Stepdad free porn video

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I hated Steve from the first day I met him. I remember it clearly, even though I was only seven years old at the time. My mom had just divorced my dad and I felt so alone. I felt that she had dumped daddy to be with Steve. I had always felt that way.

Growing up my anger towards Steve grew stronger. I knew the only thing I was upset about was my parents splitting up. Even though Steve was the best father a girl could ask for, I always held that grudge against him.

My mother and I would always get into huge arguments because of Steve. As I became a teenager, things got worse. To my surprise, Steve always stuck around no matter what. My mother couldn't have any more children, and Steve still stuck around. I figured he would have left, but that showed he really cared about my mother and I. When I was 13, he decided to adopt me and claim me as his real daughter. I too was shocked about that. Being the brat that I was and saying so many hateful things to him, he still wanted to adopt me.

"Why does he have to adopt me? I don't want his last name! He's not my father!" I screamed out the day after reading the adoption papers.

My mother looked at me sternly. "Young lady you better be quiet right now! Steve has been very good to you and me both. Now I don't want to hear you complain about him anymore!"

My eyes swelled with tears. "But mom! How could you take his side?"

"Because he takes care of us. He's never hit me, hit you, or been mean to either of us. I wish you would give him a chance Lindsay. He's more of a father than your biological father would ever be."

"That's not true! You never even gave daddy a chance to be my father. You just pushed him away and messed around with Steve! Besides he's like ten years younger than you!"

My mother sighed. "Lindsay that's enough. Steve's only six years younger and that has nothing to do with this conversation. I left your father because he used to beat me. You were too young to remember. Now that's the end of our conversation!"

"When I turn 18, I'm going to live with my real daddy. Steve is just a replacement! I hate him!"


I felt my cheek burn as my mother slapped my face. I held my hand against my face and cried more. I didn't say anything and my mother looked shocked and seemed as if she wanted to apologize but I just ran to my room.

That day I cried so much thinking my mom didn't love me and that Steve was stealing her away from me and he was the one to have destroyed our family. I didn't understand why my mother wouldn't understand that.

When I was 15 that's when everything changed. My mother had been on her way to pick me up from school. It was cold, rainy and very wet outside. I waited for over an hour and there was no sign of my mom. I was about to go walking home, but that's when I saw Steve's car pull up.

"Lindsay, get in. You're mother... she's been in a car accident."

I frowned. "What? What are you talking about?"

"Please get in. It's cold and we need to get to the hospital."

I didn't argue and got in. We drove in silence and I felt my heart racing hoping my mother was ok.

Once we got to the hospital, we rushed up to see my mother. The doctor was waiting outside and his face looked so sad. Steve held on to my hand as we walked.

"Mr. Sayers?" The doctor asked.

"Yes! That's me. Is she ok? Is Pam ok?"

The doctor took a deep breath. "I'm afraid we lost Pam. She lost so much blood."

My hand trembled and Steve gasped. "No! Please no!"

"I'm very sorry," the doctor said.

"I didn't move. I couldn't. I was numb holding on to Steve's hand. He looked at me with his blue eyes full of tears. "I'm sorry Lindsay. I'm so sorry."

It took a while until finally I felt tears running down my face. I was in shock and couldn't say anything. Steve put his arms around me and I was still stiff with my eyes dazed. It felt like a nightmare and I hoped to wake up and see my mother still there with me, but it was no nightmare. It was so real! My mother! She'd died.

After a long moment of numbness, I pulled away from Steve and he looked at me with sad eyes. His eyes were red from crying and I just looked at him with shock. "My mother! She's gone! Noooo!" I finally shouted.

Steve grabbed me and held me in his arms again. For the first time in my life I hugged him back. We both cried together for a long time.

After my mother's death, I went through a big depression. I lost a lot of weight because I wouldn't eat. Most of my afternoons were spent in my room listening to music or drawing. Steve worked afternoons since he was a restaurant manager so I had the house to myself until about ten at night.

Steve and I didn't talk much. I still felt resentful for him being in my life. I was still convinced in my warped mind that he had been the one to destroy me and my moms relationship. The whole time I thought about my dad. My mother had never talked much about him. She just kept telling me I was too young to remember what a jerk he was. I guess I had been too young. I was only three when they ended their marriage. Ever since then, I had never seen my father. I kept thinking my mother kept me away from him.

At school, I had become a social outcast. I had lost many friendships because of how withdrawn I had become and didn't care. I had so much hate in me, I could scream! Being with boys had never occurred to me either. I wasn't your typical high school girl that crushed on the cute boys. Instead I just concerted on school work and drawing.

One night, on his day off, Steve had come up to my room, which had hadn't done in months. I was busy drawing and he gently tapped at my door. I looked over at the door and didn't respond. I was hoping he'd get the idea that I wanted to be alone. Instead, he opened the door. "I should have locked the door," I said to myself.


I looked up from my sketching. "Yeah?"

"I was going to go into town to buy some groceries and was wondering you'd like to come along. Maybe you can pick out some snacks that you like?"

"No thank you," I replied dryly and continued sketching.

I felt him standing at the door for a while. "Um ok. But if there is something bothering you, please let me know. I am your... father and I'd like to help."

I looked up and narrowed my eyes at him. "No Steve, you're not my father, you're my step father."

His eyes grew sad. "Ok then, I'm your step father. I'm really the only family you have left."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "No you're not! I still have my real father, or have you forgotten?"

He sighed and nodded. "Very well then. I'll be back later."

With that, he closed the door and left. I went back to my sketching but felt hot tears running down my face. Was it always going to be like this?

At school, things weren't any easier. Being depressed made me lose a lot of my friends. I ate lunch alone and walked from school to home alone as well. I figured it would be like this for the rest of my days in high school.

It wasn't until my senior year, that I met Delilah. She was in my art class, not because she liked it, but because she needed to take an elective. She was wild, one could tell just by looking at her.

Her long hair was dyed black and her eyes were covered with heavy makeup and her lips bright red. She was tall, skinny and dressed provocatively. I began to feel comfortable around her for some odd reason, maybe it's because she was an outcast too.

