Mah Lil Sis
- 2 years ago
- 35
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Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since I have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies and you will catch on. If you can’t appreciate this then exit right now, please.
Mah wife of three years has turned into a slut. She jest turned seventeen and ain’t had her belly swell up yet. She wanted at least three little ones crawlin around our cabin by now.
It ain’t fer not tryin. Ah was s’prized on our weddin night thet she were a vergin. She tole me whut to do since Ah ain’t never fuked one of em afore. There were all girls in her fambly and she ain’t the prettiest flower in the garden, but then Ah ain’t no looker either. Ah has a job and a decent truck so thet were good enuf fer her.
She caught on to fukin real fast and kept me so drained even mah favrit sister complained Ah didn’t git with her no more. But know Ah knows why.
Daisy Sue, thet’s her name, wants babies SOOO bad! She knows thet fukin is supposed to make em, but it don’t fer her. Mah fambly has bunches so mah seed is probly good.
One day she tells me, “Ah knows from the vegetable patch thet if’n some seeds don’t take yew try another kind. Ah’m gonna git some different seed in mah baby-maker to see if thet makes it work.”
Ah’d been so worn down by her constant fukin thet Ah agreed without a fight. Shit, if she’d git knocked up mebby Ah could git some rest!
She loved me and said she’d be keerful of mah feelins. She’d git some fambly seed so if she swelled it’d be kin anyway. Thet made me feel better since Ah’d mostly learned abut fukin frum relatives. Ah even suggested some to try. Clem had fathered seven young uns with three wimmen includin his wife.
Billy Joe was said to have planted the triplets in the preacher’s wife and twins in his daughter. His tool might stretch mah dear wife more than Ah would like so Ah didn’t mention him.
Ah decided we’d start with mah oldest sister’s boy Willy. Ah owed her anyways since she taught me fukin first. Willy were already born so he ain’t mine. Sis said his pecker was gittin hard and he needed to learn about pussy.
When Ah told Daisy Sue she hugged me real tight and started bawlin cause Ah was so nice to her. Then she ast me when he’d be over. Ah tole her whenever she were ready. “Go git him raht now while Ah fix a good dinner so he’ll have lots of energy!”, she ordered
Mah Sis explained to him thet he were going to help plant some seeds at our house fer a while and he got his Big Smiths out and his field boots too. Ah laffed and winked at Sis. She whispered to me thet if he was takin up too much of Daisy’s pussy Ah should come over there cause she wasn’t gittin all she needed. She squeezed mah parts quick like when he weren’t lookin. Ah’d remember thet.
He still didn’t have a clue after supper when Daisy tole him to go take a shower. She went in there with him and he were surprised. Ah could see her makin sure he were clean cause our shower is over in the cabin corner next to the sink and toilet. She rubbed his tool and it got big and then she muster tole him to wash her parts too. She tole me later thet his sisters did thet with him in the shower too but thet was as far as it got.
When they got dry Ah could tell she’d be gitting planted plenty deep. Ah went out on the front porch with some shine and watched the sunset while Ah scrathed mah hound’s head. Through the open winder Ah couldn’t hear nuthin but some talkin fer a while but then the bed started squeekin. Ah always meant to fix that but Daisy Sue said she liked it.
It stopped after a whal and Ah was going to go back in but then it started up agin. Ah could hear Daisy gitting louder and louder with them sounds she makes while Ah’m dickin her. Then she let out thet big noise thet means she’s a’shakin and feeling real good. Willy let out a bellow like a bull in the pasture and Ah figgered he was seeding her. Mah shooting is real quiet.
After a bit Ah heered some movin around and Willy came out with a glass of shine. He were nekkid and tole me Daisy wanted me inside. Ah think she tole him to say zactly thet cause she wanted me inside the cabin AND inside her pussy. She kissed me and said, “Yew are the best husband Ah kin imagine. Since Ah’m yer wife Ah want yew to push them new seeds even deeper into the garden. Ah also want yew to know how much Ah love yew.”
Ah’m not sure mah pecker helped them seeds cuz a lot of it, and there was a lot, run down her ass as Ah worked to git mah stuff in her too. Ah really had to pump hard since her pussy was stretched and slippery as hell from his juice. Ah finally got mine but she didn’t go off agin.
Willy had to sleep with us and it were cozy, specially in the middle of the night when he got on top of Daisy agin. It didn’t last long and Ah got enuf sleep.
She made Willy fuk her agin after breakfast and before we went out to do chores. They did it right in front of me and she ast if Ah wanted any. Ah said, “Later” so all the seed could stay there and mebby we could git this done quicker. Will was a big help on some of the larger projects Ah had around the place and he was good with livestock.
A week went by and Daisy was gittin seeded three or four times a day and seemed happy about thet. Ah usually took one piece too.
