Eve and Jenny Finally Meet Ch 2
- 3 years ago
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Eve Tastes A Second Apple
His nectar, his milk, the seed of Caesar, was inside her and wainscoted the altar of her cervix. The goddess of Eve’s biology was well pleased and rewarded her behavior with endorphins. A blissful feeling enveloped Eve; she felt complete.
Caesar’s stiffness softened; his eruption and aftershocks had subsided. As he withdrew, a residue of magma dripped thickly onto the bedsheet. He rolled onto his back and Eve nestled into his arm and sighed. She had given herself to Caesar and had been rewarded. She was at peace.
Caesar Antonio Alexander had earned a double Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy offered by St. Mary's University of Minnesota. St. Mary’s programs ranked fourth in the country behind USC, Northwestern, and New York University. His education and experience in married sex relations earned him a solid reputation as a therapist for distressed couples. John Bull had recommended him for those reasons and one other: Caesar was married to Dr. Lilith Cheyenne, author of The Sexual Tree of Knowledge.
Caesar and Lilith’s intimate explorations into a couple’s sexual practices went well beyond professional boundaries; however, their results in re-crafting successful marital relations validated their work. Because of their academic, personal, and professional interests in Kink Awareness, Marriage Therapy, and Family Counseling, they were uniquely positioned to help Tim and Eve.
John knew both were needed to save this marriage.
John silently put the camera equipment away. He could feel Eve’s eyes upon him as he moved about the room. The experience had been good for her. John read her contentment as she cuddled with Caesar.
John also read the pleased expression on Tim’s face. It wasn’t a fulfilled fantasy that pleased Eve’s husband. It was Eve’s responsiveness that held him enthralled.
This was a first for Tim. Of course, Tim had watched wife-sharing scenes on the internet, but this was better. Watching Eve give herself over to an incredible orgasm with another man gave Tim a high he never thought possible. If Eve could respond to another man then Eve could respond to him, too. There was hope he and Eve might re-connect their marriage.
If Caesar, Lilly, and John were to help Eve and Tim, the couple would need counseling and therapy to keep their marriage vibrant and productive. Caesar was the trailblazer who changed marital dynamics in distressed couples. Lilly was the coach who developed a couple’s skillsets. Together they helped couples learn which of the seven successful marriage types were best suited for them and then gave them experiences to reinforce their marriage type. Caesar and Lilly called these experiences therapy.
John called them marriage adventures.
Tim’s sexual history could be written in a single sentence: Masturbation until de-flowering, teenage sex for three months, then masturbation again until Eve, then pre-marriage sex followed by nine years of gradually decreasing married sex until he was masturbating daily again. Like a teenager.
In his life, Tim had orgasmed alone fifty percent or more of the time. He recently wondered if he had sex with himself more in his married life than sex with Eve. If it wasn’t yet now, it would soon be. Tim wondered if it was like this for every married man but he wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer.
Eve’s sexual history was little more than exploratory Catholic outercourse before Tim. She considered herself to be normal for good Catholic girls. She let herself be touched and petted by the right boys and she carried a plain white handkerchief in case she needed to clean up after a handjob or oral sex. She was faithful to her religion and she once vowed to be a virgin until marriage, but she also knew she had to take care of her man’s needs or she would lose him to someone else. Her girlfriends told her “If you don’t do it, someone else will”. Tim was respectful of her virginity wishes but hopeful their relationship might evolve. One day she simply decided she was going all the way with him; religion and virginity be damned. She arranged the evening to make it so and she controlled everything about her experience. It was her way.
“John and I are going to our bedroom now, Tim. We’re not to be disturbed. This is a private experience.”
Eve surprised everyone except John with this announcement.
Caesar and John studied Tim’s face. His reaction was key to the relationship. Tim’s answer would reveal the rootedness of their marriage.
Tim’s mind shattered into something resembling shards of a broken mirror. He self-reflected in a thousand ways. Saying yes or no or something-in-between was kaleidoscopic until he realized Eve was not asking permission. She’d already made a decision. He could only support her or defy her.
Within milliseconds of real-time, Tim, overly firm, replied “Caesar and I will be here”. His tone spoke volumes about the power dimension between them.
