Hope free porn video

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I can't begin to tell you what Hope means to me. My mother died when I was very young, so young in fact, that I hardly remember her. She is a faded image in my mind, and only old photographs remind me of what she once looked like. She was very pretty my mother, and I guess I miss her. That may sound a little cold and callous, but I never really knew her.

Hope, on the other hand, was another story. Hope is my best friend's mother, and I have had a crush on her for as long as I've known what girls and boys do together in the bedroom. It got very, very bad during puberty, and now, at the tender age of 17, it's finally levelled off. But there's a good reason for that. Hope and I...wait. Let me start at the beginning.

Hope is the kind of wife and mother that reminds you of those perfect women in sitcoms. Always ready with a plate of fresh-from- the- oven cookies and a ice-cold glass of milk, Hope helped form my opinion of what a woman should be. Even at that tender age, I knew that Hope was different from other Moms. She was smarter, funnier...sexier. It wasn't like she was slinking around the house in a silk dressing gown, flashing glimpses of her underwear at my tender, underage eyes. She never looked inappropriate; it was just that she has this...fresh, sexy appeal, kind of like one of the girls you see in a beer advertisement, or a chewing-gum commercial. I know how stupid and insipid that sounds. My father summed it up: There are girls you want to meet, and girls you marry. Hope was both.

When the first stirrings of my teenaged lust started appearing, Hope was the primary focus of my fantasies. In my fevered jack-off dreams, I saw her and I together, doing things that I still had no names for, things I only knew would feel perfect if I were to do them with her.

Looking back now, I know that Hope was aware of my feelings, painful and immature though they were. She always treated me well, and I like to think that she thought me the son she never had. I mean, I know she had a son, but...you know what I mean.

Jeff was her son, and my best friend. We met in the first grade, and it was basically set from there. Even now, after all that's happened, he and I are still best friends. He doesn't understand it, and I'm sure he doesn't agree with it, but I know that he'll be my best friend until the day I die. Just as Hope will be my one true love.

What happened is that during the summer between my junior and senior year, several things happened. Jeff's father left Hope and moved in with his bimbo secretary. It was an old story, but no one had seen it coming. Hope had always thought she'd had a happy marriage, that her husband was satisfied and content. Amazing what a pair of nineteen-year old tits can do for a man, huh?

What also happened is that I broke up with a girl that I'd been dating for about six months in a futile attempt to get Hope out of my soul. Erin dumped me for a better-looking jock, crushing me. And Jeff started dating his first serious girlfriend.

What happened, then, was that Hope and I found ourselves spending a lot of time alone. I would go over to Jeff's house to see if he was doing anything, and more than likely he was screwing around, out with Heather somewhere. Hope as all alone, and she was starting to show some of the wear and tear the seperation was causing her. Hope still thought that her husband would return after his midlife crisis, but with each subsequent day, it looked like the divorce was actually going to happen.

In all fairness to Jeff's dad, he was handling the thing as well as could be expected. There were no money problems. He'd agreed to make sure that Hope and Jeff were well taken care of. Hope didn't have to worry about finding a job or losing the house. She just missed having a husband around.

As I was to find out.

One Friday night I got to feeling kind of lonely, so I headed on over to Jeff's house. He was out with Heather again, and Hope was obviously feeling kind of down.

"So, what are your plans for tonight, stud?" Hope always called me that and whenever she did, it made me feel...good.

"Well, since Jeff is going out, I'll probably just go back home and watch a video." I tried to keep the hint of desperation and lonliness out of my voice.

Hope stopped what she was doing and glanced at me. "Tell you what. I was just going to read a little and then go to bed. Why don't we watch the movie together. I could really use some company tonight, Greg."

Suddenly, my throat was dry.

"Uh," I said. "The movie is, uh, at, uh, home."

Hope waved a dismissive hand. "We'll see what's on cable or pay per view. No problem. What do you say? I'll pop some popcorn, get some sodas..." She raised her eyebrows, "Maybe a beer or two...? What do you say, huh?"

In to the breech, dear friends.

