a little lovin is all you need
- 4 years ago
- 25
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I like to think that I am a normal woman. I mean I love, I cry, I have needs and desires. I don't know if I can explain the events of the last 2 days, I don't know if it makes any difference that I am sorry for what happened. I know that things got out of hand. I never intended to make my son rape me. I can see now that this was wrong. I should have been more mature, I should have controlled my lust. I accept that I have made mistakes. All I ask is that John be a man... and admit that he is at least partially responsible for what happened. I mean shit it's not like I just woke up one day, spread my pussylips apart and said"come and get it."
My lawyer says that I have to admit to my crime in order to get the best plea agreement and minimize my jail time. Fine, I'll do it. But if I am going to tell the story I'll do it my way, I am going to tell ALL of it. Sorry John but if you want to play hardball so can mommy.
Thanksgiving was a week away. It started innocently enough. John was taking Beth Roberts to the Fall Festival but he did not know how to dance.
"Uh mom, I don't want to look like a geek, could you show me a few steps so I don't embarass myself."
"Of course John, I'd be happy to."
We turned on the stereo and I popped in Frank Sinatra's Fly Me To The Moon. As we stood in front of each other it struck me how tall my son had gotten. I mean, I knew he was tall, but tall across the room is very diffrent from tall standing six" away.
There is something very intimate about a slow dance. For me it had always been a prelude to sex. Prior to that day I had never slow danced with a man that I did not intend to fuck. As I looked at my 6' 1" 15 year old son, I was reminded of his prick of a father. A condescending, selfish bastard who left me when he found out I was pregnant. I hated him for that, to this day, but damn if he was not a pretty man. Whenever he held me, I would get these little sweats, and flutters. My pussy would start this itchy little trickle. As mad as we got at each other, he always inspired a sense of fucklust in me. I am an attracticve woman, and have had several lovers since he left, but none of them have made me itch, I had not felt my pussy drip for another man until the day I held my son.
"Mom, uh mom, I said where should I put my hands?"
I knew where I wanted them. I could not believe that this was my son. I wanted his hands on my assmeat, wanted to feel his fingers cupping my butt. I wanted to sniff him, to lick him, to taste him, and make him mine. In that moment I wanted nothing more than to feel his warm, young cock, tight against my sweaty pussy. I wanted it, but I managed to get a hold of myself and said, in a level tone "Put your arm around my waist, and give me your left hand. "
He was so awkward and clumsy at first that for a time he became my son again. The first time he stepped on my foot it was funny, the second time I understood; but 4 times in less than five minutes... puhleeez, only my boy could do that. Each mistake made him feel more awkward, and even clumsier. If I wanted to save my feet I had to do something.
"John you aren't doing too bad for your first time, but I think you can do better."
"Aw Mom you know I suck at this, I'm going to make a fool of myself, and embarasss Beth. You gotta help me."
"Hmm well the first thing you have to do is re-la-x. I'd suggest you stay away from the fast songs. You are not ready for them. Dancing is simple when you stick to the slow stuff. All you have to do is hold a pretty girl in your arms, and rock her gently in time to the music. Beth will just think you are romantic. Wanna try one? "
"Ok I guess, so."
"Um John, I am sorry but if I am going to show you how to do this you have to stop treating me like your mom, and hold me close like you would Beth... mmm that's better."
Sinatra's Summer Wind was playing now and John seemed to be getting the hang of it. I nestled my head on his shoulder and he slowly led me around our living room. It seemed only natural that our bodies kept moving closer together. It seemed only right that I grind my pussy into him and hold it there. It seemed obvious that his thick hard coc... wait a minute, his cock WAS hard!! This was not my fantasy, this was reality. About the time I realized what was happening, John did too.
"Oh my god, mom I didn't mean it, Iamsosorry," John said as he backed away covering his bulging erection. It was at that moment my life changed forever. I knew that I could have my son if I wanted to. I could fuck him, and he'd like it. On another day, under a different set of cicumstances I know I would have let him leave. But on that day my pussy was trickling, and fucklust was upon me. On that day he wasn't going anywhere.
"John stop right there, it's alright I know what is happening. I made you get a hard on, so we can practice how to avoid it when you are dancing with Beth. You asked me to help you avoid embarassment, I mean let's face it this would have been pretty darn embarassing with Beth in front of a room full of kids at the dance. In private maybe, but no girl is going to want a big pole like this poking her in public, "I said as I playfully wrapped one hand a my son's hard on.
"Oh shit, what the fuck am I going to do?" John said in a mortified tone, with his dick still at half mast.
"John you know I don't appreciate that kind of language, " I said in a stern tone.
"Sorry mom."
"Now here is what we are going to do. This is a very common problem with some men. It is just a question of control. I want you to start dancing with me again. Follow my instructions, and no matter what I do, try to make your erection soften. Take your time and don't be embarassed. I am your mother, I used to change your diapers and I have seen everything you have,"I laughed as we begun dancing again.
