- 3 years ago
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"Let's go shopping," Mom said, which is like secret code for let's go find some guys to have sex with.
Except it isn't much of a secret and there's only the two of us anyway. Like it's bad manners to actually say it out loud or something. I wasn't that old yet, so what did I know anyway? That's why I had a mom, to teach me about stuff like how to behave, what to wear, and how to take care of myself. I had a pretty good one, so I wasn't complaining.
"Not too much," she said, watching as I put on some eye shadow. "Your eyes are too pretty for that."
"I just wanna make them pop," I said, but I did look like a raccoon. Sorta.
"They pop all by themselves," she told me. "Here, let me show you."
Like I said, I'd gotten lucky with my mom and she took the time to make my face up perfectly. I paid attention, too. I wanted to learn how she did it, you know?
"There." She smiled at my reflection. "That looks better, right?"
"Yeah," I agreed. "Thanks Mom."
"Okay, find some shoes and we'll go," she said, glancing at my bedside clock. "It's getting late."
I'd gotten my clock at Disneyland and I sort of collected silly stuff like that. Minnie Mouse was bent over a round alarm clock, wearing her short polka dot skirt and purple high heels, while Mickey fucked her from behind. He held her tits with his cock buried in her pussy, wearing his trademark smile. When the alarm went off, Mickey would say, "I'm cumming!" over and over in his squeaky voice. His ears would twitch and Minnie would quickly nod her head up and down. It was cute and I liked it, what can I say?
My bedroom had all the usual stuff, like my queen sized bed and my dresser with the big mirror. I had my vanity, you know, where Mom helped me with my make-up. I had a desk and a bookcase, except I didn't read much. I had a lot of magazines and I liked to look through them, but that's not reading. I had my computer, of course, and five webcams. One in each corner and the one built into the laptop, and they were always turned on, much like my radio.
I wouldn't say I'm a music lover, but I didn't mind and I liked to dance anyway. Mostly I tuned it to the college station, just because they played the newest stuff. At the moment, Eminem was rapping about how he'd fucked Katy Perry in the ass for being a pop retard. In fact, I think that's the name of the song, "Pop Retard" and I made a note to look for it at the mall. I liked Eminem a lot and Mom thought he was a good influence, so I knew she wouldn't mind.
There were other things in my room, too. It wasn't all furniture, I collected teddy bears, for one thing, and I had a lot of them. My favorite was a big white one, like an over-stuffed polar bear, except super soft and he had a monster cock, which wasn't very soft at all. Mom had laughed when she saw him, teasing me about being a little size queen or whatever, but I liked him. I already had a bunch of bears with more normal sized cocks anyway, and a few that were smaller. So why not get a huge one, right?
I collected dildos and vibrators too, but I didn't have very many yet. I'd found a dildo ring in a box of Cap'n Crunch, which sort of started it. It was just plastic, you know, and the actual penis wasn't very big at all, but I'd worn it to school for a week. I'd ruined it though, because I tended to nibble on it accidentally. Like I'd be thinking about something else and then realize I'd been chewing my dildo ring. I got another one though, a pink one from another box, even though I hadn't eaten all the cereal in the first box yet. I didn't bring that one to school.
Of course, I had all the usual stuff you'd expect to find in a girl's bedroom. I mean, the top of my dresser was cluttered with hairbrushes and clips and too much junk jewelry for my jewelry box. I owned some real jewelry, like my aquamarine earrings, since my birthday's in March. They were pretty nice. I had a silver ring with a tiny rose on it, with super thin petals and it had been red once, but most of the paint had flaked off. That just made it look even better, I thought. I wore that one a lot and I didn't nibble on it at all.
Pictures of my friends and classmates were stuffed along the mirror frame. I had some posters on the walls, movies mostly, like Beauty and the Beast. I liked that movie a lot and Belle was curled up in the beast's arms while she sucked his cock. I had a Supergirl poster that was really cool, like she's ripping her costume off, tearing it down the front so her tits are right there and totally awesome, her stomach is tight with abs, and there's just a hint of blonde pubic hair starting to show. I'm not really into comic books, but Supergirl is pretty cool.
