Those Naughty Spanking Phonecalls
- 2 years ago
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Hi. My name is Gary Winston and I turned 18 years old, on my last vacation before going to college. I was an electronic and computer genius. At that time I invented a small gadget that when attached the right way to a phone extension, you could listen in on the calls on the other extensions without that infamous 'click' that was the giveaway. I could connect the device to my computer, have the calls recorded and listen to them at any time. I showed Dad my latest invention just before he left on his last trip and he told me to hang onto it and when he got back we would register it with the patent office and try to sell it.
My parents are Bob Winston, 43, a Lt. Col. In the Army, and Bev (Beverly), 41, now a housewife but formerly employed by an advertising agency.
We live on the Fort Bliss Army base which is adjacent to El Paso, TX. Fort Bliss is my father's home base, but because he is a communications expert he is out of the country most of the time. He comes home for a week every three months and that's all.
For the last two years I noticed that things were not OK between my parents. Sometimes (on those one week visits) they wouldn't talk to each other, other times they were snapping at each other but most of the time just ignoring each other.
I even heard small bits of conversation in which they accused each other of cheating. I know Mom hadn't cheated as I grew up with her and saw her most of the time. I didn't know about Dad whom I only saw infrequently. He showed great interest in my small patents and gadgets and even had me register a few patents and then sell them to electronic companies. I really loved him and I knew that he loved me too and was very proud of me. As for cheating on Mom — every one knows the stories about men being away from home, so what.
As I felt that I was by then an adult I tried talking to both my parents separately, begging them not to throw away the 20 years they were together. Sometimes they listened to me patiently, and other times they just told me to mind my own business.
Mom's sister, Gail, and her husband Greg also lived in El Paso, a very short distance from our home. Just about 15 minutes on foot. Greg was V.P. of sales in a large toy manufacturing company and Gail worked part time at a book publishing company. She didn't really work for the money, as Greg made more than enough of that, but as he was (also) on trips most of the time she needed something to do in order to pass the time.
As I had had lots of time, I decided to test my new invention at home, a decision I later regretted a lot. I attached the gadget to the phone cord in my room, hooked it to my computer and went out with a friend.
The next day my father departed for one of his trips again, and I drove him to the airport. On the way I tried again to talk to him about him and Mom, and after saying that at 18 he considered me an adult and trusted me not to blab he surprised me:
"No, strange as it may seem I'm not cheating on your Mom, but I have a medical problem I must solve, and until then I can't satisfy your Mom sexually. I haven't discussed it with her and I'm hoping she doesn't start getting it on the side. Your Mom is a very sexual woman."
"Well, I'm home most of the time and so is she. I don't think she's had the opportunity."
"I only hope that her slut sister will not get her into any mischief."
"Aunt Gail? A slut?"
"Well, I think the only person who doesn't know about it is your Uncle Greg, but she hardly has a day without getting laid. She must be running out of men in this town. She was seen in Ciudad Juarez and she started taking trips to Las Vegas too. There is even a rumor that she has a rented room in Ciudad Juarez and is picking up men who come there to be serviced by the Mexican whores."
"Jeez, Dad, aren't you telling me a bit too much?"
"Start getting used to the facts of life, son. Soon you'll be hit upon by married women at the officer's club and start having experiences with real women. I can only advise that you should stay away from married women, because an angry husband can be something very dangerous."
I didn't know how right Dad was until I started listening to Mom's phone conversations next day.
July 11, 10.15 am
"Gail, I don't know what to do already. Bob is not interested in me any more. We haven't had any sex for the last 6 months, and only once in the previous 6 months. He just left today again after a week at home without even kissing me, not to mention having sex. What haven't I tried — sexy lingerie, cuddling up to him, masturbating in front of him or whatever you may think about. He's just become a cold fish."
"Have you thought about counseling, Bev? After all you look just as good as you did 10 years ago so that can't be the reason. Do you think he is cheating on you?"
"Somehow I don't think he is cheating. It doesn't fit his character. But, God, I'm so horny I want to scream!"
"Have you ever thought about taking a lover?"
"Hell no! I've never cheated on him and I don't think I'll be able to. But the thought HAS crossed my mind. But even if I wanted to do it, I wouldn't know how to even begin."
