- 2 years ago
- 26
- 0
I was in the front garden mowing the lawn, it was a hot Sunday in August and I was just wearing shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt, there was an ice-cold bottle of beer sweating on doorstep.
When I’d finished the lawn I sat down on the step and took a long pull on the bottle.
“Hey Mr Carter...”
I looked up, it was my neighbour’s kid, she was stood on the driveway with a parcel in her hands.
“Oh hey Gemma, how’re you doing?”
“I’m doing great, I love this weather, so hot.”
“It’s too hot for gardening, but the lawn was way too long.”
“Yeah, mum was saying it was like a jungle.”
“It wasn’t that bad ... well maybe a little.”
“Oh, this parcel came for you, you must have been out and the driver left it with mum yesterday.”
“Ahh, great, thanks.”
I took the parcel and pushing the door open behind me I tossed it into the house without taking my eyes off Gemma.
“Are you staring at my boobs Mr Carter?”
If truth be told I was, but in my defence, they were quite magnificent, especially on a girl her age, she was about 15 I think.
Everything about Gemma was spectacular, she was tall for her age, 5’ 9”, with long naturally blonde hair, she was slim as well, with a decent sized backside. I was struck by how much she’d changed since the last time I’d seen her about a year ago when she moved in with her dad, now it looks like she’s moved back with her mum.
“Well, no, I err...”
“It’s OK Mr Carter, you can look if you like. Here, you can have a better look,” and she lifted her t-shirt, her full breasts first lifting then dropping against her chest as they were freed from her shirt.
I was frozen in shock for a second or two, then I quickly told her to put them away as I hurriedly looked around to check none of the neighbours had seen what just happened.
“Haha, did I shock you?”
“Well, yes. You shouldn’t do stuff like that in public. Anyway, while you’re here you can make yourself useful, grab the rake from the shed and help me clear the grass cuttings.”
“I will if you tell me what was in the parcel.”
“Oh nothing special, just some things for my camera.”
“Boring...”, she called as she walked to the shed at the back of the house while I flipped the lawn mower over to scrape the grass off the blades.
She was soon back with the rake and wheelbarrow and we spent an hour raking up the grass then weeding the flowerbeds and pruning some bushes.
As we worked Gemma spent a lot of the time deliberately bending forwards so I could see down her top, and I spent a lot of the time adjusting my shorts in a vain attempt to hide my growing erection.
I also spent some time pondering where Gemma had inherited her figure, because she was already a lot bigger than her mother, Judy, who I knew intimately as she cleaned my house twice a week, and shared my bed on many an afternoon while I really should be working.
When all the grass cuttings were in the barrow Gemma wheeled it into the back while I followed carrying the rake and pushing the mower. At the bottom of the garden she tipped the barrow so the grass cuttings tumbled onto the compost heap.
“Woo, that’s hot work” she gasped, mopping her brow with the hem of her t-shirt revealing her substantial underboob in the process.
I’m going to have to be careful here, Gemma is a major temptation and the last thing I want is to get entangled with a minor, I’d lose my licence to work in my industry if I got caught out.
But still, she was simply stunning, and didn’t she just help me with the garden when she could have just walked away...
“Sit yourself down Gemma, I’ll go get you a cold drink, what would you like?”
“Can I have a beer?”
“Probably not, I’ve got Coke, Dr Pepper or milk.”
“Dr Pepper then please.”
I got a can of Dr Pepper and a beer from the fridge and we sat in the garden enjoying the sunshine and our drinks. We chatted about school and music and sports then Gemma got up to go as she heard her mum arrive home.
“See you tomorrow Mr Carter.”
“Err OK Gemma, see you.”
Why would she be back tomorrow?
I was still in the garden reading a book when I heard the side gate squeak and Judy’s voice, “You in the garden Matt?”
“Sorry to disturb you, I just wanted to apologise because I need to go down to my sister’s for a few days, so I won’t be able to clean for you tomorrow.”
“That’s OK, the place is pretty straight anyway.”
“Oh no, I couldn’t leave you in the lurch, so I was thinking as Gemma is on holiday from school and just hanging around, she could do for you this week. She’s a good girl and a hard worker, so I’m sure she’ll do a good job, and I’m pretty sure she could do with the money.”
“Ahh right, yes, that would be fine, I know she works hard, she helped me with the garden this morning.”
“Yes, she said she’d been helping you; I hope she wasn’t any trouble.”
“None at all Judy, she worked hard and we got everything done in less than half the time it would have taken me on my own.”
“Great stuff, so if she comes round at 10 tomorrow morning and the same on Wednesday. I’ll give her a list of all the jobs she needs to do, and make sure she knows not to disturb you while you’re working. I think you’ll be happy with Gemma, she’s actually better at ironing than I am, so your shirts and work pants will be immaculate, she did all the washing and ironing for her dad, and she’s a great cook as well, if you want she can make your dinner and put some aside for the rest of the week.”
“I can’t expect her to do more work than you do Judy.”
“Keep her busy Matt, that’s the trick or her mind tends to wander.”
“Ahh, we wouldn’t want that. I’ll keep her busy. If you’re away all week will she be OK at home?”
“Oh yeah, she’ll be fine, she’s very grown up but can get bored easily. It’s only a few days and we’ve got Netflix to keep her occupied.”
“Well, if she wants someone to talk to in real life rather than online, I don’t mind her coming over of an evening this week, I’ve got Netflix as well.”
“That’s very kind of you.”
“No problem, I’ll enjoy the company.”
“Great, I’ll let Gemma know you’re OK for her to cover for me this week, now I’ve got to go, I’ve got a cake in the oven for my sister, i don’t want it to burn.”
With that she was gone.
Good god, how would I cope with Gemma for a week?
Monday and I was working in my office upstairs. I write software for schools, at the moment I’m designing a drawing package for use on interactive touchscreen displays, lots of bold colours for primary school kids. I feel sorry for whoever has to keep the screens clean after the kids have run their sticky fingers all over them.
My mind was fully on piece of code that kept failing when I heard the door open downstairs.