"Lisa!" Mom's voice echoed down the hallway. "Are you coming or not?"
"Just a second," I sang, buckling the strap of my left shoe.
I could have worn my Skechers maybe, but I liked being taller and three inch heels are always good for that. Any higher is like standing on stilts. I stood up, smoothing my pleated skirt, and adjusted my tits on the way out the door. I wore a halter top, the kind with a little extra padding just so I'd have more than tangerine sized boobs. It was kind of cheating, but nobody would really care and I always figured I had a right to look nice. Mom said I shouldn't be in such a hurry to grow up all the time, but that was easy for her to say, being almost twenty-two years old already.
"You move like molasses in January," she sighed. "Where's your purse?"
"In the kitchen," I replied, turning around. I wasn't really an airhead, but I did forget things sometimes.
Mom had a nice car, a small Porsche that she'd gotten from her Mom, and someday it would be mine. I couldn't wait, except I really could. I mean, it's kind of weird knowing that eventually I'd have my own apartment and my own car and even my own daughter, but at the same time I'd lose my mother. It's a bitter-sweet feeling, believe me, and even though I hadn't known Mom very long, I liked her a lot. Part of me wished we'd be together like this forever, you know?
"What's gonna happen to you when I grow up?" I asked, and not for the first time. I had a lot of questions and sometimes Mom would get annoyed with me, but I'm pretty sure she'd been the same way at my age.
"You know what happens," she said, adjusting her rearview mirror. "I'll go to heaven. So will you someday."
"Yeah, but..." I shrugged. "What will it be like?"
"Well, I'll probably get fat and have a bunch of babies."
"You're never going to be fat," I decided with a snort, knowing she was teasing me. My mom looked amazing. Naked or dressed, it didn't matter, and I couldn't wait to look like her.
"Maybe not," she said. "But I'll be pregnant and my stomach will get huge, my boobs will be full of milk, and I'll feel like a blimp."
"But you'll have a baby," I said, and she had to smile at that.
"Maybe I'll have twins."
"Is heaven nice?" I wondered.
"They say it is," Mom replied. "That's why it's called heaven."
"Do you think I'll ever see you again?"
"What's gotten into you?" she asked. "You'll see me everyday for the next eight years, Lisa."
"I know, but..."
"And then you'll have your own daughter and she'll be asking you the same silly questions."
"Yeah," I said, giggling. "I hope she's pretty."
"She'll be pretty," Mom said, glancing at me and smiling. "She'll look just like you."
"Except I'm going to make her blonde," I thought aloud. Mom had black hair, so I did as well, and she refused to let me color it for some reason.
"That's up to you," she agreed, but the tone of her voice suggested otherwise.
"How come you don't like blondes?"
"There's too many of them, for one thing," she said. "I'd rather be myself, you know?"
"I guess," I sighed, but that didn't explain why I couldn't be a blonde. I had the eyes for it, we both did, bright blue eyes that would look great with thick golden hair.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing," I said, all innocent and smiling. "Oh! I'm going to be in the school play. I almost forgot."
"A play?"
"Sleeping Beauty," I told her. "It's okay, right?"
"Sure," Mom nodded. "Are you going to be Sleeping Beauty?"
"Me?" I shook my head. "They picked Janey for that. She's blonde, you know."
"I don't think that's why they picked her," she said. "So what part are you playing?"
"Prince Charming," I said. "I get to fight the dragon and then I have to fuck Janey to wake her up."
"Oh." Mom smiled. "That'll be fun."
"She wants to practice this weekend. You think I can stay at her house?"
"All weekend? No."
"But we need to practice!"
"How about if you stay at her house Friday night and she can stay with us Saturday night?"
"Really?" I asked, smiling because that sounded like a good idea. "Okay. I'll ask her tomorrow."
"Do you have a costume already?" Mom asked, and I nodded.
"Yeah, I have to dress like a boy," I said. "But the sword's kind of cool and I get a strap-on dildo thing, it's kind of big."
"How big?"