"Bev, I'll let you in on a secret that you've known nothing about. Although Greg and I have a wonderful sex life when he is home, I also need it when he is on his long trips. I don't have a lover because I don't want to get emotionally involved with anyone, but I do fuck around on him quite a lot, mostly with one or two timers. This way I don't lose Greg but I'm sexually satisfied."
"God almighty, Gail! How can you do that, especially since you say you want to keep Greg! God, what have you become, Gail?"
"We've never discussed our sex lives, Bev, but I'm a woman who loves sex and lots of it. So when Greg is home I'm all his and I love every moment with him, but when he is on his long trips I actually become a slut. I don't want to shock you more, but in the past 5 years I've had at least 250 different men, and enjoyed almost every one of them."
"Gail, I'm shocked and I need to clear my head. I'll call you tomorrow. Bye now."
July 12, 09.06 am
"Gail, I'm still shocked but there is a new reason for being shocked."
"Let me guess, Bev. You were thinking about everything I told you yesterday and it has made you horny."
"Yesss! How did you know?"
"I went through the same thing when a friend introduced me to outside sex 5 years ago. I knew that if you were horny enough you'll get turned on by what I said. Do you want to try a guy or two?"
"I'm scared, Gail. I'm scared of being caught, I'm scared of getting to like it too much and I'm scared of becoming a slut, even if I'm the only one who knows."
"Well, Sis, if and when you want to try I'll help you with the first steps. Later we may even party together. I'm not forcing you or even trying to persuade you. You just call me when you are ready."
July 12, 9.43 pm
"Gail, this afternoon when I was thinking about what you do I burned out my vibrator motor! I was so horny I masturbated 6 times in a row, and it wasn't enough. I think I'm ready to try something."
"Bev, I'll call you in the morning. Right now I have a wonderful hunk eating my pussy so I can't talk. Till tomorrow."
July 14, 8.30 am
"Bev, why do you call so early? I was being fucked all night and I have to get my beauty sleep!"
"Gail, I can't wait any more. I need to get laid urgently or I'll lose my mind!"
"All right, Bev, All right. But first a few rules for safe cheating."
"OK, but make it quick."
"First, never ever do it at home. You have a son who may get hurt and you have neighbors who may talk. You can use hotels and motels; you can use parks on days that they are not full, and you can use the back seat of your car like horny teenagers, but never cheat at home.
Second, always have some cash on hand. Never pay a motel or hotel with a credit card. Credit card monthly invoices can reveal many secrets. Also, there are about 120 hotels and motels in this town alone — don't frequent any one of them too often. You don't want to be remembered by their staff.
Third, even if you like a guy, don't go with the same guy more than twice in a row. If you really want to keep your husband you don't want to get emotionally involved. This rule may make you become a slut but at least a safe slut.
Fourth, many guys carry medical certificates confirming that they are clean of STD's. These certificates are being renewed once a month. Even with these guys, but more with guys who don't carry such a certificate — do protected sex.
Fifth and last, don't do Gary's friends. Boys that age like to tell their friends about their sexual adventures and then words get around and finally Gary will hear about it. A boy finding out that his mother is a slut can be humiliated until he either wants to die or leave home for good."
"Gail, you are already making as if I'm going to fuck many guys. I still have to find out how much guilt I'll feel after the first one."
"I told you, Bev. I've been there. I started the same way and now I fuck at least three guys every week. Once you take the first step into cheating on your husband — you open a whole new highway and there is no turning back. Do you still want to go through with this today?"
"Yes, yes, yesss! I can't be one more day without getting laid."
"OK. I'll get back to you in 15 minutes and give you a name and a cell phone. When I do, you go and book yourself into a motel and then you call the guy, tell him your first name and where you are. Just remember — pay cash only at the motel. Happy fucking, Bev."
True to her word, Aunt Gail called 10 minutes later.
"Bev, the guy's name is Stan and his cell phone is 310-4567812. He is a good friend and he is fantastic in the sac. Oh, and he knows you are my sister."
"Gail, are your guys... how is it called... Gigolo's?"
"Most of them are not. Just good men, some of them married, that are looking for good fucks just as I am looking and now you too. Don't ever offer them money! This will only insult them."
