Moms Last Visit
- 1 year ago
- 37
- 0
I opened the door and the cool air hit us in the face. “Whew! So, this is where you guys have decided to retire?” My mom’s question sounded like an introduction to one of her critical arguments. I’d just picked her up from Tucson International.
“Yeah, Mom, and I don’t want to hear anything about it except how nice and warm it is in Arizona in February,” I replied. S
he still lived in the Montana town where she and I both, in our respective turns, had grown up. “You know I’ve talked about moving to a warmer climate for a long time. Julie didn’t want to, so that was just another reason we divorced. That’s it.”
I had been fortunate in business and unfortunate in my personal life in my 37 years. I had managed to hit the peaks of both the ‘’ bubble and the real estate bubble before they both crashed.
So I was unofficially ‘retired’ at a young age. My comment about my personal life only meant that I married young, had a kid, and had a divorce in my past. My marriage left me with huge credit card bills and a son who was, at the time, three years old. She surrendered custody to me when we divorced.
The ‘you guys’ referred to my sixteen year old son, Cal and me. She always adopted the wise older woman role when she wanted to object to something with me. It was totally lost on her that she was only sixteen years older that I was.
My granddad got her pregnant when she was just fifteen and I’m the result. I never knew my grandfather was actually my father, too, until he had died and Mom told me. She didn’t think my grandmother knew.
Anyway, there were fewer years of age separating Mom and me than between my son Cal and me. More about Mom and me when I was growing up in a little bit.
“Well, would you rather be sliding around on your little butt on the ice in Montana or jumping into a nice warm pool in Arizona, like we have in the back yard?”
“You have a pool!?” she practically shrieked. I crossed the room to draw the vertical blinds away to show her. The pool sparkled in the sun as the breeze ruffled the surface. A hot tub sat to one side. I’d built a wooden canopy that shaded it from the sun if we chose to close the tinted sliding panels.
“Nice,” she said as she gazed at the pool. Swimming was one of Mom’s favorite things, I knew.
As I said, we had just picked her up from the airport that day. She lived in the old house where I grew up, in Montana, where, this time of year, it was running at about two degrees above zero that same day.
That was part of what caused our actions about the time I was thirteen. It was colder in February than I could remember that year. In Arizona this year it was still February, but in Arizona we had 75 degrees or better.
Cal brought his grandma’s bags in from the truck and carried them to the spare bedroom we’d cleaned out for her. All the sports stuff and camping gear had been stashed in the garage. I already told you I was the product of incest. But I waited until now to tell you other important stuff.
Stuff like how I remember bathing with Mom until I was about nine or ten before she got an attack of conscience and kicked me out of the shower because my little dick kept getting hard when she had me wash her.
Is the tendency toward incest genetic? I have no idea. I do know that when she made me take showers alone I missed her hands on me and my hands on her naked body, though I guess by then I was able to understand it.
I still missed soaping up her curves and helping rinse them off. During the coldest weather that long ago February when I was thirteen, though, Mom had me sleep in her bed.
I wore underwear, but Mom was clad only in panties. Her breasts pressed against me frequently while she spooned my back.
“Gramma? Did you want me to start stashing your clothes away?” Cal’s voice came from down the hall.
“No, honey, I’ll take care of that,” Mom said. I had to laugh. Cal had just broken up with his girlfriend.
“He sounded hopeful,” I said.
“HOPEFUL?! Did he inherit your horniness?”
“What?! What do you mean?”
“Oh, honey, don’t you think I knew you spied on me after I told you to bathe by yourself? Did you think I didn’t know you used to use my soiled panties to masturbate?”
I felt my cheeks go red. I did know because she caught me one time sniffing her used panties before dropping them into the washer. Until now, I thought I’d covered my incestuous desires pretty well.
“Uh, I guess you probably did, now you mention it,” I admitted, feeling a shame I’d never felt before.
She hugged me tight. “Don’t feel bad, Tom,” she whispered to me. “It made me feel closer to you.” Suddenly, I blurted, “I wanted to be even closer.”
“Of course. Most boys’ first love and sexual trigger is his mother. Psychologists have studied it. Don’t be ashamed. Especially since it kind of turned me on too.”
“Mom! You mean...” She laughed.
“Yeah, from about the time you started high school, I kind of wanted my big strong son to take the next step, since I couldn’t bring myself to do it.
I hadn’t had sex since shortly after your grampa stopped fucking me about a week before you were born, and I was missing it. Once you were born, he wanted to go back to it but I told him it wasn’t right.”
I collapsed on the couch. Every time I managed to get a girl into the back seat of my old beater of a car in high school, I was making love to my beautiful mother in my mind.
I looked at her back as she gazed out on the pool. She was still only barely into her fifties, and looked as good to me as she had when I was fourteen and horny as I peeped on her.
Apparently, she knew I had watched but never said anything about it to me. It wasn’t just one night that I peeped at her, either.
Since she was being so open about this, I did what I wanted to do and got up to move to her, standing behind her and hugging her tightly, my arms around her just below her breasts. In her ear, I whispered, “Why didn’t you give me a hint?”
She nearly collapsed in laughter. Finally, she looked at me and asked, “So an open door so you could watch me frig myself wasn’t enough of an invitation?”
“Nope,” I said, “I didn’t want to lose what I had: live images of a woman’s sexual activities and response.”
I kissed her ear and the side of her neck. “Well, you’re here now. Would you like to remedy the situation?” I dared to ask.
She pressed herself tighter to me and gave a kind of purr. “Honey, I’m over 50. You’re almost forty. You can’t still want this old used up body.”
“You just turned 53! And yes, I can – I’d love it.” I said, and I moved my arms up so I was cupping her breasts in both of my hands. I kissed her neck again. She turned in my arms and kissed me full on the lips, tongue included.
Just then Cal gasped. We hadn’t heard him come in the room. Guiltily, we turned to face him. His mouth was still open. “Is that the way our family kisses now?” he asked with a smile.
I was stiff in my shorts and Mom had made a sobbing sound as we kissed. “Son...” I began, but Mom interrupted me.
“Sometimes it is, when we haven’t seen one another for a long time. Would you like me to kiss you like that?”