"So listen, we are going riding around tonight, you think you can come?" She asked one day after school.

"Oh I don't know, my step dad sorta wants me home tonight."

She laughed. "Your step dad? Didn't you say you couldn't stand him?"

I shrugged. "Yeah, but-"

"Come on Lindsay, you have to go! There'll be some hot guys!"

"I'm not interested in boys Delilah."

She looked at me with a puzzled face. "You gay or what?"

I laughed. "No, it's just that I'm not very happy right now in my life to be meeting boys."

She eyed me for a moment. "Look, you are already 18. You're not a kid you know."

"I guess I can go."

"Alright then, come on!"

I didn't bother to call or come home that day. Instead, I left with Delilah we went to her house and she let me borrow some of her clothes. I wore a short black skirt and a dark purple low cut top that showed my belly as well.

"You need to get a naval ring. Guys love that shit," Delilah said to me.

"I've wanted one for a long time."

"I know this guys who can do it for you. He'll only charge you twenty bucks."


"Yeah we can go Monday after school if you want."


"Now hurry up we got to go pick up the rest of my friends."

That night we went over to one of Delilah's friends house. Her name was Kara and she was just as wild as Delilah. She let us in her apartment that she lived in. She was 19 years old and lived with a 24-year-old guy. We sat around for a few minutes waiting for Kara to get ready and then took off in her car. We headed off down by the beach where a group of people waited for us.

"See that guy over there?" Delilah asked pointing towards a tall dark haired guy.


"He's the one I want to introduce you to."

I gulped. He was gorgeous but looked dangerous. His hair was jet-black and he wore a lip ring and dark eyeliner under his eyes. Delilah and I hung out until this one guy with long hair came and lured her away.

I stood there crossing my arms and hoping someone would talk to me. I looked around and realized there was plenty of pot smoking going on. The guy Delilah had mentioned stared at me and I kept trying to look away.

"Hi," I heard the male voice say.

I turned around almost jumping up. He laughed. "H-hi," I stammered.

"What's your name?"


"Hi. I'm Chris. So you're friends with Delilah?" He asked holding a joint.

"Yes." My eyes focused on the joint.

"Would you like some?" He asked offering it to me.

"Uh... s-sure."

I took a puff and immediately choked. He eyed me curiously. "You've never smoked pot?"

"Y-yes I have. But a long time ago," I lied.

I could see by the look of his eyes that he didn't believe me. "You want to go for a quick walk?"


We began to walk and he handed the joint to another guy that was nearby. He was silent as so was I. The night was cool and I couldn't keep my hair from flying everywhere.

"Here let's sit her by the dock," he said.

We sat there in silence once again. I figured he and I had nothing in common. I couldn't believe I was here instead of being at home. I knew Steve would be worried but then again I really didn't care.

"So you are a good girl huh?"

"W-what?" I asked suddenly coming back to reality.

"I asked if you are a good girl."

"Not really."

"Yeah right. I can tell you are. Are you a virgin Lindsay?"

I was shocked. Never in my life had a guy I just met only minutes ago had ever asked me something so personal. "Excuse me?"

"I asked if you're still a virgin."

"That's personal," I snapped.

He laughed. "Yeah you're a good girl. A bad girl wouldn't take offense to that question."

I was starting to feel more uncomfortable but I only wanted to fit in. I hadn't talked to a guy in such a long time and now this guy was actually paying attention to me. It felt pretty good.

Chris scooted next to me and I felt him put his arm around me. I didn't move and just let him continue his game. He leaned down and cupped my face making me look at him. His lips met with mine instantly and I pursed my lips at first but then let him slip his tongue in my mouth.

We kissed and then he pulled away and put his hands under my top pinching my nipples. It felt good to a point but then again everything felt so empty. I didn't love this guy, hell I didn't even know him! I knew getting intimate with someone had to have feelings involved and I knew this was not right but I continued to let him fondle me.

His lips trailed down my neck. He began tugging at my top for me to peel it off. I didn't know what to do so I just let him take my top off. Soon enough his mouth was on my nipples licking and sucking on them. I got a tingly feeling between my legs, but it was more of a lustful feeling than a loving one.

By the time I knew it, Chris had my skirt up to my waist and my panties were off. He got between my legs and shoved a finger inside of me hard.

"Owww!" I whimpered in pain.

"Shhh, it's going to feel good in a bit," he rasped. His finger began to violate my virgin hole. The pain was slowly going away but still hurt some. Chris took his finger out and licked it. I watched him taste my juices. He smiled wickedly. "Hmmm you taste really good. I know you're a virgin."

I didn't say anything and let him continue. I knew he was going to fuck me. I should have cared, but I didn't. His cock entered me and I screamed out loud. Chris put his hand over my mouth as he began to fuck me, taking my virginity away.

I had heard sex could be over in 5 minutes but I never believed it, until that night. Chris began moaning and I could feel him twitching inside of me. He didn't wear a condom, but luckily I was on the pill. At that moment though, I knew I didn't want this strange guy's cum inside of me.

"Pull it out!" I urged him. "I'm not on the pill."

Chris groaned in agony and pulled his cock out shooting his cum all over my belly. I felt the warm liquid hitting my skin and I grossed out. I wanted to leave at that moment. Chris finished and zipped his pants back up.

"Hmm damn you were so fuckin' tight. I haven't been with a virgin in a long time."

His hands stroked my hair. I grabbed a tissue from my purse and wiped his cum off me. He laughed. "Oops sorry about that, but I though you were on the pill?"

"Well... I'm not," I lied.

I put my top and panties back on. After fixing my skirt Chris and I headed back with the rest of the group. He went on to talk to other girls but I didn't care. I finally had experienced sex, which was something I had always wanted. Even though it hadn't been what I though it would have been, at least I had gotten sex over with.

Later that night, Delilah drove me back home. She told me about the guys she had talked to that night. I listened but my mind was somewhere else.

"So I heard Chris got in your pants huh?"

I nodded.

"Well? How was he? I hear he's really good."

I shrugged. "He was OK."

"Just OK? Give me more information Lindsay!"

