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Psychology 101 Section D (Dr. Samuels)
Semester Project Journal
Nadine Murphy
Monday 9/25 8:13 PM
Well, Dr. Samuels liked my project proposal. When I got the paper back in class today, he'd written "I like it! Creative thinking!" across the top in big red letters. I don't think I've ever gotten that positive a response from a teacher before. This is exciting! If this goes as well as I think I'll probably decide to major in psychology.
Anyway, this document is the required project journal, in which I'll be recording my findings. Of course, Dr. Samuels told us clearly in class today that this was not a diary; we were only supposed to be recording our project results. So technically, this whole paragraph shouldn't be here. But that's the beauty of computers; I'll just edit this out at the end of the semester before I turn it in. In the meantime I'll write whatever I damn well please.
My semester-long project for Psychology 101 is an investigation of the state of the art in computer simulation of human psychology. I'll be using a program called SimFolks, which will allow me to create a number of simulated characters and watch them interact in a simulated real-world setting.
My God, I can't believe I actually made it my project to play a COMPUTER GAME! This has to be one of the greatest coups of all time! I wonder how jealous all the boys in the class would be if they knew that a girl was going to be playing a computer game all semester and getting credit for it. Don't they wish they could do a semester project on one of their macho bullshit games like Quake or something. Ha!
Okay, I have to get serious. My first simulation is of a married couple. The husband, Bob, is a stockbroker. He's about thirty, tall and dark-haired. His wife Cindy is a pretty brunette who works as a schoolteacher. I've built them a nice little house in the suburbs, complete with a white picket fence. To top it all off, they have a pair of kids: a six-year old boy, Robert, Jr.; and a three-year-old girl, Julie.
[Side note: Am I projecting myself into this a bit much? Maybe. Okay, I'll admit it's my dream to have a nice house in the suburbs with a handsome, rich husband and a pair of kids. But so what? I still want to have a career. Okay, I admit that schoolteacher is a bit on the traditional side, but it's still a perfectly honorable way to make a living, isn't it?]
[Okay, fine. I've changed it; Cindy is now a banker. Jesus, it's not like it's important anyway; the point is to examine the psychology of these people as a family; it doesn't matter where they spend their workdays. I'm not Cindy, and I think I have a pretty good grip on that concept.]
I've run the simulation through one day of sim-time. These people seem to require a fair bit of attention. I'd hoped when I first started this that they'd take care of their various needs on their own, but that turns out not to be the case. I have to tell them how to do almost every damn little thing. I have to tell them when to eat, when to sleep, when to go to the bathroom (and damn, it isn't pretty when you forget that one.) I realize now I should have started off with just a single character rather than a family of four, but I'm not giving up on these people now; I've got too much time invested in them already.
Anyway, I got them through the day more or less in one piece. I had to get them dressed in the morning -- Bob in a jacket and tie and Cindy in a power suit. The kids were easier; T-shirts and shorts. I tried to have Cindy cook breakfast, but it was a disaster; burnt toast and runny eggs. So I had her throw it all out and I fed them these instant-meal things that were in the fridge. Everyone ate, and the two car-pools and the school bus arrived simultaneously.
Everyone came home in the evening, and things were no less hectic as I tried to get them to eat dinner. I forgot to send little Bobby to the bathroom at the right time, and was rewarded with a nice puddle on the floor. When I finally got that cleaned up that and the everyone fed, it was already bedtime. I put the family to bed, saved the game, and shut it down. I don't have the energy to do another day tonight. I'll give it a run tomorrow.
Monday 10/2 7:55 PM
My parents called tonight, complaining again about how unsafe it was for me to be living alone in an off-campus apartment. Nothing new; we've only had this argument about a dozen times. I told them again that I'm nineteen years old, I'm a sophomore in college, and I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. First, of course, they asked me to move back into the dorms. I explained again (very patiently, I thought) that I was sick and tired of living in a closet-sized room with another person, and that I'd gotten quite enough of dorm life during my freshman year. Then they came back to the old why-don't-you-live-with-a- roommate line of questioning. There I was on shakier ground. I told them that I really preferred to live alone and have my evenings to myself so I could study undisturbed. I tried to emphasize that last bit.
They don't know the real reason I live alone, of course. The real reason's name is Brad. We met last spring in sociology class and... well, let's just say we got very friendly. He's an absolute dream -- handsome, intelligent, strong. He's majoring in Economics, so he'll probably also end up being very rich. That's not why I'm attracted to him, of course, but still, it makes it very easy to see myself married to him.
Mom and Dad don't know about him. It's not that they wouldn't approve of him. He's clean-cut, well-mannered, and very pleasant to be around. It's just that if they knew about him, they might begin to suspect that he's the reason I'm living alone. Which is, of course, the case. Speaking of which, he's coming over at nine, so if I want to get this journal caught up to date tonight I'd better do it now.
I haven't made a journal entry in the past week because I've been spending all my project time just trying to get the knack of caring for the sims. But I think I've got it. I can now have the family prepare a meal, get dressed, and get to the potty on time. I've been efficient enough to work in some family activities, too -- some conversations, some playing with the kids, and some TV viewing.
Tonight, after putting the kids to bed, I sent Bob and Cindy to bed and had them make love. It was actually quite nice. They got undressed and crawled into bed. I didn't get to watch the actual act, though; it was obscured by a large pink heart that rolled slowly back and forth over the bed. I guess the game had to keep a PG rating.
Speaking of making love, the doorbell just rang, so I'll have to close this entry now.
