Experiment 36 free porn video

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Silence draped over the suburban street like a hot and sticky blanket. Heat rippled up from the asphalt in waves. Only the low thrum of air conditioners disturbed the silence.

A neat row of identical brick-clad houses lined each side of the street. Red terra-cotta tiles adorned every roof. Only the layout and upkeep of the front yards and the colours of curtains in the windows hinted at the individual personalities of the occupants.

An intruder disturbed the silence – shattering the stillness of the scene with its sudden noise and movement.

A once-white minivan trundled noisily down the street – its engine labouring in the heat. A thick coating of dirt covered its entire surface except for the distinctive pattern left by the wipers on the front windscreen. It pulled up outside the third house from the end with a toot of its horn and a puff of smoke from its exhaust.

The van doors opened and people of all ages spilled from every available orifice – very much like a disturbed ant nest disgorging ants. Every one of them had the same dark hair, the same distinctively Mediterranean facial features and the same stocky build. Every one of this multitude clearly belonged to the same family. From the youngest child aged four or five up to the elderly grandparents well past their prime, they all looked alike. The clothing of choice was shorts and a t-shirt and a pair of flip-flops on their feet.

They were all clearly of the same family – all except for one.

Ten year old Sally Dunstan obviously did not belong with the rest. Her pale white skin, blue eyes, blond hair and slender form made her stand out like a beacon amongst the others. She was like a single dove in the middle of a flock of pigeons. The chaos and noise around the minivan decreased as one by one each of the crowd wrapped Sally in a warm embrace, kissed her, made some sort of personal farewell and then climbed back into the van. Soon the only ones left standing outside were Sally, her best friend Mona Puretti, and Mona's father who had stood patiently amongst the chaos – all the while holding Sally's bright pink travel bag in one large and meaty paw.

The three of them made their way up the path to the front door of the third house from the end, where Sally pressed the button. Chimes sounded somewhere deep inside the house.

Sally and Mona hugged and kissed again just as the door opened. In the doorway stood an older, taller, more formally dressed version of Sally.

"Hi Mum," said Sally. "I'm home."

She then turned to Mr Puretti.

"Thanks again for having me, Mr Puretti. I had such an awesome time."

Sally wrapped her arms around Mr Puretti and gave him one last hug – a hug which was returned in full.

"You are most welcome," said Mr Puretti as he broke from the hug. He kissed both of her cheeks. Then he handed Sally her bag and stepped back. "We'd love to have you again sometime."

Mrs Dunstan had watched all of the hugging and kissing with a slightly confused expression on her face.

"I hope Sally wasn't any trouble," Mrs Dunstan said to Mr Puretti

"She was quite delightful. I'm already looking forward to her visiting with us again," came the response.

Mr Puretti turned to Sally. "Well, ciao! Don't forget our deal."

"See you at school," said Mona. "Call me sometime. Ciao!"

"Ciao!" said Sally, with a giggle.

Mr Puretti put his arm around his daughter and led her back to the van. Sally stood on the doorstep and waved as the van started up with another puff of smoke and another toot of its horn. Soon enough the van was driving away down the road with what looked like a dozen waving hands barely visible through its grimy windows.

Sally waved until the van was out of sight and then turned to her mother.

"I had such an awesome time. You wouldn't believe how much fun I've had."

"Well, come inside then. You're letting the cool air out," said Sally's mother.

She stepped out of the way so that Sally could come into the house.

"Are you hungry? Dinner won't be for another hour."

"I'll be fine until then, Mum. I could do with a drink though. It was hot in that van."

"You know where the kitchen is. There's water in the tap and there's juice in the fridge. I'll need you to set the table for dinner. Off you go, then."

Sally's mother stood still and watched as Sally grinned cheerfully.

"Hey, Mum. Check this out!"

Sally lifted up the front of her shirt to reveal that her skin was decorated with a string of flowers that looped around her belly-button and then trailed its way up towards the centre of her chest.

"Well! Goodness!" she said – for want of anything better to say.

"Is that a tattoo?"

"No, Mum. It's just temporary – it's drawn on with ink. It will probably only last a couple of days."

"Why would anybody go to so much trouble to do something like that if it's only going to last such a short time?"

Sally shrugged. "Mona's Auntie is an artist. She likes doing stuff like this. Half the fun of it is because it's temporary."

"But it's under your shirt. Nobody is going to see it."

Sally laughed and pulled her shirt back down.

"They will if I don't wear a shirt!" said Sally.

Then she started lugging her bag two-handed down the hallway.

"But..." Mrs Dunstan stopped herself when she realised that Sally had finished the conversation.

"Dinner's ready in an hour!" Mrs Dunstan called out to her rapidly disappearing daughter.

Mrs Dunstan stared down the hallway after Sally for some time. Then she sighed and shook her head. She used her foot to straighten the doormat which Sally had somehow managed to shift out of place and went back to the front room where she resumed reading her magazine.

Sally dropped her bag in the entrance to the spotless kitchen. She went over to the counter and climbed onto it so she could reach the high cupboard where the glasses were stored. She took out a glass, jumped down off the counter and filled her glass at the tap. She tilted the glass and drank the entire contents in one long, continuous series of gulps. When she finished, she stood for a moment with her eyes closed and held the cold but empty glass against her sticky forehead.

"Aaah! That's better!" she said to the empty kitchen.

Sally took the glass over to the dishwasher and placed it inside. Then she opened the door of the cupboard below the sink, took out a cloth that was hanging there and carefully wiped away splashes of water from around the sink. She then hung the cloth back in its place below the sink and closed the cupboard door.

Thirst quenched – at least for the moment – Sally retrieved her bag from the doorway and lugged it down the hallway.

Sally pushed the door of the study open and stood in the doorway.

"Hey Daddy! I'm home!"

Mr Dunstan pushed his glasses up his nose and looked through them at his daughter.

"So I see."