"Thanks a lot, Gail. I only hope the guilt will not kill me later."
"If you are really horny you won't feel much guilt. Believe me. But don't forget to call and tell me how it went. I want to know that I picked the right guy for you."
July 15, 9.40 am
"Gail honey, why did you hang up when I called you last night?"
"Because I had two guys fucking me when you called and I was on the verge of a huge orgasm. Would you take phone calls under those circumstances?"
"Oh, I guess not. Do you want to hear about the time I had with Stan?"
"Oh yeah, I completely forgot about it. How was it?"
"Gail, Gail, thank you, thank you, thank you for setting this up. I've never in my life been fucked so thoroughly, so well and so satisfying. Stan is like a fucking machine! I spent 4 hours with him and he fucked me at least 6 times, making me cum so many times that I've lost count after one hour... He has a wonderful big cock and he certainly knows how to use it, not to mention the use of his fingers and tongue... This guy should be teaching sex... He made every spot on my body tingle with pleasure... I've never met anyone like him, not that I had many men."
"So Bev, I know personally very well just what kind of a wonderful stud Stan is. That's why I gave him to you as your first cheating."
"Why do you have to use that word so much? Are you trying to make me feel guilty?"
"No, sweetie. At least in my case, the fact that I'm actually cheating on Greg adds to the excitement and gets me turned on even more. Now, really, how are your guilt feelings?"
"I can't really answer that, Gail. I have pangs of guilt, but not as bad as I thought it would be. On the other hand, whenever I remember yesterday's romp with Stan I get turned on and I have to rush to the bathroom and masturbate."
"I think we'll make a good slut out of you yet, Bev. Don't rush, wait a few days, and if you want to do it again I'll arrange it for you, just PLEASE remember the rules. I've been cheating on Greg for 5 years and haven't been caught, so keep a tight discipline and cheat by the rules. Nothing at home, no use of credit cards, change partners at a high frequency. OK?"
Listening to the conversation made me remember how Mom rushed off to the bathroom twice while I had my breakfast.
After my conversation with Dad and listening to Mom complaining about having no sex for 6 months I could not blame Mom for cheating. I only hoped that it would happen at a low frequency and not the way Aunt Gail described what she does. Little did I know.
Aug 2, 11.03 am
"Gail, I must have Stan again. It's been two weeks since the first time and I'm as horny as a woman can be. I still have his phone number. Do you know if he's available?"
"Stan is available for a good fuck almost all the time, but do you remember the rules I gave you? If you take on Stan again this should be your last time with him for a long period."
"OK, Ok, I'll call him and find a place. God, I miss that stud. The first time he did things to me that no one else had ever done."
"Enjoy it, Bev; just remember that the next time I'll send you another stud. Don't get yourself in trouble if you can avoid it Sis."
Aug. 3, 9.17 am.
"Gail, I'm getting hooked. It's so good having such a young stud who knows so well what he is doing. I wish I'd started this long ago."
I kept listening to Mom's conversations with Aunt Gail for months. In a few months Mom fucked about 20 guys, with a frequency that started at once every two weeks up to twice a week. It seems that during 10 weeks Mom went through about 8 lovers, and from her conversations I also understood that one of them was black and she considered him the best ever.
I was torn inside — should I tell Dad or not? After all he had confided in me that he stopped having sex with Mom so he was the real cause for her becoming a slut. I would have preferred that she had just one lover, but this was her choice.
Then came Dad's tri-monthly visit at home, and again on the way to the airport he confided in me.
"Your Mom has stopped bugging me for sex. That can only mean that she is getting it somewhere else. Do you see any signs at home?"
Feeling very uncomfortable with the question I replied:
"How is your medical treatment coming along, Dad? I don't like it that the distance is growing between you and Mom. Are you doing anything about it?"
"It's very difficult having medical treatments with all my traveling. I've only seen my doctor when I'm home, so it's going very slow. But you haven't answered my question. Have you seen any signs that your mother is getting sex elsewhere than home?"
I just had to lie. Dad was a quiet type, but in the past I had seen him in several angry outbursts and I didn't want anything bad to happen to Mom.
