House Sitting Sara and the Golden
- 4 years ago
- 27
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The room was ill lit and possessed many odours. The smoke of many burning lamps competed mainly with the smell of far too many people, though the rich scents of exotic perfumes and aromas of expensive foodstuffs made their own assaults on the nostrils of the room. Illystil Morninggold did her best to keep her true feelings hidden and her fake smile in place as she wandered about the ballroom, nodding cordially to the various minor nobles, diplomats and affluent merchants that populated this affair.
The occasion was the forty-third birthday of the Henchill Menaster, Lord Mayor of Yhaun, eastern-most port city of the nation of Sembia. Many of the guests, like Illystil, did not know the mayor and the congratulations they gave him were perfunctionary at best; they were here to indulge in his hostly generosity and to socialize with their peers. In less eloquent terms, they were here to party.
Illystil was attending this celebration for a different reason. This type of social interaction was not natural to her, and if she had possessed a choice in the matter she would have been anywhere else. By birth and by training she was a Ranger: a chosen of Mielikki, Lady of the Forest. For the majority of her twenty-eight years she had run along the leafy paths of the Cormanthor like a fleet-footed deer. Armed with sword and bow, she had protected the trees and their denizens from the enemies that were constantly threatening them. It had been a life she enjoyed; one that she wished she had still.
However, the destinies of men (and women) were not for them to decide; ultimately all of their fates were determined by the gods. Mielikki had another destiny in mind for Illystil, so at Her behest she had joined the ranks of the Harpers and so she was here.
Agents of the Gods of Light, it was the mission of Those Who Harp to ensure freedom for all of mankind-elves, halflings, gnomes and dwarves among them. Their enemies were those who would oppress and imprison man: slavers, agents of the dark gods, and those who would prevent free men from living honest lives. Belonging to the latter category was the trading company known as the Iron Throne. Their business practices were, to use the term generously, ruthless. They would go to any means to ensure that their products brought the highest prices, and that included starting wars, destroying economies and allying with dark gods.
The reason that Illystil was at this ball on this evening was that another of the personages attending was Almaric Danthiir, agent for the Iron Throne. In his possession was a signed contract, purchasing the services of a savage mercenary company known as the Chill. Earlier attempts by Harper agents to steal those orders and replace them with Harper-made forgeries had failed, and so now the task fell onto Illystil's shoulders. As a guest of Lord Mayor Menaster, Almaric kept his possessions —and his personal documents- in a locked cabinet in a private study on the second floor of the mansion. It was only during balls such as this one that the mayor's housegaurd were distractible enough to attempt skulduggery.
Illystil gritted her teeth behind her smile and shifted her weight in a vain attempt to make her gown comfortable. Her attendance at this ball had been a last minute decision, and the seamster's attempts to fit the borrowed dress to her had been less than perfect. Illystil was larger than the women hereabouts, both in height and in figure. She was only a few finger widths shy of six feet and due to her robust life style was more muscular than the local daughters of nobility. As a result, the dress she wore was both too short and too tight. While the end result was superficially pleasing —her passage captured the eyes of all men that she passed- wearing the green silken sheathe (to say nothing of trying to move about in it) was akin to being bound and tortured.
She knew that she was beautiful. She had been blessed by Sune on her birth with honey blonde hair, a lean curvaceous figure and smile that quickened men's breaths. While her normal choice of dress was usually less ... restrained, she knew that thanks to the assistance of a Harper ally who was also a noble woman's maid that she wore her borrowed clothing to its best advantage.
When Illystil had seen herself in a mirror this afternoon, she had not recognised herself. The vision before her eyes had been beautiful enough to rival Sune herself. The woman she looked at had long, blonde hair that cascaded in golden waves around a kohl-brushed face with huge brown eyes and ruby red lips. The tight dress she wore fit like a second skin and left nothing about her to the imagination, displaying her slender waist and pushing her breasts forth to a degree Illystil had not known they could achieve. She looked like a Silkwhisperer, a comparison that made her blush, and as was obvious from the looks she received, the men at the party thought so as well.
The musical sounds of yarting and harp filled the room as Illystil did her utmost to sway across it gracefully. She had been trained in matters of etiquette and bearing by Shearil Rowenmantle herself, Lady of Shadowdale, and while she did not feel confident enough to appear before the King of Cormyr, her poise was certainly enough for a ball in honour of His Lord the Mayor and ten score of his closest strangers.
An old, overweight man dressed in very expensive clothes —scion one of the city's many merchant families, not doubt- invited her to dance on the crowded ballroom floor and Illystil found no way to politely refuse him. She was glad of her natural grace here, for she had found learning the elegant dance styles of the Sembian court absurdly easy and thus could let her body perform of its own volition while she concentrated on more important matters.
Ignoring the soft, sweaty hand that rested on her hip and the ripe body odour of her dance partner, Illystil kept her attention covertly focussed on the stairway that led to the mansion's upper levels. At the moment, Almaric Danthiir of the Iron Throne was speaking privately with someone in His Lord the Mayor's study on the floor above, and there was no way Illystil could attempt to replace his document with the one hidden against her thigh until they had vacated the room.
Mercifully, the music ended, the dancers separated and everyone clapped politely for the musicians. Illystil thanked her rotund partner for the honour of his company and politely refused his offer of a private glass of wine. Unfortunately, the cooler portion of the room -the southern half where it opened onto the balcony- gave her no view of the stairs, so as she casually sipped her punch and smiled at the dozens of young suitors that seemed to appear out of the woodworking, she was forced to stay near the western walls —near the kitchen- and swelter.