“Wow! Yeah, Gramma! I kissed a girl once who taught me that.” He hurried across the room and Mom wrapped him in a hip-hugging clench. She raised her face (he’s just under six feet tall) and laid a lip lock on him that made MY toes curl. She had a handful of his tight teenaged butt, too.
His eyes, when the kiss stopped, were big and round. I glanced down to see his bulging crotch. “Wow!” he finally said. “That girl didn’t kiss me that good! Welcome to Arizona, Gramma!” he said with a huge grin. He drifted off (probably to go jerk off).
Once he was gone, for some reason she suddenly confessed another thing to me. “Tom, I’ve been diagnosed with lymphoma. That’s the second reason I came here.
“Of course I wanted to see you and Cal, but I wanted to tell you in person. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, but I’d been saving up to come see you anyway. My doctor was good enough to refer me to a guy here that he says is a top notch oncologist, so the insurance pays for most of my plane fare.”
“What?! When did you find out? Why did you wait to tell me?”
“I guess I felt like getting all the old secrets out first. And I wanted to tell you in person.” She smiled sadly then and looked at me.
“There’s one more secret. When you were a baby, I was in a doctor’s waiting room, I read that Korean mothers usually can get cranky boy babies to sleep by sucking their ... little penis.
“I decided to try it with you. It worked! But beyond that, I loved it. Sometimes I did it just because I loved it. You never objected either. (Of course, you couldn’t talk yet, so you could hardly tell me if you did.) You would just giggle when I did it. I was ashamed then, but I’m not now. Back then I forced myself to stop when you were about two. I’m not ashamed to confess it to you now.
I have loved you from before you were born and I’ve always wanted you to find your own way. Still, that physical closeness and contact were missed as you grew up. After you left for college was the worst of all. I didn’t have anybody at all then. I wanted you to know now, since I’m going to die.”
“MOM! Nobody said you’re going to die, have they?”
“Well, yeah, kind of, the doctor says there’s no cure, and I doubt I’ll last until they do find one, if ever. The treatment the doctor will give me will hopefully extend my time, if it doesn’t make things worse.
I hugged her and couldn’t hold my tears back.
A splash outside brought us out of the funk we’d fallen into. Cal was practicing. He’s on the swim team and had a meet coming up. But he swam daily, nevertheless. As usual, he wore his tiny blue Speedo team trunks.
Those times he swam for fun at home, he usually went nude, the way I always do. Mom’s breathing had changed when she watched him doing laps. I still stood behind her and she let her right hand drop to grasp my thigh through my shorts.
I looked up to see Cal climbing from the pool. His body glistened in the sunlight. His slim yet strong form stood on the pool surround as he toweled himself off briefly. “He has the same body you had at his age, Tom, but your chest was growing hair. Cal doesn’t have any.”
“Do you know that serious swimmers shave their entire bodies, supposedly for better speed?” Mom took in another quick breath.
“No. Does Cal do that?”
“He does,” I said. “He asked me if it looked too ‘girly’, since he’d be showering with the team. They don’t all shave, I guess.” My hands were massaging her stomach muscles by then.
“Ooh. I’d love to see that,” Mom breathed. She obviously liked my hands rubbing her. She had relaxed her body back against mine. My cock was uncomfortable, since it was hard in its downward position.
I leaned my hips away to adjust it. I couldn’t suppress a laugh. “Is it just a thing for young guys you have, Mom?”
She pulled free from my embrace and turned on me. “Listen! I love you! I love Cal! I’d do anything to make you both happy! But I’m also a woman, supposedly in my sexual prime. It sure feels like it, if being horny is any way to tell!
“I don’t believe the incest that produced you was wrong. I enjoyed it. Your ‘Grampa’ enjoyed it ... EVERY TIME!”
“Okay. I guess I just never got the whole story before,” I said sheepishly.
Mom went to sit on the couch. “Do you have anything to drink around here?” she asked. “Sure, you want water, juice, beer, booze?”
“What kind of booze?”
“I have Vodka, Bourbon and Tequila.” “Lime and salt?”
“Sure. Want Tequila?”
“Yeah, bring the bottle and a lime, a saucer and salt. And a knife!”
I did as she asked. My mind was in a spin. I hadn’t known everything, but it seemed, if there was more, that I was going to hear it.
Once I poured her first shot and she licked the salt, chugged the shot, and sucked the slice of lime, with a sour face and a shake of her head she sat back and closed her eyes.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Cal starting to open the sliding door. I motioned for him to use the door from his bedroom instead, the one he’d come out of, and I made a shushing gesture. I didn’t know what was coming, but I wanted to hear it alone.
He gave me a ‘thumbs up’ and disappeared. “Mom?” I was checking to see if she was asleep.
“I’m awake. I was just meditating to calm myself. Tom, this is hard for me. I have a lot of memories and secrets that I really think it is better for you to know than not, before I die.
And, for me, too. You know, like confession.” She poured another shot for herself.
“Mom! Once again, you aren’t going to die soon. We all die someday, but your time isn’t soon.
You said your doctor had referred you to the best guy here. See what he has to say. Cancer patients, even if they aren’t ‘cured’, can live a long time ... years.”
Then she said something that shocked me to my toes.
“Did you know that I was a whore for two years?” The breath left my body and I had to gasp.
“N-No. When?”
“Oh, years ago, when you were just a baby. Your Grampa wanted to keep fucking me and give himself another grandchild. I wanted him to stop. So one night I left, taking you and my ma’s money from the cookie jar.
She told me later she wished I’d told her: she had some more money squirreled away she would have given me.
“So, anyway, after I hitched my way to the city, I started looking for jobs. Shit, I was sixteen, a high school drop-out, with a baby. What idiot would hire me? That’s the way I felt until I went to the Dairy Barn.
The skinny guy talked with the cigarette in his mouth. He asked about me and almost balked at my age. But he had other sixteen year old girls working there, so he hired me.
After about a week, he came and talked to me during a break. It was just us two out in back, and I was afraid he’d either fire me or come on to me, but he told me he could hook me up to make a lot more money for a lot less work. ‘You might even enjoy it,’ he said with a nasty smile.
He told me flat out it was prostitution. A girl in my circumstances had to take what she could get, he told me. I realized he was right. So I went for it.”
