- 4 years ago
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Dedicated to a lovely young lady that would have graduated in 1960 with a first initial of "J"
First and most important, this is a totally true story. Because it is true, there is little sex and what there is, has not been embellished to the best of my knowledge.
One almost always remembers their "Firsts." Their first kiss, first date, first love, first sex and first crush. This is a story of all the above and more.
I have always been a shy person. All through my freshman and sophomore years, I didn't even date much. I just could not go up to a girl, start talking and get around to ask her for a date. I had to know the girl first. May be we met at a party or was introduced by a mutual friend. Then may be I would get my courage up and ask her out.
The other thing was we lived in kind of a rural area with no bus lines. I was not old enough to get a driver license, dad worked every night and when he was off, it was family time. I got my drivers license before my mom. She really never needed one. This made any dates I did get kind of hard. Every once in a while, we, the neighbor kids, got together and rode our bikes to the beach. Boys and girls, but I would not call this a date.
Oh, there were private parties where I may hook up with someone for the evening but that's where it ended. Kid's games like spin the bottle or seven minuets in heaven and that's another story.
I was kind of a nerd, how I hate that term. Geek may be. Dad said if I ever got married, she would have the shape of a radio tube. I was much in to electronic. I had an amateur radio license before I got my drivers license.
In my junior year, I was one of three A/V set up persons. (Audio-Visual) You know, before VCRs, digital TVs and network classrooms. We would set up and run sound equipment or set up and run movie projectors for teachers. I must have watched "Tale of Two Cities" a 100 times. Boring.
Each winter, the school held an Amateur Night where students would show off their talent. I was in charge of sound for the show. The night before we had a rehearsal.
A junior, I will call Jane for this story, was going to dance. She came over to me with a record (remember those) and told me which cut or band to play. I did not recognize the music at all. What kind of dance was she going to do? She took her position center change down on one knee with the other foot pointed towards the audience. She dropped her head to look down at the stage and that was my cue to start the music.
The music started and she rose to her feet. She was a ballerina. Jane was beautiful. About 5'4", brown hair in a ponytail, brown eyes. She just had on leotards and a white blouse tied at her waist and her, and know I know, ballet shoes or Pointe shoes as I latter learned. Firm, toned legs going up the right side and down the left. I hadn't noticed before but she had small breasts. Tight A cup at best but still beautiful petite figure.
I could not take my eyes off her through the whole routine as she gracefully moved around the stage. She looked over my way and caught me drooling watching her and gave me a wink that only I could see. I think my heart skipped a beat. I think I was in love. Latter I learned the she was "Spotting" on me as she spun on point. That's where the dancer will focus their eyes on one spot during a spin to keep from getting dizzy.
At the end of her dance, she came over to me and as I tried to hand her record back to her, he took my hand and held it and asked me to play it again as she was not sure at one part on this new to her stage. My heart did stop and went right back to sinus tachycardia. Beating out of control. So we did it again. My heart was beating so fast, I had a hard time setting the needle in the grove. She started. God was she so graceful and beautiful.
Now I have kind of known Jane all through grade school and in to high school. We even had a couple of classes together but I was so shy I never even thought about asking her out.
The music came to the end and she came back over and said she felt better. I handed her the record and asked her if I could drive her home. Now that I have a car, dating came a little easier. She said that her mom was out in the audience to watch her, as she could not make the show tomorrow. I asked if I could take her home tomorrow and may be stop for the pizza party after the show. She said that sounded great and may be even pick her up and bring to the school but I would have to meet her mom first.
Two more acts and I was free. Jane and her mom waited until I was done. I shut everything down and went down in to the audience to meet her. Jane introduced me. That went well and I was approved.
That was Friday. Saturday after breakfast I started my weekend chores. The day just dragged on and on. I could not wait to go to Jane's and pick her up. I showered and got dressed. Had an early supper as the "Cast" and crew had to be there by 6 PM for seating and curtain at 7 PM.
Drove over to Jane's and parked the car. Went to the door and rang to bell. Jane's dad answered the door and said, "You must be William. Jane has been bouncing around here all day waiting for the show and told us all about you." I am wondering what she could have told them.
"I am and please call me Bill." I replied. "Please come in Bill, Jane will be down in a minute." Mr. Carson said. Girls always have to make an entrance. As I walked in, I noticed that Jane's mom and dad were dressed like they were going out for the night. I went over to Mrs. Carson and told her how nice she looked. (Eddie Haskell, Leave It To Beaver) Never miss a chance to score points when you can.