It was an unseasonably warm night for only the end of spring, being in a room filled to overflowing with people made it no cooler, to say nothing of the braziers and lanterns that illuminated it. What she wouldn't have given to be rid of this torturous dress and to be out in the night's cool breezes. She would be wearing a loose fitting chemise that left her arms bare and a light skirt. If it was as warm as it was tonight, maybe she would wear nothing at all. Illystil has always felt closer to nature when she wore no more than the animals did. When she was nude she could fully feel the wind, or how the leaves on the trees blew, or the kiss of the water in a remote forest spring...
"I can say without fear of blasphemy that your beauty outshines all of the gods in the sky."
Illystil was brought out her daydream with a snap. Blinking and trying to keep her irritation hidden, she chastised herself for her lack of concentration and tried to focus on whoever was speaking to her. It took all of her effort to prevent her eyes from bugging out as she realized that the man before her was her quarry, Almaric of the Iron Throne.
Beshaba's luck. It wasn't enough for her to be so wrapped up in her fantasies that she did not watch the stairs, she had to be so completely oblivious that the man she was specifically watching for could walk right up to her unnoticed. Trapped by matters of convention, Illystil smiled demurely and offered the man she was facing her hand while she studied him covertly. He was tall and broad, with dark curly hair, not unpleasant and boring dark eyes. He could be considered handsome if he were not so smarmy. He was too ... polished. Every hair and article of clothing on him was perfect, as if he were more a statue or painting than a man. His clothes were disgustingly rich, with gemstones sewed into them and embroidered with gold thread, and obviously tailored to emphasise his physique.
Almaric took her offered hand and pressed it to his lips, then in an obviously well practiced manoeuvre gave her a low, flourishing bow. It would have been considered charming if he had not held it perhaps a few moments too long, an action that left his face only inches away from her barely restrained cleavage. Resisting an urge to drive her wine goblet through his neck, she silently endured his rather blatant inspection and waited for his gaze to return to her face.
When his eyes did finally meet with hers —and it took a good while- his expression was best described as avaricious. "May I say, my Lady, that the Goddess of Love has never has as beautiful a devotee as you." His voice was rich and filled with a combination of sincerity and distain; like he was sweet-talking a slow child. He had not yet released her hand.
Illystil's had to pull to release herself from his grip. Her smile was forced. "You are mistaken, sir," she replied to him in her throaty alto voice, trying but failing to keep her tone light. "I am not in the service of Sune."
"Really?" He paused a moment and smiled apologetically. "Oh, I'm sorry. Its just that —"
She cut him off, her voice sharp. "It's just that you think I look like a prostitute." She knew as soon as the words were out of her mouth that her reply was too sharp; too sudden. It was not the response of a noble lady, but already she disliked him. Even if she had not known who he was, everything about him from how he dressed and groomed himself to how he looked at her like a piece of property would have caused her to abhor him. Knowing that he belonged to a merciless organization like the Iron throne only lowered him further in her eyes.
She smiled into her punch as Almaric just stared at her, his mouth hanging open in the wake of her blunt comment. He stood agape for a long second while he tried to think of a way to recover himself. "Ahh ... a silkwhisperer is not a common whore, my lady." As he said it his eyes began to drift downward, quite openly appraising her. He returned his eyes to hers and gave what was surely meant to be an enchanting smile. "And it only takes a single look to see that nothing about you is common."
Illystil was slow in answering, forcing herself not to cringe under his scrutiny or strike him physically. "How ... kind of you to say." Was that supposed to be a compliment? Did he think he was being charming? Surely even prostitutes were propositioned with greater flair than this.
He beamed at her, seemingly oblivious to her dislike of him. "I am Almaric Danthiir," he told her, his voice full of self-importance. "Baron of Seveleya."
"A baron. Really?" Her eyebrows rose involuntarily. If he had been born a noble than she was Sharess' handmaiden. She knew from information given to her that his family had been servants before the Tethyrian civil war. If he was claiming now to be a baron than he had either murdered or swindled his way into the title.
"Yes." He grew more enthusiastic as he talked. "Truthfully I have not stepped foot there for several years." His face was filled with insincere sadness. "My business is very important, and occupies all of my attention." His shrug was equally artificial "As a result I am very wealthy, but..." he fixed his eyes with hers, " ... lonely."
"Oh, I see." She kept her reply short to keep from laughing into his face. Was his title and money supposed to charm her into his bed? Did his suave approach actually work on some women?
He stood looking at her, waiting for her to add something to her reply. When she didn't, there was an awkward moment of silence. He flashed her his ingratiating smile again. "I'm sorry. I seem to have missed your name."
That was because until now she hadn't given it. She had hoped this conversation wouldn't have lasted this long; there were many things left for her to do on this evening. "Illystil Morninggold," she told him reluctantly, "from the Dales."
He once again captured her hand and kissed it. "I am enchanted to meet you, Illystil." She had to fight the urge to wipe her hand on her dress. "Did you arrive at this ball as someone's guest?"
Illystil gave him her best court smile, determined to end this conversation civilly before she was forced to beat him. "Yes, with Fileyna Rowenmantle. She was gracious enough to introduce me to the court."
"Ah, but not with a male companion?" His eyes grew predatory.
She sighed. "Umm, no." If he offered to act as her escort there was no way she could really refuse him -short of violence.
"So you would not object to sharing your time with a baron?" His tone was triumphant as he asked.
She hesitated, then relented. " ... no, of course not." He had trapped her neatly with civility. As a polite lady of lower station, she could not refuse him. Her eyes searched the gala, looking for someone to help her, for any excuse that would allow her to excuse herself politely so that she could continue her work.
