Seducing Stephen Chapter 1 Morning Wood And First Contact
- 4 years ago
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I sat in the office of the donjon staring at the pictures. The class I just finished teaching was not the usual Thursday night sparring-fest. Some of the students were unhappy about it but with a tournament on Saturday I thought reaction drills would avoid shaking anyone's confidence.
Students rarely disturbed me after class. Sharon, the other assistant instructor, stayed on the floor and closed the school so she caught a majority of questions. Our master left the heavy sparring classes to me since I was younger with a background the smart students did not want to test. Luckily, dumb ones took their lumps and liked them since it meant I had something to teach.
I found the Tae Kwon Do school when I began attending the local university for my master's degree. I got lucky; the school owner was from the same town that I trained in during my father's tour of duty in Korea. My father was heavily into martial arts and to a Marine brat the dojos were familiar ground anywhere in the world. I followed my father's footsteps into the military but after six years it was suggested there were better options elsewhere. The courteous gentlemen in suits were surprised that I did not wish to pursue those options. They should have read my file more carefully. I lost the only friends I ever had to bad intelligence; one of them died saving me. I did not blame the agencies, but I was not interested in having my mistakes make someone's shoulder the towel for a widow's tears.
Michael insisted Jason and I take college classes while stationed in barracks and as many correspondent courses as we could. He was a pushy bastard but I was thankful for the bachelor's degree when I walked away from my life. I had always lived in the military's insulated world; first as a brat and then a soldier. The white tower of academia was the closest I could ever get to that in the real world.
"David," Sharon said leaning against the door.
I smiled warmly at her.
Sharon was a pretty, middle-aged brunette with an ass and legs other women might kill for. She found martial arts during the last three years of an abusive marriage. She kept the fact she was taking classes hidden from her husband for two of those years. By the time he found out, it was too late. Our master had done a good job of reconstructing Sharon's self-esteem. She walked out of her marriage and into a divorce lawyer's office. The black belt women banded together for the last year of Sharon's marriage to keep her afloat as she was dragged through the divorce sewer. I was sure Sharon and her daughter had spent many nights in the donjon itself.
I started instructing in the school immediately after the divorce finalized. The black belt women were not happy about my employment since the majority of the higher belts were female. My qualifications were unimpeachable though; I had trained consistently since I was three years old in various martial arts, usually at that art's country of origin. My father was one of the most decorated Marine Corps Sergeant Majors and many commanders knew that bringing him on board would make their men strack immediately. My mother never complained about the world travel and I do not remember being asked my opinion.
Sharon's husband resolved a lot of little problems by following his nature. I was teaching an advanced children's class that included Sharon's 11 year old daughter, Melissa, when her husband decided to introduce himself. Most of the next class was doing warm-up stretching around the floor so there were plenty of witnesses.
He walked in and headed right for his daughter; Sharon moved to intercept him. The situation culminated in a question and answer session with the witnesses about my beliefs on the 'non-violent principles of the martial arts ethics'. I believe those principles deal with making a conscious decision with an understanding of the options and consequences. From my perspective, a strange man walking into my class and putting his hand on a student, a child nonetheless, placed us in a physical conflict. I knew that but the witnesses and he had not. Any escalation could have been prevented by someone in the class calling the police or a set of them standing with me to back him down with the force of numbers. The moment I released his grip on Melissa, I knew one of the consequences might have been him lying on the floor unconscious while we waited for the police. Some of the female black belts did not like my answers but admitted there had been plenty of opportunity for them to pursue other options. Their inaction settled the issue of my being the best hire in our master's eyes.
I did not know it at the time but that night had another significant event. After the police left, the master had me give Megan, a college freshman, an introductory lesson. She was one of the more vocal witnesses when the cops asked questions. She was a little wide-eyed during her lesson but I put it down to seeing her new instructor in the kind of action usually reserved for movies.
Sharon walked into the office drawn by my warm smile. She put her hip against the desk and stared at me. I knew Melissa was waiting patiently in her mother's car so nothing was going to happen but the thought of Sharon and I widened my smile.
We had embroiled ourselves in a torrid affair a month after her husband interfered with my class. It was a Friday night and she looked a little lost as she was leaving the building. I stopped her at the door and asked if anything was wrong. She told me it was Melissa's first weekend with her father. I grimaced in sympathy and she laughed.
I had never seen her laugh before that; I liked how it brightened her face.
I asked if she wanted to go to the local diner and a movie. She said she had plans. I nodded somewhat wistfully, said goodbye and walked back into the office. I was surprised five minutes later when she came in to tell me her plans had fallen through.
The smile on her face warmed me as she spoke the words.
I decided to treat her to better than a diner when she made a joke about it being her first time out in years. The military life was not the most financially rewarding but my mother's family was old money. I had a healthy trust fund that was given a steroid shot when I chose to attend the same university my grandfather taught at.
