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Christ was my life a mess, there I was, forty years old, my wife had buggered off with my best friend and his wife blamed me for it, my Company had made me redundant and though the redundancy money was more than generous it did not make up for over twenty years of loyalty that I had given the Company. Just to add insult to injury every job I applied for turned me down seemingly in favour of younger men less qualified than myself and the labour exchange, sorry Job Centre, didn't seem hopeful of finding me a job in my field, about all I had going for me was my home, my redundancy money and my Eighteen year old daughter June. In fact about the only thing going for me was my daughter, there was a chance I could lose my home when my divorce went to court and an equal chance that my wife would try to get her hands on what money I had. All in all I was feeling very depressed and when June decided that she was going to abroad for a year I felt a wave of loneliness hit me like a solid blow only a week after she had gone.

I struggled along for a couple of months with solicitors and Job Centre staff as my only human contacts, by some miracle the courts bumped my case right to the top of the list and after a long and sordid ordeal I at least kept my house, though half my money was gone. I felt really depressed at the thought that I was having to pay for my wife to have her pleasure, but there it was and there was nothing that I could do about it no matter how much it galled me. The house seemed so empty and a few days after becoming a 'free' man again I was so depressed that I was seriously contemplating topping myself.

Sitting there alone in the dark one night I decided to do it, I had no gun so shooting myself was out, I never could manage tablets so taking an overdose was out, I thought about cutting my wrists in the bath, but the thought of the pain of cutting myself put me off that idea. In the end I decided that tossing myself off a tall building was the answer and I knew the very one not a mile away, writing out my farewell note I stuck it on the mantel, put my coat on and left the house, the building I wanted loomed on the skyline and I headed towards it with a weary tread. The next thing I knew was I was flying through the air and landing with one hell of a thump.

Waking I groaned as every inch of my body ached, warily opening my eyes I looked around me, I was in a hospital bed, one arm and both legs encased in plaster.

"What the hell?" I muttered, "What happened?"

Over the course of the next few days I found out what happened, some idiot, pissed out of his tiny mind, had driven up onto the curb and hit me and the lamppost I was standing by, ironically the lamppost saved my life. I'm afraid they had to sedate me when I learnt how I had survived. A little later, when I was more or less back to normal I was told that my ex-wife had been informed of the accident, the hospital seemed surprised that she hadn't bothered to even call, but they also told me that the consulate in Italy had finally contacted my daughter and she had called to see how I was. Well at least I had one person who cared about me, but she was hundreds of miles away in a foreign land and as soon as I was out of this place I was going to finish what I had started out to do.

"What the hell have you been up to dad?" my daughter's voice cut across my dark thoughts.

In surprise I looked up to see my luscious daughter settling herself in the visitor's chair by the bed.

"June," I gasped "but you're in Italy!"

"I was," she smiled "but you don't think I'm going to stay out there when you needed me do you."

"I'm all right." I sighed, "Just a bit banged up is all."

"All," she laughed sarcastically "two broken legs, a broken arm, cracked ribs, concussion and internal bleeding, all. Jesus dad you need a minder!"

"Have you been home yet?" I asked trying to calm her by changing the subject.

Then I remembered my suicide note sitting on the mantle, June was going to hit the roof when she read that and I prayed that she hadn't seen it yet.

"Not yet," she sighed, "I came straight here from the airport."

"They tell me I can get out of here in a few more days." I commented as I tried to figure out some way of getting at the note before she did.

"Hmm, I know." she responded "I've arranged to stay with a friend of mine who lives just round the corner from here, we can go home together."

I breathed a sigh of relief, there was still a chance that I'd get to the note before my daughter did. For the rest of the visit my daughter tried to perk me up, but I had to fake it and I think she sensed this.

Four days later I was packed off home with June hovering over me in the ambulance like a mother hen, she was a lovely girl, but she had two major faults, she tended to fuss a lot and she had a temper equal to the explosive force of an atomic bomb. I was wheeled indoors and parked in the living room while my daughter saw the ambulance men out, I looked at the mantelpiece and there was the envelope containing my suicide note, rubbing my mental hands I went to rise from the chair, could I get out of the damned thing, could I hell!

"Right then dad," June said striding back into the room "let's get you sorted out shall we. I'll make up the couch bed and you can slide straight into it."

