Nude For The Pizza Delivery Guy
- 2 years ago
- 35
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I watched as Jenny Card came out of the rear entrance of her parent's pizza place. She trotted lightly across the parking lot and jumped into Eddy's car. I was parked next to Eddy, but it was late in the evening and I was sure that Jenny couldn't see me in the shadows. I scrunched down in the seat of my old Mustang and prepared myself for a show.
Jenny immediately wrapped her arms around Eddy's neck. Their faces moved in and out of the shadows, but it was obvious that they were swapping tongues. I could see Eddy's hands move to Jenny's breasts and then his hands went out of sight as he reached lower.
Eddy was a real character. He had a fantastic car and the boyish good looks that drew girls like flies. Plus, he had a job that he loved, delivering pizzas. He was the main delivery guy for the House of Cards Pizza Palace. Name an address within a ten mile radius and Eddy could tell you the fastest way to get there given the state of the local traffic, the weather and maybe even the phase of the moon. Most people would drive an old beater to deliver pizzas, but not Eddy. He had a tricked out Mitsubishi Eclipse that was nice; guys had been known to order a pizza just to get a chance to look it over.
Over in his Eclipse, Eddy and Jenny were putting on a good show. I could feel my cock begin to swell. Not a problem for most guys, but I had to adjust myself to make sure that my substantial meat had plenty of room to grow. If it got wadded up in my shorts I would be in for a lot of pain. I always wore loose fitting pants and jockey shorts. Tight pants or boxers would leave me looking as if I had a third leg. I reached around to my left hip and gave my cock head a good squeeze. "Easy boy," I muttered under my breath. I usually whacked off three or four times a day just to take the edge off my libido. But today was a Friday and my college professors liked to give exams on Fridays, so getting my rocks off had been pushed to the back of my mind. Now I was at my part time job, watching my fellow workers make out like they were the only two people on the earth, and the monster between my legs was beginning to demand some attention.
There was an electronic hiss in the air and a second later the voice of Ellen Card, Jenny's mother, came through a loudspeaker. "Pickup," she said in her crisp, business like manner.
I waited about thirty seconds for Eddy to emerge from his car. I expected that he would check his fly, tuck in his shirt and run his fingers through his hair. It was his turn to make a delivery and he had only a certain amount of time in which to do it. Late pizzas were free pizzas, and Mr. and Mrs. Card really, really hated to give away their product.
When Eddy failed to make a move, I got out of my car and walked over to the driver's side of the Mitsubishi. I tapped on the window and smiled at the flurry of movement it caused inside the car. The window lowered a few inches and I heard Eddy say, "Dude?" by way of asking me what was going on. From where I was standing, I couldn't help but see that he had both hands covering his crotch. OK, I was a little envious. Jenny was cute and my cock gave a twitch at the thought of getting a hand job or maybe even a little oral action from her. But she usually ignored me and practically threw herself at Eddy, and besides, she was the boss' teenage daughter.
"Dude, delivery," I said. I hate to use the word 'dude', but it somehow it seemed to cover whole paragraphs of meaning with Eddy.
"Dude?" he asked, with a pleading look in his eyes. Clearly he didn't want to get out of his car right then.
"Dude," I answered with a thumb up. I would take his place.
I jogged into the House of Cards. Mrs. Ellen Card was at her usual place behind the counter. If her daughter, Jenny, was cute, then Ellen was beautiful. She was one of those women who refused to age. She was about five and a half feet tall with short, dark hair. The House of Cards work shirt that she wore was tailored to fit her tiny waist and bulging breasts. She could talk on the phone, enter orders into the computer and make change for customers all day long, and she would still look better than most women just beginning their day of work.
She and I had a little history between us and as a result, she could be curt and businesslike where I was concerned. When I came in the door she frowned and said, "Where's Eddy? I thought it was his turn to deliver."
"He wanted to take a break," I said. "I got it covered."
She shoved the pizza, in its insulated carrier, across the counter. I noted the slip of paper that contained the address and amount to be collected, grabbed the container and headed for the door.
"Have you seen Jenny?" Mrs. Card asked as I nudged the door open with my free hand.
"Uh, I think I saw her in the parking lot a few minutes ago," I said. I cut off any more discussion by letting the door close behind me as I left.