The movie was forgotten as Sharon opened up. I was the best man at both Michael and Jason's weddings so marriage was not something foreign to me. Their wives had found me a good sounding board when they had problems with their husbands. I was used to hearing the good and ugly of marriage.
Sharon's had been ugly from the beginning, with little good throughout. I was surprised she let him have any visitation but she assured me that for all his faults he was a good father.
I am not quite sure how we ended up in her apartment or kissing on her couch.
She whispered a lot of excuses about why we should not be doing anything but those stopped with my first touch on her clit. She came hard soon after and lay back looking at me with satisfied eyes. I shifted uncomfortably when she got up on her knees and leaned over me. She did not bother to fix her panties and jeans, which were around her knees. We kissed deeply before her hands fluttered on top of my zipper. I let her take her time; I was enjoying having my hand on her hip and stroking her unbelievably soft skin. I pulled my hips up when she got my pants opened and she pushed them down my legs. She gasped into my mouth when she put her hand on me. She broke the kiss and looked at my crotch.
I was a healthy couple of inches longer than average and thick to boot.
Sharon looked back to me. I was beginning to feel self-conscious when her eyes flared with feminine want. She pushed my underwear and pants down my legs stripping me below the waist. She got up from the sofa and threw a cushion down between my legs. She knelt on it and gave me the best blowjob of my life.
We were sitting on the couch relaxing and I decided to return the favor. I was kissing down her belly making my intentions clear when she said my favorite words in that situation.
"Wait! Nobody's ever..."
I looked up at her and my smile must have been close to evil. She found out why in the next fifteen minutes as I lavished her with my lips and tongue. She was too tired to protest when I hooked her legs on my shoulders. I found out quickly that Sharon liked long, deep, slow strokes. Her pussy felt so good around me that I was happy to oblige her preferences.
We spent the weekend together and afterwards enjoyed each other's company during Melissa's weekends with her father. I was very surprised when she insisted I continue dating and fucking whomever I wanted. I was annoyed by her lack of possessiveness to be honest, but accepted her explanation. She said as long as I was still seeing other people she did not have to take what we had seriously. I guess I could not blame her for being leery of commitment after her marriage.
For a year after, I dated if a woman asked me but Sharon and her blossoming sexuality were all I wanted in my bed.
Sharon smiled as widely as I had and leaned over to whisper in my ear.
"Megan is downstairs beating up the heavy bag."
Sharon had unwittingly set fire to Megan and me.
It was fairly obvious that several of the female students found me attractive. I did not think I was all that but Michael and Jason's wives had assured me the eyes alone entrapped beating female hearts. Everyone on my mother's side of the family had them. They were a brief stop in the blue pool on the way to white. Matched with my father's Spanish coloring of dark skin and hair, it made my eyes a piercing blue. I avoided the younger female students knowing their crushes would wane as boys their age matured. I was not adverse to flirting with the older women figuring if it got them in the donjon a couple of times a week there would be more benefit to their health than harm to their hearts.
I did not think Megan was one of the crushers.
She took classes irregularly her freshman year but in her sophomore year she was more focused. She was shy around other people in class although was always willing to be my demonstration dummy. She blushed whenever I used a hold or throw that ended with us in full body to body contact but I did not think anything of it.
I thought Megan was pretty. Her dark eyes were a contrast to mine, and whenever she stood close I found myself counting her freckles. I loved the color and style of her hair; auburn, long and perfect tight waves without being curly. We saw each other on campus occasionally but she only gave me a quick smile before looking away. I liked the intense way she watched me sometimes in class. I only caught it out of the corner of my eye, but I could feel it when she looked at me that way.
Sharon discovered teasing during the September of Megan's sophomore year. She pushed the envelope sometimes but enjoyed the resulting hard takings when she went too far. Those were the few times our sex was a little rough. I was in the office one Friday night taking a shower after class. The master had a full bathroom installed off of his office and let the assistants use it when he was not there. I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower to find Sharon waiting for me. I knew Melissa was with her father so I thought it was the beginning of another fantastic weekend. It started fine with Sharon pushing the water off my body with her hands and tongue. She took me into her mouth and sucked for a couple of minutes before letting me go.
She stood up and smiled.
"I'm visiting my parents this weekend. Have fun!" she said excitedly and ran out laughing. I was naked so could not follow her. I grit my teeth and fought the desire to kick the walls. I finished drying and stood looking at myself in the mirror until I calmed down. I put on boxer-briefs and stepped into the office.
Megan was waiting for me.
I stood in the doorway staring at her. She stared back but at my groin. I was half-hard when I stepped out of the bathroom; in seconds, I became what Jason used to call 'wicked hard'.
"Hello to you too," Megan said in voice that mixed confusion, humor and feminine awareness.
We both blushed at her words. She tried to raise her eyes for my modesty's sake. They did not make it to looking into mine; they stopped at my abs and chest. I kept my body in fighting trim; combat fighting trim and she admired every exposed inch.
