Romanic Encounter
- 1 year ago
- 33
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The train looked older than what I was expecting, but it had character. The interior was spacious, and there was an Old World charm to the wooden paneling and worn leather seats. Looking around, I decided the place was just a bit threadbare but still inviting. I threw my bags into an overhead rack and settled down into one of the booths. The high-back seats were comfortable and provided a lot of privacy.
I had gotten to the train almost a half hour early and was the first one in the car. I spent a little time going over some papers, but mostly just looking out over the scenic view of the city. Copiapo was lovely in the Friday afternoon sunlight and I was enjoying myself immensely. A relaxing weekend in a first class hotel was awaiting me. Life was good.
The train started with a jerk, yanking me out of my daydream. I looked around and saw only a half dozen people scattered about the cabin, all men.
"Well," I thought, "should be a pretty quiet ride. I could use a good night's sleep."
I stared at the scenery for a while as the train pulled out of town, watching a thick layer of clouds roll in from the south and cover the setting sun. It looked like snow, and the view was just changing to winter twilight when the door in the front of the train car opened and let in a blast of freezing air. The conductor quickly slid the door shut and walked to the back of the car. He then started punching the tickets of the few passengers in the car, working his way forward. He was a bit slow about it, chatting with the people. I would be his last stop. I went back to my reading...
"Ticket, senor..."
I nodded as I handed it to him.
There was the metallic click of a punch. "And how do like my country?" he asked as he handed my ticket back.
Great, he spoke English! "Chile? It's beautiful. I love the air, the mountains, the people... It's so colorful... Back home I'd be celebrating the July 4'th weekend. That's a holiday for our independence. It feels so different to be here, in winter now."
The conductor was a good listener, just letting me ramble on.
I felt a little sheepish. "I guess I really look like a foreigner, huh?"
The conductor smiled as he nodded. "We're on schedule. Should be arriving in Santiago at 10 AM." He paused for a moment. "Are you here on pleasure?"
"No. Actually, I've been working here in Copiapo for a while..."
"Oh really? Where were you staying?"
"The Hotel La Casona."
"Ah, very nice."
"Yes, very nice indeed. It's right in the downtown area too, very convenient. I work for Banco Santander."
The man nodded again and paused for a moment. "And what do you do?"
"I build models."
"Financial models. Until a month ago, I worked in the bank's New York office. I developed a small-business model to predict industry trends. Copiapo was a perfect place to test it out. We use it for both investment banking and customer risk analysis."
"And your superiors are happy with it?"
"Oh, they're ecstatic. The projections are we're going to make millions with this. I'll be in Santiago all next month, meeting with the senior executives and setting up a second program there."
"Excellent senor! I hope you will find Santiago as worthy of love as Copiapo."
I nodded. "It's forty times as large, almost five million people! This is really a tremendous opportunity for me... Say, do you know, is it much higher up? In elevation I mean..."
The conductor was quiet for a moment as he thought. "About the same as Copiapo, I think. Maybe Santiago is a few meters higher. But both cities are less than 500 meters, I'm sure... From sea level, I mean... Breathing should be no problem. The air will be a bit thin as we travel over the mountains though..."
I nodded. "Yeah... Thanks..." He looked liked he was about to take off and I glanced about the car. "Very few travelers. Is it always this empty?"
For the first time, I saw the conductor frown. "No... Some of the cars further up are half full, but here... Ah, superstitions die very slowly..."
"Oh? This sounds interesting. What do you mean?"
The conductor just yawned for a moment, and I thought he wasn't going to reply. But then he said, "It's been three years now. I try not to think about it... There was a death on the train, in this car in fact... It was very strange..."
"Ah... A murder?"
"The police weren't sure. There was never a good explanation for what happened... Ah, best not to speak of it. Enjoy the ride senor. The views through the mountains are beautiful, even at night."
I thanked him as he walked forward and left. I looked at the mountains for a while, until the blowing snow obscured the view. It looked bitterly cold outside. It felt nice to be inside the train, cozy... I had a light snack from my backpack, watched the storm, did a bit of reading. The rhythmic clack of the wheels on the rails was very soothing. I decided to sack out.
The train dimmed the interior lights in the late evening. I was asleep for a long while, and then in the dead of night I heard the back door of the train- car slide open and close. I was semi-aware of someone walking up and down the aisle, and decided to wake up and see who it was.