For the moment she was too busy 'sorting' me out to notice the damned envelope, but eventually I was all tucked up and she was glancing round the room to see if it had changed since she'd gone away. Her eyes fell on the envelope and I cringed as she crossed the room to the mantle, took down the envelope, opened it and read the contents. All I had written was 'my life's so fucked up I can't take it any more', but it was damnation enough, June hit the roof.

"YOU STUPID BLOODY FOOL!" my daughter roared while I tried unsuccessfully to hide under the covers "Christ you can't be left alone for a moment can you. Just tell me why, come why?"

She was crying, big drops that trickled down her face onto her quivering chin; I couldn't bring myself to answer her.

"Was it something I did?" she asked in a voice so low I could barely hear her.

Well that was the last thing I wanted her to think, she was the one reason I would consider living and in one long burst I told her everything that had got me down and I mean everything, I held nothing back.

"So you see honey," I finished "it's nothing you've done at all. You're the only good thing left in my failure of a life."

Oddly I felt better for having got it all off my chest, perhaps suicide wasn't the way to go, it certainly didn't sound quite so appealing all of a sudden.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me all this before I left?" she asked as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Because I knew you'd want to stay and look after me." I sighed "You've got your own life to lead and looking after an idiot like me wouldn't make that a very pleasant life now would it?"

"Oh dad," she laughed, "idiot is right. Well you're stuck with me now."

She stood up and went out to the kitchen to prepare lunch while I pondered on the new situation, I felt guilty at the price my daughter was willing to pay just for me, I was loath to let her make the sacrifice, but short of bodily throwing her out, which I was in no fit state to do, there wasn't a thing I could do about it. I could hear my daughter rattling around in the kitchen, sighing I looked around the room, with my legs and arm encased in plaster I felt so helpless, like a little babe and just like a little babe I suddenly wanted to go 'do-do'. One attempt told me that there was no way I would be able to get out of bed by myself and I was damned if I was going to use the bedpan the hospital had happily handed over to my daughter.

"June." I called out.

A few moments later she was standing at the living room door wiping her hands, I gave her a sickly grin and fought down my embarrassment.

"I need the bathroom." I said flatly.

"I'll get the bedpan." she replied turning.

"Don't you dare!" I bleated, "The thought of that thing makes me shudder. Just give me a hand to get out of bed."

She laughed and shook her head, but came over to the bed, threw back the covers and slid my legs around to the side, pushing the wheelchair over to the side of the bed my daughter helped me to get into the damned thing then pushed me towards the downstairs toilet with my legs sticking out in front of me like battering rams. The next problem came at the toilet, June managed to get me to my feet where I stood wincing and puffing, and with her help I turned around, backed towards the loo, and stopped hovering over the thing. My problem was that I had only one hand that I could use and I was using it to support myself against the wall, if I moved it to open my pyjamas I'd topple over, but I had to get the damn things open before I sat on the loo, I tried a quick grab and felt myself going so rushed my hand back to the loo.

My daughter laughed and came to my rescue yet again, blushing with embarrassment I let her open and push down my pyjama bottoms then plonked onto the loo with my legs stuck straight out in front of me, June stood in the open door and grinned down at me as I went. There was one point that hadn't occurred to me, how the hell was I supposed to clean myself up after I'd been, all too soon this problem was right at the head of the list, I was damned if I was going to let my daughter do it, but I was equally damned as to how I was going to manage the job.

"Poor daddy," June grinned at my dilemma "shall I do it for you?"

"NO!" I snapped feeling my face go red "I mean no, I'll find a way to manage."

"Do it the way we girls do," June laughed, "stick your hand under you where you're sitting and wipe, simple."

"In case you hadn't noticed men aren't designed quite the same." I muttered.

I gave it a try though and after a lot of wriggling and near crushing my balls I finally managed to clean myself, with June's help I got back to my feet, my pyjamas were pulled up and tied and I was guided into the chair, June flushed the loo then wheeled me back to the living room, as soon as I was back in bed June went back out to the kitchen. A little later she brought me a tray bearing my meal, it looked great, but as she went back to the kitchen to get her own tray I found myself with a problem, how to eat my food. Okay, the potatoes and peas were no problem, but with one hand I could not manage the steak, the damned thing slid around the plate when I tried to cut it and I was resigned to picking up the whole thing on my fork and biting chunks out of it when my daughter once more came to my rescue. Smiling as though amused at something June cut my steak up into small pieces then settled herself in an armchair to eat her own meal, there may have been some who would have revelled in this type of attention, I'm afraid I'm not one of them, I felt embarrassment tightening my throat as I picked at my meal. A little while later June took my empty plate and her own out to the kitchen to do the washing up while I sat fuming at my helplessness.

