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Saturday afternoons in summer are lazy days at our house, days to finish up all the little tasks that have been put off through the week, but with no great urgency. On this particular Saturday I was relaxing on the sofa after spending an hour or two weeding the garden, thinking about going upstairs to have a shower. My husband David was outside mowing the lawn, and our daughter Janine was in her room listening to music with her door closed. At almost sixteen she showed little desire to socialize with her parents, much preferring to talk for endless hours on the phone with her friends, but at least she didn't show us the kind of hostility that many teenagers exhibit.

I had just about decided to go upstairs and shower when the doorbell rang. Since David was in the back yard and Janine wouldn't hear if Big Ben went off next to the house, I had to get up and answer it.

Opening the door revealed a boy about Janine's age, with sandy brown hair and bright green eyes. He had probably just had a growth spurt, since he had the tall, slightly gangly frame that many teenage boys develop, but the t-shirt he was wearing showed enough muscle to prove that he got a fair bit of exercise. He was also quite tanned, as if he spent a lot of time outdoors, and he had a worn leather satchel slung over one shoulder.

"Hi," I said. "Are you looking for Janine?"

The boy smiled at me, a very nice, boyish smile, and said, "No, ma'am. My name is John. I'm here to ask if you have a need for a new set of encyclopedias."

I was about to kindly tell him that we weren't interested, when I felt a sudden impulse to ask him in. I stepped aside and gestured for him to enter, which he did, closing the door behind him.

"You have a beautiful house," John commented, not much like a salesman but more like a real compliment.

"Er, thank you," I said, a bit surprised at myself for letting him in. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Some water would be nice," he said, turning his green eyes back on me. "It's a very hot day."

"Yes," I agreed, leading him towards the kitchen. "I was just working in the garden." I poured John a glass of water, and we sat at the table while he drank it. He did seem very thirsty. In fact, I was still rather hot myself from weeding, and I unbuttoned the top two buttons of my blouse, earning an appreciative glance from the boy. I found myself idly looking at him, thinking that he was rather handsome, when I shook myself. This boy was young enough to be my son! I should just politely get rid of him and have my shower.

"Now," he said, setting down the empty glass, "there are really only three questions: first, do you have an encyclopedia? Second, could you use one? And third, can you afford one?"

This was a pretty lousy sales pitch -- he hadn't even told me which encyclopedia it was -- but I found myself answering.

"No, we don't have one. We have a daughter still in school, and we sometimes need to look things up, so I suppose we could use one. As to whether we could afford it...how much does it cost?"

"Two thousand dollars," John said. "Which can be paid in monthly installments, if you prefer. And believe me, it is the top of the line. I wouldn't be selling it otherwise -- it wouldn't be fair."

The last remark was rather cryptic, but I answered "Well, I suppose we could afford it. My husband and I both make good salaries."

"Great!" he said. He pulled a stack of papers and a pen out of his satchel and handed them to me. "Then, if you'll just fill this out and sign it..."

I did so, somewhat astonished to find that I was actually buying a set of encyclopedias without even consulting David about it. Still, I supposed they would be useful, and we certainly could afford it, though David might prefer to spend the money on a new set of golf clubs. I wrote in my name and address and signed at the bottom, adding the date where John indicated. He read them over.

"Thank you very much. Christine, is it? The set will arrive in four to six weeks, along with a bookcase to hold them, and you'll receive monthly bills after that." He looked up from the forms and smiled at me. "You've also filled my personal quota for the day, which is a bit of luck for me."

I wasn't sure what he meant by that, but I said "You're welcome."

John gave me one copy of the form and put the rest away in his satchel.

"So, enough business, since I'm done for the day. What are your plans? Are you going out, or expecting anyone?"

"No," I answered.

"Who else is here?"

I wondered why he was asking these questions, but I told him "My husband is mowing the back yard and my daughter is in her room."

"Daughter, eh? What's her name? How old is she?"

"Her name is Janine, and she is fifteen -- almost sixteen."

"Almost sixteen," John mused. "Is she as pretty as you?"

I was a little flustered by the question. I am generally considered quite attractive, especially for a woman in her early forties, with long dark hair and a good figure. But for such a young man to say so to me so directly was almost unheard of. I found myself stammering, "Um, well, I suppose so. I think she is very pretty."