Wednesday 10/11 11:14 PM
I was in the middle of running through another day with the family this evening. The whole thing has become kind of boring. I've added in some neighbors and had the family socialize with them. That relieves the monotony somewhat, but it's still basically just the same thing every day -- they wake up, go to work, come home, eat, relieve themselves and talk, and occasionally Cindy and Bob have sex. But that's it. That's the extent of their computer-generated lives.
I tried to liven things up by having Cindy change careers and become a fashion model. Sounds weird, huh? Well, yeah, that's what I always wanted to be when I was growing up. And I've been told I have the looks for it, too. I even did a few jobs in high school for advertisements and things. But my family was more interested in me going to college and getting an education, so I gave it up. I guess I figured Cindy should have the life I never got to live.
But I digress. In the middle of dinner this evening (Sim dinner, of course), my computer just froze. Everything just sat there, the family in the middle of the meal. I couldn't fucking believe it. And I'd just spent two hours babysitting them through another day. Rebooting the machine would have erased all that and screwed my project up royally. I tried everything I could think of, but the game stayed frozen and I couldn't get back to Windows. So I did the only thing I could think of: I went to ask Irwin for help.
Irwin lives across the hall from me. Actually, we're down at the very end of the hall, where it takes a sharp turn, so our doors are out of sight from the main hall. It's more like a little alcove, really. I think our apartments used to be one big apartment, but they got chopped apart at some point. Anyway, Irwin is this nebbishy guy who looks like he's somewhere between thirty and forty. Thick glasses. He's kind of creepy, really. Before tonight I'd never spoken to him aside from a polite hello in the hallway; I only knew his name from his mailbox. But I knew he was into computers, and I was desperate, so I went and knocked on his door.
When he answered I started to regret it. He was looking at me in this really disturbing way. I get a lot of looks from guys (I told you I have the looks for modeling), and frankly, in most cases I like it. But this was more than a little disturbing. I fought through it, though, and asked him to come over and look at my computer.
He did, and he managed to fix it. Somehow he managed to get back out to Windows, where he brought up a few menus, all the time muttering "Stupid piece of Microsoft crap" and stabbing intently at the keyboard. But it wasn't long before the game popped up and started running again, with the family still in the middle of dinner.
I thanked him profusely, because he'd just saved me from the several hours of drudgery I would have had to spend re-living an entire day of sim-life. Unfortunately, he took my thanks as a license to start talking about anything he wanted. He's a system administrator for a local ISP and he sees that sort of problem all the time, blah blah blah, and I really should learn to use Linux and yadda yadda yadda. Still, I thought it would be rude to shove him off after he'd helped me, so I sat there and listened, nodding politely from time to time.
Once he looked back at the screen, though, he became enraptured by the game, and started asking me all sorts of questions about it. Apparently he'd never seen it. Made no sense to me; I knew more than a few people who've played SimFolks, and none of my friends are really all that into computers, so I figured a hardcore geek like him would certainly have heard of the game. But he hadn't, so I sat down and patiently explained it to him. He kept peppering me with questions, so I showed him how everything works, and explained how I'm doing a psychology project with it.
He asked if he could watch me play for awhile, and although I didn't really want him to, I thought it would be rude to refuse. Anyway, I wanted to stay on his good side in case I needed his help again. So I played through the rest of the day, answering his occasional questions about the game and my characters. One nice side effect of him being so interested in the game was that he was no longer staring at me in that creepy way.
After I finished the game day and exited the program, he left with very little fuss. It was quite a relief; I'd expected him to try to hang around longer and bore me with his computer knowledge.
In other news (i.e., irrelevant to the project), Mom and Dad called this evening. Thankfully they had nothing to say about my living arrangements this time, but they did tell me that they were running low on cash and that they might not be able to provide me with spending money this semester. My little sister Tiffany has already had to get a job to earn her own spending money, and my parents are asking me to do the same. I feel sorry for Tiff, because I would have hated to have to spend ten hours a week working during my senior year of high school. I feel even worse for myself because I really don't want to spend any less time with Brad. Looks like it'll have to be that way, though. I hope he understands.
Time for bed. Brad is studying late tonight, so I'm sleeping alone.
Thursday 10/12 5:30 PM
I had a brief encounter with Irwin again. I was leaving the building this morning to get to class and bumped into him as he was coming in. He smiled when he saw me. "Look what I just got, Nadine!" he grinned, holding up a plastic bag from the local computer store. Inside I could see a SimFolks box.
I suppose he was looking for some camaraderie, so I gave him a thumbs-up sign and said "Ah, SimFolks. Don't get addicted!" He laughed, making sort of an insane cackling sound as I walked off. I gave him a wave, just in the spirit of being friendly, trying not to let my face show that I thought he was a nut job. Who the hell goes shopping at nine in the morning?
Thursday 10/19 11:08 PM
Irwin knocked on my door last night just as I was getting ready for bed. He looked worn-out, but he seemed really excited. He started talking about how he could link my computer up to his network. Yes, apparently this guy has not just one computer, but an actual network in his apartment. What a geek. Anyway, he started babbling on about how it would just be a matter of drilling a hole in the wall between our apartments and putting a network card in my computer, which he had lying around anyway, and blah blah blah.
I was tired and just wanted to get to sleep, so I tried to hurry the conversation up by asking him what the point of all that would be. He started going on about how I could always have Internet access without tying up my phone line. That didn't sound like a bad idea, but hardly exciting enough to be worth allowing him to do God-knows-what with my computer. I started trying to explain this to him, but he kept going on. I was really just about on the verge of kicking him out, politeness be damned, when he mentioned that networking our computers would also allow our SimFolks to interact with each other.