“Hey Mr Carter, I won’t disturb you I know what I’m doing today, I’ve got a list. Let me know when you want some lunch, mum told me I’m cooking for you all week, thanks for letting me work for you, this is going to be so much fun.”
“OK Gemma,” I shouted down the stairs, “don’t worry about disturbing me if there’s anything you can’t find.”
And true to her word, I didn’t hear a peep out of Gemma all morning, well apart from her singing as she worked, but she had a nice voice, and was singing a good range of songs, so I turned my radio off, opened my office door and listened to Gemma instead.
I stopped work at 12:30 and went downstairs, I could hear Gemma in the lounge, she was singing a Lana Del Rey song as she was plumping the cushions on the sofa, then I was struck dumb when I saw her the mirror.
“Errr, Gemma, could you do me a massive favour and put some clothes on.”
“Oh sorry, I always do the housework naked.”
“That’s nice, but it’s not really appropriate for you to do it naked with other people in the house.”
“OK Mr Carter, I’ll get my clothes.”
Then the little minx walked right past me into the kitchen and picked up her clothes and dressed while I was watching.
“Is this better?”
“Much better, thanks.”
“Did you come down to ask me something?” She asked sweetly.
“I was just going to make myself a sandwich.”
“No you don’t, I’ll make it, mum told me what you like, I’ll bring it upstairs.” Then she nodded to the flask I had in my hand, “do you want me to make you a fresh flask of tea?”
I was struck dumb again, Judy really had given Gemma a complete jobs list.
“The flask,” she prompted, a smile on her lips.
“Errr ... oh ... yes, thank you,” I put it on the kitchen counter and wandered back upstairs in a daze.
“Here you go Mr Carter, corned beef, extra mature cheddar and Branston Pickle on thick sliced bread. A chocolate eclair and a flask of Yorkshire Tea.”
“Thanks Gemma, your mum gave you a complete jobs list.”
“Yes, Mr Carter, she did, and I’m ticking off the jobs as I go through. I’m going to have a cup of tea next then I’ll do your ironing.”
“Please Gemma, call me Matthew, or Matt, calling me Mr Carter all the time, it’s too formal.”
With that Gemma left the room, as she reached the door she turned and said, “mum told me to do everything she does for you, everything.”
And she was gone.
Did that mean ... absolutely everything?
I tried to put that thought out of my mind and ate my sandwiches, which were exactly like Judy made, right down to the salad leaves and pickle. The tea was just right as well, brewed for exactly 4 minutes and just a dribble of milk added.
I managed to solve the problem that was causing the code crashes and sat back and checked my emails, a few new requests for demos in schools, a lot of spam, and a message from Judy checking that Gemma was doing OK, I said she was absolutely perfect. Judy responded straight away saying she was glad Gemma was performing satisfactorily and telling me she’d told Gemma to do everything she did, the everything was underlined.
I worked solidly until 4, then I set the code to compile and risked going downstairs.
As I reached the foot of the stairs I looked in the kitchen and saw a beautiful peachy backside!
My stealthy approach was foiled by the creaky floorboard in front of the kitchen door.
“Now before you say anything Matt,” Gemma started, “it’s way too hot to expect me to iron with clothes on.”
“I wasn’t going to say anything.”
Damn straight I wasn’t, I was all for standing there watching those arse cheeks jiggle as she ironed.
“So what did you want?” She asked, then continued before I could answer, “Oh look at the time.”
I was puzzled.
Gemma reached over and turned the iron off then took my hand and led me upstairs.
Then it struck me.
In my room Gemma took hold of the hem on my polo shirt and pulled it over my head, I was in a daze and dumbly lifted my arms as she pulled the shirt up,
Then she knelt and unbuttoned the fly on my jeans. they dropped to the floor, unconsciously I stepped out of them and Gemma picked them up and folded them neatly on top of my polo shirt.
My boxers were severely tented and as Gemma pulled them down my engorged cock sprang out and slapped my belly, she gave a little giggle then helped me step out of the boxers before she placed them on top of my other clothes, I was now as naked as she was.
Gemma took hold of my manhood, she slowly caressed it, she spat on her palms and started to move her hands faster, bringing me to full hardness she wanked me harder and faster, I was helpless in her hands which were skilled beyond her years.
In next to no time I reached the point of no return, Gemma sensed this and slowed her ministrations, using her left hand to start massaging my balls. She leant forwards and took the tip of my cock in her mouth, the first touch of her tongue on my cock head was the tipping point, my balls contracted and a thick string of cum landed on Gemma’s tongue, quickly followed my two, three, four more spurts. My knees buckled and I almost fell but Gemma quickly moved her hands to my bum and back and kept me upright.
She swallowed my cum, licked her lips and stood. She slapped my bum and left the room, calling back “I need to get the ironing finished, get yourself dressed and we’ll sort something for dinner in a little while.”
Now that’s not what I expected to happen.
I dressed, then for want of something to do while Gemma finished my ironing I went back in the office and checked my emails and socials, nothing new in my work email account, and nothing interesting in my socials. On a whim I tapped Gemma’s name into the search bar, I was surprised how few friends she has, but she was chatty with the ones she had, I looked through her photos, going back through her feed to a year ago when I’d last seen her regularly, yes, she was almost unrecognisable, she’d filled out amazingly.
I scrolled through her feed again, something else struck me, there was chat for the last couple of weeks, and chat from a year ago, but nothing in between, like she’d been in prison for 12 months.
“Ironing’s finished Matt, do you want to put it away or shall I?”
I dashed downstairs and thankfully she was dressed, “It’s OK, I’ll put it away,” I scooped up an armful of shirts and took them upstairs, two more trips and the ironing was all in my wardrobe.
“So, what do you want to eat?” Gemma asked.
“What do you want?”
“No idea, lets have a look in your fridge.”
We settled on steak and chips, Gemma cooked one of the best steaks I’ve ever had, her tip, oil the steak, not the pan, and get the pan as hot as you can without melting it. She also poured wine in the pan as it was cooking.
We ate in the lounge, watching Stranger Things on Netflix, then we ate some ice cream. I insisted on washing up, I couldn’t let Gemma do it after cooking such a wonderful meal.
