Teasing Bitches free porn video

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Friday afternoon, not always the easiest time as many teachers will attest, but Miranda Collins had her pupils' full attention. Visual attention at least. No-one was paying much heed to the message – the importance of time and place in the 'new realist' novels of the 1950s – but the messenger, that was another matter. They were rapt, eyes fixed on Miranda as she held forth at the front of the class.

As for Miranda, she was perfectly aware her pupils were ogling rather than taking in the lesson. Understandable, of course, and something she'd grown used to when she came here. It was a prison after all! Not as if they'd be distracted by thoughts of the weekend, was it? Most of their time was spent in the cells and it was back there soon as the lesson was over. Her English Lit class was the highpoint of their week.

28 years old and fresh out of a messy divorce, the job was part of Miranda's mission to fire herself up, get her life going again. She hadn't worked in a while, hadn't been necessary with the amount her husband pulled down, and financially she still didn't need to (Mike's alimony was generous), but it wasn't about the money. Miranda was seeking confidence from the experience and it was paying off. It was empowering to be using her teaching qualification to earn her own money again. She'd been doing it for over three months now – giving this weekly class at the Dax Groves Correctional Centre – and she'd gotten very comfortable with the environment. She liked the place.

And she didn't in the slightest mind the guys concentrating on her physical charms. Quite the opposite - she enjoyed and played up to it. Not as if she was seriously trying to teach them anything these days, truth be told. No, Ruth had been totally right and Miranda was glad she'd listened to her best friend. She'd become quite capricious and blatant about the whole thing too. So much so that even Ruthie occasionally got a little shocked on hearing about her latest Dax exploits. A pleasing role reversal there!

" ... all of which caused writers to want to explore these issues."

Still talking, Miranda turned and perched herself on her desk. She slowly crossed her legs. Cue another outbreak of drooling as her short, tight-fitting skirt rode teasingly up her thighs. She grinned, loving how every man in the room (and especially Roy!) was now staring lustfully at her gorgeous pins. Most of them had started fiddling around with themselves, she noticed, as was allowed under the 'rules' she'd instigated a few weeks ago. They had to be careful, though. No cumming! She glanced round to check if Billy, stood in his now accustomed position in the corner, was looking at her legs too. He was. Poor guy! She'd be strolling over there again shortly to give him a little more of her extra-special 'personal attention'.

Miranda frequently wore short skirts to the prison and today's was particularly provocative. More suitable for a night club really. Indeed the last time she'd worn it had been to go to a club. One of her girly nights out with Ruth. Cut several inches above the knee, it showed her (shapely) ass and her (lovely) legs off to perfection. It was very very sexy. Especially teamed with the ultra-sheer tights and the heels. Not content with this, Miranda was bra-less and wearing a rather dangerous top, skimpy and low cut, spaghetti straps, her luscious breasts partially exposed and threatening to almost tumble out from certain angles.

She looked hotter than hot – a wet dream basically - and the affect on the men was palpable.

Miranda knew she was an extremely attractive woman, had been something of a trophy wife for the considerably older Mike, however her self-image had taken a blow with the discovery of his infidelity. She wanted to reaffirm herself as sexy and desirable but at the same time was feeling a little antagonistic towards the male of the species - perhaps it was this emotional mix which was driving her behaviour. No doubt there were more effective ways to boost her ego than spending every Friday afternoon 2.30 till 4.30 being lusted over at close quarters by a dozen or so men, better ways to amuse herself than teasing them the way she did, but Miranda couldn't think of any off hand. That the men in question had been (and would remain) incarcerated for years in a high security prison, cooped up without even the sniff of a woman only added to her enjoyment. She knew how sex-starved and frustrated these guys were and she relished playing the lead role in their fevered imaginations. She liked to imagine them locked in their cells at night, stroking themselves, fantasising about their gorgeous and unattainable English teacher, counting the days until the next class, living for these couple of hours even though all she mainly did was drive them crazy ... or rather more than that in the case of poor Billy, her treatment of whom verged on torture!

She hadn't started out intending to torment and sexually incite the inmates – or not consciously anyway. She'd had idealistic notions about how teaching in a prison would help with offender rehabilitation and the like, but then her very first class she'd caught an exchange between two of the prisoners as they were filing out.

"Oh fuck. Did you clock that piece of ass?" grunted Roy Lennox.

Roy was a lifer (as they mostly were in the Dax), a big brute of a guy in his late twenties. He'd been inside for six years. The guy he was talking to, John Beak, was quite a bit older and had been an inmate for ever. Ditto his twin brother, Jim, who was also in Miranda's class.

"I did, Roy, I sure as hell did. Man, I had a hard-on the whole fucking time. What I wouldn't give to nail that! You know what I mean?"

Roy sniggered. "How many classes we got with the horny little bitch?"

"Least twenny," grinned John.

"Jesus Shit, I'm gonna die!"

"Yeah, for fuck's sake, hard enough in here without..."

Out of earshot now, so Miranda didn't get to hear any more.

Mulling it over later, she felt strangely excited. Week one and they were already thinking like that – wow. She was there to teach them English, of course, but she couldn't help speculating on what was really going on in their minds during her class!

At lunch the next day with Ruth, Miranda fielded questions about how her first day had been.

"So it went okay then?"

"Yeah, definitely. It was a breeze."

Ruth looked surprised. "A breeze? Teaching English to a bunch of hard-ass convicts? Doesn't sound like a breeze to me, Miranda."

Miranda smiled. "I think, you know, with me being a woman..." She took a sip of her wine.

"What? That makes em behave better?" asked Ruth.

"Kind of."

"How d'you mean?"

"Well it's not what they're used to, is it?" And Miranda told her friend about the conversation she'd overheard between the two inmates.

"Oh my!" exclaimed Ruth.

"Yeah, I know! I kinda thought they'd been more looking at me than listening, but I didn't realise it was like that."

Ruth grinned. "So not just being a woman, more about you also being incredibly pretty."

"Why thank you, Ruthie!"

"Almost as gorgeous as me, in fact," grinned Ruth.