Tim never imagined Eve would want John in their bedroom and he never imagined it would be private. John had slithered into their life as far as Tim was concerned and now he was slithering into his marriage bed.
But Tim also knew that he couldn’t deny or defy Eve. He didn’t have it in him.
As a nude Eve and a clothed John moved to the master bedroom, Caesar rose from the guest bed, wiped his dick on the bedsheet, and pulled his pants over his elongated penis. He didn’t bother to zip up, he left the waistband unbuttoned, too. His thighs and butt were large enough to hold his trousers up. He understood his physicality had an impact on men and women. He easily established his sexual superiority over most men with his muscled, sculpted, and bared upper body; his sporting of an open fly was the piece de resistance. It was impossible not to stare at the dark curly hairs and the root of his cock which was visible. This wasn’t Caesar’s ego on display. It was a symbol of Caesar’s sexual experience and the validity of his counsel.
Tim’s thin endomorphic body could never compete with Caesar’s or John’s. Both men exuded a form of vital manliness he didn’t possess. Tim accepted his body type a long time ago. While lacking in physical presence, Tim was blessed with intelligence and acumen. He’d made lifetime adjustments to use his intellect and it had worked to his advantage.
Caesar looked Tim over with a steady expression.
“Tim, what’re your thoughts? How’re you feeling?”
Tim brightened with the question. “I’m ecstatic about what’s happened so far.”
Caesar wasn’t so sure. “Really?”
“Oh, yes. Look, I know you gave Eve the best orgasm she’s ever had; I’m not stupid. She won’t forget it. I know your superior to me physically. Please don’t feel bad though when I tell you I’m super-excited over the fact that even though you gave Eve the best orgasm ever, Eve called out my name when it happened. She turned her face towards me and she told me about her orgasm because I am important to her. She called out my name, MY name. She shared her feelings with ME. She could have called out your name but she didn’t. She loves me and both of us know it’s true.”
Caesar nodded. Maybe Tim wasn’t an idiot after all. John might be right about Tim. Tim loved his wife and she loved him. This marriage was salvageable. And yet Caesar needed to prepare Tim for what was about to come. Tim’s head and heart were in the right place now but when Eve returns, it might be a whole different story.
“Do you know what’s happening in your bedroom, Tim?”
Tim looked at Caesar quizzically. Of course, he knew. But Caesar would not ask that question unless there was something more than just fucking going on. Tim was no dummy and he knew Caesar wasn’t one either.
“I’m guessing I don’t know, even if I think I know, right?”
Caesar nodded. Tim was smart, too. This was good.
“Your wife is falling in love with John and he’s falling in love with her, too.”
Tim cocked his head, puzzled over Caesar’s statement. There was meaning here, Tim was sure of it.
“When John goes private like this, wives fall in love with him. He does it on purpose. He’s been seducing her all week. When she returns, you’ll read it on her face that she made love to him. She didn’t just fuck him. She made love to him and it will be written all over her face. His, too. John’ll be in love with your wife and she’ll be in love with him.“
Tim looked skeptically at Caesar.
“Eve likes him but she doesn’t love him. She can’t possibly love him just because she has sex with him. He can’t either.”
“Yeah, well, I’m telling you John has been seducing your wife all week. Why do you think she said what she said a few minutes ago about a private experience? Eve is half in love with him now and she will be completely in love with John before sex occurs. It’s real and it’s intense. If they were to see each other over several days and nights, there would be life-altering consequences for you and Eve. As it is, it’ll fade in about forty-eight hours if you do the right things. You should be prepared to save your marriage or lose Eve.“
“You mean infatuation, Caesar. Not love. Forty-eight hours is infatuation.”
“It’s infatuation if the love fades. You have to make it fade though. No one can do this but you. When John and my wife spent three days and nights together at the Foshay, I thought I lost Lilly for good. I wanted to punch the son-of-a-bitch’s lights out. Lucky for him I knew what to do.”
“John slept with your wife?”
“Several times. Don’t be so surprised. My wife is a psychologist, too. We often have sex with others in our work. In this case, John and Lilly were working on a study protocol I developed for physical and emotional attractors. I asked them to study extramarital pick-up sex at the Prohibition Bar. They were to observe behaviors and try them on others who came to the bar. The techniques were deemed successful if John or Lilly had sex with their intended targets. Lilly observed John’s approach and he observed hers. Eventually, they tried the techniques on each other as proof of concept.
