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Exercise 'Cold Wind' was in its third week and only two more to go. I was really looking forward to that, as I disliked this continual cold here in the north-west of Canada. This was meant to be Arctic warfare training, and the military had really chosen the venue right. I could see that infiltration of this area would be a very difficult problem indeed. I was going to be dropped with my spotter and we had a checkpoint we had to reach in ten days.

Bert my spotter was with the other Hercules crew playing cards up forward while I was strapped into the net seats at the back. I was trying to watch the vast land below and was stunned by the number of lakes and rivers that I could see. Occasionally small settlements could be seen, but they were few and far between. Why anyone would choose to live in this wilderness was beyond understanding.

Bang! And a hole appeared where the pilot and crew had been, there was a blast of cold freezing air rushing in with such force the back ramp doors started to open. The whole plane just seemed to glide down and within minutes it was crashing through trees, as branches pierced the outer skin and were ripping the sides open as if made of paper.

There was nothing I could do except just sit and await my fate, as I was certain that this was it, and I had only minutes to live. All the side opposite me was torn off and I saw a wing with engines cart wheeling away to the rear. The speed was slowly being taken off and came to a sudden halt as if wedged between something. All through this I sat in the hammock like seat and not a scratch or bruise was on my body, yet all around me was devastation. Fire was my worry and I made to get out of this wreckage as quickly as possible. I thought twice about leaving my rifle as I had no ammunition for it anyway, but it was too good a rifle to leave. I grabbed the rifle and my pack, slipped off my parachute and just ran out through the huge hole opposite me and away from the wreck.

The snow wasn't that deep and I was able to get a good 50 yards away in case of an explosion. When I looked at what was left I doubted that an explosion could cause any more damage, as to what was already done. The smell of fuel was strong, and had that hot kerosene smell about it. I decided to move even further back, but not too far away as I was sure rescue wouldn't be long in coming.

Here was I Corporal Hugh Darling Royal Marines, RM 133456 in the middle the North-West of Canada, in a position which I had been training for two years now. Training was completely different to the real thing, now there was no back-up close at hand. I knew that in the plane were things which could be useful for my survival, but I was hesitant to try in case of fire. So I decided to give it an hour or so before I ventured into the wreck. Anyway, I am sure by then a search would be mounted, as these planes are in constant touch, and have distress beacons, I hope.

Meantime I made a scrape, which is a hole in the snow to give me some protection in case I had to stay here a while. When I had made the scrape and everything was to my satisfaction it was well over an hour. I left my pack and loose equipment at the scrape and approached the wreck. There was a light fall of snow falling and the wind was very gentle. On the load ramp were three pallets, still shackled to the guides. I slit the straps and found that it contained Ration packs. The other contained our one-person sledges and snowshoes. The third held blank ammunition, which was as much use to me as a snowball in hell.

To be on the safe side in case I had to do a walk-out, for I was already getting a bit worried that nothing had appeared in the way of a search. This was meant to be a combined exercise with the Air Force and they had for the past week jets buzzing us nearly every hour. So I got one of the sledges and loaded it with as many ration packs I could safely pull. I took two cartons of solid fuel cooker fuel as well, at least I was going to have a hot drink if nothing else. Bert's pack was still attached to the seat he had been in before he went forward so this I took also and tied them all down with two pairs of snowshoes lashed to the top. The load was light enough for me to pull now, and I hoped that it wouldn't be too heavy after I had pulled it for some time. I dragged it to the scrape and crawled in for the wait.

Night fell quickly, just before four in the afternoon, and the temperature dropped as quick. Deep under the snowdrift I heard the wind increase in speed and I was glad that I had the fortitude to have made the scrape earlier. I crawled into my sleeping-bag and went to sleep.

I knew it was day as the light was filtering trough the snow of the scrape. I wriggled out and was confronted with a white landscape, even the wreck was slowly being covered. I dug out the sledge, which was completely buried. The sky was grey and I doubt if any rescue craft would ever see the wreck even travelling at tree height. I hoped the emergency beacon wherever it was on the plane was still sending out a signal.