What I saw was completely unexpected. I guess the closest description would be gothic gaucho. It was a young woman, very thin but fit, dressed in a black leather gaucho hat and poncho, black pants and boots. As she got close, I could also see she was wearing black lipstick and black nail polish. Even her hair, and there was a lot of it, was dyed a jet black. Her one small travel bag was, of course, black. Her face was a mask of concentration and distress and... sadness? The total effect was startling.
She kept looking over the few sleepers in the car, as if deciding where to sit. There was so much empty room, I couldn't understand why. But then I thought maybe she wanted some company. So as she passed, I smiled at her and waved my hand at the seat across from me in my booth. She looked startled at first, surprised I was awake, but then shrugged and nodded, throwing her bag on the opposite seat and sitting down next to me on my side of the booth.
I've always had a fantastic sense of empathy, so strong I could run magic shows with it when I was a kid. I would pretend to be a magician who could read minds, and my hunches were so often on target it drove the other kids nuts. But nothing prepared me for what hit me now, wave after wave of gnawing hunger. The woman looked so young, I wondered if she was a teenager, and it felt as if she were starving. Without thinking, I blurted out in my broken Spanish, "May I feed you?"
"What?!" she hissed, looking both mortified and furious. My empathic sense threw me a complete curve ball then. I got the crazy feeling she was about to lock my head in an embrace and give me an intensely passionate kiss. I backed up out of reach and shook my head in bewilderment, and then thought about what I had just said.
"Oh! So sorry. I didn't mean to sound insulting!" I looked at her eyes for the first time, pure black. Tinted contact lenses? How bizarre was this night going to get? Well, at least she spoke English. "I've just started learning Spanish a month ago... I have some food. Are you hungry? Would you like some nuts... a piece of fruit?"
She made a deep frown, and then shook her head no.
Her response was at total odds with my senses. She looked thin, really thin, and my empathy was still sounding alarm bells about waves of gnawing hunger. I persisted. "Are you sure? When was the last time you ate?"
"I don't want your food."
"If you don't eat for long enough, you'll get weak."
She laughed. "No, not me!"
"Huh? Sure you will."
"Sure I won't."
I blinked. "Oh yeah? So what does happen when you don't eat?"
"I get hungry."
"But how about after that?"
"Even hungrier." She flashed me a wicked smile.
"But eventually..." I blurted out.
"Yes! I get so hungry I must eat!"
"Right... So how long has it been since you've eaten?"
She paused for a moment. "Years..." she whispered and then glared at me, daring me to challenge her.
Okay, I thought, I give up. "Gee, I'm sorry if I pestered you. My name's Gary, by the way. I'm pleased to meet you."
She stared at me for a moment, looking very surprised that I had introduced myself. "My name is A'moth," she whispered back.
"A'moth?" I said uncertainly. There was a long A sound with the accent, followed by the word moth. I had never heard of such a name before.
The woman looked furious at my uncertainty. She hissed at me. "Yes, A'moth! What's the matter?! Doesn't my name sound feminine to you? I assure you, I can be very feminine!"
I was hit again with a strong wave of empathy, an overpowering feeling she was about to hold my head and fiercely kiss me. I backed up in confusion. "Hey! I meant no offense. And I admit, I was a bit surprised by your name. I kind of like it though. It fits you."
She looked very confused by my response, finally just nodding and looking away for a moment. Then she stretched and took off her poncho and threw it across the booth to the opposite seat. I gasped at the sight of what was underneath.
She was wearing only a sleeveless tee-shirt on top, black of course. Obviously no bra, and her shapely breasts were clearly defined in the soft cotton fabric. Her nipples were quite visible, I guessed from the cold. But as alluring as her breasts were, my eyes were drawn to her bare arms. They were magnificent. Femininely proportioned, but rippling with sleek muscles. Try to imagine a beautiful model doing technical mountain climbing twelve hours a day for a year. It still wouldn't compare to what I was looking at.
I felt sure she could pick me up and carry me off the train very easily if she wanted to. "Uh, look, A'moth. I really do apologize. You're obviously in excellent shape. I don't know why I thought you were starving."
She nodded at me but looking more confused than ever. This conversation was not what she was expecting.