I am a 35 yr old woman, and I know many things. I know how to cook, I know how to shoot a gun, and I damn sure now how to keep a man's dick nice and hard for a good long time. A Horny 15 yr old just didn't stand a chance.
"John put your hands on the curve of my backside and gently caress me. That's it slide your finger into the crack. If things are going well with Beth you are going to want to do this to her. You will ruin it if you cannot control your erection," I explained as my son rubbed my butt.
"Aw mom I can't help it. Everytime you press into me, or breathe in my ear, or lick my neck I just keep getting hard", John said in a frustrated tone. "Don't give up, there are some extreme things we can try to help you gain control... but I'd like to avoid them if I can. Tell you what, grab my butt hard and ram yourself into me as tight as you possibly can... there that's it, now keep me there, don't move, uh that's it HARDER, shove it against me harder," I demanded.
"Oh, ohuh mom, mom let go of me, stop moving, I am gonna shoot, I'm gonna cum!!" he cried in despair as he shot his load into his pants, while he squeezed my ass in his hands. He actually lifted me off the floor and began kissing me, wildly, deeply. What he did not know was that the small orgasams that I had been having for the last 5 minutes had culminated in one gigantor blast when I felt his dick jerking into me. His hands were roaming all over my breasts, and while he squeezed, and pinched my nipples through my shirt he was making these baby animal fuck grunts. He had backed me up to the dining room table and I was about to bend over for a good doggie fuck, when he just stopped. He just fucking stopped.
"What am I doing? Mom I am so sorry, please you have gotta believe me it was an accident. Please forgive me, I swear to god it will never happen again. I am not going to the dance. I can't believe I am such a pervert. It was almost like I was raping you. I just kept thrusting into you, tasting you, playing with your tits. Mom your ass... is perfect I have never felt anything like it, so warm and full and tight and round. I wanted to fuck you so bad, and I did not care what you wanted mom. I did not care! "he shouted in a loud bitter tone as salty tears burned down his cheek. I was scared, and maybe a little angry. I knew my son, and could hear the conviction in his voice. I knew that he was telling the truth. He meant it, he was never going to scratch my itchy, wet little pussy. He was going to leave me hungry for his beefmeat, always wondering how it would feel to surrender myself to my son. In my heart I had already accepted him as a lover. I craved his cock and his cum. He had the RIGHT to fuck me until I was a silly little slutpuddle. He was choosing not to. You have to understand that had never happened to me before. I am not being conceited, I am being honest. Every man that I have wanted to fuck, I have fucked, and they have been thankful for the privlege. How could a 15 yr old snot turn me down. I am not rich, or smart, or even an especially nice person. I know that. But I am a sexy attractive woman who is damn good at fucking. I know that too. It is who I AM, part of my identity.("Hi my name is Susan, and I am a fuckslut.") I'll be honest, at 35 I was afraid that I was starting to get old, loosing my charm. Maybe that's why I just could not let it go. I started fantasizing about my son's young hard cock. I wondered what his cum would taste like, was he salty or sweet. Would his cum slide down my throat, or would it stick in little creamy clumps. I had to know. His dick felt soo big and hot through his pants when he pressed in to me, but would it fill me, stretch me, scratch my insides the way his father's did? I decided to seduce my son. I began wearing skimpier and more revealing night clothes around the house. Whenever possible I exposed myself to him.
"John come up here I need you to get me a towel," I called to him from the shower.
"Uh ok mom I'll just lay it down over here,"he said as he got an eyeful of my wet naked body.
"Honey this is so embarassing but I have soap in my eyes, would you mind drying my face off?... Ah thanks, honey you are a lifesaver. Hmm I guess you've seen more of your wrinkly, fat old mom than you'd ever want to huh?" I said in a self depreciating tone.
"Mom what are you talking about! You are gourgeous! Look at these tits, and that ass! Any man would be lucky to fuc-- uh sorry mom, I got a little carried away there. But you do look really, um good."
"Well I guess my tits are ok, at leat they haven't started to sag, but here--feel my ass. Do you think it's getting a little flabby?" I said as I traped his hand between my cheeks.
John started moaning softly as he played with my ass. His large firm hands kept pulling on me. He kept making little circles around my anus, working up the nerve to stick a finger in me. I felt myself begin to drip. If I had just kept my mouth shut for a little longer I know I would have had him. But when I moaned out in pleasure, my son thought he had caused me pain.