"Sure." Hope laughed gleefully and clapped her hands. She set to work instantly. In ten minutes we had a big bowl of popcorn, a beer for me and a glass of wine for her.

Pay Per View was showing one of those heavy-duty R-rated movies that had lots of nudity and sex in it. Hope looked at me, embarassed, but I just shrugged, and we went back to watching. The plot of the movie was a gift from the Gods. An older woman's husband leaves her for a younger woman, and she gets her revenge by taking over the company she inherited from her father but the dallying husband runs. In one later scene, she's talking to the dictaphone, remarking about how since she doesn't have a man in her life anymore, she'll have to make her business the focus of her life.

I was reaching for my third beer when I heard the sound next to me. Hope was on the other side of the couch, and I saw that she had sniffled. She was crying softly, staring at the screen, her eyes out of focus, her thoughts obviously somewhere else. As she continued to think about whatever it was (and I'm sure I know what it was,) the tears increased. Even crying, she was beautiful. Hope was so wrapped up in whatever it was that she was thinking about, I had a moment to really, really look at her. I'd always been shy, and I preferred to look at pictures of Hope that were around the house.

I was reminded again just how beautiful Hope was. She wasn't wearing any makeup that night, and at the tender age of 36, she looked better than some of the girls I went to high school with. I studied the soft line of her jaw and suddenely wanted to kiss it very badly. She was wearing soft chinos and a blue oxford. The first three buttons were undone, and I suddenely realized I could see the edge of her lacy bra. That was somehow more exciting than if I had seen her naked. The thought that her full, round breasts were just underneath that smooth, silky material made my blood pound. I actually started to salivate.

She finally noticed me staring at her and snapped her head towards me. "Oh," she said softly. "I must look horrible. I'm sorry." "No!" I said, meaning it. "Don't be sorry." I reached for the remote and snapped the TV off. The room was suddenely quiet. Hope put her hand on her forehead, shading her eyes as another sob wracked her body.

"It's just that..." Hope took a deep breath and then did something that shocked me. She held her hand out as if she wanted me to take it.

I did.

She pulled me towards her, and I slid across the couch, wondering what was going on. Hope released my hand and used that arm to grab my shoulder. She pulled me towards her, and for one panicked moment I thought she was going to kiss me.

Hope buried her face against my chest and started crying in earnest. My arms went around her and we just held each other. I let her get it out, and as she continued to sob against my chest I realized this was probably the first time she had really cried about the whole thing. She was the kind of woman, the kind of mother, that would want to present a strong front to Jeff.

I felt oddly touched that she felt she could do this with me, in front of me. My hands were massaging her back, and the little dirty boy inside my head announced that my fingers were running over her bra strap, and that her warm, full breasts were pressed firmly against my chest. Completely and utterly against my will, my cock hardened in my pants.

I thanked God that the way were sitting hid my thumping erection from her view.

"How could he do it?" she wailed. "How could he...fuck that little bimbo?" Hearing that word come out of her mouth both amazed and aroused me. The blood started flowing even harder to my cock, and I started to feel a little lightheaded. The beer and the growing arousal I was feeling began to take effect.

"I think he's crazy," I said softly. I turned my head against hers and kissed her clumsily on the side of the head, through her hair. She clung to me tightly after the kiss, and I returned the embrace, starting to get comfortable with the feeling of Hope's body against mine.

She started to pull away. One of my hands slid up her back and over her shoulder, and I cupped her cheek. Her skin felt hot and electric under my fingers. I stroked her cheek. She looked up at me, and the pain in her eyes, the betrayal, the lonliness was overwhelming.

One of her hands came up and found my face. She traced my chin with her thumb. Her other hand came up to the one I had on her face, and she gripped my wrist. She was looking up at me, her eyes searching mine, looking at my face, at my lips. I could feel her breath on my skin, feel her pulse under my fingers. Her heart was beating fast, almost as quickly as mine was. I knew that we were going to kiss. I made a small movement with my head, stopping long enough to give Hope a chance to back out. I haven't necked with a lot of girls, but I know alot about body language, how to send signals, how to telegraph intent before action. As I paused, Hope gave me a chance, moving her face a fraction of an inch closer to mine. We did it that way, tiny intimate little steps, until our lips were an inch apart. "Are you sure?" she said, opening her mouth, showing me moist tip of her little pink tongue.

