MyFamilyPies Serina Gomez Stepsister Wants My Attention
- 2 years ago
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"OH FUCK!" Carmen yelled as female ejaculate sprayed her computer chair. She went into convulsions and fell onto the floor, a puddle of cum forming near her pussy.
Carmen heard footsteps in the hallway. "Honey, are you alright in there?" she heard her mother ask.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Carmen responded, "Just stubbed my toe!"
She quickly pulled her skirt up and pulled her shirt down to cover herself.
Her mother opened the door and poked her head in. Carmen's mother, Nancy, was very attractive. Although she was 39, she looked like she was in her late twenties. Her features were very similar to Carmen's except that Nancy had much larger breasts. "Alright, well I'm going to the store to pick up a few things. I'll be back in a while."
"K," and with that, Carmen grabbed a towel and started cleaning up the puddle on the floor, hoping her mom didn't notice it.
She looked at herself in the mirror. Carmen was a slender, brown-haired, 18-year-old girl with an overactive sex drive. Her orgasms were very intense and she masturbated frequently. She pulled her shirt off and examined her chest. She liked her breasts, but ever since having a dream where they spontaneously grew to the size of Volkswagens in a public park, she wished they'd grow a few more cup sizes. She envied her mother and knew that her breasts probably wouldn't grow much more than their current size.
Suddenly she heard something hit the floor. She looked over to see that a picture frame had fallen off her bed stand. She walked over and picked it. It was the picture of her family at Super Awesome Fun World Theme Park. Tears started dripping down her face.
"What's wrong?" came a voice from the bed stand.
Carmen looked over and saw a small woman, no bigger than six inches tall, standing nude on the bed stand.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Carmen yelled and threw the picture frame at the woman.
The woman jumped out of the way just in time, "Hey! Fucking bitch!"
"Sorry," Carmen said, "Uh ... what are you?"
"I'm a fairy. My name is Areola."
"Waitaminute. Fairies aren't real. I must be hallucinating. Did someone slip me some acid? Where did you come from?"
"I'm from another dimension. Why were you crying?"
Carmen picked up the picture and showed Areola, pointing to a man in the picture. "This is my dad. A year ago he found out he had cancer and was slowly dying. There was nothing we could do for him." Carmen started crying again.
Areola tried to her best to cheer her up, "I'm sorry for your loss. Cancer is a terrible disease. No one should die that way."
"Oh he didn't die of cancer. He was hit by a bus."
"Oh ... Hey, who's the stud?" Areola pointed to someone standing next to Carmen in the picture.
"Who? My brother? That's Ben."
"Hmm ... So what's your name?"
"It's Carmen. Hey, how long have you been here?"
"If you're wondering if I saw you masturbating, then yeah, I did. And it was really hot."
"Oh. Well thanks, I guess. How did you get in here?"
"I was in the box of junk you bought at a yard sale, but that's not important. What's important, Carmen, is that I need you to do me a favor."
"Like what?" Carmen asked.
"I need to borrow your body for a little while."
Carmen raised an eyebrow. "No."
"You don't understand! I need a human body so I can save my dimension from a terrible tyrant who's enslaving all my people!"
"Well why do you need my body?"
"I can only open the portal back to my dimension if I'm in human form. We'll just switch bodies for like two minutes, I'll open up the portal, then we'll switch back."
"I dunno..."
"You have my word. Also, while you're in my body, you can do cool fairy tricks like shapeshifting."
A look of realization came over Carmen's face. "Ok, I'll do it."
"Great! Let me just get the body swapping device thingy."
Areola walked over to the box from the yard sale and pulled out a shiny device with a button on it. "I brought this with me from my dimension. When I press the button, it switches my mind with the closest person," She pressed the button and everything went black.
A few minutes later Carmen awoke. "What the hell?" She got up and looked around her. She was now sitting naked on her giant bed. She looked up at her original body. "Oh yeah," she said, remembering what had happened.
"Thanks Carmen," Areola said.
Carmen looked down at her new, tiny body, "So how do I shapeshift?" she asked.
"Just imagine it in your mind and your body will alter however you want."
Carmen thought about long, golden hair and her hair started to lengthen. "Wow!"
"Yeah, it's pretty cool," Areola said. She picked up the mind-switching device thingy. "Now I'll tell you the truth."
"Eh?" Carmen said.
"Yeah, I'm not really a fairy. Well, obviously, now I'm a human. But I never was a fairy and you aren't in a fairy's body. I was in a sorceress cult deep in the forest and I broke the rules by casting an irreversible, black magic spell on myself to make me have the ability to shapeshift. The head sorceress locked me up and cursed me by making me six inches tall and unable to cast spells in that body." She pointed to Carmen. "Luckily, I had a friend in the cult who I practiced black magic with. She snuck into the head sorceress's tent and set me free. Then she summoned that device thingy so I could find a human to switch bodies with."