Miranda laughed and playfully threw a piece of bread in her direction. They'd been firm friends since school and one reason for this was there was little to choose between them on looks. Ruth was a sultry brunette, Miranda a classic blonde, both of them very attractive. Both knew they were too. They'd had a whale of a time with the boys at High School, often double-dating, and they enjoyed reminiscing about all that stuff even now.

"It's, um, both those things, I guess," said Miranda, thoughtfully. "These guys haven't gotten laid for years, remember. Gee, Ruth, can you imagine?"

Ruth giggled. "Hey you weren't wearing anything too tarty, Mindy, were you?"

"Nah. Just my denim mini-skirt and a bikini top. Nothing special."


Miranda pulled her tongue out. Score one.

"No but come on, Mindy, seriously."

Miranda smiled. "Okay seriously. I was demure as hell. Baggy pants, thick polo neck sweater. Hair back. Sensible shoes."

"Jeez, and they still got excited?"

"Yeah, well like I say. They've been deprived. Christ knows what effect I'd have if I did wear something a little sexy."


Miranda giggled. "At the very least. Wouldn't be fair, though, would it? Poor guys."

Ruth was also giggling. "Guess not."

She drank the rest of her wine, poured herself and Miranda another glass. "Be pretty mean, in fact," said Miranda. The two women looked at each other, then went back to their pasta and talked about other stuff - 'that bastard Mike' featuring quite strongly. The subject of Miranda's new job didn't crop up again until Ruth (whose turn it was) had settled the bill and they were about finished.

"Could be fun though, Mindy, couldn't it?"

"What could?"

"You know, maybe not looking quite so demure when you're teaching those prisoners of yours."

"Thought we agreed it'd be mean to do that?"

"Yeah, well, maybe they deserve it. Not exactly angels, are they? Murderers and rapists and all."

"Most of them, yeah."

"And it sounds like they won't be learning much anyway. Not if all they're gonna do is letch over you."

"Mmm. True."

"So, exactly. And it'd be a giggle. I mean, just think how you could tease the poor guys. You know, really wind em up! I'd do it if I were you. I'd mess with them big time."

Miranda, catching the mischievous expression on her friend's face, smiled and shook her head. "I bet you would as well!" Ruth had always been what they call a 'cock-tease' (Miranda well remembered her torturing all the boys in High School!). Miranda enjoyed teasing too – more than she cared to admit, in fact – but Ruth was the undisputed mistress of the art and she was warming to her theme. "I would, honey. Come on, it's too good a chance to pass up. Bunch of sex-starved men who can look at you but can't touch. You can drive em nuts without hardly even trying. And if you do try a little bit ... lordy lordy just imagine! It'll be a scream. Plus you can share the fun with me, can't you? Regular update. Deal?"

"You're wicked, Ruthie, you know that?" laughed Miranda.


"Yeah, you."

"And what about you? Don't tell me you're 'miss sweet and innocent' all of a sudden. Remember little Pete Rogers? The school geek? Mmm, so now let me think. Who exactly was it who led him on something rotten, got the poor boy to do all her homework, gave him nothing in return but blue balls? Was it Ruth Marquez? ... Or was it a certain Miranda Collins?"

"Okay okay," giggled Miranda. It was true. She'd really tormented poor Pete. Tormented him rather more than she'd ever let on to Ruth! And why? Well, mainly because she could. A delicious brand of power flows from being one of the prettiest girls in school and the Pete Rogers thing had been about exploring it. Or abusing it, would perhaps be more accurate!

"Right," grinned Ruth. "So what do you say?"

"Um, it's tempting, yeah. But I dunno."

"You're not scared of them losing it and attacking you or something, are you?"

"No way. I've been given this little wristband with a buzzer thing. Any problems I just press that and the guards would be there in no time. Plus the guys know if they step out of line even a tiny bit, and I report it, they'll be in deep shit. Probably get solitary and a few more years on the sentence or something. I'm safe as houses."

"So there you go. Perfect!"

Miranda smiled. "I guess it is. C'mon let's go. I'll think about it, okay?"

She had thought about it and she ended up deciding Ruth was right. She was clearly having a big effect on the guys, yet they couldn't lay a finger on her (no matter how much they wanted to!). So why not be a bit naughty? Why not have some fun with the situation?

Nothing too obvious at first, though.

Her second class, Miranda had stuck with the baggy pants / polo neck / sensible shoes combo but this time the sweater was tight and made of thinner material. It left no reasonable doubt in the mind of an observer that she had fabulous breasts. As for the 'observers' she was particularly interested in, well it was very obvious they noticed. More than noticed, in fact!

She saw Ruth later that day for an early evening drink and they gossiped for a while about her friend's love life (man dangling on a string, as per usual). "Ruthie, you're terrible!" she giggled, hearing the latest on Simon, the current sap who was spending a fortune taking Ruth to the best restaurants and bars and clubs, showering her with gifts, but who she never quite went to bed with. She'd met him, as she did many wealthy older men, through her interior design business.

"Yeah well, you know," Ruth grinned. "I'm sleeping with Mark, aren't I? Can't cheat on him, can I? That'd be slutty."

"Does he know about Simon?" asked Miranda, genuinely curious.



"Mmm. So long as all I do with Simon is tease and lead him on, Mark's totally cool with it. Thinks it's funny actually. Poor guy frittering away his money on me and I don't even let him past first base!"

Miranda shook her head. Ruth's antics with men never ceased to amaze her. She didn't envy the guy who finally got her down the aisle – nightmare wife she'd be. Not that there was any sign of this happening. Certainly wouldn't be this Mark, her current beau. 'The Body' as Ruth sometimes referred to him, and that pretty much summed up why she hung out with him. Give it six more months max, Miranda thought.

"I'm out with him tonight, as a matter of fact," continued Ruth.

"Who? Simon or Mark?"

"Simon. He's taking me to that new Italian that's just opened."


"Yep, that's the one. Little black dress, I think. Low cut. Then after he's drooled over my cleavage all evening, he'll be settling a bill in the high hundreds and driving me home. Quick snog in the car, then it's goodnight Simon and Mark'll be in bed waiting for me with a nice big hard-on."

Miranda couldn't help laughing. "Marquez, I can't believe you sometimes!"