The next five minutes were torturously long. Despite her every evasion, her every subtle attempt to disengage from the conversation, Almaric was either too dense to take a hint (which she doubted; a trade mogul like himself by necessity had to be savvy) or he believed that by sheer personality and force of will he could catch her interest. Never before had Illystil felt so debased. She was a beautiful woman and had enjoyed her share of male attention over the years, but always in those encounters and relationships there had been respect. Yes, they had been attracted to her (and occasionally she had been attracted to them as well) but always she had been treated as a person. With each of Almaric's oily smiles and none-to-subtle innuendoes, it became more and more obvious that nothing she said or did mattered to him. Beyond his politeness, she was only an object; a pretty bauble to capture and use before being thrown away.
Illystil's window of opportunity was slipping away from her. She had to act soon, while the study containing Almaric's personal papers remained unoccupied. Her information said that it was unlikely anyone other than the mayor and his houseguests would use the room but the longer she delayed the more chances there were for Beshaba to give Her 'blessing' to Illystil's scheme.
Unfortunately, there was more to do than simply approach the study and walk in. Both the entry and the private cabinet were locked, and Illystil possessed neither keys nor the expertise to simulate them. Even if she did possess that specialized knowledge, there was no way she could have knelt in plain sight in front of a door off limits to the party guests for the time it would have taken her to gain entrance. No, in the tradition of many Harpers before her, she had to perform a difficult act in an impossible manner: she would have to walk through walls.
Sembia, like many nations, had a solid tradition in intrigue. Spying and information gathering was as hallowed a profession in this nation as usury or trading. Thus when the mayor had constructed his mansion, he had riddled it with secret doors and hidden passageways. While he had done his utmost to keep the knowledge of his hidden passages from the populace of Yhaun, the ears of the Harpers were close to the ground and heard many illicit things. One of the things they had heard was that Menaster's rivals had done him one further: they had created secrets passages within his secret passages. One of the hidden hallways that passed behind the mayor's study contained a false stone in one wall. It was situated directly behind the mayor's personal cabinet, and in the rear of that cabinet a false backing had been constructed. That was Illystil's destination tonight.
She had been told by her sources which passage to access (behind the curtain in an alcove on the north end of the west wall) and the route to take within the hall network to reach the study. Unfortunately, she was unable to do so until she could find a way to escape the unbearable company of Almaric Danthiir.
Almaric's monotonous blather and constant leering was thankfully interrupted by the arrival of two men, one older and taller with a beard, the other younger and clean-shaven. Both were quite handsome in separate ways, dressed in high quality Cormyrian doublets and hose. As they neared, the 'baron' paused in his speech and for the briefest of moments his mask of civility was replaced by open hatred; though for which of the two men —the elder or the younger-Illystil could not determine. Within a heartbeat Almaric's facade of gentility had returned so convincingly that one would never know it had not been there.
The elder of the two men spoke first, sketching a light bow over his wine goblet. He was very handsome with striking features, a trim beard and brown hair worn long behind his back. He was quite tall and towered over Almaric -who was not a small man- by more than a hand width.
"Baron Danthiir." His voice, Illystil noticed, was rich and sonorous; it carried great weight even with that simple greeting. "Are you enjoying the ball?" His eyes were deep blue and met hers briefly. His words, in combination with contacting her eyes, sent a shock through Illystil down to her toes. Her throat was suddenly dry and she hurriedly sipped at her punch.
"Sir Quinlan, Logan." Almaric nodded coolly but politely to the taller man and his younger companion. "I suppose this ball is ... adequate."
A knight! This dark, absorbing man-Sir Quinlan, his name was?- was a noble warrior and defender of the realm. Looking at his quiet authority and control of his environment, she thought that there was nothing else this man could be. Who, then, was his companion?
"Only adequate?" Quinlan raised an eloquent eyebrow. "I think you do Mayor Menaster a disservice."
Almaric gave a small shrug. "It is as fine as a ball as there can be in Sembia, I suppose." He looked down his nose at the room and its inhabitants. "A Tethyrian market festival would outshine this."
"That is a sentiment that would not be well received in these parts," Quinlan chided the baron. "You should have a care to whom you speak it." He said it politely and neutrally, but obviously as a man would speak to a subordinate. Illystil could not tell if it was meant as a warning or a rebuke. She guessed that Almaric had no love for these men, but she did not know if that ill sentiment was returned.
It was obvious how Almaric interpreted the comment and his irritation was evident as he glowered at the larger man. Focussed on a lesser person, the trade baron's ire may have been an imposing thing, but when fixed on the knight, the effect was closer to a housedog fending off a griffon. Unperturbed by Almaric's anger, Quinlan continued with a voice as smooth as a morning pool. "You have not introduced me to your companion, Baron." His eyes met with Illystil's once more and again a lightning-like shock coursed through her.
Almaric's irritation vanished and in ingratiating smile took its place. "Forgive me." He took Illystil's arm and gripped it possessively, a gesture easy to interpret and surely as old as man. "It was not my intention to insult..." The corner of his mouth curled up minutely. " ... her." Quinlan showed no reaction to the obvious insult, but she could see his companion begin to bristle until the knight placed a calming grip on the man's arm. Almaric continued. "It is my pleasure, sirs, to introduce Lady Illystil Morninggold." His grip tightened further and Illystil fought off the urge to drive her elbow into his shortribs. "She is the ward of Fileyna Rowenmantle, just introduced to this court."
The tall, charismatic knight stepped close to her and took her hand in his own. "Lady Morninggold, it is a pleasure to meet you." His eyes met hers and he smiled as he touched her hand to his lips. The combination of his touch and smile made her breath quicken. She barely heard his next words. "You look radiant."
