Butt Sniffing Ch1
- 3 years ago
- 35
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You've heard of drug-sniffing dogs and you've heard of bomb-sniffing dogs. Well, I have a crotch-sniffing dog. Now wait a minute here, you're probably thinking. What's the big deal? All dogs go around sniffing crotches. That's true, but my dog has been specially trained to sniff out and identify fertile, human females ready to be fucked into motherhood.
This isn't some science fiction story about some dog that rapes and knocks up women. No sir! I'm the one who knocks them up. My dog Spike just points the right ones out to me, so to speak. Heck! Spike couldn't fuck puppies into a bitch. He's fixed, you see. I got him at the animal shelter. They're the ones who insisted he be neutered before I "adopted" him. Well, I got him for his nose and neutering him didn't hurt that any.
By now I'm sure you think I'm a complete bastard and you'd be right. But if my story is interesting, so what? Just bear with me for a bit.
I was born and raised in a working class environment. I won't bore you with the details of my early life since it's not important to my story. My father was a drunk and my mother was a dutiful wife. I was the oldest in a family of three sons and four daughters. When I turned 16 I was told to quit school and get a job to help support the family. Well, I quit school but when I walked out the door to find a job I never returned.
I drifted from odd job to odd job until I was 18. I then got a job driving a truck and I've stuck with that type of work ever since.
I'm not ugly but I'm not exactly a charmer either. My success with women was always hit and miss. I usually accepted rejection like a gentleman but my one pet peeve was for a woman to string me along while expecting me to spend time and money on her. One time I'd spent a whole pay check to wine and dine this bitch. We went to this exclusive nightclub after dinner where there's always a ton of people waiting to get in. I tipped, or rather bribed the doorman a hundred bucks to get us in. Not ten minutes after we were seated the bitch let herself get picked up by some other guy and dumped me! Needless to say I was pissed.
I got my revenge by raping her. Knowing her habits and schedule, I caught her alone where it was dark and deserted. I came up from behind and grabbed her. I then threw a bag over her head, shoved her into some bushes and tore off her clothes. Raping her was pure pleasure. I porked her mercilessly. Since she couldn't identify me I got away clean.
Later when I heard she was pregnant by her rapist I couldn't have been more pleased. In fact I nearly came in my trousers just thinking about it. My career as a rapist had begun.
Think about it. I saved a ton of money on dating and could pick and choose my "dates." The most attractive women were accessible whether or not they were married or had a sweetheart. The only drawback, of course, was if I were caught, I'd be probably spending the rest of my life in prison. That possibility didn't stop me although I tried to be as cautious as possible.
Within a year I'd raped several more women. I knocked up a couple of them and that's when I realized the biggest charge I got was when I knew my victim was going to give birth to my bastard. My big fantasy now was to impregnate every woman I raped. Well how do you make sure the woman you want to fuck and impregnate is fertile? How do you know you're not risking everything for a woman who's on the Pill?
It's impossible. I've read plenty of those online stories where the heroine gets knocked up so easily. This is not so in real life. It was a puzzle I was determined to solve.
Despite being a high school dropout I consider myself pretty smart. If I'd completed high school and gone on to college I might have made something of myself. I love books. I spent countless hours in public libraries in a program of self-education in the arts and sciences. I became well informed and I can hold my own in conversations with many professionals regarding their own specialties. In all my research I never ran across anyway to test a woman's fertility without resorting to blood or urine analysis or checking body temperature. For my purpose none of this was tenable.
I was sitting in a bar one day nursing a beer. There was only one other patron in the place. I was watching a piece on the television news concerning the use of drug-sniffing dogs at the U.S.-Mexico border.
"They should have dogs who could sniff out women who were ready to have a baby fucked into them," I said. I was talking back to the television out loud.
"It's possible," said the other customer who was sitting a few stools away from me. "Dogs right now are being trained to detect certain diseases in humans. The results have been very encouraging. Since every organic compound gives off a signature odor the dog can be trained to signal its handler when it detects the odor that we're looking for. Healthy people have odors just like diseased people. I think a dog could be trained to detect the scent of a healthy adult female at the peak of her fertility cycle."