"I had a great time, Daddy," said Sally.

"I'm pleased to hear it. Are you well? Are you injured? Do you still have all your fingers?"

"Yes, Daddy. See?" Sally held up both hands and wiggled her fingers. "I got a cut on my leg but Mrs Puretti put a band-aid on it. See?"

Sally lifted her leg and twisted so she could show her dad the brightly coloured band-aid on the side of her shin.

"What the dickens is that?"

"It's a Donald Duck band-aid. She had all different sorts of Disney band-aids for the little kids. She had normal ones too, but I thought this was more fun."

"Ah! So is this cut serious? Do you need to see a doctor?"

Sally giggled.

"I shouldn't think so, Daddy. If my leg drops off, I'll let you know and you can take me to a doctor then. Okay?"

Mr Dunstan adjusted his glasses again.

"The point is to see the doctor before your leg falls off. Preventative maintenance is important. It's always cheaper to maintain something properly than it is to repair it once it's broken. I'm quite sure that the same principle holds true for healthcare."

Sally giggled again.

"Yes, Daddy. I'll remember that. I'm going to my room to unpack my bag. Talk to you later. Bye Daddy!"

Sally used both hands to pick up her bag.

"Oof! Mum was right, Daddy. I packed way too much stuff."

"It sounds like you've learnt a valuable lesson. Perhaps, next time you'll listen to your mother."

"I always listen to my mother. I just don't always do what she says."

"Ah! The difference is significant."

"By the way. Mum said that dinner would be ready in an hour. We're having fried lizard brains on toast."

Mr Dunstan blinked at his daughter a couple of times.

"Well! That will be something different. I'll see you at dinner, then."

"Okay, Daddy. See ya later!"

Mr Dunstan stared at the empty doorway for a moment and then shook his head and turned back to his desk so that he could resume working.

Sally used her bum to push her bedroom door closed behind her and dropped her bag on the floor. She looked around the room. It was exactly the way she had left it a week before. Everything was in its place. The entire room was neat and tidy and spotlessly clean. Not a thing was out of place. It was the way her Mum wanted it. It was what Sally was used to. But after a week of living with the organised chaos that was the Puretti household, Sally was seeing her room with fresh eyes.

Sally wondered what her room would look like if it was messy. She tilted her head to one side and pursed her lips while she thought about it. Then she picked up her bag, up-ended it, and then she swung the bag so its contents flew out and spread all over the floor. She stepped back and looked around. No! She decided that she definitely liked it better when her room was tidy. But she figured she was fortunate to have a room so big and to have so much closet space that she could keep everything put away without her belongings spilling out into the room and piling up in the corners.

Sally spent the next five minutes picking up the mess she had made. All of the clothes went into the laundry basket concealed neatly behind her closet door. Her hair brush went into its place in the top drawer of her dresser. Her little toilet-bag with her tooth-brush and shampoo and deodorant and so forth went into the cupboard in the bathroom. The couple of books she had taken returned to their places in the bookshelf – filed alphabetically by author – and her shoes went into their special pockets on the side wall of her closet. Even her travel bag had a place up high on the top shelf of her closet – she had to climb up the shelves to put that away.

Five minutes later she stood back and looked around the room. It was back to its usual tidy condition. Anybody looking into the room wouldn't be able to tell she'd been there. She was quite pleased. That was the way it was supposed to be.

Sally went into the attached bathroom and ran the bath. Then she went back into her bedroom, removed the clothes she was wearing and added them to the laundry basket. A moment later she was sighing in relief as she sank into the bath.

A short time later, Sally returned to her bedroom wearing nothing but a smile. She carried a towel in her hand which she carefully laid down on the seat in front of her dresser before sitting down. She took a comb from the top drawer of her dresser and ran it through her still-damp hair. Sally returned the comb to its place and stood up, picking up the towel she'd been sitting on.

Sally went to her desk, laid out the towel again and sat down. From the desk drawer she took a ruler and several different coloured pens. She put the ruler down parallel to the edge of the desk and lined up the pens above the ruler. Then, from the bookshelf above her desk, she pulled out an exercise book which had the word "Experiments" written in large letters on the front cover.

Opening the book, she quickly flipped past page after page, each of which had a heading with "Experiment" followed by a number. Eventually she found the first unused page. She opened the book fully and pressed down so that it lay flat on her desk.

With her ruler and her red pen she carefully ruled a margin exactly 2.5cm in from the side of the page. Swapping between black, green and blue pens to distinguish between different sections, she started to write in her careful, primary-school-neat cursive script.

Experiment 36

Hypothesis: Mr and Mrs Dunstan (aka Sally's parents) are aliens.

Aim: (a) To gather more evidence for or against the hypothesis and (b) To help Mr and Mrs Dunstan (aka Sally's parents) act more like humans.

Note: Part b is considered valuable regardless of whether the hypothesis is true or false.

Method: Add one Sally. Stir vigorously. Observe.

Sally stopped writing and held her pen loosely between her fingers – letting the pen tap repeatedly against the desk. She bit her lip nervously and then started writing again.

Note 1: Sally should be all that she can be.

Note 2: For maximum effect, Sally should be naked.

Note 3: Sticking to both Note 1 and Note 2 at the same time is expected to be difficuld.

Sally put her pen back down next to the ruler and read back through what she had written. She tsked to herself in annoyance when she read the last sentence. Carefully, she corrected her spelling of the word "difficult" and then sat back with a satisfied nod.

Sally closed the book and filed it back in its place on her bookshelf. She then returned her ruler and pens to their places in the desk drawer. She stood and walked over to her closet and opened the door. The inside of the closet door had a full length mirror attached to it.

Sally used the mirror to look herself carefully up and down. She took a moment to admire the floral pattern that trailed around her stomach and up onto her chest. She decided it really was quite pretty. And the colours seemed to go nicely with the colour of her eyes and her hair. She thought that Mona's auntie had done a really good job.