Food was the most important item to keep my body nourished and combat the cold. It is surprising the amount of snow you have to melt to get a decent mug full, I was slowly melting handful after handful in my mess-mug on the solid fuel cooker until I had enough for my need. I watched it boil and made myself a cup of soup from the instant soup package that I carried. Pea and Ham soup must be the most produced variety, for that seems to be the only type I have had recently. Anyway, it was nice and hot and really warmed me up. As I stood and stamped my feet, why I don't know for they weren't cold at all.

That day nothing, no sound of aircraft not even in the distance, surely a search had been mounted, after this length of time. I kept looking at the map I had been issued with, but it wasn't for this area at all but for an area at least a half-hours flying time away which is about 200 miles further east. We had just crossed the Mackenzie Mountains and I was almost certain I had spotted the Franklin River before the bang. Down below looked desolate and no signs of habitation, but we had travelled over settlements prior.

I started working out in my head which way I should go. If nothing turns up by tomorrow, as it was pointless just sitting here. I know the instructions were always to stick at the crash site, but we were always told that a rescue would be made within hours. Now it was over 24 hours and nothing. I would give them another 24 hours then I was going to trek out, east.

I gave them another 36 hours and I heard nothing, so I attached all my gear to the sled. Got my map case and placed an 'X' on the plastic sheet with the chinagraph pencil and started a line east, I was going to try to map my way as I got out.

After about six hours I came to a river and started following it but it started to flow north and there was no way I was going to be able to cross this fast-flowing water. Slightly north I spied a lake through the trees and to the North-West another. I could see no rivers running out at this side, so they must be emptying on their north side, no doubt flowed into a larger river complex. Where there was a lot of water there surely would be settlements. So I marked what I had observed, estimated the distance I had travelled, and now headed north.

The snow was sparse among the trees and at times non-existent, for the fir trees acted like a blanket above and even kept the cold wind out. The difficulty was steering a straight course and I had to continually check on my compass. These trees went on for miles and the ground undulated, it was difficult pulling the sledge uphill, and almost as difficult to restrain it when going down the other side. I had to spend the night curled up close to the sledge in my sleeping-bag. This time I hadn't the comfort of a snow covering to keep me warm. The night was long and cold and I was glad when the first show of light allowed me to get a meal inside me and get on my way.

Late that afternoon as I was crossing a large open area out of nowhere a snowstorm raged and high wind to such an extent I could hardly see two feet in front of me. I estimated where I had seen a rock outcrop and with head down and leaning into this wind moved forward. It was like being in a wind-tunnel with the added bit of the driving snow. How long I battled into that I have no idea, but eventually I reached a tree line and could go no further. I was totally exhausted and I think I broke every rule in the book. I curled up at the side of the sledge and dropped off to sleep as the cold seemed to creep into every part of my body.

Slowly I came to, I tingled in every part of my body like pins and needles. Against my cold body I felt something warm at my front, I thought I was in heaven for I could almost swear that in my face was buried in a bundle of long hair. My arm was over the body in front of me and being held by a pair of small hands close to their body against bare smooth skin. The pins and needles got worse as I slowly became more aware of my surroundings. The light was dim when I opened my eyes and I caught the scent of perfumed hair in my face. I knew she was a young woman by the feel of her skin and the swell of her breast. How the hell did I land up here I thought. I don't think this is standard military procedure, to get someone warm. I knew right away that I must have passed out in the storm, and been found somehow, and I was being revived.

My movement must have alerted the young woman that I was awake, and she turned to face me. Her complexion was a very light brown as though she had spent a few days out in the sun. Her hair was dark; her eyebrows thick, a beautiful face with sensual lips and dark-brown eyes were looking at me. There was a slight smile on her lips.

"So at last you have decided to waken, you have been asleep for two days."

"How did I get here?"

"I carried you here, got you undressed and have been trying to get you warm, first with rocks then with my body."

"Well your body feels lovely and warm to me."

"Just don't get any funny ideas, I only lay with you to get you thawed out, I will get you a hot drink."

She rolled out of bed and turned up the light. God had I been lying alongside that body? She wasn't tall about 5ft 3in wide hips, not a slim waist but no fat showing. Her breasts were medium-sized but proportional to the rest of her. Her hair reached all the way down her back and shone in the light. She slipped on a pair of cotton panties, a slip and a thick dress, but no bra, slipped into moccasins and walked out of my view.