I blushed again, which was two times more than I had in years, as my dick became insistent. I shook my head knowing Megan was probably the second part of Sharon's tease. I always locked the office door when I showered. Sharon had to know Megan was waiting for me, set me up in the bathroom, and let Megan into the office as she completed her escape.
I stepped around Megan carefully and put on my gi pants.
Megan was the only student I wished had a crush on me. Sometimes, there was something voracious about her eyes when she looked at me.
I made a conscious decision not to put on my top and sat down. I leaned my chair back and put my hands on my stomach.
"I'm sorry about that, Megan," I said carefully.
She nodded and sat down across from me. I noticed that she was still wearing her gi and sat up as she explained her situation. Megan was testing for her fourth rank in two weeks but was unsure about her throws and holds. None of that stuff was required for the rank but the master liked his students to have a jump on advanced techniques. I told Megan not to worry about it but she seemed nervous. She asked if I could give her some extra help. I put my top on but not my belt and gestured towards the door.
Trying to teach Megan proper holds and throws while hard as a tire iron was not the best idea I ever had, but the results were great. She learned everything she needed after only a couple of tries. She teased me into teaching a few more things and we somehow ended up with me putting a reverse choke on her. I did not hook my legs so she would not panic. We fell backwards and she was on top of me as I lay on the mat. She pried my arms loose when I made an allowance for her being female and stretched them out as far as she could. It trapped her hands into keeping mine away though. She wriggled upwards which exposed her neck as she tried to make good her escape.
I bit her gently before I realized what I was doing.
We both froze and I let her go.
She got up slowly.
I stood up behind her and thought about how to best apologize for my indiscretion. She turned around and looked at me. Her eyes were shining and she took a couple of steps back.
I opened my mouth to apologize and she charged. It caught me completely flat-footed. I am surprised I did not hurt her. She hit me too high to be an effective tackle. I went down but at the last moment jumped up to take her with me into the guard position. I was on my back with my legs locked around her waist; my arms were around her upper body with my hands cinched together behind her back. I pulled her as close to me as possible.
It had been automatic defensive maneuver. I think her next move was also automatic.
She rested on top of me with her face in my chest. She tested our position trying to gain some advantage but even if my fighting instinct had let her put me down I was too well trained to not hold her perfectly.
She rubbed her tummy against the hardness pressing against her.
I was hard when I left the office, which slowly became half-hard as we worked on her technique. The bite had put me back in the range of wicked hard but there are no words for what I became after she rubbed herself on me.
I made believe I did not notice what she was doing until she moaned.
The sound broke both of us.
She was strong for her size but it was no-contest.
I took her hard.
I do not know if I would have stopped had she fought me for real. She struggled as I ripped the center seam of her pants but it stopped when I pushed her panties aside to take her body. She wrapped her legs around my waist and hugged tightly. She cried out her orgasm and I felt the months she had wanted me.
It was rough; my body gave her's no quarter as I tried to make myself a part of her through friction. I fucked her and when I thickened as my pleasure subsumed me she screamed out her second orgasm.
Sharon pulled away from my ear. She turned my chair so my legs were out from beneath the desk. She leaned down between my legs and put her hands on the waist of my pants. She pulled them down far enough to clear my hardening dick and testicles. She smiled as she put her tongue on me.
I had stood by quietly that first time as Megan dressed behind the door of the women's locker room. She walked out and looked at me. Her eyes had a little trepidation and a lot of satisfaction in them. She waved nervously and almost ran out of the donjon. I punched the heavy bag for a few minutes trying to kill the extra energy.
The sex was good... actually it had been great.
I had no idea what was going to happen next between us but my body was on the side of more Megan. I walked into the office to find Sharon sitting naked in the chair. She was playing her fingers lightly up and down her pussy.
"That was the sexiest shit I've ever seen and you are going FUCK me long and hard all night," she said in a painfully excited voice.
Sharon was insatiable that weekend. The night I fucked Megan for the first time, I also fucked Sharon's ass for the first time. Seeing me with another woman opened Sharon's fantasy life. We spent the weekend living what fantasies we could together. She admitted in the darkness of the night when we could not even see each other that part of her excitement was wanting Megan too.
The next year flew by as I lived from Sharon weekends to Megan nights.
Sharon stood leaving my dick standing straight up. She raised an eyebrow at me and strutted out the door. Megan and Sharon had developed a strange relationship in the year since my first time with Megan. Sharon was the only one that knew about her. She became Megan's co-conspirator in making sure the path was clear when Megan was in the mood for what our time together had become.
I thought in some ways I was a well-trained puppy. As soon as Sharon said Megan was still there, my body surged with lust.
Sharon stopped at the door and cocked her hip. I loved her ass; there were times inside of her that I prayed I would not cum so the cries of her orgasms would never end.
"You know, David," she said looking over her shoulder. "If you want something more with Megan and you need an excuse; she would certainly make a fantastic first woman for me."
She turned and walked out without seeing my reaction to her words. I wanted more with Megan, more with Sharon, more with both of them but at that moment what I really wanted was to bend Sharon over the table so I could lick the sweat residue of a hard class from her ass and pussy.