Ruth giggled. "I know. Poor old Simon. I guess I ought to dump him ... I will dump him ... a couple more 'dates' and then I'll probably give him the bad news. There's this ultra-chic and deliciously expensive French restaurant I want to go to first. Plus I sense he's about to shell out for something involving diamonds – don't want to miss out on that, do I? You know what they say, diamonds are a girl's best friend!"

"I just pity his poor wife," said Miranda, remembering Ruth saying once that Simon was married, unwelcome thoughts of Mike's infidelity bubbling up.

Ruth went silent and sipped her drink.

Miranda sensed the tension her remark had caused. It was an intrusion she was keen to push away - she didn't wholly approve of some of Ruth's behaviour but her friend was great fun and she didn't want to spoil the mood. "Not that it's your fault, Ruthie, he's the cheater. Just saying I pity the guy's wife, that's all"

Ruth smirked, back on track. "Yeah, and you'd pity her even more if you saw her. He showed me a photo once. God."

"Not a looker, then?"

"Let's just say it's deeply unsurprising how much her husband wants to get a hot girl like me into the sack. To give you an idea, can you remember Nancy Miller?"

Miranda nodded. Nancy had been a particularly plain and dumpy girl in the same year at school as herself and Ruth.

"Well, Simon's wife, she's like Nancy Miller at forty if you can imagine such a thing."

"That bad uh?" said Miranda.

"Yeah, pretty much."

They were interrupted at this point by two young guys coming over and trying to hit on them. Quite dishy, in fact, but Ruth and Miranda sent them packing, preferring to continue their girly gossip.

"God, Nancy Miller," said Ruth, after a short silence. "We made her life a misery, didn't we?"

"Er ... you did, I think you mean," protested Miranda.

"Oh. Was it just me then?"

"You know it was. I always felt kind of sorry for the poor thing. Must have been awful being a 16 year old girl and looking like that. She got enough grief from the boys, let's face it, and you just made things even worse."

"Guess I was pretty mean to her," said Ruth. "Just couldn't help it. You know, with the way she used to trot around after me and stuff. Like I was a goddess or something."

"Mmm. But you didn't have to make her actually call you Goddess, Ruthie, did you?"

Ruth giggled. "Sure you weren't just jealous, Mindy? That I had my own little slave and you didn't?"

"Ruth, just about the whole school knew about that domination thing you had going with Nancy. I mean, sitting there in the common room and making her kiss your feet, stuff like that, with everyone watching. You turned the poor thing into a complete laughing stock." Miranda was laughing too now. It was quite amusing how Ruth had treated the unfortunate Nancy.

"I so did, didn't I?" admitted Ruth. "Probably why she left before the final year. Poor Nancy. Bet she hates me even now."

"Oh god, Ruthie, do you remember when you put her on that starvation diet?"

Ruth chuckled into her dry martini. "Yeah. That was hilarious. Told her she was gross and she'd better stop eating or she'd never get a boyfriend. As if ... with a face like that!"

Miranda giggled. "So she stopped ... and then the wretched girl was starving hungry the whole time!"

"Didn't get any less fat either, did she?" sniggered Ruth. "Must have been genetic."

"Mmm, must have been. And then you and me and some of the others, we used to make the poor thing sit there and watch us eat lunch ... remember, Ruthie?"

"I do, honey, I do."

"So funny!"

"Mmm. So not just me after all when it came to tormenting Nancy Miller was it, Mindy?"

"Well like you say, it was pretty hilarious. Couldn't resist joining in."

"You more than joined in, Miranda, as I recall. The cake episode?"

"Yeah, I remember that." She'd one time, with Ruth looking on and laughing, tantalised Nancy Miller with a massive piece of chocolate cake. It was just after school, sitting around with Nancy in a classroom, and Miranda, knowing the poor girl was famished having not eaten all day, had produced the cake and made a big production out of scoffing it in front of her. She made it last ages, going 'yummy yum, Nance, this is simply delicious, this is just to die for!' etc etc, and getting each piece on a fork and wafting it around under Nancy's nose before popping it slowly and deliberately into her own mouth. Being really really mean, in other words.

Poor Nancy had actually started crying. Or kind of drooling and sobbing at the same time – it was a truly pathetic spectacle and the two women giggled as they remembered. "God, Mindy, I just about wet myself when you made her beg for those tiny crumbs at the end!"

"I could be a bitch occasionally, I suppose," said Miranda.


"Nothing on you though, Ruth, let's be honest. Christ, I remember you used to take Nancy along on dates sometimes. That was sooo cruel!"

"No it wasn't," Ruth grinned. "What's cruel about giving her a few demos on how to snog boys?

"What was it the boys used to say?"

"Going out with Beauty and the Beast," giggled Ruth.

"That's it. Poor Nancy!"

"All for her own good, Mindy. Just like the diet was."

"Yeah, right. You were all heart."

Ruth grinned and drank down the last of her martini. "I suppose it's possible it wasn't that great for the poor thing, watching me have all the fun. Hey, don't think I ever told you this but I once had Bobby Driver stay over when my parents were away and..."

"Oh god, Bobby Driver, all the girls at school fancied him! Even I was a bit jealous when you two got together."

"Probably why I didn't tell you about him staying the night with me. Didn't want to hack off my best friend, did I?"

"Like I say, Ruthie, all heart. Anyway, come on, not as if I was short of boy action myself, was it?"

"Yeah, like Roger Banks, I remember that one being very into you," said Ruth, chuckling. "Total dream-boat! ... Anyway, as I was saying, Bobby came over this time, absolutely gagging to get into my knickers, and I got Nancy Miller to come too. Just the three of us in our house, me and my horny new boyfriend plus slave-girl Nancy ... Friday night through to Saturday morning ... can you imagine?"

"Sounds like someone had a good time," grinned Miranda.

"Two of us had a fabulous time, yeah. It was great. We had a ball."

"I bet!"

"Me and Bobby had the total hots for each other, for one thing, guess you remember that."

"I do. Those double dates, me and Roger, you and Bobby ... you two couldn't keep your hands off each other. Used to make me and Rog blush sometimes!"

Ruth nodded and laughed. "Right. And having Nancy there too, that just made it even hornier."

"What, for Bobby too? Wouldn't he rather Nancy had got lost?"