"I don't think so, Dad. She goes out more times than she used to, and sometimes it's with Aunt Gail, but there is nothing I can see at home."
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Both Rose and I kissed each other's moms for about twenty minutes straight. I couldn't help, but to look at Rose and my mom from time to time. It all created the perfect storm of sexuality where the taboo aspect of it still made it quite hot. 'Even as I'm not actually related to Kate, it still feels like incest. Maybe it solely because she is my godmother or that my mom is making out with Rose right now. Who the hell knows? Kate has always been like a second mom to me, and she never had...
100% fiction! When I was growing up in Indiana, we lived in the country and had a neighbor named Allen that drove our school bus and seemed helpful to lots of people, including my parents and me. Mom was 61 and my dad was 68 and had a stroke. Because of his stroke my dad was in a wheelchair and wasn't able to do much. My parents were pretty old when they had me and it was pretty obvious that I didn't look at all like my dad. Also from helping my dad in the bathroom I knew I didn't take after...
IncestIt was just past 6 am when the front door woke me up. As I stirred awake I figured it was Mom getting the newspaper, I pulled on some gym shorts and headed to the bathroom for my morning piss. Not always an easy thing with 17 yr old morning wood. As I stood there trying to piss I remembered I hadn't seen Mom last night. She was having dinner with a real estate client after work and she wasn't home by the time I crashed out. After my piss I was headed back to my room to get some more sleep...
POV: Maria Both Rose and I kissed each other's moms for about twenty minutes straight. I couldn't help, but to look at Rose and my mom from time to time. It all created the perfect storm of sexuality where the taboo aspect of it still made it quite hot.'Even as I'm not actually related to Kate, it still feels like incest. Maybe it solely because she is my godmother or that my mom is making out with Rose right now. Who the hell knows? Kate has always been like a second mom to me, and she never...
IncestIt had a been a few months since Walt had fucked my mom.You could probaly say they were fuck buddies.He would come over in the evenings after his shift was over and my mom would be waiting for him all whored up in lingerie.The lingerie was bought by my dad for her to wear with him, but she never wore for him.Now shes wearing it for big black Walt the police man.Hell she even shaved her pussy for him.She had never done that for my deceased dad.No matter how many times he asked her to.They would...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My last telling of the exploits between mom and I was the story of how it all started when I was about 18. Now this story happened many years later. I’m now 40 yrs old, married, and have three pre-teen kids. mom and dad retired early and moved from Southern California to Arizona. Mom is 56 and dad a year older. My mother is only 18 years older than I am. The kids were almost hysterical with joy when they heard grandpa and grandma would be here this...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictonal! Bright Sunday morning and someone is knocking early. My wife Angie and I are sleeping in after a the previous evening. It be mom, looking as sharp and effervescent as ever in dress, designer heels and pearl earrings. Angie staggers thru the house in my long tshirt and tight nylon panties, "who is it?" It be Mom, she wants to hang curtains for us. "Shit, why isn't she home fucking with someone else today?" She obviously misses me with her and Dad now...
Incest100% fiction! I grew up in Indiana where I lived with my mom and dad. Since I didn't have any brothers or sisters, I grew up sort of alone. Our neighborhood didn't have anyone my age for me to hang out with either. Mom and dad were in their late fifties and since I'd hit puberty, I'd been infatuated with my older mom. She was little, with a nice figure, big tits and a plump bubble butt. Her hair was short and she got a permanent once a month. She wore glasses and had false teeth that she would...
Incest,I said well mom last night well, it kind of scared me, she giggled and said honey it’s ok I’ll show you what you will want and need to know about sex, and she laid back in the tub and since there were no more bubbles she was exposed and she unplugs the drain and now is sitting with no water and says ok see my hair here and points at her bush, and says feel it but carefully, man I was shaking in excitement sitting a foot away from moms pussy and she wants me to feel it, oh gawd, so I...
It was about 1:30am when I hear Monica bang open the front door totally drunk and laughing, Monica was pretty and always had a good time when she was always drinking and partying, she was pretty cool for an old lady too and she said help me get your mom in the house she’s plastered drunk, mom was laying on the walkway outside. So Monica and me drug mom in to the house, she was laughing the whole time, she was so drunk and very much covered in grime and dirt from falling down so many times...