"It wasn't what I thought it would be."

Delilah laughed. "Of course not. You're first time always sucks. I know mine did."

I turned to her. "But shouldn't it have been a little more satisfying? I mean I didn't really feel satisfied."

"Of course you didn't. It's because you're not used to sex. Once you get used to it, you'll feel the satisfaction."

My eyes turned to look at the dark road. I didn't say anything else.

Once Delilah dropped me off, my heart sank. Steve's car was in the driveway. I had thought he'd be at work. I walked into the house slowly, hoping he'd be asleep. Instead, he was waiting up for me. He sat on the living room couch narrowing his blue eyes at me.

"And where have you been?"

"Out," I said ignoring him, walking past him.

"Lindsay, come back here. I'm not done talking to you."

I stopped and turned around slowly. Placing my hands on my waist I waited for him to give him is usual lectures. He stood up and walked towards me. I stared up at him, without any fear. He was very tall, but still I wasn't afraid of him.

"Who do you think you are staying out so late without even calling to tell me where you're at?"

I scoffed. "Uh hello? Have you forgotten that I'm 18 years old and I am an adult?"

He frowned. "I know you are but have you forgotten that you are living under my roof so that means you follow my rules?"

I felt my anger rising. "Just leave me alone! Like I say now and I've always said you are not my father! I do as I please!"

He nodded. "Oh but I am your father. Or have you forgotten that I adopted you?"

"Steve, I will never look at you as my father! I have a real father and you know what? I'm leaving tonight and I'm going to go look for him. He'll take me in."

Steve kept a stern face. "We'll see about that Lindsay. Go on. Go look for him."

"I will!" I screamed and stormed off to my room to get my things.

I quickly packed some clothes into my school backpack and ran out the house. Once I walked a few blocks, I came upon a gas station and used the payphone to call Delilah on her cellular phone. Luckily she said she would give me a ride to my father's house.

My father lived two hours away. I knew his address because my mom had it in her phone book. She said she had tried to contact him several times but he never replied. I always thought that was a bunch of bullshit.

The sun was rising by the time we got to where my father lived. He lived in a small house out in the middle of nowhere practically. I got off the car and Delilah waited for me. I asked her to wait until I gave her the signal for her to go ahead and leave.

As I walked to the house, I threw my backpack over my shoulder and tried to keep my hands from trembling. It'd been years since I'd seen my father. I rang the doorbell once but there was no answer. I waited a few seconds and rang it again. Suddenly, I heard a female voice.

"Alright quit ringing, I'm coming!"

The door opened and a tall blonde woman stood at the door. "Yes?"

I looked puzzled. "Uh, yes is Martin Larson here?" I asked slowly.

She eyed me curiously. "Yes. Why? Who are you?"

"I-I'm his... I'm his daughter."

She raised a brow. "Oh my goodness. Hold on."

She closed the door and I turned to look at Delilah. I gave her the signal to keep waiting. A few minutes later, I heard the door open again. My jaw dropped when I saw my father. He didn't look like the man I remembered. He looked like he hadn't shaved in days and he carried a strong smell of liquor. His hair was a bit long and messy filled with gray strands.

"Dad?" I asked.

"W-who are you?" He slurred.

"It's me. Lindsay. You're daughter."

I smiled but my smile faded when I saw a blank expression in his face. "Who?"


"Oh, yes, Lindsay. How are you?"

I stood there, my eyes filling with tears. I didn't want to even hug him anymore. "I'm fine. Dad, can I come live with you. My step father is not very good to me."

He rolled his eyes. "Lindsay, I can't take you in. I have enough problems right now."

Tears ran down my face. "You don't want me here with you?"

Then the blonde woman came to the door. "Honey, your father and I have a new life together. We can't take anyone in right now."

"Shut up! I'm asking my father not you!" I yelled at the woman.

My father frowned. "Now listen here girl, she's my wife so you don't talk to her that way."

I was shocked. My own flesh and blood did not want me! I stood for a moment, speechless and turned around. I ran back to the car with tears streaming down my face.

Once in the car Delilah stared at me as she started the car. "What happened Lindsay? Are you OK?"

"Just take me home," I sobbed.

Once Delilah dropped me off back home, I was relieved to see Steve's car was still in the driveway. I felt shame and knew he hated me for the way I had talked to him earlier that day. I had to forget my pride and apologize to him.

I walked in the door; surprised that Steve had not locked me out. He was in the kitchen reading the newspaper and sipping on some coffee. He looked up at me then went back to reading the paper.

"So I see you didn't have much luck with your father huh?"

I felt the need to cry again. "No, I didn't."

"What did I tell you Lindsay?"

I put my backpack on the couch and began bawling. Steve quickly got up from his chair and rushed towards me. He put his arms around me and held me. I was hurting so much at that moment.

"It's ok honey. It's ok." He assured me holding me close.

"I-I'm such a fool!" I cried out.

"No you're not. You didn't know. I shouldn't have let you go look for that man."

"I'm sorry Steve! I'm so sorry!"

"I forgive you Lindsay." He held me until I finally calmed down. He stared into my eyes and wiped my tears.

For the first time in my life, I really felt like I had a father. I had been foolish to think my "real" father would someday take be back as his daughter. Steve had been there for me, financial and emotionally, even though I never let him get close.

"Now just sit here and I'll go make some more coffee," Steve said. He got up, walking to the kitchen and put on a fresh pot of coffee. I sat on the couch and laid back. My eyes felt heavy, since I hadn't slept. It was good to be home. Everything made sense. Slowly, I drifted to a deep sleep.

"Wake up sleepy head."

My eyes slowly opened and Steve stood looking at me. He smiled so sweetly and brushed my hair out of my face. "What time is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"It's almost four in the afternoon."

I slowly sat up and yawned. "I guess I must have fallen asleep." I realized Steve had thrown a blanket over me since I was still wearing Delilah's black skirt.

"Yeah you did. I could hear you snoring all the way in my room."

I laughed. "I don't snore!"

"Yeah, ok whatever you say," he teased. "I'm going to work in a while but I whipped up a tuna casserole in case you get hungry later."

