Laurie's Russian Connexion free porn video

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Copyright© Katzmarek 2005

Laurie had one last look over the old place. If they used that much Native timber in a house these days, he thought, they'd need special legislation in Parliament. But in those days the forest came down to the river. Stands of tall Totara and Beech trees that hummed and twittered with wildlife.

His ancestors had cleared the land with the axe and two-man hand saws. There used to be a sawmill by the river in those days. At first they had a waterwheel then a steam engine to drive the bandsaws and rollers. It closed sometime in the 1920s when all the timber ran out.

His Grandfather had built the old house by hand in the early 20th century. It stood through fire, flood and the occasional earthquake. It had been extended, modified and generally buggered around with but the front was original. The slash windows were narrow and retangular and now looked incongruous alongside the later additions.

Laurie watched the demo people set up their gear. Much of the timber, of course, would be salvaged and sold off at a grossly inflated price. That's the way it is, he thought, everyone making a fortune out of the hard manual work of folks long dead. The old farm was going to be sub-divided into 30 acre blocks and sold off to city folks at half a million bucks apiece. That means the developers stood to walk away with around 8 million, he figured, net!

Still, as the sole surviving family member he'd done alright out of the deal. The family farm had been freehold for years so he didn't have to share the 6 million sale price with any financial institution. What with his own farm, worth about 4 million in today's market, he had more money than he knew what to do with.

"See ya, Laurie," one of the demo people waved as Laurie headed back to his brand new Isuzu Bighorn. He nodded at the man before climbing in. Despite himself, his eyes watered as he drove down the familiar driveway to the main road.

"A bastard," he told his old dog, "but that's the way it is, I suppose. I hope they don't pollute the creek." Then he remembered the tons of Superphosphate, Urea, Lime, weedkillers and sheepdip that must have washed down that river over the years and smiled.

He drove on into town to the pub. Te Kiako had been a busy port once, but that had been a great many years ago. Flax and timber used to come down the river to be loaded onto ships bound for Australia and the World. There was no-more timber and the flax swamps had been drained for farmland. The Railway had finally killed the port in the 1890s. Now there was just a few commercial fishing boats and a ramp for the weekend sailors.

The town reflected its disuse by all the old derelict buildings, stone chimneys in fields from long demolished houses and the run-down community hall. It was just a pub, a farm supply store and Mr Lee's Superette, where one of his sons followed the customers around the shop lest one slipped a bottle of Worcester Sauce under their woollen jumper. Laurie pulled into the pub carpark and went in the back door.

"Hey, Laurie!" one of the old regulars called, "been up to the old place? Bring a bit of life into town, eh? All them city folks..." Foot propped on a stool, John Hargood sounded unconvinced. "Ernies goin' to turn the place into one of them cocktail bars," he continued, "gettin' some sheilas to serve in short skirts..."

"That'll be the day," grumbled Ernie from the bar, "me missus'll want cameras behind the bar to keep an eye on me. If those folks want a beer they have to take the place as they find it," he announced.

"They won't, not with your grizzly mug scouring at them."

"Fuck off if you don't like it," Ernie whipped back.

Laurie collected a handle of Tui from the bar and sat down at John's table. He silently watched the pool players for a while. New people in town will spell the end of all this, he thought, and good riddance.

He didn't really like pubs anyway, but there was nothing else to do during the slow part of the year. He was tired of the predictable banter, the faded, beer-soaked carpet, the scuffed woodwork with a thousand cigarette scars. Most of all he was tired of the stale, blokey atmosphere stuck in some 1950s timewarp. He almost expected 6pm closing and men carrying jugs of beer out to the carpark for a final guzzle before staggering into their '47 Chevys. It all reeked of stifling decay.

"So how are you and this Russian sheila?" John asked. His face betrayed smug skepticism.

"Good," Laurie answered. He'd learned not to say too much.

"Bloody mug!" John told him, "y'know, all them websites are ripoffs... owned by the Mafia... true!" He drained his glass and looked at Laurie questioningly.

"Another handle for John," Laurie called across the bar to Ernie.