She barely managed to find a response. "You are too kind, sir..." Her mind blanked. His name? What was his name?
"Quinlan Truesilver, knight of Cormyr." He supplied adroitly. If he noticed her gaff he was polite enough not to make mention of it. The knight gestured towards his companion. "This is my squire, Anarion."
The younger man plucked her hand from Quinlan's grip and brought it to his lips. "Enchanted, my lady." He was handsome, she noticed. If he had not been standing next to Quinlan, perhaps she would have said very handsome. He was perhaps a finger width taller than her, with broad shoulders and a muscular build. His hair dark blonde, and shorter than the elder knights.
With difficulty, Illystil brought her whirling mind under a semblance of control. Ignoring Almaric, who was still gripping her arm, she retrieved her hand from Anarion. "A pleasure to meet both of you." The smile she gave this time was genuine.
Truesilver. When he had said his family name aloud it had rang familiarly in her ears. She had heard it recently, but where it had been eluded her. It had been during one of her dull conversations earlier. He had been called something. Some strange title...
It came to her suddenly. "You're the King's Hand!" She said it loudly and without thinking. By unfortunate coincidence, the musicians had finished their piece of music that very moment, and her abrupt exclamation echoed throughout the suddenly quiet room. It seemed as if the head of every single person turned towards her. Her companions, who had been glaring silently at one another, now focused their attentions solely on Illystil. She began to blush furiously.
In the deafening silence, Quinlan raised his eyebrow. "Excuse me?"
The musicians resumed their playing and the hubbub of conversation throughout the room sprung up once more. Illystil struggled to explain her outburst. "I was speaking with Lady Fileyna earlier." Words flew from her lips as fast as she could form them. The fact that she was babbling before such a cultured man embarrassed her further. "She was speaking of you. She called you the Hand of the King." She found it hard to meet his eyes.
"I am occasionally known as that, yes," the knight quietly admitted.
"It-it is not a title I have heard before," Illystil replied. She was beginning to feel uncomfortable in this conversation, but was committed now to finish it. "What does a King's Hand do?"
Quinlan seemed embarrassed and answered quietly into his wine. "It is merely the name given to the king's advisor."
Beside Illystil, Almaric chuckled. "Sir Quinlan is far too modest." There was an edge to his voice. "He is far more than merely an advisor." Illystil turned to him and saw a dangerous smile on Almaric's face. "As the King's Hand, he personally oversees the affairs of the crown, including I believe those that would be inappropriate for the royal family to deal with themselves." His smile became a ritcus-like grin. "Is that not so, Sir Quinlan?"
Quinlan's face became hard as stone. His voice was still quiet, but now full of intensity. "Any action beneath his majesty is equally inappropriate for his knights or any other citizen of the realm."
The two men's gazes locked once more, but this time it was Quinlan who looked away. "What a stirring display of chivalry," Almaric sneered, "I'm speechless." He turned to Illystil. "My lady, this man standing before you without doubt is in possession of Cormyr's most embarrassing secrets."
Quinlan's eyes were blazing, but his words remained cool and conversational. "In Cormyr, Baron, such slander against the crown would be punishable by stoning." He smiled tightly. "It would be good for you to watch your words."
Almaric seemed unfazed and continued his verbal assault. "How fortunate for me then that we are in Sembia." He pulled Illystil closer to him. She wasn't enjoying being used as a combination of weapon and prize between the two men. "I would think the mayor would object to people hurling rocks at his guests, especially a man of my station."
"It is not my wish to upset his lord, the mayor." Quinlan's eyes flicked disapprovingly at Almaric's arm around Illystil's waist. When the Baron saw that, his grip tightened further. "I am merely making conversation."
"So there is no business that you wish to conduct with me, Sir Quinlan?" He grinned wolfishly. "To what, then, do I owe the pleasure of your company?"
The verbal sparring continued. "I only wish to pay my respects, Baron." Quinlan glanced at Almaric's arm wrapped possessively around Illystil. "Did you and Lady Morninggold not wish to be disturbed?" The edge of his lips quirked up momentarily. "My apologies if I have interrupted you."
Illystil was tiring of being used. The longer these two men continued their lanceless jousting match, the greater chance that they would create a scene -well, a larger scene than she had already. "You have interrupted nothing, sir knight," she assured the tall man, glaring at Almaric out of the side of her vision. "I am delighted to meet both and your squire." As she spoke she twisted and slithered her way free of Almaric's grip. "May I ask what brings you to Sembia?"
"Please, call me Quinlan, my lady. I am in Yhaun on business of the king." When he glanced at her and smiled, it was if Almaric, the ball and all her obligations disappeared. She could not help but smile back...
Their exchange of looks was not lost on Almaric. "Anything you care to share, Sir Quinlan?" he asked cruelly, his eyes glinting, "or is it another of Cormyr's deep secrets?"
The glance Quinlan sent the man was lethal. "Not a deep secret, baron," he told Almaric flatly, "but certainly none of your business." Having said that, the knight turned his attention away from the man as if he did not exist and looked to Illystil. "I am afraid you have me at a loss, my lady."
"In what way, Sir Quinlan?" Illystil blinked at the sudden change of subject. "And please, call me Illystil."
He continued to ignore Almaric, which seemed to have a greater effect on the man than Quinlan's verbal barbs. "As you wish, Lady Illystil." She thrilled when he said her name. With his deep, resonant voice is was like he was caressing her verbally. He sketched another small bow. "Well, you see, I am cousin to the Rowenmantles," as he spoke alarm bells began to ring in her head, "and I have never heard your name mentioned." His eyes seemed guileless, but she couldn't tell. There was much about this man that was hidden.