“Gemma, can I ask you something?”
“Anything you like,” she answered brightly.
“Well, you seem, well, awfully mature for a girl your age.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I can’t imagine too many girls your age would have got me off quite so skilfully as you did earlier.”
“Oh that, I’ve been doing dad like that for ages.”
I nearly spat my wine out at that.
“Ahh, so does Judy know about that?”
“Oh yes, that’s why I’m not there anymore. I’m not sure how I feel about it all. He never hurt me or anything, never even touched me, but I admit what he had me doing was a bit creepy.”
“Are you OK talking about this?”
“Well, like I say, he never hurt me, I was just creeped out at times, but I’m fine talking. That is as long as you don’t tell anyone else, because Mum doesn’t want a fuss causing, as I’ll get all kinds of hassle.”
“OK, I won’t tell anyone, but maybe you should consider if he’s done stuff with you, won’t he do stuff to other girls.”
“I don’t know, maybe, but if I tell you the whole thing, it’ll make it easier to see that he’s probably harmless, if a bit weird.”
“OK, but only tell me stuff you’re comfortable talking about, I don’t want you reliving anything traumatic.”
“Believe me, no trauma, although I was majorly freaked out at first.”
“OK, let me get us some more wine, then tell me everything.”
“Oh, yeah, and while I remember, mum said I was OK staying over this week, because she said I shouldn’t stay in the house on my own.”
Now this is definitely not what we’d agreed, just staying in the evening to watch TV.
“Err, is that what she said, because she is aware I only have one bed.”
“Oh, that’s not a problem.”
It kind of is a problem, there’s no way I could stand sharing a bed with this gorgeous girl all week and stay legal, but Judy knows I’ve only got one bed, so...
“You know what Matt, I think I’ll be more comfortable talking lying down.”
“OK, whatever, I’ll bring the wine up.”
And as I expected, she was sat up in bed, totally naked, but looking like this was the most natural thing in the world.
Oh shit, what on earth have I let myself in for?
So, with nothing to lose but my spotless criminal record I put the wine down on my beside cabinet, undressed and slipped into bed.
“So, let me tell you about my dad.”
It all started when mum and dad divorced about 6 years ago, I can guess why they divorced, and you probably will when I tell you more.
Mum won custody, so that was great, I got to stay here and didn’t have to change school and lose my friends. But about a year ago mum lost her job, she was really struggling, I think you were her only regular work then, so dad offered to look after me for a while, until mum got back on her feet.
Very generous you might think.
Mum wasn’t so sure, but I had no idea at the time and said I’d like to see him again, and she was really struggling to feed us both and pay for school stuff like the bus and trips and stuff. So she let me go, just a couple of months she said. So I packed a suitcase and got a National Express down to dad’s, he lives near Bristol, so like 5 hours sat on a bus with loads of people I don’t know, and don’t want to know. I wasn’t in the best of moods when I got off at the coach station.
But Bristol was a nice place, and I had a couple of hours before Dad was due to pick me up, so I had a look around and found a nice café for something to eat.
So, like I said, it was 6 years ago, maybe more, it’s all a bit hazy, which means I was 8 or 9 when I saw him last, but he’d changed so much. He looked a lot older, he’d lost a lot of weight. More than I would have expected from those few years.
Anyway, he recognised me, mum must have sent him photos, or maybe I was the only girl my age around, but he came straight up to me at the café, said hello and bought more drinks and some cake.
He had a nice car, not as nice as your Porsche Matt, but nice, a BMW, one of those big 4-wheel drive ones. I got to thinking that maybe he was keeping money hidden from Social Services or whatever, because mum said he was always complaining about not being able to afford maintenance payments.
But, whatever, I was 14 years old, what do I know about anything.
So we get to his house and I’m immediately on edge, it was big, on it’s own, nothing around, but surrounded by a high fence and trees. I was instantly thinking, if this was a horror film I’d be the blonde girl who dies first.
I tried not to let my apprehension show, almost like when they say bad dogs can smell fear.
The gates open as dad drives up, as we drive through they close straight away and dad parks up. I grabbed my case and we go in the house.
From the outside it looked like the house was dark and imposing, but on the inside it was really light. Every room had lots of lights. I thought it all looked like a TV studio. I’ve been in a TV audience, the lights on the stage are almost blinding.
It’s also really warm in the house, like he’d got the heating on even though it was July.
As Dad showed me to my room he told me that I wasn’t to wear any clothing in the house, something about his religion. I was a bit, well shocked isn’t quite enough, horrified is probably better, by this thought. He said this was normal, and so I could get used to it, we could both wear underwear for a few days.
He also said his religion forbade the use of mobile phones and the Internet.
At this point I did wonder which religion was against clothes and technology, but how could I check without a phone?
At the weekend he told me that now was the time to strip off completely, and do you know what, after wearing just bra and panties for a few days I was actually OK wearing nothing.
When I asked him later that week about school he said the local schools were all full, but he had books and I could study at home.
He did have books, and full curriculum guides for maths and English and science. So I studied from home. At this point I thought I was only going to be there a month and I didn’t want to fall behind, so I studied a lot.
I also did all dad’s housework, cleaning, washing, ironing, cooking, all naked. Although I was allowed to wear an apron so I didn’t burn my boobs when cooking.
The third week, that’s when things got weird, not that the first two weeks weren’t odd.
I was on my knees cleaning out the coal fire in his music room when he came and stood right in front of me.
Oh I forgot, when I had to stop wearing my bra and panties, he kept his undies on, seemingly his religion only forbids females from wearing clothes.
So, yes, I was on my knees scraping out the ashes from the fire, you know, open fires look nice, but they’re really hard work, and so dirty. Well, there I am and he comes and stands next to me calls my name “Gemma, I need you to do something for me.”
Like I haven’t been doing stuff for him 24/7 for the last fortnight.
I look at him and he’s stood there stark bollock naked.
And do you know what, I could barely see his willy, it was almost an innie like his belly button.
I managed to keep a straight face though, and said all innocent like “What do you want me to do, sir?”
Oh yes, I had to call him sir.
“Well, I you need to service me, like the good serving wench you claim to be.”