Now this guy definitely had my attention. I introduced myself and bought him a drink. He turned out to be a biochemist. His name was Gustavo and once he warmed to his subject he was hard to stop. I didn't want to stop him. I was an eager listener. The company he was working for was one of many trying to develop devices, which could detect the presence of compounds down to a few parts per billion. The Holy Grail of this research was to develop a detector as sensitive as a dog's nose. The dog's sense of smell is immensely more powerful than a human's. This goal is still years away from realization.
I asked Gustavo if he could synthesize the odor emitted by a healthy ovulating female. He said it had already been done by a colleague of his and offered to get me a sample. He never even asked why I wanted it. Gustavo was a problem solver and loved to help people. I'm sure he would have been horrified if he had known my intentions.
After exchanging information with Gustavo I started calling around to various centers that trained detection dogs and their handlers. Virtually all of them dealt with drugs and explosives and couldn't understand why I wanted to a dog trained for one scent. I finally started telling them that I wanted a truffle-hunting dog. Truffles are a rare type of fungi that are used in gourmet food dishes. They grow underground. Dogs and sows are used to smell them out.
I was finally referred to a semi-retired trainer who was willing to work with me. He didn't care what kind of scent the dog would be trained for. He's the one who took me to the animal shelter and picked out Spike for me. He had a good eye for dogs and felt that Spike would be a perfect candidate for training.
I live a fairly Spartan existence so I had plenty of money saved. Since I had to undergo training as a handler as well as participate in Spike's training I quit my job. It all set me back quite a bit financially but the results were worth it. Spike and me hit it off pretty well with each other. With Gustavo's sample in hand we started our training. Twelve weeks later our trainer declared us a fairly competent team.
After a bit of field-testing and dry runs with Spike it became obvious that some adjustments would have to be made in his training. For one thing no woman likes a dog sniffing at her crotch. I know! I know! Duh!
Spike had to learn to do his crotch sniffing from a safe distance. I discovered that most women weren't even aware of Spike until he was within five yards of them. Eventually he learned to stay out of this awareness zone. Spike could still get the needed scent if he was downwind of his target. He also learned to just sit and wait for the target to walk by.
Spike responded well to my whistles and hand signals from a distance so he knew when to stay and when to move on without me having to get close enough for me to get noticed. If I was ever arrested I didn't want Spike to be connected to my activities. As far as anyone was concerned the dog was just a pet. I had a good friend who would take care of Spike and make a good home for him if anything happened to me.
The only thing I couldn't teach Spike was my tastes in women. He was scent oriented and I guess they all looked alike to him but he never failed to signal me when he caught the scent. His signal was a pawing of the ground with his right foreleg.
Once I was satisfied with the adjustments I made in his training I took Spike to a dog-friendly park for some serious prospecting. He immediately got to work.
The first potential Spike identified was a young teenage girl. She was a pretty little thing. As much as I would have loved to put a baby in her belly I decided to pass on her. You see the cops are basically pretty lazy. They wait for a guy to make a mistake or otherwise fall in their laps before they make a move. However when a youngster is a victim the cops get energetic and start doing real police work. For that reason I lean toward women who look at least old enough to buy a drink.
Being a fat, lazy, slob, I hate doing housework! Truth be told, I haven't done my own housework in years, I just hire a lady to come in and clean up after my fat ass! The lady I hired years ago was an older romanian lady, who spoke little english, kept to herself and always did an excellant job! Earlier this year though, she became ill and had her niece fill in for her while she underwent surgery. Now her niece is also from romania although she's been here for only a few years, speaks english...
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I live in a small town where not much happens. Fifteen years ago, a family rented the upstairs apartment in our large house. We had much more room than we needed, and the entire upstairs was turned into a private apartment. A lovely family moved in and we became like family rather quickly. The mother was remarried and her one c***d was from her previous marriage. Her new husband was younger than her, and the Mahoney's were a perfect family to live in our house. Their daughter, Erin was a very...
I've gotten a lot of messages and comments about my "Sniffing The Cleaning Lady's Bum", and thought I'd share a few more incidents that's happened since. Her aunt is still off, although she does light cleaning sometimes, I've told them I'm very happy with Teadora, and that she needn't worry about comming to my place until she's fully recovered. Teadora on the other hand, put her hairstyling dreams on hold, and is cleaning full time for her aunt. I've told her if saturday's still work, that it...