"Them sheilas are not real... models, all of them. They hook you in, see and them Mafia agents ask you for money or get your credit card number. I read all about it."


"Yeah. You get an Email asking you to send money for the airfare. When you do you never see the sheila nor the money again... I read about it."


"Yeah. What's her name?"


"Made up... She ain't real... just some model... you'll see!"

"She's coming in three weeks," Laurie told him absently.

"Lay you 20 ewes she won't show?" he challenged.

"You're on! Those fat Romneys, not that shagged out old mutton you keep in the back paddock."

"Done," John said scratching his jaw. Those ewes were worth a fair bit of money.

Laurie left shortly after a trio of deerstalkers crashed boisterously through the door. Blood soaked their backs where they'd carried the meat out of the bush. They began to regale the regulars about the one that got away and the 16 pointer they'd shot over the back of the ridge. Laurie wasn't in the mood for noise and bragging. At least it stalled John's teasing over his Internet lady.

She was 33 with a 15 year old son called Igor. She lived in Moscow, she'd told him, in a shabby, one room apartment in the suburb of Vladimir. She'd described acres of run-down Soviet-era apartment blocks where the elevators had long-since broken down and never repaired. She lived with her Mother and her son, sleeping in divan beds and collapsible stretchers. The State paid a meagre pension, she'd explained, which she supplemented by working part-time in a Kindergarten.

The 'Russian Connexion' website had featured a beautiful slim woman with dark eyes and an alluring smile. The not-quite professional photograph was carefully posed, the woman finely made-up with dark auburn hair cascading down to her shoulders. She'd been No .3 on his list of possibles and the only one who'd replied with any enthusiasm. Most of the woman, it seemed, wanted to go to America.

He'd sent her money to buy a computer so they could Email each other. The Agency charged a hefty fee to use their service and it seemed a logical thing to do. There had been more money over the past year. Little things for the household, a modern TV, microwave and some private English tuition for Igor. Eventually it had cost him over 40 grand.

It had crossed his mind that he was being suckered, that Svetlana and Igor were not real and his money was going into some mobster's pocket. If so, it was a very skillful con for it had him convinced.

'WHERE IS NEW ZEALAND?' she'd Emailed him.










Igor wrote the Emails because his Mother had little English. Laurie had taken some Russian lessons by correspondence but he wasn't a natural with languages. He found the language daunting and the Cyrillic alphabet impossible.

It occurred to him that what he was describing to Svetlana was nothing short of Paradise. Green fields and rolling hills, empty beachs with only the seabirds for company must seem like a fantasy. He knew he was embroidering the truth a little but how much would one need to exaggerate to someone in Svetlana's circumstances?

Laurie had been married but it hadn't gone the distance. She'd been a neighbour whom he'd known since school. In three years it had been all over and she'd gone to Australia to 'find herself.' Laurie hung on for another two years before finally admitting she was never coming back. Two years ago she'd sent him a letter asking for a dissolution. It was the one and only communication he'd had with her since their separation.

Judith had looked at the rest of her life and saw isolation, Laurie supposed. She hankered after the bright lights and opportunity, Night Clubs, boutiques, coffee bars and all that only the city could provide. She'd wanted to go to University and do a Degree before time and children made it too difficult. He understood how she felt, but cities made him claustrophobic. He liked that you could count the cars going past on one hand and wake up to the squawking of the Starlings and Minahs.

His farm was a good hour out of town down unsealed roads. The house sat on rising ground just below a Pine plantation. He'd planted mature Kowhais and other Native trees to provide shade in summer and to encourage the birds. At the side of the house was a Sheoak where he and Judith had made love one Summer's afternoon. He missed that. Imaginative she was, game for anything.

A vivid picture presented itself in his mind. Judith with her wobbling bare breasts and impish grin dragging him by the hand. He flicked the autocue to Soundgarden, dark and reflective music that radiated his moods back in crystal clarity.

"Eat me, lick me!" Would Svetlana beg him to go down on her? Such eyes belie a passionate nature, he concluded. 'Yes, she'd appreciate his tongue. He'd been well-trained by Judith.'

