Holiday Experience free porn video

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Chapter One

"It'll turn up, Dorothy. Mrs Maloney must have taken it away with all the rest of the washing. And it's so incredibly warm and we're none of us going any further than the pool today. What the hell!"

Dorothy Chambers did not look very reassured by this at first. She had paid a lot for that blouse and it was too bad the way it had disappeared overnight, as well as weird - she always locked her door. It just HAD to be one of the other girls, clowning about. Funny, though, she'd known them all since childhood and silly practical jokes had never been a thing they had been prone to do. They had always been rather a serious and sober-sided bunch.

She glared at the other three and returned to her toast and marmalade, washing it down with a cup of delicious coffee. The sun shone through the large French windows and warmed her exposed arms, shoulders, chest, ample cleavage and midriff. It felt pretty nice, she had to admit.

Elspeth's words had been true enough. For most of the day they would none of them be wearing too much, not in this heat. This was the hottest summer any of them could ever remember. And next day the careless housekeeper would be back, perhaps with her missing blouse and if it WAS one of the others - well, plenty of time to play a trick on her - whoever she was!

As Elspeth had predicted, they spent all morning diving into and lazing beside the swimming pool. Harriet and she played tennis for a while and Jenny took herself off and went for a solitary walk across the moors. They were all busy career women by nature, cast out of their jobs by various and simultaneous misfortunes, holidaying at Frances' recently inherited country home as they took stock of their lives and relaxed together for the first time in years. For the first three days of their stay here, all had gone pretty well as planned.

"I'll go and catch up with Jenny," said Frances. "I don't like to think of her brooding on her own. I think she's taken misfortune much harder that any of us. She always was the sensitive one. We've got to be extra nice to her, I feel."

She went inside the house and came back looking furious.

"OK, you lot, just what the Devil's going on?"

Dorothy was the first to answer.

"Sorry, Frances; I don't understand. What's up?"

"What's up is that my walking shoes are not where I left them and some creep with a twisted idea of what constitutes a joke has left me with only one set of clothes - those I wore this morning. Very funny, girls! But the joke's over!"

She did not look a happy hostess at all. She went on, "I'll go after Jenny in any case, shoes or no shoes. When I get back, I want all my gear returned. I'm not laughing at your stupid childish joke and this is MY house - remember that!"

Dorothy watched her storm off in her flip flops. Before she had got very far she had stumbled several times in this rather unpractical footwear and discarded them, preferring to rely on her own bare feet to carry her. When their hostess was nearly out of sight she turned to the others. "I wonder what's going on; first my blouse then her shoes and all her other clothes. Let's go inside and check on our stuff. This is very odd."

In twenty minutes Dorothy, Harriet and Elspeth returned from their respective rooms. All had the same tale to tell. Their spare clothes had gone and none of them had a complete set, even of their remaining apparel. Dorothy, as has been already mentioned, had no blouse. Harriet, that inveterate topless sunbather had a blouse, but no bra and Elspeth, perennially barefoot, had no shoes. None had bothered to put these items on in the morning and thus not noticed their absence.

"It must have been Jenny," said Harriet at last. "As Frances said, she's taken our misfortunes more to heart than the rest of us. She's flipped somehow. Poor girl - when she gets back with Frances, we'll just have to be extra nice to her. It's a sort of cry for help, I suppose."

Dorothy suggested that they search Jenny's room for the missing clothing. The door was not locked and they had soon searched it from top to bottom. Nothing! Not only were the other girls' missing things not here, but Jenny's spare gear also seemed to have disappeared.

"What was Jenny wearing when she went for her walk?" asked Dorothy. "I seem to remember she wasn't very well covered below the waist, but it's so warm, I hadn't thought much of it."

Harriet agreed. "Right, Dot! She just had her blouse, bikini bottom and shoes on. I thought it a bit daring, but - what the hell! Who's she likely to meet around here?"

"So there we have it!" said Dorothy. "We are all of us missing one item of clothing and we've all had our spare gear swiped. We aren't alone here, girls! Someone had to have done this. I wonder who?"

The three of them trooped outside and waited for Jenny and Frances to return. While they waited they took off what clothes they still had and plunged into the pool. As they swam, the thief rubbed his hands and chuckled. What a jolly day he was having! And there were more days to come!

Chapter Two

"Hi, Jenny! Thought you might like some company!"

Frances had finally caught up with the youngest of her guests. She had been worried about her ever since the five of them had arrived here, four days ago. Jenny was usually the most effervescent of girls, by far the most light-hearted of this quintet of lifelong buddies, but had lately she been quiet and subdued, smiling sadly at the others' little jokes and staring downwards seeming to be lost in thought. She had been devastated to lose her post at the merchant bank and seemed totally broken-spirited by it. Of all of them, Frances reckoned, Jenny was the one who most needed this time together.

Jenny smiled and allowed Frances to link arms with her. They walked together for some time and then Jenny laughed gaily, the first time she had not looked solemn for longer than Frances could remember.

"Lost your shoes, darling? Never mind, those are the sweetest feet! I always envied you them! Bet it feels sore, though with all this heat and everything so dusty and dry!"

"Yeah! It does a bit. I like your legs, come to that - and you sure seem to be showing a lot of them today!"

Jenny grinned. "I didn't see where I'd put my shorts this morning, Frances, and it's so warm, I decided to leave off looking for them until tonight. I love the sun on my legs - it feels so free somehow."

Frances became thoughtful.

"Jenny, I can't find my shoes, Dot can't find her blouse and now you say your shorts have disappeared. A pattern emerges! I wonder who the silly bugger is - surely not Harriet or Elspeth - not their scene at all, I'd have said."