She asked what time I would be getting their daughter home and I said, "Show should be over by 10 and we should be out of there by 10:30 after clean up and there is a pizza party for the cast and crew after. How about midnight." Mrs. Carson replied, "That sounds good. We should be home around that time also." Damn I thought to myself.
Jane came down the stairs. She was a knockout. Now you need to know that we are talking the late '50s. My time is right out of "Happy Days." We even had a "Fonzie." Black leather jacket, motorcycle boots and all. I have seen her dressed like this before but now she just glowed. I was in love. She seamed to float down the stairs. White blouse, pink poodle skirt with crinoline petticoats, white bobby socks and saddle shoes. This time her hair was up in a bun on top of her head. My guess it was for her dance.
Mrs. Carson called Jane over to have a private talk with her daughter. We said our good byes and they wished their daughter good luck and we were off to the school. Never found out what mom said to her being a gentleman of course, I never asked.
Everything was still set up from last night, I just had to turn on the amplifier to let them tubes warm up then put on the elevator music until show time. We had a disk jockey from a local Rock and Roll station to be master of ceremonies. You remember Rock and Roll. Jane kept me company as she was on in the second half.
About 10 minutes until show time, Ken, the stage manager, and myself check "The House." We peek through the curtain and it looked like a full house. Ken cued the MC and we opened the curtain and the show was on.
The show went on a planed. And now it was intermission. Jane excused herself to change.
Intermission was over. There were three acts until Jane's. Then came the time for Jane. I could not see Jane anywhere. The MC announced her. "Now junior, Jane Carson, dancing to--. (Damn if I can remember.) Then she comes in from stage left to her position canter stage. I am stage right. God is she beautiful in her tutu with bare shoulders and white hose. I almost missed her cue to start.
Then it was all over. The MC told a coupe of joke and made small talk while the panel of judges tallied up their scores. The judges were made up of teachers and were introduced.
Then the announcements came. "First place in dance, Ms. Jane Carson." And the final award of the night, "Best of show," sounds like dog show, "Ms. Jane Carson." She did a couple of those cute little dancer curtsies to a stand ovation and ran over to me and I gave her a big hug. Even when she ran, she was poetry in motion. This is as close as we had ever been up to this point. I could feel every part of her body pressed in to mine. She was in tears. Tears of happiness.
She went to change while I put the equipment away and helped clean up. We met up in the school cafeteria where there was a pizza party for cast and crew. The DJ signed autographs and thanked everybody for a good show.
They were playing OUR music (R & R) and kids were dancing. Remember dancing back then. You actually knew who you were dancing with and even, oh my God, touching each other. Now I am not a good dancer but I could tell Jane wanted to dance. "Jane, would you like to dance?" I asked and she accepted. I told her that I was not a very good dance as compared to her and she said neither was she. "You got to be kidding, I seen you dance. You were terrific." I said. She told me that was with a lot of training and practice but regular dance she was not her best. We did a couple of fast dances (Jitterbug if you remember those days) then the music slowed down with a couple of romantic slow songs. I was holding her in the traditional way when she let go of my hand and wrapped both of them round my neck and pulled me closer. If we where any closer, it would be considered obscene.
With the party coming to the end, I got our coats and I drove Jane home. I got her home early. It was only 10:45. Her parents were waiting up for her. She ran over to them with her trophies in hand and they congratulated her. "All that hard work is paying off." Her dad said as he hugged her.
We sat and chatted about the show. Around 11:15, Mrs. Carson said she was going up to bed. Mr. Carson was right behind her. They kissed Jane goodnight and came over to me. I stood up and Mr. Carson shook my hand and said, "It was nice to meet you Bill." Mrs. Carson said the same thing but gave me a little hug. I guess I was in. As they were going up the stairs, they told Jane not to stay up to late.
I sat back down and Jane moved closer to me. We just sat there and talked about the show, her dancing and school in general. We talked about how shy we both were. I never really notice how shy she was as in those days the girl never asked a boy to a dance or a date. The burden was always on the boy and that's where I lost out. Besides being shy, I also had a fear of rejection. Not that I was rejected that much. To get rejected you had to ask in the first place.
I told my folks I would be home by 12:30. After I started driving, one of them would always wait up for me. "I better get going so I am not late getting home." I said. It was about 12:10 I think. It would only take me about 10 minutes to get home but unlike kids today, I planed ahead. Remember also, no cell phones.
