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Winter 1209

She awoke to a thick sheet of smoke burning her lungs. Gasping she crawled from the thick furs of her bed to the icy stone floors of her chambers. Her five winters of life had not prepared her for what was happening and she was terrified. As she made her way into the corridor outside her bedchambers it was then she heard the screams, and the grating roar of the fire...

Dreil slipped from the masters chambers in time to see the small child emerging from the next room. She was so tiny, clothed only in a delicately embroidered night shift. her hair was thick and hung to her shoulders in hundreds of tiny ringlets. He stepped behind her and she turned to him. He could see that she was very afraid as she looked up at him with the largest black eyes he had ever seen. His heart softened for a brief moment before he brought his club down on her head. Dreil turned as his unshed tear stung his own eyes. Another of the men stood there looking at him with what can only be discribed as horror etched on his young face.

"You heard the master... he said no one left alive!... now lay on."

Dreil stomped out to the gates of the crumbling home, hateing himself. He looked out as another of the men were tieing up his breeks and spitting on the bloodied abused bodies of one of the servents. He turned away a moment later as the man brought down his war axe across her throat.

The priest Travinor watched from the forrest near the keep as all the men left. When it was safe, he ran back looking for any survivors. All that he found was the small child, and she was barely clinging to life at that he carried her limp body down to the river and tried to clean her gapeing wound. He would have to take the girl to her uncle and hope he would take the child in

Mai'Indolar Castle

"My lord there is a priest begging for your ear, he claims he has Xephiran the child of your sister".

Lord Grey's features darkened visibly, he had specifically said there were to be none left alive. Some one would pay for this. " Bring him in... I will speak to him." Moments later the travel worn priest appeared, carrying the child bundled in his arms. "You have my thanks for bringing my niece to me priest... you will be rewarded and sent on your way a few coins of silver should be quite enough, don't you think?"

Lord grey walked to the man dressed in rough woolen robes and emptied his arms of the slight burdon. He gave the child only the briefest of glances before handing her to one of his servents. " The priest nodded dumbly and was quickly paid and seen out.

Chapter 1

Winter 1219

Raven slid down deeper into the large copper tub that sat in the center of his chambers. His muscles burned from the practices of this morning. He envisioned himself a mighty warrior, swift with a sword and merciless to all who opposed him. His pale blue eyes drifted towards his chamber door and he was becomeing rather irritated. " What the devil is keeping that little whore?", he aked himself. A sneer painted his lips as he let his eyes shut while he contemplated how he should punish his dear cousin for keeping him waiting again.

Xephiran moved as quickly as possible, her skirts gathered up in one hand and a large bucket of hot water in the other. She raced up the last flight of stairs and down the dark stone corridor to her cousins room. Master Raven was Lord Greys first born, and this was his 19th winter. Raven was the cruelest in his treatment of her and Xephiran gravely hated earning his displeasure. As she entered his chamber his icy blue eyes froze her blood, this man was the demon who haunted her dreams.

"Xephiran... close the door and finish filling my bath... stop standing about as if you had nothing to do." She hurried to obey him and as the last drops of the hot water filled his tub... he grabed her wrist and painfully pulled her very close. " What have I told you about wasteing time when I have set you on a task?"

"I am most sorry Master Raven, I did try to hurry, I shall try much harder next time." She was trembleing as he released his grip. She picked up a small bowl and began to wet his hair and wash it with the scented lavender soap he prefered. He seemed a bit calmer as she masaged the fragrant soap into his scalp and drenched golden curls. he sat up for her to rinse it and comb it back from his face. She grabed a soft cloth and then proceded to wash his back, shoulders and belly. She could feel his eyes burning into her the whole time and she knew what was to come next. It always happened

"Xephiran... get on your knees, I wish you to clense my manhood properly." he rose from the water to tand infront of her. Xephiran backed up a step, " Master Raven please, do not make me do this I beg you!" The second the words slipped her mouth he hit her with the back of his large hand. she could taste the saltyness of her own blood. His nails bit into her scalp as he fisted a handfull of her hair and forced her to her knees

"OPEN YOUR MOUTH!" he shouted in her ear and as he yanked her hair roughly his tongue snaked out to trail along the lobe of her ear before whispering, " and if you value your worthless life you will do a good job of it my dear cuz." As her tears ran down her pale she slowly took his slick wet staff and guided it to her moth. Clear droplets of his juice dribbled onto her lips as his cock parted them. She swirled her tongue over his engorged throbbing head before he started ruthlessly pumping his cock into her mouth. Xephiran tried to slow his hips as he slamed his head repeatedly into the back of her throat, but this earned her a stinging slap against her ear " Take it whore, you know you worship my sword!" Her lips tightened from the pain and she looked up at him to see his eye were closing and his head roll back. Again he slid her hand between them and pulsed it up and down his shaft as she sucked harder to hurry up and end this. The sound of his rough grunts told her it was working. Raven loosed his grip on her hair and slid his hands lower around her throat then shoved her to the floor. He gripped his cock and with a few quick movements he was sending stream after stream of his thick cum across her face and head.

"Get out." he said as he steped from the copper tub and moved to his bed. He sat down and watched her stand. it brought a smile to his face as he noticed his seed drip from her chin. " Wait... come here and give your Cuz a kiss... ", he snapped his fingers and pointed to the stone floor below him. Xephiran moved to his side and placed a soft kiss on his now limp cock. Her tears still running mixed with his seed and made her face glisten in the candlelight of his chambers. When she looked up at him with her large jetty eyes he felt a shiver race up his back. " go out now witch or I shall have you beaten!" She stood and ran from his chambers and she did not stop till she reached the lake in the forrest that seperated the lands that were her fathers from her Uncles lands. There she removed her clothing and jumped into the icy water to bathe away the filthy mark of her cousin.