Carmen realized her only chance at getting her body back was the device. She leapt for it, but was too late. Areola snatched it just in time.
"Yeah, I don't think so," Areola said, "Now before I return to the sorceress cult to have my revenge, I'm going to have some fun here. It's been so long since I've been able to fuck anyone."
"Give me my body back you giant cunt!"
"I don't want you to make any trouble for me, so..." Areola grabbed Carmen. Carmen tried her best to break free of the giant's grip, but was unsuccessful. Areola picked up a shoe string from the ground. "This'll work." She tied one end of the string to Carmen's leg and the other end to her bed post and dropped her on her bed. Carmen tried hard to undo the knot in the string, but she was too small.
"You fucking bitch!" she yelled. Areola looked at her new body in the mirror. She squeezed her new breasts and smirked.
"Well they're not great, but they'll do." Suddenly, the door opened.
"Hey Carmen, I'm gonna borrow your car toni- HOLY TIT-SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Ben yelled when he saw what was going on.
"Wait! I can explain!" Areola said.
"Why aren't you wearing a shirt?!" Ben said.
"Shit!" Carmen said to herself. "He thinks she's me!"
"Oh ... uh, I was just masturbating and I like to play with my nipples when I'm flickin' the ol' bean," Areola responded.
"Right ... Well I'll remember to knock next time. Anyways, can I borrow your car?"
"HEY YOU BIG FUCKING FAG! DOWN HERE!" Carmen tried her best to get her brother's attention.
"What's that sound?" Ben asked.
"Oh just the noisy neighbors," Areola said as she turned on the radio to drown out the noise.
"BEN YOU DOUCHEBAG! LOOK OVER HERE!" Carmen yelled as she jumped up and down on her bed, waving her arms around.
"Yeah, so can I borrow your car?"
"On one condition," Areola said, "you have to fuck my brains out."
"WHAT?!" Carmen and Ben said simultaneously.
"Come on, Brad, don't you think I'm hot?" Areola said.
"Are you high? My name's Ben, and yeah, you're hot as hell, but you're my sister, I'm not going to fuck you!" Areola slipped her skirt off, revealing her nicely shaved pussy.
"The fuck has gotten in to you?!" Ben asked. Areola pulled Ben's face against hers as she French kissed him. At first he resisted, but then he kissed her back.
"YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Carmen yelled. Areola kneeled down and unzipped Ben's pants.
"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this," she said.
"I had no idea you liked me in that kind of way," Ben replied.
Areola freed Ben's erect 9-inch cock from his jeans. Without hesitation she engulfed it in her mouth.
"Wow," Carmen said to herself, staring at the act going on in front of her. "Ben's got a huge fucking dick."
Areola massaged her new cunt as she sucked on Ben's dick. Her pussy dripped all over her hand until it was soaked. She looked over at Carmen, winking, and she pushed Ben onto the bed. She tried yelling as loud as she could, but still couldn't get through to Ben over the Dio song playing on the radio. She ran towards Ben's foot, hoping she could kick it or something to get his attention. The shoe string wasn't long enough and she did a face plant only inches away from his toes.
Areola pulled Ben's jeans off and jumped on top of him. She positioned his dick into her pussy and started fucking him like a nymphomaniac wombat in heat.
Carmen watched, stunned by seeing her own body having sex with her brother. She watched as his dick went in and out of her pussy. She couldn't stop staring at it. She had never seen such a huge cock. A familiar feeling washed over her tiny body. She was horny. She started to subconsciously rub her clit, mesmerized by the scene in front of her.
Ben flipped Areola over onto her back and started fucking her. He bent down to lick her hard nipples.
Carmen started moaning and realized that she was masturbating to her brother fucking her body. She didn't care anymore. She was more turned on than she had ever been. She heard herself moaning loudly, but it wasn't coming from her mouth. It was Areola. Remembering what had happened not ten minutes ago, she looked at her surroundings, hoping to find something to break herself free so she could get her body back. Nothing around her was sharp enough to cut the shoe string. She looked back at her body. Areola looked at her from behind Ben and smiled a devilish grin. Carmen was filled with rage and looked down to see that she was rubbing her pussy again. Fuck it, she thought, I'll figure out how to fix this later, and she thrust two fingers in her dripping wet cunt.
"OOOH GOD!" Areola started screaming as she climaxed. She pulled Ben's dick out of her and started rubbing furiously at her clit. "GAAAAAAAAH!" she yelled as a jet of cum squirted out of her pussy, drenching Carmen. The fact that she was now soaked from head to toe in her own cum made her even more turned on and she finger-fucked herself faster.