We sat in silence for a while. I was getting a whole bunch of confusing signals from my empathy, crazy feelings of danger, sadness, and sexiness. It didn't make any sense. I finally decided to try conversing again.
"This'll be my first time in Santiago. How about you?"
"Santiago? Oh, the train..." She paused for so long I thought she wasn't going to continue. "I was there a long time ago." She smiled for a brief second. "I bet it's changed a lot."
I nodded. "I'll be working at a bank there. How about you? Do you have family there?"
She shook her head no, looking upset by the question. What did I say?! "No, no family. Santiago... It's a place to be, that's all."
Oh my gosh, I thought. She looks so young. Is she a teenage runaway? "A'moth, do you need a place to stay?"
"Do you want me to come with you?" She actually smiled and relaxed when she said this, as if she were expecting to be propositioned. The conversation was entering familiar ground.
"Huh?! No, of course not. I'm not trying to hit up on you. A'moth, do you need a place to stay?"
"If you don't want me, why should you care?"
"Just from kindness. A'moth, do you have any money?"
She dismissed the question. "I don't need money."
"Yikes! Of course you need money. You have nothing in your bag?"
She shook her head no. "Just some things my mother left me."
"Left you? A'moth, have you been abandoned?"
"Huh?!" For the first time I heard her laugh. It was a beautiful melodic sound. "You think I'm a youth?! Look into my eyes! Tell me what you see!"
We locked eyes with each other. The depth of her black irises was infinite, deep pools of countless sorrows and survival. My empathy began to overload me with signals I didn't understand. I finally broke the eye contact. "No. I think I understand. You're no teenager."
"Hardly!" And then she smiled at me, smiled with kindness for the first time.
I smiled back. She beckoned me to caress her, moving close to my side and sharing her warmth with me. I reached up and gently brushed my fingertips at the edge of her hair. "Your mom didn't happen to leave you a comb, did she?"
A'moth and I were almost about to kiss, but my question startled her. "Huh?!"
"A'moth, your hair, it's full of knots. Here, turn around."
She looked uncertain, but then on a whim decided to play along for a moment. I got out my comb and started to work at the knots in the bottom of her hair. Neither of us spoke for a while as I worked.
She had hair most women would die for. I realized it was naturally black, not dyed at all. And the words super luxurious wouldn't begin to describe it. My hands were soon engulfed in something all softness and silkiness. Super clean too, with a faint sweet fragrance that made my mind want to drift, to dream and imagine lying next to this delightful creature for the night. She was so beautiful...
I blinked myself back to reality. I had worked the last of the knots out a while ago, and now was just stroking the comb slowly through her hair. A'moth's emotional state was a deep puzzle to me. I could feel that being caressed was very unfamiliar to her. I sensed she was both yearning for more and deeply disturbed by what I was doing. She finally gave one soft cry and pulled away.
A'moth turned around and took the comb from my hand and stared at it.
"Keep it," I said.
She nodded, putting the comb in her back pocket. She then returned to my side, facing me. She lifted her head up and waited for me to kiss her. I almost did, she was so beautiful, so desirable, but we happened to lock eyes again instead. The moment seemed to last forever as she gazed into my soul. She finally whispered, "You're a seer, aren't you? Like me..."
I brushed my fingers gently across her cheek. "You mean empathic? Yeah, I guess so. I'm getting a whole bunch of feelings right now... that I don't understand."
"I can feel you too," she replied as she smiled. "How attractive you find me. Sexy. Desiring me..."
"Well, yeah. Some feeling I do understand. But A'moth, I'm not trying to push you into anything."
"Oh, I know. I'm the one who pushes."
She sighed and changed the subject. "Another seer... I haven't met one in a very long time. Do you read too?"
"What? I don't understand what you're asking."
"Can you read people? Their lives..."
"Oh... You mean like reading their palms? Reading their future?"
She laughed. "No, of course not! The future hasn't been created yet. What is there to read? I meant the past. Here, let me show you. I can read. Give me your hand."
I was intrigued. I freely offered her my hand, wondering what she would find. She turned my hand palm up and laid it in her lap. I could feel the soft leather of her pants on the back of my hand, high up on her thigh near her hips. She then placed three fingers across the inside of my wrist, at the pulse point, and then looked back into my eyes.
Her eyes were so black. I dimly thought they didn't look like contacts at all, but naturally jet black eyes... Was that possible? There was something else too about her eyes, so unusual. What was it? Something about her eyes...