The windows of Eddy's Eclipse were fogged over as I walked by. Whatever they were doing in there involved a lot of hot breath. My cock gave another throb. Oh great, I thought, I'm so horny that I'm getting turned on by wet glass now.
I got into my Mustang and in a second the big eight cylinder engine rumbled to life. Yeah, I know. It's not exactly a pizza delivery car either, but it's all I have. My delivery was to an upscale housing development not far away, and I was knocking on the door to a half-million dollar home ten minutes later.
The door opened a few inches and a man's face appeared. He looked to be in his early twenties. In fact, I thought that I recognized him from school, but I couldn't be sure. "Pizza," I said, holding the carrier at chest level.
He looked me over for a second, and then said, "Come on in."
In my experience, there are five kinds of people who want you to bring the pizza into their homes. Most of them are people who think it's simply the polite thing to do, or they're lonely and want a few minutes of conversation. There are people who want to order you around like you're a waiter and sniff at the pizza as if it were a vintage wine. There are the near mythic women who are so horny that they'll fuck the young pie bearing stud at their door, no matter that he's a complete stranger. Lastly, there are the weird old men who make it clear that the sausage they're interested in isn't the one on the pizza. For them, I wear running shoes and carry a large, easy to open pocket knife.
As the man walked away from the door, I could see that he was wearing only a towel around his waist. He was much too young to fall into the weird old man category, but I fingered the knife in my pocket, just in case. As I followed him into the house, I had to admit that he had a good build. Not that I pay much attention to how guys look, but he did have a narrow waist, plus well muscled arms and shoulders.
We walked through a foyer and turned to the right into a den. There was a large, high backed sofa in the middle of the room. It faced a hissing gas fire place. As we rounded the sofa, the guy said, "Pizza's here."
When I saw who he was talking to, my eyebrows nearly shot up to my hairline. She was beautiful, very blonde and very nude. She grabbed a tee shirt out of a mix of his and her clothing that had been flung on the back of the sofa, and used it in a futile effort to cover her pair of enormous breasts. "Alex," she squealed, "why did you bring him in here?"
The guy, Alex, laughed as he took a seat on the long sofa. He motioned to a coffee table that was nearby. "Just put the pizza down there," he said.
I tried not to stare at the girl as I slid the pizza out of its carrier, but even out of the corner of my eye, she looked fantastic. She also looked much younger than her boyfriend, but that was none of my business. I cleared my throat and said, "That's thirteen eighty-five, please"
There was a wallet on the coffee table, but Alex didn't reach for it. Instead, he removed his towel and put it aside. He took a healthy looking cock in hand and began to stroke it. He nodded at the girl and said, "Good looking, isn't she?"
Well I couldn't very well stand there and watch him beat his meat, so I turned my attention back to her. She wasn't making any huge effort to cover herself. She had crossed her slim legs, but I could still see the little fringe of blonde hair above her pussy. My eyes traveled across her flat tummy to her fantastic boobs. The tee shirt barely covered her nipples and her crossed arms only pushed all that creamy flesh up and out. Her blond hair was fanned out on the dark throw pillow that supported her head, and her deep blue eyes looked at me in frank amusement.
"Very nice," I said. That was kind of weak, but I didn't know what else to say.
"You see her bellybutton?" he asked. When I nodded, he said, "I filled that full of cum a few minutes ago, and after we have a little snack, I'm going to shoot another load in her pussy."
"Oh shit," said the girl. She may have been secure about her looks, but her boyfriend was beginning to embarrass her.
"Well," I said, "thirteen eighty-five and you guys can get back to your party."
Alex laughed again. Not in a humorous tone either. "What's your name?"
"Jack," I answered.
"Tell you what, Jack. This dick is the only one she's ever known." I couldn't help but look in his lap. By now, he was stroking eight thick inches of erect cock. "And," he continued, "I'll give you a big tip if you'll drop your pants and show her what an average guy looks like."
"Alex," said the girl as if to urge him to shut up.
"Come on," I mumbled, "just pay for the pizza and I'm out of here."
He shook his head and sneered, "Drop your pants or I call old man Card and tell him how rude you were, and that I refused to pay anything."
