance for me it is wonderful because it never displayed to any man than her husband that feeling it...
IncestTan, leggy and glamorous, Emma Hix gyrates lustfully in fishnets, a pink bikini and matching heels. She strips and stretches her holes through a gorgeous poolside tease, soon heading in for a vigorous backdoor fuck. Director Mark Wood brandishes his thick boner, and Emma gives a nasty, drooling blowjob. The athletic starlet talks dirty as Mark rubs his meat between her butt cheeks, and she whimpers as he fucks her tight cunt. That leads to a savage, sphincter-slamming anal reaming. Orgasmic...
xmoviesforyouJan Brady was upset as she looked at herself in the mirror. It's just not fair, she thought. Marcia got to go out on a date by herself when she was my age. Now this really cool boy asked me out for the very first time and mom and dad tell me I have to have Marcia chaperone us. Jan looked around the room that she shared with her sisters and everything yelled out Marcia; from her many awards, to trophies, to clippings in the student newspapers, and personally signed posters of Davy Jones, as...
Thank you all for the overwhelming support on the first part of this story. As a novice in the genre, it was all awe- inspiring for me. Feel free to mail me your comments, suggestion, complaint etc. on my id- Now the story- In the morning when I woke up, I was all alone on my bed. I recalled the events of last nights which were stimulating as well as confusing for me. I could not able to get the thoughts of my mother. I always respected her but this feeling of desire was something new for me....
IncestHi, AK here, this is my 2nd story here. I am 38, 5’11 tall, well built married happily and live in Ahmedabad Gujarat. Let me introduce, I am an MBA with specialization in Marketing and work as a DGM in top media house. Coming to the incident, around 7 months back I was searching social networking site and I logged into Zorpia. Here I saw a woman around 35 online who was a Mallu and looked nice When I read her profile she came out to be well educated and good taste. Thus, I sent her a pm and...
Mostly all those who’ll be reading this story are Indians so they must know of Indian couples and their marriage rules and blah blah blah. My story begins around these lines of rules. When I was 23 years old, damn my mom started nagging me about my marriage. I mean shit, marriage, fuck me. Then started their emotional black-mailing and all those ‘I want to see my grand-child before we die’. Eventually after one year I gave up. I only agreed because I thought I will go to fuck a girl in my bed...
“Maybe it’s time to think of retirement” Dr. Chakwas said looking over Liara’s file. But Liara rolled her eyes, after all the enemies she’s made she’d never find peace anywhere but on the Normandy, the same was true for much of the crew. Sure the crew had saved the galaxy from the Reapers, and now their struggles had bound them all together. But what goal in life could match beating the Reapers, though the crew found a feeling of familiarity with each other. Everyone figured they’d all go back...
August 22, 1994, Chicago, Illinois I shut the door to the office and sat on the couch. I patted the spot next to me and Penny slowly got up from her chair and moved to sit next to me. If what I feared was true, there was going to be upheaval beyond anything I’d seen in ages. I put my arm around her and she sagged against me; tears rolled down her face. “What did they say, Penny?” “The DNA results don’t match Terry,” she sobbed. I had absolutely no clue what to say to her. I’d so...
Chapter 1Every year my mother, sister and I all went to our grandparent’s cabin in the woods just after Christmas to remove ourselves from all the materiality in the world now. Don’t get me wrong, we were materialistic as well, we just like to reconnect with nature and remind ourselves where we came from. Our great-great-great grandfather was a frontiersman in North America during the late 1700s and it was his land that the cabin was built on.It was a very simple cabin, made of logs, wood fire...