Chapter 2

A fortnight later there was a tremendous storm, rain fell so thickly it was very hard to see more then an arms length away. Xephiran along with a few other servants had brought out the evening meal, the heavenly aroma made her belly protest at her own lack of food this day. There were trays of potatoes drenched in butter, fresh breads, roasted suckling pig chicken and lamb, as well as strong mead and wines and a large variety of desserts.

The great hall was full this evening with guests that had been stranded in the castle by the downpour. Raven was pleased, there were four young men of his age and station among the guests. While she made her way about the room with her pewter serving tray heavily laden with succulent meats, she noticed they all kept looking at her and chatting among themselves in hushed tones.

She felt their eyes burn burning into her body. Xephiran could not help the shiver of raced up her spine. She was afraid of her cousin, he was much worse when he had an audience. She was not the only one to notice the mens attention, nor the only one who did not like it.

When she made her way to her other two cousins Ceridwen and Dyvid, her humiliation began. Ceridwen and Xephiran were both in their fifteenth year, but that was were the similarities ended. Ceridwen had the same beautiful dark golden curls as her brother Raven as well as the frosty blue eyes. She she was plump with deep set eyes and a rather promenant nose, which all and all made her resemble a pug.Dyvid on the other hand was mild and still very young. He very rarely had anything to say.

"you ugly beast!" Cerridwen squealed. " You dripped grease on my finest gown!" She stood and struck Xephirin a stinging blow to her face with the back of her wooden spoon. " How do you like this pig? you did that on purpose!.

"Please mam... I am sorry it was but an accident, I pray you have mercy!" Her wild black eyes rimmed with tears as she glanced about the hall. The amusement hock and down right entertainment painted the faces of her Uncle and the guests. " I shall clean it mam."

Again Ceridwen plump fingers flew at Xephirans now red and swelling cheek, this time striking the smaller girl to the rough stone floor. " You will keep your filthy hands off me or I will..."

"Thats enough My darling, you must remember you are a lady... I am sure you can handle the servants at a more appropriate time." Lord Grey said a he glared at Xephiran, while motioning her off to the kitchens. Xephiran quickly made her escape before he continued. " Go freshen up child so you can join us for dancing shortly."

"Yes Father." She made a brief curtsey to the guests before slowly making her way out of the great hall. Ceridwen didn't go straight up to her chambers as she was told but made her way into the kitchen. From the arch way he watched the little whore weep. Oh she would definatey be sorry for prancing around in front of the men with her brother. None of them would have a nasty wench like her for a wife when they could choose a fine lady like herself.From where she stood he could see most of the kitchen area.

Xephiran sat at the large trestle table which was placed in front of the massive fireplace used for cooking the rich stews and roasts that Lord Grey favored. the table was covered with bowls containing various roots, apples, potatoes and herbs. The cook stood some distance away at a smaller table putting the finishing touches on the sweet smelling tarts for the feast. A few male servants sat at yet another table near the kitchen door that lead out to the Stables. All in the kitchen seemed absorbed in his or her own activities, heeding Xephiran no attention at all.

Slippered feet quietly moved behind Xephiran a she sat at the table with her face in her hands. She gasped as Ceridwen snatched a fat handfull of her shiny obsidian curls and harshly yanked her backwards to the land on her back.She quickly rolled over and went to her feet wenceing in pain as she moved from where the rough tone floor bit into her back. Ceridwen motioned for one of the men to come to her, which he promptly did, fearing Ceridwens displeasure.

"Grab the sow and follow me! " Ceridwen turned her back and marched from the kitchen making her way into the belly of the keep. The servant hoisted the small struggling girl effortlessly over his strong shoulder and followed his mistress until they reached the the dungeon. She led the man and his burden into one of the front holding chambers. The air in the dungeons was stagnant with the heavy smell of earthy brine.It was also cold and infested with rats.

"Bring her in here and strip her of her rags, and be quick at it." Ceridwen at down the tallow candle she carried and moved to the nearest wall. Two chains that ended in wrist irons were attached to the cold wet wall. The chains where to short to allow its victims to stand up completely, or to lie down all the way.

A smile lit Ceridwen face as she turned to face the scene before her. the male length was easily ripping the clothes from Xephiran and her fighting and struggling didn't seem to impede him at all. Ceridwen bent to lift her candle once more. As she looked up. She couldn't help but notice the mans bulging excitement as he feasted his eyes on her foe.

"Put her in the chains... what you do with her after that is no matter to me." With snort she turned and removed herself from the vile room and made her way to her own chambers to change... as she reached the shadows... she heard the first of the chained girls creams coupled with the ragged moans of the length

"filthy whore ", she mumbled and ascended the stairs, to change and join the guests for dancing.

Xehiran was very tired and sore, but she didn't dare go to sleep.The faint squeaks of the dungeon inhabitants made sure she stayed wide awake. Her intimate parts and her breasts burned from the rape the kitchen help inflicted on her in the dark. The beasts seed was still thick and sticky between her thighs. He had not been gentle with her in the least.Probably because of the way she tried to kick and bite him at every opportunity.

She groaned in moment of self pity as she felt the stiff soiled straw prickle her bare bottom and she shifted a bit seeking some comfort. It was then she heard the sound of Ravens dogs, two large wolf hounds, Artemis and Atlas. Not more then a few seconds and their masters lamp light was visible. She held her breath and tried to remain very still, least her chains give her away. Hearing the dog moving closer she went up on her feet, her back pressed firmly against the damp wall.Her chains kept her from standing all the way up, so she was crouched awkwardly with her knees bent.