I looked around and discovered I was in a cavern, which had been converted into a living quarters, and there were about a dozen single bunks attached to one side. At the open side of the cavern had been erected a log wall with two large windows that were easy six feet wide and about three high with the door in the middle. There was a long table in the middle and a stove fire against the other wall, with three easy chairs either side. A door led through a hole which also had been logged up to somewhere behind the double bed. The bed looked out of place in this room.

I got out of bed and found all my clothes neatly folded on a chair near the bed. I dressed quickly, not because it was cold, for it felt warm in the cavern and I could see snow piled high through the window. I walked over and sat near the end of the table closest to the young woman who was standing by the stove. It was then that I noticed a handcuff on each of her wrists, with the broken link dangling on her right cuff.

"Yes I am an escaped convict, I was being transported to a prison in America, I escaped and came here just over a year ago. You'd better know also that I was being jailed for murder, but I was only defending myself, as he was trying to rape me."

"I don't care what you have done or why you are here, you saved my life and I am very grateful. I know these handcuffs though and I know you must have a diamond blade to cut them, but they have been withdrawn from service as they have a flaw and if you know how, are easy to open. Come over here and I will have you out of them in just a few minutes."

"You can? Oh how I have cursed these things, that is why I have stayed here, if I could get them off I would leave in the spring." She came over and put both her hands out in front of me. I used the marlin spike of my knife and pressed up into the lock hole and the cuff fell off, I repeated it on the other. She reached forward and kissed me full on the mouth, then turned away rubbing her wrists, with a big grin on her face.

"I'm called Thelma Mankowiz, well that is the name I have been using for years, in case you don't know I am a Blackfoot Indian, but I have never lived on a reservation. What is a British Soldier doing here in Canada?"

"We are on exercise here, but I was in a plane crash and was making my way out, when the blizzard struck. I am not a British soldier, I am a Royal Marine."

"All the same to me, all soldiers the same, want to drag a woman to bed. What's your name anyway?"

It was obvious that she had lived or been in contact with Army and didn't have a high opinion of soldiers.

"Oh sorry Hugh, Hugh Darling,"

"Is Darling your name, must get a bit confusing, Darling, darling." She laughed, I've had that joke that many times that I just ignore it now.

She sat down on the seat opposite me and I noticed that she must have been into my pack for the tube of condensed milk was on the table as well as the two tea bags from my ration pack.

"Yes I haven't had a cup of tea since I've been up here and when I saw the amount you had I just had to take it. You said you were in a blizzard, but that was four days before I found you, you surely never lay out there for four days. No wonder you took so long to come to."

"How did you find this place, and what is it?" I asked indicating the cavern.

"A friend of mine used to work here, this was the living quarters for miners, but the ore ran out. They just left everything as it was, there is a large storeroom at the back and I have made do with game, supplemented with what is in the storeroom. Is there any more food and supplies at the crash site?"

"Yes but I can't see us getting there in this weather."

"It will be easier now the snow has hardened, I think we should go and get as much as we can. What about leaving first light tomorrow, I hope you remember where it is?"

"Yes I drew a map as best I could."

"Good, get some rest as we will need it, use one of the single bunks, I put your gear over there."

"Where is the sledge, I was hauling a sledge."

"It must be still outside then, let's go and get it."

We clothed up and went outside, she showed me where she had found me which was close to the woodshed and only about ten yards from the front door. We rummaged around and found it covered by snow, but it was frozen in, with a little wiggling and pulling we managed to get it out and pulled it into the cavern.

Thelma acted as if it was Christmas as she quickly pulled everything apart and her eyes lit up at all the food that was on the sledge.

"There is more like this on the crash; we will live like kings this winter if there is."

She also liked Bert's sleeping-bag, but turned her nose up when she unrolled it. "It smells awful like pig fat has been spilt on it." Then threw it outside.

We left early the next morning and made good progress, pulling the almost empty sledge, taking it in turn to pull it. The darkness fell, I remembered the spot as it was here that I had spotted the two lakes. I tried to scrape a hole in the frozen ground but made no progress so I stood the sledge on its side and got behind it. Thelma had a fur blanket and lay down about five yards from me. I only took off my outer clothes and got into the double thickness sleeping-bag. I hadn't been in it for more than half an hour when Thelma came and asked if she could get in with me. She too took off her outer coat, placed it and her blanket on top of the sleeping-bag and got in and we cuddled up. She was freezing and I held her close.