Like most guys or girls for that matter, who have a panty fetish, I can remember my first experience with panties like it was yesterday! I was a teenager, always horny and always jerking off if given five minutes alone! I had a younger (Tammy) and older (Rachel) sister, and I never once thought of them in a sexual way. Now their friends on the other hand was a different story! My older sister had this one friend, Nina, who was drop dead gorgeous! She had tight everything, and was the star in...
I had a old friend visit over the holidays. We were watching a movie and the wife was still at work. My friend and I had a early start with the holiday cheer in a glass. We had just finished smoking a huge bowl, and were about to sit back down to the movie. I took a washroom break. While in the bathroom I noticed that my wife had left a pair of her panties on the floor, one of my favorite pair ;)!I instantly wondered if my friend had seen them? He had used the washroom more than once today.. I...
As I've mentioned in earlier posts, I rent out one of my rooms to college girls every year. This year is the first time I've actually had one stay the whole summer, and looks as if she's staying another school year. We do fool around and you can read about her in my "Fetish For Panties" series. But this post isn't about Kimmy, it's about a girl I rented to three years ago, and her name was Cassandra, but she prefered to be called Cass. Cass responded to my newspaper ad and met with me a few...
I recall when I was younger being caught by my friends sister sniffing her panties. I was sleeping over and the living room was downstairs and so was his sisters bedroom and her bathroom. She was not there all day and into the evening so I figured she would not be home that night. She was 20 years old and attractive, she was about 5 foot, long brown hair, and she had very nice curves, not skinny but not fat, just right in my opinion. My friend and I were watching movies and the few times I went...
If you've read any of my other stories, you may know that I LOVE the smell of ass! Nothing is more of turn on to me then the smell of a woman's butt sweat! My ass smell fetish started the same time as my panty fetish and it's one of the main reasons I love sniffing them! Anyways, a couple years ago I happened to find another way to enjoy the smell of ass besides panties or a girl letting me sniff her bum. Quite simply, I just sniff women's ass in public places without them knowing! Let me...
It was actually quite awhile since I had an opportunity to sniff some strange girls bum. It seemed the chances were few and far between, and when opportunity did present itself, I either wasn't alone or there were people around. Of course I wasn't really trying either, I was just keeping my eyes open for a chance encounter. I was almost caught off guard when the chance came around. I was in a deli that was very popular. They have great sandwhiches and hot food and at noon you can end up waiting...
TAUGHT TO LIKE FOOT SNIFFING As the van cruised the streets it parked near the bus station. There was the perfect target. A young male around 18 or so with his back pack and ragged clothes stood alone outside smoking all alone. He was not from here, that’s for sure. The two women inside the van pulled up to him. ?Killing time between busses I’ll bet,? the smiling short haired blonde in the passenger seat asked smiling. Peeking in to the window past the short haired...
Strangely, my wife isn't the most forthcoming when it comes to sex, but without her actually saying it, she loves it when i give her asshole lots of attention.Last night in bed I was giving her a back massage and as she started to relax into it, I started massaging her big, round cheeks as I worked her back. Moving her butt around allowed me to press my cock and balls down into her crack, rubbing them over her pucker as I straddled her upper thighs.As I moved off and started giving her butt...
Ive always had a thing for my cousin. I dont know what it is, but when I am close to her or in her house, i get permanently horny. Sarah is three years younger than me. When this happened… Ive always had a thing for my cousin. I dont know what it is, but when I am close to her or in her house, i get permanently horny. Sarah is three years younger than me. When this happened the first time, I was about 19 and she was 16. Shes quite tall, a little skinny, blonde and blue eyes. She has long...
IncestI had been out drinking the other night and left my car outside a friends house. After checking my pockets, I realized I only had a few bucks. No problem, except I had changed clothes at my friends, expecting to return there to crash but somewhere along the way we got separated and I went home. I had just taken cash to the bar, and remember using my last twenty to pay the cab! My friend wasn't picking up the phone, and since I have a spare set of car keys, decided just to take the bus down to...