Areola pulled Ben forward and started sucking his cock. Carmen was getting close to climaxing as Ben made a grunting noise. "MMMMM!" Carmen moaned as she collapsed onto the bed in orgasmic pleasure.
Areola milked Ben's dick and swallowed every drop of his cum. "Thanks. I needed that," she said.
"Holy crap that was awesome!" Ben said as he fastened his belt.
"Yep," Areola responded. "I'm going to go get some Taco Bell," and she left the room.
Carmen, recovering from her bone-shaking orgasm, slowly got up and looked around her. She noticed something shiny on the bed sheet. She ran over to get a closer look and upon doing so, she realized it was a dime. She reached for it, but the shoe string wasn't quite long enough. She stretched her arm out as far as she could. "Fuck! I wish my arm was longer!" and with that, her arm grew just enough for her to reach the dime. Oh yeah, she thought, shapeshifting. She grabbed the coin and tossed it as hard as she could like a Frisbee towards her brother. It hit him in the leg and landed on the ground next to him. He looked down at it and then bent over to pick it up.
"Oh snap! A dime!" he said as he looked at it and dropped it into his pocket. He then walked out of the room.
"FUCK!" Carmen exclaimed. "What the fuck am I going to do now?!" She looked down at her leg. "Hmmm..." She thought about how she shapeshifted her arm to reach the dime. Maybe she could make her leg a little thinner so she could slide the shoe lace off. Suddenly, the shoe lace grew loose around her ankle and she pulled her leg out.
"Let's see what else I can do." She visualized her breasts slowly growing. She looked down and saw that they were doing exactly what she wanted. She grabbed them in her hands and squeezed hard. They were slowly growing bigger than handfuls. She pinched and rubbed the nipples. "Oooh. These are much more sensitive than my nipples. Well, my old nipples." She sat down and started rubbing her pussy with one hand and massaged her tits with the other. The bottoms of her boobs were now level with her navel. She felt a very noticeable shift in weight. She lifted one breast to her face and suckled on the nipple while moaning. Her free-hanging breast was now touching her leg and the breast she was sucking on was getting too heavy to hold with one hand so she let it drop with a resounding slap against her thigh. She was in heaven. She never thought she'd be able to play out this fantasy outside her dreams. Her moaning grew louder and faster as her breasts grew out to her knees. She could barely reach her nipple now. Carmen threw her head back and screamed in ecstasy as she came. Her body convulsed spasmodically.
When she snapped out of it, her breasts were the only visible thing in her eyesight. She shrunk her breasts down to D cups so she could move. "Alright, that was fun. Now I need to get someone to help me, but even if I can get someone's attention, they won't recognize me." So she imagined herself looking like her old self, give or take a few adjustments. She decided to keep her breasts at D cups and she kept her hair long.
She climbed down the side of her bed, using the shoe lace as rope, and she walked until she reached her door. There was no way she could have reached the door knob. Luckily, she could (barely) fit under the door. She made her way across the hall to her mom's room, hoping she was back from the store. She was relieved to see her mom's legs hanging off the bed. Carmen climbed up the bed to see her mother's naked, sleeping figure. She started walking towards her head, but stopped when she walked next to her breasts.
Those things are fucking huge! she thought. A sudden rush came over her and she climbed up her mother's torso to get a better look. She stared at the large, perky nipples and suddenly became aware of her pussy moistening. She brought her face close to her mom's left nipple and started licking it. Before her eyes the nipple became erect. "I wonder if..." Carmen put her mouth around the nipple and started sucking. It was huge in her mouth, bigger than any cock she's ever sucked. She licked and sucked at the nipple as her hand found its way to her pussy.
She lifted her face from the nipple. "Wait. What the fuck am I doing?" Carmen had never really thought about incest before, but for some reason she was extremely turned on by it now. She shrugged and positioned herself over the giant nipple. She slowly dropped down and began gyrating her hips so that the nipple was rubbing the opening of her dripping pussy. She lowered more until the nipple was inside her pussy and she started fucking it. She heard a quiet moan coming from her sleeping mother. Carmen fucked harder, hoping her mom didn't wake up. "OHGODOHGODOHGODOHGOD!" Carmen yelled as she came.
Nancy rolled over and Carmen fell off her and onto the floor. Nancy got up and looked down at her moist nipple with a confused look. She lifted her breast and licked the moist spot, and then she shrugged, put on a robe and left the room as Carmen was coming down from her orgasm.