"Stand up, please," he said. Uncertainly I stood. "You have a beautiful body, Christine," John said, eyes moving over me frankly. "Are Janine's breasts as large as yours?"

"Um, not quite," I answered. "But they've filled out a lot recently."

"Good!" John said, beaming at me. He got to his feet and picked up his satchel. "Let's go find your daughter, shall we?"

Still feeling somewhat bewildered, I led John upstairs to Janine's room. I could hear the music blaring through the locked door, so I knocked rather loudly. After a moment the music cut off, and Janine opened her door. She really is very pretty, with my dark hair and David's pale blue eyes, but it was spoiled by her rather cross expression.

"What?" she demanded.

"Uh, Janine, this is John," I said, indicating our visitor. "He wanted to meet you."

"Oh!" Janine said. She looked at him uncertainly, then smiled. "Um, hi, John. How do you do?"

"Hi, Janine," John said. "Your mother is right -- you are beautiful."

Janine blushed, but said "Thank you!"

"You're welcome," he said absently, looking around. "Christine, which is your bedroom? Janine, come with us."

I led them both into my and David's bedroom, John closing the door behind us. I could still hear the mower outside -- it had only been a few minutes since John had rung the bell -- but I knew David would be finished soon. I wasn't sure what he would think of any of this. John put his satchel down and looked around the room, rubbing his hands.

"You clearly have very good taste, Christine," he mentioned. "Both this room and the rooms downstairs are beautifully decorated."

"Thank you," I said, feeling a certain warmth at his praise and thinking once again how remarkably handsome he was.

"And you and Janine are both very attractive women," he went on. "Really, quite stunning. Would you take off your outer clothing so I can see you better? Both of you?"

Part of me was shocked at this request, but the rest of me obeyed without question. I kicked off the loose sandals I'd been wearing, and unsnapped and unzipped my shorts, sliding them off over my hips and stepping out of them. I unbuttoned my blouse the rest of the way and pulled it off as well, dropping it. I was wearing a black lace bra and panties that David had given me for my birthday (really more of a present to himself); I don't normally wear them to do yard work, but my other bras were dirty. Janine had been barefoot, so she only had to pull off her shorts and t-shirt. Her young breasts swelled over the cups of her white lycra bra; I could see that she'd be going to a larger size pretty soon. Her face was red at being so exposed in front of me, and I could feel my own embarrassment. Why were we doing this? I wondered. It was as if we had no will to resist anything that John wanted; or had no real desire to do so, but just went along more-or-less willingly with everything he said. It was a very odd feeling, but not really unpleasant.

"Very, very nice," he said approvingly, running his gaze over both of us. I felt my cheeks heat further, but with a pleasant warmth caused by his admiration. He opened his satchel again and pulled out a Polaroid camera.

"Hold still! Smile!" We both smiled, and he flashed a picture, then a second one, before setting the camera down again. He walked towards us and I felt my breathing quicken an a warm tingle start between my legs. There was no denying, I was aroused by this teenaged boy; very aroused.

He stepped in front of me first, putting his hands on my hips and smiling into my eyes. His hands ran up and down my sides, provoking shivers of pleasure in me, then down to squeeze my ass and thighs. I found myself unconsciously leaning forward, lips parted, and he kissed me, tongue slipping into my mouth to flirt with my own. I was acutely conscious of Janine watching us, but I couldn't stop. John's hands moved up to my breasts then, and I moaned helplessly against his tongue. He kneaded them gently through my bra, sliding his fingers inside the cups to stroke my nipples, then undid the front catch and pulled the bra off of me. For a while he hefted and caressed my breasts in his hands, sending jolts of pleasure through me as we continued to kiss.

"Put your hands behind your head," he told me after a bit. I did so, feeling my breasts rise and thrust out. He put his hands back on my hips and leaned down, taking one swollen nipple between his lips and sucking gently. The pleasure now was even greater than before, and I moaned loudly as he kissed and licked and sucked first one breast, then the other. I wanted to put my arms around him and hold him there, but he had told me to put my hands behind my head and I forced myself to keep still.