“When they did, they didn’t leave the hotel for three days. I threatened John with kidnapping charges. I told them both I was calling the police. John brought Lilly home immediately. It took her four days to come down from her affair with John. She fucking sparkled for two days afterward telling me how fantastic it was to fuck him and how she’d like to do it again and how superior he was. And, Tim, Lilly didn’t call out my name in her next orgasm with me. She called out John’s. I was pissed. Lucky for him I’m a psychologist and I like him. It was partly my fault for not overseeing the study.
“John hasn’t stopped apologizing for his part in the affair. All three of us know their affair was an unintended consequence, we know it now, but at the time, I was sure Lilly was going to leave me.”
Tim was flabbergasted. “That’s an incredible story.”
Caesar laughed and smiled. “You haven’t heard the half of it. The two of them tested these techniques for several months. They had so much sex with other people, you wouldn’t believe it. In a way, their affair was the best affirmation of the study. Lilly put it all in her book. As for Lilly, you’ll find out soon enough how unique she is.”
“What does that mean?”
“Tim, your marriage isn’t working even though the two of you love each other. Without intervention, it will turn toxic and you’ll divorce. You probably suspect something is wrong already. You were hoping that if Eve had sex with me that she’d return to you for a similar experience. When she does, you will do what you’ve always done and it will end your marriage. You won’t measure up.”
Caesar grinned, “Look, you know my background. I’m not just a pretty face. John and Eve won’t return for a couple of hours. We have plenty of time to talk about how to save your marriage. Why don’t we go downstairs? You must have a beer or two in the house. I’m about to tell you what you don’t know about other types of marriages. The kinds of marriages which you and Eve could have if you choose to. And we’ll both get thirsty talking about it.”
John softened his eyes as he looked towards Eve and unbuttoned his shirt. He unwrapped his clothing from his body. It was a manly strip, not a cheesy strip like a Chippendale dancer; his strip was personal, erotic, feral. His movements were intentional; graceful almost to the point of elegance, and yet lustful, hedonic. His movements were small; close to his body; in inches and parts of inches.
His shirt, shoes, trousers, and Hugo Boxxers were soon resting on the cedar chest at the foot of Tim and Eve’s bed. John stood nude, erect, motionless in front of Eve. Slowly he extended his arms out from his sides. With upturned palms, he presented himself to Eve; with grace, he turned in a full circle, he accentuated his hip movement to draw attenuation to his narrow waist, his shapely bum, and his thick muscular thighs.
Eve’s eyes widened in appreciation; she surveyed his manly, broad, and muscled frame. John’s entire body exemplified male virility. Eve could see his body hair was sculpted. She thought at first the barber was a woman, and then she considered maybe it was a man. She concluded that whoever it was, he or she was in love with John. A disinterested person could never have made John look so manly or so elegant at the same time. Definitely, most definitely, the person who barbered John loved him.
John held both hands out to Eve; she stepped in close to take them into hers.
Peering deeply into her eyes, John spoke softly in Spanish. His words flowed. His sonorous tone soothed her ears and held her attention. Eve had no clue what John was saying but his soft eyes told her it was true and genuine. Her heart pounded with each syllable that fell from his lips. John’s eyes held hers for an eternity. She could read her future in his eyes; a future of love, eternal love, within reach and deep within his eyes. She’d liked John at the beginning and she’d become closer to him all week; but now, she could see herself in his eyes and she was falling deeply in love with him.
As no man had ever been, John was in the present with Eve. It was undeniable. A unique experience for her. Tim had not been in the present with her since…she couldn’t remember when.
John was gentle with her. His touch…feather light. Tender. Soft. His vocal tones, lower, deeper, more resonant; the Spanish phrases were musky, intimate. Eve was sliding on a slippery slope into love with him. Tim was a good man and any woman would be satisfied with him, but John was more than Tim. And any woman who compared John to Tim would know that John was more, much more. Of course, Eve loved Tim but John was…
Suddenly, Eve blushed. Her cheeks reddened. She blushed as a young girl blushes when her secret feelings towards someone have been revealed. The idea of John making love to her washed over her.