"Well, here we are again," I said, coming next to her. "Back at your house, as you're cooking dinner for us, our sons, and our husbands.""I noticed, but I guess this time you have a different young man to eye-fuck," London added, flipping the chicken breasts. "Then to actually fuck when no one else is looking.""Well, you have the same game to play here. At least this time, you already know you want to play, you don't have to be pushed into it this time.""I pushed myself, Sandra,"...
Incest100% fiction! My name is Mike and I live with my 60 year old mom. I never knew my dad, and my mom had an endless string of men visiting her over the years. Mom was a drinker and a party girl and a slut that always tried to please the men in her life. She's a little woman with dark brown hair that she keeps short. She has nice tits for her size but her perfect bubble butt is her best feature. She wears granny glasses and looks sort of innocent. moms pussy and lower plump belly is now covered...
IncestThere is one thing I truly hate about my job and that is getting a late night phone call. When a call like that comes in, it means only one thing...murder. I've been a Homicide Detective for over 20 years and have seen the worse that a supposed civilized man can do to another.My years in the Marines before I became a cop were less bloody. Sure, it was war and we killed each other, but here, stateside, among our own people is where I find the true cruelty of man. I'm coming up on mandatory...
Hi everyone im Brandin. My mom name is Kisha and my other moms name is Latosha. Yes I have 2 black moms.Oh yea they are lesbos by the way. I dont even know my real parents are. any way ill let you read the story now.It was sunday after noon when my mom latosha walked in with the londry wearing a black spandex dress shirt and black spandex pants.she had huge watermelon tits and a big round nice hipo ass real thin abbs thick legs and strong arms when she bent I stared.I dont know why tho she my...
They had hired a microbus with three rows of seats, so that all six could travel together, and they set off early saturday morning, heading to the beach cottage. Before they left, the boys told their moms that as they had proved to be such sluts, there'd be some ground rules. The first was that they were not to take any underwear with them for the holiday. So both women set out wearing tight t-shirts and short skirts, with two more shorts and skirts and a couple of sundresses in their bags....
Every year my mom has a New Years eve party and every year she gets really drunk and I have to carry her to bed. But this year was different. I decided just to let her get drunk and see what happens. When the new year came she was really drunk and started to give every guy at the party a new year kiss. She was wear a tight black dress and I watched as she was walking around kissing all these men that her dress started to ride up a past her ass. Some of the men started to grab and slap her ass...
POV: Will, then Keisha, Will again. "Holy shit, I can't believe we both just had sex with our daughters-in-law, Josh." "Yes, but we did it, man. I mean, we fucking did it, regardless of what the reasons were. No matter how we developed crushes on them, we got into their panties and had our ways with them too, Will." "Dude, this is bad," I said, shaking my head. "How the hell can we expect this to stay locked up forever? What if just one of them lets it slip? Then the other one will...
IncestIt was moms 50th birthday, and I had a big surprise ready for her, I had organised dan to come over and fuck my mom with me, mom had been at work all day and she was ready for some birthday drinks. Mom was 50, shoulder length brown hair, natural FF boobs and a cracking ass, me and my mom Tina had always had a close relationship but adding dan Into the mix will be a big treat. Dan had posted online for a threesome, I got in contact and told him I wanted him to fuck my mom with me and it had to...
Linda and Stacy were both the same age–thirty-six–and looked great. But they were like night anvisit my msg board it got pics and you can post there to day: Linda was a tall, six-foot platinum blond, with small tits, and a runway models body, Stacy was Italian, five-four, with huge breasts and long black hair. Her body was thin, but more curvaceous. They just got finished with a morning of tennis, and now they were in the locker room. They only went there to dry...
Consequences by dilsonI awoke to the sound of my wife, Beth’s, alarm at 6am. It was the middle of winter and the all night sounds of the forty mile per hour gusts of wind beating on the front of the house had provided little rest.Less than an hour later, Beth kissed me goodbye and left for work.I enjoyed the comfort of a warm bed a bit longer, and then dressed to get an early start on the newspaper.This morning would be the first opportunity I’d had in weeks to surf some porn and I was looking...