Now, I have to say at this point that I don’t believe I ever claimed to be a serving wench, good or not, but I knew that to claim otherwise at that point would be a bad idea, a very bad idea. I was thinking back to when I arrived and being the dumb blonde girl who dies first.
I was also thinking what he meant by service, I had an idea, but I was trying to dismiss it, but nothing else I could think of fit the situation of naked man standing in front of naked girl.
Yes, I think I was expected to get him off.
I had a basic grasp of biology, and what was needed to get a man off, so to speak, so I reached out and tentatively took hold of his penis, which by now had emerged, like an expectant tortoise from its shell.
Remember this afternoon, of course you do, I needed two hands on your cock, and I couldn’t close my hand around it fully, well I used just my thumb and first finger on him, it never grew bigger than my thumb. He didn’t last long either, I’d barely got started when he came, must have been about 15 seconds, maybe less, but bloody hell, he well and truly came, loads of it, all over my tits, a lot thinner than yours, like milk instead of your creamy cum.
“Back to work now,” he commanded before he scurried off, so I had to work with sticky spunk all over myself for the rest of the afternoon.
That was the first time, he was back again a few hours later, I was making dinner then, he lasted a couple of minutes this time, and shot a bit less, but still more than I’d ever imagine from such a small cock. Each time I’d have to get back to work without cleaning up, with cum on my boobs, my face, my hair. At least when I blew him I could swallow it.
Sometimes if I was doing school work I’d end up dripping spunk all over my work, bloody good job I wasn’t having to hand it in to a teacher.
Some days I’d end up doing him 10 times, by the end of a day he was lasting 20 minutes or more and I’d have to use my mouth as well as my fingers, and he’d barely cum at all.
He never, ever touched me though, never laid a finger on me, didn’t even touch my head or hair while I was blowing him.
That was the bit I found weirdest, I could rationalise some old man, did I say, he’s older than mum, must be in his 50’s, wanting a sexy young girl blowing and wanking him, but I’d expect them to touch the girl, feel her boobs, slap her bum, some kind of reciprocal contact, but nothing.
I was there 12 months in total, then one day he told me mum was coming for me, so I was allowed to have a shower and get dressed. Which was lucky as I was dripping in cum again, he’d been extra horny that day.
I had a long, hot shower, opened my suitcase for the first time since I arrived, got out my favourite Hollister vest top and shorts the vest top was way tighter than it was when I arrived, but fuck it, I was getting out of there and as long as my boobs and ass were covered I didn’t care right then.
When the doorbell rang I walked out of that place never feeling so relieved in all my life.
“So, what do you think?”
“I think that’s the most fucked up story I’ve ever heard.”
“But do you know what’s even more fucked up? Apart from the dripping in cum parts, I enjoyed being naked 24/7, and my boobs grew so much in that time, I was like a B-cup when I arrived, I’m a DD now. Mum was so shocked. She thinks it’s because I was naked so had no bra to restrict their growth, that and being horny 24/7.”
“Did you tell her what was going on?”
“Only when we’d got home, she cried, but I told her he never touched me, and I was still a virgin, and yes it was weird, and freaky, and very, very wrong. But I was never in danger.
“At first she wanted to go straight back down there and do him some damage, but I didn’t want any hassle, then mum realised just what would happen if we did do something, it would be all over the papers and everything. And really, I’m not damaged by the experience, I’m not traumatised at all. So we decided to keep quiet.
“And as we talked it through mum told me about why she’d got divorced from him. He wasn’t like that then, she didn’t have to blow him 10 times a day or anything. No, mum is a horny little minx,” I smiled at this, and she saw me, “how do you know?” She slapped me playfully, “Oh my god, have you slept with mum? You never said. Well play your cards right and you can collect the set tonight.
“Anyway, mum, as you know, likes sexy times, but she got none with dad, because as it turns out, he can’t have sex with a lady, it would probably all work, if you could somehow get the bits to connect, but he mentally can’t have sex, the act repulses him, but he can ejeculate if he feels he’s dominating the woman, like he was with me.”
Ahh, this raised a question or two, “so, considering the situation, your mum’s needs vs your dad’s abilities, or lack there off, why did they stay together so long? And question number two, is he actually your father?”
“Well, the best I can gather is, he had a good job, it’s the money that kept them together, but his behaviour deteriorated and so eventually mum could stand it no longer.
“As for question 2, he’s on my birth certificate for convenience, but mum was, well, let’s just say she doesn’t know who dad is, there’s a number of candidates.”
This really got me thinking, and Gemma, the smart, observant girl she is, was at least three steps ahead of me.
“Matt, how long have you known mum?”
“Well, I’ve lived here 16 years.”
“And mum has lived here since they married, about 16 years ago.”
“Yes, and...”
“And you’ve been sleeping with mum how long?”
“Well, off and on, since we met, since before she married your dad, because she moved here to be next door to me.”
With this Gemma threw off the covers and pounced on me, she pinned my arms down and brought her face down to mine, our lips were touching as she growled, “You old dog, you’ve been fucking my mum forever and I didn’t know. Wait till she gets home.”
Well, I’m no monk, my powers of self control in some areas are distinctly lacking, and well, Gemma noticed this.
“Mmmm what’s that poking my bum?”
“I can’t manage 10 times a day honey, twice is good at my age.”
“You’re not much older than mum, I’m going to see what you can manage.”
With that she lifted up, let go of one of my arms and guided my cock to her pussy.
“I’m still a virgin at the moment Matt, do you want to take my cherry?”
“Right now I’ve never wanted anything more.”
A look of concern crossed her beautiful face, slightly denting the expectant glow.
“Will this hurt?”
“The first time sometimes does, but we’ll be gentle, and you’re on top, you’re in control.”
With that she pressed down, my cock head meeting her pussy lips which I could feel were already wet with anticipation. Gemma brought her face back down to mine and we locked lips in a passionate kiss as she gently lowered herself onto my by now rock hard cock.
She let out the merest of squeaks as she swallowed my whole cock in her virgin pussy. As she said earlier, my cock is quite a handful, and I was surprised that Gemma took it to the hilt without complaint, but as I keep finding out today, she’s quite a remarkable girl.