"Bite them, suck them!" What were Svetlana's breasts like? Did she have sensitive nipples like Judith? Svetlana had never sent any photos of herself naked and he'd been too shy to ask. Even after he'd sent the money for her to buy a Sony Digicam her pictures were of the Moscow winter and Igor and Babushka walking in the snow. Her photos had shown her looking ominously older, suggesting that her original picture had been doctored.

He still couldn't imagine what her body looked like. A photo of her in a woollen sweater was his favourite, smiling, arms- spread, displaying the Norsewear Aran-knit he'd sent her one Christmas. He saw a nice swell to her chest that the wool couldn't conceal. Her face had a wide grin. He thought her lips sensuous and full of promise. Did she do blow-jobs? Would her mouth work magic on him as Judith's had? Was he expecting to much?

Most of all he missed the company, someone with whom he could share the day. True, Judith was from a farming background so understood what he was talking about. Svetlana, who struggled with English and had never known a life like this, how could she possibly fit in? The negatives seemd to line up the positives against a brick wall and dispatch them with a volley.

'Moscow to Frankfurt, ' he thought, 'Frankfurt, London, Hong Kong then Auckland. Plenty of opportunity for her to change her mind and get lost in the wealth of the West. A tidy sum in the Bank, too, ' he mused, 'all care of his Father's estate. He's going to look pretty stupid in front of dickheads like John Hargood.'

"Told you!" he heard them say, 'Arseholes!'

As he drove up his long driveway, the Autumn evening was already whispering a Winter chill. The breeze from the mountains tickled his cheeks and the tip of his nose. It drove him indoors and towards the wood stove.

'You've got mail!' his computer told him. 'sschapakinov at da dot ru.' It was Svetlana/Igor.



There was an attachment with a jpeg of her and Igor proudly holding their airline tickets and passports. Laurie had no doubt John Hargood was the one going to look stupid. He clicked on his favourite photo once again. The one with her in the sweater smiling. He took that image with him to bed.

Three weeks later he awoke in the morning as usual at 5am. As usual he went out into the chill morning to help bring the herd in for milking. He fired up the Kawasaki Workhorse and set off across the paddocks. Already the hands had gathered the herd together and got them moving towards the gate. Laurie took point down the road lest one of the milk tankers should come barreling along. The big Volvo units took a lot of stopping.

The yapping of the Huntaways punctuated the still morning as the dogs harried the cows into some sort of order. Udders heavy, the herd knew the way but were apt to take time out to munch at the grass on the roadside.

"Hey Laurie," Malcolm, his leading hand called, "why don't you bugger off. We don't need you. Go and meet that sheila of yours."

"Just thought I'd help," he replied, "if I leave after breakfast I can be there just after lunch, book into a motel and be at the airport by three."

"Yeah, but you don't know Auckland traffic, mate. Could be stuck on the Great South Road for an hour."

"Yeah? S'pose," he considered.

"Yeah, g'wan, fuckoff."

"I guess so. Sure you don't need a hand?"

"With what? Your fuckin' useless anyway, all-horny, dreamin' of that sheila."

"I guess."

"Yeah, give her one for us, mate!"

"I will," Laurie smiled as he made his way back to the house.

Laurie had bought a brand new Maxima Wagon. Big enough, he figured, for his new family. He pointed it North for the 6 hour journey to Auckland. He found a Motel close to the airport and arrived at the terminal building early.

To while away the time, he fetched up in the bar. It had a TV screen announcing arrivals and departures and he sat fascinated as it scrolled on and on.

'BA779 HK to AK (delayed) ETA TBA, ' the column read. 'OK, ' he thought to himself, 'it's held up somewhere.' He ordered a whisky from the indifferent waiter and tried to read the newspaper. He was in a state of controlled panic, however, and the newsprint staring back at him was incomprehensible.

'BA779 HK to AK (delayed) ETA 1730.' 'That's something, ' he thought, '2 hour's late but still on its way.'