A'moth smiled at me as she pressed her fingers into my pulse. "Like this, I can read you very well. You are unattached... no children... that's good... smart... you had an interesting life... only came to Chile... a month ago..."
"Ha! Good guesses!"
"I'm not guessing... You are kind... truly kind... I'm sorry I picked you..." She glanced out the window. The snow had stopped hours ago and there was a faint promise of pink on the eastern horizon. She sighed heavily. Did I see tears in her eyes? "But it's too late for me to change..."
A'moth leaned over and kissed me, full on the mouth, her hand on my wrist holding me to her. I was too startled to push back, and then I didn't want to. She was all softness and femininity and my body was begging to be inside her. She leaned over and pressed her body against me, and everything was warmth and full of sexual promise.
I got lost in our kiss. Her tongue somehow kept my tongue out of her mouth but she playfully entered mine. It was very sensual, and after a while my mouth sensed a sweet taste, quite unusual. I drifted in the intense sexuality.
I blinked in surprise when I realized her hand was caressing my penis through my pants, probing its firmness. I wasn't sure how much time had passed, but my erection was throbbing for her. We were still locked in a kiss, and both of us were panting in arousal and urgency. She had already unbuckled my belt, and had almost worked my pants off from my hips.
I didn't want to hurt her, didn't mean to take the sexuality this far. But it was hard for me to move, infinitely more difficult than I would have imagined. I raised my hand to push her away. A'moth adjusted her position and let my hand cup her breast. Such a beautiful shape, ripe with promise... So soft... So beautiful... I felt overwhelmed with desire for her, and so sleepy. I dreamed of suckling the hard nipple that pressed into my palm... I dreamed resting my head in her lap as I suckled her...
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This story is entirely fictional. All characters in this fictional work are over the age of 18. This work is intended to be consumed by adults, 18 or 21 years of age, depending on your location. Please ensure that you are not living in a community that forbids reading material with sexual content. This work is NOT intended to cause any harm to existing human beings, either due to being featured in this work or by consuming it. The appearing characters should be treated with respect, whenever...
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The Ad Nikita was a fairly typical upper-middle class professional girl. She had completed her engineering degree at the age of twenty-two and was confident, outgoing, and didn't take any shit from men in her professional life. She took good care of her body, working out daily and performing yoga every morning and evening. Her family thought she was just working out to improve herself but in reality Nikita wanted to look hot for the men that used her. How did Nikita find men? The internet, of...
Oral SexHeading from the Coffee Shop the night I met K, I followed her to her apartment and parked near her and got out. She stayed in her car and was closing up her phone as I walked up to the driver's side. She lowered the window and I saw she was semi-clothed from our encounter at the old pumping station.She lowered her window and in the light of the security lamps, she undid my pants with no protest from me and freed my cock and proceeded to take it in her mouth. And she moved so I could have...
Straight SexIt had been nearly four months since I last got laid. At twenty-three I had no desire for a serious relationship and settled instead for casual flings and friends with benefits, the downside is while it had been four months since I had last slept with my latest fling, I had not properly been fucked in over a year.I found myself becoming desperate for it. At work, I daydreamed about being called into my boss’s office and reprimanded which then ended with me pinned up against the wall and getting...
A chance encounter in a quiet car park, as seen from both sides ! I’d love to know what people think of my fiction.*************************************************************************************************************************June and her hubby were a devoted couple who'd been together since they'd first met as teenagers. Fit and attractive, they were looked every inch a model, middle-class couple with two, well behaved c***dren. Outwardly everything looked as close to ideal as most...
---purely fiction---I've always been turned on by the idea of having sex with another man. I've always been too shy to do anything about it however. I've of course played with my butt with my fingers and some toys that I've purchased over the years. I know I love the feeling of it, though it does hurt a little, it still feels great. I've met some gay men in my life, one was really handsome too and kept trying to flirt with me. However, my shyness always got the better of me, and I kept pushing...
Hi all, this is my first attempt at a story for Xhamster, so please bear with me.It is a fantasy about a first real encounter with a Xhamster contact. Other than the possibility of meeting we haven’t discussed details at all, this is one version of that first encounter as played out in my head.Paul, I don’t even know his real name, said it would be easier to meet at his house as his wife was staying away with family. I had his address and a time to meet, instructions to park the car around the...