To late, the dogs were outside the cell she was in. Drunken laughter echoed through out the darkness as Raven and the other young men neared the area where Ceridwen not so willingly informed him she locked the girl up. One of the men let his bottle crash to the ground when the light embraced the smooth creamy flesh of the chained girl. He moved closer holding up his tallow candle for a better look. Her long black hair cascaded over her shoulder in thick waves hiding one of her breasts before pooling on the filthy floor. Her other breast, not too big or too small jiggle enticing as she trembled in fear. He couldn't wait to get his mouth on that succulent piece. His eyes drifted lower, her he could just see the small slit revealing her slick shiny blossom. Suddenly he realized he was rubbing his painfully hard cock through his breeks.

"Xephiran... how would you like for us to release you from those chains?", Raven asked. he also sported an erection. His other two companions were likewise aroused. Declan, his closest friend, Already had his breeks undone and riding low on his hips o that he could stroke his short thick cock.

"Please Master Raven, let me alone this eve, I cannot stand your dirty hands on me! " Xephiran tried to keep the fear from her voice, but it was close to impossible.

Raven face burnt bright red as his fellows laughed. He yanked open the cell door and let it slam violently into the wall. The two wolf hounds trotted into the room and started sniffing at the girls legs and mound. She roughly closed her knees in attempts to keep them away. This gave Raven an idea, he almost laughed.

"Declan you and Geoff get over there and hold her knees open... lets have a bit of sport with her... Dogs always like a bit of fun with a bitch." This was answered with cheers and laughter from all of the men.Declan and Geoff moved quickly and held her open, her struggling was pointless as they held her very tight. Unhendered the dogs long tongues lapped her thighs and her opening probing every crease and valley as they licked the salty cream from her body.

Declan started rubbing his dick against the soft skin of her wet slick thigh as he stared leecherously as the larger dog licked at her clit and occasionally stabbed hi tongue into her opening to get at the creamyness hidden there. As the other dog licked at her thigh, every once in awhile its tongue would pass over Declan cock licking the clear droplets that dripped from his tiny slit. This made him shiver in delight. he looked over at Geoff who was enjoying the scenes too as he licked and suckled her rosy nipples. He had his hand behind her squeezing her firm ass while his fingers prodded her hole.

"Make her suckle your cock man, Look at her face, she wants it!" Geoff said playfully. That was all the urging Declan needed. He stood and locked her knee between his own, and leaned against the wall pressing his dick harshly against her mouth. When he made no attempt to take him between her lips Geoff came to his aid by pulling his dagger and pushing it against her throat. She allowed him to enter her mouth.Declan thought it was pure sweet warm heaven and he started to move to and fro between her lips.

"Raven, she is a delightful whore... so warm and delicious. " Declan grunted.

"I am glad you find this eve's entertainment enjoyable.", he chuckled drunkenly as he moved closer. Raven wanted her completely humiliated, he abhorred her. She thought she was better then him, her eyes told him that. He was going to make her see that she was nothing but a whore and a lowly servant, and he was the master of this house, and one day he will be the lord of both his land and the lands of her father as he was promised.

He walked over to them and pushed his beasts out of the way, he kneeled in front of her and undid his breeks. Raven took another few moments to watch what his friends were doing to her wolf hounds was down right fucking her face.the man was pulseing in and out really hard, banging her head against the wall. raven could hear her gaging and her sobs. She wriggled against her chains, but it was pointless. Geoff continued his assault on her ass. His fingers probed deeply he wanted her stretched and ready that is where he wanted to take her. Raven glanced over his shoulder at Perrin, the youngest of the group, his breeks were very wet. The young man had creamed his breeks just watching, but was already hard with need again.

Declan groaned raggedly and pulled his cock from her mouth. His seed spurted out in three small blasts one streaked her face and the others landed on her arm and down her ribs. The two animals moved quickly to lap up the new salty treat. Perrin stepped up to take Declans place, but blasted off another shot prematurely, the second his cock pushed past her lips. Xephiran spit his seed at him and Perrin stepped back shocked. When he seen the other looking at him with entertained smirks painting their faces, he slapped her with the back of his hand.

Raven glanced down at her pussy. Her lips and clit were a deep rose color and he traced his thumb along it and through the soft black hair that framed her mound. He looked up and was pierced by the large haunting eyes that seemed to hold him. A surge of guilt stabbed him as it did every time he found himself lost in those eyes. The accused him and found him lacking, condemned him, and damned his soul. She was so beautiful... Why did he find himself hurting her, torturing her so often? It is those cursed eyes.

With a growl he impaled her in one motion and slammed her body against the wall. He had never entered her in this way before, having limited his abuse of her to oral pleasing. But once he entered, he could not stop she was pure silk and he could not stop. He needed to hurt her for that, he wanted to stop, but It was impossible. After he drained his need he looked up and she was slumped, hanging limply from her chains. He stood with a curse and after fixing himself, called his dogs and left his guests to enjoy themselves for the rest of the evening.

Chapter 3

Xephiran came awake to bright glow of a tallow candle. She was laying on her belly and when she moved to get up, her back and head were sore. As the memories of the dungeon floated back to her she heard someone coming and she let her face sink back into the pillow.

Lord Grey entered the chamber of his son where he had the girl taken, the stupid boy almost ruined his plans.He lowered his own candle to have a better look at her and he threw back the blanket. Her cheek had a nasty purpleish bruise and her eye was blackened, there were scrapes and cuts all over her back, shoulders and a couple of angry bite marks on her neck. There was also a bit of dried blood in the back of her hair.

He glanced at the old woman next to him as she made a tsk noise. Xephirans large eyes were cold and condemning, but this witches eyes froze your blood when ever she caught you in her sight. He tried to not to make any eye contact with her but it was hard not to look into her cursed eyes. One was dead, a bluish white hazy eye that had not sight, and the other a pale silver that seemed to darken to grey when she looked you in the eye. He turned from the disturbing sight and crossed himself in fear.