Eventually the British Airways Airbus landed and seemed to Laurie to take ages to dock with the Terminal. It was another half an hour before the first of the tired passengers had maneuvred through Immigration and Customs.

All was a pandemonium of hoots and hollers, cries and tears of joy. Laurie tried to control his panic amid the throngs of people. More humanity, he thought, than at a big Provincial Rugby game. He hated it but tried to stay focussed on the double doors.

The passengers egressing from the arrival hall began to thin out. It was now nearly an hour after the Jumbo landed and thoughts that Svetlana was not coming began to intrude on Laurie's mind.

His anxiety was increasing, he wanted to kick something, wanted to be out of this madhouse and back on his farm. The crowd began to disperse leaving him with a feeling of vulnerabiity. He imagined the airport staff watching him and thinking, 'what a mug!'

Taking one last look at the double doors before leaving he saw a woman and a boy standing all alone. She was slim with dark auburn hair tied into a ponytail. Her black dress was smoothed tight to her hips and fell down to her ankles. She clutched a leather purse protectively while her other arm was wrapped around the waist of the tall, skinny youth. Their faces had a startled, anxious expression. Their eyes swept quickly around them liked scared rabbits.

Laurie felt the air expel from his lungs in one audible rush. He felt a warm glow wash over his face. He broke into a wide smile and called to them.

"Svetlana! Igor! Here!"

"Laurence!" she cried. Her voice was heavily accented, deep, and stumbling over the English consonants. They looked like a pair of shipwrecked sailors about to be rescued. Relief, joy, excitement replaced the terrified expressions. "Laurence," she repeated as he rushed up to the pair. After a brief hesitant moment, Svetlana planted a brief kiss on Laurie's cheek. His hands held her shoulders and tingled with the much-anticipated contact. "I am happy to see you," she said, carefully and deliberately. The 'h' was guttural and the 'a' extended so the word 'happy' sounded like 'hcharpy.'

"Me too," Laurie told them, "did you have a good journey?" he asked lamely. Svetlana looked at Igor who repeated the question in Russian.

"Yes... fine... da!" she answered.

"Da... good," repeated Laurie. Through the joy he began to think that language was going to be a big hurdle.

He guided them to the baggage claim. Igor kept up a commentary in Russian, explaining to his Mother what the signs meant. The boy asked Laurie questions in polite and too-formal English. He wondered how a few months in New Zealand will affect that speech. A nation, so we're told, of vowel stranglers and word butchers.

Finally emerging into the concrete paddock of a car park, Svetlana reached into her purse and extracted a packet of B and H. She put a cigarette to her lips and tried to light it from brass Zippo. Her hands shook with fatigue and stress and it was some moments before she could take a long drag of blue smoke.

Laurie was startled. It never occured to him to ask if she was a smoker. It had been a good many years since he'd given up his rollies and he was not sure how he would cope with the smoke. He watched her breathe a cloud of smoke for a second before making up his mind. On impulse he asked, "may I?" and indicated the gold packet. She passed over a cigarette with a smile followed by the lighter. Laurie pushed back the thought that he was taking a step back into degradation. The nicotine rush made him tremble before his mind began to float in a satisfying burst of Pheromones. Smiling, the group began to search out the Maxima.

Svetlana instinctively stood by the driver's door. Laurie opened it and she was startled to find the steering wheel on the right. Abashed, she went around the vehicle to the passenger's side. Haltingly, she tried to explain that they drive on the left in Russia. Igor translated and helped her Mother with her missing nouns. In all the comment took a good 3 minutes before all were satisfied they understood. Language was going to be a problem, thought Laurie.

Svetlana wore a powerful scent that suffused the Nissan with the smell of roses. Laurie suspected he'd paid for the perfume. He noted she was wearing the jade earings he'd sent her for her birthday. Similarly the necklace he recognised as the gold item with pearl pendant that he'd sent her for Christmas. Igor sported a heavy wristwatch with a gold band, his birthday present, and began playing a Gameboy, again, a present from Laurie.

They rode in silence through the half-hour journey to the Motel. Jet-lag was beginning to kick in, Laurie noted. The pair were riding on Adrenalin.