"I don't know, Fanny! I wouldn't have thought any of us were that way inclined. Not really. Not like some of the other girls we've known. That Tricia Fordyce and her little gang at school - they liked horsing about - but we were always such goody goodies!"

'Yes. That's right, ' thought Frances, 'We were all five of us serious minded little prigs and went on to be serious minded hard working women and look where it's bloody well got us!' She knew that Tricia was still going from strength to strength in her career as a fashion designer, and the five of them in their solid respectable careers had all come terrible croppers. What a very unfair business Life was! Still inheriting this house had been a welcome surprise - life wasn't all bad.

The place had been built in the Eighteen Seventies by a great-great uncle who had made a fortune in questionable circumstances and then retired here to live out his long retirement. It had been left her by a distant cousin only a couple of years ago and she had not had time to spend a lot of time in it until she lost her job. It might be a bit of a ramshackle place and well off the beaten track, but it was certainly ideal for a summer retreat, with its extensive grounds, tennis court and enormous swimming pool, installed by the last owner.

She had fallen in love with the isolated and remote place, vowing to spend as much time here as she could, but work had been so hectic at the time that it had been impossible to get up very often. And then the crash had come and she was out of work, clutching a fat redundancy cheque and with all the spare time in the world!

As soon as she had become unemployed and learnt of her friends' simultaneous misfortunes, she had invited them all down here to lick their several wounds and think how to get their lives back together. The first day had been spent in a serious discussion, reviewing the ways they could all set up in some kind of business together and then the wonderful weather had reduced them all to a state of semi-comatose and hedonist abandon. And then, this morning, they had started to lose their clothes.

Jenny and Frances continued walking and soon arrived at the highest point for miles around. They stood together and looked down at the Victorian pile below, the sole dwelling in their field of view. Both of them agreed that it was wonderful to be utterly away from it all. They lay down side by side and contemplated the view for some minutes before Jenny fell asleep. Frances sat by her side, her arm around her friend, and then dozed off herself. When the pair woke it was well into the afternoon and the sun well past its strongest. A cool breeze, the first stirring of the air in weeks of hot sultry weather, ruffled Jenny's long golden hair as well as Frances's shorter black locks. They enjoyed this refreshing change in the weather for a while longer, and then Frances got to her feet.

"Let's get back, Jenny. We need to get together, the five of us and sort out what's going on. I have a feeling things are not as they ought to be, my dear. In fact I feel very uneasy indeed for some reason!"

Chapter Three

Jenny and Frances took their time getting back to the house. Poor Frances had lost count of the number of thistles, briars and razor sharp stones her delicate little feet had trodden upon by the time she was finally able to relax by the poolside and examine her sore and weeping soles. To think that in some parts of the world a shod person was a rarity, though people like that were mainly peasants who had a higher pain threshold!

She recalled an account she had once read of the life of the Zulu King Shaka, who had forbidden the wearing of sandals by his soldiers, training them to be able to cover scores of miles each day barefoot. This ruthless despot would force them to perform tribal dances on a floor strewn with thorns and those who missed their steps would be clubbed to death as an example to encourage the others. Well - she would have lasted maybe two minutes in an outfit like that!

Tomorrow, if the missing clothes still hadn't turned up, she might drive into the nearest town, some twenty miles distant and buy some more shoes. Her flimsy sandals had been quite ruined before she had been forced to ditch them. As she and Jenny relaxed after their walk, the others came out of the house and settled themselves around their two returned friends.

"We have a confession to make, Jenny," began Dorothy, "We thought you were behind these mysterious losses, so we looked through your room. Sorry, about that darling - it was just that we thought you were behaving unlike your usual self. Anyway, you're obviously in the same boat as the rest of us. We do apologise."

Jenny smilingly forgave them. "I suppose we're looking at each other and wondering which of us it is. I vote we forget it for today! Tonight we must all lock ourselves in our rooms and close the windows, stuffy though it is in this heat. And one of us should be in the corridor for an hour at a time to keep guard, armed with something suitably heavy in case we have visitors."

Frances agreed, except that she suggested two of them at a time and for two hours at a stretch. Frances and Jenny agreed to take the first two hours, Dorothy and Harriet the next, and Frances and Elspeth the remainder of the night until everyone had got dressed. Frances resigned herself to a more sleep deprived night than the others, but she had always been the natural leader of the group and leaders have responsibilities.

They carried out an audit before retiring for the night.

Jenny: Top, bikini top, bikini bottom and shoes.

Dorothy: Bikini top, bikini bottom, slacks and shoes.

Elspeth: Blouse, bikini top and bottom, shorts

Harriet: Cotton blouse, Bikini bottom, hot pants and shoes.

Frances: Tank top, Bikini top, bikini bottom, micro skirt.

The three watches went off without incident. No one reported any further loss. At seven am all went to their several bathrooms to shower and brush their perfect and gleaming white teeth. Then they assembled for breakfast.

Dorothy was dressed in her bikini and shoes. While in the bathroom, her slacks had disappeared. She had heard nothing, but when she had pulled back the shower curtain, the said garment had gone!

Harriet had lost her blouse, which did not worry her, since she spent most of the day bare-breasted in any case. With her tanned upper body, she looked the least put out of all at her loss. As in Dorothy's case, it had vanished when she was looking the other way for a second. "Pretty smart piece of thieving - unbelievable!" was her comment before breaking her fast with her usual gusto.

Elspeth had lost her bikini bottom. "Never mind!" she said, surprisingly brightly. "We're all girls together! Shouldn't cramp my style too much".

Jenny had lost her shoes and Frances her little skirt.

It was a very thoughtful quintet which ate silently and reflectively. 'We ought to be afraid, ' thought Jenny, 'but somehow we aren't.' It was as though all of them knew they were in no danger, (apart from ending up completely stripped after a few more days of this). And it was still very warm, with a long-range weather forecast seeing no end to the drought for the foreseeable future.