A second thought assaulted her. Making love to John. Blood rushed to her face. The crimson color of her skin became a scarlet letter of sorts. She had just committed adultery in her heart and all they were doing was standing naked together and holding hands.
John drew her to him.
Her heart fluttered. Her mind twittered trying to make sense of her feelings for John and for Tim. How did this happen? She was in love with John. This wasn’t planned. She had planned to have sex with him, yes; he intrigued her, yes; she desired him inside her, yes; but…she never intended to love him or to make love to him. She loved Tim, didn’t she? This love for John wasn’t in her plan and yet… this love was a reality as she looked into John’s eyes and saw herself looking back.
John kissed her neck. He whispered into her ear. He held her head in his hands with his fingers under her jaw; he tilted her face to kiss her lips. Eve melted her body into his. Her nipples touched him first, then her hips. She felt his stiffness against her sex. She pressed herself closer to him.
John traced a finger over her eyebrow and around the outside of her ear. He let it travel down to the hollow of her throat; pressing lightly, he felt Eve swallow against it. He moved the palm of his hand between her breasts and pressed lightly; establishing command over her body, Eve’s nipples stiffened in response.
John lightly palmed one breast and then glided his palm across her erect nipple, around her side to the center of her spine. He caressed each point where her ribs joined her backbone until he reached the cleft between her cheeks. He pressed his middle finger between her cheeks, under her tailbone, and pulled her hips into his erection.
Eve moaned softly and sighed. She felt wet again. She pressed her thighs together to prevent Caesar’s cum from leaking.
John felt her movements. He whispered in Spanish, “El sabor de un hombre en los labios de una mujer es un signo de su pasión por la vida”.
Immersing his fingers into Eve’s sex, he withdrew Caesar’s seed and presented it to Eve’s lips and murmured, “The taste of another man on a woman's lips is a sign of her passion for life.”
Eve’s heart pounded wildly in her chest. She knew what he meant and what he wanted. She tongued Caesar's cum from John’s fingers before kissing him deeply.
Eve shared her kiss, her tongue, her taste of Caesar. She shared it all with John; she shared a moment of intimacy with John she’d been missing for years with Tim. Her heart beat so rapidly in her chest she thought it would fly out. And Eve knew it beat for John.
“Te quiero," John whispered.
“Te quiero," Eve whispered in return.
He had put himself in love with Eve and told her he loved her. John meant what he said.
She replied she loved him, too. At that moment, John loved every beat of Eve’s heart. His love for her was in the present; his senses were fully vested in all things Eve. She felt his love for her and she returned his love with her own.
She pushed John down to the bed; her blood pounded in her ears; she slid down his cock and drove it high up into her. She pinioned his cock and began to make love to him. There was no hesitancy now, no questioning about her feelings for him. This was right and natural to love John more than Tim. This was her destiny. She knew it was. It was in her kisses, in her breathing, and more importantly, she could see her destiny in John’s eyes. They both knew it.
It was spiritual; perhaps metaphysical. John and Eve loved each other. The rest of the world was insignificant.
Eve felt the size of John inside. He was the first virile man she’d ever experienced and she felt his love for her in every fiber of her being. She ground her hips into him. Both had the same feelings, the same desires, the same goal…to fill her with his fluid.
Eve’s goddess wanted it, too.
Eve had not felt so much love from a man, or for a man, as she did at that moment. Her inner goddess told her to take John’s offering deeper. The greater Eve’s love for John, the deeper within he needed to be.
(To be continued)
Jenny waited at the arrivals at the airport, waiting to meet Eve. The two of them had become friends online chatting most evenings until Eve had said that she was coming over to England on a business trip, but could come over a week early so they could meet up. Jenny jumped at the chance at getting to know her new friend a little better and suggested that they should hire a car and go and do a bit of sightseeing. So here she was, waiting to meet Eve for the first time. Finally, passengers...
Jenny waited at the arrivals at the airport, waiting to meet Eve. The two of them had become friends online chatting most evenings until Eve had said that she was coming over to England on a business trip, but could come over a week early so they could meet up. Jenny jumped at the chance at getting to know her new friend a little better and suggested that they should hire a car and go and do a bit of sightseeing. So here she was, waiting to meet Eve for the first time. Finally, passengers...