“Mom, you don’t have to tell me all this. It’s the past; dead. This is now.” I swallowed a shot of tequila as this new information sank in.
“But I want to hear it, Dad,” Cal said from the hallway. We didn’t know he’d been listening and I didn’t know how much of our conversation he’d heard. “So, you got pregnant with Dad after your dad fucked ... I mean had sex with you?”
“No, you were right the first time. Daddy never ‘made love’, or ‘had sex’. He fucked me, hard, each time he came to my bed. And, yes, that’s where your daddy came from. I’m sorry, Cal honey. I hadn’t planned on telling you all this, just your dad.”
“Wow.” Cal didn’t have any words at the time. But my damn mom did! I hoped the news wouldn’t screw him up. “So, I hear you’re on the swim team, Cal.”
“Yeah, I never liked football or too much baseball.”
“So do you shave all your body hair off, the way the pros do?” Cal’s mouth dropped open but he recovered fast.
“Uh, well, mostly. Not my head, of course, but I got better scores after shaving my legs and arms.”
“But, your chest and everywhere else?” I could tell Mom was trying to work Cal. I just didn’t know why.
“Um. Well, of course my chest. I was as hairy as Dad there, almost. But once I was in the shower with a razor, it was too much t
emptation not to just ‘do it’, as the Nike ads say. Yeah, the hair you can see is all there is.” Cal admitted this with a blush and a sheepish smile.
“Ooh, I’d love to see the rest. Would you show me Cal?” This was more bizarre by the minute.
At that point, I asked Cal to go clean the grill out back and I told Mom I had to start dinner.
“Hey, I can cook. Did you forget”?”
“Of course not, but this is my house and my kitchen. If I need your help, I’ll ask for it. Okay?”
“I’ll try to shut up. That’s all I can do.”
I laughed. “Good enough. Try hard.”
“Meanwhile, do you ... in ‘your house’ have a dress code?” she asked.
I looked back at her. I was amazed in the change in her. I was pretty sure where she was going, but it took a few minutes to prove me right.
“No, wear what you want. You’re probably roasting in that sweater.”
“Yeah. I am. But, as I recall, you used to go naked when I wasn’t home.”
She was referring to one time, when I was fifteen, that she caught me naked out in our fenced back yard. I used to love it in the summer to lay out in the sun, when we got the high fence. But she came home from work before I knew it that day. I hurried past her to go put some shorts on.
She didn’t get mad or mention it again. Until now. “So, are you asking if we go naked ... or if you can?”
“Yes and yes. It’s just the way I am these days. Since I have a disease that is going to kill me, I want to do everything I’ve always wanted to do.”
I stopped and looked at my mother. She was pulling off her sweater. She got it off, leaving her short, reddish hair in a clown-like mess. I went to her to help smooth it down. My eyes went naturally to her white bra, containing her fairly large breasts. I remembered them from when we bathed and showered together.
“Well, Mom, feel free to go naked here if you want. Cal will be bug-eyed for a while, but he’ll get used to it soon. Is that what you’re saying?”
She looked into the distance (the distance in her head and in time) with a serious concentration, then she leaned forward and asked me, “Would you unhook me, please, Tommy?”
She hadn’t called me Tommy for a long time. I gladly helped her out of the bra, the way she used to have me do when I was little.
She leaned back and turned sideways, leaning against me. She allowed my hands to slide down to knead her breasts. She groaned quietly. Then she moaned as I began to caress them, rolling and pinching their hard nipples.
And Cal came out of his room. He stopped, mouth open, when he saw me feeling his Gramma’s nice boobs.
I winked at him and motioned with my head for him to come on in. He crossed the room and edged over to the chair, set at an angle to the couch. where Mom and I had moved to sit down.
Mom opened her eyes to see Cal, practically drooling as he watched me massage his grandmother’s tits.
“Oh, hi, honey,” she said with a smile. “Come sit by me, Cal. I haven’t seen you in so long.”
Cal stood, trying to conceal his erection unsuccessfully, Mom laughed, “Oh, hell, Cal. Don’t hide your dick! I’m gettin’ out of these damn pants in a minute. I go naked at home and your dad has given me permission to go bare here, as well. So why don’t you peel off those Speedos and let me see how well you shave.” All this was said as Cal came to sit next to Mom.
He had trouble paying attention or tearing his eyes away from his grandmother’s beautiful tits. Yet he heard and stood up again to get rid of his tight trunks that had restricted his erection.
“Oh, you’re so pretty. Oh! No, not pretty like a girl, but you have such a perfect body.”
Suddenly, Mom reached out and dragged Cal closer by grabbing his dick, He looked up at me, but all I could do is shrug and grin.
Cal smiled at me as he pushed my left hand away from Mom’s tit and replaced it with his own.
Mom was nearly ready to suck him off, I thought. I let go of the other tit and leaned back.
I didn’t know what the fuck was going on, but I liked it so far. Mom hugged his belly to her cheek and smiled as she slowly stroked Cal’s boner. Then she went ahead and ‘just did it’.
Starting with kisses all along his shaft, she returned to the tip and slowly engulfed the whole thing.
His eyes were closed and his hands flexed on Mom’s tits. I poured a shot of Tequila for myself as I watched the display of loving incest.
I barely had time to drink the shot before Cal was grunting and filling his grandmother’s mouth with his young seed. He collapsed next to her breathing hard. Mom sat up with a smile and turned to look at me. Then she swallowed. She grinned and left for her room.
Cal gazed at me with a kind of glazed expression. A few minutes later we saw Mom, in her naked glory, dive into the pool. “Dad ... what ... I mean, why? Has she ever done that to you?”
I withheld the ‘baby calming technique’ since it was really her secret, not mine. I just shook my head as I admired Mom’s still sexy body.
In my opinion, she hadn’t changed a lot, physically, over the past years. Her breasts sagged a bit and there was a little more roundness and padding around her hips and butt. To me, she was still a beautiful and desirable woman.
Cal stood beside me. His cock was hard again but he seemed not to mind. No doubt he was hoping for Act 2 of the drama.
Mom turned and saw us watching her. She beckoned for us to come outside.
“Can we?” Cal asked.