Sally held her hands down at her sides and shook her fingers. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She did that again.

"Come on, Sally," she said quietly to her naked reflection. "You can do this. Be all that you can be."

Sally flipped her hair back over her shoulders and strode to the door. She turned and cast one last critical glance around the room. Satisfied that the appearance of her room met her usual standards she spun and walked out through the door – as naked as the day she was born.

Sally pushed the door of the study open and stood in the doorway.

"Hey Daddy!"

"Mmm!" came the response. Sally's father was in the middle of a complex calculation and didn't even spare his daughter a glance.

Sally giggled. "I'm just going to get some juice from the kitchen. Would you like some?"

"That would be lovely, Sally. Thank you."

"'Kay then. Back in a tick."

Sally spun on the spot and skipped away down the hallway, just as her father turned to look at her. He had a brief impression of flying hair and a pink back. He blinked twice and then shook his head. He took his glasses off and polished them. Very quickly he returned to his work.

Sally whistled tunelessly as she skipped into the kitchen. She climbed up onto the counter so that she could reach the high cupboard where the glasses were stored. Just as she had a glass in each hand, she heard a gasp from behind her.

"Sally! What are you doing?" asked her mother.

Sally giggled. "I'm just getting glasses to pour some juice. I told you before that I was thirsty."

Sally carefully placed the two glasses in a row on the counter.

"But where are your clothes?"

"Oh! That!" Sally jumped down from the counter.

"My clothes are in my room. Some of them are in the laundry basket, the rest are in the closet."

"Well you should probably go and put some of them on. What would your father say if he saw you like that?"

Sally shrugged. "I was just talking to Daddy. He didn't say anything about that. He didn't even say anything about my flowers. He said he'd like some juice. That's why there are two glasses."

Mrs Dunstan opened her mouth and then closed it again.

Sally went to the fridge and took out the carton of juice.

"So what's for dinner tonight, Mum?"

"Oh! After such a hot day, I didn't want to cook. We'll just have some cold cuts of roast lamb and some fresh salad. I made a mint sauce for the lamb."

"Awesome!" Sally giggled and started to pour. "I told Daddy we were having fried lizard brains."

"Why would you say that?"

"I didn't know what we were having so I made a guess. Looks like I guessed wrong, huh?"

"Well, goodness!"

Sally was thinking to herself that her mother had absolutely no sense of humour whatsoever. She decided to count that as evidence that her mother wasn't human.

Sally put the juice back in the fridge and closed the door.

"Ooh!" she said.

Sally opened the fridge door and then closed it again.

"That's the most awesome feeling. You should try this, Mum."

"Try what?"

"Take off your clothes and stand in front of the fridge. When you close the door it makes a cold wind. It's the most awesome feeling. It's just the most perfect thing to do on a hot day."

"Well, I..."

"You should give it a try, Mum. See ya later!"

Sally picked up the two glasses of juice and walked carefully out of the kitchen – taking extra care to walk smoothly so the juice wouldn't spill.

"Er..." said Mrs Dunstan. Then she realised she was talking to an empty room and stopped talking. She sat down on one of the kitchen chairs.

"Well!" she said to the empty room. "Goodness!"

The study door was still open after Sally's last visit so it was easy for her to walk into the room. She was still walking extra carefully so as not to spill the juice she was carrying.

"I brought you juice, Daddy!" she called out. "Where should I put it down?"

"Hrrumph!" An arm waved and pointed at a clear spot on the desk.

"Daddy!" called Sally as sharply as she could. "You need to take a break from your work and drink your juice. If you don't watch what you're doing, you'll spill it and all your papers will be ruined."

Mr Dunstan cleared his throat and turned – pushing his glasses up his nose so that he could see beyond the paperwork.

"I do know how to drink ... wha???"

Mr Dunstan's eyes went wide – an action exaggerated by the magnification of his glasses so that from Sally's point of view they nearly popped out of his head.

"Uh ... uh! Sally! What happened to your clothes?"

"The clothes I was wearing were grotty after the long ride in the van so I took them off and put them in the hamper to be washed. The rest of my clothes are still in my closet. Nothing happened to them."

Sally shrugged and smiled at her father – as if she was doing the most normal thing in the world.

"But ... but ... uh! You should probably go and put something on. What would your mother say if she saw you like that?"

Sally shrugged.

"I was just talking to Mum in the kitchen. She didn't seem to mind too much. We talked about what we'll be having for dinner. Turns out we aren't having fried lizard brains after all. I guess I was wrong about that."

"Oh? Er ... um! Well! I suppose we should be thankful for small mercies. What's that on your front?"

"Oh, this? It's kind of like a rash, isn't it? It just appeared on my skin while I was lying out on the grass. Mrs Puretti said it happens to her family a lot – mostly when they're staying at the cabin. She said it should fade away in a couple of days."

"It looks a lot like flowers."

"Yes, it does, doesn't it? Isn't that weird?"


Sally had figured out a long time ago that her father took everything she said as true, regardless of how outrageous it was. She couldn't decide if that was his idea of being funny or if he really believed everything she said. She didn't know whether that should count for or against her hypothesis. She shrugged to herself and decided to look for more evidence.

Sally sipped from her juice and put it down on the desk in one of the few small spaces clear of papers. She pulled a second chair up to the desk next to her fathers and sat on it.

"So Daddy! What'cha doin?"

"Are you really going to sit in here and talk to me while you're dressed like that?"

"Sure! It's way cooler than wearing stuffy clothes. You should try it, Daddy. You'll feel so much better."

"Er! I don't think I'm supposed to do that."

"Oh! Okay then, forget about that idea. I want to know what you're doing."

"I'm doing my job – surely that should be obvious."

"Yes, but what is that? I don't really know what you do."

"I'm a stock analyst – I'm sure I've told you that before."

"Yes, you have. But I don't really know what that means. What does a stock analyst do?"