"Oh god mom what am I doing. What's wrong with me? Mom I don't know how this hapened. A part of me just wants to fuck you. I'm sorry but I want to fuck my mom. I wish you could be mine, my woman. But... I know it can never happen. I won't let it happen. I promise mom, I swear to god, I will never touch you like that again. You can trust me," he said with tears in his voice as he turned and quickly left the room. I tried several times over the next few days to talk with him about what happened, to reason with him. I told him that he had not hurt me, that it had actually felt good, and that I forgave him for what happened. But the stubborn, selfish little shit paid me no mind. He was so wrapped up in his own private crisis, he just tuned me out. I was his mother. I couldn't very well say "son I need your monster meat stuffed up my slippery cunt." It was hopeless. I had failed. That had never happened to me before. The thing that made me special, that identified me as me from the time I was 14, was that when I wanted a man in my bed, I got him. Every. Fucking. Time. When you try to judge me please understand my mental and emotional state. I was desperate, horny and scared. Now that's a dangerous combination if there ever was one. I can see now that some of my actions were wrong. I admit that. But others were at fault too. I decided if John was too pig headed to fuck me willingly, well I would just have to make other arrangements. I never could have made my son rape me, if his father had not helped.
Ronald Sloptvik is an asshole.
Let's be clear about that. He does not respect women(men either) is selfish, and sometimes cruel. A small part of me still loved him though. I did not really have a choice, cuz every once in a while I neeeded his cock in my cunt. It was as simple as that. After all these years my pussy still belonged to him. He owned it, and he knew it. As long as I didn't piss him off he was a lot of fun to be aound. He wanted nothing to do with fatherhood, or resposibilities. If I stayed away from shit like that he would do just about anything for me. He'd never admit it, but my pussy must fit him pretty good too. Every couple of weeks we'd get together and fuck until we couldn't piss straight. My itch would get scratched, his dick would get polished. Then I'd remember: Ronald Sloptvik is an asshole.
I do not really love him and he does not love me. I guess that's why this all happened. I wanted someone to love me, to care about my feelings. I needed someone to talk to. Is that so wrong? Yes Ronald fucked me better than any man ever had, but it was not enough. John added the potential of true love AND Hot sex. It was worth the risk, even though he was my son. Maybe you have never been tempted. Maybe you have neve done something that you are ashamed of on one level but... still know you had to do it. If you have never been faced with such a dilema then you are not qualified to pass judgement on me. Have you ever been in love? Have you ever needed someone so much that you would do anyting to have them? I have, and I did. Think about it- people write songs, books, plays and movies about the extremes we go to for love. People get lovesick, crazy in love, in fact "all is fair in love..."Whenever Ron and I finished fucking, I'd go back to my life, and he'd return to his. John did not know that Ron was his father. I guess that's what got me to thinking. I went to his house the day before "the incident".
"Ron, open up I need to talk to you." He came to the front door wearing a pair of black levis, no shirt no shoes; just 200 lbs of 6ft 3in muscle crammed into a pair of levis that looked like he painted them on. I felt a tiny little itch at the bottom of my stomach. He looked me over, his eyes lingered on my heavy tits and short skirt. I knew when I put it on that he was going to flip it up and ask to fuck my ass, in fact I was counting on it. As soon as I got inside it began.
"Damn Suze you look good enough to eat. I need a taste right now baby," John said as he pressed me up against the door.
I could feel the doorknob bumping hard into my ass as he licked and kissed my face. I knew my plan had a better chance of working if I asked for the favor BEFORE I agreed to fuck him so I tried to slow things down.
"Do you like my outfit? I was thinking of you when I bought it, I said as I pushed him away enough for me to spin around quickly and make the short skirt flare out. It was clear that I did not have any panties on. I faced the door and began wiggling my ass, teasing, taunting John with my round juicy bottom.
John had not been allowed to fuck my ass in 16 years. That was the price he had to pay for leaving me and our child. It had been hard and maybe a little bit cruel, because he was a first class assaholic. He loved to lick my butt, to snake his tounge deep in my tightest hole. John loved the power it gave him over me, seeing me squirm and pant and cry out. But what he loved most of all was mounting me, drilling his 8" cock deep into me; powerfucking me for all he was worth.
It was not uncommon for him to make me bleed. I loved it when he licked me up and down my ass, I even liked it when he massaged my hole with his finger. If he lubricated me really good and went slow I did not mind a gentle fuck in the ass. But that's not how John liked it. He liked me bloddy, and screaming, while he rode my tight butt and pulled my hair. When we were young and in love I guess I figured he was my man and I submitted. He was so appreciative after, and as soon as he recovered he would give me the most tender, delicious pussy fuck. It was worth the pain to make the man I loved happy, it was worth the pain to get the pleasure that he always delivered after.
But there was no way I was going to let him put me through that kind of pain, when I stopped loving him; when I knew he didn't love me. I still needed his cock. I sucked it, and fucked it. I licked it and kissed it, but I never let him stick it in my ass again. Oh he still asked me for it from time to time, but I think a part of him accepted that this was the price he had to pay for abandoning his family. In 16 years I had never given in. Not one time. Until now. As I lifted my skirt and offered my ass to him I saw him go hard and the asslust that covered his face was priceless.
He actually began to drool, and had to lick his lips and swallow.
"Wh, What are you playing at Susan? This is not funny. You wag that ass at me again and I'm going to fuck it, whether you like it or not," he warned as he stared at my ass.