"No, that was the thing. We both really got off on it. On, you know, humiliating the poor girl. Like, I'd made out to Nancy that Bobby was interested in her, that I didn't mind sharing him and stuff, and the stupid cow believed it."

"You're kidding!"

"Yeah she did. Bobby had been there a few minutes when she turned up and, oh god Mindy, you should have seen her! She'd really dolled herself up, frilly dress, makeup, the works. All ready for action."

Miranda had a fit of the giggles. "Oh no! What did Bobby say?"

"Well I'd tipped him off, of course, so he plays along – chats her up a bit, gets her in a hot flush. Then he suddenly switches and starts focusing totally on me. We make Nance sit on this stool and me and Bobby get comfortable, snuggled up on the sofa, all into each other. We flirt and fool around for a while, the two us, and we just ignore Nancy – pretend she isn't there. Then we watch a movie and I start being a complete bitch, bossing her around like she's a servant, making her do things for us, fix our drinks, fetch us snacks, light our cigarettes, all sorts of stuff."

"And don't tell me, Ruth ... she's having to call you Goddess the whole time?"

"Empress. And Bobby was the Emperor. Then after the movie, the Emperor and Empress got sexy, started making out."

"What, right there on the sofa?" Miranda could barely speak now for laughing. Ruth was such a scream!

"Yeah, it was sooo horny. Bobby wanted me bad and I wanted him too."

"You went all the way?"

"We did, yeah. First time we'd done it properly. Just been second and third base stuff before that night."

"But what about Nancy?"

"That was the best bit. Poor thing is sat there on her little stool in her little frilly dress, looking utterly ridiculous, just stewing and having to watch."

"Ruth, that's so mean!"

"It was, wasn't it? So there we are on the sofa, me and this hunky boy, and I've got my fingers inside his boxers, squeezing his hard-on, and he's all over me, kissing me, fondling my tits, caressing me in all the right places, mouth and hands going everywhere. I'm getting the works."

"Lucky you!"

"Yeah, totally. He's grunting and groaning, calling me 'baby' and saying how beautiful and sexy I am, that I've got a gorgeous body and stuff, and I'm just lapping it up. I'm in heaven."

"Poor Nance must have been so jealous!" chuckled Miranda.

"Understatement of the decade," Ruth smirked. "She fancied Bobby to pieces. Probably fancied pretty much any boy, let's face it. I keep grinning over at the poor cow – you know, just to rub it in. Taunting her, telling her how divine it feels making out with a hunk like Bobby Driver. God, Mindy, you should have seen the look on Nance's face when I got Bobby's cock all the way out and started playing with it! Poor girl had never seen one before. Bet she never saw one again either."

"Well, maybe pictures," said Miranda.

Ruth giggled. "Yeah, I suppose. Not quite the same though, honey, are they, pictures?"

"I do prefer the real thing, this is true. That's a pretty funny story. Poor Nancy."

"There's more," said Ruth, with a sly grin.

"Oh do tell!"

"Well I'd realised by now that I could do almost anything to Nancy and she'd just take it."

"She was quite pathetic," agreed Miranda.

"Yeah, she so was. And the thing is, knowing that, I got a bit sick. Or me and Bobby both did rather."


"Yeah, you know. We started being pretty cruel."

Miranda laughed. "Started? Not as if you've been too nice to the poor girl so far, is it?"

"Okay," giggled Ruth. "But we got downright sadistic, is what I mean."

Miranda put on a quizzical expression. "Intriguing!"

"Do you wanna hear?"

"Ruth, you know I do!"

"Right. Well when I've finally finished fucking Bobby, I order Nancy to stand up and strip down to her knickers."

"That must have been quite a sight," giggled Miranda.

"Yeah, 'yuck' doesn't nearly cover it. Anyway, she's crying her eyes out by now but she does it. Then we put some music on and we make her dance. And while she's lumbering around in front of us like a moose, me and Bobby sit there cuddled up together, laughing like drains and making fun of her. Bobby starts calling her all these horrible names – Dumpster, Beast, Lardy etc etc – with me giggling like crazy, egging him on. Then I get up and I start grooving and kind of sexily preening and posing around next to her. I'm also just in my knickers, same as Nancy, except she looks gross and of course I know I'm looking totally fabulous, so it's a great contrast, it really is like..."

"Beauty and the Beast?" said Miranda.

"Exactly. I'm being a 24 carat bitch now, making the poor thing feel as bad about herself as possible. Bobby picks up on what I'm doing and he gets into the spirit. He watches us, kind of ogling me and sneering at her at the same time, making it totally obvious what he's thinking, and then he just tells Nancy straight up how ugly she is compared to me - how I'm a ten out of ten hottie and she's a junk-yard dog."

"Only a ten, Ruthie? What on earth was the boy thinking?"

"Hey, good point," Ruth pouted. "Should have been eleven out of ten at least, the way I was looking that night. And minus eleven for Nancy. God, you should have seen her in just her knickers, Mindy. What a mule!"

"The Mule. That was one of her nicknames at school, wasn't it?"

Ruth grinned. "Miller the Mule ... Always carrying my books for me."

"Your books? And the rest!"

"Yeah. Got a bit overloaded sometimes, didn't she?"

Miranda giggled, remembering all the stuff that Ruth used to make Nancy Miller lug around.

"So anyway ... what happens with the poor thing next?"

"Why, Mindy Collins, I do believe you're getting off on my wicked little tale!" said Ruth, flashing a knowing look. "I guess I am," Miranda grinned sheepishly. "Humiliating poor Nance like that. It's so deliciously evil!"

"Okay, then you'll love the rest," said Ruth. She looked around the bar before continuing. "Hey those guys over there are really giving us the eye, Mindy."

Miranda turned around. Yes, indeed they were. Not surprising, of course – she and Ruth were very used to being ogled. And the fact they were both wearing rather short skirts this evening did absolutely nothing to discourage it!

"They're quite hunky, Mindy, aren't they? Maybe we ought to, you know, think about it." Ruth winked at Miranda as she was saying this, then pouted in the men's direction and uncrossed her legs, before slowly and teasingly crossing them again, skirt sliding a little further up her bare, silky thighs. She lazily stroked a pretend itch just under her hemline.

"Stop it Ruth! I don't want them coming over."