It all started when I was 16, i was home alone all day and decided to venture around moms bedroom, it was then I found her sexy outfits and dildo under the bed, this was the stuff if hope to find, I've always thought mom was a very attractive lady being blonde , a size 8/10 and natural FF boobs, after I found this I couldn't helpBut fantasise about fucking my mom.Years went by and I got into watching mom and son porn, it was then I realised I needed to try and set up a plan, so I read through...
“Yes I can see her yes yes,wait man let me see a bit more”,…It was kind of arousing,tempting and a kind of pleasant humiliation for me when akash gave me this idea to peek at my mom…And now my friend is watching my mom change her saree and I am waiting for my turn.Literally I could imagine all her nudity in my mind because akash was giving me a detailed report of her body like where she got folds and hairs etc,..He told me that mummy has less hairs compared to the other girls he have seen,maybe...
Today was the day. Mom was going to get two dicks in her pussy at once. She had always imagined what it would be like, i would lie if i said i didn't wonder as well. However today was her day to get two dicks in one hole. It just so happened that i knew two guys who were close and wouldn't mind doing it. I came home and walked through the door. Eric and Jason were sitting on the couch, watching some porn and jerking off together. Mom was in the chair across from them watching them and the...
Moms' Night Out (Part2)After that incredible morning my mother and I were like newlyweds. I couldn't keep my hands off her. I even moved into her bed to have more access to her always hot and ready pussy. I was fucking her 2-3 times a day that week and loved every minute of it. After a couple nights I asked mom to tell me more about her gangbang the Friday before. She loved telling me how many times she came and what a thrill it was to take on all those cocks. Her slutty talk always...
Introduction: Mom decides to help her college aged son get over his painful last break-up by bringing the whole family to a Halloween Costume Party. She accidentally mixes up the sizes for the costumes for father and son, leading to… other mistakes. How could you! I screamed at my phone and was so mad I wanted to throw it on the ground and smash it. Only the fact that Id worked all summer to pay for it kept me from doing just that. Im sorry Randy, but it just kinda happened. I hope we can...
We had just got back from holiday a week before and mom had invited us round for dinner, Elaine wasn't feeling too good so i went alone to see mom Tina. I had told mom the night before that Elaine wasn't coming so she wasn't surprised when I turned up with just a bottle of wine for the two of us. When we was on holiday mom promised an all day fucking session and I think today was that day . I let myself in Moms house, she was upstairs getting changed, so I went to have a sneak peak. She had...
A student gets caught cheating on her test. "There she goes again, looking at her neighbor's paper! She is so obvious. She has to be the worst cheater ever. Now she is looking at me and acting nervous. If she looks at her neighbor again, I am taking her exam away," Joe thought to himself as he sat at his desk, pretending to grade the previous period's final exam. Hailey, the student in question, was sitting a mere three rows back and her nervous eyes kept darting to, and then staring at, her...
-thanks for reading. There are more to come, a lot more! ............So it had been a few days since the cookout, it was Wednesday and I had to work a 36 hour over night/on call shift at the hospital on Thurs and into Friday. I had asked Amber, Krystal, and Rachel if they would mind looking in on Hayleigh, only because it had been only 4 days since we moved in. I wasn't worried about her, hell she could take care of herself and she knew all to well how to use a gun. It was more because I...
“Yes I can see her yes yes,wait man let me see a bit more”,…It was kind of arousing,tempting and a kind of pleasant humiliation for me when akash gave me this idea to peek at my mom…And now my friend is watching my mom change her saree and I am waiting for my turn.Literally I could imagine all her nudity in my mind because akash was giving me a detailed report of her body like where she got folds and hairs etc,..He told me that mummy has less hairs compared to the other girls he have seen,maybe...
I have written an read so many stories of taboo. For years the words and images of Mom being fucked silly by her baby boy have made my seaman boil, My x wife was my mom's mini me for 10 years and it was the next best thing to fucking a younger version of my own Mother. That was until my Father died 5 years ago leaving Moms all alone inside my c***dhood house. The old neighbor hood went to shit and I started spending more time with mom to look out for her. The more time away from the wife the...