Mr Dunstan turned and frowned at his desk as if he hoped the answer would be there.

"I look at the financial information about different companies. Then I make recommendations about whether my customers should buy or sell shares in those companies."

"Huh! So! Is it fun?"


"Is it fun? Do you enjoy doing that?"

Sally's father looked confused. "It's my job!"

"Yeah but ... oh ... never mind. What company are you looking at right now?"

"Telstra. It's the biggest phone company in Australia."

"Really? I've heard of Telstra. So what does that graph tell you?" Sally pointed at the computer screen.

"That is showing me the debt to equity ratio for Telstra over the last two years."

"What is the debt to equity ratio?"

Sally listened carefully while her father explained what he was doing – or at least, tried to explain what he was doing. She only understood about half of the explanation but she didn't let that worry her. More importantly, it was the first time she'd ever gotten her father to talk about his work and she was enjoying it. She figured she was on a roll and wanted to keep her father talking. Each time he wound down, she would pick something out of what he'd just been saying and ask another question about it. If she couldn't think of anything else, she would pick one of the documents scattered around the desk and ask what the document was for.

Sally's father started using the computer to display graph after graph. His explanation about the graphs used so many big words that she couldn't even guess what he was saying. Sally leaned back and looked at her father's face. He seemed to be excited about what he was saying. She suspected that she was seeing her father actually happy about what he was doing.

This was a good thing. Sally decided to count that as evidence for him being human with real feelings and emotions.

She wondered if her being naked had anything to do with getting her father talking in this way. He never talked like this before when she was wearing clothes. At the start it had almost seemed like he was relieved to look at his work and talk about that instead of looking at her. Sally didn't really understand why he might act like that just because she was naked. Sally decided that might be evidence that he wasn't human.

Sally realised with a start that her father had stopped talking and was rearranging the papers on his desk.

"So Daddy. People pay you to do all this work and tell them what you find out. Is that right?"

"That's about it, yes."

"And mostly you sit here in the study and email your reports to the people who pay you."

"That's right."

"So what were you doing on your business trip this week? Were you visiting the people you send reports to?"

"No. I don't need to meet them. I was visiting a few of the companies I do reviews on."

"Was it a good trip? Did you find out anything useful?"

"Yes, I did. The trip was very worthwhile."

"That's awesome. Well! I better go and set the table. See you at dinner, Daddy!"

Sally danced around the dining room as she set the table. The table was a large one with seating for eight people. Mr Dunstan usually sat at one end and Mrs Dunstan sat at the other end with Sally on the middle chair of one side. Out of habit, Sally set the table exactly the same way.

Sally shimmied sideways, spun and stepped as she took placemats and napkins out of their drawers and set them in the usual places. She moonwalked back from the table, then dipped and swung her head, sending her blond hair whipping around and around. Then she sashayed left and sashayed right as she made her way to the silverware drawer. Three sets of knives, forks and spoons glittered in the air as she held them above her head and moshed her way back to the table. To place the first set of items she leaned forward and held an arabesque with her back leg bent up behind her. She straightened and did a kind of breakdance sideways move to get into position for placing the second set of cutlery. This time she had more room behind her so she did a more formal arabesque, lifting her back leg straight out behind her and then up until it was pointing almost directly up – maybe ten or fifteen degrees short of making a perfectly straight line up and down between her two sets of toes.

Sally had felt extra tightness in her legs as she held that pose and knew she hadn't made the perfect form that she'd been aiming for. She came down out of it with a frown on her face.

"I must do more stretching," she told herself as she finished setting the table. "I really didn't do any proper stretching at all for the entire week I was with Mona and her family."

When Sally finished, she stepped back and looked at the table. With Mona's family, everybody had been crowded together on benches around their table. There had been so much conversation that she couldn't keep track of everything that was being said. Meal times had actually been fun instead of just being a time to eat food. The whole experience had been a revelation to Sally. She tilted her head to one side and looked at the table.

She was trying to think how she could get her parents talking during dinner.

"I know!" she exclaimed.

Quickly, Sally dashed around the table and moved all of the place settings. In a very short amount of time, she'd reset the table so that all three settings were grouped around one end of the table.

"That should help," she announced.

She went back to the cabinet and took out crystal tumblers and set one at each place. Then she took out two of the good crystal wine glasses and placed them where she wanted her parents to sit.

"Wine might help even more!"

Sally placed an extra mat on the table and took one of the carafes out of the cupboard. Then she walked into the kitchen to fill the carafe. Her mother was there, setting out plates ready to serve up dinner.

"Wait on, Mum," said Sally. "Don't use those plates."

Sally put the carafe down on the bench and raced back into the dining room. She took three of the good china plates out of the cupboard and took them back to the kitchen.

Mrs Dunstan frowned at the sight of them. "The china plates are only for special occasions."

"This is a special occasion, Mum. You are welcoming me home after my week away."

"Oh! I didn't think of that. I suppose it is a special occasion, isn't it? Do you think we should dress up properly?"

"I don't mind what you wear, Mum. You can stay like you are, or get all dressed up. I don't care about that. You could even wear nothing at all and we could all have dinner in the nude." Sally giggled. "After all, that's what I'll be doing."

Sally did a pirouette on the spot and finished it with a flourish of her arms.

"Oh! Well! Goodness! I would have thought it would be proper to be dressed for dinner. Don't you?"

"I am dressed for dinner, Mum. I'm wearing a suit – my birthday suit. This is my party after all, and I should be allowed to dress the way I want to. And this is the way I want to dress."

Sally picked up the carafe and filled it with water from the tap, completely ignoring the confused expression on her mother's face. She went to the fridge and took out a tray of ice-cubes – half of which she added to the water. Then she put the filled carafe into the fridge.

Sally opened the pantry door and took a random bottle from the wine rack.

"What about wine, Mum? Is this okay?" Sally asked as she held up the bottle.