Just as they were about to clear up the breakfast things and transfer themselves to the pool, to spend as much time splashing around in it as lying beside it, the telephone rang. Frances went to answer it. She came back looking annoyed.

"That was Mrs Maloney. Her sister is no better. She wants to stay away a few more days. Damn! I was hoping to get her to buy a few clothes for us all before she came back. Never mind! We are, as Elspeth has reminded us, all girls together. Any of you fancy a drive into town to buy the stuff ourselves? I'll go and get the car out of the garage, while you make up your minds!"

Chapter Four

"I'm happy to stay here for the day. It's too hot to get in the car. Anyway, I want to see what happens next!" said Elspeth as she prepared for a day by the pool. Having no bikini bottom, she felt it would look silly to wear the top, and was already plastering her white parts with a protective cream.

Beside her lay Harriet, her breasts already deep brown like the rest of her. She was also naked in order to keep Elspeth company. Neither girl had ever done this before and were still finding it a bit of a novelty. Jenny and Dorothy looked at them both a little doubtfully. They were not ready to follow suit just yet, although Jenny rather thought they might have no choice before long!

She shivered despite the heat and looked around. No one there, but she felt something - a kind of presence. "I'll go with Frances in the car" she said. "I need shoes as well. Let's hope we don't get arrested going shopping barefoot and in bikini bottoms."

The other two said not to worry. In this heat, nobody would bat an eyelid at two reasonably attractive young women showing considerably more leg than usual. It would most likely make quite a few young gentlemen's days for them!

Jenny went around to the garage just as Frances had got the car out. She climbed in and off they went to town, the shops and replacement clothes for all five. Jenny sat back and decided to enjoy the journey. The scenery around here was magnificent with all the expanse of gorse, bracken and heather. Such a wild area compared to the gentle downland pastures of her native Sussex.

Frances seemed not to be her normal confident and efficient self. Jenny became aware that her companion and driver was cursing under her breath. Also she noticed that the car was not behaving itself. A few miles away from the house, at the bottom of a long if not too steep hill, the engine gave out a few discreet coughs and gave up the ghost.

The two barefoot and bare legged girls got out and Frances pulled up the radiator. It did not take her long to see what was wrong.

"Fucking sugar in the tank, Jenny! Look at that horrible mess! I don't like jokes at the best of times, but this is the perishing bloody limit! Who of us is that fucking moronically terminally fucking stupid - not to say malicious! And I thought I knew you all so well!"

"What do we do now, Frances?" asked Jenny. 'Why am I not a bit surprised by this?' she silently asked herself.

"We turn this thing around, push it back to the house and phone for someone to come and take it away to be repaired. It's fifteen miles to the nearest garage. I hope you are feeling strong and fit, Jenny! Let's get started."

"Quite hot, really isn't it - the tarmac, I mean" gasped Jenny at one point. She was convinced that her newly bared feet must be a mass of blisters by this time.

Frances did not deign to reply. After her walk of the previous day, she was already in agony, even after a few yards up the hill, straining and gasping as she put her shoulder against the back of the broken down car.

To think she had fallen in love with this bloody house! It was going on the market first thing tomorrow! She never wanted to see the cursed place again, or this ghastly deserted countryside! She began to dream about London, where a situation such as this could never arise. Fucking countryside! She hoped never to see a blade of grass ever again as long as she lived!

It might have seemed a gentle enough slope when they were driving down it, but it was another matter again as the two sweating young ladies heaved and panted and pushed the heavy vehicle laboriously back up it and then the few yards back to the house. The other girls looked on in horror as Jenny and Frances propelled it slowly back up the drive.

The naked Elspeth and Harriet were the first to see the premature return of the two would-be shoppers. They left their places by the poolside and wandered over to give a hand as Jenny and Frances, red, sweating and flustered, pushed the car the final few yards back to the garage.

"Are you two trying to get yourselves fit, or is there something wrong," asked Harriet.

Frances's brief and robust reply was unprintable and I will therefore not reproduce it here.

"I think I must have about a fucking ton of gravel embedded in the soles of my feet" she fumed as she examined the said body parts.

Jenny seemed to be taking it all with much better grace.

"I could murder a long cool drink" was her only comment as she looked amusedly at her red faced and apoplectic companion. "I think this looks like being one hell of a vacation."

"The word's 'holiday'," spat Frances viciously. "The last thing I need is any of your fucking Americanisms. One long weekend in New fucking York and she tries to pass herself off as Hillary fucking Clinton."

"Calm down, Frances!" said Jenny, looking cheerful for the first time since she lost her job. "At least we all have each other. Just go and phone the garage, and for goodness sake get a grip on yourself! It's hardly the end of the world, you know!"

Frances saw the sense of this and stalked off to make the phone call. Within seconds she was back. She looked even angrier than ever.

"Forget the phone call, girls! Some bastard has fixed that! Phone's smashed beyond repair. We're totally cut off - who's feeling up to a long walk back to civilisation? After what I've been through, I'm bloody crippled for life and Jenny's not a whole lot better."

Chapter Five

"Well, it wouldn't have been any use anyway, Elspeth. We're so far away from the nearest mast," said Frances as Jenny examined her mobile phone, the only one between the five of them. The battery had been removed by person or persons unknown. It was late afternoon and Jenny had belatedly remembered that she had brought her mobile with her, despite a mutual agreement to leave them all behind.

Now that she had recovered from the rigours of her barefoot experience with the car, Frances had recovered her composure. The five were lying beside the pool, three bikini clad and two nude. The sun still shone and the sky was still blue. There was plenty to eat and plenty to drink. Mrs Maloney was bound to come back fairly soon. A mood of acceptance had settled over them all. Despite Frances's earlier fury, the magic of this remote retreat was once more exerting its influence over them all.