They refused dinner, having eaten on the plane. However Laurie realised he was starving. He settled them into the Motel room then went in search of some takeaways.

When he returned he found them watching satelite TV, a documentary on African termites. He put the box of chips on the table and nodded to Igor's questioning look. The youth scoffed most of them as well as Laurie's Pepsi. Svetlana looked disapproving but did not intervene.

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My Sexy Russian Neighbor

My wife and I were in our early forties and had been married fifteen years when we had new neighbors move into the seasonal cottage next door. Jerry was a salesman. Tall, intelligent and very opinionated on a variety of subjects. He was in his mid fifties. His wife, Sasha was from Russia, and a few years younger than my wife and I. During the Summers Sasha would spend time at the cottage which had a beach nearby, while Jerry would work, and stay at their other house a couple of hours away. We...

3 years ago
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The Day I Fucked My Russian Maid

It was another slow day at work. Another day where absolutly nothing happened my whole five-hour shift. I left work bored out of my mind... and craving something different. I was staying at a small hotel, since my wife divorced me, and I went up to the third floor so I could just go to my room and sleep until the next miserable day. I noticed the cleaning girl's cart was outside my door. I ignored it, assuming I could just tell her to come back later. I opened my door and threw down my tie and...

3 years ago
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Russian Surprise

I bought an apartment in a Bohemian part of the city, which had three gay bars, a gay club, and a sauna, in very close proximity to one another, but apart from other gay establishments that were slightly further afield. Being within walking distance, however, I mainly stuck to the venues closest to me.The first gay bar in the area predominantly attracted a lesbian crowd and therefore wasn’t on my radar. I did, nevertheless, frequent the other two bars regularly. They were very different, and...

4 years ago
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Rika the Redheaded Russian Rancher

As she swung gracefully onto the saddle, there was no doubt this woman was at home there. Her weathered skin, sturdy clothes, and confident expression marked her as a range hand. Only the different clothing style and horse tack told you that this was not the western United States. Wisps of curly dark red hair could be seen straggling out under the wide-brimmed hat and her steely-blue eyes took in all they surveyed. She was just over thirty years of age and she had grown up on a horse, herding...

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The Russian FrontPart 2 Submission and Dignity

She remembers the first bath he gave her every time she bathes the children. They can run only one or two inches of hot water, so little that she often merely sponge bathes herself. He had the riches of conquest, though, an ancient bathtub with four claw legs. He filled it well up with water so hot they had to wait before they could use it. She had remained kneeling when he pulled out of her mouth to run the water, his obedient subject, hands on thighs, face red and wet. He led her to the...

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Market ForcesChapter 68 Russian Roulette

Steve's idea sounded attractive. I could see that I could free up some time in a couple of weeks or so but I wasn't sure whether I could justify the trip. I thought I'd talk to Freddie about it first. If I had thought that Tricia getting her chance as a lead collector would improve her humour I was mistaken. She'd been as pleased as anything when she told me that Harry had said she could finally run lead on a collection. She'd been nagging him (and me) for what seemed like months. But...

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Banking for BeginnersChapter 17 Russian Roulette

Leaving Desnerek to amuse himself with Esther, Ellie presented herself to the Kalinin with considered formality. Of all the possible approaches — from forcibly removing the girls from the palace through to buying them back at the auction that Victoria had planned, the straightforward approach was, Ellie had decided, the one most likely to succeed. It is good of you to see me, Kalinin," she said nodding her head in respect as she entered the office of the Kushtian Head of State. "And I am...

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Death and the Russian Winter

German Embassy, Moscow 11:01PM December 31st, 1928   Leona Graaf tried to adjust her tiara for the fifth time. She failed miserably. ?Arrgghh!!!!? she screamed at the empty washroom. She stamped her foot, damn Peter, damn him! She sighed and looked in the mirror again. The tiara remained at a drunken angle on her head, mocking her efforts. Worse, some more of her fine blonde hair had come loose and fallen across her face. Trembling with anger she tried again. First she put the hair back in...