Hi all, this is my first attempt at a story for Xhamster, so please bear with me.It is a fantasy about a first real encounter with a Xhamster contact. Other than the possibility of meeting we haven’t discussed details at all, this is one version of that first encounter as played out in my head.Paul, I don’t even know his real name, said it would be easier to meet at his house as his wife was staying away with family. I had his address and a time to meet, instructions to park the car around the...
While surfing cl postings looking for interesting scenarios I came across one which got my attention and got my imagination running. It was short and to the point, asking merely for someone who might be interested in a midday encounter in an office. This set off all sorts of ideas in my head and as we'd started to make "dares and tasks" a fun part of our sex lives I decided to run with it. I dreamed up a scenario and wrote a posting of my own, pretending of course, to be you. It read as...
A chance encounterA chance encounter.It was late in the summer and the last weekend at the beach house. I was almost ready to go back to the city. One last walk along the beach to soak salt air into my lungs so I would remember it. I walked along the water's edge to get the sound of the sloshing waves inside me. Far away a dark-haired woman was walking in the opposite direction. Against me. She walked in an almost causual manner, yet with her head high up and a straight back. Dangling. As we...
Chloe’s storyI was a small, petite shy girl at school and I didn’t get that much attention from the boys, they all preferred the girls that had huge boobs and would suck them off for an ice blast. I had boyfriends but I was so shy I would avoid seeing them so there was never going to be any sex happening that was for sure.The strange thing about me was that I was horny all the time but I never masterbated, I’d never tried it. I only started masterbating from about 24, even that was rarely, I...
Two days after my first encounter with Jim, I saw the number for the garage come up on my phone. My heart was racing and i felt a tingle between my legs as i answered it, wondering if It would be Jim and his big cock telling me he was ready to have me again. I was disappointed when it was just the desk guy telling me the car was ready and I could pick it up when i was ready. I acknowledged and hung up the phone, wondering when Jims hammer was going to sooner had i put my phone in my...
NOT MY Craig's List Encounter, But I wanted to share it. I answered a Craig’s List post about two weeks ago, in the Casual Encounter’s / NSA section, posted by a young couple looking for a bi, married male. They wanted to fulfill a fantasy that the wife had, of seeing her husband with another guy.They agreed to meet for the encounter at a motel outside of town.The wife had sort of mentally scripted what she wanted to see and experience, including watching two guys in a sixty-nine oral session,...
The encounter with my married friend I wrote about earlier has had many starts and stops. For the first few months we got together whenever the opportunity presented itself for one of us to host at home. Then, for some unknown reason, the intensity seemed to wane and a period of abstinence became a month, then six months, than a year. We talked about getting together whenever we saw each other, but it didn't happen. We were still very good friends it just seemed the urge to get naked and play...
I am 6' 4'' 250 lbs bi-curious married black male who love wearing female lingerie (I have quite a collection) and has been fantasizing about sucking cock for a while now. I don't know if there is a better feeling of a thong wedge between my butt cheeks or sexy lacy female boy short hugging my bubble butt. Then wearing some lacy bra to accentuate my tits (my tits looks like a teenage girl just starting to develop and nipples get hard when I am horny). One day I was looking at gay videos on...
Pamela’s heart was racing as she made her way along the winding country road that was a major part of her day. As a delivery driver she faced a lot of name calling and discrimination. Being a woman on the road was something a lot of men weren’t comfortable with. She was bombarded with catcalls and dirty comments on a regular basis. It wasn’t that she minded them. It was the fact that they guys were just being mean. The money was good and she needed a job so she kept on driving and did her best...
Silent encounterPart 1 We have not seen each other for some time but, on the day we are due to meet up, we exchange some erotic texts messages and two phone calls. These events heighten the tension for both of us. I arrive back at the house later than agreed; quite deliberately so, in order to further raise the sexual tension between us upon my arrival. You are already there and look beautiful, as ever, and we embrace briefly. Oh sweet memory of the evening when I gave you keys to the house!...
Hi guys, this is Rahul, and I am back with recent encounter. I am very thankful for the responses I received for . Happy that people like my story. This is about the recent encounter with my favorite and cute my sister-in-law Sruthi. It all started with a marriage function of my relative. Let’s move to the story folks. It was my distance relative’s marriage function and it was a must that someone from my family should attend it. As my wife had left with the kid, everyone decided it should be...