As I was hugging her she kissed me on the lips gently then started to grind her mouth on to mine. There was nothing I could do, we were so cramped and we had all our clothes on. So I just returned her kisses.

"Not trying to get fresh, that is a first."

"Thelma, there isn't much room in here and I am sure you would object anyway, but the winter isn't over yet we have plenty of time."

"Maybe by then I will know you better, but do you want to be a squaw-man. They still shun men who go with Indian women you know."

"I don't care, no-one where I come from says anything like that, and as far as I'm concerned you're a very attractive woman, and I'm happy to know you. Now go to sleep, and cuddle up."

"Yes I like cuddling up, your sleeping-bag doesn't smell like pig fat, why?"

"Thelma, shut up and go to sleep."

"Yes master, darling. Ha, ha."

The night passed quickly and we were on our way well before sunrise, the visibility was better than I thought because of the moonlight and we arrived at the crash site just after sunrise. Nothing had been touched and now the wreck was almost completely covered in snow, It had backed up on the side which had the skin on and the interior was almost the same as when I had left.

We loaded up four sledges and tied two together, any more and we would never have managed it, as it is I think we are going to be pushing the envelop.

The smell of the kerosene was almost gone and I took the opportunity to have a look at the cockpit area to see if there were any flashing lights or something to show a signal being sent out. I could see nothing; in fact there was nothing at all in that area just dangling wires and ragged metal.

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Sean came from the bathroom following his morning shower and saw her standing in front of the dressing table. Ginny was slowly drying herself as she looked into the mirror and as he drew nearer he caught her reflection. He could see from her facial expression that her mind was elsewhere. He knew exactly where it was as he rested his hands on her hips and pressed himself against her naked body, sun tanned from head to foot. “This time last week, hey?” She looked up at his reflection and smiled....

4 years ago
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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 9

The four of us instantly reappeared on the field in front of the fort where we had watched the column arrive earlier that day. The Rangers and our relatives were all gone by this time. There were a number of tents belonging to the various militias set up a short distance from the fort. There was also the spherical defensive shell by the creek where our horses were being kept until we learned where to stable them. Both Generals stared around them at their new surroundings in shocked dismay...

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My afternoon with Hayden

It all started last summer. I was 16 heading into my junior year of high school. I was a big time athlete. I play soccer basketball and lacrosse. I was about 6 feet tall and had a good natural build. I lived on the beach and had a great balcony facing the sun that i would always sit out and tan on with a friend, usually it was Hayden Hayden was as good looking as a girl can get. She was 15, around 5'5 tall and had a great build. Her chestnut hair flowed to her perfect C cup tits and she...

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Amity 3 TempestChapter 10 Iron City

Penny, Alexus, Kale and Selwyn blinked to Tinble City. They were sad to find that the shield had failed. The devastation suggested that it had failed many years before. When they entered the Citadel, they found it dark and quiet. They activated their wands, so they provided light and using the stairs they headed to the room that the SAI should be located in. They found that she had died. The dried out mess in the tank suggested that she had been dead for a year or possibly two. Kale...

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TeenPies Jessica Jones Fill Ups Over Break Ups

Peter was trying to get in touch with his girlfriend for over an hour. His dick was swelling up and she was nowhere to be found. He was becoming delirious. Just then a knock at the door. He hoped it was his baby there to help him relieve himself. Unfortunately it was his girls best friend Jessica Jones. She was there to tell Peter that their relationship was over because he was too much of a hornball. Peter began to have a breakdown, but Jessica was comforting him. She assured him that he would...

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feet suck

I woke up with my cousin ive always thought she had sexy feet. one day i went to her house to play. and she was alone and bare foot. i walked in to her room and i sat on her bed slowly reaching for her feet. i grabed her feet and started sucking on them and spitting on them she got horn and started to suck my perfectly painted hot pink toes. and we suck on eachothers feet for about two hours. she then asked me if she could call her boyfriend to come and fuck us and i said yes.he walked in and...