One lunch time Daisy said mah sister called and wanted me to stop by and help her out since Willy couldn’t. Willy was makin Daisy squeal and moan as Ah started up the truck.
Sis was wondrin how Willy were doin. Ah tole her he seemed to know what Daisy needed right away. She tole me she’d taught him good but he weren’t around to help her out since Slim, her last husband, were in jail fer a while. The she took off her dress and said, “Ah tole you to stop by cuz Ah knew Ah’d git horny. Git it out of them overalls and take care of yer sister like yew used tew.”
Ah’d fergotten how nice her titties were. She liked to be on top so Ah could play with em while we fuked. Why didn’t Ah do thet with Daisy, Ah wondered? Her hanger’s are jest as nice. Sis screeched and shook and Ah let mah seeds go in there. It felt real good. She tole me to git there a lot more often!
When Ah got back to the cabin Willy was in Daisy agin. Ah tole him to hurry up cause we had work to do. He weren’t gittin a free ride!
After a month, when her bleedin started, Willy were sent home. Daisy said he was wearin her out anyway. It were fun fer a while but she knew thet she could catch only a few days a month anyway so all thet other were just fer practice. Ah tole her Ah wouldn’t have to go see Sis as much now thet Willy were back home.
She went and jawed with Sis and they figgered out her best time to catch so she marked up the calendar in the wall. Ah would invite a relative over each month and watch as they planted all the seed they could fer a few days. If’n they didn’t make her shake with feelin then she wanted me tew lick her little buttin till she did. She did wipe their stuff off the outside first tho.
Ah got tew shoot in her mouth or ass so Ah wouldn’t interfere with the breedin. Mah lovin wife wanted to make sure Ah was takin care of too. When them twin cuzzins were there she sent me to stay with Sis cause she knew she’d be too busy fer me. Sis tried to be helpful but Willy had her so stretched out Ah could hardly get mine off. Her blow jobs were nice but no better than Daisy’s. Ah’d rather shoot it in a pussy.
Pretty soon Daisy was another year older and still had a flat belly. She was gittin desprit. Even kin couldn’t git it done. Sis suggested branchin out just in case Daisy’s womb was rejecting related seed.
Sis give me a men’s magazine thet had pichers of nekkid wimmin in it. It were her husband’s and she tole us to look at the ads in the back. Daisy had to read it cause Ah could only look at the pichers. There were little ads about things folks were offerin tew men and some of them wuz about pussy, we could tell.
She had us over fer dinner and just when we got there Willy asked Daisy fer a piece but she tole him he’d had his chance. Sis said she’d bin thinkin, and she were the best in the famly fer that. We could run an ad like this: “Hunters – have a real Ozark hills experience. Bag lots of small game from a small country cabin with ALL the hillbilly amenities.”
We ast what “amenities” meant. Sis explained that was word thet places like hotels used for the things they was offerin for the guest’s enjoyment. In this men’s magazine it would mean fukin Daisy too. She smiled real big cause we’d git some money and she liked to shop.
When the phone calls came we said it would cost $100 a night cash money and they had to stay for three. No one even acted surprised. We said we wuz booked out so we would only give them her fertile times except the first one fer practice since Daisy were so eager to do this. Our first customer would be here in two days and we tole them to drive a truck and Ah’d meet em at the gas station in town to show the way.
The first guy was mah Dad’s age in a big shiny Dodge Ram. Ah jest left mahn there and rode in somethin so nice Ah only seen em drive by. Walter had lots of questions as we bumped along the roads.
When we got to the cabin he looked around and said, “You weren’t kidding about this!” Daisy Sue came out and his eyes lit up. While Ah brung his stuff she give him a big hug, pushin her chest tight against him and he counted out three hunnerd dollar bills and pushed them down between her tits.
Inside the cabin Ah tole her, “Show him yer amenities,” and she pulled her dress over her head. “Ah’m goin out to look at thet truck some more.”
It weren’t long befur she come out nekkid to where Ah wuz sittin in the driver’s seat, wondrin how it would feel to drive it, and said, “He’s wore out already. Ah hope this works but even if’n it doesn’t Ah kin do some good shoppin.”
He woke up in a while and Ah offered him some shine while we talked about huntin. We could go after coons before sunset and squirrel and rabbit tomorrow. He was agreeable to anything while he recovered, Ah figgered.
We had fun tromping through the woods with the hounds but didn’t shoot nuthin. The we got back so he could see the real game he wanted to shoot “in”. Daisy stayed nekkid to git him riled up Ah guess and it worked. He said he was tired but where would he sleep?
Daisy sat on his lap and said that, of course he would get the bed with amenities and Ah’d go sleep in his truck. Ah knew Ah could watch after he got settled in more.