"Never so sure in my life," I whispered back, and pressed my lips against hers. Our mouths worked together softly, gently. It was the most perfect kiss in my life. All the years of crush and desire had added up to this moment in time. I knew that Hope had been aware of my feelings for her, and how they had grown. As our mouths opened and we softly, gently exchanged tongues for the first time, I had a feirce wish to be ten years older. At twenty-eight, I could mean something to this woman. I could be a part of her life. I could fill the void left by her bastard of a husband.

All I was now, I knew, was an eager young man willing to let her find solace in the warmth of my embrace. It was a learning experience for me, a passing of the sexual torch from one generation to another. A rite of passage; every young man has an older woman in his life, a surrogate mother who lets him see what is fine and beautiful about women, aside from their bodies and their faces. Every man has that woman, the one that shows him what life will be like when he finds The One to spend it with.

The kiss ended and we pulled apart...just a little. We touched foreheads for a moment, and I kissed her dryly there.

"We shouldn't," Hope whispered, but her fingers were pulling me tighter against her even as she spoke. I took a second to catch my breath; Hope's kiss had stolen it from me. "Do you want to?" she whispered. "Jeff won't be back for hours...and I need to feel beautiful again." Her eyes came up and found mine, and she bit her bottom lip waiting for my answer.

"I've never..." I started. "You'll have to show me," I said after a second. She closed her eyes and nodded softly. "You're so beautiful, Hope. So damn sexy..."

"You think so? You really do? You're just not saying that?" I took her head in my hands and kissed her again. It was gentle for a second, and then we were hungrily mouthing each other. I pulled away and kissed the tip of her nose. At that moment, I finally understood what the word intimacy meant. No more secrets. "I...think about you when... I touch myself," I whispered.

She smiled, and it wasn't the condescending smile of a cheerleader or a prom queen, the dismissive grin of girls I could never have. It was the warm smile of a woman accepting a strange sort of heartfelt compliment. She understood its import; Most boys my age were thinking about those same prom queens and cheerleaders when they took themselves by the hand. I had chosen her, a fully- grown and completely realized woman as my sexual ideal. She was all woman to me. "Greg," she whispered again. "I want so badly to feel you next to me..."

"I want to take my time," I said. "I've thought about this for my entire life. I want to learn everything about you tonight. Everything."

"Yes, you dear sweet man, yes. Everything." We stood from the couch and hugged firmly. Her arms were pressed against my chest, and then they went around my torso, around my back, pulling me against her as we kissed again. One hand ascended to my neck and she pulled me harder against her, using her fingernails to lightly scratch me. If I'd been a cat, I would have purred. We were sharing breaths now, breathing through our nose, not breaking the kiss. She could feel my urgent need, my hunger for her, and she stepped back.

"Not here," she said. "In the bedroom." She took my hand in hers and led me to her bedroom, the place where she and her husband had made love countless times before. It was a truly symbolic act that was not lost on me. I was, in a way, replacing a man that had wanted out. I had wanted in.

Once there, she sat me on the bed and stood between my spread legs. She took my hands and placed them on her waist. I kissed her tummy through the skirt and she smiled down at me, running her fingers through my hair.

"Undress me," she whispered. With shaking hands, I started unbuttoning her shirt. Each tiny white button slipped through its slot with a soft click! sound. I tugged the shirt out of her waistband and saw the wide expanse of her flat, silky belly. I buried my face against her skin and inhaled her fresh, clean scent. I kissed her stomach and licked it softly and she groaned.

"Are you sure you've never...?" she giggled, and I smiled into her skin.

"Never," I assured her.

Talking stopped as I stood in front of her. Hope is about five inches shorter than me, and she looked directly into my eyes, burning my soul with a laser, as I slid the shirt off her shoulders and down her arms. The lacy bra I'd glimpsed before was in my face now, her creamy breasts jiggling with her shaky breath. She was as excited and nervous as I was.