Recently there have been a few TV shows that have mentioned Dogging. My wife is quite a prude and even though she knew it had something to do with sex she asked me if I knew anymore about it. I explained that it was where people met in public and either performed with an audience or allowed strangers to join in, often at car parks or in open spaces. She found the whole idea disgusting and wasn’t amused when I said that if she really wanted to know what happened at dogging sites I should drive...
It had been a long time fantasy for my wife, Anna and I. I love watching her getting fucked, and she loves having some stranger use her for his personal gratification, especially outdoors. So dogging was something we were bound to experience.For months we had read dogging stories and watched several internet movies of dirty wives and girlfriends turning up at local car parks to get fucked and covered in hot cum. We knew of several alleged dogging sites within a five mile radius of own home, but...
When I was about 14, I had a really good friend that was a girl. I used to go to her house every day after school and we would hang out. Naturally, I sniffed her panties as often as I could. She was a redhead and usually had a couple pubes in them too. They always smelled so good and I got to know some different types of dirty panties. Some smelled like pee. Some had creamy spots. Some had no spots but still had a pussy smell. One day, she asked me to get something from her room.As I walked in,...
I had to run errands for work yesterday afternoon but the company truck was not available. So my boss told me to use his wife's BMW (she is also our accountant). I grabbed the keys from her and drove off, while I was driving I noticed my Boss's wife's gym bag in the backseat she is 54 years old and I know she works out every morning trying to keep her nice firm ass in shape. During my errands I stopped by my house with her gym bag, I went through it and found a black pair of lacy panties, still...
My friend and I had bought tickets to see an 80's hair band, and on the day fo the concert, her k** came down with a stomach bug, and she had to bail. I decided to go by myself. I showed up for the opening act and was a bit disappointed at where the seats were. I was first level, last row, second seat from the end! Half way through the first set, the people in the seats beside mine arrived. They were all women, early twenties, hot, and the one that sat beside me was wearing tight white spandex...
Myself Sunil, I am from Bangalore and this story also involves my friend Akash who was my classmate. This is a story from 2016 when we were in college. About my mom, her name is Shoba, age 43 (39 back then when this story happened). She was a divorced college teacher. Her figure was just the right amount to be called as a perfect chubby Indian MILF with 32C boobs and a plump ass. My mom was one of the teachers in my college and ours was an all boys college. When I joined there, nobody knew that...
IncestBecause I had been with Alan so long I thought that was it, so discovering he had got a girlfriend was initially devastating and it all turned a bit nasty. Anyway he did do the slightly honourable thing and moved out, allowing me time to buy him out of the house. I have a good job but I’m not prepared to share what it is that I actually do for a living. Soon after Alan moved out I happened to have a particularly bad evening with some alcohol fuelled self pity. The TV was crap and I ended up on...
So me and Hayley have been together for a good couple year now. Still happy and still her taking plenty of cock. One day she come back in from work with a big smile on her face. She comes out that she has finally found a place where a dogging spot is and that we are going this Saturday. I ask how she found that out and her reply is just from the delivery guy at work. My next question is why and how were you talking to the delivery guy about dogging? She looks at me with her slutty smile and...
The beautiful young teenager sprawled wantonly on her bed, her entire body completely naked. She ran two fingers in and out of her dripping pussy, moaning with pleasure. Her lust-glazed eyes were fixed on the handsome German Shepherd who was sitting at the foot of his mistress' bed, his own eyes riveted on her wet cunt. "Oooh, you're really turning on now, aren't you, boy?" Babs Nichols groaned, laughing with delight at the sight of the huge hard-on visibly throbbing beneath the dog's...
I got into the dogging thing in my mid teens thanks to an older neighbor guy who was into everything sexual big time. He had all kinds of videos and pictures, he and his wife were swingers. He took me out the first few times to show me the ropes. He even let me watch his hot wife dog a time or two. This guy always knew who would be where. My favorite woman was one older lady who would only fuck one guy but afterward would let all of us masterbate and blow our wads on her bush then she would...