4 years ago
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Russian Spies

The sound of a door is heard behind you. The lock being disengaged and the hinges creaking as a Tall man in a military uniform comes from behind you. Looking straight ahead, feigning courage and stupidity at the same time, the man sees right through it. He knows you are a spy for the Russians. Why else would you be here. As he looks down to you, you look past him, as if he wasn't there to begin with. He starts speaking to you, a formality you guess. You have nothing to say to him, let...

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Russian FolktaleChapter 3

In the early hours of Friday morning, Nick awoke with all of his covers thrown off and his flaccid member itching again. He rubbed some cream on it to alleviate the worst symptoms and returned to wander through lurid dreams until the alarm dredged him up from the depraved scenes in his imagination. He refrained from panicking as he fought the traffic, driving to work to avoid any complications on the subway, knowing that Val would be there to alleviate the coming, unavoidable itch. The car...

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The Power of the Illuminati Ch 05 The Russian Model1

“Sir, the limo has arrived.” “Excellent, send her up.” I leaned back in my chair and had a quick cigarette. Ten minutes later, the elevator door dinged and out stepped my angel. Although from the stumbling, it seemed that my angel was a bit drunk, she was nonetheless beautiful. It was a woman by the name of Irina Petrov. She was an up and coming lingerie model. She was spotted in her hometown of Moscow and shipped over to the USA and had since appeared in quite a few ads. She was on...

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Sex With My Drunk Russian Teacher

Hi guys this story is about me fucking my Russian Pediatry teacher whom I fucked in her own cabin after class.. I was 23 then into my 5th year of medical college in Russia. I had a big crush on my Pediatry teacher in Russia.. She was into her early 30s tall smart and her States were 34d 26 36 about 5 feet 10 inches just as me.. She was a divorce but never shy of parties and drinking.. We would notice her In hangover in class and wold admire her long legs and would even go below the seats and...

4 years ago
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Russian Holy Cat 8211 My International Desire Completed

Hello friends this is raj again. Hope my stories enjoyed you all. My intro is I am Raj from Mumbai. Since few years I am enjoying ISS a lot. Some 1 year before I started to post my own real stories here. After that my inbox always fulled with comments; replies; offers and many more things. Some of them I replied to from my busy schedule.  Cause I am a busy guy as a am working with a well known company as Exec.Engineer.  Hope you all can understand. ISS leads my sex desire to international...

2 years ago
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Sexy Russian Girl

It's late on a Friday night, and I've been working in a flat near Greenwich making built in wardrobes. I got the job through the landlord of the building as I had done his garden for him last year, and one job followed another, so that I ended up fitting out most of their bedrooms and their kitchen as well. I had finished the job and was moving the bed back into place, generally tidying up, although I was told that the couple leasing the property were in Moscow and not due back till Monday....

4 years ago
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Russian Sailor Whore

Maria McCourtMarie McCourt was a catholic girl with solid beliefs. Married with three children, and well-respected in the local area. Even after three births, she still had a figure of a woman ten years her junior.She worked in a small Irish bar and had been there for about eight years.Marie was 5'6 with long brown hair, her complexion was dark, and men always commented on her brown eyes. She was more often mistaken for being Latina, as opposed to her Irish roots. In the barIt was a Thursday;...

Mind Control
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Black List II Russian WinterChapter 14

Spencer wakes up alone. After looking around the safe house, the only thing he finds is a note from Jennifer explaining that she was out to meet with a contact and would return shortly. After a shower, he waits for another half hour before finally deciding to get some information himself. So he leaves his own note and heads out from the apartment. Not long after, Spencer finds an internet café a few blocks away from the safe house. Using a secure network that the TDF uses, he contacts the...

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Black List II Russian WinterChapter 15

“Good evening. I’m Jerry Strut.” “And I’m Susan Pellt.” “The top story on Channel 3 News tonight is the explosion of a small cottage near Fairfax City earlier today,” Jerry Strut begins. “The conditions that lead to the apparent explosion are still unknown at this time. There has been one body recovered from the blaze with another man—his identity being withheld at this time—found outside with a bullet wound. The man was taken to the D.C. Medical Hospital and is said to be making a...