I did not really know what I wanted with Megan though. I just knew that a session every three weeks or so was becoming not enough. I did not want to ask for more if it was all she wanted but...
I gave it a couple minutes worth of thought and walked downstairs. Megan never gave me any sign that she wanted more so I had to settle for what she was giving me.
The sessions changed slowly in the intervening year. At the beginning, there was only a little fighting/wrestling before we fucked. She fought harder now and gave nothing that I did not take first. There were times in class that she concentrated fiercely and I knew she was thinking of modifying a technique to use on me.
Sharon called it rough seduction.
Megan was giving the heavy bag a small pounding. She turned to look at me and took off the sparring gloves. We learned long before that they got in the way when things became heated.
We moved our sessions downstairs because the mats were more comfortable for grappling, among other things. There was a large enough space in the middle because the weight machines lined the wall. Some black belt males habitually held 'boxing' matches down there to prove their manhood; at least that is what I thought they were trying to prove. They never invited me and I did not interfere.
Megan moved to the middle of the floor. Everything was probably a little too formal for her but we never discussed what we were doing. We did use smiles instead of bows though.
The uniforms had adapted to meet our needs. I used one of my looser ones with no belt. Her belt was longer than the one she used in class. It made for great handles; at time it had other uses. Her uniform was looser than the one she wore in class. I knew she would be wearing a sports bra underneath. The panties were probably white; thin strips at her hips and translucent over her mound.
Sometimes I did not take them off her; I ripped a hole for myself or like the first time pushed them aside. I smiled wondering if I could offer to start a panty fund so I could rip them off every time.
We moved towards each other slowly with hands outstretched in the testing. Our fingers touched and our breathing deepened. I had pushed in class so we were tired but the adrenaline and sexual need was driving us.
It was not a competition; we had the same unifying goal.
She grabbed the sleeve of my uniform and pulled down on it. Part of the fun was seeing where she took things so I never took over any move right away. I went with her pull and she hit me her hip to flip me. I relaxed into it but felt her hesitation when she had me down. I grabbed her arm and dragged her over my shoulder so that she was also down but in front of me. I wrapped my legs around her waist and set the hooks in; my feet and calves on the inside of her thighs to limit the range of movement. I wrapped one arm underneath hers and brought the other around her head.
Had we been doing it for real, I would have gone for a choke but we were playing and I kept escape possible. This position usually led to her first capitulation, which was always a bite to her neck reminding me of our first time.
I did not use small joint manipulations but she was allowed just about everything. She grabbed my hand to break the grip and realized I had left my pinkie out to dry. She grabbed it in a tight fist and bent it backwards. I rolled out, releasing my hold and freeing myself from hers. I stood up and her smile was wide knowing she had gotten to me. She stood up and watched as I shook my hand.
She had this look that screamed a very insincere 'Ahh... poor baby!'
I approached her again. She tried a loose thigh kick and was surprised when I turned into it instead of moving away. I took the kick followed her drawback so we were body to body. I tripped her backwards and dropped with her. I caught myself with my arms before my weight hit her. She was trapped and surprised by my move. I took advantage by dropping a kiss on her lips.
It lasted long enough for her to kiss back. I tried to deepen it but she slipped out from underneath my arm and pushed me away with her legs. She stood up quickly taking a few steps back. I tried to get up but she charged bowling me over.
Megan had tells for her charges so I knew what was happening. I rolled with her body contact and flipped her with my legs. I cringed when I heard her hit the mat. I flipped over to my stomach and looked at her. She knew how to take a fall so I was sure she was not hurt but it was not something I did to her regularly. She was lying on her back with her arms in a position that meant she had slapped the mat right. She turned her head and stuck her tongue out at me.
I got up and took a couple of steps backwards. Megan was always dangerous when I did something like that. She had ways of getting even that I rarely avoided. She stood up slowly and her eyes burned into me. She walked me down the way I did students when they were being too cute in sparring. Maintaining eye contact, she approached me like nothing could get in her way.
I let her, wanting to see where she took it. She stood inches from me and got up on her tiptoes. I moved my face down to kiss her. Her hands grabbed my cock and squeezed me. The pressure was hard but I was harder.
"WOH!" I yelled when she applied the same ankle trip I used to take her down. I hit the ground well but she planned it perfectly landing on top of me in a full mount.
I should have known better since we had not gotten to the sex that quickly since the first couple of times. She punched my chest and I remembered I had someone sitting on my stomach. I put my hands up to protect my face.
Megan never hit hard but she still pounded on me when she had the upper hand. She was mostly aiming for my arms and chest but I knew the hits would get harder the longer she stayed up there.