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I have a powerful recurring fantasy image of myself. In the image, I a pet dog. I have always loved animals and treasure my memories growing up with a pet golden retriever. I loved that golden and he loved me. He was my prized possession. Through teenage triumphs and disappointments, I always new that I had one true and loyal friend. I often told my pet about how lucky he was to be such a loved and treasured possession. I told him how lucky he was to have none of my worldly concerns. After all,...
The following is non-fiction, Here is my first attempt at writing erotica. It happens to be about myself and my sexy ass latina BBW wife Alissiaenjoy the juicy details of our mutual bedroom kink - Ass Worship and Feminine Odor I wish I could share my wife’s stinky sweaty ass with a friend. Her asshole smelled the best when one day she didn’t wear a thong so nothing was in her crack, her pussy was hairy at the time, and she had taken a hot yoga class that day. By night time after working around...
I am a Pantie sniffing,loving addict and will never stop my love for it.The fresh scent fills my nasal glands like a crack addict fills his lungs.Since I saw my first pussy I have grown over the years to realise I am not the only one.My current partner fully understands and loves the fact they are the first item I reach for when we she goes to the shower after a long day.She lets me gather the panties crutch area and slide them till they're under my nostrils so I can smell them while we fuck.I...
i have always been hooked on the scent of dirty panties since i smelled my first pair when i was about 13-14 years old,my cock gets so hard when i see a dirty pair and i get so turned on my cock leaks pre cum when i put them up to my nose to give them a smell.the pics of the panties on my page i couldnt resist the urge to masturbate to them,they are great,moist and have the fresh smell of sweet virgin pussy in them,my first pair was a hot friend of my mom,we would go to her house to visit for a...
I have been observing my mother smelling my panties for many years now and have discovered that she is gaining sexual arousal from them. My mom began smelling them when I was in my early to mid teens, around about the time when I began to have sexual thoughts, which often resulted in me leaving a creamy liquid in my underwear. For years she would typically take them from the laundry hamper and just feel them with her fingers, followed by raising them to her nose and sniffing for awhile... but...
DOGGINGWe pull up in the car park by the reservoir, it's ten at night and everything seems really quiet. It's a hot night so I wind down the car windows to let in the moonlight.We'd been out drinking, but I got the driving job so I was perfectly sober, but my wife had had plenty to drink and was no doubt feeling a little horny.I put her hand on my lap as we kissed and without hesitation she had undone my flies and had my cock in her hand, starting to slowly wank it. After a few strokes I was...
DOGGINGWe pull up in the car park by the reservoir, it's ten at night and everything seems really quiet. It's a hot night so I wind down the car windows to let in the moonlight.We'd been out drinking, but I got the driving job so I was perfectly sober, but my wife had had plenty to drink and was no doubt feeling a little horny.I put her hand on my lap as we kissed and without hesitation she had undone my flies and had my cock in her hand, starting to slowly wank it. After a few strokes I was...
The next morning, Dog, as I began calling him, followed along with me when I went to bring the cows in. As soon as he saw the cows, he trotted out to them and started to herd them toward the barn. It was obvious Dog had worked stock before. Even though the cows knew where they were going, Dog followed and kept them bunched up close together, nipping a leg here and barking at a wanderer there. They headed for the barn and each cow went to "her" own feed box. Dog lay down in the door on his...
Master Karl inserted a funnel gag into its mouth, strapping it around the head. He bound the arms behind the back in leather cuffs shackled together with an S clip, separated and secured the legs with a spreader bar attached above the knees, locked the neck in a thick steel collar and then connected that with a short steel linked chain clipped to an iron ring on the floor so it couldn’t escape from a prone position. He allowed it to kneel on a cushion, although he could just as easily...
I was at my girlfriend's place and we were going to have a fuck. She had rung me and said she was horny and would I fuck her. While we were getting undressed, I told my girlfriend about the story. She said, “She had heard of it but didn't know any girl who would let it happen.” I joked and said, “You should try it one day.” And she didn’t say anything. Then we had our fuck and while we were doing it she started to talk about what I had said. “Do you think it could happen?” she...