"I care not witch... I want her ready this morn... after the priest is done... you may do as you see fit or let her rot for all I care."

"As you say milord " she replied and moved to the bedside." I shall tend her best I can and have my boy carry her down."

Lord Grey glanced at the dark man leaning against the wall. In the shadows his face was not clearly vi sable but he seemed like a looming vulture to him. He would definitely feel more at ease when these two left his keep.

"You have until the sun crests the mountain there to mend her, do not be late witch!", with that he left the room.

"Open your eyes my child, I know you're awake ". The old woman sat at the table near the fire. she twisted up her long white hair into a tight bun on top of her head. Xephiran opened her eyes and watched the woman. She somehow felt at ease in her presence.

"Logan, bring me my basket, might as well get started mending what these animals did to the child."

Logan carried the rather large woven basket full of various small jars as well as fresh and dried herbs to her. A he moved into the light Xephiran thought he was beauteous. He had a strong form with rich dark features and although he was dressed in a dark plain tunic with leather breeks which was far from the style she had seen the men of the castle or its guests wear, but it suited him. She watched him whisper something to his mother and go stand outside the chamber door.

The woman sprinkled a mixture of herbs into some amber colored wine and put it near the hearth to warm. She then removed a jar from the basket and began mixing thing into that as well. The room began to have a pleasant aroma which made her feel calm and relaxed for once. The woman stood and threw something into the flames of the fire making it sizzle and spark before she removed the fragrant drink and poured it into a cup. She then placed cheese cloth and the bowl he was mixing as well as the drink onto a tray that she carried to the bed.

"Drink this child, and finish it all... you will not find it unpleasant.When you are done I can put this poultice on your back and it will ease your pain. "

She did as she was directed and found the wine to be most delicious. The cool mud poultice seemed to numb the pain and take the stinging away. She lifted her arms in the air as the woman wrapped her torso in the strips of cheese cloth from her lower waist to the tops of her breasts to keep the poultice in place so that it could work its healing magic.

"The wine will keep the beasts seed from taking root... I will leave you plenty of the herbs and you must take them every eve that beast... well... you must not tell then of this child... if you value your skin. "

"Thank you, you have shown me much kindness and I will tell no one of the secret you give me." Xephiran whispered.

"Master Raven may try to bed you again this night... when he does... I want you to chew on one of these it will make you fall into a deep sleep, you will feel no pain, and you will remember nothing. It is the only mercy I can offer you."

She handed Xephiran a small oil skin pouch containing a root cut into a few very small pieces. As she looked at the pouch, the old woman continued helping her dress. The woman glanced out the window and called for Logan. He entered the room quietly and lifted xephiran off the bed effortlessly. The old woman shook her head as she gathered her basket and followed them out of the chamber.

"True father, but why must Raven wed her now all of a sudden? We have been collecting the rents and terriffs of her fathers lands for years... I just don't see the need." Ceridwen sat dressed in a rich buttery colored gown next to her younger brother Dyvid. Raven looked at his father also wondering the same. " Why wed him off to someone who is nothing more then a servant... I say she should be thrown out for her shameless behavior... she is an embarrassment to household."

"Ceridwen, hush up foolish girl!... As I have told Raven, Xephirans father appearantly has a brother, a rather nosey brother who has been snooping about the ruins. We need to keep the lands and its profits. With Raven a her husband this bastard would have no claims on the girl or his brothers lands. "

Lord Grey walked to his son and put a hand on his heirs shoulder. " Raven the marriage will take place immediantly, and I myself shall witness the consummation so there can be no doubts... the witch is tending her, and he will be here shortly." Raven simply nodded and turned to look blankly out the window.

"Dyvid will also be a witness, but you Ceridwen may retire immediantly to your rooms... good night my child." Cerridwen obeyed her father and kissed him good night. Inwardly she was seething. The stupid worthless whore was to be wed before her, and to be the Lady of Mai'Indolar no less. A she climbed the stone staircase she grumbled to herself " She wont be the lady for very long at all. " Looking up, she seen the witches son carry the whore down, she paused on the step to wait for them to reach her. When they did Ceridwen flashed a venomous smile then spit in Xephirans face.

"You are still a worthless whore, and you better believe i will always treat you as you as the slut you are, it matters not that my brother weds you! " Ceridwen continued up the steps absolutely glowing as she heard Xephirans sobs. She always loved it when her barbs stung the girl to the point of crying. It was yet another victory proving to herself she was the best.

Logan at down on the step still holding her. As he cradled the weeping girl in his lap, he pulled a crap of fabric that was stuffed inside of his belt pouch. Her very gently cleaned the spittle and the tears for the girls bruised face, then smoothed back a shiny black curl from her face.

"They can damage the flesh girl... but they can not destroy your soul, unless you allow it. You have a gift... do not let them keep you from it." She lifted her eyes to his meeting his intense gaze. His eyes were soft grey not quite the pale silver of his mothers. She felt she could somehow draw strength from him and found it hard to look away. Although he had shown her no other warmth nor uttered another word to her, he felt safe with him. She closed her eyes as she felt his muscles tighten. Logan rose to his feet and took her into the room. The old woman watched it all from the shadows at the top of the stairs. Fear creeped into her blood.

It hadn't been long after the priest and the others had left, Xephiran was to tired and sore from her ordeal in the dungeon to even put up a struggle she said the word they told her to say and did what she was told. She was returned to Ravens bed chamber followed by Lord grey and Dyvid. It came as a shock when she realized they both would stay to see the consummation. As Raven stripped out of his clothing, she began to undress at her uncles insistence. She slipped a small piece of the root into her mouth and began chewing. It was chalky and very bitter, but she could already feel the strong numbing effect as she laid on the bed. When Raven slammed his hard cock into her she couldn't feel it and was most glad.