When it finally subsided Carmen walked out to the hall until she reached the bathroom. She heard water running and figured her mom was taking a shower so she slid under the door. Looking around, she realized the clothes on the floor were her brother's. She climbed a hairdryer cord to the top of the counter. Ben turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. Carmen couldn't help but stare at his cock. Even though it was flaccid, it was still fairly large. Carmen snapped out of it and remembered why she was there.
"BEN!!! BEN YOU DICK FIDDLER! LOOK OVER HERE!" Carmen yelled. Ben looked up at the ceiling.
"God? Is that you?"
"DOWN HERE SHIT JUGGLER!" she screamed. Ben looked down at his tiny, naked sister. A look of confusion came over his face.
"What the fuck happened to you?"
"I was tricked into switching bodies with a tiny shapeshifting sorceress who was banned from her cult for practicing black magic. Now she has my body and I need to get it back before it's too late."
"Oh. So earlier ... Was that you or her?"
"That was her."
"Hmmm ... Well that makes things awkward..."
"Don't worry about it. I don't care," Carmen said. "And if it makes you feel any better, I fucked mom's nipple."
"Wow," Ben said as his penis started hardening. Carmen looked down at it and had the sudden urge to masturbate, but she tried to stay focused.
"Ben, I need you to help me," she said. "Areola used a device to switch our bodies. I need you to help me find it."
"Alright," Ben said as he put on clothes. "Where do you think it is?"
"She probably still has it. We'll need to figure out how to get it from her."
"I have an idea," Ben said as he grabbed Carmen and put her on his shoulder. They made their way to Ben's room. He opened his closet and started moving things around.
"So what's the plan?" Carmen asked.
"I'm going to seduce you- er ... her, and when she's naked, you look through her clothes for the device while I tie her up with these," Ben said as he pulled a pair of handcuffs out of his closet.
"That's a great idea!" Carmen said. "But don't fuck her. I think once is enough for today."
"Deal. Now we just need to wait for her to show up." Suddenly, the door opened. Carmen quickly jumped off Ben's shoulder and dropped down his shirt.
"Hey Ben," Areola said. "I got you a burrito. Who were you talking to?"
"Oh, no one. I was just talking to a friend on my cellular telephone," he said, trying to act natural.
Carmen found herself hanging on to the elastic hem of Ben's boxers. She hoped that Areola didn't see her when she came in.
"What's the handcuffs for?" Areola asked.
"Oh, I was going to ask you if you're cool with me fucking you while you're handcuffed to the bed," Ben explained.
"Oooh! Kinky!" Areola said as she undressed. "You made me cum so hard earlier!"
Carmen was starting to slip. She couldn't get a good hold on the boxers. Right when she was about to lose her grip she felt something lifting her up between her legs. She looked down to see Ben's massive erection holding her up. Carmen let go of the boxers and grabbed onto his dick.
"Your turn," the nude Areola said, motioning for him to take his clothes off.
"Uh yeah," Ben said as he removed his shirt. "Here, take these and handcuff yourself."
"Kay." Areola crawled onto the bed and fastened the handcuff around her wrist and the bed post.
"Now, Carmen!" Ben yelled.
Carmen wasn't listening. She was getting horny and moist sitting on her brother's dick. She started grinding against the rigid shaft.
"Uh ... Carmen?" Ben said.
"I thought there was something suspicious going on," Areola said. She closed her eyes and held one hand over the handcuffs. "Klaatu Barada Nikto!"
The handcuffs suddenly turned to dust. Areola stood up and walked towards Ben. Ben grabbed a baseball bat and swung it, but Areola grabbed it and tossed it behind her. She grabbed onto Ben's arm and said, "Ah böwakawa poussé poussé!" Her eyes started glowing.
"What the fuck did you do?!" Ben asked.
"Now you have to do everything I order you to," Areola said.
"Bullshit! Fuck off, you crazy psycho bitch!" Ben said as he pushed Areola onto the bed.
Meanwhile, Carmen was sliding her pussy up and down Ben's cock.
"OH GOD!" Carmen said as she started cumming and collapsed on the giant member.
"Fuck me," Areola said.
"No!" Ben retorted as he involuntarily jumped on top of Areola. He quickly removed the rest of his clothes and then inserted himself into her.
Carmen opened her eyes to total darkness. She rolled off Ben's dick and landed on a squishy, wet floor. "Oh shit," Carmen said. Ben's dick started thrusting in and out of Areola's vagina.
I'm inside my own vagina, Carmen thought, Awesome! She lifted her pelvis slightly so that Ben's dick rubbed against her clit every time he thrust.
"So what do you know about me, Ben?" Areola asked.
"I know you tricked my sister into switching bodies with you using some kind of device and that you were a tiny shapeshifting sorceress and you were banned from your cult for practicing black magic," Ben explained.