I'm sure that my face had been red for the last couple of minutes, but now it really began to burn. This jerk, Alex, had plenty of good looks and money and what he thought was a big dick. And now he had to show his girlfriend what a stud he was by humbling the pizza guy in front of her.
I had been standing there with the carrier under one arm, and my hands stuffed in my pockets, trying to hide the raging hard on that the girl had given me. I thought, what the hell. I'd tried to leave gracefully. I gave Alex a shrug and said, "OK then."
I unbuttoned my roomy cargo jeans and let them fall off my slim hips. Then, before they could see the obscene bulge in my shorts, I shoved my underpants to the floor and straightened up. I had to lift my arm out of the way in order to let my cock swing forward and up.
"Holy fuck," murmured Alex in awe. His hand had stopped in mid-stroke on his rapidly shrinking cock, his eyes were bugged out and his mouth had dropped to his chin.
I liked that reaction from him, but I was really interested in what the girl thought. I spread my legs so that my softball sized sack could get some air, and turned so that she could get a good look at my equipment.
Her reaction was much the same as I had seen on the faces of other females. Her eyes were wide and her cute mouth formed an oh of surprise. As she watched, a clear drop of precum oozed out of the inch long slit at the tip of my cock and dripped down my long shaft.
I was really getting into the moment now. I liked to show off my big dick to the ladies. It wasn't just a long, fleshy tube. I like to think that it had a shape that showed character. It had a wide base as it rose out of my groin like a mighty oak coming out of the ground, and then it tapered just a bit until it flared again at the doorknob sized head. It was flat enough on top so that it could hold up a six-pack of full soda cans, warm soda cans if you please. Then it rounded off until you came to the bulging tube that was purpose for all this man meat. It was clearly defined as well as the veins along the sides.
I reached up to my cock head and began to rub it in a sort of corkscrew stroking motion. Like I said, I hadn't been able to loosen my load that day and now it wasn't going to take much to set me off. In fact, when the girl moved around enough to make her tits sway, I felt the beginnings of an orgasm. I grabbed my shaft with my left hand bent my hard as steel dick toward the girl's navel. Alex had said that he had filled her bellybutton with his cum and I wanted to do the same. The first glob of semen that came out of my cock filled her navel to overflowing, but I wasn't through by a long shot. That first blob was only a preliminary drip. Then, I really started to cum. Ropes of creamy stuff shot into her beautiful tits. One hard blast of cum knocked the tee shirt from her nipples.
I was used to long, mind numbing orgasms and I just relaxed into it. But part of my brain must have turned malicious. Unconsciously, I turned and loosed some onto that expensive sofa. Then the last few blasts of cock snot landed on poor, arrogant Alex. He caught a good face full and then the dregs dripped onto the hand that had been stroking his cock; a cock that had shrunken out of sight.
When I came back to myself, I looked at what I had done to Alex. I gave him a little grin and said, "Glad I could show your girlfriend what the average Joe does with his cock." On impulse, I picked up his shirt. It was a golfing pullover. From its label, I knew that Alex had paid well over a hundred dollars for it. I used it's soft cotton material to clean the last drips of cum leaking from my dick. He didn't say anything. He was too busy wiping my spunk from his face.
As I dressed, the girl picked up Alex's wallet. Without looking, she plucked out a bill and held it out to me. I took it, looked at the money and said, "This is a hundred dollar bill."
She shrugged and then smirked in the direction of her boyfriend. "He can afford it, besides, that show was worth it." I got out of there before the stunned Alex could recover.
I drove back to the House of Cards Pizza Palace. As I pulled into my regular parking spot, I saw Eddy leaning against the hood of his ride. I knew something was wrong. An art lover would be more likely to hunker down on the Mona Lisa than Eddie would risk his paint job. I hopped out of my car and asked him, "Dude?"
"Dude, fired," he said. The man was clearly distraught and in need of a friend. Apparently, Mrs. Card had gone looking for her daughter and found Jenny with some part of her anatomy engulfing some part of Eddy's anatomy.
I almost choked up. Eddie had never opened up to me like that before. The man was practically a legend and here he was, asking for my help. "Dude," I said, holding up my finger in a just wait a minute gesture.
I entered the pizza place and saw Jenny mopping the floor in front of the counter. Well, she had her hands on the mop handle and the business end of the mop was on the floor. There wasn't a whole lot of energy transfer in the equation. I tapped her on the shoulder and motioned for her to follow me. We went behind the counter and went up to Mrs. Card.
