Large Uncle Pete free porn video

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When it came to sex, I didn’t know much about it as a young teen until the week before my sixteenth birthday. Until then I still hadn’t so much as touched as boy’s penis. Of course I knew what sex was but I was naïve to most all the details. I believe the fact that my parents were very protective of me and paid a large amount of money over the years for me to attend one of the finest private schools in southern California, contributed to that greatly. I know is sounds cliché but yes it was an all-girls school and we did have to wear uniforms even though they were a little more liberal than what you see on television.

My sex education did not take place at school but at home. It started when my Uncle Pete separated from my Aunt Susan. They hadn’t got along for at least 6 months before he finally left. He was a business man and could easily afford a hotel but my mom insisted he was going to stay with us for a little while until he got on his feet. We had a bedroom in our basement that we used as a guest room and my mom had prepared it for him to stay.

Now let me describe my Uncle Pete in two words and those words would be large and hairy. He is 6’8 and at that time, weighed about 275 pounds. He was a division one football player in the 1990s and even though he had put on a little extra weight, he was still an attractive, mountain of a man. When I tell you that my uncle was hairy, I don’t mean like disgusting hairy. He had real thick wavy hair and for a guy in his mid-thirties, hadn’t lost any of it. Uncle Pete also had an extremely thick, neatly trimmed beard which he wore short to his face and his thick kinky curly hair covered his chest, stomach, and legs.

My mom had texted me and told me to take extra pillows down to his room when I got home from school. I gathered the pillows up from the hall closet and bopped my way down the stairs to where my uncle was staying. As I approached the door, it was slightly open and I could see the light flickering inside. I thought there was something going on with the lamp.

As I got closer to the door and stepped inside, there sat Uncle Pete, leaning back on the edge of the bed with his dress shirt and tie still on with no pants. He was stroking his cock really fast and because the lamp sat on the table behind him, the light seemed like it was flickering. He was groaning as his hand moved up and down. It sounded like someone smacking skin very rapidly. I was embarrassed and didn’t really know how to respond except a muffled, “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know...” and then I ran out.

I went to my room unsure of how to react or what I would say when I saw him again. Uncle Pete came to my room soon after, with his pants back on. He knocked and asked, “Britt, can I come in? I want to talk to you.”

I told him to come in and he began to explain to me, “I’m so sorry. I thought everyone was gone. I should have been more respectful than that.”

I was curious when I asked, “Do you do that a lot?”

“Well to be honest, your Aunt Susan and I haven’t had any relations in a long time so the only time I get any sex is if it do it to myself,” he informed me.

I responded sincerely surprised, “I didn’t know older guys did that. I thought only guys my age did it.”

My uncle laughed, “No, us old guys need it too. I’m just sorry you had to walk in on me like that. I hope you’re not mad.”

We talked a little more which made me feel at ease. Uncle Pete left my room and when my parents came home, we all sat down to dinner like nothing had happened. I couldn’t help but look at Uncle Pete a little differently. That night when I went to bed, I was strangely aroused from what I had witnessed earlier. Just thinking about him beating his meat, combined with him thinking nobody was watching, made me wet. I slipped a finger inside my panties while lying there in the dark. I closed my eyes visualizing him stroking his hard cock while I continued to shallowly finger myself, careful not to tear my hymen as I had done many times before. I would dart my finger in, then pull out and lick it, and rub my clit back and forth. This caused me to cum twice and I felt so naughty because I was actually fantasizing about my large uncle.

A couple of days had went by and I still couldn’t get Uncle Pete out of my mind. I had a gymnastics meet on that Saturday, so when the bus had finally gotten us home, Mom and Dad, who were at the meet, had already went out to dinner. My uncle was mowing the yard. I left my dirty blonde hair up, because it was already French braided to my head, and even though I had glitter all over me, I was just too tired to shower. I did want to get comfortable so I put on my sweats, hoodie, and my white ankle socks because our house was usually kept cool by the air conditioner.

I was curled up on the couch, eating a bowl of cereal when Uncle Pete ducked through the doorway as he entered the house. He was sweaty, grass covered and was drinking a glass of water when he said, “Hey Britt. How did the meet go?”