Jane got up to walk me to the door. We walked hand in hand and just before we got to the door, Jane stopped and pulled me to her wrapping her arms around me. "I guess I'll have to make the first move." She said. With that, she kissed me on the lips lightly. That's all the invitation I needed. I returned the kiss with a little more enthusiasm. She parted her lips and the next thing I knew our tongues were dancing together. We broke our embrace and I told her I would call her tomorrow. I didn't want to leave but I thought it was best at the time. Got in the car and off to home with an incredible teenage hard on. Yes, I took care of it when I got home.
Sunday morning I got up and had breakfast with my family. The talk around the table started off all about the show and somehow got to round to Jane. "Why don't you ask her over for dinner?" Mom asked. Little sister second that. She couldn't wait to meet my first girlfriend. "She is not my girlfriend. She is just a school acquaintance." I said. "She is a classmate." I told them I would call her in a little while.
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I invite you to my account:GayStoriesPLBelow, you can read the story "Michael - first taste of sperm", have a good reading and please leave a comment after reading.Michael - first taste of spermI had no experience with boys. In college I had a friend, Michael. I had 23 years, he was three years younger. I had good success with the opposite sex, he does not really, perhaps because he was not the highest. As buddies often howls? dżaliśmy, we walked together to the pool, uprawialiśmy sport....
"The Changes Magic Can Bring; Part 6" By SuppositionLife Synopsis: Cammie finds out the facts about why she is a woman now and what it means to her for the future. (Thanks for all the good advice and help with this story please keep letting me know how I can improve.) "RINNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG" I rolled over and turned off the clock and then remembered why I'd set it. "Today is my 21st birthday," I said with a giggle. As I lay there stretching I thought how I had lost 48...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi this is saket again. It was June and very hot we decided to go for a holiday to our village which is 1200 km from Delhi in maharastra it takes more than 48 hours to reach there by train and then by a . mom and swati my sister swati packed all the things to be taken with us and at 8 o slock in the evening we left for the railway station within half an hour we reached station and after an hour train arrived we all took our seats in the coach. It was...
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When I saw her pulling in I ran downstairs, naked, with my rock hard cock aching to release a nice big cum load. I sat down in the sofa in the family room. I turned it so it was facing the direction my mom would take coming into the house from the garage. I was smiling away as my erect cock twitched in anticipation of mom. Pre cum was oozing out of my prick, slowly running down my shaft. Then I heard my mom come in and as soon as she rounded the corner she stopped dead in her steps as...
It was so hot that evening in the hotel, we came back from the restaurant and both stripped right off. "Do you want to jump in the shower first or shall I? I asked.As we lay there on the beds, our bodies already slightly sticky, the door went and we both looked at each other.My husband grabbed a small hand towel on the back of a chair and opened the door. It was the waiter I had been flirting with at dinner, he looked at my husband who smiled broadly and gestured him in.I was lying naked on the...
It was with some reluctance that she made her way down the escalaotr at the Canary Wharf Station of the London Underground network that night. The mere idea of the long commute home was always excruciating so late at night, but especially so at the end of what turned out to have been a very long week. All she could think of was tearing off her clothes, wrapping up in her sheets, and cozying up with her laptop… Spinster living at its finest, Lucinda thought to herself.Standing on platform one...
A Long Time ComingBy FirstladLance was a widower at 48. At 6’ 3? he was tall and kept himself in good shape. Being single again at this late stage in his life had caused him to be depressed and feel like no one would want him. Plus 25 years of marriage had given him a huge security blanket, so to speak. Now here he was all alone and on his own again.Raquel was 39 and still not married. She had been a schoolteacher for the past 15 years since she graduated from college and enjoyed it very...
We usually indulge ourselves in phone sex a lot, almost daily. We fantasize about many things while having phone sex such as outdoor sex, gangbang – almost anything and everything. The following story is one of those fantasies. This is my first story. I hope you enjoy it. (For better reading experience, this story has been written in my girlfriend’s perspective). Do let me know if you enjoy it and what genre of stories would you like next. We always wanted to have sex in theatre, so one day...
Elizabeth was coming down from her orgasm. 'Shit, ' Ray thought if I get out of this without getting arrested I'll be lucky.' Looking up Elizabeth saw Ray and a huge smile lit up her face, that is, 'til she realized that they were both outside, naked, and both of them had just cum. Though a little embarrassed for the moment, Elizabeth didn't really give a shit, hell if she could feel like this every night she just might go for it. "Uh, Ray?" She asked as she sat up, where the hell am...