"Mmmmmm yup," Areola cooed. "Now fuck me harder!" Ben thrust harder in and out of the glistening vagina. Carmen started screaming in ecstasy as she came for the second time in five minutes.
"Oh yeah! That's it!" Areola yelled. "Fuck your sister's vagina!"
Carmen could feel Ben's dick throbbing as it spurted semen all over her. She was covered in it and the giant dick just kept spurting. Carmen held her breath as the warm, gooey spunk surrounded her.
This isn't how I want to die, Carmen thought, Drowning in a pool of my brother's jizz in my own vagina. I hope they don't mention that on my obituary.
"OOOOOOH GAWD!" Areola screamed. She closed her eyes and furiously started rubbing her clit as she came. A tsunami of girl-cum shot Carmen out of her vagina and across the room onto a conveniently-placed recliner. Areola kept squirting and screaming. When she finally stopped and caught her breath, she looked at Ben.
"Do you know where Carmen is?" she asked him.
"Uh," Ben looked down at his flaccid dick, "Nope. She was here, but she must have escaped. Also, you're a bitch."
Areola glared at him and said, "Put on some clothes, then go find Carmen and bring her back to me."
"Fuck you, cuntbag!" Ben said as he put on his boxers.
Carmen jumped off the chair and ran into the hall. She hid behind a potted plant as her brother walked by.
Fuck! She thought, Now what am I going to do?
Carmen used all her weight to turn the bathroom faucet knob. She walked under the stream of water and washed the bodily fluids off her. She turned the knob and sat down to think. Suddenly, she heard her brother's voice from the hallway.
"Hey Carmen! Areola is making me look for you against my will, but she didn't say anything about being stealthy, so I'm warning you to hide because I'm coming into the bathroom!"
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"Penny for your thoughts sweetheart." Anne moved on to her side, pressed her naked breasts against my chest and kissed me on the cheek as her hand moved slowly down towards my groin and my rapidly hardening cock. "Yeah," said Meredith from my other side as she pressed her own naked body against me, "what's our hero thinking about?" 'There's plenty more where that came from, now tell Anne and Meredith to go sleep, tell Anne you need to think about what her next step with Nathaniel...
So he got up, got dressed and headed out to feed the animals. This took him the better part of an hour and, by the time he made his way back to the house, he was starving. Luckily, he saw that the girls were up, making breakfast. At least, Laura and Amelia were making breakfast. "Where's Lucy", he asked and Laura giggled. "She's taking a shower. Said something about her butt being sore and I suggested that a hot shower might help", Amelia said with a smirk. "Maybe I should go and check...
Wearing a tight yellow dress that can’t contain her massive tits, blonde MILF Victoria Lobov surprises Mark Wood in his hotel room. She exposes her fun bags, eager to please his big cock. He licks her pink nipples and rubs her shiny clit. Victoria wraps her lips around his thick prick, giving him a worshipful blowjob. Mark gives her a rim job and then stuffs his meaty dick up her eager asshole. Her body spasms in pleasure as he thrusts inside her rectum. Victoria’s butthole gapes!...
xmoviesforyouThen he thought about Kaitlen, how she had snuck into the room when he was pleasuring her sister. Kaitlen was angry with Kayla because of the mess that she made in her room. So why would she sneak into the room when it was obvious from Kayla’s moans what was going on in the room. Was it because she wanted to see her sister like that? Even though that seems wrong, Zack couldn’t help but feel excited at the prospect. Sister on sister? Especially these two would be so hot! Or was it that she...
Maggie Rider finished combing her long, red hair and stood back from the mirror. Not bad for an old bag, she thought. She examined her throat. No one would guess she had a son Bob's age. She didn't look a day over forty and she knew it. Pam had left for work. Maggie had just showered and dropped the towel on the floor. Poor Pam. So shy and withdrawn. Only able to attract a jerk like Chuck. Poor child. Still naked, her generous tits spilling down, Maggie dabbed perfume between her thighs...
Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) Many of the later girls had not bothered to get dressed yet, and Julia pushed them to do so quickly. They needed pushing, or it would have taken hours to get them out the door. If you think girls take a long time to get dressed, wait until you see them doing it when they're TRYING to stall! Fortunately Julia was on the case, and she doesn't stand for much fooling around at the best of times. There were some delays though: we were asked, "This was fun....
I was the first out of the classroom, first out of the main building, and the first to reach the gate. At least I was the first of my class and most of my year. The reason of course was obvious, Vikki. The reaction this morning had been amazing, most of my class had seen us together at the gate and had wanted to speak to me especially Gerry Connolly and Colin Bucknell. After I had listened and responded, as best I could, to the good-natured barbs from Gerry and Colin I talked to most of the...