Mind spinning, trying with difficulty not to let her attraction to him trip her up, she tried to remember her cover story. "In truth, I have known Lady Fileyna less than a tenday." She didn't think it sounded like a lie, but Quinlan did not seem the type to miss much. "I am recently arrived here from Shadowdale." He gave the impression he believed her, but would he really tell her if he thought her a liar? "Her cousin, Shaeril," she continued, "begged her to introduce me to gentile society."
"My lady, sirs." Behind Almaric's oily charm, he was seething with anger. "I am afraid that I have pressing business elsewhere." He gave Quinlan a cruel smile. "Also, were I to stay longer, I fear that I would end up gravely insulting some aspect of Cormyrian lifestyle." He waited smirking for Quinlan's reaction, but there was none. After a moment the grin faltered and he turned towards Illystil. "Lady Illystil, I will see you later." He looked straight into her eyes as he said it. He gave an insincere smile at the two other men. "If you will excuse me."
"Of course, Baron." Quinlan nodded to the man politely, but his civility only seemed to fuel the baron's rage.
As Almaric began to stalk off, the up-to-now silent Anarion spoke. "When next your business takes you to Cormyr, Baron, you must come to Suzail." His voice was mocking.
Illystil had no idea what the significance of the comment Anarion made was, but Almaric seemed to. The trade baron stopped abruptly and spun to face the younger man, his face livid with rage. After a moment in which Illystil thought the man would launch himself at the young warrior, Almaric turned on his heel and stalked angrily away. In the aftermath of the departed baron's anger, there was only silence.
Quinlan gave Anarion an angry, hard look and the young squire, while he appeared slightly embarrassed, met the elder knight's stare defiantly. The two held their gazes in silent conversation for a heartbeat, then Anarion looked away, his face flushed.
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I checked the time on my phone, shut off the car, and headed back into the laundromat. The place was empty, as it usually was. The motel at the edge of town opening the 24-hour laundromat suited me perfectly. I didn’t have to deal with anyone and never had to wait.Once I transferred all my clothes from the washers to the dryers, I headed back out to my car. It was way more comfortable than the plastic seats inside, and I was parked close enough to use the free wi-fi.With about five minutes to...
First TimeI knew then I would always remember the next few hours. We were both flying from Los Angeles to Boston on a red-eye flight out of LAX. I had seen her sitting alone at the gate, and I devoured her from afar, taking a seat a few rows back to not look like some sort of midnight stalker at the airport. My own fantasy drowned out the noise coming from the light bustle of the airport at midnight. She was simply stunning. Her brunette hair, tousled from a full-days work, flowed down to her shoulders....
I sat on the edge of the bed and thought hard about what I had agreed to be....a nice, pleasant....'girlie-girl' girlfriend. The sort of giggly, girlie-girl girlfriend that men loved and enjoyed having. My heart was pounding as I considered my options. They were few and far between. I wasn't big or strong enough to fight or even work out a way to get the photographs back. I sat on the edge of the bed and held my head in my hands. I was on the verge of tears when I heard the knock on...
My husband's nephews soccermatch Last saturday me and my husband went to his nephews soccermatch, we do that from time to time to support him.It was a nice and sunny day so i decided just to wear a bleu nice g-string and push-up bra simple slip-on dress and some high heels.My husbands nephew is just around 18 and always very excited about soccer and when i come to visit his matches.So we went there and we are waiting for the game to start as the did their warmup and at some point the match...
My wife has never hid the fact that she enjoys a nice thick dick on the side. Ever since I planted the idea in her pretty blonde head just after we got married she has fucked sucked and flashed any one of her choosing. I have never been a part of any of her sex acts. She told me right up front that if she did decide to have sex outside our marriage that it would be one hundred percent as she wants it. I was given three chances to back out. The last chance was given to me as she stood at the...
When I got to the student council meeting, it was as if the negativity that was coursing throughout my body was some kind of atmospheric event that plagued the entire school. Even in my state of shakiness and numbness over what I had done, I couldn’t avoid noticing that the mood of the entire council had gone down. Nevertheless, instead of asking around before the council began, all I could do was find a seat and slump into it. “You okay?” the concerned voice of Megan asked. I looked over to...
Hello all, I hope you all liked my first admission and I hope you all like this one. Enjoy. Being a famous wide receiver for the local football team gave Jackson Dumont everything that a athlete wanted. Money, cars, jewlery, women, you name it. It did not help that he was a advertiser’s dream with his model looks which gave him every endorsement deal known to man. Plus coming off of a champoinship year in which he had a career year in catches, yards and touchdowns plus the MVP award he had it...
My wife and I were avid Internet fans, always looking something up, checking out new places, things, and activities. One day, while cruising the web I came across a Yahoo group called “Cuckoldry Couples”. Interesting, I thought. Investigating further, I found out that this once shameful, humiliating practice had become the newest rage in couple’s sexual play. The object is for the wife to find and engage other men while she denies her husband sex, either permanently, or as part of an intricate...
All characters mentioned in this story are 18 and above. It was 3 days after I had proposed Akanksha and we had our intimacy. The last period of Saturday was games period. The whole class was in ground and we both were in class. Well the games period provided us 45 min of privacy and we made it sure that it was well used. I kissed her neck. She: What are you doing? Me: I am trying to kiss my girlfriend. She: Not here. Someone will come. I turned her face towards me. She was wearing new nose...
The house was built for someone wealthy, but that was a long time ago. The ceilings sag even though the chandeliers have been removed, and the molding has mildew at the corners. The floor-to-ceiling windows are bolted so we can’t go out onto the porches, anyway. It’s a halfway house. The Grand Central House for Recovering Women. The windows are nice, though. Some of the panes have been replaced with newer glass, but the original ones are thick and have bubbles in them. The view out through...