I told him it went fine and we talked a little more when he said, “Listen, I wanted to apologize for the other day again. I didn’t know you were home and you had to walk in and see me going to town on myself. Like I said, your aunt and I had not got along for a while and it had been years since we’ve had sex so I have to do that from time to time.”

I asked, “Well how long has it been since you’ve last done that to yourself?”

Uncle Pete chuckled, “You don’t even want to know. Probably a few weeks at least.”

“So what happens when guys go that long and don’t do anything?” I asked genuinely curious.

He laughed again, “We get backed up and cranky. That’s why we need to jack off and get it out of us.”

“Well at least you got do get it out of you the other day after I left,” I responded trying to make him feel better.

“No, I never got to finish. After you walked in, I felt so bad, I talked to you and then got busy doing something else,” he said deflated. Uncle Pete then added, “You have really blossomed into a beautiful girl. I bet you got boyfriends all over the place and I bet they don’t have to go through this like I do. When I was your age, I was screwing everything that moved.”

I paused then said reluctantly, “No. I’m still ... a ... virgin and I haven’t done anything yet and now I’m a little scared that I won’t know what to do or do it right. I do have a boyfriend now and he is really getting anxious to have sex and I keep putting him off.”

“I’m sorry again. When the time is right, you will have fun exploring and doing everything,” Uncle Pete assured.

I was real shy to say but still excited about catching him, I just blurted out, “Do you want to show me some things or at least let me watch you do it?”

His jaw dropped and at first was against the idea, “I don’t think that is a good idea. You are my niece and I was there when you were born, for Christ sakes.”

“Nobody will have to know. I won’t tell a soul,” I assured him now.

He muttered to himself about how it would “be so wrong” and no “he can’t” before he rationalized, “It has been a long time and I am horny as hell. Maybe we can help each other out. I tell you what, I’m gonna take a shower and you can meet me in my bedroom in 15 minutes.”

I agreed and got butterflies in my stomach, partly from nervousness and partly from excitement. I wasn’t sure what was going to happened but I knew I was ready to learn. Fifteen minutes had went by and I knocked on his door. He told me to enter and when I opened the door, he was sitting on the bed, leaning against the headboard with his hair wet and slowly stroking his cock. Besides his cock, the two things that stood out the most were his barrel chest which was covered in thick, short, kinky, curly hair and his size 18 feet sticking straight up.

Uncle Pete already had a good rhythm going as his hand moved up and down. He directed me, “Come on over here Britt. I want you to sit down right here in front of me and watch.”

When I sat down, he stopped jerking it and put both hands to his sides on the bed giving me a great view of his cock. That is when I noticed how huge it was. It was laying on his stomach past his belly button and was as big around as my wrist! It also had a huge thick protruding vein that ran up underneath it all the way to his head.

“Wow! It looks really big. How big is it?” I asked in amazement.

“It’s almost 10 inches,” he answered proudly.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. It just had so much girth and was so hard. It was the first penis I had seen in real life. I really wanted to touch it but I was too shy to ask.

He put his hand back on the shaft and started to stroke it again while I watched him completely mesmerized. That is when I noticed his head would disappear every time he slid his hand upward. I was confused when I asked, “Why does the head disappear like that. Does that happen to all guys?”

Uncle Pete’s eyebrows showed me that he was the one now confused, then it dawned on him, “Oh, that. I’m uncircumcised, so I have this extra skin around it. It’s called foreskin,” as he demonstrated sliding it up real slow until the head disappeared once again. He added, “It depends on the family’s religion and background whether they have it cut off at birth.”

I had obviously heard of circumcision and foreskin but I had no idea what that all meant and now I did. Uncle Pete spread his legs further apart and started jacking himself again. His eyes were glued to me as he sped up his pace. I watched his hand go up and down on his fat cock and I was getting moist in my pussy. He was pointing it straight up with his elbow outward.

“Take your shirt off Britt. Let me see your boobs in your bra,” Uncle Pete requested.

I pulled my hoodie off over my head when he then directed, “Now squeeze your boobs together.”

I squeezed them together like I was wearing a push-up bra, showing a huge amount of cleavage and asked, “Like this?”