3 years ago
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The Russian FrontPart 3 Happiness and Loss

She didn't hate him. She never had, even when he had taken her that first day. His ability to arouse her was frightening, though, when she thought about it in the middle of the night, and she began to doubt herself. She imagined a Faustian pact, that he had sold his soul to the devil in return for the ability to arouse women. She fell asleep thinking about it. He was affectionate in the morning, and her failure to react to him came from exhaustion, not an attempt to gain distance from him....

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Black List II Russian WinterChapter 7

“As you can see behind me,” the reporter says, waving her hand at the scene. “Tanks, helicopters and ground troops are invading South Africa. I have received confirmed reports of battleships off the coast. This looks like a full scale invasion with both Russian and Chinese militaries in the mix. The entire country is in an uproar with locals trying to get out of the country. This just coming in...” she pauses to put a hand to her ear and listens for a few moments. “I have just received word...

2 years ago
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Black List II Russian WinterChapter 8

The night is calm. No wind blows. A chill hangs in the air and there is no doubt that winter is here. Ronnie throws down his cigarette and stomps it out before heading back in. “Fuck, it’s cold out there,” he says walking back into the control office. “That’s what I love about South Dakota, it gets cooler faster,” Daniel, his co-worker, says as he sits and looks at the various screens in front of him. With all the attacks on power plants taking place, the Twin Falls Power Plant has installed...

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Russian FolktaleChapter 2

Tuesday night Nick spent the first part of the night tossing and turning in his bed. He couldn't stay asleep and he was distinctly uncomfortable. Finally he threw the blanket and sheet off of his body in frustration and then pulled off his underwear as he realized his cock felt itchy. He stumbled into the bathroom and endured the painful moment as his eyes adjusted to the light. His cock in hand, he examined the flaccid member for a rash or redness. The skin looked normal but still the itch...

1 year ago
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Russian MotherinLaws

100% fiction! Hank was laying in bed with his girlfriend. Their mother had come to join them for the weekend and was sleeping a room over. His girlfriend had vaped some e-cigarette with him, and she was starting to rub her ass against his cock. "Hey, baby," she said. "What turns you on?" "You do." "No, I know what turns you on: my mom. I saw you staring at her ass all day." "I'm just impressed by how much weight she's lost." "Everywhere but her ass, huh?" "I wasn't looking at her ass!" "Relax,...

1 year ago
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Russian Boy

It all started a few months ago, we would talk everyday to eachother, we would have cybersex everyday. it was so good. we shared pictures together and it was going so good. I told him that when we meet I will give him the pleasure first. he agreed. he told me that he was still a virgin, that made me really horny. A few weeks past and we agreed to meet up, I came all the way to Russia for him, by the way, i live in Sweden. my heart was pounding as I walked towards him and saw him in real life...

First Time
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Russian roulette

The other couples at the BBQ were all well known to our old friends Sue and Don, and we felt we too knew them well after moving to the town nearly six month ago. So the atmosphere was relaxed and trusting as we swilled our beer in our downstairs rec room . We had moved there in the twilight as the bugs started to bother us. Upstairs was too warm. We were too young and poor to have AC at this point. Besides, it was a good place to hang out for people like us, among the weight benches and barbell...

4 years ago
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Sexual Encounters of a Young man10 In Pool with Blonde Virgin Russian Ana

Maanvi started to give him food as he got stomach upset due to outside food for long and on one fine morning when she went there to give him morning Coffee on seeing his erect 9 Inch cock while he was asleep and she was lured into sucking it and then while bathing she fell in bathroom and Montu Kumar treated and helped her and then fucked her. They were facing problems to find a safe and secluded place for regular fucking afterwards so one day he fucked her in the Garden at a lonely place and...