"Well! I'm sure it'll be fine. Did you take it from the left end? I always take the one from the left and move the rest along one place. There are supposed to be rules for what type of wine to drink with different meals but my parents didn't drink wine so I never learnt them. Put the bottle in the fridge, Sally. In the hot weather, having the wine a bit chilled seems to make it better."

Mrs Dunstan lined up the three china plates along the counter ready to serve out dinner. She looked down at her clothes and back at the plates.

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You find yourself out on the town again, in your local Bar The Bold Exchange Drinking a beer. Taking a quick guess at the surrounding bottles and a slight dizziness to your perspective you deduce that you are in fact on the verge of being drunk. You start making your way over to the men's restroom and stumble through the door and onto the sink directly in front of you. You stare deeply into the mirror, trying to determine what you look like this drunken night.

1 year ago
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So me and my mate are at my house, playing PS3 in the living room. He is round for a sleepover and we are both straight. It's relatively early and we start talking about girls. I quickly start getting aroused and note that he too, appears to be getting a boner. It's my turn and I pause the game, and we both reach a kind of mutual understanding through eye contact. 'We both turn around, then on the count of 3 we spin with our cocks out,' I say. 'Sound like a deal?' 'Sure,' he says. So,...

4 years ago
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Jack And Diane

This is a little story about love discovered between Jack and Diane. They grew up as neighbors; only a few houses separated them from each other. Jack was the typical neighborhood boy, all rough, tumbled, and getting in trouble with his friends. Diane, on the other hand, wasn't your typical girl. She was right out there with the boys getting in trouble with the boys, much to her mom's chagrin.As they matured, Jack grew into a high school sports star. All hard-bodied and handsome, attracting the...

3 years ago
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PW Adventures Ch1

There are a lot of alleys in this town. It's hard to find your way around here. This alley is wierd, theres a lot of machinery here. We started examining some of the equipment when I noticed a peice of paper wedged inbetween some scrap and a wall. I pulled it out and started reading: I am scientist Fennel, I am in need of a person, perferably a trainer, to test my new invention, the Move Ability Starter (MAS). Come to my office if you are interested. 1280 Draten Dr. "Why not we have time to...

3 years ago
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Sex shop girls

I progressed painfully on to the DVD stalls and began looking at the categories and was flipping through the solo female section when she next returned, she looked and said “oh you like watching, do you?, a bit of a voyeur”, then she added “hell you just lost me my bet I had you as a interracial guy, you know white gals and big black cocks”, I was now very nervous, sporting a erection and being pigeonholed on my sexual preferences was not how I had expected my visit to go, I finally selected...

4 years ago
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A Good Fucking Day Part 6

He hadn't slept much that night. Or any night for that matter since his party. What started out as a night of fun and euphoria, turned into a night full of remorse. Tyler had slept with.... how many girls? He usually wasn't like that at all, preferring monogamy in his relationships. But something inside him that night turned him into the biggest player he'd ever seen. It was fun, but he was sure he wouldn't do it again. Tyler found himself showered and fed, and decided to just head...

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The Whyte Butterfly Ch 09

Chapter 9 ‘Odd Bedfellows’ ‘Fuck me,’ Stacey said, in a voice drained of emotion, her face devoid of colour. ‘Excuse me?’ Dr. Taylor replied, with a raised eyebrow. ‘That’s not possible,’ Stacey replied in the same stunned manner as she sat on the exam bed. ‘It’s quite normal for a woman to conceive this soon after giving birth,’ Dr. Taylor assured as he smiled at Stacey in a friendly manner. ‘But I’ve only JUST given birth! I CAN’T be pregnant AGAIN!’ Stacey said in a distressed manner....

3 years ago
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Neha Ki Chudai

Hi iss reader this is Saurabh from allahabad.Ye meri 1st story hai. Mai iss ka bahut purana reader hoon.Maine bhi apni ek real story post karne ki sonchi hai.I hope you like this. Ye story mere padose me rahne wali ladki Neha (changed name) ki hai. Mera pariwar me hum teen log rahte hain mom dad aur main, mere padosh me mere uncle-aunty rahte hain aur unke 4 bete aur 1 beti Neha rahti hai. Hamara pariwar 10 year se ek saath rahta hai.Neha mujhe rakhi bhi bandhti hai. Maine pahle kabhi use...

3 years ago
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Bad Girl AmberChapter 5 Girly Lunch

Any case, back to those girly lunches I was telling you about. I always pay, which I don't mind since it only re-enforces my effortless superiority over her. We spend a couple of hours at the restaurant, me looking as hot and delicious as the food and Cynthia looking dowdy as hell. I feel totally at ease, being a very pretty and sophisticated girl who's used to such places, and she feels about as significant and comfortable as a worm in a bucket. She hardly gets to say anything the whole...

3 years ago
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Three Days of Hedonism

Deep in the Caribbean Sea, where the waters are a clear, crystalline blue and the sands are a pristine white, lays an island where the pursuit of pleasure is the ultimate goal. Only the most hedonistic reside there, and admission onto the island is by invitation only. Rich, high society people mingle with the middle and lower classes. No one is better than anyone else. The journey to achieve orgasmic bliss is the same for everyone. The rolling motion of the huge ship was wreaking havoc on...

4 years ago
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Dad gets his wish

It was Saturday morning, and I was in the driveway shooting hoops with Katherine my sister; when it hit me like a load of bricks. Oh my God, Katherine is a girl. Now, you must understand my sister is a bit different, which is why we've always gotten along great. She got to college on a basketball scholarship and she ran track in high school. She's fit, trim; and will beat the shit out of a guy in a heartbeat. "What's with the shit eating grin?" Katherine looked at me. "You're a girl"...