“Oh yea, baby. Just like that. Get ready Britt. Almost there ... yes ... almost ... augghhh!” grunted Uncle Pete as he continued to concentrate on my breasts.

Like a bolt, a big glob of cum flew from the hole and landed on his hairy chest. He continued to groan and each time he stroked his cock another wad of sperm would spurt out and land on his stomach and pubic hair. His face was contorted and his large forearm flexed the entire time as he jerked out the remaining mess all over himself. The last amount just kind of oozed out and slid down the side of his shaft and over top the back of his hand. Uncle Pete was now breathing hard as he held still.

It was so hot seeing all this thick cum sticking to his body hairs and hand. There were a few puddles of cum that were so thick, it looked like somebody had thrown some raw oysters on him.

I crinkled my nose with fascination and had questions when I asked him, “You’re cum is so thick. Is there always that much? Is everybody’s like that?”

Uncle Pete was starting to get his composure again when he responded, “I can’t speak for others but mine is usually real thick like this, especially if I haven’t ejaculated in a long time. Also when your aunt and I first married, we saw a fertility specialist and I was diagnosed with a high sperm count which might have something to do with it but I’m not sure.”

Uncle Pete was being truthful because he had 5 children and that was proof enough his cum was very potent. He asked me to get him a wash cloth so he could clean himself off. It took several minutes as he picked the clumpy slime from his hairs. It was nasty and erotic at the same time.

I put my hoodie back on and went to my room and masturbated to the visual of my uncle blowing his huge load all over himself. The next morning was Sunday and I awoke to my cell phone buzzing. It was Uncle Pete telling me to come down to his room. When I went in, he told me to lock the door as he laid there with his huge feet and calves protruding from under the blanket and his barrel chest sticking out over the top of it. In the middle, his erection transformed the blanket into a tent. He grabbed the covering and whipped it off quickly, exposing his large fat cock pointing toward the ceiling.

“You see what you do to me. I have thought about you all night, girl. I was hoping today, you can take care of it for me,” Uncle Pete urged.

I asked, “You want to watch me again while you jack off?”

“No hon, I want you to do it for me. I am so hard and I think you can get the practice you’re gonna need by doing it for me” he answered. He then patted the bed beside himself and encouraged me, “Come sit Britt and you can do it from right here beside me.”

I was nervous but excited. I wanted to touch his dick. Even though I had rubbed my boyfriend’s much smaller hard on through his pants, I hadn’t touched one in real life and was now ready and anxious. I sat down beside my uncle and while we were side by side, I reached down and took hold of his hard on. I couldn’t believe how thick it was and even though it was rock hard, it felt like an over-sized sausage. My small hand only fit about half way around it. I moved my hand up and down, stroking his cock, hoping he was pleased.

“Like this?” I asked.

He squinted he eyes in pleasure then directed me, “Grip it a little tighter.” I squeezed tighter, then he said, “A little more. I like it real tight.” I squeezed really tight and he approved, “Yea girl, just like that. That’s perfect.”

I was gripping so tight, his foreskin was sliding up and down over the head like I had seen previously. Uncle Pete leaned back and was enjoying my hand job when he ordered me, “Go faster.”

I sped up my stroking and asked, “Does it feel good?”

“Oh yea it does. Keep going. I’m gettin close ... just like that ... Ooooo, yea ... keep going ... keep going,” he pointed and continued, “Suck my nipple. Suck it!”

I never stopped pumping his cock as I leaned in and wrapped my lips around his hard nipple. I sucked it like a baby does a bottle hoping it was how he liked it.”

My mouth was making that sucking sound when Uncle Pete groaned out loud, “Auuggghhh. I’m cummin! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!”

I pulled my mouth off his nipple just in time to see him again shoot cum up all over his chest and stomach. His hips thrusted upward with every spurt. I kept stroking until the squirting had stopped. I couldn’t believe how much there was again just after shooting a large amount the day before. I commented to Uncle Pete, “Oh my god. You were right. I can’t believe how much and how thick it is again when you just came yesterday.”

“I told ya. Your Uncle Pete can’t get enough. When I was your age, I used to cum three times a day. It just feels so good and help relaxes me,” he informed me in third person.