“You go ahead, son. Be careful. By the way, was that your first blow job?”
He grinned. “Yeah,” was all he said before sliding the door open and stepping outside. I slid the door closed and went to start the salad. As I worked, I considered what we would do now.
I had expected Mom to stay a week or two. But this was turning out to be a lengthier stay, especially if she had chemotherapy.
But then what? My grandparents were dead, and I didn’t have any aunts or uncles that I knew of.
So ... what? She goes through chemo and goes back to being alone up north? I couldn’t let her do that.
She’d get depressed and, that by itself would drop her chances of success against the cancer to nearly nothing, I thought. I had read that depression alone could kill a person, even without cancer – or them killing themselves.
We’ll ask her to live here. I wonder how that would go. She could get wound up sometimes, but she had always been fair with me.
In the back of my head, too, was the pornographic image of her grandson’s dick spurting in her mouth. I want to feel that, too, after all the years of wishing for it and her acceptance when I told her. I decided to wait to bring any future plans up. She might even broach the subject after she began treatment.
I heard them calling me. I opened the door and they asked me to bring some towels out – they had forgotten. I got some from the linen closet and started to go out the other door in my bedroom. I suddenly decided I’d strip down as they had done. I didn’t want to feel out of place, being the only one dressed.
So I dropped my shorts and tee shirt on the bed and stepped out to silence as they saw me. My erection led me across the tile to the pool. They applauded my decision. “Tommy! God, you are a handsome man!” Mom said.
“Thanks, Mom, you always say that” I replied. My erection made me self-conscious for a few minutes. But Cal’s prick had relaxed some, so I hoped mine would, too. There would come a time when I wanted it stiff for Mom, but that afternoon wasn’t it. As I watched them dry off,
Cal asked me, “Are you going in, Dad?”
“No. Not right now. I’ll start the grill in a few minutes and make dinner. Right now, I’m gonna have a beer and relax.”
They followed me back into the house through the same door I’d left standing open. I got to the kitchen with Cal right behind me, babbling about how great it was having his Gramma there. I chuckled at that. Just before I turned into the kitchen, I glanced back. Mom had disappeared.
I asked Cal to open me a beer and I returned to the bedroom. My mother was spread out on my bed with my used undies on her face. Her hand was petting her hairy mound. My erection throbbed.
She opened an eye. Pulling the shorts off her face she smiled. Seeing my dick bob up and down, she laughed. “Yeah, that’s pretty much the same reaction I got when you used my panties. Of course it was the internal female version.”
I laughed. Crossing to the bed I knelt to inhale her scent, now combined with the chlorine smell from the pool. But I could smell her, too. She was a horny woman, that was for sure. I kissed her hard on her pussy mound before I stood up to leave.
“Maybe you should shave your pussy, Mom,” I said, hearing the surreal words as if said by someone else.
“I’ve been thinking about it after seeing Cal. Maybe you should, too.”
I grinned at her. “I’m sure if you asked Cal, he’d be more than willing to do the job for you.” “Oh! That would be fun!”
“I don’t doubt that – for both of you,” I laughed. As I went back to the kitchen, Mom went back to my undies. Cal had put my beer in one of the foam cozies -- or coozies -- I had. I took a long drink.
“Want me to finish making the salad, Dad?” he asked.
“Well, sure! That will help me out.”
He got the knife and started chopping and tearing at the ingredients I’d left out. “Um ... how long is Gramma staying, Dad?” He kept working as he spoke.
“We haven’t discussed it. She has a doctor’s appointment this week here in town.” He turned and looked at me.
“What’s wrong?”
“Ask her, bud. Patient privacy, and all that, you know?”
He set the knife down and went down the hall. I finished the salad and put it into the refrigerator with the burger patties I’d mixed up earlier. Then I got more towels for us to sit our naked asses on around the house and used one on my desk chair before sitting back down.
My laptop was sitting on the desk so I booted it up. I logged into my browser and started to research lymphoma. I read about the different varieties and what the symptoms were of each one There was a huge bunch of stuff to read, so I bookmarked the page and went searching other sites.
My email was negligible, so I moved on. About then Cal returned, Mom’s arm over his shoulder. His eyes were red and so were Mom’s. They’d had a good cry together, I guessed. I looked at the clock. It was only 3:00. “How hungry are you guys?” I asked.
Cal said he wasn’t hungry yet. Mom was operating on the Mountain Standard as we were. “It’s too early for me yet, too, Tommy,” she said.
“Did you bring enough warm weather clothes, Mom?”
“I have two pairs of shorts and several light tops. But if we’re nudists, who cares?”
I laughed and hugged her. My softened cock against her thigh. “Well, we’ll have to dress to go anywhere.”
“I think I have enough, honey,” she said.
“That depends on how long you’re staying. How long ARE you planning on staying?”
“My return ticket is for two weeks.”
“Uh, what do you think you’re going to do after you see the doctor? Will you have treatment?”
“Oh, I don’t know. I’ve heard the stories. It’s a tough way to go. But the alternative is to just sit back and let the cancer kill me eventually. It would get worse and worse.
But treatment makes things worse right away. Sometimes it helps fight the cancer but you still get sick from the treatment.” She shook her head. “I decided I’d wait to hear what the doc says.”
“The first thing I’d like you to do is cash in that return ticket. Tell them you have medical reasons. If you decide to have chemo it takes several weeks or months. Even if you don’t treat it, you’d be going back alone – and be alone again. I want you to stay here, please. Whether you have treatment or not.”
“Yeah, Gramma!” Cal chimed in. “We love you and you need us to be with you, especially if you get sick.”
She smiled at him, then at me. “May I have one of those beers, Tommy?” it looks good.” Cal jumped up before I could answer and retrieved one for her and another for me. He passed them out and looked at me pleadingly.
“Go ahead. But just one, buddy,” I said. He grinned and got himself a beer and another holder. I must have a dozen of those things. We drank our beers and talked.
“Well, we aren’t going to eat for a few hours yet,” I said. “We have time to go pick up some more shorts and tops for you. My treat!” I didn’t know her financial situation. But she’d said she had to save up for a round trip ticket from Missoula to Tucson, and that can’t be all that expensive.