In the mornin when Ah went in the cabin Daisy were cooking breakfast and Walter were still in bed. She whispered he’d put two loads of seed in her but she needed seein-to cause he didn’t last long enuf fer her pleasures. We slipped out and she sat in his truck seat with her legs out the door while Ah tickled her button with mah tongue till she went off. There weren’t much of his cream oozing out like our relatives had done.
We hunted a bit and he used the amenities as often as he could. Ah got to drive his truck to town to get more beer while he was on top of Daisy and Ah wuz so proud.
He weren’t even to the hard road before Ah wuz buried in mah wife’s pussy and she were a squealin, sayin how much she missed mah boner. She had the three hunnerd between her tits and said look whut Ah got fer somethin Ah’ve bin givin away! Ah said Ah earned some of it takin him huntin so Ah took one of em. This were the practice client and she said he probly wouldn’t have made a good baby anyway.
The next one might have. He was a big guy but his tool weren’t any bigger than mine. Ah looked and Daisy tole me right. It got up a lot tho and Ah had to keep busy outdoors or lookin at the pichers in magazines if’n it were dark. He did give me the keys to his fancy off-road Jeep and Ah did more errands that Ah really needed too. He was too busy fukin to care. We did very little of the huntin we advertised once he seen Daisy. When he left Ah had to wait fer a while to put mah pecker in though cause she were a bit sore. And, damn, no baby!
The third client wanted a whole week! Wow, that was as much as Ah took home in a whole month in mah job! Daisy were concerned thet Ah wouldn’t get no pussy for so long so she got her sister to let me stop by whenever Ah wanted. Her kids were in school and her husband worked so she got bored during the day and she had flirted with me for a long time. She thought what her sister was doing was cool and wished she could, so was glad to help with me.
Roger met me in town like usual and Ah rode in a Mercedes SUV thet Ah didn’t even know they made. Ah ast if’n Ah should put a towel on the seat or sumpin and he just laughed and said they cleaned easy. He were smilin while we bumped up the road to our place and said he’d hoped it would be like this.
Daisy Sue opened the door fer him and give him a big-titty hug with her thinnest dress on. He put his hands on her shoulders and said, “Mah, Mah! This is even better than I expected,” which made her real proud. By the time Ah figgered out how to open the back of his SUV and got his bags, she was already showing him the amenities on our bed.
He had a little grey hair but looked like he was in good shape. It didn’t take long before Daisy had her mouth on his tool and he was a little bigger than mah but not like Willy. He said somethin Ah couldn’t hear but Ah did hear Daisy say, “Just pay ‘tention to me. He’s used to this.” Ah went out to look at thet car agin ‘cause guys is sometimes shy fukin her in front of me the first time anyway.
In a while she come out on the porch nekkid and said Roger would like to be showed around the place. There isn’t much to see but he was interested in the chicken coop and scratched mah hound’s head and asked where we wuz gonna be huntin. He seemed more interested then them earlier guys.
Ah give him some shine and we set in the rockers on the porch. Ah ast why he was here fer a whole week. He splained that he wuz married but they took separate vacations twice a year. They took of their weddin rings and could just do whet they wanted. He’d usually gone to resorts and was ready for somethin different when he saw our ad.
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My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...
When I told my wife that I love sniffing and licking her shoes and that I would like to fuck her shoes sometimes, she wasn't too surprised. She told me a secret that her brother is also a fetishist and that she has no problem with that.I was very happy that my wife didn't mind, I could kiss her legs and feet, lick them, sniff her tights and shoes. I loved when she came after work and she left me sweaty tights and shoes. I also loved her sexy, fragrant panties with the juice from her pussy....
Hello guys this is Shiraz here and this is the first story ever that I am sharing with anyone and about me. Well I belong to an upper middle class family from Bangalore. I completed my engineering in 2005 and found a well-paying job in a reputed MNC. Life has been good all these years but it really got sexy just about two years ago. Since then I have been living out my fantasies and enjoying it to the fullest. This story revolves around my super hot wife Shifa khan whom I married 3 years ago....
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
Kimberly, had to decide whether to marry Randy who wanted to continue his sexual relationship with his stepmother.My name, by the way, is Kimberly and I am the reporter for both stories. The first story is based on what was told to me by the son and his stepmother. The second story is primary my own recollection of events as the fiancée. It is supplemented by the recollections of my eventual husband (the son) and his stepmother’s remembrances.Of course, I was shocked when Randy told me about...
UK shared wife Hayley – the groups fuck slut (part 1)After the revelation of my sexy, cute little wife Hayley’s first experience as a shared wife (see: UK wife Hayley – shared for the first time) Gary had confided in me that he’d really enjoyed fucking my wife and was quite surprised when I told him that Hayley had really enjoyed it, and that I didn't mind sharing her and we’d agreed that she’d be a shared wife as long as I was there too when she was getting fucked.It didn't surprise me when...