Nothing happened the next day but the day after that, he texted me and told me that he needed to speak with me. I went in his room about 11:30 after my parents were in bed. He had me jack him off again while sitting on the bed sucking his nipples. We actually did that about two or three more evenings but I can’t remember for sure. I do remember I used lotion to jerk it the last time and sure enough, Uncle Pete spewed that familiar large amount each time.

On that next Saturday it was my sixteenth birthday. Uncle Pete texted me, and this time he came to my room. It was late afternoon and my parents were out of the house getting my party ready. He was standing there with a towel wrapped around his waist. He greeted me with a smile, “Hey sweetie. Happy birthday. I’m so horny right now. We can give each other a present. Let’s do it a little different today. Do you know what a prostate gland is?”

I was in health class but I was clueless when I answered, “No, not really. I’ve heard of it though.”

“Well it’s a gland inside a man’s anus. It helps with peeing and cumming and it feels good when it is stimulated, kinda like inside a girl. I want you to massage that while we are doing it today. I’ll show you what I want.”

I was curious and if he thought it would make his orgasm feel even better, I wanted to do it for him. He directed me to sit on my bed. I was wearing a pair of shorts, and a tank top, with bare feet. I was sitting and leaning against my head board with my legs together, straight out in front of me. Uncle Pete dropped his towel and his half hard cock just dangled there between his legs. He got on his knees over-top me, straddling my legs, facing away from me. He backed up and because he is so tall, his large butt was almost against my chest.

Before he gave another direction, he took hold of my feet that were now directly under him and commented, “Dang Britt, I never realized you had such cute feet. They are really adorable. I love the glitter purple toe nail polish.” Then he urged me, “Lick your finger and stick in me. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt me.”

I was hesitant at first but I was excited to explore new things. I licked my first finger and cautiously slipped it into his asshole before he corrected me, “No, use your middle finger so it will go in deeper.”

I pulled out that finger and licked my middle finger and inserted it with my palms down and buried it in his rectum until the back of my surrounding knuckles were pressed up against his cheeks.

“Yea, girl. Just like that. Now move it in and out,” he encouraged.

I thrusted my finger in and out while Uncle Pete groaned in pleasure. He was jerking himself off while I did this. His ass was tight and warm and it made me think of what a pussy might feel like. He ordered me to go quicker and when I did, he moved his ass back and forth to meet my finger every time I plunged it back in. He became more vocal before he bent down and put my toes in his mouth. He was mumbling faster while he sucked my toes like he was now the infant. His movement became erratic, he raised up and as he bellowed, he jerked his shooting cum all over my legs and feet. I couldn’t see it but I could feel the warmth plopping down on my skin. My finger was pushed in his butt as far as I could get it in and with each ejaculation, I could feel his rectum muscles contract around it. I got this tingly feeling inside my vagina and I believe this is when I developed my love for anal sex.

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Nashe Me Uncle Ne Choda

Hi indian sex stories dot net friends mera naam puja kaur hai or m punjab ki rehne wali hu . Mere ghar me mere alawa mere mummy papa, mera bada bhai or meri dadi rehte hai , mere papa or mummy dono private company me job karte hai or mera bhai delhi se btech kar rha hai wo whi per hostal me rehta hai . Me abhi 12th class me padhti hu or dikhne me sundar hu thodi helthi hu per moti nhi hu . Mera figure hai 34,30,32 or height 5 ft 4 inch. Mere boobs ka size noraml se thoda sa zada hai wo shayad...

4 years ago
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Maine Uncle Se Chut Ki Seal Tudvai

Hello friends mera naam rajni hai lekin sabhi payar se mujhe rani bulate hain. Maine bahut si kahania padi hai bahut si sites pe aaj main aapni kahani aap sab se shere karna chahti hoon.Main 38 sall ki hoon aur married hoon mere do bache hain. Mera fig hai 38 36 38. Ye baat tab ki hai jab main 12vi class main thi. ( 18 years old) Main aligarh main aapni mom aur papa ke sath rent pe rehti thi. Mere mom and dad dono hi job karte the. Meri ek badi sister thi jo ki bachpan se hi mere mama ke pass...