"I dunno." I shrugged and held my hands about six or seven inches apart. "Like this long, I guess. Kinda thick too."
"Okay. That's not too bad."
"I didn't try it on yet," I told her. "I hope it doesn't make me look stupid."
"No!" Mom laughed lightly. "You'll make a wonderful Prince Charming, I'm sure."
"It just seems kinda gay."
"It's acting," she said. "Pretending you're a boy doesn't make you a lesbian."
"I hope not!" I laughed. "That would be so sick."
By that time, we'd reached the mall. It was kind of late, so we'd only have about an hour to shop if we wanted to make it back home before curfew. If we didn't make it back home, and the police caught us, we'd have to spend the night in jail. Well, not in a cell. I mean, we'd have to stay at the police station, probably sleeping on an old couch or something. At least we'd have all the donuts we wanted, all the cock too, probably, since cops are like anyone else. I sorta liked sleeping in my own bed though.
"At least it's not crowded," I said, but Mom only sniffed.
The place wasn't huge or anything, and pretty typical with three department stores anchoring a big T-shaped building. A Sears at the bottom with J.C.Penney and Neiman's across from each other at the top. In between were about a hundred stores specialing in just about anything you can think of, but mostly clothes. A food court occupied the intersection with a large carousel in the center of it. That's why it was called Carousel Mall, I suppose.
We'd entered close to the Sears. "I'm going to check out the hardware department," Mom told me. "Where are you going?"
"Mmm ... I want to get that Eminem CD," I remembered. "I'll probably be at the arcade after that."
"Okay," she said, looking at her watch. "Meet me back here in forty-five minutes, alright?"
"Alright," I nodded. "Have fun, Mom."
"We'll see," she replied, smiling and giving me a small wave of her fingers.
Sometimes we hung out together, especially in the beginning, when I'd been brand new, but sometimes we split up. It kind of depended on what we wanted to do and how many people were around. I mean, if the mall was packed, we'd stay together because the chances were good that a couple guys would find us. But on a Wednesday night? The few guys we saw were walking around by themselves, and the other ones were with their wives, so we split up and put some distance between us.
That's like the number one rule, mothers and daughters don't compete with each other. I'm sure some of them do, but we didn't. It's not worth the trouble, you know?
"Hi," I said, smiling at a man sitting on one of the benches.
He smiled back, looking up from the newspaper he held, but I guess he was waiting for someone. Probably his wife, judging from the pile of plastic shopping bags next to him. I didn't hold it against the guy if he wasn't interested. For all I knew he might have just finished with a girl, because I wasn't the only one walking around. I saw Tricia, one of my classmates, standing near the Victoria's Secret store. I offered her a smile, but she was busy flirting with some guy holding an ice cream cone. When he offered her a lick, she reached for his crotch at the same time.
So, here's another thing that happened!I was shopping at the mall for a new dress. So, I went into the store and was looking at some cute ones. I had picked out a couple to try on and suddenly, I felt a hand on my lower back. I turned around and it was Ms B! Ms B was my math teacher last year. And she is sooooooooooo pretty! She asked how I was doing and how my classes were going. I smiled and told her that I was doing good and school was boring, but OK. She laughed a little and kinda rubbed...
She wasn’t impressed. For their first date he had invited her to dinner at his place but then just before she had left she received a text asking her to meet him at a large out of town supermarket. It wasn’t exactly the start she had in mind for a hot evening of fun, hopefully good food but more importantly, hot fucking. She took one final glance in the mirror before leaving, worried slightly that her skin tight black leggings were giving her camel toe; especially with no underwear for support....
ToysInitially you were not too thrilled with the idea of spending the day shopping. It was a Saturday, which of course meant football was on, and to make matters worse your favourite team was playing a critical match. I had made you promise me that you would come along though, and as usual you gave in with your usual charming good grace. I smiled to myself, you didn't know it yet, but I was planning a surprise for you. The shopping centre wasn't too crowded. We wandered around some of my favourite...