After a while he stopped and moved over to Janine. I felt a twinge of disappointment, and another of dismay at watching my own daughter treated the way I just had been. I remained in the posture he had told me, breathing rather hard as John slipped his arms around Janine and began kissing and caressing her as he had me. He was really very good at it; he must have done this sort of thing many time before. He had removed her bra now too, and she was giving little gasps as he stroked her tits, almost as large and even firmer than my own. When he started sucking them she gave a little whimper of delight, and whispered "Oh, please, oh please yes."

After a minute or two he stepped back and picked up his camera again. We both stood facing him with our hands behind our heads and smiled as he flashed a couple more pictures.

"Now," he said, "I want you both to start fondling your own breasts, and get yourselves as hot as you can. But turn a little bit so you can watch each other."

Self-consciously we did as we were told. I put my hands on my tits, lifting them a little and running my thumbs back and forth over the warm flesh, sending tingles along my nerves. Janine was doing the same. She really did have beautiful breasts -- tits -- beautiful tits, just like mine, I thought absently as I tugged gently on my nipples, then teased them a while with my fingertips before going back to stroking the entire tit. I wonder if this feels as good for her as it does for me? Oh, God, it feels so good. I can feel myself getting wetter and wetter, My panties must be soaked. I looked down at Janine's panties, and I could see the moisture soaking through. Oh, it feels good. If I don't get off soon I'm going to explode.

I was so intent on my own touch that John's hand on my ass took me by surprise. I started, and her murmured something soothing. He was touching Janine with his other hand, and she shifted slightly to press her hip against it. The hand on my ass moved around and slipped inside my panties, moving lightly between my legs, as his other hand did the same to Janine.

It felt so good that I heard myself moan in pleasure. Janine closed her eyes and gave a little cry. His fingers slipped up and down, moist with my own juices, then paused to tease my clitoris. He slid a finger into me, then another and another, moving them in and out of me while his thumb stroked rhythmically over my clit. My hands moved over my breasts in the same rhythm. I was panting, now, low moans coming continuously from my throat, and I heard Janine's own sounds of pleasure. I could see her, flushed with ecstasy, biting her lip as her hands kneaded her tits desperately. I was very close. Orgasm loomed near, not quite arriving, obliterating thought. Oh, please, do it; oh, please; I realized I was saying that aloud, "Please, please, please..."

When it came it was like an explosion inside me, stars bursting in my head as wave after wave of pleasure rocked me. I probably cried out, but didn't hear myself; I didn't hear Janine, thrashing in the throes of her own orgasm. I have no idea how long it lasted, but it most have been a minute or more. When I came to my senses I heard Janine sobbing slightly, not out of unhappiness but just with the intensity of the experience. I was soaked in sweat, and so was she; my legs felt weak. John was smiling at us. He had withdrawn his hands when our orgasms were complete, and had them on his hips.

If I had had any will to resist him before it was gone. I threw my arms around him and kissed him frantically. Janine did the same, our sweaty bodies pressing against each other as we competed for access to his lips. We both pulled his clothes off, stripping him completely. John's body was smooth and muscular, though thin; his cock stood proudly erect. Despite the incredible orgasm I had just experienced, I was more aroused than ever. I wanted him to make love to me. I wanted him to fuck me.

"So, girls, did you like that?" he asked teasingly.

"God!" said Janine. "I have *never* felt like that."

"Me neither," I agreed, blushing at the memory. "It was amazing."

"Good!" John beamed at us. "Then maybe it's my turn. Have either of you ever given a blowjob?"

Janine shook her head, a little wide-eyed, but not repelled. I nodded.

"I have, a few times," I said.

"Well, then." John sat on the edge of the bed and beckoned me to kneel in front of him. "You can show Janine how to do it."

I knelt, licking my lips. I have never much cared for blowjobs, though David liked them; I found the idea unappealing, and disliked the taste of cum. Now, however, I was strangely attracted by the idea. I would take his hard cock in my mouth and repay some of the pleasure he had just given me. His cock wasn't particularly large -- no doubt he was still growing -- but it was extremely erect, with a clear drop of pre-cum on the tip. I licked this, tentatively, and found to my surprise that I quite enjoyed the flavor. I felt Janine kneeling beside me, watching intently, as I began licking and kissing up and down his shaft. After a minute or so of this, which caused John's breath to quicken, I opened my mouth further and took him in, sucking and swirling my tongue around. I curled my hand around his shaft and began pumping gently as my head bobbed up and down. It felt wonderful. It seemed completely right, and I wondered dimly why I had never cared for it before.