"It's funny you should mention raping me, cuz that's exactly what I want you to do. I need you to help me with something, and if you do I will let you have my ass for one night. You can tear it apart. You can fuck me hard and nasty, and as bloody as you like. Just like we used to baby. For one night you will own me, go ahead feel how tight and warm it is, put your hands on it, that's right give me a squeeze. Can't you just picture me crying and screaming, and begging you to stop. But you won't will you? No, not you. You are gonna hurt my poor little ass aren't you. If you want you can tie me up. I'll be helpless and spread before you. I'll just have to take whatever you want to do to me. It's been 16 years Ron. Mmm do you remember how my ass smells, how it tastes? I haven't let anyone fuck me there since you. Can you imagine how tight I am now? Do you know how much it is going to hurt me? I'll be laying there crying, helpless, hating every minute while you fuck my tiny, tender little ass. You better make it count Ron, cuz I will never let you do it again. You will have one night to break me, to rape me the way we both know you've always wanted." I said as I pushed and wiggled my exposed ass into him. " Here's all you have to do... "
The plan was simple. I gave Ron a key, and he was to" break in", wearing a ski mask and a prominently displayed (temporary) tatoo. He would subdue our son and fuck me at (unloaded) gun point. Then on a whim he would force me to suck our son, to kiss him and caress him. Finally my boy would be made to fuck his mommy's cunt. If all went as planned I would then surrender myslf to Ron the following night for a vicious and no doubt prolonged series of anal rapes. It would be well worth it if I could have my son. I knew that once my boy got a taste of me the mixture of guilt and lust would bring me many years of sexual pleasure. He would beg my forgiveness, ask how he could make it up to me. I would tearfully tell him how I hated the fact that he had raped me but... a part of me was excited by his skill as a lover. Since he had already raped me, I would ask him to make love to me, to help erase the memory of the pain he had caused.
How could a guilty, horny, teenager say no?
"Will you help me Ron?" The nasty little grin on Ron's face told me all I needed to know. As he ran his hands along my body I felt myself start to drip. I could feel his hard bulge pressing me into his front door. My ass kept rubbing the door knob. Suddenly he dropped to his knees and put his head under my skirt. Ron licked ad kissed my thighs for several minutes before he buried his tounge in my drippy little cunt. I couldn't believe it--he was making me cum already! It was too soon. We were still dressed, we were still standing up for shit's sake! It did not matter a wet, sticky mess was leaking out of me and on to Ron's face. I groaned in despair as I humped myself against him. I trapped his face with my legs and rammed the back of his head as hard as I could into my pussy. I do not know how he was able to breathe, and frankly I did not care. He was just a fuck tool, for my pleasure. A thing to get me off. I grunted and squatted on him rutting like a beast until I was satiated. He laughed at my inability to control myself, then he picked me up like some fucking cave man, slung me over his shoulder and carried me to his bed. Ron fucked me for a long time that afternoon, and I was pretty sore by the time he was done. Just the thought of what we were planing to do turned us both on. A lot. Ron had a few conditions though that I had to agree to.
He made me write a letter saying this was all my idea, and promising to allow him to fuck my ass until it was raw and bloody. I gave him permission to lick, spank, fuck and cum in my ass as many times as he wanted for a 12 hour period of his choosing. He then had me read the letter into a tape recorder. In retrospect I guess that was a mistake.
I was so nervous the next day waiting for John to come home. I was wearing a pair of cut off, shorts and a black silk t-shirt. Ron had cut the phone line and was making a final check of his rape kit. Handcuffs, tape, gun--yup he was ready. Ron had applied one of those tatoos that come off with alcohol and water. It was a snake with a knife through the skull. If things went bad and the police were called, all John could identify the rapist by would be the tatoo--which of course would be washed away immediately after the rape.
"Come here Suze you gotta calm down, yer making me crazy," Ron said as he pulled me into his lap.
He hugged me close to him and softly nuzzled my neck and flicked his tounge in my ear. I began squirming in his lap and gently rocked myself on his erection. His thick meat was poking me in the ass and I was about to give it a squeeze when I heard John's key in the lock. Ron pushed me off of him, put on his ski mask, and grabbed the gun. My heart was pounding as I looked at him. He looked dangerous, evil--like violence waiting to happen, WANTING to happen.
"This is it Suze. Last chance to back out. I am going to have to be pretty scary to pull this off, and things are going to be a little rough on you. It's gotta look like it's real. He's gotta believe that I will rape you, kill you both, or your plan dosen't work. Say the word and I'll walk out the back door right now. Otherwise I'm going all the way."
As I stood in front of him I began to calm down a little. It was just an act. Deep down I knew Ron would never really hurt me. I had asked him to do this. I had a very small window of opportunity. I knew that once John started fucking girls his own age it would be too late for me to seduce him. If he went to the dance with that slut Beth, I might never get another chance. If I backed out now, I'd risk my one chance at true love.
"Do it Ron, do whatever it takes but I want to fuck him, I want him to be mine. You owe me this. I promise you will get the ass fuck of your life tomorrow, but give me our son tonight."