"I wonder what we will have lost in the morning..." speculated Jenny.

"We won't," answered Frances. "We will none of us sleep alone again. I'll share with Jenny and Elspeth and Harriet can sleep with Dorothy. That should fix it!"

Jenny doubted this, but held her peace. She declined to give up her privacy and nothing any of the others said could change her mind. Whatever the others did, she knew how she was going to react to this bizarre situation!

Next day, Dorothy found that she had joined the ranks of the barefoot and her companion Harriet was now without her minuscule shorts.

Frances sported her ample bosom at breakfast, having involuntarily shed her bikini top overnight - this despite having slept in it! "Extraordinary - I never noticed a bloody thing!" she gasped to the others. Frances's companion, Elspeth had lost her shorts and breakfasted in bikini bottom and shoes.

All four expectantly awaited the arrival of the solitary Jenny. They gasped as this young lady arrived downstairs totally naked.

"Golly, Jenny! We warned you not to sleep alone!" gasped Harriet. "At least the rest of us still have something to cover some of ourselves."

Jenny laughed merrily. "Oh! I threw all my stuff out of the window before I went to bed! Why fight it, girls? We're all doomed to be starkers sooner or later. You should join me! It feels great!"

Frances went outside to see if Jenny's clothes were still underneath her bedroom window. They were - minus her bikini bottom. She handed them over to Jenny without saying a word. She wondered whether this was actually happening or whether she was going insane.

Beside the pool later in the day, Frances, now the only non-nude member of the group, was talking about the gentleman who had built this house all those years ago.

"He was a very disreputable fellow," explained Frances. "Made his money out of the exploitation of women - a kind of high class pimp. Ghastly man. Ebenezer Braithwate, his name was. At the age of forty he was so stinking rich as a result of his activities that he retired prematurely and built this place. Funny thing, though - he left very little money when he died, despite having lived pretty frugally in his retirement.

"The place came down to me after his great grandson died a few years ago. He was the only one to live here for much of the time. For some reason the place has always had a bit of a bad reputation, but I love it, even if we are being stalked by some madman!"

"I don't think he is mad," said Jenny. "He just likes the sight of naked young women. I think that's extremely sane! Now that I've given him what he wants, I feel so lovely and peaceful. I feel somehow that I've made him happy, whoever he is!"

Before anyone could reply, the sound of an approaching car was heard. 'Thank God, ' thought Frances, 'Mrs Maloney is back - we are saved!'

They moved over to the front of the house and watched the open two-seater approach. No! This was never Mrs Maloney! That car cost a great deal more than that good lady earned in a year! As the expensive vehicle came to a noisy, squealing halt, they all stared open-mouthed as a pretty girl got out. It had been years since any of them had last seen this effervescent young lady, but all recognised her immediately.

"Tricia Fordyce! My God, what the hell brings you here?" spluttered Frances.

Chapter Six

"My, oh my! We are letting our hair down, aren't we! Hi, Jenny - gosh, but you do look gorgeous! I always hungered for your lovely body! And the rest of you! I see old Fanny here is still maintaining a bit of propriety! Nice tits, Frances - now let's see that glorious bush!"

Tricia looked around the undressed and half-dressed group delightedly. She had never had an uncharitable thought in her life, even towards these rather humourless good and industrious paragons of virtue.

Jenny was the only one who returned Tricia's friendliness. She had often half wished herself a member of her fun loving and highly mischievous circle, but her respect for and fear of Frances had always held her back somehow. She guessed how this high spirited and fearless young woman would have reacted to the situation they were in. Tricia would have loved it!

"I was in the area, Frances, and thought it would be nice to see my old school buddies again! Mind if I stay the night? Thought not! I'll go and take my stuff upstairs. I don't require the very best room, Fanny old sport! The second best will be just fine, unless Jenny likes to share, of course!"

"I'd love to, Tricia," replied Jenny eagerly. "How lovely!"

A few minutes later, the self invited guest emerged from the house, totally naked and plonked herself down beside the pool and next to Jenny. She put her arm around the girl and kissed her hungrily and thoroughly on the lips, very noticeably working her tongue into every corner of Jenny's wide open and welcoming mouth. Frances looked away in disgust. She had never liked this woman! And what was Jenny looking so bloody pleased about? Why wasn't she fighting off the advances of this repulsive creature!

Having finished with Jenny for the time being, Tricia addressed herself to the rest of them

"I say that Jenny here has got the right idea! Don't fight this thing, girls! Get that silly thing off you, Frances and join the club! Let's see that bush! I bet it's a sight - nothing like Jenny's, though - hers is something else, just like the rest of her!"

With this she returned to her earnest and enthusiastic exploration of Jenny's body. She covered that sweet flesh with passionate dripping wet kisses and her hands expertly fondled the now moaning and ecstatic Jenny from top to sweetly delicious toe. Jenny responded with equal energy. Finally, the two got up and walked away together. They strolled to the edge of the grounds and ducked under the fence, making off into the distance where Frances and Jenny had walked a few days previously. Soon they were out of sight.

"Disgusting bitch!" fumed Frances. "How dare she push her way into my house and seduce one of my dearest friends? Bitch!"

"Jenny looked happy enough, Frances," said Dorothy. "And she's a big girl now - it's her life. Let them be! She really came alive as soon as Tricia got out of her car. I haven't seen her look so happy in months! Good luck to both of them! That's what I say!"

Harriet and Elspeth nodded their agreement. They too had noticed Jenny's delighted smile as Tricia had gotten out of her car. All at once they all four of them called back to mind numerous instances of their friend's liking for Tricia. It had often been touch and go whether she would attach herself to her little coterie. Now that Tricia had forced the issue, saw how inevitable this had always been, even Frances, who finally joined the rest of her companions in their nudity, removing her bikini bottom and tossing it to one side with a gesture of finality.