Lord Grey watched a his son slipped his shaft deep in the girl and felt himself spring to life. His eyes raked over the girls body it was then he decided he was going to have a bit of sport with her this night as well. He was enjoying the pleasant view before him her firm young breast bounced with his son every thrust. Her skin looked so soft and creamy his hands ached to touch it.Although he knew that Raven had burnt his youthful lust on the girl for years now, he wondered why he had never seen any merits in using her in that way as he did now.

His view shifted over to his other son who was rubbing his own stiff manhood through his clothing. His cheeks were red with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. lord grey could see that he also wished to have a turn with the girl. His attention returned to the girl jut in time to see Raven landing his final deep thrusts before collapsing on top of her. He then stood and walked to the bed as he removed his own clothing before he relieved his own need with the girl. The strong roots she chewed had made her drift off to sleep in the middle of the pounding Raven gave her. She never felt it when both her uncle and Dyvid filled her with their seed.

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In my early years, from aged 17 or so I got really involved with a very nice young lady who at the time was only 15 and after a few weeks of very heavy petting for both of us ie; fingering, sucking & licking each other etc etc I reached around her and rubbed her puckered and very hairy tiny little rosebud and she screamed, went rigid and fainted.I thought I had hurt her in some way but when she came too she asked me 'What happened?' and I said 'I touched your rosebud you screamed, went...

2 years ago
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I always dreamed of watching my wife being fucked by a well hung black man. We role play in bed and one of our favorite "plays" is when she's ****d by a black man with a very large cock. I decided to set up the real thing without her knowledge because I know her and she would never agree to it.Our anniversary was coming up and we decided to go out to dinner and then get a honeymoon suite for some fun. Without her knowledge I found a black man on Craigslist who was interested. I met him and told...

3 years ago
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Sensations Escort ServiceChapter 16 Relationship Decisions

“What are you going to do about Roger and Mike?” Edie asked Amber as they lounged around their condo’s living room in sexy t-shirts and not much else. “You going to alternate weekends with them or weekend days? Neither one is going to be happy with that, you know. What’ll you do about other business? You have to keep marketing yourself.” “You’re just full of questions,” Amber replied. “Last couple first; yes, I’ll keep marketing and working as an escort. I talked to both men about that, and...

2 years ago
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The Straw WomanChapter 3

The possession of her body by the malevolent witch was an accomplished deed by the time that Bonnie decided she would marry the minister and make a home for him and his lovely daughter. She had discovered that the man of the cloth had the ability to carry her to the apex of orgasm in any of her openings and she did not want to lose his attentions to some other man-chasing widow with a mean-spirited nature. She still was submissive to the Master at Arms who regularly beat her backside red in...

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After The Meeting At A Wedding

Linda Hart and Bill Peebles, both aged sixty, had met for the first time at the wedding of Colin and Dorothy Wedgwood with Linda being a friend of Dorothy and Bill a friend of Colin.Both Linda and Bill were unattached and ended up spending the bulk of the night in Linda's hotel bedroom before Bill eventually returned to his own room.It turned out that they both lived in different parts of a nearby town and after their great sex session they vowed to meet again in the near future.They had...

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True story

My ex-boyfriend enjoyed having me in little to no clothes while at his house. He lived with his parents but had no problems having sex with the door open. Infact he enjoyed letting his friend watch us have sex. My ex also enjoyed spanking me and his friend got to watch that as well. His parents knew and heard that he spanked me and were fine with it although I didnt enjoy it much.Oneday while his parents were out the ex began to spank me. I was standing up, leaning over the bed completely...

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His Object

Trees passed by the window. I watched them mix into a shade of green for many miles down the road. Soon they were bursting into brick, into building. Turning and changing. Kaki, red, and white. But my mind was not in this city. It hadn’t been for hours, and not for days. I lit a cigarette and watched the smoke escape from the cracked window. The smell lingered in the air and the taste coated my mouth. And for that moment my mind went counterclockwise. Almost like a silent movie, I watched it....

3 years ago
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The Corruption of Princes

The corruption of Princes By Argus Chapter 1: The Black Prophecy Rising from amongst the towering cliffs like some brooding elemental beast of old, the great castle of Regent stood tall and firm against the encroachment of the centuries. Beneath it's ancient grey walls huddled the inner city, it's own encircling walls a mere shadow of the castles grandeur. Huge barges laden with goods creaked down the mighty river Raine, as crowds bustled and jostled in the markets....

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Do As Youre Told

Betsie Thompson started the day similar to how she would any other. She got out of bed, had a shower, made herself breakfast and had the daily morning screaming match with her mother. Mostly consisting of yelling and cursing. "Fuck You", "I hate you", "I wish you would die!", The standard argument phrases. "Do As You're Told!" Her mother screams at her. Betsie rolls her eyes "I don't have to put up with your shit!". She proceeds to storm past her mother and slam the front door behind her. She...

Mind Control
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The Grantham ClinicChapter 19

Morbius reclined lazily on the bed with Pamela nestled between his legs, eagerly sucking the head of his cock. Her fingers teased the shaft, bringing him incredible delight. In the two weeks running up to Christmas and over the festive period, she happily provided everything asked of her. She'd surprised everyone with how completely she'd immersed herself in her new environment. The phone rang and he reached over to take the call, careful not to disturb Pamela's ministrations. He feared...

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Bare AssetsChapter 6

Sunday morning found us outside on the brightly painted porch, enjoying coffee and some freshly baked rolls. While we were enjoying the fresh morning air, the twins and Penny walked up. Tina said, "There is a church service at the rec center at ten. It's non-denominational and is always nice. We like to go to it even after our craziness. Want to come with us? Zena was sitting with her arm hooked around mine. She squeezed my arm and said, "Sounds good, let's go. How about the rest of...