"Oh really? You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. I wanna hear the rest about that night with you and Bobby Driver and Nancy Miller."

"Do you?"

"Yes, definitely. Chapter and verse on all the terrible things you ended up doing to the poor girl."

"I'll tell you next time," said Ruth, eyes twinkling. "Oh come on!" protested Miranda. "That's not fair."

"I will, I promise. And yes, it does get pretty terrible."

"I hate you, Ruth Marquez!"

Ruth giggled. "It's worth waiting for, honey, believe me. But look, enough of this memory lane stuff. How are you getting on, that's what I wanna know?"

"What, at the Dax?" asked Miranda, guessing what Ruth was referring to.

"Yeah, honey, at the Dax. Your second visit there today, right?"



"Well this afternoon's topic was the beat poets. Very interesting lesson."

"Sounds fascinating," said Ruth, more than a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "But what about, you know, the thing we were talking about last time?"


"C'mon, Mindy. Quit fooling around!"

"Oh yeah, right. Teasing the guys a little, you mean?"

Ruth grinned. "Or a lot. But yeah ... anything to report on that?"

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Sibling Bitches By Bud -*- There was a long loud howl in the night. It was as cruel as the owner of it. A werewolf. Born of a pestilence unseen the wolves had come. It was a fortnight since we found the first manglee body and sent for the Helsing. Fifteen were missing. We presumed them all dead, until our sherif managed to kill one or them. It had transformed back into the town's butcher. How was I to ask for her hand in marriage now? My choice bride that I had worked so long and...

1 year ago
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Billionaire Valley Its Bitches

It was a cool day in June. Peggy was doing the morning dishes. Looking out of the wondow. She saw Betty her next door neighbor. Getting her news paper from her mail box. She thought to herself, how lovely Betty always look. Even on this cool morning she look gorgeous. As she clench her robe tightly, around her firm twenty nine year old body. She is such a nice person to be around. Not like that husband of hers. Tim is such a snake in the grass. He's always trying to fuck someone. I would think...

4 years ago
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Bubbas Bitches

Bartholomew "Bubba" Jackson was the Sheriff of his county in eastern New Mexico, and he was damned proud of himself for having achieved that position. He was 45 years old, with a 31 year old wife named Jan, and he hoped to have kids with her soon. What he did not know was that his dear wife was cheating on him with his own nephew, Dick. He would soon find that out, however, and there would be hell to pay. Dick was your typical loser. He had never held onto a job more than six weeks at the...

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Dogs and Bitches

DOGS AND BITCHESByDorothy StrangeloveFrom the moment our eyes met, he blew me away. I was just turned thirty, long since given up on finding a knight in shining armour. By that, I mean I had tried to find a prince and protector but all I'd found instead had been wasters, losers, drunks and bullies. I thought Trevor was different. He was funny, drew people to him like a magnet. He was charming. He was dark and handsome with cropped silver hair and striking hazel eyes with great big long lashes...

1 year ago
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From Rags to Bitches

[Authors note: There will be multiple different stories over time. I encourage you to make suggestions in the comments about where you want a certain story to go or even a story idea. Also feel free to write chapters yourself, just stick to site rules!] Athrandia is a world full of magic. A colorful place with many schools of wizardry and magic, different realms intersecting and countless magical creatures. From the lowest grubworm to the mighty elder dragons, there is an intricate balance held...

1 year ago
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Bitches Girls are a whole new generation of self-made modern pornstars. Just a few years ago, the biggest sex starlets on the web were the big-name, big-budget babes getting their brains fucked out in mansions on the major premium sites. These days, it’s amateur cosplay girls, TikTok attention whores, webcam hotties and the social media models of sites like Instagram, OnlyFans and Patreon.BitchesGirls.com shines a spotlight on the hottest of this new wave of DIY pornstars. They showcase videos,...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
1 year ago
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There have been many hoes who have had accidental or not-so-accidental nip-slips where they shouldn’t happen, such as YouTube or Twitch. Now, imagine if there was a place where they would gather all these horny angels in one place – that would be heaven. Well, there is such a place, and it is a part of Reddit, a pretty popular platform I am sure everyone has heard about.Reddit is one of those sites that you just cannot hate. I mean, what is there not to love? The site is great, has a little bit...

Reddit NSFW List
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Babes And Bitches! What’s the difference between a babe and a bitch? Well, a babe is someone you call your chick when you have your own wrapped around her. A bitch, on the other hand, is what you call your side chick who does all the shit your normal girlfriend won’t do, like letting you fuck her in the ass, using her throat like a human sex toy, and jizzing straight into her stomach.But where do you go when you want the best of both worlds in the form of a fine balance of babes and bitches?...

Naked Girls Galleries
3 years ago
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Bigboy Dog and His Bitches

My story begins right after my sister was rewarded a scholarship to go abroad and study under a famous Master Chef. She was having second thoughts about accepting it because she couldn't afford to have her Bullmastiff Bigboy boarded. She couldn't stand the thought of having to give him up. He had been our mother's dog and Bigboy was at her side when she had passed away, true to the last. Mom had asked Cheryl to take good care of him and she had. Cheryl had lived on the farm with mom and had the...

2 years ago
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Sneaky Bitches

"I knew it!" I said to myself as I watched my uncle bone the skinny bitch next door. He was pounding her tight ass hard and she was whipping her head back and forth while she struggled to stay still for all of his nine inch cock. The bitch was panting and clutching the crisp sheets that my aunt had washed before she'd gone into the hospital for her operation. Her pussy dripping wet and making smacking sounds as it suctioned around my uncles thick hardness. I knew than I was going to get that...

3 years ago
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Bigboy and His Bitches

Once both our parents had passed I had decided that farm life wasn’t really my cup of tea and looked around for my little niche in the world. I had gotten a job and decided to take a few years off before going to college in order to save some money towards it. I had my own little apartment in town and was pretty much happy the way my life was going except that our town was small and there weren't many guys that I considered husband material. Cheryl had always had a love of the farm...

2 years ago
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Backseat bitches

My step daughter who had now become lovers since her mum and my wife had died.Tess called and asked if I could give her and her friend Keri, to a party in Edinburgh, I agreed to drive them. I collected them both from Tess’s flat, both wore tight black dresses, Tess is a tall long limbed slender woman and Keri is more curvy busty woman, both also wore black patent high heels. It was a twenty minute or so drive. Almost immediately they started kissing in the back seat, and I can see it clearly in...