Alice Upside DownAlice sits in her study behind her wooden desk. The small fireplace glows with a roaring fire. The crackling flames make good background noise for the rooms only other sound is the tick of a large grandfather clock. The beat seems to be getting slower and slower as time swings by. "Oh I'm fed up!" Alice declares to herself as she lays the fountain pen she got for her eighteenth birthday down on the desk. She starts to fiddle with the hem about the neck of her favorite dress....
Working from home has its benefits. One of them is I can dress however the fuck I please. Which most of the time means I dress as a woman. On this particular day, it was pretty hot, so I was only wearing stayups, some cute, coral lace - a gift from my wife, and a light summer dress. Messy bun, and light makeupAs I was up in the kitchen making myself a cold drink, I heard my wife coming home from work. What I did not expect was hearing other voices downstairs as well. The voices of a couple we...
When I was out on my own I started to buy a few things' mostly panties and thigh high stockings then a skirt and a blouse things that where ease to get to fit me. From there I learned to find my size in dresses and shoes this started to put my wardrobe to gather, but I still needed a wig and makeup so it was back online for more shopping, With lots of practice I became pretty good at putting on my makeup, plus doing my wig hair and a waste cincher I looked pretty darn good if I say so my...
Your eyes slowly begin to open, your vision is foggy. You try to take a look at your surroundings, finding yourself to be in a extremely dark room. You try to move, just to find yourself unable to do so. Realization hits you: You're shackled to an interrogation chair. You feel dazed as you try to focus on remembering who you are and how did you get there, when you hear the sound of a door sliding open. You then hear heavy footsteps approaching, and suddenly the room is filled with small lights....
I was heading to the house after being out on a work assignment when I passed a small SUV, with its flashers on, on the shoulder of the road, As I passed, I casually glanced in my review mirror to see if there was anyone with the car, thinking I might need to call 911 to assist the stranded motorist.What I saw in my rearview mirror was a pair of daisy-duke short and long slender legs that disappeared into a pair of boots. I quickly whipped around and drove back to see if I might be of any...
Quickie SexIt was a Saturday late in the summer of 1991. Kelly had made plans to spend the day with her good friend Becca. Our sexy fun with Becca began in 1988 at our ten-year reunion when she jacked me off at the post-reunion pool party and then fucked me after I drove her drunk ass home. It continued the following summer when I jacked off in front of Kelly’s whole group of friends. Since then Becca and her husband Don had been to our house a few times without much happening other than some flirting and...
ThreesomesIt is Saturday evening. About 7:30pm EST here in Pennsylvania. April 28, 2012 I need to go jump in the shower and make a run for food. I sometimes really hate eating alone. I will ask everyone in attendance if they want to go out to eat. Many times the others have plans. Sometimes we can go out in 2's or 3's. I have spoken to other friends and family about this. Most feel the same way. I can grab something from fast food and it doesn't affect my 'comfort' at all. I don't really...
Grace was up early the next morning so as to see her drivers off. She also went and chatted to the mechanics. She dropped in on Greg and Jeff, the latter offering her coffee which she happily accepted. Greg inquired about the tender. Grace held her lips between thumb and forefinger and then smiled. “They’re all in and I hope that Mr Walker will make an announcement tomorrow.” “Great! I can’t wait to get the new wagons.” “Don’t get too excited at this stage. All three contenders reckon on...
I live at my home with my mom and sister but this week we were visited by my aunt(My mother's sister) who came to live with us for a month. i call her masi and she's really a fun loving and open-minded person and she has always been like a friend to me and my sister. She never got married so me, my mother and my sister is all the family that she has. We used to have a lot of fun together, visit places, go to movies, shopping etc. with her.Now let me give you a little detail about my family, my...
My story starts off how I wanted to see my wife give a blow job to another man. I had been after her for over a year and she finally agreed to do it once for my 50th birthday. My wife is in her upper forties and is 5'4 and about 140 pounds. She is a mom of three and works in management for a large company. She is somewhat conservative and I have been her only partner. This last June I finally convince her to give another guy a blow job while I watched. She would only agree to do a blow job and...
Wife LoversBy Gail Holmes James just sat there blindfolded, he’d felt nervous as it was, what was it that they wanted of him, they’d never tried to rob him, he’d no money on him any way. He’d been over powered by the three girls; being brought blindfolded to wherever he now was; the room seemed highly scented, more so than he’d ever encountered. They’d left him in a high chair almost like a stool with his hands tied to it; there was...