John's control was remarkable. I continued for a few minutes, his hand caressing my hair encouragingly, with no sign of him coming. I didn't mind though; I was enjoying every minute of this. I found that my free hand had wandered between my legs and I was stroking myself as well. I could hear his breathing, and Janine's. Finally he said,

"All right, Christine. Let's let your daughter have a try."

I pulled back at once, but felt a little disappointed. I shifted to one side and gestured Janine to take my place. I noticed that she was rubbing her pussy as well, her hand buried inside her panties. Strangely, that fact excited me more. Janine looked eager, but a little apprehensive as well.

"Tell her what to do, Christine," John suggested, and I took a deep breath.

"Well! First, try licking him a few times. First do the head...that's good...then go up and down the shaft. Ooo. Good. Now, try sucking him. Not too hard, at first. And move your tongue around the head of his cock. Good. Now move your head up and down, like he's fucking your mouth. Put your hand around his shaft...not too tight...now pump him."

Janine followed my instructions, her nostrils flaring as she breathed through her nose. She made an indistinct sound of pleasure, and John sighed and closed his eyes, cradling her head in his hands. Her tits swayed in time with her motion, and I found myself watching them. Her other hand continued to rub her pussy, as I did mine did as well, while my other hand went back to my nipples to tug and stroke them.

"That's very good. Now, try speeding up a little. Yes, you can tell how much he likes that. Keep going. Oh, yes."

"I'm about to cum," John said abruptly. Janine's eyes widened, but she didn't pause in her motions. His cock pulsed, and Janine swallowed, then swallowed again as he shot load after load into her mouth. She was making a whimpering sound now around his cock, clearly close to her own orgasm. Suddenly she pulled back, gasping, and a final spurt of cum struck her face. She rolled over onto her back, rubbing herself urgently, and then cried out in orgasm. I came then too, another warm wave of pleasure washing over me, not as intensely as the first but still very very good.

All three of us took a little while to recover after this. Janine continued to lie on her back, eyes closed, breathing deeply. After a while she scooped the cum off of her face with a finger and licked it, appearing to enjoy the flavor. I could smell it, and wondered what it tasted like. Another oddity, since I had never liked cum. But now the thought of John coming in my mouth was strangely appealing. Or even better, in my pussy.

After resting a bit John turned to smile at me, making my pulse jolt. God, I wanted him. Since I had married David I had never been so strongly attracted to another man. I thought about David. The sound of mowing outside had stopped. What if he came in here and found us like this?

"If you're worried about your husband," John said calmly, "don't be. He won't come up here."

I started. "Can you read my mind?"

"Somewhat. But mostly your emotions. Are you on the pill?"

So he was going to fuck me. I felt a strange surge of elation. "No -- I use an IUD."

"Good." He stood up and stretched a little. "Why don't you take your panties off and lie on the bed?" he suggested.

I obeyed with alacrity, lying on my back in one of my most alluring poses. John chuckled and picked up his camera, snapping another picture. He already had quite a stack of Polaroids. I wondered what he would do with them, but didn't really care.

"Spread your legs a little," he told me. I obeyed, and the camera flashed again. He set it aside and approached the bed. His cock was only semi-erect, and I wondered how long it would take him to recover from his blowjob. I wanted him to fuck me, as soon as possible. Again as if reading my mind he laughed and sat by me on the bed.

"I like to make things last, Christine, so don't be too impatient." He leaned forward and kissed me, tracing his tongue over my lips. He kissed and nibbled my neck and ears, and the delicate spot at the base of my throat. Pausing for a moment he spoke to Janine.

"Janine, get my camera and take a few pictures of this. You know how to use a Polaroid?"

"Yes," she answered, getting up and fetching the camera. He began to lick my tits, and the flash went off. I closed my eyes, floating in the heavenly sensations. He sucked me, first one nipple, then the other. He kissed and licked his way over my belly, stroking my hips with his fingertips. His tongue delicately touched my inner thigh, and my legs involuntarily parted still further to give him access. Another flash, just a red glow through my eyelids. I felt his breath on my pussy, and then he was licking me. Flash. My arousal was mounting to even greater heights, something I would have thought impossible. He stopped licking me and I opened my eyes to see him kneeling between my legs. His cock was once again firmly erect.