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This is the fifth part of the story I compare female characters in my story to actress so think of someone when you read it. The main character is my mom (Poonam Bajwa) There is a new character in the story. Dad lost to mom on the bet, mom won a vacation to Goa for weak. Dad agreed. Mom called her friend Nayantara. She is one of dad’s business partner, for the trip to Goa. She also agreed. I was confused about why she bringing her along and I asked mom about it. Me: Why mom why did you call...
IncestThis is the fourth part of the story between mom and son. I compare my mom with actress Poonam Bajwa. So think of someone when you read this story. In this, I am going to say about the sex adventure when dad was at home I and mom started fucking last night. On the next day, we both woke up naked had quick sex. Dad came back home after a business trip. I was acting like a child as mom suggested. Dad: How is our son, honey? Po: He still doesn’t remember. But I am encouraging things to do by...
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My Mom is an actor by profession. She’s been part of plays and has done many theater works. Mom despite all these years of hard work in the industry never got to work on any film project. It was always her dream to have starred in a movie but it never really happened. Maybe part of the reason was because she had me at such a young age that she could never fully pursue her dream. She got pregnant with me when she was 19 with some big name Producer who told Mom at that time to sleep with him in...
IncestThe next morning, Mack awoke as he usually did—with a hard-on. He stroked his cock and thought about his mom and the events of the night before. He was unsure of what his mom's reaction would be. For all he knew she would be angry; he may have turned her off completely, so that their relationship would never be the same. He wondered for a moment if she would maybe even report him and what he had attempted to do. But the more he thought about it, the more he realized that his mom's reaction and...
This is the second part of the story continuation. I compare my mom to cinema actress Jothika. So think about someone when reading the story. Mom and I fucked for the first time but she didn’t let me do her again. But let me lick her and she gave me blowjob every time when she sucked my dick hard. I think she felt guilty about fucking his own son. But still, she was horny and wanted my dick but won’t admit it. It was time for my check-up. So she brought me to the hospital. The doctor checked...
IncestI like to introduce myself first. I am 19 years old, very good looking boy. My family consists of me, dad, and mom. My dad is a businessman and my sister is a college student and stays in the hostel. I would be all alone with my mom in our house most of the time. My mom looks like Tamil actress Jyothika so think of Jyothika when you read the story. Back to the story, I finished 12th standard. I started working with my father and studying in correspondence. It was the time when my friend...
IncestChapter 1 -On The Webcam Joyce was the town librarian , a 5ft6 blonde 52yr old married hypnotized slut , tonight she was Paul's guest on his webcam , joining her was mom Sonia and a young ninteen year old slut Betty who Paul had met at the mall only yesterday . Currently 55yr old whore Sonia was eating Betty's young cunt as webcam members were paying up , Paul was pimping his wenches out tonight & the members loved it . Joyce would enter the scene soon after she finished giving Paul the...
Hello everyone, my name is Rohit Sharma age 27 height 5′ 11″. This story is about me and mom Sweta Sharma. The incident took place when I was in my final year of engineering at the age of 21 and my mom’s age was 38. Before going further a small brief about the background of the story. My mother and my father fall in love when they were neighbours and despite their parent opposition they ran away and got married. At the time of marriage my mother’s was just 16 and my father was 20 years old. My...
IncestOf course I did all I could to hide my lustful obsession over the yrs, but I knew after a life time of hardon hiding hugs an play fighting an accidental walk ins while she was changin she must have some idea, at the very least sge must think im a horny lil bastard!!! Anyways with Rach away at uni my normal routine was broken down lik this, wait hornily for her to get home around 6pm on friday, get my custom kiss on the cheek an hug, mmm feel her lips on me an be embraced by that chest, an smell...
A series of stories following the secret love life of two interpretable first cousin’s… Intro (Arrival) -- Matt took a step outside to the arrivals area of Hartsfield Jackson International Airport, being welcomed to Atlanta by the dry hot air, and honking horns, of the commonly congested roads of Hartsfield Jackson International Airport. There was no breeze, like what he is used to having up north. Matt is a 6 ft’, 185 lb, young piece of meat at the age of 19. He is a...
It had been quite a few months since Michelle Dean had returned back to Essex, England from Ibiza. Everything looked the same way she left it back in June 24th, 2005, eight years ago. Michelle returned to live with her Mum in Essex who ‘d found a new lodger, a strikingly good looking doorman down at the club called David Watts. One dull Thursday morning Michelle came down the stairs in just a slinky pink nightie and went through to the kitchen to make some breakfast. The front door opened...
Ever had that summer job you hated beyond anything? That one, horrible job, that paid for something you needed while making you want to jump off a bridge at the same time? Well, that is my summer job, only there is no bridge high enough around here. My name is Jenny, I’m 18, and I usually live in Minneapolis, but this summer was different. I heard through a few friends about this job in the farm country. Better pay, more hours than I could get at the crappy dinner I usually worked at during...