From his vantage point high up in an attic room, the thief sighed contentedly!

Chapter Seven

"Can't you stay a bit more than just the one night, Tricia?" asked a sweat-drenched Jenny during a pause in their love-making. They had found a nice smooth area of the moor to lie down on together. It was a bit itchy for them both, naked as they were, but their delight in having finally discovered each other made up for all that minor discomfort.

"Why don't you come away with me tomorrow, darling? I only came for you, in any case. Someone told me about you losing your job and said you were up here with the others. I just had to come and see how I could help out. I'm sure I can fix you up with something - my body for starters! Let those other four look after themselves, my sweet!"

Jenny shook her head, although without any great deal of conviction. In any case, she had nothing to wear! She ditched her remaining clothes and they had disappeared. The thief was obviously taking no chances on her changing her mind!

Tricia arranged Jenny so that she was resting her head on her lap. She then stroked her body very tenderly for some moments, before speaking.

"Oh, you gorgeous lovely girl. I've loved you since we were both eleven year olds in our first term at St Olave's. Why have we wasted so much time, my love? Anyway, we're wasting no more! Right?"

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Holiday break

This story was written for legal, open-minded adults only. Among other elements, it explores dangerously, the border of consensual sex.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you are into stories where the first sentence cuts straight into the hardcore scene. I.e. A wife contends with an 18" penis being inserted into a selection of different orifices, with little erotic storyline and no connection to the realities of life. Then you will probably find this...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Holiday of Fun Part 1

Holiday of fun Part 1My annual holiday had been booked months in advance, I was looking forward to chilling for 14 days in the sun, relaxing on the beach and having a few drinks at night. This year was different though as I was travelling alone, my friend had recently got engaged and would be holidaying with his fiancé. So, as I enjoy my own company I decided I would still travel but this year I could do as I pleased without having to compromise to keep my friend happy as well.It was Friday...

4 years ago
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Holiday Experiences

I love the sun, it always make me feel naughty. Let me introduce myself I am Kristy, I am 23 years old and have been seeing Brian now for 2 years. We have always been a very sexual couple but on holiday we seem to push all the boundaries.This year we decided to go to Tobago, the Heat, the music, the rum and the black men. For this year Brian wanted to explore his fantasy of seeing me with another man and for him he wanted to see me with a Black man.I was a little concerned before leaving and...

4 years ago
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Holiday Surprises

It was a glorious evening to take a stroll. A warm Mediterranean breeze flowed around me; an arm of air sneaking up my light wraparound skirt to gently caress my naked, freshly shaved mound and send excited shivers through me. To be without knickers these days is very daring of me. I don’t really know why: when I was younger I did it all the time, and thought nothing of it. We were on holiday so, what the hell, I was going to have a "no panty rule" for a couple of weeks. I wanted to feel...

4 years ago
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Holiday Far From Hell

It was meant to be the best holiday ever for Ben. Well I should say the most memorable holiday for Ben. Ben was 18 and was off to the University of Cardiff to study Maths. He would effectively be fleeing the nest and starting a new chapter in his life. He would be growing up and surely be different when we he would return to Essex after the life of a Uni student. This holiday was effectively him leaving the family nest. It was meant to be three glorious weeks in Orlando Florida. They had booked...

2 years ago
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holiday heat

We had arranged to go on our first ever group holiday with friends. We were going to be sharing an apartment with our friends, Rob and Claire. Rob and I have been good friends for many years. We usually worked on our cars and bikes together.They were in their mid 40s and we were in our late 20s. He has thinning dark hair and a bit of a beer belly. Claire is quite short, with mousy blond hair and a rounded figure. My wife, Joan, had just below shoulder length, natural blonde, hair. She is 4ft...

2 years ago
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Holiday MemoriesPart 2 Thailand

You may remember my young girlfriend and I from my story about our holiday in Ibiza in the Spanish Balearic Islands last year. Sure you do. I'm Craig and she is Laurie. Well we're both now 25 and though she is not a particularly promiscuous girl, we had a whale of a time in Spain. Trouble is, she went back to being nun-like as soon as we got back. I had thought that after our wonderful experiences with the guys we met in Ibiza, we would be swinging like mad on our return but she said it was...

4 years ago
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Holiday Fun in My 20sChapter 3

I have been asked by one of my friends on SOL to share a few more experiences from my wilder young days, in particular relating to a holiday abroad (in Magaluf) I had with some of my girlfriends and also about a bit of "gang" fun I had with 6 guys. I will start by relating the holiday episode. I was 21 at the time, just about to turn 22, and was having a fortnight summers hols in Magaulf with several of my then girlfriends. We were a close bunch, always going out together and yes often...

3 years ago
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Holiday Swap 1 2

Just another work of fiction, but the readers seem to like them. Some feedback would also help, if only my ego! Holiday Swap The wife and I were on the verge of breaking up, and decided to try a holiday together in Spain, to see if we could improve things. So one semi red-eye flight later we arrived at our hotel and booked in, only to get a message from home that her father was dangerously ill. Now ...

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Holiday 1 The Awakening

This was a holiday we both needed. It seemed so long since we both went away together. We needed time alone time to let loose where no one knew us, so we booked a holiday to Ibiza, the party capital of Europe. I remember walking out of the airport in Ibiza, the sun hit my face, I turned and looked at Jen and we both knew this was going to be a good holiday. We got to our hotel and dropped off our bags. Jen went into the bathroom and returned in shorts and a t-shirt. Lets hit the beach she...