"Mrs. Card," I said sweetly, "why don't you let Jenny watch the counter. I need to see you in private, in the office."
Mrs. Card gave me a hard look, but then she and I went into the business office. I said earlier that Mrs. Card, Ellen was her first name, and I had some history. The fact was that she could be a real cum queen. And since I could make more of that stuff than a hundred other guys put together, she and I had got it on for a while. After a few weeks, I guess her husband had suspected that there was someone else in the picture because he suddenly lost twenty pounds, darkened his hair and became much more attentive to his wife. He and Ellen would disappear after the lunch hour rush, and when they returned to work, she would have a contented, if not sated, smile on her face. Our activities cooled off then. I'm sure she had come to realize that a rich husband with an average dick was a better catch than a poor college student, even if he was hung like a mule.
When we got into the office, I cut right to the chase. "Give Eddy his job back," I said.
She looked up into my eyes. We had to stand face to face, since the office was more like a closet filled with a desk and a filing cabinet. "That son of a bitch is lucky I didn't have him arrested. Do you know what he was doing to Jenny?" she demanded.
"I don't know, but I'm sure that it wasn't anything that Jenny didn't want to happen," I said with a grin.
She frowned and said, "All the more reason to separate those two." She took a step as if to leave, but I leaned sideways and her breasts met my chest.
"Come on, Eddy is worth any three other drivers you've got," I said. "Except for me of course," I added hastily.
I loved the feel of those tits. My dick was getting hard as I remembered standing in this very office with my cock head appearing and disappearing between the silky globes of Ellen's breasts.
Neither one of us backed off, and in a second I found myself kissing her. It's funny how you get used to kissing someone a certain way. Almost immediately, we were swapping tongues as we always had, hot and heavy. She wrapped an arm around my neck and pressed her body to mine. I knew that she could feel the heavy bulge in my pants. In fact, she began to gyrate her hips against my cock head.
"We have to stop this," she said with her lips brushing against mine.
I didn't answer. For my sake and for Eddie's, stopping was the last thing on my mind. I pushed my tongue back into her mouth and my cock against her hips. Our tongues played until her breath was coming in little snorts against my cheek, and her hands were moving all over my back. I reached up and tweaked her nipples. They were standing out through her bra and her starched cotton work shirt.
"Oh Jack, honey, that feels so good," she moaned.
I knew it was time for the next step. I put my hands on her shoulders, and pushed her back. Her lips clung to mine until they parted with a wet slurping sound. She pleaded with her eyes, but I just put a slight amount of pressure on her shoulders and ordered, "Pull it out, bitch."
Ordinarily, calling Ellen Card a bitch was enough to get a Mike Tyson like face slap. And I have more respect for women than to use that word casually. But when her libido came up, Ellen loved to be treated that way.
She squatted and began to reverently unfasten my belt, waist button and zipper. As my pants fell around my shoes she began to stroke my swollen cock shaft. She bit playfully at my massive hard on through my underwear. I tousled her too neat hair and pushed my cock at her hungry mouth.
After a couple of minutes of this play, a wet patch began to form where the slit in my cock head touched my shorts. I twined my fingers through her hair and pushed her head back. "OK, you little cunt," I said roughly, "it's time for your drink."
She pulled down my shorts and then she flinched as my cock shaft slapped into the side of her head. A smear of precum splattered against her cheek. She grabbed my cock shaft and pulled the head down until she could kiss it like she had been kissing my mouth minutes before.
"French that thing," I urged her. Her tongue darted around the head of my cock. Occasionally, the tip of her tongue would work at the slit in the tip. She used both hands to jerk at my long shaft. Even the hot blasts of air from her nostrils tickled at my heaving meat. I could feel my ball sack draw up preparatory to giving up the churning load in my nuts. There was a feeling at the base of my dick as if some sort of piston were cranking up the pressure.
"Ready for a long drink of cum, baby?" I asked as I gave my massive dick a nudge that sent her head jerking back. Of course, with her mouth full of swelling meat, she could only grunt in assent.