I awoke to the sounds of birds chirping and fluttering in their nests. I sat up weary from my deep sleep and stretched my arms bumping the wooden ceiling above. Week 3 at summer camp has passed so far, and its not that bad actually. Being as agile as possible, I slinked down the ladder of the red bunk-bed and felt my feet rest against the hardwood flooring. All the other girls were asleep still, and I needed to be first in the shower before all the steaming water ran out. I grabbed my towel and...
‘Hunnie, is that you?’ Meagan mumbles. ‘Hey, baby, I can’t stay long, I forgot the keys to my office and I desperately need to get in there to pick up my paperwork, for my meeting later on in the afternoon,’ Hope groans, with a saddened tone in her voice. ‘But…..its Valentine’s day, I thought we could spend the day together, like we have done for the past three years!’ grovels Meagan. ‘I’ll make it up to you tonight, I promise. We can do anything you want, and I’ll do anything you want,’...
Elizabeth Suson walked along the golden white sandy beach of North Spain barefooted feeling the slight breeze through her long black hair. She worked in a dead end job in North London in a office and was glad to get away to paradise. She had to get away from all the grief work had given her when everyone found out she was a lesbian. Elizabeth walked to the end of the beach as the sun was beginning to go down. She saw a black bag on one of the rocks and sat down on the sand and looked out to sea...
Tuesday, June 13th, 1995. 4:15pm.I turned the corner on to my street, staying towards the curb and despite my ever present walkman blaring Iron Maiden into my ears, staying diligently aware of my surroundings. Although for the most part I rarely had problems in my neighborhood, my appearance attracted the unwanted attention of a gang of older boys who were not particularly amused by my long hair and somewhat sexually ambiguous and out of date fashion sense. On this day I was wearing my standard...
I looked at the clock.A quarter to Two. He was staring at me and my eyes wondered back to his hard cock poking through his underwear. "I got time." I said with a quick raise of an eyebrow. He groaned. "I don't know if I can handle you twice."I reached over and rubbed him through his underwear. "How about a blowjob? I didn't get to taste your cum.""Oh fuck. I don't know how much you'll get. I dropped a pretty big load. It's been awhile.", he said with a laugh."I eat light", I said with a smile....
Saturday, June 10th, 199512:45 pmHome alone. My Dad working Saturdays was a godsend and I took full advantage. Smoking cigarettes, playing the living room stereo as loud as I pleased and banging my ass with my 5 inch vibrator. Since losing my virginity to my Uncle Bill a few weeks earlier(and getting 2 more good bangs from him since, once right on my living room floor less than 15 minutes before he took me to school) my anal cravings had become a bit insatiable.I was standing in front of the...
. I very recently started work in a factory on the edge of town, where they make underwear for teenagers mostly. In my department were two girls who were obviously lesbians, I found myself being strangely attracted to them. One was a bit butch called Jenni, but she still looked pretty, and the other was very casual in her appearance, named Emma, slightly more rugged looking, I was to later find out that they were an item.I got to talk to them a lot over the coming weeks, they were ever so...
Lyla: Summer Lovin'She still hadn't seen much of Sunni since the kiss, besides an awkward hello before Sunni darted out the door to her rehearsal. Lyla had to admit that she didn't look too good, she had dark rings around her eyes and her usual jet black hair looked limp and greasy. "We need to sit down and move on from this once and for all." Lyla thought as she poured herself some cereal and checked her phone. She had one voicemail, she hadn't even heard her phone ring. She cradled her phone...
My Auntie Beth had been staying with my family for a few months. She was here to find work and settle in to a new life after her another relationship went sour. I loved sneaking into her room and handling her underwear. I found her sexy lingerie and I would put them on enjoying the feel of the material on my cock and ass knowing that it had been on her tits and ass and pussy and now its touching me. I was always careful to put things back just as i found them. I was a geeky 18 year old still...
I've wanted you forever and now I have you. I play it cool, but my head is wild with joy as we wrap up our dinner at that nice gothic themed restaurant in uptown Atlanta. "Check please" I shout, and as the waiter comes over with the bill, I look deeply into your eyes and realise the wine has done its job..............they are loaded with mischief and made worse by the crooked smile on your lovely, thick lips. As we go out to the car and we are about to get in, without warning, you lift your...
It was the summer of my last year in high school. I couldn’t wait to be a senior and I had it all going on. I was a four sport Varsity letterman, plenty of girlfriends and signed letter of intent to play two sports in college. So when my parents insisted that I spend a week with relatives, it was definitely cramping my big man on campus style. I stayed with my grandparents but I had plenty of other relatives around. My favorite was my cousin, Debbie. She and I had fucked a few summers before...
It was the annual benefit picnic for the VFD, and it was hot. A hundred degrees in the shade, and record-shatteringly humid. As my wife and I sat listening to the band and sucking down the lemonade, a strange sensation came over me. Usually I was not a hot weather person, but this extreme heat felt like a sauna, and as I got used to the sweat, I started feeling the stirrings of desire. My wife was here to hobnob with her friends, though, and I knew she would not be receptive at this place and...