There is one thing I truly hate about my job and that is getting a late night phone call. When a call like that comes in, it means only one thing ... murder. I’ve been a Homicide Detective for over 20 years and have seen the worse that a supposed civilized man can do to another. My years in the Marines before I became a cop were less bloody. Sure, it was war and we killed each other, but here, stateside, among our own people is where I find the true cruelty of man. I’m coming up on mandatory...
Introduction: A slut going wild Moms Stockings: My Sons Cum Bucket I have wanted to fuck my son for a while, ever since he graduated high school this year and really buffed up over the summer working construction. It was then, one random day, while he was in swimming trunks to go for a dip in the pool that I noticed that my son had turned into a man. In fact, my son had grown into a very handsome man, a virtual replica of his deceased father (who died serving his country two years ago). I...
100% fiction! My name is Mike and I live with my mom. She is 60, widowed, cute, sexy and as slutty as it gets. She's 5 ft. tall, weighs about 120 lbs. with old style cat eye glasses, short gray hair, decent figure with big boobs and a nice bubble butt. Dad was very religous and controlled mine and moms live's. She had to dress very conservatively and couldn't wear makeup or be to outgoing. When dad died four years ago, mom went off the deep end. She quit the church, started dressing way to...
IncestMoms dress Janet L Stickney [email protected] My mom likes to look at those web sites have a lot of pictures on them, and once in a while they show a girl wearing her moms prom dress or wedding gown or some other very nice dress. Sometimes she sees a womanless pageant or contest and she almost always points out the very best looking boys to me, and some of those boys dressed as girls looked better than their mom! I never gave it any thought, although I do however, like to dress...
100% fiction! The alarm buzzed, as it flashed 8 : 30. I reached over and clicked snooze and shuffled around in my bed. My mom knocked on my door and walked in with a tray of breakfast. She bent over and put the tray on my lap, i could see the cleevage of her double D tits " come on get up, your going to be late for high school ". She'd been acting really weird around me the past month, she'd been alot more flirty with me, which i didnt mind considering she was extremly hot!. She had double D...
IncestAs usual, Ramana came the next day. By that time, Mom was fully naked and roaming here and there in the hall probably, waiting for Ramana. Ramana seeing my mom, immediately hugged her and started kissing on her nose. “Your nose is just like Jayaprada. Even after kissing it for one hour, I am not satisfied. I want to put your nose in my mouth for 24 hours.” Mom beautifully laughed and said” my whole body is yours. My boobs, hips, pussy, thighs are yours. Off course, my moms nose is also long. My...
Incest"Ladies and Gentlemen this is your pilot speaking, please remain in your seat and keep your seat belt on."Hearing these words made my cock swell so fast my head began to throb. My breathing turned to a soft pant as she buried her face under my arm. My left hand held the back of her neck so she remained blinded from the bulging cock less then a foot from her gasping mouth. If all goes as planned she will be in dreamland strapped down in her seat." please remain buckeled in your seats as we will...
POV: Keisha "How are you four ladies doing?" Josh asked, walking towards us. "We're fine, guys," London responded, failing to look at them. I had to grin and cover my mouth. 'Oh, shit, you two are driving your wives nuts, dudes,' I thought, peeking at the floor. "Well, I know our granddaughters, that we're holding here, are definitely growing on us, and we're hoping you two start throwing up soon. We can have even more bundles of joy to snuggle with indeed. Keisha, Gia, what do you...
TabooPOV: DarceeAs we got to the front door, Kaylee didn't even knock, we both went in there and headed straight for the living room."She's not here, maybe she's in her bedroom," she pointed out, before heading to Joy's bedroom. "Her door is open, though, so she's not in there.""This door is closed, sweetie," I mentioned, in front of it."That's her parents' room, though, Mom."I put my ear to it, but brought it off a few seconds later. "I don't hear anything."She bit down on my...
IncestShe pulled into the drive, and headed for the door. As she walked to the door, she looked good. I knew where I got my looks from. I smiled. I hope I look that good at 42, I thought to myself, as she walked into the house. Hi honey, she said as she hugged and kissed me. Coffee is ready, lets sit and catch up, I told her. Where is the great white hunter? she asked, while laughing. She has never really liked Tom. Where do you think, he is in the woods with his buddies, I answered her....