I pushed my hips up hard to try to get her over my head. She grabbed my arms and rode me up. She wrapped her legs underneath when I did not bring my hips down immediately. She hugged herself close to me and brought her hand under my neck to prevent a bridge. I settled my hips and she pulled her legs out from underneath. She punched my chest again to point out her continued dominant position. I pushed up and turned to get on my knees with my elbows on the mat surprising her. She stepped up, thought better of it and hooked her legs around my waist. I felt her hands reaching for a reverse choke.
That REALLY surprised me, and she had it almost locked before I recovered. I turned my head and tucked my chin. Megan tried to dig her arm underneath but did not have the strength.
I rolled to my ass; rolled again to my knees; rolled to my ass and rolled to my knees. She rarely had my back so the motion was something new to her. With each roll, I turned more and more into her.
At the final roll, I had turned myself enough to be face to face with her. Her legs were wrapped around my waist and her arms were still around my neck. I grabbed her hips in a tight grip and pushed up against her. I could not get inside her with four layers of cloth between us but her pussy was butted with my need to tear through the barriers. I put my face against her neck and kissed it. She ground her hips on my need for a second before trying to push me away. I brought my hands from her hips to bury them in her hair. I kissed her hard, she tried to turn her face but I prevented it. She kissed me when she realized there was no escape. Her mouth opened and I invaded it with my tongue. We kissed hungrily for a minute until I reached to pull down her pants.
Megan was flexible and watched me carefully in grappling classes.
She brought her legs up and placed her feet on my hips. She pushed up with her legs and arms. I had taught her the move and it was the best she ever performed it. I let her push me away and escape again.
She tried to stand up but had to put her hand down as her legs weakened. I felt the same weakness in mine when I tried to stand up.
I needed to fuck Megan bad.
I always wanted to fuck Megan when I was around her but watching her try to regain control of her legs while my own betrayed me turned the want to almost desperate need.
I closed my eyes and took a couple of deep breaths. I could win at any time but taking her inch by inch was soulfully satisfying. It went on like that for a good twenty minutes. We wrestled until I was in a superior position and I took a kiss or a bite as the price for letting her go so we could continue.
I could feel her getting more and more excited.
She had me in a headlock when her pants came off. My head was tight in on her ribs but she had my chin not my neck. She squeezed me tightly and let out a little giggle since this rarely happened. She was kneeling on the ground and did not notice when I put my hands on her hips. She tried to stand up when I grabbed her pants. She would not let go of the hold instead she tried to squeeze my head to make me stop. I pulled on her pants; the loose knot at the waist did nothing to prevent them from coming down. I straightened up which caused her upper body to rise. This let me push her pants over her ass and hips. She finally let me go and reached for her pants but I pulled on them putting her on her back. She caught herself but this let me extend her legs and pull the pants off her body. I tossed them aside and they landed on top of a weight machine.
I pulled my top of my body and tossed it behind me. I slid my pants and briefs down my legs to step out of them. Each move was filled with the arrogance of my intent.
She had heard the message in my movements before and waited quietly as I moved towards her.
I wanted my fingers in her pussy.
Megan tried to dodge around me but I caught the belt. She pulled away from me but was not strong enough to stop me from pulling her down. I wrapped my arm around her waist and hooked my ankle around hers. I pushed her other leg way with my foot. Her panty covered pussy was open to my hungry fingers.
I hated those fucking panties in the moment that I felt her wetness. I pushed my fingers into her forcing the cloth inside and she arched her back. She pushed at my hand with her own and tried to slide off my body. I grabbed the sides of her panties and gave her a choice.
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My wife and I had been married for three great years. We were high school sweathearts in the middle of small town in germany. She is the only woman I have been with and I was the only man who she had had. I was a normal looking guy, dark hair, average height and weight. My wife was a cute little girl with italian ancestors . She had shoulder length black hair and a nice little body. She was petite with a nice little rack. She looked alot like Christina Aguilera except she dressed much more...
“Open your mouth,” she sternly directs me. I feel her straddling my back as I lay prone on my stomach. I look at the alarm clock. 6:33 a.m. I’m completely nude, somehow unaware that she has managed to tie my now spread legs and arms to the four posts of our king sized bed. I sleep naked so that part is not a surprise, but how she's managed to strap me down without my waking, I shall never know. Either way, I am completely unable to move other than getting to my hands and needs in an ‘all fours’...
ExhibitionismIt was just like any other day until you see a cute girl all alone. So you go over next to her and sit by her; and you introduce yourself. "Hi I'm Kaname. What is your name, you said." "My name is Tessa. Do you mind If I ask you a personal question, asked Tessa." "Go ahead and ask away, you said." "Boys have been asking me out & I tell them no. I just don't want to go out with them. I want my first time to be with a kind; caring; sweet; and sensitive girl, Tessa said." "I know what your going...
You assume the role of Tessa the captain of a ship, your well respected by your crew. You have grey hair that is in a ponytail with a blue ribbon to match. You decide to have your crew to surface the ship, so that you can get out on fresh land for some air. I decided to walk a few blocks and I happen to come across a High School. I see this really cute girl in a schoolgirl uniform with green hair behind me. The Next thing I know is she bumps into me and all of a sudden her things fall to the...