That got my attention. Frankly, I've been having a hard time keeping up my interest in Bob and Cindy these last few weeks. It's like their lives are just one big continuous loop -- the same thing every day, with only minor variations. Sure, they occasionally visit friends, and sometimes they go for a picnic or something, but nothing really new happens. As an experiment in psychology it's staring to look like a dud.
So my interest was actually piqued by Irwin's suggestion. Maybe the problem is that I'm the only person creating characters for my family to interact with. Maybe Irwin's characters will be different and provide a spark of newness that I'm not getting. Yeah, I admit I'm a little nervous about this. Given what a weirdo he is, it's entirely possible that all his characters are psycho or something. I don't know if one character can kill another, but if it's possible for a player to make a deranged serial-killer character, Irwin is the guy who can do it.
But I have to try something or my project is going to be a flop. So I told Irwin sure, no problem, you can do it, but not tonight. He thanked me and told me I wouldn't regret it. Right, whatever.
Tuesday 10/24 9:45 PM
Irwin came over and installed the networking stuff in my computer last night. He came over with a drill and put a small hole in the corner behind my computer. I'm a little nervous about that; I don't think the super would approve. But Irwin seems to know what he's doing, so I decided to let him do it.
Brad showed up while this was going on. I introduced them, and being the polite, charming guy that he is, Brad shook Irwin's hand. Irwin, on the other hand, seemed less than warm toward Brad, looking him up and down in an almost confrontational manner. I was a little worried, but Brad's not the type to pick a fight, so everything was okay. I suppose Irwin must have a bit of a crush on me. Ah, such is life. Nothing that hasn't happened to me before.
Anyway, Brad and I spent an hour on the couch, talking and cuddling while Irwin opened my computer up and installed the network stuff. After that, he booted the machine, installed some software from a few CD-ROMs and told me I was all hooked up. I thanked him again as he started explaining how I could check my email now and how to access his SimFolks files. He told me I had to leave the computer on all the time now, which is okay with me since electricity is included in my rent anyway.
Irwin kept talking and talking, though, about all this geek stuff like bandwidth and ping times, and I didn't understand or care about any of it. I tried to listen and be polite, but I really just wanted to get him out of there so I could spend time with Brad. I think I was a bit rude when I finally told him to leave. He clammed right up and stormed out. I felt immediately guilty, but I didn't bother going to apologize to him right then. I really just wanted to spend some time with Brad. And I did. It was very good, not that that's any of your business.
I was at school late this evening studying for an English midterm. I don't have time to do a SimFolks run tonight, and I'm definitely too tired to go apologize to Irwin right now. I'll do it tomorrow. And while I'm taking to him, maybe I can ask him what's going on with my monitor. It's just recently started looking different. The image sort of flickers a bit. It's tough to put a finger on what exactly is different about it, but there's definitely something going on. It's giving me a bit of a headache. Well, it's time for bed, anyway.
Wednesday 10/25 8:18 PM
Well, the monitor still looks the same, flicker and all, but it isn't giving me much of a headache tonight, so I'll postpone asking Irwin about it.
Tonight I did my first SimFolks run since Irwin networked my computer. Cindy and Bob got a babysitter for the kids and went to visit Maria and Steve, a couple of Irwin's sims. Maria and Steve turned out to be a surprisingly normal couple. They had no children, but they did have a nice house in the suburbs, similar to Bob and Cindy's. I watched with interest as the couples began talking.
At first, they conversed as a foursome, but after several minutes they paired off by gender, with Bob and Steve going to the garage to talk, and Cindy and Maria wandering into the kitchen. This was interesting: Gender-based social pairing. I took some notes on a paper scratch pad; I'll transcribe them here when I get a chance. For the first time, I really felt like the project was going somewhere.
And then Ed showed up. The program identified him as a friend of Steve and Maria's. I've never seen anything like it before. A sim isn't supposed to just show up on his own, at least not according to the manual he isn't. But there he was, just showing up in his car at Steve and Maria's house. So I played along and watched as Ed walked into the house and joined the ladies in the kitchen.
You can't tell what the sims are saying, of course; they don't actually use words to speak, they just sort of make speech-like sounds. But you can tell what sort of mood they're in just by listening to the tone of their voices. And Ed sounded like a real sleaze. He had sort of an overly syrupy attitude, as though he was trying to charm the ladies out of their pants. Maria and Cindy seemed amused by his antics; laughing occasionally. A subordinate male trying to get some action and being rejected by the females.
I went back to watching Steve and Bob for awhile. Steve was showing Bob his power tools, which looked to me like a classic case of one male trying to assert his superiority over the other. I watched the posturing and listened to the tones of their voices as they talked. Bob seemed impressed with Steve's tools but unwilling to fully submit. Interesting.
But I was shocked by what I saw when I went back to the kitchen. Maria had left, presumably to go to the bathroom or something. Cindy and Ed were still there, and they were kissing! I haven't figured out how the hell that happened! Sims are definitely not supposed to engage in romantic behavior unless directed to by the user. But there it was, plain as day. They were kissing pretty hard, and Cindy was rubbing her body lewdly against Ed.
After recovering from my shock, I told Cindy to go into the living room and wait. I pulled Bob out to the living room as well, and once they were both there, I took them straight home and put them to bed. After that, I shut down the machine.