2 years ago
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Holiday with Mum

"Shit" she exclaimed angrily and replaced the phone none too gently in it's cradle. "Damn him and damn his fucking business trips."Then she saw me standing in the doorway and burst into tears.Two long strides and I was beside her, taking her into my arms and holding her as she sobbed."What's wrong mum?""He's flying out to America again, this afternoon, shit."I could feel the wetness of her tears soaking into my tee shirt."What about the holiday, I thought you were supposed to be going...

3 years ago
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Holiday In Tobago

Holiday In TobagoIt was our 25th wedding anniversary and nearly a year after our first BBC meeting with Michael.Simon said we should celebrate with a good holiday and maybe some BBC fun along the way. He booked a lovely villa in Tobago for 3 weeks, overlooking the most beautiful beach & 15 mins from the nearest golf course, yes, Simon likes to play golf.The villa was perfect and had a 15 year old maid called Maria, she visited the villa twice a week. It also had 2 guard dogs that I was not...

2 years ago
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holiday surprise

Lucky gurl.Four weeks of luxury in front of me, returning once again to the lovely hotel on the beach. Four of us return each year to this paradise. Our two friends, my partner and myself. The first two days were spent lazing around in the sun, just chilling out. The others decided they wanted to visit the capital city, it was a four day trip, I didn’t particularly fancy it, so the three of them booked for the next week. On the fourth morning at eight, my friend stood nattering to some others...

4 years ago
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Holiday of a Lifetime Part Two

I was sixteen years old and with my best friend, Simon and his parents Katie and Victor, we were spending the summer holidays on the island of Majorca in their huge luxurious villa. Another couple, who were friends with Katie and Victor were also staying with us and they were called Wendy and John.Earlier in the holiday, I found myself in the unbelievable position of being alone with Simon's mother in the villa's swimming pool where she actually seduced me into making love to her. Actually, it...

3 years ago
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Holiday Love Part 1

It wasn’t soon after my 16th Birthday that my final exams were on top of me and they seemed to be the only thing I could concentrate on, but it was now mid-July, and all my exams were behind me and Daddy was proud after I had got through all of them. So as a surprise, when I got home after my last day of school, there was an envelope sitting on my pillow as I went to get changed. My beautiful Amy, The envelope read, so I quickly opened it and pulled out the letter enclosed but as I did two...

4 years ago
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Holiday Hotel Encounter

A story that is part true and part fantasy. I recently found some photographs that reminded me that when I was in my early twenties I went on my first foreign holiday as a couple with my then boyfriend. We met a really nice couple.We were in the hotel bar having a post dinner drink when an older couple (we were mid 20s, they were late 40s I would say) approached us (I can’t remember their names so I’ll call them Jim and Pam). Anyway, they introduced themselves, said they’d noticed us by the...

3 years ago
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Holiday Flirt N Fuck

Whilst holidaying abroad last year I had a fantastic experience. My husband and I had gone on a lovely holiday around the South of France. Just the two of us went for a 10 day break, the kids going away with their grandparents on another family holiday.As part of the holiday we had signed up for a bus tour for a 4 day period. Our driver was a middle aged British guy called Alan. The rest of the bus was full of mainly middle aged couples, a couple of families with young children and a few...

3 years ago
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Holiday in the South of France0

Holiday in the South of France Unlike most of our trips abroad when Jon doesn’t tell me that we are going until about 3 or 4 hours before we climb on the plane, Jon gave me 3 weeks notice of this holiday. I had to let the manager of the Hair Salon where I work know that I wouldn’t be there. When I told them where I was going Debbie (one of the girls that I work with) kept pestering me to ask Jon if she could go as well. There’s no way that I would say that she could come with us without first...

4 years ago
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Holiday Wishes Upon the Wind

Author’s Note: ‘Holiday Wishes Upon the Wind’ is my entry for Literotica’s – 2011 Winter Holiday Contest. This is a Romance story through and through, but there are strong paranormal elements present, which made categorizing this story difficult. I have been blessed with some amazing people in my life who have lent their life experience and inspiration to the story. But it really is all about the lovely, impish Spirit who guided it along. I hope she is pleased with ‘her’ love story. The...

4 years ago
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Holiday Park Slut

Introduction: Kathys guide to a good holiday We were staying at one of those caravan holiday parks, for once we did not have the kids with us so we had a lot of time to ourselves. I couldnt get enough, wanting to be shagging all the time where ever we were, on the beach, cliff top, Chas even fingered me to a climax in the back of a taxi giving the driver a good eyeful of my shaven cunt. By the middle of the week I had exhausted Chas and still craved more, and that night I wanted to go down to...

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Holiday pool sex

The holiday hadn't started well-- no rep with a hire car to meet us at the airport, so we had to get a rental car. And then we had to ring the holiday company back in the UK for the combination lock code for the villa. They were very apologetic and promised us compensation on our return. But it was fine now. We were determined to enjoy this treat to ourselves, celebrating my retirement. The villa stood some way above and overlooking the little Spanish seaside town, with the mountains soaring...

3 years ago
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We have a holiday home, we go on holiday. It is a beautiful place, by the sea and mountain views. Pool on the terresen.It is a great place to relax.After Christmas my boyfriend has had a new girl to fuck one day a week. Normally he comes home after having sex, but lately he has more often stayed. After becoming a father, his dick has become harder, leaking more sperm during the act and making it horny. He invites this girl on holiday this summer. It's a sweet, kind, Spanish girl, pretty much...

4 years ago
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Holiday Threesome With Mother in Law

We came to that time in our life when the ki ds are to growing up to come on holiday and it falls to you to start and take your parents away with you instead. We decided to take the mother in law Jenny away, seeing she was newly widowed from Kelly’s step dad and couldn’t face going anywhere by herself.It was one of those late arrivals at the hotel, time the bus travelled around the island a few times by the length of the journey. A quick drop off of bags in the apartment and change of clothes,...