Erotic"Okay, we need bell peppers, corn, eggs, mustard, oil, vinegar, and onions. I should have more than enough pasta at home". Austin, as always, has the complete overview of our dinner plans for the evening, while Ryan and I are just kind of tagging along, letting him make all the decisions. Master chef that he is, he doesn't really need our help anyway, but we're glad to serve as his kitchen hands if it means we get to enjoy one of his legendary meals for free in return... "Move it guys, this...
FetishI have lately come to terms that I like to cross dress and want to explore it more. Thanks to one of my friends on here who has encouraged me I am taking that next step. I have never really told anybody else about what I do. I had to go out of town for a few days on business and decided to take my clothes so I could dress and go out in public some. I figured I would do it there so in case I didn't pass well it would be in another town.Well yesterday I got through calling on one customer...
Roger came by my office to take me shopping. I was wearing a knee length skirt. He took my panties and bra off in the car. In the shoe store, the clerk had a hard time keeping his eyes on the shoes he was fitting on my feet. I had spread my knees to give him a glimpse. Roger selected several pairs of shoes and, after getting them in my size, the clerk returned for more glances up my skirt. He seemed to like changing the shoes and suggested that I retry a few when Roger wasn’t sure about which...
Sara entered the sexy lingerie store to shop for new panties and bras. The man watched her as she looked around. Every aisle she went down he was there by her. He liked the sexy way she looked and he followed her looking at her nice tits and round ass. His cock tingled just watching her move. He imagined pushing his thick cock in her hole and fucking her hard. He knew he wanted her pussy bad. She had several items in her shopping bag and headed for a dressing room. He gave her ten minutes,...
She wasn’t impressed. For their first date he had invited her to dinner at his place but then just before she had left she received a text asking her to meet him at a large out of town supermarket. It wasn’t exactly the start she had in mind for a hot evening of fun, hopefully good food but more importantly, hot fucking. She took one final glance in the mirror before leaving, worried slightly that her skin tight black leggings were giving her camel toe, especially with no underwear for support....
We decided to go shopping at Belk’s for the upcoming holiday parties. Suit for me and something sexy and revealing for you. As we are walking around, I spot the lingerie section that has a new line of sexy undies for the ladies. I start smiling and I get your attention. “Hey, I want you to try something sexy on for me!” You look at me and just smile. “ok what is it you ask?” I smile and hand you a sexy red outfit with a deeply plunging bra with the snap in the front and a very sexy high hip...
I'm out shopping with my girl and were going from store to store like a normal Saturday. We go into a few different clothes stores and look around and then you see something you wanna try on. I'm bracing myself for another long wait as most men know it will be lol.You come out and show a few things and ask my opinion and im letting the time pass, etc.. I stand up and go to the cubicle to find out how much longer your going to be and when i pull the curtain aside your wearing just your...
Hi friends I thank you for the overwhelming response to my previous stories, my mailbox is flooded with your love and that motivates me so please keep them coming here I am posting one more story I hope you will love it too, mail me your comments and requests on and add me on yahoo I once again want to tell you all that all my stories are fictitious so please do not mail me asking the contact info of the girl just read enjoy and appreciate “Come on Hon,” I groaned while I pushed the cart and...
Jesse just turned 18. Her parents gave her money to go to the mall and shop. She wnted to buy some sexy very risque underwear. She went into the shop "His Favorites" to shop. She looked at shelf bras and bras with the nipples bare and crotchless panties. She also liked the sexy thongs. As she was looking the store manager (a man) asked if he could help her. She was shy but told him she was buying her first sexy undies. He chose a very sexy shelf bra and crotchless panties and a skimpy thong. He...
As I walked through the shop my heart raced. I was here for one reason. To buy women’s lingerie. I had always chickened out at the last second and was determined to go through with it today. I slowly made my way into the small shop browsing over nothing in particular when a older good looking guy came up to me."Is there anything I can help you with" he asked with a grin."Uh...yeah....I was uh, looking for something for my girlfriend." I asked nervously. "What exactly are you looking for?""Uh,...