I lightly traced her neck with my fingers, trailing them down her throat, across the top of her chest. Lightly, ever so lightly, I traced the outline of her bra-covered breasts. Biting her lip and shivering at my touch, Hope stood higher on her toes, trying to get more contact from my hand. I said nothing, only watched my hand as it moved across her chest to find her other breast through the sexy, silky material of her bra.

I lowered my face and kissed the side of her neck as my hands went around her back, searching for the clasp of her bra. It seperated under my touch, and I remembered Jeff telling me how hard it was to get one of those undone.

Not if it's right. If you're sweating in the backseat of a car, wrestling with emotions as well as your date, your hands are unsteady. But when you've got the woman of your dreams standing in front of you, her eyes cast down as you remove her bra, revealing her to you for the first time as she awaits your approval, everything is smooth as silk.

The cups of Hope's bra clung sweatily to her breasts for a moment, and then the wispy garment fell in a white lace puddle at her feet. Her face was still down. Her breasts sagged gently against her ribs, and I reached out and cupped her face.

"Look at me," I whispered. Slowly, she raised her face to mine. "What's the matter?"

"I wasn't sure that you'd...I mean, the girls your age are all so...fresh and..."

"Shhh," I said, putting a finger across her lips. "Listen to me... If I wanted to look at your breasts, just your breasts, just... breasts, I'd go rent a movie or buy a magazine or go to a strip joint. I want to make love with you, Hope. All of you. Every exquisite inch of you."

"Oonnh!" she said, lifting her face to mine, throwing her arms around my neck, pulling my face against hers as we kissed again, another spectacular explosion of intimacy and sweet, pure passion. We kissed for...hours, it seemed. My arms were looped around her waist, and I took two handfulls of her rump, pulling her against me. It felt soft and exquisite in my hands. A woman's soft, round ass. I loved it. I wanted to kiss it.

My hands went to her belt and I loosened it, finding the snap and releasing it. The unlocking metal teeth of the zipper sounded incredibly loud, almost accusing, as I slid it down. Hope did something with her hips, and the pants slid to her feet. She stepped out of them, now clad only in a tiny pair of light pink panties. I could see the dark mat of her bush through the material, and I knew that's where I wanted to be.

In time, my son. Patience.

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“So that was Josh,” Lucy said as we sat in the back of the limousine at the start of our journey to the television studio. “He wasn’t what I was expecting” “What were you expecting?” I asked. “I don’t know, someone younger, less weather-beaten; couldn’t he afford anything more than that pokey little room,” she said. “You realize he’s the same age as I am, he’s been living on a yacht for the last few years, so of course, he looks weather-beaten. You were a bit hard on him earlier,” I...

2 years ago
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Where the Hell Am IChapter 2

You know? The thing I miss the most is grits. I sure wish I knew how to make them. I know, we don't have corn, so we can't make an exact copy of grits, but maybe I could make an acceptable substitute if I just knew how to make the original stuff. At least, I'm getting all of the pussy that I can handle! All four of my wives have gone out of their way to make sex enjoyable for me, and I love them for it. Don't get me wrong. I would love them even if they were not such sex hounds, but it...

1 year ago
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Boy meets Girl Part 1

Introduction: I hope you all like it.. positive feedback only. Boy meets girl, Girl meets boy Its been almost 2 weeks since me and my mom moved into our new house. Things have been going pretty well so far, I cant really complain. I met some new people in the area that seem pretty cool,but only one in specific caught my attention. His name is Andre. He is really attractive, and makes me feel weak. I remember looking into his hazel green eyes and feeling kind of lost for a moment because I...

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Vanessa Cums Over

When our new employee Vanessa was first introduced in our sales meeting, Natalie had shot me a wide-eyed look. Her slender form slipped into the room and as she took her seat, I noticed her tight bum curving under her black skirt. The curly locks of her black hair pinned behind her head allowed a look at her elegant neck. I had looked back to Natalie, whose smirk revealed that she knew the exact contents of my filthy mind. That had been weeks ago and since then, smiles had ramped up to...