"I'm hungry now."

"Well dig in whenever you like." His smile was so comforting.

I took his hand in mine and stared into his beautiful eyes. His dark hair was combed neatly and I could smell his aftershave. "Steve, thank you once again. Thank you for being there for me all these years."

He gently squeezed my hand. "That's what I'm here for. I'm your... dad."

I gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek, something I'd never done before. His eyes danced as he stared into my face. "Have a good day at work." I whispered.

"Thanks honey. I'll call you later on to check up on you."

He walked away slowly.

"So what's going on with you and your step dad?" Delilah asked Monday after school.

I grinned happily. "We are friends now. I feel so lucky to have him in my life."

She raised a brow. "Hmm really? Well me and my old man don't get along, at least you and your step dad finally do."

"I finally feel happy for once. I'd been really depressed since my mom passed away, but now I feel content."

"At least one of us does. Speaking of fathers, the school is going to have a father/daughter dance next month. It's sort of a way for fathers to say goodbye to their daughters you know since we are graduating."

"Really? Are you going?"

She scoffed. "Yeah right. My old man would never come to a dance with me. Besides, you know I hate social dances."

I laughed." I know you do. I think I will invite Steve. To show my appreciation."

Later on that week, as Steve and I had dinner together on one of his nights off, I had to ask him something I had never noticed until that week.



"Can I ask you something?" I asked.


"Why don't you date? I mean it's been over three years since my mom passed away and I have not seen you date."

"I really loved your mother."

"I know you did, but I see so many times men often jump back into dating after their spouses passes away. I think it's easier for men to start dating than women to start dating."

He laughed and took a sip of his drink. "Oh Lindsay, where did you get a crazy idea like that?"

"Well I watch TV."

"Figures," he smiled. "It's not that easy to begin dating again. I actually haven't been interested in any other women since your mom. I loved Pam with all of my heart. I still do. She meant everything to me."

At that moment I don't know why but I felt tears streaming down my face. Steve looked sad and came over to put his arms around me. "I'm sorry honey. I didn't mean to talk about your mom, but I just needed to explain."

I sobbed. "It's not that, it's just... I miss her... and I now realize that you loved her so much."

He wiped my tears and kissed my forehead. "I did love her, I still do and I love you too Lindsay."

My heart pounded. I hadn't heard someone tell me that for years now. I cried more as Steve held me. I wanted to tell him that I loved him too, but the words wouldn't come out.

The father/daughter dance was getting closer to date and I had no clue how to ask Steve. I knew he was busy with work and also that he always needed to give at least a few days notice that he'd need a night off. I had no idea why I was so nervous to ask him out. It was as if I were trying to ask out a boy at school.

One night after dinner, I finished cleaning up the kitchen while Steve watched some TV. I took a deep breath and went to join him on the couch. He looked up and smiled at me.

"You going to watch TV with me?"

I stared at the TV. "Uh... yeah."

We sat in silence for a while as I twiddled my thumbs since I was so nervous. "Steve?" I finally asked.

"Yeah?" His eyes stayed glued to the TV.

"I was going to ask you if you can... or if you want... if you..." I stopped not being able to get the words out.

He turned off the TV and looked at me. "Yes?"

"I was going to ask you... see there is this thing at school called the father/daughter dance, and I wanted you to... I wanted you to go with me... if you can."

Steve beamed. "I would love to."

I gasped. "Really? I mean are you sure you can get that night off? It's next Friday."

"I can and I will."

I yelped and threw my arms around him. He fell back some and grunted. "Owww Lindsay you almost made me hurt my back."

I quickly released myself from his hold. I was concerned. "I'm sorry. I was just so happy. Are you ok?"

He laughed. "Yes, I'm fine. That was a nice hug from you Lindsay."

I blushed and hadn't realized I was sitting on his lap. I quickly got up and fixed my shirt, which had rode up a bit. "Well I'm going to take a shower and head off to bed. Tomorrow I'm going to the mall with my friend Delilah to look for a dress."

"Very well then," he said as his eyes pierced at me.

"No, not purple. Purple's not your color. Try a dark red. That's more you're color," Delilah advised. We were at the mall the next day trying to find the perfect dress for the dance.

"Here, this one!" Delilah exclaimed pulling out a stunning spaghetti strap dress from the rack.

"Wow! That's gorgeous. But how much is it?"

She looked at the price tag and smiled. "It's on sale!"

The dress was too perfect. Not too short or too long. It was classy, yet very sexy. "Let me go try it on. I hope it fits."

I headed to the dressing room and after a few minutes of struggling with the zipper, I walked out to show Delilah. She whistled at me and gave me a thumbs up. "You are going to kill. Too bad you're only going with your step dad, instead of a hot guy in school."

I stared at myself in the mirror. I must admit I looked so different. I felt pretty for the first time in my life. I spun around and noticed the dress was perfect for me. After buying the dress I found the perfect red shoes to go with my dress. It was going to be a wonderful night, I just knew it.

I never showed Steve the dress until the night of the dance. He waited for me in the hallway outside my room. I stepped out slowly hoping he wouldn't think the dress was too much. I saw his eyes widened. He was speechless.

I thought he looked striking in his rented black and white tux. He held a beautiful red and white corsage in his hands.

"Wow! Lindsay, oh my goodness." He said never taking his eyes off me.

I couldn't help but blush. "You look so handsome," I blurted out.

He got quiet again and continued admiring me in my red dress. "And you look... so beautiful."

My heart raced. "Thank you," I whispered shyly.

"Here," He said taking my hand and slipping on the corsage. I smiled and gave him a hug.

"Thanks... dad." The words just came out so naturally.

Steve looked shocked. He didn't say anything at first.

"Are you ok?" I asked as we stood holding hands.

"Y-yes. You've never called me... dad before."

I gently squeezed his hand. "I know. I'm sorry. But you are in fact my father. You've taken care of me better than my biological father. I love you dad."

He gasped and took me in his arms. "I love you sweetheart. You mean the world to me."

We held each other for what seemed to be forever. The night was young and so much was still to come.