Hi, ISS Readers, This is Sofia C again. Find below is my new story. Your comments & replies are welcomed at It was Wednesday morning; I was driving around doing some errands. I was feeling on edge. Suddenly, I spotted a sex shop in a little strip mall. Hmmmm, I thought to myself, I should see if they have a new toy that I could take home and play with. I turned the car back around and parked a couple of businesses down. I did not want people seeing my car parked right in front of a sex...
LesbianLast weekend I indulged myself with a trip to my favorite department store. Looking and trying on all the latest and sexiest fashions, especially if they are revealing really turns me on. I wandered around the local mall, found my favorite store and before long found myself at the counter I waited to ask a young and very hot salesperson if I could try on a very short and revealing blue dress.While perving on his tight bum, I did not at first register that there was a hand gently caressing my...
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September 22nd 2012, Saturday, 2300 hrs Shivaji Nagar Station Pune and I was waiting for someone. Lot of questions, lot of thoughts, a feeling of guilt a sense of passion was running all over me. Phone rang, it was Natasha…Asked where are you? Near ATM; I said. I saw a black Swift coming towards me. It came, halted and a 29 years old came out who was dressed in a sky blue saree with pounds of gold on her, hairs tied and her eyes was staring at me. We greeted each other and she welcomed me in...
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Note : This story is completely fictional! Here is one of my master piece for you I assure you will cum in your undies when it finish ,read and write to me. It happens in the last year . My daughter and I went to visit my mom for a few days. It was good visit. she is 49 but very sexy to look she ahas a nice ass. My mom took a few days off from work and we were just spending time with my daughter. Well, one night we went out to eat. My mom had a few long island ice teas. She was pretty tipsy...
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It starts as a simple curiosity. Or maybe a “bachelorette party gift”. It almost never starts with, “I’m Miranda Miller and I’m so fucking horny I think I’ll go to an adult bookshop!” But that’s where Miranda finds herself on a sunny afternoon…”I’m just looking for something to give my bestie. She’s getting married soon!” It doesn’t take long for Miranda’s eyes to wander, and soon she’s in the...
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FetishWell, been some time since I last posted anything. The stories published till date are available here: So no need to start with an introduction out here. Coming straight to sex story. Well I had to travel to work to Pune and this is where this all happened. I was staying at a leading hotel there and had worked for around 2 weeks in Pune. I knew no one in Pune.So thought this is going to be a relaxing trip.Work – hotel -work and then back to Bangalore. Well, no one knows what is in store. It...
by Philip Johnson Chapter One Portsmouth, Ohio. It’s a blue collar town where the south flowing Scioto River joins the mighty Ohio River. Take away the rivers and there never would have been a reason for a town being built there to start with. Like so many times over the last few years I came in from Slab Run Road onto highway fifty two and passed the sign welcoming me to town adding the not so impressive statistic, population twenty one thousand. Of course that sign has been up so long now...
Dear friends, I am new to this site, liked what i read here. I would like to narrate one of my real life incident.Hope you all like it.Mail me your feedback to Let me tell you about myself, I am sandesh from Mysore.Fit & Athletic, 27 year old, height 5.9, weight 75 kgs,since I am a body builder for hobby I have good arms & chest to attract ladies. The incident I am narrating is between me & my cousin sister Sandhya. This incident happened a year ago. My cousin is married for last 1...
IncestCulture And Religion have an impact on sexuality and I am confirmed to these rules I just want to be free and be me. I mean I want to be me and explore my sexuality my identity what makes me the sexual deviant that is not allowed in me. I am basically a male and wanting to be a female. This is my great struggle to living the life I want and is a secret I keep from my family.In my faith being a boy that wants to be a girl is not accepted. I am a guy who wants to be a girl. I just like to wear...
My College Mistress - Anon I am a true believer in Female Supremacy, I have been since I first came to this important realization as a child. I wrote this story some years back, it was published in an adult female supremacy newspaper quite some time ago. It is the true real life account of a relationship I had with a woman I dated in college. I am married now, to someone else. Although a bit dominant at times, my wife is no-where near as dominant as this Woman was, or perhaps...