Gemma held still for a little while, getting used to the feeling of a hot, hard cock filling her up, we kissed passionately all the while, our lips apart, our tongues exploring, I was concerned that I was so horny by now I may disappoint her and cum before she really starts to fuck me. I tried to think of other things, the garden, Bristol came to mind, I started a walking tour of Bristol in my mind and found the distraction lessened the tension in my groin enough so when Gemma started to move again there was no immediate danger of ejeculation.
When they were growing up my daughter had a friend through a club they belonged to, called Gemma. She lived locally and my wife and I soon got used to her turning up on our doorstep most weekends and after school. Gemma's mum had been young when she had her and was still young and hot. I was secretly very pleased that the girls were such good friends, as we became friends with her mum too.The problem was that I don't think her mum was ready to settle down to being a mum. Gemma's dad lived a...
She said, “You clearly need more discipline. Get your clothes off and get into the living room. Now. I so should’ve spanked you last night.” Half sitting upright and still tangled up in my sheets, I stared at her, my mouth hanging open. My mind was thinking Just say no and run away, but something much deeper inside my heart couldn’t resist her, couldn’t stand that I’d angered her, that I’d disappointed her. She turned and walked out of my room; she’d changed into gray sweats, but her ass...
SpankingPick one and let me know if you should give the whole story. Comments welcomed, i can only get better. Pick 1, 2 or 3.[ 1 ]…… … . . . you arrive at the hotel and the clerk hands you your room key. You make your way up into your room. Hmmm all alone. Where is Thomas. You decide to make your self comfortable and then You lay on the bed and decide to settle down with a some TV. A knock comes to the door. You hurry over and ask who it is. I respond with @#%#$&$. You begin to smile and...
As plans went, mine sucked the big one! Lying in the back seat of a 1970's Monte Carlo, the prize possession of Morgan's uncle, I chose to blame it on Candice. Keeping my secrets was of the utmost importance; Candice rode lead on that since I showed her what couldn't be done to me. I had very little experience coming up with shit on my own. "We're almost there," Morgan said. "Try to time the light." I had sent her out of the room while I pulled up the maps to my destination. She did...
The holidays are always there to enjoy and so we both decided to visit my place – me and my very close friend, sandeep. This was like any other holiday but it turned out to be different for both of us and also for some one else. The story is not very old as i feel now. My close friend was not new to my family and hence no one objected to his spending about 20 days with me at my place. Every morning the routine was very clear. Get ready and go for “hunting”. I introduced him to all my friends...
IncestWatching from her office just after noon Kate could see the huge crowds of people on their lunch break in a hurry tripping over one another. They were so involved in their pathetic wasted lives, busily watching their feet or just keeping distance with the person in front of them that they failed to live. They were like robots programmed to wait for the little red hand to fade and the little white man to appear before crossing the street.Kate really hated her boring new day job but it paid the...
Jimmy groaned. He had enjoyed watching his mother and sister with an inbred voyeur's glee, but now his cock was hammering, badly in need of attention. He had hoped to dip it into one of their fuck-holes. But it seemed that the women were quite content without his prick. He grasped his cockstalk, tempted to relieve himself by a hand- job, but then hesitated, still hoping to be invited up a cunt hole. His daddy was even more desperate as he crouched in the doorway, his eyes blazing as they...
A DAY AT THE NUDE BEACH.***A man takes his wife to a secluded nude beach and they meet a stranger who opens their eyes. (MMF, bi, exh)***It was a hot late July day. I was working from home as usual. My wife, Anne who works in town had taken the day off to go to the beach with friends. Around 10 as she was getting ready to leave when her friend Mary called to say that she couldn’t make it, her son had come down with some sort of virus and she felt that she ought to stay home to look after...
While Greg and Amelia were having sex, a good night’s sleep, and a trip to see the O’Connells following breakfast, Gunther and Joey were not so fortunate. Ed had eventually arrived in the van, and the cold and shaking pair had been able to dry off, change clothes, and get some mostly warm food to eat along with some coffee that was reasonable hot. When they had finished, Chip had further instructions for them. “The Boss says to take a break until daylight. I’ll keep an eye on the signal from...
My beloved hubby had promised me he would bring a stranger to fuck me in front of him.As he had requested, I had dressed in high heels, silky hold up stockings and a very tiny thong with tie sides. I was naked except for a few drops of my favorite perfume.The doorbell rang and I heard Victor opening and talking to another man. Then my hubby came upstairs and he ordered me not to turn when someone else entered the room… Victor sat on a chair.I heard footsteps behind me but stood looking into...
RAPING ERICA There was an email for Laura the next day, a Sunday. She read it with her tits bared for the webcam, her nipples still connected by her painful chain, the rest of her body naked. === To: Cow Udders From: You-Know-Who Your friend Michael is coming round today to check on his "investment". You have a special mission. (1) Get Michael to fuck your bitch girlfriend Erica in the cunt, unprotected, and ejaculate. (2) Erica must not consent, and you can't give her any of your...
Authors Notes Scene two is slightly violent / degrading. _____________________________ CHAPTER THREE: Scene 01: Lykos – Sex? Yes. Scene 02: Atticus – Sex? Yes. Scene 03: Cassius – Sex? No. _____________________________ LYKOS Lykos opened his eyes and glanced over at his son. What was I saying? He fisted his hand in Callias hair as she stroked his cock. It was soaking wet from her mouth, but shed taken a detour. He heard her hungry moans as she sucked on his balls, pulling them into her mouth....
Zoe 2047 "Where the fuck am I?" Zoe asked. She raised her head from the down-filled cushion on the leather sofa and looked around her at the posters on the wall that depicted a random selection of teenage obsessions. About her feet was a scattering of discarded beer cans, cigarette papers and glossy magazines. A mirror lay flat on the table beside a half-empty glass of white wine. "You've woken up, have you?" said Tom, who was sitting cross-legged in only his boxer shorts and...