IncestHi everyone, this is Ilumjack again with another incident that happened during a return trip. This incident happened while I was returning from my trip to Bangalore. I was in Bangalore with my family on a vacation. I had to return back to Mumbai earlier due to some pressing things at work. But the rest of my family stayed back in Bangalore and was to get back to Mumbai after four days. So it was on a Thursday afternoon that I reached Bangalore Airport to take my flight. After checking in my...
I am Ashima Thakur from the state of Punjab, In the following sex story, I will describe my first real life lesbian sexual experience. So it all started when I was 18. I had a friend named Shruti, she is still in my touch. She is very beautiful, her boobs are quite big, she is a little fat and very sexy. She was not my best friend at that time but we were good friends. In mid of our XII, we started to sit together. We used to talk about boys, sex and all. We also talked about masturbation, I...
LesbianHey indian sex stories dot net friends This is a fantastic forum to express all our pleasures and sins on sexuality, it also gives an opportunity to push further to dig deep in this ocean of thoughts and come out with new innovative ways to keep you all engaged and entertained. Writing a crisp ride hope you ride with it and enjoy it. Life has thrown lots of surprises and this was one of them. If sexuality is one dimension of our ability to live happily in the world then by cutting off our...
Hi readers, My name is Treesa and here I am going to share with you my first ever lesbian encounter! Let me explain about myself, I have often heard guys calling me a sex bomb, I have big boobs of 38D and chubby body! I love to show off my big boobs and sexy cleavage by wearing tight t-shirts and shirts. And my boobs have been fondled by men of different ages! From naughty school going boys to 60 year old men and i have enjoyed the soft touches and hard pressings. But, I never had a...
LesbianA Chance Encounter. Part Seven. ‘Do you know, I’m damned sure you had it in mind for the four of us to…to have sex altogether when you got this bed,’ Sally said as we lay there together that night. ‘Well…I must admit that the thought did come to mind. But that was after I’d got the bed and…well after Carol had seen it and said much the same thing,’ I said as I stroked her tits, raising the nipples up to hard little nuts. ‘Don’t just play with them Bob,’ she said, her voice a little husky....
BisexualChance EncounterIt felt so good to get inside, away from the heat. I knew I had to get some shopping done, which I hate, so instead of going early that Saturday morning, I'd procrastinated and put it off until mid-afternoon. The sun had been scorching, and the air conditioning had decided to pick today to stop working. Ugh. I was wearing a sundress; cornflower blue with tiny daisies adorining the bust. And of course, my flip flops. For 40+ years old, I looked damned cute. I walked through the...
Part 6I heard her pick up the phone and say, “Hello.” She sounded a bit out of breath as if she had made a run for the phone. I asked, “Whattcha doing?” To my surprise, instead of answering, she just started to giggle. I didn’t get the joke, but said that she must be in a good mood. She responded, “Oh, you have no idea,” but she was wrong. I was definitely starting to get the idea of what she had been doing. “Have we been being naughty lately?” I asked. Getting her self control back,...
A Black Encounter ? by: Sasha Jenkins I was 14 years old that spring when I had the encounter that changed my life forever. My mom and sister had gone out shopping for the weekend and had left me home alone because mom finally thought that I was old enough. As soon as they had left and saw the car turn down the street, I hopped off of the couch and ran to the bathroom and started a hot bath. I added some of my sister's baby oil and some herbal bubble bath to the steaming hot...
Brief Encounter ? by: Edward Peter After months of correspondence by EMail, Vincent and I decided it felt right to finally explore our bi-sexual curiosity together, which would also include our liking for crossdressing. We had written to each other describing all our fantasies concerning dressing up and what we would love to do together and now we both agreed we should try it for real not wanting to dream about it any longer. We both were obviously very nervous after all we had...
Beach encounterIntroSince I am quite talkative guy and like to write long mails, finally decided to write hot story. I have some experience in reading (Nifty archives), but wanted to contribute in writing also. If u r on this page, hope u read my profile before, but for those who haven’t, let me make short introduction. I am in late 30ies, looking twinkish, light athletic build, green eyes, brown hair, smooth body except legs. Havent been with a guy, although want that very much, but that’s not...