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4 years ago
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My Wife Made Me Her Cocksucker

Even before we were married, my wife Sarah controlled our sexual life pretty strictly. When she discovered I was a virgin when I proposed to her, she told me she wanted me to stay that way until after the wedding. She was not a virgin by any means, I learned. But she did stay faithful to me and didn’t look for sex elsewhere, I learned. I was just happy someone as beautiful and gorgeous as Sarah wanted to be with me. Jake, her best friend from c***dhood, who was gay, black, and huge, told me...

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SOSChapter 17 Epilogue

2502 Ensign nelson sat at his post at the deep space observation base, it was a do nothing post, a post you get when you have pissed someone off, he still couldn't figure out who he had pissed off. He was on the 4th hour of his shift at watch when he got the proximity alarm, something was slowing from hyper light speed and approaching the station. He triggered the alarm, watching the monitors as the object slowed, he got a warning as the object had just scanned the station, he looked back...

3 years ago
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As the midday hunger pangs strike, damn I really wish I wouldn’t have forgotten my lunch today. Looking at the time, I realize I can make it home, grab something to eat and check my lush account before my next meeting. As I turn the corner, I notice my husband’s car is in the driveway, that’s a surprise. As I walk in I hear moaning come from the basement and know he is masturbating, sometimes he can be so insatiable. I start to laugh inside and think I could have a little fun with this. I...

4 years ago
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Young Stepmother Part 11

Young Stepmother Part 11 By Mark Dayette I came away from the conversation with my Stepmother feeling very empty inside. I tried to block out this feeling by introducing myself to the new cats who had just been hired. I met a girl named Agnes (formerly Axel), she was a Swede, blonde, tall, gorgeous legs, but like me she was totally flat chested, I was happy to find another cat who didn't have breast implants. She was super sweet and she loved poetry. I met another girl named Laleh...

1 year ago
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Lucky Jim 1FirehairChapter 15 Colorado Expansion

Jul 26, 1859 When we got back to Fort Crius, thirty-seven men had arrived in response to the ads we took out in the eastern and other newspapers. My father had pre-screened them before sending them here. The new men were a bit disappointed when their first job was construction, at least until I reminded them how cold it would get up here in less than three months. Aaron and forty-three men from the gold mine had also arrived and we greeted each other exuberantly. We talked most of the...

1 year ago
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Hillary and Bill

Chapter One, Part One Election night – 2016 It is the worst night of her life. The unofficial returns are in, and though more than half of America enthusiastically identifies with her, all appears lost. How can it be? Through a heated season, the pending election acted as a tonic, a furious wind at her back. The thought of victory kept her spirits buoyant, her senses alert. Now, the relentless war of words has ceased; the race is over. Early this evening, the unforeseen happened; the...

3 years ago
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Adventures Of Sarah 8211 Part 3

DISCLAIMER: This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the sex story are fictional. I suggest you read the previous parts of this series in order to keep up with the plot. Any suggestions and comments are appreciated. Please don’t ask for personal details. I prefer my private life to stay private. Also, don’t ask for pics or video chat, such emails will not be entertained. (). This story is the second installment of the series. Here I explored my sexuality and...

3 years ago
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Meeting Old Flame After A Long Time

Am a married guy of 40. I am in a traveling job. I happened to meet up with a very old colleague after about 16 years 2 weeks back. She was also unmarried then and so was I. During those days we used to be quite friendly with me not knowing that she liked me. I am a shy guy by nature. I came to know about her feeling only when I was leaving that job and she came to see me off and was crying. My male friends always told me she liked me but I never bothered about it till I saw her crying while...

3 years ago
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I had always been very close to my Mother so it was natural that I went to her. Life sometimes deals us a raw hand and that's what I was feeling. When I rang the doorbell, Mother opened the door and invited me inside. She was holding my six-month-old sister and I couldn't help but notice her blouse wasn't buttoned completely. I glanced at her cleavage and felt the twinge in my groin just like I had when I was younger. "What seems to be the problem, Tom," she asked. "She kicked me...