4 years ago
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Neighbors are Bitches

Brendan kinda just stared at the athletic blonde standing in front of him, until she finally piped up, “Hey, it’s Brendan right? I hate to impose but are you in town this weekend?” Brendan tried as hard as he could not to stare at her fit body and small perky tits, “Yeah, yeah, what’s up?” Lauren gave him a smile she used anytime she wanted a favor from a guy, “Well I’m going to be gone this weekend and my roommate Betty normally watches my dog but she’s headed home for a couple of days....

4 years ago
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Teasing by Vickie Tern TG femdom hum Preface: I wrote a draft of half this story about two years ago, then set it aside to write other stories, the most recent being "An Unfaithful Wife." And there's the problem. That story pleased many but annoyed others because it repeats some elements of my earlier stories -- scheming wives and compliant husbands and so on. I won't defend those recurrences -- I like them. I like finding new reasons and ways for a woman to feminize her...

2 years ago
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Teasing wife gets what she needs

Around the holiday season everyone tends to get busy. My wife and I are no exception. For the last week both my wife and I have been extremely busy. She has been working more hours than usual and I have had some late nights myself. Even with late nights my insatiable sex drive is still running hot! Her libido however has taken a hit from all the running around and extra hours she has worked. I had made numerous advances to get her between the sheets, thrown down on the living room sofa or...

4 years ago
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Teasing Wars This story is based on true events I observed. I only had to change names and a few details. Ive waited years to tell this. Ive watched my youngest daughter, Tina, grow up and she was a born prick teaser. She was pure sexy, and she like to tease me sexually. I always resisted and never touched her&hellip,.but it wasnt easy. She used me,&hellip, to practice turning a man on. &hellip,.I watched Tina and my fake son-in-law lust for each other. I just made mental notes and vowed...

3 years ago
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Teasing Holiday to Mykonos

I've recently booked a holiday back to Mykonos which has brought back some rather vivid memories of my last trip there. This is a repost of what happened some time ago now - I wonder if this holiday will be as memorable!The tale concerns a holiday I once had with my now ex-wife Wendy, I've changed her name - though now divorced it was on the whole a pretty amicable split and as we remain good friends I'd still like to keep it that way.In true Lit fashion I suppose l should now describe Wendy;...

4 years ago
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Teasing To Have Sex

Hi friends and nice to receive lot of mail it was difficult to reply to everyone, anyhow thanks for encouraging me to write further. By mistake the title was mention wrong in my last story it should have been how my hubby friend made me hot and continuous to my earlier story I would like to write the remaining part what all happened in Shimla and I want to write more in detail hence it will be very long reading. After we reached Shimla my hubby had sex with me as my hubby was fondling my breast...

3 years ago
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Teasing Elderly Neighbour the BeginningChapter 4

Just thought I would share my latest experience teasing our old neighbour Frank.Our "relationship" has now moved on a little bit... As I have said I have enjoyed teasing Frank for a while now. I have already shared the experiences about teasing him in my bathing suits and also on a trip to a local store. I had decided to be a little more blatant with my teasing as I have been getting so worked up about it. On talking to Mike, my hubby, he agreed to letting Frank see a little more of me,...

2 years ago
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Teasing Daddys Friend Until He Cant Take Anymore

This trailer was pretty small. Tight quarters. So we would be working in there, and I started just toying with him. I would accidentally brush up against him as we passed by each other making sure my ass hit his crotch. I would reach across the counter so that my breasts would rub up against his arms. I started wearing shorter and tighter clothes. I would wear t-shirts out of the house and then act like it was just too hot once I got there and take off layers until I was in paper-thin,...

4 years ago
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Teasing Daddys Friend Until He Cant Take Anymore

Introduction: My Seduction of My Fathers Friend When I Worked for Him One Summer When I was 14, my father used to go to the hardware store in our neighborhood all of the time. In the parking lot of that store, there was a guy that sold barbecue from a trailer. He had a smoker and all of the materials there and he paid the hardware store to let him park there and sell his food. It was actually very delicious BBQ. So, my 12 year old brother was obsessed with fire, smoke, BBQing (still is in fact)...

3 years ago
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teasing and worship

-Day 1-Dave woke up blindfolded and stretched naked across a table. His hands were strapped securely of above his head and he could barely move an inch. As he lied helplessly, he remembered what had got him into this situation.A few weeks ago an ex-girlfriend of his, Candice, told him about a unique job opportunity working where his talents could be put to good use. Dave was given a very vague description of what his job would be, but he and Candice were still on good terms and so he decided to...

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Teasing The Servants 8211 Part 2

Hi guys, sorry for such a late update. In this part, I will continue the events from the last part about teasing the servants. This part is slow-paced and detailed. Let me know if you like this detailed style or a quicker, less detailed style. I pulled the tank top until just where my sports bra ended. I tied a knot around there, putting my entire midriff on display. I then pulled my shorts down a little, which further exposed my panties from all sides. I then stretched my hands and tied my...

3 years ago
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Rapin Asian Bitches

I went into the house. The father noticed me, and tried to attack. I pulled out my .45 and killed him. Now im in a mad scuffle to clean up the crime scene and hope that the girls are still locked in the basement. I'm in the basement. three Asians girls and their mothers are infront of me. I'm about to uncuff the oldest one. I'll leave the mouth cover over her so she doesn't scream. I've made myself hard, and am ready to penetrate her vagina. She's a virgin blood covered my dick...

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Curse of the Werebitches

You swear under your breath as clean the bite on your forearm. This camping trip has officially gone pear-shaped. You'd heard the tall-tales of course, the ones about the sultry dog-women in the woods that turn people, man and women alike, into more of them, but had dismissed them as just the tittering musing of a couple of hormonal adolescents. Now look at the situation you're in. When you heard rustling outside your tent, the last thing you expected to see was a naked woman rummaging through...