2 years ago
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Sweet Dreams

Authored by pobox731. Inspired by an xHamster member. "Sweet Dreams"Model: xtiiineeeHe wakes suddenly and completely.It hadn't been a dream or sudden noise or anything else he could pinpoint. All he knows is that he is awake.His eyes gradually become accustomed to the darkness. The electric glow of the display on the digital alarm clock gives everything an unearthly green tint. There are tiny subtle changes in the shadows as the minutes wink away and alter the display. While the days of...

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vacation sex

My husband and I took a trip back to Germany 2 years ago to see family and friends, we stayed with family and had a great time, we went to places we took are girls as they were growing up, on a Saturday we borrowed some bicycles and rode to the lake we use to go to with our girls, once we got there we headed for the FKK or nude side of the lake, it was rather full at 9AM so we found a spot and got undressed, it felt good to have the warm sun on our bodies, I was on my stomach sunning my back...

4 years ago
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InnocentChapter 4

You know how it is, once an 11 year old decides to do something, there's no holding him back. I'm afraid I pushed my horses pretty hard in getting to the town of Hobson and to the office of Jason McCall. No, I was not completely stupid, I rode up the alley behind his office and went in the back door. "Mr. McCall, it's Tom Olson. Can I talk to you?" "Certainly, Tom. Come on in. First, let me say that I sure was sorry about what happened to your pa. But I hear that your ma and the rest...

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Cousins just want to have fun

On the first day of our trip we checked into our hotel then spent the day at the kids arcades, shopping, and enjoying dinner together. After dinner we went back to the hotel room. To my surprise my mom said she trust us enough to stay in the room alone while her and my grammom took off to gamble. Lea was always the rebel cousin so she instantly turned on a rated R movie. We were sugar high from all the candy we won at the arcades and soon got to jumping on the beds! We collapsed in a fit of...

2 years ago
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First Time at the Club

But she had been talking with her friend, Mary, a few days ago. Jessica was telling Mary about how she hated the fact that she was still a virgin. Mary's sister, Ella, happened to overhear and interrupted the conversation. She told Jessica that, if she really wanted to lose her virginity, and wasn't picky, to come and check out this club. Ella had said that there were always dozens of guys, most of them hot, who were ready and willing to deflower beautiful girls. So here she stood, near the...

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More of the Sun More for the Son A Sons Perspective Part 4

Tommy spent the rest of Tuesday evening in his room enjoying his new nude photo collection from earlier in the day.Wednesday he couldn’t wait to rush home after school, but when he walked out of the building he was disappointed to see it had clouded up and had been raining. He went straight home anyway, but when he got there, as he assumed, his mother’s car wasn’t in the garage.He started wondering if that was just a lucky one-off catching her, or if she was going to be doing it regularly. He...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 414

I walked to the elevator to greet whoever was coming to see me, just as door was opening. Phil, Robin and Bob Jackson stepped off the elevator. “I get another look at the inside of the lion’s den; you have expanded a lot since I was here last time,” he said. “Yes, we have and all of Lorrie’s division was moved to the Morton building; she has offices both here and there.” “Bob, are you going as chaperone?” I asked. “Yes. Mr. Gifford sent an email that the medicines being donated for...

1 year ago
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Coquette and her cuckold Part 4

Introduction: The final betrayal The bathroom became a sauna as the steam rose from the hot tub, making my vision as cloudy and indistinct as my thoughts. Julie sank lower in the water, like a crocodile slinking back into the river after consuming its prey. The water wrapped itself around her breasts, the surface taking the shape of her stiffly protruding nipples and dark areola. I stood at the door, gazing at her naked body and going over in my mind, all that I had seen her experience in the...

3 years ago
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Max to Maxie Chapter 3 Here Comes the Bride

Max to Maxie Chapter 3 - Here Comes the Bride Today we all had a mani and pedi, an hour massage, a body wrap and scrub and an avocado mask with cucumbers over our eyes. By the time we were finished, it was time for a light, late lunch and shopping for the wedding. I didn't really realize how much there was to putting on a wedding. Even though Jacquie was having almost everything done by the wedding planner, she still wanted to check out the table clothes, dinner and silverware, the...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 36 Spring Band Trip

April 5 The Concert Band and the Wind Symphony loaded up the busses and got on the road this morning, headed for a band festival and competition out of state. Since we weren’t assigned specific seats for the trip, Katie and I rode together so we could spend as much time together as possible. Mr. J. was pretty cool about couples sitting together on the bus, but he was also determined not to let any of us get too far. He told us he’d been in bands just like we are and had probably tried most...

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Witch Chronicles 008 Prelude to War

The previous installments of this story line are republished under the heading "Witch Chronicles". WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 2 WITCH CHRONICLES 006 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 3 WITCH CHRONICLES 007 - Dark Beginnings WITCH CHRONICLES 008 - Prelude to War Now,...

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Unplanned LayoverChapter 13

I walked into the family room and saw those two beauties sitting on the couch grinning like they had just won the lottery. Something was going on and I was nervous after what happened this morning. Mom said, "We had a nice talk. I really like your girl friend. She told me that she was. She said that if there was anything left of you after she got her fill, I could have it." Unable to contain themselves, they both burst into loud laughter. I was feeling left out of the decisions and I...

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Were more than Just Friends now

Most people have a hard time choosing who their best friend is when asked. For me, it’s the most easy question in the world. Josh. Josh and I have been best friends since we were 2. We met at the park and we’ve been close ever since. But ever since sophomore year old high school, I’ve been finding myself attracted to him … sexually. Before I get anymore into this, let me tell you about his looks. Josh is 6’0 and has straight black hair that comes down a little bit past his eyebrows and he’s...