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Holiday Cuckold

I married Helen when she was nineteen, she is twenty now. Helen is five feet nine with long legs, firm 34 inch breasts and dark, curly hair which hangs well down her back. My name is Dave, I'm twenty two and five feet seven. Helen and I have a good sex life most of the time. Although Helen is normally a quiet girl, not shy though, she is very lively and dominant in the bedroom. She loves sex and can be very noisy during our encounters. Helen likes to tease me about the size of my penis. When...

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Holiday Cuckold

I married Helen when she was nineteen, she is twenty now. Helen is five feet nine with long legs, firm 34 inch breasts and dark, curly hair which hangs well down her back. My name is Dave, I'm twenty two and five feet seven. Helen and I have a good sex life most of the time. Although Helen is normally a quiet girl, not shy though, she is very lively and dominant in the bedroom. She loves sex and can be very noisy during our encounters. Helen likes to tease me about the size of my penis. When...

2 years ago
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Holiday Pleasure

Michelle was looking forward to her holiday after having such a bad year; she had always wanted to go around Ireland see if she could find her family ancestry, she had worked out her route and set off she landed in Dublin and got to her hotel, she relaxed and then went to eat, as she sat at her table a young waiter approached “good evening madam and what would you like to drink” Michelle went weak at the Irish accent she loved it and could feel the wetness of her pussy, she gave her order and...

4 years ago
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Holiday Romance

Holiday Romance ? by: Rachel Edwards Part 1 The sun was scorching as I stepped off the plane with my parents. I was now 18 years old and my parents were treating me to one last holiday abroad before my, the best way to put it, coming of age. They were now resigned to what I was undertaking and were becoming more and more supportive of me. Thinking back to that first time trying on a few of my older sisters clothes all those years ago I had no idea what world was opening up...

4 years ago
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Holiday Surprise

This is my first attempt at writing a full story, I hope you enjoy it.   The events are unfortunately not real, but the desire definitely is.  I watched in absolute awe and disbelief as my lovely wife Elaine writhed in sheer sexual lust as her neck and face were nuzzled by the man in whose arms she now was.   As she arched her head and neck backwards to meet his lips and tongue I watched as shed moved her left hand slowly over and up and down the very pronounced bulge in his suit trousers.  ...

3 years ago
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Holiday changes Sandra

Holiday changes Sandra Synopsis Sandra and her husband decide to go on a summer holiday to Turkey, where the sun shines hard every day (40?C). But they take the wrong taxi and are both kidnapped to a deserted place in the woods. 10 days later, she will be transformed into a depraved slut doing what she is made for: being a whore. The gang lets them go home but life will never be the same? Story         It’s over midnight. Sandra and her husband D. are sitting in the plane to Turkey. Married...

2 years ago
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Holiday Romance After an Erotic Massage

At the end of my first year of college, my best friend Samantha and I went backpacking in Sydney, Australia. It was a great place to holiday, with plenty of sun, glorious beaches and lots of things to see and do.We had been there a month staying at a backpackers’ lodge near the beach and although we were out nightly at the pubs and nightspots, we were not meeting any guys.We are attractive girls and at the time we dressed up sultry and sexy in the Sydney summer fashion, with really short minis...

3 years ago
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Holiday Encounters With Kelly and Lorraine

The continuing adventures of our happy threesome of Dave, Kelly and Lorraine. It's Kelly's birthday soon, a cause for great celebration, so Dave decides a few days holiday are just the ticket. At the end of the week Kelly gets some bad news that will lead to a profound change their lives. Kelly's 16th birthday in a fortnight, I had to figure out a suitable way to celebrate. I had a few ideas, but I decided to ponder it over for a few days. Besides last night had been exhausting, my cock...

2 years ago
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Holidaying into Submission

The time has finally come and I am throbbing all over with excitement. I am going on holiday with my Master, 9 days and nights with him, alone, vulnerableand submissive. I receive my email on time, the evening before we leave. The instructions areclear... be shaved clean, wear no underwear, wear t-shirt top with a collarand trousers and meet at the money exchange counter at the international terminalat a set time. The mid afternoon time engaged my curiosity as I was aware thatwe were on an 8pm...

3 years ago
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Holiday takes an unexpected turn

During the summer holidays following my college exams my family took a holiday abroad to Portugal for two weeks. I was really looking forward to this particular holiday, partly as a reprieve from the stress of exams but also because it presented a great opportunity to check out some bulges up close. I also saw it as the next step in my developing adventures as a freeballer, something I picked up whilst looking at cocks on tumblr. I was already spending days out with friends sans-underwear and...

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Holiday of a lifetime

I’d finally done it. I’d saved enough money to go to America for a holiday. I’d always wanted to holiday at a working ranch and learn how to ride. After a long-haul flight, an internal flight and transfer by car I finally arrived at the ranch feeling jet lagged and very tired. On arrival it was late and there was a brief introduction to other guests. There were a number of other people holidaying at the ranch, mostly Americans, and they were all couples. I was the only guy on his own and I...

4 years ago
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Holiday Sex with young couple

I have just come back off Holiday from Turkey. Three weeks sat by the pool watching the world go by. Well I say watch the world but I mean watch all the girls. That's the great thing about holidaying abroad. You can sit by the pool and ogle the girls and nobody cares or even notices. The first week I found my favourite spot which had views across the pool, over to the bar and the Jacuzzi. It was a prime spot and I was a serial Towel Fiend and was up early every morning to secure my spot. The...

4 years ago
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Holiday Miracle

"Hi Bobby. Don't be afraid, I won't bite..." Oh god. She had a friend from school, Abby Wilson, built much the same way. Abby also knew how to tease. She sat in my row in the auditorium for study hall, one empty seat between us. She had a habit when leaving to need to go in the opposite direction from me. So she'd squeeze by in front of me, letting her tight ass rub across the front of my pants. Then I'd have to hide the hardon during my next class. One day an upper classman in the row...