1 year ago
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Witchs Bitches

_Author's Note: This story is a work of fiction that contains topics such as non-consensual sex, and monster sex. You have been warned, and if you do not enjoy stories of that nature, please turn back now. Secondly, _I do not condone any act of sexual relations beyond that of consenting adult human beings. Do not take this story as anything more than a kinky work of fiction to enjoy but to never ever attempt to replicate. Remember friends, consent is sexy. My life has been painfully average. 20...

4 years ago
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The Burger Barn Bitches

Gary Brown couldn’t believe he had been fired for sexual harassment from his last job. The owner’s daughter was just too much of a temptation for middle aged Gary; he always went over the line to get young pussy. He was devastated when she turned him in and got him fired. For the last two months Gary had been turned down at jobs but finally managed to get the Manager’s job at The Burger Barn. The owner of the franchise had prepaid vacation plans and quickly hired Gary without checking any...

Oral Sex
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Twin Bitches

Jose Fernandez, or ?El Rey? as his peers called him, was easing back in his chair Disclaimer:? This story is a work of fiction and includes adult situations and extreme acts of sexual depravity, including rape and torture.? It is intended for adults only.? If you are under the age of eighteen or, in some jurisdictions, twenty-one, do not continue past this point.? If you desire to read on, it is by your own choice and responsibility as a free adult in a free society.? All characters in...

2 years ago
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Ballbusting Bitches

Throughout this story we will explore a group of girls and their ballbusting exploits. Feel free to add new characters if you wish, though if they are part of the main cast you are heavily encouraged to give them a backstory. Nothing too in depth if thats not your thing but just a brief rundown of how they fit into things. Above all, have fun! Once upon a time in the early 21st Century, there was a group of girls, and these girls all had one thing in common. Their love/hatred for balls. No...

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Aidens Bleached Bitches

you've just turned 18 and chosen to move to Japan as you fell in love with the beautiful scenery and most important Japanese woman you've just arrived at your new home and are busy moving in when you notice what looks like your neighbor going for a jog Aiden: damn She sees you staring at her and comes your way ?: excuse me who are you she says in broken English Aiden: my name is Aiden Pearce and i just moved here You say in fluent Japanese ?: you know Japanese she starts talking in Japanese...

1 year ago
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Teasing  Part 1Brooke was about 5’ 7? tall and full figured. She usually got a lot of looks from the guys as she walked by. Most women hadn't figured it out yet but guy were getting sick of touching women that felt like hadn't eaten in months. Guys wanted nice tits that were well proportioned but not fake. Brooke was that woman. It was during her senior year in high school that she found out that she loved to tease the guys. She had a habit of bending over at just the right moment with a lose...

3 years ago
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Teasing Wife

My wife Kyla is a tease and I say that with the utmost love. It started right after our honeymoon. As we were virgins when we got married our sex life started out slow and quickly picked up speed. I would work during the day and Kayla was off for two months before she returned to work. Kayla was fascinated by sex and all the events leading up to me taking her. On our honeymoon she gave me head with extraordinarily little encouragement on my behalf and quickly showed she had a great skill set in...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Teasing to climax

Picture, if you would, a dark, candle lit room. Filling the space along one side is a king sized bed, the sheets fresh and silky. The soft smell of incense meets your nostrils. Sneaking up behind you, I wrap my arms around you and begin kissing the bottom of your neck. Mmm, baby, that feels good. Running my hands across your stomach, I kiss up to you neck, blowing a hot breath across your ear before nibbling on your ear lobe. Kissing back down to your collarbone, I run my hands slowly up your...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Teasing My Husband

Teasing my husband, Johnny Cumbucket Watching me blow Andre that night was so painful to Johnny..physicallyas well for once. The evening had started out well...I'd been running my longmagenta nails up and down Johnny's hard cock, lightly scratching the head andtoying with the Frenum. Johnny was humiliatingly naked except for his wig andheels, as always and I had my 40 DD's stuffed into one of those pale blue demibras,jigglin' and jugglin' them in front of him. Slathered with Chanel No. 5. of...

1 year ago
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Teasing MILF MOM gets seduced

Introduction: Kim was a normal milf soccer mom until her husband got promoted and neglected her growing sex urges. Hi! I am writing this as a means of trying to figure out what forces in my life compelled me to become a woman with unsatiable desires, desires so taboo and forbidden that I shall assume a hidden identity to enable me to write this. I will use the name of Kim for myself, Joel for my husband and our children will become Rick, 19 yrs old and Mackenzie, 18 yrs of age. I believe our...

2 years ago
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Teasing Niece Teasing SisterChapter 1

Crystal hung up her apron and got ready to clock out. It had been a reasonable day at Bob's Ice Cream Emporium where she worked for her Uncle Bob after school several days a week. Today was Friday, which meant it was payday, which meant he would be horny. Uncle Bob always got horny on payday for some reason. Some day, when she was in College, maybe taking psychology, she could ask the instructor what it was about payday that made her Uncle horny. Not that she minded. He was a pussycat as...

1 year ago
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Teasing my coworkers

Bradley loved that Mary was an exhibitionist, but he didn't like the idea of guys they knew seeing her... it would make him jealous and feel uneasy, and he worried they would try to fuck her. Mary just got aroused at the idea of anyone being turned on seeing her, usually acting unaware she is on display... but they agreed that they should save that kind of play for when they were out of town... on one of their naughty trips. They hadn't had a lot of experiences yet though, but they enjoyed...

2 years ago
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Teasing a Neighbor on Vacation

It was an opportunity to get away with her husband for a few days. The k**s were old enough now to take care of themselves and so why not take advantage of Mike's work benefits and travel with him. He had some work in Miami and Maria thought it would be good to get some sun and beach time in. After the meetings on Friday they would have the whole weekend to relax together and enjoy each other. The flight left early which gave them some quality time to get settled into the hotel. Mike had...

4 years ago
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Teasing in Miami

Anyway, a couple of my female friends and I decided to take a girl's trip to Miami. We were excited to get away, have some drinks, and let loose a bit! My boyfriend at the time really didn't want me to go without him, but I insisted it was girls only. He's caught me showing off around his friends, but I've always played innocent like it was an accident. He's a very jealous guy, so I try to make sure he never sees me teasing others. One of my two friends that went with me (Chelsea) is a...