That woman could really suck a dick. I was hot to blow enough cum to choke a horse, and from experience I knew that she would love to take it. But I was pretty sure that I wanted this orgasm much more than she. Nevertheless, I reached out and wrapped my hand firmly around my sensitive cock head in order to control myself.
"Eddie gets his job back, OK?" I gasped.
She gave me an exasperated look. I had broken the rules of our little fantasy. I was supposed to be domineering, and she was supposed to act if she were being forced. She lapped at the exposed skin of my cock head for a few seconds, trying to seduce the cum from my stiff as steel dick. When I didn't relent, she shrugged in surrender. I slid my hand down and began to seriously jerk my dick. Between the three hands on my shaft and her mouth on the end of my cock, it was only seconds before I started to cum. Her cheeks, sunken from their sucking, suddenly filled and she gulped down my creamy load. At one point her timing was off and a dollop of the milky cum dripped from her lips. But Ellen Card was nothing if not fastidious; she cleaned off her chin with her pinky and then licked her finger.
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VoyeurI was in a rut. Another Friday night alone. Just like last Friday and the onebefore that. Sitting here watching some stupid info-mercial aimed at inbredtrailer trash. My God- I was watching and thinking of buying the assinineproduct!!! I needed to do something...quick. Hell, I’ll just get a pizzaand take it from there. Yeah, a pizza with everything.With shaking hands and trembling fingers, I picked up the telephone andtriumphantly placed my order: "Three pizzas - the works, and a six pack...
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I was in a rut. Another Friday night alone. Just like last Friday and the onebefore that. Sitting here watching some stupid info-mercial aimed at inbredtrailer trash. My God- I was watching and thinking of buying the assinineproduct!!! I needed to do something...quick. Hell, I’ll just get a pizzaand take it from there. Yeah, a pizza with everything.With shaking hands and trembling fingers, I picked up the telephone andtriumphantly placed my order: "Three pizzas - the works, and a six pack...
I was in a rut. Another Friday night alone. Just like last Friday and the one before that. Sitting here watching some stupid info-mercial aimed at inbred trailer trash. My God- I was watching and thinking of buying the assinine product!!! I needed to do something...quick. Hell, I'll just get a pizza and take it from there. Yeah, a pizza with everything. With shaking hands and trembling fingers, I picked up the telephone and triumphantly placed my order: "Three pizzas - the works, and a six pack...
EroticPizza Party — Part 2Author's note: I apologize for the length, but I couldn't find a goodbreaking point and wanted to finish this encounter; the story just kindof ran away from me! -- Stacey_tv"Thank you," I said, "and can you be sure David brings me my pizza?" AsI said these words my asshole spasmed around my buttplug and my clittiejumped in my panties."He's on shift so that shouldn't be a problem," the clerk replied."We're a little backed up on orders, but it should be there in an hour...
Pizza Party, Part 2 Author's note: I apologize for the length, but I couldn't find a good breaking point and wanted to finish this encounter; the story just kind of ran away from me! -- SW "Thank you," I said, "and can you be sure David brings me my pizza?" As I said these words my asshole spasmed around my buttplug and my clittie jumped in my panties. "He's on shift so that shouldn't be a problem," the clerk replied. "We're a little backed up on orders, but it should be...
“I just don’t know why he married me,” Arianna said to herself, while fingering her pussy in the shower. “He doesn’t romance with me, doesn’t love me and doesn’t even care to fuck me.” Arianna was a thirty-five year old beautiful woman. She did a little modeling in her early twenties, and then did a couple of TV shows, where she just appeared as a hot mom or a sexy housewife. Two years earlier, when Arianna figured out that her acting career had no bright future, she decided to be married and...
MILFThe 14-year old freshman girl sat excitedly on the couch in the den of Jessica's parents' house. No one was talking to her at the moment, but Taylor didn't mind. She was so happy that her best friend Sarah, also a new high school freshman, was able to connect both of them with Jessica and the other older girls in this room. Sarah's connection was through her older sister Samantha. Samantha was a 17-year old senior just like Jessica. Taylor looked down the hallway where Sarah had headed to...
It was March of 2005. Kelly and I were forty-five years old. Kelly and I had decided to go see The Blue Man Group in Chicago. The weather was surprisingly nice on that Saturday. We stayed in a beautiful suite at a hotel near the theater. And, loving Giordano’s pizza, had ordered delivery from them to eat for dinner before the show. Their stuffed pizza takes forever to bake and delivery must have been busy that day. They told us it would be close to two hours. We expected that though and had...