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Caught Cheating in Spanish Class

All the grandpa and granny aged men and women were sitting in the classroom waiting for Catalina and Alondra and were chatting quite happily and didn’t notice the two teenage teachers walk in. However, as soon as Catalina called out loud and with a sharp tone of voice, “Buenos noches”, everyone immediately stopped talking.Catalina went to the front of the class and sat at her desk whilst Alondra sat at the back at her usual desk near the door.Catalina had with her a bundle of papers which the...

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The Librarians Neighbor

Marsha was always a . cute, brunette, and a tight little body, but her shyness had caused her to never have a real boyfriend. There were a couple of boys when she was in high school that talked to her here and there, and she had even been on a date or two, but she had never had a steady screw. Here she was, twenty years old, working in a library and living with a cat, and she had never had a good fuck. Every day she would come home from work around five o’clock, and she would settle down for...

4 years ago
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ConvergenceChapter 17 Upping the Game

A nervous looking security guard was standing on the edge of the delivery dock. It seemed like his only purpose was to guard the seven refrigerators lined up in the middle of the dock. They were obviously used, but would still be a welcome addition to any home that Syon had ever been in. The guard was the only person they could see. “There is something wrong, here, ” the Noah persona of the children’s meld stated. They were linked to Syon, ready to feed him power, if he needed it. Quietly...

1 year ago
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Lat at night

It's late evening. You've just left from having a night out with the girls. You are driving down the road, not quite paying attention. You're adjusting your make-up in the rearview mirror and chatting with a friend on the cell. Your vehicle is 'drifting' slightly in your lane. You bring your car back to your lane. Your distraction has caused you not to see the car parked on the side of the road. The vehicle pulls out behind you and follows you for several blocks. Now you finally notice the car...

2 years ago
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Submissive Owned Mums

On her knees she was currently blowing her master's penis . Bobbing up & down , she had been hypnotized and enslaved by her skinny perverted well-hung son Todd who had just turned 20years old . 3mths ago, she had begun sucking his 10 inch dick & now was an expert with no gag reflex . Ernie was a cuckold & Todd's stepdad, he was filming today's festivities. As Franny engulfed the full sausage Todd let out a long moan and exploded down his mom's throat. She was a great cocksucker he...

1 year ago
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Destination AzaharChapter 6 Managing Expectations

Captain Kozlowski invited the two green ensigns and their families to meet with him in the wardroom of Copernicus for dinner the day after all of the logistics had been settled and the pods assigned to McKinsey and Nguyen had been secured to Copernicus. The three ship's officers that McKinsey and Nguyen had not yet met introduced themselves while waiting for the captain to arrive. They had barely finished the exchange of social pleasantries when Captain Kozlowski stepped into the...

2 years ago
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Shes Addicted to Licking Pussy

It's rather difficult to write a story while one's pussy is being licked. I've tried to start this several different ways in the past few minutes, but Jennifer is too good at what she does. It's really hard to concentrate with her between my legs. We tried different angles in the open with the chair and the laptop, but nothing really worked until she finally crawled completely under the desk, reminding me of more than a few clichés. She doesn't care, though, because she's getting what she...

3 years ago
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Stephanie stood there and watch her roomates Kevin and Robbie highfiveeachother and whoop and holler. They had been watching a football game andapparently, their team scores. She didnt watch sports."I'll be back in awhile guys". They grunted a reply without looking up.She was headed to the local market to get stuff to make the boys, her boysdinner. They had been living together as roomates for about a month now andStephanie thought it was time she told them her "secret." She sighed as sherode...

1 year ago
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The Journey

Prologue Perth Australia, 2007 JOHN Holmes spent his life saving others, giving people second chances, nothing though could save John and Nancy on this night, a night where nothing was different, they'd just spent the evening at one of Perths finest steakhouse. Sure John had had a few to drink, he knew when enough was enough. They were the parents of Ryan and Brie. Well Ryan was Johns and you can guess the rest. A third attempt at marriage for the both of them and before this night everything...