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Post Coital Suggestion Part One

If, however, you enjoy sexual fantasies and a bit of humor along the way, please read on! +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hi, my name is Becky, and I live a life that I could never have imagined. I have a husband and two wonderful children, but they don't know about me. At least, I hope they don't. You see, I have absolutely no way to say no to black men. When I'm near them, my whole body responds, and when they speak to me, all I can say is, "Where? When? How?" It all started this...

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New neighbors

My name is raj i was 30 and i live with my girlfriend meeta and her best friend sweta. Meeta and i had been dating for 4 years. She is 34-24-36, 5’5” and had straight black hair. Sweta was 5’3” had shorter black hair measured 34-26-32. Meeta and i shared a very openly sexual relationship. We loved to experiment in all possible scenarios. Meeta had a fetish for other women and so we had enjoyed many group sex encounters. Our roommate sweta loved to join us in this regularly and we all were...

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Love at Lunch

You are already at the lobby by the time I get there. I look at the clock on the wall of the reception - 1:03pm. It's been a full week since I last saw you and you look completely dishy, even more delicious than I remember, a stud standing out in the crowd of stiff businessmen and prudish career people. You're wearing a casual white cotton t-shirt, loose black pants and a smile that knocked me off my feet and makes all the shit of the work worth living through. Even in that simple do, you...

3 years ago
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Taking Cindys Cherry Chapter 1

About three weeks ago, I was sitting at home trying to watch a little television. I had just finished dinner and was flipping through the channels to see what was on that night when the phone suddenly rang.“Hello?” I said.“Hi, Steve… this is Cathy. I was wondering if you could come over tonight? I really need you… I’m so lonely and horny. Can you come over and help me out?” she said.I had known Cathy for years and we’d had some good times in bed together. Cathy was a hot, sexy piece and I...

2 years ago
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How I Fucked My Aunty In Warehouse

Hi friends My name is Nanda and I am 32 Years old from Bangalore and would like to share my real experience which happened to me five years ago with my beautiful aunty. Sorry if any mistakes since its my first story pls forgive me. I have been married and have two kids enjoying sexual life ever much with my wife and loved ones and this story is about lovely aunty name is sheela. Who was working for warehousing company in Bangalore and I have been seeing her from past four to five months before...

3 years ago
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Still Looking Good

The man sits on the bed and watches his wife standing at her dresser, putting her makeup on in front of the mirror. "Sexy black dress." "Does it make me look –" "It slims you." "That's from what I'm wearing underneath. What used to be called a girdle. I can hardly breathe in it." "Well, take it off. What's wrong with a few curves?" "It's more than a few." "You're in great shape, honey." "For my age? Is that what you meant?" "Did not." "Well, I'm not one of...

2 years ago
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JourneyChapter 14

Tim smiled as Janice walked into the kitchen. She had on a white terry cloth robe and her hair was still wet from the shower. "Good afternoon sleepyhead," Tim said. Janice smiled back and walked over to kiss him. "Good afternoon lover." "Hungry?" Tim asked. "Starved." "Sit down and I'll have break... uh lunch finished in a second," Tim said. Janice sat at the table as Tim served her eggs, bacon, toast and hot coffee. He took a seat across from her and watched her eat. He had...

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Darlene Jack and I Part One

I was driving home from a local peep theater when my car broke down luckily I knew a couple from work that lived nearby. I called my road service company who told me they were unable to help me before Monday since it was a three day holiday weekend. Luckily, when I arrived at their home someone was there or I would have been in big trouble having traveled nearly 60 miles to get to the theater in the first place.Darlene answered the door in a tight black teddy with three inch heels on which of...

4 years ago
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Found Heaven Between Aunty8217s Legs

Hello people, I am Rahul back again with another incident of mine. I am 28 years old, fair and athletic. I love adventure. Earlier I was in Vizag but now I got transferred to Mumbai and presently I am living in Mumbai. Before narrating my incident I want to thank all the readers who have given me generous feedback. And guys, I really request you please don’t ask for any phone numbers or pics of the ladies. They are from respected families and these incidents are confidential and personal. For...

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Its a Girl

The Fourth of July was right around the corner. It was July First and I was busy in my home office trying to do the shit I pay my secretary to do. I had given her two weeks off during the busy summer season, and now was kicking myself. I run an earth moving business. When I bought into the company we were capable of doing two jobs at a time. Now we are capable of doing as many as ten jobs at a time, although I usually limit us to six, just to keep guys and equipment from being over worked....

2 years ago
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The Feminization of Michael 2

The Feminization of Michael. Chapter 2 I continued with the “weekend” clothes for another few weeks and consistently had people commenting, laughing and making things difficult when I was out shopping. I continued at work in the more feminine suits and blouses too.  The rumours increased and somehow word had got around that at the weekend I wore dresses and full make up! This couldn’t go on like this, I had come very close to being beaten up when I was out and the chanting was just crazy. My...

3 years ago
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My Girl Gina Chapter 1

Gina and I had been married for almost three years now and it had been the most wonderful three years of my life. I had never met a woman more domesticated, and dutiful as Gina. She gave herself to me wholly and completely, acquiescing to my every whim and desire.She had come from a family who lived by the code that the man was the head of the household and his word was law. The woman's place was to serve and obey without question.And while in this day and age that sort of thinking is obsolete,...

Straight Sex
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The Alpha Male Part IV

The weekend stretched before Maya like a rock-strewn desert. Eric's invitation haunted her every waking thought. She tried to read a book. The print grew unfocused and his face swam up from the page. She tried running, but as she ran her tights moved against her and she imagined his hands moving beneath them, a finger sliding into her wet sex. It was imperative to leave the road before someone saw her flushed face and guessed her secret. Filled with guilt, she told her boyfriend she would be at...

2 years ago
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A Winters Tale part 2

A Winter's Tale (part 2) by Amy Winter (All characters and events are entirely fictional and any similarity to persons living or dead is entirely accidental) Despite a lonely beginning, being alone didn't mean I couldn't have fun! My New Year's Eve so far had involved wine, a girly film and a bit of self-pleasure before I collapsed drunk and satisfied on my bed, dildo still firmly inside me and panties around my knees. I woke up cold and uncomfortable, and checked the time. It was...