Jesus, how did that happen? Cindy is supposed to be a happily married woman, and yet she just threw herself at some random slimeball, even hough her husband was only a couple of rooms away. Unbelievable. I suppose it's possible Irwin could have programmed it that way, although I have no idea how. Another thing I'll have to ask him about.
In the meantime, there's no way in hell Bob and Cindy are ever going back to see Steve and Maria again, that's for sure. Not if they allow a homewrecker like Ed into their house. Cindy's a married woman and I like it that way.
Friday 10/27 11:21 PM
God damn it! God damn it to hell! No matter where I try take Bob and Cindy, that goddamn cretin Ed shows up.
After Wednesday's debacle at Steve and Maria's, I took my whole family over to visit George and Tina, another married sim couple of Irwin's creation. Just like Steve and Maria, they seemed like a nice, normal couple. They even have two kids, just like Bob and Cindy, and I thought it would be fun for all four kids to play together.
But I had barely had Bob and Cindy over at there house for ten minutes before Ed appeared. I was watching Bob and George playing with the kids in the backyard, pushing them on the little swing-set and giving them horsey rides. I went back to the kitchen to watch the ladies preparing dinner, and what do I find? Tina's nowhere to be seen, and Cindy and Ed are in a closet making out! I don't believe this shit. In a closet! I didn't even know Ed was in the house. There was no announcement of his arrival; he just appeared.
Well, needless to say I sent the family home right away. Tina and George seemed unhappy that they were leaving so soon, and Bob and Cindy weren't really thrilled either (especially Cindy!) but I had no intention of letting things go any further between Cindy and Ed.
Well, tonight I tried to have Bob and Cindy visit Mabel, an old widow with a nice house of her own. I figured Mabel was probably the least likely of any of the sims to be friends with Ed. But no dice. Fifteen minutes into the visit, Bob and Mabel went out front so he could take a look at her car. I watched them for a few minutes and when I went back to Cindy, she was lying on the living room couch, necking with Ed! I pulled the plug on that visit quickly.
I was so frustrated I tried twice more, once going to visit a pair of female roommates in an apartment building, and once going to visit a single man in the suburbs. Both times, Ed made unannounced entrances, although I was alert enough that I was able to call off both visits before Ed and Cindy started getting it on. Tomorrow I am definitely going to go ask Irwin what the hell Ed is doing trying to wreck my family.
One piece of interesting news: I've found a job. I pulled my old modeling portfolio out of my closet and took it to a local agency today. The director of the agency was quite interested, and said he had some upcoming jobs he thought I would be perfect for. Mom and Dad wouldn't approve of me getting back into modeling, but it's the easiest way for me to earn spending money. I'll have to tell them I found some other job to explain all this. Anyway, the director said he'd get back to me by email next week about what's available. I'm actually looking forward to modeling again, even if only a little bit in between my studies.
Monday, 10/30 6:44 PM
I spent the whole weekend trying to get Cindy back on the right track. No success, and I've got a mild case of eye strain from staring at that monitor so long. That weird flickering effect is driving me nuts.
Brad isn't happy with me, either, for blowing him off all weekend to sit in front of my computer. I suppose he has a point, but I really need to get this project back on track. I'll have to make it up to him next weekend. The problem is that Cindy is completely hung up on Ed.
I ran the family through two weeks of sim-time this weekend. I've stopped having them visit Irwin's sims. Irwin's sims are all friends of Ed, and I don't want Cindy seeing him ever again. She's unresponsive to the kids, she has no interest in cooking or cleaning the house, and I wasn't been able to get her to have sex with Bob all weekend. Whenever she has a free moment, a little thought bubble pops up next to her head with a picture of Ed in it. Hell, her job performance has suffered as well, and the modeling agency has threatened to lay her off.
I'm at the end of my rope with the stupid little tramp. If she doesn't clean up her act soon, I'll just have to cut her loose and find a new wife for Bob.
Wednesday, 11/1 1:35 AM
I gave in. I ran the family through another three days of sim time with no change in Cindy's behavior. I was crying by the end of the third day. I never really thought I cared that much about one of these computer-screen characters. But I just couldn't stand to see Cindy so miserable. So I started another day and took Cindy to see Ed. Alone.
Ed lives in an apartment in a rundown building on the edge of the city. The place was a mess, frankly; it was clear that Ed never put any energy into housekeeping. Little piles of simulated trash lay strewn about the apartment, and the sink was filled with dirty dishes. Ed was an obvious slob.
But none of that mattered to Cindy. As soon as she saw him, the little slut rushed into his arms and started kissing him. It wasn't long before they went back to Ed's bedroom to screw. And screw they did. Three times, no less. The weird thing was that I actually got to watch it. When Cindy used to have sex with her husband, the whole thing was sanitized to a PG level by that giant heart that obscured them. But Cindy and Ed did it in full view of the camera. Of course, they did it under the covers, so I still couldn't see anything naughty. Maybe there's a menu setting I accidentally switched somewhere in the game that now allows me to watch. Whatever.
I took Cindy home afterwards, hoping at least that after the fucking she'd be useful to her family again. She was -- she made dinner and did some cleaning -- but she wasn't incredibly cheerful about it. Still, I was happy just to be getting any amount of work out of her.
But she needs help. I need to get sleep now, but tomorrow I'm going over to ask -- no, to demand -- that Irwin fix Cindy. It's his fault that she got so hung up on Ed. I know he's responsible, and damn it, he's going to fix it.
Thursday, 11/2 9:34 PM
Well, I did it. I finally went over to Irwin's this evening.