3 years ago
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Shimla Mein Uncle Ne Liya Maza

Hi friends this is ishita again,thanks for your response for my previous story “My Surprise Birthday Gift” and encouragement to write my next story…as requested by you guys i will write this story in both English and hindi This is about the incident that happened between me and my uncle,who is my dad friend and used to visit our home regularly,he is like a family friend.Uncle is handsome and strong person around 35 age,he is a single unmarried guy used to stay with his mom,he always was not...

1 year ago
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A Job With Uncle Bob

This material is not for persons under the age of 18. It contains scenes of a sexual explicit nature. If you do not want to read such material, then STOP NOW AND GO AWAY. Otherwise read and enjoy A Job With Uncle Bob by Dr. Kelp Part 1 Paul, the youngest son of poor farming parents, was not cut out for life in the country. His older brother was now taking over the farm from his aging father. Paul on the other hand, was slight of build, effeminate even, and in times gone...

2 years ago
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Tamil Lungi Wala Uncle Kay Saath Gay Sex In Chennai

Main chennai mai job kartaa hoon vaisay main Delhi ka hoon mujay chennai mai aakar 3 saal ho chukay hai thodi bhout tamil bhi Aati hay Yah meri real story hai agar pasand aaye tou mail karnaa Yah ghatnaa last month ki hay Mai night show movie dekhnay gaya tamil movie teeMovie suru hui mere movie hall full taa movie bhi achchi tee mujay tamil movie dekh naa bhout pasand hai. Pass EK mature uncle ki seat tee jo thoda mota or rang thoda sawlaa taa age mere khayal se lagbhag 40 ke aas paas hogi jab...

3 years ago
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My Seal Broken By My Uncle 8211 Part I

Hi readers of ISS, I am hallowin (nick name for this site). I am 40 year old man and I like having sex with younger girls and ladies. I am from Pune, I am healthy and gym going person and have well build body. I would like to share one story of my girlfriend who is very frank to me and tells me everything, we also chat about sex and enjoy sex too. I have 7 inches long cock. I will keep your identity confidential. I will narrate this story as told by her to me. Now about her, she was 19 year old...

4 years ago
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Uncle Gary

My first and most prominent memory with Uncle Gary was when I was atoddler. I had to be barely three years old. It wasn't so much that Iremembered Uncle Gary, but because of what I remember, I can't imagine itbeing any other man or father figure that was present in my life.My parents, my aunts, and my uncles all lived in my grandparents' home.Typical Korean culture. It was an extremely old house that was probablybuilt before the city was first founded close to fifty years ago. It had...

2 years ago
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Uncle Fucked Mom To Satisfaction

I and mom stay in Mumbai, Dad works abroad and visits only once a year, Mom is originally from west Bengal where hottest of hottest women stay ( In west bengal ) and mom was very sexy and very fair which most of the women in west bengal are sexy. As Dad was abroad, Dad used to send us lot of money so there was no problem financially and mom was not working, I was doing my engineering. We lived in an apartment in mumbai, the dressing sense of mom was quite provocative, usually she wears a saree...

2 years ago
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Her Fucking Uncle

Cindy had just gotten back from school – barely through the door, in fact – when the sight of her uncle soured her day. “Oh, welcome home, pumpkin.” her father said. “Uncle Jeremy just got here and we're having coffee in a minute. Would you like some?”“No.” she said coldly and strode up the stairs to her room, glaring at her uncle as she passed him.He was a scrawny, yucky man. He dressed in dirty slacks and didn't bother to groom his hair properly. And, god, he said the most inappropriate...

3 years ago
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Uncle Buck

It was a warm Indian summer day in mid-September, 1973. My mother's firstcousin was getting married and it was a tradition in her culture that thewomen in the family were to prepare the hall for the wedding reception. Themen would come to the reception later. It seemed to be a silly tradition tome, and even sillier as I was dragged with my mother to help with the hallpreparations. My brothers k**ded me about it all day calling me one of thegirls.As I sipped on my Coke I stared around the hall...