2 years ago
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Hard to ChewChapter 10

With dawn no more than a pink tinge in the east, Lou decided to stop. His body was already hurting five different ways. He needed to rest. Looking around himself, he found nothing that promised protection against the heat of the day, so he lowered himself to the ground where he stood, dropping to his knees, then carefully moving to a sitting position. He could not bring himself to trust the shade of the canyon walls. Who knew when the earth might decide to buck again. Sleep hung at the back...

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Little Sis Gets It

I was changing my clothes when the doorbell rang, and I ran down wearing just an old Grateful Dead t-shirt, decent enough if I didn't bend over. It was my sister's hunky boyfriend so I invited him in to get out of the rain. I pulled the hem of my shirt down and smiled up at him, a plan forming in my evil brain. I was going to get laid. "She here?" he asked smiling at me. He was really cute, one of her favorite studs. "Nope," I told him. "Went to get her braces tightened. She won't be...

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A New Birth of Freedom Ch 02

Sally becomes pregnant with the Burbon baby. Yet again I gratefully and humbly acknowledge the help and support I received from Grand Master dweaver999 and for his permission to publish (see copyright notice at the end of this story). Of course, I am solely responsible for any and all inaccuracies, errors and omissions. * The morning after their confrontation with Eve Burbon, Valerie and Sally were asleep in each other’s arms, as Eve and her daughters Naomi and Nicky were up feeding chickens...

1 year ago
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Tit Wank And Blow Job For Her Journalism Instructor

During spring break of my wife’s junior year in college, she went on a field trip with her journalism class. They visited two universities that offered master's degrees in journalism. The class instructor, Mr. Newman, had made arrangements for the group to attend several graduate seminars at each school and meet with the heads of the journalism departments to discuss admissions requirements. He also made motel reservations for the group.Each of the graduate schools was several hundred miles...

College Sex
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My Neighbor and Sister

THIS STORY IS COMPLETELY FICTIONAL: This day was going to be like most summer Fridays (or so I thought). I would kill my 8 hours at work. Then I would come home and drink a beer and veg out on the couch watching baseball. Then I got a phone call. “Hello,” I said. “John, it’s mom.” “Oh, hi mom, what’s up?” “Your father and I have a favor to ask. We’re going to be out of town this weekend, and you know how your sister doesn’t like to stay home alone. We were hoping you could stay at the house...

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Soccer mom

Doe reaches down and digs deeply into her purse for the keys to her house. A contented smile crosses her face as she finds them and pulls them out to unlock the door, to the sound of the banter of her son, Zach, and his two friends behind her. They have just won the prestigious local soccer tournament, one that many of the areas college coaches were attending. They were flush with excitement from winning a tough match in the finals, a goal that he and his team had been working hard toward for...

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His Lucky CharmChapter 10

Respectable Woman Denver, Colorado Territory, December 1862 Around Denver, work in the diggings came to an end, too. The diggers moved into town, mostly bunking in primitive huts. This presented a problem for the poorest in the city. A group of women, the widows or wives of the hapless among the diggers had used those bunk houses over the summer with their children. Now, the influx of paying lodgers displaced them from their shelters. One day in early December, Rose and Amanda had visited...

4 years ago
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Camera of Change The Cabin

"Dude, I swear to you this cabin of mine is the tits! It's belonged to my family for as long as I can remember; besides the office is going to be closed down for the next couple weeks for the holidays," said Craig, talking to his coworker Alex. "I dunno, Craig. I'm not one for the wilderness and the whole outdoors," Alex replied as he put away some paperwork. Craig Lann and Alex Ross were coworkers at a local office firm. Craig was the head of their area while Alex had been working...

2 years ago
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Brunda 8211 The Beautiful Restaurateur 8211 Part 1

Hello, girls and guys of indian sex stories dot net. I am Shivang here with another incident for you. First of all, thank you all for so many mails and messages for the previous stories. Motivates me to write more. Your feedback is welcome on . So this incident happened around a month ago. It was the end of May and I decided to plan a trip to Russia with my family. We got the visas etc. in mid-June. And we left for Russia on 13th June i.e. me, mummy, dad and our man-servant Govindji. We landed...

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My sex experience during my assignement

My name is taral (name is changed) and i am 28 today. As i am gujarati, you may well consider me staying in gujarat only and for better convenience lets say in surat. We are a big joint family with acres of land in our native which is still being used for agriculture. My father had moved from my village to ahmedabad (name changed) during his college time and never been dependent to my grand parents as he wanted to make his own destiny. He worked all his life in a state government organization...

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Becoming Nicks girl

My husband and I were trying to concieve #2 for about a year with no luck. Lord knows we screwed enough and he generates huge loads. A fertility doctor was seen. Turns out I was fine but for a reason we don't yet know for sure, Gus has sperm which does not move too well. Options were in-vitro or donor. We were considering both with in-vitro as the best option. I now have 3 boys and here is how it started. Gus had a West Coast business appointment the coming Monday. Nick was up for...

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home alone

Her white sheets are draped slightly over her thigh, contrasting with her light brown skin, covering her womanhood. Her tanned skin, trembling slightly, is covered in sweat as her delicate hand moves something down her firm body. She gets small goose-bumps as the object traces the curves of her body, sometimes barely touching the bare skin. She eventually slips it below the sheets and between her thighs, pausing slightly while relishing the feeling of it brushing her skin before moving between...

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BlackAmbush Savannah Parker 05302020

Savannah Parker is as cute as they come with a sweet natural body! She’s never been with a black guy before and today she thinks she’s there to fuck the director Jake. Jake does his usual, gets our girl so horny for cock she’s begging for it. Savannah gets the finger fucking of a lifetime from Jake which makes her squirt for the First time and that gets her on her knees to choke on Jake’s big cock. This girl is so horny after sucking and fucking, which happens outdoors,...