The place is a mess. First of all, in his living room, which is the only part of the house that I saw, he has no less than four computers in various states of assembly. Random computer components, miscellaneous electronic devices, CDs, disks, and manuals were strewn across the tables and floor. On top of that were an assortment of dirty dishes and empty pizza boxes. It was disgusting. Filthy and disgusting.
Irwin ushered me in after answering the door and motioned me to a small couch, the only object in the room not covered in some form of junk. I was uncomfortable sitting on it, and even less comfortable when Irwin sat down right beside me, his knee almost touching mine. I could smell potato chips and beer on his breath. The odor was revolting.
So I told him what was going on with Cindy and Ed, and demanded that he break them up for me. I made it clear that it was very important for my project that Cindy remain happily married to Bob, and that Ed was threatening that. Since Ed was his sim, I told him, it was only reasonable that he fix the problem for me.
He listened politely and was quite sympathetic to my situation. I have to give him credit for that. Unfortunately, though, he told me there was nothing he could do. He started going on about how the program worked, about chaotic systems and emergent behavior and all.
"You see, Nadine," he told me at one point, "the way these systems work, it's very difficult to modify them once they've accumulated enough different behaviors to form a personality. Every bit of their programming is linked to every other bit, and if you or I were to try to change that now, it would only cause the equivalent of brain damage. You can't just reach in and change a sim's mind any more than you could reprogram a human being."
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Chapter 8 – Revelations Eryn awoke with a start, gasping loudly. Judging by the lack of light coming through the windows, she could only guess that it was late in the evening. Looking to the chronometer near her beside, she saw that it was indeed late, or rather, early in the morning. ‘What just happened?’ she said to herself, looking around the room. The top sheet slipped away and Eryn looked down, realizing she was still naked. She instinctively crossed her arms across her chest, covering...
Naomi was just the typical trophy wife, 5'7" with long blond hair and a body that could make most of the hottest women in the world ask for beauty tips. She was married to a successful industrial businessman, however she was unhappy. She obviously married John for the money but secretly there was another reason. John was the best lover she had ever known, he could fuck her all night long and make her see stars in the process. Naomi was always up to spice up their lives because although John...
My first experience with a man/men.I was 20 when i decided to visit my first porn theater. I went late, the theater was dark no one was in there, i sat down on the second row from the top, and started to get into the porn. a guy walked in sat down a couple rows in front of me, then walked out looking at me as he went by. next thing i knew he is sitting down next to me, i started to get nervous, (thinking that he wanted something) sure enough, i felt his hand on my jeans rubbing my cock, i...
Tommy got a notice from his C.O. a couple days after he got back. The notice said he would need to report to the base and begin outprocessing from the military. He would need to go to the base and stay there for a few days to get through the whole process.He didn't want to let her go, but he knew he had to get this last phase of his military service completed. So the night before he was to leave, he laid in bed with Becky. He had just returned from his last deployment to Iraq and barely had any...
UniformHi ..After a family get together, after everyone had gone to bed, my mil and myself were finishing a glass of drinks crashed out on my couch. She lay her head beside my legs and i began rubbing her hair talking about something that had happened earlier. She put her head on my lap saying the rubbing was nice, it didnt take long but i found myself getting hard, it didnt take long for her to realize what was happening in my pants. To my great surprise she turned her head, unzipped my pants and...
IncestHello all. Maxx here from Pune. 34 years old, 6′ tall regularly-ish workout at the ‘office gym’. Hence, not ripped and all, but got something close to a good physique. I work in a big IT company. Married to a very loving wife with a kid. This is a story about how I ‘accidentally’ got to fuck my ex just a few months before my marriage. About my Ex: We started dating a few months after I started my first job in Kolkata, back in 2010. She was studying BCA in a well-known college in Bhubaneswar. We...
They had finished their second song. The crowd was in full chaos. I stood surrounded by thousands of noisy, young adults and teenagers. The arena was dark except for a sprinkle of cell phone lights, glowy bracelets, and the occasional flicker of stage lighting. It was getting warm and the beers I had earlier only made me that much hotter. The bass player started with a heavy riff and various people began to jump and raise their arms. More lights came on and they strobed colorful flashes across...
ExhibitionismJulie and Marco lay next to each other on the blanket under the big oak tree, they were kissing passionately and deeply, Julie broke off and Caught her breath before going back in for more. Marco was rubbing Julie's lower back and thighs, working his way to her warmth. She was letting him, this time she was ready for him, she wanted just as much as he did. Marco moved his hand to julie's stomach before slipping down under her jeans and to her wetness. Rubbing her clit and pressing into her...
Lenny and I headed down to breakfast with a group of guys from our floor. Our elevator didn't stop on our floor, so I bet the hotel had some special setups to make the elevators only go the male or female floors when called. In the cafeteria I was mobbed by girls from my school. They pushed me around to some table while I was asked what I wanted to eat from the breakfast bar. I wasn't even being allowed to go up there by myself. It turns out half the girls were just as bad as Marlin and...
Should I Really Join Facebook? Read it all the way through! It’s a good laugh! AND really quite true!! A good laugh for people in the over 70 group!!! When I bought my Blackberry, I thought about the 30-year business I ran with 1800 employees, all without a cell phone that plays music, takes videos, pictures and communicates with Facebook and Twitter. I signed up under duress for Twitter and Facebook, so my seven kids, their spouses, my 13 grand kids and 2 great grand kids could...