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TITLE????????????????????? : Eve?s Examination AUTHOR????????????? : YamiNoHikariDISCLAIMER?????? : I own nothing! I do not own Black Cat! Don?t bother to sue me because I don?t have any money to give.RATING??????????????????????????????? : NC-17PAIRING????????????? : Train/Kyoko, Doctor/EveNOTE???????????????????? : [bondage] [loli] [watersport] [torture] [toys]TIMELINE???????????? : when the group invaded Apostles' Island, the fight with Doctor. (manga volume...
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The rest of that day I had a very warm glowing memories of Andrew and Jill, and, of course, Blake. My teenage lover was really something else the day after our menage a quad. He seemed even more gentle and tender. All day long he praised my beauty, my intellect, and my artistic abilities. I admit that went to my head. I knew that he had seen me as more than just a warm body to share his bed since day one, but now, he seemed different, somehow. Blake appeared to gain even more sensitivity and...
((This is my original work, originally published under the name Uriel and reposted from The Unending BE Addventure.)) Miranda crept into the factory warily. There shouldn’t be anyone inside; she’d specifically arranged for the cameras to be shut off and the security guards to be given the night off. But she’d come too far for anything unexpected to derail her plans now! When Miranda had finally assumed control of her father’s company, she had been ecstatic. Being a brilliant businesswoman, she...
Although Jake had originally planned to spank Eve over his lap, his cock was already on the verge of exploding with an orgasm which would happen as soon as he felt the pressure of his naked daughter's body on his lap. Jake had to change his plans or suffer a premature ejaculation before he even struck the first blow on Eve's bare bottom. Her Father issued a command to his nude thirty year old 'little girl'. "Walk to the end of the bed and keeping your knees straight bend from the waist...
Eve raises Cain, as he lowers her to the leaves [This one is just for fun, it's soul purpose is to fuck with your brain, but gonads are welcome to come along too.] She took one look at her son, the way he was looking at her, and knew. "You got into the apples!" "Mom, it might be forbidden fruit, but its not impossible to snitch one, and take a bite. They're so juicy aren't they?" "Cain?" Exclaimed Eve, "What have you done!" "Nothing so original." "If your father finds...
Amy nervously twirled her hair in the back of lecture hall. Though she was typically an attentive student, her mind was consumed by the head full of auburn hair in front of her. She had had her eyes on Blake for the last few weeks, though they were little more than casual acquaintances at this point. But she had finally made up her mind that she was going to put herself out there and ask him out on a date. She knew it wasn't going to work. In her mind she was fat and generally unattractive, as...
BDSM———————————————— I smiled watching Eve strut down the road in her tiny skirt imaging tying her up when she gets home and covering her in massage oil and running my hands up the inside of her legs. I moved into the living room noticing the cushions all over the floor after our earlier experience. I rearranged them switched on the TV and slumped back onto the sofa. My mind began to wonder back to Charlie and those perfect little erect nipples I had seen earlier. What was I doing, she’s my...
"Yes, yes, take but a bit, my pretty one... -Thank you, but really, I cannot afford your goods. -Ah, but thisssss one I will give you for free, said the old woman, producing a very bright and red apple. A young beauty like you needs good, fresh food... Take a bite!" Snow White reached out to the apple with some apprehension. Didn't the Dwarves warned her of evil creatures roaming the forest? Could one of these creatures take the shape of a poor and old woman selling fruits? She looked in the...
Eve of All Hallows-Treats, Tricks and Choices by Tigger The party had been a disaster. That was not the first time that particular thought had filtered through his still befuddled mind. Actually, the whole *night* had been an unmitigated disaster and it wasn't showing any signs of getting any better. The party was the reason he was now trudging home wearing twenty pounds of black bombazine, chains and beads. And no, reader with the dirty mind, he wasn't decked out in some...
EVE, CHAPTER 1 I met Eve, about 10 years ago, in 1998, as we were studying in the same University in the UK . We hanged around a bit, being two people from the exact same place in a foreign country, but nothing more than that. After we graduated, we actually lost contact and we didn’t see each other until about the summer of 2003 when we accidentally met. That girl, had developed a lot over the time I hadn’t seen her. She now stood 180cm tall, with curly light...