Well I've never considered myself straight as Ive always appreciated a nice big cock though I've never realy done anything other than being sucked off many time through gloryholes in mens toilets when I was as horny as hell.So I’m driving back south on the A34 from Oxford. And see someone thumbing. Its Christmas so I pull over. I say I’m going as far as the A303 and says OK and hops in. He’s a young lad and after a while tells me he’s been with his girlfriend but he’s annoyed as she wont let...
SINFULLLena Denson, 45yo, white female, 5'06, 135lbs, 34Bx27x37; brown eyes, and short, spiky hair was bored was ready to go home after being at work less than an hour. She worked the graveyard shift, and since it was a Tuesday night, she was sure that the hours were going to move as quickly as the hot dog rollers that were sweating juices from weenies at that very moment not two feet from her. She was working with Tawny Hobbs, 28yo black female, 5'02, 160lbs, 38Dx38x48, with brown eyes, and...
I touch your hand and I can feel you shiver with anticipation, I move my hand slowly up your arm and I can feel the goose bumps start to raise on your arms I move in and kiss your neck and your heads tilts back as you allow me to kiss you slowly and softly. I place my hands around your waist and pull you close holding you tightly as you lean in and kiss my neck .I can feel my whole body shake as your touch makes me so weak inside I move my hands down to your bum and squeeze it gently then move...
As for the start of the affair - UK 2008 a Solicitors Office in the North East.... A new underwriter ( Simon ) arrived in the summer of 2008 and we got on really well laughing and joking etc – he was married and I had Bill so there was never anything going on just a lot of flirting and him trying to embarrass me as I was quite and demure at work and appeared shocked at rude jokes and comments ..... I loved flirting with him , got quite turned on about it if the truth be known .....showing an...
Hi all reader, how ru ??? i hope u guys r enjoyin the stories here …My self ajju(name changed) m from height is 171cms n i hav 8″ cock which mostt of aunties lik … I am going to tell you about my first sex encounter with a Aunty. A day when I was coming back from my university late in the evening in the main area of the city belonging to the very elite class of the a narrow street I saw a lady was struggling to start her car. I looked at her and passed away she was in red...
Hello Readers, I am sharing my experience for the first time on ISS. This experience isn’t imaginary or fake, it is 100% true. So some of you might not like it too, and some of you who are big fan of the 100% real stories will surely like it. Let me introduce you my self first, I m 24 years old fun loving girl with a perfect figure of 32-26-36. I love to do work out, I have a bf (I don’t want to give his name as I want to share my real exp so I wont even use a fake name for him). He is tall,...
Karen still couldn’t quite believe it. Yet the feeling in her pussy left her in no doubt. Three times she had been to bed with him. And three times, after they had made the most fantastic love she could ever have imagined, she had felt this same and unmistakeable feeling. There was no question about it......Steve had more passion, more tenderness, and more plain staying power than anyone else she had been with. Not that she had as much experience as some of her friends, but...
AnalIt really only took a couple hours to get back, so they got there early in the morning much to the delight of the townsfolk. All relieved to find out she’s still a virgin. Anika gets back to her house and goes about her regular day. Night comes around and Anika was getting ready for bed, what Kantar had told her earlier continued to play thru her mind; she was planning on pleasuring herself tonight, to the thought of him. They said no sex, but nothing about masturbation. So she gets herself in...
LesbianTia Chaturvedi,23.fem from Mumbai. Tall 5’8, fair, smart and sexy with 34-26-34 of figure also married now,before marriage ma name was Kavya Upadhya as ma father is Upadhya. Hope you people have read ma previous story “Unfaithfull Tia”.You can mail me comment on ma stories and personal comments or if anything want to know about me or want to share with me.I will surely reply your mails.Ma email id is I was sleeping behind ma husband Rahul but was thinking about Sameer who is in ma home now as...
Tia Chaturvedi 23 years of age,5’5 of hight,good looking,smart,fair and sexy also today I am wife of Dr.Rahul Chaturvedi. Me and Rahul got married before a month.It was the arrange one by our parents,I had never seen Rahul before we got married nor Rahul have seen me.But even then we both were liking each other and were living happily after our marriage.Our sex life is also normal,as Rahul is a good doctor so he dont have much time to spend at home but even then we use to have sex once in a day...
Feb 10, 1999 I'd been very unhappy. You seemed to not have time for me lately and thefew precious hours spent together were not enough, nor did we play when wesaw each other. I began to think you were either seeing someone else or thatyou just no longer wanted me as your slave. We spoke on the phone and I letmy feelings be known. I made one mistake in that conversation, I refused tocall you Master. When you asked why I explained to you the reason was thatI did not feel the control you used to...
To say I had an average, normal childhood would be a lie. I never really knew my father, he left when I was pretty young. My mother, well, she wasn't much of a mom. By the time I was 10 I had ended up living with my Aunt and uncle. At the time I wasn't exactly clear on why I had to go live with them. Calling me a bratty little shit at the time I moved in with them was to be kind. I was a terror on two feet. I had met my aunt, uncle and their daughter, my cousin, a few times at family...