3 years ago
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Strip Poker and Speedos Part 3 Revised

Strip Poker and Speedos: Part 3 I awoke as the morning light filtered in through the mesh-coveredwindows of Bob's tent. It took less than a second for the night's events tocome tumbling into my brain. It had been both the scariest and most sensualnight of my young life. First, my best friend Bob and I admitted that wehad a crush on one another, and he had even kissed me and jacked me off. Ithad been way better than any of my boy-meets-boy fantasies had ever been. Now, there I was, only...

1 year ago
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“Got a spare fiver?” “No.” “Go on. Just a fiver. I’ll make it worth your while.” “No.” “Please!” I had already walked on a couple of paces, but now I slowed and stopped. There was something about that “please”. It wasn’t what you might expect;- what I had heard before by young boys, and girls, of similar age, who, when they finally realise they are not going to get a penny out of you by accosting you in the street, hurl a mouthful of abuse and epithets at you. This “please” was different. It...

Erotic Fiction
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In the Amazon Empire An Amazon Wife and Mother Speaks of His LifePart Three

In the Amazon Empire: an Amazon Wife & Mother Speaks of His Life~ Part Three by Ginny Wolf ********** Principal characters in this episode: Rylann Antonischard, focus of the story Hemia and Uther, his parents Nanette Penthesilea, who becomes Rylann's husband Baroness Sylvia Penthesilea and Dame Oblea Penthesilea, her noble parents Reverend Ionia, priest who officiates at the marraige Ira, maid to Rylann ********** Types of Amazon men: drones~men required...

4 years ago
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Butch and Stacy 4

Butch and Stacy 4. Synposis: My parents named me Stacy after their favorite tv detective but everybody always called me by my dad's nickname, Butch. I am spending the summer with my best friend Matt who wants me to keep on being Butch, but the friends of his little sister Zoe think I am a girl so they call me Stacy. They have accepted me into their clique and are planning a trip to the mall tomorrow for a complete makeover "from the skin out". This means that Matt's mom has to make...

3 years ago
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MagicChapter 13

Sean stopped at the convenience store on his way to work. He went over to one of the shelves and examined all of the products there. He picked out one and headed to the counter. Holding up the can of deodorant, Sean asked, "What have you heard about this new super high heat resistant underarm antiperspirant and deodorant for men made by stink blasters?" "I heard that stuff doesn't work," Sam said. "Really?" Sean asked. "That's right," Sam said. Sean looked at the can and said,...

3 years ago
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Complaint Karne Jaane Se Leke Chudai Ki Class Tak 8211 Part 17

Hello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati ‘Ghosh Babu’ meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...

3 years ago
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Amnesia Ch 07

Thank you, Erik Thread, for your excellent editing and helpful suggestions. I am grateful for your patience and skill. Any errors are, of course, mine. The celebration was brief. Tony had no sooner gotten off the phone from hearing Martin tell him that the arrest had gone down as planned when two well-dressed men arrived at Amnesia! ‘Anthony Marino?’ a tall, middle-aged man asked. ‘Yes.’ ‘I’m agent Thorson and this is agent Pellegrino … F.B.I.’ he said succinctly, both showing their I.D. ...

4 years ago
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Hot Neighbor Bhabhi seduced me

Hi guys (n especially girls, wonderful bhabis and sexy aunties. Thanks a lot for your appreciation for my last 3 stories. I am back with another wonderful experience of mine, this time with a sexxxy mother of two, living in my neighbourhood. For those who are reading for the first time, I am Gary…34 years old 5 ft 6 inches in height . I have an athletic body as I do gymming, cycling, running and swimming regularly. Recently I shifted from Delhi to Kolkata and was excited by the feedback of my...

4 years ago
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My Brother Raped Me

My brother and I where colouring in pictures in my room. My bedroom door was shut as normal as my mum had a headache and my dad was in a bad mood. We were sent to my room by my dad, as he did not want to have to deal with two 'kids' as he put it. Looking at my sisters side of the room, I get a pang of jealousy, she's so lucky to be out with her friends, whilst I'm stuck in this dingy room, with my brother, whom I despise. He put the colouring pencil down on the bed, and says he's...