For some reason, you kept thinking about "The Stand." It happened so fast, after all. The news stations playing the same old, same old, totally ignoring the true disease spreading across the face of the world. Then people started dying. Everyone, died. It was fast, incredibly fast. First they were fine, then a day of the sniffles, then a incredible burning fever that literally cooked them from the inside out after only three hours. A wiseass on channel 5 started calling it the "Black Tuesday...
The Ball Is In Your Court 2 I know this one took a while, but I hope it was worth the wait. Being that it took so long, I’m going to act as though time has passed for Sketch and Cameron too. The first installment was how they got together at the beginning of the school year. This installment will be around the time of the holidays. End of Part 1 “My thoughts exactly, Sketch.” Cameron lifted her lips to mine and we shared a slow, unhurried kiss. Not out of passion. That was sated. This was...
hi my names crystal and i'm 32yrs old i married my husband john when i was 19 he was 25 i had only been with 2 other guys when we got together but i have always had a extremly high sex drive and a really dirty,kinky,sexaul mind. anyway me and my hubbys sex life started out realy boring and about 3 months after we got maried I started cheating on him with one of our mutual friends tony it started when we asked tony to be are dd one night at the bar he drove us their and me and tony sat and...
"Wake up," I heard Eddie say as he shook my shoulder the next morning. "Time to go for our run." I groaned, sat up and saw my brother standing in my room, dressed to go running. I got up, grabbed my outfit and went into the bathroom. When I was finished, I came out with my running clothes on and tossed the things I wore to bed into my room. I hadn't said a word to Eddie and I just headed for the door. My brother followed me and we started our warm-ups and then began to run our...
Woman I'd had a late night, I stayed up late watching tv then went to bed around 3am and quickly fell asleep, I liked sleeping naked and it was summer so I wasn't using any blankets either. My apartment was small but nice, it only had 1 bedroom but it had everything I needed, and a little more. It had the newest kitchen and bathroom, a laundry too, I even had a dishwasher and dryer. My lounge had the newest tech as well, huge tv, get stereo system and a few game consoles to go with it....
Philip and Ai woke at about nine. They showered together with nothing more than light hearted laughs, soft kisses and gentle groping. Towelled off and happy, Ai was back to her bouncy, effervescent self as if the run in with Hector, her erstwhile manager, hadn’t happened the night before. She took out a black bra, thong and a black day dress from one of the suitcases she’d hastily packed at her apartment. The garment was cotton lace with sleeves three quarters to her wrists and hugged her...
- This new one, you'll do her on Saturday, at five... here. Full week! – Marisa closed the planner and turned off the PC; in the meanwhile, I dished out the tuna and olive spaghetti I had just cooked, perfectly al dente.- What do you mean, "new"? – I asked her, as we sat down at the table.- New, as in, she's new... I don't know her: that's all. – a sarcastic smile appeared on her lips as she helped herself to a delicate Soave, chosen carefully to match with the summer meal.- Uhm... you're...
If Adam expected recriminations from finger-fucking another woman, he was dead wrong. His girlfriends treated him like royalty. Rebecca slipped up beside Adam only moments after Celina left to find a bed. Rebecca lifted Adam's finger and gave it a lick, then popped her own finger in his mouth. She was clearly much drunker than she'd been a couple of hours earlier. "Twice I got off from watching my guy with another girl," she said. "Am I a kinky bitch or what? Damn, she tastes good....
Driving around the rough part of Miami today, we found what it seemed to be a lost white girl. We start talking and offering some cash for her to talk and to play around with us. We gave her enough money to get in the van and take it to the next level. I think we got hustled here but fuck it we still get ours at the end. After offering $500 for a blowjob we see her get down with the cock. Of course we promised her more money for her pussy but at this pointer horny self would do it for free i...
xmoviesforyouJimmy Olsen - Shemale Bimbo by Mistress Tawny Suede Chapter 12 - Frustration! Thursday morning. Jimmy woke up and stretched. He rolled over and sat on the edge of the bed. He momentarily lost his balance a bit. Despite weeks of having tits, they still threw off his centre of balance a bit. And his back hurt. But he smiled when he realized that was because his boobs had gotten much larger since his initial transmogrification. He giggled as he took his breasts in his hands and...
Hi friends I am daily reader of this website for last 4 to 5 years. My name is Rohan I am belong to a upper middle class family and I am 23 years old I also had a sex encounter at the age of 18 which took place like this I am in the 12th standard and enjoy my life fluently, as my father is businessman and earn very well so I don’t think about money and throw parties at the weekend . there are four members in my family my mother, sister and me and my father. My sister (Shikha ) is also a sexy...
Earth Algonquin Park Dungeon, Ontario August 17, 2019 09:23 EDT Ben shrugged when I looked over to him. “It’s a common boss when dealing with skeletons.” “Well, we’re going to have to come up with something to deal with them,” I said, turning my attention back to the four bosses. “It should be a lot easier with you in your dragonkin form, or your Seotross form, for that matter. You should be free to shift into either of those forms now that we’re alone,” Anja said. “True. If I switch to...
When she finally went to sleep at 2:30 a.m., she curled up outside the (closed) door to his room. What she had formerly thought of as 'their' room. She had her own, but that was mainly a closet where she kept her clothes. The clothes he liked – or at least those he specified would be acceptable for her to wear – and the clothes he had not specified. And the shoes. He was very particular about the shoes. She had hidden the boots under the bed in that room. She slept on the carpeted floor,...