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Virtual Wars

The main road of the cyber metropolis – was crowded. But not by day to day programs going around their daily tasks or performing their work. No – the street was separated with yellow tape, all the civilians were directed around. Half of the present were wearing red uniforms with a white umbrella emblem. The other half were tied in some way – some had only their hands cuffed, others had gags, others were artistically tied with rope. They were various programs who, on the first sight, had nothing...

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BimboTech Chapter 7 Bimbo Pussy Suppository

Chapter Seven: Bimbo Pussy Suppository By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Delilah Murphy, Senator of the Great State of Indiana I shivered when I walked out of the nasty, disgusting trailer with Natasha. The implications of what I had just done struck me. I had bought a human being. I paid $10,000 up front with the promise of another $10,000 for the busty, brunette bimbo beside me, a huge, ecstatic grin on her face. “I'm a lesbian now!” she shouted out to the trailer park. It was a...

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New Jock TalesFreshman YearChptr 8HomecommingPT 2

“May I have your attention please---all members of the freshman football team are to report to cosmetology following the final bell”. Four hours to kick off. As the team gathered in the 'hair club' I explained to them the orders we had been given to get hair cuts. “I know it sucks guys, but we don't want the rep from other students accusing us of being privileged cause we're jocks, either. The handbook says 'off the collar, and above the ears'. So---that's exactly what we're going...

2 years ago
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It Is Good to Be the DemonChapter 29

I slept until noon. I was surprised that I was up that early. The sky was definitely starting to brighten before the girls had finally called "Time Out". They had just enough time to get a little coffee, showers and get ready for school. Ok, It was Adrian that had the coffee. Ever since I had let her have some of mine one day, she had developed an addiction, almost as bad as mine. Oh, to be that young again. Holly had gotten her "first dibs" honored. I was already hard. She just climbed...

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Silver AnniversaryChapter 2 The Anniversary Party

The party was planned for Friday night, a day before our actual anniversary. Friday was best for most of our friends and for our children. It was catered so we had little to do other than dress for the party. We were together in our master bedroom about an hour before the party. I had decided to end my avoidance this morning in anticipation of this day. "Are you going to wear that beautiful blue dress I bought you last year? I love you in that dress. It shows off all of your charms both in...

4 years ago
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My dad had been killed in an industrial accident at the Greensboro textile plant when I was thirteen and in the seventh grade. We were living in a nice, comfortable house on Walnut Street at the time of his death. The loss of my dad was not a financial burden, since the accidental death benefits ensured that my mother and I would not be destitute. However, although his death had been very difficult for me, it was devastating for my mom. At the time mom was only in her early forties and quite...

3 years ago
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The Dragon Slayers Volume 1 Chapter 1

The Dragon SlayersVolume 1: Four Squared Chapter I: The Rogue “Dearest Felicia, I know it must be lonely in that backwater city, but you must be careful of those you associate with! The spirit of your mother lingers in you, don't let her wisdom go unheeded. Do not give in to temptation and the guiles of men who smile while carrying a dagger, she taught you better than that. I received your last letter but heard no mention of this new friend of yours. I have many concerns! Some of the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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Lady boss hooked

Her skin was soft and warm. Continuos moans were driving us crazy. "Conference room turned Bedroom..." Hello friends, my name is Seed. This is my first story on this website, hope you'll will like it. Though this is not my first encounter but the best till date. Yes, this is an ORIGINAL one. In 2016, I got my third job at an Accounting firm and I was really excited as this firm was one of the top firms in the State. Though the name of firm is big but it has very less employees. So basically,...

2 years ago
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Sally Awakes Chapter 02

I lay on the bed in shock. It was bad enough that I got caught masturbating. When Sid caught me I had to let him perform oral sex on me but now his wife wanted her turn. I admit I enjoyed Sid’s attentions but I wasn’t keen of Sue also performing oral sex on me. “Please Sue, I can’t do this” I cried but she wasn’t listening. She dropped her head into my crotch and began to lick me as her husband had done. Again I complained and asked her to stop. Sid climbed onto the bed beside me. “You liked...