When I first loved, was loved by, a dog, it was a novelty. My favorite. Then, two dogs, got my neighbor involved and soon she too had a dog which I learned to enjoy. It had been weeks now and we would invite each other to our respective houses for a bit of dog fun… but then I started choosing. My dog was better than hers and so on. One time we had both our dogs involved, switched dogs — a kind of dog swinging — watched each other with our dogs and then, in a sea change, I...
Cody, being of legal drinking age, offered me one of his beers to ease my nerves in preparation of finally losing my virginity -- to the family pet! He turned on the big-screen living room TV and soon a porno was playing, porn actresses' moans echoing through the house. My brother cheered as a huge-titted porn star's face was nutted on by one of the male porn stars. I watched from the kitchen, sipping my beer and petting Bones on the head. He sniffed under my short flowered dress,...
Bonnie’s remark caught me off-guard. “My next dog is going to have a big tongue.” My girlfriend’s little beagle was enthusiastically licking her hand when she said it. We had been drinking tequila. Alcohol always makes Bonnie more uninhibited, but even so I was a little shocked at what she had said. “Why’s that?” I asked, trying to sound naive. “Because they say you can train a dog to do anything,” she replied with an impish smile. “I...
As I lazily drove along in the evening’s dim light and looked down at the hem of my black PVC mini-skirt, I saw that as I passed under the orange glow of the street-lights, the knob-end of my semi-hard cock, my black suspenders and my stocking-tops were plainly visible between my nylon-clad thighs! I seldom if ever wear panties or briefs preferring to let my cock and balls dangle naked and unhindered underneath a short skirt or dress. Maybe I should explain right here and now that...
Nikki’s remark caught me off-guard. “My next dog is going to have a big tongue.” My girlfriend’s little beagle was enthusiastically licking her hand when she said it. We had been drinking tequila. Alcohol always makes Nikki more uninhibited, but even so I was a little shocked at what she had said. “Why’s that?” I asked, trying to sound naive. “Because they say you can train a dog to do anything,” she replied with an impish smile. “I...
I had originally intended to have a career in cybernetics. I had worked with a girl called sue at uni where we developed a chip to monitor brain waves in animals and humans. It was a variation on the bio chip that most pets are implanted with. We incorporated the chip into a small titaniun ring which could pick up small nerve currents. The titanium was engineered to allow the bodies repair mechanisms to incorporate it into the cells surrounding the spine. So unlike most bio chips it wouldn't...
This is what happened to me not so long ago with a stray dog. I was on the Internet reading stories from white shadow and was slowly getting turned on, I removed my knickers and was finger fucking myself, then started thinking of Max my Doberman dog that died last Christmas. When I decided to get a drink, as my mouth was dry thinking of all the fun times we had. I looked in the cupboard for a coke, there was none, so off I went to the off-licence, at the bottom of my street next to the park. As...
Amanda was by any stretch of the imagination a truly beautiful woman even at the age of 34 she still held the figure of a woman over a decade her junior and has shoulder length dark blonde hair which framed her angelic face. Her breasts, whilst not being particularly large were perfectly shaped and in proportion to her slight 5′ 4″ frame. She had met her husband Francis at high school they had dated and she had fell pregnant on her seventeenth birthday having a son who they named...
I didn’t like him at first, feeling intimidated and a bit afraid of him, but those feelings changed over time. I don’t know how to explain in a way that you would understand, that Bruno, on some animal level, could “read me,” understood what I wanted and needed. Perhaps it was just my imagination, but sometimes I actually felt Bruno behaved and had the emotions and even sexual perceptiveness of a human male. What is it? What’s the word for projecting human qualities and behavior onto a...
I first must tell you about my wife Linda, she was 4 years younger than me. She was about 5 foot 4 inches tall. Weighted about 95 pounds soaking wet. And had Red Hair. I met her when I was 27 years old. When my truck that I was driving broke down in Duluth Mn. And I was stuck there for two weeks. I met her at an Army buddies house during this time at a dinner party put on by my friend’s wife. People talk about true love, and I know most people say no such thing exists. But I fell for Linda,...
I'd never told my boyfriend what really happened to me while I was tied to the kitchen table as part of his little rape fantasy. I did tell him that his best friend, Bill, had fucked me while Tommy had been passed out on the chair, oblivious to my situation. Mind you, I enjoy sex and hadn't minded Bill fucking me, but what I didn't tell him was that Caesar, Tommy's big mastiff, had taken advantage of me as well. Yes, Tommy's fuckin dog fucked me, not just once, but twice. You see, I...