Quickie SexMy friends and I had been having sleepovers since middle school, so we had a lot of experience with each other. we loved play and watch porn, talk about boys. Now that we were out of high school and on our way to college, we had started making our own films to sell to the boys at school and online. Now that we were legal it was a great way to make money. As we made more and more, we started running out of ideas, so we went online to find fun things to do. We stumbled across videos of women...
Pizza PartyTwo young girls are spending a lazy Sunday together, sitting on a sofa and playing video games together.One is an attractive looking woman, with thick curly black hair. She's only lazily brushed her hair. She's wearing a silky kimono-style night gown, and cotton pink panties.The other, is a just as - if not more - attractive looking young woman, only she is bespectacled, as she's blind as a bat without her glasses on. Her hair has a more brunette tone to it, only it's looking much...
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. We have all heard the term experimenting in college, though not in the indian context. Well for me it was was totally accidental. But it changed my life forever. It was during my 1st summer internship. My friend Alex and i had been accepted at an IT firm in Gurgaon. Alex in gurgaon? You must be thinking. Well he was from goa. I hope that sorts that out. Alek’s sister had a flat there. As his jijaji had got to go on site to the US, the apartment was empty...
Gay MaleThe twin moons of Vagilla Areolus were just peeking above the skyline when my Venus 4000 came to a stop. I was on my last delivery of the day and already looking forward to going to evening bible study. Grabbing the last pizza from the warmer I hopped off my scooter, punched in the address on the front portal of the building and was instantly transported to the front door of the Morecock residence.“BZZZZ” the buzzer buzzed.“Scanning. One moment please,” droned the android voice.I felt a...
Swingers"Pizza Gioconda, my name is Mario, how can I help you today?" I answered when the phone rang. There was no answer, just a strange noise like "claf-claf-claf" I thought this might be another prank call, I had two last week. "Hello? Are you on the line? This is Mario from Pizza Gioconda, may I take your order please?" I repeated. "Oh...yeah...I 'm sorry...there are so many choices... ("claf-claf" in the background), I 'd like to order an extra-large...("claf-claf") with...
Lovely Pizza Delivery BoyBy: Londebaaz Chohan It was a cold, dark, drizzling night when Ike heard a knock on the door. He went to answer and found that it was the cute pizza delivery boy at the door. He was totally soaked and it was obvious that he had been out in the rain for quite a while. Ike’s eyes shifted from the pizza warmer he carried, to his face. Ike asked him why he was so wet and he told that he had trouble with his car and all evening he had been making his rounds on a motorcycle....
Pizza Party — Part 1The knock on my hotel room door wasn't unexpected, but startled menonetheless.I had planned how I wanted to approach this for some time. I justneeded a handy excuse and a hell of a lot of nerve. "I'll be rightthere," I called.I checked myself in the mirror. My bra was a black and purplebalconette style. The cups were semi-sheer and the embroidery on themmatched that on the straps. The center was decorated with corsetrydetail and little purple bows. The matching thong was...
Pizza Man by Jennifer Adams ©Jennifer Adams, 1998 " Hello Guiseppi's Pizza? Carry-out or delivery?" Rick asked as he answered the phone. " Delivery." Answered the soft feminine voice on the other end of the phone. " May I please have your phone number?" The soft voice gave the answer. The computer showed that it belonged to a hotel. One that wasn't on any lists of places to stay offered by travel agents. It could actually be called seedy, but it was far from one...
I got home after a long day of shopping and I did not feel like cooking. I decided to order a pizza and have it delivered. I quickly took a shower and I got dressed in my red nightie. A while later, my door bell rang I put my robe on and went to the door to answer. As I opened the door there was the delivery man standing there with a nice smile on his soft face. He said 'good evening’ and I replied 'good evening' and I gave him money to pay for the pizza. He said as he left 'Enjoy your...
Pizza Party The knock on my hotel room door wasn't unexpected, but startled me nonetheless. I had planned how I wanted to approach this for some time. I just needed a handy excuse and a hell of a lot of nerve. "I'll be right there," I called. I checked myself in the mirror. My bra was a black and purple balconette style. The cups were semi-sheer and the embroidery on them matched that on the straps. The center was decorated with corsetry detail and little purple bows. The...