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Porn Pictures Sites"The Porn Full" popped up in my inbox this morning when I was still only half-awake, and I swear I could picture myself in court today. “Do you solemnly swear to watch the porn, the full porn and nothing but the porn, so help you God?” the judge would ask. I’d put my hand on a stack of Hustlers and tell him, “Sure, as long as I get to jack off to them. Blue balls is a serious and painful medical condition.”There’s actually a hell of a lot less pomp and circumstance over at, a...
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Free Porn Tube SitesMy hard breathing hissed through my clenched teeth as I arched my back and tightened every muscle I could find to keep from releasing a flood of cum into the ultra-petite Japanese school girl’s pussy on top of me. As my muscles flinched with quick pulses, I knew it was too late to hold back. I looked up at the sweet young face with full, tender lips as I pulled down hard with a hand on each of her curvaceous hips. With my cock buried so deep I could feel the top of her canal, I shot my hot,...
EroticHi All This is steve,I married my gf suchi. i was 30 when I had a best moments with my friend Once I finished my studies immidetaly I got a job and settled in banglore. After 2 years I got my friend chris in contact, and to my surprise he also working in banglore at that moment. I met chris in the weekend. He got married to my friend marry. she is gorgious and of same age 29. Both Chris and Marry works in Same office. Almost every weekend we use to have party together. some times at their...
Cheating WifesI lay dozing in the pilot's couch, periodically performing a one-eyed visual scan of the control instruments. As usual all readings were in the green; which was good since the ship was flying on automatics. I'd lifted from the moon's deep space launch site 35 days ago on a 10 year resupply mission to New Earth, the fourth planet of Proxima Centauri. It was pretty much a trash hauling mission and, for all practical purposes, I was just along for the ride. Union regulations required a...
I found my dad’s porn stash by accident one day. He had gone away on business and I was in the loft when I found the bag. There was the usual wank mags, videos and I thought that was all. So I pulled out my cock and started to wank. He had some good, hard core, heterosexual stuff. As I pulled my s*******n old cock, I was really enjoying this stash when I found a little black book. Inside was his contact list with whores, escorts, cinemas and other acquaintances. Mostly there were places a long...
CHAPTER 16: DOLPHIN CONTACTOnce again I find myself sitting next to the water looking over the vast expanse of the ocean and wondering what could happen next in my life that has turned so crazy. This time I am sitting on an isolated beach on a small island off the Southwest coast of Columbia, roughly halfway between Buenaventure and Tumaco. The island is uninhabited, primitive and secluded. The significance of the island and the reason I find myself sitting on this particular beach, alone, is:...
First Contact Everyone knows exactly where they were when First Contact happened. Its one of those moments that just gets burned into your brain, and you never forget. But in my case, it was especially hard to forget, because it was the last day of my life as I had known it. The first sign we had that we were not alone in the universe was when their spaceship entered our solar system. I had been forced to live in the observatory thanks to being kicked out of my own house,...
Maggie's legs gracefully draped over my shoulders, her knees almost in contact with her own firm spectacularly nippled breasts. Her slim tanned body was highly flexed at the hips, her moist and beautiful flower open and eager for my advances. As my hands tucked under her shoulder blades to orchestrate the penetration, my role as impaler was clearly defined as our genitals met, my rigidity forcing its way tightly in, slippery but firm, and our eyes locked... No, no! Hold on a minute. That's...
Fifteen days later... Time: March 30, 8240 10:32 PM The congregational unions of Qataban sang me a spontaneous farewell hymn this evening, at the end of the cathedral Prayer service. It was an ancient folk melody and an extremely touching gesture. I had to fight to hold back my tears. So many changes are about to happen. I'm flying with my family tomorrow to the Caribbean island township of Dalma, and I can't wait to show my wives the incredible beauty there. And at midnight tonight, we...
The next two Parts are scene setting. I wanted to introduce all the characters who mattered and start them moving toward the eventual resolution. That produced an unwieldy long story. So, I am going to split this and post the two together. The roller coaster ride begins after this section. We took the Eurostar from St Pancras to Paris Nord. I’d booked Premier class because I wanted the dinner amenities. So, we ate on the train. We got into Paris that evening and took a taxi to the Hotel...
The alien Captain sat staring at the harsh landscape of the airless moon. He had seen thousands of similar landscapes on other worlds and their satellites. He never tired of seeing a new one. It was why he chose the hard life of space exploration over the softer life of a planetary-bound career. New worlds, new experiences, and new revelations were like a drug to the Captain. His mindset was also why a Companion chose him as a host. The Captain and his Companion had made a good team for many...