Her fat booty was fully visible from the back of the gown, and she knew someone's feet were walking downstairs to thwart her escape. "I can't fit through the window!!", she said to herself and tried to pull on the cement. He waited patiently a few paces behind her and saw the moment when his prisoner's boobs just squished out of the window. He pried apart her flailing thighs from behind and gave long sloppy licks to Eliza's quivering gash. She felt her grip loosening on the sill....
My name is Keith, I was 18 and in my freshman year of college at a small Midwestern University. I was a music major, trumpet my instrument of focus. In addition to many other musical endeavors I was in the jazz band. That winter the jazz band was taking its’ biannual trip to Hawaii to escape the snow for a week and play some gigs in Honolulu. family was allowed to come along on the trip. At the hotel in Hawaii it was 4 to a room. My roommate Jon, a fellow trumpeter, and I shared a bed. Also in...
There are no graphic sex scenes in this story. Sorry. You will have to read other stories for that. Comments and critiques are requested and appreciated. Thanks for reading my story. Enjoy. My story is one about the dangers of temptation and how they can totally screw up your life. After what my wife and I had to go through, I felt that warning others of what can happen was the right thing to do. Let me give you a picture of the main players in my little slice of life. My name is Hennessy,...
Our luggage was looking a bit tired, so we decided to purchase some new. It seemed sensible to get two smaller cases rather than one large suitcase. It would be easier to move and carry. If one of us went away alone, or if two of us went away just for a weekend, one smaller case would be enough. The only problem was that when we arrived at our holiday destination, only one of the two cases appeared on the luggage carousel at the airport. We made enquiries and were eventually told that...
Hi, this is Sameera I am married 28 years old staying with my hubby Rajesh and mother in law Suman my father in Law had passed away. This story is 2 years down the line when I like any other girls was too conscious about my figure and a regular Gym user in my society. Our neighbour Mr Sunil was retired man living alone. He had this strange lusty eye on me and my mother in law and we both knew it. Mom often told me to maintain some distance from Sunil uncle. It was dawn of summers in April and...
“Are you ready for it, babe?” I asked Michelle as I pointed my cock right at her asshole. “Yes ... please! Fuck ... my ass! I’m tired of being dull and demure. I want to be your slut! I’ve wanted you for a long time, Simon! That stupid bitch Danielle didn’t know how good she had it! Fuck her!” Michelle snapped, now eager to take my prick up her tight, cherry pucker. “Alright, here we go, then,” I eased my first few inches into Michelle’s brown eye, making my new blonde cum whore feel the...
It was one of those serendipitous moments confirming that nothing in life occurs by chance. I was on my way to a conference in New Orleans, a favorite place for fun and frivolity. While it rarely happens, that day the plane was over-booked and they accepted volunteers to wait for a later flight through Miami. As I wasn’t expected in New Orleans till that evening, it was no loss and some airline travel dollars gained. Several hours later we landed in Miami and transferred to the New Orleans...
Introduction: Best friends become lovers When I was 16 I had a best friend, her name was Lisa. We spent a lot of time together. The summer between the 10th and 11th grade changed both of us. We were both really cute girls, the guys were always looking at us and neither of us had problems getting dates. We were both blondes, Lisa was about 54, large breast and a cute body. I was shorter, 51 nice body. One day Lisa & I were shopping and in the fitting room trying on clothes. Because we were...
She was a lovely girl and he was a nice guy, they were good for each other. Once we had left school we lost contact and didn’t really ever talk or see each other. One day I was lying in bed and I had a phone call from her. She was her old flirty self and did not sound any different. We talked for about an hour or so catching up. Then she starting really flirting asking how good my sex life had been and she remembered the feel off my cock. She told me about her and her bf’s sex life was so...
It's funny how small things can change your perspective. In my case, it was a single ray of sunshine coming through a gap in the tattered curtains that didn't quite cover the window to the apartment. It was a bright early autumn morning, around 8, maybe 8:30, one of those days that makes California truly golden. First, it caught my eye, waking me up from a restless sleep, then it hit Maggie's face just right. She was still zonked out, lying on her back, her naked breasts heaving slightly...
Grace said, “Betty, your papa probably hasn’t informed you, but with the family business revenue falling so rapidly, your only career option is to learn to be pleasant company for a man and look as beautiful and sexy as possible. To secure your lifestyle, you will need to be self-disciplined and keep your figure perfect for the rest of your life. A wealthy man can always afford a mistress if his wife does not please and satisfy him. Since you have no dowry to secure your marriage, you must...