It was a perfect, sultry summer night. The rock pool in the middle of a natural forest with its spectacular fifty-metre waterfall accentuated by the glimmering sparkle of the moon must surely have been a leftover piece of Eden. The moon was full and sensual; it's light skittering on the water in a siren's song, luring me in. I was tempted, but I was going to take my time before I swam. Feeling awed by the natural majesty around me, I dropped my shift dress on a rock next to me, stepped closer...
CheatingIt was a perfect, sultry summer night. The rock pool in the middle of a natural forest with its spectacular fifty-metre waterfall accentuated by the glimmering sparkle of the moon must surely have been a leftover piece of Eden. The moon was full and sensual; it's light skittering on the water in a siren's song, luring me in. I was tempted, but I was going to take my time before I swam. Feeling awed by the natural majesty around me, I dropped my shift dress on a rock next to me, stepped closer...
CheatingEVE, CHAPTER 1 I met Eve, about 10 years ago, in 1998, as we were studying in the same University in the UK . We hanged around a bit, being two people from the exact same place in a foreign country, but nothing more than that. After we graduated, we actually lost contact and we didn’t see each other until about the summer of 2003 when we accidentally met. That girl, had developed a lot over the time I hadn’t seen her. She now...
Love StoriesSteve was out one day snapping pictures in the woods behind his house one day. He’d signed up for a photography class at the local community college and his professor had told the class to take nature pictures as this week’s assignment. Steve knew there were a pair of pileated woodpeckers in these woods and thought they’d make an excellent subject for his assignment. He’d just gotten a particularly good picture of one when he noticed a young girl walking down the path toward him. She looked to...
Stevie was watching, his nose almost pressed against the glass of the front window, trying to catch a glimpse of Santa Claus in the early darkness and blowing snow. In spite of myself, I smiled. He'd already had two false alarms--one from the lights of a passing airplane, the other from the red, blinking light on the top of a microwave tower that was up on the mountain every night, but tonight must be Rudolph, leading the way through the storm. I sat back on the couch, cool beer in my hand,...
Tiny and fuckable Evelin Stone was born in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on September 10th, 1993. She has Native American blood, which might help explain her skills in the bedroom. Perhaps her ancient ancestors mastered the art of fucking and have shared their secrets with her so she may bring honor to the bloodline one dick at a time.Medician PussyAlternate theory: Her abilities aren't natural but result from her skills as a medician woman. She blends herbs and animal bone inside a mortar and...
Twitter Porn AccountsCopyright© 2007 by Stultus Synopsis: An old fashioned Fairy Tale about a plucky young lad who finds love and happiness in a Wizard’s apple orchard. Naturally there is a wicked step-father and some naughty step-brothers that need to get their own ‘just desserts’ as well. No Sex. None at all. Sorry. Codes: Fantasy, Historical & Magic Sex: No Sex Originally Posted at SOL: 2007-05-22 ******* The old Foole sat by the fire and tried to warm his aching joints next to the roaring fire of the...
Effeminate little bitch boi Keven Jeanne Bardot, dreams of becoming First Lady! Of course, this little bitch dreams of being a sexy sissy cheerleader too! In his dreams and fantasies, sissy boi Keven Jeanne is never a biological woman - Keven Jeanne does not want to actually BE a real woman; he is ecstatic at being a perverted idea of a woman - something only a creature who hated god would create, to ruin the beauty of god's creation. And just because he doesn't want to be a real woman, doesn't...
Jeeves and the Unwelcome Guest. Allison Bell I have based this story on one of P.G. Wodehouse's early stories about Bertie Wooster and his faithful valet, clothes obsessed Jeeves. I have tried to stay as true to Mr. Wodehouse's style as it is possible, but the poor man would probably be turning over in his grave after reading this short little thing. I do not get any racier than Wodehouse would ever have done, but I do bring up topics that may not have been openly talked about in the...
This story takes place at the end of chapter 14 of One Big Horny Weasley Family. For those who are familiar with the story from other locations- I have been considering writing this chapter for years, but hadn’t because I hadn’t decided if it was appropriate for the sites where it was being hosted previously. I finally decided to actually write it because it becomes relevant in another story I’m planning. Tasting the Apple Ginny’s breathing slowly returned to normal as she removed her...