3 years ago
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Uncles Sissy Bitch Part 1

Chapter 1My name is David. I am 18 years old and just finishing high school. I live with my mom in a small apartment. We struggle a bit as my mom has had problems in the past and my dad’s not around and never has been. I don’t know anything about him my dad and I don’t want to.Mom works really hard, holding down two jobs to make ends meet. She works in a local store during the day and a late night diner most evenings. It means that I fend for myself most of the time which is fine. Sometimes I...

1 year ago
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My Naive Indian Mom Seduced By Cunning Uncle 8211 Part 2

In the previous installment, mom was seduced and tricked by the uncle to have sex with him. He had fucked her in the kitchen. After getting fucked, mom went to her bedroom and uncle followed her. I heard uncle closing the door behind him. Our flat had one balcony. This balcony was on the outside of my room and my parents’ room. It was only accessible from my parents’ room but I could climb out of my window to access the balcony. We used the balcony to dry clothes and the balcony also had some...

3 years ago
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bagal wale ghar me buddhe uncle

Hello doston main Sameer wapas aa gya apni nayi kahani ke saath. Is se pehle bhi main 2 kahani likh chuka hoon. Aap author me jaake cuteboy6 pe jaake wo kahaniyan padh sakte hain.Ye baat hai jab main chachi ke ghar gya tha vacation pe. Chachi ke bagal wale ghar me ek buddhe uncle rehte the akele. Wo pass ke hi government school me principal hain.Unki umar kuch 54 saal hogi. Height 5?10 aur weight 75 kilo ke aas pass hain. Rang gora hai uncle ka aur pet bahar nikla hai. Chhati pe baal hai white...

2 years ago
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Arousing Sex With Unclersquos Wife In Her Bedroo

Hello dear readers…..I am from Gujarat…I don’t want to tell who am i? Because here no one gives their real identity…I just say you I am 30 years old, 5”6 heights and slightly fair have good looking face and physically well fit …before starting the story I just want to say read full story and be passion in this story because this one is not a fake story, It’s a real life incidence which I am going to tell you… First I want to tell you I am a big fan of ISS and I read the entire story especially...

4 years ago
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Arousing Sex With Uncle8217s Wife In Her Bedroom

Hello dear readers…..I am from Gujarat…I don’t want to tell who am i? Because here no one gives their real identity…I just say you I am 30 years old, 5”6 heights and slightly fair have good looking face and physically well fit …before starting the story I just want to say read full story and be passion in this story because this one is not a fake story, It’s a real life incidence which I am going to tell you… First I want to tell you I am a big fan of ISS and I read the entire story especially...

1 year ago
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Fun With Uncle And His Friends

Hello All, I hope you all are doing great,Well I am back again with new recent incident,,but before that let me introduce my self to all who are going to read this incident. I am Gomi Patel, I am 26 from India, Gujarat state, Ahemdabad city. My stats is 36 29 39 and I am very fair in complexion, Please read the incident and tell me how was it at gomigpatel4u at yahoo in. To ye incident kuch is tarah se hua. Sunday morning ko papa ka phone aya aur wo bole ke sab rat ko karib 11 baje wapas...

1 year ago
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Uncle Charlie finally has both his sister and his

"Hello Uncle Charlie. Hi this is Tiffany. Are you by chance going up to your cabin this weekend?" "Great! Do you think I could come up and spend the weekend." "No nothings wrong, I just feel a bit burned out. I figured a weekend without the phone or friends would recharge my batteries." "You still call me baby girl after all these years." "Thanks Uncle Charlie, you're the best." I hung up the phone and smiled as I lay back on my bed. I had planned this moment for months. I thought back to the...

1 year ago
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Mom and Uncle Arif

Well folks Im Mohammed and Im 23 and from Dhaka, we live in a flat and my family consists of me and my mother. My moms name is Lily and we are muslim and she is 58 years old but I must say she does not look her age. She is very fair and 5 feet tall, 60kgs and a bit bulky with a big ass and breasts. She is damn cute and beautiful, even now when she goes to the market people stare at her, but she is very modest and very strict. Now we stay in a building with two flats on a floor, and the person...

1 year ago
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Mom Permission To Uncle To Deflower Me

Hi Smita, this is Kavya telling you my first incident which happened because of other women and you will surprise to know who the other woman was. I will tell you with my story and you will come to know. We stay in Jogeshwari E in one bedroom flat. Yes we were and are a middle class family. Father burdened with loan because he was partner with one of his long distant cousin brother who died in an accident and We had our difficulty financially I had another cousin uncle who happens to be my...