Это история повествует о том, как отношения с моей женой переросли в безумную похоть.Ее зовут Кира. Рыженькая,голубоглазая,среднего телосложения девушка.Мы познакомились еще будучи подростками.Мы практически сразу начали встречаться,и также быстро оказались,в одной постели,а точнее лестничной клетке подъезда.Она была у меня первой.Потому как она все ловко делала,было сразу понятно,что опыт у нее есть и меня это ни чуть не смущало.До нее,у меня был разве что петтинг и оральный секс с...
This took place probably a year after the first time I sucked a dick. I'd become quite addicted to sucking cocks and swallowing spunk. Obviously then I began fantasising about getting fucked! I'd been seeing a guy for a while who I'd met on Craigslist (remember that?!) and sucking him off. He had a flat in Salford where he lived through the week for wok, and he'd go home to his wife at weekends. She used to leave some lingerie and dildos at his flat and I'd regularly go round there, dress up in...
It was my best friends birthday and she decided that she wanted to go to a club to celebrate. So me and seven of my friends all went out to a nightclub in DC. There were some problems getting in and we had been pregaming so I was already very drunk by the time we finally in. I immediately started trying to find guys for my friend to dance with. I found two very tall Israeli men who looked fun so we all started dancing. My friend wasn't interested in her man but I was very attracted to my 6'5...
EroticWhile Jenny worked that day at the studio, Reina was fretting over many things. Would Ted ever call her to do another shoot? Where were the clothes he promised? And what would Ted say about her coming to help out sometime as an extra photographer's assistant? It was after school, and as usual, Reina was alone for the afternoon. Her parents would get home between five and six. She was expected to begin the dinner preparations. Usually her mom arrived first and then her dad. It was Reina's...
WARNING: This story contains extreme racist scenes and slurs. This story takes place in the south before the civil war and is about a Caucasian girl dominating two Afro-Americans. In this story you may find racist slurs and the N-word used frequently. This is only to make the story more realistic and NOT to alienate or offend people of colorABIGAIL’S TWO DAY GIFTApril 10, 1862, Huntsville, AlabamaIt was a beautiful spring day. The sun was shining in the sky and everywhere on the plantation...
I had seen my GP. He had sent me to the gynecologist. ‘Physically, my dear Mrs. Meier, you are all right, you may rest completely reassured. The problem probably sits between your ears. I will recommend you to a good therapist who will be able to help you for sure.’ And so I found myself now sitting in the therapist’s waiting room. On the soft crème walls hung a few paintings, landscapes with vague, naked people. ‘You may enter now, Mrs. Meier,’ the receptionist announced. ‘Good day, … Mrs....
The small band moved quickly and silently through the dimness. The moon was full, and Seth was thankful for the faint patches of moonlight that illuminated even the area beneath the trees. But it would be full dark very soon, and they were still too exposed. They had escaped their pursuers, but there were other dangers. It was Aard who found what they needed. One of the giant trees of the Deepwood had been toppled by lightning, apparently many lives ago. Mossy and overgrown, it at first...
[ For A & T again! But this time it's more for T, than A, for one cuckold to another! ]My wife's asleep. She's been asleep now for about two hours, while I, on the other hand, have stayed up watching porn on line. Setting here in the late evening silence, I can only hear the faint, and the occasional, infrequent sound of a siren in the distance somewhere, as quietly stroke my erection as my eyes take in the sights of a huge, black cock driving deep inside the juicy confines of a white...
The first thing Cindy noticed when she drove on to the property of Chicago Steel Company were the other two red Mazdas. She had talked with Dan Burke and he agreed to meet her at the plant. Checking her watch, she found she was fifteen minutes early. After parking her car, she walked over to watch a workman signaling a crane operator who was moving scrap. She stood aside and watched in fascination as very small hand movements from the flagman were translated instantly into very small motions...
This story is fiction, it didn't actually happen, but I wish it would have!It seems I always had this thing for bigger, full figure women. I don't know where is started but I seemed to fantasize about them all the time. My step mom was a bigger woman. My dad divorced and remarried when I was very young. He was away quite a lot with business so it was just me and Sally, that's my stepmom, at home most times. I always thought Sally was quite attractive even when I was young. As I grew older I...
Cassie and I had known the basic content of each other's opening argument. We'd been working on them in my bedroom for the past four weeks. We shared information back and forth. I gave her the material that I was sure she would use in her rebuttal. We didn't know the exact content and that bit about the Supreme Court ruling was brilliant. I wasn't sure how I'd rebut that. I figured if I didn't have contradictory evidence, I could divert it into a different channel. We were both...
Without reading the other installments of the Man In Black, this may not make much sense. As always, there is much fact buried within the fiction. Which is which? I’m not always so sure… * It was one hell of a day for the kid. It was October the 10th, the day of his eighth birthday. He was standing on a milk crate, reaching for a cardboard box on the second shelf just beyond his grasp. He did not notice the man standing behind him with a big stick of stovewood in his hand. As the kid’s...
THE DIAMONDS ARE SOLD (A sequel to ?The Diamond Sisters?? published previously) By Lewis Chappelle Dr. Sturges and his full time, kinky, submissive mistress, Sue Hurt, had conspired to develop a scheme to make millions of dollars almost 20 years earlier. The good doctor had adopted twin girls, who as it turned out were stunningly beautiful as they matured totheir late teen years. The eldest girl, born on April 30, he named April, the next, born on May 1, he named May. Their natural...