“Well, sure,” she said. “I don’t think I need more clothes, but I want to see more of this place.”
So we got dressed and piled into the car. I drove to the nearest of the several malls in town and we shopped. Or, rather, Mom shopped and we became porters, carrying the bags.
Mom asked if we’d be swimming somewhere else. “We can, or we might invite friends to swim. Let me guess: you didn’t bring a suit?” She hadn’t. Mom modeled a bikini. It was deep (but not dark) green and it didn’t leave a lot to the imagination. She blushed when I pointed out that every one of the men, waiting for their wives, went totally still to stare as she turned to show off the thong bottom.
When Cal quietly applauded, the rest of us – even the strangers -- joined in. She giggled and gave us a bow, letting her tits hang in their ‘nipple covers’, since that was all the top really covered.
“Should I get it? I love the shade of green.”
Today is a very special day, my son is coming to visit me after not seeing him in sixteen years he is now twenty two years old, his mother and I divorced and she got custody of him when he was younger due the fact that I was in the military and traveling all over the world and not staying put too long in one place, My son Eric wants to get to know his father and I wanted to get to know my son, he is planning on staying the entire summer with me and we were going to bond as father and son, and...
Several years ago my Sister In Law came to visit. It was well known by my wife that I had a thing for her sister. She is equally sexy and seeing her dressed and watching her I always wondered what was beneath the clothing. Do her tits look similar? Is her pussy similar with large labia? When I found out she was coming for a visit my wife was already on to me about how lucky I was going to be. I could check her out. We made plans to take her to see the sights locally. We had even planned to take...
Aunt Janice Comes To Visit Pt 1 Me, my step sister Lori and step mother Susan have been having sex together now for almost a month. I never dreamed my life would turn out like this, being with my step sister was so taboo and mind blowing, but my step mother too. I mean, she is one of the most beautiful and sexy women I have ever seen, and to be so downright dirty blows my mind. She told me the other day her younger sister Janice was coming to stay with us for a visit. I had forgotten what a...
IncestMy name is Marilyn. I'm twenty-four now, and the story I'm going to tell you happened when I was eighteen. Basically, it's all about how I came to find the true love of my life -- only it happens to be with a lover who practically no one knows about. That's the way we both want it. It was my first year of college. By that time I'd had a few boyfriends, and gone all the way with one of them. Still, I felt inexperienced compared to my friends, and really looked forward to exploring my sexuality...
IncestSir Comes To Visit By submissivewife I turned off the shower and grabbed my towel, glancing quickly at the clock and seeing that I only had three hours left until Sir arrived for his visit. I felt my heart begin to pound at the thought, but quickly pushed it aside as I rushed to put on my panties and bra and then went into my daughter’s room to grab some clothes for her stay at her grandmother’s. I then went into my son’s room and got his clothes together. Taking them into the kitchen, I...
'jack its nearly mommys bedtime do you need to pee before i go to sleep?''uh no i'm ok for now thanks mom' jack really needs to pee but is still horified from being jerked off by his mom earlier'are you sure its no good you thinking you can get me to help you in the night mommy needs her sleep if you don't go nw you will have to wait until the morning''please mom could i get my nurse back to help me with stuff like that''no i told you in future i help you now would you like mommy to help you...
Rica comes to visit It was a couple hours before noon on a weekday and Rica had just called me saying she wanted Daddy's cock and if she could come visit me ? Oh does my slut need her Daddy's cock ? Sure come on over if you want slut. Rica said she would be here in 1/2 an hour. I had an idea and it would depend on how horny Rica really was. Calling Ron a 6ft 5in well build black man I had be come friends with on the flight to...
My name is Marilyn. I'm twenty-four now, and the story I'm going to tell you happened when I was eighteen. Basically, it's all about how I came to find the true love of my life -- only it happens to be with a lover who practically no one knows about. That's the way we both want it. It was my first year of college. By that time I'd had a few boyfriends, and gone all the way with one of them. Still, I felt inexperienced compared to my friends, and really looked forward to exploring my...
NOTE: This is a re-telling of a typical fantasy my wife would indulge me in. Although in the fantasy I pretend to be a young boy, and she my lusty Mother it is ONLY a fantasy and we are both adults.On a typical day alone my "Mommy" walks nude from her shower to the top drawer of her dresser and selects an old thread bare nightgown that dangles slightly below her waist. She comes to the bed where I lay sleeping, strokes my hair, and says: " Wake up little Man... Mommy is going to make us some...
I know a bunch of this stuff, probably 98 percent of it, is false about incest. But in email chats with this guy Long Boy Slim, he convinced me to let him post this story I forwarded to him, word for word. It’s true. It’s what happened between me and my mom. I can’t say it’s right or wrong, but it happened. And it’s still happening. I hope it doesn’t offend anyone. But this stuff happens to people sometimes, like it happened to me. If any of you readers out...
visit on to see more top rated stories like theseAwesome story and awesome mom.and i am Lucky boyI grew up living with just my mom, I never met my dad and my mom had told me he was an asshole who got her pregnant when she was 15 and he didn't want anything more to do with her. My mom was very open with nudity and things from as far back as I can remember so I had seen her naked many times and she would also have no problem peeing in front of me if I was in the bath and she...
visit on or to read more stories like theseMy parents divorced when I was 10 over some drinking brawl assed thing. Dad drank a lot & when dad walked out he said, I’ll see you again in divorce court. Mom started to cry un-controllably. Hell, I didn’t know what to do. I took mom’s hand & tried to console her as best I could. She & I just sat there. I started to talk to her. I said, “Mom “We’ll make it. We will be alright”“We will be fine mom, it will...
My name is Cathy. I’m a 43 year old widowed mother. I have a 21 year old son named Brian. I’m a rather tall, slim woman; five foot eleven inches, very long, dark brown hair that comes down to my waist and dark brown eyes. Tennis and running has kept me in pretty good shape. I’ve been told I look like Eva Mendez but I think they’re just being polite. My son Brian took more after his dad… He has coal black hair and stands no more than 5’4”. He’s a little shy but has a very good sense of humor....