It’s time for me to slowly pull my new jogging socks on, over my oiled feet with bright red nail varnish. I love to feel sexy even when jogging. It’s really cold outside so I have just pulled up my sheer black pantyhose to keep my legs and feet really warm, plus, when I am jogging, the nylon rubs on my pussy and makes me really wet and my clit really hard. Bending over and lacing up my trainers, I can’t help but rub up and my legs to feel how sexy they feel, especially in my tight jogging...
My 18 yo cousin (Shelly) asked me to buy her some beer one night. I was 21 and thought what the harm, but I told her I would only do so as long as she was with me and drank while I was driving in the country. She agreed, I bought the beer and off we drove down rarely travelled roads. After a few beers she started getting a little playful, snuggling up to me, holding onto my arm. Then she started to snuzzle my neck and biting my earlobe, as she did I could feel my cock growing. I had a fleeting...
During my time in the forces, i was deployed to the gulf for a period of about 6 months which is long enough for some. We used to pull into one of the ports about every 3-4 weeks. During this deployment he had an american traslator, ashlee, on board for various reasons. I never really spoke with her as she wasn’t my cup of tea but god did she have a pair of tits!! We pulled into Dubai this time, got off the ship and got on the booze as you do. Now there were about 4 of us guys and 2 girls...
I dropped they key into a small dish on my dresser. I'd collected a few, mainly from people I knew. As bold as I'd gotten lately I still tended to run with the same crowd. It had gotten so I really didn't pay that much attention to the keys now. I'd noticed some people wore them proudly making as bracelets, making a point to shake them when reaching for their drink. Other people would nod and simply slide them in their pocket, never to been seen again, a lot like mine. Ah well. All in...
Story is Fictional! My husband died riding his Harley a drunk diver ran into him , over a year ago. Leaving me and his son on own , as with many who loses a love one. Deppression sets in quickly if it wasn't for my son Kawika i would have lose my mind. And if wasn't for Kawika I wouldn't be the happy and satisfied woman I am now. Almost immediatly after my husbands funeral I shut myself in my house. I wouldn't allow anyone other then my son in Kawika was great. Right from the start he tried his...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! This is the second encounter I have had with my sexy stepmother Debra I will just remind you guys of how hot and sophisticated she is. Well she has shoulder length hazel colored hair, blue eyes, lips, which are blood red. Her 36 C tits are perfectly formed for a woman in her thirty’s they are dark around the centre and have a big tangy nipple in the middle. Her legs are 42 inch long brown and shiny and narrowed in when she walked, the first time I...
IncestThis Story Is Completely Fictional! Ok, so let me start by telling you all a little bit about myself, and the “normal” life that I used to lead. My name is Liam, I am a fairly good looking white guy, maybe a little more muscular than the average guy, and I was in my last year of college, when my life changed forever. It was in July last year when I moved in with my Dad, and it was great. His partner, Nicky, was kind, and we got on rather well. Her daughters on the other hand, were a totally...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! My fascination with my step mother Debra all started a few months ago when I visited my dad in Alabama he had been divorced from my mother for 11 years. Their marriage never worked from the start. The I met Debra was a year ago she was a beautiful woman she was about 5 ft 9, quite slim she had blue eyes shoulder length hair and the most lovely pair of big cock sucking lips I had ever seen. Her tits were 36 C and her ass was firm and round her legs were...
IncestI go to this club a few days a week. Is a bit boring but I met a couple (3) proper fine boys there they were Toni (18 years), Liam R (18 years) and Liam C (14 1/4 yrs). I have seen Toni and one of the Liams naked before when we went on this two-week activities camp. There was us four in this large room with two other boys. The two Liam’s and me were just sitting on Tony’s bed when Toni decided to get un-dressed in front of us. Liam R sprang up and decided to do the same. I was going to laugh at...
GayChapter 6: A week had passed since the last event. It was a Saturday. That evening, Amy, Trudy, and Anissa went outside. They told the guys that they had some things to do. They all returned after 2 hours. When they were home, they immediately got naked and stood in front of Ryan and Alex. Both were surprised and were staring at their abdomens. Amy, Trudy, and Anissa had inked their abdomen, just above their pussy. Amy had tattooed ‘AR’s Slut’, Trudy had tattooed ‘AR’s Cunt’, and Anissa had...
IncestThis is the sixth part of the story. I compare women in the story to the actresses. My Poonam Bajwa and her friend Nayantara. We both had a great time in Goa. My mom accomplished her goal of trapping Nayantara. In this story, I am going to say some exciting things happened after we came back from Goa. I and mom would fuck in front of dad. But I would act like I cum fast like in 5 minutes and made my mom say you can do more than that in front of dad. Dad was laughing at mom. But didn’t know my...