4 years ago
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Uncle Ne Bhi Laga Diya Mere

Hello friends, mera naam hai ashu main 24 years ki hu or panjab ki rehane wali hu ,mere ghar me papa mummy meri sister annu 22 or bhai vicky 20 hai . Mera gora hai or figure 36 26 34 hai . Maine engineering ki hai so friends main apani story per aati hu ye baat hai last year ki jab maine 1year training ki thi dehli ntpc se , to maine rent per room liya faridabad me to main first day gayi join karne to mujhe pata chala ki mujhe amit naam ke uncle ko report k liye bola gaya to main chali gayi...

2 years ago
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My bisexual Uncle

My uncle grabbed me and pulled my face to his. We kissed deeply with him kissing and licking away his cum from my face. He shared his cum from his own tongue as our tongues entwined in our mouths. We finally went to just pecking at each others lips as he held me. Hi, my name is Kay and most just calls me K. I am a married 50-year-old mom from the Midwestern United States. I live a secret life as most have no idea of my kinky past nor of the present fun, I am having. I would like to share some...

3 years ago
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Maa Ko Uncle Ka Sath Dekha

Hi friends mai iss ka regular reader hu mera name charan hai hmari family ma 5 log hai mom dad me my bro n my little sister. My mom is 35 year old she is slim n fair in colour her height is 5feet 3inch my her hairs are very long near about 4feet 5 inch and mom ko hairs khuleh rakhna bohat passand hai vo kulleh hairs ma bohat sunder lagti hai this is about my mom. Its my first story please give your response at my email id . Yeh story aaj sa 2 sal pehle ki hai jab mai apne school ka dosto ka...

2 years ago
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Sherry Goes Bowling with her Uncle Strikes

My uncle was a whole lot of fun. I was almost 18 and a frisky pretty thing: nice boobs, a slender figure, I kept my blondish hair trimmed short and whenever he visited we would do our little wrestling and tickling game. Then he would have a few beers, lounge around and talk with my parents. He was a nice looking older man and deep inside I wondered what it would be like to “be” with an older, more mature man…so I had my little girl fantasies but I wasn’t all that little any more. Besides,...

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Chapter 4 summer fun at Uncle Steves

I was so horny all the time, and he knew it. The thought of him touching me got me super hot. I spent every night masturbating to the thought of him. I wished we could replay that day when he played with my pussy, and made me cum. The thought of him touching my little clit and pussy, made me ache with urges I have never felt. And that orgasm he gave me, was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. Every night I caught myself fantasizing about what his big, beautiful cock would feel like....

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Becoming my dads and Uncles Girl part

This is not a true story and this is a gay taboo over 18 stories.Hi my name is Monty Dell well its Monica when I’m around my dad Adam and my uncle Alex and this how a 19 year old guy become sexy girl because of the why I look and sound but let me tell you more about me and my family.I was born with a rear hair disorder that means I can’t grow body hair or facial hair and the hair on my head that grows really long like girls hair and as I grew up I started of looking like boy then my facial...

1 year ago
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Uncle and I

We live in a rural area of the state where everyone lives a t a leisurely pace. No rushing as we do our daily living. I am home from college for the summer and an enjoying time off from my studies.Aunt Jo and uncle John have come to visit us for a week. Aunt Jo is mom’s sister and they have come to visit us and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of rural living. Today mom and aunt Jo are going to go shopping in a bigger city a couple hours drive. They will be gone all day and probably not be...

3 years ago
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Uncle And I

Hey lovable readers I will bring you the latest of story stuff and will keep on publishing here. All the stories I will publish will b purely fictional and won’t b resemblance to any person. Have fun reading it and do reply me on stiefler_007_for_lovely_girls We live in a rural area of the state where everyone lives a t a leisurely pace. No rushing as we do our daily living. I am home from college for the summer and an enjoying time off from my studies. Aunt Jo and Uncle John have come to visit...