Doug, Rachel, Cassie, and I stood and watched as our sisters pushed their babies in strollers along the path at Green Lake. It was sweet. It was their childhood dream. Off to our left, Addison pushed Maddie on a swing in the playground. "We'll walk around the lake the other direction," Doug said. "This place is a little chilly, but I can't believe how green it is." "Betts says that's because everything is covered with moss and mold," I laughed. "I see a coffee shop up on the...
Nothing much happened during her stay. And apart from rubbing herself off under the bed sheets, reading the crude text messages she received from Hank and Sam, her body had the time to rest. Nearly. As one man from the neighboring hotel came strongly at her, and as she was not allowed to resist, he soon had her on his beach towel, with his fingers in her pussy. He then made her jack him off in a changing room, and finished in her mouth. He then left her there, not even telling her his name....
“Alright, here we are ... the Pennsylvania State Line, not that this makes much of a difference, does it?” Charles Tremaine remarked as they entered the Keystone State at last, after a good day’s travel from Watkins Glen, New York. “The great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or rather what’s left of it. We’ve finally left New York State behind us. Where in PA is this, anyway?” Justine replied to her husband ... well, her first hubby. “Somewhere just over the border. Erie County, perhaps?” Mike...
Zivela sam u Beogradu do pre dve godine, pa sam se preselila u Batajnicu.U Bg sam imala komsiju koji ima 46 godina i koji je tada kad god sam prolazila dobacivao malena kad ces kod mene na kafu, rekla sam uvek ja kafu ne pijem.Jednog dana kad sam prolazila otvorio je vrata i viknuo malena moze caj umesto kafe? Rekla sam moze ali ne odmah...Moram mami po lekove pa kad se budem vracala navraticu. Stojim ispred vrata zvonim, otvara mi vrata komsija u sorcu i majici ulazim pomazio mo ledjima i...
Mera naam Komal hai, me paheli bar ye story share kar rahi hunye ghatana koi pyar ki nahi par bewafai ki hai,sex ki hai. Meri age 32 hai aur me ek married woman hun, mere do bete haiaur meri jail jesi shadi ko huve 14 sal ho chale hai, mene apane pati ke alawa kisi ke sath rishta nahi rakha tha, socha tha pyar karane wala pati hoga, parivar hoga par aesa hota nahi jese hum chahate hai. Mere dono bachho ko hostel me padhane bhej diya hai mere pati ne aur vo kabhi muje waqt nahi dete. Ghar me...
Jenna Foxx and Sonia Harcourt are ready to celebrate Jenna’s birthday with some hot lesbian action. These pussy loving sluts lick, rub and spit on each other’s wet cunts till they are both completely satisfied. With Jenna’s silk skin and large breasts and Sonia’s porcelain skin and a juicy booty, this is a hot combination of different flavors. This two bombshell has a very hot encounter, they want to eat each other and are dressed in very sexy outfits for the celebration of this birthday,...
xmoviesforyou"And I love you. Does this mean you are going to be a junior girlfriend and one of the famous munchkins?" I just got smile and a rapid nod of her head. I went home. Bert had to hear what happened at the house. I described Leslie as good as I could. Mom had already said that I saw them making love so I could describe Leslie in quite a bit of detail. The man looked in pain especially how I said how loving Leslie and Mom looked. I was a hundred percent sure that he would be beating his meat...
I was been waked up in the afternoon around 2 PM. It was the manager who woke me up. He asked me to get a bath and get prepared. I inquired and he said that I was going to the second client right now. I said that I supposed it to be a night only. He said that they are getting very much impatient and so they are forcing for it. I got a bath and freshened up. He gave me some stuff which was illogical to wear. It looked like I was going for some fancy-dress party. I got a knife holder around my...
I stretched my neck to put my lips by his ear, my torso slipping like oil over his sweaty back. “Alex,” I whispered. “Hm?” came his sleepy reply. “I think someone’s coming.” In the dark, I could just see his puffy lips form a smile. “I think someone already came,” he said, not even opening his eyes. He arched his back playfully, taking the last inch of my dick into his slippery hole. I watched his smug, victorious smile broaden as my dick began to thicken inside him again, and I had to...
Darkness is an odd thing to see. Sometimes darkness can be scary, but not this kind. This was self-induced. The sun shone from above onto my neck and head—a spectacular feeling. It just couldn’t overpower the feeling of nerves, and yet sexual excitement I felt. I felt, as I can only put it, like a slut. I’d never felt this way before and I wasn’t too sure I liked it. Sure, I had done this before but not like this. As I had woken from my slumber that morning, I decided to check my emails....
‘Ferocious’ was the only word that could describe them. Each had a body fifty feet long from head to tail, with a wingspan even greater. Their wings doubled as prehensile arms that the creatures could use to move on all fours, with each digit equipped with talons that gouged out the rock beneath them. Their scaly bodies were packed with muscle, and their heads, reptilian, were lined with horns and spikes. They stared with forward-pointing eyes that would never lose track of their prey. They...
Second Set It is later on Sunday. The hours have slid one past the next stretched with yoga, brushed in paint on a canvas formerly known as a dining room wall, an unsuccessful attempt to make time move quicker. Dinner tonight with Mark… Really, going there again? An early dinner, with Mark that must mean something else in the works. A glance at the newspaper brings the realization that our home town team is in the playoffs. West Coast game means a later start time. Mark is a baseball fanatic....
Katie and I went home from the contest. She was silent the whole trip. I didn't know what was on her mind, but I knew that she was in deep contemplation. Was it the photo session? She seemed to get excited with her nude photos and containment on the examination table. I know that I sure did, should I have interceded to end her ravishment? Maybe so, but I was as caught off guard as she was, and her overwhelming went off so smoothly that it was half done before I knew what was taking place....