The following tale is a depiction of pure speculations and the result of wild imagination. It guides the reader through the maze of problems an Anal Etiquette space crew have to overcome in order to survive and save the Planet from a menace unseen before! They may not make it without your active advice and support! This is a story is not for the faint hearted. The warning are in the tags - if you see anything you don't like do not read it... The year is 2201 A.C. The...
Captain Allan Ubobo was in his old transporter searching for a comms channel the others may be using. Rumours had reached him that new people were living on Jahnville on the east coast. They were near where Wizard Jahn had transported his people to this planet. The rumours included a machine that went up into the sky and came back to the ground several hours later. This had to be a transporter. He assumed that the company had finally sent a ship. He didn’t know why they went to another...
Korbaz gazed out of the slatted window of the conning tower, her furry hands clasped behind her back as she watched the windblown sand tear at the deck of the Wildfire. The command crawler was a little more luxurious than the battleship that she had previously toured. The majority of its deck was taken up by hab modules that practically formed a small settlement atop the vehicle, providing housing for her and her crew. There were barracks, officer’s quarters, even a small banquet hall where...
The next week passed with me going over in my mind moves to inflict the most damage on Martin Hodge in the shortest possible time. I also needed to make arrangements to obviate serving a long spell as a guest of Her Majesty. My defence stratagem was planned, but I required a top notch defence lawyer to bring the plan to fruition. As ever when I was in a bind I called on Harry Ledbetter. He was now a Lieutenant Colonel at the Ministry of Defence in Whitehall. In fact his spell in...
A little while after my ass had recovered from the reaming I got from the shemale hooker and her clients (see my other story "My first time with a shemale") I was again at that club (disco) in Hamburg's red light district off the Reeperbahn. Since people there were mostly preoccupied with smoking dope, being spaced out and talking rubbish I took a little walk to see what I could do about this persistent hornyness I felt. I came past a small movie house playing gay porn and decided to have a...
Hello to all fans. It was a story of my school life. Lots of class friends used to say that I am smart and cute and I am. Now the story I want to share to all friends is my only encounter with my girlfriend deepa. We study together in school. How can I explain her she is dam sexy, I secretly tell you that every one wants to fuck her thank god she is my best friend. She is so sexy that I wanted to see her nude, Our school dress was Grey skirt, which must be 7-8 CMS above knee and white blouse....
BisexualMona Stivers was, as her husband Frank phrased it, "in the mood." In her own words, she was horny. But one did not use such common street language around Frank. Frank was above such things. Mona contained herself during the campfire dinner that night, waiting until the two families eventually drifted into their various tents. Then she walked to the river and bathed. The bath was the first phase of her plan to seduce her own husband. After all, a woman who smells of a days hiking and...
"It gets easier each day," Liz said. "I thought it would be harder the farther we hiked." Jason Jefferies looked up at his wife and smiled. "You're just enjoying it more. It's easy to forget the hard work when you're in this forest. It's so damn beautiful. We should've thought of doing this years ago." "The work's not over for me," Liz replied. "Tonight is my night to do the cooking. Now I've got to see if I can talk somebody into helping me get a fire going." "Somehow I...
Frank's attention was homed in on Karen during dinner that night. The young girl sat close to Bret, her thigh pressing his, or a hand brushing over his. Her attention belonged solely to Bret. Frank was aware of that fact whether the others were or not. And her father's attention was on her. But not now as she was seated there, but on the image of her naked body so willingly receiving Bret's young cock. It was an image that refused to leave Frank's mind. After returning to camp, he had...
Mona was unsure just how long she lay there. She stared at the roof of the tent, feeling the wetness of her husband's release trickling from the lips of her vagina and running down her thighs. She shuddered. For the first time in her life, she felt used and degraded. The fluids of Frank's climax felt dirty on and within her. Never had she seen sex to be anything but a beautiful experience shared by a man and a woman. Now... now... she felt no better than a whore. No, not even a whore; at...
Linda Jefferies awoke shortly before dawn. She glanced around her tent to find her stepcousin Karen still soundly sleeping. She smiled, grateful that the girl still slept. This time, before everyone in the two families awakened, was her time. The forest just before the dawn was something special, something she had discovered the first morning of their vacation. Now she cherished this time, relishing the peaceful solitude it provided. Each morning she rose and slipped from her tent and walked...
Jason and Linda heard the voices as they returned to camp. Hastening their steps they quickly walked from the woods. At the center of camp, Frank stood, his face violet with anger, veins standing out on neck and forehead. He faced Bret and Karen. The young couple stood close together, holding each other's hands. Bret stared at the elder, his restraint more than apparent, while Karen's head was lowered, her eyes cast on the ground. Glancing at each with uncertainty, Jason and Linda moved...
Frank had upset all of them. They were quiet that night as they gathered around the fire for dinner and would have probably remained so, if Bret hadn't suddenly spoken up. "I think I should say something about this afternoon..." he began. It was obviously hard for him to talk and at first he was awkward. But he said it all, explaining everything that had happened between Karen and himself. Had it stopped there, it would have been a completely lost effort, but Mona then explained her...