4 years ago
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Teasing Elderly Neighbour the BeginningChapter 3

I have been asked more about Frank and how I kinda got started in teasing him. I first noticed that he paid extra attention to me not long after we had moved in, this is about 3yrs ago now. During the time his wife was alive, though in increasingly ill health, we of course had the deepest sympathy for him, and hope that we acted as good neighbours. Making sure if he needed anything we could get it from local shops for him, making sure he had enough food in etc. He got to know us quite well...

1 year ago
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Teasing Cleo

Okay, I've folded a (little) bit from my 'so robust' sexual thrill demanour and hope you appreciate the change. Still no big change in length but you have to remember these aren't novels for me, just wet dreams... Thank you. xxx :) Teasing Cleo ? by: Apathy Lush The teasing closeness of the tightly packed rollers adorning his head sent desperately restrained shivers through his body. He had just had a thick beauty mask applied (which was now dry) and a short blonde girl was...

2 years ago
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Teasing Builders When With EricChapter 2

Once the teasing of the two builders had stopped it was time for some real action. Having won the bet and having presented myself as first prize, it was time for the cocky joke telling lad to claim his winnings. Dressed in the utterly slutty nurses outfit, stockings and heels, I paraded over to him, telling him I was his, as long as he shared me with his hunky friend. All pretence of anything was now over. My fucking cunt was sopping wet and ready for some serious shagging. “So you ready...

2 years ago
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Teasing The Peeper

Quarantine was becoming a bitch! The only good thing was wearing comfy clothes all day long. Nadine amused herself doing yoga in front of her large living room window. She wished she had a balcony like her last apartment, but at least this window caught some of the mid-morning sun, as long as she timed it right. She didn’t hate yoga, but much-preferred gym time and her kickboxing lessons.She didn’t really mind working from home, but wanted her gym to re-open before she went completely...

3 years ago
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Teasing Daddy and Myself Part 3 of 3

At last the summer had arrived, days were longer and warmer, and for Mike, some well-earned time off work; time that he could spend with his daughter, Molly. Mike knew that one day it would all come to an end and that Molly would find someone her own age; indeed he encouraged it. What Mike hadn’t banked on, was how he would feel when that day came.Molly was the kind of girl that attracted attention. Her breasts were heavenly and her long legs and small waist, just made her look exquisite; every...

3 years ago
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Teasing some elegant gentlemen

My loving Victor invited me to go with him and spend some days at Boston, where he would be busy on a boring business trip.His company sent him to a very comfortable hotel overlooking the city. In those days I really enjoyed the stay there; fine restaurants, theaters and nice parks for walking and jogging as my husband was busy…One night Victor asked me to dress sexy, because come client would have dinner with us at the hotel restaurant.I chose a sexy black short dress, my back naked and my...

3 years ago
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Teasing some elegant gentlemen

My loving Victor invited me to go with him and spend some days at Boston, where he would be busy on a boring business trip.His company sent him to a very comfortable hotel overlooking the city. In those days I really enjoyed the stay there; fine restaurants, theaters and nice parks for walking and jogging as my husband was busy…One night Victor asked me to dress sexy, because come client would have dinner with us at the hotel restaurant.I chose a sexy black short dress, my back naked and my...

4 years ago
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Teasing at the hotel bar

My loving Victor invited me to go with him and spend some days at Boston, as he would be busy on a boring business trip.His company sent him to a very comfortable hotel overlooking the city. In those days I really enjoyed the stay there; fine restaurants, theaters and nice parks for walking and jogging as my husband was busy…One night Victor asked me to dress sexy, because come client would have dinner with us at the hotel restaurant.I chose a sexy black short dress, my back naked and my...

3 years ago
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Teasing Dad with my friends

The last month had passed in an awkward silent yet normal way. Katie and her dad, Mark, still had their normal interactions, but both avoided any mention of what had happened. Katie didn’t dress deliberately skimpy to tease her dad, and avoided any type of conversation that might get them close to talking about what they had done. Katie waited until she felt her motivation would not be realized by her dad before asking him to chaperone her and her friend Becki, a striking redhead with green...

2 years ago
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Teasing used as Punishment

It was a bright spring morning when I woke up very horny, looking for some good morning sex from my beautiful girlfriend, Ariel. I saw her standing by her dresser wearing nothing but a big T-shirt, I wanted to rip it off her and fuck her pussy hard. “Good morning sexy,” I said while looking at her sexy body. “Hey, good morning hun, how did you sleep?” she asked with her sweet voice. “I slept well but I could really use some of your pussy right about now,” I replied. “Oh really? I think I can...

2 years ago
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She wouldn’t turn around. I knew she knew I was there. But she wouldn’t turn around. I leaned my shoulder against the door frame and watched her move around the kitchen. She wore the shortest skirt she had, the tightest tank top that was in her drawer. Her movements were fluid. I had turned on the music she liked to make love to. She wore the outfit she was sure would tempt me. I pushed off the frame, silently stepping behind her. Her breath caught, the pulse in her neck fluttering wildly. My...

1 year ago
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Teasing my husbands buddies

I met my husband Kyle when we were both in college. We’re roughly the same age and met through friends. Kyle and his roommates always threw the largest parties on campus and my friends and I liked to dress slutty for these nights. Between the drinks and the weed everyone usually had a great time by the end of the night. Kyle and I would start a sloppy make out session and then head up to his bedroom. He would rip my clothes off and take control of me -doing as he pleased. Kyle is a taller...

3 years ago
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She wouldn't turn around. I knew she knew I was there. But she wouldn't turn around. I leaned my shoulder against the door frame and watched her move around the kitchen. She wore the shortest skirt she had, the tightest tank top that was in her drawer. Her movements were fluid. I had turned on the music she liked to make love to. She wore the outfit she was sure would tempt me. I pushed off the frame, silently stepping behind her. Her breath caught, the pulse in her neck fluttering wildly. My...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Teasing Wife

After we got married, I realized that she liked to tease all of the men. At first that bothered me and I was jealous, but didn’t say anything. Then, I realized that I liked it that other men found her sexy and attractive (and would have liked to fuck her). I found it all to be a turn-on and began wishing that she would dress even more provocatively than she already did. I trusted her and knew that she was for me alone, so I never discussed the teasing behavior with her. About 2 years after...

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