Innocent babe Diana Rius is in bit of a pickle because she crushed her boyfriend’s car near the shopping center where she spent time with her friends. Now she needs to make every effort to get his forgiveness. To her surprise, the boyfriend is in a good mood today. When he sees how cute Diana is, he is more than happy to forgive everything and solve her problems. But she doesn’t want to be indebted to him, so she whips out his big cock and gives him a deepthroat blowjob that goes into crazy...
xmoviesforyouAmber walked silently beside me, as we made our way to my car. I held the passenger door open and smiled at her. She got up on her toes and placed a gentle kiss on my lips before she entered my vehicle. On the ride up to my floor in the elevator, she slipped her pinky around my thumb and leaned against me. "Are you sure about this, Amber?" I asked as the elevator doors opened. She nodded and replied, "Yes, I am sure. I feel safe with you, Gil. I know I don't know how I will react to the things...
BDSMLisa wraps her legs around my body, hooking her ankles together at the back of my thighs. ‘Come on,’ she whispers, ‘do it to me. Do it. You need this.’ There will be no argument from me. I begin to move my hips in a circular motion. There’s something special about being inside of a woman after she comes. Everything is soft, hot and wet, but not as slippery as before. She is wide open, and ready to take whatever I can deliver. I had intended to tease her and make this last longer, but now...
SONS GIRLFRIEND PART 2The story continues . Those who did not read part 1 this is about Clare my sons girlfriend, we stopped in a field while on a trip were she wanked my cock and i fingered her pussy licked her out and she gave me a blow job from heaven.Well we picked up my new car which was the purpose of the trip and on the return we stopped in a hotel for lunch , this place had rooms to let and we both knew were we were going to end up. Room paid for, key in hand and we couldn't get in fast...
I was in a daze, it had all happened so quickly. I had just had the most explosive sexual experience of my life at the hands, and tongue, of my best friend Abbey. The uncontrollable vocal expressions of my sexual ecstasy had almost alerted her mum to the fact that we had been having sex. Amazing sex! At least I hope she hadn’t heard me, that would be really awkward in the morning, and now, now it was my turn to reciprocate. Abbey pulled me up to my feet so that we were standing on her bed, my...
Hello everyone. I am Rohit from Gujarat. I am thankful to this web site for providing opportunity to share my first sex experience. This is a story when I was in twelfth standard. It was year 2001. I was living in a small town of Gujarat near Gir forest. When I was studying in 12th commerce. A new accounts teacher Mr. Rakesh Mehta was enrolled in our school. He was my favourite teacher. He was very good at accounts. He became very popular by his easy way of teaching and explaining. Before he...
Gay MaleAuthors note: In the description later in this chapter I use British terms for the floor plan, i.e. Ground floor and first floor. American usage would have those as first and second floor. Whatever I wondered it seemed that Aleksy was very happy with Tina. I knew when he arrived as I heard the door, yet there was quite a few minutes before Tina, blushing profusely brought him into my office. "I'll make some coffee." She said. "And wipe your face." I told her. "Why?" I delivered my...
Summer Hart is making a romantic dinner for two in the kitchen wearing just an apron over her bra and panties. As the busty redhead takes a phone call from her hubby to learn that he won’t be home for dinner, she begins by pouting. Then she gets an idea that still gets her pussy pounded and also gets back at her husband. She calls her stepson, Christian Castillo, to come down and join her. She asks Christian to try some recipes for her, but there are secret ingredients so she needs to...
xmoviesforyouDaisy phoned Tyrone and informed him that her mother was OK with her fucking and that she was now on the pill. Tyrone was ecstatic. That removed a big problem. If the mother was OK with her fucking, he should be able to whore her out as much as he wanted. Tyrone had found that it was harder to get customers for his slut than he thought. He had set up a web site called For Black Cocks Only and he had placed videos and pictures of his slut up there. He included the video of her sucking his...
The afternoon was fun after a light lunch. Harry's was everything I said it would be to her and she was very happy. Our cart was filled with veggies, fruits and a few meats plus seafood for her dinner special. She teased me all afternoon. While looking at bananas from across the aisle she cleared her throat to get my attention. "Rob?" She said holding up one curved specimen. "Did I ever tell you how I loved these? So filling." She said as she rubbed her tummy. Not an hour ago she had...
Sissy Porn Star - Part 1 College for Charles Bixby was peppered with many fond memories. There was all the parties, there was his initiation into Sigma Nu, and all the friendships that he made over the past four years, and of course there were the girls. Charles went to Carnegie Mellon and chose to study computer science. Charles, through the help of his guidance counselor, chose Carnegie because it had one of the best computer science schools in the United States. The four years...
Sweet young Verity and the b**st of i****tiaPart 5.The morning of the Volka family’s court case for citizenship in i****tia was clear and bright. Young Verity and her sister Cambria were in summer dresses while their younger brother Caci was dressed in a frill-sleeved top and smooth cotton pants and their father Yuri and uncle Avan were in button-down shirts and slacks.Despite their appearance as a wholesome family, for weeks, Yuri had copulated with his daughter with such unbridled lust that...
CHAPTER 1 I am Mary Lawson, thirty-nine, married to David for almost twenty years now, mother to Rick who had just turned nineteen. I don’t know what to say, as I’m very confused. After almost two decades of a happy and blissful marriage, I suddenly realized that I had fallen in love again, and that to a man much younger to me. Further, to make the matter worse, the man of my romantic dreams is none other than my own teenage son. My feeling towards my son, Rick, had nothing to do with a...
IncestIts 2:30 in the afternoon and already all I can think about is getting the hell out of here; leaving work and heading home. This place is so full of drama anymore that I cannot possibly stay focused; much like it was in high school. My thoughts drift to a nice, long, hot shower; letting the water run over my body and down the drain, taking the day’s trouble with it. The drive home just added to my aggravation. I am trapped in Florida! The attitudes, the driving, everything about this place is...
Straight SexFinals week was fast approaching and Stephanie was locked in her bedroom, exam-cramming like every other student. Soon her high school days would be over and she would be off to medical school. She was very beautiful and considered the heartthrob of every guy in school, but her reputation for being a prude turned off many would-be suitors. She lived with her mother, an extreme conservative who brainwashed her into believing that all sexual things were evil. She was not permitted to be...