In the last two days, I had more sex than I have ever had in my life. I had tried things that I had never imagined that I would do, like the beach group sex! Despite all this, I still wanted to do more, try more stuff to get fucked harder and wilder. It was Sunday, the last day of our long-planned weekend sex. I was woken up early morning by Dhruv. He told me to get a shower and get ready. We were going to the beach. We should start early to get ample time at the beach and at our flat to...
My name is Mark Lynn. I am a typical 18 year old High School jock. Despite of my 6 ft. and 5 inches of height, wavy blonde hair, prominent blue eyes and ripped physique, I am in a constant state of turmoil. I was born lucky in many ways but there wasn't a day that had gone by when I didn't thank God for my sweet innocent mother... Mrs. Elizabeth Lynn was everything you ever wanted. She was simply angelic, a figure of pure beauty. Every person in town knew my busty mother because she was like...
IncestAndrea stepped down off the bus, feeling self-conscious. She shifted her daybag to the other hand, and hurried away from the stop, positive that everyone on the bus knew exactly what she was doing. The feeling was silly, but it hadn't stopped her from worrying through the entire ride across town. In a block or two, she would be safely inside, and she could forget all about it. Andrea turned her thoughts to the weekend. She didn't have much in the bag – just one change of clothes, and a few...
Straight SexIt was finally time to go to the grocery store to restore our diminished supplies. "You ready to go AJ?" I asked. "Yep I'll be there in a second." he replied hugging his little brother bye and running out to catch up with me. I hooked the trailer cart up to the ATV and we were off to town. We walked into the store a little while later to a raunchy smell. "Eww oh my god what the hell is that smell?" Adam asked pinching his nose shut. It turned out to be the fruit and things...
It's a HOT STEAMY afternoon and I'm laying on a sandy beach next to the river. You are fishing just down the bank from me. I lift my head to see you stark naked and stroking your cock. I'm not sure why all of a sudden your jerking your cock. I watch you thru my sunglasses. My tits grow hard as you stroke yourself slowly. I can't help to resist but to untie the strings on my bikini bottoms to reveal my nicely shaved pussy. My bikini top has been off for the sun to bronze them nicely. I...
Bill got home slightly before his wife that afternoon, and the first thing he did was to put the matches back in the bathroom on the shelf where they had been. Until he thought more about this he didn't want Linda to realize that he was interested in her paper matches. That evening they went out for supper at the Alibi Club, and had a good time together. Linda was even interested in having a drink in the attached lounge after their meal, and they spent an hour and a half there, getting up...
What have I got to do to make you love me? What have I got to do to make you care? What do I do when lightning strikes me? And I wake to find that you're not there. --Sorry Seems To Be the Hardest Word (Elton John) During the next week in school, I noticed a couple of significant changes. The first change was that Kristen seemed to withdraw into herself. Kristen's attitude worried me. During the weeks when I first met her, she had actually managed to be more animated. For the first...
i have been waiting 4 u all day long& when i finally hear u turn off the shower i am already ready 4 u 2 cum & fuck me... we are both already cumpletely naked & we dispense with any sort of 4-play... not that preparation is even necessary becuz i am already hard & throbbing just at the wicked & wonderful thought of finally having your delicious cock buried deep inside my tight fuck-hole... your cock is also entirely engorged most likely 4 the very same reason i hopefully...
She couldn’t get her mind into it as of Friday. She knew why, but nothing she did, like masturbating once again, and earlier that week for that matter and even just before she went on to class, couldn’t seem to resolve her issues. She felt “it” when she woke up that morning…that deep seated, deep pitted series of sensations in her stomach which were almost causing her breasts to ache and burn with a wanton desire as well…they began doing it again also. This was a growing desire. Both burned...
LesbianJack rang me on Monday afternoon to say a previous client wanted a session and was bringing a friend with her. She had taken Randy at Jack’s house so it was obvious she wasn’t shy. Jack her friend was a virgin (with dogs) and she wanted to show her the joys of bestiality. But the friend was very nervous. I knew personally how that felt. He wanted me to handle it. I told him I would be happy to and we arranged for them to come to the house on Wednesday afternoon at 3pm. On Wednesday I did the...
Knock, knock. Carson tapped on the bathroom door. “You ready?” Mr. Armisen asked. Carson didn’t say a word. A short while later Armisen emerged from the bathroom, a white robe around his shoulders, a glass of wine in hand. His long, flaccid cock dangling from his hips like a sword. He furrowed his brow as he hobbled into the dimly-lit bedroom, his ankle still swollen from the fall. “Carson?” he asked. The boy was nowhere in sight. He stepped into the living room, which was almost pitch black....
Gay MaleElsewhere, in a room of marked shadow and muted light a single figure sat pensively regarding the table illuminated before her. Red lacquered nails adorning graceful ring laden hands reached elegantly across, firmly placing the deck upon the table's translucent surface. They had served her well, time and time again, these old friends of hers, yet never was she able to suppress the slight tingle of anticipation as she prepared. Mindful of the forces she now would again dare to...
When I was just 18 years if age I stayed away from high school One day I was sitting by the river just out of town trying to catch some fish A man came and sat down beside me and started talking and mentioned that if I were to fish under the city bridge then I would possibly catch more So I moved under the bridge and he moved too and so I sat there and waited. He kept talking about ‘girls’ and sex something I knew nothing about. After a while he started to rub my groin area and I asked him what...
First Time(Bet you all thought I had died. I’m still alive, I swear! The scene that involves the fire crackers is from real life. A lot of our troops come home messed up and they don’t get the help they need. They deserve our respect and our admiration.) Otis looked to the side at the beautiful woman driving him home. She looked absolutely stunning, and he wanted to say so, but was too shy to do it. She always looked lovely, but tonight it was like she had set her looks from stun gun to the heart to...