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Uncle loves Mom

Hi! Here is Vivek from Nagpur wants to tell u the true incident.In my family I have my Dad and Mom. Everything was alright and fine. Things were going smoothly. We lives in a building and Dad works in a private company as senior supervisor and I am completing my graduation. My Dad is a nice being but was always rude to my mom, because of this my mom got very irritating attitude towards me , She was also very jealous regarding to our neighbors.Now the story is about my mother Jyoti who is a...

2 years ago
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Uncle ne ki mom ki chudai

My self happy from Ludhiana. Doing job in a mnc. This is the real story of my mother fucked by my neighbor uncle. I regularly read stories from iss. When I see mom with uncle I become very upset but after some time I thought my father may be not satisfying her completely. My mom is 40 yrs old , little bit fat, bigggg boobs and very sexy ass. My uncle is good friend of my dad so he can come to our house anytime. So nobody in our street think that something is going wrong between Ashok uncle and...

1 year ago
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My Uncle Who I Cant Refuse

My uncle owned acres of farmland in Wales near the coast. When we were young we'd occasionally stay at his for a few nights holiday with my Dad and my Mum. On my dad's brother's land was lots of trees and forestry parts great for climbing and making hide-outs, which was great for me as a little girl. I always enjoyed staying with Uncle Geoff.Now as a freshly grown adult, and at 20 just out of my teen years I had decided to head back to Uncle Geoff's farm for some peace and quiet over the month...

2 years ago
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Reddy Uncle Ki Rakhel

Main us waqt mumbai mein kaam karta tha, woh saal 2005 tha, mein 35th floor pe rehta tha, us floor pe sifr do flats occupied the, ek mera aur dusra tha reddy uncle ka, mein toh akela rehta tha, so us floor pe agar koi aur aata toh woh reddy uncle ke ghar he aata. mera yaha koi kabaar he aata tha. Aate toh mere kuch dost. Toh woh 35th floor ko jo passage tha woh ek tarah se reddy uncle ne aaram karne ke liye apni personal space jaisa rakha tha. Passage ko balcony thi, so woh waha apni aaram...

Gay Male
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Didi Ko Chudwaya Uncle Se

Hi firends mera naam puja hai m abhi 10th class me padti hu , mere ghar me mere alava mere mummy hi rehte hai , meri badi behan ka naam rahi hai or unki 1 saal pehle sadi ho chuki hai , unki age 23 saal hai . Or fig 34 28 36 hai or dikhne me bohot sundar hai . Jeans top me to didi bohot mast lagti hai . Mere papa ki kafi time pehle hi on duty accedent me deth ho gai thi jiski wajha se unki jagha meri mummy ko govt job mil gai thi , ye baat kuch din pehle ki hai jab mere didi ghar per aaye hue...

1 year ago
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My Seal Broken By My Uncle Part II

Dear ISS readers, in part I, I have told you about sex experience of my friend Anita as she has narrated to me. I am writing here my part II about how uncle fucked her. I am Hallowin (nick name for this site). I am male from Pune, any ladies and girls from Pune can email me on Nisha started working on Uncles cock and sucking it wildly, uncle stopped her and lifted her and started kissing her passionately. Uncle: oh Nisha, you are such a good sucker, I know it will be a great fun to fuck...

1 year ago
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Her Fucking Uncle 2 The Plot Dickens

(har dee har) Cindy hadn't been able to sleep right for the past two days. A couple of nights ago her uncle Jeremy had barged into her room and threatened her with making a move on her sister Rebecka. Cindy had agreed to “take care” of him instead and... well, she'd ended up sucking his dick and getting the most earth-shaking orgasms of her life from his tongue. She was repulsed by her uncle, of course. He was a meager, scrawny man, with no class or style. He was overall creepy, and he had...

3 years ago
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Kelly's Unclebykinkyangel©Kelly wrapped the robe around her body and then turned to give herself a thorough investigation on the full length mirror. The robe was made of a gauzy, almost see- through fabric and it contrasted wonderfully with her pale skin. Which made the robe even more special, was the deep V that dipped between her full, firm breasts and the hem, which hit her way above her mid-thigh, barely covering her round butt cheeks.Leaning forward, Kelly studied the way her breasts...

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