Tasting the Apple Ginny’s breathing slowly returned to normal as she removed her fingers from her sopping cunt. She kept her eyes closed as she quickly relived the last few minutes. She really should have taken her breakfast and gone to the dining room, or back to her own room so she could get some much needed sleep. She couldn’t help it though, they were right there, fucking, in the kitchen. How could she not sit down and watch them? She was a bit of voyeur, and this had been way too...
Bertram Wooster is not a man to flinch at the merest touch of physical pain. We Woosters pride ourselves on our ability to withstand the vagaries of of life, to stand tall against the storm, as it were, and not to buckle before the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, and whatever else it is the poet says about such things. However, on a certain recent morning I, young Bertram Wooster, found myself feeling rather like a team of construction workers had invaded my brain and was knocking...
Bin der Klaus und leider solo. So habe ich oft Lust zu ficken aber wenig Gelegenheiten. Heute hatte ich keine Lust zu arbeiten und habe mich krank gemeldet um zum Reitstall um die Ecke zu gehen. Dort sind massig geile Mädels die ich mir einpräge oder heimlich fotografiere um mir dann auf ihre ausgedruckten Bilder einen zu wichsen. Im Nachbarhaus wohnt Eveline Getta eine Schülerin, die ihren Eltern Sorgen macht, weil sie dauernd Schule schwänzt. Eveline ist recht fett hat ungepflegte lange...
Eve and James; The ballerina ——————————————— I trudged into work, I had got soaked from the brief distance from my car to the entrance of the gym where I worked. The late shift, my 4 hours of letting people in an out occasionally saying “Hello” but being ignored because of headphones. I didn’t exactly mind the job, nothing to strenuous about it. It was a Thursday so most people would be gone by 9, this meant I could lock up and have a couple of hours training on my own. The hours...
You see those successive rolls of the dice ended in what you know as Adam. Evolution is meant to grow in very small steps. But God got lazy. He pushed the limits a bit and messed with the rules of the craps table. Normally those small steps let the next step still procreate and continue. But Adam was to big a step, and male. So he should have been the first and the last. But God was so proud of Adam. So in order to keep humanity alive He made me. There are a few truths in the Bible. Though...
My first venture into Romance. Send me your emails with critical points please. Oh, I hope you enjoy it as well. Evelyn smiled with content when she felt the warmth of the morning sun on her bare skin. She stood on the back veranda of her secluded beach house and closed her eyes as she luxuriated in the peace and tranquillity of her surroundings. The sun’s warm smile kissed her upturned face, and the cool breath of the sea breeze teased her walnut dark nipples to hardness. As she basked in the...
It was hard to put Maeve out of my mind. Her scent was still on the bed. I washed the pillow covers, but her scent still lingered on the pillows themselves. Likewise the mattress. I kept finding things of hers that got left behind. A hairpin here, the button from a blouse there, a lipstick that had somehow rolled under the couch. Maeve called me two or three times a day and I finally had to get an unlisted number for the home phone and a new cell phone number. She called me at work, but I...
The market was full with them, despite the differences in our color, shape and size; they all share in one thing, our scent, apples. It takes me back to those old days in a feedback mission. It tries to whisk off some old memory engraved deep, here in my mind. I never forget those wonderful days. I only got 19 years then. That afternoon, was one of the muggiest days of that summer. We were on our way back from a short trip. The Land rover was darting fast along the unpaved road among the...
Admittedly, things were never normal when you were a super-hero. The moment you donned the mask and slipped on the tights, any hope of a regular life went right out the window. Peter Parker, better known to the world as The Amazing Spiderman, knew this quite well. In five years since he had first created his alter ego, it had interfered with his family, his schooling, the various jobs he had held, and—perhaps most frustratingly—his love life. How did you explain to your girlfriend that you were...
In 793 A.D. I was Monk Alanus at the Monastery of Lindisfarne when a fleet of strange looking boats sailed up to our island. Out of the boats came fierce looking men armed with axes, swords, picks and multi colored shields. I also noticed several were very large women who carried lighter swords and shields, I would later learn the men were called “Vikings” and the women were called “shield-maidens”. These Vikings slaughtered most of my fellow monks, and took anything of value from our...