One Saturday, after a vigorous afternoon session of fucking, mom rested her head on my chest and recalled an earlier time.“You know, sometimes your dad enjoyed bringing a friend or two over for a little party. He got a real kick out of sharing me.”I was mildly shocked.“How did that suit you?” I asked.“Oh, the first time I was very reluctant,” she answered, “but they were all so eager I quickly got into it.”“Wow!” I exclaimed, “I never knew about this. Sounds really wild.”“I got a lot of...
IncestAmy called and she was going to be over around 5pm, it was her yearly visit and we just got 3 feet of fresh powder, perfect for a day at the local ski resort. Amy is 22 years old, just graduated from college where she went on a Volleyball scholarship and loved to snowboard. She also has a crush on me and everytime she visits I always get extra hugs and kisses, always on the lips. She was the of an overbearing school teacher and was getting to point in her life that mom did not control her every...
VoyeurIn the days after Rick, Bruce and I gangbanged Mom, sex between Mom and I got even wilder. She confessed that she had never experienced fucking with anyone else that was as intense or debauched as the sex we engaged in. I would wake up in the morning with her lips and tongue wrapped around my cock. She would sit on my face and grind her cunt into my mouth. Other times she would assume a meek and submissive role, and on those occasions, I knew what she wanted, and would fuck her ass.I couldn’t...
IncestIt was getting late and I was ready to lay down and get some sleep. I told my dad I'll see him tomorrow before I headed up the steps. When I reached the top I heard my mom and brother laughing in the bathroom. Out of curiousity I opened the door slightly just to get a peek of what was going on in there. Oh my god, both of them were in the shower washing each other! Moms big d-cup knockers were being lathered up by my brothers hands while mom was doing the same to his boner. They were having a...
Chapter One: How It All BeganI was fourteen when my father passed away. Mom and I both grieved but after the first year our sadness eased off, and while I adjusted to life with just the two of us, she withdrew into a shell. She would go to work, come home, keep house and cook for me but no longer socialized with her old friends or went anywhere. She turned down invitations for dinners and parties, and spent her time cooped up at home instead. This was unlike her previous life with dad; she was...
IncestHij doet open en heeft een t shirt en een joggingbroek aan. Hij is al opgewonden zie ik. Zijn gezicht ruw van de stoppels. Bij binnenkomst kus ik hem meteen. Ik leun achterover tegen de muur naast de voordeur en hij drukt zich tegen me aan. Langzaam, zachtjes verkennen onze tongen elkaar, alsof ze weer moeten wennen aan het samenspelen. Mijn rechterhand daalt af naar zijn broek en ik kneed zijn lid. Hij wordt direct hard in mijn hand en hij fluister in mijn oor: "ik ga je suf neuken!" Geil als...
Having been introduced to the world of real sex by cousin Nancy, I was now obsessed by thinking of her and all that she had done with me during our time in the barn. I was wanking at every opportunity and imagining how Nancy’s wet pussy had felt, and how her nipples became so stiff as I licked them.It was of course worse at that time in the 70’s as we had no internet, mobile phones and so on to secretly chat as modern k**s do. I couldn’t phone her either, as that would have seemed really...
I was nervous like hell. We had chatted endlessly about it, and what I had felt when she had proposed a visit at my place had been astonishment at her trust in me and growing excitement. I had pictured the moment and planned all kinds of things to entertain her, but now that the time of her arrival came closer, I found myself running a trench into the carpet and sweating my hands off. My nervousness, you see, wasn’t about her, it was all about me and about the questions if I could match with...
FetishMatt felt a gentle buzzing against his thigh. He hurriedly slipped his hand into his pocket and yanked out his phone. “Are you almost here?” He blurted into the microphone louder than he intended.“I’m about 15 minutes out. Someone sounds excited to see me” Sarah answered, her voice forced to a high volume to overcome the road noise.“I can’t help it. We haven't hung out since the wedding. That’s too long to go without seeing one of my best friends.”“I know. I can’t believe it’s already been a...
BDSMEnough time has passed after my divorce, (12 years now) that now allows me to tell this story, where it wouldn’t matter any longer to those who might think it was a story about them. Some names have been changed, but most “is”, as it occurred, barring memory loss from time lapses. So, enough disclaimer, on with the story. Scratching my chin, looking up in the air sideways, eyes half closed, as one does when they are trying to remember. Seems to me it happened this way, and in this...
This is my first story. I’ve become close to a few people on Lush, the guy in this story being one of them. We tease and play with each other constantly but unfortunately we live far from one another so we can only talk on the phone. I had a dream that he came to visit me and it was hot enough to share with everyone as well as be my first story! Names have been changed, of course. ------------ I rolled over in my bed when I heard my phone ringing. The screen flashed when I hit the unlock...
MasturbationThis summer, my mom's sister left her husband of eighteen years and their son, my cousin, Adam, came to stay with my mom and I for a little over a month. That's really where all this starts. My mom and I are very close and we talk about all kinds of things. She's great because she's willing to talk with me about boys and sex and all that. She says it's better than learning it wrong from other kids. She's probably right. So, we've talked about sex in more detail than many moms and...
It was a few weeks after the lovely (and unexpected) spring break I spent with my sexy sister. She decided to come up to visit me on campus, and the timing worked out perfectly since my roommate was going to be away for the weekend. I picked her up from the train station, and we went back to my dorm room to make plans for the evening. I suggested we go to a house party a friend of a friend was throwing. I decided to wear a short denim skirt, and black tube top (with matching thong). Her...
IncestThe following story is completely fictional. My name is Chris and im 23 years old. The following takes place about 2 years ago. I had been living on my own for a few years now and hadnt been able to see any of my family in a while. I knew they missed me but I was just to busy with work to go see them. My younger sister Amber who was 18 at the time had been frequently calling me to ask if she could stay with me a few weeks over the summer. At first I wasnt sure if I wanted her to come, but then...
IncestAs I settled into bed in the guest room, I heard the faint rhythmic creaking coming through the wall from the master bedroom. My imagination and my cock both came to attention. The lovely wife of my friend had been very attentive to me all evening and the snug fitting clothing she wore showed off her attractive figure. Some of her comments had possibly been double-entendres, but I dared not presume anything. Of course I lusted after Celeste. I hadn’t been with a woman for months. My envy was...