3 years ago
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Holidaying with a school friend Part 1

It was the last day of the summer term and I was full of the holiday spirit. In less than a weeks time my parents and I were off to the Caribbean for a two-week break. For the last few days I have been talking about nothing else. Friends in my form must have been getting fed up with me; I am sure Cora was and told me as much.“Anna you might think the holiday sounds great, but you could have as much fun on an English beach.”Jealous or what?The bombshell was dropped during one of our rare family...

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Holiday Massage

This is a true story that happened last October during a wonderful holiday in Turkey with my wife and our best friends.We went on holiday to celebrate my sixtieth birthday away from the cold and damp days at home to spend some time in the sun eating and drinking fine wines and excellent food. We stayed at a wonderful five-star hotel that had its own spa and massage centre onsite, which was owned and run by a group of beautiful ladies from Bali.Over the first few days of our holiday, we dropped...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Holiday Sex Pt 1 The Gang Bang

Hi my name is Mandy and this is my story of when my friend Lucy and I was gang banged by six men on holiday. I am 26 years old and have jet black hair and have an hour glass figure with size 34DD tits. My pussy is fully shaved and is pierced. I was on holiday with my friend Lucy who is 24. She is a size 10 figure with 36D tits and has a neatly trimmed pussy with a runway strip. We were on holiday in Cyprus and it was our third day there and we had been chilling out in the sun...

2 years ago
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Holiday of Sin

This time Sally had gone too far, and her parents were furious with her for getting expelled from school. It's not even my fault, the fifteen year old, grumbled to herself, as she sat alone in her bedroom. Neither the school principal nor her parents would believe that it was Sharon and Tessa who had stolen the wine. One mistake, she thought bitterly and I'm branded a thief for the rest of my life. Just because I took a bar of chocolate from a sweetshop last year, they always think I'm...

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Holiday Anthology

Welcome to the Holiday Anthology! From New Year's Day to Christmas Day, each and every holiday carries a feeling of happiness and magic with it! Some lose their minds to it, while some get filled so much with it, they have no choice but to grow! So come, read a tale or two and enjoy the holiday hijinks!

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Holiday with Paula Pt 1

Holiday Adventure with Paula. Exhibitionism, Group Sex,Threesome Part 1Paula and me, Tom have been together for a year, both of us after unsuccessful marriage’s, this was to be our first holiday together although we had been away for weekends and I unleashed Paula’sexhibitionist side.I am 5’8”, shaven head and no body hair with a 7” cock, Paula is 4’11”,slim, Blonde with 36c tits and no pubic hair just a few wisps of short blonde hair.We were booked on flights to Callela, stopping in a hotel by...

4 years ago
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Holiday Island Boat Cruise

This is a true story of a chance encounter from a holiday trip to TurkeyI was 24 years old and on my first package trip holiday with a group of girlfriends. We were staying in the mountains in Hisaranou, near to the beautiful Olu Deniz lagoon.We had booked onto an Islands boat cruise which in short was a mixture of cruising around the local islands, sunbathing, and swimming with food and drinks thrown in for good measure.Being exceptionally hot down by the coast it was a relief for the six of...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Holiday surprise part3

Holiday surprise part3On return to our suburban life style, we spent the first week, catching up on everything. I had a commission to complete as well as my Monday to Friday work as a bus driver and that of course had to come first. Before I started I had the frames made, as I did not want to send the completed work to the framers, the men there knew both me and my lady wife and there`s no point in inviting a reputation is there, and giving my local carpenter a cheap thrill is not what it`s...

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Holiday spying and taking advantage

I went on holiday years ago with a girl I lived with at university, she was going out with a mate of mine and I was going out with a mate of hers so no risk of anything happening. After an OK flight the transfer seemed to go on forever in the old taxi on 3rd world roads. Needless to say we were relieved to finally arrive at the hotel until checking in to find they had lost our booking and were fully occupied. After much discussion, showing e- mails and general frustration we were upgraded to...

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I hadn’t been away with my mum and dad for ages, not since years before I graduated, but after an unfortunate break up a few months ago and virtually no social life, they thought a couple of weeks in the sun would do me good. It was, I have to admit, nice to be away even if the pace of daily life was slow.They got friendly with a few people at the hotel and one older couple in particular. The man was a bit of an old letch but flattery is good. But then he started touching me, at first a stroke...

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Holiday fuck

I was on holiday with a few friends and one day we saw this guy taking photos of his wife in the grounds of the hotel. She was a gorgeous bit of stuff and we’d been watching her in her bikini round the pool and on the beach and all agreed we’d love to fuck her given half a chance. Well, this particular day I asked the guy if he’s like me to take a photo of them together and then got chatting to him and he was telling me how hot his wife was and that she wore him to a frazzle on holiday...

2 years ago
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Holiday CheerleaderbyBella_Seni©The end of the first quarter of Julie's freshman year at college couldn't come fast enough for her. The anxiety that existed in September had not faded much by the middle of December. She and a dozen or so of her former high school classmates who all attended the same college were anxious to get back home and into the more familiar surroundings of their friends and families.The small group had hung together during the fall quarter, urging each other on when...

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Holiday fantasy my girlfriend services two apart

My girlfriend, Janina, and I are planning a holiday to the sun this summer and this is a fantasy we hope might happen…We are staying at a lovely resort and have made friends with a couple of young men who are staying in the apartment next to us Jon and Seb. We see them every day down on the beach, they seem to be good at arriving just after Janina has taken her top off for some topless sunbathing. They simply cant take their eyes off her large round breasts, and they take it in turns to flirt...

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