2 years ago
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billy traps himself 2

Billy's second day continued. He carried the load of laundry, in the basket, upstairs. He was surprised that he didn't have to carry each item up one at a time like he did when he brought the laundry downstairs. He shook his foot, the padlock wiggled against his ankle, reminding him that the high heels were locked on his feet, there was no taking them off today. Which of course meant he couldn't take off the pantyhose either, or the panties. As he turned he caught his reflection in a...

3 years ago
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Black List I GhostsChapter 3

“ ... and if my demands are not met, then the president’s daughter will suffer,” the man warns. “She will be put on the web for the whole world to see.” “What you are asking is impossible and downright immoral,” Roger counters. “Why would we ever do such a thing?” “Director Cornelius,” the man says with a chuckle, expecting the shock on everyone in the room to appear on their faces. “Yes, I know who you are and the rest of your pathetic little team. You will do as asked and the girl will be...

4 years ago
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Sorcerer Deleted ScenesScene 3

ANA When George finally ejected the DVD, Don started talking, "George, what does it cost to burn a recording of that?" "Well for a high-quality DVD, about a dollar. For an el-cheapo, around fifty cents." Don asked Sherry, "I don't know if you've ever gotten an explicit Bob Seal of Approval, but if you had, what might you be willing to pay for a high-quality video of that dance?" Sherry replied, "I've never really gone as Bob's date, but he's danced with me many times over the...

2 years ago
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Party in a dark bar true story

My name is Helga and my husband's is Ricky. I am 5'5 wear a size 34C bra. I am a blue eyed blonde from Germany with great looking legs and a nice ass. I met my husband at one of the HOT New York parties. We started talking, have a few drinks, he took me home because the girl I came with was busy with some guy, I was sure she was glad that I left her alone. We hit it off well and started going on dates and finally got married. He was 27 and I was 26. We have been married now for 10 years. The...

Group Sex
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Ericka How she became a slut

Chapter One To help set up the story, Earl is a middle age man starting to bald who works with Ericka, 37, who is a plump Latin Goddess. Earl has had wanted to get with Ericka every since she started working there almost 2 years ago. Things seem as if it would always be a fantasy until just a few weeks ago, while doing an audit, he found some files that had been hidden on the P drive. As Earl investigated these files, it seems little Miss Ericka has been very naughty. She has been visiting...

2 years ago
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Postapocalyptic reality 3

This is a continuation:Postapocalyptic reality 1http://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-1-640119Postapocalyptic reality 2https://xhamster.com/stories/postapocalyptic-reality-2-652696It was not the first time she had seriously considered using her talent to help domesticate a****ls. She often wished she had a Brahmin to help her carry the heavy burdens she had to haul home, or to a trader for sale, so she once decided to capture one. Domesticating the strange two headed bovine that...

1 year ago
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Not by accident

So a few days later I got an email via my website from Stevie asking me to text her, texted her back and forth a few times before she finally asked if I had enjoyed seeing her again the other night.‘Seeing her or her tits’ I replied jokingly. ‘Both’ she said with a text wink.She asked me what happened when I got home that night, had I been a dirty old man and wanked while thinking of her tits again. I replied that I had and she said good as she was really wet when she got indoors and had gone...

3 years ago
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Hot for Teacher

Yes, I’m THAT teacher. The one you fantasized about. The one in the old Van Halen “Hot for Teacher” video. The one that inspires the comment: “I wish my teachers looked like that when I was in high school.” That teacher. I know all the schoolboy fantasies you harbored when you were sixteen: Private after-school detentions where I draw the blinds and ride your cock on top of the lab table. Stolen moments in my closet while the rest of the class has gone to lunch. Maybe I’ll wank you until...

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Destination AzaharChapter 36 Homecoming Plans

Admiral Grayson was not pleased with the direction that the conference at Truman had taken. There was too much effort directed at who was to blame and what they should have done from Monday morning quarterbacks. He did manage some productive meetings with Admiral Gunn and his staff, though. The upshot was a list of ships that would be made available for the exercise that included two carrier groups and a squadron of corvettes. Commodore Murphy had demonstrated what twelve Castle-class...