4 years ago
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SeniorChapter 26 Adelines rules

Sunday, March 21, 1993 Victor met me at the airport. He smiled, grabbed my bag, and asked if I wanted him to drive. I told him to give me the keys. "How was your vacation?" he asked as soon as we were in the car. "Great, we had a good time," I responded. Victor was just being polite. If he noticed the remains of my black eye and bulging chin, he used good judgment in not asking how I'd gotten them. He didn't care if I'd had a good time. He'd probably had a better time staying in...

3 years ago
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A Shoulder To Cry On Part Two Six Weeks Later

Six weeks. It was six long weeks since I'd last seen or touched her. So much had gone on between us since then. I couldn't close my eyes without flashbacks. Her opening the door, kissing me, touching me, me spanking her arse and cumming all over her. I couldn't tell a soul. I couldn't tell anyone that I had never fucked, or been fucked like that by anyone. She was undoubtedly the best sex I have ever had. In the long, agonising days and weeks that followed that eventful night, she had been...

3 years ago
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Kevin and Denise Naked in SchoolChapter 28 Crazies and Foursomes

We got to class two minutes before the bell, sat down, and I pulled out my Program booklet and a copy of the Program officials’ signed agreement. Soon Mr Wilbur came in—with Abover following, arm sling and all. Oh joy. Wilbur shot a glare at Denise and me and said something to Abover, who walked to the door and stationed himself there. Ok, looks like some kind of setup. Keep any of the students from leaving, I guessed. I turned on the recorder again and pulled out my little video camera,...

2 years ago
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Marrying Carol 9

I got Carol back to our room and laid her on the bed.  I ran warm water into the Jacuzzi.  I got Carol off the bed and carried her to the bathroom.  I gently lowered her into the warm water and soothing jets.  I got in the tub with her and held her with her back to my chest. The water put me in a daze.  I daydreamed about the love we had and the adventures we were having.  I softly kissed her head and face.  I soothed the bruises on her soft skin.  I gently cupped her breasts and kissed her...

Wife Lovers
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A New Game

Summer was already half over, and I came downstairs to a very familiar sight. The three girls were spread out on our semicircle sofa. Sara, my sister, was slipping a new deck of cards out of the box. To her right was our cousin, Lily. We’ve lived next door all our lives, and she spent much more time in our house than in hers. And then there was Katy, Sara and Lily’s best friend. She was a year older than my sister and cousin, and had moved to our neighborhood when they were all still in primary...

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A NOT so Welcomed Guest Ch 6

Quinn Markov - human wife of Ephus ----------------------------------- Norse Deities -------------- Odin - War god, main god of the Norse gods Freya - a goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, and seiðr. Valkyries ---------- Göndul - War Valkyrie Egyptian Deities ----------------- Bast - Goddess of cats, protection, joy, dance, music, family, and love Serket - Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites Thoth - God of...

2 years ago
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Denise The Submissive Mom Chapter 16 1 year later

Chapter 1 - ROCKY'S BIRTHDAY Rocky was having a helluva of a birthday , his mom /sex slave Sheila had come over that morning & now was licking his asshole while his wife Cindy fucked her mother-in-laws cunt doggy-style with a 12inch strapon dildo , Sheila could barely keep it together as she moaned loudly with pleasure . Rocky grabbed Sheila's head roughly as he began facefucking her without mercy . The woman who had giving him birth was now stuffed with cock . As Cindy added some lube...

4 years ago
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Gambit At First Sight

Storrs Connecticut, Spring 2009 Andrew Charlton had the financial times open and was intently reading about the demise of the bank that he had given forty plus years of his life to. At twenty-four, the ink still drying on his Yale MBA, he began as a management trainee at First Standard Bank and Trust of Hartford. Married to his wife Mary for just two years as he started his new job. Mary’s parents were not overwhelmingly pleased with the match. However, the arrival of the first grandchild...

2 years ago
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A Sassy Maid Part II

I showered quickly and rushed to the kitchen, where John poured me a cup of coffee and said, “Have a seat. We can talk until Melissa gets here, and then I’ll leave you two in peace.”“So Melissa is your partner.”“Yes. Maureen swings both ways, just like us, and she wanted a female lover on the side after just a few months of marriage. No doubt Melissa told you about the set-up?”“Yes. And how do you go about advertising for a live-in partner?”“Funny story. Tell you someday·.”I knew by his tone of...

Love Stories
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Dating a Blind Girl

I dated this one girl, a while ago, her name was Liz. She was hot, long brown hair B cup tits. She weigh about 120 lbs. Her pussy was shaved bald. With this chick, she was blind. I met her at a store, she was with a friend shopping. I got her number, I called her up a day later and took her out. We went out to eat, and we saw a movie together. Even tho she can’t see, she can hear still. After a month of dating, we moved in together. After a month of living together, we started to fuck. Her body...

2 years ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 55

I moved close to Nigel the security guard and said, "Why do you have to report it, Nigel, we weren't doing anything wrong, we were just... having a bit of fun. We work here, we are supposed to be here." I looked up in to his small dark eyes, and saw that his pupils were dilated, I'm sure his cock was growing as well. My body was hot and sweaty; my pheromones must have been filling his nostrils like the strongest perfume. I turned and looked at Lena, she was still hunched in the corner, a...

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BethChapter 371

August 6, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written August 8] I was woken by my phone’s incoming-text jingle. I lay there on my back with my eyes closed trying to feel where I was and who was next to me. With the new mattress, that was more difficult, as there was no rolling into the well created by another unless you were, essentially, already there. I could hear Rhee’s sleep breathing in my left ear, thus solving one side. I could not hear anything on the other side, so I tentatively moved a hand...

4 years ago
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Evening Light Ch 02

Thank you for your feedback. Enjoy  *** At 5:30am on the dot there was a knock on her door. In her nervousness she was awake and more than ready to go. A young man who introduced himself as Connor was waiting for her. Connor walked her through her tasks and where all the equipment was kept. Grace on her part remembered everything. Surprisingly it was similar to the way her Grandfather taught her so that she didn’t have to work to hard to retain it all. She put her head down and got to work....