I saw Bill pull into the slightly wider spot in the alley which I used as a parking lot. It would hold two cars, while still leaving room in the alley for two cars to pass. The alley was never meant to be a parking lot or thorough fair. Every building had room for a couple of cars back there, if they were parked parallel that is. There was plenty of room for the young man's Bicycle and my Woody. I should have left his bicycle out in the cold, but I took pity on it. When I opened the back...
Having three children in their early teens, we had the local pizza shop as number one on speed dial. That is how we met Tommy. Tommy worked there as a delivery boy and after several orders we began asking for him by name each time we called in an order. Tommy was a twenty-two year old student working his way through our local college. One thing about Tommy was that he was shy, but very good looking, with dark hair and a well proportioned body. Over the many deliveries to our house and short...
A girls night in, myself the mother, and my daughter, who at f******n was a sexual libertine, a girl whose morality changed with her first periods, and whose body blossomed too quickly, developing breasts and an a libido, in equal measures, a development that even I was surprised by that night, the night she ordered a pizza, and drew me into her sexual web of deceit, poor pizza guy, his cock never stood a chance.We had some wine, after all we were in the house, so what could be the harm giving...
If you have read the previous story you know I met Tammi when a customer in the bar I work at ordered pizza for everyone in the bar. You also know that Tammi was a 22 year old Asian girl and I am Joe, a 39 year old bar manager/bartender. Also, as stated in my previous story, Tammi lived with me for 6 months fucking me every which way but loose, bringing to life all my fantasies and desires. Unfortunatly, as everything in life does, Tammi decided she was going on to the next phase in her life...
WRITTEN BY LEROY MORROW FICTION Samantha, a gorgeous, attractive blond hair blue eye girl in her thirties was sitting at home in her hometown of Westbridge, Connecticut one summer evening watching television. On a rare occasion, her husband, Douglas was working late at his office at Polk and Adams Firm. As she sat watching a western on television she decided that she would order a pizza to be delivered at the house. Getting up she dialed the number of Pizza Hut that was closest to the...
A cock hungry wife gets a hot tip and a King sized Pizza delivery.....Pizza Wives Although she was warmly received into her new upscale neighborhood that she and her husband Rowland had worked so hard for, it soon became clear to her neighbors and new found friends that Leticia Griffith was no ordinary housewife.Her sex drive was way above average; she was a very hot freaky woman with an increasingly insatiable appetite for raw hard sex. Husband, Rowland was constantly on the road working damn...
This just doesn’t happen every day. I took on the job of delivering pizzas in my local town to supplement my regular job while going to college. It wasn’t something I wanted to do, but I needed to do.The tips are a ‘hit and miss’. Most people are pretty nice, but every now and then I get some really sour people who don’t appreciate my friendliness and door-to-door delivery. Most people however, are really, really nice.About two weeks back, I got a call to take a hot delivery to an address in...
College SexFriday is my Hell Day. I do three days’ worth of work on Friday so I can enjoy my weekend unhindered by office obligations. That might seem counterintuitive to the modern work ethic, but screw it. As Jack Torrance in “The Shining” typed over and over, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” And I am not a dull boy. The Friday marathon usually keeps me at the office into the evening, sometimes as late as 8 o’clock. By that time I’m ready to go home, crash on the couch, call up Netflix...
Moving to Las Vegas to open new pizza restaurants was a risky move for Tim. He had two children in Cleveland. He wasn’t with their mother anymore but he really didn’t want to leave his kids. Just before it was time to leave, he’d heard from one of the drivers that one of the new general managers out there had gotten fired. His store was only bringing in $3,000 a week, which is very low in the restaurant business. He packed his stuff, said good-bye to his kids, and flew to Las Vegas in about...
EroticIt was truly a glorious day in the Wilson household. It was the first time the young Isabella Wilson would be left home alone for the night. Isabella’s mother needed to travel to the neighboring town for work and would stay the night there. It had taken Isabella a week to convince her mom, but after many long battles, she finally had. “Mom, I can do it, I don’t need a baby sitter. Please” She begged until her mother, with a defeated voice, gave in. “I will be home tomorrow morning. there will...