My wife and I always talked about fucking other people but we never had. She is short and slim, light brown hair, a great rack, and a fat fuckin ass. Ever since we got married she started dressing more conservative. She is such a little fox, so recently I took her shopping for some short shorts to show off her great ass. I love showing her off so much that one night I convinced her to go on webcam for complete strangers. she actually really enjoyed it. I told her that I'ld love to watch her be...
Cheating WifesChapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...
edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...
All sex acts need full permission from all parties. Please don't do any of this on unwilling partners. DO NOT do this to someone you don't know. This story has been with prior agreement from all. Wife becomes a slut to please husband. I walked into the bar; this was the seventh, bar I walked into in the last few weeks looking for just the right place. I was very disappointed the bar was rowdy with a lot of people but not the kind of place I was looking for. One quick drink...
At the time of this tale, Sarah and I had been married for some eighteen years. So far, we had had a happy and conventional marriage, nothing out of the ordinary. Our sex life had developed with time and was now most enjoyable. It had not always been that way. Sarah’s mother had been a total prude, quite Victorian in her outlook, also bitter and twisted. Sarah was told, from an early age, that 'Sex was sordid, messy and disgusting but was one of those things that a wife had to put up with as...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
I could see the 4th of July sweat glistening on Molly's skin and her wry grin of pleasure, as I rolled off of her. The pool of fluid oozing from her tight little hole was spreading on the cushion between her legs. We were both panting heavily and gloriously as we reveled in our mutual satisfaction. I couldn't remember the last time we both had cum so hard. This night had been a long time in coming. No pun intended.I looked down at my softening member and pondered the shimmering coating on the...
Wife LoversA Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter One: Making a Mommy Slut By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Ulrich Geller's clean suit rasped and crinkled as he worked in shipping at the Institute of Apotheosis Research. The box to contain the Halo lay open, ready to receive the device which would create the next new god. Twenty-one-year-old Ulrich trembled. Though he had only met the great founder of the Institute, Dr. Henry Blavatsky,...
My wife is a pure and unadulterated slut. This however, does not bother me in the least. In fact it is good for me, as am a voyeur, that is I love watching people have sex, and I especially love watching my gorgeous wife, get her pussy rammed by some stud. I will now relate how this fantasy of mine came true. We had been married only a few months when things begin to take place, that made me think that she was seeing someone behind my back. Just about every weekend she would leave in the...
VoyeurAs he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...
PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...
Having read the excellent story “subway Heat” from Billy69Boy I was put in mind of something that happened around five years ago and decided to tell the story. This true story concerns my wife and as a prelude to the story, I need to explain that my wife has never been one who is at all permissive or one who sl**p around and as far as I know has always been most faithful. Also I am the type of person who would not appreciate, or tolerate my wife behaving in an inappropriate manner. On this...
Having read the excellent story “subway Heat” from Billy69Boy I was put in mind of something that happened around five years ago and decided to tell the story. This true story concerns my wife and as a prelude to the story, I need to explain that my wife has never been one who is at all permissive or one who sleep around and as far as I know has always been most faithful. Also I am the type of person who would not appreciate, or tolerate my wife behaving in an inappropriate manner. On this...
My wife and I always talked about fucking other people but we never had. She is short and slim, light brown hair, a great rack, and a fat fucking ass. Ever since we got married she started dressing more conservative. She is such a little fox, so recently I took her shopping for some short shorts to show off her great ass. I love showing her off so much that one night I convinced her to go on webcam for complete strangers. she actually really enjoyed it. I told her that I'ld love to watch her be...
Me and my husband have been married for a few years. We have a decent sex life but was not a extremely hot one. He was good in bed but I always felt it lacked heat. He was a business man.. decent built and good last long in bed but was soft and loving. People have had a notion about indian women that they are a little conservative, but once you get them going they can rock your world. I was going to do something like that myself. We moved to a new city a few months back. We bought a luxury...
Cheating WifesMy wife and I were pretty nervous, but we decided it was time to fulfill a fantasy of ours. We were going to go to a local adult video store that had private booths. I was going to pretend to be a stranger that needed his cock sucked. She was going to be a horny slut who couldn't wait to get a stranger's cock in her mouth and cum all over her face.We arrived, paid our fee and made our way to the back. As you'd expect it was dark, cramped and noisy. Men of all ages, in all manner of dress...
This story is dedicated to HP Lovecraft, father of American Horror and he gave the world "Weird Science". I would also like to give many special thanks to Mike S, who has convinced me to come out of retirement and start writing online erotica again. Mahmoud Hamas was sat down in a café, drinking Arabic tea, in Beirut. Mahmoud Hamas was not originally from Lebanon. He was from Palestine. He left the country when he was 12 years old because the Israeli soldiers killed all his friends and he...