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 4

As soon as the first uninfected slugs were found, an effort was made to contact them. No matter what was tried, the slugs seemed to be totally nonreactive. Finally, somebody had a brilliant idea: the sensors that the AI had used were brought into play. There was definite activity with their brains in the range the AI considered to represent sentience, but no sensible contact could be made. Then there was another brilliant idea: maybe the cognitive rate for the slugs was too slow for humans or...

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TRESChapter 6

I thought Mom would buck up and come out of the funk she'd plunged into when Sandy left, but she became more and more depressed. Dad busied himself tending the faithful in his flock and was essentially oblivious to Mom's deteriorating mental condition, mostly because Mom put up a happy front when he was around. A good Mormon wife's main job is supporting her husband's reverent works and being a superlative homemaker and mother. The church was patriarchal in its structure. Only men could...

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Sex With Friend8217s Mother And Her Friend 8211 Part 3

Hi friends, I am from kanya kumari . I am back with the third part of the story. The friends who did not read my first two stories pls read that for better understanding. I will give the link in the end of the story. Pls send he comments in After few day One day I met Vivek after finishing our football match. He starts the conversation. He says about his love toward his sister in law. And he say that he knows about our relationship too. It seems Mini has told all the story to vivek. We discuss...

3 years ago
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Massage for a friend

Massage for a friend Davina and the family have been friends of mine for many years, now she is divorced and had been overworking, Davina was in need of a little TLC but no heavy stuff. The open plan lounge has low lighting, with the curtains drawn in mid afternoon, candles burning and a bed laid out in the middle. A light warm oil has been prepared and I wait for Davina to come in she has a robe on, she is a little coy for this is the allowed me to massage her. Davina undoes the robe at the...

4 years ago
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Interview With The Tentacle Demon Chapter 3 Surrender

Claire had been hoping that the turmoil in her mind would settle down now that it was over with, but instead she felt conflicted as ever. She tried to put it out of her head anyway, but she knew that sooner or later he would be hungry again and she would have to do something about it. Plus, she still didn't have any facts on his normal "feeding" behavior beyond the poorly detailed testimony of a traumatized college girl. What she needed was direct observation. She didn't want to demean...

1 year ago
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Game of Bones

Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King, is dead. King Robert Baratheon rides to Winterfell, home of the Warden of the North and his closest friend Lord Eddard Stark in hopes of joining the houses of Baratheon and Stark together at last. But the kingdom is in turmoil, with the crown heavily in debt, double-dealings behind every door and deep-seated rivalry between noble houses. Meanwhile, across the Narrow Sea, the last remnant of a great house prepares to marry into a brutal tribe in hopes of securing...

2 years ago
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Sex With Chachi

Hi kamukta story loving friends, mera naam Deep hai aur mai pune ka rehene vala hoon. Ye story meri or meri chachi ki hai jisme kaise meri sex karne icha jagi. Pehle mai apne bare mai bata doon mai ek middle class family se belong karta hoon. Pehele hum joint family mai rehate the par ab mai mere mummy papa or mare bhai alag rehete hai. Ab mai atta hoon story par. Hum sab matlab mere mummy papa chacha chachi. Sab eksath rehete the. Ye ghatna 5 sal purani hai. Mai mba ki tayari kar raha tha aur....

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12th GradeChapter 9

I went into work Monday morning early, arriving in my office before seven. Joyce wasn't due in for another hour, but I looked on her desk to see if she might have left any work out that would give me an inkling of whether or not she'd managed to make any progress on solving my Dad's storage problems. There was nothing. I'd checked the top of my own desk earlier, and it was just as free of anything as it had been when I'd left on the previous Tuesday. Sunday night, while we were at...

1 year ago
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Vahini shejarchi

Hi ghost 15 warsha purvichi aahe, tya weli me karad madhe shikshan ghet hoto. Mi eka natewaikan kade rahat hoto, tyanchya shejari ek kutumb rahat hote, te doghe nawara bayko wa don mule, donihi mulage. Te dada 40 years che hote wa vahini 34 warshacha astil. Wahini ekdam mal hotya wa sunder figure hi hoti tyanche ball 36 tar nitamb 35 size che asel. Tya gharicha asat wa nawara kamawar jaat ase. Mi engg aslyamule mala lecture practical zal ki khup wel milat ase. Mi tya weli haidos he marathi...

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Rebecca Do My Bidding CH5

This was going to require a little thought, but it would definitely lead to a lot of fun. I sat down in my chair and pulled open my desk drawer while I compiled the commands I was going to give them. “Rebecca,” I said as I pulled the two pool balls out of my desk drawer. “Hand these to my sister and ask her politely to stick these up your pussy.” Rebecca stretched out her hands and I placed the two pool balls in her palms. “Karen, you will do what Rebecca asks you to do while we are here...

4 years ago
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Jans Daughter Brooke episode 9

Eighteen year old Brooke was just out of high school and on her way to college after summer vacation. Her mother Jan, Belgian by birth, and step-dad Bob were currently living in Germany. He was an Air Force NCO stationed at Ramstein AB. Brooke was enjoying her summer break in Europe. Sleeping late, the company of her mother, sightseeing and shopping filled her days.  This particular morning she slept late, as usual. Female voices in the dining room disturbed her slumber. She recognized the...

Wife Lovers
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Just What I Needed

It’s been a while since I’ve written, but the mood struck as I sit on the back deck on a beautiful, but hot Father’s Day morning. It’s a wonderful day as I sit here in my T-shirt and panties, my gorgeous teen yo daughter sunbathing topless with almost thong bottoms (yes, our backyard is 100% private. No one can see us), awaiting the arrival of my 24 & 28 year old daughters. Very rarely do I get to see them all on the same day. My girlfriend is cooking in a semi-sheer gown, nude underneath....