4 years ago
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Mistress Jodie

In my last story I wrote about how when visiting a Prodom Mistress I found that she was my mail carrier. Embarrasment at first but led to an intence session. I had seen Jodie a few times in the last week while she walked her route but we had not spoken. The next day I heard a knock at my door, it was Jodie with a package. Hi please sign here, she was all business, no indication we had had a hot BDSM session last than 2 weeks before. Just before leaving she asked if I would visit her house later...

4 years ago
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Girl Friday

Girl Friday by Paula Hanson comments about this story to [email protected] "Beauty-scene, Chris speaking, can I help you" the girl answered the telephone. "Er hopefully", I replied, "I'm going to a fancy dress party this Friday with my girlfriend and she has suggested that I get my hair done in a salon since there won't be any time for her to do it that evening. Do you think you can fit me in to do something with it?". "I should think so. Hang on for a...

2 years ago
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Horny Housemates Part 2

I broke the silence. “So are we going to talk about this?” “Well, I don’t think there’s much to talk about, is there?” She seemed almost put out that I’d asked the question. She continued: “If you must know, I was thinking we’d take things a bit further… when we’re ready.” My concern was Luca as much as anything. When he came to visit they seemed very much in love. I couldn’t work out what was going on here, and I had to find out first. I asked Lin straight out. “But, what about Luca?...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi ke sath

Hello ISS readers I’m Jek from Mumbai 21 years old 5’8″ ab me apko apni ek kahani sunane ja raha hu jo aaj se karib 1mahine pehle ki he hamare ghar me mera bada bhai(anuj),bhabhi(neha) or mummy,papa rehte he bhai ki sadi aaj se 2sal pehle hui thi me or bhabhi us waqt humumar the bhai ek travel company tour ko arrange karte he or tours k sath jate he kabhi kabhi to 1 mahine ki tours pe jate he kyo ke unko tours walo ke liye khana-pina, hote etc. Karna padta he ek din ki bat he bhai tours ke sath...

2 years ago
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Me the girl and the babysitter Part 1

I live near the high school and today happened to be the first day of school. I was driving by the school when i saw her. She was a tiny little thing, 4 foot 11 or so, long brown hair in a green skirt and white top. She was walking down the road and I decided to take a chance so pulled up beside her."Hi" I said, "what are doing walking? Looks like it might rain. Wanna ride?" "Well." she started,"My mom told me not to take rides from strangers but you look ok to me, and it does look like rain....

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Sisterly Touch Part I Edited

Christina also liked to tease Hanna about something else. Being sisters, they naturally get mad at each other. Christina would always say the Hanna had a dick, which wasn’t true, but she always liked saying that. Anytime a guy would stay over, they’d sleep in Hanna’s bed, and Christina would say, “Be careful, Hanna probably has a bigger dick than you.” Hanna got so used to it she’d just brush it off. But with every comment, she began to get curious. She had a boyfriend, and loved having sex...

2 years ago
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Claudia Incarnata Part VI

- Moschus of Syracuse, Europa. The Indo-European thunder god, like most of his kin, goes by various names; in Sanskrit he is Rudra The Howler, in the Norse sagas he is called Thor, in Italy proper under Rome he was called Jupiter. But in the Sicily of classical antiquity he went by a more primordial name; Zeus. As Zeus Brontios, The Thunderer, he assumed his most terrible aspect. Claudia swiftly understood how the ancients had come to revere the name and...

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SweetheartVideo Casey Calvert Abigail Mac A Very Personal Assistant

Casey Calvert is a long way from Iowa, as she trains as a temp personal assistant for Hollywood agent, Cherie Deville! Abigail Mac, the usual assistant, is giving Casey the full run-down of duties, which all seem normal. But soon they are in Cherie’s ‘special’ bedroom full of the horny MILFs sex toys–which Casey will now be in charge of cleaning and keeping organized. Also, she must find Cherie hot young female escorts to fulfill Cherie’s desires, or Casey can...

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GinnyChapter 10

The new term started and Ginny and I had persuaded Shirley to try to become computer literate so she was taking courses at the community college on Microsoft Windows and also Office. We felt this was a good way to get her back in some kind of atmosphere of learning. She had watched us using the computer for so many things that she had expressed a desire to learn how to use it. We could have taken the time to show her ourselves, but we felt it would be more beneficial for her to go somewhere...

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Universe of lust

Your name is John the year is 2020 in your college dorm and your birthday is around the corner, your about to be 20 years old and you haven’t even fucked a girl yet you’ve always been so shy about it and most of the time people will pick on you because of it.. so one night after being so annoyed you where laying down on your bed when you made a wish to the universe to help out with your situation but little did you know you will get a lot more than expected.. in his sleep a sexual entity heard...

Mind Control
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Love Between Siblings Leads To Them Living Together Ch 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Let me introduce myself, my name is Wayne. I have a wonderful sister, Jacquee, who is six years younger than I am. Although there is an age difference, we were playmates when we were young and friends when we grew older. We would do everything together. If I wanted to play baseball or softball, Jacquee would play with my friends and me. She could play baseball and softball better than most of the boys in the neighborhood. If she wanted to play dress up...

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FilthyMassage Skylar Vox A Filthy Massage for Busty Skylar Vox

Skylar is ready to get a deep tissue massage, I start out coating her in oil, making sure every part of her body is dripping in oil. I am ready to rub her down the way she needs, I start out with her nice big natural tits rubbing them till the oil soaks into her soft skin. I slide my hands down to her round ass, I can feel her pressing back against my hands, she wants this more than I do. I am ready to give her a happy ending pounding her tight pussy right on top of my massage table while she...

3 years ago
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one night when i woke up

this was one night over msn to each other. Imagine if i was lying on your bed...You walk over im only wearing a bra and the pair of tie up pants...As you approach me i lean up tu give you a kiss...I notice your bulgin boxers and get wet from spottin it... I sit you down and pull what can only be described as throbbing i lick the head... A little bit of precum comes out and i get a tad wetter... You tug on one side on my pants...They immediatly come loose havin been barely tied properly....Since...