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Love Never ChangesChapter 13

Codsworth was working on the flower bed just outside my house. “Oh, hello, mum! Welcome...” He was speaking to my back; I was running to the planning room. I didn’t have to open the door, there was a gathering outside. “What’s wrong, boss?” “Where’s Maxson, and is there still a vertibird here?” Danse realized something serious was up. “Ma’am, Elder Maxson returned to the Prydwen. However, we do have a vertibird and pilot available here.” “Good. I need four of you with me. Danse, Rhys,...

2 years ago
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A fun family welcome to Texas

My first week of my business trip to America was all work and no play, but my week in Houston, Texas was a real eye opener. I flew down from New York to Houston on the Saturday afternoon, and when I checked into my hotel there was a message awaiting me from Charlotte, the administrator for our Houston based corporate team, that consisted of her, a junior manager and his assistant. They managed a small portfolio of local corporate clients primarily involved in the oil and gas sector, but that...

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Confessions of a Photographer

Confessions of a PhotographerLike a lot of guys I love looking at the female form. Any shape and any age which comes in handy in my profession you see I am a professional photographer. I started when I was very young and an old box camera. At first it was just family pictures, landscapes and what I called impromptu photos. These often were just catching family and friends without them knowing it. By 18 I had progressed to developing my own pictures mostly black and white, this was easier...

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How Sweet It IsChapter 6

I work in the advertising section of the local paper. We are a small section in our own little corner of the building. There are only eight of us. We all get along well and it is a fun place to work. There are only two women in my section, me and a secretary, Grace. The secretary is very attractive. She is a little older than I am. I would guess she is in her late twenties. She has a great personality and a highly developed sense of humor. Everyone loves her. The guys are all great too....

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The following is a recollection from my college years. Individual names and the name of the sorority have been changed for reasons of privacy. “Sasha? Sasha?” Slowly the sound of my name drew me out of my daydream. I looked up at the middle-aged Mrs. Dullwater in annoyance. She returned my look over the top of her reading glasses with a lofty stare of superiority. In a lecturing tone, she observed, “Sasha, as a senior at this college, AND the president of your sorority, you really should...

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The Abduction And Training Of Kitty Part 2

Comments about the lead-in aren’t needed because I think you will find the rest of this part of the story hot enough even for those who like it out there in Never, Never, Land. Any other comments are more than welcome especially any from the ladies out there. ENJOY. Vanion PS: If any reader exceedingly likes a particular part of the story, drop me a PM with any ideas you might like to see included in part 3. BY THE WAY: To the idiot who was so emphatic as to the spelling of...

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The Subway Car

I walked into the last subway car. I could see a few people in the train cars in front of me. I had about a 2 hour ride to my stop. I pushed my bike against the back wall. I then sat in the small chair next to my bike. There were about 20 hard plastic chairs in the subway car. 5 metal poles were down the middle of the car. There were a few straps from over head to hang onto. The subway was known to toss you around at a few stops. The next two stops were about the same. A few people got on....

1 year ago
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Seema and lola

I don’t know how long we slept but when i woke up it was early morning and i was lying on the bed alone. None of the sisters was there beside me and i was naked and my dick was up. I closed my eyes again; i was still exhausted by yesterday’s trysts with the two sisters and recalled the young virginal healthy body of lola. I longed for her body and wanted to fuck her badly; but she was no longer there. I soon fell asleep again but was woken up by a sweet sensation around my penis. I felt...

3 years ago
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Jenny and Irena

The Club had been her idea. It had started from a quite innocent conversation prompted by a guy we both knew who had been ripped off at a strip joint. She had wondered why men like strip clubs and I had told her about one of my very few visits to one in Phoenix. I told her the girls were mostly university students working their way through college, Nice, bright, intelligent girls with stunning looks and bodies to die for. And how touching was strictly prohibited, but how sometimes there might...

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Cousin During My Marriage

Hi all. Story goes back to my day of marriage. Brief flashback: I was fanatically sex craze with my cousin from my teenage and we had good relation and understanding. Mostly I used to tease her by patting/pressing her Butts or find ways to touch her heavily protruding Breasts. STOP. Now coming back to my marriage, it has been a total flop from day 1. To put in context, complete confusion and misunderstanding. So after tying knot, I ran into Cousin (I call her Putt) climbing down the stair and...

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