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Sexual Encounters of a Young man 9 In Pool with Blonde Virgin Russian Ana

The story is by one of my friend Montu Kumar starts around the year-2011-12, around 7-8 years back from the present time. He become friend with me during a fashion show in Delhi.. Where he was the Event Planner for the comapny which has organised this fashion show.. He has narrated his story to me during our several meetings. This is a story about how he become a Sugar Daddy of Two families Maanvi started to give him food as he got stomach upset due to outside food for long and on one fine...

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The Power of the Illuminati Ch 07 The Russian and the French Maid Part 2

“All right you two, time for some fucking again. Irina, get back on your hands and knees. Get on the bed and face the mirror.” Irina stopped licking and got up slowly. She got down on all fours facing a mirrored wall that hid one of my closets. I stood up and looked at her shapely ass and legs from this angle, encased in the black garters, stockings and high heels. She looked amazing. Reaching into the bedside table, I took out a tube of lube. “Avril, rub this onto me.” Avril hesitated at...

4 years ago
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New Russian Fuck Toy

" What are you thinking?" I surprise her by asking. she hesitates. After a moment, I change position as if to wait out my silence, twisting around so that my left arm rests on the back of the couch, while my right hand takes over tracing feather-light patterns on her thigh. As nervous as she is right now, she is also thrilled, not to mention: aroused. She is not sure if she ever mentioned to me that she doesn't often wear panties; she regrets not wearing any tonight. She must be soaking...

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Russian Woman

drunk, horny, older lady. A woman with brown eyes, a thick accent, short black hair and beautiful saggy handfuls of breast. Smoking outside the local pub drinking some whisky and she recognizes me. We chat for a while, small talk. I had recently broken up with my ex whom tore my fragile emotions of love .. However, it's not all doom and gloom. I walk her home and she invites me inside, it's very utilitarian and quiet. She'd lost her husband some years prior and I think she needed some hot,...

2 years ago
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Russian Shemales 3 The Revenge

I am asking the translator what that means: The Revenge. There is no revenge in my story! And she says it is a kind of joke. Like the Electric Boogaloo. I do not understand why that is funny, but she is telling me to trust her, and continue with my story.When we grew awake in the morning, Svetlana wanted more sexy sexy time, but I said to not. Because Mr. Aronoff would be there soon to pick us up for the bus ride back to home. Svetlana, who looked more like Serge in the morning, said...

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Russian Shemales 2 Electric Boogaloo

The next Friday, Serge and I take bus into the city again. He was very anxious to be there and to get pretty again. I am just anxious.Friday night is much like the previous Friday night. We move furniture, and build set, and then smoke cigarettes and drink vodka. Saturday is again the same: We are showered, and painted into pretty ladies. We take turns posing for camera in bras and panties and slips and stockings and high heels. We are both getting better at walking in heels. (If you...

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New Year from Russian

New year came nearer. - Well where we will spend New Year? - mother asked me. The next new year it was decided to spend at Pavlovs, Sanyok and his mother. The aunt Tanya was the beautiful, low woman. The big breast and deep thighs with the amazing back, were my old dream. I was in love with it from the first class. On December 31 about 21 hours I and mother sat in cozy chairs in Pavlov's apartment. I with Sank savoured cocktail, mothers watched TV and listened to us...

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Adventure With An Amazing Russian Pussy

Hey, there readers, this is Rahul and I’m back with another real sex story which happened to me on the 13th April. A little about myself, I am a Northerner residing in Bangalore. I am a footballer, slim, 5’9” tall and fair. My tool size is 6.5” in length and 3” in girth. I love experimenting on the bed but few of my favorites include, eating pussy, and extended foreplay. Any feedbacks on this story? Please write to me at So it all started when my friends and I went to Goa for a bachelor’s...

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Russian Trash to Private Toy

I listened as they talked. I wondered if they knew I could hear. The American was asking my dad questions about me. He asked if I spoke English, how old I was, my height and weight and measurements. My stepdad was answering him. I wondered what was going on. My stomach was churning and I felt a frisson of fear. My stepdad wasn’t known for his kindness to me. “Andula please come in here now,” my stepdad shouted. I came into the room my heart thudding in my chest rapidly. There was a fairly tall...

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