The Tale of the Two Woodpeckers A Mexican woodpecker and a Canadian woodpecker were in Mexico arguing about which place had the toughest trees. The Mexican woodpecker claimed Mexico had a tree that no woodpecker could peck. The Canadian woodpecker accepted his challenge and promptly pecked a hole in the tree with no problem. The Mexican woodpecker was amazed. The Canadian woodpecker then challenged the Mexican woodpecker to peck a tree in Canada that was absolutely ‘impeckable’ (a term...
Abby entered the front door and found her Dad and Vicky fucking on the living room couch. Vicky lifted, her full tits in view to Abby with Scott’s cock buried deep inside her pussy. “What are you doing home so early?” Scott asked, startled. “The restaurant got quiet around 8:30 so the manager let me go home early because I started earlier.” “How did you get home?” He asked. “Mr. and Mrs. Hayward happen to be my last customers and offered me a lift home. Brad and his family were at work...
I glanced at the electronic clock inside the airport lounge. In another 5 minutes, there would be announcement for the passengers for the security-check. So, I thought of relieving myself before the security check and went towards the Men’s toilet. I was not sure whether I glanced on the door correctly as I was attentive on my steps and looking at the mosaic floor so that I did not slip. In the melee, I pushed the door open and went inside without any sound. When I raised my head, I had a shock...
10,000 years ago The Milky Way contains over 300 billion stars, and enough dust and gas to make billions more. And on a little blue planet, in a solar system 30,000 light-years from the galactic center, and about 20 light-years above the plane of the galaxy the human race lives. Earth and its neighbors don’t orbit within the plane of the galaxy but are instead tipped by about 63 degrees. As such the Earth has escaped some of the turmoil the rest of the galaxy has faced. More than half the stars...
It was a big day for her, Tachu reflected, as she glided the electric razor over her scalp, removing traces of blue stubble to expose the pale pinkness beneath. After all her efforts in securing the deal with the Taming Force Corporation, today was finally the day in which the client would sign and all her efforts would be rewarded. At last, she would be entitled to the handsome commission that she so often discussed with Kenchi when she had to justify those late nights in the office that...
So that this story is not so long and mostly boring I will skip the parts of the story where, when and how we met Tom, whom was to be my wife’s first BBC. We met Tom at a local club as we had arranged with him. We met him there to have a few drinks and to get to know one another just a bit and to have a few drinks to help get some of the nervousness out of the way. We talked and decided to go to our motel room. After we got to the room, we sat around and had another drink. After some more small...
InterracialDid I tell you how much I miss your sweet kiss? Did I tell you I didn't cry? Well I lied! Did I tell you how much I miss your smile? Did I tell you I was okay? Well no way! – Adam Ant, "Wonderful" (used without permission) Thursday, June 7, 1984. 11:30 am The first two disappointments came on the last day of school, a Thursday. It was only a half day, just long enough to get our report cards and tie up any loose ends. Then we all sat around for two hours, gabbing about our plans...
Another Saturday I thought to myself as I settled down at my computer with my coffee. As had been my routine for the past few months, I opened up an in-private window and typed in my favorite porn site. As usual I searched for new videos of redhead teens, searching for one who would remind me April and the weekend that we had shared. I could never find just what I was looking for but still, the memory got me hard. I finally found a video of an old guy and a sweet young redhead with a passing...
This story is dedicated to the curvy, voluptuous women who will always be loved, while I was inspired by a woman in particular, I was also inspired by a song from Isaac Hayes, “The Look of Love”, respectively ©1973. However, I dedicate this to the curvaceous, the confident, and the lovely voluptuous women in the world. Cindy was a caring, warm-hearted woman who just got out of a bad relationship with a man of four years. She cooked, cleaned, and worked two jobs just to keep him happy. A...
InterracialLeana Lovings needed help with her Africa studies. Jonathan Jordan was just the man with the right knowledge. A few trivia points later Leana popped the question that was really on her mind. Are black cocks bigger? Jonathan blushed. He really didn’t want to say. So Leana started to draw her idea of how big a black dick might be. Jonathan quickly corrected her. She would need 2 pieces of paper. Horizontally. Now Leana wanted to see the real thing. It took her a while to convince Jonathan that it...
xmoviesforyouA week later, David was in a normal hospital bed. The hairline fractures in his vertebrae were mending and a trainer was doing first cautious exercises with him. He had some feeling in his legs, but almost no control. Fortunately, he could mostly control his bladder and his bowel movements, but he was still wearing adult diapers. It was better than having a catheter. In his situation, David had to count his blessings. A few days ago, a suit from Melanie Renault's insurance had visited David...