This went on for a few days, the routine of going to the toilet was an embarrassment every time, I fumed at having to have my food cut up for me and the way June hovered over me like a mother hen fussing and clucking was driving me slowly nuts. I prayed for the day the damned plaster would come off, at least I'd be able to do something for myself. One morning June walked into the living room with a bowl of warm soapy water, a flannel and a towel, I stared at her as it dawned on me what she was planning, I thought I'd escaped this particular torture when I had left hospital.

"What do you think you are going to do with that lot?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Give you a bed-bath daddy dear." June grinned, "In case you hadn't noticed you whiff more than a little."

"You're doing no such thing," I said firmly "get me near a sink I'll do it myself."

"That would be a good trick," she laughed "I can just picture it, grab, wipe, grab, wipe, tumble, thump. Now stop being silly and let me get on with this."

Well I tried to argue, but a broadside from her fiery temper scuppered me and I lay there blushing as she removed my pyjama top, slopped the wet flannel on my chest and washed me like a baby. She dried my chest then helped me to roll onto my side so that she could wash my back, I muttered darkly to myself throughout the whole process then yelped as I felt her pushing down my pyjama bottoms.

"Oh don't be so silly dad." June said firmly.

Surrendering before I saw another flash of her temper I muttered away while she pulled my pyjama bottoms off, naked except for three plaster casts and some bruises I lay there while my daughter washed my backside and the backs of my legs. This really was the part I hated the most as it was the most embarrassing, every time the nurses had reached this stage at the hospital my cock had got hard, but they were used to it and never even batted an eyelid, but this was my daughter, not a professional nurse and my face went redder than a beetroot as the inevitable happened. June dried me off then rolled me onto my back, I'd closed my eyes, but I heard her gasp at the sight of my stiff prick yet a moment later she was washing my legs and every point around my erection. In surprise I opened my eyes and stared at my daughter's moving hand then at her face, she was grinning as her hands moved up and down my legs rinsing away the soap before drying me, she sensed me watching her and looked at me.

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The Shrink

The Shrink by Paul1954 "For Heaven's sake - how much longer?" Andrew hissed as he dropped the old motoring magazine that he had been reading back onto the coffee table and looked at his watch. He was beginning to regret making this appointment, and would have thought twice about it if he had known that he would have had to spend over twenty-five minutes sitting here in this God forsaken waiting room that had probably not seen a paint brush anywhere near it for years. Still, it...

1 year ago
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Boston Solutions IncorporatedChapter 13

Irene was seated at her desk doing absolutely nothing. She was kind of puzzled as to why they needed a receptionist. It seemed to her that she spent most of her time just staring off into space. The telephone had only rung about four times that week. They hardly ever had anyone come into the office. In a way, she felt that she was being overpaid. Of course, she wasn’t going to complain about that. This job was allowing her to escape from her abusive husband. “Stephen!” Magus shouted. Irene...

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Majorette Mirage 2

Anyone looking for easier reading of this chapter can message me at [email protected] for the raw file using Microsoft Notepad. Majorette Mirage 2 The next morning I awoke to Talitha's gentle nudges. "Jamie Lynn, it's time to rise sweetie." I rolled over on my side wanting to sleep more but she pulled the covers off of me and cracked my pantied ass. Crack! "Come on Jamie Lynn get up we have to get breakfast and then go over the routine." I...

3 years ago
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My first orgasm pt 1

I was a young 16 yr old just left high school and had the summer holidays down at my grandma's farm in the country to look forward too; I spent every spare moment there as I had freedom and being one of 4 k**s I got peace and quiet as I was second eldest. Cathy was 19 and not into fresh air, Barry was 12 and always into footy and Frankie who was 7 and a typical brat always taking the piss out of my ample tits and was always poking them but was always getting caught by my right hand across the...

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I always wanted it

“Why Yumi?” i laughed and raised my arms up into the air. “JEFF GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIE BACK MY PILLOW!” she tried desperately to jump up to get her pillow, but it just won’t happen. “JEFF!” she kept on jumping, trying to get her pillow back. “Make me breakfast tomorrow?” I teased back at her. “MOMMY JEFF WONT GIVE ME BACK MY PILLOW!” she shouted. “Jeff honey, give back your sister her pillow,” a voice trailed from downstairs. “Why,” i sighed, as i finally decided to give in. “YAY MY...