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Planned or Was It CoincidenceChapter 2

It was several days later and now it was Katie's turn to relate her fantasy. Both she and Jamie were sat in dressing gowns side by side when she started. Jamie; you had to go away for seven days because of work and I was left here alone; by the third day I was as horny as hell and found that my fingers and vibrator were just not hitting the spot; so I decided to slip down to the video store and pick up a new adult DVD. I thought I locked the doors but maybe I did not; but when I returned to...

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Fog and Rain Rain and Fog

 There was only one town on this, one of the smaller islands in the northernmost reaches of Puget Sound, hard by the Canadian border. There were no beaches on this side of the island and the town sat above the huge rocks on which the waves crashed below.The town had one store and a small restaurant to serve the fewer than five hundred people who lived on the island year round, most of whom lived in the town. Inland there were a few farmers who grew strawberries in the mild summers. The winters...

Love Stories
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My first time touching another mans dick

So here's another true story of mine.In case that someone haven't read my previous story I will introduce my self a little. I'm calling myself Kotryna, i'm a 30 years old Crossdresser from Lithuania (sorry for my English btw). Iv'e been doing that since my c***dhood, but my experience with other people while crossdressed is not that big as my experience crossdressing. In this story I will tell you my first experience with other men while I was still thinking that i'm a straight like a string. I...

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2ChicksSameTime Ana Foxxx Misty Stone 22551

Misty Stone and Ana Foxxx aren’t gonna let a horrible movie theater experience ruin their night! They had such a terrible time at the picture show that Misty went ahead and called up her little black book and found one of her good guy friends to come over and entertain them. Ryan shows up minutes later and Misty’s ready to jump his bones and show Ana another type of movie! But this time around, Ana doesn’t want to just be a viewer, she wants to participate! Both ebony beauties are wet for...

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Incest Fantasy II

As I said in an earlier story, once I started my affair with my daughter, I usually went to the massage parlor in the evening because I usually went to my daughter's apartment in the middle of the day to make love to her. But one day, I decided to go to the massage parlor in the middle of the day and I got an even bigger shock than when my daughter came through the door. My wife came through the door. Her costume was even briefer than my daughter's, consisting only of a gauzy camisole that did...

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My Beloved Shreya

The day had broken with a indescribable dew and sunrise. From where I stood the shadows of last night's lovemaking were painted on the walls of infinity. Shreya's eyes had glowed in her Tantric moment and I was was the receiver of her luscious mouth and breasts as she leaned over to kiss mine. Shreya loved me like no other woman and I was happy to have her . I loved her long silken hair between my fingers when she got down on me, she caressed me with her beautiful mouth, to please. Her...

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My introduction to a new lifestyle V

While we were watching the game Jerry said he missed me. I told him I was trying to repeat what we did at his home, but it didn't feel the same. Squeezing my leg he said, why don't you ask if you can come over for a few days. I'd like that I exclaimed.When we made it to my house I asked mom if I could stay at Jerry's house for a few days. After her and Jerry talked mom said I could. I hurried and packed a bag. When I came back from my room I heard Jerry telling mom he'd have me home Sunday...

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Jasons TaleChapter 8 Looking for a Base

For the rest of that voyage I treated Gina like a cross between a worthless fuckpig slave and my much-loved wife. As long as she was doing whatever I said I was nice to her. Any hesitation or backtalk, though, and I was rubbing her ass where she’d been spanked. At night, I made her sleep on top of me and both of us were naked. Any wiggling like she wanted my cock inside her got her ass popped. I’d told her that I’d do that when her ass stopped hurting, and trying it before then would just...

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Graduation Present

All characters named and any actions taken are fictional. Graduation Present 90%, bloody hell, bloody fucking hell!! 90%. I had done it, I had achieved the percentage needed for the best present that is on offer, I was a grade 1 student! Let me explain, I have been a total shit bag for a few years now, no qualifications and in trouble with the police pretty often. After a short stint in prison I was offered a chance to take part in a new rehabilitation scheme. This scheme teaches you a trade,...

Straight Sex
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Meeting the golden surfer

I had been chatting it up online with this really hot guy.He's a little older than me, but oh so sexy! Blonde hair and blue eyes, and all the bad boy tattoos!But, hes not a bad boy, he's from the island of Hawaii.Raised with manners and a calm nature.He ended up being my knight in shinging armour. After chatting a few more days off and on, he wanted me to text him. So, we exchanged numbers and shortly thereafter, my phone was ringing. It was him. He was headed out to a local bar and wanted to...

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Union RebellingChapter 17

Kat's reception on her arrival at the Callabrian spaceport was a sight warmer than her arrival on Calysto had been. Helios was waiting at the gate with a big, hand-lettered sign reading "Themis Agnoset" on top, and "Ready to party?" below. The wording was surrounded by what were obviously supposed to be balloons and party favors, perhaps fireworks, and the whole thing looked like it was a grade school child's art project. Kat had to laugh at the big grin on his face and Helios stood...

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Party Girl Journals 5 Fullfilment

P arty Girl Journal’s # 5 *All of the events in the Party Girl Journals are real..just the names have been changed to protect the Naughty.* At my place of pleasure I helped fulfill a long held fantasy for a new friend. It had been his desire,(and half the men in America’s desire) to be blindfolded, and ravaged by several women at once. But…he had another burning desire as well that no one knew of, even his Prudish wife. He secretly wanted to have a Bisexual experience, but was terrified to...

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Jackis BitchesChapter 1 Carols Parents Return

Carol was sitting in the parlor of her Uncle Rob's home awaiting the arrival of her parents. Carol, an 18 year old high school senior, was staying with her Uncle and his girlfriend, Joy, in order to finish high school while her parents were on an extended, three-month long European vacation. Carol was not only wanted to see them again, but she suddenly realized how much she had missed them both dearly. Carol loved both her Uncle Rob and his girlfriend, and also really enjoyed their sexual...