Hi I am Karthi from Madurai Tamil nadu. My mail id is ()Katrina is hot. She is 5ft 10 and built like a supermodel. Her body is well proportioned and she swims regularly and does yoga daily. Because of this, though she is tall, she is well maintained, with a flat stomach and developed breasts. Her perky nipples sit proudly on her C cup breasts. Her 36 chest tapers to a narrow 32 waist, she is proud of her hips, 34inches and a nice firm round but, that she pays lots of attention to. Regular...
IncestThe next morning I woke up feeling the warmth of Megan sleeping next to me and thought about the wild and lusty hours we enjoyed. Is this a fantasy come true—meeting a smart, sexy, beautiful woman in an empty bar in the middle of nowhere—two strangers seducing each other and ending up fucking each other’s brains out in a seedy motel?But here I was listening to her quiet breathing next to me. I glanced at her sleeping on her stomach, a thin sheet covering us.It was six-twenty-four according to...
Straight SexNarrated by Rahul Hi dosto, main Rahul. Pichle baar aapne dekh kaise mere dimaag mein meri buwa, meri aunty Kavita ke liye kaamuk vichaar banne lage. Subah subah woh jhadu laga rahi thi. Unke cleavage dekhne ke baad mere andar unko lekar galat irade aur soch banne shuru ho gaye. Ghar mein na maa thi na hi Kavita aunty ki beti, Bharti thi. Pure ghar mein the to sirf main aur meri sexy Kavita aunty. Pahle nahane ke bahane aur fir kitchen mein kayi baar unke sath flirt kiya. Aur kayi baar jab bhi...
On Friday he came home around midday. He went upstairs and came down with two suitcases. "I left your clothes on the bed. Hurry and get dressed." A few minutes later I came down dressed in a black leather mini skirt and black leather bra. Our trip in the car went by in silence. After an hour and a half we turned down a forrest road. 10 minutes later we went through a gate and along a track until we arrived at a cabin. We we went inside. He had me make some lunch. After we'd eaten we went to one...
"Did that really just happen?" I asked myself as I tried to clean Matt's cum out of my facial hair. It was not going easy, I had just sucked off my neighbor and agreed to be his regular fuck buddy, and to be honest I was looking forward to it. In the past, after a roll in the sheets with another man I was filled with shame, and guilt. I couldn't get out fast enough. But today I was calm, and relaxed, I was looking forward to another round, and since the cum I had let spill out of my mouth was...
Mel and Bob had spent a quiet night, and were the first to awaken. They had showered, and made love as they almost always did, then cleaned themselves, and went down to cook breakfast. Mel laughed when she thought about the condition Albert had left Vera in, last night. She hadn't known that he had stamina that could easily equal any man, and surpass many. SHE had been lucky that she hadn't been his first. If she had, she might have found it difficult to walk this morning. She had been a little...
This is my first story. It all started on a chrismas nite with my elder sister jasmin. We celebrated that nite with family and frnds in a grand style. My elder sis jassu who is 4yrs elder to me was in a beautiful blue saree was looking like a angel that day. I never really had any feelings of this sort before untill this magic happende on the fateful nite. After the party we were actually to drop my sisters dfrnd sanju to her house, so my sister who was in her saree wanted to change her dress...
IncestAfter a busy morning together, you left me home while you ran some errands. I potter around the house for a while, a bit bored with the sudden lack of attention, but then I remember that you had swimming practice tonight. A thought popping into my head, with a smile I pack my bag and grab my phone before heading out of the door. It’s already dark outside due to the English winter we are in the middle of. As I walk down the street I notice there is not much activity around the swimming complex....
Byron Mulliner had my card and knew where to find me. Bright and early Monday morning, I had an e-mail with a PDF attachment of a draft contract, spelling out the duties, rates for service, and options for both parties. I looked it over carefully and didn't see anything that looked different from what we had discussed. I printed it out, signed it, scanned the signed copy, and sent it back to the vice president that same morning, with a copy of Carmen. I called the Charlotte plant later that...
It was my first time ever, with anyone, and it was amazing, almost addicting. I not only loved the way he made my body feel, but I also loved the way I could make him feel. It had only been a day since I was with him that first time. Like before, I'd run home from school. I couldn't wait to let myself into his apartment. He had given me a key earlier so I could come and go and do random chores to earn some money. Mr. Lowes was rarely home.I was so nervous coming through his door. He wasn't home...
It was the second worst week of her life, thought Lauren. The first had certainly been when Gary had died, and truth be told, that was above and beyond anything that was happening now. Still, this was by far the second worst. It wasn’t personally painful, like that other week. Instead, it was the pain of watching someone she loved being torn to shreds in front of her eyes, with little that could be done but watch the entire awful process in slow motion. It had begun the Wednesday after...