Rich comes to town. I knew it would not be long after the golf weekend that Rich visited. Turns out I was right.Bryan had kept his word that he intended to be stricter with me going forward. Bryan gave me new rules and requirements that he expected me to follow. He took over all my bills and paid me an allowance to live on from my own check. he taught me how to budget my allowance to make it last. If I spent it all in a few days I went without until he gave me my next allowance.I discovered...
TrueSabrina high school sophomore. 5’2, 105 lbs, red hair, green eyes and a tight little body that made the high school boys drool over. Not to mention a few older men who sometimes gave her the creeps with their staring. Mom Nicki 34 year old wife, mother and ruler of the roost. A tad over 5’, maybe a hundred pounds soaking wet with sparkling red hair which her only daughter inherited and a spectacular hot body, despite her barely noticeable tits. Dad Andy 37 year old husband,...
Copyright © 2002-2003 Pookie. All rights reserved. It's been fun staying in this nice home all week with my boyfriend. I've been house sitting for the Riley's, who have been gone since last Friday and aren't due back until this coming Sunday. House sitting can be a great job if you have all the amenities with it. With it just being Thursday, we still have some days left to enjoy the comforts that are unknown at the apartments we live in. The Riley's are paying me to stay in their...
Five o’clock finally arrived and it was all I could do to stop myself from doing handsprings out to my car. I’d really done nothing but fidget in my chair all day anyway. The only thing on my mind from the moment I woke that morning was my plans for the following week. An old friend would be arriving to stay with me and I’d taken the following week off so we’d have nine lust filled days together. Actually, Rob was more than a friend, he not only, had the biggest cock I’d ever taken, at nine...
CrossdressingFive o’clock finally arrived and it was all I could do to stop myself from doing handsprings out to my car. I’d really done nothing but fidget in my chair all day anyway. The only thing on my mind from the moment I woke that morning was my plans for the following week. An old friend would be arriving to stay with me and I’d taken the following week off so we’d have nine lust filled days together. Actually, Rob was more than a friend, he not only, had the biggest cock I’d ever taken, at nine...
CrossdressingI was 18 in 1994, living with my Mom and two younger sisters somewhere in the English suburbs. It was a hot Sunday morning and a friend had called by earlier and we had roamed the streets aimlessly for a while before visiting the local corner shop. While my friend ordered cigarettes at the counter I skulked around the magazines secretly eyeing up the porno on the top shelf. Those sexy girls looking out from those magazines made my blood blaze in my crotch. With the shop keepers back turned for...
It had been a couple years since I had last seen Brett, but yet I thought about that weekend almost everyday, it was some of the best sex I had ever had, and according to Sam, it was the best sex she’d ever had. So when I got the news that my aunt and uncle, and Brett would be coming down to visit I was really excited. Well a few days before they were to be heading down here I got a call, from Brett.“Hey Jordan.” Brett said“Uhh hi Brett.” I said, unsure as to why he was calling me.“Well we’re...
Things were good at our home. Mom was a very happy satisfied woman and I was happy living out any teen boys' fantasy. In addition, the large commission checks from her deals with Eduardo were about to start rolling in. Mom was trying to put away as much money as she could for my college which is why she kept us in this modest apartment these last years. By this time next year she would have my college paid for as well as the down payment on her dream home. She house she was going to retire...
I just was coming home from shopping and saw a girl standing near my apartment. I asked her who she was looking for. She said a girl named louise. I said i am her and asked her who she was. She said i am your 20yr old grand daughter. I asked what she wanted and she said she had heard rumors about me from my ex wife. Just then my boy friend came home and asked who she was. She poped up and said i am her grand daughter. We all went inside and talked about family and other things. Tina that was...
BisexualThis is my first story. I’ve become close to a few people on Lush, the guy in this story being one of them. We tease and play with each other constantly but unfortunately we live far from one another so we can only talk on the phone. I had a dream that he came to visit me and it was hot enough to share with everyone as well as be my first story! Names have been changed, of course. ———— I rolled over in my bed when I heard my phone ringing. The screen flashed when I hit the unlock button,...
"Hey, are we there yet?" I feel like I've asked that question a hundred times since the trip began, my parents are dropping me of at my brothers house for a week. The last time I saw him was a couple years ago, he moved away from us to study and got a job soon after. I must have been 11 when he left, he was 17, we were never really that close but something is making me really excited for this visit, my 18th birthday was just a month ago so he is 24 years old now, I wonder if he has a...
BDSMI woke up when some fluid hit my face, then I smelt it. It was piss. Where the hell was I? Then two parts of darkness parted and I saw a face looking at me. "Bonjour monsieur. Comment allez-vous? Ouvrez votre bouche si vous veuillez." So I opened my mouth and the piss squirted in. I just had to gulp it down. It tasted salty, I had forgotten the taste. I could see that the woman above me was only crouching over the toilet seat. When the flow of piss stopped she sat down properly and looked...
Tamarillia acted like she didn't have a care in the world. She was striding forward with a purpose, Lizzie had to keep holding her back so she didn't get too far ahead of the group. "Why are you in such a hurry Tammi? I would think that you wouldn't want to go into a dark, spooky place like that, much less rush to it." Lizzie was confident in what she said because the forest in front of them was filled with ugly trees with twisted limbs that seemed to reach down to catch...
We didn’t talk on the last few miles on our way home. I lived in my thought that time and just wondered if that really had just happened. Did I really just taste my mum’s shit on a dinner toilet? Had mum really written that letter to me? I touched my pocket. Yes there it was. Mums letter in my pocket like a sweet promise of forbidden pleasure. I watched mum driving. She looked that great in this short white dress. And I must say I never had seen her body that way. It was really perfect to me....
I was right in the middle of finals week at Reed College, and I wasn’t in a good mood. The spring weather was glorious for a Portland campus; the flora was intensely green and in full bloom, and girls were dressed in light summer clothing, which meant that as I drove out of the parking lot, it was hard to miss the legs, cleavage, and everything else that gets a 19-year-old guy’s hormones flowing. I was horny but pissed that I couldn’t stay. I had to drive 30 minutes back home to walk the dog....