2 years ago
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I Want To Ride A Cowboy

I Want To Ride A Cowboy My car is broken down in a lonely spot out on a country road. I am wearing my black fishnet stockings with suspenders, up to my crotch, with my cherry red mini micro skirt riding my smooth tight arse, and my lacy see-through black top with no bra, my favorite knee high lace up boots completing my slutty look. I am wondering what do when I glance over into a paddock. A nice looking man is fixing fencing, he looks like a cowboy with all the gear. A dark blue checked...

3 years ago
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When I was a senior in college I changed my major to Theatre. Not the brightest choice , but i was an ARTIST or so I saidJackie was a freshman, a beauty queen from a small town, Polson, Montana. She had a checkered past, sex in the band room with her English teacher He was fired and she was labeled the school slut. College was a new start for her.We auditioned for a play, and amazingly,were both cast. I was Big Daddy, she was Maggie. When the cast list was posted everybody was just named on a...

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Confessions of a Daddys Girl Part Five

When I woke up it was bright. Covering my eyes I stretched out and tried to gain control of my groggy brain. It was when my arm tapped into something that I was brought back to reality and I knew where I was. Laying next to me, sound asleep, was daddy. Memories of last night had come flooding back to me. I remembered the way that he kissed me, fireworks going off in my mind. The way that he held me against him on the couch when I came for the first time and then his fingers ... oh my god his...

3 years ago
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Patrick and Me

Patrick and I had been friends, if you could call it that, forever. For as long as I could remember. Patrick had been there, living just a couple of houses down. The strange thing about our friendship was that a lot of it was fighting. The second I let down my guard his fist would suddenly come crashing into my shoulder or face. And it was the same the other way around. If he wasn't looking I would just crush him. Then we'd go to it, punching, wrestling, kicking. It was harmless enough...

2 years ago
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Rekindling an InterestChapter 4

Once the girls realised that I wasn’t at death’s door and, of course, that they’d pumped me for all I knew, they left promising to call around later that day. I rang my work and explained what was happening. Obviously, as my attack was public knowledge at work, it came as little surprise that I’d be taking a few days off, though our beloved CEO thought that I should at least be working from home and it was only me pointing out concussion and pain killing drugs that he accepted that it wasn’t...

3 years ago
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Once Bitten

He was there again, sitting in the tree behind her house, the glow of a cigarette cherry giving away his location. She knew his whole purpose was to not be seen, but he wanted her to see him. Sin sighed, pushing away from the window, and letting the blood red curtian fall back into place. This had been the third week in a row that he had shown up in her tall sycamore tree, just sitting on a high branch, and starring, at her.She didn't know who he was, but she knew damn well what he was. A...

1 year ago
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A Ballet Tale 3 Center Stage

A Ballet Tale 3: Center Stage Belladonna [I never intended to write this story, but the ideas just flowed out for it. This will probably be the last continuation of Phillip's story.] There was a buzz around the theater as all the dancers got ready for another day of work. It was the day of Emma Livry's last dance with the company. Although her legendary talents had diminished with age, she remained the most respected dancer in the company. Emma was scheduled to dance the lead...

4 years ago
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Sex With A Cute Ladhaki Girl During My Travel

Hi, I am back with one more travel adventure story. About me: I am a professional photographer who left my high paying software job to pursue my passion. I am from Bangalore and a travel enthusiast. I always keep myself fit with regular workout and clean diet. And I mostly travel solo and most of my plans are instant and crazy. So this story took some time to write as I was constantly travelling and was busy with my shoots. This is from my recent travel to Ladakh. It was my dream to participate...

3 years ago
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Making HeroesChapter 2

Jack and Sue had traveled for about 30 minutes when they were approached from the rear by a wagon loaded with farm produce. As it drew up beside them, they stepped back off the road to allow the wagon free room to pass. The elderly man driving the wagon halted his draft animal, which looked somewhat like a cross between a mule and a zebra. The man said, "Good day, Sir and Lady. May I offer you two a ride in my humble wagon?" "Thank you, sir. My lady and I would be grateful for a ride."...

4 years ago
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For Money or MayhemChapter 27 Eyes on Seattle

As soon as I was satisfied Andi and Cali were okay, I headed to my apartment. I was on a mission. I knew now that Mel had been snatched from the street by someone who knew where she would be and when. I knew that there was more than one person involved. And I knew that Mel’s time could be up already. I launched all computers and dove directly into my previous searches. One of these bastards had to be Patterson or involved with him. Whom had Mel told she would be downtown on Thursday morning....

1 year ago
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Transformations Nice Guys ClubChapter 15

Back when her parents tried to get her to attend the Schermer retreat, Lindsey should have been more suspicious when her father caved so easily. Suspicion, however, was not yet a big part of her nature. She had no reason to suspect her parents of doing anything drastic to her, certainly nothing physical. They were closed-minded, mean-spirited, suspicious, paranoid - the list of their passive faults was very long. But there was no reason to suspect them of any form of violence. What had...

3 years ago
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At last Olleda and young Carletta were fully awake from their pleasure and pleasuring the “Thing”. Both sitting up legs off the couch and wide open both looking themselves over and complaining that their pussies and tits were scarred and chewed all the hell up! Olleda told her husband to get over there with the diary and look and write down how their pussies and titties were wrecked as she termed it. Both could hardly stand not only from being so dried up from the “Thing” but their pussies...

2 years ago
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AllisonChapter 14

Ali and Bill were back in Los Angeles. Bill was meeting a banker downtown and Ali was going over her investment portfolio. She had just given Barbara Jamison some stock trades to execute when the phone rang. It was Jennifer Clifford. "Ali, welcome back! I just got a letter from my brother, Brian. What did you do to him? The little kid seems to be floating in the clouds. All he could talk about was Karen who, I gather, is a Swiss girl you introduced him to. Who's Karen?" "Your little...

2 years ago
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Alpha Delta Pi Sorority House

Alpha Delta Pi Sorority House By [email protected] I was attending college, I liked to pull practical jokes on people. I was able to handle spiders, ants, and other insects with very few problems. When I attended my classes, I liked to drop the ants and spiders on a person's clothes or on their desk. Usually after a few minutes, the ants and spiders would make the person jump out of their desk and disturb the class. It was even more fun when I did it to the girls that were in class. ...


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