To start off pick who you are. As a side note all people are over the age of 18 in this story other details of the characters have not changed.
(Author’s Note: This is a ‘what if’ side story for The Perfect Pussy series. I never felt that I really had a chance to let Waylon talk about his feelings for Keni and think over what drove him over the edge. A lot of you have suggested that for his crimes he be locked up or sent to a mental hospital, maybe he will agree with you, but let him speak for himself and then decide from there okay, after all this is still America and the process of being innocent until proven guilty is still a part...
Hi, Indian sex stories readers, I hope you all guys and girls are doing well professionally as well sexually. My name is Ronnie, from Chembur, Mumbai. A 24 karat pure Mumbai guy. I am 19 years old. I mean young*. Now, talking about my looks- my height is 6 ft, a lean perfect body, and an attractive face, my tool size is 6.8, which can satisfy any girl/lady. Today I am gonna narrate a sex story, which is a true incident which happened a couple of weeks back.If you guys wanna give feedback to my...
Matt Czynchykski had been in my Special Ops unit a decade earlier; we'd both mustered out of the Army together: me with a bad leg injury, and Matt because he gave up that line of business when his third tour was over. No one could say or spell Matt's last name, so we just called him 'Matt C.' Matt's nickname had been Ghost; on our first mission in Kosovo, he'd come face-to-face with some guy wearing a bomb vest, and he'd turned white as a ghost before he shot the guy and kept him from...
Alias: Carlie Christina (C.C.) Sorenston, new flight attendant Mission: To rescue a flight full of world leaders from terroist plot Location: A flight en route to a world summit in San Francisco from New York City For my new mission, I had to go undercover as a flight attendant for a new airline. The new airline I had been referred to is Fairway Airlines. The airline was developed and created by wealthy Canadian billionaire Steven St. John, who also runs a multilmillion dollar company that...
My husband Roger and I have been married for 2 years. I will say we have a wonderful sex life, despite us having a bit of extra meat on us. But that doesn't stop us from… My husband Roger and I have been married for 2 years. I will say we have a wonderful sex life, despite us having a bit of extra meat on us. But that doesn't stop us from acting like rabbits. We're both teachers too, so we got the summers off. I'll admit vacations are even better for our sex life, as I feel a lot more...
GroupKim burns was in the process of feeding the two springer spaniels when the front door to burst open and a female voice called out, “hello, girls, mama’s home, come and give kisses!” the two dogs hearing their mistresses voice literally tore out of the kitchen on their way to the front of the spacious house. Kim smiled to herself as she trailed off after the happily barking duo and laughed out loud at the scene she found in the foyer! Both pups were happily bouncing up and down around the...
It was dark in my room and the only light was from the hall that my door allowed through. I was home alone and hot, with slow hesitation I grabbed my breast. Tugging and pulling till I was dripping from my skirt. Moans increased of pleasure and echoed through the halls. I took the lower edge of my panties and rubbed it up and down against my pink pussy. So sensitive it won't stop quivering. I quickly remove my skirt and bra to suck on my tit as my hand continues to fondle. A silent yelp lets...
Chapter 4 Andrew stopped his daydreaming about the past; he was delighted by Megan showing up unexpectedly a few hours ago. His reminiscing was sweet but he knew that tomorrow he would be offering them a future together - an option to work out their constant separations.He was ready to have Megan become a permanent part of his life and carry on the traditions of both families in both countries and cultures.He looked over everything and quickly ran down a mental check list - Meat and cream sauce...
Straight SexAntoniaA knock on the door."It's open."Heart attack time. I couldn't believe it. Did she just say, "It's open?"I was laying naked on my back on a massage table in Antonia's living room. An enema tube was shoved up my ass and I had about a quart and a half of soapy water in me already. My stomach was distended and I looked pregnant. On top of that, I had a cast iron hard on that Antonia had been teasing and playing with throughout the enema. That's why I was there. I was totally in her thrall....
You walk up to a job at SIDEKICKS. This is a place that set sup people with Sidekick to heroes. You sign up for a female hero to work with. You figured it would be fun to be around a sexy hero. You’re still new to the sidekick game and want to really get in there and fight crime. A busty woman is behind the counter with black hair and red glasses. “We have an opening for you. Tell me your cock measurements.” She said. “Why do you need to know that?” She laughs. “So they can know if your fun to...
I sometimes find it difficult to understand my country and its people. Everyone more than 30-years-old seems to tell you NOT to have sex. The priest at church tells you it is a sin, and that you will suffer purgatory if you give into your desire. Your Nanay and Tatay tell you that no-one will want to marry you once your virginity is gone. And to make sure a girl doesn't lose that most precious thing, our parents are supposed to arrange a chaperone if she goes out with a boy. Yet, despite...
Mercy FUCKMy name is Leigh. I'm a little bit bigger girl about 5' 7” and easily12 lbs overweight.Bleached blond hair with some outgrowth of my darker hair. I always wear lipstick and I like to wear a lot of eyeliner and mascara to the point where I look slutty. My tits are 36 B with big dark nipples. My left boob has several veins running through it. I shave my pussy big dark pussy lips but let some hair grow on my pussy since I don't have a boyfriend anymore. I gained most of the weight after...
I thought twins were supposed to be identical, and in appearance they were. Kathy and Amanda were 22 years old with long chocolate brown hair and movie star bodies. Kathy was born 3 minutes before Amanda so technically she was the older sister. When it came to personalities they were worlds apart. Amanda was shy and quiet, something like me, while Kathy was loud and bossy. I loved Amanda with all my heart but I always felt nervous and uncomfortable when Kathy was around. They shared an...