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The Antlion

I am a longtime fan of the artist Faustie, who specializes in sexual/erotic horror artwork.  Faustie has done a number commissions for me, all of them depicting erotic horror themes such as damsels in distress, tentacles, vore, and impregnations. This story is an attempt at writing stories behind some of his pieces.  To see the stories with Faustie's illustrations check out my website at www.diamantestories.blogspot.com/ .PROLOGUEIt was 3 AM local time and outside of the luxurious beachside...

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Kaceys Garden

The front of the small bungalow seemed to be engulfed in flowers. Kacey had planted dozens of different types and colors of flowers and had been careful to make sure there would always be something blooming. For this reason she hated the winter as once her Marigolds died she would be out of luck until the Tulips blossomed in the spring. Her neighbors marveled at the beauty she brought to their surroundings without being gaudy. The 45 year old widow just loved being outside so she was just as...

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hi fraind raj here meri ye story latest he sirf 1mahine purani he meri wife pregnant thi to humne meri sali ki ladki ko bula liyaa apne ghar kaam ke liye meri sali mujhse bhi 10 saal badi he uski ladki 16 saal ki he pinki jab wo aaye to me lene station gayaa use dekhke dang rah gayaa 2 saal me complete change ho gaye thi wo dubli patli ladki se bhadi hui sexBOM ban gaye thi woh mujhse gale lagi to boobs ke kade hone ka ahsas hua tabhi lund me uthan aa gayaa raste me bike ke baar baar lagte...

1 year ago
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Katelins first time

So this is the story about me and my ex's first time. Her names katelin and she was curious about being with another girl. I let her know I was experienced and she liked the thought of it. We had spent weeks planning it out, dirty convo's detailed descriptions of what I planned to do to her, and picture sending. She used to tease me saying "you won't be good enough" or "eh watch I won't even moan I'll sit there like, what? Is this it?" I always said back "you wait, you'll be loud I know it."...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 128 Confessions on a balcony

"Certainly there will always be remorse to be dealt with." The voice of Katsuhito Misaki continued as Key's distance from source had sufficiently diminished. "No matter how favorable the outcome." "Well, the layer I got hanging on me right now I couldn't clear with a belt sander!" Washu griped bitterly. Uncertain, 'at that moment' even why she was doing so, Kiyone crouched lower even as the two figures came into view. "So what if they got every thing they could possibly want!"...

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A present and a deal for the son pt 5

On Sunday, together, my mom and I earned 37 points before my dad got home in the early afternoon. When he examined the list he seemed quite surprised at how many items had been checked off.I decided not to spend any points that night, so I could start the school year with 429 points.That night I spent a lot of time in my room with a calendar and a calculator, figuring out the best way to ration my points.I could get two hand-jobs a week, for the whole first trimester (12 weeks) for 480 points....

2 years ago
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The Walk of LifeChapter 7 That Last Page Turned Is a Perfect Excuse to Write a Whole New Book

Chloe stood up, and had a sour expression on her face. I stood up and got face to face with her. I knew that expression. She was ready to go off on our Mother. “I know what you’re thinking. Calm down.” I whispered. “But she tried to kill you.” Chloe whispered. Though I was relieved that she believed me and it only took me going back in time for it to happen, I didn’t want Mother to know my hand just yet. “Relax. For now, I want to play this cool. Are you all right with that?” I...

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Nitu 8211 Rediscovering Childhood Love

Hi friends, I hope you have enjoyed the earlier episodes from my life. In the chronological order, now let me tell you about a event that took place 10 yrs ago. At that time I was working as Project Manager in a large MNC and was posted in Bangalore. For a client engagement I needed to visit Hyderabad for a couple of days. During this time I had traced most of my childhood friends through facebook and other social media. I knew Nitu stays at Hyderabad. Nitu is my classmate. We studied from...

4 years ago
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SyntheticChapter 13

"Wait!" She paused at the shout, then took a deliberate step up the stairs. "Renee, wait- please." He stopped at the bottom. "Please- just ... just hear me out." She didn't turn around, but she stilled, halfway up. "What do you want, Simon?" You. "I can explain-" "Let me guess. They ordered you to do those things, right? Like Emilee made me- made me obey anyone." "Y-yes," he stammered. But if she realized that... "Why-" "Why do I want you gone?" She spoke in...