IncestGerald was on his knees between April's spread legs, and he was just beginning to push the head of his cock between the dripping-wet lips of her cunt when the sound of the front door slamming echoed through the single-story ranch house. “Hi Gerry, I'm home!” a female voice called out. April stiffened, her eyes going wide. “Jeepers, it's your mom! I thought you said she wasn't going to be home until later!” “She wasn't supposed to be,” Gerald sighed. “I told her...” He shrugged and started...
IncestHi ISS readers, I am Akash from Tamilnadu. We live in a small town around 100 families comprising mostly of mothers and sons because most of their fathers work in cities and abroad as opportunities for work are less in our town. Since it’s a small town, there are fewer incidents of violence. It’s pretty much a heaven for our families. Our town has around 3 schools, where people of different classes admit their children. Since I am from a middle-class background, the school I study also is...
IncestHi friend I am new for this site. I never post any stories here. But I read los of stories from 2008. I am 22 year old boy, live in Kolkata. My name is Mithun Banerjee. My father is Govt. service holder now stay at Delhi for his job. My mother is a sweet housewife. Father age is now 44. Mom age is 41. Before marriage my father was very poor. My father marries my mother due to his job. My mother is not looking good. She is dark color and fatty. Now come to main story. Father transfer Delhi 4...
IncestMatt sat on the beach, taking in the amazing view and soaking up the warm Jamaican sun, next to him lay his mother Sarah, enjoying getting a tan. Matt was a twenty five year old, happily married man. He worked a boring job that paid OK and had lived a relatively uneventful life, until last week when he had won an all-inclusive trip for two to Jamaica.Matt's wife Charlotte was unfortunately tied up with work and so couldn't come. Matt, rather disappointedly, instead decided to invite his mom...
Hello Friends, this is Shravan from Bangalore. The following new story is completely a fiction and it’s not related to real life. I hope you will like it and please do send your feedbacks to This story is the continuation of my previous Fiction story with the same title, where I have written a fantasy story in which my friend and I seduce my mom Arundathi and fuck her together. Now enjoy the Continuation after fucking my mom along with my best friend Ravi, we three enjoyed sexes many more...
IncestPOV: Joy"So, you're not the only one that likes to fuck her mom?" I pondered, closing the gap."Yes, perv, how long have you been watching?" Kaylee asked, leaning up to me"Just a few minutes," I answered, before kissing her. "If you did leave me for a woman, I'd want it to be your mom," I pointed out, prior to checking her body. "Shit on a stick, Darcie, you have somebody.""Thank you, Joy," she responded, rising to me too. "May I kiss your girlfriend, Kaylee?""Sure, Mom."Darcie...
IncestSon to Mom Jose sighed to himself as he sat in traffic. Life was really getting him down lately. He worked a boring job with no opportunities for growth. He was single and hadn't even gone on a date in over a year and a half. He lived with his Mom still. He was 29, soon to be the big 3-Oh. On top of all that he was fundamentally unhappy with who he was. He didn't like what he saw in the mirror. He had tried all kinds of things to boost his self esteem and self confidence, but at the...
This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the story are fictional. This story contains extreme BDSM, degradation, Incest and new levels of bondage. If you are not into that stuff, I would suggest you go back and read other stories else just enjoy. My English might not be up to mark but it is better than the other stories. I suggest you read the previous parts of this series in order to keep up with the plot. Any suggestions and comments are appreciated. Chapter...
IncestNelson Enterprises - Bill's dreaded mother-in-law is now mom. Preparing for the Ball - Bill has never liked the way his mother-in-law Gloria dominates her daughters but now he is one of her daughters instead of her son-in-law. He deeply disapproves of the way his sister- in-law Amanda looks down on her older sister but now Amanda is his snooty sister. Can he keep his true identity secret while he interacts with them from his new perspective? If they knew his predicament what fun...
Hello, this is Sumith again here with another erotica. This episode is a prelude to the one in which I am involved. But this one happened in a town in Kerala. An incest sex between a 41-year-old mom and her 19-year-old son, Revathi and Vishal. Jumping the gun, let me tell you that the relationship between this mother and son involves a bit of cheating. Revathi was an ordinary housewife, or that was what Vishal believed her to be. His dad worked overseas and his visits were limited to once or...
IncestHi indian sex stories dot net readers This is the second installment to “Son, Mom and Aunts” series. Hope you like the story. If any women interested in submission can mail me at “”. Any reviews or suggestions are welcomed. Enjoy. Cheers! Chapter 2: Alex had fun that night with his new fuck toys. He fucked Trudy very hard throughout the evening. He ordered Trudy to move into his house. Trudy did as commanded. He did not fuck his mother that night as he had some special plans for her. “I am...
IncestThis is the 10th part of my story. I compare a woman in the story to an actress. So think of someone when you read the story. As it is the 10th part of the story I want it spicier. It will be a long story, so please read it slowly. In the last part, I was fucking Yashika (actress) my cousin when we were sleeping beside mom (Poonam Bajwa). She made a big moan while I was fucking her. As you guys know mom knows my secret and she plays along with me. Mom acted like she woke up from sleep due to...