"Tell me again where the pups came from?" "They are Winter Wolves," I told Artuma. "Vulkai. Their mother died protecting Ilesa and I, and in doing so, was mortally wounded. Ilesa offered to save her, but she chose to save these pups instead. "And you have them because?" "Because it was my magic she used to save them with and in allowing my magic to be so employed, I have found myself somewhat ... bound up in their lives and they in mine." "So you now travel with a pair of Vulkai...
so having had a shower together pat and myself we returned to the kitchen, alan was still tied over their kitchen table, he was duly set free and told to put on his " pinny " ( apron ) and cook us some dinner, he did look quite sexy - naked aside from his apron , and seeing the various whip marks across his arse and back was a sight to savour , we had a stir fry which was quick and simple to eat, so we sat at the same table but alan was allowed a cushion to save his sore arse , while we ate our...
Brandy screamed in orgasm over and over as she writhed beneath him, struggling to get his cock even deeper into her sopping sex. Finally Min could take no more and stream after stream of hot cum hosed into the brunette hottie as her body shuddered with one final orgasm. BZZZT! BZZZT! BZZT! Min's hand slammed down on the alarm clock, shutting it off. He sat up, the dream still vivid in his mind. This will work so much better than hypnosis, he thought. I will induce a carnal urge that she...
Kelly was about to say something when a large crack of thunder interrupted her words, "Are you sure you want to go out on a night like this? You have a long way to travel. It would be safer if you stayed overnight and only left tomorrow. It is Sunday, after all, so, unless you have a previous engagement, you don't have to rush to get somewhere." "It'll be fun; you'll see," added Jill. "Joe and I sleep on bedrolls whenever we're here. It's actually quite comfortable. It's like...
So, we had arrived at the bungalow on the south coast which was to be our holiday home for the next 2 weeks. The bungalow had been extended and could conveniently take 5 people, but there were 7 of us so it was going to be a bit of a squash. There was my mother and me, my older sister and her boyfriend, my aunt and uncle and my cousin Brenda. The squash would improve after 3 days when my sister and boyfriend would be leaving as they only had a few days off work. I had just reached my teens...
MAC MELVILLE – The JUNCTION – Day 14 - Sunday This Sunday wasn't going to be a day of rest, I thought, as I got out of bed. I needed to check on how the techs of the Counterfeit Investigations Division were doing, presumably they would be using the Federal labs in LA, and it could take some time to get a response out of that group. Then I had to get Sunshine Helicopters organized as I couldn't rely on Gita Fullwood being able to do anything. After a quick breakfast at the cafeteria, I...
Izzy comes from a rich family and she is grateful for everything, but it doesn’t stop her from taking advantage every so often. She travels to music festivals all over the world and her latest stop is LA, the stop she is looking forward to the most. Her parents have made sure she has everything she needs and this time she is staying with a family friend and his wife. Although she can’t bring guys home from the festival, she doesn’t mind – she has something else much more...
xmoviesforyouThere was one visitor whom Molly knew she would never forget. Even Sister Lucia remembered him, and she forgot most of Molly's visitors as quickly as she could. It was his general nastiness which made him memorable. The first, and only, time he visited her was some twelve months after her arrival at the College of Correction and Redemption, and Molly had settled into a routine. Sister Lucia would receive word of a visitor and what she was to wear; leaving her cell she would slip easily into...
College students Lesya and Oxana are having a study session but they’re more interested in exploring each other than their notes. Oxana is the first to lay hands on Lesya, but the blonde is definitely into it as Oxana leans in for a deep kiss. It’s not long before Oxana has peeled Lesya out of her clothes so she can run her hands all over her girlfriend’s soft puffy boobs and then down to the silky soft heart of Lesya’s pleasure. Despite Oxana being the aggressor, it is...
xmoviesforyouMagical time of the year, my ass! I said to myself while I waited in the mall for my wife to call me on my cell phone. Here I was at the only mall in this town surrounded by umber-white, cheese eating, un-cultured pig farmers doing their Christmas shopping and my nerves were beginning to wear thin. My wife, Susan, abandoned me to run to her office for a small medical emergency. That was at 11a.m., it was now 5 p.m. and if I had to hear another damn Christmas carol I was going to snap and go...
I love sunbathing in the nude as much a possible. Across the street from where I lived there is a creek that I loved to go and lay out nude and have some piece and quite from everyone else. The water was nice to have when I got to hot I could walk into the creek and cool off. There was a day that was very sunny and warm and since every one had gone to work I decided to go and lay out for a while to darken my tan before I went off for the night. I put on my bikini and a tee shirt over me and...
Group SexChapter 26 — Maria Elena’s Path in Life The march continued into the countryside as the route left Danube City and circled around to the east. There were rest breaks to exchange used torches for new ones, to use the latrine, and to drink fruit punch. The punch stained the marchers’ lips blood red, and many of the men dribbled punch down their chests to give the appearance of having blood running down their bodies. Finally daylight came. As the sky lightened in the east, Maria Elena could see...
I’m not sure if it was the booze, or us talking during dinner about how things had got maybe a little “routine”, but after my wife and I got back from our anniversary dinner and drinks, we ended up having some of the hottest sex we had had in a long time. She even broke new ground and we did something neither of us had before. I walk in to the bathroom wearing my robe to brush my teeth and maybe jump in for a quick shower before bed, and I notice my wife’s already in there, sitting on the...