3 years ago
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A servant and Mistress Part 2

Part 2I slept the sleep of the dead that night, and awoke late the nextmorning. I lay on my stomach as I realized the sun was already shining,but I didn't care. What was the worst she could do to me, whip me? I nolonger feared her whippings. The pain I could handle, it was her I couldnot. I felt I hated her with every fibre of my being, more than I hatedsin. She was evil, pure evil, and I wished it had been I who had floggedher, even if it meant that I had to receive twice as much, it...

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Zoes Girl Chapter Two Inquiry

Zoe's Girl Chapter Two - Inquiry The light hurt my eyes. It was so bright and must have been shining on me directly. I squinted my tearing eyes and blinked several times trying to get them to focus. Finally I was starting to see things. I was in the living room, at my house. At first I couldn't remember what had happened. Everything was such a blur. But when I reached up to brush my long bangs off my face it came crashing back to me. My hands had pink fingernail polish on them, and my...

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Pahli Bar Gair Mard Se Chudi

Hi dosto mera naam kirti hai meri age 30 hai. Main lucknow me rahti hu aur meri shadi ko 3 saal ho gaye hain. Mere ghar pe husband aur mera 1 saal ka beta rahta hai. Mera figure 34 32 34 hai. Ye baat us time ki hai jab mere husband ko kisi audit ke kaam se bangalore jana pad gaya ek week ke liye. Usi samay mere ghar ke saamne wale ghar me ek shadi pad gayee. Wo log bahot acche log the isliye mere husband ne bola ki koi bhi help ho to kar dena. Main us ghar me jati thi help karwa deti thi kyonki...

4 years ago
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Mr IrresistibleChapter 3 There Are Rules to This Game

"Jesus Cam, where have you been all my life?" Janelle started giggling that giggle that she giggled so well and smacked my ass. "Woohoo, that was awesome!" I felt my penis start to retract after its job well done, while still inside of her. I straightened my body up, pulled out of Janelle, and helped her up off the sink. After our vigorous sexcapade her body was contorted so that she was stuffed almost entirely into the sink. My fault I guess. She hopped to her feet, as lively as ever,...

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Natalies Halloween

      Well first off, I want to apologize for this story coming after Halloween instead of before but I?ve never been really any good at writing fiction, even in doing my own self bondage and bondage fantasies. Thus, I usually have to actually perform what I write about. Live it to write about it as it was.  My name is Natalie, and I?m 27 Caucasian, with long straight naturally strawberry red hair to the middle of my back. I?m 34B-26-34, five foot ? five inches tall and about 108 pounds; just...

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Star Wars

((OOC: I would like to mention as the author that I am also the writer of a few other SW stories on other accounts, so if any have similarities, that is why) Leia sighed. For the next several weeks, it would just be herself and her daughter, Jaina, at home. The rest of her family were obliged to go handle a situation on a planet on the other side of the planet leaving her to handle things at home along with Jaina who had decided to stay. As Leia stared up at her ceiling from her bed, she bit...

2 years ago
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Listening to JackChapter 7

And the morning continued to be very, very strange for Emily. Unlike the previous day, Emily wore her headphones in the car, while she drove herself and her brother to school. She didn’t know why, but she was feeling confused and disoriented at times, and when she felt that way, a dull, throbbed ache began to pound inside her head. When she wore the headphones, though – and listened to the beautiful, tuneless, static-filled noise that poured out of them – it all went away. Everything made...

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The Wifes Store

I’m a 33 year old stockbroker. I’m 5’11 and about 190, I consider myself above average in looks, and I work out to keep my body fit. After four years of married life, my wife decided she wanted to start a small used clothing business. I told her she would have to run it by herself, as I had a busy work schedule. She found a small space to rent in a popular strip mall on the other side of town. I told her the location wasn’t the best, but she liked it, and the rent was reasonable. The business...

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A Son8217s Promise To His Mom

Hi friends this is Rathode and am back with another new mother son story, please do leave comments and your opinions. We are family of five, we had very well reputed name in our surroundings from past 20 years, my dad came from village side along with my mom , me and my two sisters and get settled in this city, we had our own steel lathing and steel sub materials manufacturing factory , this factory is our source of income and it really does good profit , just within 20 years our family became...


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