The next morning... "Bob, I need a little help in the kitchen," shouted Ann. "We left a mess down here last night. Also, you need to take a look around the pool and make sure that everything is cleaned up out there." Except for a slight hangover from the night before, Ann felt great. Thoughts of showing off her body, and the excitement that caused within her, still danced in her head. Bob shouted back down stairs. "I'll be right down. I just want to check my e-mail. It will just...
Recently my wife and I were sitting on the couch watching trashy TV and enjoying a bottle of wine. At some point, we started talking about our sexual past. During this conversation my wife Kim started to tell me about some of the guys that she had hooked up with before we met. I asked a few leading questions to see how much she would tell me. She stated that I had the biggest cock of any of the white guys that she had hooked up with. I asked her how big they were and Kim said that most of the...
The day's sun and fun had taken it's toll on us, we had joked and flirted with sexual innuendos all day, and absolutely planned on fulfilling them when we got back to the hotel room you had booked for us. There we were, sacked out on the couch of the suite, rubbing each other's feet; that intimate act of touching, feeling, soothing. Soon we were both asleep; the droning television singing it's lullaby of gibberish to us. My dreams were of you, they had been filled with you since we met on...
FRANK FLEW UP to Sydney late on Friday morning. He had checked his bag all the way to Hobart, so when he arrived, he went straight to the Qantas Club for a cup of coffee. Half an hour later, he went out, through security, to meet Helen just outside the departures area. He had arranged for a limousine to pick her up and bring her to the airport. No point in him going to her home and then back to the airport. He would have had to catch an earlier flight to do that. Right on time the white...
Emily has lied to me for the last time. She must be punished, but how do you punish someone that loves to be punished? I told her that she would be naked and bound by the knowledge that she had been bad, no restraints because she was a bad girl who liked restraints. She could not touch herself and must remain in whatever position I put her in. For now she was to be on her hands and knees in the middle of a thick duvet on the living room floor. She was stunningly beautiful. Her short brown hair...
HardcoreSunny Day with Neighbor IIThe wife had crashed our all boy party {The BEST kind} but this is a fill in flashback to earlier that same day. I had just fucked F. for the first {but not last time}. I watched him closely as he got out of bed and walked gracefully to the bathroom. His cute cream colored ass was a little pink with some liquids{ sperm and lube} appearing around his lovely rose bud. I licked my lips thinking of how good it was to ...
Chapter 2 Domination "Martin" my Mothers voice awoke me, "It's time to wake up." It had been a week since the call had gone out, and all women in the country had lost all rights entirely. "What have I told you, Mother dear? When we're in the bedroom together, you are to address me as Master, just like when we're in public, ok?" My Mother held my gaze for a moment, then sighed and said, "Yes, Master, how would you like me to serve you this morning?" I gazed into the depths...
Note : This story is completely fictional! The amazing second part read it. We didn’t talk about what happened again but during the next weeks we spent every moment we could together. The more we found ourselves alone, the more kisses we shared. We walked every day on Surf Avenue amidst the crowds, sharing hot dogs and fries from Nathan’s between kisses. We followed the shore to Brighton where we would find a place to hold and touch and kiss. The summer Sunday when we had kissed so much her...
IncestDiane, Brenda, and Cathy stood, holding their posters. They hollered and cheered for Brad and Jake. Abby’s poster read #27 Brad Hayward I’m your #1 fan. Men in the rows behind them appreciated the short hemmed, low-cut dresses that all the women were wearing. The public address announcer began. “Welcome to tonight’s game between the Kingston Frontenacs and your Belleville Falcons!” “The starting lineups for tonight’s game are for Kingston, starting in goal, number 30, Chris Manning,...
Chris aka Tendal says: Smiles and moves closer to you so I can stroke your hair Chris aka Tendal says: trying to decide if my hand should go up or down Tigana says: chuckles softly... slides towards you... leaning to your touch Chris aka Tendal says: slips my hand between your thighs and strokes upward Tigana says: moans softly, thighs parting slowly Chris aka Tendal says: cupping your warmth in my palm, my fingers start to explore Tigana says: rests against your arm,...