2 years ago
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11th GradeChapter 14

We flew up to Omaha early the next morning. Mama had gotten up early too, to see us off, and she made it a point to tell me that she was having Brenda and Mrs. Connor come over for lunch later that day. I guess she wanted me to know that she was already working on taking care of what I had asked her to do, as far as changing Brenda's behavior. We got into the office up in Omaha right before nine o'clock. Dad told me that he had a full morning of meetings with production people, and he told...

1 year ago
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My sisters friend Part 2

The very next day I woke up late it was noon, she had left I didn't realize when, my sister was at work and I was alone at home, couldn't get over about what had happened the previous night, kept thinking about it all the time, the next minute there was sudden knock on the door and she showed up again at my place, I invited her inside she came inside and fixed her chunky ass on the couch beside me, she was looking so fucking sexy that my cock went fucking stif, her juicy thais showed a sexy...

3 years ago
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from the last story father like son

it was late at night and i sat there in my blue panties and black leggings and black tight shirt. there is this older black guy sitting next me naked, high and asleep. as i sat there i found my self wanting to suck his cock again. i heard him mumble in sleep saying "come on white boy suck my black dick" i leaned back over to him and kissed his soft cock and started making out with it. i treated like a tongue and french kissed it. i took his cock in my mouth and sucked on it until i felt it get...

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Aint a woman that comes close to you

Angie slipped in the room for our occasional discreet encounter. This time she was dressed as a hot MILF wearing shoulder length blonde hair, dark red but lightly painted lips, trimmed dark eyebrows, lightly dusted eye shadow and rosy painted cheeks. She wore a pearl necklace with a white dress that covered her arms and stopped at her knees with nude colored hose and white heels. She wore two diamond rings that highlighted her freshly manicured fingers. “You look so sexy today” I whispered in...

3 years ago
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Met Through a Swing Club III

Met Through a Swing Club III irishmik60 The morning arose with the 4 of us tangled in a naked jumble. Jim laid sprawled on his back snoring. Mary between he and I, her head on his chest, arm across his waist. me, my arm was across Mary, hand on her tit, shrunken cock laid at Mary’s ass cheeks, dried cock and pussy juices on it. Phyllis, the only one that hadn’t had fun with us last night was spooned against mt back, right hand on my shoulder, sleeping peacefully. Feeling a need to pee, I...

2 years ago
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Maa ko chudai karvate dekha

Hi friends, I m back. Aap ko yaad hoga meri sister Seema ke sath mere maje lene ki kahani. Aap ko yeh bhi yaad hoga ki kis tarah mere baap nei meri biwi ko choda tha. Par aaj mein aap ko sunata hoon apni maa ke randipane ki kahani. Meine 3 din pahle hi seema didi ko pahli baar Bunty bhaiya ke sath galat kaam karte pakra tha aur kal hi seema didi ke badan par hath phera tha. Aaj dophar se hi seema didi gayab thi. Mein uske naram mamme maslane ko tadap raha tha. Mummy se ucha to mummy boli ki wo...

4 years ago
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Return To The Swingers Dance

In our last story, we went to a swing club and discovered that we wanted to have a couple watch us have sex, and participate in a threesome with a woman. However the experience that we had last weekend surpassed any expectations that we may have had. The evening started out tame enough. We were informed that the theme for the evening was lingerie, which would include a fashion show and a contest. My wife prepared for the evening by having me shave her pussy (always fun for me), and dressing in...

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I Made a Choice

A story of a man and his choice to accept their daughter as his own or choose to turn his back on everything he loved. Thanks to Angel love for her editing skills. I read the report from DNA Testing Centers without anger or suspense. I had anticipated the results in part but still had no idea of whom Penny's real father was. All this report told me was that it wasn't me. That much I had already figured out. But, I had all I needed now to find out. Penny Ann Hendricks was our baby's name....

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Helping out Sabrina

It was 3:30 am Saturday. Penny and I had just gotten home from a night out drinking with some friends. Penny had had too much to drink and fell asleep on the way home. I carry my wife inside the house and put her to bed. I start getting ready to go to bed as well when my cell phone rings. The caller id says it’s from the local police department. I was thinking maybe someone had reported me driving drunk on the way home. I was wrong. The dispatcher said it was in regards to my stepdaughter,...