I was right in the middle of finals week at Reed College, and I wasn’t in a good mood. The spring weather was glorious for a Portland campus; the flora was intensely green and in full bloom, and girls were dressed in light summer clothing, which meant that as I drove out of the parking lot, it was hard to miss the legs, cleavage, and everything else that gets a 19-year-old guy’s hormones flowing. I was horny but pissed that I couldn’t stay. I had to drive 30 minutes back home to walk the dog....
“C’mon, Julie, you’re fucking with me?” Gary exclaimed.“I’m really not.”“I don’t believe you…well then, Marc is fucking with you…no way he said that,” Gary insisted.“Gary, I understand your apprehension, but trust me on this: Marc is not only okay with your visit, he suggested it,” I assured my brother.“So, let me get this straight, you told Marc all about us…all the stuff we did as teenagers? And his reaction is to invite me for a visit? Somebody is fucking with somebody.”“I thought so too...
IncestMoms New Girlfriend (she had a dick) * __This mom had made a new close friend when a new neighbor lady moved in. Moms daughter knew a few things about the woman, but kept quiet. The young teen brother talked to his older sister about the woman. Sis carefully started telling him about what she knew about the woman&hellip,&hellip, —- __Im Erick. I cant ever tell this story to anyone I know,.&hellip,so&hellip, I guess Ill tell it here. My mom Mandy, just had me and my older sister Carla at home...
It was just past 6 am when the front door woke me up. As I stirred awake I figured it was Mom getting the newspaper, I pulled on some gym shorts and headed to the bathroom for my morning piss. Not always an easy thing with 17 yr old morning wood. As I stood there trying to piss I remembered I hadn't seen Mom last night. She was having dinner with a real estate client after work and she wasn't home by the time I crashed out. After my piss I was headed back to my room to get some more sleep...
When I arrived home, I noticed that Cassandra’s car was parked in the driveway, which was odd because she typically worked until late in the evening. It was only 2:00 in the afternoon. I sat in my car for a few minutes, unsure, before I finally made my way to the front steps of my stepmom’s house. As I peered through the living room window, I spotted my stepmother dancing by the stereo and really getting into it. The mushy, lazy sounds of Jack Johnson wafted from the speakers. She never...
100% fiction! I grew up in Indiana where I lived with my mom and dad. Since I didn't have any brothers or sisters, I grew up sort of alone. Our neighborhood didn't have anyone my age for me to hang out with either. Mom and dad were in their late fifties and since I'd hit puberty, I'd been infatuated with my older mom. She was little, with a nice figure, big tits and a plump bubble butt. Her hair was short and she got a permanent once a month. She wore glasses and had false teeth that she would...
IncestIt was well past midnight when I got home from my last date with my now-ex Sarah. I had dropped her off at her house, having resisted the urge to tell her to go to hell and walk home. Getting dumped was bad, but having to drive her home was extra insult. As I pulled into the driveway I shook my head. This was the second time in a year I had been dumped, and for the same reason. I unlocked the door as quietly as I could, hoping to wake no one. I passed my stepsister Liz's door and then turned...
,I said well mom last night well, it kind of scared me, she giggled and said honey it’s ok I’ll show you what you will want and need to know about sex, and she laid back in the tub and since there were no more bubbles she was exposed and she unplugs the drain and now is sitting with no water and says ok see my hair here and points at her bush, and says feel it but carefully, man I was shaking in excitement sitting a foot away from moms pussy and she wants me to feel it, oh gawd, so I...
It was about 1:30am when I hear Monica bang open the front door totally drunk and laughing, Monica was pretty and always had a good time when she was always drinking and partying, she was pretty cool for an old lady too and she said help me get your mom in the house she’s plastered drunk, mom was laying on the walkway outside. So Monica and me drug mom in to the house, she was laughing the whole time, she was so drunk and very much covered in grime and dirt from falling down so many times...
It was Saturday and we had been on a walk, been shopping and had watched a movie we had rented. We went out to a local gasthaus for dinner and had come home to watch another movie and opened a bottle of wine. Just as the wine was poured mommy announced it was time for panty inspection. My heart jumped a little since I knew this meant the start of a night of sex and service to Mommy. I knew what to do, I was to stand up and bend over with my hands on the table and wait for Mommy. She came over...
Sally and her black lover EddieInvite me to Visit(Third in a Series)[Author’s note: This is a true story. Sally and Eddie really do exist and live in Pennsylvania. Sally’s story was related to me through voice messages and e-mails and I agreed to write it down and publish it so that large, mature white women can realize that there are men in this world who appreciate and worship large women. Sometimes the worshipers are white men and other times the worshipers are black men. But, no matter...
Every year my mom has a New Years eve party and every year she gets really drunk and I have to carry her to bed. But this year was different. I decided just to let her get drunk and see what happens. When the new year came she was really drunk and started to give every guy at the party a new year kiss. She was wear a tight black dress and I watched as she was walking around kissing all these men that her dress started to ride up a past her ass. Some of the men started to grab and slap her ass...
It was moms 50th birthday, and I had a big surprise ready for her, I had organised dan to come over and fuck my mom with me, mom had been at work all day and she was ready for some birthday drinks. Mom was 50, shoulder length brown hair, natural FF boobs and a cracking ass, me and my mom Tina had always had a close relationship but adding dan Into the mix will be a big treat. Dan had posted online for a threesome, I got in contact and told him I wanted him to fuck my mom with me and it had to...
Moms' Night Out (Part2)After that incredible morning my mother and I were like newlyweds. I couldn't keep my hands off her. I even moved into her bed to have more access to her always hot and ready pussy. I was fucking her 2-3 times a day that week and loved every minute of it. After a couple nights I asked mom to tell me more about her gangbang the Friday before. She loved telling me how many times she came and what a thrill it was to take on all those cocks. Her slutty talk always...
Introduction: Mom decides to help her college aged son get over his painful last break-up by bringing the whole family to a Halloween Costume Party. She accidentally mixes up the sizes for the costumes for father and son, leading to… other mistakes. How could you! I screamed at my phone and was so mad I wanted to throw it on the ground and smash it. Only the fact that Id worked all summer to pay for it kept me from doing just that. Im sorry Randy, but it just kinda happened. I hope we can...