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Sex with teenage collage guys

Amar mattu naanu ottige snaana maadi kutiddevu aaga avana premd suman pon maadida, amar avanu ibbaru maataadutta iddaru, amar nannannu demgida bagge heltaa idda aaga suman keltaa idda naanu demga beku amta, amar nanage helida naanu sari amde matte innu yaaradaru iddare baroke heli grup maadona amde, adakke amar innu avana premdsige kaal maadida kevala arda gamteyalli amar jotege suman, hemamt,raaj,prem mattu naveen bamdaru ellarigu baadaami haalu kotte ellaru kudidu maataadutta tarale maadtaa...

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My Grandma 6

The next morning we didn't even spend time together. I couldn't get the night on the beach out of my head. God I love fucking my grandmother. I love her cumming on me. But I went out all day with my brother and cousin all day. We spent most of the day at the beach, then we went around the town checking out stores and women. But I couldn't get my grandmother out of my head. She was really hot in bed. It was like she liked it but didn't want to admit it. But then she loses control and just goes...

3 years ago
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Black Bodied BeautyChapter 2

There was a new assistant minister at church that seemed quite interested in Evelyn. She had encouraged that interest and would invite him to tea if he didn’t soon make a move himself. He was about five years older than she and seemed quite progressive so might understand and embrace her sexual lifestyle, one she was loathe to abandon. A series of innocent dates and outings with Melvin, the minister, developed into some deep discussions of philosophy, spirituality, and human nature. Evelyn...

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Wild Ride

I’ve got long black hair and bangs, medium sized but very firm tits, and a tight little ass. I’m a lawyer, and usually I have to dress conservatively, but I have a very hot body when I get horny and want to show it off. I’ve always had a fantasy about being fucked by two guys. Sucking two cocks at the same time, or one cock in my ass, one cock in my pussy. Having my face and tits covered in cum. It gets me wet just thinking about it. But because I’m a lawyer, I work all the time. I don’t have...

4 years ago
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Repo Auto CenterChapter 14 New Truck Love

“You realize what you were expecting me to do, don’t you?” Siza just stood there giving me a really funny look of mostly disbelief but also, “What the hell is the matter with you?” I was sure she considered me the best definition of a fool. And now I would never be welcomed as a local but turns out the requirements for installation in that private club were just too much for this haole. There were so many reasons controlling my life and “YES” I hated that. Yet... , I just didn’t know. “I...

2 years ago
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Just Like Magic

Just Like Magic by shalimar She put on the slinky black dress she had bought earlier in the day after he told her that they were going to a fancy place for dinner. It seemed that all her sacrifices: the years of therapy, the hormones, the loss of some of her family and "friends" when she told them, and finally the operation were coming to a happy ending. It would be symbolized by what she suspected he would do that night, but she kept her hopes in check as she finished getting...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Tommy King Rides Stepdad With Her Ass

Since Tommy King’s mother separated from Tommy Pistol, he was no longer technically her stepfather anymore. This meant they no longer needed to deny the sexual tension between them and that he can finally stuff all his stepdaughter’s holes. The nubile brunette goes wild getting her tight pussy and asshole fucked with daddy’s dick. You don’t want to miss a second of the flexy Penthouse babe getting her puckered bud stuffed with her legs behind her head or her big ass...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Presents

Copyright © 2002 by the author It was coming up on our first anniversary when my wife and I proceeded beyond our usual passionate but essentially mundane love-making and began sharing sexual fantasies with each other, and sometimes even play-acting them with each other. Not that there was anything wrong with our sex life--to the contrary! We had still been in the throes of our "newlywed bliss" and experimentation hadn't been necessary. Love-making had been almost always missionary...

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Dream Weaver Book 3 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 1 CatchUp

Sean and Megan were five and four years old when this story last stopped. The years following Megan's rescue of Sean were relatively peaceful for the Flynn Clan. That 'peace' lasted twelve years, until Sean was Seventeen and Megan was sixteen. That is where I will take up the tale of this saga. The intervening twelve years were kind to everyone in the Flynn Clan, mostly. Other Wizards and Sorceress' visited the Flynn Clan over the years. Some were invited for specific training sessions....

2 years ago
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I Gave at the Office

"I Gave At The Office" No matter how cool you think you are about things when you are a teenager, there are limits to coolness. Take when a seventeen year old guy walks into his mother's office unannounced and sees her sucking her boss off you tend to blow it yourself - figuratively speaking, of course. Kids know their parents fuck. If they don't know, they are clueless as George W. Somehow I figured they both slowed down in their thirties and probably stopped entirely by the time they...

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Teen bondhu

Shilajit baba maa’r ek matro chele. Baba maa dui jon’e chakri koren. Shilajit der dui tola bari chilo, er modhhe or baba maa thakto nicher tolate r shilajit thakto upor’e, ekdom eka eka. Okhane kew ese ok disturb korle o like korto na. Shilajit Jadavpur University theke civil engineering korchilo. Priyanka ra dui bon, tader modhhe priyanka boro. Priyanka B.A. porto jogomaya devi college’e. Priyanka’r bon ekta English medium school’er class eleven’e. Priyanka porasuna te joto bhalo chilo, or bon...

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White Out at the Spa Chapter 3

I went back to the room I was sharing with Lauri to find her watching the weather channel. Apparently in our search for the ultimate orgasm we had forgotten that spring was not anywhere around the corner and that old man winter was about to bury us in a blizzard. Guests had been checking out in droves and Lisa had given me her cell number before I left her room. She texted me to say that all of her appointments for the rest of the weekend had cancelled and she was hoping the three of us could...

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