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The Old Man and the C

To understand this story you need to know a little bit about me. My name is Richard Rogers and I will be 64 this coming September. I stand 6'4" and weigh 230 pounds, I'm not fat but I do have a tad bit of a stomach - too much good food and wine, I expect. I have brown hair and eyes and my women friends tell me a killer ass. I have been married and divorced twice and currently live alone in a rural four-plex. Oh, I do have a sometimes girlfriend, and by sometimes I mean when she can get away...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 66

LATE THURSDAY EVENING — SEPTEMBER 19 Haplin and his son didn't leave, but stood by their pickup arguing. When the deputy arrived, Joyce apologized for having to call him and explained the situation, saying that this certainly wasn't a serious incident, but it could have been had Arlene not been able to defend herself. The on-duty deputy assured her that a copy of the incident report would be sent to the juvenile judge. A few minutes after the deputy had left. Haplin walked up to Jeff....

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Fashion's SlaveIt was the night of the presentation of our tenth couture show in Paris. Our company NIARTSER FASHION was not a big one, but we had grown steadily little by little and the number of the special kind of people that appreciated our art had grown and now people were coming from all over the world to see our presentations, which -- like at the big couturiers and the "pret-a-porter"-houses -- were held twice yearly. Actually we were more in accord with the timing of the...

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Second ChanceChapter 40

Even before my head hit the pillow I realized how I'd miscalculated. Hoping Tammy was still awake, I tapped on her bedroom door, and waited to see if she'd answer. After a brief delay, I heard a tiny voice, "Yes?" "Hey," I said. "When we talked just now, I forgot to tell you one very important thing about our arrangement.' I could hear her take a deep breath through the closed door, and could imagine her telling herself that the other shoe was about to drop. "Ok," she whispered....

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Train Me Divya Se Dhaka Muki

Hiii dosto kese he aap log mujhe pata he ek dam mast honge or aapni sex life ko enjoy kar rahe honge aap logo ka jay singh fir hazir he aapni ek or nayi kahani le ke aap logo ne meri pichli kahani ko bohot saraha iske liye me aap logo ka tahe dil se sukriya ada karta hu or asha karta hu mujhe ye pyar barbara milta rahega aap mujhe aapne vichar pe mail kar ke bata sakte he aap mujhe hangout pe bhi messsage kar sakte he ye aap mujhe meri id se mujhe fb par bhi dhundh sakte he agar koi ladki ya...

2 years ago
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Taylors Growing UpChapter 12

Jack survived the next few hours of driving around with Tommy and Kristi. He was relieved that the conversation didn't stay on Taylor's developing body for much longer. The rest of the time the three spent together was relaxed and uneventful. Eventually they all returned to Tommy's house, where Jack and Kristi kissed goodnight, before Kristi got in her own car and went home. As previously planned, Jack was staying over. When the boys went inside, the house was quiet. It seemed that...

4 years ago
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She Made An Amazing Three

My boyfriend referred to her as his “royal cock sucker”. She had been his regular cock sucker when he lived in PA. She was a swinger who loved pussy and cock and she was at the forefront of almost all of our fantasies. I wanted to eat her out and make her moan on his cock. I wanted to see her suck his cock like she did before I was around. So many nights of wanting ‘the royal cock sucker” to join us in bed. We got her on cam once and I gave him a massive blow job as she watched. She was...

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My father in law watches me with a neighbor

That afternoon my father in law Enrique had taken me in the ass.Before he left home for a walk, he made me promise I would let the bedroom curtains open. He knew that my loving husband had arranged a date with our neighbor David to fuck me in our bed.And Enrique also wanted to watch me being well fucked…I had a warm shower and I fingered my pussy until I came. Then I dressed up. I chose a short black dress and a red thong; with matching stiletto heels. I looked myself in the mirror and saw that...

1 year ago
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Michelle The Widow

It was 9am on the day of the funeral, George had passed away suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack. He left behind his wife Michelle and 2 young children. George had run a local business selling computer products before his passing. He had done quite well for himself owning a large house and always driving the newest model cars. Michelle was only 37, she was a stay at home mum who had always led the easy life due to George’s business. Too young to be a widow, people kept telling her....