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pushing the limits

Pushing the threshold!I see a massage guy “James” regularly. I was str8 till I saw him and over the first few visits, I became aware I am open sexually. He told me during a meeting that he told another client about our get together and the client stated that must be hot to watch. I said “wow’ that would be hot. The next time I saw him I had noticed the lights down a little more than usual, but a lay face down and he began my massage. 40 or so minutes just like a normal massage then as normal...

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The Curious Adventures of Teaganella Presents

A Requiem of My DreamsFor the readers who have followed the Curious Adventures of Teaganella Presents, from the beginning, then you know what happened in the last episode. And for the ones who read the Babysitter, part I and II, those two stories are more fiction about myself, yet with the non-fiction influence of my older sister and the lifestyle I witnessed in our house. I must make it clear that whatever happened in the Babysitter series, did not happen to me. What happened in the last...

3 years ago
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Gay Surprise

I believe everyone's sexual orientation can be plotted on a continuum from nearly 100% hetro (I know most would claim 100%, but I doubt it) to nearly 100% LBGT (that's the current term - look it up). The point is I consider myself pretty straight - my male asshole is still a virgin - but you never know...Here's my story as an urban grad school student in Richmond, VA. I'm driving home after classes, when I see a cute redhead girl in a short skirt hitch-hiking, looking for a ride in the...

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A Lesson for Erik

Looking around, Tamara watched her friend’s furtive eyes and smiled. “Are you wondering where he is?” Tamara giggled at her friend’s surprised reaction. “I am, so where are you hiding your new house-guest? In the basement?” Running her fingers over the velour of the sofa, she craved the sensuousness of being touched. The delicate rustle of her silk stockings caressed the taut cotton of her pencil skirt. Taking a seat in the sumptuous chair, she eased back. “Your G&T.” announced Tamara as she...

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didi ko preplanned choda

hi to all indian sex stories readers after along time i am going to tell u my real true incident between me and my sweet didi..here i am going to write really true words..as my confession to everyone what i did to my didi…i am raju…25 years old young lusty guy…for my Indian Hindi lovers i am going to write in hindi….so as i am doing my masters…now i am going to tell you about my didi… wah bahut hi khoobsurat hai…having 36-30-38 of figure…didi bahut hi mast hai,,eekdum gadraii jawani ki...

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Emma Watsonrsquos Frat Party

Emma was considering pledging to an American sorority while at University. She was unsure exactly what that meant, and what she would have to do as a pledge. Two weeks into her studies, she was invited to a Frat and Sorority party as a guest. She said yes.She was told the dress code for the party would be ultra-casual. She could wear whatever she wanted! She planned on wearing cutoff jeans shorts, a “The It Muscle Sleeveless Tank Top”, and running shoes without socks. She also went "commando!”...

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Claudias Condition the HealingChapter 14

“Can we go shopping for my new tops now?” Allison immediately asked. “I can imagine how long that’ll take!” Dan joked, rolling his eyes skyward. “We’ll make it worth your while for the sexy tops you buy us!” Claudia cooed to him, with a hand on his crotch. “Besides, consider our clothes shopping to be part of our healing process.” “Oh boy, I had better check our bank account to make sure we have enough money!” He kidded. “I haven’t had a teenaged daughter to enjoy clothes shopping with so...

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Sexy Mature Housewife

By : Hardmale_for_couples Hello everyone, I am Raj, from Pune. I am 29 yrs old and well settled in life. Thanks for the replies to my previous stories. This is true encounter is with a mature lady whom I met in a shopping mall in Pune. I would like your comments. It was a weekday afternoon when I had gone to SGS Mall in Camp area in Pune to buy something. While shopping I saw a gorgeous mature lady standing infront of me. She must have been in her mid to late 40’s, but still attractive like...

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The Bankers Wife

I saw this story called "The Banker's Wife" on another site. It was by the author called "loveking." I told him that I liked his story and wanted to re-write it for my own amusement. I offered to send it to him for him to use as a variation of his own. I never heard from him; one way or the other. I emailed him more than once. The message said it had been sent and detected no errors. I offer this story as a variation of his. I have substantially kept the dialogue close to the...

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A Tale of 2 Nerds

Introduction: Twins have an Interesting experience .. This is my first story ever, so please be gentle with the reviews. Ive always found incest interesting, although I DONT have a sister, so this is a work of FICTION. Im not a great writer, but I hope this helps at least ONE person cum. I just picked 2 random names for the twins, incase anyone cares. I tried my best, and I know every single story on this site gets at least one flame, so give me your worst, if you must. If you LIKE it,...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Blackmail

Driving home , the highway was deserted, my hand was playing with my wife's pussy, and not paying attention to speed, soon we saw the flashing red lights behind us. I pulled over as the young officer approached our car. Taking my license and registration, he said that we were speeding along with reckless driving, and some other charges too. He ran his check from his car and came back to us. Saying that we had no wants outstanding, he was still giving us several tickets. He played his light...

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Debbie 40 Year old from Dunfermline Scotland

A few years ago, I answered an advert on fastflirting to meet with a couple. I was picked up around 8pm outside ‘The Globe’ bar in the Westport area of Dundee by the guy, who was much older than me, and we headed off for Dunfermline to meet his woman. He told me on the way it was her 40th birthday and I was to sit in the back of his jeep when we got there. We arrived, and he sent her a text, I was sitting in the back, when the door opened and in climbed a very pretty blonde, about 5ft 4′, slim...

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King of Femtopia

(Game mode is on. You should use the Start Game button on the right. Its much more fun and makes more sense that way.) You are a regular guy. To be honest, one of your ex-girlfriends once called you the most ordinary guy she ever met. There is absolutely nothing special about you. You have average looks, a regular boring job, an average family and no interests of any interest. Your relationships last around four years, then the ladies get bored and leave you. You are 30 years old, and until now...


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