Fantasy & Sci-FiMelissa Moore, Kimber Woods, and Gina Valentina are dressed alike in red, black and white and ready to let the mascara stream and the mouth goo fly. Once their pucker stars have been tongue inspected, it’s time to unleash the large piece of man flesh that they are salivating for. Each girl takes a turn showing off her mouth talent, then the spit bubbles and throat fucking are underway. In between slathering girl drool on that hard cock, they start to drip gag spit into a glass bowl. The...
xmoviesforyouWe arrived at Branson Airport in one piece, even though our fearless leader was shy a couple of layers of skin, peeled back by Colleen and Rebecca. We quickly moved from the Suburban to the hangar, then towards a new looking G-5. Because we had been through this once before, my eyes scanned everywhere. If things blew up in our faces I was prepared to take my own action to protect my girls. Ortega caught me looking around, and again seemed to underestimate me. His smirk told me that he...
“Okay, deal, look forward to it,” she smiled as Ric continued kissing her arse with a throbbing erection. Watching him grab her arse cheeks then slowly slide his ten-inch cock into her as he built up a rhythm was a real turn on especially the noise he made as he slapped into her arse cheeks. That was a week ago when I arranged a younger bi-sexual man to pleasure both of us for Anne’s forty-fifth birthday. As part of the arrangement after Anne had him he gave me a tremendous blow job while...
One time when Annie and I were at the supermarket, a group of young guys in their late teens spotted us. Annie was wearing a pair of butt baring short shorts, sandals with 2 inch heels, and a skimpy halter top. She loved to dress provocatively, and I encouraged it. One of the young guys called my wife a whore right in front of me! And I wasn't man enough to do a THING about it! Annie got hired immediately at the black owned bikini bar in Oakland. That wasn't really in doubt because she is a...
Wife Is Tricked Into Having Sex With My Black NeighborOne of my biggest fantasies was to watch my wife have sex with my neighbor who is black but my wife is a bit prudish and doesn’t believe in having sex outside the marriage. So there I am stuck with a fantasy that will never happen. Until the day I came up with the perfect plan.First let me describe my wife Sandy is 31 years old and only 5 foot 2 but built like a brickhouse. Long blond hair 34 d breasts not the upright kind like fakes but...
I placed the gun to my head ready to pull the trigger and bring down the final curtain on my life. It took me the better part of an hour to muster up the courage to do the final act. I put my finger on the trigger and gradually squeezed. I heard the mechanism of the gun working as the pressure on the hammer spring was released. I then heard the hammer come down striking the primer cap of the 38 caliber shell in the cylinder. I had my eyes closed, resigned to meeting my maker and just waiting...
WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...
I continued to view the couple as they watched the girls come down from their highs. At this point, the man was leisurely slipping three fingers in and out of the woman while brushing across her clit. The woman was stroking the man’s slowly growing penis while twisting her right nipple through her top. Their casual approach led me to believe that this wasn’t their first time as voyeurs.Doreen started to push herself up and off of Sue but seemed to be a little unsteady, so I grabbed her and...
ExhibitionismRon Weasely snuck along one of the less travelled corridors of Hogwarts on his way to a rendezvous with his s*siter and lover, Ginny. For precaution's sake he wore Harry Potter's invisibility cloak, which he had snitched at his s*siter's request and donned after leaving the more crowded parts of Hogwarts. After all, it would hardly do to have an unseen presence bumping into people. Finally he reached the room that Hermione had dubbed "The Chamber of Eros", Ginny called "the Love Room" but that...
Hi,dosto ye meri pehli story hai ISS pe mera naam Raj hai meri age 25 ki hai height 5’10” athletic body hai mujhe story likhna nahi aata mujhe to sirf chudai karna aata hai chahe kuwanri kadki ka ho ya fir 40 saal ki marrid aurat ka aur jo koi bhi mujhse chudwana,phone sex,chat sex karna chahta hai wo mujhe meri email id par contact kar sakta hai mera email id hai ()ab story pe aate hai. Ye ghatna tab ki hai jab main raipur mein rahata tha main akele pg rahta tha kyu ki main college ki padahi...
I was 17 at the time and attending an all boys school. It was a monday morning, the beginning of another long week at school, when I drove through the gates on my bike and made my way to the parking area next to the athletics track. As I parked my bike, I realised how late I was for class so I quickly made my way around the back towards a shortcut I sometimes made use of. When I was late I would usuallt sneak through the back door of Mrs Keys’ classroom, which at that time of the morning was...
Danny took the phone from Claire, it was Joe. He had already been speaking to her for a quarter of an hour and Claire came to him from the privacy of her bedroom to hand Joe over to him. “Joe wants a word.” Claire told him.“How are you, Danny?” Joe asked him.“Fine,” he replied hesitantly. “You?”“I am well Danny, looking forward to seeing Claire again,” he told him. Danny could feel his cock stiffening from the sound of another man’s voice talking about his wife.“Looking forward to fucking her...
This story contains the adult themes of forced feminization, sex, rape (of a virtual character) of teenage boys. It is not intended for persons who are less than 18 years of age, or persons who are offended by cross- dressing and or forced feminization themes. The LMVK was a quantum leap past any virtual reality game ever created. Screen games had long been obsolete, but the reality of VR at the time, left a lot to be desired. The resolution of nervous system feedback was very...
There was a tremendous explosion underneath Guppy. Suddenly, a whole segment of Auburn Space Port was engulfed in falling dust and dirt. Dammit, another attempt by The True Believers to wreck our space efforts! Guppy had been put in the idle storage area for holding while we decided what to do with her. From our point of view, Guppy was obsolete, but we had not yet decided how to dispose of her. I was even toying with the idea of selling her to NASA, but I had not come to a final...
Shawna staggered up the steps, getting the key into the lock at the third attempt, as Hope, Elspeth and Brianna followed, laughing gently at her antics. Hope and Brianna hadn't had anything more than soft drinks, but Elspeth's stability was largely due to Brianna's support. "Oh, look at that!" Shawna giggled, as the door swung open, pointing to Tony and Lorraine stretched out together on the couch watching the television. "Hi." Marcus managed after a moment, as the other three girls...