1 year ago
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The King in Yellow Chapter Four

Once again, Dmitri was chained to his chair in the interview room, behind bars, to answer Katya’s questions. “We have had our people audit Alexandra” she told him after the briefest of formalities. He cocked his head at her, amused. “It suited everyone to assume that the beautiful girl who married an imprisoned sex-murderer had been ‘disappeared’ by the old regime” she continued. “But she simply vanished, After the ceremony there is no trace of her in the archives - they lost track of her”....

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Lucys Revenge

First of all, you need to understand I'm not gay. I've never had a gay experience in my life but have had a few fantasies over the last few years. I'm guessing that's because my sex life with my wife has faded over the years and I'm looking for alternative stimulation. Just a little background. When I was about 10 years old my older sister forced me into her open bottom girdle and then picked me up and put me over her shoulder and carried me outside the house and into the front yard....

3 years ago
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Ascension of the Alpha MaleChapter 25

Vyagar's hammer finally fell, though at first the disappearances had gone almost unnoticed by the outside world. In one night the Columbian drug lords and their entire army of workers suddenly disappeared as did their Asian counterparts halting almost all cocaine and heroin production. Like a stone dropped into the water of an otherwise smooth lake, the ripples spread out until the effect was felt around the globe. The coca fields were destroyed by what appeared to be some heretofore...

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Glory hole discovery

I discovered glory holes when I was 19 years old when I was a student at a Midwestern university. That summer, I stayed near campus to take a couple of extra classes and work. Stereotypically, I was "young, dumb and full of cum."After getting out of work late one night, I was too horned up to sleep and I was bored with the handful of porn magazines and videotapes I had (this was the 80's). There was an adult bookstore off the highway about a half an hour away. I had never been in one before,...

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Sex with sister in law

Hello readers myself Ravi from Chennai. Let me tell you the real incident that happened with my Sister in law(uncle daughter). We were going around for more than 3 years, but never really got chance to have sex. We both were doing our MBA, hence we have study together. So I would go every week end Sat and Sun to her house to study. It was normal Sat morning I reached her house at 10 AM. I saw my uncle and aunty leaving somewhere out. I met them at the gate and they told me, they are going to...

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Actress Me Part 8 Hot Movie Sex Scene

She got herself a personal trainer to work herself back into shape. She swam a lot in the pool. I got her into playing golf. She took lesson at the club we belong to. Within 5 weeks, she had regained her former looks, her measurements were 36-24-35, she weighed 125 pounds, spaced over a 5' 7" frame, and not an ounce of fat anywhere on her. She was 33 years old. She was very hot looking. With her long blonde hair and blue eyes, she could go right back to playboy and pose again,...

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Culminating A Long Friendship

Introduction: Culminating A Long Friendship [Thank you for all of the comments on my Sisters By The Pool series! I never dreamed Id immediately make the top rated stories of the month. I will be working on part three soon. I just wanted to take a break and come out with some new stuff. As always, if you want to send me personal comments or messages or anything fun you can PM me on here – thanks for reading!] Every guy growing up seems to have a switch that flips from too scared to talk to...

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Strap On Desire

Copyright© 2002-2003 There once was a newspaper vendor, A person of dubious gender. He would charge one-and-two For permission to view His remarkable double pudenda. I know it was the alcohol that kept me in the conversation rather than leaving to return back to my dorm room. Yet it had been weeks since I have had sex, and the passion of Sheryl's beliefs rooted me to my seat on the couch. There was a long pause in the hushed conversation, when most of us looked about at the...

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Paying Rent

Hi friends I thank you for the overwhelming response to my previous stories, my mailbox is flooded with your love and that motivates me so please keep them coming here I am posting one more story I hope you will love it too, mail me your comments and requests on and add me on yahoo I once again want to tell you all that all my stories are fictitious so please do not mail me asking the contact info of the girl just read enjoy and appreciate As a college student I can only work part time and...

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Ghost LoverChapter 2

We shared everything and sometimes when I walked in from a long day of work, she would have the home smelling like bakery. I would walk into the kitchen and there would be freshly baked bread or pies on the stovetop waiting for me. She even learned to enjoy my kind of music. I would play jazz and at first she did not care for it too much. She would lower the volume or turn off the stereo or eject the CD like a Frisbee, but now she enjoyed it especially when I played Miles Davis or John...

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