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The Protoss ran with such speed that the trees and foliage were nothing but green flashes around her. Imnok weaved through the dense forest with the fabled grace of her people while still maintaining a pace that outran any who dared chase her. She ducked under low branches and hopped over gnarled roots that sprung up without stalling. Pausing in her chase, she sprung up 3 meters and landed smoothly on an overhanging branch. With a short turn of the head she scanned her surroundings in seconds,...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 8 Heading Home

We found a deserted farm about 2km down the road. The barn was barely big enough for the mothers, but it got them out of the cold. A storm was coming up from the south, and it had a decided chill to it. The herd I had collected from the mountain surrounded my young heifers to keep them warm. Big Ben took up guard duties. I had Bea and Cora touch me, and we were able to create a shield big enough to cover the small house and the barn. If anyone passing by, remembered the farm being there,...

3 years ago
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12th GradeChapter 36

"Hi, Brenda, come on in." "Did you decide yet on my money, Kenny?" She was dressed nicely, and I could see she had put on fresh lipstick. Her hair was lustrous from recent brushing. I could never get used to seeing that unusual copper hair coloring. "I didn't call you to discuss money, Brenda. I told you I was horny, and wanted to fuck you." "Good. That's the main reason I came over here, but, I was wondering about those other things we talked about too. You told me you'd call me...

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Sharing My Wife Amanda Chapter 3

My wife Amanda poked her head in and smiled. “Hello, Philip. Sorry I’m late, I got caught up in traffic.” The tall Asian man smiled at her. Philip was a shade over 6 feet, standing about 6 inches over Amanda. He had a wiry but muscular body, and always seemed to have a solemn expression on his face. Philip had long black hair which he currently had tied up in a ponytail, similar to my wife. “No worries,” he greeted her with a warm smile. “What’s that saying, better late than never,...

3 years ago
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Discovering Clara Pt 03

We ascended the spiralled staircase hand in hand. I followed behind him wordlessly, it all felt very… celestial. As if he was an angel, paving the way to the divine promised land. Which is all a very romantic way of saying that we went upstairs to find a bedroom. We entered one of many spare rooms, and Pierce quietly shut and locked the door behind us. He reached into his pocket as he looked hungrily into my eyes, and pulled out the blindfold, now grinning mischievously. As he tied it around...

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A Flawed DiamondChapter 86

Brock was sitting at his locker talking on the phone with Meredith when the players started to file in to the room. He had told Meredith things went just as she thought they might – that the apparent focus on the piece was on the damage to property values and not the damage to human lives and that the network wanted the "scoop" on what really happened regardless of how intrusive it was. He hung up when the first group of players, the ones who required some sort of medical treatment, came...

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Sara The Bad Babysitter

Mr. and Mrs. Crudele were going to have a much needed night out. Since the arrival of their little bundle of joy four months ago they hadn’t had a night out together and in fact they rarely had a few hours sleep in a row. But tonight they had plans for a quick supper followed by an evening at their favorite club. Mr. Crudele had obtained the name of a young woman from a subordinate at his company who said that she was very reliable and came highly recommended. He had called her and she was...

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Fucked By Four Strangers In The Train

This story took place during the summer. I am a college student and it was the end of the semester. So, I had to go home. I was gonna travel by train. I used to travel alone all the time.I packed my stuff. My train was in the evening at 7 pm.By the way, I forgot to tell you about me. I am 5’6″ in height, 21 years old and have very big boobs with size 36D. People used to stare at my boobs a lot. But I was used to this attention and I actually liked it. I was sexually not that active but I had...

4 years ago
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Dancing in the DarkChapter 10 Finding a Balance

If I didn't know any better Dr. Silverstein's office could have been a study not a physician's practice. Bookshelves lined one wall, framed medical certificates the other, a reproduction Matisse on the third. His desk looked like a genuine antique, carved and burnished wood with green leather inlaid in the top. A black flat panel monitor and keyboard on one side was the only testament to the twenty-first century. "Are you sure?" I asked. He smiled, his intelligent brown eyes bright...

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