“Al, this is only the third time meeting with them. Is it too soon to seduce Clair and Chuck?” “She’s the shy one, yet she giggles at our innuendo even without drinks. He’s been flirting with you from the start, so it’s time to test the waters. If they aren’t ready, we’ll apologize for misunderstanding. If they are, we party! Your crop top, ribbed tank with the huge arm holes should be a great teaser if your sexy legs in those wide legged shorts don’t make him hard.” “What about you in your...
Bailee's turn: I should've bought a fleshtone-colored ring. The one Lane gave me, it's brand new, and it's shiny and it got noticed. I should've printed out a FAQ sheet to cover all the questions: 'No, I'm not pregnant.' 'No, it's not a student, the guy's older and has a great job.' 'Yes, it's about love. Sex is a horrible reason to marry somebody.' 'No, I hadn't noticed that I act different and dress better.' Even teachers. Make that 'Especially teachers' because high...
“Don ‘t wait for the perfect moment to strike, strike in the current moment and make it perfect. Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. “ – William Butler Yeats Jason returned home to find Julia and Razza waiting for him, but chatting to Gamma, Sheila and Jonathan. “Hi, you guys what’s going on?” Jason asked. “Julia has arrived here with a number of concerns about tomorrow. She worries that if we rely on one computer that we leave behind, we are putting...
Ingrid sat fidgeting in the anteroom of the Ministry of Health office, located on the third floor of an office building three blocks from the Legislature. She was naturally nervous and she was struggling to compose herself before she went into the conference room. She jumped when the door opened and a tall, slim man in his mid-forties walked out and smiled at her. "Ingrid Solberg?" he asked politely. "Yes," she answered. "Welcome. Thank you for coming so promptly," he continued...
Introduction: A couple learn about anal the hard way Fucked On The Water We had known Joe and Liz for about a month and had spent many days on their boat. At first, everything seemed friendly and we had a good time with them. Then one day, they said they were going to take us to their favorite cove and show us the beauty of the place. We agreed and enjoyed the trip over. We talked and laughed just like before but had no idea what was in store for us once we arrived. After dropping the anchor,...
Taking Mom Down to the Woods__I was so proud of the fort I had made down at the woods. It was hidden in a bank by the creek. I told my mom how cool it was and how no one could see or find it. She smiled and said how her dad had built her one when she was young. A private place where dad and her could go to talk private. Talk private? I wondered what they would have to talk ‘private’ about. She would say no more but just stared out the window with a smile on her face. “Ya gotta come down and see...
Widowed Sisters "Madam," I said with a bow. "Your friend, Madam Von R -- has sent me, I assume at your request." The woman released my hand and raised an eyebrow. I introduced myself and admired her openly. She was a peach, a very high class peach, but a peach nevertheless. Tall, slim, cool, tastefully dressed and openly aroused by something or other, angry or passionate. Her face was flushed, her breathing rapid and her high breasts rose and fell rapidly raising her hardened nipples to...
Fictional story with a touch of reality.I always had a strict upbringing that served me later in life for the better,as a c***d my father was the one that delt out the punishment to me and my sisters, i didnt realise that my sisters punishment wasnt as server as mine until I walked in on him one day, I had been out with friends, but my youngest sister Sally had been grounded for fighting with her sister Sue, mum had sent Sally to her room until father got home.I was in my room when I heard...
Hi Friends. Mujhe Toh aap pehechante hi ho. Main Gaurav, ab toh introduction ki bhi zaroorat nahi. Ye kahaani isi week pehle ki hai. Jaisa ki aap jante ho majn ab Panvel shift hua hu. Mere liye Panvel abhi bhi naya hai, log naye hai, buildings nayi hai, dukaane nayi hai. Toh main evening ko around 8.30 tak office se ghar pahunchta hu. Waise pehli baar ab traveling kar raha hu pehle main Matunga me rehta tha ab Panvel aa gaya hu toh jyada traveling ho gayi hai.Toh ghar aane ke baad fresh hota hu...
Haley Reed is getting married! Her bridal party includes her intended’s sister, Jenna Sativa, and Jenna’s girlfriend, Harley Haze. The girls are enjoying brunch mimosas as they celebrate all the work they’ve done, which of course leads to girl talk. Haley makes a comment that implies that not everything is perfect. Jenna and Harley want to know more, so Haley eventually confesses that Jenna’s brother isn’t too good at muff diving. He’s also not a very good...
xmoviesforyouThis is my dream fantasy ..if any woman , girl, couple wants to be part of it..most welcome. Please read it slowly & imagine the woman as you..Happy reading We check into a beach resort somewhere in Mauritius. Our room is very spacious with all amenities like a mini pool, Jacquzi, Shower panels in bath room. The two big couches in the rooms were giving a tempting invitation to have some naughty fun on them. The bed is king size round in shape with as many as seven pillows of different sizes...
It’s been 30 minutes since my boyfriend walked out the door, leaving me with a vibrator in my hand and instructions to await his return with it inside me and turned onto the maximum setting. An involuntary moan escapes my lips as I sit at my desk in my sexiest black lace lingerie; a mostly see through bra that makes my boobs pop, and a tight G-string that is keeping the vibrator firmly in place inside my already soaking pussy. I shift in my seat as I try to focus on the screen in front of me...
MasturbationSamantha was certain she would never have had the courage to eat at the bistro he selected for their lunch, much less order from the menu in front of her. She was still trying to puzzle out some of the entries on the menu. He had ordered them some wine, admonishing her to avoid soda and make sure that water was Evian or some other bottled variety. The stew and breads that made up their lunch was delightful however, and she found herself quite hungry having forgotten that breakfast had been a...
Jerome Hildebrand-Smythe's mansion was located next to the National Park on the edge of the city. It had recently been put on the market. Kim, posing as a potential buyer, had reconnoitered the area with a view to abducting Jerome for questioning. Jerome had been identified as a likely suspect in a scam which had deprived the 'Company' of some of its ill-gotten gains, which Kim had been contracted to recover. Friday night was the live-in maid's night out. At about four o'clock, Turk...