My name is Rick. I'm a seventeen-year-old white male, 5'10" and 144 pounds. I look like the stereotypical beach surfer boy, slim and medium length light brown hair. I was doing pizza delivery to make money for gas during the summer vacation between my junior and senior year of high school. I had been doing it for just a little over a week. I planned to spend almost ever day at the beach. When I arrived at 19276 Creekside Dr. I found that it was the entry to a trailer park. I...
Taylor gripped the steering wheel, the skin of his knuckles turning white as he did his best to control his speed. His breathing ragged and inconsistent as the smell of cheap sausage and pepperoni filled his small hatchback. “Oh! Ohhh! F…fuck me…” he gasped, almost blacking out for a moment. The pressure behind his eyes was growing worse by the second. His nose scrunched as he did his best to relieve it, but it was no good as his nose began to darken.He glanced at his cracked phone,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiBeing a pizza delivery guy is a pretty decent job for a 17 year old high school student. Sure it probably won't land someone on the Fortune 500 list, but for a part-time job it pays for gas money and a few bucks for the weekend. Plus it can have some very interesting "perks" as well. Like the perk I found one day delivering to Mrs. Parkinson. My name is Tommy, and like I said I am a high school junior. Along with my work during the school year as a pizza delivery guy, I also work in the summer...
MILFLet me back up just a little bit. My name is Joe. I am 39 years old, divorced and have been managing this bar for about 3 years. I started as a morning bartender and worked my way up to manager and also worked as the bartender on Friday and Saturday nights alongside one of the other employees. When I became manager it also came with an apartment attached to the bar (but with no door between). To get to the apartment you had to exit the bar, go halfway around the outside and enter another door...
It was Friday night and I had just come home from office.Home alone again, since my nice hubby was flying away on a business trip. After a nice warm shower, I relaxed and went to bed. There I spread my legs and shoved my favorite black dildo between my pussy lips. This time I made a furious masturbation, until I came screaming like a crazy bitch…My orgasm subsided, but I wanted still a bit more. I was hungry also; but was feeling tired to cock something. Then I recalled a sexy guy from the...
Pizza Wives Don Abdul ©2008Although she was warmly received into her new upscale neighborhood that she and her husband Rowland had worked so hard for, it soon became clear to her neighbors and new found friends that Leticia Griffith was no ordinary housewife.Her sex drive was way above average; she was a very hot freaky woman with an increasingly insatiable appetite for raw hard sex. Husband, Rowland was constantly on the road working damn hard to pay for their expensive home. Leticia who was a...
InterracialMy husband is an senior engineer for an oil co. and is away a lot, so i have plenty of opportunities and I have been doing younger guys for 16 yrs.+, without him knowing. He couldn’t handle seeing me being fucked by a young black cock, he’s very jealous with me he’s too uptight about sex for the sake of sex alone. He is overseas for a job and will be gone for 4-6 weeks this time. I was feeling lonely and bored then I decided to go get a hotel room in a nice hotel drink some more wine and order...
My Kinky Pizza Shop BossI posted this under an old account that I deleted, so I am reposting it for your enjoyment.This is a true story. The names have been changed, that is about it.During this bleak recession I just landed a job delivering pizzas at Giant Papa's. I was always a big fan of pizza, and enjoyed driving cabs in the past, so I figured there were worse jobs I could have ended up with.My boss is a woman named Jodie. She is about 30 with blonde hair, a good complexion, and nice chunky...
This is a work of fiction…. ‘Julia, your order’s up’, yelled Phil, ‘if you wanna buy it, you can go home now. It’s slow and the store is in good shape to close.’ That was the best thing she had heard all evening. Business was slow, and tips were almost non existent. This was her fourth week back delivering pizza part time, and it was the roughest week yet for tips. She only did three week nights, including Friday. Unless this last delivery gave her a $30 tip, she wasn’t going to make as much...
Delivering pizza was an easy gig for a k** fresh out of high school. It left plenty of time for community college during the day and I could actually pull in some decent cash on busy nights. The small mom and pop store I worked for was super relaxed. I basically rode around smoking pot and listening to the radio all night while still taking in eighty to one hundred dollars in a shift. Not bad for a full time student.I would wait in the parking lot between runs. I would cruise the primitive...