Nick steered his sleek silver turbo-charged coupe across the deserted Cambridgeshire by-roads towards Ely. The town was justly known as 'the ship of the Fens', as the tower of its majestic 16th century cathedral was like a navigational lode star. Ely's train station was only a few hundred yards from the cathedral and Cathy stood waiting in the shade of the station building's canopy. She wore the shortest of floral print dresses, with pink fishnet stockings and open-toed high heels, revealing...
CrossdressingSue and I have been wanting to try dogging for years around our local area of Brighton and Hove It had started tonight while driving back from the local pub after watching the football, I suggested driving into the park and having a bit of fun just between the two of us. Before this we’d never even really considered dogging as one it was like a fantasy and especially as we are both well into our 50s and assumed dogging was for young couples, not like us old farts but although a mature couple we...
Todd was 20 years old when the subject of bestiality first entered his life. He was an average guy. 5’ 10” tall. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. He was athletically built by hereditary luck. Todd was already married and had a young child. His wife, Denise, was pretty average, too. She was 5’ 3” tall and was a brunette with green eyes. She was blessed with size D breast, thick thighs, and a nice ass. Todd and Denise had a good marriage and a more than kinky sex life. They had sex at least once a day...
Introduction: Elena thinks shes in for a boring weekend alone while her family is away…but things are about to take an interesting twist She was laying on the sofa, a bowl of potato chips resting on her stomach, as she flipped aimlessly from one channel to the next. There was absolutely nothing good on television during the day. What was the point of being home from school in the summer if there was nothing to do? She could hear the sound of her family coming down the stairs, arms full of...
Simply put, Virginia wanted to fuck. She didn’t care who or where just as long as she got some hot male sausage to stuff into her aching pussy. “A girl can only go so long without riding the big shaft,” she thought, “and I’ve gone about as far as I want to go.” It had not been all that long. Only yesterday she had screwed the mail boy down in the basement of the building she worked in, and last night Ralph had pumped her cunt full of cum before he had to...
“That should do it,” I said. I was just finishing the final knot. “Will that do?”“Oh, yes. It’s perfect!” Brenda purred. I could tell she was already incredibly aroused. “Let’s wake him up now.”John really hadn’t known what was about to happen to him. One minute he was enjoying supper, laughing over wine, and then he was slumped in a chair. He’s a big man, and Brenda and I struggled a bit to get him in position. After stripping him naked, of course. But we made sure the armchair was...
Introduction: Heres a story about a woman whos caught fucking her landlords dog. I lived at my roommates apartment for several years since I began working at a local retail shop. I had met up with her after responding to her listing in the local pages when she needed a roommate. She and I became decent friends after a while of living together. We split the rent in half and shared the responsibility of paying the utilities. Everything seemed to be working out fine in my life until I found out...
Of course, I was consumed with curiosity and dying to hear more about my poised, cultured and beautiful wife's straying into that most outré of lusts. It happened more than once, she said, with more than one animal, but she never let any of them fuck her and she never jerked any of them off in exchange for their attentions. She was reluctant to tell me more at the time, so I let it drop with a supportive comment, but I was really curious. Although women and dogs hadn't been one of my...
My wife and I have been happily married for over ten years now. She is in her early thirties and me, well I’m forty now. Anyway, we have a great sex life and don’t have any children. She is small, only 5’2″, about 105 lbs, and built very well for her small frame. We will call her Amy for now; the name has been changed to protect the innocent. We got Internet service about a year and a half ago. As many men do, I was surfing the net one night, looking for all those porn...
Introduction: Ginnys recently discovered bestiality, and living on a farm the temptation is too great…she has to try it for herself. Ginny had grown up her entire life surrounded by farms, she lived on a farm, all her friends lived on farms, she was home schooled on a farm…it wasnt much of a life, but she didnt know much better. It was kind of the normal around her, she didnt think anything of it. She spent most of her day helping her parents around the house, it was just her mom and dad, and...